#klaroline in NOLA
pentopaper23 · 9 months
"Lay your head on my shoulder and try to sleep.”
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Caroline couldn’t believe her luck, she came to New Orleans for find Klaus and ended up in a coffin buried 7 feet under ground with said man. Caroline has been in a bar when she was grabbed, her neck snapped before she even realised that what was happening and unceremonially thrown into the boot of a car. The next thing she remembered was waking up facing the steel wall of what she thought had been a box and the feel of a warm body behind her. She had stayed still in fear of waking the other person, but when she heard them groan in pain she relaxed.
“Yes love.” He replied.
“Where are we” Caroline whispered slowing turning over to rest against Klaus side. Klaus turned his head to look at her and Caroline noticed that he had blood drying on her temple. She reached up to gently run her finger over the healing cut, Klaus flinched slightly at her touch.
“The Garden. It’s a place Marcel places vampires that have broken the rules.”
“I didn’t break any rules” Caroline said her voice starting to break.
Klaus gently ran a hand through her hair and pulled her closer to him.
“I know love, but I did. I don’t know why he grab you as well. What are you even doing in New Orleans?” He asked rubbing his thumb over the bruises still healing on her throat.
“I seem to recall someone promising me art, culture, and food. It was meant to be a surprise. So…. surprise,” she said softly. Klaus placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“A very welcome surprise. I have missed you.”
Caroline smiled sadly and could just make out his returning smile in the dark of the box.
“How long do you think we will be in here, I had plans for us” Caroline joked, but Klaus could tell that she was starting to panic.
“I’m not sure love, Marcel got his temper for me unfortunately. I’m sure if he thinks I have slighted him, it may be some time.” Klaus said pushing his free hand against the roof of the box, it didn’t move.
Caroline didn’t reply and Klaus could feel her body start to shake, he abandoned his efforts to break them out and wrapped his arms around her tighter and pulled her to rest closer against his.
“Lay your head on my shoulder and try to sleep.” Klaus said tenderly. Caroline sighed and laid her head against his shoulder.
“I’ll protect you. I promise”
“I know” she replied.
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alwaysakin · 4 months
The Vampire Diaries Universe Fic Recs
Once again putting my unhealthy amount of fanfic knowledge to good use. Here's my list (non-exhaustive) of the best vampire diaries & originals fanfics. Includes Klaroline, Bamon, Kolvina, and more.
Bamon Fics
Before I Take My Flesh Away by Orig1n - the fic where Bonnie and Damon are comically bonded, and she hops around in his timeline pre (and during) the series. Tragically unfinished, but completely incredible! Kudos for developing Stefan and Damon as brothers and making me not hate Lily Salvatore. Also love the Arthurian lore.
if you love me (don't let go) by sarcastic_fina - this is a heartbreaking deconstruction of Bonnie and her victim mentality, and shows the strength of not only her romantic relationship with Damon, but her friendships with Caroline, Matt, and Tyler. So sad, but so good!
Bloodstone by cactusfinch - Bonnie time travels to 1864 (with all the problems entailed). Her relationship with Damon is done well here, and her friendship (sort of!) with Katherine is fun as hell.
rest for the wicked (hope for the weary) by castelia - Damon and Bonnie go on a road trip together after the prison word. I am a sucker for mutual pining, and this fic does it so well!
Fifty-Five Years by turningofflights - written from Elena's perspective, after she reads Bonnie's diary entries and learns how Bonnie and Damon fell in love. A bittersweet, believable love story for Bonnie and Damon.
Other Bonnie Bennett Ship Fics
The Edge of Night by Szajnie - a crossover between season 3 of the Originals and season 7 of the Vampire Diaries, where Bonnie goes to New Orleans. She's absolutely in her element here as the most powerful New Orleans witch, takes the supernatural world by storm, and everyone has a happier ending because of it (including her!). Absolutely love her friendships with Davina, Vincent, and Freya, and shout-out for being the only fic to make me care about Cami! Truly, this is great. The NOLA gang is the family Bonnie deserves, and the Bonnie/Klaus is so believable.
Kai Parket Screwed Us (Until Bonnie Bennett Screwed Him) by hysteriaww - exactly what it sounds like. Bonnie shows up to help Josie and Lizzie deal with the prison world and her and Kai's insane relationship weirds everyone out. Deals with the Gemini Coven in a really interesting way. Hilarious, and with mild Damon and Alaric bashing. BonKai.
Season One, Epsidoes One-Three by BorgiaBabe - a rewrite of the first three episodes of TVD with Bonnie as a proper main character. Her love interest is a softer Kai, and it's great! Bonnie really deserves better.
the night light hits off, turning kisses to bites by donutworry - an insane, dark, twisted Bonnie and Kai romance, where they're the only ones in the prison world from the start. I absolutely love the Gemini Coven lore in this fic.
Klaroline Fics
Make them bow by for_darkness_shows_the_stars - Klaus appears in season 1 of the vampire diaries. it's Klaroline, but still super gen, and all the characters get their own compelling arcs in it. Especially love the way Elena and Stefan are written.
One of A Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers by Phandancee74 - Caroline is an ancient nymph who was erased from memory by Malivore. She still helps the Mystic Falls gang out (and her relationship with Bonnie is great)! The Klaus/Caroline is angsty and lovely.
Calling on a Friend by Phandancee74 - 5 year old Josie gets Klaus's number. Shenanigans ensue. Short and cute as hell.
