#klaroline valentines day gift exchange
misssophiachase · 8 years
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In case you missed it, this is my Valentine's Day Gift Exchange drabble for the lovely Steph - aka @klarolinedrabbles - Happy Valentine's Day! Well you asked for fluffy goodness and I hope I delivered (the toothache I have is telling me I did though, unless that's all that Valentine's chocolate).
Synopsis: Caroline Forbes considers herself one of the best fundraisers in New York City but reclusive billionaire Klaus Mikaelson has always been out of her reach. Not one to give up easily, she decides that the upcoming Valentine's Charity Ball is her perfect chance to make him realise what's really important in life but she might find out more than she ever expected.
Try a Little Tenderness
"You're doing what now?" Katherine asked through the car speaker. Caroline didn't need to see the brunette to know what her shocked expression looked like. They'd been best friends for about seventeen years now, so it kind of came with the territory.
"You see this is why I didn't tell you where I was going until I'd at least passed through Queens," she replied, staring at the road ahead thinking this was a very different destination to her summers spent on Coney Island growing up.
"Because you knew I'd tell you what a bad idea this was, roomie," she drawled. "While I admire your dogged determination Care, I think the state of New York would consider this type of activity illegal."
"And how did you come to that conclusion?"
"Stalking is illegal in all fifty states, including ours," she drawled and Caroline could tell she was rolling her eyes now.
"I am not stalking him."
"So, how exactly do you explain the fact you tracked his movements, jumped in your car and followed him on vacation? I think when business people escape to the Hamptons, albeit during the middle of winter, it's for some sort of rest and relaxation Care, not to be hounded by fundraisers for their upcoming charity events."
"Number one, I didn't need to track anyone. It's not difficult to find even the most private people given the exorbitant amount of media there is these days ," she scoffed. "And number two, did you ever think I needed to escape the city for some rest and relaxation myself?"
"No. Although this latest stunt tells me that maybe you might need some kind of therapy."
"Fine," Caroline scowled ignoring her comments and placing her sunglasses over her eyes to shield the invading light. "It's for a good cause, Kat."
"I'm not saying it isn't," she agreed. "However, that's your justification for everything. Just because you think that, it doesn't mean everyone else does."
"Exactly what's wrong with today's society," Caroline muttered. "Look, I just think if I went to him and explained myself Klaus Mikaelson would understand that donating to the upcoming Valentine's Gala would make a difference to so many kids with cancer."
"I think your multitude of emails and phone calls to his office have already done that."
"And obviously it failed because I've heard nothing back. Which is exactly why a face-to-face meeting is required."
"So, why don't you make an appointment like normal people do instead of stalking billionaires at their vacation residences?"
"Because his secretary is ignoring my calls," she growled. "I haven't even met Lexi Branson but she seems to have it in for me for some reason."
"Might have something to do with all that phone stalking," Katherine teased. "Did you ever consider maybe taking no for an answer?"
Caroline didn't like the word no, in fact it just made her more determined to succeed and probably why she was so good at her job. Caroline considered herself one of the best and most persistent charity fundraisers in New York, if not the whole East Coast. She'd recently taken a new job at a Children's Cancer foundation and was determined to make a difference. That included raising as much money as possible for their upcoming Valentine's Ball.
She'd been considerably successful so far but Caroline always like to push herself harder and that meant trying to convince one of Manhattan's most reclusive billionaires that this was a cause worth donating towards. It wasn't her first attempt; she'd tried on two earlier occasions with different charities but failed. To be honest she was surprised someone of his status didn't donate already, a fact that didn't sit well with her at all. She didn't like to judge but given how much he was worth Caroline couldn't understand why he wouldn't give back to those less fortunate.
The one thing you could say about Caroline was that she was thorough in her research and she'd read every available article and biography on Niklaus Mikaelson. The second child of four siblings, born in England to meagre beginnings but after completing high school he'd won a scholarship to Oxford to study law where he'd graduated first in his class. He moved to the US and obtained a subsequent Master's degree in Business Administration at Harvard only to start his own computer business months later. That business would net him $12 million in the first year of operations. The profits only increased each subsequent year. Becoming a millionaire was easy and his billionaire status was confirmed only five years later.
Caroline understood money, it was her job after all but she knew the real motivations for donating to anything came from a deeper place. Unfortunately in his case Klaus didn't seem to have any at all from what she had seen. He always came across so aloof in the few interviews she'd watched, almost like it was a chore having to converse with people. Caroline wasn't surprised but it didn't stop her from wanting to know what made him tick. Unfortunately google wasn't going to tell her what she wanted. The one thing she did know from the internet was that he was gorgeous, with those crimson lips and dirty blonde curls. How could someone so good looking be so arrogant? It seemed a shame but Caroline figured you couldn't have everything.
That's why she'd decided after being stonewalled by his office again that she needed another approach. Some might have considered it stalking but she considered it business, surely if anyone could understand that concept it was him.
"Oh that's Bonnie calling in, I'm going to connect her," Katherine interrupted. Caroline rolled her eyes knowing this wasn't a coincidence, no doubt Katherine had sent her a sneaky text while they'd been talking.
"Does anyone know where my calm and rational friend has gone? She's about five nine with blonde hair and blue eyes, was last seen driving crazily out of Manhattan an hour ago?"
"I'm perfectly calm Bonnie," Caroline huffed. "Some people would consider this plan a masterful stroke of genius."
"Or crazy, depending on who you ask," Katherine drawled. "So, I'm curious what are you planning to do when you get there, Care? Play next door neighbour and ask to borrow a cup of sugar?"
"I have no intention of lying."
"Oh, I get it you're going to say you just happened to be in the neighbourhood and thought you'd stop by?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah, cause I'm sure he'd believe that," she baulked.
"So, how are you going to penetrate the Mikaelson mansion? Tell me you have some kind of plan in place?"
"Of course I do, Bon. Do you know who you're talking to? I'm going to just knock on the front door and introduce myself," she gulped, thinking just how lame that sounded aloud. She'd planned to come up with something on the drive and decided to blame her lack of preparedness on Katherine and now Bonnie's impromptu phone interrogation.
"Please tell me you have something more creative than that? You don't just knock on doors in Southampton. They have high walls, big gates, security cameras and an angry German Shepard if you're really lucky."
"You seem to forget just how charming I can be, Katherine," she argued. "They don't call me one of the best fundraisers in the City for nothing."
"I'm not saying you aren't but it's pretty obvious this guy is immune to your charms given his constant refusal to meet with you."
"Oh yea of little faith, Kitty Kat," she scoffed. "Not only will I put on my best charm I'm also wearing THE dress."
"The red Stella McCartney?" Bonnie gasped.
"And the black Louboutins," she grinned knowingly.
"But you only break those out when..."
"It's an emergency." Caroline didn't like to use her sexuality, in fact she only did when it was absolutely the very last resort and she figured the circumstances called for a little designer intervention. Her attire was equal parts business like and sexy as hell.
"If Klaus Mikaelson doesn't agree to see you in that ensemble then he's either gay or really, really stupid."
"I guess we'll wait and see," she murmured. "I really should get going, ladies. You know as fun as this weird phone frientervention has been."
"Play some Eye of the Tiger, that's what I always do before a case," she explained. Katherine's win-loss ratio in the courtroom was impressive so Caroline figured she might take her up on the advice and began to search for some Survivor in her music library.
"Good luck," they both replied in unison before disconnecting. Before Caroline could play the Rocky anthem and get her head into the game, her phone beeped indicating a new text message. She eyed it curiously, noticing his name appear. She certainly had to hand it to all her besties, they certainly had her back.
"Knock him dead, gorgeous." Caroline grinned at Enzo's words. She should have been angry at Kat for telling him and Bonnie but Caroline needed all the encouragement she could garner. It was only then the phone beeped again. "P.S. If you find any hot, available millionaires give them my number." She rolled her eyes; he always had an ulterior motive when it came to women. She turned up the volume losing herself in the music as she drove closer to her destination.
Forty-five minutes later, Caroline found herself turning down Meadow Lane in Southampton, immediately she was intimidated. She knew this was millionaires (or in many cases billionaires) row but had never seen it personally. The houses were as much spectacular as they were enormous and she was in awe of the architecture as much as the grand, impressive grounds each boasted. She almost missed his at number 96 and had to apply the brakes quickly before she ventured too far off course. Caroline thought they were all gorgeous but his was especially picturesque. A brilliant, white, multi-story residence with royal blue accents that blended in with the surrounding area but Caroline knew that was only the beginning of its appeal. She inhaled deeply, wondering just what she was doing here. She'd been so determined but seeing his house had stunned her slightly.
Caroline lifted her head, determined not to let some billionaire get in the way of what was important. She pulled her Prius into his driveway, and was met with a guard housed at the entrance.
"Hello, I'm here to see Mr Klaus Mikaelson."
"And you are?" He asked searching his clipboard seriously.
"Caroline, Caroline Forbes," she gulped knowing she wouldn't be on his list.
"You're not on the list Miss Forbes, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave," he instructed, his emotionless expression not changing as he said it.
"But I just need to see him for a few minutes," she objected, ready to go into the spiel she'd practiced on the way down. "It's a business matter."
"No buts, you need to leave the premises straight away," he replied dismissively. Caroline was stuck for words; she'd half considered getting out of her car to model her outfit but knew this grouch would be unmoved.
She reversed begrudgingly, uttering a few colourful terms as she did it. She looked to the road ahead, dreading the drive back and annoyed at her failure with him yet again. She didn't come all this way for nothing. Caroline noticed a gate to the property as she drove along the side street. Maybe she could make her own entrance? Klaus Mikaelson would surely give her points for originality. Either that or he'd have her arrested. Caroline decided on that option, hoping that Enzo, Bonnie and Katherine could pool together the proceeds for bail if not.
The gate had a keypad on the side, Caroline realised that she had no idea what the code would be. She wracked her brain thinking about all she knew of the billionaire without many results forthcoming. Caroline thought it was hopeless but decided to enter something anyway, what did she have to lose? She entered the digits she knew so well. One. Two. Zero. Seven. It was her birthday. What she wasn't expecting was the click as the gate opened.
As much as she wanted to question his choice and the fact she guessed correctly, Caroline pushed the gate and stepped onto the manicured lawn in awe. Caroline wasn't expecting such an easy entry but here she was looking up at the foreboding property. If she turned up at the front door what was she supposed to say? I just broke into your house but I promise I'm not a burglar? Caroline hadn't figured out what she'd do at that point. She really needed to stop being so impulsive, it only seemed to get her in trouble.
Before she could walk any further, a white husky approached, eyeing her curiously. Even with Katherine's earlier warnings she hadn't worked out what she would do in this situation, if only she had some dog treats to bribe him with. "Hey, gorgeous," Caroline cooed, attempting to make friends with the majestic looking dog. "I'm not going to hurt you." What Caroline wasn't expecting was for the dog to sidle up beside her and nuzzle its nose into her leg for a pat. Some guard dog this was, not that she was complaining. She gave him a long rub relishing in his adorable affection.
"Wolf always has been a sucker for a pretty face," someone observed, startling her slightly. She looked up into his curious brown eyes, glad the first person she came across after breaking in wasn't the blonde and blue eyed owner. "Now, you don't look like our gardener," he enquired. He was gorgeous for sure standing at just over six foot with brown hair and a cheeky smile.
"I could be," she argued, knowing how stupid it sounded as soon as she said it.
"So, what are your care instructions for these daisies then?"
"Just leave them be, urgh they'll die soon enough," Caroline offered feebly, looking at the suffering plants. She never really considered herself much of a gardener given the number of plants she'd subsequently killed over the years.
"Brutal," he said. "But I like your style. So, do you make it a habit of breaking and entering?"
"This is my first time actually," she admitted, deciding she had no choice. "And surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. But you, uh, might want to change your gate code, god knows who could just walk on in."
"You're either here to see Rebekah, Niklaus or Elijah. I'm not sure why you'd waste time on any of my siblings. Just FYI they don't put out very easily, far too uptight for their own good."
"Which means you obviously do. Is that supposed to impress me or something?" Caroline drawled knowingly and he let out a chuckle.
"I think you should be a bit nicer given I could call the police and tell them some crazy blonde pretending to be a gardener broke into my brother's house."
"I'm not crazy, well most of the time," she conceded. "I'm Caroline Forbes and by the sounds of it you must be Kol Mikaelson."
"I see my reputation precedes me," he grinned. "So, enough about me. What exactly are you doing here, darling?"
"It's actually work related," she explained.
"I'm listening."
"Kol!" A loud voice echoed throughout the impressive entry hall as they walked inside ten minutes later. After their talk in the garden, Kol had been surprisingly receptive and had agreed to let her inside so she could speak with Klaus. That she hadn't expected but she wasn't complaining. "What have I told you about leaving the toilet seat up?"
"Someone's obviously happy to see you," Caroline joked, as a gorgeous blonde barrelled down the staircase, her eyes narrowing in Kol's direction.
"You realise that there are five bathrooms in this house, right?"
"And who is this?" She demanded, arms crossed over her chest. Caroline felt slightly awkward as she studied her appearance critically. "Don't tell me someone actually likes you, Kol?"
"This is my charming sister, Rebekah," Kol explained. "Don't take it personally she's always this lovely. Play nice Rebekah, this is Caroline Forbes. She's here to see Niklaus."
"Lucky her," another voice chimed in. As soon as she laid eyes on the tall, dark and handsome brunette, Caroline knew this was the eldest Mikaelson. She'd heard he could wear a suit and seeing him in person he certainly didn't disappoint. These people certainly had good genes, even if their behaviour was strange. "I should warn you that he's in a terrible mood. Almost bit my head off before for breathing in his presence, god forbid I should stay alive."
"Maybe I should return with my business matter when he's in more of a charitable mood then," Caroline squeaked. She'd heard stories about his temper but given he was rarely in public Caroline wasn't sure if the rumours were actually true or not."
"Did you say business?" Elijah asked. "If there's one thing that rallies Niklaus, it's work."
"Nik has been going crazy since he got here," Rebekah said. "Vacations aren't really his thing."
"Probably because he has to put up with his insufferable siblings," a voice growled from the top of the staircase. Caroline's eyes flickered toward him, immediately taken aback by his sudden appearance. She was so used to seeing him in suits but he was more casually attired today and it was throwing her off slightly. The man was even better looking in person with fitted, dark jeans and a navy blue henley that hugged his chest and brought out those eyes she'd memorised from photographs. "What's all the bloody commotion about? I can't hear myself think."
"You have a visitor," Kol said, gesturing to Caroline.
"Way to throw me to the wolves," she mumbled through gritted teeth and trying not to lose herself in his piercing gaze.
"You won't know until you ask, darling," he murmured under his breath.
"Last time I checked I was on vacation," Klaus growled, his glare unwavering.
"Because you are doing such a good job of that," Elijah muttered. "Maybe some business might be just what you need."
