#konoha oc
eszart · 3 months
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drawing with the lovely @\KonSunKo on instagram
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pfpanimes · 16 days
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⌕ naruto • madara uchiha.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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kabuki-draws · 3 months
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I love these three aaaah, I just love them so much!
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d-choppy · 4 months
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Shino Aburame Week Day 5 : Any AU - School AU
So many possibilities, but I decided to go with the AU School, I always liked the second ending of Naruto shippuden, a little story at school, so here is my little version with Sashika and Shino enjoying the end afternoon after classes. Oc x Canon ~
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luchicm04 · 6 months
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Summary: When hatred and pride speak louder, even a childhood love can fall apart.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Fem!Uchiha, Uchiha Madara/Fem!Uchiha
Word count: 2.6k
Overall warnings: angst, bittersweet ending
All characters belong to Naruto, and all rights are reserved to the original work whose author allowed me to translate it.
A/N: The lyrics come from this song. Whoever cried, raise your hand. Please, leave your opinions and criticism in the comments.
posted on ao3
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I was there, standing on top of that mountain where I could see the sunset that covered the village below with golden light. After so many battles, Konoha finally flourished in peace. 
Peace that hadn’t existed in my heart for a long time since I met her: Alexia. 
In the heart of the war between Senju and Uchiha, in the small moments when there was a truce, I, Tobirama, youngest son of the general of the Senju clan liked to get away from all that suffering for a while. During the day, I found a way to escape to the river, just to be able to see and hear the current that followed its path without caring about what happened on its banks. It just flowed.  
And it was there, on one of those days, that I saw a little paper boat with a yellow flower inside going down through the crystal-clear water, and then one more and another. Like the curious child that I was, I went up the river in the opposite direction of the boats, until I saw her.  
A little girl with long, black hair messed up by the wind. She was kneeling on the riverbank and placing paper boats with colorful flowers in the water one by one, while her black eyes watched them move away. Until her eyes fell on me, and we stood staring without saying anything on either side of the river. Then, she got up, smiled at me and disappeared into the forest.  
Without realizing it, a soft smile curved my lips as I remembered that day. How the silent meeting of two children could change so much. 
After that meeting, I went to the river more often, wanting to see her again. But it was weeks before I saw the little boats go down the current once again. I found her in the same place and this time, I walked over and crouched down next to her.  
“Why do you do it?” I asked.  
She looked at me with those dark orbs, smiled and responded as if it were the simplest thing in the world.  
“Because I think it’s beautiful.”  
I saw her pick up another little boat with a red flower and place it in my hand. I quickly put it in the water and saw it go away down the river. I smiled without realizing it.  
“See? It’s so pretty,” she said and looked at me again. “I’m Alexia. And you?”  
“Tobirama,” I replied, hiding my surname, because during the war it wasn’t wise to say it to strangers and apparently, she knew that as she didn’t say hers either.  
We stayed there talking for hours, without ever saying where we came from, until I heard my brother Hashirama calling me from inside the forest. I went home but not before making her promise that we would see each other again, right there.  
The months passed and as the war worsened, our meetings began to become rarer, until she never appeared again.  
I felt a lonely tear run down my face. Even though we were just children, the loss of my first love hurt a lot. 
But I moved on with my life, and during the following years, thanks to the war, I didn’t have much time to rummage through the past. Until... 
Until, at the peak of my 21 st year, I became the second-best ninja in my clan, second only to my older brother.  
Even though the years passed, and I became a man, I still had the childhood habit of going to the river.  
That day, I bent down to wash my face in the cool water, and I felt my heart speed up when I saw a little paper boat with a pink flower touch my hand.  
I ran as fast as I could, going upstream and I saw her... she was there and looked at me as if she was waiting for me.  
Her black hair, now longer, swayed in the breeze. Her body, that was once small and thin, had become beautiful and curvy. She was a woman now, but her eyes, oh those dark eyes, were still the same ones that haunted my memories.  
I approached, and the only thing I could say was her name.  
Without knowing why, or without caring if I was going to be rejected, I kissed her. That old childhood love turned into an urgent desire to erase all that longing that I had stored deep within my being. Alexia responded to me with passion. She seemed to feel the same thing as me, and she wanted to make up for all the lost time.  
We pulled away from each other with difficulty, but the feeling of being complete surrounded us like a golden aura. We didn’t need to say anything to know that time hadn’t changed the feelings of the two children.  
We talked and kissed for hours on end, until we heard sounds coming from the forest, and before I knew it, she broke away from my embrace, looking me in the eyes and said:  
“Tobirama, I need to tell you something very important.” Her face became serious. “Meet me here tomorrow night. Please don’t miss it.”  
I nodded and let her go.  
I didn’t know that conversation would change my entire life.  
The night of our meeting had arrived. I managed to leave without being seen by my brother and went towards the agreed location. My hands were sweating, and my heart was racing with every step I took. I thought what I felt years ago was a child’s thing, but the closer I got, the more I knew I was madly in love with that woman. When I arrived, she was already there waiting for me, her gaze fixed on the waters of the river. She seemed sad and that made me worried.  
“Alexia, are you alright?” I asked and without waiting for an answer, I hugged her.  
Feeling her warm body pressed against mine, the kiss was inevitable. It started out soft, but when she opened the way for our tongues to mee, I could no longer resist. We made love right there, on the riverbank, listening to the water run and taking our secret with it.  
Leaning on my body, I heard her soft cry and little by little, hot tears touched my chest, making me look at her.  
“What happened? Did I hurt you?” I said with concern.  
