#otp: annoyingly perfect
babsvibes · 1 year
Since you love ships, I gotta ask: what’s the ingredients for a perfect ship for you to get into in a show? What are the elements that can turn an interesting character relationship/dynamic into an OTP for you? Lastly, what was your first ship you remember?
Every time I go to answer this, I start writing a dissertation on why enemies-to-lovers is my favorite ship dynamic of all time. One day I'll finish that essay, but for now let's focus on the actual question.
Ingredients for an OTP:
A tease and a tsundere (especially when they can switch who is annoying who in any given situation). Another way to say this is Bitch/Whore
Love language is banter
Characters that are balanced and on equal playing fields (even if it doesn't seem like it to an outsider)
Characters that are honest, that don't treat each other like they're fragile or hide their flaws--like each have their own power. I'm not here for a ship rooted in insecurity. "Oh, I wasn't sure if you would still love me if you knew that I-" shut UP, I wanna hear about "I am this way and you will take it or leave it" meanwhile the other character is trying to hide their massive heart eyes behind comically large sunglasses
Characters that Do Not want to fall in love and will deny it to the very last second and then even a little after that
Characters who are from different walks of life but still manage to find connection and things to love and hate about each other's experience
This one's important (and I think it's going to confuse people), but I can't get into ships that spend too much time with the "friends" label. It secretly annoys me any time someone says I write enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. Yes, I understand that they're not trying to stab the other one anymore, but they're not friends. They might want to spend all day together and know everything about each other and be the first person that they call in a crisis, but they would NEVER consider the other one a friend (even while everyone else annoyingly says "yes. yes you are friends."). Even if they don't understand what they're headed towards, there's still some recognition that it's not platonic. Platonic dynamics shifting to romantic give me "escaping the friend zone" vibes, which sets up a tone of wolf in sheep's clothing VS enemies-to-lovers which is a sheep in wolf's clothing. Yes, this makes sense to me
Sexual tension. Which is really just a two word summary of the bullet before this lmao
I think the first ship I can remember is Courtney/Duncan from Total Drama Island, which is hilarious because they weren't even enemies they just argued a bunch despite being on the same team
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thetourguidebarbie · 6 years
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Thank you SO VERY MUCH to @garglyswoof for being a kick-ass beta and to @goldcaught for the cover for this fic, an out of this world masterpiece for the ages. This fic was written for @mon-amour-eternel -- thank you so much for tolerating the amount of words this grew into... @candycolamorgan, @chica-cherry-lola and @honestgrins are also amazing supportive cheerleaders of endless wisdom and support who I could not have done this without. 
Aaand that’s all, folks! Enjoy the last chapter ;)
Title: Public Nuisance Rating: M Summary: Klaus’s manager insists that he needs a stable girlfriend to fix his public image after a messy break-up, so Klaus recruits his childhood best friend Caroline. Sure, it could be awkward if they caught feelings for each other, but that’s just silly. They’re just dating as friends. Cuddling platonically. Making out, but in a non-sexual way. This can’t possibly go wrong.
Read the final chapter here.
Read from the beginning here.
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paigemarie007 · 7 years
Klaroline Endgame on TO
I used to hope for this, but after the mess that was s6 I figured if we did get a chance to have a perhaps one day it would be messy and probably half assed. If I'm being honest I've had hundreds of perhaps one day endings from fic writers out there that are fabulous, and they've given me everything I've wanted for these characters. They know these characters way better then the creators. So in the end it will be cool to see what the klaroline fandom does with this ending and what they create. This fandom is so creative and talented!
Thank you guys for continuing all the posts, edits, and fics! Thank you!
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil eps 1-10 (thoughts and feels!)
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It's been a while since I made a post like this (and since I wrote one this long lol) but it feels right that it is about this drama. Because I love it!!! IT'S AMAZING!! I was suffering a drama slump and then decided to give this a chance, pressed play and now this has become my new personality! I love every second of this deliciously glorious, well-told, magficently acted and gorgeously looking drama!!
It's even more amazing because I didn't think much of it in the beginning. Right on ep 1 I couldn't see what they hype was, but then it all changed on ep 2. I was wrong about you, drama!!! Forgive me, Moon Supreme lol. Also, so many kisses!!! Hehehe I always love it when dramas get creative with these or touching between OTPs and especially those who initially cannot tolerate each other. And the fact that the kisses here are actually a tool for the plot to keep evolving is *chef's kiss*
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The fact that this is how he was freed and simultaneously trapped to her forever, is so silly, but I LOVE IT!!
And how funny is it that this evil lord, the most feared and powerful in all three realms, cannot touch a single hair on the head of this adorable and kinda silly fairy unless he wants to suffer the same as her??? hahaha and then he just decides to move in with her to keep her away from any potential danger for them? Which in turn ended up being the reason he has come to care for her in a surprisingly healthy manner for the "villain" of the drama.
I love that the progression of their story wasn't rushed but also, wasn't totally a slowburn. Cause even if they're not together after 10 eps, it's pretty clear the foundation of very strong feelings is already there (even if on Dongfang's part is more of a possesive feel rather than actually love or adoration, I'll take what I'm given as long they deliver my favorite tropes lol). They were reluctant at first (he wanted to kill her hahaha), then they got used to each other's company (he was exasperated with her), then they started to understand each other (I love that he didn't pity her, he just told her feelings were gonna be a problem for her, and she had many of them) and then they became friends and he was actually worried and was sincere in helping her. Also, everytime he was there to save or help her, I was madly cheering and clapping. It made me so giddy.
But of course that domestic life wasn't going to last forever and I love that the pace of it was just right.
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BURN!! It is now that I see the value in having the villain of the story as the man who loves you, ‘cause he’d be devoted to you entirely, but the hero would choose to sacrifice you...not a good look, Changheng.
I've never seen anything Esther Yu has been in before, but she's so lovable and cute in her role as Orchid. At first I thought she was gonna be one of those overly cute and annoyingly stupid characters but nope! She manages to do something that I think it's hard, because barely anyone ever does it right. Most roles like this I've seen in the past, end up looking like a grown woman acting like a five year old, which is odd to say the least. But Esther's Orchid is wonderful and smart, and of course it makes perfect sense that a lovely character like her is what has melted Moon Supreme's cold exterior. Well, kinda.
Meanwhile, our second lead suffers from the sterotypical stupidity that made me sure within 5 eps that he was not gonna get the girl (I know, shocker), even though he had her in the palm of his hand (despite the odds being against him after he erased her memories of him!), but was too much of an idiot and a coward to actually grab her and to not let go. Still, I do not hate his character. I mean, he's a genuinely good God which in a xianxia drama is like finding a unicorn. Of course, I think Zhang LingHe does a very good job, even though I don't like his character that much.
One thought about this whole drama and my experience with it that couldn't be more true, is that I've never enjoyed Dylan Wang or any of his characters, as much as I have in this drama, with his performance of the Moon Supreme. He was born for this role and I never knew he had this much talent in him, but now I know, and everyone else!
And now, to watch ep 11, ‘cause they just changed bodies hahaha
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ssscentral · 4 years
serotonin | for ara
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Summary: He loves to rile you up - and you let him every time.
Pairing : Jungkook x female reader
Genre : Fluff, Romance, e2l (but not really), Established Relationship
Warnings : Kissing - nothing else
WC : 1.5k
Member : Lillia & Rid || @moccahobi​ & @taegularities​
A/N : HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MAKNAE @heejinnien!!!!!! I hope your birthday is an amazing one! Some of us (@tae-cup, @hoebii, @jinings, @voiceswithoutlips, @biaswreckme, and @xiaokoo) have created a few collaborative pieces for your birthday! So take some time to celebrate and relax with our fun (and most def not quickly put together) fics! We love you so much and are so glad to be friends with you! May this birthday be an amazing one!!!! 💜💜 - Lillia
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Jungkook was the epitome of hard work. If there was anyone you would’ve named as annoyingly competitive at your school, it would’ve been him - sarcastic, fierce, smart, always trying to up you whenever he could.
The science lab that you both shared was always an intense business, and the class knew how the whole lab would be punctuated by the teacher deciding which of you was more correct as soon as you and Jungkook entered the room. The semester had started one month and a half ago, but the whole team of teachers had taken note of the mess that the pair of you were. From trying to out correct each other to vying for the TA’s praise, the competition between the two of you was something that made everyone gawk and laugh at. This lab was no different.
It was a simple class to help you start familiarizing yourself with tardigrades before you did experiments on them later. You were simply tasked with drawing them and documenting the development of their eggs, but you didn’t think even such a thing could turn into a full-on war between Jungkook and you.
“So, if you look closely, some of you might have pregnant tardigrades under their microscope. The person who spots them and manages to document everything correctly, will get some chocolate from me the next time,” your teacher encouraged you, always the nicest sweetheart of your college.
Curse Jungkook’s superior art skills because even though both of you had pregnant tardigrades, it was like comparing a toddler’s hard work to something that belonged in MOMA.
“Teacher…” Jungkook shot you a knowing look after interrupting more of the teacher’s praise of his diagram.
“Yes, Mister Jungkook?”
“Well, you see… I know you expressed a want to hang up the diagram… but I honestly don’t feel like it’s the best I can do. Especially since Y/N knocked my elbow a few times and even scribbled something on my paper. I mean, I tried to make the scribbles look like part of the diagram… but I know I could do better. Could I try to redo it for extra credit?”
“Miss Y/L/N. Did you really try to ruin his work?” 
You floundered some and glared at the lying Jungkook, “N-no! I mean I did bump into him, but when our chairs are so close together, it is bound to happen! It wasn’t to try to sabotage him.” 
The teacher’s eyes narrowed before she nodded at Jungkook and continued on with the lesson, her better nature taking what you said as truth… as it was! That “bumping” was simple brushing him… that you might have intended, but still! Not maliciously! When the teacher’s back was turned to you and Jungkook, you sent him a glare, to which he smirked back before focusing on the teacher again who was pointing out more details about the tardigrades that needed to be added to diagram labels. 
And although the lesson was still not over - technically - she spoke up as soon as you and Jungkook handed in your work. “Perfect! As promised, Mister Jeon and Miss Y/L/N may leave earlier - you worked hard today again!” your professor announced, clapping her hands and spurring on the rest of the class to do the same - you could clearly see how annoyed and unmotivated your classmates were, and it made you chuckle.
Grinning back at Jungkook, you put the strap of your bag around your shoulder, knowing that he’d follow you very soon. He always did. The corridor was empty, the classes still going on as you heard his faint footsteps behind you. You rolled your eyes - no matter how many times you beat him in class (even if today, you only beat him by answering more stuff correctly), he’d always stay right next to you.
