#kofi plug
stephpotterart · 6 months
I've made a free post on my Patreon, showing the kind of Nandor Fashion posts that you'll be getting if you sign up to support me on either Patreon or Ko-fi! Hope you enjoy!
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yvettetheflyingpan · 2 years
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Happy Monday! New week means new pages of my Blue Sketchbook 2 are available on my kofi page! Have fun looking at the fanart in the meantime!
Ko-Fi link: https://ko-fi.com/flyingpan11037
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tikus-library · 1 year
Just gonna... leave this here...
If anyone is interested in requesting a story, take a quick gander at my masterlists in my bio to check out who I usually write for.
Please don't hesitate to message me or send in an ask for any questions.
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malenjoyer · 4 months
Hi I’m sorry for bothering you, i hope everything is okay, that situation seems awful 🫂 I was just wondering if we could have a little bit of clarification, when you say no more public art, does that mean you’re shutting down your account? Deleting all your stuff? Not posting anything new?
Sorry again! I am just a little lost on the details of that one
Not deleting anything but I won't be posting anything new. I might open commissions here and there because I'm currently unemployed.
Edit: Since this might be repetitive stalking, I will private all of my art.
You can check for any commission openings here. Or you can come back next month and see me do stuff on patreon because if someone is trying to ruin my life, I should at least plug something right...
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
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chapter three of mirror mine is now live! in this chapter, you’ll get to:
give gralex all the cuddles
meet alex
flirt with the ros
spend some time with nora and callie at the restaurant
reconnect (briefly) with a certain absent father
the demo has been beta'd thank you besties you're out here doing gods work🙏 but if you manage find any mistakes that slipped between the cracks, send them my way!
if you like what i do, please consider supporting me on kofi!
and now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for:
play the demo here!
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onigiriico · 1 year
Amane audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify | Youtube ]
So much religion talk in this one. So much. I typed so much stuff into DeepL my JP keyboard app crashed at some point, but! it is done at last! 🎉 As always, if you've got any questions or find a mistranslated line, you can find me on Twitter or send me an ask (and in case you've got some money to spare & feel like supporting me extra, you can also find me over on Ko-fi)! But, without further ado:
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(Es enters)
E: Prisoner no.8, Amane. It’s time for your interrogation. Let’s talk for the first time in a while.
A: Warden.
E: What is it, Prisoner?
A: We've been disappointed by you.
E: Hah?
A: Even though we could sense the possibility of the new world we desire here in Milgram… and in you.
E: I don’t care how much you look down on me. I told you that won’t work.
A: Furthermore, you may say incomprehensible things, such as us “not being forgiven”...
E: Oi.
A: But we are generous. For now, let us make some time for a conversation with you. After all, our history is one that is built on dialogue.
E: Oi. Listen to what I’m saying.
A: What is it?
E: Amane. Don’t think you’ll be able to lead the conversation with that total change in attitude. Is it the result of the judgment that you’ve ended up like this?
A: “Like this”?
E: The dazed look in your eyes. The atmosphere around you. The way you speak. In comparison to the first trial, it’s like you’re a different person.
A: Hm.
E: Everyone who was unforgiven told me they heard voices judging their sins. They’re experiencing a lot of emotional stress as a result. Were your changes influenced by that as well?
A: Hah? Those stupid voices, huh? Yeah. I have heard them as well. However, such things do not pose a major problem.
E: What?
A: We have firm teachings. We have a clear and noble faith. No matter what kinds of things other people might say, these things cannot be shaken.
E: Faith… That would be referring to the religion you believe in, right?
A: Yes. It seems like the power Milgram holds is real. Did you have a look as well? At our faith.
E: Yeah. Though it was a depiction of a fairly small group of people… I’ve judged that your murder was the result of religion – of faith.
A: It wasn’t murder. It was merely a punishment in line with our doctrine.
E: So it’s not a sin, you mean?
A: Is faith a sin?
E: Faith itself is free. I’m not religious myself, but I understand that some people might be saved by it.
A: Hm. Is that so? Are the prisoners who weren’t forgiven feeling lost right now? Maybe they need our faith as well.
E: I’d rather you spare me the missionary work inside the prison.
A: Faith is free. It exists for people who are feeling lost.
E: … We’ve digressed. So – just what are you right now? You’ve been saying “we” this whole time. Does that mean you are not Amane Momose right now?
A: Right now, I am both Amane Momose and I am not. I am speaking on behalf of our faith. I am speaking as “we”, who believe that dialogue and warnings are in order since you made the misjudgment to not forgive us.
E: So you’re saying I’m talking to the very concept of your faith right now?
A: We don’t mind you thinking of it that way.
E: Huh.
A: Well then. Let us warn you once again. Warden. You judged that Milgram couldn’t forgive us, correct?
E: Yeah, that’s right.
A: As stated previously, our actions were in line with our doctrine, and thus cannot count as sins. Thus, Milgram is in the wrong.
E: You’ve killed a person.
A: In line with our doctrine.
E: You understand that you’ve broken the law, right?
A: We’ve talked about this before. There are things more important than the law. That would be our teachings.
