#kobra x kira
ash-shark · 2 months
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Shitty post (mostly Black Dragon)
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theforbidfruit · 5 months
MK1 Reader different from previous timeline versions
[Note: Previous timeline Reader is a Black Dragon member from Mk Deception to Mk 10. They’re gender neutral and love to verbally attack their members.]
[Warning]: Cussing, verbal violence and threats of elders
Geras: Out of all your previous counterparts. You are most in zen.
Reader: oh? What was I like in previous timelines?
——-Reader in previous timelines———
Reader: *points at Kabal* I WILL GET YOUR F*CKING GRANDMA!!!
Kabal: Leave her out of this!
Tremor: Are you calm now?
Reader: aRe YoU CaLm NoW- SHUT UP! Just shut up and let me throw this man off the balcony!
Reader: *talking to Erron* Every time Kano gets on my nerves, I put a coin in a sock and I have a weapon to beat the mutton chops out of him.
Erron Black: I love advices from you…
Kano: Come back to Australia with me. You’ll love it. The places, food, me-
Kano: Snitches get stitches.
Reader: and Pricks get the bricks!
Kabal: someone should put you down like a dog.
Kira: isn’t that your 3rd slice of cake?
Reader: Don’t worry about me with my cake! You should be worried about your man eating someone else’s cake!
Kobra: Y/n sometimes I think you don’t respect me…
Reader: Oh Kobra. You’re right I don’t respect you and I hope you fall and eat sh*t everyday. Now let’s go back to work!
Jerek: F*CK the Police!!
Reader: Mmhmm~ *glances at Stryker*
[Note: I wonder is MK1 Reader and PrevTime Reader would be friends?]
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mediocreshake08 · 2 months
Incorrect Mortal Kombat quotes part 6: I can't think of a funny or dumb title
HAVIK and HOTARU: *are fighting behind the counter*
TAVEN: Can I get a waffle? May I please get a waffle?
SKARLET: *dressed as Aladdin* What do you think?
KITANA: I think Disney's going to sue somebody.
KIRA in front of a camera: I'm here with Tremor and... What's your name again?
KOBRA: Hey pass.
KIRA: Heap Ass?
*Kobra laughs his nuts off and Tremor chuckles under his breath*
JOHNNY: I've connected the two dots.
SONYA: You didn't connect shit.
JOHNNY: I've connected them.
JAQUI: I punch the shit out of people and shoot plasma from my gauntlets.
CASSIE: I got my dad's magic, I shoot my opponents and have a fatality where I kick someone in the nuts so hard, their skull and spine flies out.
KUNG JIN: I throw chakrams and suplex people with arrows.
TAKEDA: Haha, whips and lightsabers go brrr
DAEGON: Hey, Taven?
TAVEN: Yes, brother?
DAEGON: *pulls up the @//taven-from-edenia blog and shows the peanits post*
NRS!NITARA: Face it, we look good in this new design--
Midway!NITARA: We? What do you mean we? Nintendo Wii?
NRS!NITARA: No, fool, we as in US!
Midway!NITARA: Us? Awe you talking about who?
NRS!NITARA: No, Shit-ass, us.
Midway!NITARA: Bitch please, your dress looks like flem on toast compared to mine. Your head looks like an onion and your voice sounds like someone shitting down a chimney.
*NRS!Nitara would then cry out a river after being roasted tf out of*
CYRAX: Sektor, you're an asshole, man.
SEKTOR: You are what you eat, Cyrax.
*Cyrax would break character and start laughing*
Mk9!SMOKE: I'm sorry about your sister and mother. But don't worry, at least you're still alive.
MK1!SMOKE: ... Aren't you supposed to be helping me cope with my trauma?
HAVIK: Once again, I am a main antagonist in a Mortal Kombat story.
SHANG TSUNG: You've been a main villain before?
HAVIK: Yeah, I was in the prequel comic books. Look!
*Pulls up a page of himself from the MKX prequel comic*
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SHANG TSUNG: Huh. How about that.
HAVIK: Yeah, AND they gave me my cool og design.
SHANG TSUNG: Also wasn't Skarlet killed here or..?
HAVIK: Doesn't matter, it was retconned.
SHANG TSUNG: Fair point.
*Red Robin kicks Muchacha's door down*
MUCHACHA: Please leave.
ROBIN: Have you ever heard, of a mountain chicken?
ROBIN: what do you think it looks like?
MUCHACHA: Like a really big chicken?
ROBIN: That's what I thought, BUT NO, ITS THIS MOTHERFU--
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cdr2002 · 4 months
hiiii I’m really new to this platform and I’m a fanfic writer and I wanted to post about my stuff cause I really hope people will read and enjoy it.
gonna start off with my longest passion project: for the past few years I’ve been working on a story called Mortal Kombat Requiem, a direct sequel to MKX ignoring MK11 entirely and aiming to fix a lot of my issues with the MK9 timeline and create a better follow-up to the plot points MKX established because quite frankly, side barring into nonsense time travel was not it for me.
I realize I don’t have the most popular takes in the mainstream MK fandom lmao but even still I truly and sincerely hope anyone who sees this post will give this story a chance and please feel free to tell me what you think, thank you. 😊
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mklegends-smokescreen · 9 months
MKL:RM; Chapter 8: Blood Money
Siris' life has been anything but ordinary, but as she grew older, at times it felt like she's alon against the world. Sometimes consulting her mother, Skarlet, about her issues, rarely actually helped her. The closest she has to a friend in recent times is Red Robin, with whom she can relate to alot. Siris has been feeling less lonely after meeting him, slowly forgetting the things that happened to her in the past. From her hand being amputated, to her neck being close to cut open, to other drama that happened, which is a story for another time.  Meeting Robin several months ago before even knowing who he is was a unique experience for her, as was for him. After a pile of bullshit that was the tournament that this dumbass wrote, they got to know eachother, for real this time. After waking up in her room in the Black Dragon base, she greets her mates, Kobra and Kira, as they were awake for a while now.
Billie: How's it goin', guys?
Kira: Not too bad. Just finnished a sale this morning.
Kobra: and I sold crack.
Kano walks into the room, a clear look of a mad, wet dog is present on his face.
Billie: what's up, pops?
Kano: Don't worry about it, Billie, its fine. How'd you two blokes do?
Kobra: pretty good, if I say so myself.
Kano: Well, glad to hear everyone's workin' hard. But also, did anyone happen to be sneakin' out without my knowledge?
Billie: (in her head) SHIT!
Kira: I was out on the west side, doing recon 'til 12.
Kobra: I was uh...
Kobra fell asleep on he east side of the base around then, which is why he didn't see Billie sneaking out. He tried to make up some bullshit excuse.
Kobra: I was... uh... wasted?
Kano: Something tells me you were slackin' off, Kobra.
Kobra: What? No! Nonononono... yes
Kano: God, damn it.
Kira: Hah!
Kobra: ey, go to hell, man. I was still on the job!
The two got into an argument, allowing Billie to walk away without anyone's notice. She sat at the window while playing music, placing herself in a state of calm for the first few minutes of the song. Suddenly, she heard someone knocking on her door.
Billie: Do ya mind?
Skarlet: Do you have a minute?
Billie hits a pause on her phone, climbing back in and closing the window
Billie: What's up, mum? Is it consultin' time?
Skarlet: Wilhelmina, listen, I must tell you some thing. I am sorry because you were put into the line of danger so many times.
Billie: Don't be, i'm basically at fault 50% of the time.
