#klaroline winter wonderland
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Please join us for a champagne toast as we countdown to midnight. We’ll ring in the new year with confetti - and perhaps a kiss - and share our resolutions.
We can’t wait to see what holiday/new year’s themed goodies you come up with through aesthetics, drabbles, graphics, gifs and videos. Blow us away with your celebratory treats!
Remember also to tag your creations with #klaroeve so we can reblog them over the next three days. Happy creating, lovelies!
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kickassfu · 7 years
The Cursed Treasure
This was my contribution to klaroline winter wonderland for the wonderful @honestgrins I’m really happy you liked it ^^ I have to thank @garglyswoof for all of her incredible help on what stuff was missing and what fit or not, @gooddame for helping me out how to end the story and giving me ideas, and @austennerdita2533 for being excited with me lol Couldn’t have done it without u guys!
On AO3 and FF.
The Cursed Treasure
It almost seemed like a choreographed dance, with their feet light and fast, and their swords clashing. A duck here, a feint there, round and round they went, neither of them winning the fight. It mattered not that the ship was being blown all around them, or that the blood of their dying companions seeped into the wood as they kept their focus on each other. She wasn’t about to die over a moment of distraction, and apparently he was even more cold-blooded than she - not a speck of worry etched into his features, but a touch of delight and madness shone through his blue tempest eyes. Somehow in the midst of death and fire, he seemed to be having fun, and if she were to be completely honest, so was she.
“Caroline, the ship is sinking, we need to leave.” her first mate yelled as she stabbed a soldier in the chest, but as much as Caroline would like to leave this hellish wreck, she wasn’t about to turn her back towards him , it would mean instant death.
“Caroline is it? How delightful.” he said, never stopping his attack.
“Captain Caroline Forbes, pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d rather leave the epilogue to this story for another time.” she answered, parrying his sword with style, and smiling all the while.
Taking a step forward, he parried her strikes until her back was against a wall; their faces so close their lips almost touched, he whispered “I’m not very much into leaving things to chance I’m afraid, so I don’t think I’m letting you go so easily. I quite enjoy you love.”
“I apologize, but I don’t feel the same,” she shrugged and headbutted him hard enough he stumbled back, without giving him a chance to get his bearings, a pirate from behind him hit his head with the hilt of his sword knocking him out.
“So being the pirate I am you’ll have to forgive me for not playing fair. Bye, random soldier, you were slightly entertaining.” Caroline said unapologetically, and as she walked away from the sinking ship she blew him a kiss.
- 3 Years Later -
The bar was full; yelling and cursing abound, pirates and less respectable folk hanged around making their messes and getting drunk - the usual merrymaking with the casual fist fight, after all their blood ran hot and their brains slow. Caroline sat in the corner, drinking peacefully and not minding the usual ruckus - completely alone with her thoughts - although her crew was never too far from her. Some of them were scattered throughout the place always keeping an eye on her - lest she make trouble and the wrong person ended up dead or worse .
Pirating had been her life since she was but a child, thriving in it, loving it. A deadbeat man who happened to be a semi-famous pirate didn’t make for much of a father, but in turn she got a big family - yes, they were pirates, rough and mean, but they loved her as if she was theirs and took care of her when her parents didn’t. It was no wonder she followed their lead, gained as much knowledge as she could and went her own way; some of them sticking with her when she put together her crew, some stayed with her father, and others she had met along the way, becoming as important to her, as any other crewmember. So of course, everyone was protective of their Captain, mostly because she was the one that kept them all together, and for most, their savior and family. They would lay down their lives for her faster than the rum runs out on a pirate’s ship, because they had no doubt she’d do the same for all of them.
So when a man approached her, they all took notice and were ready to jump in, if necessary , but he didn’t seem to care about how they stared at him, and Caroline almost smiled at his carelessness. Not even looking up, she took another sip of rum and ignored him.
“This is a rather glum welcome for someone you almost killed, I think I deserve something a bit more exciting, wouldn’t you say love?”
That voice - she knew that voice - it stuck with her for some unknown reason. The way it coiled around someone’s heart in its fake innocence, and squeezed it until it stopped, was something unforgettable. No matter how brief their encounter had been, she had never managed to shake him off, “I kill a fair amount of people.”
“I bet you do, but it seems you failed to do the same to me.”
Looking up she rolled her eyes, “I wasn’t trying to kill you, if I was I would have stabbed you, but I didn’t . At most, you can say I left you to die.”
“Ah yes, how truly kind of you.”
“The point is moot, you’re alive and well, aren’t you? If you came for a rematch, sorry to say I’m not in the mood.”
“Not at all, I just came to pay a visit. I couldn’t forget you, and now that I’m going to spend more time in your waters, and hopefully will run into you more often, I just thought I needed to pay my respects.” smirking, he winks and mockingly bows, “Goodbye love.”
“Captain Caroline Forbes!” she insists; Caroline wasn’t a fan of the pet names, and she deserved recognition for who she was, and what she had accomplished.
“I would think you’d rather be called Captain Caroline Sparrow , but I guess I was wrong. Not a fan of your dad I suppose, guess we have that in common.”
“Who are you ?”
“I’m Klaus, just a lowly pirate.” he said, walking away, and leaving her in utter confusion.
A navy man turned pirate, and someone that knew who she truly was? Klaus was proving to be more dangerous than she had anticipated, and she was slightly intrigued. Whether he was friend or foe, Caroline would figure out eventually, and if she was being honest she was looking forward to meeting him again. Klaus , a lowly pirate he was definitely not. No worries, they’d meet again.
“Are you sure this is the right Island?”
After weeks of sailing they had reached their destination. The voyage had been rough; the winds had been against them, the storms almost never ceasing to torment them, and the sea as always, the fickle lover, that gave and took at its whim. It was an enormous Island, - apparently deserted, but you never knew - the trees seemed to engulf the whole island, the sight was slightly terrifying and in part mesmerizing, although the energy surrounding it was ominous and strange. She was sure .
“Yes Bonnie, I’m sure. Believe it or not I can read a treasure map.”, it was a bit old and fragile, but still readable, and Caroline would never make such a rookie mistake.
“It’s not the treasure map I have issues with, it’s that old compass you stole from your dad; it doesn’t even work properly.”
Feeling a little attacked, by how she clung to sentimental things - even if they were pretty useless - Caroline tried to stop that topic of conversation, “You worry too much, you’re a pirate now, live a little .”
“Says the person that likes planning everything perfectly, and gets mad when something’s out of place.”
“I am...flexible.” as Bonnie stared holes into her soul, Caroline gave in, “Fine, I’m just emotionally attached to this compass, and even if it drives me crazy sometimes, I can still work with it.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Bonnie smiled, shrugging at her little confession; after all she knew Caroline better than anyone else, and would always be there to make her see reason when emotions blinded her, and to let her be emotional when she closed herself off. It had been a lonely life, before Caroline had found her, and Bonnie wouldn’t trade the freedom of pirating for anything else.
Rolling her eyes, Caroline changed her attention to all of her crewmates, “Gentlemen, ladies, and all in between, we have reached our destination. This treasure shall be ours for the taking.”
“What about the curse? ”
“Enzo, since when do you care? Besides, every treasure is cursed, precisely because no one wants it stolen.” Caroline answered, not in the mood for superstitions.
“Come on Captain, you’ve seen things, you’ve heard stories, from all those years spent on that ship.”
“Even if that were true, for the one treasure that is actually cursed, there are thousands that are not. So we will be going , you can stay and take care of the ship if it pleases you.”
“As if I’d ever let my dear Captain go to dangerous places without me, who will have your back if not me?” Enzo winked at her, he’d follow her to the end of the Earth if he had to. If not for her, he wouldn’t be alive after all.
“Bonnie, or really anyone else, although I can take care of myself too.” Caroline joked.
“Now you’re breaking my heart.”
“You’ll get over it. Pirates, prepare the boats, we’ll be departing soon.”
As soon as her feet hit the sand, Caroline felt something was off , and drew her sword instinctively. Her crew, as always, following her lead with no questioning. She went forward carefully, not knowing what could pop up, but feeling certain that something would.
What she wasn’t expecting to see was Klaus - and a few other people she couldn’t recognize as quickly - run away from the forest and towards them, with seemingly no intent to battle them. Everyone seemed afraid of something , but not Klaus, he looked intrigued, almost delighted with the situation. Caroline wasn’t sure what they were running away from, but she wondered if Klaus had a death wish, always finding comfort in the midst of horribly dangerous situations. Not that she couldn’t relate sometimes - to emerge victor when the odds were against you, was an indescribable high.
The sight that followed was something completely unexpected, and for some reason - maybe the absurdity of it all - made Caroline laugh. Skeletons, walking - well, running - skeletons were chasing them, and very effectively killing the slower ones. Her crew stared at her in disbelief and she stopped laughing, grounding her feet and ready to destroy those measly bones.
“Hack away at them, until all their joints are disconnected and they can no longer move. And if that doesn’t work, burn them. If that doesn’t work, well...we’ll go from there, if it comes to that.”
“I was right after all Captain, the treasure is cursed.” even Enzo was surprised by the validity of his concerns.
“If the only curse is the treasure being guarded by bones, we’re in luck, because I am not giving up my bounty for something as silly as this.”
“Aye aye Captain.” they all screamed in unison.
Klaus’ eyes and hers met, and he smiled, knowing that somehow she had his back, and if not, she was welcome to try and stab it. Turning around, he started fighting those monsters once again, only one other person staying behind with him, while the rest of those fools ran away.
“This is the last time I listen to you, I told you this treasure was not to be messed with. I warned you. I even showed you a million better things to steal or do, but no, you have to go where you might be killed. Nik, you’re an idiot.”
“Says my reckless little brother. You still came.”
“I thought if you should die, it must be by my hands.” Kol said ducking, swinging so hard the skull of the thing went flying off.
“Thank you, that’s comforting at least.” Klaus grunted, trying to push off two skeletons from him at the same time.
Cutting an arm off, Kol pivoted out of another monster’s way, taking both of its legs off and then its head. By now he was huffing and puffing, tired of this dance he needed more excitement, something interesting to talk about, “This wasn’t just about the treasure, it was about a girl as well, wasn’t it? The blonde tasty little thing you were staring at? You knew she would be here, and wanted to take her treasure, taunt her, and eventually bed her. Not sure you understand how courtship works, but doing that would probably get you a slap, not sex.”
“Watch your tongue, before I remove it.”, Klaus had been growing more irritable with each word out of Kol’s mouth, and imagined it was his face on the skeleton he was currently skewering and smashing to pieces.
“I’d like to see you try.” Kol taunted, the exhaustion almost ebbing away compared to how much fun it was teasing his older brother.
From the corner of his eyes he could see Caroline swing her sword with incredible accuracy, taking down monster after monster, as if she was almost dancing to the sound of the wind. For a second he got distracted by the vision that was her, and got nicked by the rusty sword of one of the skeletons attacking him, not even flinching he kicked the thing back as hard as he could, and kept fighting. Knowing now wasn’t the time to have his attention stolen by the enigmatic pirate, that consumed his every thought.
Everyone was exhausted, but things had seemingly calmed down; the monsters seemed to be gone for good - but Caroline was not about to let down her guard, not just yet. It had been surprisingly easy to fight off, and she didn’t trust any of it. Suddenly, all her fears came true; people started falling down, for no apparent reason. She had to be strong, to not show any weakness, she was their Captain after all. It wasn’t easy though, seeing her crew, her family, on the sand groaning in pain. Bending down, Caroline checked Enzo’s forehead, it was deathly hot, once again having to swallow her fear, she then checked for any injuries and lo and behold, a scratch on his neck pulsing black.
“How bad is it?” seeing the look on Caroline’s face Enzo continued, trying to lighten the mood, “Is my face still pretty?”
“Was it ever?” she joked along, smiling in relief. Looking around, she saw Bonnie taking care of everyone she could get to, giving instructions to anyone still standing; getting up she gave two soft slaps on Enzo’s face, “I’ll be back, don’t move.”
“I’ll try my best.”
Bonnie was special , there was a little bit of witch in her and if there was ever any problem, Caroline trusted no one better to figure something out. Pulling her away from everyone, Caroline said, faking optimism “I’m here for some good news.”
“Turn around and come back later, I don’t have any for you.”
“It might be poison, it might be mystical, it’s probably a bit of both, and I need time to figure things out.”
“I don’t think they have much, and I’m not losing anyone. Tell me what to do, and I will get it done.”
“We need to leave. If this is supernatural, it will probably be purged from their body when they get far away enough, and I’ll figure a way to deal with the poison. We shouldn’t stay here any longer.”
“People have died, I am not leaving without that treasure. Grab everyone, put them in the ship and I’ll be back shortly. If I’m not here in half an hour, leave.”
“You’re the Captain, we’re not going to leave you stranded here. You have to come with us.”
“I’m the Captain, and I’m ordering you to follow my orders. Do it, Bonnie.” Caroline said, but couldn’t help but whisper her true feelings, “Please .”
“Fine, if you’re not back in time, you’ll swim back even if it kills you.”
“Sounds about right.”
Hugging her Captain, her friend and family, Bonnie whispered, “ Come back. ”
“I will . Go.”
Readying herself, she took one last look at her crew, and walked into the forest of death. They needed this gold, and by the Gods, Caroline would get it. Curse or no curse, her blood was too strong to die here.
“I’m not leaving without the treasure.”
“Nik, are you daft? We need to leave, you’re hurt and I’m not carrying your arse out of here.”
“I’m fine, I’m not on the ground am I? I’m going.”
“Well then I’m…” Kol’s eyes caught sight of the most intriguing woman, and his basest desires won out, “sadly, not going with you. It seems my help is needed elsewhere. Good luck brother.”
He felt for the poor soul who had to deal with his brother, but at least it wasn’t his problem anymore. Looking around Klaus saw Caroline leave, and followed her. Maybe he’d leave this cursed island not with one treasure, but two.
Jogging to her side he teased her, “Why would you leave without me love? Thinking of stealing that pesky little treasure for yourself?”
“If it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead by now, some appreciation would be nice. The bounty is mine, and I’ll kill you before you get close to it.” her smile was cold, and razor sharp.
“I just thought it dangerous, you walking around all by yourself, what if more skeletons appear, or god forbid, something infinitely more nefarious.”
“Something like you?”
“I wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you.” Klaus said honestly, and the truth behind his words stunned even him.
“As if I could ever trust you.”, Caroline was a pirate, trusting people came sparingly and with difficulty and Klaus used to be from the navy - her enemy .
“I happen to be a very trustworthy chap, ask anyone.”
“You must think me dumb, but that pretty face of yours won’t fool me.”
“You think I’m pretty?” flirting, he stood in front of her face, - his fingers lifting her chin - inches away from her open lips.
Slapping away his hand, she kept walking, “I think you’re dangerous.”
“Dangerously pretty?” he was fairly certain, that out of the two, Caroline was infinitely more dangerous to him than he could ever be to her, but he still felt the pull to her side and the truth of the matter was that he always was partial to a little bit of danger.
“I would rather be attacked by a dozen monsters than deal with you. You’re exhausting. ”
“Then why are you smiling?”
Caroline hadn’t even noticed she was smiling, “I wasn’t, you’re delirious.” after looking up at him she saw how pale he looked, sweat dripping from his forehead in an unnatural way, “Actually, you do appear quite sickly.”
“I’m fine, we have gold to find, let’s move quicker.” it was his turn to try and change the subject, but he doubted she’d let it go.
“Wait a second.” she grabbed his hand - it was hot, and sweating - and pulled him towards her, reaching up to feel his face, “ You were hurt too .”
“You’re imagining things, sweetheart.”
“I bet I could kill you right now, without breaking a sweat.”
“Is that so? Want to bet?”
Rolling her eyes, she kept walking, “Stop distracting me, I don’t have time to deal with you. If you fall down, I’m not dragging you back with me.”
How could she be worried about someone she hardly knew, someone that could be quite irritating and more than a bit dangerous. It didn’t matter, she would keep an eye on him; just her luck having to take care of someone else when she was tight for time.
They walked in silence for a while, until she spoke up again, “Did you manage reach this far?”
“Now you have time for me again? I’m honored.”
“Ugh, fine.” he sounded like a child sulking, and Caroline was not in the mood to deal with anyone’s tantrum.
“No, we were pretty much attacked as soon as we walked into the forest.” he answered truthfully, his words falling on deaf ears as she was so concentrated on her ancient little treasure map.
“There it is.” Caroline said excitedly, her map never once betraying her expectations. It was a waterfall, behind it there was supposed to be a hidden cave, and then X marked the spot. Going in, both of them got drenched, there were several chests, and for one second she got reckless, and walked forward with her guard down. The ground buckled under her, and suddenly she was falling into a pit full of spikes, until a hand grabbed her arm.
“Careful there, don’t go dying on me before our re-match.”
“You saved me.” she couldn’t believe it; not that he had saved her, but that she wasn’t as surprised as she should be. In the depths of her being, Caroline thought Klaus’ words carried weight and honesty - that he’d never betray her, and that made him even more fatal.
“You sound surprised.” he said strained; his fever had been going up and his strength down since they had begun their little adventure, and only with his willpower he pulled her back out.
Caroline lied, “I still don’t trust you.”
Klaus laughed, of course, even after all this, she - a pirate - didn’t trust him . “How are you going to take all these trunks with you? The most I can take right now, is a few coins.”
“I’ll take what I can, as long as I don’t go back empty handed, I’m fine with it.”
Opening up the chests, - carefully - she filled her pockets as much as she could, and filled her sack as much as she could carry; it was heavy, but she could handle it. Klaus on the other hand, couldn’t carry as much, but still took a pretty good haul. Caroline should be thinking that he’d still find a way to double cross her, and steal her bounty, but she couldn’t even fathom it anymore. She was in trouble.
He was basically dragging himself along, trying to look strong and failing miserably, trying to keep up with her. Suddenly, Klaus dropped to the floor, and Caroline stopped in her tracks, “Get up Klaus, I told you I’d leave you to die. You’re not doing this.”
He was completely unresponsive, and she considered it, she really did - she was a damn pirate, for Gods’ sake - but she couldn’t go through with it. Dropping her very lovely sack full of gold, - she cried a little - and put his arm around her neck, dragging him along with her.
“I will kill you after this, I promise.”
Caroline reached the beach, and they weren’t there. She had taken too long, and now Klaus would probably die. Throwing him on the sand, she sat next to him. She knew he had to have a ship, but he wasn’t awake, and he obviously didn’t have enough time for her to go look for it, and his cowardly friends might have stolen it anyway, so what was even the point?
Waking up, his insides felt like they were on fire, his head as if it was splitting apart, and he thought this really might be the way that he died - how bland . Still, he noticed Caroline by his side, that she hadn’t left him behind after all and smiled, and that surprised him - she did have a soft spot for him after all.
“Sparrow, I have a dying wish.”
“To die by my hand instead? Because if you call me that again, that’s what will happen.”, she half joked; he was still alive, and all of sudden she didn’t mind him calling her that name, it was inconsequential.
“Being killed by you doesn’t sound all that bad. But no, just one kiss from the most beautiful and fascinating woman, I have ever met.”
“She sounds delightful, I’d love to meet her.”
“Caroline, we both know you’re not against it, so stop pretending. I’m dying anyway, it won’t hurt you.”
She felt for him, and she knew kissing him would hurt her for a multitude of reasons, but she couldn’t let him die without ever tasting his wicked lips, and so she granted his wish. Caressing his fevered face, her lips touched his dry ones; it was soft and kind, as if sending him off to the next world with tender love, and not consuming passion.
She regretted it, as soon as someone cleaned their throats behind them.
“I told her not to interrupt, Nik. That you would rather die in the arms of your lovely angel of destruction, than to be rescued, but I couldn’t stop her.”
“You didn’t think I’d actually leave you behind.”
“Bonnie!” Caroline basically ran into her arms, and hugged her.
“Still in pain over here.” Klaus said; his head hurt even more, now that Caroline had basically let it fall helplessly against the rough sand.
“I’ll help.” Kol said tiredly, picking his brother up.