“That’s not it,” she got up and started to dress up. “This shouldn’t have happened. Not without telling you first.”  
“Telling me what?” I started to worry even more, seeing her crying.  
“I know who you are, Tobirama Senju,” she whispered between tears, emphasizing the word ‘senju’. “And I... I am... Alexia Uchiha.”  
My heart almost stopped when I heard her say her full name. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t... the girl I loved since I was a child, the girl I loved there, on the riverbank, was from that damn clan that had been at war with my family and friends for years. I looked at that familiar and now strange face for several moments, until she broke the deadly silence that hung on us.  
“I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was afraid,” she took a step towards me. “Say something, Tobirama.”  
“Alexia... Uchiha...” I could only repeat her name, still not believing that joke of fate.  
She got closer to me, and with her trembling hand she tried to touch me, but my body involuntarily took a step back, avoiding the contact.  
“Please, say something,” her voice was already starting to get exasperated with my silence. “Say that this doesn’t change anything. Say that you love me. Say that everything will be alright. Just say... say it and I will wait for you.”  
But I didn’t say it. Even though my heart was screaming like crazy inside my chest, I didn’t say the words that she wanted to hear. I couldn’t.  
I caught a glimpse of her beautiful eyes fading with the tears that came flooding back before she left.  
When I found out who that little boy was in the river, I knew I had to stay away for my safety and his. However, the war helped me maintain my decision. I was sent to another village along with other women and children who could not fight. But fate found a way to bring us together again many years later. I wanted to see him, see how he grew up and try to make possible that childish love that I always carried in my chest, despite the situation.  
An Uchiha and a Sunju. It seemed like a joke, but I didn’t care. I wanted to fight for that feeling.  
But my hope faded that night, after we made love. He ran away from my touch like running away from a venomous snake when he learned the truth. I saw the hurt in his eyes, and anger. I was willing to face everything and everyone for us, I just needed to hear him say it. But the words didn’t come.  
After that fateful night, I still hadn’t given up on us. Maybe he just needed some time to put his thoughts in order, maybe there was still hope. But I was wrong.  
Every day that followed, I went to the riverbank and one by one, I placed the little paper boats with flowers in the current and watched them slowly descend into the clear waters, waiting to hear his footsteps on the gravel. The long-awaited steps never came.  
And every time, I cried. But this time, I held back the tears and noticed that someone placed a coat over my shoulders and spoke to me in a soft voice.  
“Alexia, what are you doing here?” he said in a worried smile. “It’s getting cold. Let’s go before you get sick."  
I looked at him as I stood up. His long, black hair was tousled because of the wind, which I didn’t even realize was blowing strongly, and his dark eyes, so similar to mine, stood out from the strong, beautiful face that smiled at me. Madara Uchiha, the new leader of the clan. I had known him for a long time, but only at that moment did I really pay attention to him. I took one last look at the waters of the river and followed him back home.  
That image of Alexia waiting for me, words I didn’t say and the sadness in her eyes, the plea in her voice haunted my thoughts.  
Every day I went to the river, and I saw, day after day, the little paper boats going down the river. I knew they were for me, that she was waiting for me just behind that curve. But my pride prevented me from going there and taking her in my arms and never letting her go.  
Another little boat came down and came closer to my feet, and before I could pick it up, it sank and dissolved in the water. I didn’t know why, but that image made me cry. Nevertheless, I still didn’t go after her.  
A year has passed since that day, and there have never been any paper boats for me on the river again. 
Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don’t sound the same
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
‘Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
And as the world loves to play tricks, that same year the battle between the Senju and Uchiha clans ended, beginning an alliance that led to the founding of Konoha. If I had said something, if I had waited... 
Mm, too young, too foolish to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party ‘cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby’s dancing, but she’s dancing with another man
But I hadn’t said anything, I hadn’t waited, and I lost her. Now, we live in the same village, our families are no longer enemies and there is no more war. But it’s too late for us. 
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out of my life
Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh
And that haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I see her almost every day, but her eyes don’t look at me anymore and her smile doesn’t shine for me. Now, another man holds her hand, another man is the owner of her look and the reason for her smile. 
Mm, too young, too foolish to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party ‘cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby’s dancing, but she’s dancing with another man
Although it hurts
I’ll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I knw I’m probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
I could see him day after day gluing together, piece by piece, Alexia’s heart, which I broke. Healing her wings, which I hurt, and giving her the love that, out of pride, I couldn’t give. 
I hope he buys you flowers, I hope he holds you hand
Give you all his hours when he has the chance
Take you to every party
‘Cause I remember how much you loved t dance
Do all the things I would have done
When I was your man
And today, I’m here, at the top of this mountain. Down there, I can hear the happy laughter and the music that rose up to me. 
It was Alexia’s wedding, my Alexia... I lost her the moment I was too weak to say I loved her. 
My life ended there, on the edge of that river. Those waters witnessed who foolish I was, how my hatred and my pride took from me the woman I loved my entire life. 
The sun had already set on the horizon and the stars were beginning to emerge in the dark blue sky. That was when I noticed someone approaching, a servant, who handed something into my hand that made my heart skip a beat. 
It was a paper boat with a white flower. My eyes clouded with the threat of tears, until I saw that there seemed to be something written on the paper. I unfolded the little boat and read the words that seemed a little shaky. 
I want you to know that despite what happened between us, I have no regrets. On the contrary, you will always be in my heart, as my first love. It’s a shame that it’s too late for both of us, but I wish from the bottom of my soul that you find someone, and that you don’t let your pride speak louder than your love again. Be happy.  