Skarlet looks at her daughter with a displeased expression
Billie: Okay, a lot of times... But I'm ready for anything now. There's so much to do and so little time, but i know i could--
Skarlet: That is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that I am setting you in the hands of danger too often. What if one day.. I am unable to help you?
Billie: I can fight for myself, mum. Cut off Reiko's head, for God's sake.
Skarlet: I understand, that is why I am harsh on you, sometimes. Because I question your actions which frighten me.
Billie: You should know that, you're an Outworlder.
Skarlet: I am not trying to turn you into me, i'm trying to turn you into you.
The dragoness is confused for a second
Billie: (very silently) ...the fuck?
Skarlet: Look, the point is, I love you, and I am trying to protect you as much as I can. That is all.
The fifty shades of red walks out, and Billie walks around for a bit, before it finally being night. She desides not to go anywhere and instead go to sleep regularly. After drinking a cup of tea, she fell asleep in a matter of seconds. She found herself in some sort of flipped version of her room, covered in thorned vines. She got up, her hands trembling as she exited the room, she noticed that she was the only one there. A long ecoing of her "hello's" was heard from each wall of the structure. She walks out of the base, to find something the never had hopes of seeing. A man, traditionally sitting as if he is meditating. He wore a familiar brown cloak, simmilar to one that a former aquaintance of the Black Dragon had, but... something was off... She walks closer to him, to make sure it really was...
Billie: Tremor...?
The geokinetic opens his eyes, and the earth begins to quake, with pillars of magma gushing from the ground like geisers. Billie hardly holds her ground, and as she is about to be douced in lava, she snaps back to reality. She hyperventilates as a response to this experience. She checked her pulse to see if she's still alive. She calms down eventually.
Billie: What the shit was that? Did I...? was that...?
She was unable to peace together words, as she sat there for a solid five minutes before getting up and heading toward the kitchen to get something to eat. As she's taking an egg from the fridge, a face she hasn't encountered yet starteled her.
Billie: ack-- Who the fuck are you?
Tasia: Firstly, apologies for the scare, and secondly, I am Tasia, long time klan member?
Billie: How come i never saw you 'round, then? And how'd you get here?
Tasia: I'm as silent as a mouse and,  i'm as silent as a mouse.
Billie: ...Well that makes perfect sense.
Tasia: What're you doing here, its half-past 12.
Billie: I'm hungry, lookin' for food. Non' else.
She said, reaching for a can of yogurt and heads back to her room.
Tasia: If somethings stressing you out, call me, we could have a girl talk.
The dragoness had a suspicion about here, but was interested
Billie: sure...
Tasia: Remember, i'm somewhere around here. Buh-bye...
She says as she dissapears in the produce mist, and Siris returns to her room. As she layed in bed, she couldn't shake off a wierd feeling... it looked like Tremor, but, she felt something off about him. Like, a wierd sense of misdirection, the innability to barely stand her ground.
As she falls asleep, she once again finds herself in the dream,  the same damp texture leaks from the walls as she slowly but surely, walks out of her room out to the front. She quickly realizes this has happened before. she walks out the door, finding the same man clad in brown sitting in the same position.
Billie: (very quietly) Am I tripin' right now?
the man sitting there is very obviously Tremor, as his hands are covered in stone, resembling what, from a far seems to be coal. He is unfazed, as his peace was not disturbed.
Billie approached the man who looked like Tremor, her cautious steps echoing in the dreamlike atmosphere. The surreal surroundings, with damp textures and enigmatic shadows, added to the disconcerting ambiance. As she stood before the geokinetic, she couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and trepidation.
Billie: (whispering) Tremor... or whatever you are. What is this place? Are you even real?
Tremor remained in his meditative pose, seemingly unaffected by her presence or inquiries. The air felt heavy with an unspoken tension, and Billie couldn't shake off the feeling that something profound was about to unfold.
Billie: (more assertive) Answer me, Tremor! What's going on?
Tremor: I strongly advise, NOT to disturb my peace...
he said, as Billie turned around, recognizing his deep, gravely voice.
Billie felt a chill run down her spine as Tremor's voice resonated through the dreamlike space. Turning back to face him, she could sense an intensity in his words that demanded respect.
Billie: What do you mean, "your peace"? This is my dream... isn't it?
Tremor: Dreams are often shared, but the balance of control is delicate. Disturbing the tranquility may lead to consequences.
His words hung in the air, cryptic and foreboding. Billie couldn't ignore the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye
Billie: Wait, if this is my dream, and you're here, then... what sense does that make? Nico said you left to find some "Dream realm" or whatever.
Tremor: I did, and it has truly changed me. In character and appearance.
Billie: I noticed. You look like a flamin' hot badass.
Tremor acknowledged her comment with a subtle nod, but his demeanor remained solemn.
Tremor: The Dream Realm is a place of self-discovery and transformation. It grants insight into aspects of oneself that might remain obscured in the waking world. I sought it to understand the depths of my own nature.
Billie furrowed her brow, grappling with the surreal nature of the conversation
Billie: So, what did you find out about yourself? And why are you showing up in my dreams?
Tremor: I found a connection, an intricate thread binding me to the essence of the earth. As for appearing in your dreams, it seems our paths are intertwined, perhaps guided by forces beyond our understanding. Be vigilant, Billie, for the threads of destiny weave a tapestry of complexity.
As Tremor's words echoed in the dream, Billie felt a peculiar blend of curiosity and caution. The dream realm, it seemed, held secrets that transcended the boundaries of reality.
Billie: Wait what does any of that meAAAA--
Before she can finish her question, she wakes up in her bed.
Billie: --AAaah, crap.
As Billie abruptly woke up, she found herself back in the familiar surroundings of her room. The remnants of the dream lingered in her mind, leaving a sense of intrigue mixed with a touch of disorientation. The events in the dream realm and encounters with Tremor had left her with more questions than answers.
Billie sighed, rubbing her eyes as if trying to shake off the residual haziness of the dream. Glancing around her room, she noticed the faint light seeping through the window, indicating that it was morning. The events of the dream, however surreal, lingered in her thoughts.
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roselyn-writing · 11 months
How about Intros for mortal Kombat Cassie Cage, Sonya Blade, Kira , Jacqui Briggs , Jax and Jack from previous request with male oc Jack who is a different timeline version of Kano who is actually a good guy and is in relationships with Sonya and is a father of Cassie , foster father to Kira to whom Johnny is a uncle because he adopted Jack as his younger brother?
Kira is not a Black Dragon here (in revised timeline (one in MK 9 , X and 11) she joined special forces after our variant from there (one from Cassie Cage variant where we have same powers as Erron Black) saved her after Kano killed Kobra by literally backstabbing him) and can you also add platonic intros for Jack who have Erron Black's powers with Jack who have Kano's powers
Kano Jack's timeline Kira also have specialist rank like Cassie have in MK 11
Yes, Here you go ✨🌟
Cassie Cage: Hello, Pop!
Jack Kano: Hey, Dear daughter.
Cassie Cage: Thank you for changing mom’s life for the better.
Jack Kano: This Kano really did a number on you guys.
Cassie Cage: Yeah, and he will pay for it. Also, Sorry for doubting you.
Jack Kano: That’s okay. People still don’t believe I’m a good guy. *Chuckled*
Sonya Blade
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Sonya Blade: You know, I was shocked when you said you are a good guy but now I believe and trust you, Love. *Smiled*
Jack Kano: I’m happy to know this, Dear Sonya.
Sonya Blade: *Smirked* Let’s infiltrate the black dragon!