- A Few Days Later -
“Are you feeling better now?” Caroline asked, feeling his forehead - it was colder now but still warm.
“I’d feel better if you k-”
“Well, I need to go check on my crew, so you have fun.”
Grabbing her hand before she could leave, Klaus laughed, “I’m just kidding love, we have time for that later.”
“I think you’re still delirious.” she commented, sitting back down on the bed, next to his lying body.
“You enjoyed that kiss as much as I did, Sparrow.”
“That only happened because you were dying.”
“Then I will just have to do that, again, and again, and again, until you can be honest with both of us.” he shrugged unconcerned, near death wasn't as terrifying as not being able to be by her side and bask in her light.
“Good luck with that.” Caroline laughed, wondering if his words rang true, and anticipating his future actions.
Their hands were still linked, and he kissed the back of hers tenderly, “We have time, and we both know you value my life more than you do gold, and you’re a pirate.”
If he was offering, she had no reason to refuse. He was right, she had chosen him; his life had more weight in her heart than the gold she needed, and so returning the favor she kissed his knuckles, “Then from now on your life is mine.”
“It has been since the day you almost killed me.”
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austennerdita2533 · 7 years
A/N: This is my Klaroline Winter Wonderland gift for the lovely @laufire. Thanks fam for another wonderful fandom event! Y’all rock my socks and I can’t wait to finish reading everything. :)
xx Ashlee Bree
Summary: Klaus knows Caroline has a prom to plan, that she's more or less threatened him not to bother her again after she helped "bring him back" from Silas's mind intrusion, but he's confused by the influx of text messages she's shooting his way. And all those angry tomato faces, too. He's not scouring the earth for Tyler, he's not siring or slaying hybrids, he hasn't bothered her friends or tried to contact her at all...yet she's upset with him for some new reason. And he has no idea why.
What's changed since "friends, then?"
(FF.net) (A03)
A Call That Angers, A Moment That Exposes
“Listen, love, I know you warned me not to call you after our little Silas incident,” Klaus drawled when he heard her answer the phone with an irritated click-and-huff, “but I feel I require an explanation for the onslaught of angry tomato faces you texted me a short while ago. Is the quantity meant as mere hyperbole or have I somehow managed to offend you ten separate ways without my knowledge or consent this fine Virginia afternoon?”
“Those weren’t tomatoes, genius. They were scowling emojis,” Caroline said, correcting him.
“Tom-eh-toe, tom-aw-toe…”
“Oh, for crying out loud! Can you not be impossible for two minutes, please,” she snapped, “or is that too much to ask of you?”
“Perhaps if you tried asking me nicely.”
“I don’t know why I bother asking you anything. Let alone talking to you at all,” she mumbled through clenched teeth. “Ever.”
“Just for the record, sweetheart,” Klaus interjected with a soft chuckle, paying no heed to her grumbling commentary because her revulsion was oddly endearing not to mention futile, “I believe one scowling text would have been sufficient enough for me to denote your obvious but unfounded anger.”
“Please tell me you’re kidding. You’re kidding, right?” Her tone was half accusation, half roll-her-eyes-because-she’s-not-surprised-by-this groan.
“No…” he trailed off, “no, can’t say that I am.”
“You’re unreal. Abso-lutely unreal!”
“I assure you I’m quite in earnest, Caroline.”
“Post-stake-stabbing and bleach, I thought we left things okay? And, dare I say, more or less…” Klaus paused for effect, “friend-ish?”
He gripped the phone tighter to his ear. “What’s happened here?” he asked, unable to prevent that note of panic and concern from creeping into his throat, but desperate to swallow it down before she heard anything untoward.
“Un-freaking-believable,” she muttered under her breath, and scoffed for extra measure.
Klaus could picture her standing there—in her light and airy bedroom, before the fireplace at the Salvatore boarding house, in front of her alphabetized locker at Mystic Falls High, leaning against the pool table at the Grill, clutching her ‘x’-marked clipboard at a prom committee meeting (or wherever the bloody hell she was)—with her hands on her hips and one foot tapping with impatient energy as she readied to scold him in that perky, but razor-sharp-and-smiling, way of hers that meant business.
“I mean, why should I expect you to be anything but infuriating and goading as hell? It’s always the same with you no matter what, isn’t it? You push, push, push. You don’t stop,” she continued in a shrill voice, “you never stop!”
“Let’s skip past all the unpleasantries and blame, shall we? Just tell me what atrocity I’ve ‘supposedly’ committed,” Klaus air-quoted, scraping his fingers down his weary face and plopping himself into a leather armchair in his bedroom with a sigh, “so I can work out how to acquit myself.”
“Oh, please! Don’t pretend like you don’t know exactly why I’m pissed.”
“Who’s pretending, sweetheart?”
“Ugh! I swear I’d stab you with that white oak stake right now if I could,” she replied tartly. Caroline would probably throw her head back here, fists balled, then narrow her eyes at him until the hostility she directed toward him became palpable and blanketed him in the kind of hurt and disappointment he’d prefer to ignore. Then he’d lie to himself so he could believe those emotions never surfaced, that they were never there. “This isn’t funny Klaus!”
“Again,” he said as his voice unraveled into something more pointed and humorless, “who’s laughing?”
She relented a little bit here, but not enough to erase all remaining traces of annoyance, frustration, and disgust from her words.
“Just tell me how to fix it, okay? Or at least tell me which one of your minions you deployed to snatch then tamper with it, so I can bully him or her into correcting this nonsense. I suggest you do it soon, too, before I stage a coup and convince Silas to come after you again enacting my revenge.”
“Fix what?”
Caroline released an exasperated sound akin to a ‘why didn’t I kill you when I had the chance?’ “Stop acting clueless!” she demanded, her foot stomping in the background.
“I’m not.”
“You are, too! This isn’t a damn game, okay? It’s my life.”
“And this is my bloody time you’re wasting!” Klaus cut in as his patience fractured, jaw ticking.
“Stop screwing with me, then!” she shot back, more pleading than irate.
“I assure you I’m doing no such thing. But I am growing exceedingly tired of these riddles, Caroline.” Klaus’ knuckles whitened and dug into his knees as he leaned forward and half-growled into the phone. “So either tell me what on God’s earth prompted your emoji frenzy and sour as lemon attitude, or I promise I’ll hang up and tear into the next innocent human throat I see, leaving you to pick up the detached limbs all over Mystic Falls—alone.”
“Are you seriously going to sit there on your proverbial iron throne and act like you never stole—never hacked into my damn phone!?” she asked, incredulous.
“Call me old-fashioned or ill-informed, love, but I was of the opinion that friends didn’t take or break into each other’s belongings without permission?”
She laughed bitterly, disbelief rolling off her tongue like blades of ice, “Yeah, sure. And since when do you, of all people, follow rules of protocol?”
“I don’t,” Klaus answered. Caroline hummed triumphantly. “That is…” he licked his lips, rubbing them together uncomfortably, “That is until I met you,” he added in a low timbre.
“Oh, really? So what does that make me, then,” she clucked spitefully, “your almighty exception?”
“Stranger things have happened, so who knows? You could be, love. You could be.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, “Nothing,” he murmured.
“Did you just—”
“Nothing!” he barked as panic scuttled up his spine like spiderlegs. “I said nothing, damn you!”
Klaus regretted the admission the moment it left his mouth, the words sliding across his teeth and slipping out between his lips in a soft, artless way that betrayed too much meaning and speared their banter into silence, becoming a vulnerability he hadn’t intended to share with himself not to mention speak out loud. To her.
It was amazing and appalling, the things Caroline stirred inside of him. Mercy, pity, forgiveness, hope, tenderness: all of those human sensibilities she pulled out of his dusty, darkened recesses like entrails without trying—one-by-one—to make him almost grateful for the taste of blood they left behind whenever she was done; finished for the day, perhaps, but not ready to give up on him. Not quite, not yet.
Something unsettling always seemed to sink beneath his skin in her presence, behind her scrutiny, because of her influence and how she challenged him at every blasted turn whether she stood before him or berated him over the phone about a slew of ‘the Allure is calling for you, so come and surrender’ notifications; and he often felt himself bending in places he swore he would never budge again let alone would threaten to break open anew. He found himself willing to sacrifice certain things he wanted merely to make her smile. He found himself hoping to provide her with the happiness she desired.
Truth be told, for the first time in centuries, he found that, for Caroline, he at least wanted to try.
__                                                   __                                                  __
After a few more seconds of wordless awkwardness, therefore, particularly since there’d been no resolution between them over this whole phone rubbish, Klaus suggested they meet somewhere neutral and out-of-the-way (some place crowded, if she preferred) to debunk this whole mystery over a cup of coffee.
It could be our new “c” thing, he was tempted to say but didn’t. Like champagne.
Caroline hesitated at the proposition for what seemed like a decade. Then, after sighing as if she’d exhausted all other appealing avoid-the-hybrid options, she resolved to meet him at Wake Up Café on the outskirts of town within half an hour. Making sure to warn him beforehand, of course, that if this whole thing turned out to be some twisted, contrived game he’d concocted in order to trick her into spending time alone with him, she’d make him regret it. Sorely and completely. (As if he was somehow fool enough not to know that already.)
She wasted no time once she arrived at the coffee shop, either. She never did.
Caroline preferred to bite right into the meat of things, bypassing all the fat and fluff to chew on the truth of things with him, which is something he not only respected but admired. She was determined—to the point of tenacity, frankly—to sniff Klaus out for lies or suspicious behavior while she unloaded on him the barrage of “Allure” messages and notifications she’d received over the last day-and-a-half. The ones, as she’d soon come to understand, had been forged and delivered by a hand that wasn’t his.
“It doesn’t make sense, okay?” Caroline said, her fingers tearing through blonde tendrils. “Who else would go to such ridiculous lengths to convince me to acknowledge a so-called attraction to darkness, if not for you?”
Klaus shrugged. “It could be one of those asinine teenage pranks?”
“None of my friends are that cruel. Or stupid,” she added in afterthought.
Klaus averted his gaze. He traced the rim of his coffee mug with his index finger as the corners of his mouth twitched, “Are you sure you about that, sweetheart?”
“Of course,” he nodded, unconvinced. “Whatever you say.”
She glared at him here, but it lacked substance and dwindled into uncertain obscurity in seconds, creasing her forehead like a question mark and giving way to the amused chuckle he hadn’t realized he’d been trying to stifle.
“Don’t be an ass,” Caroline pointed in warning, fighting back a smile.
“According to you,” he clasped his hands together and leaned his elbows on the table’s edge, “I can’t help myself. It’s apparently one of my most prominent and more inherent qualities,” Klaus said.
She frowned. “That’s not true.”
“No,” she answered with a shake of her head. Sighing, her blonde waves spilled over her shoulders as she peered up at him with a flicker of something soft in her gaze he didn’t recognize, “Believe it or not, you can be okay sometimes.”
“Really now? How fascinating.” Klaus scooted upright, adjusting his posture so as to show her his attentiveness, “Tell me more.”
“There’s no need for you to grow a bigger head than you already have or anything,” Caroline rolled her eyes. “I only meant that—just—you’re not totally—” she fidgeted, pausing to collect herself, “I mean, your company isn’t always so—”
He inched forward and let his palm slide flat across the tabletop. “Yes?”
“Whatever. Never mind.”
She bit her bottom lip; waved him away with a blush.
“Don’t worry, love,” Klaus intoned, warmth buoying in his chest because their fingers were only millimeters from touching, “I aim to improve upon that sometimes. And I will, you know…straight away.”
Caroline arched an eyebrow but didn’t move or retract her hand as she shifted closer to smirk and whisper, “You’re exhausting, you know that?”
“I do, yes.” Considering her with a tilt of his head and a smug look, he added, “But I think perhaps you enjoy that about me? I’d venture a step further to say I believe you like the enigma I am because it’s unsettling and more than a little provoking to you that I’m shadowed and full of sharp edges and layers. I think…why, I think I intrigue you.”
He paused to run his thumb across her bedrock of knuckles, careful not to look up for fear of exposing too much or too little. Then, with a scratch of his chin, he added, “Occasionally, anyway.”
“You infuriate me, too, though,” she said a little too forcibly, the reply coming out louder than she’d intended.
Klaus grinned.
The rest of the café evaporated. No more screeching chairs, no more dings from the cash register, no more crying infants, muffled business, or coffee spills—nothing more was heard; nothing else was seen or smelt or touched. It was just a suspended moment now. Her and him. Them. This. It was just their slipping, sliding, perfectly mismatched, fingertips skating into position for the first time to graze skin, timidly; tenderly; and seeming to electrify them both in tandem like a cosmic click.
“You infuriate me most, I mean. Like—” Caroline stalled to run her tongue over her lower lip, probably knowing she should push back and let go of his hand…but she didn’t; she couldn’t, “Like, more than anything.”
“I know. You needn’t explain,” Klaus conceded, the words rolling out of his mouth in one hoarse breath.
Inhaling, he let her scent percolate. He roamed her features, relished the feel of her silky vanilla hand beneath his because it was warmer than he’d imagined—all the way through tendon and bone—and it made his heart gallop until all the sense he had left buried itself beneath a shallow grave to rest. No longer sleeping like it had been in the months since they first met, but killed into restlessness. It was a fate worse than death.
“Right. Good,” Caroline clipped at last, her gaze narrowed on their still-bumping fingers; her breathing erratic and disturbed, her cheeks reddening because she knew damn-well she never denied it. No, she never denied being intrigued by him…liking him…wondering, wishing, wanting…something…anything.
The rebuttal never once left her mouth, never once breached her lips to smash against his ears like cymbals. It dissolved. Faded into silence. Or, more unbelievable than not, perhaps it was never there.
“Just so…just so we’re clear then,” she said, disguising a shudder with a whip of her hair over her shoulder.
“Of course.” Klaus’ eyes were steady, penetrating: warmer than honey. More gold. “Always.”
A knock sounded on the window then, interrupting them. Breaking the moment and the tension like a snipped-in-half pling.
Turning, Caroline drew back from him to throw her hands over her mouth and squeak in a mixture of surprise and horror; Klaus crumbled a napkin in his fist and snarled, his mind swirling with fury, shock, and confusion. They were frozen. Stunted. In a matter of seconds, they became two vampire statues cemented to their wooden chairs, gaping and blinking in an effort to regain some semblance of composure—grappling to understand what in bloody hell this meant—and trying to ascertain if it was some kind of trick, or if it was a witch-brewed dream. After all, was not the world full of monsters with bloodstained vendettas who either already were, or could become, their enemies?
Regardless, the last thing they expected was exposure. Like this. By a man such as him.
Never once did Klaus take his eyes off the impostor who stood before them in the middle of the sidewalk dressed in his favorite Henley, wearing his smug smirk, and waving his private and in-progress portrait of Caroline at them both like a jibe. Or like a hint of some kind. What kind of warped and sadistic mental attack was this? From where did he conjure the nerve? Why, and for what goddamn reason, would he dare to believe Klaus wouldn’t hunt him down and slaughter him into ribbons for this?
Laughing as if he’d heard a punchline with a meaning only he grasped, Silas flipped over the canvas and pressed it against the window where it stuck almost as if it were suction-cupped. He took off without waiting for their reaction. Or, more likely than anything, he left before he could face retribution and painful, neck-snapping, heart-squashing retaliation.
In the end, all that remained of him was this message written for Klaus and Caroline in black paint:
The Allure is what brought you here
The Allure is what connects you, what makes you the same
The Allure is here to stay
Stop fighting. Surrender. It won’t go away.
—And neither will I
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misssophiachase · 7 years
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So this is my Klaroline Winter Wonderland Gift for the amazing Abby - @3tinkgemini - thanks for the lovely review : ) I kind of figured you'd know my identity by the title but I had to do it hehe...(top and bottom lyric from the Foo Fighters)
Summary: A childhood Christmas promise made between neighbours Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes unexpectedly spans years into adulthood. Now he's back in her life suddenly but Caroline isn't quite sure what he wants and what it has to do with her.
Breathe out…
"You've got mail," Katherine grinned, a knowing but equally annoying smile plastered on her face. She was sitting by their generously sized Christmas tree, surrounded by an exorbitant amount of wrapping paper in various patterns and colors.
Her heart began thumping in her chest knowing just who her best friend was talking about, not that she'd ever admit it aloud. She wished now she'd never revealed his identity to Katherine during that drunken game of truth or dare in senior year of college.
"What exactly are you wrapping? You've got enough paper for a car. Don't tell me you finally caved and decided to buy me some new wheels, roomie?" She teased, removing her coat and scarf, placing them neatly on the hook behind the door.
"Nice segue," she shot back sarcastically, gesturing to the envelope sitting on the side table. "As for the wrapping, what do you expect when I have Santa's very own elf as my roommate? If anything is less than perfect you're the first one to tell me."
"There's nothing wrong with being…."
"Anal and extremely OCD?"
"When I first met you in college you were a scary combination of the Grinch and Scrooge. Now you're swimming in a sea of perfectly coordinated wrapping paper and ribbon. All we need is some eggnog and Christmas Carols playing and this scene would be perfect."
"You even think about playing Jingle Bells again and Scrooge and the Grinch will come back to haunt your dreams in all their 'bah humbug' glory." She warned, using air quotes for extra effect.
"Well, on that festive note, I'm going to take a bath. I have the headache from hell after my long day."
Caroline grew up in small town Illinois but left shortly after graduation, earning her degree from North Western University as a qualified child psychologist. She'd met Katherine while studying and the two had been inseparable ever since.
One thing she knew from experience was that rather it being the happiest time of the year some of these kids and their parents didn't see it the same way. Sadly, the holidays brought out the worst in some families, hence her insistence on making it as normal as possible at her house, even with the Grinch in residence.
"Don't forget your mail, Care," Katherine sing songed as she passed by the table. "Might make for some nice bath time reading." She didn't bother responding just grabbed it, that neat cursive causing a few familiar feelings to flutter down below.
Seventeen years earlier….
Twelve year-old Caroline loved Christmas. From picking the perfect tree to wrapping presents and helping her mom with dinner, she'd never been as happy as she was on that particular occasion. Until this year spectacularly derailed all her well thought out plans.
He left.
She knew then life would never be the same again.
She jumped in the residual, melted snow angrily, her blonde ponytail shaking as her rain boots caused the water to splash far and wide across their back porch. Christmas wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be fun, it was supposed to be happy and it was supposed to be filled with love but her family was broken and all she felt was a simmering sense of anger that wasn't about to abate anytime soon.
Her mom had taken her to some shrink a month ago and Caroline was supposed to share her feelings but right now all she wanted was to yell and scream at her father and say this wasn't fair.
Christmas would never be the same again.
And it was all his fault.
A familiar soccer ball came flying over the fence and nearly hit her in the head, it was going that fast. She ducked, rolling her blue eyes as she did it. Typical that he had to make her life that much worse today. Caroline was beginning to think that her inconsiderate neighbour could sense her moods and set out to make them that much worse on purpose.
He was slowly climbing over the fence and she envisioned throwing his ball back with the exact same force it'd arrived. Klaus Mikaelson not only had the ability to make you feel worse, he always knew just how to make himself at home, even if it wasn't his.
"Has anyone told you that you suck at soccer?" She drawled, choosing that stolen moment to hurl it back and hit him square on the chest knocking him off the fence before he could make a safe landing. Maybe her day wasn't quite so bad, even if he was lying on her side of the fence.
"Ouch," he muttered gruffly, picking himself up and dusting the snow from his jacket. "Actually no, no one's told me that today." He was kind of cute, you know if you liked English accents, blonde curls and penetrating, blue eyes. Pity his personality didn't match his looks.
"Well, I'm glad to be the first," she pouted.
"It's only because it's called football, not soccer, love."
"Fine, has anyone told you that you suck at football today? And don't call me that." She was trudging towards the house now, not allowing him to have the last word. He had this frustrating way of always sneaking something in at the last minute.
"You're even angrier than at school and that's saying something, Forbes."
Klaus was two grades above her but still made it his aim in life to annoy her. She was friends with his sister Rebekah, so that's what she put it down to given he took every chance to harass them both at every available opportunity.