You walked in silence for quite some while until you stepped out into the pleasantly warming sun, the fresh wind grazing your skin and playing with your hair softly. There was a park you’d always go to, one that belonged to the campus, but mostly stood empty despite the large number of students at your school. Most of the students spent their days flitting between classes and fulfilling last minute assignments and they barely had time to look or go to the park that was ever so slightly out of the way from the other, less cool, outdoor spaces your college offered. 
Considering the fact that beautiful flowers and plants bloomed on the grounds of the small park, you felt like the students who never cared to visit were stupid and oblivious to the park’s amazingness. It was a perfect place to study, relax or spend time with friends, and now that you were released from your last class of the day, you didn’t yet feel the urge to go back to your dorm room yet. You approached a bench, your bench, directly next to the swing set.
As you almost reached it, still aware of how close your rival was, Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist to pull you close to him, his face just inches away. Trapping you in his arms, his eyes wandered to your lips.
“Aren’t you tired of following me around all the time?” you asked with a bratty smile, throwing back your hair as you awaited his answer.
“How could I ever?” And without a warning, he pressed his lips against yours before you could even give him your devilish smirk that he loved so much.
That was bound to happen, you knew it, and you relished in the intense feeling his careful touch gave you. He kissed you gently and with so much unsaid emotion that you tried to match, enjoying the soft touches of his hands against your body and the feel of his firm body under your hands. All of this, you both and your secret relationship, had started not long ago. Always the bantering couple that the school loved so much and you had long been selected as the ultimate OTP - something that meant one true pairing nowadays, many students asking if the class rivalry had ever become more.
As he kissed you, mouth moving against yours tenderly, softly, affectionately, the excitement in your body increased, wanting nothing more than to stay here in the empty park with him forever, pressed against his chest. In his arms with your lips locked together, nothing else seemed to matter. Not his insane art skills or who outperformed the other in class or grades. It was just the tender kisses and touches of him.
When he let go, stroking your cheek with his fingertips gently, he smiled endearingly. “Seeing you all riled up and motivated to beat me is so hot.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you pushed him away slightly, but his hands on your waist stayed stubbornly, firmly holding you in his grip as he laughed at your expression. “Good that you think that. I just can’t believe how much fun you have annoying the hell out of me in front of our teachers.”
“You’re the cutest when riled up,” Jungkook said with a smirk.
“And I can’t believe you said that I scribbled on your diagram today! We are stooping to lies now?”
Jungkook laughed lightly, one of his hands traveling down your arm to hold your hand. “Well… You got all pink when I brought up the bumps. I enjoyed watching you flush. You’re just so cute, Y/N.” He pinched your cheek as he said the last words.
What? You blinked slowly, a robotic laughing coming out of you. “Jungkook. I love you… but don’t do that again.”
“What? Can you repeat? I didn’t hear?” Jungkook’s ears were pink as he looked at you hopefully, his eyes glistening and shining as he spoke.
“Don’t do it again.” 
“Nooo! What was the first part? I wanna hear it again.” He whined and squeezed your hand tightly while bringing it up to his chest. 
Mimicking a deep thought process, you pursed your lips and scrunched your brows together. “No. You’ve not been a good boy.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock as his lips parted wordlessly, his hand going slack in yours. Laughing excitedly, you quickly removed yourself from Jungkook, set your bag down, and started off away from him.
“You might have to catch me to get me to say anything more!” you shouted when you were only a meter or so away, quickly catching Jungkook’s attention once again.
Even from how far away you were, you saw the tell tale competitiveness flow into him as he raced off after you. A squeal left you when he came closer and you quickened your pace, but it was no use. Jungkook was so much faster and stronger than you and before you knew it, he had swooped you up in his arms and spun you around.
“Tell me, you love meeee!” Jungkook whined childly as he set you down, pouting at you as he started to pepper your face and neck with soft kisses.
His kisses tickled you, and he enjoyed that every single time. “I-I lo-love yo-you!” you managed to squeal out before once again, he was kissing your lips.
“Good, because I love you too.” 
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
Karaoke Night
A/N: Ya’ll. So I wrote this on FEBRUARY 18 and I’ve grown since then so if it’s cringy it’s because it’s old (I was 13 👧🏽) I also changed it a bit bc it was too bad.
So enjoy ig :)
A/N (old): Time for our favorite android and guard ship to take the spotlight. In other words Kiko. (Stars Above and Wires and Nerve spoilers)
Cinder and Kai were fighting. Everybody near them could see it and feel it. And it was bringing everybody down. How could other couples be able to manage correctly if the perfect ship was fighting? Cinder and Kai fighting does not make sense; it doesn't click. And how did Iko miss this? She was with them all day yesterday, and they seemed fine. Iko just knew one thing for sure; this was not ok.
The perfect couple was sitting opposite each other in Scarlet's living room. It was Winter's birthday yesterday, and they all decided to celebrate here in France. Cinder had a hand on her forehead as if she had a headache, and Kai talked to Cress. What could they possibly be fighting? Watching them give each other glares just ripped Iko to shreds. Her OTP could NOT be fighting. Then as if things could get any worse, a person walked in.
"Good morning, everyone." Kinney was sporting a smirk on his annoyingly handsome face and annoyingly perfect hair. Seriously, read the room!
"Ugh, no, go away, " she groaned, "I don't feel like dealing with you today."
"Well, I'm stuck here, so you have to."
"Go steal Scars pod or something."
"I do not want to steal the scary woman's pod, Iko; that would be my death."
"Well, I would be laughing at your funeral, by the way."
"It's great to know that you care so much about me."
"Just get together already." Someone whispered. Iko jumped and put a hand to her heart. Cress had appeared out of nowhere, scaring the daylights out of her.
"Cress, you scared me," Iko whispered.
"Seriously, watching you two banter like an old married couple but not together is just as bad as Cinder and Kai fighting," Cress whispered back.
"I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, date Mr. Perfect-Hair." Iko shot. Cress raised an eyebrow.
"Okay..., " she made a face, "so what do you know about the ‘Royal Couple’? Please give me all the details. What, why, when, who, and how?"
"I'm just as clueless as you are," Iko sighed, "they seemed fine last night."
"That's Cinder and Kai for ya."
"Yep." Iko looked at everyone in the room. Winter was wearing the clothes that Scarlet bought her and the jewelry that Iko stole from Cinder. Not that she'll ever know. Her hair was in a bun and was messy in an appealing way. She was talking with Jacin, and he would crack a smile here and there, which was the weirdest thing Iko has ever seen. She moved to Scarlet and Wolf. Scarlet had her hood overhead and was in between Wolf's legs on the floor. She was staring at Kai, like trying to figure out a puzzle, while Wolf just ate a tomato. Cress peeped from behind Iko, making her spin around, only to see that Thorne surprised her, and now they were kissing. 
As for her best-friend and the Emperor, they still hated each other. What the hell happened?!
"All right, what happened between you two," as if she read Iko's mind, Scarlet stood up from her position and pointed at Cinder and Kai, "last night, you guys acting like the happy, engaged couple you are, and today, you are acting like you broke up!"
Iko gasped. That has never crossed her mind before. If they broke up, there would be no will for Iko to live.
"Of course, we didn't break up," Kai said. Iko let out a breath of relief.
"Wheres the ring," She gasped again. It was like a horror movie.
"Metal hand" Cinder lifted her gloved hand, then took off the glove dramatically, revealing a red ruby. Iko sighed. 
"So why are you two fighting," Scarlet pried.
"I dunno, ask Cinder," Kai answered, with a look at Cinder. Iko raised an eyebrow, "she's the one who started all this."
"Just because I can make my own decisions does not mean that they are bad ones." Wow, Cinder looked mad. Iko kind of felt bad for Kai, but he didn't even flinch. It was pretty obvious he'd seen all of this before.
"I never said it was bad, and I just wish you told me before-"
"There you go again. You don't need to know what's going on in my life!"
"- you told everyone!"
"All right, ALL RIGHT!" Thorne yelled, stepping in between the bickering couple. All three of them were on their feet. "You know what you need. A party!"
"We just had one, smartass," Cinder said. She was still scowling and was rubbing her head again.
"No, not like a birthday party, but a crazy one where everyone gets drunk. Iko, you can be our designated driver" He winked at Iko. "Wait, scratch that. We can sing karaoke! And get drunk! YES! Meet Cress and me back at the Rampion at 6, all right? Let's go, Cress." 
He said all of this so fast that Iko needed a minute to process. "I don't compute."
Thorne rolled his eyes, "Karaoke night. 6 pm. Rampion." Then he left, dragging a wide-eyed Cress out of the house. 
"Now, what are we going to do?" Jacin asked, looking bored.
"I dunno," said Scarlet, "I guess we wait until 6."
"Welcome aboard the most amazing space ship of all time, THE RAMPION!" Thorne exclaimed to no one in particular, "Tonight will be the best karaoke night in your life! Come in, come in."
Scarlet looked around, "Is he talking to me?" Iko nodded, "Thanks, I guess. What are you guys singing?"
"I'm going to sing from this pop singer from the second era, I think. But the person was one of the few people in the world to nail the high keys. I hope I can do it. Hey Iko, wanna do a duet?" Cress walked out to greet them, but her eyes were glued to her port as she rambled on about the pop singer.
"Duh, what do I get to sing!" Iko didn't prep for anything, but she could always read the lyrics in her head.
"The rap. The song is pretty easy, but the rap part is fast. Other than that, it's going to be so much fun!"
"Yay!" She went up to hug the tiny human. Then Cress started laughing, and then they were in fits not even a second after.
"Well, I'm going to sing 'Langue' by Aline Martin. She's a French singer and started blowing up a few months back. I love her songs." Scarlet beamed from behind the girls. 
Wolf threw an arm around her as they walked into the ship, "I'm sure you'll do great, Scar."
"It's my favorite song. I know it word for word. I'll do fine."
"Jacin-love and I are doing a duet. At least, I was hoping to, right Jacin." Winter winked, bumping his elbow with hers. He only grunted in response.
"Has anybody seen Cinder," Iko whipped her head to see Kai focused on his port. He looked for answers, and there was a nod from Thorne and Cress.
"She's already inside."
"Wha- of course, she is," he grumbled as he made his way up the ramp, not bothering to say hello to anyone. 
"Does anyone know what's going on with the pair?" Scarlet asked. She received shrugs from everyone except Kinney.
