#knowing that he isn't worthy of love if he opens up. the other person loves the façade. the strong charming person he pretends to be
ccaptain · 2 years
let me assign you a love language
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a knife called grief.
   you have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? you can run but not without them. you want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything. you want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. you want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. because you know you’d do that for them.
#read me like a book; will you? ━ (headcanons)#mmmm this hits so fuckign. hard. thank you#haven't had one of these quizzes give me feels like this one bc yeah this is how kaeya loves#he wants love raw. with both people exposed to the very core while he struggles to do it. he wants his lover to see him struggling#and appreciate it. because it's so difficult for him to do that that when he does its like seeing an unique flower bloom#he'll also appreciate the fuck out of his partner for opening up to him! mutual opening and comforting and healing!#kaeya can be the best lover you ever had in terms of patience and love. on the other hand...#refuse to see his efforts to open up? close up to him? treat him like garbage and abandon him? you're in for a FUN time#and by fun time i mean an absolute loss of love from his part to endure the betrayal :)#knowing that he isn't worthy of love if he opens up. the other person loves the façade. the strong charming person he pretends to be#and... kaeya can't really keep the entire jig up for long. he wants to relax and be himself and leaving when he tries to do that... mmm#nukes the entire trust that was built. if kaeya had any love for you once you do that? it's gone. you're most likely not getting it back#or getting back a severely skewered version of it when he keeps you around to not get lonely. which is payback for leaving him#but get him to open up? treat him with patience and love? then he fucking BLOSSOMS#punches the desk in tears and leaves the dashboard to go cry somewhere
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glitteryinknotes · 7 months
There is a level of deep, bitterly poetic and cruel irony in Astarion's death and his eventual fate as a vampire spawn. Laughable, even. Lamentable.
Where do I even begin. I once posted here my thoughts on who Astarion was before Cazador took him; and all my thoughts were based on what we can assume to be canon from scraps on information in - game and interviews with Neil. That Astarion Ancunin who was laid into the ground at Baldur's Gate cementary was a corrupt magistrate, a shining example of power abuse, indulgence, hedony, existence in privilege without any service to the world around.
We also know for a fact that Astarion is not a good person in a moral sense. Again, Neil Newbon himself talked about it. He has capability to grow, mature, open himself up, soak in the positive influence and feel for others, but he never will be the default upstanding type. That is simply not at his core.
This is why (I am aware we're talking a fictional character, headcanon is free to all in whichever way they think it suits and pleases them) I cannot for the world believe in all the fanfiction based on the notion of the tragic, tortured soul unjustly attacked and turned into a vampire, because to me - it misses the entire depth and essence of Astarion's personality and arc. He was not a "worthy" persona before Cazador; in fact, the beating he got from the Gur was well - deserved and the near - death experience... Probably so as well. Maybe if anything, this would open his eyes and force him to reflect at least a bit on his choices in the position he was occupying. (But given that he mentions begging Cazador to turn him to be able to take revenge, I highly doubt that.) So yeah... The man got what was coming to him. He deserved it.
But what he got in the end once Cazador allowed him to drink his blood and had him in his hold? Two hundred years of misery and abuse beyond description, being completely stripped of any identity and personhood? No one deserves that. Such fate should not be thrust upon anyone. Ever.
It is the cruellest, most wicked twist of fate that it took that kind of ordeal to change a corrupt little elf's view of the world and force him to even acknowledge the existence of evil deeds and abuse of power - something I am quite sure he never gave any thought to before. It took being transformed into an utterly helpless victim to make him truly see that there is good and bad and perpetuating the bad leads to pain and misery for the innocents (and you can never be sure if not for you as well), and only then, at his most pathetic, most vulnerable, after centuries of torment, it took meeting, trusting, admiring, being grateful to, befriending / loving and being influenced by a genuinely good and kind person (probably the exact opposite of who he was before) to shake and cause some shift in his inner moral compass, or rather the way he was choosing to use it. The full circle, a poignant, unwilling journey from the one abusing power, to the enslaved puppet of someone with considerably more power abusing it in the most inhuman ways possible, and this time to his own woe, to the one person able to break the abusive cycle given the right influence.
Isn't that simply poetic in the most sickly sense? A tragicomedy, if you will.
Forget about Astarion Ancunin. The grave was good for lovemaking and sharing an important moment, but whoever was laid there was not anyone worthy of your time (just like "Ascended Astarion" )The one who stands by your side now is. Your Astarion. The new Astarion, the same "lovable rogue" with a taste for theatrics, drama, debauchery, beauty, murder mayhem and loose morality, but - a better person all the same.
[follow up post here
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gglitch1dd · 11 days
Genuine question and it’s totally ok if you would never make it butttttttt would you ever write about Kane having a girlfriend or going out on a date and him either asking reader how to ask a girl on a date or how to tell a girl he likes them orrrrrrrrr reader and izuku see him on a date with a girl ? Maybe even katsuki finding out and trying to ruin it and they step in. This lowkey been on my mind since you did totally worth it. (Or maybe Kane asking reader and deku if he can bring his girlfriend home to meet them cause they’re such a big part of his life especially reader)
Meet my-
This had me thinking for a good 10 minutes but this is so WONDERFUL! I couldn't resist writing something small for it. Thank you so much for this idea anon.
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Izuku and you had promptly shipped the sprouts to their grandmas for the afternoon. Today was a special day, a Kane day, which meant you would spend the afternoon how Kane wanted to and he had asked you and your husband if he could bring a girl over for a lunch.
"It isn't really a big deal, I understand if you say no." He said, really not stressed if it was an inconvenience to the both of you.
You sat wide eyed next to your husband with a broad grin on your face. "Inconvenience? No! Definitely not! We would love it. Wouldn't we, honey?" You asked turning to your husband.
He nodded his head as he turned to look at Kane with a smile on his face. "Definitely. We'll make sure the sprouts are on their best behaviour, even better, we can boot them out, for the afternoon." He told the blond.
You looked to your husband with a bright smile. "That's a great idea."
Kane's eyebrows furrowed as he looked to the both of you surprised. "I think that might be a bit extreme-"
"A Kane day is never an extreme thing." You stated perfectly set on what you had said.
Which was how your husband was setting the table for lunch, while you were just about finishing up. With no little sprouts to embarrass poor Kane and no Toshinori (no matter how hard he begged to stay), this would just be a day for you, Kane and his guest.
"I'm glad he's warmed up enough to ask us to have guests." You stated with a smile as you switched off the stove and took off your apron.
Izuku nodded at that statement, agreeing with you. "Indeed. Kane's a pretty private person but he's adjusted well so far being here." Izuku straightened up, snapping his neck for a second before shaking it out. He pulled up his sleeves revealing thick scarred arms. "But this must be serious if he wants to introduce a girl to ask."
"I didn't know he was seeing someone." You let out quietly. Normally you'd hear all your tea from Toshinori who would randomly find you wherever you tried to hide and just lounge about and start spilling whatever was happening in his life (which you liked more than you let on).
Izuku opened his mouth to speak but the door opened. You both glanced at each other. You quickly scurred over to his side, making sure to wipe your hands clean before standing beside your husband. You both put in your prefect public worthy smiles just as Kane walked into the room, holding the hand of a girl.
Kane looked over to her before motioning to her and looking at the both of you. "This is Zahrah Ahmed." He introduced.
The girl stood with a bright smile on her face. She had a beautiful white hijab on her with a white cardigan and dark long skirt. She bowed her head to the both of you respectfully. "It is an honour to meet you both."
Kane then moved to motion to the both of you with his hand, "Zahrah, these are my-"
"Midoriya Y/N, it's very nice to meet you." You bowed with a smile. "This is my husband Midoriya Izuku."
Izuku smiled with a bow of his own. "It's nice to meet you."
Zahrah gleamed. "Its an honour, ProHero Deku."
Kane sighed but chuckled. He turned to Zahrah and motioned to the both of you again. "These are my parents."
You and your husband both nearly sprained your necks with how fast you both looked to Kane. You were shocked. He had never said that before. He had never referred to the both of you that way either. You tried not to look at your husband as to not give Kane the wrong impression but you felt tears in your eyes as you smiled and leaned against Izuku. Izuku tightened his hold you with a great smile on his face.
"How about we have lunch?
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belladonazeppole · 3 months
Rewrite The Stars
(Here is part 2 @adyophene )
It's been some long days since Lilith arrival at the hotel.
For some reason Alastor become more obsesive with Husk even dropping the fake charm sometimes and treat Husk worst but they finally have a moment just the two of them; not his ex-wife or Alastor near to hear them
Especially for what Lucifer wants to tell Husk.
'You know I want you it's not a secret I try to hide.' It feel so good finally saying it and different from the first time he ever wanted somebody.
He can see how the bartender fur bristle at his words, 'You know you want me so don't keep saying our hands are tied'' They isn't turning around, 'You claim it's not in the cards and fate is pulling you miles away and out of a reach from me but you're hearing my heart so who can stop me if I decide it's on my destiny?'
Fuck destiny!
He doesn't care about fate or what anybody else has to say about them; not Lilith, the high raking demon, even less Alastor.
He make his decision.
He wanted to give love another chance.
It was the choice he make for himself.
With a hand movement he opens the portal showing the golden circus tent, 'What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine nothing could keep us apart." He starts to fly slowly while offering his hand wanting for Husk to take it.
Maybe Husk wasn't made for him but it was something they slowly build.
They weren't made for the other but it felt so right to say it.
It made sense for him.
'You'll be the one I was meant to find it's up to you, and it's up to me, no one could say what we get to be so why don't we rewrite the stars?' And maybe the world could be ours, tonight.'
Husk just stare at his hand, his ring gone long ago, to then look at him.
He look so tired and defeated, 'You think it's easy, you think I don't wanna run to you, yeah but there are chains and there are doors that we can't walk through.' He said trying his best in not freaking out, Husk wasn't blind about what he felt about Lucifer, he was actually happy of hearing that Lucifer felt the same.
But reality had to pop their bubble.
Husk was in chains.
Not only of chains of him.
'I know you're wondering why because we're able to be just you and me within these walls but when we go outside.' The hotel is a safe place where they could mess around but outsisd?, 'You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all.' The sinners are brutal, not just Alastor, the moment they see in who the king of hell wants he would become more of a laughing stock.
A loser.
An old gambler.
A fucking pet.
'No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?'' They weren't meant to be.
Everything and everyone wanted them to be away.
And he isn't worthy of the effort.
'Everything keeps us apart and I'm not the one you were meant to find. It's not up to you, it's not up to me, yeah. When everyone tells us what we can be and how can we rewrite the stars?' Why fight for him? Lucifer could choose anybody.
While Husk a fool that always fall for somebody out of his reach even if this time the person was offering his hand in front of him.
Lucifer was a fool for loved him.
Husk was an even more for loving again.
'Say that the world can be ours, tonight.' And like the fool he was he took the hand of the king.
Because he crave for love.
For happiness.
For freedom.
'All I want is to fly with you.'
'All I want is to fall with you.'
