parseolegacy · 6 months
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The idea of my inquisitor growing his hair long while my main is napping in carbonite popped into my head and completely derailed me from Huevember... Ekkon looks so distinguished now compared to the cranky gremlin he used to be 🥺 They grow up so fast...
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asbestos-11 · 10 months
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hiiiiyaaa look at the besties ^^
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ann-spoon · 6 years
reasons to love koliveith
sooo many ship names we practically created the navy. koleith? kolith? koliveith? keithlivan???
we love at @koliveith and @koleithblogging for giving us the goods ;)))
no seriously bless this rare-pair and the content makers
s-size difference
kolivan obv cares for keith but keith is either oblivious or he doesn't want the extra attention
angst. nothing else to be said
nuzzling! scenting! bite marks!
feel free to add more
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lovefrostbite711 · 3 years
More Than Just a Dream
AN: Hey guys, thought I’d share this story I started writing on Ao3. I am having a lot of fun writing it and have developed the story far beyond the origins seen in this chapter. I hope you enjoy and feel free to reblog if you did!
Chapter 1
She dreamt of a man with green scales and emerald eyes hidden within black irises. His calmingly deep voice sent shivers down her spine when he whispered seductively in her ears. A man who was unlike anything she’d seen her entire 280 years of life.
She knew he was just a figment of her imagination. Something given to her by the parasite in her head meant to seduce her, brought on by the use of the Ilithid powers granted by said parasite. She knew she should stop using them, but she couldn’t make herself do so, if only just to see the strange alien man in her dreams.
So after exhausting herself every day by using her strange powers in order to see the strange man, she was always disappointed to wake up with no more answers then she had the day before. When she would pull from her meditations she would see the same familiar sights of her camp she shared with the others in the same predicament as her.
Until one day she didn’t. Instead of open skies and lush wilderness around her, she saw walls made from what appeared to be metal although it wasn’t shaped like anything she’d ever seen before. The area she stood was in darkness. Where the hell am I? She wondered.
She stood to her feet and began to wander toward the light she saw. Once she emerged from the alley she froze, looking at hundreds of creatures which she didn’t recognize. Then she spotted one that was familiar to her: humans
“Excuse me,” she said, walking up to the nearest human and speaking in Common.
The human glanced at her, and gave her a face of confusion before moving on, not seeming to care. She stared after them and tried to get another’s attention.
They paused for a moment as she said, “Can you tell me where I am?”
“The Citadel, duh,” the human replied before rolling their eyes and walking on.
She blinked and tried to think. Citadel? That was a church wasn’t it. But who are all these people? What are they?
One thing she knew for certain is that this was not anywhere in the material plane. These creatures were too...alien. She watched the crowd for a moment, trying to figure out what she could until she was bumped into and a tall thin creature with big bug eyes which snapped out a “watch where you’re going”. Except something was off.
She understood the words a few minutes after they were spoken, but before she understood them there was a very different noise. She began to hear all sorts of tongues she didn’t recognize, slowly beginning to converge into a language she did know. Her head throbbed and she clutched at it, grunting in pain as the headache started to surface. A headache she was familiar with.
But I’m not even trying to-
/You’re not doing it, I am/ a voice suddenly echoed in her head. /Sleep, Nyralyn, and all will be well./
She cried out in pain, her ears ringing and the lights becoming blindingly bright. Her vision blurred before she succumbed to the voice in her head, falling to her knees as her world went black.
When she came too, she was in a new place, her eyes being blasted once more by the light from above, causing her head to ache. She grunted and sluggishly lifted a hand to try to block out the light.“She’s awake!” came a voice to her side, causing her to turn to try to find the source, blinking away the light.
She spotted a human racing out of the room wearing some sort of white coat. As they left, her gaze began to focus and she noticed there were more things made of metal and shaped like boxes. She pushed herself up, feeling cloth beneath her and realizing she was on some sort of bed.
She realized she wasn’t wearing the clothes she’d been wearing earlier, instead wearing some sort of gown that was open at the back.
As she continued to gaze around the room, she noticed glowing images on what appeared to be glass nearby. She was about to go over and touch them before the human returned along with a strange blue human woman? No, they weren’t human. They definitely weren’t drow, despite the coloring. She had strange tentacle things swooping off her head, looking almost like hair. Nyralyn had never seen anything like her before.“Hello, Ms…”
“Kolith. Nyralyn Kolith.”
The woman smiled. “Kolith, we have some questions for you if you wouldn’t mind answering.”