As I read that, my fists clenched the paper tightly and the little flower fell apart on the floor. And I couldn’t hold it back any longer. I fell on the ground and cried, cried until my eyes had no more tears to cry. 
I cried for the lost love. I cried for the future without Alexia. I cried for the regret of not having said the words she expected to hear. And I cried even more for having my heart in pieces while my pride remained whole. 
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oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
I kind of ended up w a small pile of Hatake ocs and lore to fill the early konoha timeline void, and a big thing is like. They all die to preserve the narrative. A lot of them very young bc again, made to fill the time line, so logically, there had to be some Hatake kids/teenagers who met an unfortunate end.
So I'm kinda sitting here considering a 4 part fic where each chapter revolves around a specific Hatake and their inevitable death, w maybe a bonus chapter at the end being about Sakumo
"Death of the Wolves," the unfortunate end of the Hatake's, told in 4 parts
The Hatake's helped set the Konoha standard rule of "a team can only be made up of so many % of one clan" (with special exceptions) after a large chunk of them got sent on a mission together bc of their specializations and all wound up dead, wiping out a solid 90% of the clan in one night.
Actually, expanding on that bc the tragedy is so good -> I already established that in my time line, the Hatake head, Haruka (Sakumo's mother, Tobirama and Hashirama's aunt) died under a week after Tobirama's death, and she would have lead that failed mission. Does that mean one of Hiruzen's first acts as war time Hokage resulted in the accidental slaughter of his beloved dead Sensei's mother's clan? That's amazing actually, so much drama there. I bet him Danzo and Kagami argued like crazy after that monumental fuck up, probably went on to define how he feels ab being Hokage / what that entails. Fun times!
Anyways, I'd also be very interested in exploring early konoha politics n stuff. Especially from the multiple views of not the people in charge of making the village but the ones who are living in it. The view from the ground up, instead of looking down from the tower. The younger generations being brought to this new village, going from their isolated clan lands to suddenly being surrounded by others their age from different clans, possible for the first time ever depending on their age and their clans level of secrecy.
Also, I really wanna poke at the outsider pov of Madara and other founders— but mostly Madara bc I find his downfall very fun to think about, especially from the POV of someone not in his clan.
I'm so in love w the take of the Hatake's being fond of Madara bc "he'd make a very good Hatake." Something about the two tropes of the Uchiha being a clan that loves love and the Hatake being a clan w similar values when it comes to family and loyalty just meshes so well.
Comedy moment where Haruka is weirdly insistent on Madara potentially marrying into the clan, not even for the politics or anything but specifically bc she NEEDS a cute squishy Hatake baby with his massive hair. She NEEDS IT, MADARA.
Anyways also just the early konoha inter clan drama but like. From the eyes of the clan kids. The Uchiha kids seem to be having some sort of terf war with the Senju— but it was interrupted by the Hyuuga, and now the Senju and Uchiha kids are somehow banding together against the Hyuuga? But oh no now the Nara kids are teaming up w the Hyuuga, and the Hatake kid (singular bc there's literally only like 1) seems to have an actual blood feud going on with the Hyuuga clan heir— but the older Hatake teenagers are fond of the Hyuuga's baby clan heir so it's just a mess. All the clan drama but with none of the tragedy bc everyone involved is a child.
Meanwhile the older clan members are somehow bonding over their children's fights bc they're all struggling to pull them away, or going "what the fuck do you mean you teamed up with the SENJU??" Then sharing a disbelieving Look(tm) w the opposing Senju's parents before realizing what they just did and having a crisis of faith ab it
Meanwhile the teenagers are having a wonderful time, especially those from smaller more isolated clans like the Hatake. There's so much romantic drama, there's probably a whole shinobi soap opera happening in that direction. Hormonal shinobi teenagers from opposing clans just got dropped into the same dating pool it's gonna be a MESSSS.
Even funnier if you take crumbs from my senju weed empire au and like. Some of these clans regularly smoke n stuff. Meanwhile other clans have never touched a psychedelic in their life. Some are especially vulnerable to drugs due to heightened senses (Orochi, Inuzuka, Hatake) while others have been smoking since they were younger and have an insane tolerance and very much distorted views of a reasonable amount of weed to smoke (Senju, Nara, Shiranui) There is no way in hell that goes well. Someone is going to get fucked up in a MAJOR way.
Well-intentioned Nara accidentally gets a bunch of dog wired guys and one snake high out of their fucking minds, the high lasts a full week for some of them and one sometimes wonders if they ever really came down from it
Anyways I got a bit off track but yeah! Early Konoha fic that revolves around the daily lives of differently aged Hatake ocs, taking a look from different angles of Konoha and all the silly clan drama and daily lives of an early Konoha shinobi— each chapter being different degrees of generally lighthearted, but ending in the Hatake's death. The fact that each Hatake is in with a different crowd and is a different age would make it even more fun and easier to explore the different layers Konoha has to offer! It's for sure on my list of things I wanna write
(Also I'd really love to have it just so I can point to it as a good introduction for my Hatake ocs. I love tricking people into learning ab my ocs it's great)
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masasiblingnaruto · 5 months
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Hey yall i did a self insert oc for my naruto fan ass lmao
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issybee06 · 15 days
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Part IV
Warnings: blood, stab wound, messy medical treatment, drinking, smoking, deep talk, scars
Pink is for horny people, and princesses…you are both.
Andddd we are back!
(n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort.
Smoke swirled up into the night sky, replicating the old and forgotten Uzumaki sigel. Dawn would break soon, yet I never slept.
