#knuckles is solaris’ favorite you just KNOW
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Solaris’s favorite vessel.
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hevexns-realm · 2 months
Hiii, it's a random question time: What are favorite foods and drinks for Sonic characters in your AU? 👀
Ooo~ a good question! To be honest I didn’t really think about this before, but I think it’ll be interesting to give it a try! ^^
Sonic is the most obvious due to his cannon love for chili dogs, and he could eat them all the time if he could! For drinks, I feel like for a time it’d be Pepsi, but then swap it out for more “healthy” drinks, such as water or the occasional monster can for some extra energy!
Shadow is a little tricky, but due to his time with Maria, he probably has a favorite food from his times with her! I’d honestly say that he’d probably enjoy a good old medium rare steak and some red wine, but his absolute favorite? Chocolate. As he used to make a lot of chocolate with Maria back on the ark, and if you get chocolate from him, it’s going to be the best you’ve ever tasted! (He tends to make dark chocolate for Amy when her cramps get too bad!)
Silver is a pasta type, so any kind of pasta is his favorite dishes! He specifically loves Iris’ shrimp scampi, he doesn’t know what she puts into it, but it feels like it’s made with love and care every time!
Knuckles and tails love potatoes. However, knuckles likes the baked potatoes more, as it’s fluffy and soft, and you can customize it to your heart’s content! For drinks, knuckles tries to keep with just water, but he does drink the occasional beer with the boys, but not too much, he doesn’t want to give rouge the opportunity to steal the master emerald!
Tails loves anything to do with fries or chips, as they’re his go to with most dishes! Although on sick days, he loves himself some loaded potato soup that knuckles makes for him when he’s sick! For drinks, I say Coca Cola is his favorite drink, but specifically from the glass bottles. It just tastes heavenly.
Amy loves anything sweet, and shadow’s dark chocolate is one of her favorites! It’s just perfectly balanced between dark and bitter, yet sweet and creamy! Her absolute favorite though? Vanilla’s strawberry cake. It’s just absolutely delicious and creamy, and yet the strawberries blend in perfectly with their sweet and juicy flavor! It’s a perfect match with her teas, earl grey being her favorite. She always asks for vanilla to help with her parties, and the woman has recipes for every occasion!
Same goes for cream, her mother makes such amazing baked goods, it’s hard to ever choose a favorite! However, her favorite food in general is anything with veggies in them! (Can’t beat the rabbit allegations-) and her favorite drink is hot chocolate or milkshakes!
Nazo - due to his pots, he can’t have a lot of foods without them having the possibility of making his heart rate jump too high and make him pass out. However, he tends to eat more salty and protein filled foods to keep his blood pressure from becoming too low. They’re usually in small quantities and are ranging from cheeses and nuts to a small thing of pretzels or something salty. However, a favorite food? Probably Iris’ salmon mushroom carbonara. It’s filling, but yet it doesn’t make him feel like passing out from the blood instantly rushing to his stomach! For drinks, he needs salt, so he tends to carry some kind of electrolyte water around him. This is why if you see them out in public, seelkadoom has a small backpack or a tote bag on him at all times, except for when they go on fancy dates and all that. Iris usually packs a fancy satchel for those occasions.
Seelkadoom - now unlike nazo and Iris, he just likes the taste of more salty foods. However, his favorite food outside of his beloveds’ cooking? It has to be the funnel cakes and cotton candy that come around with the Solaris festival! And he ranges his drinks between water, Pepsi, an occasional monster, and on fancy occasions? Red wine.
Iris (TW: mentions of eating dead bodies 0-0||) - much like Nazo, she can’t have many foods due to her pots, and she’s kind of traumatized by eating one too many mobian sailor corpses for her own survival. So, she opts for lean proteins and veggies. It makes sense why sushi is her favorite dish! Although, she makes a wide variety of dishes that can help with the symptoms of pots at least a little bit.
Mephiles - he gets offered foods and drinks on the daily, and he really can’t choose an absolute favorite. However, ask him about his favorite memory regarding the food offerings, it’d be about a sweet trans woman who was visiting solleanna and left behind some homemade honey-sugar cookies, roasted tomato soup, and some noir wine. She stayed by his statue and chatted with him about a lot of things, and it was quite endearing that she was so willing to talk to him, especially about her own life. The food was made with a lot of love, just like her; He still watches over her to this day, hoping she’ll come back one day to talk to him again.
Iblis - she loves anything spicy, and there’s a Spanish chef in solleanna who makes some delicious foods with just enough spice that is just delicious. They’re also one of her most frequent visitors to her statue and temple. So let’s just say iblis has a small amount of favoritism to the cute chef she buys soup from! For drinks, a good old red wine is her favorite!
Circe - she loves a good old medium rare steak, but her favorite of all time? It’s actually quite odd for a hedgesiren, Cesar coast salad, a local specialty with the land close by. It’s the mixture of the local fish and veggies with a Cesar salad, and it’s honestly perfect for her!!