Jack Kano: This timeline Kano will pay for what he did to you and your friends.
Sonya Blade: He will and we will make sure of it.
Jack Kano: I will let you personally kill him, Love.
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Kira: Father! Erron Black is gunning for you!
Jack Kano: Worry not, Dear daughter. I will tear him down.
Kira: *Worried.* Please be careful.
Jack Kano: Daughter, How’s your special forces duty going?
Kira: All good, Father.
Jack Kano: That’s good to hear. *Smiled.*
Jacqui briggs
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Jacqui Briggs: You know.. I never took you for a good guy. *Chuckled.*
Jack Kano: You are not the only one, Jacqui briggs.
Jacqui Briggs: *Smiled.* It’s good to have a friend like you.
Jack Kano: It’s good to see you again, Mini Jacks.
Jacqui Briggs:*Chuckled.* It’s good to see you too.
Jax Briggs
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Jax Briggs: I never took you for a good guy.
Jack Kano: *Chuckled* You aren’t the only one.
Jax briggs *Smiled*
Jack Kano: I can’t imagine being a revenant and doing Quan Chi biddings.
Jax Briggs: You have no idea.. *Smoking a cigarette*
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Jack Erron: Been a long time, Mate.
Jack Kano: Been a long time. Indeed.
Jack Kano: Be careful, Kano and his lackeys are aiming at you.
Jack Erron: No need to worry about me, Mate.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
You’re so sweet, kiss me
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Note: so this is a fic I wrote for my dear @drasin, as a part of a monthly membership.
Pair: Kano x Erron Black
Story: Kano sees Erron’s face one day during a mission and he can’t stop thinking about him ever since, especially those lips. He becomes obsessed with kissing Erron, going as far as calling him into the office and pinning him on a wall. However, Erron has more strength over the situation, thus successfully playing with the mercenary. He plans on making Kano work for it if he wants that kiss. However, what the cowboy doesn’t know is that it’s not a good idea to mess with Kano.
Word count: 4k words
Tags: sexual tension, fluff, swearing.
If you want to see more about the benefits of subscribing to my membership, of if you want to support/commission me, please visit my ko-fi page. Thank you!
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Erron was a very mysterious yet interesting lad. A significant thing that keeps this mystery around him is his mask, which he rarely takes off. In fact, he keeps it on so often that those around him can only speculate about his hidden face. What kind of features hide under his mask is unknown, and some people say that one of the reasons is because he is disfigured. The only one who doesn’t care, even if he is curious from time to time, is his boss, Kano, who thinks he is maybe too shy or doesn’t want to get too exposed due to his shady nature.
“We’re all shady bitches here, why he cares?” He thinks on rare occasions.
“Hey Black, it's kinda hot here isn’t it?” Kobra teased, as they were completing a job in the Outworld. Something about killing the new Kahn, which was requested by Mileena. She paid well, in fact twice as much as Kotal had paid them to kill her, so they had to do some spying on the emperor to find a good time to deliver the final blow.
Erron didn’t respond; instead, he focused on cleaning his guns. Kobra was right though; it was a very hot day, and taking off his jacket wasn’t enough, so in one simple motion he removed it and placed it aside. Everyone around him turned their heads to watch him, and to their surprise, he wasn’t disfigured and didn’t have tarkatan teeth either. On the contrary, he was very handsome, and if Kano didn’t care about his face before, he does now.
As expected, he doesn’t have a clean look because of his stubble beard, which covers some old scars slightly. His nose is big and a bit pointy; his jaw is very well defined; and his lips were thin. Chapped as they were because of the heat, they sparked an interest inside Kano, whose attention shifted from the mission to those kissable lips. He couldn’t give a rat's ass about what the emperor was doing as Erron became the target of the day.
As the dawn came and the day approached its end, the team gathered their stuff and headed to their base in Earthrealm.
“Is there any water left?” asked a thirsty Kabal as he put away some weapons. “Yeah, check in that container.” Kira pointed to a dirty gray box.
After drinking a whole bottle, Kabal resumed his task.
While everyone was busy tidying up the scene, Kano was just staring at Erron, who stayed unmasked the entire day. Every single detail was imprinted in his brain, as it was a map to an unknown treasure, and the big, red X was on Erron’s lips. With a lost gaze, he watched the gunslinger cleaning his weapons.
"Hey, where should I put the ammo?” “I don’t know; ask the chief.”
"Hey Kano," The words didn't reach him, and Kano continued to stare at Erron, who was now storing his guns. After placing them with care, he put his mask back on and carried the container to the truck. Kano let out a deep sigh the moment when the mask touched his face, now being able to hear Kabal. Apparently, he wanted some stupid indications.
“I don’t know; find a damn spot. Is it so hard to think on your own?” Pissed off, he stormed out to open the portal so they could finally arrive at their base.
He tried to forget Erron in the following days, but the image of his beautiful, rough face kept appearing in his mind. So, when the torture became unbearable, he came up with an excuse to call him in his office to confess. It didn’t matter if he would have a chance to kiss those lips or not, the important thing is to get the pressure off his chest by being honest for once in his life.
“You wanted to see me, boss?” Erron asked after he walked in. As expected, he was wearing the mask. The good news is that Kano came up with a speech for the gunslinger, the bad news is that he was starting to forget it once Erron walked in, and improv is not his forte.
“Yes, it’s about the last mission.” Kano said while looking at him, using all of his strength to push aside the image of his lips that would constantly appear in his head.
“Oh, did I do something wrong?” He was perplexed, because the previous mission had gone off without a hitch.
“No, I mean yes, but it’s not about the outcome, or your performance at the job, it’s about something you did outside of it.”
Erron tried to make sense of Kano’s weird words for a few seconds.
“You lost me, Kano.” He said he was defeated because he failed to understand his babbling. “Are you high?”
"No, you idiot-“
“You seem high. Oh my God you got high without us, how could you?” He interrupted.
“Just shut up and listen. I am not high, I just have a hard time choosing my words.”
Erron chuckled.
“Don’t tell me you’re anxious.”
Kano gave him a mean look, which made Erron adopt a serious attitude as he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, please continue."
“Thank you. What I wanted to say is that you did something that’s very unusual for you, and that wasn’t left unnoticed by the rest of us. Hell, I’ve been thinking about it ever since, and that’s why I called you.”
“Oh Kano...” he began, a smirk forming under his mask. “I just wanted to say-“
“Save it, Kano; you don’t have to struggle, it hurts to watch. I know it seems hard at first, but you’ll eventually get that, especially since you’re almost there.”
“So, this means I can kiss you?”
“What? What are you saying?”
“What are you saying?” He asked back with a little bit of doubt and disappointment in his voice.
“I though you were talking about my body, since I worked out harder and started to notice results. Even Kabal noticed, and he was high as fuck.”
“Too many brownies?” He said it with a little chuckle.
“No, he smoked the main ingredient, but that’s not the point. What made you think I was talking about a kiss?”
Kano remained silent. Every second that passed felt like agony as he tried to think of an answer. Besides, he was looking at Erron’s face, as he was desperate to find a clue as to what he was feeling at that moment. His eyes didn’t tell him anything, as they remained half-opened like usual. Unknown to him, however, his smirk was increasing by the second.
“Well, I don’t know...all I wanted to say is that you really turned my world upside-down the moment you removed that damn mask and I got a chance to see how you look like. And I guess I wanted a-“
“Kiss.” Erron helped him finish.
“So you called me here because you want to kiss me.”
