kleinefreiheiten · 1 year
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1979 Hamburg
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greenbagjosh · 2 years
20 June 1997 - Flensburg - the Borgward P100 - Marlboro Dance Party at Stadtpark in Hamburg - the long ride home
Sunday 20 June 1997
Guten Tag! Today 25 years ago is the third and last day of the Hamburg visit.  Today we will visit Flensburg, try to walk (!?) to the border at Denmark, probably at Padborg, see a classic car show including the Borgward P100, attend the Marlboro Dance Party in Stadtpark, and take the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen ICE train back home.
I woke up about 6 AM, took a shower and was ready for breakfast.  I checked out of the hostel, took the S Bahn to Hbf and put my belongings in a locker, and found the train to Flensburg.  I had to mark 20 07 in my Eurail Pass.  As my pass was going to expire on 27th July anyway, it made sense to use up all the spaces.  I boarded the InterRegio to Flensburg.  Instead of going northeast as it would to Lübeck and Kiel, the train went a little northwest to Elmshorn and Rendsburg.  The train made a single loop at Rendsburg, as the rail route was designed that way many years ago.  
Around 9 AM, the train arrived at Flensburg.  I set off walking from the rail station to what I thought might be the actual border with Denmark.  I walked on the Schleswiger Straße to Neumarkt and followed that to where Schiffbrücke changed to Werftstraße.  I gave up walking and then decided to take the bus.  At some point I had to decide to give up, because going to Denmark was not as simple as I had thought.  It would take too long, so I turned back.  
I went back to the Schiffahrtmuseum which was on the shore.  There was a car show going on.  I did not recognize the car, and asked someone what kind of a car was being shown, and they told me it was a Borgward P100.  Those were produced between 1958 and 1962.  Those were equipped with a 2.3 L straight six cylinder engine with a four speed manual transmission.  It is too bad that Borgward went out of business in the 1960s.  For a while in the late 2010s, the brand was revived but lasted only a few years.  
I left Flensburg about 11:30 AM for Hamburg, via Rendsburg and Elmshorn.  At Hamburg Hbf, I took the U3 to Borgweg.  The Stadtpark is north of that station.  On the way I saw a ECE-compliant Ford Probe, and also a funny Fiat 126 that was decorated with a giant can of Red Bull.  The Dance Party that I attended, was sponsored by the Marlboro Corporation.  There was a DJ playing music, similar to what one would hear at the Love Parade or Street Parade in Zürich.  I drank a few beers but did not order food somehow.  I spent about two hours there.  
I had to take the U3 back to Hbf, and then the U1.  I took the U3 to Kellinghusenstraße, then the U1 past Klosterstern and alighted at Hauptbahnhof.  It was 4:30 PM so I had to hurry and find the locker.  I eventually found my locker, and the platform from which the train would depart from.  I stopped to get a hamburger to eat.  It was about one minute before the train doors would close.  I boarded it just in time.  I even found a quiet compartment in second class, and listeded to a prerecorded program on the train's entertainment system, for the time I was riding.
Not much went on during the train ride.  I slept most of the time.  When the train approached Fulda, the sun was starting to set.  At Würzburg the sky was getting dark.  The train skipped Nuremberg and went straight to Augsburg and then München.  I think the train arrived around 11:15 PM at München Hbf.  The U Bahn was still operating to Silberhornstraße, and the busses likewise to St. Quirin Platz.  I arrived at my apartment quietly and then took my belongings into my room.  The next morning it went as usual, breakfast at home and riding to work on the bus and train.
Next week I will not be going out of town.  Sunday the 27th will be the local Marlboro Dance Party in Munich's old Botanical Garden, between Hauptbahnhof and Karlsplatz/Stachus.  There may not be much to report but I will say what I can.  Hope you will join me then!
Auf wiedersehen!
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schorschidk · 1 year
Mehr als 7.000 Pfeifen: Hamburgs neue Super-Orgel in St. Nikolai
Das millionenschwere Instrument steht in der Hauptkirche St. Nikolai am Klosterstern und wird am Ostersonntag eingeweiht.