"Selene wanted to take a trip back to Luna, to, you know, check up and see how things are going, and made plans and everything, but never bothered to tell Kai until last minute. She surprised everyone with this. But it should be fine if she is only going for a week. Well, it's a month-long trip, and as you can see, the emperor is very pissed." Kinney said as-a-matter-of-factly. Iko was sure if he had glasses, he would slide them up to his perfect, symmetric nose. Wait, no, she meant ugly, misshapen, weird, annoying, terrible, ideal nose.
"Wow. Tha- what- wait- huh?" Thorne scratched his head, "That doesn't make any sense. Cinder tells Kai everything!"
"Not a month-long trip to Luna," Scarlet cut in, "But wait, how do you know this in the first place?" Yes, how did he know this and not Iko? But wait.
"And this happened last night?!" Iko put a hand to her mouth, "Wait, she was on a meeting with the world leaders last night?! I didn't even prep her. She probably looked disgusting!"
"No, she told the world leaders that morning, leaving out Kai, and then broke the news to him as they were getting ready for bed." He rolled his eyes like it was obvious, "Did nobody hear their yelling? I couldn't sleep because of it." Silence. Iko was charging, so she couldn't possibly hear anything. According to Cress, Thorne snored loudly, so it would probably be hard for the night owl (Cress) to listen to them. The rest were inside the house.
"Huh. Interesting. Okay, guys, don't say a word about this; let them figure it out, and NO MEDDLING! I'm talking to you, Iko. And you, Thorne. And Cress, don't help them. After all, nobody likes a meddler," Scarlet drawled, "We are going to have fun and pretend like we didn't hear Kinney say anything. If this were any other couple, I would have said 'we need a plan STAT,' but this is Cinder and Kai, AKA the lunar cyborg ex-Queen of Luna and the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth, and they could whip our asses with words faster than you can say Benoit Farms and Gardens. Not only that, but we could also go to jail. So, what are we NOT going to do?"
"Meddle," everyone grumbled. Or was it just Iko. She felt like fixing this heavenly ship was the task she needed to fulfill, but Scarlet's gun looks very shiny in her waistband, and Iko didn't feel like going to repair her skin the 3rd time this month. She inwardly cursed the wolf mutants. They ALWAYS put up a fight!
"Now, can we embarrass each other and sing and get drunk?" Thorne asked.
"Yes. Yes, we can." Scarlet allowed everyone inside.
"Ah hello, Selene-cousin, and Kai-friend!" Winter said as she spotted the couple. Cinder was sitting in the captain's seat of the cockpit, with her legs up and staring at the ceiling. She waved at Winter, not bothering to look her way. Meanwhile, Kai was fiddling with his shirt's cuffs frustratingly and was as far away from Cinder as possible. Watching them like this physically hurt Iko. She just wanted to give them both a good whack on the head. Kai looked in Winter's direction and nodded. 
"So," Thorne said, breaking the awkward yet tension-filled silence, "We ready to start singing!"
"Ooh yes, I wanna go first!" Cress glided towards the table in the cockpit, where a microphone and speakers were waiting for the first contestant. Cress used the strategically placed steps under the table to help her get on top of the table. When she got to the middle, she took the microphone and motioned to someone behind Iko to do something. Then she tapped the microphone, and the speakers behind her came to life with a slight tap. "There we go!" 
Cress grabbed her port started to tap on it. The speakers played a little melody, and Cress did a little shake in victory. Then she tapped some more, and an ad played from the speakers. Loudly. Everyone covered their ears, not ready for the loudness, and Cress apologized many times, over and over again. Then, when the ad finished, she tapped the screen before any music could play and smiled.
"Hey, guys! I'm going to sing a song by a famous second-era singer called Ariana Grande! And I will also-"
"WAIT!" Thorne came running in with a tray full of tiny glasses with clear liquid, "New rule, every time someone sings, they have to take a shot."
"No, wait a minute, I'm not goi-" Cinder began.
"Hey, I said we were going to sing and get drunk, right? So, we are going to sing and get drunk." Thorne smiled.
"Well, don't let Cress go first!" Scarlet argued.
"Good point," he set the tray on the table and climbed up. He took the microphone from Cress and cleared his throat, "I'll go first. Cress, you know what to play."
After tapping and swiping a few times, Cress smiled and hopped down from the table. She pressed the port again and gave a thumbs up to Thorne.
"You guys ready?" Asked Thorne.
"Why are we here again?"
"Let's begin" he nodded to Cress. Upbeat music started playing, and he started dancing. Badly. Iko burst out laughing as Thorne waved his hands dramatically. Cress leaned on Iko's shoulder, shaking from laughter. Then the singing started, which was ten times worse. Cress doubled over, bringing Iko down with her. Practically everyone was laughing now. Iko looked at Cinder, who looked like she was embarrassed for Thorne, but with a smile on her lips. Kai, on the other, had a hand up to his face and was laughing into it. Maybe, just maybe, they would sit next to each other and laugh about Thorne. And kiss. And everything would alright.
The music came to a stop, and so did Thorne's horrific voice. He bent down to grab one of the tiny glasses and drank it all in one fell swoop. He shook his head and then jumped down, handing the mic to Scarlet.
"I nominate you next, mademoiselle," said Thorne with a wink, "Get up on the stage. Make me proud."
"It's madame, now," Scarlet spat, grabbing the mic, "Besides, we don't say that anymore." She got on top of the 'stage' and put the mic onto the stand. "Hey, Cress?"
"Can you put 'Langue' by Aline Martin?"
"Sure, but isn't that in french?"
"Yeah, but who cares."
"Ok," Cress tapped onto the screen once again. She tapped the screen once, and soft music started playing.
It was 10:00 pm now, and almost everyone was drunk. Which meant virtually everyone sang except for the bickering couple that hated each other. Which, to Iko, felt like she was being stabbed by burning knives, melting her inner core, and ripping it all apart, and burning the remains. Other than them, Iko and Kinney weren't drunk either. Iko couldn't drink, and Kinney refused to. 
Then, something miraculous happened. Kai walked over to Cinder, whispering something into her ear. She nodded and left with Kai into a room. Iko's eyes widened, and she went to follow, but someone grabbed her arm. 
"Wha-," Iko realized who it was, "Oh. You. Let me go."
"You know what Scarlet said, no meddling." Said Kinney.
"But she's drunk. Besides, I'm only going to listen, not meddle."
"But," Kinney stopped, lost for words, "fine, but I'm coming with."
"Why, to make sure I don't do anything stupid?"
"No, I'm curious."
"Oh. Ok, let's go" Iko and Kinney went to the room where Cinder and Kai entered but didn't press the button to open the door. Iko raised her inner volume while canceling Wolf's and Scarlet's bad singing out. 
"I didn't mean it that way!" said a hushed voice from inside. It sounded like Cinder.
"Well, that's how I heard it!" another voice responded. Kai.
"Well, sorry that your mind chose to hear my words a different way than intended," said Cinder sarcastically. Kai huffed. Then everything went silent. Iko pressed her ear to the door harder as if that would help her hear better. 
Something tapped her shoulder. "What are they saying?" whispered Kinney. She shushed him and continued to listen.
"I don't hear anything," Iko sighed, giving up. She lifted her ear from the door and looked at Kinney, "Do you think this is it?"
He shook his head. "The ambassador and the emperor are great for each other; even if they don't know it themselves, they'll be fine."
"But what if they're not? What if this is the worst fight they ever had, and they break up because of it, leaving them loveless and sad forever? What if-" Kinney put a hand to her mouth and hugged her. It was so unexpected that Iko gasped. 
"It's their first fight. There are many, many, more to come, and they will get past it. They love each other more than anything else in the world, and moon, heck, even more than themselves! And if they do, they have you to lean on because look how much you care and love them.”
"Shhh," Kinney said, stroking her hair, "I'm surprised Cinder hasn't caught us yet. She has super hearing skills, too, you know."
"I know." Iko pulled away from Kinney's calming grasp. Then she patted his chest and smiled up at him, "Thanks for that. I was freaking out a bit, you know." He smirked.
"Well, I guess we should go back before the drunk people do something stupid."
"I think it's too late for that."
"Whatever. And, um, I think you're right. Everything is going to be okay. Cinder and Kai will get married, have ten children, five dogs, seven hamsters, and three cats." He laughed, "I'm going to go sing now. Bye," She blew a kiss and walked towards the cockpit. 
"IKO!" She paused in her steps and slowly turned around, her squeezed shut. "Were you listening to us the whole time!" Iko opened one eye and found a scowling Cinder with arms crossed around her chest, glaring at her. Kai stood at the doorway of the room, trying not to smile.
"No?" Iko looked to Kinney for help. 
"It's true, Sele- Cinder, she wasn't eavesdropping." Kinney stopped Cinder before she could say anything else.
"Are you sure?" Cinder raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, positive."
"Okay," She turned around curtly. Something on her face must've been enough for Kai to smile devilishly. She pushed Kai into the room, slamming the doors shut in Kinney's face, leaving them both confused about what just happened. 
"I think they're fine," Kinney said after a moment of both of them standing there. 
"Yeah, me too," Iko scratched the back of her head, "Well, I'm going to sing now. Hopefully, no one stops me this time."
"Right behind you.”
"You're going to sing?" She asked, bewildered.
"No, I'm going to watch."
"Okay. I won't disappoint."
"I believe it." Iko felt a strange feeling wash over her when Kinney flashed a grin. She began to smile as she made her way to the stage subconsciously. She sang, then she danced, then she sang some more. When Cinder and Kai finally came out of the room, they were both smiling like crazy, making Thorne and Scarlet whoop loudly. Iko smiled again because everything was once again okay for them. But not for Iko. 
She was 95% sure that she might be crushing on Kinney a bit. And she was 95% sure that he felt the same way back. Not sure what this meant, she took a break from the singing and dancing and sat down. What did this mean? What, where, when, who, and how? Iko sighed. Whatever, she'll figure this out in the morning. Now was the time to celebrate her OTP! But she was now distracted by the handsome figure who cheered her on. Maybe, someday, in the future, they could be an item. Maybe they could make it work, her being an android and stuff. Maybe they would fall in love and have a whirlwind romance.