Looking back into the room, Kakashi lay motionless on my futon. He looked at peace, younger and unaffected by the horrors we had faced since we could remember. Kakashi was a strange man, and was a stranger child in his youth.
I sigh again, turning away from him and leaning on the balcony more. Inhaling, the familiar taste of smoke filled my lungs, and after they were filled I blew the smoke out, letting it swirl once again.
I rushed in, falling to my knees as I look over kakashis blooded body. He groaned, loud noises alwayed bothered him more then anyone.
“Shut up…” he mumbled, half knocked out. I scoff slightly at him as I check him over.
“You are so fucking stupid Kakashi…youre gonna die here..,” Not because I would just leave him there. No, id never do that no matter how much he pissed me off, he was going to die because he chose to go to the one Shinobi who couldn't do medical ninjutsu for shit…and he knew.
I stand up quickly, and rush to Genmas room. He was sure to have something in there, he was the medic in the house.
I open the door, and my nose curls. It’s no wonder he never brings anything girls here, he’s a slob even into his adult years. I sigh, and head to his desk to rummage.
“Come on Gen…give me something….” I open another drawer, sighing in frustration. Books he’s never opened. Scrolls he’s never used. Loose Chakra pills. “For fucks sake…!”
I open the lower drawer, and grin, “Finally.” It was a gift from Asuma, a small med kit that could fit into someone’s pocket. Genma had scoffed at it, dubbing Asuma an ass gift-giver because he had given him the same gift for Asumas birthday.
I grab the kit, and shut the drawer quickly. I stumbled over Genmas dirty clothes-or clean clothes- and rush out of his room and back down the hall to the bathroom.
“Got it!” I yell, forgetting he was unconscious. I fall to my knees before him, and with shaky hands peal the sticky skin-tight ANBU shirt. It was worse than I thought, long and gross. The skin was ripped, most likely from a curved blade. Clean going in, nasty coming out.
“Okay…okay.” I roll the kit out, and start looking for something to clean the wound-alcohol or some kind of infection killer. Shit. Whatever it was Genma must of thought it was the only good thing in the gift cause it was drunk, not even a drop remained. “Of course you used medicine alcohol as a shooter…”
I stand, and rush to the kitchen, it was a stupid idea but it might work.
I open the cabinet, grabbing the half drunk Sakè. I head back to the bathroom, and kneel once again in frog the tub. Kakashi groans, and he’s eyes squint open, “…that for me?”
My jaw tightens, and I glare at him, “you are such a fucking Baka, why did you come here of all places?”
I began twisting the cap, but my hands were slippery from the blood. I used my teeth, tasting the alcohol and blood on the cork, and he scoffed.
“Oh…I don’t know…death wish and shit…” he watches me as I pour some of the Sakè on my hands, sterilizing them. The lean over the tub, and shove his glove into his mouth, “bite.”
I pour the Sakè onto the wound, and he groans in pain. His eyes strew shut, and his head falls back against the wall but he doesn’t wiggle or thrash away. After the area is cleared of any blood, I pull away and he breaths heavily.
“Sorry…I think you deserve this.” I hold the bottle up, and he takes it. Removing the glove, he replaces it with the bottle as he greedily tries to numb the pain.
“H…how do I do this? Just…stitch you like I’m stitching a hole in a shirt or some shit?” I ask, looking up at him as I analyze the wound. He scoffs again, and with lidded eyes looks down at me.
“No…stupid…it’s different.” I scoff this time, glaring at him, “oh I’m sorry, I’ve never fucking done this genius.”
“Fuck you.”
“Not now…” he takes another sip, closing his eyes as he thinks, “you need to clean the needle first.”
“It’s never been used.” I huff, and he shoots me a glare, “right, right. Clean needle. Hand me the bottle.”
He passes it over, and I pour the alcohol on it. I pass the bottle back, and he sits it onto of his bent knee, “ya gotta thread it, then push it in at a 90 degree angle. 90 (Y/n).”
“I heard.” I snap, lining the threaded needle up against his skin. I swallow, and push it through. He winces slightly, but relaxes after its on the other side. I pull it all the way through, and wait.
“Knot it, tightly so that it doesn’t come loose but not too tight that it tears the skin. Then repeat.”
I nod, tying it. I continue, slowly but surely as my work turns less and less mediocre. He drinks, numbing himself as he stares off into space. He absentmindedly pets the cat, who had been oh so good at protecting the almost 6’ foot man who was bleeding out only a few feet away from the litter box.
I lean back, admiring my work. Tsunade always said I stitched like a drunk silk worm, but looking down at the closed wound all I wanted to do was send letter after letter to my mother’s cousin to stick it in her face.
I was not a drunk slick worm.
“So…you gonna tell me how the great Kakashi got in paled like a damn pig?” I ask, wiping my hands of his blood. He huffs, rolling his head to look at me. He’s eyes were tired, and he looked worn and beat. I didn’t know what he did on missions, the extensive stuff, but I did know it was swallowing him up and eating him from the inside.
I scoff, standing and he weakly tries to protest, “(Y/n-”
“No. If you don’t want to talk about it then we won’t talk about it.” I start cleaning the needle as the sink, and the dried blood on my hands. He watches me, I could feel his eyes, and they’re sad.
“…it was the same shinobi…from that night.”
My heart stops, and so does my hands, but I slowly move my hands again under the water, “…really?”
He stays quiet, the only thing breaking the silence was the water rushing and Sakè purring. Finally he moved to stand, wincing, “(Y/n)-”
I catch him, and let his body weight flood over me like a sack of sand. I cup his face, and push his silver hair away. He frowns down at me, and he looked so old in that moment, so tired.