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nils-elmark · 2 years
5 arbejdsdage i Hamburg (1)
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Dert er mørkt, da jeg ankommer til Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. Jeg har ikke spist siden i morges, så det første jeg gør, da jeg kommer op fra perronen, er at bestille “ein Currywurst und ein grosses Astra”. Begge er de Hamburg-specialiteter og jeg holder altid med hjemmeholdet.
Da jeg var her for et par måneder siden, kunne jeg købe en billet for 9 euro, som dækkede hele byen og holdt en måned. Den tid er forbi, og i stedet downloader jeg Hamburger Verkehrsverbunds  rejse-app og kobler den til mit N26-bankkort. Jeg er selvstændig erhvervsdrivende - det hedder hernede “Freiberufler” - og når man skal klare sig i en ny by, skal man integreres hurtigst muligt. Glem hvor du kommer fra og bliv en del af det nye miljø. På vej ned mod undergrunden køber jeg Die Zeit - Hamburgs svar på vores egen Weekend-avisen.
Jeg skifter mening, og stedet for at tage undergrundstoget, beslutter jeg mig for at gå til hotellet, der ligger nede ved “Speicherstadt”.  Det er en bydel af gigantiske pakhuse fra slutningen af 1800-tallet.  De blev stort set udraderet i sommeren 1943 af allierede bombemaskiner under operation ‘Gomorra’ - et uhyggeligt velvalgt kodenavn taget fra 1. Mosebog: “Og Herren lod svovl og ild fra Himlen regne over Sodoma og Gomorra” Så overvældende var fly angrebene, at de skabte altfortærende ildstorme, som blæste med med orkan-styrke gennem byen. I dag er det meste opbygget og er  på UNESCO’s liste over uerstattelige bygningsværker. Det er her jeg skal arbejde de næste 5 dage.
Jeg går fra banegården ned gennem shopping gaden Mönchebergstrasse, hvor indhuggene til de dyre butikker for natten er optaget af hjemløse med papkasser, plastikposer og snavede soveposer. Jeg tilhører den priviligerede klasse og går ubesværet forbi ned til mit hotel.
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Næste dag er byen som forandret, nu er der igen trafik på gaderne og på fortovet! Cyklister kører nemlig på fortovet, og det samme gør alle el-løbehjulene. Chancerne for at komme til skade i trafikken er mindre på kørebanen end på fortovet. I Hamburg venter fodgængerne i øvrig alle på grønt, før de går over gaden. I London er det omvendt. Jeg går gennem Speicherstadt over de gamle jernbroer til Willy Brandt Strasse og min konference. Hamburg har flere broer end Venedig.
Efter en hel dag, hvor min hjerne føler sig som en algoritme for tysk grammatik stimuleret af 10-12 kopper kaffe, er jeg udkørt klokken tre. Nu er det nok. En tilhører til mit foredrag foreslår, at jeg tager til Eppingdorf, der er et kvarter, som kalder sig selv for “Hamburgs lille Notting Hill”.
Den er jeg med på; jeg har jo min nye HVV-billetapp og for 2,23 euro kan jeg komme med U1 fra Messberg til Klosterstern i Eppendorfer. Jeg vandrer ned ad hovedgaden Lehmweg og kigger på de små butikker, som sælger sko, antikviteter, fødevarer, boligindretning, mode, kunst og naturligvis cafeer og restauranter. En kanal løber gennem bydelen og får det hele til at ligne Venedig.
Jeg havde forestillet mig at drikke min kop kaffe nummer 13 i Eppendorf, men jeg er for rastløs og vandrer i stedet rundt og ser på butikker. På vej tilbage står jeg af på U-bahn stationen Jungfernstieg i bunden af Alsteren og fortsætter til fods ad Spitalerstrasse. Jeg går ind i boghandlen Thalia - det er allerede blevet et af mine kulturelle vandhuller i Hamburg - og køber en krimi: Der Trümmermörder af Cay Rademacher.  “Trümmer” betyder murbrokker og bogen foregår i Hamborg i vinteren 1947 - efter Ragnarok og midt i den koldeste vinter i mands minde. I dette univers skal overinspektør Frank Stave fra Hamburgs Politi fange en seriemorder. Hvordan det går, ved jeg i skrivende stund ikke.