“Yes, but listen if you don’t want-“
“Oh, I don’t mind. To be fair, it’s by far the most normal thing you've asked of me. But I want you to ask me nicely.”
Erron tried so hard to keep his composure and not burst into laughter. It's likely the first time Kano has been vulnerable in front of him, so he intends to torture him until he does as he says. He wants to see him beg for that little kiss if it’s possible.
“You heard me, ask me nicely.” Erron said bluntly, pretending to be indifferent.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I mean, if you don’t want to, then I guess I’ll just go.”
“All for a damn kiss? I asked you to do worse things, and you didn’t ask for a single ‘please’”
"That's true, but this one is personal, as you know," he said as he approached the mercenary, his slightly smaller frame standing in contrast to his larger, rougher one.
“Personal gonna costs extra.” Kano added with a little smirk, because it’s something he used to say often. Erron’s cunning nature was one of the reasons why he recruited him, and as much as he loved that part of him, he only used it during missions and not against him.
“I’m not a nice man, Black.”
“I know, but I want you to try, for me.” He placed a hand on his chest, which made Kano tense immediately. The mercenary got lost in his eyes, and for a few seconds he could see those beautiful lips as if he were unmasked. If it wasn’t for that damn accessory, he would’ve taken the shot and kissed him. Erron probably anticipated that, that’s why he hasn’t removed it.
“You are so mean with me” he said as he cupped his chin. “But I ain’t gonna beg, doll. I get what I want without much struggle, and you know that.”
“Well, you’ll have to work a little harder to get what you want this time, sugar.” With that, he turned around and left, his smirk never fading.
Kano, on the other hand, wanted to choke his crush, but he might never get that kiss if he does. The good thing is that he didn’t say no, so his pride is still intact. On the other hand, he might have to ask Erron nicely, which he might have to consider. 
A few days had passed since their meeting in the office. Both Kano and Erron tried to act normally around each other in order to not raise any suspicions. Desire was growing significantly between them by the day, up to the point when one dirty look would be enough to make them jump onto each other and tear their clothes. However, Erron was holding it together pretty well, being able to hide his desires and play with Kano. The mercenary and leader of the Black Dragon was slowly falling into Black’s game, as his desire was slowly taking over his mind. 
“Come on, take that damn mask off. Let me see you.” He demanded in a needy, yet firm tone to Black, who was pinned against the wall with Kano’s arms around him acting as a cage. His nose was bruising against the gunslinger’s ear, a gentle gesture given to a man who was captive in one’s burning desire. 
“How do you say?” Black teased, not letting the passionate moment overcome his senses. 
“I’ll choke you.” He said it growling.
“Nah, that’s not it.” Erron’s hands were resting on Kano’s waist, caressing his flesh with the same tenderness as the mercenary’s. “Try a little harder.” 
“Fine…would you please remove the damn mask?” 
“Hmmm, that’s more like it.” He said in a satisfied tone, as his hands moved to grab the edges of the mask. Kano was barely blinking at this point, his eyes being fixated on Erron. He hadn't seen him "naked" in so long that he was beginning to forget his face.
Erron placed his mask on a nearest table, revealing his face once more to the mercenary. However, this time it felt more intimate, as he only did it for him, at his request, in the privacy of Kano’s office. 
“Took you long enough.” Kano said, his gaze still on Erron, admiring his features. 
“…hell, he’s even more handsome than before…” he thought to himself.
“Well, this time you knew how to ask.”  
Kano cupped his face, and his thumbs began to caress his cheeks. A smirk appeared on his face, but not his usual devious one, but one of admiration combined with eagerness.  
Erron wasn’t going easy on him. In the past few days, Kano kept trying to make him remove his mask, but he refused every single time. However, he decided it was time to give him a glimpse of his face just to keep Kano worked up; otherwise, he was afraid he might get bored. 
“Beautiful…” he whispered under his breath as he began to lean forward. His face kept coming closer, his eyelids shutting down as his lips tingled in anticipation. He expected to feel Erron's lips press against his any second now.
One can imagine the disappointment and frustration when Erron pushed Kano just when he was inches away from him. One more second, and his dream would’ve come true. 
“W-what…?” Kano asked as he moved away, confused, his hands sliding slowly down his neck. 
“I think we should wait a few more days?”
“A few more days? For a bloody kiss?” 
“Yes. I just don’t think we’re ready for this step yet.”
“B-but I did as you said.”
“True, and I am so proud of you.” Erron said as he caressed Kano’s rosy cheek, the hair of his beard tickling his palm. “But I don’t feel ready; I think we should wait. Besides, you only ask me to remove my mask, not to kiss me.” He chuckled in a playful way, driving Kano to exasperation. 
“Yeah, yeah I did…” 
“Come here, you silly.” Erron wrapped his arm around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace, in which Kano remained stiff. “Aren’t you going to hug me back?” Erron teased, but to his surprise, Kano complied. His arms went around his waist, hugging him back. His head fell to the side of his body, his nose bruising against his ear. 
"Oh, I almost forgot, I have to go and prepare the cargo for the next mission. See you there, boss.” He said in a normal tone as nothing happened. 
“Yeah, yeah, you should.” 
Erron left the office feeling victorious and enjoying the power he had over Kano. The mercenary was left alone to deal with his own frustrations. 
A few weeks passed after their meeting, but this time Kano didn’t have time to think about Erron’s lovely face as their missions were approaching their end. While he was preparing the last details of the plan, someone knocked on his door. 
“Come in” he said, slightly irritated, as the sound disturbed him. 
“Feeling nervous, boss?” A familiar voice said. It wasn't muffled as usual, and when Kano turned around, he was surprised to see Erron not wearing his mask. 
“Me? Nah, I’m just a little concerned, that’s all. It's a lot of money, ya know?”
“Yeah, don’t worry, everything will be fine.” 
“I hope so. What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you help Kira load the weapons in the truck?” 
“She’s fine, she won’t miss me if I’m gone a couple of minutes. Besides, I wanted to check on you.” He said it in a flirty tone as he wrapped his hands around his neck. 
“Black please, don’t toy with me now, I’m not in the mood.” He said as he hesitantly grabbed his waist with the intention to push him aside, but failed when the gunslinger glued his body to his, resting his head on his shoulder.
“Come on, Erron, we've got work to do.” He tried to sound intimidating, but his soft tone didn’t help. Erron pulled out gently, and Kano turned his head to face him. For a split second, they made eye contact, and then their foreheads were glued to each other. Kano wanted him so bad, but he also had a mission to focus on. His grip tightened and loosened on Erron’s waist, which emphasized his conflicting feelings. Should he let go and deal with Erron after the mission, or should he try one more time?
“I don’t know what you want…I swear…”
“Isn’t it obvious? I want you.”
“How do you want me when you push me away with every occasion?” 
“Because I don’t know how much you want me. You don’t seem willing to compromise.”
“Compromise this, compromise that, I don’t know if you want me or not, s’just a bunch of cheap excuses to play with me. I know you want it as much as I do.” He tightened his grip around him, pulling him closer. “Just kiss me already.”
Erron froze and all his smugness disappeared when Kano handled him so roughly. For a few moments, he was tempted to give in, but he was saved by Kabal, who yelled behind the door.
"Kano, it’s time to go! Do you know where Erron is? I can’t find him anywhere!”
Erron pulled away from him fast.
“Why in hell should I know? Keep looking for him. I’ll be out in a second.” He said he was irritated, as he felt the kiss being stollen from him. He had Erron in his grasp, and was on the verge of surrounding if Kabal didn’t interrupt them. 