A/N: Oh my STARS I tried my best to not change it but AGHH I left most of it untouched. If you want to see my embarrassing writing, go on Wattpad, I can’t stop you. Just don’t tell me…
Tagging: @just2bubbly @briggycat @cinderswrench @dt-everwoods @fiascore @greenalmond @greasicookies @impossiblesuitcase @kaider-is-my-otp @kaiderforever @not-the-founder-of-rome @rapunzelfromthemoon @winterrhayle @zephyr-thedragon @cindersassasin @anyone else :))) (ask if you want to be added or removed <3)
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bijvoorbeeldja · 5 years
HSM/Sobbe Fic Request
OTP PROMPT FOR YOU: Robbe passionately singing (and sulking) Gabriella’s part in Can I Have This Dance from HSM to himself in his mom’s house where he has a room with a balcony that you can reach by climbing a tree. He thinks he’s alone until THE school’s popular pretty boy and artist Sander Driesen climbs up as a last resort to say sorry because they had a huge misunderstanding at school, hears Robbe singing then he sings with equally as much passion on Troy’s part, scaring Robbe half to death. Sander didn’t know Robbe is an amazing singer (only Jens, Yasmina, Zoë, Milan, and Senne knows) and it’s a revelation to the artist, making him fall in love deeper for Robbe x
OMG HOW I LOVE THIS PROMPT ANON! I don’t know if I am going to be any good at writing this, but here you go! <3
Rounding the corner, he heard his name. 
“Robbe? The theater kid?”
He stopped suddenly, not wanting to be seen. Shifting to conceal himself next to a line of lockers, he listened. 
Ahead of him, gathered in a loose circle, was a group of boys. He recognized them immediately, the tall, popular, almost-genetically-engineered artists at his school. Black leather jackets, hair of various colors, black combat boots, they were annoyingly confident….and obnoxiously good-looking. Everyone knew them. And for some reason, they were talking about him. 
One of them spoke up. “Yeah, he’s small, got messy brown hair?” 
Messy? Wow. Thanks.
“Yeah, I heard he’s gay,” the first one spoke again, chuckling. “I guess that’s not a surprise.”
Robbe swallowed hard, anger simmering up in his stomach.
“Dude,” another one said. “Don’t be a jerk.” It was Sander Driesen. He was shoving his friend, a look of disdain on his face. 
Even if Robbe hated to admit it, Sander was the most attractive of all the boys at his school. He had bleached-blonde hair, the brightest green eyes, and a tall, lean frame. Every girl wanted him. Every boy wanted him. Even passing him in the hallway made Robbe squirm. 
“What?” the first boy said, acting innocent. “That your flavor-of-the-day, Driesen?” Smirking, he winked at Sander, who glared.
“Shut up, Max!” Sander near-shouted, gathering up his stuff. “You know what? Screw you guys.” 
He turned and walked off, shoving the boys as he left in a huff. Stomping down the hall, he walked right past Robbe, who was looking at him, teeth clenched.
When Sander saw him, he stopped abruptly. 
“Robbe.” He looked startled. “I–” 
Robbe looked at him intently, heat flushing his cheeks and anger fizzling in his brain. He didn’t let Sander finish.
“Screw you, Sander.”
He left Sander standing there, mouth open, face crestfallen.
Even though the night was cool, Robbe didn’t feel a chill.
Standing on the balcony outside his room, the frustration of the day’s encounter at school still made his stomach turn and his skin warm with anger.
How could they be so cruel? They didn’t even know Robbe. 
The leaves on the tree by the balcony rustled, talking through the wind. The tree reminded him of his childhood, long afternoons he’d spend climbing up to the balcony, singing songs and dancing with his friends. Friends, that apparently, weren’t cool enough for Sander and his friends. He gritted his teeth again.
Try to breathe, he told himself. Calm down.
Closing his eyes and inhaling, he start humming.
Finding the tune, he starts to sway, his voice rising slowly from a whisper.
Take my hand, take a breath he sings, voice lilting against the breeze.
Pull me close and take one step he two-steps, lifting his arms, as if he’s slow dancing with an imaginary partner. 
Keep your eyes locked on mine, he continues, circling with light feet, eyes closed. And let the music be your guide, he smiles to himself, dancing across the balcony, lost in the music. 
Suddenly, a voice lifts from below him, cracking slightly before rising in volume and offering hesitantly to the tune:
Won’t you promise me? the voice is deep, a little rough, but seeking gentleness.
Robbe stands in silence, frozen and instantly embarrassed that someone has heard him singing. Alone. On a balcony. He peers below, but it’s dark, and he can’t see. Only the voice, repeating in expectation, floating to him in the height.
Won’t you promise me? the voice sings again. Waiting. For Robbe.
He begins again, slowly, carefully.
Now won’t you promise me?
A breath, then the voice again, meeting him in the dark.
That you’ll never forget
Robbe smiles, We’ll keep dancing
To keep dancing, the voice follows, harmonizing gently with his.
Wherever we go next joining in one, the voices melt together.
Robbe smiles to himself again, stopping.
“Who’s there?” he asks, peering down again. “Hello? You’ve seen me dancing, so you have to show yourself now.”
A laugh, then a rustle. Branches creek, and suddenly, a tuft of blonde hair emerges from behind the leaves. Sander Driesen. 
Robbe stepped back, his brow furrowing. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks, crossing arms, suddenly feeling exposed.
Ignoring this, Sander looks at him deeply, shaking his head gently. 
“Robbe, your voice is….incredible. I had no idea,” Sander admits, looking uncharacteristically vulnerable. And adorable.  
Robbe looked away, trying to mask the emerging blush in his cheeks. Then the words from the conversation he overheard earlier sneak back into his mind.
He turns back towards Sander with a glare. 
“Well, I am a theater kid,” he says with a forced smile.
Sander looks down, shoulders drooping.
“Robbe, you don’t understand,” he said. “You misunderstood–”
“I think I understood just fine, Sander,” Robbe threw back at him, turning to go back through the door to his room.
“Robbe, wait!” Sander said, yelling toward him. “Hold on, wait. I’m…I’m coming up, okay?” 
Coming up?
Robbe turned, watching Sander hitch his legs over the branches as he shifted his weight forward. In one quick motion, he grabbed hold of the balcony and swung himself over. 
He stood, brushing stray leaves from his clothes. He was wearing jeans and his leather jacket, hair mussed to the side. He looked good. So good, Robbe thought. But he swallowed this thought down as he remembered Sander in the hallway with his friends. He tightened his arms across his chest.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you could possibly say to me to make me forgive you,” Robbe admitted, shaking his head at Sander.
Sander took a step forward, his expression soft. 
“Robbe, I’m sorry,” he said. “They’re homophobic jerks, I know. And I’m sorry.”
Robbe looked down, avoiding Sander’s penetrating gaze. 
“Hey,” Sander said, softly, willing Robbe to look up again. “They were saying stupid things. But you didn’t hear what I said.” 
“Oh, I heard you just fine–” Robbe started but Sander spoke out again, cutting him off.
“No, you didn’t,” Sander stated firmly. “If you had heard of all what I said, you would have heard me asking about you. I brought you up to my friends.”
“Well…” Robbe stammered. “Why?”
“Because…” Sander begin, clearly nervous now. “Because I like you.”
“Like…me,” Robbe repeated slowly.
Sander smiled. “Yes, Robbe IJzermans. I like you.” 
“What?” Robbe asked, now completely taken back. Then, his anger returned.
“Stop messing with me, Sander.” He said roughly. “If you’re trying to play some stupid joke, I’m not–”
In less than a second, Sander had closed the distance between them, grabbing Robbe’s head in his hands, and putting his lips on his. His hands were firm, holding tight, but his lips were soft, warm. Perfect.
They stayed like that for a minute, lips moving gently together, until Sander pulled back for a breath. He held his face still close to Robbe’s, keeping them cheek to cheek. His cheeks were lifting, smiling.
“A few months ago, I was leaving the studio after class, and I passed by the theater room. I heard music, so I stopped. When I looked through the window, I saw you. You were laughing, singly softly as you twirled around the room with your friends. You were singing some musical and you looked so….perfect. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since.” He pulled back at look Robbe in the eyes. Sander trailed a finger along his cheek. 
“Your freckles,” he touched them gently, tickling his cheeks with a fingertip.
Robbe blushed beneath his touch.
“Your hair,” he whispered, winding a handle through the locks of his hair and tugging gently. 
“Your lips,” he continued, brushing the back of his thumb agonizingly slow along his bottom lip. 
Robbe swallowed, unable to control his shallow breathing. He inhaled Sander’s scent, woody and mesmerizing. 
Resting his forehead against Robbe’s, Sander whispered again, raising a series of goosebumps up and down Robbe’s spine. 
“Will you dance with me?”
Robbe smiled, eyes closing. 
“Can you even dance, artist?”
Sander pulled back again, showing mock offense.
“Ugh!” he said with a scoff. “Are you kidding? I’ve got rhythm!” 
Suddenly, he pulled Robbe close again, until they were chest to chest. He grabbed Robbe’s hand, setting it gently on his shoulder. He gripped Robbe’s waist with one hand, reaching over to intertwine his fingers with Robbe’s with the other. Then he started to sway. Robbe looked up at him, their eyes meeting. The two smiled. 
It’s like catching lightning, Sander began again, slowly, never taking his eyes off Robbe’s.
the chances of finding, Robbe joined in.
Someone like you
Singing together, the two swayed in unison, their voices carrying into the dark, harmonizing with the whistling of the trees.
It’s one in a million, the chances of feeling The way we do
Suddenly, Sander spun Robbe, making him laugh.
And with every step together We just keep on getting better So can I have this dance?
Joining hands together again, Sander dipped Robbe low, leaning down to softly brush his lips against his exposed neck.
Can I have this dance?