Længere nede ad gaden går jeg forbi en Tchibo café. Det er endnu en Hamburg succes historie. De er overalt i Tyskland med et lille men velfungerende udvalg af kaffe, husgeråd og tøj. Jeg køber dagens kaffe nummer 13 og 6 par blå strømper størrelse 43-46 til 10 euro. 
Udenfor begynder det at regne, så jeg finder en bænk under et halvtag sammen med Frank Stave, der den 20. januar 1947 vågner op fra et mareridt med braget af den bombe, der i sommeren 1943 dræbte hans hustru...  
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lucywiggin · 4 years
On Love, Baby Elephants, and Freedom
Gook and Tae-joo, age twenty-two
 The U-Bahn ride from Gook's dojo to the Klosterstern station took thirteen minutes. Six more minutes of walking, then climbing two flights of stairs, and he was home.
"You're late," was the first thing Tae-joo said, pouting, when Gook opened the door. He was sitting on the sofa in their living room with his laptop and a pile of documents in Korean, German and English.
"I'm fifteen minutes late, Tae-joo-ah," said Gook, chuckling. "I sent you a WhatsApp. Guido's dad was late to pick him up."
He came closer, bending to kiss Tae-joo. Tae-joo put his hands on Gook's neck, deepening the kiss.
A while later, Tae-joo pulled away a little to say, "we're going to Denmark next month. Ask Frau Peters exactly which dates you can have off."
Gook moved what looked like Tae-joo's birth certificate to the coffee table and sat next to him on the sofa. "Denmark?" He asked. The Danish border was close, but the middle of February was an odd time for a vacation in Scandinavia. 
"Yes, Denmark," said Tae-joo. "You see, getting married in Germany is complicated for foreigners, but if we get married in Denmark then Germany will recognise it anyway, and it's just an hour flight from Hamburg to Copenhagen."
 Gook didn't expected Tae-joo to say that. "Is this...your way of saying you want us to get married?" Gook knew it was possible for them to get married in the European Union, though sometimes it was hard for him to wrap his mind around how much more their relationship was accepted here. But they had never discussed marriage before.
"Yes!" Tae-joo said, "of course I want us to get married! Unless..." suddenly Tae-joo seemed less sure of himself, "you don't want to..."
Gook put his hands around Tae-joo's waist, pulling him close. "I want to," he said, "I really want to." It was odd, Gook thought. A few moments ago, marriage was the furthest thing from his mind, but now waiting for the next month to marry Tae-joo seemed way too long. 
"Good," Tae-joo said, and Gook could tell he was trying to hide his relief. Switching back to his usual self-confident tone, Tae-joo went on. "We'll have to translate our birth certificates..."
Gook cut him off with his lips. 
 Gook, Two and a half years old
It was playtime and Gook wanted to drive around the red toy track, which laid abandoned on the other corner of the room. He looked at it, willing it to roll over to his corner, and it started moving, rolling all the way until he made it stop in front of to him. But before he could pick it up, he heard a weird noise, and looked up to find Miss Lee, who took care of him and the rest of the kids at the house because their parents couldn’t – that’s what she said when he asked her – looking straight at him.
“Gook”, Miss Lee said, and there was a tremble in her voice, “how did you do that?”
Gook wasn’t sure. He did it the same way he moved his legs and hands – he wanted the track to move, and it did.
“I don’t know, Miss Lee,” he said.
She gave him an odd look. “Can you do it again for me?” She asked.
Gook was a bit disappointed – he wanted to play with the track – but he willed the track to roll again to where it was before.
Miss Lee did that weird noise again.
 Gook, three years old
Miss Lee called Gook to her office. “Hello, Gook,” she said after he entered and closed the door, “today is your last day here.”
Gook perked up. Perhaps his mom and dad came back from wherever they had gone to. He didn’t remember their faces, but even if he didn’t know the, they would know him, right?
“Because you’re such a special boy,” Miss Lee said, “a very important man wants you to live with him and his son from now on. Do you understand?”
His mom and dad did not come back.
“Gook, do you understand?” Miss Lee asked again.