'So just give me all of you, it feels impossible.' Husk wanted to test the sincere love of the king even if he didn't think it was worthy, 'It's not impossible.' The conviction and determination in his eyes making, foolish, believe that they had a chance.
'Is it impossible?' He pleaded for an answer.
'Say that it's possible.' He gave hom something worse.
And Husk took it.
The both fly for what it felt like hours but it was just seconds, 'And how do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine and nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find." For those moment they gave what the other wanted.
Be loved again.
Be in the arms of other person.
Believe they're worth of love.
"It's up to you, and it's up to me, no one could say what we get to be and why don't we rewrite the stars?'
"Changing the world to be ours." The king gave a hopefull smile but the sinner couldn't do the same.
They were so close, 'You know I want you it's not a secret I try to hide but I can't have you." Yet so far away.
'We're bound to break and my hands are chained.' A green chain appears around Husk neck and pull him down to the darkness.
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i-love-scarameowche · 5 months
Yandere Gojo x depressed reader drabble !!
TW: Slight NSFW, reader is insecure, reader has bad hygiene, dubcon(?), gojo is a little freak, chubby reader, harsh words in 2nd person, reader has body hair, fem!reader, reader is suicidal, gojo has a spit kink.
Other Gojo x depressed reader: <33
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Satoru's been so busy lately. He's constantly out of the house, sometimes he doesn't even have time to come back. You can't blame him, it's not his fault. But sometimes you can't help but feel like it's your fault. He's always taking care of you. You feel so so bad for it. You do. You don't do anything. You just lay there and rot.
When was the last time you even brushed your teeth? God you smell don't you? Maybe that's why he hasn't come back. You want to get up and show and brush your teeth. It's so easy. Yet you can't bring yourself to do it. Do you even have depression? What if you're just lazy? You probably are. You can't be depressed if you're still happy sometimes, you still eat normally though you wish you would eat less, you only seem depressed when you have something to do.
You're disgusted with yourself. You just want to die. You hear the front door open, and you pause. You feel like crying, but you can't manage to get it out. You should've taken a shower before. You should've.
You should've.
You're just laying in Satoru's bed. It's basically all you even do at this point. Kissing you would be vomit worthy—just smelling you—wouldn't it? You wonder why Satoru is still with you. Pity probably. You're gross. That's that. No amount of makeup or self confidence would fix it. You're disgusting.
"Babyyy!" Satoru calls out with a grin, walking into the room and noticing your dishevelled state. He quickly strides over—his long legs bringing him to you in record time—and sits on the edge of the bed beside you. He does notice your body oder. But it's you. Satoru's pants feel tight as he swallows the saliva building up in his mouth. "What's wrong?" Satoru asks, leaning down towards your ear as his hands move to both cup your cheek and stroke your head, bringing you to look at him.
"Please..I'm just so tired right now..." You quietly murmur. Satoru sighs and moves to lay close to you, but you scoot away from him. "C'mon doll, I can't fix nothin' unless ya tell me what's wrong y'know." Satoru hums, his thumb moving to rub your cheek. You're so cute.
"It's nothing." You harshly whisper, moving away from Satoru more, drawing a frown on his face. "It's not nothing. Obviously not. So just tell me what's wrong." Satoru huffs, starting to get a little frustrated. He just wants to love you. Why can't you understand? But you just want him to be happy. Why can't he understand?
"Just go away." You mumble, frowning as Satoru tugs the blanket off of you, your legs revealed since you're only wearing shorts. You curl up on your side, regretting putting those shorts on. You hate the fact your legs are hairy. You hate everything about yourself. It was just too hot. Satoru groans playfully, as if you weren't thinking about killing yourself right now, and moves to lay you on your back. His big hands move to rest on your knees, and he spreads your legs to slot himself between them, his eyes flickering to the small amount of scars on your thighs.
He's glad there's only a few, despite him knowing how much pain it causes you, because it means you never hurt yourself so badly. But to you, it's just another thing you failed at, just another thing you couldn't do right, another thing that proves you aren't really depressed, because you couldn't even cut deep enough that it would scar. You can bring yourself to say anything as Satoru leans down, his face against yours. Your mouth is practically sewed shut with metal. Your breath is rancid, isn't it? You don't want Satoru to have to be near you when you're like this. It's humiliating.
"C'mon princess..open up." Satoru hums, his hand moving to cup your cheek again, his thumb on your lower lip, starting to push into your shut mouth. Your teeth are as gritted as they can be. Satoru puts his thumb under the little space of your front teeth and forces your mouth open. You move to pull away from him but you're already laying on the bed, your head on a pillow, so there's not much space. "It's okay, just suck on my fingers for me okay?" Satoru asks with a smile.
You don't know why Satoru wants you to do this. He's going to regret it once he realizes the effect of you not brushing your teeth. You don't want to, but you comply. Well, kind of.
You begrudgingly let your jaw relax as Satoru slips his index and middle finger between your teeth, moving them around to coat them in your saliva. You feel weirded out but you try to ignore it. Satoru grins as he takes his fingers out of your mouth, opening his a little. You pause, realize what he's about to do. That's disgusting. That's going to be horrible. You quickly sit up, moving to grasp at Satoru's wrists.
But his fingers have already sunk between his soft lips, you hear the quiet sound of him sucking on his two fingers, licking off all of your saliva that he can. It grosses you out. The thought of it.
Satoru slides his fingers out with a very light pop, strings of his own saliva connecting them to his lips. "See? S'fine sweetheart. M'gonna love ya no matter what. I like you like this. Waitin' for me n'never leaving the house without me." Satoru hums as he hooks his slender fingers under the waistband of your pants and underwear, slipping them down.
"Satoru that..that was gross..." You manage to get out, feeling queasy. The taste of your saliva must be horrible. Why did he do that? "Mm, nah." Satoru shrugs, moving around a little to fully pull off your lower clothes. Your pubic hair is so bushy. He likes it. But what he doesn't like is how you move to hide from him.
"C'mon sweets, s'just me." Satoru sighs, moving your hands away from your vagina as he leans down again, kissing your lips. "Stop being all embarrassed 'round me."
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Notes: I'm the inspiration for this ngl !!!! Stopped writing it cus I felt kinda nauseous(not from the fic) but yk
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overtaken-stream · 3 months
Do you have any writing plans involving Katakuri or the Big mom pirates?
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Monster's Voice Is Sweet To Hear
Charlotte Katakuri x F!Wife!Reader
! !NSFW! !
This is from ao3, last year, sorry for any grammar mistakes, as well as my different writing, this is also the first time I wrote filth, aside from the love-making in the Ace fic from Ao3. I want to write something for him but the ideas are just not coming to me. I also didn't specify readers race. Just that it's a female and tall/stronger then a human since we all know Big Mom won't just toss away Katakuri and make him marry a boring human with no specialties. this could work on all shapes and sizes of reader, chubby and skinny.
Word count: 5.8k
Summary: Rarely in the dead of night, a monster such as Katakuri needs love. It's something you can't say no to. After all, how can you deny that unnerving voice of his.
Warnings: Size difference, POST-WANO SPOILERS, multiple rounds.
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In the quiet night, where only the humming of your voice is heard.
Light from the cake-inspired lamp bounces off the pink walls the shadow that's in a silhouette of a woman falls onto the giant bed in the center of the room.
On a quiet night, a married girl takes her jewelry off and places it in one of the drawers the magenta bureau contains.
You stand up from the chair, getting closer to the bed. Getting out of your clothes and putting on a modified (F/C) nightgown, you straighten the hot pink details running over your tall figure as you lie down on the heavenly bed.
Only at the sound of a door opening did you quickly get under the blanket. The sound of metal and leather rubbing against itself notifies you of the person who walked in before they can even say anything.
``Katakuri.`` You shyly show your face from the covers to see the sight of your husband of 3 years now, even after all this time you can feel the blush creeping up your face, no matter how long you will never get used to seeing a man that's able to look down at you. That stoic and firey gaze always unleashed the butterflies deep inside your belly.
``I apologize for startling you, I've seemed to... Be distracted lately.`` This was his way of saying I forgot to knock on the door. With much time you start to learn the ways of Katakuri's speech patterns. Start to recognize what words his pride was holding back even from you. Apologetic wasn't one of them. It isn't like he's trying to hide something after all you've seen his biggest weakness in action multiple times, gobbling all kinds of sweets. But never have you thought forgetting was something Katakuri was capable of. It wasn't until after the incident at Pudding's wedding involving the Strawhats that Katakuri's mask, which he had been carrying since marrying you (probably much, much longer than that) truly shattered. Thanks to his younger sister Flampe not keeping her mouth shut about how horrid her big brother is physically and then about his treatment towards her, after what she did. The brat even tried to approach you to run her tongue about Katakuri. Your husband.
Honor is off the table when faced with a person with that kind of mindset. Never mind the respect when facing a worthy opponent.
``Mind if I join you?``
``No, not at all.`` You smile as you watch him carefully get out of his uniform. Never did you imagine you would smile at Katakuri, compared to the sad bride and groom the two of you were. The new life treated you both kindly, it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow-paced either.
The stiff and awkward interactions turned into small conversations about interests and they blossomed into what can only be fondness. The road came with its fare-share of bumps, and both of you dived head first in this with only your families in mind, ready to throw away what little freedom both of you had for your parent's satisfaction.
At the wedding ceremony, walls were built. Walls that cracked the more time you spent with each other.
``Y'know, Luffy was announced as an Emperor today.`` You fill in the silence. Knowing Katakuri's favorite topic you slide in the information.
Katakuri stops mid-changing and raises his head at that. He had told you about Luffy a couple of weeks ago, finally emptying his head to you about the topic he was trying to tell you the moment he returned to your room injured. You didn't push him back then.
The time will come when he'll bring it up. You would tell yourself. It's his calculations of reactions that hold him, little insecurities eating him up and even if the conversation was late, you are happy that he was finally opening up. To you at least.
``Is that so?``
``Yeah, it was in today's newspaper. It said he defeated Kaidou, impressive huh?``
You watch as he nods his head. You debate for a second if you should tell him the next sentence, but he is her son, after all, today he dedicated himself to the library (A time he cherishes since it happens so rarely. A battle with the Straw Hat sure tired him out. You wonder if it's a blessing in disguise sometimes. If it is you wouldn't be surprised.) and judging from his lack of knowledge about the feat Luffy accomplished, you might as well tell him now...
``Surgeon of Death and The Eustass kid from the Worst Generation were involved... They defeated Big Mom.`` At that, you can feel how the temperature drops in the room, his movements to put the clothes back in their place slowed down until they came to a stop. It almost felt like time had stopped.
``I've heard about that. All the commotion in the palace this morning was from Perospero's call. They needed a backup to retrieve them.`` He says as the heavyweight is lifted off the room, letting go of the fabric he was holding onto, the time begins to roll once again.
You don't bat an eye at Katakuri's actions and his casualness. You doubt he would mourn his mother.
You quiver as the blanket is thrown off of you, the chill biting your arms and chest before he joins you on the bed. You fix your body position as the natural warmth his body carries sends shivers down your spine. Your back facing his chest as his giant hand creeps up to cradle your waist.