"I'm perfectly fine," he snapped.
"Yes, we can all see that, Oscar the Grouch," Rebekah joked.
"Fine, if only just to get away from all of you," he conceded, his blue eyes seemingly boring holes in her skin. "Should we go upstairs to my office then?" Caroline nodded, happy that she'd gotten the opportunity for a hearing with Klaus Mikaelson but at the same time terrified of being in such close proximity if that penetrating gaze was anything to go by.
Caroline already knew the house was stunning, but walking across the plush carpet and taking in the impressive art work housed on the walls not to mention the prized view of the pool and beach from the large, bay windows was overwhelming. Klaus had barely stopped with his back to her, his fast pace making Caroline increase hers just to try and keep up. This guy really didn't understand the concept of a vacation, that much was obvious. The office was large and spacious affording a spectacular view of the sizeable backyard. He sat down at the intimidating desk, clasping his hands together his gaze returning to her once again. Caroline really wasn't used to such intensity but she knew now she was there she had to make her case.
"I'm Caroline..."
"Forbes, yes I know who you are," he replied dismissively. Caroline was shocked, she may have contacted his office a few times but they'd never met so she was surprised he knew her identity. "You came here for a donation to your Charity Gala." She was immediately rendered speechless. "Do you always stalk potential donors or am I just lucky?"
"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it stalking," she mumbled, knowing it definitely could be construed that way. "I am ambitious Mr Mikaelson. I care about my job and the people it supports, I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"So what about break and enter? Is there anything wrong with that?" That Caroline hadn't expected given she thought she'd been discreet by using Kol to gain entry but obviously his security cameras had betrayed her.
"It's a crime, one that I certainly don't condone," she answered truthfully.
"So, does that mean you think I should have you arrested?"
"Well, it wasn't actually as black and white as that," she explained, thinking that if Katherine was there she'd tell her to shut her mouth so as to avoid any criminal charges. Unfortunately for Caroline she was too honest for her own good and couldn't help but continue to explain. "I got in through the gate using the correct code, so there was no breaking of any sort I assure you."
"Yes about that, I'm curious. How exactly did you know the code to my gate? Are you psychic or something?"
"Unfortunately not, it's actually my birthdate."
"The seventh of December is your birthday?' He asked, his voice rising slightly in pitch and Caroline could tell she'd piqued his interest. Although she had no idea why.
"I know Sagittarians can be impatient and entirely too honest for their own good, this situation is case in point, but we are generally quite nice people when you get to know us," she offered, wondering why she was giving Klaus Mikaelson an astrology lesson. His glazed over expression was telling her he didn't appreciate it much.
"Let me guess, they talk excessively too?" Caroline could swear she saw a slight tugging at the corner of those deep, crimson lips. Maybe there was some hope yet.
"How about you?" She asked.
"How about me what?"
"What's your star sign?" Before he could reply, Caroline continued almost like she was on autopilot. "I'm guessing Scorpio. You definitely have that intense broodiness down."
"And this is your way of asking for money?" He baulked, swivelling his chair slightly. "Insulting me, breaking in, somehow convincing my brother to go along with your scheme, although he always was a sucker for a beautiful woman."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked, unable to stop herself. Well, at least she knew her lucky outfit had done the trick.
"How about we get back to your unlawful entry Miss Forbes," he muttered, his face a telltale shade of pink.
"I think we've already established that no crime was committed here, Mr Mikaelson," she argued. "There was no property damage, your brother kindly agreed to give me inside access. Even your dog likes me. It seems you are the only one who isn't happy to see me." Almost like he knew he was being spoken about, Wolf appeared at the office door. He immediately ran to her side, rubbing up against her leg affectionately.
"Sell out," Klaus murmured trying to sound annoyed but Caroline spotted a stray dimple accentuated in his left cheek. "He really does like you."
"According to Kol he has a weakness for women," she recalled.
"I'm pretty sure he learnt that from my younger brother," he quipped. "I'm still surprised you made the effort to come all the way down here."
"I hadn't heard back from your office and I wanted to make sure you knew what a good cause this is," she implored. "I sent some information to your secretary that outlined what your donation will go towards and the generous advertising benefits it will have for your company."
"I have to admit your methods are quite unorthodox," he murmured, standing up and making his way over to her side of the desk and perching himself on the edge. A move she wasn't expecting. Caroline was trying to concentrate but from this close proximity his aftershave was infiltrating her nostrils and causing her concentration to wane. Were those necklaces peeking out from his henley? And why did his cheeks have to be so stubbled and those curls in desperate need of someone to ruffle them?
"I'm extremely committed to this cause, Mr Mikaelson," she reiterated, breaking from her slightly untoward thoughts. "Which is why I think donating would be a good move, not just for the foundation but for your personal stature in the business community."
"I've never been one to care about what people think of me. I tend to prefer my own company over others, I always have." That certainly was something Caroline knew. "And, as much as I appreciate your perseverance and your cause Miss Forbes I am going to have to decline your request," he asserted, surprising her slightly. Caroline honestly thought she'd managed to get through to him.
"But it's for the kids."
"I realise that," Klaus shot back, his tense undertone not lost on Caroline.
"I'm not sure why you won't consider it then," Caroline said trying to appeal to what possible humanity he had.
"It's complicated," he uttered, surprising her slightly. What was so complicated about donating to a worthy cause? Caroline studied him closely trying to work out whether he was just fobbing her off or whether there was something else behind his reasoning. Caroline was tempted to keep asking but something in his body language was telling her not to push him any further.
"Well, that's certainly a shame," she murmured, standing up so they were only a metre apart. "But thank you for your time, Mr Mikaelson. I appreciate you hearing me out today." Caroline could have sworn she saw something resembling regret on his face but she figured it was best to leave it alone. Neither of them moved, Caroline felt like she was rooted to the spot as his eyes searched hers intently. She should have detested this guy for being so unkind but there was something not right about his response. Maybe there was something more to Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline just had no idea what it was.
"I really am sorry, Miss Forbes," he murmured and Caroline couldn't miss just how sincere he sounded.
"That makes two of us then. I'll see myself out."
"Feel free to use the front gate this time," he smiled, despite everything.
"Where's the fun in that though?" She asked, sending him a half smile before walking out, Wolf dutifully by her side as she did. Caroline wasn't quite sure what had just happened between them but she had a feeling she wouldn't be forgetting it anytime soon.
"What do you mean the chocolate favours are melting and the roses are wilting? I don't know, have you ever thought that the heating might be up too high?" She asked the obviously clueless event planner. She'd already done the fundraising and organised the auction items now it looked like she was supposed to do her job too. The ball was due to begin in less than an hour and this kind of situation was far from ideal. If she'd been organising this they wouldn't be having this problem right now.
"How did I know I'd find you at the helm of this ship?" A familiar voice enquired, making Caroline turn around curiously. She wasn't quite sure if her eyes were deceiving her but there was Klaus Mikaelson in the flesh. If she was being honest, Caroline had thought about him quite a lot in the past two weeks since their meeting in the Hamptons. She hadn't expected him to show up to her gala though, especially given his views on donating to the foundation.
Ever since Caroline had met him she'd been torn about what she felt for him. When he declined her request, she fully expected to feel only negative thoughts but the way he looked at her and apologised so sincerely was telling Caroline she couldn't judge him just yet, that there was definitely something much deeper to Klaus Mikaelson.
"Trust me, I'm not supposed to be but some people can't do their jobs," she muttered, eyeing the event planner as she ran off to try and fix the heating issue. "You're not on the guest list last time I checked."
"No, I'm not but..."
"Because you know if you're planning on crashing you might want to at least change into a tuxedo," she advised, looking at his business suit critically. "The dress code is strictly black tie, no exceptions."
"Are you always this bossy, love?"
"Yes," she replied simply.
"I'm not here for the ball," he explained. "I was just wondering if you had a moment to talk."
"Did you not hear about the chocolate and flower crises?" She baulked.
"How about we make a deal, I'll forget about that whole breaking and entering thing and you give me just five minutes of your precious time," he pleaded. Caroline had to admit he looked adorable when he begged.
"Five minutes," she agreed, gesturing to a table near the window of the Plaza's Great Ballroom. Caroline was curious about what he wanted especially given the way they left things. She still thought there was something to it but had been too busy as the ball fast approached. "So, what can I do for you? To be honest I'm surprised to see you after our conversation the other day."
"I wanted to apologise," he began.
"You already did."
"Vaguely yes, but I wanted to explain my actions," he said. "I don't like attention, that's why I shy away from the public spotlight. On top of that I don't like people knowing my personal business and prefer to do things through anonymous means, including donations." Caroline inhaled sharply understanding his meaning. There had been a few anonymous contributions, including a sizeable one worth $10 million. She remembered asking the CEO about it but he'd remained tight lipped about the mystery donors at their request.
"It was you," she uttered in disbelief before continuing. "But I don't understand, why couldn't you just tell me that? I would have respected your privacy and not come across as such a persistent and..."
"Crazed stalker," Klaus smirked knowingly.
"Well, do you blame me? But why not admit it?"
"It's something I don't really like to talk about or dwell upon and I suppose this particular charity opened up some old wounds," he started, his eyes now firmly downcast. "My youngest brother Henrik passed away from cancer when he was eleven years old. I've always donated to this particular cause but it's not always something I like to talk about openly, as I'm sure you can imagine."
"I'm sorry," she murmured, automatically placing her hand over his comfortingly. "If I had known I wouldn't have pushed you like I did. I had no idea you even had another brother."
"It's not something I talk about publicly. Journalists in particular are always looking for an angle and finding out the supposed heartless billionaire experienced this kind of loss would be right up their alley," Klaus muttered.
"Well, your secret is safe with me," she promised, realising her hand was still covering his and for some reason choosing not to remove it. "What was he like?"
"Henrik was a cheeky bundle of energy who was always so happy, we were lucky to have him even for that small amount of time. His birthday was actually the same date as yours."
"Well, that would explain the gate mystery," she murmured thinking how much of a coincidence it was and the fact it led her to him in one way or another. "But just know that besides all you've been through there's nothing wrong with donating to charity; if anything people would see that there is another side to you."
"People can think what they want; I don't donate to charity so people will think better of me. In fact if anything they'd probably think I was weak and emotional, not something I like to portray in my business dealings."
"No they'd think you were kind and compassionate," she shot back.
"Thank you for understanding, Miss Forbes."
"Well, that's just the kind of person I am and it's Caroline by the way. Oh and I don't really think you're heartless" she added. "I have to say I'm surprised you admitted all of this given our first meeting."
"What can I say? Kol wasn't going to rest until I sought you out and explained. After you left he gave me a hard time for not donating to something so close to our hearts and when I admitted I already had, he wouldn't leave me alone until I came to see you. I have my moments but his annoying tendencies far outweigh any of my stubbornness."
"So, that's the only reason you came, because Kol made you?" Caroline teased.
"Well, that and the fact that Wolf has been missing you since your visit, he's been absolutely miserable lying by the side gate waiting for you to break in again."
"Oh really?"
"Well, him and Kol. Sometimes he joins Wolf in the backyard and they pine away together for you," Klaus teased.
"So Kol and Wolf are the only reasons you came?"
"No. They're not. Look, I've never met anyone like you Caroline Forbes. Even before I saw you that day, I knew you were beautiful and intelligent."
"That's why you knew who I was, you'd been spying on me," she accused, raising her left eyebrow.
Possibly," he replied, a telling blush crossing his face. "Looks like we'd both been doing a bit of research, love. Once we did meet though I realised just how frustrating and determined you are. I mean you break into people's houses because you're kind of crazy. My kind of crazy."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Caroline asked, slightly confused.
"Funnily enough it is, Caroline. Would you, uh, like to possibly go out sometime?" He looked so shy and nervous all of a sudden and Caroline couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"Well, there's this thing called a ball happening tonight," she explained. "Maybe we could start here."
"I think my earlier confession is as far as I'm willing to go today. Not sure a big, fancy event with the who's who of New York City is something I'm quite ready for," he admitted sheepishly. "You know baby steps and all that."
"It's okay, I'll probably be too busy yelling at the supposed event planner for more mistakes," she smiled. "But we can take a rain check."
"Or I could meet you afterwards for a debrief about said party planner," Klaus offered. "I know this cute diner on fifty-first Street that does a mean slice of apple pie."
"You go to diners and eat pie?" Caroline asked, a little shocked that someone of his status would do that sort of thing.
"I'll let you in on a secret, I even have a little whipped cream on top," joked. "You really need to stop misjudging me, love."
"Okay, you're on mister, but this pie better be good," Caroline challenged, glad that she'd chosen to stalk this guy because maybe she'd found something special in him.
"How about Gladys?" Klaus asked, his arms encircling her growing bump, pulling her closer and placing a chaste kiss on her head. It was a beautiful summer's day in the Hamptons and Klaus and Caroline were seated on a bench in the garden, her head rested on his chest as he rubbed her stomach lovingly. Wolf was lying next to them dutifully as she rubbed his ears affectionately; he was even more protective of Caroline now she was with child. "Or Gerald for a boy?"
"Our baby isn't an eighty year-old," she groaned, his constant teasing about baby names wearing on her last pregnant nerve. After their first meeting Caroline never thought they'd be here two short years later but after sharing a slice of apple pie on Valentine's Day things between them had changed considerably. Marrying nine months later and now they were about to welcome their new baby girl or boy into the world in two months.
Not only were they partners in life but in business. They'd started a children's cancer charity in Henrik's name six months earlier and Caroline had been actively raising funds for other children like him. Klaus had been reluctant at first as expected but since they'd made the decision, Caroline had noticed a different side to him. A much less guarded one, although Kol would say it was all due to Caroline's sudden appearance in his life. She didn't like to boast but maybe that was true, although she'd gotten just as much from him and was so grateful to him for that.
"If you ask my sister, she thinks we should name her Rebekah Jnr," he scoffed. Caroline had to laugh given Enzo had said the same thing if it was a boy. They'd seemed like an unlikely couple when they first got together a year ago but as it turned out their sizeable egos couldn't have been more perfect for each other.
"I'm surprised Kol hasn't made any suggestions."
"Be careful what you wish for, love. I'd give him time; he's been a little preoccupied with Bonnie." Klaus said, they had begun dating only a few months earlier and were still very much in the honeymoon stage. Speaking of them, what time are they all coming for lunch?"
"Well, I told Katherine midday because I know she'll be late but it's actually twelve-thirty."
"I don't think Elijah ever thought he'd be married to someone quite so tardy," Klaus chuckled. Caroline didn't think they'd ever be married period but they both did have quite ambitious and argumentative natures and from the moment they first clashed it was an instant attraction.
"I'm not sure we every really imagined anything to turn out quite like this but I'm certainly not complaining," Caroline grinned, turning her head slightly to face him and placing a sweet kiss on those crimson lips followed by both dimples she knew so well.
"Who knew charity would bring us together?"