“Yes, Miss Lee,” Gook answered. He wasn’t about to cry because his parents didn’t come for him. He wasn’t a baby anymore.
“Now,” said Miss Lee, “remember everything we taught you about respect for adults. Chairman Han won’t put up with any childish behavior, and you must do what he says at all times, or he’ll punish you. Is that clear?”
Gook told himself he wasn’t scared, but he kind of was. “Yes, Miss Lee,” he answered again.
“Good,” said Miss Lee. “Go pack your things, someone will pick you up this afternoon.”
 Miss Lee told Mr. Park, the janitor, to carry Gook’s bag outside so Gook could wait for Chairman Han’s car. He wasn’t sure what “Chairman” meant, but Miss Lee warned Gook to always use that title when addressing Chairman Han. Gook followed Mr. Park, holding his furry giraffe with both hands. The car was big and black, and the man who came out of it looked very tall. Gook’s hands tightened around his giraffe.
“Hello kid,” said the man, bending slightly and smiling at Gook. “You must be Kang Gook.”
Gook nodded
“I’m Driver Kim. I’m here to take you to take you to Chairman Han’s home. He has a son just your age, his name is Han Tae-joo.”
Han Tae-joo, Gook repeated quietly to himself. Would Han Tae-joo be nice to him? Gook wondered. Would he like to be his friend?
Driver Kim opened the car’s back door and gestured at Gook to climb in.
 Gook and Tae-joo, three years old
The building was really, really big, and Gook thought Driver Kim must have been wrong, because there was no way only two people lived there.
Driver Kim led Gook inside. Gook wasn’t scared or anything, so he told himself, it was just that his legs were suddenly a bit wobbly, that was all.
 Inside the house, they walked and walked, until they reached a big room when a man and a boy – they had to be Chairman Han and Han Tae-joo – were already waiting. Driver Kim bowed and left, and then it was just the three of them.
Chairman Han gave Gook a long look, his eyes going from the top of Gook’s head all the way to his shoes. The look reminded Gook of the time Miss Lee took him to a doctor, and they stopped at a shop so she could look at pretty dresses. Chairman Han was looking at him the same way Miss Lee looked at those dresses before she picked one.
Gook bowed politely to the man, keeping his eyes lowered to the ground.
“Kang Gook,” said the man, “I’m Chairman Han, and this is my son Han Tae-joo.”
Gook sneaked a look at Tae-joo, who was staring at him with open interest.
“Kang Gook,” said Chairman Han, “I have heard that you’re a special boy.”
Gook wasn’t sure what to say to that, but luckily Chairman Han wasn’t expecting a reply.
“I was told you can move things with your mind.”
Gook nodded.
 “Show me,” ordered Chairman Han. He pointed at a big box at his feet. “Pick that up”. Gook had to concentrate to do so, but he managed to lift it off the floor. Chairman Han nodded, slowly, but didn’t say anything. Next to him, Tae-joo’s eyes were wide with excitement. “Wow!” said Tae-joo. “Do that again! I want to see!” Gook wasn’t sure why Tae-joo was so excited, but he wanted to be friends with him, so he lifted the box again.
“Father, can Gook stay? Tae-joo tagged at his father’s sleeve, “pleaseeee. I want to play with him.” Chairman Han released his sleeve from Tae-joo’s grip. “Behave yourself,” he told Tae-joo, in a voice that made Gook think about winter.
“Sorry, father,” said Tae-joo, his head bowed. “Can Gook stay?”
“Yes,” said Chairman Han, “as long as he is a good boy, Kang Gook can stay.”
You can read the full story in AO3 (I’m there under lucywiggin). It’s five chapters and 6657 word. 
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tedbischoff-blog · 6 years
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#snapshot #hamburg #hamburglove #hamburgisdacity #hamburggram #hamburg_de #hamburg⚓️ #hamburg_city_of_dreams #hamburgblogger #igers #instagood #instaphoto #instapic #instplace #klosterstern #summer (hier: Klosterstern)
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wecityguidecom · 4 years
Hamburg Airport Transportation Guide
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Hamburg is the biggest city in Northern Germany and also the 8th largest of the European Union with its population of around 2 million. Hamburg Airport is the 5th busiest airport in Germany and one of the important hubs for travelers in Europe. Also, the name of the airport change to the Hamburg Airport Helmut Schmidt after the former and famous German chancellor but many still call the airport just Hamburg Airport. Based on the 2018s statistics almost 20 million passengers used this airport. Today, there are flights more than 130 sessions around the world, mostly European locations. By the way, Hamburg Airport has 2 terminals, it is better to check about before arrival.