You shy away or try to. But the moment his fingers softly graze your pelvis, a tight knot starts developing, his shy yet soothing and careful touches sending the blood up to your face.
He's mindful of his heaviness, even if you are taller than a human should be, more tolerant and powerful, he treats you the same as he would to his child siblings, with feather-light touches. It's instinct at this point. It makes you nervous. Makes you red and sad, as well as happy that he also wasn't the only one with bad habits.
Habits that differentiate you two are rare. Since most of them are dependent on higher-than-an-average-human height.
``Is this okay?`` his open eyes travel over your face devoid of any skin color except red. You nod.
``...May I?`` The awkwardness in his voice is precious. Sweet as a mochi should be. Not how a monster's should be.
It makes your heart skip a beat and your core to pulse.
The impatience takes over when he's leaving lingering touches closer and closer to where you would like the itchiness to go away. The temptation to grab his hand and drag it to your genitalia is strong. Biting the bottom lip you feel his hand cup your crotch, and it's a feeling you'll never get tired of.
He shoves the gown's bottom piece up to your belly button, getting the cue you grab the (F/C) silky cloth. It's tacky but it was one of the more subtle ones that Brûlée has picked for you.
You shift your left thigh to the side when the tips of his finger flex on top of your clitoris, a thin layer of fabric stopping him from intruding, yet he is still making you pulse and drowning you in the electric shock of pleasure. The fingers slowly run over it, again and again putting no pressure behind the movement.
When his right-hand digs behind your back, your flushed face barely turns around to ask him what he is doing.
``Changing position...`` Katakuri says as he carefully scoops your neck between his forearm and upper arm, his left hand grabs onto your right hip.
His show of strength as he gets you on top of him in a second, leaves your knees shaking. At first, you lay on his chest with your back pressed against him.
Even with your superior height he somehow manages to make you feel as if you were a human, it makes you doubt your reality for a millisecond, his right hand balancing you and the other one going down your body a bit too fast, your suspicions are confirmed by the impatience with which he tosses the blanket off of your bodies. The room temperature now no longer poses a threat to your skin.
This time he isn't as slow with his actions, leaving the undergarments on, he rubs up and down your slit, feeling its warmth escape onto his sweaty hands.
The quiet room was momentarily full of little gasps and beating hearts of both parties. A squeak leaves your mouth as you rise from your position on his chest, leaning on your elbows that are still... On his chest. The coldness that sudden separation brings on your back is forgotten as you look down to where Katakuri is making laps around you. The moisture grows in seconds when he presses his thumb on your clit, slowly rocking it sideways and tightening the knot deep within you.
You try to bite the bottom of your mouth to not let the noises escape but as Katakuri flattens his hand so his index and middle finger are sliding and tickling your entrance, the task to stay quiet becomes very difficult. You feel the way he snakes his second hand up your breasts while the other separates the undergarment from your folds. Little moans sneak past your lips as you look straight down, the bulge that shows from underneath your thighs just makes your heart beat out of your ribcage.
Katakuri lays his forehead on your shoulder as he feels the wetness coating the surroundings of your entrance, he knew the smaller hands were coming before feeling them pull down the owner's panties, momentarily stopping for her to take it off before he continued infiltrating it. His right hand fondling with your breasts squishing them but not rough enough to hurt you.
For a split second, you felt the pain of the stretch, arching your back and tossing your head over his shoulder as Katakuri's other hand played with the silk-covered nipple, he pushed his forehead down on your cleavage, it wasn't in his intentions but the size difference was really making your mind mushy.
You could feel him shaking from below you as you rest on top of him, closed eyes and clean mind absorbing your movements.
For a couple of seconds, you lay like that, panting breathes and already sweat covered. He won't move. He won't hurt you. He'll give you time to adjust.
Your hand lands on his crimson hair, fingers run through the short pink layers devoid of grey. It startles him, eyes snapping open he looks to his left shoulder where you are resting your head and meets his beloved's smiling face staring back at him.
Pink dusted his cheeks and as his heart jumped, his mouth opened and closed, this nervous feeling is shameful to him. The big brother Katakuri was still getting used to his new-not-so-new feelings towards new-not-so-new his wife, and expressing them to her face turned out to be the most complicated and difficult part. (Aside from Brûlée, she has seen him at his worst. It's a new feeling, a new type of embarrassment he hasn't experienced with anyone, not even Brûlée. The thought of this ever getting out almost frightens him. It frightens him.)
At last, he chooses to look away as you chuckle.
``C-can you move now?`` He nearly forgot.
``Are you... Sure?``
``Yeah, now c'mon... I was so close...``
He continues his motions with soft pink shades over his face, and slowly the two fingers slide deeper into your gummy walls. The clenching makes him wish it was some other part of his inside of you instead of his fingers. He listens as hisses leave your lips from the painfully nice stretch, the tears gathering at the corner of your eyes being wiped away by Katakuri's other hand that took a break from playing with your breasts, he feels his boxer get tighter when your legs shake around his massive thighs, for a second he feels glad that you aren't super tiny, it makes this feel like the first time both of you did it. It holds a special place in his heart, the lovely touches have never been that satisfying. And every time you take your time to show affection to him during it- he falls further and further in love with you. Even if he doesn't show it, or return them, he appreciates the gestures.
He knows it's time to start the actions of love and that you would certainly never reject it. It's the childish fear keeping his head and eyes locked away during them. Is he shy? Maybe. Does he wan't to return the gesture? Some would think that he doesn't.
The whimpering noises fill his head as he finally went in knuckle deep, he lifts his head from your cleavage and brings your face closer for a kiss, eating the deep moan that leaves your mouth when he pulls out his finger and pushes it back into the warmth. Watching with open eyes how your eyebrows point up in pleasure twisting into a lustful picture he'll love for the rest of his life. The fact that he is the only one who's allowed to see it makes his head dizzy with what other expressions he could steal from you.
He slowly fastens his pace, making and leaving your walls a mess before he gets back in and fixes it with his fingers, finding that spongey spot was easy, having it memorized Katakuri curves his fingers upwards and pistons into it, barely taking his fingers out.
One after another lustful noises (now louder than ever) escape before you can bite your tongue. At some point, drool started coming out of your mouth. Eyes closed you can feel how Katakuri milked your sweet spot brutally, making your cunt weep and sting oh so impossibly delightfully.
His hand and your thights are all wet now.
``Just aah little m-more...!``
You were so close. So incredibly close.
The moment Katakuri forced his hand to dig deeper in your cunt, to get past the line of his knuckles, and pushed upwards into your belly, forcing you to arch for him harder was the moment you were seeing stars.
Your closed eyes were going into your head and your wide mouth was slack as he held your hip with one hand and rubbed your clit faster than ever with the other one. Throwing you off the edge and finally loosening the knot that was tied at the start, slick now not-so-unclear dribs down your slit, he doesn't let you have a break, hand still accompanying you even after your orgasm.
You don't complain.
He slowly pushes your pelvis down with his forearm to meet his hips, not slowing his fast-paced rubbing. Your moans are now as free as they can be, but you limit yourself, wanting to hear little grunts and deep slow moans from Katakuri. You honestly think you could cum from his voice alone.
He's beautiful you think.
His eyes are closed, the furrowing thin eyebrows holding onto the sweat drops that are covering his face in a thin layer of gloss. His eyes are closed yet he seems so concentrated to make you cum again. The vein in his forehead is on full display for you. His naturally long eyelashes adorned his hooded eyes.
``You're Beau...tiful... Kata...``
The way he hides his mouth in your cleavage and not in your shoulder because of his big size, the way he is avoiding eye contact the moment you whispered those two words. The way your heart shattered, is like no other pain you've felt. Because this boy is so... So incredibly sad. You want to kiss the pain away, the worries to be crushed under your tall figure. You want to shield him because he deserved so much more than this family.
``Sooo pretty... C-can you look...at me?`` Exhausted, you reach out.
You don't pay attention to the second orgasm, too busy complimenting him about his beauty. You miss how he is rutting his clothed hips right on your naked ass. You don't miss how he turns his face to the opposite side from you, you don't miss the red-colored ears as you hug his neck. Biting his ears as you are getting closer yet again. You notice how he's gone quiet the moment you praised him. How he is listening to your moans right in his ear.
Suddenly he crashes his hips into you, stinging sensations of him losing grip on his strength lays mockingly on the prints he has branded on both sides of your hips. Even if you were drowning in an indescribable pleasure you didn't miss the way he threw his head back, he almost roars a held-back-moan as wetness spreads on your ass. You don't have to look down to know that both of you guys's cum is wetting the sheets below.
Did he cum by pleasuring you?
Shit... That's so... Hot.
You've known there were ten million ways to love somebody and this. This was one of them.
Katakuri relaxes on the pillow behind him, coming down from the high he tossed both of you in, your arms still around his neck. He opens his eyes looking down at your face, It's a mess really, with sweat and hair sticking on your forehead, swollen lips from the previous kiss (he spends extra seconds looking and feeling the breasts resting against his own skin) but it doesn't matter to him, all he sees are the fruits of his labor. He finally removes his hands from your hips, his gaze falling on a now-covered-by-your-nightgown spot.
Did he leave a mark?
A giggle escapes from your lips before you can stop it, earning a playful glare from his direction. What's so funny?
``Aha-I'm sorry, it's just. You're so red!`` He looks through you, unfocusing his eyes before turning his (now red from embarrassment) face away from you.
You rub your cheek against him, feeling the stitch scars that lead to his mouth hole.
``Awh! C'mon don't hide from me!``
``...You're getting brave (Y/N)...``
``I don't have to be brave to call my husband beautiful and handsome! Plus you're so cute right now!``
``I'm not cute...``
``Sure you're not.`` You're pushing it. You are sure as hell not sure where this confidence came from but you aren't complaining.
Putting your hand under his chin and turning his face toward you.
His eyes settle on your lips before you pull yourself up to make your (S/C) lips land on his monstrous mouth. Like a beast, he doesn't close his eyes, unlike you.
Yet again choosing to make up for the time he closed his eyes during the sex. Staring into your wet eyelashes.
His left arm drags you so impossibly closer to his chest, in a hug while his other hand puts a strand of (H/C) hair back over your ear. When you try to pull away he follows your lips down. Cherishing the strawberry residue that the lipstick left.
A couple of moments last of you two in a romantic kiss before it turns into playful pecks across each other faces. Katakuri was careful with his fangs, still getting used to having someone get as close as he was to the white knives. He calls them and judging from the sharpness you can't exactly call him wrong.
It lasts like that for more than necessary. The sweet touches turned harsh from him is a normal feeling for you, pain tolerance is one of your specialties. It's in your blood. There is nothing he could do from the outside that could hurt you. From the inside, it's a different story.
It's the reason why Charlotte Linlin chose you to be the bride for her second son.
``He's a monster in humans skin,`` She said.
``Better have that scarf around you at all times Katakuri, don't frighten the soon-to-be bride.``  She said at one of the tea parties she had invited your family over.
It was humiliating for him to hear those words, let alone in front of a different kingdom's royal family. Those words were enough for you to have an opinion set on Big Mom.