Sanctuary in their Hearts by thatsanotherlovestory - Caroline leaves before the season 8 wedding, and heads to New Orleans with Klaus. A fun story, but still so sad Bonnie didn't get her happy ending in it. The twins are so cute in this.
Let's do the Time Loop again! by kcatdino - on the night of the sacrifice, both Klaus and Caroline get stuck in a time loop. It's so funny to watch them get more and more deranged.
sweet present of the present by VintageLilac - it's Caroline, not Rebekah, who raises Hope while New Orleans is at war. I absolutely love Katherine in this fic, and though Hayley gets the short end of the stick it's written quite well.
The Wolf by Yokan - a witch version of Caroline is the one pregnant with Klaus's baby in the originals. And while season 1 doesn't change a lot because of it, the later one's definitely do! I love the Klaus and Caroline relationship, and Caroline & Elijah friendship.
Elena Gilbert-Centric Fic
The stars were brightly shining by adlyb - a fic where Elena is pregnant with Klaus's baby. It's so hard to describe! A little twisted, a little sweet, and a thorough depiction of Elena's mental state.
The Forgotten by MissNMikaelson - Elena time travels and gets dropped in the middle of Klaus and Kol's war in New Orleans, circa 1914. The flashback scenes in the fic are great! Eventual Kol/Elena.
blame it on the stardust by allwritenow - the fic that looks into if Elena's doppelganger nature affected her more. And a truly beautiful Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena friendship.
Off by a Single Degree by Tarroko - when Elena's phone dies, Damon walks her home and never compels away her memories, and her parents never die. This softer, sweeter Elena is so believable, and I love the way canon immediately shifts. Amazing development of her parents, Anna, and Enzo. Delena.
Katherine Pierce Centric Fic
afflictions eclipsed by glory by passionesque - in 1864, right after the fire in Mystic Falls, Elijah finds Katherine. They team up together against Klaus. This deals with Katherine's trauma and cunning so well! A slow build to Elijah/Katherine, involving him acknowledging his faults.
General Mystic Falls Gang Fics
in another life (i would let you go) by sarcastic_fina - Elena wakes up in a world where she isn't the doppelganger and no one knows her. An interesting deconstruction of the affects she's had on her friends.. Manages to be both Elena-bashing and sympathetic at the same time. Minor Steroline and Bamon.
Originals Family Feels
It All Comes Crumbling Down by AlwaysAkin - can I do a self-rec? I'm doing a self-rec. Hope is born a century earlier, and grows up in New Orleans with the Mikaelsons. I'm particularly proud of my Hope-Marcel bond and young!Hope voice in this one.
A Twist Through Time by fandom_lover_101 - Hope is sent back in time to the Vampire Diaries season 3. She messes everything up. Absolutely love the slow Hope & Klaus relationship built here, and her friendship with Elena is cute too. Minor Klaroline, Delena, and Handon.
Always & Tomorrow by Viretta - another tragically unfinished fic. Set after Hope jumps into Malivore in Legacies, it involves the dead Mikaelsons being resurrected, and the kids from the Salvatore School travelling to New Orleans (with a newly activated tribrid Hope). This is a Mikaelson family story in the bloodiest, best way. Has Handon and Klaroline in addition to the canon originals couples.
if no one in the entire world cared about you (did you really exist at all?) by nevermore_evermore - Elijah is erased from the minds of everyone he loves. Kol is (eventually) there to help him through it. An interesting take on Elijah's place in the family.
A Million Mistakes by mon-amour-eternel - a fic where Caroline is also an original, and her and Klaus are Marcel's parents. Sadly unfinished, especially considering the rarity of Marcel-centric fic!
But Stand Brave, Life-Liver by crownjrose - A Hayley-centric fic! Her foster parents come to New Orleans and see the way her life turned out. Interesting closure for Hayley, and a sweet Klaus/Hayley relationship.
Kolvina Fic
(finally) you and me are the lucky ones by yorkes - a long one-shot where Kol and Davina are soulmates. It's cute as hell! And Kol and Davina really grow into each other in this one.
The Vixen and the Fox by BlueBooThalassophile - be warned, this read is long as hell. But it's also great. Davina time travels to the Vampire Diaries season 4, gets involved in the fight against Silas, and everything goes sideways immediately. Love Davina's friendship with Hayley and bond with Marcel in this one. Every character in both shows appears in this one.
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saintsir4n · 1 year
It was certainly a struggle as a black writer to write someone like me into not only fandom that I like but one where the lack of representation for not just black people, but people from other cultural backgrounds pretty much don’t exist.
So I’ll break down this little rant by talking about two of my books, from separate fandoms.
Here we go…
I know many people have watched the vampire diaries and immediately jump to write about how Bonnie was treated badly by the writers and was made into the “token” and “magical negro” of the show, which is why I had to think long and hard about how I wanted to write my main oc and how I wanted her to be perceived. It’s hard as a POC in general searching through books on wattpad, tumblr, ao3 and so on to find something that’s for me, so I just decided to write a tvd fic, but not just a tvd fic, but with klaus mikaelson as the love interest.
Listen, I love Klaus as a character, but his flaws are never-ending. Not only is the man abusive (physically and mentally), narcissistic, controlling and spiteful but he also tends to throw around the fact he saved Marcel from slavery constantly throughout the originals.