Nyra gave the woman a cautious look. This didn’t sound good. Then again, neither did her predicament. She was in an unfamiliar environment with weird creatures she’d never seen before. She assumed she’d somehow been transported to another plane of existence, one known one had heard of before. “Depends on the questions,” she said.
The woman nodded. “First off, in order to help you, we had to take a blood sample, we’ve never seen anyone like you before so we didn’t know how to treat you. We noticed that you have similarities to humans, but enough differences that you aren’t of the same race. So, what exactly are you?”
“I’m a drow...a dark elf.”
“Alright. What is your home planet?”
She frowned, confused by the word. /Faerûn/ came the echoey voice in her head. She stiffened at the voice, trying to figure out where it was coming from, realizing the people before her were patiently waiting for her to speak. She decided to trust the voice for now. “Faerûn.”
“Interesting. I’ve never heard of that planet. Could you tell me where it is?” the woman asked, suddenly holding up a handheld thing of glass with glowing images. The image shown before her looked like a giant circle made of light. She stared at it, not sure what it was.
“Um...I’m not sure where Faerûn is. I don’t really remember how I got here.”
“I see. What is it you last remember?”
“I remember….bright lights. Something about a Citadel? Then I passed out,” she said.
The woman nodded. “While you were out we also did a scan. We noticed something strange in your brain. We’re not sure if it’s a racial trait for you, or if it was some sort of anomaly. But it could cause strange side effects or even be fatal.” She swiped on the glass and showed Nyra an image.
Nyra stared at it, noting the natural curls of her brain -- she’d seen brains before, despite being a bit shocked it was an image of one. Then she spotted something that didn’t seem to fit. It covered part of her brain, almost as if shielding it. Her blood went cold and she knew that without a doubt it was the parasite in her mind. It didn’t look exactly like the one that had been put in her eye, but she could recognize parts of it.
Her breathing began to get ragged and she curled up, pushing her hands into her eyes. “No, no, no…” she muttered.
“I’m going to guess by your reaction that it’s not normal.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s not.”
“And you’ve known about this for a while?”
She looked up from her hands and nodded, laughing wryly. “Where I come from, the only cure is death, or making a deal with a devil.”
While she sat there, she suddenly started to feel emotions of pity from the woman before her. She knew she wasn’t attempting to read the woman’s mind, but before she could help it, she slipped in. Flashes of memories from the woman sliding into her. Her name was Kali H’ryn, an Asari of about 361 years. A doctor with two loving daughters who had a Salarian father.
Then she flashed back to her own body and she groaned, clutching at the new memories now swirling in her head. Kali likewise looked a little dazed, but once she regained her composure, she looked at Nyra with both caution and intrigue.
“What did you just do?” the Asari asked, a little breathless.
“I...I don’t know. I didn’t mean to do it. It just happened.”
“It was almost like mind melding, but not exactly like it. Incredible. Is that an ability of your people?”
Nyra looked away, wrapping her arms around herself. She didn’t answer.
“I see...well, thank you for answering my questions. I assume you know that whatever is affecting your brain is spreading.”
She nodded.
“If you need any further help, please feel free to return. I don’t think we have anything else for you. Since you’re new here, do you have a place to stay?”
“Um...not yet, but I’m sure I can find something. I’m resourceful.”
Kali smiled and stood, shooing the human out. “I can tell.” She then walked over to the counter and picked a pile of clothing. “Your old outfit wasn’t hygienic and contained some possibly dangerous chemicals to some of the inhabitants here so we had to dispose of them. I’m sorry. But your other personal effects are in this drawer,” she said, opening said drawer to reveal the weapons Nyra had been wearing.
“Put those on and I’ll have someone help escort you from the hospital.” The asari paused before leaving. “If you would like, you could stay with me until you’re able to stand on your own two feet.”
“Oh….thank you,” Nyra replied and then waited for the Asari to leave before she began to dress. The new outfit was white and simple with a top and pants. She frowned. She didn’t like white, it tended to stain too quickly -- especially for what she did.
As she was slipping her blades and their sheathes on the belt of her current garments, she thought about what she’d gone through in the last few hours? She hadn’t dared ask the time. But she missed home. Hells, she missed Gale and the others. She’d hated the predicament that had brought them all together, but she’d enjoyed her time getting to know them. And now she was stuck in some other plane of existence with no way to return home. Were they even still alive? She didn’t know.
She sighed and shook herself, knowing it would be useless to dwell on it. With that thought in her mind, she decided to take the Asari up on her offer -- at least for now. Perhaps she could convince her to help her find some income. She could tell from the memories she’d received that she would need to have some sort of background, but her true history couldn’t be revealed. No one would understand. This was not a world of magic but of technology and science -- a concept she didn’t yet grasp.