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teddybear-yn · 5 years
[cix as school rivals]
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you two will be the ideal school rivals
both amazing at what you do and also incredibly polite and respectful to one another
don’t be surprised when people call you two mom and dad
but there is a playful side to it too ^_^
nobody knows that you two decided who would be president and vice through just rock paper scissors
you ended up being vice cause you won
less responsibilities!!
byounggons always so incredibly caring towards you
you always tell him how he was like a big brother to you oof
don’t worry he’ll try to change that
but despite him helping you a lot, people just simply admire the chemistry you two have
because you help him so much too
“Whatever your decision is, I’ll trust you.”
with the both of you as president and vice the school became so much better!!
y/n and byounggon for nationals bro
all in all you and byounggon were like two pieces of a puzzle when it comes to school
you never pair up for projects or competitions because rip the opposing teams
a true power couple 😤
the school rival thats also your personal cheerleader(?)
he acts as if he wasn’t the reason why you work so hard to get 1st
“Y/N, you’re amazing! You got 1st again?!”
like he wasn’t behind you by literally just one point
maybe it was because of that kind of attitude that people are so drawn to him
he’s literally the most want-to-date boy in school and he’s out there cheering for you 24/7
this causes attention to get drawn to your poor little introvert self as well
but worry not, nobody dares touch you despite that
i wonder why 🧐
spoiler: little seunghunnie has a scary side too and none of you wanna see that
it is kinda hot tho but anYWAYS
despite seunghun being so incredibly supportive of you the boy doesn’t confess
he has limits to his confidence i guess
in the end though when you thank him so much for a project and he can’t help but find you so adorable welp
he’ll ask for your hand in marriage in return
he’ll ask for a date in return
this is when you realize that seunghuns always good to you
i mean come on he’s the reason why you keep improving yourself
basically you two are rivals that are genuinely good for each other
while you keep working hard to keep beating seunghun, seunghun keeps working hard to be close to you
oh boy get ready for this one
if you’ve read my txt as school rivals, this one’s almost exactly like yeonjun except less playful and more narcissistic (also like taehyun’s but switched, jinyoung being the trouble maker and you being taehyun)
it boils your blood how annoyingly perfect this boy is
and he 105% knows that
(both that hes perfect and that he annoys you)
girls swoon for him left and right of course and he gobbles up all that attention like the little devil he is
it 24/7 irks you how he keeps his perfect grades despite being the school’s main thot???
i mean come on he makes teachers swoon too
you wouldn’t be surprised if guys turned gay because of him
or that everyone in school has slept with him besides you
he on the other hand hates that fact though
the fact that he can make anyone swoon except for you
why? well because you were too determined to make him fALL
he secretly does his best studying puts in a lot more effort than you expected just to get your attention
a little conflict will cause you to almost completely despise him
but he eventually admits everything and genuinely apologizes and you hold all of that above his head like a trophy
by admits, he admits that he’s annoyed at how you don’t pay him any attention
no, he doesn’t confess because he doesn’t have any of those romantic feelings towards you
yet 😉
so school life continues with you BARELY tolerating each other
him barely because of how uptight you are and you barely because of how plain annoying he was
ah this angel
a great way to lower your blood pressure after all the stress from jinyoung
this boy is just ughh babie
think opposite of seunghun’s, you were the one supporting and cheering him 24/7
and yes maybe you were maintaining super high grades to stay close to him
but whoo is that hard
his is also like soobin’s in txt as school rivals
a complete prince that everbody loves so you were somewhat lost in the crowds that admire him
worry not tho he absolutely sees you
very gentle and thoughtful
you sometimes ask for tutoring help from him despite you already finishing the whole chapter thoroughly
it was just nice to hear his voice
basically yonghee was the school rival that made you blush and warm 24/7 with just a smile
when he compliments you or tells you a mere good job? oof there goes your heart
ok prepare for your blood pressure to rise again
you two weren’t school rivals in terms of academics like all the others
like beomgyu in txt as school rivals (hehe i won’t stop promoting that) you two were athletic rivals
he was the basketball team’s quiet ace while you were swim team’s proud ace
also because you two were the school’s main models
yes, you two fine af
uniform photoshoots, tv promotions, book commercials name it all you two were there together
maybe all that time together was what caused you two to dislike each other so much
i mean you see his face everyday so come on
the whole school though thinks of you two as Main OTP™
maybe it was the model looks but in their eyes you two were the cutest and most attractive couple out there
meanwhile hyunsuk scoffs at that and continues playing with his phone while you read a book
doesn’t help that you had similar cliques as well
eventually your bff asks you why you were so mad at him, you admit that you hate how egotistic he is and she laughs and comments how childish you are
apparently though hyunsuk has a somewhat tragic backstory (i won’t say) that causes him to be somewhat guarded
after your friend’s brutally honest comment though, you start being genuinely nice to him and he starts letting his guard down maybe it made your relationship just a tiny bit better
this all happens behind the scenes though because really you two were a show couple
basically the school’s icons, but really you two were just kids that had a hard time getting to know each other
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sundimus · 4 years
hollow, hornet, or grimm? (for the ask game)
!!!!! I’ll do all three because thank you <3 I’ll put Hornet and Grimm’s under a readmore as to not make this post too annoyingly long. -Hollow- -How I feel about this character- I fucking LOVE them. No doubt about it, they were the first HK character that really grabbed my heart. They’re absolutely amazing, they didn’t absolutely NOTHING wrong, and they are absolutely perfect in every single way. I sing their praises always, and I always will. I love them so much. -All the people I ship romantically with this character- Grollow! Grimm/Hollow 100%. Honestly, Grimm is the only person who I ship with them. Every other ship I’ve seen just hasn’t been my thing, but Quirrel/Hollow has cute potential (although tbqh, I can’t see myself liking it that much ever.) -My non-romantic OTP for this character- Hollow and Hornet!! I adore the headcanon of Hornet looking up to Pure Vessel when she was a small child, and still looks up to Hollow even though she’s grown. They’ll always be her big sibling no matter what happens! -My unpopular opinion about this character- They’re not completely weak or shy. Yes, they’re kind, and they can be pacifistic, but they’ve been raised as a knight, and Pure Vessel is just completely raw with power, and I don’t think they’ll completely lose all of that Post-HK. They don’t want to fight, but they’ll put up one if they need to. -One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- That we figured out what their reunion with Hornet was at the very end of the Embrace the Void ending KLJSDJLKSDKLJ I wanna see more of that cliffhanger SO BAD.
-Hornet- -How I feel about this character- I LOVE HER. She has such an interesting background, and I love how she gets friendlier as the game goes on. She has such good potential, and the way some people interpret her is just *chef’s kiss* -All the people I ship romantically with this character- Lace! Mostly Lace tbh, though I like to have God Tamer as her queerplatonic partner! I’ve also seen cute ideas of her and Myla, which seems nice! I headcanon her as a lesbian, so any ship of her with men squicks me out a bit. -My non-romantic OTP for this character- God Tamer, definitely! I feel like they’d be the type of people to have such similar personalities that happen to make them enjoy each other’s presence rather than pitting them against each other. Hollow is also a very good one 👍 -My unpopular opinion about this character- She is not heartless. I don’t really like the headcanons where she acts mean to her siblings and but is nice to them occasionally, like let her be nice to them almost all the time and maybe even mean to everyone else. -One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- For her to actually travel with Ghost for a little while! I think that would have been fun! Maybe even have us try and complete the Delicate Flower request with her - that would be funny jlksdlkjds -Grimm- -How I feel about this character- Surprise... I love him LKDJKLJSD I love him a LOT, he and Hollow are my top two favorite Hollow Knight characters honestly. He wasn’t even in my top faves for a long time either, not until I started thinking about him and developing him more so I could develop the Grollow relationship in my head. He’s just so neat and fun! Amazing character. -All the people I ship romantically with this character- Hollow and Hollow only. Grimm/Brumm is nice, but I’m really not into the whole “Master/Servant” thing. And any ships with him and Hornet or Herrah make me actually unbelievably uncomfortable (mostly cause I’m so attached to my lesbian headcanons for both of them), like it’s so squick city for me. Other than that, I don’t know any other ships for him tbh. -My non-romantic OTP for this character- Him, Divine, and Brumm are a dastardly gay trio and I love all of them! They’re all best friends, and I refuse to believe otherwise. Him being a father-like figure to the siblings is also a really wholesome thought! -My unpopular opinion of this character- He’s not evil or malevolent. He’s just a puppet on a string having to fulfill a destiny he has no choice to go away from. I like to think that he’s genuinely a kind God, though maybe one of the scariest if he wanted to be. -One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- Well, not having to kill him or banish him, for one DJKLSDJSLK I wish we did learn more about him in general though. He’s such an interesting character, and I wanna learn more about the Grimm Troupe as well. Hopefully they’ll get hinted somewhere whether it be a comic or Silksong one day! Send me a character!
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ibijau · 4 years
30 day otp - day Eight: Holiday
8. H - Holiday. The otp+ celebrate a holiday or holiday weekend together.
Not super happy with that one tbh. I hope I didn’t mess up too badly on cultural elements, I kept it vague on purpose since, due to writing day to day for this challenge, I don’t have a lot of time for research... :/
After adjusting the fabric one last time, Nie Huaisang steps back and admires his work. Heat curls up in his stomach at the sight. It should not be so arousing to see Lan Xichen wearing common folk's clothes instead of white silk, and yet there's something very attractive about it. 
Very amusing too. Lan Xichen keeps pulling on the rougher than usual fabrics, and he looks just the slightest bit distressed. It's adorable, and Nie Huaisang is struck once more by how much he adores this man. 
"I'm keeping the ribbon," Lan Xichen warns, not for the first time that evening. 
"It can stay, don't worry." 
The white ribbon on his forehead looks a little out of place with this simpler outfit, but nothing dramatic. Even common folks are allowed some oddities in their outfits, so this won't stand out too much. And anyway, this isn't one of Nie Huaisang's escapades. It doesn't matter too much if they're recognised, as they probably will be. Nie Huaisang on his own can make himself forgettable, but someone like Lan Xichen will always attract attention with how handsome and effortlessly elegant he is. It's fine. This is for fun, not business. 
It feels like it's been so long since Nie Huaisang had fun. 
"Well, we're as ready as we'll ever be," Nie Huaisang announces, taking his lover's hand and pulling him towards the door. "You still want to, right?" 
There's only the briefest moments of hesitation before Lan Xichen nods, a shy smile at the corner of his lips. Nie Huaisang wants to kiss him so badly. He doesn't. If he kisses Lan Xichen now, he knows they'd never make it out of the Unclean Realm, which would be a shame after they took such pains to prepare. 
It feels dangerous to show Lan Xichen one of the secret passages that lead outside the Unclean Realm. Not because he'd ever take advantage of it, but because of what it says about Nie Huaisang, and the questions it might bring. Thankfully, Lan Xichen is too distracted by the excitement of their little adventure to think about the details. If there are to be questions, they'll come much later. 
For now, they quickly make their way to Qinghe, where the streets are full of life in spite of the hour. Nie Huaisang loves the Autumn Moon Festival, and the festivities in Qinghe are always the best. There's lanterns everywhere, and food, and an air of sincere cheer that he never gets from anything in the cultivation world. 
Pulling Lan Xichen behind him, Nie Huaisang dives into the crowd. It's fun to be in a place like that in disguise. People bump into them, apologising or scolding them. Merchants shout to grab their attention. The streets are full of life, and because they're not cultivators at the moment, they get to be included in that. Nie Huaisang loves it. 
From the tight grip on his hand, it's clear Lan Xichen is a little more ambivalent about this adventure of theirs. He smiles every time he notices Nie Huaisang’s eyes on him, but otherwise he looks like a fish out of water. That sort of busy festival couldn't be further away from the atmosphere of Cloud Recesses. 
"We can go back," Nie Huaisang offers after a little while, when Lan Xichen shows no sign of relaxing. "I'm grateful to you for indulging me this much, I don't mind going home now." 