Scylla - she doesn’t really eat, especially since her dad is a piece of sh+t. But back when she was a teen, when she snuck out a lot. She always had these delicious octopus kebabs mixed in with some kind of kelp or seaweed. It was always so good, if she could go back in time for just a small amount of time, she’d go and buy some of those kebabs and savor their taste one last time before she got locked into the castle. Her favorite drink? Usually tea that a few of the guards sneak into her tower or the blood of enemies. The guards still do it, even though she and Circe are currently being interrogated by their father as we speak..!
Hope you enjoyed!
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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gayemeralds · 2 years
important question: what are your top 5 favorite qualities of sonic’s character?
rattling you like a snow globe i am. OOOOOOOH i love sonic's character so much let's see (in no specific order)
1) moral ambiguity
sonic's not a typical goody-two shoes protagonist and i think that's super interesting, especially considering how his other "rival" video game protagonists at the time (like link and mario, etc) were. sonic's not a very cut ad dry character- he is a simple guy, sure, but when you start to peel away at some of his layers.... he's a lot more nuanced than you're lead to believe
sonic's very much a live by my own rules sort of person. and while his rules sort of match up to him being the good guy, it doesn't always make him "heroic". he killed king arthur under the complete understanding that king arthur was a real person. he kills erazor djiin. he encourages elise to kill solaris. sonic's not afraid to fight dirty, and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it.
most protagonists are more of a "we have to save everyone" or "if we kill the bad guy we're just as bad as them" type. but i think sonic specifically is interesting, because he does help some overcome their misdeeds- like knuckles, shadow, silver- but ultimately it's because those people weren't that bad in the first place. they were misguided and manipulated and confused. if they had a full grasp of the situation at hand, chances are, they would have chosen a different path. and even if they didn't, they still showed the potential for true growth.
but for a lot villains that are simply plain evil... sonic doesn't seem to particularly hesitate. sonic's attack in satbk would have undoubtedly killed merlina- he didn't know her well enough to assume that she could choose a different path, and was willing to act first and talk later, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it.
not even with eggman. he was going to let his counter part in satsr fall to his death, until shahra convinced him not to. he's used excessive lethal force before, especially in the classic games. and then of course there's the implications that sonic lets eggman get away because he finds their adventures fun. like yes, sonic's going to stop him- everything eggman does is against his principles. so sonic's going to fight him. but sonic is also a thrill seeker and a daredevil, and wouldn't life be quite dull without eggman?
2) villainous qualities
it sort of ties into sonic's more moral ambiguity but i think sonic's interesting because a lot of his qualities, depending on the framing, could be quite villainous in nature. a guy who chases after adventures, who fights just for the thrill of it, who's stubborn and doesn't ever compromise, who lives life by his own rules and doesn't care if the breaks other peoples rules?
if sonic ever chose to be a villain... he'd make a pretty good one. he has a different set of morals than others and he doesn't like compromising on his beliefs. he thinks he's right, so he's going to act on it. and quite a few sonic villains share a similar point of view- that their revenge, that their opinion, is correct, and they have no intention on listening to anyone else's.
additionally... sonic's not particularly shy with manipulating those around him. you can see this characteristic plainly in sonic x and idw, where sonic manipulates his friends into trying to get him off a boat and shadow into not killing eggman.
deep down, sonic isn't that much different from rouge, for instance. they're both thrill seekers who don't compromise on their beleifs and are, in some senses, quite selfish. they're very self driven and independent and are great manipulators. the only difference between the two of them is that sonic seems to have a bit more compassion. they're two sides of the same coin.
3) environmentalist
i kind of miss the messaging of the older games... sonic was always invested in maintaining the beauty of the natural world around him. he fights a villain who essentially pollutes just for the heck of hit. he started this heroing gig with little more motivation than protecting his woodland animal friends and their homes.
it wasn't always about gods and the hubris of men pretending to be them. at the very beginning, it was just about protecting a tiny island in the middle of the ocean and the little critters who lived there.
it's also interesting to note how this can translate to other scenarios, like with merlina. she wanted to go against the natural order of things, she wanted to try to create an eternal kingdom- sonic saw through her selfishness and also tried to convince her that some things just were meant to end. and sometimes you just have to enjoy it as it was.
4) kindness
i think the last point also segways into sonic's kindness- again, sonic didn't necessarily start this mission to save the world. sonic did this to save those little animal friends. he stepped up to the plate and challenged a mad scientist armed with thousands of robotic drones and fought him.
i think the best instance of his kindness is in sonic 06, where that same compassion actually causes the end of the world. sonic's insistence on helping elise, and not just saving her but getting her to smile, ends up dooming the world. he forms a bond so strong with her in the small amount of time they'd been together that seeing him die causes elise to cry for the first time in ten years. it's his death that sets causes the apocalypse, all because he was compassionate.
it's this kindness, too, that i think adds more nuance to his character. because sonic is at his core a devil may care daredevil, who only does what he thinks is right, and who only does things for the fun and the thrill of it. but its not entirely true, because sonic will go above and beyond the demands of the situations he finds himself in.