"Well, that happens to be none of your business, Mikaelson."
"You don't have to pretend to hate me, Caroline," he offered. She turned around angrily, her ponytail whipping her face in the process. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes yet again. Who did Klaus Mikaelson think he was?
"You wish," she huffed. "And even if I did like anyone they'd have to be much better at football." He didn't respond immediately just flashed a rogue dimple in her direction. Caroline reeled back briefly wondering where that had come from.
"You said football," he teased triumphantly. She mentally berated herself, thinking it was only because of her father that her emotions were out of whack.
"Whatever," she hissed. "Can you just leave?"
"Just when we were really getting acquainted."
"I'm surprised you know the meaning of the word acquainted," she scoffed, pronouncing it slowly for his benefit. "And no we weren't, you were just leaving."
"Caroline, are you ready? We'll be leaving soon." Her mother yelled from inside, interrupting their bickering.
She closed her eyes momentarily, wishing the earth would swallow her up, well for the holidays at least. They were due in Church soon and she had to do that thing where she pretended life was wonderful and she was just as excited about Christmas as the rest of the close knit community in small town Galena. Apparently her father was away with work, something Liz had concocted to make it through the season relatively unscathed.
"I'm just talking to Klaus," she uttered, albeit feebly. "I'll be there in a few minutes." Anything to delay the inevitable was something. She couldn't miss the surprised smirk on her annoying neighbour's face. Great. Just great.
"And here I didn't think you even knew my name, Forbes."
"You learn the most interesting things on the toilet walls at school," she drawled, hoping he was buying her indifferent act. He featured heavily on those walls, mainly from pathetic girls who seemed to think he was god's gift. Go figure.
"Glad to be of some entertainment," he joked. What happened next she wasn't expecting. His smirk turned into a slight frown, his brow creasing before he finally spoke again. "You know; I'm, uh, sorry about everything..."
"Everything?" She bluffed. Klaus Mikaelson would be one of the last people to know, right? She'd told Rebekah but she promised not to tell a soul, unless…
"I overheard you telling Rebekah," he admitted, his blue eyes now downcast.
"You were spying on us?"
"I needed a glass of water and her bedroom is right near the kitchen and…"
"Sure, whatever," she dismissed, feeling slightly violated he'd eavesdropped on their private conversation. "If you've told anyone…"
"I haven't," he reassured.
"And what? You came over here to gloat?" Caroline didn't mean to be so harsh but her feelings were in overdrive and the fact her annoying neighbour knew everything only added to her anxiety.
"Besides almost hitting you with a 'soccer' ball," he joked using air quotes, a slight smile tugging on those crimson lips, "I wanted to see how you were doing."
"Because, believe it or not, I'm not as horrible as you think, Caroline." She narrowed her eyes in his direction not sure whether to believe him. All he ever did was tease her and he had every girl at school chasing him. Why would he care about her? Yes, she was friends with his sister but that wasn't enough to make him come over here specially.
"I don't know what to do anymore," she whispered, trying not to shed another tear for her father, but failing. "He just left and…"
"And I don't know what I did wrong," she whimpered, those tears she'd kept at bay threatening to spill down her cheeks.
"You did nothing," he soothed, leaning forward his hand finding hers. It was the closest they'd ever been and if she wasn't so upset, Caroline was sure she would have slapped him for touching her without permission.
"But Christmas was our time," she sobbed. "I don't know what I'm going to do now."
"Can I tell you something? A secret." She nodded, his hand still covering hers, the warmth making her feel that little less cold outside. "My dad is still around but he doesn't treat us, uh, that well." Caroline knew a little from Rebekah but had never asked given her friend's obvious reluctance.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he answered hurriedly. Caroline could tell from his expression that his father had inflicted just as much pain upon him as hers but didn't want to elaborate. "But just know that you did nothing wrong and if he chooses not to spend Christmas with you then it's all his fault."
"But why does it feel so bad," she answered, perhaps against her better judgment. She'd already cried in front of him so couldn't feel anymore embarrassed than she did.
"It won't always be this bad," he murmured.
"How do you know?"
"Because even though things have changed, Christmas will get better starting this year. I promise." His blue eyes bored into hers and even when her mother came to collect her for Church, Caroline suddenly felt like things might be okay. It was crazy, she wasn't sure why, but his childhood promise strangely meant something.
Caroline was deeply immersed in the bubbles now, the stress beginning to ebb away from her tense muscles before she spied the envelope sitting nearby. She was excited but at the same time nervous. From years of experience, Caroline knew his cards had the ability to make her feel buoyed but also slightly empty afterwards.
Caroline didn't mean to complain, the fact he cared enough to think about her meant a lot but she never really knew why he still did it, especially given his very busy and public schedule after all these years had passed.
She took a deep breath and reached for the card shakily, her thumb clumsily ripping under the flap, the adrenaline coursing through her body as always. Before she could open it the bathroom door opened abruptly startling her, Caroline dropping the card in shock. She watched in dismay as it sank, the blue ink blurring in the hot, soapy water. Her eyes shot up quickly spying her roommate giving her that partially guilty but at the same time 'it wasn't my fault' look.
"I know your bladder is tiny but couldn't it wait?" She hissed at the brunette. Katherine's expression was equal parts sorry and something she couldn't quite identify.
"You, uh, have a visitor," she managed to bite out, her olive cheeks slightly flushed.
"And you chose to interrupt my bath for that?"
"I figured this is kind of important," she pressed, her brown eyes boring into hers. She looked down at her ruined card, her chest constricting at the sight. Looks like she didn't have anything better to do now but still had no intention of moving. It was the principle after all.
"Look, if it's Santa Claus, tell him from me that you've been a naughty girl and don't deserve any presents. If he needs examples I can send him an extensive list of all your 2017 indiscretions and boy were there many."
"It's not Santa Claus, trust me," she replied through gritted teeth. "Get your annoying but cute, little ass out here, Forbes." She gestured madly towards the robe hanging nearby but Caroline had no intention of playing her silly games.
Caroline groaned, lifting herself reluctantly from the bath tub and grabbing the nearby, fluffy towel to wrap around her saturated body. Katherine was going to pay for ruining her mail and interrupting her much needed post-work reverie. It was most probably just Enzo or Bonnie who she saw all the time.
"If it isn't Prince Harry, I'm not going to be happy, Kat." She made her way into the living room, releasing her golden waves from the tight bun she'd styled to avoid the water.
"I never thought you had a thing for red heads, love." Caroline didn't need to investigate any further given that voice and his ensuing cocky statement. He was just as gorgeous, if not annoyingly more so, since she last saw him.
"Well, it has been a while," she squeaked, attempting to pull on the hem of her towel so it stopped riding up so high, while also attempting to find her voice. "Things change, people change. Believe it or not."
"Obviously," he smirked, taking in her scantily clad appearance, one curve at a time. She shivered involuntarily and it wasn't because of the draft. "If I'd known you were going to greet me like this then I would have visited sooner."
"I told you to put on that robe," Katherine murmured, just loud enough to incite a scowl from her best friend.
"You wish, Mikaelson," she shot back childishly, transporting her back to their early days. Suddenly that come back didn't seem so mature or cool for a twenty-nine year-old. "What do you want?"
He seemed a little taken aback by her defensive response but given her state of undress he really shouldn't have blamed her. "I, uh, had a favour to ask, but didn't expect to see you quite like this…"
"How about I change and then we talk?" She offered, desperate to put some extremely thick layers of clothing between herself and Klaus Mikaelson. It wasn't the first time she'd been overwhelmed by her attraction to him, Caroline remembered that night like it was yesterday. What she didn't know was that Klaus felt it too.
Fourteen years earlier
Klaus Mikaelson wasn't one to sneak around his neighbourhood late at night, especially when it was cold and in blizzard like conditions. He'd left the School's Winter dance in a rush knowing he had to make another stop on the way home, not that his date Camille was very impressed. She was okay but kind of boring so it wasn't that difficult for Klaus to leave prematurely.
The neighbourhood was dark this time of night except for the dim glow coming from the street lights. Klaus shivered, pulling his coat across his chest to try and ward off the chill. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the white envelope. Her name was written in perfectively neat cursive on the front. Every time he left a card he was equal parts anxious and excited. Was what he'd written enough? Would she like it? After three previous, anonymously written cards he was hoping he had it just right by now.
If anyone knew what he was doing, Klaus was pretty certain they'd laugh at him. Well Kol and Rebekah would and his father would no doubt taunt him for being pathetic and emotionally weak. Which is exactly why he needed to keep his secret.
Just as he placed it in her mail slot, Klaus felt it. Cold and hard. He was in shock as the snow that had been solidly caked on his face began to melt away.
"What the hell," he muttered. The house was dark and he couldn't make out any life until she emerged from the shadows, another snowball firmly grasped in her hand and aimed menacingly in his direction.
"It's you!" It was more like a hissed statement than a question. Even though it was late and dark, Klaus couldn't miss just how effortless her golden waves looked cascading down her back, her creamy cheeks flushed from the cold.
"You have an interesting concept of hospitality," he grumbled, still shaking off the residual snow.
"That's an unusual way to speak to someone armed with a perfectly formed snowball, Mikaelson," she warned, her light, blue eyes blazing angrily.
"Are you on a weird stakeout or something, Officer?"
"Well, Rebekah and I were until she turned into full-on princess mode and had to go inside to deal with her apparently frizzy hair." Klaus could relate to that scenario as she rambled on before finally returning to her point. "How dare you leave anonymous cards in my letter box all these years without telling me?"
"I thought that was the whole point of anonymity," he growled, sarcastically. "Look, I figured if you knew it was me I'd get more than a snowball for my trouble as proven by tonight's lecture and ensuing threats."
"I resent that," she huffed.
"Why doesn't that surprise me?"
"But why? Since I started high school, you've barely acknowledged me. Do you feel sorry for me or something?" Klaus was popular, he had a certain image to live up to but the one thing he never felt for his neighbour was pity. It was something much more that he couldn't explain, even to himself.
"I just wanted to make your Christmas special," he admitted, albeit quietly. "I promised all those years ago that I would and, believe it or not, it's something I don't take lightly."
"Are you just saying this because I have a snowball aimed and ready to fire?" Klaus smiled, glad to have an easy and fun distraction to avoid anything too emotional or heavy.
"What snowball?" He teased, grabbing hold of her and proceeding to shake it loose from her grip. Her hair smelled like vanilla and strawberries and she was giggling melodically and he couldn't help but think just how perfect she felt moulded into his body.
"Don't you dare!" Before he could continue, she'd wriggled free from his grasp and aimed it squarely at his chest. It hit him before he had much time to react. Before long snowballs were flying thick and fast between them and they ended up in a heap on the front lawn, tired and out of breath.
"It's okay, I won't tell any of your girlfriends I beat you in a snowball fight, I know how crushing that would be for such an oversized ego." She chuckled, her head laying comfortably on his stomach as she said it.
"Excuse me? I won that convincingly," he baulked, his gaze focused on the few stars that were visible that winter's night. For some reason Klaus felt more relaxed than he had for a long time. The fact Caroline was involved wasn't entirely a coincidence either.
She stirred, attempting to sit up in the slippery conditions. Suddenly he felt cold without her near. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, Mikaelson."
"Where are you going?" He murmured, unmoved but taking in the gorgeous view of her from his vantage point.
"I have a Christmas card to read," she smiled sincerely. After all the teasing, Klaus knew she truly appreciated his gesture. Maybe that was why she'd made such an effort to find the author. "Don't worry, I wont tell anyone, Mikaelson. Your secret is safe with me."
"Great," he said, a sigh of relief escaping. "In fact, the less we speak about this is probably for the best."
From then on they never spoke about it again but he always signed his name unafraid to do so after that fleeting but refreshingly honest discussion.
"So, your roommate is…"
"Bossy? Forthright? Intense? Has absolutely no filter?" Caroline interrupted, taking a long sip from her gin martini as she did it. "You're not the first one to notice, trust me."
"She actually reminded me of Rebekah for a bit, although she did offer me eggnog which was a lot more hospitable than my little sister would have ever been."
"Katherine wouldn't even know what eggnog was if it bit her on the ass," she mumbled knowingly. "Before I came along she was Scrooge, so I'm pretty sure her motives were much less pure."
"Less pure?"
"You're Klaus Mikaelson," she hissed, looking around The Violet Hour, a prohibition style bar located in the Wicker Park area of Chicago.
"Thanks for telling me my own name," he chuckled, thinking just how adorable she still was after all these years. In fact, he was struggling to keep her bare, wet and creamy limbs out of his mind from her surprising bathroom exit earlier. When he imagined their reunion after so many years it wasn't a practically naked one, not that Klaus was complaining at all.
"Klaus, hello?" She asked, breaking him from his Caroline induced trance.
"Caroline, I'm just like every other person here..."
"You're not," she muttered, making him roll his eyes in frustration. For once in his life Klaus wanted to be treated like a normal person, not the famous actor he'd become. Sometimes it had its perks, other times not so much. "Didn't you wonder why I brought you to this secluded, dark, speakeasy?"
"I thought you were trying to be romantic, love," he grinned. Even though the lights were dimmed, Klaus was fairly certain she was blushing and it was the cutest thing he'd seen in a long while.
"Do you get joy out of making me uncomfortable?"
"Tis the season for joy right?"
"It's actually the season to be jolly, but enough with the pleasantries." Klaus cocked his left eyebrow curiously wondering what her definition of un-pleasantries would be. "Apparently you have something to ask me, although I can't imagine what it would be." Klaus couldn't help but think just how gorgeously stubborn she looked trying to not so subtly change the subject.
Truth was he'd never forgotten his neighbour after all this time, as evidenced by the Christmas card he penned for her each year, and coming into such close contact wasn't making his mission all that easier. His cell chose to ring at that particular moment, interrupting their conversation. One brief glance at his caller ID did nothing to dispel the theory she had GPS tracking on him.
"Aren't you going to answer that?"
"No," he replied shortly. The last think he felt like doing was listening to Rebekah's incessant yammering in his ear.
"Don't tell me, it's some crazed, psycho-stalker fan?"
"You've been watching too many movies. Although I guess you could say it's something like that," he joked, thinking just how on-point her observations were about his sister.
Finally, it stopped before he was able to speak again. This was important and he didn't want it to come across like he'd practiced it a thousand times on his way over from Los Angeles, because he had.
"Caroline, what I've come to ask you about is if…" It was her cell phone's turn to ring. Caroline's gaze flickered to her purse, consulting the screen curiously.
"Boyfriend?" He asked, trying to sound nonchalant but suddenly caring about her answer.
"Your sister actually, which I'm guessing isn't a coincidence seeing as your less than pleased reaction to your last phone caller?" Klaus shook his head in dismay thinking about his sister's dogged determination and her absolutely poor timing as usual. She connected the call and spoke. "Rebekah, how are you?"
Klaus was surprised to hear them chatting so familiarly. When they went their separate ways after choosing colleges on opposite sides of the country he didn't think they'd had much interaction. Obviously he was wrong. "I did get your invite, I'm just not sure if I can make it. My work schedule is quite full this time of year but I'll certainly try." She knew about Rebekah's Christmas party? If she came, maybe it wouldn't be as dull as he'd initially thought.
"You're after Klaus?" She asked, after a few minutes, the person in question shaking his head sternly. "He's actually in the bathroom. Between you and me I'm pretty sure it's a bad case of constipation."
"Constipation? Seriously?" He mouthed, unimpressed by her choice of excuse. She grinned evilly in his direction, it was like they were back to being bickering kids again. He didn't hear his sister's response but when she shoved her cell in his face, Klaus knew Rebekah wasn't buying it.
"Don't tell me you're already having withdrawals since seeing me five hours ago, sister dear?"
"Don't flatter yourself, Niklaus," she bit back, the venom in her voice thick. "I know you have to discuss some important things with Caroline but I wouldn't call unless it was an emergency." Klaus had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, she called often and there was never any urgency about it. "I'm calling in regards to your child who is currently running around the place like a mad thing all hopped up on Christmas candy."
"But what about Kol?" Klaus had left his daughter in the care of her favourite Uncle. Although they all lived in Los Angeles, his Director brother didn't have as much time to spend with his niece as he would have liked.
"Kol is also running around the place hopped up on sugar and the apartment is an absolute mess," she growled. "The fact you chose to leave Sophie in the care of her unreliable and reckless uncle is something we can discuss later. In the mean time I suggest you get your ass back here pronto before I'm forced to smother them both." She disconnected before Klaus could offer a reply. She obviously meant business.
"Let me guess, you have to go?" She guessed, tucking her cell back into her purse. "Rebekah's having a party decoration emergency and Kol had decided to somehow thwart her best laid plans?"
"Something like that," he smiled. "But I really would like to get together so we talk properly…"
"About this mysterious question you have?"
"Yeah, about that. Sounds like you have an invitation to my sister's holiday party but you're choosing to work instead? I know Rebekah can be kind of…"
"Full on?"
"That's putting it mildly," he agreed. "But it would be great to see you again so we can…"
"Okay, fine, I'll be there, but if Rebekah starts bossing me around I'm out of there. I have done my fair share of joint party planning with her in the past and I'm way too old for this crap."
"It's a date..." he faltered, realising what he'd said. Klaus was usually so suave and self assured but she made him feel like he was fourteen years-old all over again. "I mean it's a deal." Her bemused expression was telling Klaus she didn't quite buy it.
"I'll see you tomorrow night then," she said, giving him a brief smile then making her way towards the exit. Before she could leave, he called out to her retreating back.
"So, uh, did you get my card?" She turned around and even though it was dark, Klaus could sense she was a little surprised, not to mention flustered.
"Yeah, I did," she eventually answered. "Thank you. Although I thought we never spoke of such things?" Klaus mentally kicked himself for coming up with that particular, and not very well thought out, rule of their annual correspondence.
"Yeah, just checking, I know how unreliable the USPS can be, you know especially this time of year." Klaus shook his head once she was out the door. Did he really say that aloud?
"Did someone forget to invite me to a party at my own house?" Caroline asked curiously, walking in the front door to see her gaggle of friends crowding around the fireplace in animated and loud discussion.
"Care Bear, you're back, finally!" Enzo greeted making his way across the room and squeezing her greedily. He knew she hated that nickname but still chose to use it just to frustrate her. Caroline was starting to believe he and Klaus shared the same, annoying personality traits. Maybe it was the British in them?
"We heard all about your little visit," Bonnie squealed excitedly, pulling her into a hug as well. "It's not everyday a celebrity comes knocking at your door."
"Although being the actor, I thought he was supposed to be the one putting on a show, not our little Care Bear clad only in a skimpy, bath towel."
"Is there anything you didn't tell them, Kat?" She asked her best friend pointedly before flopping onto the couch.
Bonnie had a medical practice in the same building as Caroline and the three girls had become friends almost immediately, Enzo on the other hand was their annoying neighbour from down the hall who ate all their food and moaned about his love life from their couch. Caroline told him she really should start charging him for her services.
"So, what happened? I know, he kissed you right?" Bonnie did always have the tendency to be overexcitable. "All those years of pent up tension through the mailbox."
All Caroline wanted was to lie in bed and try to deconstruct what exactly had happened with Klaus. They hadn't seen each other in about twelve years and those annual Christmas cards didn't count. They weren't even friends, in fact Caroline had no idea what their current status was. As young children they were initially enemies but now, years later, they seemed to be in some weird no man's land.
The fact Rebekah knew they were together tonight also intrigued her as to what he may want. As far as Caroline was concerned, Rebekah didn't think they had any kind of relationship. It's not like she'd told her about the cards because she promised Klaus it was their secret.
"I think she's experiencing some very intimate Klaus Mikaelson flashbacks," Bonnie offered, breaking Caroline from her trance.
"I was not," she argued, feeling like the Spanish inquisition was only just beginning. These three were like dogs with bones when they sniffed out a story. "I was just thinking how much I'd like to go to bed."
"The lady doth protest too much me thinks."
"Thanks William Shakespeare," Caroline shot back for her nosy neighbour's benefit. "You've been awfully quiet over there, Katherine. No opinion you'd like to share?"