Which of course I didn’t fully realise until I started publishing my story (ADTF). Don’t get me wrong I love writing my oc alongside him but that isn’t a flaw I could just ignore, especially considering the era she’s born in.
For those who don’t know, Adrienne Lumiére is a grey witch (dark witch by some definitions) who was recently made queen of the witch faction in NOLA because of the sudden death of her mother. Oh… did I forget to mention she’s a dark-skin, eighteen year old who’s being courted by Klaus Mikaelson in 1917?
You see the problem I had when was writing?
Well, since I didn’t want to write a canon tvd book where the same thing happens, Klaroline, Esther returns, Klaus wants his hybrids… bla bla bla, I settled with a period piece set when the Mikaelsons were ruling over NOLA before Mikael came along and burn down their accomplishments to the ground. I wanted to give a new take and I did, but trying to balance a somewhat “healthy relationship” between Adrienne and Klaus during this time and how he is when it comes to race was challenging.
Reading the book, you might see him being “colour blind”, believing that because she’s a powerful being, it eradicates most of the struggles she had to face due to her race… classic Klaus right? I mean it’s only right to portray him in such a way because that’s how he is. He might acknowledge her race and strongly hate anyone who is prejudiced towards her but it doesn’t mean he fully understands nor could he ever.
And no, him adopting Marcel doesn’t mean he single-handedly erased racism, him “saving” Marcel in my opinion had little to do with his race and more to do with Marcel’s actions leading up to Klaus noticing him. You know… marcel rightfully throwing an object at his slave owner (defending himself) making Klaus see “himself” in Marcel.
Therefore I write klaus, how I view him to be most of the time as “colourblind.”
Now onto, “how writing Adrienne sometimes can be challenging.”
It is challenging because even though I would love to write her into a space where her struggles as a black woman ( a young one at that) wouldn’t exist, it would be a lie. I also feel like mentioning even it a little is triggering but if I chose to ignore it wouldn’t be doing the book justice. Of course, I try not to over indulge because it’s a fictional character, being written into a fictional world, but I still want to keep my character realistic, so I incorporate how black woman styled their hair back then, how they would dance, the professions they might have (even embellishing a little) and the family dynamics.
Her physical relationship with Klaus is shown a lot —but behind closed doors and that’s for a reason. You see interracial relations were illegal and despite Klaus’ ignorance most of the time, he knows that and wouldn’t risk Adrienne’s safety (because of his fear of his lover dying, leaving him, or being killed because of him… and so on leaving him lonely and even more destructive) so they keep their touches in public to a minimum, but in private, you know how they are.
I know some parts of Adrienne's story might be very unrealistic, but I am leaning into her supernatural status a little just so she can live a little lavish… come on, Adrienne deserves the world and honestly, I’m glad I chose the 1910s to write her into, of course, nothing was okay, or even right back then, but it’s fiction, it’s escapism and I want people to have fun when reading about her and how her family contribute to NOLA back then.
I love Adrienne and even though writing to her with Klaus can be very exhausting, it’s quite fun sometimes.
(And yes I will finish the story before anyone asks, but don’t ask when I’ll be updating)
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Eden Dawkins is my other original character set in the 1900s, but this time in Birmingham as a twenty-year-old brown skin nurse currently dating Tommy Shelby before he goes of to war.
For some reason I found this story to be easier, it might have had something to do with the lack of supernatural elements but still, I did a lot of research not only for black people back in 1914 but also the English/Irish and Romani traveller culture during this time also. (beliefs, family values, etc.)
considering that Tommy (who's played by cillian murphy) is constantly looked down on by his enemies and plenty of others because of his background I had to think about how my girl Eden would be seen. although we do see reoccurring characters like Jeremiah (played by Benjamin Zephaniah) and Isaiah Jesus who are a black father and son that were heavily involved with the Peaky Blinders, do experience racism but luckily it wasn't their entire character portrayal, although I did wish they were fleshed out more.
so when I started writing about Eden, who is in a relationship with not only a small-town gangster, I needed to access her views on violence and if she was okay with it. crime was notorious, especially in small heath, no one was rich and the working class were the majority. in the show of peaky blinders, theft, loitering and drug dealing were common. the entire show is based around criminal activity and how the Shelbys used it to their advantage to get themselves to the top.
since my story is set in 1914, the Shelbys, I believe were starting up the betting shop and did already have some sort of reputation for being people not to be messed with, I wanted Eden to already be aware of them. I decided that she would be the same age as John and even be friends with him during school. since she is the god-sibling to Isaiah (and he's besties with Finn) I wanted her and the little 5-year-olds to be close, so that's another tie she has to the Shelbys, meaning Tommy can’t miss her.
he didn't and if you've read the prologue it's known that he's been obsessing over her for a while.
back to Eden... she's a nurse, it was common to be back then and was also an easier profession to get in than it is now. it was also common for many people who were getting treated in hospitals to turn away help from black/brown nurses and doctors due to their prejudice, this is a fact that I mention in my book, in a sly and occasionally jokey way. Eden's mother Celestine is a matron; a title belonging to a nurse of higher status and more experience. Celestine had been a nurse for 20 years.