saving tails from his bullies? sure. he doesn't believe in oppressors of any form. but then essentially adopting that kid and letting him tag along on adventures, despite his solitary nature and unwillingness to settle down or be tied down? not necessary. saving angel island and giving knuckels abck his master emerald? well, he can't just let eggman win. befriending knuckles after? not necessary. helping shahra stop erazor djinn from devastating the arabian nights? well it's not like he's got anywhere else to be at the moment and it looks like a fun challenge. promising to get shahra to smile and taking the hit for her? not necessary. defeating merlina after she shows her true colors? it's what he thinks is the right thing to do, and her disregarding the natural order of things is just plain wrong. but trying to console her after they attempted to kill each other? unnecessary.
sonic is a bizarre juxtaposition of selfish and selfless. he's here to have fun and constantly seeks out danger, but he's not just willing to save the world- he's also here to help you smile.
5) subversion from usual "speed types"
sonic's also interesting to me in a sense that he's not really your average speedster, personality wise. yes, sonic can get impatient, and he that can lead to him being reckless, but for the most part... sonic isn't afraid of taking things slow and steady sometimes.
sonic's hobbies outside of fighting bad guys include reading, looking at pretty natural landscapes, and snoozing. when he's not fighting a bad guy he travels the world but otherwise has some pretty mundane, rather slow hobbies.
think of the usual speedster archetype- fast talking, always on the move, never sits still, chatty and friendly and kind of annoying.
and sonic can be all those things, but sonic's also allowed to be pretty slow. he's allowed to laze around and read a book or take a long nap. he's allowed to be solitary and non-social and quiet. he knows how to slow down and smell the roses. he knows to appreciate the moments he's got.
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Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Story Review
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Disclaimer: I will be judging this game by the plot and writing, not the gameplay.
Greetings, mortals! For today's review, we'll be looking at one of the most overhated and criminally underrated Sonic game stories, Sonic 06.
Whenever I look at a Dark Era game, I see meaning, passion and effort put into it. And Sonic 06 is the epitome of meaning and passion. I never understood why so many people hated it back in the day, to be honest.
This is part of a series of reviews in which I’ll be going into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the main series Sonic game storylines, and why I think they're either well written and engaging, or an absolute trainwreck (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on the character portrayals, visuals, soundtracks, voice actors, and what themes/messages they had to offer. Keep in mind that these are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions!
Anyway, let us begin! ^^
Mephiles manipulates his way with everyone to release Iblis so he can re-form Solaris to enact his revenge on Shadow for locking him up in the Scepter of Darkness.
Sonic didn't have much involvement in the storyline other than him saving the same girl five times in a row without once interacting with the main villain. However, I do like seeing the mature, sympathetic side of Sonic's character, which would be further developed in games like Secret Rings, Unleashed and Black Knight.
Tails' inclusion in the story was kind of pointless. He doesn't really do anything besides follow Sonic around.
Knuckles' inclusion was pointless as well. He doesn't contribute anything. Shouldn't he be guarding the Master Emerald?
Also, I think Amy was flanderized much sooner than the rest of the cast.
"If I had to choose between the world and Sonic, I would choose Sonic!"
Remember back in SA1, when Amy went out of her way to protect Gamma, EVEN FROM SONIC? SEGA doesn't.
I love how Team Dark (Shadow, Rouge and Omega) is written here. They are the only team that each member contributes to the plot. They are presented as the truest friends and as they should be.
Silver is a great character with a very compelling storyline: He comes from a ruined time and has to come to terms that he's been manipulated and has to sacrifice his only friend to save his world. I love his powers, his childlike personality is adorable, and I love his relationship with Blaze, who acts as a mentor to him.
Mephiles is easily one of the best parts of 06 in my opinion. I personally consider him to be my second favorite Sonic villain next to Black Doom. He is an evil demonic creature who is really powerful. He is cunning, sly, and a scarily good manipulator. He is part of the sun god, Solaris, and he is smart and intimidating as well. And he is the only villain who successfully killed Sonic (albeit temporarily).
I never particularly cared for Princess Elise to be honest. I know that her romance with Sonic is a common criticism directed at the character, but my main issue with Elise is that she has zero personality besides loving Sonic, and she gets kidnapped more times than Princess Peach. I find the damsel in distress trope to be both sexist and cliche. The Sonic franchise has had many strong female characters, but Princess Elise is not one of them.
Eggman is just BORING in 06. His personality is subdued and is closer to a Bond villain than anything else. Eggman kidnaps Elise throughout the game because he believes she is connected to the Solaris project and wants to use her to rule the world. His plan is to extract Iblis from her soul. HE NEVER DOES IT. He never even attempts to do it, despite having multiple chances, after kidnapping Elise several times, he never gets any closer to succeeding in his plan.
As always, the CGI cutscenes look incredible. It legitimately felt like I was watching a movie. The in-game character models however, have a tendency to fall into the uncanny valley at times, with Eggman's "realistic" redesign being among the worst offenders.
I personally consider this to be my second favorite Sonic game soundtrack. The main theme, His World is amazing, Crush 40's rendition of All Hail Shadow is a banger, Dreams of an Absolution is one of my all time favorites, and while I don't care for Elise as a character, I do think that her theme, My Destiny is a beautiful, tear-jerking song.