"And Henrik," she murmured, thinking back to that gate code. "I know, how about we call him Henry if he's a boy?"
"I think that's a wonderful idea, love," he replied, capturing her lips again, this time deepening the kiss and delving his tongue into her hot mouth. Caroline groaned knowing she'd never get tired of that feeling. When they finally broke apart their breathing slightly ragged he spoke again. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Yes," she grinned, knowingly. "But feel free to tell me again."
"How about I show you instead?" Klaus suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. "Lunch doesn't start for a while yet and we both know Katherine and Elijah will be late."
"I thought you'd never ask," she purred.
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austennerdita2533 · 7 years
A/N: Here’s a Part 2 to my KC/Hades and Persephone drabble, “Fill Me with Your Kissing Death,” I wrote for AU week. It can be read as a standalone, but both parts/chapters are here under the title “Our Lips Are Raw with Petals and Pomegranate”:
(A03) (FFnet) 
I’d also like to send a special shout out to the lovely Helen, @klarolinessecondbreakfast, because her stunning KC edit (here) reduced me to a flailing fangirl within seconds *cries: it’s so beautiful* and provided me with the inspiration to f i n a l l y finish this damn thing. And thanks to my beloved Sadie Sadie, @kickassfu, for listening to me bitch, moan, and complain about this story (and all of my writing) without cease.You ladies are the best! 
Enjoy lovelies.
xx Ashlee Bree
Drain Me of This Blushing Neglect
Many eons ago, in a land rife with sharp, barbed edges which were thicker than mountain bone yet more slippery than a snake’s shedding skin, and throughout a kingdom forged out of tinted glass the color of dragon’s breath and oppressive temperature swings that clattered teeth or beaded flesh with sweat, a god-king paced the dim crooks and corridors of his home at all hours like a wraith. And like a wraith, he floated through his duties and demands. Lost to all dreams of delight.
It was during a time when loneliness still cracked hard along Klaus’s knuckles as well, charring blood between his bones until it drained into deeper pits of nothing because there was only empty air to hold, because there was only that whistling despondency around each muscle, around each tendon of his fists. It was in a moment, too, when midnight felt like a silk rope around his neck: exquisite in its strength and power to bind, but so tight he wanted to choke while his fingernails pried at the prickly coffin. Crying out for a rose-snowed droplet of life. Gasping for the swell of cerulean waves and dawn’s preening feathers.
As he skulked beneath the dense fog of another unbearable death-day one evening, however, a yellow daisy suddenly appeared like a vision to slip through the full but dark moon above his head. With naught but a single petal, it slithered open the center with a flawless vibrancy that made it impossible for him to blink. Eager, it seemed, to dig itself through the earth’s dirt and worms so it could wilt somewhere against the austere rock below, near his feet. Perhaps even die. For, there, in the Deadlands, the only water which existed came from tears which weren’t plucked—never plucked—but scratched from a cemetery of miserable, tormented, bloodshot eyes.
Klaus monitored the daisy’s progress with rapt attention. Curious, of course, but also flummoxed by the crumbling stones of the plum sky which fell to the ground like droplets of hail as the petal sliced its way inside. Humming vivid streaks of moisture atop blunt peaks and ashy ravines. And also illuminating the air with songbird waves that were slowly taking form. Down the center of the moon the flower cut with smooth purpose and precision, seeping into the Deadlands with a gush so it could unfurl all its spring curves before him like a million rays of honey slipping from a budded sheath.
It expanded toward him in silky green leaflets first, and in peachy feminine limbs second. Revealing to him, not a flower, but a garden of a woman not yet in full bloom. A sagacious, cheerful young woman, who, like him in a complementary way, was an outcast in a cosmos where multifaceted hopes or ambitions were stifled—blackened until they could no longer breathe. And yet…
The young maiden planted herself before him like a partially eclipsed tree: half shaded, half shining rays of gold.
“Sorry if the light stings a bit, but you’ll adjust to it in time. And to me,” she said, beaming. “My name’s Caroline, by the way.”
Like a perfectly off-kilter dichotomy, she then offered Klaus a sprite “hello” with no bow. Unafraid, it seemed, to match him eye-to-eye; nor to face him, toe-to-toe.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I thought it proper to introduce myself.” Caught off guard, all he could do was blink. “You know,” she added with a flippant hand gesture plus an anxious bounce of her toes, “since I’m to become queen and everything?”
“Truth be told, love,” he sighed and scratched the back of his neck, “I don’t recall placing an order to the Sky for a midnight bride, so I’m at a loss here. What are you saying? And how did you manage to squeak through the gates of my home without prior—ah, what’s the word?”
“I was going to say invitation,” he said with a twitch of his mouth, “but frankly…yes.”
“Oh, that.” Caroline rolled her eyes then snorted like the answer was obvious. “I came of my own volition, silly! I found and ate your lovely forbidden fruit.”
“You…you what!?”
“No need to pretend to be shocked or anything. That pomegranate was a devil to procure, sure, but not impossible by any means. (Personally, I think on some subconscious level, you hoped someone would find it and that’s why you didn’t obscure it from view completely.)”
“Besides,” she continued lightheartedly, “I was determined. I needed a new home where I could cultivate my extremes, and you…” she bit her lip, “well, you needed me.”
Klaus blanched for a second time, recovering only long enough to arch a brow at her.
“Don’t look at me like that. You do.” Caroline fixed him with a penetrating glance and crossed her arms. “You need me—I can feel it.”
Chuckling, Klaus mused over this last comment before billowing around her with an acute gaze so he could assess her, head-to-foot. He took in her green-thorned thumbs, her soil-hemmed gown, her hair woven through with dandelion weeds, and couldn’t help but think her an anomaly. A beautifully assertive and provoking anomaly, mind you, but an anomaly all the same.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” he said in reply, “but I assure you I require nothing and no one. I never have and I never will. Moreover, the absolute last thing I desire is a spring queen.” “In fact,” he added with an air of protracted arrogance and a voice which boomed with commanding certainty, “were I so inclined to choose a bride for myself at all—which I neither am nor plan to be (I prefer to rule alone, unchallenged, you see)—what makes you think I’d dare to select one as fresh or as perky as you are, hmm?”
“Wow. Are you so greedy and bitter that you refuse to share the falling granules of Time with me? Seriously!?”
“And what if I am?”
Caroline gaped.
“You know,” she narrowed her eyes; placed her hands on her hips, “I rather expected you to be glad of some eternal company down here after all your time alone…but nope!”
“Instead, you’re nothing but a stubborn and pretentious jerk who’d rather sift along in solitary sameness, absolutely miserable, than usher in an opportunity for change and cohesion! You’re…you’re a coward! Terrified of the mere possibility of intimacy, you are,” she scoffed. “You want it more than anything, but you’re too damn afraid to let yourself have it even though I’m basically gifting it to you for free! And let me tell you, pal,” Caroline added with an arm-crossed humph and a pout, “being alone by choice is infinitely more tragic than being alone by command.”
“Pretentious jerk, eh?” Something twinged hard against his ribcage. “Coward?” It was his heart. It was his heart twingeing; it was his heart heavying in his chest.
“That’s not so awful,” Klaus said with forced apathy as he let the stinging truth of her words sink in. “I’ve been called much worse than that.”
“What?” Caroline’s brow furrowed and she softened. “By who?” she asked.
“My father…earthlings…tormented souls…” He offered her a tight, painful smile. “Anyone and everyone, I suppose.”
Klaus shrugged, glancing away to kick at a rock.
“I’m sorry that’s…that’s not okay. I shouldn’t have—you’re not that bad, okay? You’re just a little…rough around the edges is all.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Don’t let it go to your head or anything, and definitely do not make a habit of infuriating me, because I will throttle you,” she said, daring him to try with a look, “but I kind of like that you’re enigmatic. You’re vexing in a good way, you know? You keep a girl on her toes.”
Caroline drifted closer then, and it thrummed something deep inside of him because he could smell her authenticity. He could feel how much she meant what she said.
Soft and delicate, this spring darling was spun from thread that burned gold with candor, consideration and care; so instead of flaming into annihilation when another’s anger or pain snipped at one of her split ends, she curled herself around the wound like a compress and shined hope against it until all felt possible. Until all was healed again. Not healed in the way it once was, mind you, but doctored in a way which stitched all the residual agony together, making one feel better about the jaggedness it left behind in the end. More calm and controlled about it, so to speak.
She was nourishing in presence as well. She cultivated growth in a way that required the shoveling up of his old roots to study tangles and bends because she believed it was the only way to see where the neglect first started, because it was the only way for her to calculate when the rot would win out if there were no intervention.
(Not that Caroline wouldn’t work like hell before disease encroached that far, of course. Because she would. She did.)
Hair trickled over her shoulders like blades of grass bending in the breeze, too. It framed her in shades of mercy so blonde, and so glossy, she reeked of pure sincerity and compassion, infecting everyone she met along the way. And while the trunk of her was deep and grooved with shadows—not to mention full of thick sap Klaus smelled but couldn’t see without sawing further beneath her rings, the leaves of her were airy and graceful and constantly swaying in a fashion which he considered to be most distracting. Yet…
Also (much to his chagrin), grossly enchanting.
This young woman, who had appeared in his kingdom without beckoning, was beguiling in an unsettling way. She unnerved him with tender words and mannerisms until the distrustful paranoia in his mind began to thaw…until the cold armor of his chest started to fall with a settled plonk near his ankles.
Something about Caroline primed his ears to listen and consider before he spoke. Where, with anyone else, his mouth wouldn’t hesitant to strike out or blast.
So, why the discrepancy? What was so halting about her, how was she so melting?
She was everything Klaus shunned, after all. She was everything Klaus pertained to loath here in this jarring domain…amid these burdensome, endlessly lamenting, clutching souls.
A woman who, with a chirping voice much too high and sweet when she spoke her three-syllable name: Caroline, Caroline; plus a smile which held the promise of sharp green, yellow, blue and pink demands, and a chin stained with the red-orange juice of a pomegranate, had asked upon her arrival, if he’d clip open the iron cage around his heart for her. Wondering, sanguinely, if he’d make room for a white-blossomed girl with nothing to offer him but seeds.
But would he?
Could he?
Klaus already knew no one wanted to amble through the dank and troubled air of his thoughts, of his kingdom. Just like he understood no creature in existence thirsted for his smoldering artistry, either.
It seemed people feared the scraping of his charcoal fingertips through their heads because he tended to linger over their memories, dreams, and friendships until they shivered or sweat. The cretins never once appreciating the skill it took to sketch out every folded swoop of longing he found wound around their bones like shoelaces. Which was laughable, frankly. Truly laughable. After all, what was so hard to fathom about a king, sentenced to the dark, who knew how to paint others’ misery?
All beings shrank away from his hunger, though. They always had. They found fault with his voracious creativity and called him the Sculptor of Shadows behind his back while they tittered.
(And they were always tittering.)
Something unsettled earthen kind about the way his glare ripped them apart to draw what once was in the realm above, to paint that which was no longer their’s to hold or hide. With his eyes brushing against all the weight their hearts had to bear in life, he colored all conflict out of them and stroked it into the air for review.
Each piece was unique in its daunting, but exquisite, truth, too. No two stories, no two people, were the same.
Klaus had an innate talent for depicting with whom another’s life was shared, for how long it was felt, why it was relished, resented, or missed; and when it all came to an end—but most people hated it. Hated him for his creations. Every single one of them were unable to understand precisely why their old lives must be preserved on ghost canvasses that could echo, but could never be touched again. They couldn’t reconcile how much agony it cost him to portray things he longed to experience himself, but most likely never would.
Klaus knew, too, that no soul, dead or alive, cared for knowledge or insight into his bruising history. People preferred ignorance. People preferred not to hear.
It mattered not that his step-father, Mikael the Mighty, kicked him from the cloud-castles of his birth and into the pits of hell because he thought him a plague on the Original family—a repulsive half-blooded beast, you are; and no son of mine, he’d said before punting Klaus into the Deadlands to rot; to be forgotten; to roast in the flames like garbage—only that people distrusted the moonstruck yellow of his seer eyes more. They were eyes which stalked through so much of others’ loveliness and adventures, but reflected no such contentedness of his own in their depths.
Unfortunately, suspicion and aversion were the emotions which won out first and foremost among the once-living. It was easier for earthlings to fear him. Loath him. Misunderstand him. It was easier for them to condemn his pledge to preserve everlasting memories in death than to understand that he’d never waltz in the arms of the changing seasons himself unless he did so vicariously:  through them.
Perhaps it was too difficult for anyone to believe Klaus might know something of dejection, too? Or grief. Or wonder. Or longing for something alive. Perhaps it was impossible for anyone to fathom that the Kindred of the Damned might know something of suffering, too?
“You can’t fool me, you know,” Caroline cut in like a chirping dove.
“Why’s that?”
“Because I…” Eyelashes flicking to his face, gaze unwavering, she shuffled forward with tulips trailing in her wake to place a tentative but steady hand on his chest. “Because I hear the muffled howl of your heart full of holes—how all of that emptiness blows straight through you. It calls out like the notes of a flute every time the wind rustles in the hopes that someone out there will hear it and rush into your arms. That’s why I came. I heard it, I felt your aching melody in my veins,” she said, her voice as soft as a feather. “I still do.”
Reaching for his hand, she beamed up at him with the rose-gold softness of a million suns as she intertwined their fingers in a tender, comforting way he’d never been shown before. The gesture caused Klaus’s throat to scratch uncomfortably. His lungs tingled with the warmth of a coming sunrise, making it almost difficult to breathe.
“That doesn’t mean you can dethrone me, though, sweetheart,” he replied in a low drawl.
“It doesn’t, you’re right. But if you let me,” Caroline said with a tilt of her head and a spreading smile, “I could occupy one next to you so you always have someone by your side?”
Those words, as legend later would claim, changed everything.
For, although she left behind a small lesion on the moon’s sooty, weathered face where her perfectly-petalled tip punctured it with grace and light, she showed Klaus the finesse of bending instead of breaking. She replenished his rotted insides with laughter, with hopes of forever which tangled them together like two onyx-shamrock stems dancing in the wind. She taught him how, sometimes, a heart given freely beats louder and longer, feels fatter and fuller, and gushes softer and surer than a heart that’s taken forcibly.
Before long, Klaus realized her nectar burned too bright for him to resist the urge to close his eyes and revel in her liquid sunshine taste…so he breathed Caroline in until he was blinded. And here’s a little secret:
He never regretted it once, either.
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klarolinevalentines · 7 years
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There’s only one day to go until your Valentine's Day Exchange gifts are due! Gifts are due at 11:59 Eastern Time on the 10th. If you don’t know what time that is for you, go ahead and check your local time against New York in the world clock!
Please contact us right away if you cannot complete your assignment so that we can assign a pinch hitter in your stead and make sure that everyone gets a gift!