“I guess we’ll continue after the mission.” Erron said, somehow relieved, as he walked away. 
“Yes, yes, we will.” 
“You know that all you have to do is ask nicely, right?” Erron added as he saw Kano’s visible frustration. He wanted to kiss him as badly as him, but he wasn’t ready to give up yet. 
“Oh this crap again? How long are you going to keep up like this?” He asked annoyed. 
“Until you say one pretty ‘please’. Is that so fucking hard? Is it so much that your ego can’t handle?”
“My ego? My ego!?” Kano was yelling at this point, leaving Kabal to wonder what the hell was going on. At least he found Erron. “How about yours? Prolonging this stupid kiss until I say ‘please’? What are you, five?” 
“I can’t resonate with you. That’s why I didn’t want to go on with our relationship. If you struggle with one ‘please’ now, I don’t even wanna think about how you’ll react when things will get more serious.”
He was right and Kano knew it. 
“Fine, have it your way.” He said it with a defeated tone that was tinged with relief.“Erron, will you please let me kiss you?”
“I-“ he didn’t expect him to ask right away. “Now?” 
“As you can see, we have a mission to do. I was thinking maybe about afterwards.” 
“S-sure…sounds good.” 
On Kano’s face a devious smirk appeared, leaving Erron to wonder what mischievous thoughts he was having at that moment. 
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing, see you after the mission.”
Kano left with a feeling of satisfaction. He finally won one battle in the war for passion. 
The mission went well, but it didn’t end. The emperor would have to wait a little longer before dying under Kano’s knife. Other than that, they successfully talked with him, and Kotal has no clue what they want. 
Even if the mission was a success, Erron couldn’t calm down. His anxiety was well justified given how much he played the mercenary lately. He can only imagine what awaits him when Kano finally gets his hands on him, when all that frustration and desire will be finally released after such a long game in which inevitably Kano is the winner. 
A loud knock at the door pulled him out of his train of thought.
“Come in.” He shouted. 
Kano appeared in his room, with a wide smile on his face. 
“How’s my favorite cowboy doing?” 
“I’m rethinking our mission, I think we missed something. Other than that, I’m a little tired." The first part was obviously a lie; he can’t tell the truth to the man who’s been preying on him for so long. 
“Hmmm, I think we did great.” He said this as he approached Black, who froze upon seeing Kano getting closer. The mercenary reached out his hands to cup Erron’s face. He couldn’t believe that this moment had finally arrived, and, fearing that something might intervene, he quickly consumed the moment by pressing his lips together. A soft moan escaped his mouth once he felt Erron’s soft lips. He made sure they were moisturized before. 
Erron had his eyes open as he was trying to process the whole encounter. While Kano was constantly pressing his lips over his, he remained still without kissing back. However, his shock disappeared when Kano’s hands moved on his waist and pulled him closer, causing the gunslinger to gain some confidence and kiss the man back. He grabbed his shoulder for support and finally let himself indulge in this sweet, tender moment. 
The room was soon filled with wet noises and soft moans as the men continued to kiss. 
It wasn’t long until the tip of Kano’s tongue kept touching Erron’s lips in a way to make the encounter more intimate. Without realizing how hungry Kano was, Erron let him in and saw how he was struggling to breathe, as the mercenary would be a lot rougher and more dominant than before. One of his hands grabbed Black’s neck so he could hold him still while his tongue was causing havoc inside his mouth. 
Erron was overwhelmed to feel Kano so close to him, to feel his hot breath on his face, and to smell his sweet cologne. His presence was simply intoxicating.
Eventually they broke the kiss because they needed some air. Their lips were swollen, their cheeks red, but their smiles were wide as finally some tension was relieved.
“I didn’t know you were such a good kisser.” Kano said he was satisfied, licking his lips. 
“Yeah, I can say the same.” Black responded, trying to catch his breath. 
Kano’s hands remained on Erron’s waist, caressing the flesh gently, as he couldn’t take his eyes off the gunslinger. When he saw that Erron caught his breath, he kissed him again, continuing where he left off. Their tongues would constantly twirl, resulting in a sloppy kiss in which Kano remained dominant. Eventually the mercenary was pushing Erron’s body backwards until he hit the cold wall, but without breaking the kiss. The gunslinger was trapped once again by Kano, but this time he wasn’t in charge anymore, and that was clear by the way Kano’s hands would travel along Erron’s body. They would grip or caress his flesh randomly, depending on the intensity of the kiss, turning the once confident and controlling man into a submissive one as his body would become weak in Kano’s touch. 
However, Erron found the strength to move his hands alongside the mercenary’s sculpted body, finding their way down his navel. His fingertips gently tapped over his skin, feeling his muscles flex under the intensity of the kiss. Erron kept sliding his hands lower as the passion between them increased, and it would’ve turned into something more serious if Kano didn’t stop him.
“W-what are you doing?” Erron asked confused when he felt his hands being pushed aside. 
“Well, I think we should wait for that.”
“W-why? I thought we were doing pretty well here.” He replied in frustration. 
"Yeah, but c’mon, we barely had our first kiss, and you want to jump right into sex? I don’t think I’m ready for that step yet.” He said, trying not to laugh as he felt proud of getting the upper hand. 
“I-I don’t know, yes? You seem ready to me.”
At this point, Kano removed his hands from Erron’s body and took a step back, creating some space between them. 
“It’s just an impression, dear. Believe it or not, I want to take it slow.” 
“You wanna take it slow?” 
"Yes, Erron, I can’t figure out where this relationship is heading after just one kiss.” 
“You do realize this wasn’t just a kiss, right?”
“Then what was it, Erron?” 
Kano watched proudly as, for the first time since their game, Erron remained silent. 
“Just go already.” The cowboy said this after crossing his arms over his chest. 
Kano turned around, smiled, and headed to the door. Before leaving, he turned around to look at Erron one more time. 
“Hey Black”
“Ask me nicely.”
“Ask me nicely if you wanna have sex.” 
With that, Kano truly felt like a winner. Now Erron would have to endure the burden of sexual frustrations and would also need one helluva plan to convince Kano to sleep with him after everything he put him through. 
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suvidrache · 1 year
Past‚ Present‚ & Future Character List
If the fandom or character does well, it will make a comeback and will be added to my permanent write list. More info here | Simple Version
* indicates a new fandom. | ☆ indicates a fandom I discontinued. | characters in bold are characters I discontinued. | no indicator is a current fandom I write for & have no intentions to discontinue.
* Ahiru No Sora - Chiaki, Fuwa, Kaname, Kenji, Momoharu, Shinichi, Tokina, Tokiwa, Yakuma, and Yukinara.
* Black Butler - Claude, Grelle, Sebastian, Undertaker, William (added to the list!)
Bleach - Äs Nödt, Byakuya Kuchiki, Gin Ichimaru, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Isshin Kurosaki, Izuru Kira, Jūshirō Ukitake, Kenpachi Zaraki, Kensei Muguruma, Kisuke Urahara, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nnoitra Gilga, Renji Abarai, Shinji Hirako, Shūhei Hisagi, Shunsui Kyōraku, Sōsuke Aizen, Szayelaporro Granz, Ulquiorra Cifer, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Sado, Yumichika Ayasegawa.
☆ Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Alejandro, Alex, John, Johnny, König, Phillip, Rodolfo, Simon. *Kyle
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness - Aki, Arrin, Asrif, Bale, Boar Clan Mage, Chelko, Dark, Detlan, Fin-Kedinn, Gaup, Hord, Iakim, Inuktiluk, Juksakai, Krukoslik, Kujai, Kyo, Maheegun, Narrander (The Walker), Orvo, Poi, Raut, Sialot, Tenris, Thiazzi, Thull, Tiu, Tseid, Yolun.