"Even though it wasn't my fault and I was telling the truth about a visitor and I so told you to put on a robe, I felt a teeny bit bad."
"Oh really? About what part exactly?"
"The card," she shared, sheepishly. "So once you left, I fished it out of the bath and we've been drying it by the fire." Caroline looked around to where she was gesturing. There was his card hanging from the mantel, complete with smudged and illegible ink.
"While I appreciate the sentiment," she began, still surprised her friend had gone to such extremes to save her unsalvageable card. "You can't even read it."
"That's not exactly true," Bonnie offered, her hands running along the mess of blue ink. "I am a doctor so messy writing and understanding said messy writing goes hand in hand."
"Oh really and what does it say, Dr Bennett?" She asked, peering curiously at the mess and wondering what she would come up with.
"Well," Enzo interrupted, always insisting on being the centre of attention. "He's wishing you a Merry Christmas."
"Tell me something I don't know." He wrote that particular greeting every year.
"You didn't let me finish," he shot back impatiently. "Here he's saying; it's been too long since we were last together."
"He is not." From experience, his cards were always only slightly heartfelt and even a little witty at times but he would never say anything like that. It was far too intimate. Unless…Her thoughts took her back to the bar and his mysterious request.
"Well, if you don't believe that," Katherine offered, gesturing to another part. "See that word above Klaus?" Caroline could barely make out his name let alone that. "It says love. Like as in, love Klaus."
She stared at the word hoping that her scrambled brain could come to the same conclusion. "It could say anything, Kat."
"Like what?"
"Hold up Family Feud contestants and my question of four letter words beginning with the letter L," Katherine drawled, holding up her hand. "Lamb, Lorenzo, really?"
"Maybe he's hoping she'll have some good lamb for Christmas Dinner."
"Now, that's romantic," she shot back, dryly. "Love is the only option, especially given its placement on the card." Caroline had long since stopped listening, her thoughts revisiting his unusual mention of the card. They didn't talk about it. Ever. Why did he feel the need to bring it up now, of all times?
"What's going on, Care?" Kat always could read her mind which was annoying when she was trying to keep her very private thoughts to herself. "I'd know that look anywhere. What did he say tonight? What exactly did he want more importantly?"
"I don't know," she replied. At least that much was true. "His sister Rebekah called with some emergency and he had to leave."
"Even so, when I mentioned the wording on the card you suddenly went quiet," she pushed, her curious glance unrelenting.
"He asked if I got it, alright?"
"And?" Bonnie asked clearly perplexed, still relatively new to their unorthodox, written relationship. Enzo looked equally confused, although that wasn't surprising.
"But you don't talk about it verbally, ever," Katherine said knowingly. "This makes so much sense now, he came here to profess his love in person after doing it initially in writing. At least that explains why he was so interested in the stack of mail on the table when you were getting dressed."
"Really?" Caroline still couldn't believe it but things were certainly beginning to make sense, especially given how awkward the usually cocky Klaus had seemed in her presence. Did that mean Rebekah knew his plans? Her mind was suddenly whirling with possibilities.
"Really," she repeated. "But if he had to runaway so suddenly does that mean you won't see each other again?"
"Did he chicken out?" Enzo asked. "I mean speaking from personal experience and my love life…"
"This isn't about your inabilities with women, Lorenzo," Katherine interrupted. "Focus."
"Maybe it's about his complicated love life at present," Bonnie suggested. "I read all about the divorce in US Weekly last month."
"Divorce?" Caroline asked, unable to help herself. Unbeknownst to her close circle of friends she liked to pretend she wasn't keeping track of his personal life but poured through the gossip magazines when she knew no one was watching.
"They separated eighteen months ago and divorced this past September," Katherine scoffed. "US Weekly are a little late to the party aren't they? And if you try to pretend that you know nothing about a well-known celebrity's personal life, I don't believe you, Forbes."
"Well, obviously not as much as you two gossip junkies," she admitted. "The divorce is news to me. This must be so difficult on…" She spoke again without thinking. Knowing about the separation was one thing but how their only child must be coping with a divorce too?
"Sophie," Bonnie finished. "Apparently he has sole custody, not surprising given that snake of an ex-wife."
"Says who exactly?" When Caroline heard the word divorce it transported her back to her very own childhood and she hated that a young girl might be going through the same thing. "And if you say US Weekly, I'm going to question their accuracy."
"Just Jared uploaded it to his blog a few weeks back then Perez followed suit," Katherine replied knowingly.
"And you believe everything you read? Especially those bogus quotes from a source close to the couple?"
"There's too many sources to dispute the circumstances. Just because you like to pretend you're not interested in this guy's personal life doesn't mean I'm not."
"I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did," Bonnie offered. "But just because she's some supermodel doesn't mean Hayley Marshall is the perfect wife or mother material."
"It's not right to make judgements like that, Bon," Caroline chided. She would never understand someone who didn't want to be front and centre in their child's life but didn't like to make any uninformed comments, especially given her vocation.
"None of that matters except for the fact he's ready to mingle, including the woman he sends cards to every year and has been pining for since they were teenagers."
"You are all jumping to conclusions."
"I'm the first to admit those two agony aunts jump to conclusions but for once they seem to have a point," Enzo added. "So, when are you going to see him again?"
"Rebekah's having a Christmas party," she murmured. "I told him I might drop by." She was in a confused daze now but her friends were obviously buoyed by the news.
"I love a good party, darling," Enzo said, the two girls agreeing wholeheartedly. Looks like she was going to have to sneak in three gate crashers but right now that wasn't her biggest concern.
"Have I told you just how annoying you are?"
"Pretty much every day of my life, Kol, and yet I choose to ignore your incessant complaining," she shot back. "There's only so much whining this professional party planner can take before a big event."
"Why do I come back to Illinois for this again?" Kol growled.
"Because mother likes her children together in the same state and what better place than the Windy City," she replied. "Certainly beats small town Illinois."
For once, Klaus couldn't disagree. Mikael had passed away five years earlier and spending the holidays together without his foreboding presence filled Klaus with some degree of hope for the future. Family was something he always wanted to share with his daughter even if they all had the tendency to bicker when they got together for the holidays and every other occasion.
"Except Elijah, what's his bloody excuse? Last time I checked I had to travel further from LA than New York."
"He's working on an important case," Rebekah explained. Their eldest and stuffy brother was doing what he did best. Work.
"And who wants Elijah at a party when he wants to talk about his latest law drama? It's like watching paint dry but even worse."
"I'll be sure to remember that next time I decide to avoid a family event knowing you'll all be talking about me behind my back, Niklaus." A prim voice interrupted.
They all froze, thinking it was some weird dream he'd decided to intercept but no such luck. The oldest brother, who had the ability to wear a suit like no other, was present and looking extremely serious but pristine.
"Show off," Kol growled.
"Nice to see you too, little brother," he offered, a slightly raised left eyebrow giving away his innermost thoughts. "So, what have I missed?"
"Rebekah is being Rebekah."
"I meant something new, Kol."
"Well, Niklaus and Rebekah are being particularly harsh," he began. "I was babysitting last night and Rebekah had to go and tell him I was leading my niece astray."
"And were you?"
"Not at all," he shot back, albeit slightly guiltily. "We were exploring our creative sides. If anything I figured the actor would appreciate that."
"Is that what you call it?" Rebekah snorted. "You were both high on sugar and left a trail of baking mess in your wake. If anything I was stopping anything more untoward from happening. Given the divorce and custody settlement and the current media interest at least I'm being responsible."
"Oh come on," Kol argued. "Last time I checked the paparazzi couldn't get a lens long enough in this place and being a Director I should bloody know."
"Apparently Caroline Forbes will be making an appearance tonight," Rebekah interrupted sick of hearing Kol's whiny voice. Klaus looked up, giving Rebekah an especially dirty look. "What Niklaus? He asked what was new."
"You're finally going to ask her about you and Sophie?" Elijah asked curiously. "It's about bloody time."
"This is why I try to avoid all these weird family moments," he replied gruffly. Of course Klaus was going to ask her but his simmering feelings were threatening to ruin his strong resolve. He just hoped he could follow through; it was too important after all.
"Now, this is a party," Enzo said. "What does this chick do again?"
"For my sake, please don't call Rebekah a chick," Caroline moaned. "She has very strict standards especially for those crashing her perfectly planned party and using stereotypical names for females."
"It's okay, you don't need to lie Care Bear, I have no intention of ruining your big night with Klausy…"
"Enough, Lorenzo," Katherine interrupted, placing her hand heavily on his chest. "The last thing our Care needs is for us to bring attention to her desperate mission."
"Desperate?" Caroline hissed, hoping no one else overheard that description. Last time she checked, Caroline was only there to hear his long awaited confession. She'd also dressed accordingly in a fitted, red number that only revealed slightly less than her towel fashion from yesterday. "Maybe you should take a long look at yourself before…"
"You haven't changed at all darling," Kol intercepted their path to the bar. "I love that sharp tongue; you know as long as it doesn't come from my sister's harsh and unforgiving mouth."
"Nice to see you too, Kol," she replied, thinking just how things never changed in the Mikaelson family. "Been keeping well?" She regretted that question just as he began to ramble on about his hard life as an up and coming film director in Hollywood.
"You know what? I have the perfect person you should meet." Maybe it was cruel but she was madly hoping to get to Klaus some time this evening and the less excess baggage she had on her the better. Kol took one look at Bonnie and she was suddenly yesterday's news, not that she was surprised given how beautiful her friend was.
"Smooth, Care," Katherine muttered, looking at the two of them chatting. "Don't think I'm going to be that easy to deter from the ultimate goal."
"Ms Forbes," Elijah smiled, approaching her and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. Caroline forgot just how handsome the eldest Mikaelson was. "It's lovely to see you again after so many years."
"Nice suit," Katherine interrupted, almost in a trance. This was going to be easier than Caroline thought. Although the sight of him in his finest was enough to bring any Scrooge to her knees. "I mean it fits you extremely well." He gave Caroline a curious glance at her friend's unexpected interest in his attire.
"This is Katherine, my best friend," Caroline introduced. "She's a clothing designer, hence her avid interest in your suit."
"Any chance I could ask you some details about your tailor?" Katherine pressed. Elijah looked a little overwhelmed but nodded anyway too polite to ever decline.
Two down, one to go, she thought to herself. Caroline didn't mean to be rude but if she wanted to speak with Klaus about what was happening she certainly didn't need an entourage, let alone her needy, food lover of a neighbour interfering.
"Caroline! I'm so glad you made it."
Suddenly she felt right at home in this relative sea of strangers. Rebekah had been her first best friend and confidant and even with their obvious differences and the relative distance between them it was like the first day they met on the swings in Primary School. Rebekah had knocked out a boy in their class who'd looked at Caroline untowardly and their friendship was cemented then and there.
"Me too," she replied sincerely, squeezing her tightly. Caroline never realized just how much she'd missed the Mikaelson siblings until right now.
"Now, suddenly so am I," Enzo shared, interrupting their big moment. "Hello there, blondie."
"Blondie?" Rebekah baulked, pulling back from their hug and giving her companion a curious glance. "This Neanderthal is with you?"
"He was dropped on his head as a child," she apologised, albeit feebly. "And he has a habit of getting a little light headed and grouchy when he hasn't eaten anything."
"Oh, I've eaten and what I've had so far was rubbish." She closed her eyes thinking Enzo had no filter and that was going to get him kicked out at best.
"You're calling my food rubbish?" She huffed, hands on her hips. No one insulted one of her parties and got away with it.
"I suppose I am, it's the least I could do after you calling me a Neanderthal," he shrugged his shoulders. Given his advanced math and physics degree from Harvard and extremely high IQ, Caroline knew he could hold his own. Caroline also had to give it to Enzo and the fact he was willing to bear her wrath, no doubt for her benefit. The one thing Rebekah hated was an unhappy customer, no matter how annoying.
"Has anyone told you that you're rude?"
"Has anyone told you the same thing?" They stilled, chest to chest, and Caroline wasn't quite sure what was going to happen. Either they were going to make out or rip each other to shreds. As much as she wanted to watch the fallout, Caroline had other more pressing things on her mind. If Enzo could occupy Rebekah she was free to find Klaus.
The fact Klaus was supposedly admitting his feelings after so long filled her with happiness and long awaited hope but at the same time a certain dread. Yes, they'd grown up side by side, but besides some beautifully penned letters and an undeniable sexual attraction she didn't know Klaus Mikaelson at all, celebrity or not.
If he was going to tell her he loved her, Caroline wasn't quite sure how she'd respond. She made her way towards the impressive fireplace, a cute blonde with her back to Caroline watching the cracking flames in some kind of hypnotic state. She took a seat by her, thinking it was the most comfortable she felt thus far tonight.
"Is this seat taken?" The little girl turned curiously to face her, blonde curls fastened back in pigtails and deep, penetrating, blue eyes. It was like taking a time machine back to when he decided to kick his soccer ball into her yard all those years ago. She shook her head, her gaze returning to the fire. "It's pretty isn't it?"
"I guess," she murmured distractedly. Caroline knew Sophie Mikaelson was only five so conversation, especially with a stranger, wasn't going to be easy but she had some experience.
"Why do you like it?" She paused for a moment obviously trying to work out a response.
"Marshmallows," she shared softly. "I'd cook them over the fire with mommy and daddy at Christmas."
"That must be fun," she smiled, watching the familiar way the little girl's face lit up then fell sadly. It was like looking in a mirror of her twelve-year-old self.
"But not now," she sighed. "Mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore so it's never going to happen again."
"They will always love each other," she promised, knowing that even in her parent's case it was somehow true. "But you know who they love the most?" Sophie's attention was now firmly transfixed on Caroline.
"You." She grinned. "And that will never change, trust me."
"How do you know?"
"My mommy and daddy aren't together either but that doesn't mean they don't love me." Although she hadn't seen her father since, Caroline still held out some belief that he cared in his own way.
"Plus, Caroline knows everything, sweetheart," a familiar voice interrupted. Caroline looked up and into those expressive eyes she knew so well. Those eyes that were silently conveying his thanks for comforting his daughter. "And I happen to know about some marshmallows that Aunt Rebekah secretly stashed for this very occasion."
"Really?" She asked, her eyes wide.
"Really," Klaus grinned. "Go and ask her." He placed a kiss on her head before she ran away in a flurry of excitement.
"All I'm going to say is that I hope you gave Rebekah a heads up," Caroline offered as he took a seat next to her, his knee accidentally rubbing up against her leg teasingly. "Otherwise she's going to be really pissed."
"I'd pay to see that happen," he joked, Caroline returned his gaze her mouth now agape.
"No one goes up against Rebekah Mikaelson and lives, I figured given you're her sibling you'd know that all too well."
"Except if it's her five-year-old niece who she loves more than yours truly," he said knowingly. "She'll have that stash, trust me, and if not she'll make Kol, Elijah or myself go to the nearest store to make it happen."
"Gotta love family."
"That's what I tell myself every time I want to strangle any of them." Klaus chuckled.
"I forgot how warm and fuzzy you Mikaelsons are," she teased, hitting him on the chest playfully. "Not that I can really talk given I sacrificed my friend Bonnie to Kol's attempted charms, my friend Katherine to Elijah's suit measurements and my neighbour Enzo to your sister."
"Neighbour? Is he a lot like me back in the day?"
"Much less irritating but with a much bigger appetite. Enzo took her to task on her catering choices this evening."
"And you think I'm in danger from an uncertain death? I'd make a wager that your boy Enzo is buried in a shallow grave nearby and if not yet he will be very soon."
"She's gorgeous," Caroline murmured, choosing to change the subject from silly to serious. Given her career she could sense a child in need and Sophie was one of those. "Not sure how she came from you at all."
"Very funny," he joked before his mood sobered. "She's not happy."
"That I can tell," Caroline offered. "But it's not completely hopeless, I survived didn't I?"
"But you had the town Sheriff for a mother not a supermodel with multiple career ambitions that don't include her own daughter."
"Maybe so," she agreed, thinking how that upbringing might have altered her childhood. "But at the end of the day, divorce is divorce. Someone is always going to leave no matter the situation. It's up to the child and parents to deal with it in the best way they know possible."
"So, do you have any suggestions?" Caroline turned to face him for the first time. She'd been worried given their close proximity and the effect his spicy aftershave would have but right now that wasn't important.
"Can I ask something first?" He nodded by way of response, Caroline trying to ignore just how gorgeous he looked in that tux Rebekah had no doubt forced him into for her party's strict dress code. "Why am I here? What is that you want, Klaus?" He paused briefly, taking in a few deep breaths before responding.
"I need your help," he admitted sheepishly. "I don't know what to do with Sophie. I figured given your experience you might be able to assist or at least point me in the right direction. She's inconsolable most of the time and I can't get through to her. I'm completely lost."
Caroline wasn't quite sure what to feel. Her friends and inner most thoughts had made her believe he wanted more but he was just a confused father reaching out for help. Given his support over the years to her in the same situation it was the least she could do.
"I'd be more than happy to help ," she smiled, placing her hand over his like he did all those years ago in her backyard and hoping he didn't slap it away like she'd been tempted to. "But I have no intention of going out for marshmallows, its all on you, Mikaelson."
One year later…
The playground was full this time of the day as Klaus fought his way through the hoards of parents and children attempting to spot his favourite girls. He spotted Sophie first, coming down the slippery slide, Caroline watching on proudly. The two adorable blondes on the playground making Klaus pause momentarily. He'd never been as in love as he was at that very moment.
After he'd admitted to needing help a year ago she'd thoughtfully rallied into action in doing just that. Klaus moved back to Illinois to support his daughter and over the next year they went from being somewhat strangers, who wrote cards, to really good friends. Sophie adored Caroline and the feeling was mutual.
"Fancy an ice cream?" Caroline nodded, taking Sophie's hand and leading her towards the nearby van they both knew so well.
"Oh, watch out," Caroline murmured looking further afield as they took a seat while leaving ordering duties up to Sophie as per usual, "$20 bucks on Grayson's mom hitting on you today."
"Come on."
"Chicken. You just don't want to agree because I'll take more money from you again, Mikaelson," she teased. "I don't know how you do it."
"Do what exactly?
"Cause grown women with young children in tow to hit on you so unashamedly and publicly."
"I don't know, must be my extremely good looks wit and dazzling charm," he joked. A thousand women or more could hit on Klaus and he'd still only want Caroline Forbes.
"Or the fact that your face is plastered on every billboard in town promoting your latest blockbuster film," Caroline offered. "I always thought your head was just as big as your ego, Mikaelson, but it looks especially huge on those things."
"I resent that."
"I bet you do," she teased. "Oh, look out incoming at nine o'clock." He looked up to see none other than Grayson's mom approaching. "Feel free to add my winnings to your tab." Klaus didn't hesitate, leaning over and kissing Caroline. She seemed startled at first her blue eyes searching his curiously before returning the sentiment, those pink lips he'd dreamed about feeling just as soft as he'd imagined. They eventually broke apart, albeit reluctantly.
"Wow, you'll go to great lengths not to lose a bet," she murmured shakily. The tension was thick, only broken by his little girl approaching in search of cash. Klaus had a feeling it was just the beginning of that particular practice. He roused himself, making his way toward the van, mentally berating himself for kissing her so publicly and close to his daughter who was still working through her parent's break-up. After handing over the money they walked back, ice creams in hand.
"Honey, about Caroline..."
"I like her daddy, but please don't kiss her in front of all my friends, it's so embarrassing." Great, he thought to himself, she was only six and already embarrassed by her own father. But at the same time it was nice to have her blessing even if he hadn't raised it with the girl in question just blindsided her with a rogue kiss. Smooth, Mikaelson. "I'm going to go play in the sandpit."
"Chocolate, my favourite," she grinned taking it from his outstretched hand, the initial shock seemed to have worn off which was something.
"So, uh, about that kiss before..."
"You were so desperate to avoid Grayson's mom, I get it Klaus," she answered hurriedly. "Between you and me it was a little over the top but you are an actor so it's not completely unusual. I mean personally I would have..."