We also understand that occasionally unexpected circumstances pop up to make a gift late. If you do not complete your work by the due date and we haven’t heard from you, we’ll assign a pinch hitter. If we have already assigned a pinch hitter, you will have to forfeit your assignment.
Finally, it’s extremely important that you comment on your valentines. Everyone puts a lot of effort into the gifts, so please let your gifter know how much you appreciate them!
Please check out our How to Use AO3 tab for more information about how to understand your assignment and how to submit your finished gift. You should also make use of our FAQ and Rules pages for any questions you may have. If you are unable to find an answer on one of our pages, please send us an ask or email us at [email protected].
Again, don’t forget that your assignment is due February 10th!
We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!
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thetourguidebarbie · 7 years
False Advertising
I wrote this for @goldcaught​ for the Klaroline Valentine’s Gift Exchange. I could not have asked for a better giftee for my last exchange and I was thrilled to write for her. Thank you to @garglyswoof​, @cupcakemolotov​, and @chica-cherry-lola​ for help and handholding. This is very NSFW and contains BDSM and spanking. I hope you all enjoy :) Find on Ao3 here and ffnet here.
Summary: Caroline and Klaus have been play partners for two years and try to keep real life at the door. As a result, they're both totally surprised when he gets hired as Caroline's new boss. But hey, it's only an HR disaster if things go out of control, right?
Caroline checked the conference room clock again, her hands twitching as she fought the urge to grab her purse and slip out the door. She and Klaus were supposed to meet in the tiny studio apartment he rented for them to play in on the other side of town at 7:30, and it was already 7:15. 
Sadly, she had to stick around until the end of Katherine’s going away party (whenever that was going to be). Her boss was retiring from her position as Chief Marketing Officer after fifteen years with the company, and Caroline couldn’t help but be disappointed to see her go. She’d always been fair and no-nonsense, something Caroline could appreciate, and she considered Katherine a mentor.
She deeply regretted asking Anna to buy so much booze, but she hadn’t wanted them to run out. Unfortunately, her coworkers seemed determined to make sure that they didn’t waste a single drop. She pulled out her phone, not even bothering to be subtle, and opened her and Klaus’s text conversation.
[Caroline]: My office party is running over. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m sorry!
[Klaus]: How late do you think you’ll be?
Caroline bit her lip, glancing at the number of bottles they had left and trying to figure out how long it would take to clean up.
[Caroline]: 8:30? Possibly earlier if I start cleaning up and trying to get everyone out the door.
[Klaus]: Eight o’clock sharp or I won’t be able to find the time for rewards.
[Klaus]: For every minute you make me wait past that I’ll add a strike.
She sighed, dropping her phone in her purse and grabbing the garbage can, starting to sweep the candy wrappers, paper plates, and plastic cutlery off the glass-top table and into the bag. “Time to head home!” she said loudly, the room effectively going quiet as soon as she’d spoken. “Or to the bar down the street, but the point is you can’t stay here.”
There were a few grumbles before Katherine raised her beer bottle. “Shots at the grill. First round on me!”
Her coworkers filed out the door, with the exception of April, their (under twenty-one) receptionist, who hung back and offered to help. “That would be amazing, thank you,” Caroline said gratefully.
They chatted as they cleaned up, and Caroline frowned when April mentioned their new boss had been hired already and was coming in on Monday.
“Really? Was it that guy who looked like a blue-eyed weasel?”
April snorted. “No. It was the second-to-last interview? I think that might have been the week you had the flu. He’s from England. Or Australia, I guess. I feel like I can never tell the difference. Anyway, he’s hot. Like, really hot. I’d risk a trip to HR for a round—oh my god, please don’t tell Meredith I said that.”
Caroline laughed. “Secret’s safe with me, I promise. Do you remember his name? I kind of want to google him.”
April frowned. “Ugh, I know I should. I just got his background check stuff and sent it to Meredith. I know we poached him from one of the big tech companies in New York, but their marketing department is here. Michael, I think? Or that could have been his last name. I can’t remember.”
“Was he nice to you when he came in?”
“Yeah. Better than weasel guy by far.”
Caroline threw the last bottle in the recycling, checking the clock and wincing. 7:48.
“I’m really sorry April, but I have to go. I have a...a thing. Would you mind locking up? I’ll pick you up some lunch next week.”
“No problem,” April said, looking pleased at the prospect of free food (every just-out-of-college twenty-something’s dream, Caroline knew).
“Thanks! You’re the best.”
She decided to forego public transit, calling an uber instead hoping it would be faster, and she watched the time tick by as she sat in the back of Your Driver is Camille’s Lexus, “mmhm”ing to her driver’s life story about working as a bartender through college to pay for her psych degree. She thanked her the second she pulled up to the curb before hurrying to the entrance of the building, heart pounding, and tearing up the stairs, out of breath by the time she put the key in the lock.
Klaus was standing on the other side of the room, his hands clasped behind his back, looking out the window. She glanced at the clock on the microwave in the kitchenette.
8:02 . Damnit.
“Strip,” he ordered without turning to look at her. “You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood.”
“Yes, Master,” she said, her breathing still uneven. She pulled off her blouse and unbuttoned her slacks, letting them drop with her thong before reaching behind her to unhook her bra, shrugging it off.  She was silent as she stood in place waiting for him, her nipples pebbling from the cool air. He didn’t turn to look, though he drummed his nails against the windowsill in thought.
She’d learned to read little signals from him in the past two years they’d been playing, and she could tell that he was happy about something, though she didn’t have enough context to guess what. They had a firm rule to leave real life at the door, though she’d googled him in the beginning and knew that he was in the same industry she was (though in a much more prestigious position), and she wasn’t surprised he could afford to rent out a luxury apartment just for them to have kinky sex in twice a week.
She didn’t mind giving him personal details after the first few months, once she trusted him. He seemed to absorb everything she told him about her life like he couldn’t get enough, remembering small things that she almost wouldn’t have remembered herself. He always said it was part of play, that taking care of her was one of the things that he liked about it, but she always felt unwelcome warm fuzzies when he was more affectionate after a hard day or he ordered in when she mentioned she’d been too busy to eat. She kind of hated herself for developing feelings for him, but she always convinced herself it was because he was a good Dom and nothing more.
Even though she only knew tiny snippets about his life, she felt like she knew him in a different way than anyone else. He liked to pay attention to her wants, but she liked pleasing him by anticipating his needs and following his every order to the very last detail. Disappointing him was one of the worst punishments, almost worse than anything physical he could inflict, and she’d been bracing herself the entire car ride for him to lecture her.
He seemed relaxed, though. Much more than she’d expected considering how late she’d been. He gave her a small smile when he turned around. A good mood for him generally just involved more affection, but he truly seemed at ease. “Come here, sweetheart.”
The use of an petname was a good sign, and she was a little confused, considering she was supposed to be punished. She debated whether to ask about it as she walked to him, finally deciding that it was best to bring up. If anything it would absolve the twinge of guilt for keeping him waiting.
“I’m sorry I was late, Master.”
“It’s alright, love,” he whispered, steering her to look out the window and standing behind her, his hot palm splayed on her stomach, his other settled on her hip.
“Hands on the windowsill and bend over,” he ordered, and she could see him in the reflection of the glass as she obeyed, his eyes greedy as they raked over her form. “I want you to look outside while I spank you, to know that if anyone happened to glance in our direction they’d see how sweetly you submit to me.”
“Yes, Master,” she said, bending over as he’d asked, her spine curled to emphasize her ass, legs spread far enough to see that she was slick.  
“You look so lovely like this sweetheart,” he murmured, tangling her hair around his fingers. “Bent over for your Master with your legs spread, your pussy already wet with anticipation.”
“Thank you, Master.”
He tugged her hair lightly, making her core clench from the stab of arousal, a soft moan escaping her. He ran his finger along her folds, making her shiver.
“Seventeen strikes. Fifteen for being late and an additional two as promised for every minute past eight.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Don’t count today. I want to hear the hitch in your breath at every strike, the little moans you make that you try to swallow.”
She nodded, watching him in the reflection of the glass as he moved behind her, his fingertips pressing lightly against the flesh of her ass. She whimpered as he slid them down the backs of her thighs, the anticipation making her core throb. “Look outside,” he ordered, and she immediately tore her eyes away from his face, looking instead at the view. The apartment was on the sixth floor, the people below close enough that if they looked up they’d see her bent over with her forehead pressed against the cool glass, her body bare, Klaus standing behind her with a smirk.
Her heart was pounding, the anticipation and risk that someone could see them only making it hotter when his palm came down on her ass with a smack, her breath hitching, fingers curling against the windowsill. The second strike came down on the same spot, the sting making her nipples tighten, and she had to resist the urge to rub her thighs together to soothe her already intense need for friction.
He continued, pausing every two or three strikes to let her catch her breath. “I love the way you moan for me, sweetheart,” he whispered. “The little hitches of breath just before every strike, the way you arch your spine to encourage me, just begging for me to mark your arse with my palm. I know that you didn’t mean to make me wait.”
“No, Master. I wanted to see you,” she breathed, her skin heated and sensitive. She heard him chuckle softly behind her, his hand stroking down her spine lightly, her pussy throbbing from the simple light touch.
“I know. Because you like this, don’t you? You like spending the day in a constant state of anticipation, just waiting to leave so that you can give yourself to me. I’d love to know all the filthy thoughts that run through your head all day as you try to concentrate, the way you fantasize about all the ways I’ll take you later, how I’ll make you beg me for more.”
“I do, Master,” she said, taking a sharp breath when his hand landed on her ass again, the last strike making her knees wobble, her pussy clenching.
She felt his strong arm encircle her waist to steady her, the rough fabric of his trousers pressing against her sensitive core, and she couldn’t help but rub against him, desperate for friction. He laughed again, bending to kiss her shoulder lightly and standing up, gently guiding her to lean against him. “Turn,” he ordered, and she obeyed, letting her cheek rest on his shoulder as he rubbed her back before cupping her ass, the friction against the still aching skin making her whimper. “Does it hurt?”
“Good,” he murmured, pinching her ass hard. He knew she liked it, that the pain made her pussy ache, and she moaned, fisting his shirt. “Now. I’d like to see your face when I fuck you today. Your eyes darken to such a lovely shade when you’re desperate for me.”
“Thank you, Master.”
He stepped back from her, and she shivered at the sudden lack of warmth, her nipples still tight from cold. He gave her a slow once-over, his eyes sliding down her body at a pace that made her blush, his gaze lingering on her lips, breasts, and legs before flitting back up to give her a heated look that made her feel exposed and bare. If anyone else looked at her like that she would have felt objectified and uncomfortable, but Klaus somehow made her feel like the most desirable person on the planet. She never felt insecure about how her desperation rolled off of her in waves when she was with him, knowing that he wanted her as much as she did him.
“Come,” he ordered, his voice hard but somehow affectionate, and she obediently followed him, standing in front of him as he sank down on the couch. “Undress me.”
She swallowed, highly aware of his eyes on her as she knelt at his feet, unlacing his shoe and pulling it off, setting it aside before undoing the other one, the still-sensitive skin of her ass pressing against her heels in a way that made her pussy throb whenever she shifted even the slightest bit. She glanced up at him to meet his eyes as she pulled off his socks, flushing at how he was drinking her in, his tongue darting over his lips in a way that seemed almost subconscious as he watched her every movement. She sat up higher on her knees to reach for the button and fly on his slacks, leaning into his touch as he began to card his fingers through her hair, twirling the curls around his fingers.
The room was perfectly silent aside from the rustle of clothing as she pulled down his slacks until she ran her tongue along his inner thigh. He groaned low in his throat, tugging her hair lightly, and she grinned as she dropped light kisses just above the waistband of his boxer briefs before pulling them down, keeping eye contact as she wrapped her hand around his cock, satisfied by the way his lips were parted and his breathing was uneven. He pushed her hand away. “I said undress me,” he reminded, his tone a clear warning, and she flushed.
“Sorry, Master.”
“Do you need a reminder of who you belong to?” he asked, his voice deceptively light. “I’ve been lenient today, but perhaps I shouldn’t have been. I think you’re forgetting that you touch me because I allow it, that you receive rewards on the condition that you please me.”
“I’m sorry, Master,” she repeated. “I thought since I was late you might want--”
“I want you to be a good girl for me,” he interrupted, his voice soft. “Now.”
She stood, straddling him while being careful not to give herself any contact where she wanted it most, her eyes flitting to meet his before she reached to undo his tie, unraveling the knot with sure fingers. She pulled it away and unbuttoned his shirt, resisting the urge to kiss every slip of skin as it was revealed. Once she’d tossed it aside she waited, every inch of her humming with need for his touch, for friction. She wanted to feel his skin under his fingers, to see his face as he filled her, but she managed to restrain herself, instead shifting slightly as he watched her with perceptive eyes and an infuriatingly knowing smile.
“So impatient,” he said softly, cupping her cheek, and she couldn’t help but be annoyed that his calloused palm was brushing her skin in entirely the wrong place. Her core was throbbing with need, her nipples tight and aching, and she wasn’t sure she could last much longer without begging.
It was something Klaus usually liked, but at times like these, when he seemed determined to remind her that she belonged to him, she knew that disobeying wasn’t the right move if she wanted any gratification.
And she really wanted it.
She stayed silent, shifting as his fingertips brushed along her waist with what she knew was a deliberately light touch designed to tease, and she swallowed her instinctive ‘ please ’ with difficulty, simply holding his eyes with hers.
He reached between them to stroke his cock a few times, his breath hitching, before his other hand pushed her forward to encourage her to sink onto his cock.
She moaned, trying desperately to resist the urge to let her head drop back. He’d said he wanted to see her face, and she wanted to show him she’d listened, that she cared enough to follow every order he gave her.
He moved his hips, their bodies falling into a familiar rhythm, and she laid her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as they picked up speed, his palms hot on her hips as he guided her movements. She watched his face, cataloguing every movement he made, and she felt like he was doing the same, his hands moving her hips to create just the right angle to make her shake. She fought to keep her eyes open as her high built, their movements growing faster with every moment, and her nails dug into his shoulders as he bent forward to catch her lips with his.
The kiss was biting and all-consuming, his tongue tracing the backs of her teeth and dragging across her lips. She moaned into his mouth, chasing his lips as he pulled back, his breathing ragged.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart. I want to see you when you come,” he said sharply, just as his nails bit into the flesh of her ass and his pelvic bone pressed against her clit, and she shook against him as she came, doing her best to obey his orders even as she clenched around his cock.
He caught her lips when she came down from her high, his hips still moving quickly as he fucked her, biting hard on her lip when he spilled inside of her.
She slumped against him, her breathing hard and her body heavy. “Good girl,” he praised softly, stroking her hair a few times before he gently pushed her away. “Get up, sweetheart,” he ordered, and she pushed off of him on shaky legs, his come dripping down her thighs.
“Freshen up and get the bruise balm from the washroom,” he ordered.