Voice Acting
Like most of the Dark Era games, the voice acting is pretty good. Jason Griffith once again does a great job voicing both Sonic and Shadow, and Mike Pollock once again nails Eggman. Princess Elise may not be the best character in the franchise, but Lacey Chabert did a decent job voicing her. Amy Palant (Tails) did an okay job, Dan Green absolutely nails both Knuckles and Mephiles, Pete Capella (Silver) put a lot of emotion into his performance, and I really like that. Bella Hudson (Blaze) did an amazing job as well.
Sonic 06 has an excellent message that we need now more than ever: the past may be traumatic, the future may be bleak, but focus on the present moment to make the best of it. Shadow represents the past, Sonic the present and Silver the future. Shadow has come to terms with the past in his solo game, so Mephiles taunts him with his future but Shadow doesn't care because he focuses on the present moment. 06's theme is why the entire story is the way it is. 06 gives a better message to kids than the entire Meta Era.
Overall, I think Sonic 06 has a really good story despite its flaws. It had a lot of passion and effort put into it, and it has a great moral that we need now more than ever, so I find it disheartening when people blindly hate it for all the wrong reasons. 06's story may not be perfect, but it is very underrated and I believe it deserves more love.
My final score:
5.6/5 (Great)
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
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This is vaguely inspired by @imagining-in-the-margins part 9 of Here To Misbehave - go check it out it’s amazing!
Warnings- NSFW, public sex, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, swearing
A/N- There are real quotes from the movie in here but may not be in cinematic order, I got them from a quote website. Also the real Solaris movie is not 5 hours and is 166 minutes (it just feels ridiculously long).   
 Italics are Spencer’s translations.                                      
Spencer and I rarely had a chance to have date nights, because of our jobs we usually grabbed every spare little moment. Usually that resulted in spur of the moment 15 minute dates when we finally had some alone time away from the team. Luckily for our stressed out minds Hotch had finally put his foot down on letting the team have some vacation time. I still am not sure how he got Strauss to agree to a two week vacation.
The two of us now had two weeks to do whatever we wanted, so we agreed to a plan, Spencer would plan the first week and I would do the next. He had been tight lipped about all of his plans until we made our way to the car and he finally broke. He confessed that we were going to see an old film he loved- a Russian film to be exact from 1972 called Solaris.
Spencer always planned out the quirkiest dates, while most people would be put off by movies that I couldn’t even understand or bookstores that were filled with academic books, it made him even more special in my eyes. During the entire ride to the cinema he gave me various facts about this obnoxiously long movie we were about to see (5 hours to be exact), letting me in on all the knowledge he kept up in his gorgeous brain.
“Did you know that the film was written Andrei Tarkovsky and Fridrikh Gorenshtein to attempt to give sci-fi films more emotional depth? They viewed western works in the genre as shallow due to their focus on technological inventions.”  He rambled out at impressive speed as we pulled up to the small rundown cinema. Spencer often planned out dates here because they willingly showed foreign and obscure indie films, which he found more appealing over mainstream blockbusters. Plus the yellow tinged cinema lights and old time ticket booths gave off a vintage vibe that we both reveled in.
We made our way up to the ticket booth, my heels making Spencer slow his lanky strides significantly. I could tell he really wanted to sprint to get inside as quick as possible, he hadn’t seen this film in forever and it was one of his favorites. We finally reached the gate where a obviously bored teenage worker took our money and seemingly rolled his eyes at the movie we said we were watching. To a teenager what kind of couple would consider an old Russian film as a romantic movie. We grabbed our tickets, egregiously priced soda and a large popcorn that was probably going to be confiscated by Spencer halfway through the movie.
The theatre was completely empty, not surprising considering how obscure the film was. Spencer picked out seats right in the middle which gave us the best view of the large screen. I sat down in the plush red velvet vintage seats plopping down my soda into the cup holder and letting myself get comfortable. Spencer sat to the left of me already claiming the popcorn for himself as we snuggled up to prepare for the 5 hour movie we were about to watch.
The film started right on time, there weren’t any commercials (for once) and Spencer leaned in close to me to begin translating the film once he realized there were no subtitles. He seemed almost giddy to translate every word that I was undoubtedly missing that I was sincerely glad that the theatre hadn’t turned on subtitles. I loved seeing Spencer happy over quirky things. Though instead of being focused on the translations my mind fixated on how seductive the situation was.
I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me, his lips were a ghost around the shell of my ear as he quietly translated the Russian film. He always carted around an innocent persona wherever he went, not letting it get sullied by his work or the countless amounts of books he read.
“You're human. Each in your own way. That's why you argue."
I could feel the wetness steadily pooling in my panties as he continued to speak, being blissfully ignorant of the naughty thoughts running rampant in my head. Only he could make a sci-fi movie from the 70s about fictional planets sound sexy.
“Who was it? She died 10 years ago." 
“What you saw was the materialization of your conception of her.”