"Do you know you're adorable when you ramble? And did you ever think that maybe I just wanted to kiss you, have done since you knocked me off the fence with my football actually. I could never resist a girl with a good throwing arm."
"Oh you mean your soccer ball right?" She asked, revisiting the old joke they shared.
"I want you Caroline, I think I always have," he admitted. "I kicked that ball into your yard on purpose, you were the only one I ever told about Mikael and I kept writing a card to you every year because…"
"Because you're the one, love." She was silent for a moment, Klaus inwardly kicking himself for possibly coming on too strong. He couldn't help it given how much he loved her and the feelings he'd been hiding for too long.
"What's this?" He asked as she slid the white envelope across the table. His daughter's name was neatly printed on the front.
"Twenty years ago my loud and overbearing neighbour, who I admittedly thought was a bit of an idiot, promised me that it was all going to be okay after my father left. That Christmas would get better," she paused, her eyes downcast briefly. "Then he sent me cards every year to illustrate that very fact."
"Sounds like a top guy,"
"He is actually. That gesture was what got me through my teenage years and, believe it or not, into adulthood. You saved me, Klaus."
"I didn't, love, you did that all on your own."
"You helped me more than you'll ever know," she reiterated. "My mom had me in every counsellor's office in the county and they never got through to me like you did with one small but meaningful gesture. I may be a psychologist and I have loved helping Sophie this past year but nothing will ever fill the void of her mother's absence. But I happen to think this card might help a little."
"So, you're stealing my idea then?" He smirked. If Klaus was being honest he liked that they could continue their Christmas tradition with his daughter.
"No need to be so cocky, but I suppose I'd be willing to give you a discount instead?"
"Not necessary, although there's something you could do for me instead?"
"And what's that?"
"A date."
"A date?"
"I've been dreaming about it since you threw that snowball at me after the winter formal and probably even earlier than that."
"I'll think about it," she teased.
"I'll be waiting," he shot back, sending her his most adorable dimple. "Even if I have to write a thousand more Christmas cards."
"Speaking of cards, any chance you could decipher your last one for me? Especially any unexpected reference to lamb..."
"I'm suddenly confused." While he was mulling over that particular statement she pulled him closer with her free hand then placed her lips sweetly over his. He'd even risk his daughter's embarrassment to kiss Caroline right now and forever into the future. The noise from the playground faded away as he realised all his dreams had finally come true.
So I can breathe you in…
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garglyswoof · 7 years
Six more fics to review from winter wonderland. I wanted to get them all done prior to the reveal but I don't think sneaking a 9k fic in at work is gonna be feasible. If you haven't seen a review (and you happen to be one of the poor souls that follows me) it's coming I promise!
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childoftimeandmagic · 7 years
This year has been the hardest Secret Santa piece I've ever had to write. I'm down to the wire and it's gotta get done. It'll be great when finished.
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thetourguidebarbie · 7 years
Hey Angie, your gifter again! Hint totally received, lol. I'll confess I've never written a blowjob before, but I'm going to do my best! And the message that got eaten was just to say that I love your works and I'm very happy to be your gifter XD
I have full faith it will be fabulous!! And thank you! I’m so happy you like my writing. I’m excited too, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Thank youuu 💖💜💙
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honestgrins · 7 years
Hey honey~~ I'm your secret KC winter wonderland gifter :D and I know you said you were cool with anything, but I usually need a little more guidance when writing haha so if you had anything in mind you'd really love to read, share it with me :3 thank you!!
Hello, darling! I’m the absolute worst at coming up with prompts, but I adore many things: Caroline planning, kicking ass, or outsmarting people who dare to underestimate her; Klaus defending his family/also irritating them to no end, being self-absorbed and easily offended, or flirting in poor taste (usually with blood on his face, but she can’t help that stupid flutter in her stomach anyway). I’m a fan of several tropes, particularly those of enemies-to-lovers or friends-with-benefits scenarios. Fusions are fun, as are oddly specific time period backgrounds. Really, I’ll love it all, and I hope this helps!
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laufire · 7 years
Hello there and happy holidays! Your KC Winter Wonderland gifter here. The prompt/description you provided was informative and I'll do my best to steer clear of things that don't interest you. :) I was wondering if there are any other TVD characters and/or friendships you like? And if you have a preference for fluffiness, angst, horror, canon-divergence etc.? Or if you have a trope or jumping off point you'd like to see explored? I have some ideas but I want to create something you'll like. :D
-Other than Caroline and Klaus, Marcel, Bonnie and Vincent are my fave characters in the ‘verse, and Klaus & Marcel one of my fave relationships, so I’d be happy if you added any of them. My tags for all of them (and for Klaroline) are pretty self-explanatory about what I like about them, if you’re more curious :)
-Canon-divergence AUs are my usual go-to fics. I can’t think of any prompt right now, so maybe tell me something you’d wanted to happen in the story? 
-Also, minor pet-peeve, but nothing overtly-angsty jibes well with Klaroline for me LOL. They’re both too joie-de-vivre and I love that about them. Humor and horror are the genres I love the most with this ship.
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klarolinevacay · 7 years
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Thank you so much for the nomination for best fandom project! The @klarolinemag valentines, vacation and winter wonderland gift exchanges have been running for a few years now and it is SO great to be recognised with this nomination. 
Jess @klarolinesbuttons Dani @littlebirdofthenorth Angie @thetourguidebarbie and Cristy @misssophiachase love nothing more than helping to bring these fun events to everyone so we can all share, enjoy and revel in the amazing talent in our fandom!
Thank you again! You can go HERE If you’d like to vote for any of the wonderful award nominees :)
- Your Klaroline Gift Exchange team 
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Please join us for a champagne toast as we countdown to midnight. We'll ring in the new year with confetti - and perhaps a kiss- and share our resolutions.
Of course, this is generally what happens in romantic comedies and we’d love to see you bring all of the bolded terms to life through gif sets, drabbles, aesthetics, videos and graphics.  
But if you need some other suggestions how about these more unpredictable options this KlaroEve?
Klaus and Caroline are strangers and fight over the last bottle of champagne at the store.
Klaus and Caroline get a little too drunk at a New Year’s Eve Party…
Caroline gets confetti in her hair… Klaus notices
Klaus and Caroline arrive separately to a New Year’s Party, and end up standing next to each other during the countdown to midnight.
Klaus is not sure of the words to Auld Lang Syne… Caroline helps him out
Someone ‘accidentally’ left the Christmas misteltoe up at the New Year’s Eve party…
Klaus and Caroline are in different timezones but still manage to spend New Year’s together.
Caroline loves to dance at parties… Klaus not so much.
Klaus is returning a Christmas present to the store where Caroline works..
Now that we have filled you with prompt ideas, we are looking forward to seeing you create some new years/holiday themed works of your choice from December 30 - January 1st. 
Now keep in mind these are just ideas! By no means is anyone required to use these we just thought they might help get those creative juices flowing. And remember to tag your creations with #klaroeve so we can reblog them. Happy creating! 
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misssophiachase · 8 years
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My Winter Wonderland Gift Exchange Drabble for @polkadot-tigers
Caroline Forbes has known Prince Niklaus Mikaelson since she pushed him into the sandpit when they were five. After a particularly drunken night at a wedding they make a pact that if they aren't with anyone in five years they will meet at the top of the Empire State Building on Christmas Eve.
The Prince and Me
Present Day (age 30)
"That's it, I'm calling off Christmas this year," Caroline growled.
"You can't just call off Christmas," Katherine responded, rolling her eyes as she did it. "I think that's a call only Santa Klaus himself can make."
"I've been nice enough this year so surely he could grant me this one, little wish?" With only five days until Christmas, the girls were doing some last minute shopping. Well, Katherine was and Caroline was just following her around complaining.
The girls had become best friends during their sorority days at Kappa Kappa Gamma at Yale University and had been pretty much inseparable since, both moving to Boston after graduation to follow their chosen careers. Caroline was practicing law at Burns & Levinson and Katherine was an architect at Jacobs International.
"Look, I know you think Christmas isn't going to pan out like you'd hoped but there's still four days for Kl..."
"Don't mention his name," she shot back. That particular subject an extremely touchy one. "Plus, that's not why I'm anti Christmas."
"Oh really? Then why are you resembling the Grinch this year in particular?"
"A girl's got a right not to be in the Christmas spirit, Kat. I mean Jesse and I just broke up, I need time to process everything."
"Process what exactly? You dated for like five seconds, if you could even call it that," Katherine snorted.
"It was three months," she growled. "Anyway, it doesn't matter because in six days' time, it will all be a distant memory and I think working through the holidays is the perfect remedy to get through all that unnecessary yuletide cheer."
"While that sounds absolutely stimulating, Care, I thought you were going to spend Christmas with my family this year in New York."
Caroline's parents were living in Malaysia because her father was currently stationed at the Butterworth Airforce Base and she figured it was a little too far to venture to celebrate a holiday she wasn't really in the mood for.
"I'd prefer to be as far away from New York as possible on Christmas," she muttered, noting Katherine's raised eyebrows as she said it. "You know because of all the crowds."
"We both know why you want to stay away and it has nothing to do with crowds," she scoffed, taking a seat on a nearby bench on Newberry Street and patting the space beside her for Caroline to take. "I'm so sick of skirting around the elephant in the room, why are you so convinced that he won't show?" Caroline sat down defeatedly, all the fears that she'd tried to ignore bubbling back to the surface.
"He's with her now and even if he wasn't I'm never going to be the one, Kat."
"What happened to my confident best friend?"
"She turned thirty and began to question her complete and utter lack of a love life. I mean even you have one, even if it is a string of one-night stands and flings."
"Which is exactly the way I like it, Forbes," she muttered. It was one thing to talk about her love life but yet another to delve into Katherine's history. Caroline really never understood Katherine's aversion to relationships but she figured it had something to do with not meeting the right guy yet. Unfortunately for Caroline, she'd met Mr Right at age five but he was probably one of the most unobtainable bachelors in the world. Life certainly was a bitch. "Anyway, coming back to your dilemma, it's because no one has ever been good enough for you Forbes, well except Kl..."
"I thought we agreed not to mention his name?"
"Not mentioning him doesn't mean it isn't any less true," she murmured. "You two have been friends forever, I think it's understandable to be apprehensive about Christmas Eve and what it may or may not bring."
"It's not going to bring anything, Kat," she insisted. "That silly pact we made five years ago means nothing. I think we all know how emotional weddings can be, especially when you're single and drunk. I'm pretty sure he's forgotten all about it and that's the way it's going to stay."
"Yet, it has been five years since then and your current Scrooge-like mood is telling me otherwise," she groaned. "Don't you want to go up the Empire State Building and find out for sure?"
"No, because there's no point," she replied simply. "He's with Hayley now and according to media reports he's planning to pop the question during some skiing holiday in Austria over Christmas. They are all practically salivating over a proposed June wedding."
"Since when do you believe everything the media reports?"
"When I'm curious about his holiday plans because I haven't spoken to him recently."
"And whose fault is that?"
"It's easier this way."
"Yes, so easy you have to spy on him through the media. We both know they embellish absolutely everything, I mean have you seen those photos of them together?"
"I try to avoid all of the gossip magazines as much as possible," she drawled, knowing that wasn't true given her previous comment. It didn't help when something would slip through the barrier she'd created, like the talk of an upcoming Summer wedding. Hayley Marshall was the doe-eyed daughter of a Texan oil billionaire and her pedigree and status well suited to the possible future King of England, hence the national press likening it to a match made in heaven. They were dizzy with the prospect of a future American Princess and nothing could contain their excitement or speculation.
"They all seem so contrived if you ask me," she commented. "She's all over him but he seems indifferent." Caroline had noticed it too, if anyone knew Klaus Mikaelsons' expressions it was her, but she'd decided it didn't matter anyway. Obviously he'd chosen to entertain a relationship with Hayley for whatever reason and it was best she tried to move on for good.
"Well, that's his business," she mumbled.
"No, it isn't," she argued. "I've seen the two of you together, I've seen the way his face lights up when he sees you and the first thing he does is give you the biggest hug like no one else is in the room. He even calls you princess as a nickname for heaven's sake. It's meant to be." Caroline felt a lump form in her throat and had to fight back tears that image was so clear in her mind. Not that she'd seen him in about six months now, she'd chosen to keep her distance because it was all too difficult.
"Yes, because we're friends and nothing else."
"But Hayley Marshall is more wicked stepsister material, you're like the princess with the golden hair in all of the fairytales."
"Well, not everyone is meant to live happily ever after. Come on, let's get this shopping over and done with, Pierce." Her heart wasn't in it, that much Caroline knew and she couldn't help but think back to how she first met Klaus all those years ago.
Caroline could still remember the memories as clear as day, even if she had only been five. Her father was in the Airforce and she travelled a lot as a child, his longest stint was at HQ Flight Command in Buckinghamshire where he was based for thirteen years before she headed back to the US for college.
Twenty-Five Years Ago (age 5)
“I was playing here first,” Caroline insisted, her blonde pigtails bobbing up and down angrily. Everyone knew that the sandpit was her favourite thing in the playground and that every recess break she built her most favourite thing in the world, a castle. She'd gone to get her shells to make her finishing touches to the turrets when he turned up with his entourage of followers.
"Well, I don't care," the spoilt, English kid replied as the other boys stood around him nodding their heads in agreement. That spoilt, English boy just happened to be Niklaus Mikaelson, Prince of England and third in line to the British throne and didn't he know it. "We're using the sandpit now."
"I'm going to tell the teacher on you," she warned. Ever since the little prince had arrived at her school in London he'd been teasing her mercilessly. Being royalty obviously meant Niklaus thought he could get away with anything. While others cowered to him because of his title Caroline was never one to back down.
"I'm so scared," he joked. "You know the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of this ugly castle, right?"
"You wouldn't dare," Caroline huffed. This guy probably had a million castles to choose from so why couldn't he just leave hers alone? His crimson lips turned into a mocking smile and Caroline knew daring him probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. Within an instant, her once pretty castle (one of her best yet she'd thought) was just a pile of sand. She looked at him angrily willing herself not to cry as his little followers laughed and patted him on the back.
"Looks like I just did," he grinned. That was the final straw, no one did that to Caroline Forbes and got away with it, even if they were royalty. She stepped forward catching him off guard and pushed him into the sandpit on top of the ruins of her castle he'd ruined so callously. He was rolling around now, coughing and spluttering. Caroline had never felt more proud, until the teacher made them both stay after school but she figured it was worth it just to see him covered in sand. He may of been a prince but she didn't give a damn who Klaus Mikaelson was.
Twenty Years Ago (age 10)
"But why do I have to be paired with him of all people?" Caroline protested. Her science teacher Miss James didn't seem swayed by her arguments about why she shouldn't do an assignment with Klaus. Half the girls in grade six were currently staring on with equal parts of disbelief and jealousy at her blatant refusal. Apparently having the title of prince in front of your name meant that the girls all worshipped you, but not her. Caroline would rather eat worms.
They'd been sworn enemies ever since he'd destroyed her castle and she'd pushed him into the sandpit five years earlier. If there was one thing they both had in common it was their stubborn ability to hold a grudge. They'd both made it their main aim in life to antagonise each other and their friends all waited with interest to see what prank they'd pull on each other next. The spiders he'd put in her school bag the other day had left her shaken but she was determined to get even, no matter what it took.
"Those are the pairings Caroline, end of discussion," she warned. No doubt Miss James had some misguided hope that pairing them together would end all of the animosity. Fat chance. She was already trying to come up with her next scheme.
"Yes, end of discussion, Caroline," Klaus sing-songed in her ear teasingly, earning an elbow in the ribs for his efforts. "Ouch, that's not the way a well behaved lady should act."
"I'm not like anyone you know and I'd like to keep it that way, Mikaelson."
"It's Prince Mikaelson to you."
"I'd prefer to keep the name calling to idiot," she growled. "Now, about this stupid project."
If it were something quick and easy that would require minimal team participation, Caroline wouldn't have minded but given it was over the spring break it required some out of school work. Klaus was a border as was customary with most kids but during the holidays he returned home to Kensington Palace.
Even though Caroline knew he was a prince there wasn't much she knew about his royal life other than what she saw portrayed in the media. He always seemed so well behaved at special occasions, nothing like the boy she knew from school. Her parents had informed Caroline that she was going into London to work on their project together, she'd refused initially but her father had told her in no uncertain terms you didn't turn down a royal invitation.
Kensington Palace was even more beautiful than it looked on television, stately on the outside and opulent on the inside with its high ceilings and plush furnishings. She stared around wide eyed at its grandeur. She was met by the Princess of Wales and some of the house staff. Esther Mikaelson was even more stunning in real life as she chatted with her mother politely. Caroline was pretty certain her mother was even more star struck than her.
Klaus just stood there quietly, not talking and sneaking a few sideways glances in her direction. Caroline had never known him to be so quiet and reserved before. They were shown into the manicured gardens, sitting at an old fashioned white table and chairs. To say she was distracted from the project was an understatement. Klaus, it seemed, was as well but obviously for different reasons.
"So, what do you think about if we do it like this?" She asked, pointing to the paper in front of them. Klaus didn't respond immediately, his gaze directed on the house and nearby nanny who was pretending to read but obviously keeping a close eye on them. "Klaus?"
"Oh yeah, that's good," he replied dismissively.
"Well, if you're not going to take this seriously."
"I am," he shot back, eyeing his nanny once again. Obviously something was going on but Caroline wasn't quite sure what. Where was the precocious, know-it-all she knew so well from school. "It's fine." Caroline shrugged her shoulders, busying herself with their project. If he wasn't going to contribute she might as well get it done herself.
It was only when his nanny left to get some lemonade for them that Klaus finally relaxed. He even told her she drew like a girl, Caroline decided to take that as a compliment. "So, what's with the weird mood?"
"What weird mood?"
"You're all quiet and not your usual charming self," she teased. "Is that only a show for the other boys at school?"
"It's not a show," he replied, defensively. "Miss James told my parents about my behaviour in class and let's just say they like me to act a certain way and that isn't it."
"You got in trouble?"
"Sort of, it apparently doesn't look good publicly when the Prince of England is acting out at school," he mumbled. "They thought I should invite you over so we could try and be friends."
"So we wouldn't play tricks on each other anymore?"
"Something like that." Caroline knew he was royalty but never understood the public pressure involved with being part of such a well-known family, especially since he was only ten years-old. "I probably don't have the right to ask but do you think we could call a truce at school?"
"If this is another trick," she warned.
"I wish it was," he joked, earning a dirty look from her. "You should have seen your face when you found those spiders in your bag."
"Or when I pushed you into that sandpit," she shot back. "If you even think about doing anything Mikaelson, I will kill you and that's a promise."
"I wouldn't say that too loud, Forbes, given my security detail are just around that corner," he chuckled making Caroline whack him on the chest, only partly scared about what they might do if they caught her assaulting the third in line to the British throne.
Fifteen Years Ago (age 15)
Guys sucked. That's the last time Caroline trusted another male. She'd spent so much time getting ready for the stupid school formal and now she didn't have a date. Apparently he was sick but Caroline had her suspicions that Tyler had found someone better to take like Olivia with the big chest. She couldn't help it if her breasts hadn't quite grown to the size she wanted.
After his call earlier that day, Caroline had immediately insisted that she wasn't going to the formal without a date. She'd planned on staying home and watching the horror film 'Carrie' instead but apparently her mother thought otherwise, especially given the exorbitant amount she reminded her that she'd spent on her dress. It was a beautiful cornflower shade of blue that matched her eyes and it did seem like a waste not to wear it, especially given her hair was already styled in a chic, low bun with curly tendrils framing her face.
When her mother dropped her off, the nerves she'd felt swirling in her stomach had returned and she stopped short of the school hall where it was being held. She sat on a nearby bench trying to muster up the courage to walk in alone. It didn't matter, right? Surely there were others going alone too, not that she knew of anyone in her circle of friends.
"The school hall is that way, love," a familiar voice murmured in the darkness, scaring her slightly. She turned to where he was noticing a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth.