She nodded, and by the time she got back with the container he had pulled his boxer briefs on and was sitting on the couch waiting for her. “Come here, sweetheart.”
She obeyed, her inner thighs still slick, and he gently helped her lie over his lap. She heard him uncap the bottle and hummed contentedly when she felt the cold cream against her skin, his hands gently rubbing it in. “You were such a good girl for me,” he praised again, continuing to murmur compliments about how he loved watching her and how pretty she looked when she came.
Her heart was still pounding with adrenaline, but his soft touches and low whispers of encouragement calmed her down. Once he was done with the cream, he encouraged her to curl in his lap, draping a blanket around them and offering her a granola bar, which she took gratefully, settling against him to eat. Once she’d finished she felt him press a soft kiss to her temple. “You did so well today, sweetheart,” he murmured, his arm tightening around her.
“Thank you, Master.”
“I’ll be a bit busy next week. It’s possible I won’t be able to make it Monday. Would you rather play over text or skip?”
“I think we should skip,” she said reluctantly. “My boss just quit and our new one is starting on Monday. That was what the office party was for. I’ll probably be busy too.”
He froze, and she looked up at him in confusion. “You okay?”
“Yes,” he said after a beat of silence.
“You sure?”
“Title,” he reminded absently, his hand still rubbing her back. “And it’s nothing,” he said, though she could tell from his tone that it was something .
“Okay, Master,” she said, closing her eyes and leaning against him. She knew better than to press. He shared bits and pieces of his life with her, but he was very private by nature. She’d learned that the more she insisted he tell her what he was thinking about, the more he’d dig in his heels.
“I’ll see you on Thursday then?”
“Someone’s eager,” he said, and though she couldn’t see his face she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“For you, Master? Always,” she teased, and he chuckled, his hand ghosting over her spine, making her skin prickle.
“You always know just the right things to say, don’t you?”
“I try, Master.”
When Caroline pulled into her normal parking space on Monday she was nervous. She’d been so used to Katherine’s leadership style after five years with the company that she wasn’t sure what to expect with the new boss or how to act, especially since she’d been sick in bed during the interview process.
When she finally stepped out of the elevator on her floor, she realized that she shouldn’t have been nervous. She should have been terrified.
Klaus was standing in front of her talking to April with a dimpled smile on his face, a smile that dropped into confusion when he looked up and saw her.
“Hey, Care!” April said brightly, clearly oblivious to the sudden tension in the room before turning to Klaus. “This is Caroline. She was out with the flu when you interviewed.”
“Oh my god,” Caroline breathed, trying to process that Klaus had been hired as her new boss, that he hadn’t told her ...
“Caroline and I have met, actually,” Klaus said quickly, sending a charming smile to April. “She’s a family friend.”
“Yeah,” Caroline echoed faintly. “Family friend.”
“I had no idea this was your company,” Klaus said, and though his voice was neutral, even pleasant, she could read the way he looked at her easily and knew he was being genuine. It was a surprise to both of them, clearly.
There was a beat of silence before Caroline managed to gather herself. “Yeah. Well, welcome!” she said awkwardly. “Um, I have to put my lunch in the fridge.”
The excuse sounded lame even to her own ears, but Klaus gave her an understanding glance before she rushed in the direction of the kitchen.
Her hands were shaking as she set her sandwich on the top shelf, closing the fridge door. She knew that Klaus was trustworthy, that he’d never hurt her, but the idea of seeing him every day, of him having real genuine power over her unrelated to the power she voluntarily gave him was more than a little scary.
It was also, if she was honest with herself, more than a little hot.
She walked to her office and shut the door before dropping her purse unceremoniously at her desk and turning on her computer, her mind still racing with all the options, all the things that could go wrong and all the things that could go perfectly, deliciously right.
Life was a rich tapestry, she reflected dryly as she opened her email.
From: Klaus Mikaelson To: Caroline Forbes Subject: Meeting
I intend to have an individual meeting with everyone in the immediate department sometime in the next few days. Does eleven today work for you?
Klaus Mikaelson Chief Marketing Officer Silas Marshall & Co.
From: Caroline Forbes To: Klaus Mikaelson Subject: Re: Meeting
That sounds fine. I’ll see you at eleven.
Caroline Forbes Marketing Director Silas Marshall & Co.
She hit ‘send’ and leaned back in her chair, rubbing her eyes with her palms.
Her life was weird.
Caroline shut Klaus’s door behind her and sank down in the chair across from his desk. He watched her for a moment before he took a deep breath and spoke, his voice quiet but with a confidence that immediately made her feel at ease.
“I promise that you’re safe, sweetheart,” he said, searching her face. “I would never abuse your trust in me.”
“I believe you,” she said immediately. “I just...”
He knew her well enough to stay silent as she tried to find the words, and she couldn’t help the tiny flutter in her chest.
“I’m scared,” she said finally, and she was relieved when he didn’t look the least bit offended, though he did seem uncomfortable, and it took her a second to realize that he was nervous .
“If you don’t feel comfortable with our arrangement,” he began after a few seconds, but she shook her head, the words escaping her before she’d really thought them through.
“I want to keep playing,” she said, pausing for a second. “I mean, unless you don’t--”
“I want you,” he said immediately, his tone decisive.
She let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Good,” she said after a beat of silence, and he gave her a small smile, reaching to take her hand and squeezing it. He always seemed to know what she needed, and she desperately craved his comfort, even though she knew it was a little silly. Still, the simple touch made her feel better.
“I know we agreed not to play today, but perhaps you’d be amenable to meeting to talk through a new contract?”
“Sure,” she said, giving him a small smile and he gave her hand a quick squeeze before he drew back, opening one of the drawers.
“Now, I wasn’t lying when I said I was meeting with everyone about their work,” he began, pulling out a notepad and plucking a pen from the cup on his desk. She tried not to let her gaze linger on his fingers, keeping her mind from wandering to better uses for them, and he raised his eyebrows. “Is this going to be a problem?”
“I can totally be subtle,” she confirmed, purposefully being casual and slightly argumentative, wanting to establish that she was most definitely not his when they were out of play, and he grinned, his dimples cutting into his cheeks.
“Good. Now, what are you working on?”
She’d left work an hour or so after Klaus and wasn’t surprised to see him sitting at the kitchen table of their apartment, fiddling with his phone as he inspected a sheaf of paper with an intense concentration that she could tell was a cover for discomfort.
He looked up and gave her a small smile, which she took as a good sign, and she walked over and sat beside him, glancing at the packet he was flipping through and realizing it was their contract. “How do you want to start?” she asked, taking the copy he handed her and scanning it, though she could probably regurgitate the terms almost word for word, considering she had to remember all the rules.
“Tell me how you want to to function at work. I’m perfectly fine with either having some sort of play there or keeping it completely separate.”
“Do you have a preference?”
“I’d very much enjoy summoning you to my office in the middle of the day should I have the desire. Your skirts and dresses cling to you beautifully, and I know that there will be an occasion or two where I’ll want nothing more than to bend you over my desk and push the fabric around your waist. However, if the idea of that makes you uncomfortable, your feelings are infinitely more important to consider.”
She flushed, biting her lip. There was something undeniably tempting about the idea of slipping into his office during the day and letting him touch her, but she still had concerns that needed to be addressed before she could really consider it. She said that and he nodded as though he’d expected that answer, which he probably had.
“What concerns?”
“It can’t interfere with work. Ever. No pulling me out of important things for surprise sex, no punishment that would affect my performance or taking away projects or anything.”
He looked offended but managed to mask it quickly, swallowing. “Caroline, I can assure you that, should you agree to extend our arrangement, I would never let anything related to our sex life impact your work. Except perhaps rewards for exemplary performance, should you be amenable?”
She snorted. “My performance is always exemplary.”
“Perhaps to Katerina’s standards, but you’ll find I’m not as easy to impress.”
“I’ll take that as a challenge,” she teased. “But yes, I’m amenable .”
“Good girl,” he murmured, bending forward to kiss her softly.
She stiffened, surprised by the gesture. They obviously kissed a lot, but usually Klaus controlled it, his tongue running pleasurably against the backs of her teeth with his nails digging into her sides. This was different though, the brush of his lips sweet and tender, and by the time she finally gathered herself enough to kiss him back he was pulling away, his eyes dark and wanting.
“Also,” she said, hating herself for how breathy her voice was after a simple kiss. “Any raises or promotions I get are because I earned them. I don’t want you giving me things because we’re play partners.”
“If your performance is as exemplary as you’ve implied, I don’t believe that would be a problem,” he teased, his lips twitching when he saw the ‘ Seriously?’ look on her face. “But regardless, I promise that any benefits you receive will be fairly earned. On that note, I won’t go easy on you, either. No amount of begging will get you out of work-related trouble.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” she said without missing a beat. If anything he’d be harder on her, possibly unintentionally. Klaus already trusted her, which meant that he’d probably let her do her job with less supervision and expect more.
“Good,” he said, writing the new rules on his contract. “And I know you’re clever enough to understand why we would not communicate through our office emails?”
She tried not to be offended by the question, knowing that he was just covering his bases. “Obviously.”
“Good girl,” he murmured with another heated glance. “Now, I know it’s a bit late, and I was wondering if you might be willing to go out for dinner instead of our normal routine?”
They’d gone to dinner in play before, but they’d always planned ahead. Klaus liked to buy her dresses that he could easily push aside while they were waiting for appetizers, and he would tell her a few days in advance. It was also a bit of an abrupt shift to a scene, which was a little odd.
She didn’t mind at this point though, acutely aware of how hungry she was, and she nodded. “Yes, Master. I’d like that.”
She saw his jaw tighten as though she’d said the wrong thing, and she frowned. “Is everything okay, Master?”
His expression softened immediately, and he stood, offering a hand to help her up and pulling her flush against his chest and giving her a biting, passionate kiss that made her melt. “Yes, sweetheart,” he murmured between kisses, his hand tangled in her hair. “You’re perfect.”
Caroline smiled when she saw the package on her doorstep when she got home. She’d ordered some new blouses a few days before, and it was always nice when things came early. Humming to herself, she unlocked her door and walked inside, kicking off her shoes and tearing into the package. When she saw the cream box inside she knew that it wasn’t the blouses she’d ordered, and when she opened it, she found a simple card bearing her name in familiar calligraphy lying on top of powder blue lace.
She lifted the card out of the box and traced the letters with the tip of her finger, unable to fight down a smile. Klaus had sent her a few things in the six months he’d been working at the office, and she always liked it, the knowledge that he knew exactly what she was wearing under her work clothes, was undressing her in his mind every time he saw her, was a huge high.
She lifted the lingerie set out of the box to look at it, the lace so delicate that she worried it would rip if she handled it too harshly.
[Caroline]: Thank you for the present, Master.
[Klaus]: Try them on.
She undressed quickly, pulling on the delicate lace garters slowly so as not to rip them and hooking together the belt over the thong before adjusting her bra. When she glanced in the mirror, she wasn’t the least bit surprised to see that it fit perfectly, the blue scalloped lace against her creamy skin a contrast that she knew would photograph beautifully.
[Klaus]: Do they fit?
[Caroline]: Yes, Master.
[Klaus]: Show me.
She hurried to her bed, lying down and carefully snapping a few selfies, making sure to get the perfect angle so that he’d see the curve of her breasts and the way the lace of the thong and garter belt framed her ass, her lips parted slightly as she looked at the camera. She was getting wet just from the anticipation of taking pictures, of knowing that he would see them and they’d make him hard for her.
[Klaus]: You’re beautiful, sweetheart.
[Caroline]: Thank you, Master.
[Klaus]: Wear them tomorrow. I want to watch you walk around the office knowing that if I were to push your pretty skirt up and fill you with my cock I’d see that you wore your present just for me.
[Klaus]: And of course I do intend to follow through tomorrow night. I can’t wait to peel every stitch of fabric away. Perhaps I’ll tie you up while I do it. You know how I love it when you beg for my touch.
She knew she was wet, and she resisted the urge slide her hand between her thighs, knowing that Klaus would know if she touched herself without asking when they were playing.
[Caroline]: I will, Master.
[Klaus]: Good girl.
[Klaus]: Do you want to touch yourself?
[Caroline]: Yes, Master.
[Klaus]: Call me. I want to hear you.
She’d never dialed his number so quickly.
“Bonnie, call legal and check on the progress to clear the new campaign. We don't want another near-copyright infringement."
“Got it,” Bonnie said, nodding once and writing something on her tablet.
“Caroline, go over the deliverables we got yesterday. Bring me a few options this afternoon. Two o’clock.”
His tone sent an involuntary shiver down her spine, her nipples pebbling under her bra.
“Yes, M--” she started, the kneejerk response so natural to his commanding tone that she barely realized she had to cover it and changed course quickly. “Um, will do.”
The twitch of his lips and the heated glance he gave her made her blush as she realized that he knew exactly what she’d almost let slip. “Good,” he said, turning to Matt, but before he could talk, Anna poked her head in, giving Klaus an apologetic glance.
“I have Silas on the phone for you.”
Caroline winced. The CEO was...a dick, and that was if she was putting it nicely.
“Bloody hell,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “Donovan, email me your report.”
Matt nodded, already picking up his tablet. They all filed out, Caroline heading straight for her office, her heels clicking on the floor.
She tried to concentrate on her work instead of the humiliation she’d barely avoided, and managed to get sucked in enough that she had everything ready by the time it was two o’clock. The nerves came back as she made her way to his office though. She doubted he’d be angry, but there was a little nervous piece of her that was scared she disappointed him.
She felt all the tension leave her when she walked in and Klaus looked at her in a way that made her melt, his dimples cutting into his cheeks.
“Close the door behind you, love.”
She did, taking a seat on the other side of his desk and watching as he closed the shades to the hallway, obscuring his office from the view of anyone who might peek in. Her heartbeat seemed unnaturally loud to her as he walked to sit down in his chair, his lips quirking when they made eye contact. “Do refrain from calling me by my title in public, sweetheart. Though I know perfectly well you enjoy a bit of exhibitionism, I’d rather not have someone file a complaint to HR.”
“Ha,” she said sarcastically, trying to suppress the flush rising in her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to. It just sort of...came out? Well, almost came out.”
“I’ll let it go this once,” he said, his voice teasing, and she gave him a rueful smile.
“In my defense, it’s super hot when you use your commanding boss voice.”
“Duly noted,” he said, his tone dropping, and she bit her lip, flushing. As much as she wanted to take a nice break, she knew she had work to do, and she said so, noting Klaus’s reluctant nod. “Yes, I’m aware. Perhaps if you do an excellent job we can find the time for some rewards later?”
“If that’s what you want, Master,” she said, giving him a heated look before standing up and grabbing her cardigan, pulling it on. “Especially since I followed your orders from last night.”
His eyes darkened. “Did you?”