Devil May Cry - Dante, Nero, V, and Vergil.
Final Fantasy - Angeal Hewley, Cloud Strife, Genesis Rhapsodos, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Kadaj, Loz, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Reno Sinclair, Rufus Shinra, Sephiroth, Vincent Valentine, Yazoo, Zack Fair.
* Food Wars! - Akira Hayama, Eishi Tsukasa, Isami Aldini, Satoshi Isshiki, Takumi Aldini, Terunori Kuga.
Grand Theft Auto V - Ron Jakowski, Trevor Philips, and Wade Hebert.
Gone - Albert Hillsborough, Alex Mayle, Antoine, Caine Soren, Charles "Orc" Merriman, Drake Merwin, Edilio Escobar, Elwood Booker, Hunter Lefkowitz, Lance, Tony "Cookie" Gilder, Toto, Turk, Tyler "Bug", Paint, Panda, Quinn Gaither, Roger, Zil Sperry.
Haikyuu - Atsumu Miya, Daichi Sawamura, Eita Semi, Kei Tsukishima, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenma Kozume, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Lev Haiba, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Satori Tendō, Shinsuke Kita, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tōru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yū Nishinoya.
☆ Halloween 1978 - Michael Myers
Hellboy - Abraham Sapien and Nuada Silverlance.
Hetalia Axis Powers - America, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kugelmugel, Ladonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Molossia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Prussia, Romania, Russia, Seborga, South Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
House of Wax - Bo, Lester, and Vincent. 
* Hunger Games - Darrius, Finnick Odair, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch
* Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
* Jujutsu Kaisen - Choso, Geto, Nanami Kento.
Kuroko No Basket - Atsushi Murasakibara, Chihiro Mayuzumi, Daiki Aomine, Kazunari Takao, Kiyoshi Miyaji, Makoto Hanamiya, Reo Mibuchi, Shinji Koganei, Shintarō Midorima, Shoichi Imayoshi, Taiga Kagami, Tatsuya Himuro, Teppei Kiyoshi, Wei Liu.
Mortal Kombat - Baraka, Bi-Han, Dairou, Erron Black, Fujin, Hanzo Hasashi, Havik, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Jarek, Johnny Cage, Kabal, Kano, Kenshi, Kobra, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao, Kurtis Stryker, Mavado, Quan Chi, Rain, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Taven, Tomas Vrbada. Onaga, Reptile, Goro, Kintaro.
— All Mortal Kombat characters will be written from MK 11 and the past. I will not be writing for the new game. — Smut for animals is *not* allowed
My Hero Academia - Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, Hizashi Yamada, Izuku Midoriya, Kai Chisaki, Katsuki Bakugo, Keigo Takami, Mashirao Ojiro, Mezo Shoji, Mirio Togata, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Tenya Iida, Tomura Shigaraki.
Naruto - Asuma Sarutobi, Deidara, Gaara, Genma Shiranui, Hashirama Senju, Hidan, Iruka Umino, Itachi Uchiha, Jiraiya, Kabuto Yakushi, Kakashi Hatake, Kakuzu, Kankurō, Kisame Hoshigaki, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Madara Uchiha, Might Guy, Minato Namikaze, Nagato (Pain), Neji Hyūga, Obito Uchiha, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Sasori, Shikamaru Nara, Tobi, Tobirama Senju, Yamato, Zetsu.
☆ Nightmare on Elm - Freddy Krueger
* Shatter Me - Brendan, Winston.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Alfredo Sawyer, Edward "Tex" Saywer, Robert "Chop Top" Sawyer, and Nubbins Sawyer.
☆ The Boy - Brahms Heelshire
Tokyo Ghoul - Kishou Arima, Nimura Furuta, Renji Yomo, Uta. 
Tokyo Revengers - Chifuyu Matsuno, Keisuke Baji, Ken "Draken' Ryuguji, Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Nahoya "Smiley" Kawata, Ran Haitani, Shuji Hanma, Souya "Angry" Kawata.
* Yuri On Ice - Chris, Otabek, Viktor, Yuri P.
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ash-shark · 7 months
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100 notes · View notes
spanglishcomics · 4 years
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Final art of the WIP from yeterday! I just love how Erron dosen't see the irony in his words.
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candyk0rn · 3 years
Hopefully this will help with finding things on my page!
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Jojo’s Bizzare adventure:
Part 1:
Instruments I think different jojo characters would play
Instruments I think different jojo characters would play
Will Zepelli:
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Part 2:
Instruments I think different jojo characters would play
Caesar x reader (Fluff)
Caesar x oblivious reader
Lisa Lisa:
Instruments I think different jojo characters would play
Suzi Q:
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Part 3:
The Stardust Crusaders in a relationship ( Fluff head-canons)
Helping s/o after a nightmare
Jotaro x reader on birthday
Jotaro with s/o who play-fights
The Stardust Crusaders in a relationship ( Fluff head-canons)
Helping s/o after nightmare
Polnareff x oblivious reader
The Stardust Crusaders in a relationship ( Fluff head-canons)
Helping s/o after nightmare
Kakyoin x reader on birthday
The Stardust Crusaders in a relationship ( Fluff head-canons)
Helping s/o after nightmare
Old Joseph ( lol):
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Part 4:
The Part 4 gang in a relationship ( Fluff Head-canons)
What the part 4 gang would look for in a s/o
Josuke with an s/o with crazy style!
Part 4 gang reacting to getting rejected
Josuke x oblivious reader
Josuke x reader on birthday
The Part 4 gang in a relationship ( Fluff Head-canons)
instruments I think different jojo characters would play
What the part 4 gang would look for in a s/o
Part 4 gang reacting to getting rejected
The Part 4 gang in a relationship ( Fluff Head-canons)
What the part 4 gang would look for in a s/o
Part 4 gang reacting to being rejected
The Part 4 gang in a relationship ( Fluff Head-canons)
What the part 4 gang would look for in a s/o
The Part 4 gang in a relationship ( Fluff Head-canons)
What the part 4 gang would look for in an s/o
Mikitaka in a relationship
Yoshikage Kira:
Part 4 gang reacting to being rejected
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Part 5:
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Giorno reacting to specific nicknames!
Bucci gang accidentally saying “ I love you” during a phone call
Giorno has a nightmare ( angst-fluff)
Fluff alphabet
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Passione darling headcanons
Bucci gang reacting to Giorno fangirls
Bucci gang accidentally saying, “ I love you” during a phone call
Bucci gang reacting to receiving birthday present
Bruno with s/o who okay fights
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Passione dating headcanons
Bucci gang reacting to Giorno fangirls
Bucci gang accidentally saying, “ I love you” during a phone call
Bucci gang reacting to receiving birthday present
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Passione darling headcanons
Bucci Gang reacting to Giorno fangirls
Bucci Gang accidentally saying, “ I love you” during a phone call
Bucci gang reacting to receiving birthday present
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Passione dating headcanons
Bucci Gang reacting to Giorno fangirls
Bucci Gang accidentally saying, “ I love you” during a phone call
Bucci gang reacting to receiving birthday present
S/o gets eye infection
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Trish accidentally saying, “ I love you” at the end of a phone call
Bucci gang reacting to nicknames ( fluff)
Passione dating headcanons
Fugo meeting S/o’s pet horse
Fugo x oblivious reader
Bucci gang reacting to receiving birthday present
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Demon Slayer
Hashira comforting s/o when crying
Hashira comforting s/o when crying
Hashrias comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
Hashiras comforting s/o when crying
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My Chemical Romance
Party poison:
Crushing on y/n hc
Reacting to y/n dying ( angst)
Jet star:
Crushing on y/n hc
Kobra Kid:
Crushing on y/n hc
Fun ghoul:
Crushing on Y/n hc
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Genshin Impact:
Xiao relationship headcanons
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.1
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.2
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.2
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.2
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.2
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.2
(Platonic) Klee:
The kid trio as little siblings!