“I killed them…”
I frown at him, nodding, “let’s get you out of those clothes, yeah?”
“I don’t think I’ll fit into your clothes…”
“Genma can learn to share.” I help him slowly step out of the tub, and lean on me as we shuffle down the hall to my room. I let him softly flop on my futon, and he groans. He watched me as I leave, heading to Genmas nest of horrors.
I come back a few minutes later, having to thoroughly sniff check the clothes before giving them to Kakashi. Even as a Hatake, he’s nose was so much more sensitive then any Hatake or Inuzuka or anyone from my father side.
“Here, it’s not the best but it’s Gemma-” I stop, and swallow. He was passed out on my futon, shirt and pants off. I sigh, and place the clothes on my desk. I head over to him, and brush his hair back and away from his face.
I took in ever detail, every line and divot, the long scar, the mole. Everything. I never got to actually see him anymore, even with the mask, so I drank up the time greedily.
I sigh, standing up and headed to the balcony. I needed a smoke.
I boredly play with the dumpling, not really paying attention as my best friend Ichibangase Kaori ranted about the latest hot gossip circling the village. I could always count on her to keep me up to date on things while, in her words, I was “hiding in my science burrow and turning into a mole”.
“All im saying is that I just know the Hokage is hiding porn up there, he can’t possibly be working the whole time-(Y/n)? (Y/n)!” She leans over, snapping her fingers in my face. I hum, looking up. She sighs, sitting back in her seat.
“You’re distracted, and when you’re distracted you slump into your hand and then you get a mark.”
I furrow my brows, “I do not have a mark.”
She makes a face, and sips her tea, “sure.”
I sigh, pushing my short hair back, “I’m sorry…I’m just tired and you took me to lunch, it’s not fair.”
“Oh I don’t care about Lunch, gosh you apologized so much we gotta look back on that,” I make a deepened face, “all I’m saying if you work too hard, you barely get out anymore. I don’t think I’ve seen you since Gais birthday and I barely saw you!”
“It’s a lot of work! I mean, we just started this project and we’ve only just scratched the surface of this-”
“(Y/n). You work too hard. I worry about you.” She says sternly, and takes another sip of her tea. Soon, she goes back to talking.
I frown, and go back to playing with my food. She was probably right. I did work a lot.
She hums suddenly, looking up at me expectantly, “has your brother sent a message about the wedding?”
Oh yes, my oldest half brothers wedding. Soichiro was the next head of the Takamori clan in Suna, the lions of the sand. The Takamori clan and the Inuzuka clan were said to come from the same common ancestor, but even if Tsume and I had a drop of blood binding us we never seemed to agree on anything.
“He wants it the fall, won’t be excruciatingly hot then.” I responded, thinking, “it will still be hot though. It’s Suna.”
She hums, “are you excited? You haven’t been back there in two years.”
I shrugged, “I guess…”
I was excited, I had always loved visiting my father’s family in Suna. It was big, and loud, and everything my mother and i’s two-man clan wasn’t. I loved sand sledding with my older brothers, beading with my cousins, aunts and grandaunts, polishing the silver blades before my granduncle hammered them into wooded handles.
My father, Takamori Pazū, was the head of the Takamori clan, and had been since he was 10. It was war, and my grandfather had died tragically in battle leaving his wife and three children. My father took up the mantle quite quickly, and has been holding the fort down ever since.
His two sisters, Saeko and Hachi, were two of the first and youngest women to go to war and never let any of us younger kids forget. If we ever complained about the heat or being hungry or hurt one of them would always be there to say, “you think this is bad? I was in the desert for two weeks without water once. Tough it out.”
Of course, they did exaggerate, Aunt Hachi most of all. Aunt Saeko was in the war longer then Hachi, not marrying or settling down till the Suna council forced her. Hachi married young, 16, and now works with her husband’s weapons shop where they make chakra infused blades.
Saeko is head of ANBU in Suna, and won’t be retiring anytime soon from what my cousin Hachidori says in her letters.
Hachidori is Saekos only child, a seer like our Grandmother, who won’t stop telling me that I will “grow from the seed you think you’ll always be.”
Hachidori was the cousin I was the closest too, and I was glad I’d get to see her again most of all. If the council agreed to let me leave, of course.
“It’s a big “what if”.”
“Huh? But it’s your brothers wedding!” She exclaimed, frowning.
“He’s not a Senju, and he’s not from Konoha, the council won’t see any reason for me to go and put myself in danger. Konoha and Suna might be allied now, but the relationship is still strained…they wouldn’t risk it.”
She huffs, crossing her arms, “…is it because of Danz-”
I hold up a hand, silencing her. I didn’t like talking about Danzo, in any scenario-with any person.
“It’s because I am the only Senju in the village. Kaachan is in the capital and Tsunade is Kami knows where, I’m…”
“…yeah, let’s go with that.” I sigh again, taking a sip of my cold tea. “I’ll figure something out, throw the guilt card at them, it’s worked before.”
“You weren’t engaged before.”
I throw her a glare, silencing her.
Oh yes, rule number “idgaf” of being a princess: get engaged to someone of equal or higher class then you to make more snobby rich babies.
She sighs, tucking her straight dirty blonde hair behind her ear, “youre a Senju princess, they won’t just let you leave no matter what your dating status is…this just adds to it.”
I hum, thinking. She’s right, they won’t just let me leave…unless…
I smile at her, taking a big gulp of my tea, “don’t worry, I have someone who owes me a big favor.”