She walked around his desk and glanced over her shoulder to make sure the shades were drawn before hiking her skirt up enough for him to see the blue lace garter around her thigh, giving him only a glimpse of the lace strap before she smoothed her skirt back down. “I’ll just keep you posted on my progress.”
“Tease,” he muttered, but there wasn’t any bite to it, and she grinned as he gave her an obvious once over, his eyes lingering on where her pencil skirt clung to her hips as he clearly imagined what was beneath them. “Show me tonight.”
“Tonight,” she echoed, looking back at him over her shoulder, and she pushed down a flush at the heated look full of promise that he sent her before she shut the door behind her.
It was only when she shut her office door that the realization hit. It had been a long time since she’d been so happy.
She tried not to let her thoughts wander too much as she sat back down at her desk, doing her best to focus on answering her bazillion emails, but every time she got even the slightest bit distracted she was brought back to Klaus.
To be fair, she’d known that she liked him, but she felt like the deeper feelings for him that she held had somehow snuck up on her. She tried to imagine her life without him, and the second she had she knew that she wouldn’t like it. There was something about her realization that was exciting and new and uplifting, but it was also terrifying. She was almost one hundred percent sure he felt the same way, but there was always that doubt that she could never seem to shed about other people’s feelings for her.
She knew Klaus wanted her. He’d made that clear with every glance, every word he spoke. But did he love her?
She was shaken from her thoughts by a sharp knock on the door.
“Come in!”
“Can you get the door?” Anna asked, her voice muffled through the door, and Caroline immediately got up to let her in, reaching for the coffee she knew was waiting on the other side. “One triple-shot vanilla latte,” Anna said cheerfully, handing it over.
“Thanks so much,” Caroline said, setting it on her desk and going through her purse for her wallet, handing Anna a five, which she pocketed.
“No problem! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, so I figured you probably needed it.”
Caroline groaned. “Ugh, you have no idea. The Parker deal is a mess.”
Anna made a sympathetic noise. “Do you at least have any fun plans tonight?”
“Not really,” Caroline lied, knowing that mentioning how she was planning on putting on an elaborate striptease for her boss that would probably result in a spanking for drawing it out too long was not the greatest idea.
“Oh. That’s too bad. Jeremy and I are going out to dinner. Should be nice. It took awhile to find somewhere that had a decent pre-set menu, but we figured it out.”
Caroline frowned. “Pre-set menu?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh,” Caroline said slowly. “Right.”
“Klaus is being kind of a nightmare about it. He’s planning this huge thing for his girlfriend.”
Caroline’s eyes snapped up. “Girlfriend?”
Anna nodded, either not noticing Caroline’s reaction or assuming she wanted the gossip. “Yeah. He ordered some jewelry and a dress for her and had me pick them up before I came to work. They’re both gorgeous.”
The dirty cheating liar...
She tried to keep a look of polite interest on her face as she took another sip of coffee even as her mind raced. “That’s a nightmare?”
“Oh, it wasn’t just that. I made a reservation for him at this French restaurant downtown and ordered some flowers. He kept changing his mind about where he wanted to go. He also had me book plane tickets, a hotel, and a car for a vacation to Italy this weekend. If I hadn’t seen the necklace I would have bet my life savings that it was a proposal.”
“Does he do that a lot?” Caroline asked, trying to sound more sympathetic than curious.
Anna seemed to mull over the question before shrugging. “I mean...not often . He’s had me pick up a few other presents for her, and I’ve made some dinner and hotel reservations. Usually it’s pretty last minute. I guess they both must be really busy. He talks about her in passing sometimes and it’s obvious that he’s trash for her. He’s also had dumb guy questions. You know, like, ‘I want to get a purse as a present but know nothing about purses. Here are seven options, please help.’”
“I can’t imagine Klaus ever saying, ‘please help.’”
Anna snorted. “I mean, he doesn’t say it like that . I don’t know. He’s usually really specific about his girlfriend, but sometimes he’ll be like ‘I need a present for a generic snobby woman. Buy a designer item and leave the tag on.’”
Caroline barely stopped herself from muttering ‘ Rebekah ’ under her breath. “Do you remember his girlfriend’s name?”
Anna laughed. “What, to Instagram-stalk her? I tried to look through his social media stuff, but I couldn’t find her. I thought he had a wife named Rebekah, but I’m 99% sure she’s his sister. If you do manage to figure it out though, let me know.”
Caroline nodded, making a few more minutes of small talk to keep from being obvious, though her mind was racing around Klaus being a cheating dick the entire time. As she made her way back to her office she pulled out her phone to text him, and she barely shut the door before he responded.
[Caroline]: Are we still on for tonight?
[Klaus]: Of course, love.
[Klaus]: Unless there’s a reason to cancel?
[Caroline]: I mean, I don’t know. You tell me.
[Klaus]: I’m unsure what you’re implying, sweetheart.
[Caroline]: Anna said you had a date with your girlfriend
[Caroline]: Which is weird, since you never mentioned her.
[Klaus]: I’d like you to come to my office. Now.
Caroline huffed, glancing out the window at the mid-afternoon sky. Should she go? What kind of explanation could he have? It hurt that he hadn’t told her about his girlfriend. Sure, they’d never officially promised to be exclusive, but she’d assumed. She hated the idea of being a dirty secret, and the knowledge that she’d fallen for him thinking they had a chance and he’d never felt the same was a punch to the stomach.
Still, she was ridiculously curious.
Unable to fight the temptation and knowing she’d have to face him soon or later, she left her office, walking down the hall to Klaus’s office and heading inside without knocking, shutting the door behind her. He was sitting at his desk, his hands folded, jaw set. Her spine straightened as he met her eyes, his expression hard and unforgiving.
“Sit,” he said softly, though his tone was dangerous. She didn’t, standing behind the chair pointedly with her fingers curled around the back.
He closed his eyes briefly as though in pain, and silently reached for his top desk drawer, pulling out a package wrapped in silver wrapping paper, a tastefully curled ribbon wrapped around it, and set it in his desk. “It’s what I had Anna pick up. I assume that’s who told you?”
“Yeah. You don’t get to be mad at her though, because—“
“Open it,” he interrupted, his eyes never leaving her face.
She shot him a suspicious glance but picked up the box, carefully unwrapping the paper and biting her lip when she saw the brand stamped on the box. She opened it with shaking fingers, blinking at the diamond pendant on the delicate silver chain she found.
“Turn it over.”
She glanced at him warily before obeying, her breath catching slightly at what she found. The silver setting was thick enough for an engraving, and she gave him a sheepish look when she saw the date she’d agreed to be his. “There isn’t a girlfriend.”
“I was hoping there would be, come tonight,” he said quietly, and it took her a second to process his meaning.
“You...you want to like, date? Me, I mean?”
He chuckled, giving her an exasperated glance. “Yes. I’ve wanted to for a long time. I was going to ask after I started my job and got settled in, but then...”
“But then I worked here and foiled your evil plans.”
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed. Although, in my defense, it did sound suspicious.”
“I have no doubt that it did. Still, it was rather rude of you.”
“If you’re trying to get me to let you spank me over your desk, it’s not happening today. I’m really busy on the deal with Parker.”
“Not at all, love. I’d rather let you wonder what your punishment will be at the end of the day.”
She bit her lip. “Just so you know, I’m not interested in a 24/7 thing. If that’s going to be a problem...”
“It is not. I look forward to eventually seeing every part of you. I want to see you kneel at my feet like a good girl begging to suck your Master’s cock as much as I want to wake up next to you the next morning and have you moan my name as you writhe against my tongue demanding more. I want to collect the wicked smiles I’ve seen so often when you speak, to sketch the way your spine straightens with barely-restrained irritation when someone doesn’t quite meet your expectations. Your willingness to let me bend you over the desk and stain your arse red with my palm is satisfying for me, of course, but I know from our time in the office that your uninhibited wit and fire is just as gratifying as the deference you choose to show me when we’re alone.”
“Did you write bad love poetry in high school? Because I feel like you did.”
Klaus gave her a look that if they were in play would make her wince, but since they weren’t she was highly tempted to poke the dragon.
“I’ll spare you the genuine compliments then,” he said dryly, and she laughed.
“It’s okay. I like it when you praise my awesomeness.”
“Mmm. I’ve noticed your penchant for praise.”
“It makes me feel wanted,” she said matter-of-factly, leaning into him. “ You make me feel wanted.”
He gave her a dimpled grin, his hand skating down her side to settle on her hip, his palm warm through the thin fabric of her skirt. "Good."
"We do need matching stories though, because Meredith is going to sit us down and chew us out for not telling her sooner."
"Already thinking about how to break it to HR?" Klaus asked dryly, and Caroline snorted.
"I mean, my preferred strategy would be tell her and then immediately retreat for at least a day."
He laughed. “Fancy a vacation, then?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she teased, and his face abruptly turned serious, his hand cupping her cheek.
“Compliments aside, know that I do love you, Caroline. I want you in my life for as long as you choose to stay.”
She swallowed audibly, the earnestness in his expression making her heart beat so fast it felt like it might burst. She hadn’t realized how much she’d wanted him to say it until she heard it, and it was only when she realized he was staring at her clearly expecting her to say something that she gave him a huge smile, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling back to look at him.
“I love you too.”
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Klaroline Winter Wonderland Gift Exchange - 5 DAYS LEFT TO SIGN UP!!!
There are five days left to sign up for the Klaroline Winter Wonderland Gift Exchange.
Similar to both the Klaroline Vacay and Valentine’s Gift Exchanges, this event is open to anyone who wants to share their talents and celebrate their love of Klaroline! Give a gift and get a gift and make someone’s holidays more special.
This exchange is taking place both on tumblr and through AO3′s challenge matching system, so please be sure and check out our RULES and FAQ’s so you know how it all works.
You might also notice that we’ve added more genre options to gifts this time to further increase your matching power!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask but please read everything carefully first. If you don’t have an AO3 profile yet, contact us and we will get you an invite. 
All credit to the absolutely talented Angie @thetourguidebarbie for the stunning artwork above. 
Signups: Nov 3rd - 12th
Assignments Out: Nov 15th
Assignments Due: Dec 28th
Fanworks Posted: Jan 1st
Reveals: Jan 3rd
We cannot wait to see what Winter Wonderland Klaroline goodies you come up with! So, check out our AO3 page HERE And sign up today!
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Day 3: Underrated Authors Author: Carolineforbesisawsome https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1554916/Carolineforbesisawsome Here are just a few of the amazing stories..be sure to check out the above link for more gems. All Work https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11335119/1/All-Work Summary: Klaus Mikaelson works for Bill Forbes, that makes his daughter Caroline of limits. Lonelily https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11948551/1/Lonelily Summary: They found her in a Cave with no memory's. All she had was the hatred for a man she saw in her dreams, but had no clue who he was or what he looked like. Au- Klaroline State of Grace https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8645320/1/State-of-Grace Summary: Caroline Forbes life is not what she expected, its not the perfect life she dreamed of when she was six, now she lives in new york with her best friends, a college education, loans, and her new problem spilled coffee on the Arrogant Klaus Mikaelson. - - - - - Author: 3tinkgemini https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7351667/3tinkgemini Some more gems from a brilliant author. Definitely worth a read. The Girl https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12421804/1/The-Girl Summary: Klaus, a shy sort of a loner kept to himself after a sudden transfer to Mystic Falls High. Caroline was Mystic Falls' Golden Girl. Who all the girls wanted to be and all the boys wanted, including Klaus. Though he would never work up the nerve to tell her nor did he think she cared. That is until they were paired for a school project and somehow, their lives fit together perfectly. Songs of the Moment https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12076439/1/Songs-of-the-Moment Summary: A Series of Unrelated Drabbles for Your Klaroline Enjoyment. Also found on Tumblr, 3tinkgemini. Chap 23: Teddy Bears and Colds. Chap 24: The Witch's Brew (Klaroline Valentine Gift Exchange) Chap 25: A Blast From Future's Past Part Two. Chap 26: Connecting Hearts. Chap 27: Matters of the Heart. Chap 28: Warrior's Welcome. Above All Else https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11903030/1/Above-All-Else Summary: Starts around Season 4 episode 12 of the Vampire Diaries. Canon to a point..then goes way off. Caroline's life has never been easy, but she handles it all with a smile. How will she handle all the betrayal and secrets that surround her, as well as the surprising changes her life is about to face? Nothing will ever be the same again. And of course this will be a Klaroline story! Cheers to all the amazing authors out there and a million thanks for sharing your talent. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine.
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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Shattered Glass|Klaroline Valentine’s Gift Exchange
for @queencarolinemikaelson
*No baby plots, no steroline and all that stuff that we don't like that happened in TVD. Mystic Falls and Caroline’s life was in relative peace from 5x11 and all that jazz, Klaus came to Nola to resurrect his brother not to have babies and man tears.
Klaus really hoped that this wouldn't be the end.
His end.
But tied up and shackled to the floor of his home in the compound, unable to talk, to whisper, magic weakening him, he thought otherwise. His Aunt Dahlia had managed to take him and his siblings by surprise, she had trapped herself, a few vampires that wanted him dead and Klaus, placing a barrier around them that even his family could not get through with their combined strength and the newly awakened Freya’s magic.
They were also confined in the house, stuck on the staircase, rendered helpless to save their brother as they couldn't leave the premises.
He looked over to his aunt, cloaked all in black with an evil glint in her eye. His eyes travelled down her right arm where her fingers clutched at the white oak stake, the one his mother made indestructible. One thing for sure was that his siblings were next. Dahlia came to do what his parents failed at. Ridding the world from abominations. The Mikaelson family. Vampires.
He felt remorse for the first time in a thousand years. Having his life tied to his sires, that they will perish along with him, that the world will lose her light along with his darkness. He should have had Davina severe his blood line. There would be no qualms at her end as the young witch had been focusing on killing Klaus without Marcel dying in the process, but his paranoia and need to have this safety net hanging over his enemies had clouded his judgment.
He should have put her first.
He was so deep into his thoughts, he couldn't hear his aunt squabbling with his siblings, just that there was a creature out there that could kill her. Something supernatural yet not vampire, werewolf or witch. Kol must have figured it out as always, surprisingly knowledgeable for someone so reckless and volatile. His brother held a vast amount of grimoires and other wisdom passed through each generation of witch lines. Seducing young witches was Kol’s favorite past time, and more times Klaus would like to admit, his little brother had helped them out of a sticky situations. Klaus just hoped that if he lived another day he would thank his brother and apologise profusely for daggering him and being useless in stopping his death back in Mystic Falls.
“There hasn't been any of those roaming around for centuries. If you're extremely lucky to find a potential, they will need to hurt deeply enough to transform and I doubt that very much.” Dahlia has broken his thoughts, her voice thick with cockiness.
Klaus was trying to recall anything his subconscious had picked up on while he was lost in his mind. There weren't many creatures he had heard about in theory, witches were very tight lipped around him, especially the way he slaughtered them in temper trying to seek answers on his curse and doppelgangers. He could never find and determine which ones were indeed as real as vampires and werewolves.