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Interior of the Hamburg Airport (Source). There are also low-cost airlines operates from here to different locations. Hamburg Airport is also big enough to hold wide-bodied aircraft Airbus A360. In this post, you will find detailed information about Hamburg Airport and also tips about how to go to the city center from Hamburg Airport or to close locations like Bremen, Sytl, Flensburg, Hannover and Rostock.
Where Is The Hamburg Airport?
IF you are going to Hamburg, you are lucky! Because Hamburg Airport is very close to the city center and it has various transportation options to get to the city center within a very short time. One of the traveler-friendly airport in the world! Hamburg Airport is only 10 km away from the Hamburg city center and located in the very north of it, between the 433 and 447 highways. Bremen: 130 km Sytl: 250 km Flensburg: 153 km Hannover: 172 km Rostock: 187  km
Transportation Options From/To Hamburg Airport to the Hamburg City Center
Hamburg Airport is definitely traveler-friendly! Because there is a very good settled public transportation system. It is very easy to reach the Hamburg city center from Hamburg Airport. Germany has a very good public transportation system wherever you go. It is the same for Hamburg Airport. You can choose between trains, buses, and taxis to reach the city center. I will explain each option in detail. You can buy tickets for public transportation from both offices in the airport or ticket machines. On tickets machine banknotes, changes and credit cards are working but I had a problem with my credit card. Because it says that my card didn't have German Mastercard, as expected :) Ticket prices are varying for each option and number of the passengers. Train Lines There is a very good metro line working at Hamburg Airport. I will write it in the metro subhead because Germans named it S-Bahn (metro rail network) not Regional (Conventional trains) ones. Metro and Tram Lines At the Hamburg Airport, you will directly see the sign of the metro line with the S1 S-Bahn sign. If you want to use the metro follow that signs. Actually this line part of the city metro network and not working as a direct shuttle to the city center like Viennas dobule decker shuttle train. Hamburg green metro line which name is S1 operates between the Wedel and Poppenbüttel/Hamburg Airport. From the airport, it is very easy to use the S1 just buy the tickets get on but getting back to the airport you need to be careful about one thing. Each time six-car long metro leaves from Wedel. At the Ohlsdorf station, first three-car of it goes to the Hamburg Airport and last three one to the Poppenbüttel. Often warning made about each at Hamburg Central Train Station and each station after it. There are only 10 stations between the Hamburg Airport and Hamburg Central Train Station which will take approximately 25 minutes. You can also get off at Barmbek, Lübecker Strabe, Berliner, Landungsbrücken and Altona stations to transfer the other metro or regional lines. The average ticket price is around 3.20 euros for one adult but their different types of tickets way more economic for groups, daily or weekly tickets. It is better to check the ticket types in advance from their official website. S1 line operates on 24 hours on 10 to 20 minutes of interval, not need to worry about missing the train! If you want to use the Regional Train you should go to Hamburg Central Train or Altona Station.