“Incidentally, consider yourself lucky. After all she's part of your past. What if it had been something you had never seen before, but something you had thought or imagined."
His endearing innocence was almost painful, I knew he was missing the cues of my flushed cheeks, wriggling thighs, and heavy breathing. It wasn’t like we weren’t intimate as a couple but even when he was dominate I was usually the one to initiate sex. He always told me that even though we had been together for a long time he got caught up in the fact that someone wanted to fuck him. That conversation usually turned into me showing him how much I fucking loved him and how he could be shy just not insecure in our relationship.
I decided that I would have to be the one tonight to coax him into doing something in public. I had confessed before that It was one of my kinks but this would be the first time I would attempt to do it with him.
I grabbed his hand that was situated on my upper thigh and slowly dragged it up the coarse fabric of my jean shorts. Once his nimble fingers caught on the button Spencer’s brain restarted and he pulled away slightly in protest. He was feebly trying to pretend that the idea of fingering his girlfriend in a theatre wasn’t the hottest thing in the world.
“W-we shh-ouldn’t be doing this y/n!!!!” He whisper shouted at me meekly. I gripped his hand harder keeping it in position as my other hand undid the button of my shorts.
“If you’re really uncomfortable I’ll stop, but I just find the idea of doing something so risqué exciting. Don’t you?” I shot right back at him with a coy smile and I knew I had him right where I wanted him. He still looked hesitant but started to move his hand under my shorts on his own. I gasped quietly as his fingers bypassed my shorts and snuck right under my panties. His full attention was on me now totally forgetting his previous job of translating the film for me. He finally breached my folds feeling just how wet he had gotten me just from translating an obscure Russian film.
“See how wet I am Spence? It’s all for you.” I purred, grinding my hips onto his hand to try and gain some delicious friction. He seemed to be in a trance his only goal to please me, his gorgeous fingers started to circle around my entrance teasing me ever so slightly.
“Spencer stop teasing if you aren’t prepared to be punished” My threat got through to him and he slowly entered his middle finger making me quietly moan out. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a heated kiss to muffle my moans. The kiss was all tongue and teeth as he curled his finger to hit my g-spot which made me gasp into his mouth.
“More Spence-“
He thankfully listened to my plead and added another finger, my walls stretched around them giving me pain added with pleasure. To give me even more stimulation his thumb found my clit running in tight circles. I was approaching my orgasm almost embarrassingly quickly, Spencer knew my body better then I did at this point. Both of my hands pulled at his hair trying to force him as close as possible to my body. I screwed my eyes shut as I was shoved off the proverbial cliff. I could hear the faint sounds of Russian scientists from the film in the background which only added to the high, the idea of getting caught just made it so much better.
Spencer continued to stimulate my clit until I rode out my high, he then turned back to the film. He was trying to hide the fact that he was rock hard from watching me fall apart in a matter of minutes on his fingers. An evil idea snuck inside my brain, he had given me an orgasm but I wasn’t done with him yet. After I had recovered My hand moved over from my lap and gripped his thigh mimicking his earlier position. He hadn’t started translating the film again and was uncharacteristically silent. I waited for a few minutes before I enacted my plan the only thing I was doing was slowly inching my hand up his thigh.
“Start translating the film again pretty boy” I whispered while pawing at the button on his pants, I wanted to repay the favor of a mind blowing orgasm. He looked at me with slight hesitation when I dropped down to the floor but he was to far gone to stop me at this point.
“Y-yoou want to destroy that which we are presently incapable of underssstanding? Forgive me but am not advocate of knowledge at any price."
I smirked to myself as I freed him from the confines of his slacks and boxers, his translations had become a stuttering mess and I hadn’t even touched him yet. He was already painfully hard, the head was an angry red with precum dribbling down. I firmly gripped him relishing in the little gasp that already escaped his mouth.
“Spencer we are in public, your going to have to only translate if you want me to touch you at all” My voice took on a deadly sinister tone reserved for unsubs or Spencer when he was being particularly subby.
He nodded and I fully immersed myself into giving him the best blowjob of his life. I slowly dragged my tongue up his length savoring every time he choked on his words, his thighs were tensing and his hands were white knuckle gripped around the arm rests. My mouth then finally fully enveloped his length finally giving him the relief he was looking for. As I began to take him further into my mouth his quiet whispers jumped an octave, he didn’t let himself moan, he knew what kind of punishment he would get if he dared to break my rules. The head of his member hit the back of my throat and spit started to drool out of my mouth, I looked up at him menacingly, daring him moan out.
“Remember Tol-stoy? His suffffering over the impossibility of loving mankind as a whole? How much time has passed since then? Somehow I ca-nn’t figure it out. Help meeee-Fffuck! Y/N!”
He whimpered out, I smirked around his length in satisfaction- I had broken him. I evilly released his length with a pop, he whined pathetically in protest at the loss of stimulation.
“If you had just followed the rules baby boy maybe I would’ve let you cum” I teased while sliding back into the theatre chair and turned back pretending to enjoy the rest of the movie. He still hadn’t torn his beautiful caramel eyes away from me, it almost looked like he was going to cry.