There was one creature that the family had searched for and found them to be very real, wanting to find a way to kill Mikael. When they hadn't had a stake to kill him, Mikael having the only one in existence with his name carved into the wood knowing his father, they had found a line of witches with unknown potential to their coven members. They were unconventional witches, some stating that they were more seers than witches. These women were able to tell you a name of a person who was due to die, predicting deaths, some being able to stop that person from dying depended on their own power. Others could twist fate and  name a person, brand them for death and this is what they were searching for, to find someone to brand Mikael with death. Names for the lineage differed over time had whispered to him and his siblings. Harbinger of death was used more frequently as they stayed in England, travellers from Ireland retelling tales of Banshees within their families that could predict death. They had sought the lineage all over Ireland and not one person was able to predict the death and bloodshed that tore through the country.
He was brought out of thoughts yet again by the sounds of heels clicking, getting louder the closer they got. The image that presented to him as he rolled his head to the noise nearly tore his heart out, fear creeping inside of him, fear that could have paralyzed the hybrid if he wasn't already. Klaus thought he already died while focusing on his inner turmoil and reflections or that the image was a hallucination.
By the gods he would die happy if this was the last image he saw.
Caroline Forbes.
Her perfume drifting towards him made sure he knew she was very real.
She was going to kill Kol when she actually gets hold of him. He had rung her a few hours ago stating that ‘Nik was gonna die’ and she was ‘the only one who could save him’, ‘that time was running out’. He wouldn't even tell her how she would save Klaus after asking if she needed to bring anything with her, he simply replied that she come here asap and hung upon her. Hung up. She was livid and confused when a text appeared with an address in New Orleans.  
She hated the feeling of fear and helplessness coursing through her veins and she acted on impulse and flashed to her car and sped her way to the city that resided the Originals. She hadn’t even know Kol had been brought back and she briefly had doubts that he was planning a trap for her and her friends deaths in revenge but she was too consumed with trying to save Klaus.
She kept thinking of what could have happened to him, could he be cursed? Need her blood? That thought went out pretty quick, her blood wasn't a cure unlike his. She kept phoning the younger Mikaelson with no luck and terror filled her when she couldn't get a hold of Klaus himself or Rebekah.
Caroline managed to get her to their home within a few hours and compelled a few traffic cops to let her go and to forget about her. When she walked up to the huge, beautiful town house she noticed the large gates open and she walked in carefully listening to her surrounding to indicate some one must be home. She prayed that the other sibling didn't catch her sneaking into their home, if one could with their hearing, and mistake her for trying to harm them. She took a deep breath and listened into the upcoming room where she could hear talking, it sounded like Kol and another woman who spoke with power and conviction.
Turning around the corner she came to what looked like a courtyard with stairs that climbed to the other levels of the house. It looked stunning, and she could tell Klaus had designed the house as it was a similar style to his mansion back home but the other sight in front of her halted her steps as she froze. She narrowed her eyes and zoned in on Klaus, eyes full with pain and body unmoving, a woman was stood above him and she caught the sight of the stake that could kill him. Vampires were gathered around the sidelines in a protective stance facing toward people of the stairs, not just people but the other Mikaelsons too.
Caroline briefly wondered why they weren't going to help their brother when she took another step forward and couldn't move. There was some kind of barrier like the ones in human houses when you weren't invited inside, magical barriers like Bonnie had cast when her friends killed Kol and trapped Klaus in the Gilbert living room. This was another type, it just trapped everyone inside the magic bubble and the rest out.
How was she supposed to save him now?
She was panicking and was sure that if she had been human she would have passed out from holding her breath for so long, it was times like this she loved vampirism. Filtering through her thoughts she remembered Bonnie saying that all magic had loopholes and weaknesses. Raising her shaking hand towards the barrier, ignoring the woman cackling like a stereotypical witch she touched the barrier, sending golden sparks across the barrier making it more visible.
Looking over towards Klaus once more, staring deep into his eyes she glimpsed the stake raised in the air, descending towards his heart. All of a sudden thousands upon thousands of electricity crawled through her veins, from her fingertips climbing higher towards her heart. She barely registered the other vampires in the room dedicating but she didn't, couldn't think about them right now. The stake was reaching closer to Klaus and as soon as it just touched his shirt Caroline instinctively screamed. A high pitched wailing noise echoed around her scream and she saw blood flowing around his henley, the sound of the tip piercing his flesh. Windows were blown outwards from the supersonic screech and eventually the barrier keeping her away from the hybrid shattered.
She hadn't noticed she had collapsed to her knees during the scene, nor where the witch was, too focused on the hybrid in front of her.
He stared at her in awe, a tiny, little bit of her transformation unnerved him but he could never be afraid of Caroline, especially now he has understood and accepted the depth of his feelings towards the baby vampire. It started from towards her heart where her hands were clutched together, fingertips turning into a deep, soulless, black stopping at her fingertips. Her skin changed into a pale, deadly ashen grey which made him think she was dying along side him, but the darker grey veins present in vampires were nowhere to be seen. Crimson blood red eyes appeared on her grief stricken face while her hair turned white and was blowing around her face by the force coming out of the tiny woman. It took a bit longer to admit that the screeching, ear piercing noise was coming out of her, mouth wide and trembling. The pain going through him was much much severe than any strong witch he met in his lifetime. Warm, wet, sticky blood oozed from his nostril down to his mouth and he finally felt the searing pain of the white oak tearing through his flesh before coming to a sudden stop, an inch away from its destination. His heart. He heard cracking and shattering of glass being blasted around him and saw the barrier holding him inside break into tiny shards of golden crystals and felt the weight of where his aunt should be lighter, gone. The power she had gripped into him, paralysing his body had disappeared but he still felt numb and couldn't move, feeling his body heal ever so slowly vein by vein, muscle by muscle. Caroline had changed back into her human features and flashed over to him in such speedy determination, carefully removing the stake from his body and taking in between her legs protectively while tearing into her wrist to offer him her blood to replenish. Well not so much of an offer as it was placed into his mouth the moment he went to refuse, not wanting to hurt her.
“What happened?” She whispered brokenly and confused once she took her wrist from him and started to help him sit up.
“You happened darling, and you were magnificent while you were doing your whole..” opening his mouth to imitate her scream “..thing.” Kol teased her happily and jolly that his plan was right and worked.
“That was me? But I'm a vampire, vampires can't do all that.” She looked at me for confirmation, confusion and weariness clouded her features. Klaus nodded to confirm his brothers ill timed joke. “What am I?”
“You’re a Banshee, love.” Klaus found the strength to speak, watching the word register within her and what it means.
“But where did that woman go?” She asked the family, confused when there was another blonde next to Elijah, a mixture of the family's features blended together branding her an instant Mikaelson. Tucking the knowledge and the fact she had a beating heart to the back of her mind, she looked up at them expectantly, a waiting an answer.
“Poof.” Kol chuckled. “What are you talking about?” This time Klaus asking them questions. He was also concerned about the whereabouts of his Aunt, wanting to hunt her down and tear into her throat.
“Gone, she literally exploded into tiny wonderful pieces. I never knew banshees were that powerful.” The younger brother answered, excited and surprisingly sounding proud of what Caroline had done without her knowledge.
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ao3feed-klaroline · 8 years
Love Bites (So Do I)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kFlq4L
by Anonymous
Valentine's Day is right around the corner and nobody celebrates quite like werewolves do.
Words: 4461, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce
Relationships: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Werewolves, Werewolf Mates, Mates, Smut, Klaroline Valentine's Gift Exchange, Klaroline
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kFlq4L
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Since you enjoyed the Disney question so much: here are more: 1. What are your top 3 fave tropes in fanfic? 2. What is your favourite Disney movie? 3. What is your favourite all time fic?
Hello again, friend!!
Favorite tropes: I love a matchmaking scheme, where other characters in the story are plotting to get the two main characters together because it’s so obvious to everyone except them that they’re in love. I also love arranged marriage stories where they grow to love each other after they overcome the resentment over not actually choosing to be married. And I love stories in which the characters are fake dating and then realize that they love each other and want to be together for real. (Essentially, if it belongs in a romantic comedy, I’m here for it.)
Favorite Disney movie: I couldn’t choose just one! Here’s my list of favorites: Beauty and the Beast (both animated and live action), Frozen, Enchanted, and Tangled
Favorite fanfiction: I’m going to take the sentimental route and easy way out and say the lovely Valentine’s-themed Klaroline royalty AU that the lovely Ashlee Bree wrote for me for the Klaroline Valentine’s Gift Exchange(: (otherwise I would be here all day listing all of the fanfics I love, and no one has time for that!!)
Thanks for the questions!! (:
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Never Let Me Go
My gift for Belle for the Karoline Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange. 
A pet emergency after hours on Valentine’s Day brings Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson together unexpectedly, problem is they have a complicated history and her dog’s woes are only going to dredge up the past.
"What are you doing here?" She insisted, trying to remain calm while her supposedly distressed canine wrestled free from her grip and sidled up to him lovingly for a pat. She was going to have words with her traitorous border collie when they got home.
"Well, let’s see. Last time I checked this is a veterinary clinic and as much as I love wearing this extremely fashionable, white coat, I think it’s fairly obvious,” he murmured, his blue eyes flickering over her body slowly and pausing at her chest, his surprise evidenced by the way his eyebrows shot up curiously.
She knew what he was looking at so pointedly and it wasn’t her breasts because he knew them intimately beneath her clothing, without the need for x-ray vision superpowers. In fact, her nipples were hardening just thinking of the extensive care he’d administered to them over the years.
She shook her head determined to get him out of her thoughts, even though it was difficult being in such close proximity. The fact she’d donned her oldest sweats didn’t really matter at that moment but Caroline really wished she wasn’t wearing that particular t-shirt in his presence.
“There’s that annoying sarcasm I’ve missed so much,” she shot back.
“Well, nice to see you’ve missed something, kind of like me and my favorite Cambridge t-shirt.” Caroline cursed inwardly wondering why of all nights she would choose to wear it. “I thought you couldn’t find it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is my college shirt,” she drawled, mentally kicking herself for saying something so damn stupid. What could she say; her soon-to-be ex-husband brought it out in her.
“You do realise I’m a fully qualified vet and can tell the difference between a Cambridge lion and a University of Texas bull, right love?” She chose not to respond and changed the subject, something she liked to do when she was backed into a corner by her know-it-all ex. The past was the past after all.
"I'm not your love,” she growled, thinking just how much it hurt to hear that endearment again. “Where's Lexi?"
Lexi Branson was not only one of Caroline’s oldest friends from college; she was also her local veterinarian. It would have been good if she’d given her a heads up that her cousin, and Caroline’s infuriating ex, was at her pet clinic tonight.
"Lexi is on a Valentine’s date.” Something she conveniently forgot to mention when Caroline called to make an appointment earlier. Given it was Valentine’s Day and Lexi still wasn’t over their split three months earlier, she smelled a giant rat.
“A date? Really?”
“Yes, really. Blonde, burly fellow by the name of Matt Donovan; I’m reserving my judgment before I kill him.”
“Nice to see nothing has changed.”
Caroline shook her head knowingly. When they first got together, she thought it was kind of cute he was so protective over not only his cousin, but also his younger sister Rebekah who didn’t think it was all that adorable given the constant scowl on her face when he interfered with potential suitors. She was still surprised he’d given his consent for Enzo St John to marry her two years earlier.
Caroline remembered meeting Klaus like it was yesterday. A psychology major, she came to know veterinary student Lexi through a college book club she started. Caroline wanted nothing more than to major in English Lit but her parents decided it wasn’t the most reliable career path to take.
One night she brought along her visiting cousin from London, sparks flew immediately and not in a romantic way. Caroline was fairly certain she would have killed him if he wasn’t related to Lexi, a fact which baffled her given just how different they were.
He was gorgeous. There was no denying that fact with his teasing, crimson lips, disarming dimples, and those necklaces peeking out from his navy Henley but unfortunately Klaus Mikaelson knew it. He also had the nerve to insult Elizabeth Bennett and in Caroline’s literary world that wasn’t cool.
“Mr Darcy is one of the most deeply misunderstood characters in classic literature,” he said, interrupting their discussion and causing a few curious glances his way.
“Deeply flawed don’t you mean? What with all of that pesky pride he possessed in spades.”
“Last time I checked pride isn’t necessarily a bad trait.” Caroline had to fight the urge to roll her eyes, why wasn’t she surprised? She was fairly certain if anyone could relate to Mr Darcy, it was Lexi’s cousin.
“No, it’s only one of the seven deadly sins,” she muttered. Caroline couldn’t believe this idiot was crashing her book club meeting and offering his unwanted opinion. “Did we read the same book?”
“Oh, you mean the one with Elizabeth’s continually blatant displays of prejudice?”
“Well, given what she had to work with…”
“That’s what happens when someone is high maintenance, not that you’d know anything about that, love.”
“Why you…”
“How about you both just beg to differ.” Lexi interrupted, stepping in at that point to break up the tension. Not only had he insulted Elizabeth, he also had the nerve to tack on an unexpected endearment to the end of his sentence.
On his next visit the following year, the atmosphere had moved from decidedly icy to a fully-fledged argument then onto ripping each other’s clothes off after a frat party on campus. As it turned out he wasn’t the complete jerk she thought and the fact the sex was phenomenal didn’t hurt either.
Things progressed quickly from long distance and through the whirlwind of graduation and Caroline’s relocation to Boston for work, Klaus followed soon after and the rest, as they say, was history. Until it all went wrong of course.
“So, Lexi really isn’t here?”
“For the third time, she’s on a date,” he reiterated. “You know, it's that thing where people go out together, drink some wine, even relax believe it or not…"
The last thing she felt like was him alluding to the fact she was single and alone on Valentine’s Day. When she met Klaus he didn’t care for it, so much so that he referred to it as that Hallmark Holiday, but after being with Caroline he learned just how to make her happy on February 14. Usually it included pink peonies (she didn’t like roses), a candlelight dinner, dark chocolate and a copious amount of time spent between the sheets long into the night.
"I know what a date is," Caroline replied through gritted teeth, her patience already wearing thin.
"Could have fooled me, love."
"What have I told you about saying that?"
"How about we talk about the patient instead?" He offered, gesturing to his examination table and leading a now somber Atticus over to it. "After all that's why we're here, right?" Caroline wanted to argue further but her pet pooch was all that mattered right now. "What’s the problem, buddy?”
“You realise he can’t talk, right?”
“Actually no,” he replied somewhat tersely. “I’m Doctor Doolittle, didn’t you know?”
“Well, at least you can communicate with animals, unlike humans.”
“And we pick up right where we left off,” he muttered. “You know if I wanted a bloody lecture, I’d still be married to you Caroline. Or better yet, I could just read one of your self-help books.”
