#korean dram
simply-whump · 6 months
My Lovely Boxer (순정복서) - Whump List
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Whumpees : Kim Tae Young played by Lee Sang Yeob
Synopsis : Kim Tae Young is a cold-blooded sports agent. One of his clients is Kim Hee Won. He is an excellent baseball pitcher and, a dear friend to Kim Tae Young. To help him, Tae Young is asked to bring female boxer Lee Kwon Sook back to the boxing ring. 3 years ago, she emerged as an elite boxer at the age of 17 but then suddenly disappeared. (MDL)
Genres : Sport, Youth, Romance, Drama
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Kim Tae Young
Ep 1 : (42:05) Emotional — (45:40) Drugged by injection, passes out, wakes up in bathtub with a plastic bag on his head, panicking, heavy breathing, falls out of the tub, wraps himself with a blanket, upset, throwing up — (54:54) Exhausted, falls asleep, wakes up startled, concern for him
Ep 2 : (56:08) Punched hard in the face, knocked out — (56:34) Head bandaged comically, startled, wincing
Ep 3 : (57:37) In a headlock, punched in the stomach
Ep 2-5 : None
Ep 6 : (01:00:00) Strangled, kicked, collapsed on the ground, heavy breathing, grabbed by the collar and pushed against a car, threatened, knocked out
Ep 7 : (03:00) Unconscious, wakes up, coughing, groaning in pain, tries to get up but collapses — (05:17) Threatened, frightened, flinching — (07:16) Sleeping, face bruised, concern for him, woken up, wincing in pain, tries to walk but collapses on the ground, more groaning in pain, helped up — (09:17) In bed sleeping, face and neck bruised, concern for him, balm applied on wounds, face patched up with some cute band-aids — (01:00:10) Learns the death of his friend, teary-eyed, crying
Ep 8 : (01:10) Depressed, recalling painful memories, anxious, panic attack — (02:40) Friends worried because he hasn’t left his room in three days — (03:07) Going to his friend’s funeral, so out of it that he forgets to put on shoes, concern for him, cannot enter the funeral hall, upset — (14:00) Emotional, tearing up the wall full of his friend’s pictures, concern for him, lowering himself to the ground — (24:06) Friends are worried for him so they break inside his room, sitting on the floor depressed, hugged — (28:00) Forced to get out of bed — (30:25) “Lightly” punched multiple times while wearing boxing protection, letting out his anger and frustration, screaming, sobbing
Ep 9-11 : None
Ep 12 : (00:00) Surrounded, punched in the stomach, collapses to the ground, hands tied, manhandled, put on his knees, angry, kicked — (10:10) On the ground, groaning in pain — (26:07) Angry, pushed, restrained — (34:39) On a chair, hands tied, teary-eyed — (40:05) Gun put on his head — (41:57) Found unconscious — (01:02:12) Playfully punched 
>> More Whump Lists
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ramyeonpng · 10 months
In a sense, it’s not my place to judge a Korean drama and how they depict their own culture in a Korean drama, as in this example. In another sense, those fashion, makeup and plastic surgery trends influence trends across Asia and have formed the narrative of what "beauty" looks like. And those trends are typically to evoke a more Eurocentric look, with higher nose bridges and larger eyes.
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outragedtortilla · 6 months
In a sense, it’s not my place to judge a Korean drama and how they depict their own culture in a Korean drama, as in this example. In another sense, those fashion, makeup and plastic surgery trends influence trends across Asia and have formed the narrative of what "beauty" looks like. And those trends are typically to evoke a more Eurocentric look, with higher nose bridges and larger eyes.
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Most of all, I wondered about how eerie it was that the world in Squid Game is pretty similar to ours, save for one key difference. There is a much more obvious black market for organs, and people had been signing away their lives to pay off debt. It really gave me Never Let Me Go vibes.
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grouchydairy · 2 years
Most of all, I wondered about how eerie it was that the world in Squid Game is pretty similar to ours, save for one key difference. There is a much more obvious black market for organs, and people had been signing away their lives to pay off debt. It really gave me Never Let Me Go vibes.