“Please Y/n I’ve been so good until now! I made you cum earlier, please please!!” He was unashamedly begging now, I quirked my eyebrow in surprise, he usually didn’t beg this fast. I leaned over to whisper in his ear mirroring his position from earlier.
“I’ll let you off easy this time pretty boy- but- when we get home you better put in the work and please me. Understand?” His head bobbed up and down eagerly, he was relieved he would actually be able to cum tonight. I dropped back down to my previous position in front of him and took him back into my mouth, he immediately went back to translating the film not wanting to get edged for the second time that night. One of my hands gripped his hips while the other felt underneath his boxers and caressed his balls, I could tell he was close. He came soon after in hot spurts down my throat, I swallowed every drop while I looked up in awe at him savoring how I made him fall apart. Spencer’s breath was ragged as he came down from his salacious climax, I tucked him back into his slacks and once again sat back into the plush velvet seats.
“Holy fuck” he said uncharacteristically after he snapped out of his reverie.
“Shh, Spence I’m watching the film!” I said cheekily, he glared back at me with a glint in his eye. I could tell even though he initially protested he thoroughly loved our carnal adventure. Spencer resumed his translating and I was surprised that we were only around halfway through the movie.
Once the movie was over we passed through the cinema as quick as possible ready to continue the nights adventures at home as promised. We got into Spencer’s Volvo and he stopped to stare at me for a moment before we left the parking lot. My eyebrows furrowed as i looked at him curiously wondering why he suddenly paused.
“See, I love you. But love is a feeling we can experience but never explain. One can explain the concept. You love that which you can lose: Yourself, a woman, a homeland. Until today, love was simply unattainable to mankind, to the earth. Maybe we are here to experience people as a reason for love." I recognized the quote from the movie we had just seen, and even though we said declarations of love often this one felt a little more special.
“I love you too Spence” I said through my watering eyes. He gave me a loving smile and started the car so we could go home to continue the night.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
What are your favorite evil plans from Eggman?
- The Death Egg is an iconic part of Eggman's history, and it was a key component in the plot of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, where Eggman was at his best with his sheer relentlessness in stopping the heroes from preventing its relaunching. I also like the fact that one man with his robots was able to build what it took a whole empire to build in Star Wars. Seriously, when you really think about it, Eggman would be extremely OP if he were dropped in other IPs.
- SA1. Using a giant monster was actually new at the time, and he made sure to pull his weight alongside Chaos via the Egg Carrier and snatching the Chaos Emeralds one by one, followed by resorting to the missile when the Egg Carrier was destroyed. And unlike SA2 where Shadow was stringing him along, he was unquestionably the actual man with the actual master plan, with Chaos simply lashing out at the end instead of manipulating the doctor over the course of the whole game. (I know some fans try to claim otherwise, but nothing in the game hints to it, so I call bullshit. :D)
- Rush Adventure. I dunno, I just find it pretty funny that he makes it into Blaze's dimension, and the first thing he decides to do is make a bunch of pirate robots. I know it technically counts as a Nega plan too, but Nega's involvement is largely superfluous. You could remove him from the plot completely, and not much would have changed.
- Zero Gravity may have predictably chickened out and made the Monster Creation of the Week go haywire again, but I do like the idea of him 'subtly' trying to stage a coup by using his Totally Legit Corporation to offer his robots to the masses. Very devious and underhanded.
- The Amazing Interstellar Amusement Park. How do you top your previous theme park? By putting this one in space, and by casually conquering and stealing various other planets and making them part of the attractions, while also tormenting an entire alien race and using them to fuel the place.
- Time Eater. Yeah yeah, missed potential and all that, but c'mon, it's still worth jumping and cheering that he finally got a monster under his belt the whole time, and that it might have arguably been the most powerful one of the lot next to Solaris. Another shining example of why the narrative of him being an incompetent joke is foolish. ("But he had help!" Yeah, from himself, dummy.)
- His backup plan after backup plan in Forces. Yes, the setup of him controlling 99% of the planet could have had more done with it (why didn't they use the Green Hill Castle???), but I'm still glad he got to show his smarts time and time again. And since the event that inadvertently lead to his defeat was Infinite being careless during his fight with Silver, said defeat wasn't even his own fault.
- The OVA. Tricking the heroes into thinking a big bad new villain has taken over, only for it to be a trap so that he could complete Metal Sonic. Nowadays, it almost feels like a retroactive dig at all the plots that would actually degrade him. "Oh no, I've been cast aside by this new guy! Won't someone please help me-PFFT, only joking, fuck you."
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juicehoee · 7 years
Ben & Jerry’s (Julian Albert)
“You know, it’s your fault we’re even in this bloody mess!” Julian’s voice rings out into her ear and she can almost feel his eye roll without even looking at him.
“I just wanted some ice cream, it’s not like I suggested we jump off the bridge or something!” she retorts, clutching a pint of Ben and Jerry’s The Tonight Dough.