And Katakuri too. It was respect, you respected him for putting up with people like his mother daily. Another thing to add in the similarities chart besides the height.
``Don't you think your genetic powers would make lovely children for my boy here darling? Wouldn't that be wonderful?``
You pity the children you have to give birth to. Because you know it will happen.
Her piercing gaze and a change in tone was the only reason you nodded your head. It was how the entire party went actually, with you acting like one of Big Mom's homies. Bobbing your head to every compliment she would say about you and your powers.
Maybe that's what left a sour taste in Katakuri's mouth. Why he avoided you for a couple of months after the wedding, he probably saw you as a fragile bimbo who was swayed by fear.
You would hate to say it but the truth is always hard to swallow.
It was what you were before the wedding and after. No doubt about that. The fear of upsetting a bomb that was Big Mom terrified you to your core. You could take Katakuri ignoring and avoiding you but you could never say no to them, the strings she had on your family were too tightly tied around their necks to risk it. Not to mention the thousands of people's lives each of your family member represented.
``The more you fuck around the more you're gonna find out`` As your diplomat father would say in all kinds of situations. It's just that in this instance it wasn't comedic.
It was a psychological thriller. And fucking around you couldn't.
It was a sad start to your relationship with him, an unwanted marriage both of you were against at first, maybe in another lifetime one of you would have had a voice to protest it. But for now, you enjoy the soft embrace of his arms around your shoulders. A loud banging of his heart against your ear.
The chill of the aftermath leaving your body and replacing it with a sticky feeling between your crotch and the smell of sex that wasn't visible at the time.
``Well then, don't you want to clean yourself up?``
``No, I don't.``
``W-why not?`` Usually, Katakuri loves his cleanliness, organization, and tidiness. He showers after coming home, often he's the one running to the bathroom with towels in his hands before you can even process that you've arrived home.
``...I just don't want this to end.``
``... You...`` And you thought Katakuri had run out of his surprise factor. It makes you want to toss your feet in the air with tiny kicks, giggles and everything, it makes you blush.
Seriously? Why are you acting like a schoolgirl with a crush on her upperclassmen?! Have you lost all your marbles in you, woman?! Where is the royal blood?!
You can practically feel the inner, secondary or tiny voice in your head yelling at you.
``Y... You do...?`` Unbelievable.
A nod from him is all you need.
``Y'know, we don't... Have to end it...``
``What?`` God his obliviousness makes you want to strangle him.
``We can... Continue it instead...I-i mean... If you... Want..?`` You run your index finger over his chest, tracing the tattoo with half-lidded eyes and lips in a kissing position. If this isn't lustfull, you don't know what is.
``... We can?`` His shocked eyes leave you once again, speechless.
``Of... Of course, we can! If you have any energy left that is... What made you think that we couldn't..?``
Sex is something that rarely happens between you and him since both of you most of the time are sent out for missions separately, however, If your memories aren't lying to you there are a total of four times (not counting this one) that you guys have slept together. How many times did he want to cuddle after sex? 2 times? 3 times?
Such a bad wife you've been to him.
Your questions go unanswered. Instead, he gently turns you onto your back, his hands balancing himself like a pole, they shut off your field of vision 'till you can't look anywhere instead up.
And up you look.
You think it's a sight any fair lady would go feral over. So what if you've seen this many times before, it never fails to make you nervous, the confidence dripping off of him, even if shaky eyesight proves just how unconfident he is.
Swoon over him you do.
The feeling you got at the start of the night coming back ten times stronger and filling up your heart until it's back to the pace it was before, this time maybe even shaking sideways for dramatic or. romantic effect.
Your breathing quickens as his head follows his body that was leaning on his thighs which were usually heavy with accessories of any kind, mostly following his gothic style with minor changes. Now he stands on top of your legs with his free-of-any-weight ones, caging yours with his knees. He has a charm in the way he travels his hand down on your skin, giant fingers ghosting over the most sensitive of places. The size difference isn't much but staring at your squished thighs and comparing it to the thickness of his knees makes your breath hitch, gulping you look up towards his face.
Katakuri's sharp crimson eyes glimmer down at you.
He had never once failed to make you feel so unbelievably small under his gaze, you find this exact moment perfect to take off your sticky nightgown that's wet with substances from both of your bodies. It turns out to be a good hiding device for your face, too bad it only lasts a couple of seconds before Katakuri gets suspicious.
Once over your head, you toss the (F/C) fabric somewhere on the floor. Presenting your fully naked body to him.
You don't know when or how he got the boxer off, but he now stands in all of his glory. One would think he was flexing his muscles, and he was. With how heavily Katakuri was breathing, you would have run your fingers up his tattoo if he didn't grab your legs first, taking them out of his leg jail, it was an awkward struggle to pull them over his thighs but he managed to not stretch it out for too long.
It felt so right, you against him fitting like puzzle pieces, your warm legs clinging onto his hips that are the perfect fit for your long legs.
It's your fantasy coming to life and so is his.
Katakuri pulls your hips near his pelvis to get you in a comfortable position. His fingers play with your now relaxed entrance. His other hand strokes his sex in front of you.
Shyness is thrown out of the window.
``I'll... Be slow.`` He always says that. But he can not help the roughness come into play the moment you get used to having him inside you.
You shiver as his head presses against your folds, hiss as it's slowly getting past the cold surface and into the warmth your insides bring. You hear him let out a grunt of his own. The shakiness of his hands on your hips calms the arch your back has been put into.
Katakuri pushes in with slow motions.
He tries to distract you will little strokes up and down your arched back.
You try to not tense up, you really do, but his fingers weren't enough for you to have been ready for his cock. It has that extra length and thickness his fingers weren't capable of having.
The sting leaves you panting and watery-eyed.
Katakuri looks down at you, completely stopping his actions when the walls around his girth close his pathway to bliss.
He lets you relax and adjust to his length. Looking at your face when you wipe your not-yet-spilled tears. Feeling the walls grip and loosen around him makes him close his eyes, ignoring the sparks of pleasure that are signaling him to just rut into you. He turns his face back to you, opening his eyes.
Katakuri doesn't ask you to relax, he knows you're already doing that and he knows you'll signal him to move onward, there is no need to remind you of what's obvious. So he stays quiet, humming and touching you elsewhere across your body, a gentleness he didn't know was capable of, coming forward and dripping honey over your pain, sugarcoating it with his lips that are kissing up your neck.
You put your hands over his shoulders, feeling the pain go away only for it to be replaced by numbness. calming down you nod your head against his scarred cheek.
``You can go on... Now.`` And he does. Slowly and surely with the help of the previous round. He bottoms out.
Your walls surround him, while his grunts surround your head. Both of you stay still for a moment, him going back to kissing your shoulder while you hug his neck, lost in ecstasy.
The world is summed down to only him and you, even if you are running your eyes on the walls of the room, you're still breathing in his leftover cotton cologne, lingering on his skin for just a bit longer.
He starts moving, god he starts moving.
Rocking into you slower than ever, stickiness in your crotch area goes unnoticed. The feeling of him moving and dragging the pleasure away only for him to slide back in, adding the rubbing against your clit with his shortened pubes is soul-shattering in a pleasing way, making your brain mush and your mouth full of unholy sounds.
Sweat dribbles down the side of his face still buried in your shoulder. He is not a man who leaves hickeys. Even though It's impossible since he can't exactly hurt you, although he enjoys leaving marks with anything else, they don't last long, only a couple of minutes before it's back to the way your skin was. But he likes having your signatures on his back especially since that's the only place covered by his jacket in the public.
Even now you leave tiny trails with your nails on his back, not strong enough to break the skin but just enough for them to look like a part of his tattoo gone wild. it just sums up more blood on the southern side of his body, getting him harder than he was before.
It's too much for you when he starts setting a fast pace, his hips meeting yours midway through your grinding, it's too much you tell yourself.
The way he is holding his wide torso with his elbows right beside your shoulders since you didn't let go of his neck since you grabbed it. You feel silly, sticking yourself onto him this way but he doesn't have any complaints. Even if it's too much how you cum yet again with shaky legs and slick dripping down your crack and onto your arched back. Too much of him rocking into you. The mattress below you squicking and rocking with his thrusts. Not only the mattress, but his thrusts also drag your entire body with him, meeting him halfway through his pulling. Too much moaning coming from your side, it's too good.
Too good to tell him to stop.
You can't tell when you came again, the shakiness is blending in with his hips crashing into yours, and you can't tell what is your natural body's doing and what is Katakuri making your body do.
Him finding the sweet spot was the last thing you wanted him to do. You wanted him to find it.
But judging from the electricity hitting you full force again and again and again, making you cry out in all kinds of movements to push him away, you can't be sure.
Katakuri takes advantage of your vulnerability and pulls you away from him so you could relax on the light pink pillow almost swallowing you whole. Allowing him to thrust at a slightly different angle, an angle that also relieves tension from your back.
He straightens himself, now standing on his knees as he looks down at where your bodies are connected, he lands his hands on your hips setting an almost inhuman pace you aren't able to keep up with.
Not with your body and not with your mind.
He pays no attention to your face, you've had enough of that before. Instead, he watches as his hands slam your hips to him, and your poor clit swollen and sad, lies helplessly. Taking him with no problems.
``A-ah little more..`` he moans out. You want to cry at how much he wants to drag this out.
You can tell by the way his hips stutter before calming down completely, going back to the slow pace he did at the beginning.
It's too much.
``Katah-kuri, please!-`` Your voice cuts off by a scream that left your mouth when he slammed his hips back into you unexpectedly.
You can hear him chuckle lightly at your trembling figure lying under him.
It's like he is teasing you and himself.
Tears drip down your face as he repeats it a few times more, before grinding his pelvis when fully entering you cleanly. Your abused cunt beats against the few pubes it has stuck in the wetness surrounding it.
He doesn't let your wobbly legs slide down his thighs, holding them harshly and not letting your bottom parts get away from him.
You can feel it before it comes. The way a vein in his dick starts pulsing and throbbing. Filling your insides to the brim.
You don't look down, instead, you pay attention to Katakuri's Addams apple bobbing up and down in his thick throat accompanied by sweat drops, the way his heavy jaw comes up and down, and the way his eyes are closed and tensed as are his eyebrows. How the other shoulder free of any tattoo (one which you were previously gnawing on) is red colored. It's shiny with spit, tears, and sweat.
It's as far as you get before your heart finally calms down, forcing your eyes to close and your body to pass out, exhaustion finally catching up to you. The last thing you see is a blurry figure of Katakuri looking down at you.
His worried voice calls out to you.
And here you thought you could endure a monster's sweet voice.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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I need to talk about ADA! Dazai and Beast! Dazai because Beast ruined me beyond repair.
ADA! Dazai is like a beautiful red rose which caught your eye - you wish to have it, to pluck it, but it's so easy to forget that roses have very, very sharp thorns. Dazai has many people around him but a tiny few he can confidently say he trusts.
Which is why he might just be a bit prickly at the start.
Don't get me wrong, he is still the same old Dazai you first met. Confident, flirty, intelligent, a giant tease! Life is a breeze with him, there isn't anything in the world which Dazai can't do or crack wide open. It's so easy to spill all of your deepest, darkest secrets to him, so easy to open up and become dependent on him.