Eden's been a nurse for at least a year and since she tends to operate with needles, I made sure her defences are knives instead of guns. IT'S FANFICTION GUYS. I know it isn't accurate but she's dating a gangster, lives on a chaotic street and is surrounded by normalised crime, she needs to defend herself somehow and you'll soon understand why she doesn't use guns.
when writing a black character I sometimes forget that it is okay for them to be the opposite of the "strong" stereotype that many portray us to be. Eden is a very emotional person, she's in touch with her feelings and knows she can also let them run her to the ground.
taking this into account, you might ask, "How does Eden react to Tommy's actions?"
to summarise how she would, if it's affecting her or the people she loves or anyone innocent, she has a problem and lashes at him, however, if it doesn't affect her at all, she'd let it slide.
you'll see more of that in a short story.
the black girl experience is also included just like I did with Adrienne.
also, Tommy and Klaus... I see that they do share similar traits, even when it comes to their families, but I won't go into that too much, however, I do want to say that the main difference between Tommy and Klaus and how they react to the race of their partner is I feel like Tommy would be and is more aware of it.
Tommy knows Eden's black and doesn't ignore it or act colourblind, but you know he's very forward-thinking as well as dangerously ambitious, but fortunately, that side of him doesn't kick in until after the war.
…well we can only hope.
does this make sense? I really can’t tell.
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
been nostalgic about klaroline lately and i feel the need to explain that they’re my biggest loss - not necessarily because they never happened - but because of how sure i was that they would and how wrong i was EVERY TIME. it was like being strung along in a situationship, like the mr. big to my carried because if you lay it out as a list:
1. spin-off shows built off essentially the fans kc brought in happens and it’s teased that there will be crossovers
2. forest fucking
3. nothing for like 1000 years
4. crossover is announced
5. kc teased for the crossover
6. there’s NO WAY kc isn’t getting a scene together
7. they manage to find a way to not put them in the same room while giving them a scene
8. klaroline teased in tvd’s finale as the beginning of another story or whatever
9. caroline finally shows up in nola
11. there’s NO WAY that with like ONE episode left and all these years of baiting we are not getting endgame
like this was actually the funniest fuckery ever pulled
I mean in retrospect it was absolutely the most highkey iconic shit of all time, like they literally had Caroline walk into a bar in NOLA or something and she's like "where's Klaus?" and they're like "he's not home" and then NOTHING HAPPENED. I know I'm probably slightly misremembering this but I definitely know they somehow managed to incorporate a scene where it was like okay it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO AVOID CONTACT and they did. Being a KCer was the absolute strangest experience of all time, it feels like a mass hallucination of some Twilight Zone acid trip, but it all happened and we were all there. And now every time someone is like "ugh can you believe the insanity of this fandom fuckery" I'm like yes bitch I was a mfing Klaroliner of course I can believe it.
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zalrb · 1 year
Do you think Caroline was wrong for sleeping with klaus and expecting Tyler to just to forgive her and move on? I don’t really remember if she wanted his forgiveness but I do think she wanted him to move on and be friends.
some people think she wasn’t wrong because they were broken up but I mean it’s the principle you don’t sleep with the person that tormented your friends . It’s the thing that bugs me with delena also because of how Elena could look over everything Damon has done to her and her loved ones but I guess since he was there for her it was enough lol.
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what i will say is two things
1. what annoys me about tvd is where they put emphasis on things. tyler had every right. every right to be angry at caroline for sleeping with klaus. at the same time he didn't really have that energy for damon and damon killed mason. even when he finds out about damon killing mason, it's caroline he confronts and then it's stefan and elena he unintentionally endangers. the show going to such great lengths to protect damon makes characters hypocrites.
2. what i liked about klaus and caroline that i used to argue with kc shippers about and that jp and co then quasi-reversed which made me roll my eyes
is that caroline didn't treat klaus the way elena treated damon. elena had a full on relationship with him and by association with her expected him to be a fixture in everyone's lives despite the fact that he also actively continued to terrorize the people in her life. i liked that in 5x11 caroline was like i don't want a relationship, i don't even really want to see you again but there's this thing here so let's just fuck all day so i can get it out of my system and then i can go back to school and you can go back to NOLA and this isn't even that deep. so when i watching it in real time, i thought caroline was shittier for how she dealt with tyler after the fact than i was about her sleeping with klaus at all because by that point i had no expectations regarding boundaries considering that delena was happening, which is also why in my fanfic i put this in
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lovelieswift · 1 year
I'm looking for a Klaroline fic. I can't remember it's and I think It was on Fanfiction.net. I remember a couple of things about it, but I just can't find it
So the stuff I do remember was that Caroline was pregnant instead of Hayley, and before they went to Nola, Caroline was really weak, and it was later revealed that Forbes women had trouble keeping children so they used magic
And at some point, Hayley Bonnie and Stefan are there, and Caroline playfully tells Stefan that He can't come back home if he didn't bring her Mac and Cheese back from the store
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me find it 🫶🏻
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jennifersminds · 2 years
out of curiosity what did you think of to? did you like it? who were your fav/least fav ships and characters?
hi anon !! tbh yeah i did (s5 notwithstanding)
as for my least favourite/ favourite ships and characters, I remember liking haylijah when i first watched it- and i do still think they had chemistry but now i find that relationship just very random and slightly problematic tbh.
not even because of my elejah fixation (gialijah was a slay but i’ll get to that later), hayley is essentially elijah’s problematic tool to his family and brothers redemption aswell as a textbook example of someone who needs protecting (and elijah’s insane saviour complex just latched into it). it never really feels like either character is completely honest about who they are to eachother and both of them idealise the other to the extreme.
for hayley, that’s seeing elijah as this perfect white knight and ignoring the fact that’s he’s a slutty serial killer with intense familiar issues and for elijah that’s refusing to ever really see hayley as a whole person.
that being said they’re both hot as fuck so go them for that.