(Platonic) Qiqi:
The kid trio as little siblings!
( Platonic) Diona
The kid trio as little siblings!
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.1
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.1
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.1
Hu Tao:
Genshin girls in a relationship pt.1
If I have missed anything then please let me know!
There will be a link to this masterlist in the pinned post at the top of my page!
If any of the links send you to the wrong place- please tell me! I will fix it right away
I will update this every time I post any fanfic!
And if somebody asks for somebody not in the list, I will add them and do the request!
Thank you!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Mortal Kombat Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This Mortal Kombat article contains spoilers.
There’s a new Mortal Kombat live-action movie out on HBO Max, and it comes after nearly 30 years of games, cartoons, and movie adaptations. With such a long history to pick through, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the new movie has more than a few easter eggs and references to the series’ most famous moments and characters. Why wouldn’t there be? Why even make a new movie if you’re not going to throw your fans a bone or twenty exploding skulls?
We’re keeping track of all the neat easter eggs that fill the 2021 film, from obscure character references to loving nods to the games’ most gruesome Fatcalities. Here’s what we’ve found so far:
Kombat Jargon
Cole Young rightfully notes that “Mortal Kombat” is spelled incorrectly. Series creators Ed Boon and John Tobias each have their own explanation for the spelling. Boon claimed that “Combat” was a workshopped name for the game and someone added a K to be weird. Tobias said that the K was there just so they could trademark the term.
As it’s custom for the Mortal Kombat announcers to say who won each match, Kano takes care of this himself when he kills Reptile and smugly says, “Kano wins.”
When Kung Lao kills Nitara, he notes, “Flawless victory.” That’s what the announcers say in-game whenever someone has a perfect round. At least it’s used correctly here, unlike the original movie, where people would say, “Flawless victory,” in regards to fights where both sides took blows.
There are many deaths in the movie, but only Liu Kang announces, “Fatality,” like in the game.
Scorpion and Sub-Zero
Bi-Han killing Hanzo Hasashi has been depicted many times in Mortal Kombat media, though canonically in the game Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. The version in this movie more closely resembles the events of the animated film Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge. The big difference that sets this movie apart from the others is the fact that Hanzo existed centuries ago and not in the present. That, and the depiction of Sub-Zero as pure evil. While Bi-Han is no saint, his killing of Hanzo is usually depicted as strictly business. In the games, the murder of Scorpion’s family is the doing of Quan Chi, who uses the tragedy to manipulate Scorpion into his service.
Outside of his feud with Scorpion, Sub-Zero’s villain status in this movie more closely matches the origin of Erron Black, the anachronistic Wild West gunslinger who first showed up in Mortal Kombat X. Centuries ago, Shang Tsung felt threatened by a potential challenger in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He hired Erron Black to assassinate the threat, and in return Tsung would teach Black the secrets to living for thousands of years.
Scorpion pulls off his classic Toasty Fatality, which also turns his mouth into charred bone. Scorpion’s always had this weird situation going on with his face where sometimes it’s flesh and sometimes it’s just a skull. Here, we get a bit of both!
Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs
On Sonya’s research wall, there’s a book excerpt on a Native American tribe called Matokans, focusing on shamans and warriors. The clipping mentions a tribe member known as “the Night wolf.” Nightwolf is a character (and title) introduced in the third game. He strongly resembles the sketch included in the clipping. “Matokan Warrior” is one of his variations in Mortal Kombat 11.
Also on the wall is a photo of a sculpture of the Mayan God of War, Buluc Chabtan. In Mortal Kombat lore, this is the Outworld warrior Kotal Kahn, who for a time ventured into Earthrealm and was worshipped as a god by the Mayans. The character was introduced in Mortal Kombat X when he took over Outworld in the aftermath of Shao Kahn’s death. While still barbaric, his rule was considered more progressive than his predecessor’s.
While Sonya’s rings attack is treated as a superpower here, in the games, it’s treated as more of a high-tech wrist weapon.
The subplot about Sonya’s worth due to her lack of dragon tattoo could be interpreted as a commentary on how the original movie handled Sonya in the third act. Shang Tsung kidnapped her and chose to make her the finalist in the tournament, which everyone treated as a fight Sonya could never win in a million years. The way the original movie turned Sonya into a damnsel in distress annoys many fans to this day.
The origin of Jax’s metal arms has been told many different ways through the decades. He’s lost them at the hands of Baraka, Ermac, a Special Forces goon, and Goro. This is the first time Sub-Zero has been responsible.
Jax splattering his opponent’s head with a clap of the hands is a Fatality he’s had since Mortal Kombat II.
Kano and the Black Dragon
Kano has trouble using the GPS to track Raiden’s temple. This is probably a callback to the original movie, where Shang Tsung’s Island caused Sonya’s compass to go haywire.
Kano’s face gets clawed up, and later he’s able to shoot a red laser from his eye socket. In the games, Kano has a metal plate over his eye, giving him that laser ability.
The heart rip was Kano’s Fatality in the first game. He’s since introduced many variations of it.
The Black Dragon is brought up a few times. A scummier offshoot of the terrorist organization the Red Dragon, Kano’s group has included such characters as Kabal, Jarek, Kira, Kobra, Erron Black, and Tremor.
Kabal blames Kano for why he’s stuck in his respirator-based costume. In the games, Kabal was a Black Dragon member who left the group and became a cop. During the events of Mortal Kombat 3, Kabal was burned alive by Kintaro. Kano actually saved Kabal and hooked him up to the respirators in hopes of recruiting him. Shang Tsung tried to use magic to heal Kabal’s lungs, which gave him super-speed as a side-effect.
Kano refers to Raiden as “Gandalf” and considers his comrades’ magical attacks as “Harry Potter shit.” Fitting that Kano’s references keep with properties owned by Warner Bros.
Kano’s overall story here is a lot like the ’90s comic book Mortal Kombat: Rayden and Kano. In the comic, Rayden (they spelled it differently back then) attempted to hire Kano to help destroy Shao Kahn, as he was the descendant of a hero who liberated Outworld long ago. Kano ultimately betrayed Rayden, just as he betrays his teammates in this movie.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao
Kano refers to Liu Kang as “MC Hammer” due to their shared love of puffy pants.
Liu Kang brings up Master Bo’ Rai Cho, a character introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Bo’ Rai Cho (a play on “boracho” meaning “drunk” in Spanish) is an Outworld warrior who sympathized with Earthrealm and chose to protect it from Shao Kahn. Being from Outworld, he could not enter Mortal Kombat without it counting against Earthrealm. Instead, he’s dedicated thousands of years to training Shaolin warriors in hopes of one of them winning the tournament and ending Outworld’s streak. He mentored Liu Kang and Kung Lao firsthand.
Kung Lao mentions being the descendant of the original Kung Lao. The Great Kung Lao was a Shaolin monk who regularly defended Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat. He even defeated Shang Tsung at least once. But his streak came to an end at the hands of Goro. Later games revealed that the modern Kung Lao is a reincarnation of the original.