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eszart · 2 years
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Lera with Ashi (__golondrina__ ‘s oc on instagram)
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faustsus0 · 6 months
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first oc design for my jinchuriki project yayayay. A currently unnamed Uzumaki from Uzushiogakure. Jinchuriki of the 9 tails Kurama!!!
Idea for him so far is that hes from a long line of 9 tails jinchuriki, so the previous jinchuriki to this uzumaki was his father or mother (or maybe a grandparent as uzumakis live for a long freaking time)
In his au Uzushiogakure still exists, and still has very close ties to the Senju/Konohagakure. 9 tails was entrusted to Uzu to keep under wraps (9 tails being the strongest tailed beast)
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pfpanimes · 15 days
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⌕ naruto • tobirama senju.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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kabuki-draws · 10 months
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{Naruto OC // Tsukino Senju}
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Tsukino Senju, known as the "Red Tengu of Konoha", sister of Hashirama and Tobirama Senju as well as the former wife of Madara Uchiha.
As one of the first Kunoichi she fought alongside her legendary brothers in the first Shinobi World War and made a name for herself as a powerful Ninja. When the war came to an end and Konoha was founded Tsukino agreed to marry Madara Uchiha. What began as a political marriage to strengthen the Uchiha and Senju bond, both Madara and Tsuki developed an undying love for each other.
But when Madara left the village because of a disagreement with Hashirama, Tsukino couldn't follow him. He died, after he fought Tsukino´s brother in a great battle, which caused Tsukino to fall into a deep hole in her life. Unable to forgive her brother she left Konoha - at least it seemed like that.
Tsukino developed the Jutsu that Tsunade later used to keep herself young. On a spot on her forehead she collects immense amounts of Chakra and keeps herself from growing older. But in Tsukino´s case, she went to a point where she even surpassed death itself because she couldn't let go of the thought of Madara being still alive. This came with a terrible price, causing her body to decay instantly if she ever breaks the sigil on her forehead. Since the day of her disappearance she started a hermit life in the woods surrounding Konoha. From here she kept an eye on the village even though she swore to never set a foot into it again. But one day the world called out to war again... together with a man who meant everything to Tsukino.
{Out of all OCs Tsukino Senju is literally the one with the most extended backstory and lore. I designed her when I was still a kid and continuously developed her personality as well as her design. This one is the current final design sheet with all stages of her life}
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canonsinthehead · 1 month
OMG so i saw ur celebrities irl and where they come from post, and i’m wondering what songs or films would do well in the villages! do they even have something like the billboard chart? 😀
Naruto Headcanons – Music/TV Taste in Different Villages
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GALAXY BRAIN ASK STRIKED AGAIN!!! Today we will into what music/TV would be popular in each villages. Of course, each villages have diversity but just like in the real world, some things are more popular than others depending on the locations.
As a music head, I’m feeling this! Have fun with the music references, don’t be afraid to go listen to them. LETS GOO!
Are there any Music Charts/Billboard?: Each country has its chart system because each nation's taste varies a lot, hence why it is such an achievement to become relevant in a city or country outside of your own. It’s only recently that artists started going on real WORLD tours (if you exclude Itachi’s Fan meeting, you probably could count them on your hands’ fingers).  
Regardless, Konoha holds the largest music festivals. The annual Summer Music-Fest assembles the most diverse cast of artists from around the world meanwhile the largest venue ever built is in Kumo (a stadium with 90,000+ of capacity)
For the first time, a world music awards ceremony was held in Kumo but it was heavily criticized for its favoritism towards bigger nations.
Konoha is insanely into celebrity culture. It was kinda established by Naruto and his grandiose accomplishments during past wars, where it further spread the concept of hero/celebrity/idol/person adored by a large crowd.
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Taking after their beloved founder Hashirama Senju, Konoha loooves an unproblematic singer with a fiery personality leaning towards an upbeat musical style that appeals to masses.
When I say they love someone unproblematic, I mean it. It applies to most A-List celebrities, singers, actors & etc. Their PR team operates 24/7 at an unmatched level. Talking about politics or any controversial topics is heavily restricted, hence why those who build fandoms overseas escape the censorship and have their damage control team back them up no matter what happens. Itachi is the PERFECT example of this.   
The village conserves its conservative mentality since it is way more comfortable with female performers. It’s that binary thinking where men are ninjas/at war and women are better perceived in “softer” careers.
Konoha loves bubble gum commercial pop, especially in a girl group format.
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As the city evolved, you can see art academies opening to encourage the youth towards the world of entertainment (We are in a time of peace, so more career paths are available) but it’s not going to stop them from making concepts like a shinobi boy group.
Keeping their malpractice from the shinobi world, underage idols debuting in groups is not common but heavily normalized.
Ariana Grande, Marina & The Diamonds, Girls’ Generation, Brockhampton, E-girls, JONGHYUN, Momoland, Mizca, EXO, Natasha Bedingfield, TWICE, Dua Lipa, New Jeans, BINI, Sabrina Carpenter, Ed Sheeran, Carly Rae Jepsen, Lights, Icona Pop, Danny Fernandes, Kylie Minogue, Elise Estrada, Sam Gellaitry, Sakanaction, FREDERIC
Konoha is a pioneer of the comedy genre in movies. The most recognizable comedy films, franchises, and actors are from the Country of Fire (Speed Hour is one of them) but IRL it would be something like 21 Jump Street and Freaky Friday.
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Actions movies painting an “heroic” narrative. They are a sucker for ninja movies especially those reenacting past events with a shit load of misinformation like downplaying the violence or certain wars. NO! The victory was not as spectacular. Stop lying, please.