"I told you not to call me that, Mikaelson, I'm not one of your pathetic groupies," she scowled. Although they'd declared a truce five years earlier it didn't mean they were friends, far from it actually. Even with those family pressures she knew about first hand, he was still the annoying guy who would tease her. "And didn't you hear? Smoking is bad for you."
"Always nagging me, Forbes."
"Well, someone needs to given the idiotic things you do to try and rebel," she muttered.
"Hey, I'm not trying anything, I happen to like nicotine," he argued. "So, what exactly are you doing here all alone?"
"That's none of your business," she snapped. The last person she wanted to know about her dateless situation was Klaus Mikaelson. "And don't you have some girls to go and harass?"
"You've got that the wrong way around, they are harassing me. So much so that I decided it was better to come alone."
"Oh you poor baby," she cooed, sarcastically. "It must be such a hard life being you." Caroline probably wasn't doing a very good job of hiding her bitterness. It was no secret that every girl had asked him to the formal and she couldn't even keep one date.
"It is actually," he admitted. "It would be nice for someone to like me for being me and not for being a prince for once." Caroline was shocked by his sudden admission, she figured he loved being a prince and all the female attention that went with it.
"Well, if it's any consolation I don't like you for being a prince or for being yourself," she shot back.
"I can always count on you for a reality check," he chuckled. "So, you didn't answer my question before, where is that idiotic, American, brunette partner of yours who has the intelligence of a gnat?"
"Watch what you're saying about Americans, mister," she chided, her patriotic side coming through. "Although, it sure sounds like someone has been keeping an eye on me," she murmured, not even bothering to address his comments about Tyler's intelligence because he probably was correct.
"What can I say, I was bored," he replied lazily, while stubbing out his cigarette. "Okay, if you're not going to say it, I did happen to see Tyler arrive with Liv earlier and was tossing up whether he stood you up or you came to your senses and dumped his ass."
"Why this sudden interest in my love life?"
"I told you, boredom. You realise I'm not going to give up until you tell me what happened, right?" He asked, taking the seat next to her just as Caroline caught a whiff of his spicy aftershave making her slightly dizzy. His eyes seemed bluer tonight, his lips more pronounced and crimson and she caught the beginnings of a dimple in his left cheek, what was happening to her? Did she actually find him attractive? She decided to blame it on the bewitching aftershave, well that and the way he looked in a tuxedo, even if his bow tie was hanging loosely around his collar.
"What? So you can tease me again because quite frankly I'm not in the mood, Klaus."
"No I'm not going to tease you, I'm just trying to work out whether I need to beat Tyler up or not." Caroline had to admit this over protective side of him was kind of attractive. She shook her head, what the hell was she thinking?
"He stood me up and if you did want to beat him up I wouldn't stop you," she replied, gruffly. "Although given your school record I'd advise against it, not sure your parents would appreciate the unwanted press."
"Always looking out for me, aren't you?" He smiled, knowingly. "Anyone would think you liked me or something."
"Don't push it," she drawled.
"You know, you scrub up pretty good, Forbes," he said, his eyes roaming over her outfit.
"When they wrote the character of Prince Charming they sure as hell weren't talking about you, Mikaelson."
"You're right, I guess I could have worded that a little better. You look quite pretty this evening, love," he said admiringly, his eyes flickering over her dress causing a few foreign shivers to course through her body.
"Well, that's better," Caroline scoffed, trying to hide the mixture of emotions that had suddenly overcome her.
"So, how about a date?"
"Excuse me?"
"To the formal."
"With you?"
"Don't sound so excited," he drawled. "I know I'm not your first choice but I thought if anything it might annoy Lockwood."
"And your hordes of adoring fans," she muttered, knowing all too well how possessive the girls at school could be when it came to him.
"I'm game if you are?" He offered. "Consider this a formal apology for putting all those spiders in your bag and everything else I did when I young and immature."
"I thought you still were," she quipped. "Fine, you've got yourself a deal but don't expect me to apologise for that sandpit incident, Mikaelson. Oh and I have no intention of putting out, just so we're clear."
"Don't flatter yourself, princess," he laughed, holding out his hand. And so an unlikely friendship was formed between two sworn enemies that night and even though they didn't know it at the time, it would remain for years to come.
Ten Years Ago (age 20)
"Caroline! Hurry that little bikini-bottomed ass up! It's the first pool party of sophomore year," Katherine yelled. "I definitely want to get there first so I can take my pick of the best male talent." Caroline rolled her eyes at just how typical it was of Katherine. Even though they couldn't have been more different, the girls had been good friends for a year now since they joined Kappa Kappa Gamma together as freshmen.
She'd been sad to leave England after so many years, the main reason being Klaus. Who knew a pretend date at the school formal would lead to a friendship with him? Everyone at school speculated that they were actually sleeping together but it couldn't be farther from the truth. She knew he wasn't her type to ever succumb to that sort of arrangement and Klaus secretly liked the fact some girls thought he was taken so they'd leave him alone.
They were inseparable though, not just at school but during holiday breaks. The media at one point even printed their pictures and alluded to a sweet, teenage romance. Caroline had been mortified they thought she would date him and Klaus just thought it was hilarious she was supposedly his latest love interest. Caroline had spent more time with his family, including his siblings, and came to think of them as her own seeing as she didn't have any. Klaus used to joke about how annoying they were but she knew just how protective he was of them.
Kol, Rebekah and Henrik were your typical, annoying younger brothers and sister but they kept things fun and interesting. Elijah, on the other hand, was far too mature for his age although Klaus explained that it was much harder on him because as the eldest he was the most likely to become king one day. The one thing Caroline knew was that Klaus never wanted to be king given he thought the pressure was tough enough being a prince.
"I'm coming," she called out. She consulted her appearance in the mirror, her white bikini accentuating the tan she'd gotten during her summer in Europe. In her haste, she grabbed her yellow sundress deciding to put it on downstairs so as to avoid any more orders from Katherine. "Geez, don't get your panties in a twist, Pierce." Caroline muttered as she made her way down the staircase, stopping suddenly as she processed just who was in the living area.
"Panties? Looks like I got here at just the right time, princess." Although she'd seen him at the beginning of summer she couldn't contain her excitement. He looked even more tanned since then in his blue polo shirt.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She squealed, excitedly.
"That's some welcome, love," he chuckled, holding out his arms. She raced down the stairs, forgetting just how under dressed she was and threw her arms around his neck. If there was one thing Klaus did well it was hug, strangely enough given his parents rarely showed any affection to their children.
"Someone's filled out I see," he joked, earning a slap on his back for his comment. "My little princess is all grown up."
"You're hilarious," she groaned while putting on her dress hurriedly slightly nervous about his steady gaze on her body. She noticed Katherine staring on curiously at their exchange. "Oh sorry, Klaus this is my friend Katherine."
"We already met when he arrived five minutes ago, I thought it would be funny to surprise you. I wasn't quite sure whether I was supposed to curtsey or not."
"Oh please, Kat," she drawled. "Don't give him a bigger ego than he already has...."
"She got over that pretty quickly," Klaus interrupted. "Asked me where my hot bodyguards were, that big ego of mine took a pretty big hit, I'll have you know."
"Please tell me you brought Aiden with you on this impromptu trip, you know he's my favourite," she winked. He raised his eyebrows seriously but the knowing smile tugging on the ends of those crimson lips gave him away. God, she'd missed him and his myriad of expressions that didn't need words to explain. "Speaking of impromptu, what exactly are you doing here?"
"Can't a guy visit his best friend without an interrogation? I mean I know it's you but give a guy a break, love." Caroline noticed for the first time a weariness in his expression and knew something wasn't quite right, especially turning up without warning. They held each other's gaze, Caroline trying to ascertain just what was wrong without needing to ask. Katherine cleared her throat, obviously sensing something and broke the prolonged silence.
"Okay, I'm sensing some drama here. I might just go and acquaint myself with Aiden then," she said, making herself scarce. Trust Katherine to turn a good deed into something about a guy.
"What's happened?" Caroline asked pointedly. He didn't respond immediately, just sat down on the couch placing his head in his hands. Klaus wasn't one to show much emotion, that much she knew so it couldn't be a good reason that brought him to her. She sat next to him, instinctively placing her arm around his shoulders willing him to talk.
"It's Henrik," he bit out.
"What's wrong with Henrik?" She asked, feeling a knot developing in her stomach. Henrik had always been her favourite sibling mainly because they got along so well. He looked up at her now, his blue eyes clouded with unshed tears. She'd never seen him this upset and if she was being honest it was a little scary.
"He's been diagnosed with leukaemia, the doctors told us last week," he murmured, sadly. She pulled him tighter towards her almost like she was trying to take the pain away. "I didn't know what to do. He's been in a private hospital but mother and father don't want us to visit in case the media finds out before they can put out a formal statement. But I suppose that's just typical of them to put our public profile ahead of Henrik."
"They probably think they're doing what is best," she offered, knowing that even though his parents weren't overly affectionate they did love their children. "It can't be easy for them either, Klaus."
"Well, you wouldn't know it Caroline," he growled, standing up and pacing up and down the room like a caged animal. "I thought you'd be on my side, that's why I came here when I had no idea what to do I was so anxious, not to mention restless."
"I am on your side," she shot back, standing up to meet his angry glare. "I've always got your back, you know that. I just think you shouldn't jump to conclusions when you're obviously so upset."
"You sound like just my parents," he growled. "I think they were relieved to see the back of me before I completely lost it at home. But do you blame me? I mean it's Henrik, he's never hurt anyone."
"I know," she agreed, finally stopping his pacing and placing her hands on his shoulders comfortingly. "He's the sweetest boy I know, that's for sure. But he'll get through this Klaus, you just have to have a little faith."
"How do you know that?"
"Honestly, I don't. But what I do know is that your brother is strong and fearless and I'm pretty certain your parents are going to make sure they have the best medical professionals on hand to help Henrik recover. What did they say about his treatment?"
"They recommended a specialist at Mass General in Boston," he explained. "I won't be sidelined though, I'm going to be with Henrik during his treatment no matter what they think.
"Oh, I see," she replied, arching her left eyebrow. "This is just some ploy to get closer to me. I mean I know you've had a thing for me since we were five and all...."
"Someone has an extremely high opinion of themselves and hasn't changed since school," he smirked, Caroline glad to see her attempt at humour had managed to cheer him up, even if it was temporary. "Come on, just admit that you've missed me, love." Caroline knew the answer to that question but wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of answering even if he was upset.
"You seem to forget I'm not one of your groupies, Mikaelson," she grinned teasingly, before giving him another hug and losing herself in his spicy scent momentarily as was often the case. "And you know I can't be bought."
"That's not entirely true," he mused, finally pulling back from their hug. "I seem to recall you being rather generous with compliments after I plied you with oysters, red wine and dark chocolate that time in London."
"I blame the aphrodisiac qualities for those compliments slipping out but never again," she promised.
"I hear there's an amazing oyster bar in town, maybe we could go tonight?" He offered, flashing those dimples for extra persuasive powers.
"Well, as tempting as that sounds Mikaelson, I'd rather not be photographed and referred to as your on-again-off-again high school sweetheart. Although, they probably already know you're here given your rather public entrance."
"I've got it covered, we're launching an annual Royal Scholarship," he explained. "I needed a reason to be in the States given my sudden departure."
"I should have known, there's always a plan with you people," she smiled. "You probably should get home after this contrived scholarship ceremony though."
"So, now you're trying to get rid of me?"
"Yes, it's been painful just to put up with you for this long," she joked knowing she could put up with him forever, not that she'd admit that of course. "But you have more important places to be right now and we both know it."
"Well, that is true but I'm not flying out until tomorrow, so what is a guy supposed to do until then?" She pretended to be deep in thought just to annoy him and prolong the suspense. "Seriously Caroline, most girls wouldn't even need the hint to ask me out."
"Well, I'm not like most girls am I, Mikaelson?"
"No, that you're not."
"Fine, how about a movie night then, like old times, but I get to pick what we watch," she suggested.
"Yeah also like old times," he scoffed. "I'm not watching 'Legally Blonde' again though, Forbes."
"We'll see about that," she laughed, giving him a playful nudge in the ribs.
Caroline would never forget the moment she realised that she was head over heels in love with her best friend and it wasn't how she expected it to happen at all. They'd been watching movies and he'd bitched and moaned about her choices but still watched them dutifully. As the end credits of 'Legally Blonde' rolled across the screen later that night she looked over at Klaus. He'd fallen asleep earlier, popcorn was stuck to his top and his mouth was wide open as he snored slightly and she didn't think he'd ever looked so adorable before.
That's when Caroline knew she was a goner. Finding out a week later that Klaus was transferring to Harvard while Henrik sought medical treatment was going to make her newfound feelings for the prince all the more complicated.
Five Years Ago (age 25)
"So this is what a royal wedding looks like?" Katherine squeaked excitedly, her hat partially obscuring Caroline's view.
"I have no idea," she hissed. "And could you please be less obvious that we're royal wedding virgins?"
Westminster Abbey was packed and besides the notable royalty and celebrities, Caroline knew absolutely no one, which was probably good seeing as Katherine was being entirely too embarrassing for her own good, including the hat she insisted on wearing. Klaus had been kind enough to let her invite a plus one to keep her company. He'd admitted that he wanted her to be his date for moral support but they both knew the media would jump at the chance to photograph them together again and claim they were the next couple headed to the altar.
Caroline couldn't believe his little sister Rebekah was getting married, especially seeing she was the first of the siblings to make the commitment. But apparently it was love at first sight when she watched Lord St John's eldest son Enzo command a horse on the polo field and lead his team to a convincing victory. Granted they fought like children for a few months pretending they weren't interested in each other but here they were about to get married.
Klaus, of course, had gone into meltdown given she was his little sister and thought Enzo was some womaniser trying to take her away. It had taken a few conversations over the phone to convince him that he should calm down and just be happy for Rebekah. After what he'd gone through with Henrik, Caroline didn't blame Klaus for being overly sensitive but since he was in remission she figured he should let up on the over protective, big brother act.
Speaking of the over protective, big brother. He was looking roguishly handsome in his grey suit at the altar next to Elijah, Kol, Enzo and Henrik. He'd spotted her earlier, even though she was seated all the way towards the back, and sent her one of his most dimpled grins. The fact it still turned her stomach to mush wasn't helping. When she realised her feelings five years earlier and he subsequently moved to the neighbouring state she didn't have much time to process it all. After all, Henrik was the most important consideration and they'd both spent plenty of time at his bedside reading him books, playing games and keeping him company during his treatment.
Once Henrik was in remission a year later, Klaus had transferred back to Oxford to complete his studies. She'd been tempted to tell him what she felt the night before he left but they lived in different countries, more than that they were destined for completely different lives. That much she knew.
The ceremony was beautiful and Caroline couldn't stop the tears from flowing. She knew she probably would have cried even if they were relative strangers so it made it all the more special that she'd known them intimately for years. Watching Klaus standing there and trying to be the strong, older brother and not cry in front of the millions of people watching worldwide was incredibly emotional. All she wanted to do was walk up there and give him a reassuring hug.
The reception for 300 people at Buckingham Palace following was equally as grand and impressive and Klaus' speech was far more personal than Caroline would have ever expected. She could have sworn he glanced in her direction when he spoke about the importance of being best friends with your spouse. After the formalities and the Queen had retired for the evening, they had opened up the extensive backyard where a marquee and dance floor had been set up for the younger guests to continue on late into the night. After a few dances, Katherine and Caroline had sat themselves at the makeshift gin bar so they could watch the celebrations from afar.
"His Royal Hotness was looking at you during that speech, Care. In fact, he's been sneaking glances at you all day," Katherine said, gesturing to the prince in question. "And don't tell me that line about friends wasn't referring to you two."
"Could you be any more obvious, Pierce?" She growled, pulling her hand down. "He was probably staring at that ridiculous hat you were wearing at the ceremony."
"I'll have you know Victoria Beckham liked it," she shot back.
"Posh Spice liked that hat?"
"Unlike some people she has taste. Anyway, enough changing the subject, Forbes. Are you going to talk to Klaus at all today? And by the way, staring at him doesn't count."
"I was not staring," she spluttered. Okay, maybe she was but Caroline didn't want to interrupt his formal duties.
"Who's not staring at whom?" Klaus asked stepping between them and interrupting their conversation. Caroline could feel a faint blush cross her face, hoping that it wasn't as obvious to him as it felt. Why the hell couldn't she get her act together? She'd only known the guy for twenty years.
"Your older brother, turns out I have a bit of a crush," Katherine replied, saving Caroline from complete embarrassment.
"I'm sure Aiden will be mortified," Caroline drawled thinking back to their brief meeting in Connecticut.
"Is he seeing anyone?" Katherine asked, ignoring Caroline's attempt at a joke.
"This is Elijah we're talking about, he's never seeing anyone because he's too busy working or whatever it is he does," Klaus laughed. "I'd be more than happy to introduce you though if you'd like, Katherine?"
"What is this the nineteenth century? While I appreciate the offer HRH I'm a modern woman, I can make my own introductions thank you very much. So, if you two will excuse me."
"Poor Elijah," Caroline said, knowing just how different they were and just how forward Katherine could be. "Although, I'd definitely pay to watch it all unfold."
"You and me both," he agreed. "I see Katherine has a new nickname for me since I last saw her, not that it's completely unexpected of course."
"Oh, except her initials stand for His Royal Hotness as opposed to Highness," she informed him. "Not that I'm trying to give you a bigger head or anything, Mikaelson."
"I'll have you know grandma told me just how handsome I looked earlier," he grinned. "But speaking of handsome though, you don't scrub up too badly yourself, love." Caroline would have hit him but she had to give him credit for remembering their conversation all those years ago. When she'd picked out her blue dress for Rebekah's wedding it'd actually reminded her of the formal and it seemed he remembered that too.
"Do you think I'll be dressed well enough to be included in the spread of all your ex-girlfriends in tomorrow's Daily Mail?"
"I'll have to remember to thank my sister for inviting so many of them along today, for the record you were the only one I invited myself," he promised. "Even if you aren't actually an ex-girlfriend."
"Yeah, you wish," she laughed.
"I was surprised you brought Katherine to be honest," he murmured, piquing her attention. "You know just because I thought you were all serious with that idiot with the hair." That idiot with the hair was Stefan and they'd broken up two months earlier after a year-long relationship. Klaus always knew how to peg the guys she dated because he was an idiot and spent longer in the bathroom doing his hair than she did.
"Let's just say she may have her quirks but Katherine is definitely more reliable, although she did hog the bathroom," she quipped, downing the last of her gin and gesturing for another.
"Now, why are you allowed to get drunk and I'm not?"
"Last time I checked, this was pretty much your house and you can do what you like," she replied. For some reason drinking more gin seemed easier than having a proper conversation because Caroline knew those pesky feelings would try to rear their ugly head and that couldn't happen, especially not tonight.
Caroline couldn't remember just how many drinks they'd consumed, especially since Kol had appeared during their session and insisted they all have shots. Katherine had even managed to drag Elijah over for a few more beverages and she seemed to recall Enzo re-enacting the chicken dance with her at some stage. She was pretty sure this wasn't how you acted at a wedding, especially a royal one at that. At least the media weren't around to judge their behaviour.
"So, you're pretty drunk," Klaus teased, placing his finger on the end of her nose.
"So are you," she repeated, missing his nose when she attempted to do the same thing.
"Not as much as you, love," he laughed, catching her before she fell. She may have been buzzing from the alcohol but couldn't miss the warmth that spread through her body from his touch. She didn't move immediately, just relished in the feeling of being in his arms. "But I have to admit you're pretty cute like this."
"Are you patronising me?"
"Trust you to use big words when you're drunk."
"Weddings bring it out in me," she giggled, ruffling up his hair playfully. "I can only take so much love and mush."
"So, what you're telling me is that you never want to get married?" He asked, his arms still holding onto her tightly. "Ever?"
"I never said that," she murmured. "I guess it would depend on the person. I'm not going to marry just anyone."
"I would have to agree," he shared. "But what happens if we never find that right person? We might never get married."