Squaring her jaw, she headed out of the hospital room to first speak with Kali, and then see where the “wind” took her.
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omnis888 · 5 years
To kalokairi hthele na kanoume kati alla nomize oti den thelw kai ekane kati me thn ‘kolith mou’exoun perasei 8mhmes kai egw ton thelw akoma prostata eipe sthn allh kolith mou oti aneta ekane kati mazi mou alla den kanei kamia kinhsh kai milame spania.ti mporei na thelei?
Να παιξει
Τα παμε πες του
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helloesszter · 7 years
én: “a múltkor, amikor négyes lett az anatómia vizsgám, megjutalmaztam magam, és vettem egy szál drága gyulai kolbászt, és megettem két evésre!” tanulóspan: “annyira összeillesz b-vel; mondta a múltkor, hogy a szobatársának a kiköltözés előtt búcsúajándéknak olyan szalonnát vett, hogy megnyalja mind a 10 ujját”
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xivu-arath · 7 years
Cute character questions meme for any OC!
ahhh thanks for sending in an ask! I’ll go with chotal
the basics:
name: chotalage: 24zodiac sign: aquariusone good trait: compassionateone bad trait: self-righteous
one bad habit: isolating herself to Study when she gets interested in a subject. she’s missed council meetings this way...one good habit: regular meditation one habit they can’t break: eating sweets in the middle of the nightone they’ve broken: nudging people’s minds to solve All Problemswhat they’re afraid of: the dark side as a whole, the jedi order losing its influence or becoming too distanced
their parents names: zeyra, koliththeir siblings names: marysfavorite childhood memory: arriving at the first jedi temple!favorite childhood toy: no toys but as a padawan she almost always had at least one holocron from the library stashed in her robes...embarrassing story: this one time she got up onto a high ledge of the temple to uh. avoid her lessons, but then she couldn’t figure out a way to get down, and had to call for help from the very same jedi who’d been looking for her this entire timefavorite family member: she doesn’t actually know her familya story about that family member: --
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? teashowering in the day or night? in the day! usually the start of ittaking baths or taking showers? bathstv or movies? tv, she likes being able to follow and dissect overarching plots over timewriting or reading? reading, as long as there’s an audio option availableplatonic or romantic love? platoniciced tea or lemonade? iced teaice cream or smoothies? ice creamcupcakes or cake? cakebeach or mountains? mountains
song: --band: she can’t name a current band or song if you asked her but she has an entire library of historical compositions from centuries agooutfit: her jedi robesplace: tythonmemory: being named bara’senthorperson: nadia, definitely movie: --show: space twin peaks, probably
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parseolegacy · 1 year
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Khem bit him, and Ekkon isn't very happy about it.
Bonus moping boy:
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parseolegacy · 1 year
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Anatomy studies/practice w/ my boys :]
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parseolegacy · 1 year
SW:TOR NPC-OCs: The Betrayer, the Master, and the Spy
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Elu'tam - The Jedi defector
Raised a Jedi and an older Padawan during the Great war, Elu'tam became dissatisfied with his position, and chose to turn to the Dark side in search of glory. Delegated by a Sith general to act under the command of Lord Varagiiri, he was sent on a mission together with her apprentice Halcor Parseo to retrieve a force sensitive child. However, he was betrayed by Halcor and left to be captured by a pair of Jedi.
After breaking out of containment 11 years later, he hunted Halcor down, finding him on a faraway planet in the outer rim, where he was raising the very same child as his own- and attacked him. Halcor quickly shuttled the child out of his reach, however, Elu'tam was under the impression that he'd managed to kill Halcor after he had disarmed him, and taken his lightsaber. Satisfied, with a lifelong trophy in hand, he went home.
Returning to the Sith, he was still considered disgraced for his imprisonment. He struggled to find his place. Forced to once again train as an acolyte, he managed to befriend a young aspiring Sith: Ekkon Kolith, who drastically rose through rank after rank with both talent and skill. Despite the boy loving him like a father, he only felt more and more envy and resentment as his achievements accumulated.
Eventually, Elu'tam caught wind of the whereabouts of the child Halcor had sent away, now a Jedi master, and went to try and kill her. He refused Ekkon's help, believing this was to be his victory, and only his- that this was his ticket out of disgrace. As he approached, he was given the chance to surrender by the Jedi master, Akk'rai Parseo, but refused, and leapt into the fight that would quickly become his last.
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Varagiiri- The patron puppeteer
Halcor's Master, Ekkon's grandmother
An old Zabrak Sith Lord who was mainly active during the Great War. Since then, she's slunk into the shadows and out of the front lines. Only the wiser among the Sith remember she's still out there, somewhere, plotting. She once had a premonition that her grandson would bring about her downfall, and she has worked to avoid it ever since.
