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Nini & Carry Hess :: German actress Fritta Brod (1896-1988) in the play ‘The Chalk Circle’ by Klabund (pseudonym of Alfred Henschke), Staatstheater, 1930 | src getty images
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hiljaisuudesta · 2 years
Ich hab am lichten Tag geschlafen. Es weint das Kind. Es blökt das Rind. In meinem Weidentraume trafen Sich Leiseklug und Lockenlind.
Kaum weiß ich noch, warum ich lebe. Vereist mein Blick. Mein Blut verstürmt. Wenn ich die Brust im Atmen hebe, Sind Felsen über sie getürmt.
Die Schwester auch am Nebelhafen, Sie bietet süße Brust dem Wind. Vor klingender Taverne trafen Sie Leiseklug und Lockenlind.
Den Sternen, die am Himmel pochten, Warf Köcher ich und Becher hin. Ich bin mit Mohn und Tod verflochten Und weiß nicht mehr, ob ich noch bin. - Klabund (1890-1928)
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caprano · 2 months
Die Harfenjule
Emsig dreht sich meine Spule, Immer zur Musik bereit, Denn ich bin die Harfenjule Schon seit meiner Kinderzeit.
Niemand schlägt wie ich die Saiten, Niemand hat wie ich Gewalt. Selbst die wilden Tiere schreiten Sanft wie Lämmer durch den Wald.
Und ich schlage meine Harfe, Wo und wie es immer sei, Zum Familienbedarfe, Kindstauf oder Rauferei.
Reich mir einer eine Halbe Oder einen Groschen nur, Als des Sommers letzte Schwalbe Schwebe ich durch die Natur.
Und so dreht sich meine Spule, Tief vom Innersten bewegt, Bis die alte Harfenjule Einst im Himmel Harfe schlägt.
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thetidemice · 4 months
Do ya ever think about Andy and Annie's dance during "Rag Dolly" and feel like watching that specific scene on loop AND sorta feeling like doing their little dance with someone at the same time 'cause hhhhh I love it and those sibs a bunch, it's just the somftest and adorablest dance to a likewise comfy song made more so by Andy's singing and I get a genuine burst of serotonin revisiting it (and lowkey that scene/song alone was what got me to watch the musical for the first time a couple years back :> if ya also have knowledge on who animated their dance or any part of Rag Dolly for that matter that'd be cool to learn about too! but I understand if that might end up being a lot to share :0)
AAAH i love love love that sequence so much!! its the cutest dance it has so much character and Andy's voice becoming so gentle and sweet right after singing No Girl's Toy is just the best thing ever. he doesn't even like Babette he's just helping his sister make a good impression.
analysis under the readmore:
what's crazy is looking through this whole book - i'm talking about The Animated Raggedy Ann  & Andy - An Intimate Look at the Art of Animation Its History, Techniques, and Artists by John Canemaker (the linked version has no pictures D-:) - Rag Dolly isn't really mentioned that much, despite being essentially the main theme music.
i would love to tell you more for a fact, but i just can't say for sure who animated it, as a lot of scenes aren't credited individually.
for some songs, like Richard Williams doing No Girl's Toy, Tissa David doing Candy Hearts, Art Babbitt doing Blue, and Emery Hawkins doing Never Get Enough, the artists get a section dedicated to them and the main chunk of animation work they contributed. in the credits of the film, Art Babbitt animates the Camel, Emery Hawkins animates the Greedy, etc etc - they were generally in charge of those character-centric scenes, along with a team of inbetweeners, painters, etc.
there isn't one for Rag Dolly, since it's relatively short and bounces between characters. so basically TAKE ALL OF THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!!!
the ONLY expertise i have is that 1. ive flipped thru john canemaker's book and 2. i love this movie so much
what i CAN do is make wild guesses ^_^ and this first little verse as Ann fidgets with her dress and apron just SCREAMS Tissa David to me. here's a pose from that sequence side-by-side with one of her famous (and one of my favourite) Raggedy Ann drawings.
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here's something she notes about Ann's first action sequence of falling off the chair (she was set to work on candy hearts before anything else, to really get to know the characters):
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and here's a fantastically convenient gifset from Rag Dolly. EVERYTHING!!! her hair falling in her face, the movement of the fabric, the wonderful sense of timing. also note the lack of eyelashes, which isnt exclusive to one artist or anything, but does pop up in David's drawings:
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now to go on a tangent about an artist who could well have worked on that scene, and whom i wish there was some more info about!!!