"Way to depress a girl, Mikaelson. You know, I'd maybe consider marrying you," she admitted. "Well, only if I couldn't find anyone else of course and we were the last people left on the planet and it was vital we repopulate the earth and all that."
"Wow, so kind of you love," he chuckled. "I'd possibly, maybe consider marrying you too."
"You would?" Caroline asked, surprised by his response and trying to ignore the urge to kiss those crimson lips that were hypnotising her as he spoke.
"I'd learn to live with your nagging eventually, I suppose," he joked. "I knew this guy once that made a pact with his friend that if they weren't married by a certain time, they'd marry each other."
"Did they get married?" She asked curiously, thinking it sounded like the craziest idea. Caroline Forbes didn't do anything like that, mainly because she naively always thought happily ever after was a given.
"No, they didn't."
"So, what exactly is the point of this story then?"
"Well, how about if we make a promise right here? I mean, I'm pretty certain someone like you won't need it but how about a back-up plan, you know just in case?"
"You're royalty for god's sake, I don't think it's the done thing, Klaus."
"Arranged marriages have been the foundation of many royal unions in the past," he explained. "Consider this just like one of those."
"Except it's usually the parents who arrange the marriage," she replied.
"Consider this our modern spin on it."
"So, what are the terms exactly?" She asked, surprised she was even entertaining something so preposterous.
"If neither of us are with anyone in five years we agree to getting married," he suggested, his eyes trained on hers. Caroline wasn't quite sure whether it was actually him or the gin talking. Either way it sounded good to her. "We can meet up somewhere on a set date as a symbol of that commitment."
"Where are we supposed to meet?"
"Trust you to focus on the semantics. I don't know, here or Boston..."
"Or maybe the Empire State Building on Christmas Eve at one minute to midnight," Caroline offered.
"Well, someone's obviously been watching too many romantic films but hell why not?" He replied. "So, do we have a deal?"
"I suppose we do," she agreed. "Do we shake hands now or something?"
"Or something," he whispered. "Don't you think an agreement like this requires something a little more familiar?"
"What exactly did you have in mind?" Caroline asked, her breath catching in her throat in anticipation.
"I don't know, maybe a kiss?" Caroline was silent, unsure of what to say but knowing she wanted exactly the same thing. It may have been the alcohol talking but at that moment Caroline didn't care, especially if that meant she got to kiss Klaus.
She'd barely nodded before his lips were on hers, incredibly soft and welcoming. Caroline always assumed it would be awkward kissing him after all this time but it felt so right, like she was finally home. Unfortunately, it was short lived, interrupted by one of the staff. She shouldn't have been surprised but when he reluctantly excused himself, Caroline could swear she saw disappointment in his eyes. The empty feeling in her chest as he walked away telling her she already missed his touch.
Present Day (Age 30)
Caroline's cell phone sounded out next to the bed, waking her unceremoniously. She groaned, throwing the pillow over her head to try and block out the noise and the invading sunlight. It continued to ring, Caroline realising she should either answer it or hurl it against the wall, the second option was definitely more appealing. She threw off the pillow and consulted the bedside clock noting that not only was it 6am it was also December 22nd. Why couldn't Christmas have come and gone already?
She begrudgingly grabbed the source of all her frustration and read the screen noticing her code name for a certain prince. Why he was calling she had no idea but it was probably to antagonise her as usual. Although Caroline was tempted to ignore him she was curious at the same time.
"Kol, you better have a good excuse for calling me this early," she growled, by way of a greeting.
"Well, good morning to you too, sleeping bitchy," he shot back. "Remind me never to call you at this time ever again."
"Consider it done, just so we can avoid situations like this," she quipped. Caroline and Kol had always been the two that had shared the most similar bond to real siblings. This was just their way of showing affection, well at least she thought so. "Is there a point to this call or are you just trying to annoy me as usual?"
"Well, I have to admit annoying you is an added bonus but I was actually calling to see if you'd..." Caroline was waiting for him to continue but heard what sounded like a scuffle over the phone and some yelling before an almost breathless female spoke.
"Never send a boy to do woman's work," she uttered triumphantly and Caroline could tell Rebekah was grinning. "How are you, Caroline?"
"Tired but other than that just peachy," she replied, somewhat sarcastically. "As much as I love hearing from my favourite royals this early on a Sunday morning, what's going on?"
"We're on our way to the States, New York in fact, and were wondering if you were going to be around for Christmas?" Caroline barely heard the rest of the sentence after she'd mentioned New York. She'd been so worried that Klaus was going to be snow bound with her but maybe there was a chance that things might work out between them. She threw off the covers and got up slightly excited. Maybe she might need to make an impromptu trip after all.
"How exactly did you manage an escape from the family duties at Sandringham this year?" She asked referring to their house in Norfolk where they traditionally spent Christmas Day with the Queen and their parents.
"Oh, you know charity work always trumps that, plus Enzo has never been to New York before," she replied. "I'm not sure what Kol's excuse is, unless you count him wanting to introduce Enzo to New York's night life. All I can say is God help America."
"So, it's just you three over for Christmas then?" She asked, a familiar lump settling in her throat. It seemed like too much of a coincidence that they were in the US and Klaus wasn't.
"Elijah and Henrik are at Sandringham but if that's your convoluted way of asking if Niklaus is with us, he isn't," she responded. "I've given up trying to keep up with his erratic schedule to be honest. So are we going to see you then?" Caroline did want to see them but the thought of going to New York without Klaus wasn't appealing. Plus, seeing them would just remind her of him and that was the last thing she felt like having to endure.
"Unfortunately, I've got to work Rebekah and..."
"Yeah, yeah," she cut her off. As much as she loved the blonde princess she had no idea about real life a lot of the time. "Well, if you change your mind we'll be at the Waldorf Astoria. Kol I can't guarantee because I might have killed him by then."
Before Caroline could reply she'd disconnected the call. Rebekah had an aversion to many things and saying a proper goodbye was one of them. Caroline felt so deflated that she'd let herself hope he was going to meet her on Christmas Eve, but not again. She chose that exact moment to get back under the covers and keep wallowing.
Turns out there was only so many nauseating Christmas movies you could watch at a time, Caroline feeling she might be physically sick. Well, it might have also been due to all the chunky monkey and twinkies she'd devoured whilst watching said movies. It was only two days until Christmas now and she was disappointed the time wasn't going as quickly as she would have liked. She just needed to get through the night of the 24th and everything could go back to normal, well that's what she was telling herself at least.
Klaus hadn't called, not that she expected him to given she'd been avoiding him for some time now, too scared he was going to profess his love for the brunette she didn't know but had come to hate over time. It was at that point she heard knocking at her front door. Caroline had no idea who it would be given Katherine had left the previous day (not without begging her yet again to join her). She was going to ignore it but it kept going getting to the point of incessant.
She stood up shakily, brushing the stray crumbs and pieces of popcorn that were embedded in her pyjama top away and feeling her hair self consciously, noticing it was doing some kind of weird, knotted, birds nest thing. Not her finest look, sure, but she figured it would do a good job of scaring whomever it was away. The knocking continued, loud and fast now. "Okay, I'm coming. Keep your knickers on!"
The one person she wasn't expecting to be on the other side was there, leaning up against the adjacent wall, his deep, blue eyes flickering briefly over her body before settling on her face. She felt her chest constrict, annoyed that he was even more good looking than she remembered, especially in those dark jeans, grey sweater and a black overcoat. He didn't say anything at first, probably overcome by her unkempt appearance to speak. If Caroline wasn't so shocked, she probably would have been more worried about that too. What the hell was he doing here, and in Boston? She figured he'd be in some chalet by an open fire by now about to pop the big question.
"Why are you here?" She demanded, feeling increasingly uncomfortable about the way he was staring at her.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that we have a date in New York City tomorrow I seem to recall, yet here you are holed up in your apartment in Boston, I mean talk about a blow to the ego, Forbes." Caroline was confused and she was pretty certain he could tell by her furrowed brows. "You know, the Empire State Building, Christmas Eve at one minute to midnight?"
"You remembered," she whispered, her head spinning at that revelation. "I didn't think..." she trailed off, unable to form more words if she tried.
"You didn't think?" He asked, just as her elderly neighbour emerged from her apartment and turned to stare at him in shock. This wasn't the first time it had happened to them and Caroline knew it wouldn't be the last. "Good evening ma'am."
"You're..." she mumbled.
"He's just a lookalike, Mrs Phillips," she said dismissively, the last thing she felt like was a star struck moment when she was trying to process everything. "Uncanny, huh?" Before she could reply, Caroline grabbed his coat and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them.
"Easy, love," Klaus joked. "I know I'm cute but there's no need to manhandle me."
"So, you turn up on my doorstep unannounced and you're going to make jokes?"
"What can I say? It's my coping mechanism when things get entirely too awkward and I'm trying to work out the perfect thing to say," he muttered. "You're not making this easy on me, Caroline."
"Says the guy who just turned up on my doorstep?"
"Says the girl who was planning on blowing off our date?" He shot back. "And while we're at it, the same girl who has been basically avoiding my calls for about three months now. I'm not sure what I did to deserve the silent treatment." Caroline knew she couldn't avoid him or her feelings anymore. She sat on the couch, running her hands through her hair in an attempt to detangle her blonde knots, something she did when she was nervous.
"What's going on, Caroline?"
"I thought you were going to be in Austria proposing or something?" She asked, her voice low and muffled.
"Well, if you wanted a proposal in Europe it could have been arranged but a little heads up would have been nice, love," he said, sitting down next to her.
"I don't understand," she replied, turning to face him. "I thought you and Hayley were..."
"I'm kind of offended you're questioning my taste in women," he scoffed. "I went out with her to appease my parents, you of all people should know the drill by now."
"Yeah, when you were younger," Caroline spluttered. "I thought by the age of thirty you'd be able to make your own choices by now, Klaus."
"Have you met my parents, love? Look, I said I'd go out with her a few times and the American media, especially, decided to turn it into some blossoming, fairytale romance as they have a tendency to do. She may have taken too much of a liking to me but that's not unusual."
"There's that modesty I love," she drawled.
"While I may be roguishly handsome, I think her eye was on the title and not on me, Caroline. Story of my life. Well, except for you of course. I'll never forget the night of the formal when you said you didn't like me as a prince or myself," he chuckled. "I think I fell in love with you right then and there." If Caroline thought breathing was difficult before, it was practically impossible now. He loved her?
"You've loved me all that time?" She squeaked in disbelief.
"Well, if I'm being honest I was pretty smitten when you pushed me into that sandpit age five," he admitted. "You don't treat me any differently, Caroline. That's all I've ever wanted and I couldn't imagine my life without you for that reason amongst so many others. But, if you're going to reject me, the least you can do is be honest about it." How could he ever think she'd want to reject him?
"You really know how to surprise a girl," she murmured, finally catching her breath. "I never thought I'd ever fit into your world, that you'd never see me like that because I wasn't..."
"Stop right there," he interrupted, placing his finger under her chin softly and pulling it upwards so that her eyes met his. "You are all I've ever wanted and needed, Caroline Forbes. I love you, you stubborn, feisty, beautiful girl and if you'll have me you'll make me the happiest guy alive."
"Well, when you put it like that," she grinned. "I love you so much, Klaus."
"You do?" he asked, almost like he was making sure he heard her correctly. Caroline nodded by way of response. "I always assumed my life was too crazy for you, I know what you think about the media intrusion."
"You know, I think I'd be willing to put up with the stupid media circus if I could spend the rest of my life with you, Klaus." His crimson lips curved into a knowing smile at her admission, his dimples out in full force.
"Glad to see we agree on something even if it took us twenty-five years to realise it," he joked. "You realise you completely ruined me for anyone else with that kiss at the wedding? I haven't been able to get it out of my head since."
"So, you took five years to broach the subject? Makes sense, Mikaelson." What Caroline was expecting was an argument about her equally stubborn behaviour but instead his lips found hers within a split second. She didn't bother objecting just melted into the kiss as his mouth massaged hers. Caroline didn't think she'd ever tire of that feeling, ever. It was at least a few minutes before they pulled apart, reluctantly, their breathing ragged. Klaus fastened a lock of hair behind her ear, placing a simple, sweet kiss on her lips.
"I still can't believe you were going to stand me up, love. Luckily Rebekah told me that you were too busy working to bother making it."
"I'm never going to live that down, am I?"
"Probably not," he teased.
"Look at it this way, at least this way you avoided any public humiliation," she offered.
"Trust you to find a silver lining," he muttered. "Although, that doesn't mean we can't do what we promised and head up the Empire State Building tomorrow night and make it official."
"Official? "
"I may or may not have something to give you and what better place than somewhere so public to break the news to the world?" He answered. Caroline's mouth dropped open, not expecting that admission or such a swift commitment.
"You cannot leave me hanging until then, Mikealson," she argued.
"Well, that's what you get for standing me up, love," he smirked. "Now, how about we catch up on some of that lost time?"
"I thought you'd never ask," she grinned, pulling him up with her and dragging him towards the bedroom greedily.
You can read and review on AO3 and FF
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Klaroline Playlist: Holiday Special 
↳ Listen here
“When we have each other, we have everything” 
All I Want For Christmas Is You | Connie Talbot - “I just want you for my own”
A Silent x Holy Night | Reneé Dominique -  “All is calm, all is bright”
Bring Me Love | John Legend - “No, I don't want much, your love is all I need “
Hasta Ese Día | Lasso - “Qué buena suerte que te encontré a ti”
Last Christmas | Ariana Grande -  “I'll give it to someone special” 
Let It Snow | Daisy Clark  - “But if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm”
Magic Day | Loving Caliber “But when there's love there's always”
Mistletoe | Johnny Orlando -  “I'ma be under the mistletoe”
My Only Wish (This Year) | Joshua Landon - “I want someone to love me”
Niña Bonita | Dstance -  “Te digo que te quiero y que te amo”
Santa Baby | Olivia Ruby - “Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight”
Santa Claus Is Comin 'To Town | Sebastián Yatra - “Él sabe de ti, él sabe de mí”
Ill Be Home For Christmas | Michael Bublé - “Where the love light gleams”
Winter Wonderland | Bella River - ”The plans that we have made”
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mydarlingklaus · 4 years
A Very Mikaelson Christmas:
I know, it's been forever but I've really just been relaxing and taking care of myself the past couple of months but to all my readers for "Black Roses" I DID NOT FORGET ABOUT THE STORY! I will update as soon as possible and I miss it as much as you all do.
This is part 2 to chapter 10 of my klaroline family drabbles: Meeting the Mikaelsons, and occurs before the merge storyline. Link to my ff page can be found here and at the bottom so PLEASE leave a review!
Happy reading :)
"Alright let's go through the list:" Caroline began checking off her clipboard. "Elijah and Freya are on food duty. Marcel is taking care of music, Josie's bake goods are in the oven, Hope and Hayley are finishing the tree and other interior decorations while Kol and Alaric string up the lights outside. Did I miss anything?"
"Yes, like an explanation for why we are doing all of this tedious work when we could have simply hired professionals?" Rebekah blurted from her chair.
Caroline pointed a fake smile at the blonde Original who was casually sipping on a glass of spiked egg nog.
Given that this was the biggest Christmas party she's ever hosted, Caroline tried not to stress too much even over incompetence. This was a joyous time and was determined to make it special. Being an only child with just her mom Caroline never partook in grand holiday gatherings and now, she had two families coming together for the very first time.
"I knew I forgot something, Rebekah you're on table duty." Caroline ordered.
"The hell I am." She snorted before drinking from her glass again.
The baby vampire breathed in and out through her nose to refrain from her fangs latching onto an 1,000 year old being's jugular.
In an attempt to make everything perfect for tonight, Caroline created a schedule of tasks for all the family members to obey, and hers was making sure everyone followed through with their tasks—she didn't count on confronting prissy Mikaelson behavior.
Over a thousand years of existence and they all acted like they never heard of basic chores.
"Last I checked you're apart of this family too which means you have to assist in some way. You can't just drink liquor all day." Caroline scolded.
"Actually I've been doing that just fine, thank you very much." Rebekah grinned raising her glass to the aggravated blonde. "Not to mention I've spent all morning searching for those impossible snowflake place settings you so desperately desired. You're welcome by the way. So from where I'm seated I've done my part."
"If we're being technical, all you did was pick out the pattern from the comfort of her bed while I was the one who actually had to hunt them down." Klaus announced walking into the room, making Caroline exhale into a smile.
She was relieved and happy to see him, not just because she missed his handsome face but because he was the only one capable of talking Rebekah down.
Despite the minor difficulties, Caroline was grateful the girls insisted on bringing thievery one together this year to celebrate Christmas as a family.
Kol flew in from California the night prior, around the same time Rebekah arrived from New York City on her private jet. Alaric had last minute paperwork to finish before handing over the keys of the school to his right-hand-man, Dorian, for remainder of the break—he drove out early that morning, alone.
Alaric finally accepting Klaus as a permanent factor in both Caroline and the girls' lives made their complex situation more graceful.
"I hardly see how that's relevant." Rebekah retorted with an eye roll, amusing her dimpled face brother walking up behind the chair to place his hands on her slumped shoulders.
"It's relevant, little sister, because you haven't lifted a finger since you've been here. This is a family day which means everyone is pitching in, no matter how much we may not want to. You're no exception here. I assure you arranging a few place settings on the table won't break a nail."
She shoved him off. "Oh please, as if you actually care about the holidays when you haven't spent one with us since Hope was wobbling around in bloody diapers."
"You know Nik, It's okay to admit you're only agreeing to such humiliating labor to impress your precious baby vampire. We all already know the truth." She teased, smirking while finishing off her drink. The expression in her eyes could easily get under anyone's skin.
Caroline pressed her lips into a tight line, already sensing Klaus' annoyance beside her.
After all these years of being in Klaus' life—in some capacity—she figured the vindictive Original would have warmed up to her by now.
Obviously, not so much.
"Damnit Rebekah, stop being a brat and just fetch the bloody plate settings." Klaus groaned impatiently.
He shook his head when she childishly stuck her tongue out at him before standing to make her exit towards the kitchen.
"Where are those bloody daggers when I need them?"
Caroline sighed exasperatedly when placing her clipboard on the piano. "Oddly enough, that doesn't sound too bad. I'll forever deny that I ever condoned that."
Klaus laughed under his breath. "Your secret's safe with me."
The blonde's white teeth nibbled on her rose colored bottom lip. Both hands fisted into his black buttoned-down shirt, fingertips teasing the exposed necklaces before she leaned on her tiptoes for a quick but lingering kiss. Lips barely tasting the other before slowly parting, foreheads resting against each other's for a few peaceful seconds.
"Hi." She smiled.
"Hi." He smiled back while tucking her hair behind her ears. "I don't like seeing you stressed."
"Then you're completely unaware of what it's like to have a conversation with you." She teased, kissing his pouty lip sweetly. "But if you were any different I wouldn't want you."
"And what a shame that would be."
Their lips pecked against each other's again before Caroline let out a deep exhale, looking over their Winter wonderland home to see what else needed to be done—there was quite a bit.
"You're still stressing." Klaus said when observing the stress line in her forehead.
Caroline scoffed turning to face him. "Uh, yeah! The tree is only half done, the outdoor lights are probably just slapped on like a pile of meat and did you not just see me pulling teeth just to get your sister to set a damn table!"
He chuckled to himself, kissing her wrinkled forehead and rubbing her arms to calm her.
"Rebekah is the laziest vampire I've ever known and I'm sorry about her behavior but love, she had point. We could've hired professionals to do all of the decorating and cooking in half the time. I have excellent recommendations from our last gathering. Money wouldn't have been an issue if that's what you were worrying about."
"Seriously? Do Mikaelsons know nothing about traditions?" She scoffed.
"Actually no, we don't. To be fair me and my siblings only began liking one another two years ago."
Caroline's lips pursed as she pushed his hands off of her. "This had nothing to do with money, and this isn't just any Christmas, it's our first Christmas with everyone home together and I wanted all of us to embrace all the holiday traditions as a family. Which includes forcing in-laws to do basic household tasks like decorating a damn tree."
"In-laws?" Klaus smirked.