But just when you think you have him figured out, you're right back to square one.
ADA! Dazai, who does not know what to do with himself or you for that matter. How fun and cute you are, your crush is so obvious. He can't help it, he just has to tease you, you always give him the best reactions. He chooses to be careful with you in the beginning, think of dipping your toes in cold water for the first time.
Time passes and Dazai opens himself up to you. You are finally allowed to caress his scarlet red petals albeit with his thorns still in the way. They prickle and hurt, they may even leave a scar or two in their way but you don't care. Loving Dazai is like a drug, once you get a taste you can never get enough. The constant need for his attention and validation is just too intoxicating and Dazai is none the wiser.
Beast! Dazai though... Where do I even start?
This man and his love, to me at least, kind of feels like the lyric "Here comes the sun, she's the brightest star of them all." from the song Sonne by Rammstein.
There is absolutely nothing this man won't do for you and I mean it.
Beast! Dazai is terrifying and he knows it. He regularly uses and manipulates his authority and throws threats around like candy, particularly if his subordinates decide to question why on Earth would he settle for someone like you. You, his sweet, precious, darling, addicting little you, the reason why his heart beats and why he decides to take a breath and live the life he wants to live... As much as he can, that is...
Beast! Dazai uses your fear as a leverage and toys with you in a similar fashion to ADA! Dazai but there is a grim feeling to it, kind of like sticky black tar, it never leaves your person. He never allows you to breathe because he simply must be with you all day, every day. The sheer intensity of his stare alone is something worthy of the history books as even some of the most seasoned and battle hardened mafiosos can't help but to be off put by their boss. Everything is crystal clear right from the get go, anyone who messes with you messes with him, the Port Mafia boss himself and they will answer for their crimes no matter how miniscule they may be.
Beast! Dazai, who is desperate for you and your love but never manages to tell you. Instead he chooses to isolate you, to make you dependent on him so that you can have no one to turn to other than him. ADA! Dazai is at least sensible enough to understand that yes, personal choice actually does matter even if he will have it play out how he wants to in the end but Beast! Dazai does not have the time for that shenaniganary! He hides his despair and need for you like a true master of all lies and trickery. He tells you he could kill you immediately, put a bullet in your head and find someone else to screw with and you believe him.
How can you not?
Never in a million years could you predict that this man was ready to destroy the world for you and create it anew, that no one else in this world, this universe could ever replace you.
You, his sun, moon, star, his heart. His everything. And you will never know. But that's okay because Dazai knows. And he will always keep you close, forever and always.
🕊️ TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @misdollface, @sxy0ung, @rosemary108233, @itssara-chan
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flametrashiraarchive · 10 months
I have come to demand Giyuu HCs with chubby reader
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*crawls out of a Muzan-smut-induced coma and gives you a shaky thumbs up.*
Oui, yes. More Tapioca.
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Tomioka Giyuu x Chubby reader
Mild NSFW below the cut. GN!reader.
It's unsurprising that when you first meet him, he doesn't speak much. He doesn't really speak to anyone. The other hashira told you not to take it personally (but it WAS personal)
He spends most of the encounter with his back to you.
Honestly, your first impression of him is that he's kind of a jerk, because how could you possibly know what's really going on in his head?
The fact of the matter is he has never seen anyone who looks so... comforting.
He really really wants to hug you. And he knows that's weird. So he just... doesn't look at you. He doesn't even acknowledge your existence.
Except he does, when no one's looking.
He finds comfort in just watching you, seeing you smile with the other hashira, watching how you adapt fighting styles to suit your body type, a little bit (a lottle bit) hypnotized by the way your hips sway when you walk.
He pines silently until you decide enough is enough and try to figure out what exactly his deal is.
Shinobu just straight up tells you he has a crush on you (the poor guy's ears are bright red as his blood runs cold.)
"Oh... I thought you didn't like me. I have a crush on you too, Giyuu."
He's practically a statue for the rest of the day. Tomioka brain go brrrrr.
After that you spend more time together,
He keeps bringing you food, your favorite snacks... he asked around and... not because of your weight... just... that's how he shows affection. He doesn't mean to offend... oh god...
He messed up, didn't he? He always messes up.
You have to assure him it's okay.
little by little he opens up.
But once those floodgates are open and he's comfortable in your relationship there is no holding him back.
Soft tummy? Pillow. Big booty? Pillow. Thick thighs? Pillow pillow.
This man is so touch-starved he won't leave you alone.
Even during hashira meetings which call for decorum, he'll still link his pinky finger with yours just so he's touching something.
He enjoys just being with you in comfortable silence, resting his cheek on your belly while you drape your arm over him.
He falls asleep like that and his face gets all smushy. It's adorable. (This man has INSANE bed hair.)
If you ever feel self conscious about your body, or really just about anything, he'll sit and listen to your concerns and then calmly inform you that you're so fucking wrong about yourself.
He knows what it's like to be filled with doubt and to question your worthiness. He doesn't want you to feel that way at all.
How could you think that about yourself? Just look at you. You're the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
And then he'll show you, because words can be difficult but loving you is easy.
He will slowly but firmly rail the self doubt outta you.
His self control is hanging by a fiber of a thread the entire time. He treads the fine line between being in control of his body and being an absolute quivering mess.
Whispers "fffffuuuuuck" and buries his face against any body part in reach when it all gets too much for him.
No amount of self doubt can convince you he isn't absolutely besotted and completely wrecked by you and your body.
He just really really really really likes you.
So please... please hug him.
He really needs it.
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randoimago · 5 months
I see you’re doing Hades again! Could you do something with Zagreus x Reader where the reader is a smith in asphodel who offers to make Zagreus armor (maybe as a payment to get out of a contract of some kind?) and over a bunch of escape attempts they fall in love? Bonus points if reader is friends with Eurydice and Eurydice is So Done with the pining and obliviousness (it’s not like Zagreus shows up randomly, he picks which doors to open)
Mutual Pining
Fandom: Hades
Character(s): Zagreus
Note(s): I had a lot of inspo with this request so I hope you enjoy what I wrote <33
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The first time he stepped through your door and saw you instead of Eurydice did cause some surprise to appear on his face. But he still greeted you politely. You introduced yourself and when he learned you're an armor smith, well that intrigued him.
And then he found himself visiting you more, bringing nectar as thanks for the upgraded bracers or shoes or whatever armor piece he chose when you gave him the options. He learned more about you and in exchange talked a bit about himself.
Then one day, he's going through the door in hopes to meet you. But then he sees Eurydice instead. It shouldn't surprise him too much since the doors don't exactly have the faces of who he'll be visiting. But he can't help feeling a tad let down. Zagreus still puts a smile on because he does like Eurydice a lot. She still sees through it and asks him about it.
Eurydice can't help but visit you after Zagreus leaves, you explaining that you were very busy and that's why your door wasn't available for him. But she sees through that to the fact that you're sulking too. She is very intrigued to see where this relationship goes. Only for it to go nowhere because you're both too shy or scared of whatever excuse you both have.
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"So the kid visited you again?" There's a hint of smugness to Eurydice's voice as she asks you this question. She knows that Zagreus visits you often. He's mentioned it a couple times when he has visited her because your door wasn't around (it was amusing to see the prince sulk a bit).
You already know where she's going with her question, but she continues before you can say anything. "Look, I get it. Love is scary, you don't want to admit you're in love. I will spill everything if I have to deal with you both sulking because you haven't seen each other the next time he runs through."
While Eurydice is the sweetest lady you know (the only one really besides the few that Zagreus has told you about), she can be very scary when she starts threatening. So you, reluctantly, promise that you'll at least attempt to say something the next time he comes through.
Of course, what you don't know, is she gave this same speech to Zagreus before. He had said he was trying to find a nice gift in exchange for all the armor you give him. Something that isn't the same nectar and ambrosia. Eurydice gave him a list of things you like and he has been doing his best to find some of the items.
Zagreus had personally asked his father if he could do something so that your room showed up in Asophodel. While he tried to dodge any questions thrown his way, he saw his mother giving a knowing smile and she helped persuade Hades for him. Zagreus was relieved to get out of that situation and now his heart pounds as he feels the blistering heat around him with the icon of the door that leads to you.
Zagreus did bring some nectar for you, but he also has another gift. What he didn't expect is to see you having something more than armor for him. He takes the bracers from you before sitting down as you present him with some food. You explain that Eurydice helped you make it and that you hope he likes it. And of course he does, as he hands you a gift from Elysium, his own explanation being that Achilles and Patroclus helped him pick out something worthy enough for you.
While it's not quite a confession from either side, it's obvious that the feelings are there and there's more than just pining. Zagreus promises that you both will go fishing for his next run when he looks like less of a mess. He isn't expecting the kiss you give to his cheek, but his bright smile lets you know that he very much enjoyed it.
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soapisahimbo · 1 year
Their S/O Already Has A Kid - 141 (+Alejandro & König) Edition
Anonymous asked: Your work is god tier, absolutely slaying rn. I'm not sure if you're taking requests but if you are... hear me out- can I please get the mw2 boys with an s/o who already has a kid? How would they interact with the kid?
So I wasn't entirely sure on what angle to approach this from, but I've written this as if reader has been a single parent who has worked with 141 for a while (not necessarily a soldier), the other parent isn't really in the picture and the kid is somewhere around 4-5 years old. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I sincerely hope you enjoy!
warnings: none! couldn't find a good gif to use though :(
John 'Soap' MacTavish:
From the second he finds out you have a child, way before there's even any suggestion that you will one day be a couple, he's on a mission to become The World's Best Uncle. It's like he's participating in a competition that no one else signed up for - he wants to be your kid's absolute favourite and he'll be damned if anyone else tries it. Will frequently ask you about the kid; "how're they doin' in school?", "do they have friends to play with?", "what do they want for Christmas?", "are they growin' well?", and even checks up with you to see if they need new clothes or anything. He will always have something for them for their birthday or Christmas and will happily say to you, "this is from Uncle Soap, all right? Take pictures when they open it, I wanna see how they like it!"
He has a natural desire to look after the people around him, and since he considers you a close and fast friend, he'll want nothing more than to help you out if he can. The closer you grow, the more he gets the urge to prove himself worthy - to prove that he'll be good to you and that you can trust him - and it's a sentiment he keeps long after you get together. You and your child become like a family to him, and it's a family he's keen on keeping.
The two of them will be like two peas in a pod. He'll play around with them near constantly, tell them stories from his job (adjusted to be more child-friendly) and teach them how to play football. He asks them about school, helps them with homework and he will happily treat the kid as his own. You're the love of his life and this child is his best little friend. He loves you both dearly and it fills him with immense happiness to have you two to come back home to once you live together. If he's available for it, he'll go with you guys to events and theme parks, and hopefully longer vacation trips. He doesn't ever expect them to call him "dad" (although if it were to happen, it would probably have him sobbing uncontrollably), he's just happy to be with you, and to be The World's Best Uncle Soap.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
It's worth mentioning that he'll be hesitant to get any closer to you than necessary at first, not because of any sort of disdain towards you or towards kids, but because of who he is. Simon has been through some terrible shit, and his work consists of doing even more terrible shit, and so he thinks that being any sort of role model to a child is way out of his range.