It is clear from the look on his face that Lan Xichen is very tempted by that offer. Yet he smiles gently and shakes his head. 
"This is… It's different," he concedes, just as someone bumps into him, pushing him against Nie Huaisang. He gapes a little, shocked at that treatment while Nie Huaisang can't help laughing. "Are you enjoying my discomfort?" Lan Xichen complains.
"No, it's… That's not it, I swear," Nie Huaisang quickly says, biting his lip to keep from laughing more because, actually, he is enjoying that a bit. 
Who could blame him? For as long as they've known each other, Lan Xichen has always been a picture of perfection. He's always been elegant and poised, fully in control. Even during Night Hunts, even during the war, even when they were both broken by grief over Nie Mingjue's death, Lan Xichen remained perfect and controlled, a jade statue more than a human. It's different in private, when Lan Xichen has learned to unwind a little, but in public he's always annoyingly spotless.
Not so at the moment. The clothes Nie Huaisang found for him don't find quite well, and being pushed around has shifted them a bit out of place. Lan Xichen's hair is a little messy too, and he has that wonderfully pitiful expression on his face due to being so out of his depth. 
There's no First Jade here. There's just Lan Xichen. Seeing him like this, Nie Huaisang feels a little less unworthy of his lover, because they're both just people in this moment. 
"Can we stay a little more?" Nie Huaisang begs. "We haven't even had mooncakes! We need to have some before we go home, or what's even the point?" 
Lan Xichen's indulgent smile returns as he nods, but Nie Huaisang feels it's best if they don't linger much longer. He wants this to be a positive experience, so that maybe next year Lan Xichen will agree to do it again. 
It's easy enough to spot a stand that has mooncakes, but Nie Huaisang looks for a specific one. He drops Lan Xichen in front of some pretty lanterns when he finds it, and starts chatting a little with the old man selling the cakes. They're the best in all of Qinghe after all, and Nie Huaisang always makes a point of buying them from him. Even Nie Mingjue loved those, that's how good they are. 
A pretty box in hand and his purse a little lighter, Nie Huaisang turns his attention back to Lan Xichen. 
He nearly laughs when he finds the mighty Lan Sect Leader surrounded by some old ladies. To an outsider he would look perfectly poised and indifferent as they ask if he wants to meet their granddaughters, but Nie Huaisang knows him well enough to guess he's nearly panicking at this unexpected turn of event. 
It's adorable. If Nie Huaisang were just a little less of a jealous person, he'd take a moment to watch this unfold. As it is, the idea of anyone trying to play matchmaker for Lan Xichen is something he's always hated, so he quickly hops toward the little group. 
"Husband, here are the cakes," Nie Huaisang chirps happily, grabbing Lan Xichen's arm and plastering himself against his side. He then looks at the women with perfectly crafted surprise. "Oh, did you meet people you know? Please husband, introduce me!" 
"No need, there was a mistake," one of the women replies, already stepping away. "We are sorry for disturbing you." 
They leave, but Nie Huaisang doesn't let go of Lan Xichen. It's nice to be holding on to him like this, and in public too. He'd never get away with that among cultivators. 
"You lied to them," Lan Xichen says in an odd tone. 
"I'm not a Lan, so I'm allowed," Nie Huaisang retorts. "They'd never have left you alone otherwise. Ah! Does it… Does it bother you that I said you were my…" 
He can't even finish the sentence, too flustered. It was easy to say just a moment ago when he was playing a part, but now the word 'husband' gets stuck in his throat. 
They've discussed it, early on. Marriage, with their positions, would be too complicated. Lan Xichen could perhaps afford it, since he has his brother and his nephew. But all Nie Huaisang has is distant cousins, so he should marry to produce an heir, not because of love. Aside from that, it'd be a scandal for two sect leaders to marry, let alone two men. 
It used to depress him. Now, with this business with Jin Guangyao, he has convinced himself that it's for the best. Things won't end well on that front. There will be blood. There will be resentment. There will be betrayal and heartbreak and it's for the best if Lan Xichen isn't too publicly tied to him when everything falls into place. 
Still, he dreams of it. The two of them, happy living together, standing at each other's side. 
It's his favourite fantasy. 
When he looks up at Lan Xichen's face, his lover looks uncharacteristically flustered. It's so rare for the First Jade to blush at all, but he's so pretty when he does. 
"I don't mind you saying that," Lan Xichen says at last, voice thick with emotion. "It might as well be true. How long has it been now?" 
Eight years, four months, a handful of days. 
"A while," Nie Huaisang giggles awkwardly. "And I suppose here, it doesn't matter what we call each other. Nobody knows us anyway." 
Lan Xichen nods slowly, and presses a quick kiss to Nie Huaisang’s temple who is so stunned he forgets how to breathe. Doing something like that in public... He must make a funny face, because now Lan Xichen is the one biting his lip not to laugh. 
"I like when I can surprise you," Lan Xichen says, before poking at the box that Nie Huaisang bought earlier. "Are those the cakes? Let's go somewhere quieter to eat them. Would my husband like that?" 
"Oh, you'll be the death of me," Nie Huaisang breathlessly replies, hating and loving how his heart beats faster, just because of one word.
Lan Xichen laughs at that, sincere and unbridled in a way he so rarely allows himself to be. Nie Huaisang grins in return, desperately wanting to kiss the other man.
Everyone can see and admire Zewu-Jun, the First Jade. But Nie Huaisang is the only one who ever gets to see Lan Xichen, and he is so grateful for that honour.
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bogprincess-kira · 4 years
Also, skekZok. Can't separate the bros.
SkekZok the Ritual-Master
Why I like them
legitimately though, I love his design and how over-the-top Dramatic Evil™ he is. He constrasts well when you look at skekGra's even more theatrical behavior. Plus, he can play the deadpan bystander role, too! Always great for comedic scenes, especially since he's such a despicable asshole that you don't feel bad when the joke or bit falls at his expense.
Also, I just like characters who enjoy the "scary" hobbies, since it offers a little more variety than "this guy likes art, this guy likes soccer, this guy likes singing", etc... The idea of Zok's knife collection is interesting, for example.
Why I don’t
As for things that don't also pertain to the other Skeksis... The "vigor" scene. Hilarious line, perfect delivery, disturbing context. Enough said.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
This is less because of Zok, and more because of who he's playing off of, but definitely the Unamoth-snacking scene! The Skeksis puppets are incredibly expressive, and scenes like that definitely help show it off. The Gelfling puppets, like Mayrin, still feel a little Uncanny Valley to me - possibly why so many people in the fanbase like the villainous Skeksis, rather than the Gelfling heroes? - but it works well anyway, especially with their more nuanced expressions, and the Look™ Mayrin gets. That's what I call high-tech puppetry!
Favorite season/movie
Season 1 of AoR. He was good in the movie, but didn't have much of a distinct personality, in my opinion.
Favorite line
["What's wrong with that one's face?"] "I think it's just old."
look who's talking, Lord Horseshoe-Crab Teeth
Favorite outfit
The spa scene was pretty "meh" for me - Aughra was the best in that, so the rest kinda fades to the background - but Zok's vaguely triangle-shaped robe is p funny.
Otherwise, just his regular robes - notably, the red fabric lining the inside. It contrasts well.
Again, SoVarZok is a major rarepair (... raretrio?) of mine. I feel like So needs somebody to keep him in check, with how easily he might talk down to Var; Zok would be very useful for keeping the General's spirits up, I think, even when the Emperor acts cold towards him.
... Also, Zok likes a man with a high pain tolerance. Just gonna leave that there.
Once again, Zok has a close bond with skekSo - one that they've been building up ever since they were exiled as Urskeks. It was rough at first, and they despised each other in the beginning, but by the Second Great Conjunction and the Split, they had already pushed through and cultivated an alliance that could've withstood the test of an eternity.
... Could've.
But death doesn't care about loyalty. 
Head Canon
Zok didn't just want the throne in the movie for power's sake; he wanted it to carry on where So left off.
The dying Emperor likely made him swear upon his "free" life - as in, free from the Urru and Unity - that he would never lose sight or give up... But he would've done it with or without So telling him to. He doesn't like many people, but the few that he respects, he will give anything for.
Unpopular opinion
Not sure if this is an "unpopular opinion", but I do think he genuinely believes the teachings of his cult, and holds himself to its standards. Those aren't very good standards, true, but he's sticking to them.
... Also, I really, really dislike seeing him characterized as an aggressive creep. I know it's canon, it just makes me hella uncomfortable, so I don't """"write"""" (cough cough I haven't written fic in years cough) him the same way - still annoyingly blatant about his "interests", and it still ends up as other people's problem a lot, but not intentionally, and not maliciously. In this case, sadism takes a wildly different form for him depending on the context, and it's not nearly as brutal towards people he's attracted to. So, yeah, that's how I reconciled that
A wish
... More goofs? More goofs.
Preferably, ones that involve Gelfling, Podling and/or GRUENAK revenge
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
hey old man stop creeping
5 words to best describe them
Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's Greatest Love Machine wait I already made that joke uhhhh
Intimidating / Gaudy / Sadistic / Melodramatic / Comedic
My nickname for them
Again, I mostly just call him by his name without the "skek" prefix, or by his title.
Unsurprisingly, I also sometimes call him Rasputin... And also, a few jokes at his expense that would get this post flagged immediately. I do a lot of Discord ranting.
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okietokiee · 5 years
from the 45 otp prompts, 25 w skwistok? :D
25. “I can’t be mad at you.”
This prompt is so cute and became long, shameless Fluff :’) 
Skwistok / Anniversary 
Skwisgaar was extremely proud. Though that was arguably his default mode, he had an extremely valid reason at the moment (other than being the fastest guitarist to ever grace the earth). 
His and Toki’s one-year anniversary had been fast-approaching for the past month. But now it was finally the day-of, and he was the most prepared he could ever possibly be. 
He wasn’t known as an esteemed playboy without good reason; he truly was a romantic at heart. And, though he could admit past romantic endeavors were mostly shallow and just a means to an end, he could honestly say this time was different. This time he was out to woo Toki and absolutely reinvent the world’s idea of romance. In a good way. 
And it started with an -eughhh- healthy breakfast in bed. 
After a klokateer handed Skwisgaar the impeccably prepared tray full of assorted fruits Toki was annoyingly fond of in addition to his favored brand of sugary cereal, Skwisgaar was on his way. 
Toki was still deeply asleep, spread out like a starfish smack-dab in the middle of Skwisgaar’s four-poster sized bed, where he had previously left him to retrieve his first surprise. 