“Shut up, the both of you!” the robber barks, holding them at gunpoint near the front of the convenience store. Another guy was busy with the cashier, shoveling money from the cash register into the burlap sack they brought along. “Wallets. In the bag. Now.”
“But how in the world will I buy my ice cream?” she asked with a sly smile in Julian’s direction.
“Please. Stop talking, love.” Julian answered her smile with an annoyed quip of his own. He dropped his wallet in the bag hastily. She could see him thinking, deep thought behind his cloudy eyes. “Why? The Flash will be here any moment.” she tells him, opening up the carton and scooping some ice cream out with her finger. “Mmm, chocolate chip cookie dough. My favorite.”
“Love, get behind me.” Julian demand.
She looks up at him in alarm. “Are you crazy?”
He shoves her behind him in a flurry of movement she didn’t even know he was capable of. He had his own weapon drawn while shielding her from the robbers with his body. “You should get out of here. Now.”
She knew Julian could be scary, but it was more of an intimidation tactic. It was scary how smart he was, it was scary how his mood swings left everybody with whiplash, it was scary that he could ruin a person’s self esteem with a few well placed words and facts. But he had never been physically terrifying before. Even the big man with the big weapon was scared of him.
At that moment, a flash of red and orange light zoomed through the store. It was like a tornado blowing through the building and before even of them knew it, the two guys were in handcuffs outside and police cars were closing in on him. The Flash stood in front of them with the signature Barry Allen smug expression on his face.
“Ice cream’s on me.” The Flash says. But he doesn’t leave. Instead, he just raises his eyebrows.
“Forgetting something?” Julian snapped, bringing his arm around her shoulders and putting his weapon away again. “Don’t you have a city to save?”
“Thank you, Barry.” she says.
“Thanks, Allen.” Julian grunts like trying to pull teeth from his skull. She could tell it physically pained him to be nice to the guy.
“Anytime. Try not to stay out trouble, you two.” Barry pretends to scold them before running off into a whirlwind of orange electricity.
She kissed Julian on the cheek and rubbed his back with her free hand. The circles of her palm seemed to allow him to relax a little and let the tension of the night release from him into the air as they walked back to their little apartment on the south side of the city.
“Was it worth it?” he asked as they lounged on the couch. They were both two spoons deep in the most heavenly food on the planet.
“For free ice cream? Hell yeah.” she answered.
She had her back pressed against his chest with his arms and legs wrapped around her, a protection that made her feel safe in a city full of metahumans and hardened criminals. He always made her feel safe, even if he didn’t feel safe himself. A fluffy navy blue blanket was draped over them.
His lips pressed against the top of her head for a quick moment and his thumb rubbed softly against her wrist. He could feel the veins pumping blood through her. He could feel the slow, steadiness of her heartbeat, knowing she was calm and comfortable her with him. He could feel the way her hair felt against his neck, the flyaway strands tickling his collarbone.
She turned her head and pressed a stream of small kisses against his neck. Her lips are as cold as ice, sending waves of frost that reach the space under his chin. He shivers and brings her closer, warming them both under the blanket while they watch another episode of Friends late at night on the tv.
“You can be scary when you want to be.” she tells him.
“Well, that was true before tonight, wasn’t it?” he chuckles. “You’ve seen how terrified those interns are of me.”
“You threatened to have them thrown in a cell with Captain Cold.” she pointed out.
“They’ve never gotten my coffee order wrong again though.”
She thinks for a moment and takes his hand in hers, running her fingertips over the rough skin of his knuckles. “Definitely scary when you want to be.”
“Do you not like that?” There’s a certain edge of worry in his voice.
“Actually,” she bites her lips. “I think it’s kinda hot.”
The pint lay melting on the floor, all but forgotten for the next few hours.
I’m gonna miss Julian in Season 4. I loved his role in the beginning of Season 3 and I loved seeing Tom Felton’s face every week! What did you guys think about the first episode so far? Send me some requests for more Flash imagines!