I essentially have all the same problems with klamille, however i do think that both cami and that relationship is severely overhated by *cough cough* klarolines.
klaus falling in love with a women he compelled to be his therapist is so heavy with gross mommy issued irony i’d need a whole other post just to get into it but,,, (feel free to send a separate ask bc that’s it’s own thesis statement)
that being said i cried more when she died than i did any other tvdu scene she deserved sm and i did enjoy their dynamics at times.
as for things i did like,,
hayley in general, i’m a gen z australia girl- pheobe tonkin can literally do no wrong even though i don’t think hayley ever manages to become a fully fledged character.
davina !! severely underrated. served klaus anti cunt and i loved it.
gia!! deserved sm better. really was one of the only elijah relationships that actually made sense to me completely and i think the show moved on from her death way too quickly.
elijah in general, specifically s2/3. while i dislike the way the show handled him in the run to klaus’ redemption (essentially massacring his basic intelligence to prop klaus up) i do think his more brutal/ cunt moments where stellar. i especially enjoyed when the show was honest about how actually unhinged he is, another reason i dislike haylijah. he’s not the easter bunny, he’s not the families morality, not always. he’s a bitch and unlike hayley im aware and love him anyway.
the flashbacks! i’m endlessly confused by the choice to spin off with a baby plot line, the most interesting parts of to to me where seeing the family in the past and i feel like it would’ve been a much better choice to have the show act almost as a prequel maybe with one foot in a less stakes present day storyline also centred around nola.
hope!! despite thinking the baby plotline is weird, the families relationship with her was cute.
basically,, i liked it and i’m far more likely to rewatch it than tvd
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roseannevip · 1 year
Just me shiping Klaroline and Bashing Cami
Cami :*Analyzing Klaus*
Cami :*Continues annoying everybody*
Klaus : *Not ripping her heart out because she's the only thing that reminds him of Caroline*
Caroline :*Comes to NOLA*
Caroilne :*Takes one look at Cami*
Caroline : "Klaus, you forgot to take out the trash!!"
Klaus : "You're right, so silly of me to forget"
Cami : "Klaus!!"
Cami : *Whining*
Klaus : *Yeets cami out of the window all the way to south Africa, in front of a pack of lions where she gets murder by a them*
Me : And that is the end of TO
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vampnerd23 · 1 year
Fanfic/WIP list
I had this on my last blog, and it had a super long introduction, but since that blog is gone....this will probably be short. I was just glad I had the list on a google doc. Some fics are started, some are not. Some fics are already posted, some are not. A choice few are finished, but most of them are not. Links to come later as I get time. For now, here's my archive of our own link and my fanfiction.net link.... List is below the 'keep reading line' for convenience.
Agents of SHIELD
Untitled Daisy/Sousa post s7 drabble
The Flash
Untitled seasons 1-6 AU w/ original child
Snowbarry Week 2019
Unravel Me
Our Souls They Blend
But We Still, Hold On
Some Dumb Stubborn Martyr Hero Sacrifice Thing
SB Valentine 2020 - We’ll Be Counting Stars
SB Week 2021
Your Faith Walks on Broken Glass
SB April Minibang 2020 - Sat by the River and It Made Me Complete
SB April Minibang 2021 - The Hardest Part of Ending (Is Starting Again)
SB April Minibang 2022 - Tiny Boxes For Memories
SB April Minibang 2023 - Still Believe in Fairytales
Untitled Season 2 WIP
A Promise Made
Snowells Week 2020
Open Mind For A Different View
For Your Love, All You Are
I’ll Take You To The Dark Side
Keeping Up With The Wells’s 
The Stars in the Sky Illuminate Below
Want You To Stay
Snowells Week 2021
how can I stand here with you (and not be moved by you)?
You should stay away from the cheese curds - they’re addicting
Days Dark as Ebony Nights
Snowells Week 2023
Things We’re All Too Young To Know 
Untitled Sherloque/Cailtin season 5 WIP
Untitled Harry/Caitlin season 4 WIP
Untitled EoWells/Caitlin season1/season5 timetravel WIP
Killervibe Week 2020 - Celebrate Me Home
Arrowverse Quarantine Fic Exchange - Yes It’s True (Happy to Be Stuck With You)
Gen/Character Fics
Between the Lines - Caitlin and Frost season 6 conversation
Caught in the Riptide
In this Grief
Once Upon A Time
Outlaw Queen
OQ Prompt Weeks:
Yours, Mine, & Ours
Home Sweet Home
A Glimmer of Hope
A New Beginning
Rose Petals
Leap of Faith
Operation Lupin
Shot Through the Heart
Operation New Adventure
Knight in Shining Dimples
OQ Fix It Week 2017:
Feather Light
Family Reunion
Of Arrows and other Remnants
Tea for Milady
A Bond in Time
The Heart of the Matter
Safe & Sound
Right Here With You
Vampire Diaries/The Originals
So Far Away
On the Corner of First and Amistad
Tell Me What You Want Me To Say
Holding On And Letting Go
Untitled season 1 Delena/Steferine WIP
Untitled season 4 DE WIP
Untitled AU DE WIP
Soul Bound
On Another Love
What Are You Prepared To Do
Rebuilding Blocks - single parent/therapist AU
Bonds Unbroken
Future AU
August Rush AU
Blended AU
Cure AU
Friends with kids AU
Family AU
Untitled future season 4 AU
The Devil Inside AU
Life as We Know It AU
Untitled season 1 warped WIP
Where’d You Go
Fading Light
Need You Now
Back to Humanity
Apart No More
Lights Will Guide You Home
Together Again - season 1 reincarnation 
TVD Season 4 AU
Only For Her
Starting Over
Together in Normalcy
Diabolical Sacrifices
Untitled Klaroline/Kalijah in NOLA WIP
Untitled WIP
Darkness I Became
Untitled AU
Spiraling Out of Control
Untitled AU
Gen/Character/multicouple works
Miss Mastermind - Katherine fic
Raising Jenna - Raising Helen AU 
TVD/Originals foster fic - Katherine was Hayley’s foster parent
Katherine season 2 fic
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Divine Interference
Waking Up
Redemption Fulfilled
Untitled season 5/6 WIP
Gilmore Girls
One Tree Hill
Once Upon a December
Remembering Forever
Untitled Polivia WIP
TVD Katherine Pierce/The Flash Killer Frost WIP
TVD Katherine Pierce/Angel Angel - Wait For You
TVD/Charmed WIP - Prophecy Girls
Buffyverse Spike/ One Tree Hill Brooke - 
Original works
TVD Fanfic conversion to original short story
Original guardian angels novel
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pentopaper23 · 9 months
“You’re so tense, do you want me to make you more relaxed?”