The swede smiled fondly and set down the tray by the bed, plopping down and peppering Toki’s face with a multitude of quick, sloppy kisses. 
Toki was slowly stirred awake, and he giggled, returning Skwisgaar’s smooches with his own. He even started making some moves bring his kisses a bit lower, and he was incredibly surprised when Skwisgaar stopped his movements with a small push and cough. 
“Whats wrongs?” Toki asked, sitting up and stretching his sore muscles.
Skwisgaar grinned. “I gots yous breakfast,” he declared, as he picked up the tray from the floor and set it on Toki’s lap. 
To say Toki was confused would be an understatement, but he was never the type to look at a horse’s gift on the mouth. Or however that phrase went. Especially when that horse was an incredibly sexy Swedish guitar God with a tray of Toki’s absolute favorite foods to start the day with. He wasted no time and was munching happily. Skwisgaar even humored him and was currently eating a crisp red apple with no complaints. 
“Afters yous done gets yous swimsuit readies, we goinks somewhere,” Skwisgaar said with an air of nonchalance, sneaking glances at his boyfriend. 
“Where’s we goins Skwisgaar?” Toki asked after finishing his glass of orange juice. 
Skwisgaar smirked. “You’ll sees.” 
An hour later, if Toki’s excited, ear-splitting screech was anything to go by, he was pleased with this surprise. 
“I can’ts believes you buys de whole Splasharoonie Water Parks!” Toki yelled gleefully, already tearing off his clothes and eyeing the tallest waterslide. 
Skwisgaar gave a nonchalant hand wave. “Pfft, it no big deals. Nots dat expensives anyway. Besides now we cans come here whenever we wants,” he finished with a smile. 
And though both boys could rest assured that they could now visit the famous waterpark whenever they felt like it, the day was not wasted and by the end of the day they both tried every waterslide at least twice and were comfortably exhausted.
After a couple hours of lying close together on a beach chair, idly playing with each other’s hair and laughing about any stupid subject or observation that comes up, Skwisgaar surprised Toki once again. 
“You hungries?” Skwisgaar asked, combing his fingers through Toki’s chocolate locks. 
“Starvings! You wants to heads back nows?” Toki answered, sitting up a little. 
Skwisgaar grinned. “Nos, stays down, I gots it,” he said as he grabbed his Deathphone from the nearby side table and sent a quick text. 
Within minutes, a group of Klokateers approached and began setting up a picturesque picnic right in front of them, complete with a woven basket, Norwegian delicacies, and a generous assortment of booze. It was heaven. 
Toki was both incredibly overjoyed and completely bewildered now.
Skwisgaar beamed, expecting his well-deserved praise and kisses right about now. “Yes Toki? It’s nice, ja?”
“Ja, it’s amazings! Buts…” 
This caused Skwisgaar to pause. He gave his man a scrutinizing stare. “What ams wrong? Dey forgets de stinky herrings? Gotdammit! I tolds dem dams klokateers-”
He was cut off from his rant by Toki’s light tugging on his arm. “No, no! It ams absolutely perfects! It’s just…”
Skwisgaar was confused and frustrated now. “Whats? Spits it out.”
Toki was flustered and finally got out a strained, “Why?”
For a painfully long moment, Skwisgaar had no idea how to respond. He briefly considered the idea that Toki was pulling his leg, and he let out a scoff. “It ams obvious you dildos. You knows what days it is.” 
Toki still had that annoyingly confused look in his big blue eyes. “I’m sorries Skwisgaar, what’s you mean?”
That was definitely the straw that obliterated the camel’s hip, and Skwisgaar angrily replied, “Our one years anniversaries you dildo!” 
Toki paled. “That ams today?”
Skwisgaar let out a frustrated groan. “Yes, it ams been on dis day for de past, I don’t know, year?” He said snidely, his good mood ruined. “I can’ts believes you forgets!” Outraged, the Swede pushed Toki off him and stood up, marching away.
Toki scrambled up, chasing after his boyfriend and trying to apologize. “Toki ams so sorries Skwisgaar! I aments goods at rememberings dese tings, and I didn’t realize you was de type to wants to celebrates dis!” 
Skwisgaar abruptly turned around. “Of course I wants to celebrates today! It’s my first anniversaries with someones I-” Skwisgaar paused, cutting himself off. He flushed red with anger and maybe a hint of something else. “Euuuuughh, it don’ts matters anymores… I ams goinks home…” He finished dejectedly, blocking out whatever fervent apologies and promises Toki made. 
The following day was full of Skwisgaar, understandably, locking himself up in his room with just his guitar for company to sulk, avoiding the object of both his affection and ire in every way he could. 
It was also full of Toki desperately trying to make it up to his man, in whatever way he could. He’d already caused the deaths of 2 klokateers after an attempt at baking Skwisgaar a cake, and he was prepared to lose more if needed. 
But his current plan (to the relief of his manager and employees) did not involve any potentially life-threatening machinery. 
He was dressed in a strikingly similar fashion to his Steve Vai phase years ago, but this time in a blindingly bright, glittery red 4-piece suit with his flying-V tucked under his arm. 
He looked cartoonishly absurd, and the rest of Dethklok was not blind to that. 
“Er… Toki, you sure Skwisgaar will appreciate this, uh… what are you doing again?” Nathan asked, already pretty used to the Scandinavian couple’s lovers quarrels. 
“I’m goins to serenade him,” Toki declared proudly.
Pickles gave a big laugh, and walked up to give Toki is supportive clap on the back. “You gett’em kid. He’ll love it.” 
Murderface rolled his eyes and mumbled vaguely encouraging, vaguely insulting platitudes Toki’s way. 
Toki, emboldened by his friend’s support, marched confidently up to Skwisgaar’s door and gave it a hard succession of knocks. 
“Gos aways!” Was his only muffled reply. 
With a nervous sigh, he plugged his guitar into a nearby amp brought by a klokateer and he prepared to make a complete and utter fool of himself. 
Within moments, the halls of Mordhaus was flooded with the smooth, dramatic sounds of Air Supply partnered with Toki’s broken, tone-deaf english. Which was quickly followed by Pickles’ barely contained laughter. 
“Ams all outta loves! Ams so losts wivouts you! I knows you was rights-”
Toki was so lost in the sappy music, he didn’t even notice as the Swede’s door slowly creaked open and the object of his desperate love slowly stepped out into the hallway to bear witness to his passionate tribute. 
As he finished with an intense improvised guitar solo that honestly rivaled his best live shows, he was surprised to hear the melodic laughter of his song’s intended recipient. 
“Skwisgaar!” Toki cried, throwing his guitar aside and shamelessly wrapping his arms around the taller man. 
“Toki ams so sorries! I never wanteds to forgets our anniversaries! I does anyting-”
He was cut off with an abrupt, fiery kiss from the Swede himself, and when they both separated after a long, amazing moment, he completely forgot what he was saying. 
“Toki… I just can’ts be mad at yous can I? You dumb dildos,” Skwisgaar said fondly, holding his idiot boyfriend in his arms. 
“Sos yous forgives mes?” Toki asked hopefully, smiling widely. 
Skwisgaar laughed. “I guess, afters a performance likes dat. Why can’ts you play dat well in rehearsals?” He teased. 
“Oh, shuts up,” Toki laughingly replied.
He playfully shoved his Swedish boyfriend straight back into his room where he followed, and he made sure to shut the door tight. 
Within moments, the halls of Mordhaus were filled with even more romantic sounds, although these sounds were more reminiscent to a dirty video than an 80s love song.
- - - - -
I guess I don’t really know what drabble means?? I’m sorry this ended up wayyy longer than originally planned ;-; But I was overtaken by the sap and needed to write it LOL 
Also, I blame @little-murmaider  for her Skwisgaar loving Stevie Wonder hc, because now I’m an absolute sucker for Skwistok interacting with soft, painfully sappy love songs
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thetourguidebarbie · 6 years
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The final part to a very belated birthday present for @howeverlongs. Thank you to @garglyswoof for beta work, @arrenemris for the gorgeous cover, and @goldcaught for letting me steal bits of this beautiful meta for inspiration.
Title: Come in With the Tide Rating: M Summary: Klaus believes that only a fool could be so weak as to fall in love. When he ruins Rebekah’s relationship for his own amusement, she curses him with the one thing that could make him see the error of his ways: a soulmate. Loose retelling of Poseidon and Amphitrite. 
Read the latest chapter here.
Read from the beginning here.
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returnofahsoka · 5 years
How about your three little goblin boys for the ask? ☀️
absolutely! thank you, my dear!!!
here we go:
favorite thing about them - he’s so protective of his brothers!! he’s trying so hard to defend them and to fight for them!!!! i love him!!
least favorite thing about them - he’s so dumb sometimes.. he doesn’t think before he acts. never.
favorite line - “don’t worry, we are at our best in emergencies.”
brOTP - with brabax and califax! also with florie from the middle ages series.. and anna!
OTP - hmm, not really into shipping them with anyone
nOTP - with his sibllings!!
random headcanon - he’s bi! evidence includes: being an absolute disaster, wearing an ugly pink suit, finger guns and just generally his vibe
unpopular opinion - idk what’s popular and what’s unpopular but please let him catch a break already
song i associate with them - no idea lions inside
favorite picture of them - can’t find it but he’s winking and doing the finger guns at brabax
favorite thing about them - his curious nature and the way he gestures when he’s excited
least favorite thing about them - sometimes he’s so rude bc he thinks he’s smarter and better than everyone
favorite line - (to abrax saying he doesn’t understand anything) “that’s not new.”
brOTP - mostly just abrax and califax
OTP - no thanks
nOTP - with sibylla, like please no. also his siblings ofc
random headcanon - sometimes he’s lost so deep in his thoughts, especially when he’s caught up in a mistery, that he gets extremely clumsy, like constantly tripping and running into doorways bc he forgets to look where he’s going and he ends up with a bunch of blue patches
unpopular opinion - he was annoyingly ooc in greece
song i associate with them - hmmm idk
favorite picture of them - definitely one where he’s hanging upside down bc his hair sticks up in a really funny way then
favorite thing about them - he’s so cute and kind and honest and loyal, the textbook definition of a hufflepuff
least favorite thing about them - nothing. he is perfect. just let him have a tad more self-confidence
favorite line - “we’ve just arrived and the stress is already starting…” relatable
brOTP - abrax and brabax, though they could be working on being a bit kinder to him bc he’s soft and sensitive. but i do love the way they always try to keep him relatively safe. and how he takes care of them... also toshiko! they are bffs!!