E: I won’t acknowledge you turning such selfish rules into a standard of judgment. I won’t allow it. End of story.
A: …
E: Both religion and faith are free. However, a doctrine can’t become a universal standard of judgment.
A: You fool. Isn’t Milgram trying to enforce a new standard of judgment precisely because laws cannot guide this world onto the right path? Are you still being weighed down by the law?
E: As someone who’s just the warden, it’s not exactly my ambition to know about Milgram’s philosophy. It’s not because it’s against the law – but as Milgram, your murder can’t be forgiven. I judged it that way. That’s all.
A: …
E: Milgram… denies your doctrine.
A: If you do not adjust your way of thinking… we, too, will never be able to forgive you.
E: Heh.
A: What’s so funny?
E: What do you mean, “we”? You’re making me laugh. What you’re doing is just plain murder – no matter whether we’re talking in general or according to religion. It’s murder.
A: …!
E: Understand that. Amane Momose. It’s not “you” (plural) who killed someone – it’s you (singular). Don’t look away from your own actions by playing pretend!
A: … Ha…haha…! - You’ve insulted us… [You’ve insulted] God…!
E: So what?
A: This is unforgivable! I won’t forgive you! (screams)
(Amane tries to strike Es, but gets stopped by the barrier)
E: I’m telling you it’s impossible for prisoners to attack the warden.
A: I won’t forgive you…! I won’t forgive you!
E: Did you get those scissors from the storage room? Were you never taught that you’re not supposed to use those on people?
A: In light of our doctrine, your insult to us is more than enough to warrant a punishment! I won’t forgive you! I won’t forgive you!
(she tries and fails to attack them again)
E: Well… it’s in vain, so you might as well just listen to me like this.
A: I won’t forgive you! I won’t forgive you!
E: Prisoners can’t attack the warden. This is one of Milgram’s core rules, though a certain guy with multiple personalities slipped past it.
A: I won’t forgive you! I won’t forgive you!
E: Which means that Milgram doesn’t decide who the prisoners are based on their body, but based on their mind. If the mind is a different one, the rule doesn’t apply. It bothers me that it has a loophole, but…
A: I’ll kill you…! I’ll kill you!!
E: Thanks to this defective rule, we’ve now confirmed this: the you holding those scissors right now isn’t a god or a concept. It’s Amane Momose herself.
A: … I’ll…!
E: So, what you’re doing right now really is just a game of pretend. This is stupid.
A: …
E: This is the head-on battle with Milgram that you wanted.
A: Shut up…!
E: What’s wrong? Have you ended up wanting to be treated like a child after all?
A: Shut up!!
E: In fact, if you ask me, the fact that you are a child has a lot to do with this matter.
A: …!
E: No matter what you do, no matter how grown-up you behave – you’re a child. That’s an unchangeable truth.
A: You’re a child, too!
E: Wrong. I’m fifteen, so I’m an adult in Puerto Rico and Haiti. You’re twelve, so you’re a child no matter the country.
A: …!!
E: Hehe. You look angry.
A: I don’t.
E: You do.
A: I don’t!
E: Well, either way is fine. In the end, there’s two main reasons as to why children get reduced sentences under the law – the possibility of reformation and the influence of the environment, I believe.
A: …
E: In this case, it’s mainly the latter. I’ve said this before – during childhood, the things that the parents teach a child have a great impact on them, and the environment one grows up in has immense influence as well. A child who is born into a very religious environment will grow up believing that those are the rules of the world.
A: What are you trying to say?
E: In other words, they will turn their faith into their entire life – feeling as if their doctrine is the whole world.
A: …
E: Previously, you objected to being considered [mentally] underdeveloped based on your age. I suppose you were right about that. Your self really is fully developed. However, that self is one that was built in a particular environment, isolated from society.
A: …
E: That’s exactly why… We have also speculated whether this really was your crime, or that of your parents – of your surroundings.
A: …!
E: But as I said before, there’s different ways these components could have worked together—
A: “We”? What’s “we”? Are you not just “I”?
E: … I…?
A: Aren’t we the same? Me and Warden-san. You know, I’m aware that I’m out of the ordinary. That my environment was peculiar, and that everyone [else] is normal.
E: Amane…
A: In fact, there have been people who said that to me. I’ve been told things like, “You’re being deceived.” “You can still make it right now.” “You’re crazy.”
E: …
A: You are treating me as a child after all. Because I’m a child, you believe that I must have been brainwashed. It’s not like that. I, too— children, too, understand everything! Please don’t just decide that people must be unhappy.
E: …
A: I’m happy that I was born to my parents! It was a bit difficult, and it could feel restrictive sometimes, but I’m really happy that I could grow up on such beautiful teachings! I want to live this way!
E: Is that so…
A: You call that brainwashing, don’t you? From my perspective, you also generally oppose religion based on your personal values. Why can that be blindly trusted just because you’re more people?
E: I got what you’re trying to say.
A: It’s only natural that we, who weren’t acknowledged as a society just because we’re fewer in numbers, would view the possibility of a new world through Milgram as a dream.
E: Yeah, I’ve got it! Still, I won’t recognize your doctrine. By my standards, a doctrine that approves murder cannot be forgiven!