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Liu Kang is able to get the better of Kano by spamming the leg sweep. This is a reference to a very annoying tactic in the early games.
The way Kung Lao kills Nitara is similar to his Fatality from Mortal Kombat 9, the difference being that, in the game, the victim is cut apart crotch-first.
Kung Lao dying to drive Liu Kang’s story forward is a regular trope in Mortal Kombat. Lao’s death first came in Mortal Kombat 3. But in the Mortal Kombat 9 reboot, Kung Lao went on a major winning streak during the retelling of Mortal Kombat II, but then Shao Kahn grabbed him from behind and snapped his neck. Liu Kang reacted by punching a hole through Kahn’s chest.
Raiden’s Temple
The paintings depict the Great Kung Lao standing over a beaten Shang Tsung. Kung Lao is probably the victim of the painting of Goro tearing a poor guy in half. Other images show Bi-Han murdering Hanzo and the rule of Shao Kahn, the true villain in the Outworld invasion.
One painting shows Argus and Delia, protectors of the realm Edenia, watching over the prone body of a bearded man with some kind of war going on in a cloud above. This man appears to be one of their sons, either Taven or Daegon. Both were put in a slumber as part of a prophecy/contest to stop Armageddon, an event where so many Mortal Kombat characters were at war that it threatened to destroy reality itself.
There’s a fan on display belonging to Kitana. Kitana is Shao Kahn’s adopted daughter and brainwashed assassin. She tends to betray Outworld and align herself with Liu Kang. Strangely, while she isn’t in this movie, her clone Mileena is.
Shang Tsung and Outworld
While Reptile has been around since the first Mortal Kombat game, the design used for the movie is based on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Like in the game, Reptile’s abilities include invisibility, an extended tongue, and acid saliva.
In the games, Nitara first appeared in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. She’s depicted as a loner and manipulator who wants to bring back her lost vampire realm. A very random choice to be sure, but she also had a cameo in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge, so somebody out there really digs her.
General Reiko was first introduced in Mortal Kombat 4 as one of Shinnok’s henchmen. He was given an extremely vague ending that had him running into a portal to parts unknown, but certain home ports expanded on it to show him putting on Shao Kahn’s mask, suggesting they were the same person. This was later handwaved away as Reiko just really liking Kahn’s mask and wanting power for himself.
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When Reiko was brought back in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, he was given the giant warhammer as his weapon stance.
When killing Kung Lao, Shang Tsung tells him, “Your soul is mine!” That hammy quote was Shang Tsung’s go-to threat in the first movie. Also, eating souls is Tsung’s go-to Fatality in just about any game.
Goro threatens to tear out Cole’s spine. While that is more of Sub-Zero’s thing, it’s also the iconic Fatality that Mortal Kombat is remembered for. Fellow Shokan warrior Sheeva also has a spine-ripping Fatality in Mortal Kombat 11.
Johnny Cage
The movie ends with a teaser for Johnny Cage, who will presumably appear in the sequel if that project happens. In the final shot of the movie, we see a cropped image of a movie poster for Citizen Cage, one of Johnny’s many established movies from the game’s lore. The poster shows him wearing his large “CAGE” belt buckle, which was introduced in Mortal Kombat 9. That makes it all the more likely that he’ll have “JOHNNY” tattooed across his chest.
There’s another movie poster to the side that we can’t see too much of other than it having “Fist” in the title. Going on the games, this could be The Gist of My Fist or Dragon Fist.
Let us know in the comments if we missed anything!
The post Mortal Kombat Easter Eggs and Reference Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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midethefangirl · 4 years
Kano’s Son Headcanons
Ever since I watched Kano’s MK X ending, I have been intrigued with the idea of Kano having a child. I checked a lot of Mortal Kombat platforms to try to get resources as well as read fictions on his son, which are as few as they come by unfortunately. The one fiction that featured Kano’s son which caught my interest was Mortal Kombat: Desperation by @flowerynameslover which is a good story y’all should read 😄.
Real name: Damien “Kano Jnr” Finn
Face model: Aaron Bernards
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Age: 27
Ethnicity: Australian-American
Alignment: Lawful Good
Raiden Fujin The White Lotus Takeda Jacqui Briggs Johnny Cage Sonya Blade Sub Zero The Lin Kuei The Shirai Ryu Hanzo Hasashi Kabal Kung Jin
Rivals: Frost Cassie Cage (more of a friendly rivalry)
Enemies: Jarek Kobra Tremor Kira Tasia The Black Dragon as an entity Shang Tsung Kotal Kahn
Kano | Father
Nila Finn | Mother (deceased)
Kuai Liang | Father figure
Es complicado:
Kano, ya know, cause he’s his dad
Song associated with him: Open Wounds by Skillet (regarding his relationship with Kano)
Before the events of MK 1/ MK 9, Kano had an on-and-off relationship with a woman. Her name was Nila Finn
Nila gets pregnant for Kano, eventually having a baby boy named Damien. However, due to complications, she dies in childbirth.
Her death caused Kano to harbour resentment towards Damien, as a result, he refused to hold or even look at his child.
Damien, while growing up, has always been sickly. This frustrated Kano to no end as he was expected to succeed him as leader of the Black Dragons.
This also caused him to be a victim of bullying from members of the Black Dragon. Kano rarely helped him out, often calling him a weakling
When he turned 13, things got worse as his father decided that that was the perfect time lto train Damien to become the next leader.
During the ‘training’, he’s either beaten up or starved, sometimes it’s a combination of the two.
There were times he was forced to kill defecting members to ‘assert his dominance’. Each time he refused, Kano would call him a ‘little weak bitch’ before beating him up.
As he grew older, he grew to resent Kano, trying to rile him up. This leads to serious problems as anyone should know better than pissing Kano off.
Unable to take the abuse anymore, he plots to escape while eavesdropping on Kano’s plan to infiltrate the Special Forces base. He sneaks in by masking as Kobra after knocking him unconscious. No one figures it out until they get back to the Black Dragon base. By then, Damien has already escaped to the Special Forces.
He gets discovered by a soldier who reports his presence to General Blade. At first, Sonya thinks he’s a spy for the Black Dragon until she brings in Raiden.
Raiden believes his story and asks Kuai Liang (who is rebuilding his clan at this moment) to take him in. The grandmaster agrees, letting him seek refuge from Kano and the Black Dragons
After a few years later, Damien decides to temporarily train with the Special Forces, this is where he meets the Kombat Kids.
Relationship Headcanons
Has a great rivalry with Frost but no one is surprised as it is Frost being…well, Frost.
Also has a kind of friendly rivalry between him and Cassie Cage.
Surprisingly, Sonya does not consider him as an enemy as she understands that Damien is not responsible for Kano’s actions.
However, Kotal considers him as an enemy because of Kano’s hand in aiding Mileena’s side during the Outworld Civil War.
His relationship with Kano is complicated, considering the fact that Kano is the only family member he has left.
To honour his deceased mother, he kept her last name, Finn.
I think these are the only headcanons I have left for him. I don’t know if NRS decides to add him as a canon character (considering the fact that arcade endings are semi-canon) but who knows.
Note: I made a mistake mixing up ‘Caucasian’ with ‘white’, as in the race but @saltyneckoperatorbear brought my attention to this. Thanks for the correction 🙏🏾💜
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nishymoon · 4 years
Kira x Kobra?
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ash-shark · 4 months
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Random gay shit
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