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“Klaus come on! We have to go!” Caroline yelled as she walked into the room and found him still on the lounge. He had been there since before she went for a shower. He didn’t answer her and keep reading his book, she clicked her tongue and squinted her eyes taking him in. His knee was jiggling anxiously and his grip on the book was fast becoming destructively tight. Sighing she placed her clutch on the hallway table and walked over to him. Gently she pulled the book from his hands and sat down beside him. She draped her left leg over him and settled in beside him. His hand moved to rest on the exposed skin of her thigh as the silk for her dress fall apart at the side slit.
“You said you would come” she said softly.
He nodded his head with a jerk, his eyes for laser focus on his fingers that were drawing circles on her leg and run his fingers under the tops of her stockings.
Caroline could see how tense he was, and if she was being honest, she was truly shocked that he was still here when she came back downstairs.
“I can go alone”.
He shocks his head this time, “No, I don’t want you alone with them”.
When the invite for Elena’s wedding arrived only six months into their “always and forever”, Caroline knew she would have a fight on her hands to get him to attend. So, she was pleasantly surprised when he agreed to go without a fight or fuss.
“So, what all this? You think I’ll run away with another hot English guy with bad attitude” She asked reaching up to smooth out the frontline between his eyes trying to lighten the mood.  
“That’s not it” he said defensively, and Caroline dropped her hand.
“You’re really worried I won’t come back”.
His turned his head away from her so she couldn’t see his face, but she could feel the way that his hand started to shake on her leg. Caroline looked over at the clock to double check the time and concluded that she had enough time for this.
“You’re so tense, do you want me to make you more relaxed?” she said as she took his ear between her teeth. She smiled when she saw Klaus smirk.
“I thought you said we didn’t have time”.
“I always have time for you” she replied. She ran her hand down his chest, over is stomach and down to his belt. With one hand she had it undone, and the zipper and button opened. She kept eye contact as she slipped her dress from her shoulders and let it pool around her hips. She gave him one last kiss on the cheek before she sank to her knees before him. She took his impressive member in her hand, she looked at it, stroking her hand slowly down its length. Caroline closed her eyes, opened her mouth wide and leaned forward. With her hand, she guided him into her mouth, his velvety head slipping across her tongue. As her lips closed around him Klaus groaned and he continued to harden, growing larger in her mouth.
She moaned around his cock, amazed how good it felt to have him in her mouth. She pushed herself down his shaft, managing to get more than half of him in before he pressed against the back of her throat.
Caroline slid her lips up his shaft. It was so thick now she had to be careful to keep her lips between him and her teeth. Her hand followed her lips up then back down again. Caroline bobbed deep on him several times, each time taking him in as deep as she could. She massaged the vein on the underside of his cock with her tongue. She squeezed and pumped him with her hand. She turned her head side to side as she bobbed and felt the tip of him rub the inside of her cheek.
Caroline continued to bob fast and deep on Klaus's cock, savouring every moan and sigh that her mouth and lips coaxed from him. After several minutes, she took him out and held him up. He was so big. He had to be nine inches long and he was thick too. Her jaw and tongue were starting to get sore from opening so wide to accommodate him.
She lifted him and ran her tongue along the vein underneath. When she reached the base of his cock, her tongue continued down to his balls. She gently licked and sucked them both as her hand continued to slowly pump his shaft.
"Yeah," Klaus groaned as Caroline ran her thumb around his tip "Like that." She looked up at him, and moaned at the blissed out look on his face. He had his eyes closed and his head was thrown back to rest on the lounge.
Caroline closed her eyes again and redoubled her efforts. She forced herself down on his cock harder and faster than before, her hand pumping the lower section of his shaft that her lips couldn't reach. He was so wet and slick with her saliva. She kept up that pace, sucking him with wanton abandon for as long as she could. But after several long minutes, she fell back on her heels and let him slip, unsatisfied, from her mouth. She looked up at him, his eyes were still closed, and he was lazily smiling. He had one hand in his curls, messing up the perfectly style hair Caroline had just before, and the other was gripping the lounge cushion so tight his knuckles were white and she heard the faint sound of the cotton threads snapping.