OTP - no (i also hc him as ace)
nOTP - his siblings ofc
random headcanon - he hums and sings while cooking. also hums to hide away his worry when he has to patch up one of his brothers’ wound or care for them when they’re sick
unpopular opinion - nothing. i heard he was the most popular with fans and heck, he deserves to be
song i associate with them - be somebody (just in general for the three of them and their sibling relationship)
favorite picture of them - literally any picture of him is pure and good
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The Very Best Ship
As all of us in multiple fandoms know, finding an OTP is a very difficult process. They have to have chemistry, make sense, and they have to be soulmates. It took me a really long time to figure mine out. Which one was it- Pam and Jim from The Office? Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter? Maybe a real-life couple? I struggled like this until October 3rd, 2018.
This was the opening day of my high school’s musical. I had never seen it before- not even the movie. I was required to see it for theatre class, so my mom and I dressed up to see it. I was pretty excited (because the lead told me everyone died in the show and I wanted to see him die). It turned out to be absolutely amazing. The set was flawless, the lighting was astounding, the acting was amazing, and the storyline was both heartbreaking and comedic. This show was, for those of you who know anything about my blog, Little Shop of Horrors. Now, I like a lot about this show, but the thing I loved most was something more than the elements I mentioned: the most perfect ship in the world... Seymour Krelborn and Audrey Fulquard. So enough with this annoyingly long introduction, let’s get on with the topic of this post, shall we?
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First, let me introduce the characters. Seymour, shown above, is a sweet young guy who lives in the basement of Mushnik’s florist shop. He’s pretty miserable, since he lives in a poor part of town and his crush has a boyfriend (we’ll address that later). His adoptive Dad, Mr. Mushnik, is emotionally abusive, so that doesn’t help much.
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Audrey is a kind young lady who lives across the street from her job at Mushnik’s. She’s also a sad girl, though, for multiple reasons. Not only is she poor, but she’s also dating a physically abusive dentist named Orin. Probably the worst part about this is the fact that he picked her up at a gross night spot where she used to work when business was bad at the shop. She hates her life, but she clings onto hope for a better life.
The first minute or so after the prologue, we don’t see much of the ship, just Audrey coming into the shop with a black eye. When her boss, Mushnik (who I mentioned earlier) asks, she kind of avoids the question. The ship kicks off when Seymour makes his first appearance. He comes into the shop holding a stack of pots, which he almost instantly drops. Mushnik yells at him, but Audrey comes over to him and helps him clean up. Seymour flirts with her very awkwardly, because that’s what he does.
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After a slightly depressing number about how life downtown sucks, Seymour reveals his plot device- I mean exotic plant- that he bought from a Chinese man in the “wholesale flower district” for literally $2. He admits that he doesn’t know the species, so he gave it his own name- Audrey II. Audrey is a tiny bit embarrassed, but in a good way. For the rest of the scene, she makes sure to tell people the name of the plant. She’s so proud of it, and it’s quite frankly extremely adorable.
The plant starts to bring in business. Audrey arrives late to listen to Seymour’s first radio interview, and feels awful. This is when we first learn about Douchebag Dentist McGee, and what he does to her. Anyway, a couple of homeless women who seem to love stalking both Seymour and Audrey ask her why she doesn’t get a new guy, to protect her and treat her right- Seymour, for instance. But Audrey doesn’t think she deserves him. However, she has the most beautiful song about her dream of living with him away from their current downtown life.
Meanwhile, the shop gets increasingly busy. Soon, everyone has heard of Seymour Krelborn and his amazing plant. But little do they know, he feeds it off of his blood. That’s what it eats.
After being yelled at by Mushnik for forgetting to send an order to a customer, Seymour talks to Audrey about Mushnik. She tells him he suffers from a low self-image (which is what the homeless ladies told her but whatever) and she suggests he go shopping for new clothes. He doesn’t think he’s a good shopper, and Audrey offers to help. This is pure, beautiful love right here. I don’t care if they’re not together at this point, I just love it.
Remember the evil shitbag dentist I mentioned? Well, it’s here that he finally appears. His name is Orin Scrivello, and he really likes to hurt people, and that’s why he’s a dentist. He has a whole song about it. Well, he comes to the shop to pick up Audrey. He starts acting threatening toward Seymour, but Audrey doesn’t like that, so she tries to stand up for her “friend.” This pisses Orin off, and he decides Seymour is to blame.
Seymour, meanwhile, is worried about his co-worker. In the show, Mushnik hears Seymour pretending to consider to leave the shop, and he adopts Seymour to prevent this. This doesn’t happen in the movie, though. Anyway, it’s around here that the plot really starts to advance. I won’t talk about this too much, since it doesn’t matter to the topic of this post, but basically the plant can talk and it wants to eat people instead of blood from cuts on a florist’s fingers. It convinces Seymour to kill Orin, to save his beloved Audrey.
Seymour comes into Orin’s office and threatens him with a gun. Orin, who is making himself high on laughing gas (he wants to hurt Seymour extra because he sees him as a threat to his unhealthy relationship), barely seems to care. His mask gets stuck, and he starts to suffocate. In the movie, he says to Seymour, “What did I ever do to you?” and Seymour replies with possibly the best answer ever: “Nothing. It’s what you did to her.” It’s not in the show, and that makes me really sad. Regardless of the adaptation, Orin dies.
Seymour takes Orin to the shop and chops him up. In the movie, Mushnik sees him chopping, but that comes back a little later.
The first act ends there. This is really where the ship comes in. Seymour sees Audrey talking to the police and asks why. She tells him Orin has disappeared. Seymour pretends to be surprised, but his real shock is her reaction. Audrey is crying. She didn’t love him, but she thinks his disappearance was her fault because she had been hoping something would happen.
Seymour is distressed by this, so he starts singing the most beautiful song about how he is there to listen and understand her. The song escalates into a duet, and ends with the ship becoming a reality, sealed with a kiss. Seymour drops her off at her house and goes back home, dumbstruck and heartsick.
His joy doesn’t last, though. Mushnik comes in and accuses him of killing Orin. Keep this in mind- he didn’t. He only watched Orin die and gave his corpse to the plant. But Mushnik is convinced. His demise plays out differently in the movie and in the show, but this isn’t that important. The important thing is that he gets eaten by Audrey II.
(Note: From now on, I’m only going to talk about the movie, because the show ends badly, with both halves of the ship dead.)
Seymour gets a ton of offers from companies, but, again, I’m not going to focus on it because of the ship. After a stressful day of meetings, Seymour comes into the shop to a film crew. Unfortunately, the plant is hungry, so he has to shoo them all away and run into the same alley he and Audrey had their first kiss. Audrey follows him there and does her best to comfort her soulmate boyfriend. She mentions that the television people are coming with money, and something in Seymour’s mind clicks because they can finally escape together. All at once, he asks Audrey to marry him. He doesn’t have a ring , but she says yes anyway. They plan to spend that night in a hotel, the escape Skid Row forever, side by side. It’s the most adorable scene to ever exist, in my not-so-humble opinion. Anyway, they’re both really happy and excited and they go to their respective homes to get ready.
Seymour goes to get the plant one last meal before killing it (HE GIVES IT MEAT THIS TIME, OKAY, NOT BLOOD), but makes the mistake of leaving it alone in the shop while Audrey is getting ready for the wedding, and Audrey II takes advantage of this. It calls Audrey and tells her to come to the shop. She does, and it tricks her into it’s mouth.
Luckily, Seymour finds her just in time, and he saves her. He tells her everything, but she’s not upset. The whole time, Seymour thinks she just liked him for the plant, but this was far, far from the case. Audrey loves Seymour for who he is, not what he found. Seymour is reassured, and they start a reprise of their earlier duet.
Unfortunately, they are interrupted by a man who wants to clone Audrey II. Seymour shoos him away and decides to end the madness once and for all. Audrey wants to help, but he insists that he should finish what he started.
I’m not going to go into a lot of detail, but basically Seymour fights Audrey II and ends up killing it after it’s roots make the building collapse. Audrey is terrified for a moment, thinking he died in the collapse, bye he emerges from the rubble and they live happily ever after Somewhere That’s Green.
So, to conclude, my reasons for shipping these two children are:
They both love one another canonically
Each one thinks they don’t deserve the other, and isn’t that just fitting?
Each one would die for the other (they actually do, in the musical)
They loved each other since they first met
They respect each other’s feelings
They make the most beautiful couple in every possible way
Well, I hope you enjoyed my spiel on Audrey and Seymour. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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suguelya · 6 years
Salty asks: 2, 4, 5, 15, 19, 23 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Vesperia, I assume? 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* 
Flystelle, although it probably isn’t ‘popular’ enough to qualify so I guess Yuri/Judy? That one I’m still on the fence on tbh, like it’s definitely the hetship I’d go for should I absolutely have to, but even then I doubt they go beyond FWBs.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Yustelle is a complete and utter no-go in my book. It’s not popular in the way Fluri or Ristelle are but some of its shippers are making enough of a mad ruckus about it to be annoyingly so. 
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Yustelle yet again. I actually used to love Yuri and Estelle’s relationship before I came into the fandom and all hell kinda broke loose from there on out, at least in that regard. Thankfully playing the remaster and reading up on the cast & crew’s interviews managed to salvage the relationship a little to me, since they do have very sweet brother/sister friendship. I’m just extremely allergic to the idea of them being romantically involed in any shape or form is all (as is Tori, apparently).
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Criticizing the third arc isn’t even unpopular anymore so I’ll go even further with the assertion that the second arc ain’t shit, either. Tbh it’s actually the shove that gets the snowball rolling downhill - arc 1 started on a highly interesting path of political intrigues and debates about discrimination and justice, but as soon as it drops the traitor bomb Estelle’s entire arc basically just drags the plot further away from that and down with her into Cliché City. It’s such wasted potential.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
There isn’t much, but if I had to choose it’d be the hypocrisy of some in regards to treating people they disagree with, whether it concerns ships or favorite characters.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Sodia. While ‘love’ seems like too strong a word, I do appreciate her more with every insult I see being needlessly thrown at her. She’s certainly a flawed character and she messed up big time, but she in no way deserves to be called names such as ‘bitch’ or ‘whore’ who ‘deserves to die’ - and believe me, I’ve seen some bad af takes so far, even after the remaster’s release. 
The worst might actually be that Sodia haters barely try to understand her motivations or appreciate some of her remaining qualities. Instead they jump headfirst into loathing her because she’s mean to Yuri, and then have the nerve to turn around and basically erase all of Estelle’s flaws to claim she’s ‘a perfect, pure & innocent baby who needs to be protected at all costs uwu’. Fuck that hypocrisy tbh.
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