A: Yes. I’ve understood that.
E: Milgram is a three-trial system, though. I’ll be watching and listening to the footage from your mind for now, going into deeper depths this time… and if I feel something there, I plan on firmly accepting that.
A: Facing me head-on, is that right?
E: Yeah. That’s it.
A: If you end up deciding not to forgive me – not to forgive us –, then I will not forgive you, either.
E: Yeah.
A: Ah… no, that’s wrong. I will not forgive you (plural).
E: Wha—
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
A: “Don’t look away from your own actions by playing pretend” – that’s my line. Warden-san, it’s not just you; it’s all of you. You all said you wouldn’t forgive us. We’re meeting each other on eye level. You all won’t be allowed to not get your hands dirty.
E: … What are you saying…?
A: What could it be? Warden-san, you were the one who said “we”, so…
E: (falls to their knees) … My head… Huh…?
A: Oh? Do you have a headache? Are you alright, Warden-san?
E: …
A: Do get back up by yourself, alright? That’s a trial given to you by God.
E: (heavy breathing)
A: Both pain and illness are trials. According to our teachings, those who run from them are the worst evil there is. That’s one of the four great principles. No matter who you are, that cannot be forgiven.
E: What are you…?
A: Oh – speaking of which, there is one among the prisoners right now. An evil existence that’s trying to steal people’s trials away from them.
E: …!
A: Shidou Kirisaki… His actions violate our rules. I have given him a warning. If he continues, I suppose it will be inevitable for me to intervene.
E: …!
A: Or… could it already be too late?
E: Shut up!! (hits her) … You’re getting ahead of yourself…!
A: Using one-sided violence… that’s unfair of you.
E: Shut your mouth…! I am the one casting the judgements here!
A: Hehehe. And how does that set you apart from us?
E: … I told you to shut up… Listen to what I’m telling you.
A: Hehe… This is nice. If the world you’re striving for is admirable in my eyes… That is to say…
E: Prisoner no.8, Amane… Sing your sins…!
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badkatdesigns · 6 months
Discount on all Homestuck items in my shop from today til midnight on the 14th! SKAIA30 in checkout on all eligible items :)
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
something cheeky for my supporters tonight pFT
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kofi membership (more bonus doodles and wallpapers~)
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stephpotterart · 3 months
My birthday is on the 16th, so I'll be taking the following week off (other than shipping out orders).
Support me on Patreon or on Ko-fi !
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yvettetheflyingpan · 2 years
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Happy Friday! New pages of my Red Sketchbook are available on my ko-fi page! This page is not my favorite of the batch, but I like how full the page is! I also like how the hand turned out, the post on my ko-fi explains why!
kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/flyingpan11037
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
friends, Id love to plug in my Ko Fi while I try to sort things out and take care of myself through this sensitive period. I’m determined to keep pushing some work to cover for the medical expenses but any passive income on the sidelines while Im letting my body rest will be a huge help ;; If you enjoy my artwork shenanigans and wanna share some support, feel free to toss a coin or two?
For any fandom folk that would want to see more art of your favorite blorbo’s, any donations over 30$ will be rewarded with some more art of whichever blorbo we’re hyping over together, I cant promise something too big but i want to leave some fun options for those who would like to receive some goodies in return ;;
Thank you for everyone who pitches in, as well as for those who cannot afford to and just opt to share this post around - I’m just glad I can have this space with you where art can carry and support us through as both artist and audience ♥
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cloudjumpervalka · 17 days
it is my 30th bday today :3
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trapdoornumberthree · 4 months
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33% off the shop for today and tomorrow get it here [or enter code THIRDSDAY at checkout]
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lotsa guys left get em while theyre 2/3rds of the price and help me buy some groceries, love and light
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I am once again asking for your financial support
Is that still a meme? Is that still funny? Am I Still Hip With The Kids? (Trick question, I never was)
Hey y'all, it's that time of posting again! I'm likely going to have to be paying for my own furniture and electricity in the none-too-distant-future, so I thought it timely to remind y'all about my ko-fi page at https://ko-fi.com/thatguywhodoesthings in hopes that some of you will perhaps throw money at me, the funky little internet creature on the other side of your screen
As always, give only what you can. I appreciate all of your support, regardless of whether it's monetary or not
That said, every little bit counts. Rent, food, water, internet, and all that fun stuff I need for survival and school costs money, and every penny you give to my kofi goes directly to supporting me and my future projects (one of which I might push to public testing next year ;), and helps free up time for me to work on the generator as well
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pocketsok · 8 months
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All-Time Favourite
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pollyannawog · 7 months
i love your kieranpon fic!! do you ever plan to go into indigo disk with the AU? of course no pressure to, just curious!
Aww, thank you! I’m so glad people enjoyed it :) Perhaps… I DO have ideas for both the ID and the epilogue (and maybe more beyond that?) but it’s really up to my level of motivation and time constraints. I have So Many Kieranpon Thoughts in my skull but whether or not those will manifest… we will simply have to see!
(Of course, I can always be persuaded to work faster… if you’re so inclined. No pressure, of course, but I do appreciate it.)
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