Caroline's cheeks slightly reddened as she accessed the weight of her words. Her sweaty palms rubbed up and down her burgundy bodycon dress hastily.
"Shut up..." She mumbled, slapping his chest when his smirk grew.
"Look, Klaus I may not have grown up with a huge family but I did have a lot of friends who took that place. We decorated trees, hung lights, ate dinner together, drank more alcohol than legally allowed and enjoyed each other's company." She explained somberly. "They stopped me from feeling lonely every year and I always said when I had a family of my own those traditions wouldn't die, and now I do..."
The corners of Klaus's lips turned up into a soft grin at her shy doe blue eyes staring up at him through her thick lashes.
Klaus stepped forward, grabbing her by the hips. "I like this."
"What, my distress or me bossing you around?" She teased relaxing into his hold around her waist.
"You being in my family." He clarified. "I like that you're mine and hearing you consider this your home. You'll never be alone, love and I'm very much looking forward to many, many more Christmases to come with all the ridiculous traditions attached."
A warm smile made its way to her face as she observed the genuine contentment on his.
It was just as surreal for her too, but for Klaus to go centuries spending every holiday alone to now sharing it with an entire family, she knew how much these moments meant to him. But she was just as eager to spend the rest of eternity with him too.
Her hands reached up to his face to bring him in for a quick but effective kiss
She moaned into his mouth when he unexpectedly gripped her sides, tongues brushing as they stole a few more of these rare moments.
They were both dazed as Caroline pulled away.
"Thank you. I guess I'm kinda into you." She smiled while wiping her lipstick off his bottom lip with her thumb.
Klaus responded with another kiss, this one more urgent and than the last. His hand placements more determined and certain as squeezed her hips, riding up the skirt of her burgundy dress.
Caroline giggled against his lips.
"Nope. We can't right now..." She whispered, trying to show some restraint inspire of her body's craving.
"Come now love, I haven't had a second alone with you all day. Indulge me." He persisted, pulling her closer against his hard chest.
"There's still so much to do..." Her defenses slowly falling.
"That'll all get done momentarily. Besides, we are currently standing underneath a mistletoe. We must comply with all holiday traditions. Isn't that what you said?"
Caroline appeared slightly bewildered when looking up at the festive plant hanging over them, not remembering hanging it up there before peering down at her smirking hybrid. The inner conflict roaming in her head already a thing of the past when her hungry eyes made contact with his full bottom lip.
"Rules are rules." She agreed breathlessly, her arms now wrapped around his neck she happily succumbed to the surrender.
Not beating his tongue from invading her mouth and fingers scrunching up her dress as the oral exchange deepened into a more passionate frenzy.
Her sexual appetite no better than his, especially when being deprived of each other for longer than 10 minutes.
"Oh for fuck sake! Would you two get a room already?"
With a low groan, the couple detached their lips but remained wrapped in each other's arms despite Kol's rude interruption.
"Certainly. Every room in this house belongs to me after all." Klaus announced.
Kol tilted his head with a smile, leaning against the living room's wall with a glass of liquor in his hand and ankles crossed.
"I'm no prude and usually would be helping myself to the view of your public display of affection, however, someone has to save my precious nieces from the emotional scarring." He claimed. "Not to mention, I've been tortured enough today from hanging bloody Christmas lights with that moronic human all day. Last thing I need is a floor show featuring Caroline where I'm not participating."
The blonde's cheeks suddenly a deeper shade of blush pink while she held Klaus back by his chest.
"Say anything even remotely offensive towards her again and I'll rip out your heart through your throat. Understood?"
The younger Mikaelson grin spread menacingly at the beading gold hue in Klaus' eyes.
"Is it a proper Mikaelson gathering without a few death threats? Happy holidays to you too, brother." Kol lifted his glass to the couple before skipping out the room.
"Remind me to snap his neck while he's sleeping tonight." Klaus groaned.
"I don't get why you're still bothered by his remarks after all these years. You know how he is and how much he loves getting under your skin because you make it so easy. He's harmless."
"More like a pest." He scoffed. "And his habitual inappropriate comments towards you doesn't make it right Caroline and quite frankly, I'm over it. Why did you to invite him anyways?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Because I invited the entire family and last I checked he's your baby brother, who you've missed more than you want to admit."
"Debatable." Klaus muttered, causing Caroline to laugh as she trapped his lips with hers for a sweet kiss.
He smirked against her lips. "With you? Always."
Playfully rolling her eyes, she twirled away from his greedy hands.
"And speaking of the girls Lizzie just texted that she and Sebastian are about ten minutes away." Caroline informed, deflating Klaus' smile.
"Yes, how could I forget we allowed our naive 17 year old daughter to go on a solo road trip with a boy three centuries older than her." Klaus muttered.
"She's not alone."
His eyes narrowed at her teasing tone. "Caroline."
She giggled, fixing the collar of his shirt. "Lighten up. I thought we talked about this. You said you were going to stand down as overprotective dad when it came to the girls love lives."
"They're only 17 and 18 years old. They're not allowed to have love lives, especially with boys as old as I am." Klaus scolded.
"Weren't you the one who was more than thrilled to agree to Sebastian spending Christmas here?"
Klaus' face scrunched. " 'Thrilled' is a bit of a reach, love. More like you and Lizzie ambushed me with the invitation. I'd agree to anything for her to be here even if it meant agreeing to undesirables staying in my home."
The baby vampire's eyes narrowed. "Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"
"Dramatic?" His eyes widened. "Caroline, this ancient boy popped out of nowhere. Has shown a sudden interest in our very young and vulnerable daughter after knowing her for what, a few days? And has her so mind-warped he even managed to convince her to let him spend the bloody holidays in our family sanctuary. He's a stranger to all of us, so forgive me for being a bit skeptical."
Letting go of his collar Caroline took a step back, letting out a loud huff as she combed her fingers through her golden tresses frustratingly.
"If I say something you don't like, promise you won't throw a fit and ruin Christmas?"
"You think I'm being paranoid." He concluded for her.
She nodded while crossing her arms. "Yes, and unreasonable, and a bit of an ass."
"An ass?" His eyebrow quirked up.
"Very much so. Babe, I love you. I know you have nothing but good intentions when it comes to the girls but you need to stop. You have to trust them."
"I do. I've told you multiple times that was never the issue Caroline and you know it. Can't believe you're still insinuating otherwise." He barked.
"Seriously?" She scoffed. "Klaus look how you're reacting right now. It's Christmas! We're supposed to be cheerful and loving towards each other, not insulting and yelling. You try chalking up this behavior to being an overprotective parent but it's more than that. Deep down you don't trust that Lizzie can handle herself."
"You know that's not true." He claimed defensively.
"When you describe her as 'vulnerable' and 'naive' it sorta weakens your claim. It makes me feel like you don't trust me either when I keep reassuring you that everything's fine."
Klaus' features softened as he observed the clear irritation and concern on her face. The wrinkle in her forehead that swigged out whenever they argued shined in all its adorable glory, but for the first time he wasn't delighted to see it.
There was no one in the world he trusted more.
She raised her hand when he tried to step towards her.
"You're an amazing father Klaus, the best even. 90% of the time you're everything they need, and I try to not be jealous about it." Caroline confessed. "But that 10% is for who they are as young women, the parts of themselves they're not comfortable sharing with you. That's where I step in and give them all the advice you can't, like boys and hormones. Hard to believe but there are some things even Klaus Mikaelson isn't an expert on."
Klaus swallowed, feeling more guilty and ridiculous by the second despite Caroline's attempt at lightening the situation with a smile.
"Lizzie is doing good. She's stable and happy for the first time in so long and has no interests of messing up her progress. I know you worry and want to protect her but if she's ever going to be the free-spirited adventurer you always imagined her to be, you have to let her grow on her own. Let her make mistakes and be as normal of a teenager as she can. Believe me when I say nothing ruins the relationship between a father and daughter more than telling her she can't see the boy she likes."
Klaus winced imagining his bond with Lizzie being served over something as irrelevant as a stupid vampire boy.
Being in control of all aspects of his life was how he refrained from completely losing his mind. He was a leader, King of the French Quarter kingdom but these weren't his hybrid soldiers he could command—they were his family.
He nearly lost one daughter for not being there when she needed him, he couldn't make that same mistake with another—no matter the intentions.
"Bloody hell..." he groaned, tugging at his curls. "I've been a proper prick, haven't I?"
Caroline's eyes shifted upwards, pretending to ponder. "Only a little." She said while making Klaus lightly chuckle under his breath.
Biting her bottom lip she cautiously stepped towards him.
"We're not welcoming him into the family, just getting to know him. He makes Lizzie happy so we owe it to her to at least give him a chance." She said, grabbing his hands into hers and caressing the base with her thumb, feeling all the built up tension slowly being released from his body and the situation.
He tilted her chin up, making her crystallized blues peer into his. Her hands rested on his biceps while his free one tightly wrapped around her waist.
"I do trust you, more than anyone. Please tell me you know that." Klaus desperately pleaded.
Her eyes wandered his worried face and heart ached at his desperate tone.
Over the course of their relationship Caroline felt she had to jump through multiple hoops to smother Klaus with reassurance. Deep down she understood his insecurities about their relationship—if she was confident in choosing him and not hating herself for it—but she had some of her own as well, especially when it came to being a good mother.
Caroline slowly nodded.
"I know, but it's nice to hear you say it too." A soft smile made its way to her face.
Her arms circled around him before pulling her hybrid in for a kiss that dissipated the claustrophobic tension.
Klaus squeezed her hips as the kiss transitioned from languidly and slow to passionate and purposeful.
Their lips, warm and soft as they exhaled into each other's mouths. Standing underneath the mistletoe without a care in the world of who in their nosey family could walk in on them.
They were each other's last eternal love and were not going to hide it from anyone—especially during the happiest time of the year.
Caroline gripped his biceps again, softly moaning as she opened her mouth to him and Klaus was all too eager to comply to the request.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
The doorbell rang before their tongues could even touch.
"Ignore it." Klaus groaned while going in for another kiss.
"We can't just ignore the door." She weakly retorted as their lips hovered.
"Sweetheart there's a at least six other people in this house. Let them feel useful." He mused when his thumb released her bottom lip from the clutches of her teeth.
Caroline was on the verge of complying until the buzz of her cell phone on the piano distracted them both.
"What is with all the bloody interruptions?" Klaus groaned.
The baby vampire giggled as she wiggled out of his embrace to check the bright screen.
"Our daughter is the interruption. She and Sebastian are right outside. Try to play nice." Caroline encouraged, grinning into another quick kiss before walking towards the front door.
Klaus felt a surge of panic run through his body as he watched from afar as Caroline opened the door.
Her face lighting up at the sight of the young blonde girl in the doorway, pulling her teeth in for a tight hug that visibly embarrassed Lizzie but he knew deep down she appreciated it.
A small smile began forming at the corners of his lips watching them together, knowing they were two of the four lights of his life—his forever love and daughter both under the same roof with him again. For the first time all day he felt whole, finally having all his girls together again, even if it was only briefly.
Family was something Klaus never took advantage of, not anymore.
He tried to focus on the tender moment playing out in front of him instead of the the smirking brunette boy standing beside Lizzie in the doorway.
Klaus' smile faded and fists clenched when Sebastian greeted Caroline with a kiss on both cheeks.
This was the first time he had actually seen the other vampire fully.
No denying he was originated from a different era, based on his ruffled white shirt, boots and blazer like a pirate. Lizzie explained that Sebastian was desiccated as a teenager but he still had a mature aura that made Klaus uncomfortable. His features so sharp and defined, it made him seem much older than he claimed. Too mature for a newly 17 year old girl to be with—Klaus thought.
"And these are for you, Headmistress Forbes. Elizabeth informed me that you fancy white lilies."
Klaus overheard the youngster using his charm on Caroline and based on her flattered reaction and an 'aw you didn't have to' quickly following, it seemed to be working.
-I hate this.
Klaus's chest compressed as the three began walking towards him with beaming smiles on all faces except the boy. Instantly noticing the young couple's fingers interlocked together while Lizzie and Caroline talked and Sebastian's eyes wandered around the mansion curiously.
-I really hate this...
He let out a deep exhale as a smile shaped his lips as the enthusiastic young witch skipped into his arms.
"Merry Christmas Klaus!" Lizzie beamed as their hug tightened.
The nerves that had piled up in Klaus' throat dissipated at the warm greeting from just one of the four lights in his life. It was difficult to imagine the centuries he went without physical affection given how habitual the act was now.
It had barely been two months since he last saw Lizzie but it felt like forever now that she was back home—her real home.
Rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head, Klaus slightly pulled away with one arm still around her.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart. How was the drive?"
"Great. I mean, Uncle Damon's burnt down Camaro is as ancient as he is and I nearly broke a nail operating the stick shift, but overall no complaints."
Klaus nodded his head, making a mental note to dispose of the Salvatore hand-me-down and buy Lizzie a brand new car.
"All that matters is that you're finally here safe and sound." Caroline beamed as she hugged her once more. "Everyone else is probably in the kitchen, slacking on their tasks but they'll be happy to see you."
Expecting everyone to follow her to the room but instead stood in confusion as no one moves.
Lizzie's feet stayed planted, biting her lip anxiously while pulling at the fabric of her white sweater like she wanted to rip it in half
"Um actually, before the rest of our dysfunctional family joins in on all the awkward fun that is to surely take place, I want to officially introduce someone to both of you first."
Klaus felt like the wind was knocked out of him when she took a step backwards to join the young vampire's side. Trying to keep his temper at bay when their hands joined again.
"This is Sebastian. He's a new student at the boarding school and my...my boyfriend." She timidly announced.
Another punch to the core.
Klaus' face was neutral but his body was stiff as a board from the pent up frustration that came with watching your child grow up right in front of you.
He tried to keep in mind the conversation he and Caroline just shared—easier said than done.
"It's nice to officially meet you Sebastian. We've heard great things about you. We're glad you were able to spend Christmas with us." Caroline greeted him.
"No, I'm the grateful one for you Headmistress. Not just for allowing me into your home for the holidays but also enrolling me into the school at the last minute. I see where Elizabeth gets her generosity from." Sebastian charmed.
Klaus' eyes couldn't roll harder, even more from how much Caroline was actually being affected by such mediocre charm. Her bright smile and modest blush that were once only preserved for him now being used on a amateur immortal with accent was sickening.
"It's an honor to finally put a face to the name, sir." Sebastian said with a nervous closed-lipped smile, stepping forward with his hand out.
Klaus stared down at the boy's hand, studied it like it was a foreign object as the three impatiently waited for him to make the next move. A handshake was final, a sign of respect and approval—he definitely didn't approve of him just yet.
He didn't like like this boy and if it were up to him his heart would be rolling in the ice cold snow for even gazing in Lizzie's direction. But he owed it to both Lizzie, and Caroline, to prove he trusted her.
Drawing out a dramatic exhale through his nose, Klaus uncrossed his arms as he locked eyes with the immortal boy. His jaw set and body tense when engulfing Sebastian's hand in a death grip, finally reciprocating the formal gesture.
"Um, Lizzie why don't we go find a nice vase to put these lilies in." Caroline suggested.
"You mean leave them alone, together?" Lizzie laughed. "Yeah, thanks but no thanks mom. I would prefer to return to Mystic Falls with my boyfriend in one piece."
Klaus chuckled at the nervous gulp dropping down Sebastian's throat.
"Sweetheart I promise, I won't kill him. Go on." He assured her with a sinister smile he usually wore before ripping out someone's spleen.
Relieved when she reluctantly followed Caroline out of the room, he set his focus back on the bug-eyed vampire in front of him.
"Unlucky for you I'm not big on keeping promises." Klaus gripped Sebastian's hand even harder—making him wince in pain and jerking himself forward.
"Mister Mikaelson—"
"Except when it comes to my family." Klaus added. "You'd be wise to remember the only reason your limbs aren't scattered around the bloody bayou and heart remains in your chest is because of Lizzie."
Sebastian frantically nodded, groaning from the pulsating ache in his right hand when Klaus finally released it from his hold.
Klaus took a step back, dipping his hands into his pants pockets as he watched the vampire boy massage his own hand. The vampire boy who was spending the next couple of days under his roof, charming his family. The vampire boy who captured Lizzie's heart and knowing there was nothing he could do about it—to protect her.
He sighed looking down at his shoes. "Do you care about her?"
Sebastian paused for a few seconds before nodding his head.
Klaus pressed his lips into a straight line as he walked dangerously slow towards the boy. "Usually I wouldn't tell a stranger this but you're not someone I consider a threat, Lizzie means everything to me. There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for her and that includes torturing and mutilating anyone who dares to hurt her in anyway. Understood?"
The vampire gulped when he tripped over the carpet, now realizing how close their chests were to each other's and his back to the wall.
"She's been through quite a lot in her short life and doesn't need an ancient delinquent ruining how far she's come. So I ask again, do you care about her?"
"Me and Elizabeth had our issues in the beginning, I'll admit." Sebastian shamefully confessed. "I—I did hurt her, rather cruelly, and by all unknown good graces she found it in herself to forgive me and grant us a second chance. Deep down I know I don't deserve the your daughter's love and care but, she's the first person in centuries who sees me as a man instead of a monster. Who thinks I'm worth a second chance. It'd be senseless of me to not see what this could become and the past couple of months have proven the future to be bright. So yes, Mister Mikaelson I care about Elizabeth immensely and will leave before I ever hurt her again."
The hybrid shook his head, a small laugh following after. "I know that story, all too well." Cleared the emotional lump in his throat.
It felt like looking into the mirror of he and Caroline's journey. How they originated in hate and hurt. The amount of chances she gave him, the way they saw each other in ways no one else could and the frogs she had to kiss along the way before choosing him as her forever.
Not that Klaus was rallying for this boy to steal Lizzie away, but he was beginning to understand the their draw to one another. Thankfully they wouldn't have to face similar challenges but there were sure to be new ones, and he'd be there by her side—if she needed him.
"Well, I will say I appreciate your honesty."
"I didn't want my first impression to be based under false pretenses." Sebastian grinned with a shrug. "Though she tells me not to worry, your opinion about me does matter. The Headmistress as well but from what Elizabeth has told me, you two are quite close. She values your insights and opinions more than anyone's. Given your infamous and intimidating reputation, it was actually less awkward meeting you than the hairy mortal with a crossbow."
Klaus threw his head back, laughing hysterically.
"You should've seen when he actually tried using that contraption on me. Free comic relief. I'm sure he has one with your name on it as well."
Sebastian snickered. "Yes, actually he's already threatened me with it a few times. Threats and all, I'm glad she has a family who cares about her to this extent. It's refreshing...to someone who is foreign to such familial love."
Klaus understood this boy better than he'd ever admit.
Sighing, Klaus placed his hands in his pants pockets again.
"Come on. It's going to be a long weekend and you haven't even scratched the surface of meeting our entire family."
Link to my ff page. Thanks!
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eternityunicorn · 4 years
Thank you @dumble-daddy @hellotvshowtrash & @mikaelsonsdeservedbetter for tagging me!
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // rome or amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macaroons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat  // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
Tagging: @elejah-wonderland @elejahforever @inthemindofanother @taylordrunkonwhiskey @inmylifeilovedthemall @fanficqueen306 @fandom-princess-forevermore @klaroline-4ever @missnmikaelson @njeancastro316
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powelltothepeople · 7 years
Hello! This is your Klaroline Winter Wonderland gift giver! :) I'm sorry to message you so late! School and work have kept me very busy and away from this site but I have been outlining different ideas based on your interests :) I just wanted to double check with you before doing anything else if you had any preferences or any specific requests? I also wanted to double check if you have a preference between canon or human au?
Hey nony!! Sorry I just saw this message and please don’t worry I know this time of year is busy and we all have our regular life stuff that we have to take care of :)As far as human vs canon I’m happy with either so whatever works best for what you’re creating works for me! As for anything specific I’m honestly pretty easy to please-I’m not a fan of cheating or either Klaus or Caroline dying but other than that go crazy! If that’s not helpful enough please feel free to contact me again and I will get more specific. Also I’m cool with a holiday themed gift but that is not a requirement :)
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