"The only thing that Disney never understood is that to animate girls, one must be a girl!" - Tissa David believed (along with pretty much the rest of the team) that herself and Chrystal Russell (whose work is woefully sparse in the book but very much present in the movie) were the best animators of 'little Annie'. she also worked on Fern Gully; you can find her credits under her married name, Chrystal Klabunde! she supported Tissa as the primary actor for Raggedy Ann, and her style appears as this distinctive, adorable, muppet-y look throughout the film. these pics are examples of, if not her own drawings, then her stylistic influence in these scenes:
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she's credited as animating the playroom dolls, but you can notice her influence in Annie come through from the beginning ('I Look, and What Do I See?') to the end ('Home') of the whole thing. like i said, the credits are never too specific, but if i had to GUESS, then this looks like her stuff. we also know for a fact she worked on the first song because of this lovely set of drawings in the book!
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here's the sweetest photo of Didi Conn (Ann's voice) and Chrystal together with some clean-up sheets of a shot right before Rag Dolly - when Ann introduces herself to Babette, 'my name is Raggedy Ann, and this is my brother, Raggedy Andy,' (i still can't confirm whether they're her drawings but i wouldn't be surprised!):
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anyway tl;dr: i have no way of knowing for sure who was in charge of it, and no doubt a whole team of artists were involved, (and i'm in no way trying to discredit anyone if i'm wrong) but my best guess is you can thank Tissa David for the first part, and Chrystal Russell (now Chrystal Klabunde) for their dance together - the animation changes subtley between those shots. i wish i had more artists/resources to look at, or god forbid a full breakdown of that scene, but at this point i would bet money on David's part in Annie's little introduction.
also some final appreciation for this silly slide to the ground that Andy finishes with:
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anyway i'm SO sorry for going on such a long rant in response to this lovely ask!! and i'm sorry it took so long! it took so long, in fact, that i was actually accepted into university halfway through writing it the other day! so thank you!
i had so much fun playing amateur detective so double thank you!!! again i'm probably wrong about ALL of this but it was a blast to reread sections of the book and rewatch different bits of the movie to sleuth around for clues. i hope whatever i have come up with is of some interest to you, and i hope someone learned something about the wonderful artists behind this movie :-D
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chrystal and raggedy ann ^_^
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kwebtv · 6 months
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Gepetto - ABC - May 7, 2000
A Presentation of "The Wonderful World of Disney"
Musical Fantasy
Running Time: 89 minutes
Drew Carey as Geppetto
Julia Louis-Dreyfus as The Blue Fairy
Brent Spiner as Stromboli
René Auberjonois as Professor Buonragazzo
Seth Adkins as Pinocchio
Usher as Pleasure Island Ringmaster
Ana Gasteyer as Signora Giovanni
Wayne Brady as Lezarno
Anthony Crivello as Bernardo
Christopher Marquette as Professor Buonragazzo, Jr.
Renee Olstead as Perfect Child
Teresa Parente as Maria
Janel Parrish as Natalie
Anton Yelchin as Fighting Kid at School
Patti Cohenour as Featured Performer
Jonathan Dokuchitz as Featured Performer
Jason Graae as Featured Performer
Myles Jeffrey as Featured Performer
Kristin Klabunde as Featured Performer
Kyme as Featured Performer
Tessa Ludwick as Featured Performer
Paige Miller as Featured Performer
Sara Paxton as Featured Performer
Tiler Peck as Featured Performer
Scarlett Pomers as Featured Performer
Mark Saul as Featured Performer
Kyle Sullivan as Featured Performer
Arnetia Walker as Featured Performer
Camille Winbush as Featured Performer
Josh Zuckerman as Featured Performer
Grover Dale as Featured Performer
Aaron Spann as Resident of Idyllia
Kane Hodder as Pleasure Island Inhabitant
Jack Salvatore Jr. as Pleasure Island Inhabitant
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firstlightinthemorning · 11 months
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Sommerabende, ihr lauen
Bettet mich auf eure Kissen,
Laßt in Fernen, dunkelblauen,
Meiner Träume Wimpel hissen.
Foto: by Jakub Čerňava on Instagram
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federer7 · 1 year
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German actress Fritta Brod in the play ‘The Chalk Circle’ by Klabund (pseudonym of Alfred Henschke). Staatstheater, 1930
Photo: Nini & Carry Hess
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they-have-the-same-va · 7 months
Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0 shares a voice actress with Tasha from The Backyardigans (but only her singing voice).