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ramyeongif · 2 years
For example, her story of the Cheerful Dog, a cheerful dog who interacted all day with humans happily but at night fell quiet and silent, not knowing how to run free even though their leash was gone… This story paralleled the main protagonists’ own cage set by the expectations by her own mother.
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bysmeraldo · 5 months
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Dearest, darling, my universe...🖇🕊
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mitskikinnies · 9 months
Dry Drowning - Chapter 1 (Türkçe Çeviri)
Kılıç derine inerek sert ete saplandı.Rakip, gözyaşları ve dere gibi kan döküldükçe daha fazla ses çıkarmadı.Mamafih, tekrar havaya kaldırılan kılıç, karanlıkta ışıl ışıl parladı.
“Bu an için çok, çok uzun zaman bekledim.”
Evet, bu onun çok uzun zamandır hazırlandığı bir şeydi.
“Nefesi duran adamın önünde eğilirken gülüyor muydum ağlıyor muydum bilemiyordum.”
“Duygularım yavaş yavaş yok mu oluyordu?”
Diyeceği bir şey kalmamıştı.
“Hala korumam gereken bir itibarım var.”
Örümcek ağına benzeyen bir karmakarışıklık hissi geri gelirken hafifçe gözlerimi açtım.
Adamın vücut sıcaklığının düşmeye başladığı belliydi.
Nefesi tutup dikkatlice dinlemiş olsa da, yaşayan bir insanın kalp atışını duyamıyordu.
“Buna inanamadım, bu yüzden birkaç defa daha kontrol ettim, ama hiçbir şey değişmedi.”
“O gerçekten ölmüştü.”
Aklımda yankılanan gerçek sonunda kazındığında, ağzımdan hiçbir şey çıkmadı. Karışık hislerle solgundum. Rahatlamış mıydım, hor mu görmüştüm, suçlu mu hissediyordum bilmiyordum. Kasvetli dünyanın parçalandığını izledikçe elimin arkasıyla ıslak gözlerimi ovaladım. Gözyaşlarının sızacağını düşünmüştüm ama garip bir şekilde ellerimin arkası kuruydu, kan izleri vardı.
“Senin ölümünün sebebi benim.” diye mırıldandı, daha önce hiç dokunmadığı adamın yanaklarına dokundu ve aşağıdan gelen bir ışık huzmesi belirdi.
O anda atabileceği eski 2G telefonda tek bir numara bile bulunmuyordu. İşlerini bitirdikleri anda ondan kurtulmaları normaldi.
“O benim gibiydi.”
Hiçbir şey kaydedilmemişti, bir arama olduğunda hiçbir anlamlı numara görünmüyordu.
O yüzden ona hiç bakmadan ayağını hareket ettirdi. Bir cup sesi geldi ve yatağın altına sıkıştırılmış şey kullanılamaz haldeydi. Nasıl bir yüz ifadesine sahip olduğunu bilmeyerek tereddüte düştü, adamın yüzüne tükürdü ve arkasına döndü. Çünkü onun gösterebileceği en büyük hakaret buydu.
Kanı ve parmak izleriyle dolu kılıcı bırakarak o iğrenç yerden ayrıldı. Sabah havası hala serindi, kirli sokakların yukarlarındaki tiksindirici gürültü…sabahın aksine sessiz bir kasaba biri tarafından öldürülmüş gibiydi.
Dar ayakkabılar bir süreliğine kırmızı bir iz bırakmıştı.
Bu saatte yürüyen insanların her zamanki gibi bir yüz ifadesi yoktu.
Tüm adamlar aynı ırkta diye mi sokakta gezinen kana bulanmış bir adamı görmüyorlarmış gibi davranıyorlardı?
“Bununla ilgili daha fazla kafa yormak istemiyorum.”
Tükenmişliğe benzer bir his ile tüm gücü parmak uçlarına damladı. Geçmişe baktıkça bir masalı andırır bir şekilde arkada izler bırakmışsın gibi görünüyordu.
Dar, berbat kokulu patikayı geçince kavşağı göreceksin.
Geçen sene sönen sokak ışıkları hala tamir edilmemişti.
Uzun zamandır gitmediği bir yer olmasına rağmen yürüyüş hızında hiçbir tereddüt belirtisi yoktu.