Puppy love Romance movies & Drama TV series (The Korean Drama type)
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Night talk shows (like The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon) are really popular along with Konoha’s Saturday Night Live but got temporary cancelled after they clowned Gaara for being soft and a “born again” pacifist. Suna took them to court over the joke and the trial is ongoing. Really ironic, because all the “jokes” about the Tsuchikage’s height or men from Kiri being gang members with massive schlongs didn’t bother anyone… oh…ok.
Rap & Hip hop are the country’s musical pride since it sets them apart from other nations with their own billboard systems. They depends on other countries the least because they are musically self-sustained (compared to Konoha who constantly take in outside influences) and yes all these large venues fill themselves without outsiders.
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MCing and 90’s style Rap is a style popularized by Killer Bee; he basically monopolizes the genre.
Soul & Disco remained popular since this music is associated with the Raikage’s generation.
If the beat is good, you have a chance but don’t go too far because permanent cancellation is a thing in Kumo.
Every year, many artists get together to make an end-of-the-year song under Killer Bee’s record label (Kanye West - All of the Light)
Kumo loves a female soloist, they go crazy over singers like Rihanna, Fergie, Missy Elliot, Doechii, Janet Jackson, Beyonce, SZA, Nicki Minaj, Chungha, etc…
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Even if Killer Bee dominates the Rap scene, they would love male rappers like Kanye West and Busta Rhymes.
Contrary to popular belief, mumble and drill rap is not as popular as people make it out to be. It is subject to a lot of mockery in Kumo so most rappers using this style rely on their fandoms overseas.
The northern region of the Country of Lightning houses a whole different language and heritage. They tend to stay isolated from the rest of the population because the area is made of chains of massive mountains. They are distantly related to the Raikage’s lineage. They also carry their own unique cultural sound, who sometimes makes its way into the mainstream.
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Reality TV is dominated by Kumo and Iwa. They are both sides of the same coin and produces the most known franchises in the world. Kumo focuses more on Drama among citizens, Music reality TV, Romance, and all the lives of the out-of-the-norm people in their country. Think of the entire TLC Channel, Big Brother, Real Housewives of Kumogakure, Bad Girls Club/Baddies, Courtroom Drama/Judge Judy
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Reality TV about food (Master Chef & The Great Baking Show) and The Voice have editions in each large country except Kiri.
Drag Races are only in Konoha and Kumo because shows like these are illegal in Suna & Kiri and got canceled in Iwa.
Kumo, Konoha & Iwa hosted their annual seasons of Love Island with great success.
The movie scene in Kumo is pretty small compared to the rest of its entertainment industry. Unfortunately, it’s dominated by heroes and historical movies.
Vocalists are prized in Suna. There’s nothing more acclaimed than an angelic voice. Think of Adele, Indila, Christina Aguilera & Jon Secada
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Classical music is a dedicated art form. It’s no joke. The biggest classical theaters are in Suna. Those who desire to study various string and wind instruments travel to the Country of Wind where the best classical music teachers are located.
Suna’s club music is sooo underrated, some people (outsiders) believe it doesn’t even exist due to the prevalence of live performing bands and orchestras. It would be similar in style to artists like Nelly Furtado & Nyusha. Their electro music is extremely popular in clubs in Konoha and people have no idea it’s made by artists from the country of Wind. Yep, you guessed it. IRL it’s 90s-2000s Eurodance.
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Banks, TĀLĀ, Selena Gomez
TV shows/drama series taking place in a huge mansion with dramatic transitions/character introductions are very popular
Going on that same point, movies about family drama/dysfunction are popular as well because many recognize their relatives in the characters or use this media to reprimand their family members (don’t be like ----- from ------ series). Suna is probably on their 20th season of Shameless.
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A large part of the population has never traveled outside of the Country of Wind so documentaries about other nations are well-liked and sometimes used for propaganda.
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For some reason, all of Suna’s TV is super duper HD but their national news broadcast has to be the lowest quality and cheapest setup known to man.
TV broadcasts completely shut down during holidays
Because of its diverse population, what’s popular depends on social class & ethnicity/clan. Due to environmental & economic circumstances, gang-related rap music grew in popularity. Tying back to the heavy influence of gang culture, it appears in music and fashion whether the group has criminal affiliations or not. The underground rap scene is very prolific and generated many iconic groups and soloists but is also associated with many violent tragedies
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The rise of female singers revolutionized society as Kiri started promoting their unique expression of beauty & sexuality to the outside world. Unfortunately, the pressure to appeal to the male gaze is insane. It is still a male-dominated society in contrast to Kumo’s support (and admiration) of female independence and individual self-expression, in Kiri, female performers can catch hell for “covering too much”, and not wearing makeup and heels.
I’m telling you! Female singers have mastered the art of a catchy song with a saxophone riff+ vain lyrics = INSTANT HIT (basically 2009-2011 Alexandra Stan)
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Vocal-based boybands are popular and attract mixed crowds. Many liked them for their trendy style, iconic songs, and success with the ladies. Most of these group sit in style close to groups like Aventura and Boyz II Men.
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What’s funny is that for the longest, Kiri was stuck in the early 2000s, when it comes to style, fashion and media production. This is why until very recently, CDs were sold in jewel cases with the most devious album covers.
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Artists like Minori Chihara are popular as well, again showing the country's diversity. Their popularity extends to certain regions/islands in the Country of Water but recently many have entered the mainstream giving a diverse sound to Kiri. Either more eccentric than what outsiders would expect or coming from ethnicities/clans previously underrepresented (Haku’s clan is one of them). Some examples are Charli XCX, Wednesday Campanella, Bad Bunny & Flower.