She's very picky with the apprentices that she chooses, and likes to keep the ones she's chosen as close as possible. She seeks out Sith considered 'weaker' for being amiable and kind, as she knows the value of true loyalty and honour. Training a Sith apprentice to their full strength will only mark your death, after all, unless you can rely on them being willing to repay your kindnesses- and leave you alive.
Her apprentice, Halcor Parseo, defected from the Empire. He came back to seek her help almost a decade later and she welcomed him with open arms. She helped him reintegrate under a secret identity, fully informed of his true loyalties and goals. But disloyalty towards the Empire, and even the Sith, means nothing, as long as he remains an ally to her.
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DD-4 - The hidden informant
DD-4 is a very simple mini-probe droid with a very evolved personality.
Well, that first part is actually a lie. DD-4 is an incredibly advanced mini-probe droid with a simple exterior. Extremely good memory, stalwart anti-slicing firewalls and data encryption, state of the art stealth cloaking and hypersensitive recording hardware that can reach far distances, DD-4 has been modified and upgraded through the years to become one of the most effective spies this side of Dromund Kaas- under the ownership of the Sith Lord Varagiiri.
Since 1 BTC, he has instead been transferred to Halcor Parseo, to help him keep his identity secret as he lives undercover in the Empire. DD-4 has also been keeping an eye on the operations of Sith assassins at the request of his new master. And occasionally bullying him for being a boring shut-in.
He also serves as the communication tether between Halcor and Varagiiri, transmitting messages between the two when it is needed.
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ann-spoon · 6 years
so i'm thinking of making a kolivan/keith server, is anybody interested? there's like 4+ people who ship it but is anyone willing to contribute? i'm thinking of making a niche keith ships server as well since it'll probably have some more variety and it'll be great to get some more content.
Kolivan/Keith shippers
Artists/Visual Media People (because we need to design an icon for the server)
Fans who are willing to be moderators
Anybody who ships Keith centric rarepairs (e.g. Regreith, Keitor, Keithace) or just likes obscure Keith content
Artists/Visual Media People (Because just like the Koleith server, we need icons)
Fans who are willing to be moderators
please DM me if you're interested! everybody's welcome, but please no antis.
EDIT: Both servers are officially online! Please read the Rules and Regulations and introduce yourselves in Introductions.
 Kolivan/Keith (x)
 Niche Keith (x)
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lovefrostbite711 · 3 years
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Sephiris Krios, the daughter of Nyralyn Kolith and Thane Krios from my story More Than Just A Dream. She also has her own story called Forget Me Not.
She ends up getting infected with Red Lyrium shortly after arriving in Thedas through a rift. Then she is captured by Templars and freed by the friendly spirit, Cole.
More information to come.
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lovefrostbite711 · 3 years
More Than Just A Dream
AN: It’s been a while since I’ve updated this story here and I realized I probably should. If you want to read it ahead of my uploads here, check it out on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30425217/chapters/75014091
Chapter 2
A few months had passed since her unusual arrival in this universe. She now knew that the person she kept seeing in her dreams was a Drell. But she’d still never met him. She didn’t know if she ever would.
She’d been staying with Kali since her hospital release and thanks to the Asari, she’d managed to get a job with C-Sec after carefully working to fabricate a background for her that would align with this world. It helped that the two of them were able to read memories, although Nyra usually refused to do so, scared of what would happen if she did.
Kali was a wonderful friend, and sometimes the two of them would chat after work. Sometimes Nyra’s mind would “meld” accidentally with Kali or other people on the streets - prodding, other times she would control it. Kali was helping her learn control, while also keeping progress and updated on the parasite growing in her head. So far, it hasn't gotten any worse, but it also hadn’t gotten any better.
Nyra was the talk of her C-Sec office, being a strange woman who didn’t look like any of the others on the station. She wasn’t really upset about the stares or whispers that went on behind her back. Being a drow, she’d gotten used to criticism when she’d been on the surface. Drow weren’t really accepted amongst most folk.
She quietly headed for the desk she shared with her partner, a turian named Garrus Vakarian. She nodded to him as she approached. Despite being relatively new to the force, with her fake background, she’d managed to get a decent standing. Both she and Garrus were relatively new, although she’d learned both through fellow officers as well as her own searches that Garrus had family in C-Sec.
The turian was relatively young, about 24 years old, which was a lot younger than Nyra, despite her inexperience with this particular universe. He was brash and stubborn, meanwhile she was a little more calm, but just as stubborn.