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You will reach to the city center within 25 minutes (Source). Bus Lines There are different bus lines from Hamburg Airport to the different centers of Hamburg city and other cities in Germany. Based on my experience, the metro is the best option to use to go to the Hamburg city center from Hamburg airport but of course, you have other options. You can find detailed information about the bus lines below; Airport Express Buses Operates between 05.00 to 22.45 Departs from the bus are between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. To Ohlsdork train station (every 20 minutes) To Altona station (every 30 minutes) 2.95 Euro for one adult and 1.10 Euro for children for one-way Shuttle Buses There is only one departure daily Operates between Airport and Hamburg Central Bus Station To Hamburg Airport Terminal at 23.00 To Hamburg Central Bus Station at 23.30 Prices vary between 9.00 to 49 Euro Public Buses MetroBus 26 operates between Airport and Bf Rahlsedt 04.56 to 20.55 with 20 minutes of interval (Monday to Saturday) 05.36 to 20.57 with 20 minutes of interval (Sunday and holidays) 2.95 Euro for one adult and 1.10 Euro for children for one-way HVV Express Bus 39 operates between Airport and Wandsbek 06.08 to 22.29 with 20 minutes of interval (Weekdays) 05.59 to 22.29 with 20 minutes of interval (Saturdays) 08.30 to 22.59 with 20 minutes of interval (Sunday and holidays) 4.10 Euro for one adult and 2.40 Euro for children for one-way HVV Bus 274 operates between Airport and Ohldorf Station Only departs at night in weekends 2.95 Euro for one adult and 1.10 Euro for children for one-way HVV Bus 292 operates between Airport and Ochenzoll station 05.16 to 23.29 with 15 minutes of interval (Weekdays) 05.16 to 23.29 with 30 minutes of interval (Saturdays) 07.29 to 23.29 with 30 minutes of interval (Sunday and holidays) 2.95 Euro for one adult and 1.10 Euro for children for one-way HVV Night Bus 606 operates between Airport and Glashütte Depart at 01.40, 02.10, 02.40, 03.40 and 04.40 (Weekdays) 2.95 Euro for one adult and 1.10 Euro for children for one-way
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You will probably use one of the electrical buses of HVV (Source). Other Bus Lines If it is not enough for you there are bus lines to use :) Bus lines 23 (Airport to Billstedt), 34 (Airport to Kirchdorgf Sud) and 114 (Airport to Klosterstern) operates from Lufthansa Technik, located on the western part o the airport. You can reach there by taking the airport shuttle from the P9 parking which departs at every 10 minutes. Ticket prices for these bus lines are 2.95 Euro for adults and 1.10 Euro for the child in one way. FlixBus from Hamburg Airport If you want to go to the other cities from Hamburg Airport you can use FlixBus for it. You can check their website and buy the ticket in advance. It is not possible to list all lines from Hamburg Airport. For example, it takes approximately 9 hours from Hamburg Airport to Copenhagen for just 40 Euro.
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FlixBus operates to multiple locations from Hamburg Airport (Source). Taxis When you have so other options you probably won't need to take a taxi from the airport. But in case if you need them you can use them without any problem. The only advice that I can give you about the taxis you can arrange a fixed price if you going to a place other than the Hamburg city center. Private Transfer It is always possible to set up a private transfer from Hamburg Airport to the city center or any location. There are lots of agencies offering services. It is always better to check them in advance and get confirmation. Car Rental If you go to the Termina you will see there are lots of car rental agencies. When I went there there were Sixt, Europcar, Hertz, Avis, Enterprise and a couple of other companies there.
Pros and Cons of The Airport
Pros Very easy to reach Very close to the city center Low-cost airlines Perfectly settled public transportation system Cons Probably need a renovations and improvements  in future My suggestion for going to the Hamburg city center from the airport, use the metro line. It is cheap, fast and comfortable. I hope you will enjoy your time in the one of the best cities for Germany. Feel free to ask about the content of this post and please share your experiences. Read the full article
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mowe · 7 years
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Passing by the orange window #u1 #hvv #klosterstern #orange #türkis #streetphotography #movement http://ift.tt/2rRfnww
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bleib-art-ig · 7 years
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#klosterstern #hamburg⚓️ #redandblue ❤️💙 #perfectcombination #bahnsteigkante #nordisch mit #zebra #morningmood #waitingsucks but not today! #kachelnzählen #fromwhereistand #colors #keepitsimple #minimalism #nordic #photowalk on my way to #work #streetart #ilovecolors - #kurzzug oder was? #hamburgmeineperle #yay #hochbahn #öffis #aussteigenbitte ähm #bidde (hier: Hamburg, Germany)
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tedbischoff-blog · 6 years
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#hamburg #hamburgisdacity #hamburggram #hamburggreencity #igers #igershamburg #igersgermany #welovehh #welovehamburg #welovegermany #green #nature #natur #klosterstern #eppendorferbaum #summer #sun #green #picoftheday (hier: Klosterstern)
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