This doesn't mean he doesn't care, though. When you first get to know him, he seems cold and aloof and he doesn't seem to show any particular interest in you. What with you being on his team though, and him knowing that you're a single parent, he might approach you with the intent of at least showing some sort of support, whatever support he might be capable of showing.
He'll get something for the kid, like a stuffed animal or some sort of toy, but he doesn't hand it to you personally; he'll leave it somewhere where he knows you'll find it, like on your desk if you have one, and pretend like nothing happened.
He wants to keep his distance, but he can't deny the strange urge to look after you. It starts slow. He never asks, but he'll listen when you tell him about your child; how they've been doing lately, what you've done during the weekend, something funny they did or said. At first you might think he's ignoring you, but then one day he hands you a little trinket and tells you it's "for the little one, figured they might like it."
Growing closer and realizing that he has feelings for you is a complicated ordeal for him and he tries to keep it locked away deep down, but he's unable to stop himself for some reason. Once together, he cares greatly about you and your child, even if he might not always know how to show it.
He makes an unspoken promise to never let anything harm either of you, and so he keeps you under the radar as best he can. His team might know that you're together, but that's as far as they're informed. You won't hear much from him while he's out on missions, and he rarely mentions you or your kid to anyone, keeping any information about you sealed up tightly in the back of his mind, and if anyone asks he'll only give short-clipped answers, if he even bothers to answer in the first place. It's all to keep you safe.
With you, though, he's much more loving and gentle than others would even guess he's capable of. If you live together, he'll pick your kid up in his arms when he gets home and plant a gentle and loving kiss on your lips in greeting. Never raises his voice at anything if one or both of you are near, even if he's aggravated or annoyed. He plays ever so gently with your kid, even if they're play-wrestling and he's tossing them around because he's incredibly aware of his strength, and he sits patiently and quietly while they doodle on his arms or even his face and tells them bad (child-friendly) puns to get them to laugh. You and the kid are practically the only ones that get to see him smile.
His own childhood was incredibly traumatizing, and he tries his damnedest to make sure that that doesn't bleed over onto you or the kid, even if it means that he has to step away for a while. He's working on it, you might just need to give him some time. If this is as serious as he thinks it is, he wants to be the absolute best that he can be for you.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
He is oh, so gentle with your child. He's the dude that calmly and casually follows your kid around to make sure that they don't get in trouble while they explore. He's done it since the first time they met, and he still does it now, only interfering when they're headed somewhere they shouldn't be, or when they turn to him to play or talk. The type to offer to take care of them so that you can rest or focus on other things, and tells you "it's no skin off my nose" when you tell him that he really doesn't need to. He lets the kid approach him rather than try to get them to interact with him, and it's because of this exact mindset that kids usually love him. If they want to hug him, he'll happily wrap them up in a big and warm hug, but he's not going to convince them to because kids deserve their own bodily autonomy just as much as any adult.
He's one of those people who just magically makes kids fall asleep even when they're in that "I am dead tired but I refuse to sleep for some ungodly reason so I'm just gonna scream and cry at everything"-state, and it baffles you every time, but you're certainly not complaining. He has this air about him that is just very calming, and he makes both you and your kid feel immensely safe just by his presence alone. He starts out as just a close and caring friend, and the transition to more than just friends to an actual couple is a smooth one; one day you just kiss and you're not even surprised. It feels natural to have him around and when you see him interact with your child, it's like he's supposed to be there. You can't imagine anyone else, as if whatever empty space was there had been Gaz-shaped all along.
Gets your kid to laugh delightfully without even trying, wipes their tears gently and kisses their cheeks when they've scraped their knees or bumped their head, listens intently when they talk, even if they're just speaking nonsense ("but of course, all superheroes are from Norway."*) and will absolutely not laugh when they call Soap a dumb stinky poopyface.
Despite his calm demeanour though, Gaz is still a soldier, and very well-trained one at that. Should anyone approach you or your kid with the intent to harm you or threaten you, rest assured that he will not just let that slip by. He would give his life to protect both of you without even a hint of hesitation.
*based on an actual conversation I had with one of my nephews
Alejandro Vargas:
He doesn't care what anyone says, doesn't care what anyone thinks, doesn't care about what the kid looks like or how old they are, he is Dad™ now. Will wholeheartedly claim your child as his own and fight anyone who questions it. What the hell do you mean they look nothing alike, that's his fucking kid, are you blind?
He's so eager and willing to help, even long before you start dating. Takes any chance he gets to invite you and your child over, be it for food, for movie nights, to go to the park, or simply to talk. Before you know it, he has clothes and toothbrushes dedicated to both of you at his place, reminding you again and again that his door is always open for you; no need to even knock.
Let's be real, as generous and charming as he is, it's his sincerity that has you falling for him. He offers to take care of the kid while you rest, or to come over to clean up your home (Rodolfo might join as well, partly because of his goodhearted nature, partly because Alejandro roped him into it), and he looks you deep in the eyes when he tells you that his family is your family, be it Los Vaqueros or his own blood relatives. It's how he confesses to you as well, telling you that even if you don't reciprocate, he'll still be there for you.
If you didn't know any better, you yourself would start to question whether or not Alejandro is somehow the actual father. It's like they have some sort of telepathic connection, almost. The only one who knows that kid's moods and mannerisms and habits better than him, is you. He works with you like a team to make sure that you're always on the same page and make sure that you know that he only ever wants the best for you and the kid. Teaches them Spanish if it's not already their native language, and if they happen to pick up a curse-word from somewhere, he'll be horrified (kid said "puta" once and you thought he'd have a heart attack).
Much like Ghost, he'll keep you under the radar to keep you safe. Sends letters and gifts in secret when he's deployed, and now has a stronger determination than ever to stay alive. He doesn't ever want to imagine that one day might be the last he'll ever see you, so he'll walk through hell and high water to make sure he will return to you.
He doesn't really know how to handle kids, but he sure does try. He is huge compared to this tiny little human - his calf alone is almost the same size as the entire child - so he tries to shrink himself down as much as he can. They might be a bit intimidated by him at first, but once that passes he is practically given the role of a human jungle gym. He stays alert, making sure that he's able to catch them should they fall off, and as awkward as he might feel, he would never let this little one come to harm. When you tell your kid to leave him be or be gentler with him, he quickly assures you that it's no problem and that he doesn't mind it at all; thinks it's quite fun actually. Before you know it, this tiny being less than a quarter of his size will be like his little sidekick, and it's honestly the funniest thing you've seen.
He's nervous around you though, not only because it's your child, but because over time the harmless little crush he's had on you grows stronger and stronger and stronger, and he's not sure how to handle it. When he tells the kid to be good to you, it's partly directed towards himself as well, as if he's telling himself to look after you. The idea of holding the child in one arm and you in the other fills him with such warmth that it almost catches him off guard. You're the one who tells him how you feel, and it kickstarts a full avalanche of stumbling words out him, because he's trying to find the right way to tell you that he feels the same and that he wants to be a part of your life.
He will be incredibly gentle with that child - he'll fuzz over the tiniest little bump or bruise or scrape, even if they're not bothered by it in the slightest. Picks them up very carefully while they can pull and tug and jump on him with all the strength their little body can muster without him ever budging - play-wrestling and tickle fights will be very carefully done because he would hate to accidentally hurt them. Loves teaching them German if they don't already speak it, and much like Alejandro, he will practically see his life flash by his eyes if they ever happen to learn a curseword from somewhere - especially if they accidentally picked it up from him.
Will keep any semblance of violence away from you and your child to as far of an extent as he can, but if anything happened to either one of you, he'd crush the skulls of everyone involved with his bare hands, that's for sure.
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praisethegabs · 11 months
pairing: leon kennedy x reader synopsis: he needs comfort and someone who cares about him, and you know he won't say it. at least, not out loud. author's note: another request, i think it's very cute. it's my first attempt to write a drabble, and here it is. this was heavily inspired by a conversation i had with my friend today! i hope you like it, anon 💓 warnings: just fluff in general with a small angst, no use of y/n, second person (you) word count: 934
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Leon was a terrible liar.
You were his partner for years, and you were always there with him during assignments. You knew him better than anyone else and there was nothing he could hide from you. Your relationship with him was something very unique, and you knew you were the only person he truly trusted.
But oh lord, it was very hard to gain his trust.
That's why you didn't even cared having him laying on your couch on a Saturday night after almost one month away from home. He was tired just like you were and yet, he seemed bothered with something.
"Is everything okay?" you ask him, sitting on the floor, crossing your legs as you observes him.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he says, his arm resting on his face as he tries to protect his sight from the lights. "Just tired"
"You're a bad liar, Kennedy" You smirk, trying to provoke him as you poke his waist, making him groan a little. "Come on, big guy"
"I hate you" he muttered to you, slaping your hand from his waist, before he glances at you, getting more comfortable on your couch.
"You love me" you smirk, still poking him, which makes him sigh a little, rolling his eyes as he gets slightly annoyed by your insistence.
"Have you ever had this feeling... like... you don't belong to anyone else?" he asks you, sitting on your couch, sighing deeply. "Like... you're not destined to be with anyone? Always alone and this kind of bullshit?"
"Wow, I've never thought of that... why?" You raised an eyebrow, the smirk on your lips fading away, as you notice some sadness in his piercing blue eyes.
But he seemed hesitant for a moment, trying to find the right words to express himself, which was something he had a lot of trouble to do. Leon was a low profile person. He always kept things for him instead of opening himself up with others, so telling someone how he felt was a big deal.
"I mean, recently I've been asking myself if I'm not a lovable person, y'know? Like there's something wrong with me, like I don't deserve to be loved..." Leon avoids your gaze, focusing on your plant instead. You knew it was serious.
"Since when you've been thinking about this?" You ask him, joining his side on the couch, trying to gain his attention.
"I don't know... it's been a while. I feel like I won't end with someone, I won't have an happy ending, like everyone else. You know, everyone I ever cared about ended up betraying me or hurting me... which makes me ask myself if I'm not worthy of love" he finally looks at you and you can notice he's trying his best to not break in front of you.
How can you show him you care? How can you tell him he's worthy of love and he deserves all the happiness in the world? No matter what you say, he won't believe you. He's so broken inside, he's so shattered into a thousand of pieces that words can't fix him. How can you convince him he deserves only the best, when all he sees is pain and suffering? He was hurt before, and he tries so hard to hide it, but sometimes, when there's only you with him, he finally allows himself to be vulnerable. But this? This confession? Well, it's not like anything else you heard before.
So, with just an simple gesture, you just involved him in your arms, in a tight hug that could melt him inside you, where no one would hurt him again.
And when he feels this hug, when his skin touch yours, he knows he can be whatever he wants with you. He can be vulnerable, he can be everything he isn't while he's with others. Deep down, all he needs is someone to rely on. You.