“Hey partner,” he said.
“Vakarian. So, what’s the assignment today?”
He reached over and grabbed a datapad, tossing it to her. She caught it and hummed as she opened the files and began to skim through the information. “Okay...a fight in the lower wards, several dead. Only witness is a volus who happened to spot the scene as he was heading to work,” she muttered. She closed her eyes and tapped the datapad to her chin. “We need to speak with this volus, but also check on the bodies.”
“I suggest we check out the bodies first, before they get too cold.”
She opened her eyes and looked at him, giving a nod. “Let’s get going then,” she said.
His mandibles flicked outwards before he followed her.
After looking at the bodies in the morgue, they were able to conclude that the kills were clean. Clearly a professional. Most likely an assassin. Nyra didn’t know as much about the killers of this world, but only an assassin would be able to make kills that clean. Unfortunately, it was uncertain who was the assassin’s target.
So the two of them headed to the Volus to question him. He said he hadn’t seen anything aside from a shadow too fast to make out before the bodies dropped. They’d pried him for more information on the shadow. If he had any, he gave none.
Garrus believed the Volus was hiding something. Nyra didn’t know. It was hard to tell with creatures that lived inside suits of armor. If she’d been back in her world, she would’ve just gotten someone who could cast “Zone of Truth” to hopefully get him to speak. Unfortunately, she wasn’t home, and she didn’t have that skill.
Their investigation was coming up with nothing. Both of them were frustrated so Nyra suggested visiting the scene of the crime. Since Garrus couldn’t think of a better plan, he agreed and the two of them soon arrived.
As they approached the roped off segment of the ward, Nyra couldn’t help but notice how it looked similar to the ward she’d arrived in a month ago. She didn’t think it was the same one, but there were a lot of places that held similar designs on the Citadel.
The area was mostly spotless aside from some leftover remnant guns going off and the general dirt and grime of this part of the wards. Humming to herself, she walked past the barriers and wandered into the space, looking around for anything they might have missed.
In the dim light of the ward, her eyes caught onto some splatters on the ground and the wall. Curious, she stepped closer.
“Garrus, I found something,” she announced.
The turian glanced over from where he’d been observing the gun shells, marking down the types he’d found. “What is it?” he asked, walking over, careful not to disturb anything.
She closed her eyes and bent closer, sniffing softly before reaching deep into her dormant powers. “Blood,” she whispered, her eyes opening. She lifted her arm, activating her omnitool to take a picture.
“Mmmhmmm. I know the dead consisted of a few humans and a krogan. Whoever was able to take down a krogan with this little blood shed is a master of killing.” She grimaced. “They are probably excellent at hiding traces of who they are as well. This is probably going to end up a dead end.”
“Probably. Although it seems wrong. I wonder why a professional would come for them. The files of the deceased shows they were mercenaries with some pretty shady history.”
Nyra nodded quietly. “Curious. Mercenaries with that much of a target on their back wouldn’t come this close to the presidium, much less the Citadel unless they were looking for something or someone.”
“But what were they after?” Garrus asked.
“Hells if I know.”
“Perhaps this should be an investigation for another day? It’s starting to get late.” Garrus turned and began to head towards the skycar.
“Yeah,” she sighed and was about to follow him when she noticed a faint glimmer coming from the alleyway that was just beyond the fight. Curious, she turned around and walked into the shadowy corridor. Her vision picking out her surroundings well in the gloom.
As she neared the end, she spotted what had caught her attention, her mother’s necklace. She stopped and bent down, picking it up. She frowned. She couldn’t remember seeing it when she’d arrived all those months ago. She had thought they’d thrown it out with the rest of her clothes. Were they after me? She suddenly wondered, but she shook that thought from her head. It was impossible.
Clutching the necklace to her chest, she stood to her feet, looking at the delicate thing.
“Nyra?” Garrus called out, his voice suggesting he was at the entrance to the alley.
She jumped and quickly tucked the necklace away. “Coming! Sorry, thought I saw something but it must’ve just been my mind playing tricks on me,” she said with a shake of her head.
The turian looked at her for a moment before shrugging. “Alright then. Ready to go?”
She nodded and together the two of them headed for their skycar. As they walked away, she couldn’t help but glance back. No doubt about it, that place was probably the same alley she arrived in.
She would have to investigate it later on her own when it wasn’t a crime scene.
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helloesszter · 7 years
just kolithings...
... amikor holnap időben kell kelned, de János 23:53-kor kezdi hangolni a szomszédban a gitárját, és a folyosón is ilyenkor intézik a halaszthatalan beszélgetéseket.
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