She ran her tongue down the inside of his left thigh, stopping at his scrotum. She took his left ball in her mouth and stroked it gently with her tongue. Then she released him and went back to his right thigh and ran her tongue along the inside of it. Again, when she reached his sac, she took his ball in her mouth, relishing Klaus's heavy breaths and soft moans of her name.
As she let his testicle slip from her mouth, she turned her head sideways, opened her mouth and put her lips to the base of his cock. Her tongue probed his thick vein as she applied a gentle suction and ran her blunt teeth over him. He gasped and jerked his hips of the lounge, she pushed his hips back down and she kissed her way up his stomach leaving gentle nips on his skin, she took hold of his shaft, deliberately giving it a few hard slow tugs.
Kissing her way up his chest, she leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his member. She wrapped her arms behind him, squeezing his cock against the sensitive flesh between her tits. For a moment she considered stripping off her top and bra again and giving him a good tit fucking. But some distant part of her brain remembered that they had to leave sooner rather than later. Caroline settled for a few squeezes of her tits around him. .
Those squeezes earned her not just a couple more moans, but a big bead of precum on the tip of his cock. She took hold of him just below his cock head and, looking up at him, she tightened her grip and licked it away with a flourish. He gave her a brief but very satisfying grunt in response.
Caroline flicked her hair back behind her shoulders and smiled up at Klaus. She knew she had a beautiful smile, pearly white teeth framed by soft, supple pink lips. And she wanted Klaus to see that smile; let him know this was giving her so much pleasure. She could see in his eyes that he understood.
"Tell me again," she purred softly, planting a kiss on the underside of his shaft. Klaus needed no explanation.
"Suck my cock, Caroline." She moaned, feeling the immediate surge of wetness in her pussy.
His hand reached down and gripped hair on the back of her head. Another wave of wetness seeped into her panties as he guided her mouth to the top of his cock. She opened her mouth, expecting him to force her down on him.
Instead, he released her hair.
"Show me love," he breathed.
Caroline closed her eyes and lowered her open mouth over him. As she wrapped her lips around his thick cock, she continued to descend. He pressed against the back of her throat, and she fought her gag reflex to take him down farther. She came up and went back down several times, each time trying to take him deeper.
But Caroline had never deep throated before, had never even seriously tried. After a several attempts, she found herself gagging and decided that this was not the night to learn. She was disappointed that she couldn't swallow him, take him into her throat. Surely, he had been with women who could. She didn't like thinking that she wasn't measuring up.
She threw herself into sucking him with abandon. She bobbed up and down on his cock hard and fast. The lower half of his shaft, too far for her to reach with her lips, she pumped with her hand. Her lips were stretched wide by his girth. The back of her throat hammered by his cock head.
Caroline kept at it as long as she could, but after ten minutes or more, she faltered. Klaus had been moaning encouragingly, but he didn't seem particularly close to cumming.
Soon Caroline felt the telltale swelling and stiffening of Klaus's member. She braced herself as he threw his head back and grunted. A second later, the first sticky jet erupted from him, hitting the back of her throat, and streaming across her tongue. Two more healthy spurts followed, filling her mouth. Caroline continued sucking. She was careful to go slow, be gentle, knowing how sensitive he would be after cumming. Her efforts were rewarded with a few more drops of his precious seed. When she had sucked everything out of him, she sat back on her heels and looked up at him, he was wrecked. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, his checks had a deep flush to them, and his chest was rapidly rising and falling. Caroline smirked and licked at her teeth when he opened his eyes and glance down at her. Laughing he laid his head back again and sighed,
“You are far too happy with yourself” he said as Caroline got to her feet and brush imaginary dust from her knees. Slowly she lent over him, resting one of her knees on the lounge beside his. She gentle kissed his check and smiled when he grunted and sucked air though his teeth as she slowly tucked him back into his pants and gave him a gentle pat after zipping him back up.
“We need to go” Caroline said softly rubbing her nose against his. Klaus wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to straddle his lap.
“Thank you love” he said as Caroline reached up to wrangle his curls back into place, when she was done with that she grabbed on of his hands and moved it down to slip his fingers in between her folds and smirked when Klaus’s eyes widen when he felt she had no underwear on.  
“This is how much I want you” She moaned as she moved against his fingers.
“I’m not going anywhere and nothing they say today ever make me change my mind about you. I know you Niklaus and I love you” she said leaning down to gently kiss his lips. She pulls away to find that he hadn’t closed his eyes and was looking at her with tear filled eyes.
“Say you love me” she says.
“I love you” he replies returning her kiss as he pushed two fingers into her. Caroline arched her back and after a few thrusts she pushed his fingers away panting.
“We really need go.” She said standing up and starting to straighten out her dress. She sighed when she felt him pressed against her back and his lips on her neck as he pulled her dress straps back into place.
“Later?” he asked.
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kaizsche · 2 years
WIP List Game
You know the drill: create a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
thank u so MUCH for the tag, @katherineholmes!!!