"I have something to say, and I want you to hear me very carefully, Leon" you said, touching his face so he can look you in the eyes, and he just nods. "You're the most beautiful, lovely and bravest man I've ever knew. And by beautiful, I mean inside and out. You're worthy of all love of the world, you deserve to have an happy ending like everyone else and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise"
He smirks, even there's sadness in his eyes. He nods again, a few tears dropping from his eyes as he bury his face in your neck, seeking comfort. Gently, you start to stroke his hair, leaning against the couch to be more comfortable as he lays on your chest, breathing more calmly.
"Thank you" he whispers, closing his eyes as he can hear your heart beating calmly inside your chest, your fingers still playing with his hair. "For everything"
"What can I say? I love you, jerk" you smirk, looking down at him, his face buried on your neck, but a soft smile on his lips. "And you better remember that"
"I will. Always" his breath on your neck makes your body shiver, and he notices it, makes him smile even more.
This is the unique relationship you have with him. The only person who knows his insecurities, the person he always seeks when he needs comfort and assurance. By the end of the day, it's you he'll always want to be with.
"By the way, I'll always take care of you" you whisper to him, even though you knew he's asleep now. He's snoring softly and you know he's in peace. "Always"
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kairiscorner · 9 months
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (2/4)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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miles morales. — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: he didn't think it'd happen so soon... well, love always takes place in the most unexpected places and times, no? pairing: miles 1610 x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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miles morales believed he was never one to fall easily, to fall first, or to fall... hard; but you helped him realize that he, in fact, was all of those things. the moment he met you was the moment he realized what he wanted, who he wanted, in life. you were the one who made sense of his life, the one who opened his eyes to the person he wants to be with, and you were the first person to ever want to be more than a stranger that captivated his whole heart and soul this way--you were special, and always will be to him.
miles morales is literally the sweetest boy you've ever met; he acts like he could be anyone's friend, anyone's brother, anyone's cousin–he gets along with nearly everybody, and that's the nicest part about him to you. he's always so friendly with everyone, especially towards you–a stranger he just met today.
miles morales started off as a stranger, started off as this cute, yet lost, looking boy to you that you stumbled upon at a busiest part of the campus. you were both new kids, and you were both incredibly lost, and weren't looking where either of you were going.
miles morales bumped into you by accident–it was practically a collision, actually. you two crashed into each other and were seeing stars, with him apologizing that he bumped into you in the first place. "sorry, i wasn't... wasn't looking, ow..." he groaned out as his once blurry vision cleared and he caught glimpses of your face.
miles morales he didn't know what to say at first, or how to even say anything to such a... a perfect person. he didn't feel worthy of being spoken to, being apologized to the same way he did to you.
miles morales was caught in his own world, drowning and getting lost in the vast expanse of your beautifully colored irises, the length of your eyelashes, the shape of your nose, the way your eyebrows crinkled in pain at the impact--the way your voice captures his attention with how sonorous and captivating it is; and the way the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck rise up at the feeling of your gentle, supple flesh of your hands against his is.
miles morales pulls away from your touch, he accidentally picked up your books instead of his; his mind is a mess right now since, wow, it's been a long, long while since he's felt this way. he actually doesn't even remember if... he's felt this way for anybody before you, and it's crazy because... he's never known you existed until now. "sorry! sorry, um, i'm... wow, am i such a klutz. here, lemme help you, for real this time." he said with a chuckle as he handed you his books and picked his own books off the ground.
miles morales thought helping you out, flashing you a smile, and apologizing to you would be the end of it, because who would spend extra time chatting with a stranger who bumped into you? well, apparently, you would. as he began to walk away, you instinctively reached out and held him by the arm--that sent sparks flying from his chest and a heat creeping up his face as he turned to look at you.
miles morales couldn't believe you'd really stop him in his tracks to properly thank him. he's had his fair share of strangers that never end up in his life again after that one chance encounter he's had with them. he's gone through many people in his life, doing things for them and them doing things for him, and he always thanks them, but hardly ever gets thanks--especially like this. he doesn't know how to feel about it, he isn't sure on how to feel about it; it's so new to him... and he's craving for more of you, to know you even more from the inside out.
miles morales is a stuttering, flustered mess. a smile is drawn on that innocent, loving face of his that isn't sure of how to react; surprised, taken aback, or... grateful? grateful that you were kind and patient enough to consider the person behind the kind act and thank him. "i-it's nothing, really! i'm always happy to help such a pretty-- um..." 'crap, i slipped.'
miles morales is wincing at him slipping up and admitting that, yes, he found you very adorable, attractive, though you were both strangers--and... he wants to get to know you even more, badly. he craves to be your friend, but he didn't think you'd want to--you were both strangers to begin with, but... maybe this is his chance to show you just how much sweeter he can be the more you get to know him, he's already taken a liking (understatement, really) to you.
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tags !! @k4tsu3 @onginlove @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @solecitoszn @meowmoraless
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itisnotaphasemom · 1 month
I might not be able to put this the right way, and maybe others have said this already,
but to me, the main thing about Cloud and Aerith is the way he tries to grow for her and because of her.
In a way, they could be quite similar. Both are incredibly lonely, and they share similar trauma. Both have lost their mothers in tragic, malicious ways. Both are confused about their identity and past. Cloud learns how much just he has forgotten and that something is very wrong with him, just like Aerith keeps finding out how little she actually knows about her ancestry or the circumstances of her mother's death.
Cloud and Aerith both realize this and are able to sympathize with one another. Aerith is incredibly patient with Cloud and him trying to uphold the walls he built around himself at all times.
I think Cloud knows there is a fundamental difference about them, though. And, that is that despite everything that has happened while Cloud has been putting up walls and has become hardened, Aerith has not. While Cloud looks to the past, is angered, shut off, and distant, Aerith has gone the opposite route. She remained soft and hopeful. It's not to say she isn't sad or lonely or angry, which she is, but she isn't faulting the world for this. She wants things to get better, instead of wanting revenge.
Generally, I think there are relationships that make you look to the past or to the future and I don't think there's right or wrong in that if it isn't too extreme.
But I think Aerith makes Cloud look into the future. I think he's always been either checked out about looking either way, or obsessed with the past, about what happened and how to mend it.
Aerith makes him believe in a future because she has been through similar things and she has come out on the other side hopeful. Because she is still good to people and because she still loves, she still cares. And I think this makes Cloud want to grow, too.
And he's showing this in some of Aerith's darkest moments. When she acknowledges her dark thoughts on the beach, he reacts with understanding, and he helps her going forward, supporting her when he can (even without the obligatory merc fee). He encourages her to speak out about her past at the lantern festival. I think as someone being taken in by a stranger as a child, essentially putting her guardian's life at risk and bringing heavy baggage along, she learned to have to be pleasant at all times to be loved. Through Cloud, she learns that this other side of her, the one that is struggling with embracing her difficult past and path forward, is also worthy of love and protection. She says to him on the beach, she is sure, he will love future Aerith, the one she is growing into right at that moment - she, too, is changing because of him.
These moments show he really wants to be there for her the same way she is there for him. He wants to make her happy and support her. He wants to protect her while she protects the world. He feels responsible for her, and it's a role he wants to grow into, and he does.
In a way, Clouds world just gets a lot bigger while Aerith is in it. When she is there, he actually laughs, he smiles like he does with no one else, and finally, he even cries holding her in his arms, when he was on the cusp of being turned into an emotionless weapon just moments before.
This, in turn, makes Aerith open up to him in a way she doesn't do with the others, too. They both see a side of the other person nobody else gets to see.
I think this is amplified in the ending when Cloud is literally the only person who knows what happened to her, that witnessed her death and who's able to see her afterward.
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yayakoishii · 7 months
Good evening, how are you? I hope you are well. I really loved your fics with chubby reader (I laughed so hard with Sanji "whoever you're talking about, I agree with Nami. no one is worthy of you") and I wanted to know if your asks are still open? I don't know if you're comfortable writing comedy, but I think it would be funny if Reader was a fighter and Sanji saw her applying the move from this link on some random enemy (https://youtu.be/JgnUVcFx_Tg?si=KY3nrRhF86C91fOV), and asked her to apply it to him (kind of nfsw-ish but no big deal)
Move | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 500~
Genre: Fluff?? Silly?? Drabble
A/n: Hey there anon! I'm doing great, thank you for asking <3 First of all, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my fics and I'm sorry for being so late ;-; Do I like comedy? Very much. Am I good at it? ...no. So the best I could manage was this small quick thing which isn't much or even all that funny tbh, but I hope it atleast is enough to bring a smile on your face. That's enough for me ♡
also available on ao3!
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"You messed with the wrong bitch!!" You shouted as you swung your leg right into the side of the man. He doubled over and you swung it once more to go right over his head, effectively knocking him out. Behind him, you could see another one of his comrades running towards you.
Using the first guy as a springboard, you jumped on the man, your thighs coming to close around his head. The force and weight forced him to topple backwards and you took the moment to quickly snap his neck and clambered off him. When you turned around, you found that the others were down already thanks to Sanji, who was fighting alongside you.
But right now, the chef was staring at you with an open mouth. You self-consciously patted at your hair and clothes, wondering if something got askew because of the fighting.
"Uh, Sanji?" Your careful murmur of his name jolted the said man out of his thoughts. Sanji immediately leaned in close, just enough to not get into your personal bubble and picked up your hands.
With hearts in his eyes, he requested, "Do it to me."
Huh? You were confused, looking at him in concern.
"Do what?" You asked.
"The move you just did on that guy!"
That was an odd request. Sanji never wanted to fight or even spar with you, despite your insistence so for him to suddenly ask this...
"Are you sure?" You tried to confirm he was serious and if the way he was about to snap his neck with how hard he was nodding was not a confirmation, then you didn't know what was. Still, you didn't want to actually hurt him. "Alright, but I'm not going to hurt you. Let me know if something goes wrong, because you know I'm shit at patching up wounds and I will have to go get Chopper."
"Of course, my sweet," he swooned, swaying on his spot. Still confused, but not wanting to refuse without a valid reason, you backed up a bit to jump on him, smoothly bracketing Sanji's head between your thighs such that his face pressed against your stomach– and oh.
You suddenly realised why he wanted you to pull that move on him.
The blonde chef toppled backwards from the force too and now you were pretty much sitting on his face, both of you blushing heavily. Before you could say anything or move away though, blood spurt out of Sanji's nose and he fainted. You paused and stared at his blissed out face with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment for a few seconds.
"Just for that, I'm not going to call Chopper. Stay conked out, hmph!"
You looked away, cheeks growing redder. He really had the nerve to ask that– shameless! But really, the worst part was that you didn't really mind it. It just felt like Sanji has unknowingly taken advantage of your huge crush on him. The only solace you had was that atleast no one was around to see this. Thinking so, you made to get off when Nami's voice made you freeze.
"Get a room, please, and don't forget to pay me for the bleach my eyes need."