Voiced by Kristin Klabunde
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buendischerwaldgang · 9 months
Die Realität, von einer zivilisatorischen Menschheit geschaffen und behauptet, keines Blickes, keines Lächelns wert. Immer nur gegen sie angehen, immer nur sie umbiegen zu einem Zug von Masken, zu einem Wurf von Formen, ein Spiel in Fiebern, sinnlos und das Ende um jeden Saum. Ach, diese ewige Entwicklung, welch eine kommerzielle Kontinuität! Die Seele hat andere Tendenzen, sie hat eine Schichtungs- und Rückkehrtendenz zu jener Erbmasse, zu jenen Tränen, zu jenen Tränken aus ihrem alten Blut: die Wirklichkeit und die Entwicklung, die Kontinuität und die Geschichte, alles nur Masse, darin sie spielend nach Göttern sucht.
Gottfried Benn, aus: Totenrede auf Klabund
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wausaupilot · 7 months
Wausau area obituaries November 13, 2023
Obituaries are a community service courtesy of Helke and Brainard Funeral Homes.
Obituaries are a community service courtesy of Helke and Brainard Funeral Homes. Ruth M. Draeger Ruth M. Draeger, 91, of Wausau, passed away on Saturday, November 11, 2023. She was born in Wausau, Wisconsin on June 17, 1932, to the late Edward and Alma (Klabunde) Nimz. She worked for Drott/JI Case starting briefly in the parts department and then the majority of her years in human resources.…
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Birthdays 11.4
Beer Birthdays
Gottfried Krueger (1837)
Carl Sedlmayr (1847)
Pat Boyd, Miss Rheingold 1945 (1922)
Alfred Heineken (1923)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Art Carney; actor (1918)
Walter Cronkite; television journalist (1916)
Chris Difford; rock musician, singer, songwriter (1954)
James Honeyman-Scott; rock guitarist (1956)
Will Rogers; humorist (1879)
Famous Birthdays
Alton Adams; composer (1889)
Martin Balsam; actor (1919)
James E. Brewton; painter (1930)
Larry Bunker; jazz drummer, percussionist (1928)
Sean "Diddy" Combs; rapper, producer (1969)
Charles Despiau,;French sculptor (1874)
Harry Ferguson; Irish engineer, inventor (1884)
Bethenny Frankel; television chef (1970)
Charles Frazier; writer (1950)
Kathy Griffin; comedian (1960)
Dick Groat; Pittsburgh Pirates SS (1930)
Gail E. Haley; author, illustrator (1939)
Audrey Hollander; porn actor (1979)
Kyōka Izumi, Japanese author, poet (1873)
Marlène Jobert; French actress (1940)
Charles K. Kao; Chinese physicis (1933)
Klabund; German author and poet (1890)
Peter Lord; English animator (1953)
Ralph Macchio; actor (1961)
Robert Mapplethorpe; photographer (1946)
Delbert McClinton; singer, songwriter (1940)
Matthew McConaughey; actor (1969)
Cameron Mitchell; actress (1918)
James Montgomery; Scottish writer (1771)
Eden Phillpotts; English writer (1862)
Markie Post; actor (1950)
Doris Roberts; actor (1930)
Loretta Swit; actor (1937)
Carlos "Patato" Valdes; Cuban-American conga player (1926)
C.K. Williams; poet (1936)
Gig Young; actress (1913)
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docrotten · 10 months
LUTHER THE GEEK (1989) – Episode 240 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Buk, buk, buk, buk, buk, ba-gawk, buk, ba-gawk!” You can say that again! Or can you? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr – as they try to answer the question, “What’s up with Luther the Geek (1989)?” (Hint: The answer is not, “Chicken butt.”)
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 240 – Luther the Geek (1989)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1980s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
A psychotic killer convicted of multiple murders is released on parole after spending twenty years in prison. His psychosis immediately takes over and he goes on a killing spree.