Caroline bristled, her hands forming fists. Her subsequent career as a self-help author had been a surprise, most of all to herself, but turns out people responded to what she had to say about relationships, unlike Klaus. She was absolutely devastated and mystified that her own relationship had been such a failure. Caroline wasn’t used to failing at anything and it killed her that she had.
“Well, if I’d known you were going to be here tonight I….”
“You’d what?” He challenged. “There isn’t another vet for miles and I thought you actually cared about Atticus.”
“Of course I do,” she huffed, “and the fact you would even question my commitment speaks volumes about just how well you know me.”
“Well, how about getting off your judgmental high horse and telling me what’s wrong with him.” She stilled, of course he was right but she didn’t like admitting it aloud.
"I think he swallowed something…" she murmured feebly. One minute her jewelry collection was intact and the next something was missing. Something kind of important and irreplaceable.
“You think?” She didn’t respond, just rolled her eyes by way of response. "Has he been distressed or behaving erratically?" He asked, examining his mouth carefully.
"In what way?" Caroline wasn't usually so flustered but the way he affectionately examined Atticus and the way the word erratically rolled off his tongue was causing a few unexpected flutters below. Caroline decided to blame that on her stress levels. He regarded her seriously, his left eyebrow cocked.
“Like, perhaps lack of appetite, lethargy or vomiting?” Caroline could barely register his words she felt that bad. If anything happened to Atticus she wasn’t quite sure what she’d do.
"I feel so bad. I mean one minute it was there, the next it wasn't," Caroline rambled, her fears escaping all at once. "If I did something then I'm not sure I can forgive myself..."
"It's okay, Caroline," he interrupted, his hand finding its way onto the top of hers causing a few familiar shivers to reverberate through her body. "We'll work it out." He held her gaze and Caroline had never felt so comforted and confused at the same time.
“He’s been lethargic and hasn’t eaten at all,” she conceded, feeling bad she hadn’t visited the vet sooner.
Klaus didn’t speak; in fact he busied himself with seeing to Atticus, something that hit Caroline with a few unexpected emotions because he was being far too affectionate for her own liking. In fact, it was just like old times and she was struggling to breathe from the familiarity of the situation.
“He’s certainly distracted,” he offered, running his hand along his fur reassuringly.
“Distracted? You mean because of what he swallowed?”
“What exactly do you think he ingested?”
“Why, uh, why is that important,” she stammered, her throat becoming dry at the prospect of having to explain it to him, of all people.
“Well, knowing the size of the item might help with my prognosis, Caroline,” Klaus pressed, his blue eyes boring into hers. She caught a whiff of his spicy aftershave and it was throwing her slightly off balance.
“It was a ring,” she offered, albeit weakly.
“A plain ring or one with stones?”
“Why is that relevant?” Caroline hadn’t meant to come across defensive but given his expression she obviously had.
“I could regale you with all the specific details of animal digestion but figure you’d rather skip that part,” he replied gruffly.
“Obviously,” she growled. “If you must know, it’s a plain, gold band.” His eyes found hers knowingly, his hurt expression unmistakable. Caroline wasn’t quite sure how to react or what to say next as the silence lingered between them. They both knew she only had one ring like that.
Looking back earlier in the day, Caroline knew she was just as worried about Atticus as she was about losing her wedding ring. Maybe they were divorcing but it still meant so much to her and the thought of losing it made her chest constrict, propelling her into a minor panic attack.
“Caroline, just calm down,” Bonnie instructed over the phone. “Now, tell me what happened.”
“It’s Atticus,” she responded, her breath ragged. “He swallowed my ring, well I think he did.”
“You think?”
“Not helping, Bon.”
“Is he okay?”
“Well, he’s not eating and has barely moved all day.”
“Did you call Lexi?”
“I’m going there in an hour,” she managed to get out. “I hope he’s going to be okay.”
“Atticus is tough, it would take a lot more than a ring to…hang on, which ring are we talking about?”
“My wedding ring,” she murmured, just loud enough for Bonnie to hear.
“And what exactly were you doing with that? Last time I checked it was stored away in a box at the top of your wardrobe, far from Atticus’ reach.”
“I might have had it out last night.”
“Why exactly? You’ve been so busy telling us for months that you’re over Klaus and your marriage is unsalvageable.”
“It is,” she argued. “I was just reminiscing.”
“You still love him.”
“Of course I still love him that’s never been the issue. A marriage takes a lot of work and we just couldn’t cut it. We never should have jumped into it so quickly.”
“The Caroline Forbes I’ve known since I was five years-old isn’t a quitter but for some reason you’ve let this beat you and now you’re having second thoughts. Between you and me, it’s been a long time coming.”
“I’m not having second thoughts.”
“Says the girl reminiscing with her wedding ring on Valentine’s Day eve,” she snorted. Caroline knew she had a point but didn’t want to admit that to her friend. She made an excuse about having to leave for the vet before Bonnie could try psycho-analysing her further.
Caroline shook her head, knowing this wasn’t the best time to be having such thoughts with Klaus in close vicinity. But what happened next she wasn’t prepared for. Atticus let out a desperate howl, followed swiftly by an accompanying howl from the other room.
Caroline knew that familiar howl, so too her dog. Atticus immediately rallied, racing towards the door without warning and began madly scratching at it.
“Seems like that lethargy has well and truly passed,” Klaus quipped knowingly, walking over to let him out.
His beautiful husky appeared in the doorway and it wasn’t long before they were together, Caroline immediately felt bad for their imposed separation. She’d been too busy thinking about the breakup of her own relationship and hadn’t stopped to think about how it would affect Atticus. Seeing them reunite was causing a few stray feelings to stir and she snuck a glance at Klaus whose expression seemed to mirror hers at that moment.
“Atticus never could resist Sansa.”
“Like you?” She teased, feeling the resentment that’d been engulfing her for months slowly ebb away. “I mean liking Game of Thrones is one thing but naming your dog after her is another thing.”
“You’re still teasing me about that after all this time?”
“Did you expect anything less?”
“I may have a thing for Sansa but you know I’ve always preferred blondes,” he murmured, his voice wavering slightly.
“A likely story,” she blushed tellingly as Sansa nuzzled into her leg for a long awaited pat. She really had missed her. “So, uh, you think he’s going to be okay?”
“My guess is Atticus is suffering a serious case of loneliness,” he added, his double meaning not lost on Caroline as he gestured towards the dogs that were now playing. “But don’t worry, if he swallowed your wedding ring it will soon make an appearance at the other end and given your indifference to that particular item of jewelry, I’m sure it’s state won’t matter too much.”
“I’m not stupid, Caroline,” he bit out, the hurt evident in his voice. “But what I’m curious about is why you still have it. Last thing I heard you and Katherine sacrificed it during a post- breakup offering to Satan or something.”
“Katherine may be crazy but not satanic,” she argued, then reconsidered her comment about her feisty friend. “Well, I don’t think so anyway.”
“I beg to differ and, while we’re at it, not the best person to extinguish fires especially after ceremonial sacrifices from all reports.”
“It was a cleanse supposedly and she was just waiting for the cute firemen to storm the apartment, she’s always been a sucker for men in uniform,” Caroline joked. “I admit I might have burned a few pictures and your lucky boxer shorts,” she mumbled the last part while avoiding his gaze purposely. “But not the ring.”
“Why not?”
“Apparently gold doesn’t burn so easily,” she lied, her gaze still downcast. “And I’m a sucker for memories, no matter how difficult they are.”
“Could have fooled me,” he muttered dismissively before stalking towards the front desk and throwing off his white jacket. “Anyway, memory lane is closed and I should probably close up given Atticus seems to be recovering remarkably well.”
Caroline was so grateful for his help but all words eluded her at that moment. Why was she pushing him away when everything she wanted was right in front of her? She knew Klaus could be a stubborn, arrogant, know-it-all at times and had an annoying tendency to leave the toilet seat up but she also knew he was generous, caring, compassionate and most of all she loved him so much it hurt.
Caroline was making the biggest mistake of her life.
But was it too late?
Had she hurt him too much?
“I gave up too easily,” she rasped.
“Excuse me?” He asked, turning to face her, his expression less angry now and more surprised by her sudden admission.
“On us,” she murmured, moving towards him. “I gave up too easily on us. Things got difficult and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“You think? That’s an understatement, Caroline,” he growled. “You let all of that self-help, psychobabble convince you that what we had wasn’t an ‘ideal’ relationship.” He said using air quotes for extra effect. “Want to know something? Marriage isn’t always going to be a fairytale, hell life isn’t supposed to be perfect. People fight but you know what they also make-up and that’s the best part.”
Caroline’s face flushed thinking just how well they made-up. “I’ve never been bad at anything in my life, I felt like I’d failed.”
“No surprises there given Caroline Forbes is the world’s highest overachiever.”
“It wasn’t just about failing myself, but you too, Klaus. I thought you’d be better off without me.”
“Why couldn’t you tell me that three months ago before you decided divorce was a great idea, love?”
“I’m a mess, aren’t I?” She moaned. He fastened a stray lock of hair behind her ear. It was the first time he’d shown some form of affection in months and Caroline realised just how much she’d missed him. Missed them.
“But you’re my mess,” he smiled, pulling her closer and rubbing his nose against hers lightly. “We have a few things to talk about still but I’d be willing to try again.”
“You would?”
“I would,” he agreed. “You know just as long as we remember who was right of course.”
“You just can’t help yourself, can you Mikaelson?”
“And that’s why you love me,” he teased, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Caroline melted into his embrace, thinking she’d be quite happy to stay like that forever. “As soon as I saw you looking cute wearing my shirt I was convinced, but that doesn't mean you can keep it. But we really need to sort this missing wedding ring out first and foremost and just so you know, keeping it in a safe place usually helps.”
Before she could argue back, Klaus reached underneath his Henley and pulled out a silver chain, his wedding ring dangling from it.
“You wear your wedding ring?”
“Next to my heart every day,” he murmured. “I thought that maybe if I did, we’d find our way back to each other again.”
“You never gave up hope?”
“Even when everything was looking dire, I still believed,” he smiled lazily, running his hands through her waves. “I didn’t know that our dogs would be the ones to bring us together though.”
They looked over at their pets, content and lying peacefully on the ground, exhausted from their impromptu reunion.
A few days later she found her wedding ring under her dresser. Caroline was glad to have it back for when they renewed their vows a few months later. They decided to hold onto the rings themselves rather than risk their canine best man and maid-of-honor swallowing them, just in case.
On FF and AO3
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klarolinevalentines · 8 years
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It is now only 5 days until your Valentine’s Day goodies are due. We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!
Please contact us right away if you cannot complete your assignment and we will assign a pinch hitter in your stead. If you are going to be late we need to know as soon as possible.
If you do not complete your work by the due date and have not informed us and we’ve already assigned a pinch hitter, you will have to forfeit your assignment.
Also, it’s extremely important that you comment on your gifts, everyone puts a lot of work into their assignments and deserves proper credit for their efforts. Let’s share the love given it’s Valentine’s Day after all!
Please check out our How to Use AO3 tab for more information about how to understand your assignment and submit your finished gift. Also please make use of our FAQ and Rules pages for any questions you may have. If you are unable to find an answer, please send us an ask or email us at [email protected].
Looking forward to receiving your gifts on February 10th!
- The Klaroline Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange Team
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klarolinedrabbles · 8 years
Hello there : ) This is your mysterious, Valentine's Day Gift Exchange fairy! You bravely said dealer's choice and this in itself is very exciting but just checking there wasn't anything else you absolutely wanted included?
Hii! :) I would love a dash of fluff in there, I’ve been on this fluffy Klaroline kick, and so that would be lovely!
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klarolinevalentines · 8 years
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It is now only 2 DAYS until your Valentine’s Day gifts are due. We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!
Please contact us NOW if you cannot complete your assignment and we will assign a pinch hitter in your stead.
If you do not complete your work by the due date and have not informed us and we’ve already assigned a pinch hitter, you will have to forfeit your assignment.
Also, it’s extremely important that you comment on your gifts, everyone puts a lot of work into their assignments and deserves proper credit for their efforts. Let’s share the love given it’s Valentine’s Day after all!
Please check out our How to Use AO3 tab for more information about how to understand your assignment and submit your finished gift. Also please make use of our FAQ and Rules pages for any questions you may have. If you are unable to find an answer, please send us an ask or email us at [email protected].
Looking forward to receiving your gifts on February 10th!
- The Klaroline Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange Team
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klarolinevalentines · 8 years
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It is now only 1 DAY until your Valentine’s Day gifts are due. We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!
Please contact us NOW if you cannot complete your assignment and we will assign a pinch hitter in your stead.
If you do not complete your work by the due date and have not informed us and we’ve already assigned a pinch hitter, you will have to forfeit your assignment.
Also, it’s extremely important that you comment on your gifts, everyone puts a lot of work into their assignments and deserves proper credit for their efforts. Let’s share the love given it’s Valentine’s Day after all!
Please check out our How to Use AO3 tab for more information about how to understand your assignment and submit your finished gift. Also please make use of our FAQ and Rules pages for any questions you may have. If you are unable to find an answer, please send us an ask or email us at [email protected].
Looking forward to receiving your gifts on February 10th!
- The Klaroline Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange Team
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klarolinevalentines · 8 years
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There are only four days left to sign up for the Klaroline Valentine's Day Gift Exchange.
Similar to the Klaroline Vacay and Klaroline Winter Wonderland Gift Exchange, this event is open to anyone who wants to share their talents and celebrate their love of Klaroline and is once again taking place both on tumblr and through AO3′s challenge matching system.
Please be sure and check out our rules and FAQs so you know how it works. Also check out how to sign up and how AO3 works.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask but please read everything carefully first. If you don’t have an AO3 profile yet, contact us on message or email [email protected] and we will get you an invite.
Official launch: Jan 9th
Deadline to sign up: Jan 16th
Assignments out: Jan 18th
Submit your gifts: Feb 10th
Gifts posted: Feb 14th
Gifters Revealed: Feb 16th
Check Our AO3 and Sign Up HERE!
- Your Klaroline Valentine’s Team
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klarolinevalentines · 8 years
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There are only three days left to sign up for the Klaroline Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange.
Similar to the Klaroline Vacay and Klaroline Winter Wonderland Gift Exchange, this event is open to anyone who wants to share their talents and celebrate their love of Klaroline and is once again taking place both on tumblr and through AO3′s challenge matching system.
Please be sure and check out our Rules and FAQs so you know how it works. Also check out how to sign up and how AO3 works.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask but please read everything carefully first. If you don’t have an AO3 profile yet, contact us on message or email [email protected] and we will get you an invite.
Official launch: Jan 9th
Deadline to sign up: Jan 16th
Assignments out: Jan 18th
Submit your gifts: Feb 10th
Gifts posted: Feb 14th
Gifters Revealed: Feb 16th
Check Our AO3 and Sign Up HERE!
- Your Klaroline Valentine’s Team
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