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while i understand why some viewers would be puzzled by Achi's quietness, reserved energy, and the way he nearly always lets Karan take the lead - which might make it seem like he isn't invested in the relationship - for me that is actually an element I really like because it makes certain moments hit a lot harder.
the way I've been interpreting it is that Achi's critical insecurity and lack of self-worth is still deeply rooted and trying to keep him stuck in his default closed off/blend into your environment behavior model. that is certainly not going to go away overnight, but the more he interacts with Karan in this new romantic relationship context, the more opportunity Karan has to start chipping away at the barrier that keeps Achi from letting himself feel comfortable in a state of being loved. and it seems like a challenge that Karan is more than happy to take on, because you can see how giddy he gets when he's able to get a full-bodied positive reaction out of Achi. like when Karan said, cheezily and with an air of ridiculousness, that he had opened the bottle for Achi so Achi wouldn't wear himself out.
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like Karan is RELISHING having elicited this wide, full-faced smile out of Achi.
we also saw Achi being treated like an object of beauty as Karan poses him for photos. he's being handled preciously by Karan, and for me this read as 'aaaaaahhhhhh my heart is racing i cant breathe, i've never felt like this before, i love this feeling.' It's a quiet and inward-facing response, but it has a huge amount of significance in regards to Achi's self-image. He is realizing through all of Karan's careful and loving gestures and affectionate gazes that he is beautiful in Karan's eyes - and he's starting to believe it himself, helping him build the confidence to begin responding fully to Karan and extending himself in turn.
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We can estimate that Achi has probably never been comfortable with photo taking because he is so self-conscious about his body, and it takes the first half of the date for him to loosen up. but later on when Karan asks Achi if he would be interested in being photographed even more to fill the time before dinner, Achi agrees readily and with a smile, because he has become that comfortable in Karan's company. and Karan, again, is delighted at this slow but steady change in Achi's receptiveness to being loved and adored.
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It does seem like Achi isn't vocalizing his feelings nearly as much as Karan. But remember - most of Karan's deepest, most intense romantic pinings have occurred in his thoughts and not out loud, because he's very concerned with Achi's comfort and doesn't want to scare or overwhelm him. Karan is open with his body language and more than comfortable offering signs of his care and affection, a stark contrast to Achi.
Achi, on the other hand, hasn't quite let himself believe that he's worthy of Karan's love and instead seems to think that Karan has made a horrible mistake. This is changing, and we are starting to see how Achi is slowly letting himself believe that this is real and that Karan knows who he is and is in love with him, the real him - and this naturally leads Achi to start viewing himself as a lovable person.
But one side effect of Achi having spent so long doubting Karan's affection for him is that he seems to have tried to squash any hope he might have inside him that anything good could happen to him, that he could really have a claim to Karan and Karan a claim to him. This is an act of self-preservation, in case Karan 'comes to his senses' and realizes that Achi is actually boring, unremarkable, and unworthy of being cared for by anyone.
So when Achi starts to let hope seep in, it really is precious. in episode 7, he expresses genuine fear about revealing his mindreading to Karan - because the outcome could likely be that Karan will be put off and not want to be around Achi anymore. he and Karan had reached a point of promise and new beginnings (love! hope!), and Achi doesn't want to risk losing Karan as a lover.
Achi also had a moment of real vulnerability this episode, when he tells Tanaka that Karan's support has been a source of motivation for him to continue striving for self-growth. Achi's eyes are welling with emotion, and Karan definitely wasn't expecting an admission like this from Achi.
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Achi is visibly having a rough time in the meeting with Tanaka, and reacts with a look of panic when Tanaka asks what would happen if he and Karan broke up, as well as when Karan offered to resign.
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Achi had allowed himself to feel hope at the prospect of having Karan be a part of his life, and is starting to panic as complications threaten their ability to start laying a foundation for their relationship in earnest. He's racking his brain for ways to help Karan, covering his eyes as he builds himself up to look at Karan's sales number like its a horror film, and checking in with him/worrying about Karan non-stop.
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Favorite moment of the episode: Karan being as explicit as he's ever been about his romantic aspirations ("No obstacles can come between our love now") and Achi looking like he feels like the most special boy in the universe, UNDENIABLY very excited to hear it but also embarrassed - and Karan is so tickled to have gotten that reaction from him.
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The episode ends with Achi singing along with the song in Karan's head and being adorably playful when Karan brings him candy. I feel like Achi is a stray cat that Karan is trying to tame, except in this case Achi's feral quality is his insecurity hindering outward expression and Karan is 'taming' him by providing him the comfort and safety to be himself. Every time Karan wins a moment of Achi allowing his true feelings and personality to shine through, I think of someone being like 'mom, the cat I've been trying to win over - he's coming up to sniff my hand now!'
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Something to be excited about in next week's episode based on the preview: they have clearly broken through the physical affection barrier. Ecstatic hugs, heads in laps, holding hands in bed, piggy back rides...Achi is going to further permit himself to feel and want things and indulge those wants, and also give Karan affection in return, showing that he is just as happy to be with Karan as Karan is to be with him, and just as invested in the future of their love story. While its been a journey mixed with slow and subtle growth, I really do love and appreciate how the narrative is allowing Achi the time and space to transform how he views himself and how that translates to his relationship with Karan.
more thoughts here
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 10 months
New series idea: analysing my favourite (underrated) lines from Six of Crows
I feel like I haven't given you any analysis in a while, and I've had this idea for some time now so I thought it was worth giving it a try. This is going to be a list of my personal favourite quotes in Chapter 2 of Six of Crows with explanation/analysis for any that I have an explanation/analysis for - but if a famous or popular quote isn't included then it's not because I don't like it, it's just because I don't feel I have anything new to add to the existing analyses around it. And yeah, if you guys like this then I'll make it a more regular thing and go through chapter by chapter (probably sometimes including multiple chapters in one post), so let me know what you think!
(Also, I chose to start with Chapter 2 on purpose because I don't have loads to say about Chapter 1, but if anyone is interested I'm open to trying it in the future)
"every favour came with enough strings attached to stage a puppet show" - ugh words cannot explain my love of this quote. Not only is this a gorgeous and vibrant metaphor that brings forth very clear imagery, it also achieves two different concepts relating to the idea of the "puppet show". Firstly, we have the idea that Kaz is the puppet master and Ketterdam is his stage; he is in complete control, he can bend the city to his whims, and it's ultimate his say that can make or break someone. This is definitely the image we're given of Kaz in the opening two chapters, and this singular line really reinforces that, however the rest of the book and many of the descriptions in Crooked Kingdom unravel this view very quickly. This description far better fits Pekka Rollins, which brings me onto the other concept relating to the "puppet show": the question of who it actually is pulling the strings. Arguably Kaz is a puppet on Rollins' stage, and Rollins a puppet on the Merchant Councils'. each has power but each is ultimately at the whims of the other. This brings worth the suggestion that something darker is at play and that there's far more to Kaz than initally meets the eyes before we've even met him, so in short it's just completely and utter genius.
"Kaz hated a puzzle he couldn't solve, and he and Inej had concocted a hundred theories to account for the murder - none of which satisfied" - again, Kaz has thus far said a single line, and not one with a lot of information in it ("Yes and no. It's always good to have a country in debt to you, makes for friendlier negotiations) and yet we know so much about him - and even some details about his relationship with Inej! It even tells us a lot about Inej; we've been presented with a figure heralded as near-omnipotent in his city, someone no-one wants to be on the wrong side of, someone who has complete control over every conversation he has with you, and she is someone with whom he will spend hours trying to solve a riddle? So then, the reader is forced to think, what kind of power does she has? What makes her worthy of his closeness, why does he trust her, and why does she know him well enough to so intimately know his likes and dislikes? Inej hasn't even spoken yet.
"But it didn't feel neutral to Inej. It felt like the hush of the woods before the snare yanks tight and the rabbit starts to scream" - ok most of my enjoyment of this quote is just of the beautiful prose, however I would like to add that all six Crows experienced this sort of 'calm before the storm' leading up to the most painful experiences of their lives - Wylan thinking he could go to music school, Inej at the beach with her parents and calling sleepily to the man she though was her father, Kaz staying at the cafe and meeting Margit and Saskia, Matthias knowing he was going to be a big brother, Jesper seeing his mother for the last time when she picked him up and hugged him even though he was up past his bedtime, Nina feeling that she had purpose and loving the way she could help her country - so this could be considered foreshadowing.
" 'Care to place a wager?' Jesper asked.
'I'm not going to bet on my own death,'
Kaz flipped his hat onto his head and ran his gloved fingers along the brim in a quick saulte. 'Why not Bolliger? We do it every day,' "
"Kaz had done his best to teach her, but she didn't quite have his way with breaking and entering, and it took her a few tries to finesse the lock" - my main source for liking this quote comes from an analysis I did a while ago when someone asked me about comapring this quote and Kaz's self-proclaimed "shoddy job" of teaching her to pick locks. It's a while since I posted that so I'll run through it here briefly, basically it's very indicative of their relationship dynamic. Whilst both place the other on a pedestal, they do it in different ways, and Kaz particularly often glorifies Inej and almost finds it difficult to accept that she, like anyone, must be flawed. So if she fails at something, like picking locks as well as he can, and she cannot possibly be flawed then the error must be in his teaching - it can never be with her. It's also a glaring example of Kaz's self-destructive nature. My other reason for liking this quotes is just that it once again tells us about the characters so early on and without having to directly explain it to us - we know Kaz is good with locks because he tried to teach Inej and she isn't as good as him, but she still manages to get it open.
' "I'm a business man,' he'd told her, 'No more, no less,'
'You're a thief, Kaz,'
'Isn't that what I just said?' " - I ADORE this, but honestly all I can say for analysis is that it sums up the entire theme of the novels beuatifully.
"Now he looked like some kind of priest come to preach to a group of circus performers" - this sets up a great parallel that I've mentioned before in one of my "little details you might have missed/forgotten" posts, but it's also interesting to have it come from Inej's perspective since she's incredibly religious and performed as a travelling acrobat with her family. It's probably drawn from personal experience, someone in dark clothes who judges the brightness of Suli traditional clothing and/or culture and tries to preach religion to a group who've already long found it because they don't align with thier idea of religion. It's even possible that she links that idea with Kaz, not because of his actions but because he's from a country that has perversely sexualised and condemned her culture and he dresses like the rich merchants who would preach this exact kind of message - and possibly even have visited her at the Menagerie, where she was forced to appropriate her own heritage and way of life for the enjoyment of those who look down it with no reason for doing so.
"Inej pitied the boy who might die alone with no one to comfort him in his last hours or who might live and spend his life as an exile. But the night's work wasn't over yet, and the Wraith didn't have time for traitors" - this is one of the few but fabulous examples we get of the idea that "Inej" and "the Wraith" are separate entities; Inej being the girl she was, the girl she should have been, and the Wraith being a creation of necessity to aid survival. Inej is a religious young woman from Ravka who has been through far more than she should have done, but the Wraith was born and raised on the blood-soaked streets of Ketterdam and has every intention of surviving them - no matter the cost. This concept is only mentioned a few times, however it runs a beautiful parallel with the distinction between Kaz Rietveld and Kaz Brekker, or Kaz and Dirtyhands depending on how you look at it.
Ok I realise this is a pretty long post but thanks for reading it if you got this far, and I really enjoyed making this so please let me know if you guys would enjoy seeing more. And, in summary, Leigh Bardugo is a genius
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