  Director: Carlton J. Albright
Writer: Carlton J. Albright (as Whitey Styles)
Special Effects: 
William Purcell (special effects) (as Bill Purcell)
Mike Tristano (special effects makeup) (uncredited) 
Selected Cast:
Edward Terry as The Freak
Joan Roth as Hilary
Stacy Haiduk as Beth
Thomas Mills as Rob
Jerry Clarke as Trooper (as J. Joseph Clarke)
Tom Brittingham as Geek
Carlton Williams as Little Luther
‘Chicken’ Klabunde as Carnival Woman
Gil Rogers as Walsh
Karen Maurise as Mrs. Butler
Jerome Borgos as Chairman
Michael Boyle as Board Member 4
David Pavlosky as Jason
Robert Caraballo as Cook
Nat KT as Teenage Clerk
Tom Wadsworth as Store Manager
Sigrid Norris as Teenage Girl
Gail Buxton as Old Lady at Bus Stop
Tris Brumbly as Police Officer
Martin Widener as Hunter
Writer/director Carlton J. Albright’s Luther the Geek is truly a freak show! The Grue-Crew dives into this often overlooked low-budget, gory splatter-fest. Does Luther the Geek disappoint or does it deliver the goods? Jeff, Chad, and Bill bravely explore the ghastly, gruesome slasher. Will they survive? Will they come out clucking like chickens? Will they go shopping for sharpened, metal dentures? Will they have an unnatural craving for chicken? Or even people?
At the time of this writing, Luther the Geek is available for streaming from Peacock, Tubi, Crackle, and Amazon PPV. It is also available on physical media in Blu-ray from Vinegar Syndrome.
As it turns out, The DoH 80s Grue Crew has covered Carlton Albright’s complete filmography as a writer and/or director. Check out what the crew had to say about The Children (1980): THE CHILDREN (1980) – Episode 192 – Decades of Horror 1980s
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be Alligator (1989), directed by Lewis Teague, written by John Sayles, and starring Robert Forster. Remember, PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH REPTILES DOWN THE TOILET!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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hiljaisuudesta · 2 years
Einmal noch den Abend halten / im versinkenden Gefühl! Der Gestalten, der Gewalten / sind zuviel.
Sie umbrausen den verwegnen Leuchter, / der die Nacht erhellt. Fiebriger und feuchter / glänzt das Angesicht der Welt.
Erste Sterne, erste Tropfen regnen, / immer süßer singt das Blatt am Baum. Und die brüderlichen Blitze segnen / blau wie Veilchen den erwachten Traum. - Klabund (1890-1928)
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logonda · 1 year
Mütter - Mütter
Autor: Rene Rilz (Hrsg.) Illustration: Johannes Gerber Titel: Mütter - Mütter -- Briefe - Erzählungen - Gedichte Einband: Hardcover Verlag: Steinheim Verlag Erschienen: 1983 Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 3889520022 ISBN-13: 9783889520029 - Adelbert von Chamisso - Anna Schieber - Annette von Droste-Hülshoff - Anselm Feuerbach - Arthur Schopenhauer - Bettina von Arnim - Caroline Schlegel-Schelling - Christiane Vulpius - Clemens Brentano - Conrad Ferdinand Meyer - Eduard Mörike - Else Lasker-Schüler - Erich Kästner - Ernst Moritz Arndt - Ernst Wiechert - Eva Rechlin - Franz Werfel - Friedrich Güll - Friedrich Hebbel - Friedrich Nietzsche - Friedrich Schiller - Gabriele von Bülow - Gabriele Wohmann - Gerrit Engelke - Gottfried Keller - Hans Christian Andersen - Heinrich Heine - Jakob Kneip - Johann Peter Hebel - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Johanna Schopenhauer - Joseph Wittig - Justinus Kerner - Karl Bröger - Karl Friedrich von Klöden - Karl Immermann - Klabund - Kurt Schwitters - Lisa Tetzner - Lisa-Marie Blum - Ludwig Uhland - Maria Theresia - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - Martin Luther - Matthias Claudius - Max Herrmann-Neiße - Nikolaus Lenau - Novalis - Paula Modersohn-Becker - Robert Schumann - Rudolf Virchow - Theodor Fontane - Theodor Körner - Theodor Mommsen - Theodor Storm - Ulrich Bräker - Wilhelm Busch - Wilhelm Raabe - Wilhelm Tischbein - Wilhelm von Kügelgen - Wilhelm Waiblinger - Wolfgang Koeppen Read the full article
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sammeldeineknochen · 4 years
Die Tage verstreichen. Der Raum zerfällt. DIe Zeit vergeht. Und nichts geschieht für mich. Alles: an sich und für sich. Ich bin ganz außer der Erde. In der Hölle rotiere ich um mich selbst. - Klabund
Volker Weidermann: ��Träumer - Als die Dichter die Macht übernahmen”, S. 232
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Alle Welt ist voll Wind. 
Der Herbst fällt von den Bäumen. 
Wir sind In Träumen...
Foto: by Robert Moushi on flickr - Calming Silence
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