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theladypirate · 8 years
OC interview thingy @jahaliel did. She's always doing fun OC things, and I wanted to do this one too :D RULES 1. PICK ONE OF YOUR CHARACTERS 2. FILL IN THE QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS AS IF YOU ARE BEING INTERVIEWED FOR AN ARTICLE AND YOU WERE THE MUSE. 3. TAG PEOPLE TO DO THIS MEME: No - unless you see this and want to. I choose my half-orc cleric Arusha, from one of my dnd campaigns. 1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Arusha Lewette. Why are you yelling? 2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? Uhhhh..... Still- it's still Arusha. Am I supposed to have more names? 3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU WERE CALLED THAT? Oh well you know my surname is my family's and I guess... uh... because my parents liked the name Arusha? I've never really- I mean it's my name it's just... Just shut up. About my name. 4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? There's only one of me. And taken whoere? 5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? Well I'm a cleric of Yuban so I can heal, and I can hit things pretty good, and um. I guess I'm a decent cook? 6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE. ...I'm- I'm not married? I don't even know anyone named Sue. Was this a question? 7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? *About a minute goes by with Arusha frowning. It's kind of awkward. She picks up her shield, polishes some of the grime off, and squints at her blurry reflection* ...green. 8. HOW ABOUT YOUR HAIR COLOR? I dunno it's just kinda... brown. Like dirt. 9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? Yeah. 10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? Well see i travel a lot and thats not really a good environment for keeping a pet and... *Arusha lectures the interviewer for about 10 minutes on responsible pet ownership* 11. NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. *Another long pause, wherein Arusha frowns and crosses her arms, looking both very serious and kind of scary* When my friends get hurt. That's bad, I don't like that. I can fix it but it's still not fun. Also whenever I see someone doing something unsafe, like lifting heavy objects without stretching first, or running head first towards an enchanted ghost drum, or *Arusha lists off 17 progressively more dangerous things* *another moment goes by, and she nods decisively* Also yams. They're gross. 12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? I like...healing. And drinking. And studying. Also organizing, that's very calming. 13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? Okay well y'see I'm a cleric, right? So like, my job is to do... sort of the opposite... of that. *Arusha scratches her nose and looks kind of grumpy* But I'll still stab someone if they're an asshole. 14. EVER…KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? *Arusha glowers at the interviewer, who swallows nervously and grins with what they hope is reassurance and not terror. She puffs out her cheeks like a pouting child and cracks her knuckles absently* Like I said. Stabbing. Assholes. 15. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? I'm a half-orc. We're people. *glowering intensifies* You got a problem with orcs, buddy? 16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. *A pause, followed by a contrite look. Arusha fiddles with the holy symbol she wears around her neck* Uh... my temper, maybe. Probably. And... Y'know... sometimes I don't think stuff through. 17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? Uh, well, I'm taller than most of my friends. My mom's taller than me though. And Solarys, she's taller than me. 18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? *Arusha blinks owlishly and seems to be at a complete loss. A blush spreads across her cheeks and down her neck. It's kind of endearing. Then she blurts out the dictionary definition of all these terms, as well as demographic statistics relevant to the subject. She won't make eye contact and drinks an entire cup of tea before continuing* 19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? *She seems much more comfortable with this subject, and smiles broadly* I did! The main temple of Yuban has a... well it's not a university because you gotta be an initiate so it's not really open to the public but they teach you all about the holy word of Yuban, and about healing, and like... some art stuff and math, and *Arusha rambles happily about the courses she took, going into detail about the cadaver lab with a cheerfulness that unsettles the interviewer* 20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? Uh... well... I uh... gosh I wouldn't be a really good mom. And I don't- I mean why would anyone- I'm kind of- Who would put up- ...no. Just. No. 21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? *Arusha stares blankly at the interviewer for 5 full minutes. They move on* 22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? *Arusha grasps her holy symbol and stares off into a middle distance, looking unhappy* ...not being enough. Not -doing- enough. 23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? Eh... *glances down at her scale mail armor* 24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Well yeah. I love a lot of people. My family, my friends, my Beautiful Golden Dragon God Yuban... 25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? *squints suspiciously* ...is this one of those kink things? Izzy told me about those. She had to explain it didn't mean the same thing as like... a kink in your shoulder. She and Wine were blushing the whole time. I gather it's an embarrassing topic for some people and that there's something called kinkshaming. The world is a very strange place sometimes. 26. WELL, IT’S NOT OVER YET! What? 27. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) I'm a cleric. 28. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? *Spends the next hour happily talking about her traveling companions, who are, apparently, her only friends* 29. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? Uh... it's tasty and versatile. 30. FAVORITE DRINK? I like Wine. *A moment passes, Arusha snorts and then giggles* Wine! Ahahahaha it's a pun! I made a pun! 31. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? I liked the peace of the temple back home. It was kinda small and homely but, y'know you could really feel it was a place of healing. But I also really like being on the road, because my friends are there. 32. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? ...like... investigating... them? 33. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? Uh... *she seems baffled* Who's Willy? 34. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? *Arusha spends the next 5 minutes going over swimming safety and how to protect yourself from heatstroke* 35. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? I'm- I'm a half-orc. I already- I said that. At the- in the beginning. 36. ANY FETISHES? ...yeah okay this one is definitely about those kink things. 37. SEME OR UKE? TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? *a range of emotions cross her face; confusion, annoyance, mild anger, and finally she settles on a stern authoritative look* If you keep asking me these weird questions I'm going to shame your kink. 38. CAMPING OR INDOORS? *She shrugs noncommittaly* I do both on a fairly regular basis. It is kind of nice to have a bed. And running water that isn't a stream. 39. ARE YOU WANTING THIS QUIZ TO END? Well it IS almost dinner time and to be quite honest I'm not sure where my friends got to so I need to go find them. Good luck with your... blog. *Arusha stands and grabs her pack, then stops, frowning, and looks back at the interviewer, who smiles nervously* ...you're sure that's not a disease? *the interviewer assures her, for probably the 6th time, that a blog was not a disease, it was a publication* ...maybe I should give you a once over just to be sure, it sounds like some kind of horrible cold. *The interviewer thanks her profusely for her time and flees. Arusha blinks, then shrugs*
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