(i was in bed after finishing the movie taken (lmao) when i saw this and i immediately stood up my bed JFHIAHDIAUGDIA - and thought of reblogging but i just have so many darn wips... so get ready)
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals:
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
untitled original fam + jeremy trip (trip to nola crack fic)
untitled princess hours au (a kdrama)
i hope you're happy, but don't be happier
isn't it strange?
about you
i wish we had more time (not the final title, lol.)
it's only natural
driver's license
by the gods (not the final title)
your disaster is heavy on my tongue
untitled viking au
untitled princess diaries au
keeping up with the mikaelsons
untitled guardians of the lamb au (a manhwa)
windchimes and kifton suits
untitled klena theatre au
if we make it through december
untitled elejah pregnancy fic
untitled elejah sirebond thing
untitled elejah modern pregnancy fic
untitled the gentlemen au fic
untitled time travel fic
untitled time travel pregnancy fic thing
untitled klaus in wolf form crack fic
untitled wolf mate thing fic au?? idk
time will warp what is mine
elena x mikaelsons (#trying to fit all the tvd characters in this godforsaken fic)
untitled elena + mikaelson family crack fic
Star Wars
don't blame me, love made me crazy (an anon req i havent touched in forever)
ashes on the ground
untitled anakin x reader fic
in my dreams you love me back
rocket man (i think it's gonna be a long, long time)
Genshin Impact
to taste a winner
catching feelings
untitled - addams family kidnaps tyler lol
untitled pride and prejudice au
into the devil's jaws
i'd probably still adore you with your thighs around my neck (draft)
untitled wyler torture scene
Wednesday x The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
untitled enid as klaroline's daughter fic
untitled wyler trip to nola
Star Wars x The Vampire Diaries
happier than ever
the five stages of separation
hey mama!
Empress Ki
untitled fic
kenma x idol au one shot
Mob Psycho 100
untitled smut fic
Shadow and Bone
the hero
Teen Wolf
till the ends of the earth with you (discontinued)
The Eternals
untitled ikaris fic (discontinued)
The Batman
untitled fic (discontinued bc my friend thought the way i wrote selina kyle was ooc)
(didn't include one fic in my gdocs cause it for a gift heh)
tagging: @sunless-garden @itsmejaji and anybody else interested!
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mrsmalfoyqueen · 2 years
I've read many stories where Caroline turns up at Klaus's door — she's worried, unsure whether he still wants her, whether he's still waiting.
I want to read one where she goes to him, not a century later (maybe a decade?). And she doesn't knock on his door, wait with baited breath fearful and apprehensive - but walks in like she owns the place (which she does) and reorganizes his closet because her clothes need more space.
And everyone is scared and worried that she's another one of his crazy exes but Klaus simply shrugs and asks her if he should knock the next room down to turn it into a walk-in closet because this one doesn't have enough space for her shoes. I would LOVE some bashing in there (Cami, Hayley, Aurora - any, all - I'm not picky).
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bellarkehotchniss · 2 years
HELP - Looking for a Klaroline fic
Really wish someone would reply, I’ve searched high and low for this story and can’t seem to find it - hopefully because I’m looking with the wrong words...
This is what I remember about it:
Caroline was in college (Whitmore maybe?), Klaus in NOLA. Caroline had a different roommate - an art student with colourful hair, whom she had promised to pose nude for, for the roommate’s assignment. Caroline struggled posing nude and accidentally thought of her time with Klaus, which resulted in her roommate asking what she was thinking of, to which she replied ‘Klaus’. This was quoted under the painting and it was put up in a gallery as part of the roommate’s assignment. The roommate had promised the nude portrait was not going to be sold, but Klaus did end up buying it.
Caroline and roommate did also end up going to a NOLA club (I think??) where there were already rumours of disappearing vampires and some special drug. Caroline ends up drugged and tells her roommate to run before she gets taken away. Klaus finds out about it (don’t remember if he gets called by the roommate, Caroline’s friends or someone else) and travels to Caroline’s college with his family (again, could be wrong but i feel like Elijah was there and tried to unsuccessfully compel the roommate) where they also meet Caroline’s friends from Mystic Falls. I believe at that point or just before a videotape arrives for Klaus basically saying he needs to surrender in place of Caroline (or something like that) and he goes on to locate her i believe and finds out they’re humans doing experiments on vamps and they want him as he’s the original hybrid.
Last I read this story it was incomplete and on AO3 I believe. I don’t remember neither the title of it or the author... Only that it takes place after TVD 5X11 and obvs Klaus is in NOLA and Care in college. If someone knows it please let me know, even if it’s been deleted or you’re unsure it’s the right story it would still help. I’ll still be looking for it, but would appreciate anyone who may recognise it helping out. Hope the info was sufficient, I feel like it’s a very specific story arc.
Thank you all in advance.
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One Call Away
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After traveling around the country, Caroline finally decided that she is ready to see the world - with a certain original hybrid. One-shot. Slightly AU.
Read on:
Archive of Our Own
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hellsbellschime · 10 months
Have you seen the rumors about TVD movie? I’m so ready for them to fake bait klaroline in a fourth different media adaptation lol
I haven't but I have heard reboot rumors, but ya girl is never taking that bait again after they freaking HAD CAROLINE GO TO NOLA and then were just like oh but Klaus wasn't home bummer. I gotta see the receipts forever.
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destellolunar · 4 years
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For @klarolinefallbingo
Prompt: Sanhaim (sort of)
After her mother's death, Caroline has nowhere to go. She ends up in New Orleans looking for Klaus, cause deep down she always knew he was the only one that could understand her the most.
Thank you for all the support in my previous post, it was overwhelming and I can't be more grateful with the fandom. Y'all are the best!
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