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Because of the strong love/couple culture, most forms of partner dancing (and the music associated with them) are really popular. Of course, depending on the region of the country you reside in, but dances including slower movements dominate, a few examples would be Bachata & Kompa.
Phonk (Juuzo likes it by himself among his peers) & Reggeaton.
Shakira, AOA, Rina Sawayama, LISA,
Low-budget soap operas.
For the longest, movies were in black & white, and the drama/romance genre is the most popular than most like to admit but it often depicted members of higher caste. No censorship on the spiciness/love scenes (this is live!)
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Rock is the most popular style of music. It is the most exported media after adventure movies. The genre has brought merit and fame to the Country of Eart and its one-of-a-kind rock festivals. There was a time when pop-punk/rock was dominating. It was in the same era that TAKA flourished, it would be groups like Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Billy Talent, Paramore, AFI, Hoobastank, etc.). This era was short-lived, and Iwa’s rock eventually returned to its more hardcore roots.
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Adventure/Action movies are filmed there and many popular franchises came out of it (think of Mad Max). These movies always climb to the top of the box office when they are released. (Deidara likes these because there are many explosions)
To rival Rock, Iwa has the largest indie music scene. Because of the lack of funding for anyone not filling the typical rock/metal mold, countless small groups and soloists from underfunded companies or self-employed are so many that they form a whole layer of the country’s music industry. I know groups/singers like Kllo, Cafuné, Glasperlenspiel, The Neighbourhood & JOY. would fit this description.
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Iwa’s reality TV is more geared towards anything following celebrities' (& corn stars) lives, Any survival show in the wilderness, Married at first sight, Jersey Shore, Jackass, Real Houswives of Iwagakure.
It is possible that you don’t understand the lyrics of any song because it is a melodic-driven music culture.
The most accomplished and elaborate sound technicians/producers come from there (previously associated with Orochimaru or not).
Because of the village’s association with Konoha, all artists/producers from Oto are popular in Konoha and operate in the Country of Fire.
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Meanwhile in Oto, they have perfected the art of sounds, allowing a more intricate/complex musical sound to emerge both in EDM & other electro styles. Going from Yasutaka Nakata (Perfume & capsule) to more layered compositions from artists like Emawk, FKA Twigs
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95% of the royalty-free music available online is made in Otogakure.
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Ame produces many prolific DJs who range from the generic side of EDM to more eccentric and unique styles. It would be artists like Basshunter, Wolfgang Gartner, Skrillex, deadmaus5 & Rabbit Killer.
Ame produces the most gut-wrenching indie horror movie to see the light of day. Some get popular enough to get broadcast overseas (like The Ring type and even worse). In contrast to Konoha’s horror movies which are locally popular with the typical watered-down storyline. *Ears a strange sound in the attic. Picks up a flashlight to go check*
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spadeselfshipcorner · 13 days
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Omg Naruto OC
Introducing... Kugi Haruno!
She may not be a shinobi, but she shows her fiery Konoha spirit through her music.
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When Kugi was a child, she was often sick. He weak physique prevented her from enrolling in the Ninja Academy, which greatly upset her, since many kids of her generation, including her cousin, Sakura, were following that path.
After witnessing a beautiful performance by a travelling Guzheng player, she decided she couldn't keep moping about not being a ninja, and began learning the instrument at 12 years old to channel her feelings somewhere productive.
She continued practicing over the years, but her big break in her music career happened during the first anniversary of the 4th Shinobi World War, where thanks to Sakura's endorsement, she got to play in front of all of Konoha and the Kages and things only got crazier from there.
This is her design in Boruto! I chose to make her a Haruno cause aside from Sakura and her parents we don't get to see anyone from the clan!
As for why I chose for her not to be a ninja... idk I wanted to explore the Naruto world through the eyes of a regular person, since there's so many ninjas in the universe already dgfhjd
More lore about her relationships will be posted soon!
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Proship/Comship & Kink blogs DNI
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woodland-gremlin · 5 months
For You (Naruto POV)
Naruto spends his days with growing rage. Everyday with every injustice his desire to burn the prison that held him and his sister captive grew. They treated them as monsters yet expected loyalty in return. It often made him want to give in and become like the monster they saw.
Yet, anytime he thought of giving in he thought of his twin, Minori. The blank look she held, not understanding how to express her emotions otherwise. The fact that she would never speak when someone other than him was around. Of how she would use their link to read to him since he had a hard time sitting still. Of how she would ramble about seals or cats. Of the ways her eyes brightened when she saw something interesting and the way they would dull with the whispers around them.
He and his sister were already broken down by the village. If he lost himself in rage and gave into their hate he would lose himself, leaving Minori alone. He couldn’t do that to his sister, he couldn’t force her to face the world with no one by her side. He refused to do so.
If he couldn’t burn down the village that held them prisoner, he would fix it instead. He would become so respected that the villagers wouldn’t dare to look down on them. So no one would dare to call them demons. So they wouldn’t be able ro refuse to sell to them or jack up the prices while giving them faulty products. No one would pull their children away from them as if they were diseased. The festivals wouldn’t just be a day dream to attend or a time of danger. They wouldn’t have to fear going outside, fearing that they would be attacked or touched weirdly by creepy adults. They would be safe, free to live without a village that hated them just for existing.
To achieve this dream he will become Hokage, the most respected position in the village. For his twin.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
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How cute is it that there was the exact number of clans for a team in that post? Anyway... It’s been a while since I made OCs of any kind so this was a nice change.
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