İnsan kontrolündeki bir binayı görünce karanlık bir köşede saklanmak normaldi.
Biraz daha yürüdüm, tanıdık bir yere ulaştım ve en sonunda sessizce yüksek duvara tırmandım. 
Sessizce vardığında girişe yaklaştı ve boynunun etrafını aradı.
Boynunun çevresindeki zinciri çektiğinde, bir tişörtün içinde saklanmış bir anahtar ortaya çıktı. Gümüş beyaz parlak yüzeye bakarken kapıyı açmak oldukça garipti.
Kapı topuzunu çekti ve hiçbir söz etmeden içeri girdi. Bir parça bile mobilya bulunmayan ve tek bir ışık demeti bile girmeyen iç kısım dışarıdaki karanlıktan daha kasvetli görünüyordu.
Ama ışıkları açmadı.
Oturma odasını geçerken en içteki kapının önünde durdu, yavaşça kapıyı açtı ve yağ kokusu burnuna geldi.
Bir şey yanlıştı, tuhaf bir fikir olduğunu düşünerek içeri girdi. Masadaki boyaya hafifçe dokundu. Tozlu ve pürüzlüydü fakat her şey sükunet içinde görünüyordu.
Suya batırılmış sünger gibi düşen vücuduna zor dayanarak kötü planlanmış stüdyoya baktı.
Yüksek kaliteli yontulmamış odundan yapılan şövalye, kuru bir palet, boş tuval ve tutkallı alçı ile boyanmamış bir odun resim tahtası aracılığıyla tuval bıçağını buldum.
Translator Note: Tuval bıçağı (Canvas knife): Bir sapa yerleştirilen değişken esnekliğe sahip renkleri karıştırmak veya karıştırılan renkleri tuvala aktarmak için kullanılan ince bıçak ağzı.
“Kullandığım tuval bıçağı epeyce keskindi. Materyal kötü olmasına rağmen güzel bükülüyordu ve bu yeterliydi.”
“Yakındaki bir koltuğa otur ve onu yavaşça tut.”
“Kaldırdığım elimle ilgili hiçbir pişmanlığım yok. Nefes al, gözlerini kapat ve sadece bunu yap.”
“Sadece bıçak ağzını al ve içine sok.”
Tereddütsüzce kendi boynunu bıçakladı ve penceredeki uzak manzaraya hayal meyal baktı.
Özlem sesi bir yerden geliyordu.
Et yayıldıkça akan vücut sıvısı hızlıca kişinin işlediği günahları ölçüyordu.
“Onları unutmamaya söz verdim çünkü çok fazlalardı.”
“Sonra hayatın zor olduğu dank etti.”
Biri kırmızı gözlerini kapatmadan bu tarafa bakıyormuşcasına nefes almak zordu.
Üzgünüm, bugün özür dilemediğimi fark ettim o yüzden dudaklarımı hareket ettirdim ama sadece bir çığlık sesi ortaya çıktı.
Her nefes aldığında oksijen kaybediyor ve çöküyordu.
En sonunda, ceplerini karıştırdı ama zayıflayan vücutu işlevini düzgün yerine getiremiyordu. Birkaç beyhude denemeden sonra, aşağıya baktı ve hiçbir şey göremedi. Ama yine de iyiydi.
“Göremezsem de hala her şeyi hatırlayacağım.”
“Günahlarımı telafi etmemin tek yolu bu.”
Adam yıpranmış, karmakarışık sona karşı kısa süreliğine gülümsedi. Gömülmüş anılarını çağrıştırıyordu, manzara sonsuzdu.
Bununla birlikte tutuk gözleri bir perde gibi kapandı, bundan hiçbir zaman pişman olmayacağını belirtir bir şekilde.
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9800sblog · 1 year
ATEEZ tarot reading - 2026 contractual renovation plans
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-> Korean talent agencies can only legally sign their artists for 7 years straight, then they must come into consensus again about the contracts. ATEEZ started promoting as a musical group in 2018, hitting their 7 years mark in 2025, 2 years from now (30/05/2023 GMT-3). I am curious what do the members and their company have in plans for them, so I asked tarot and this is what the cards showed me and how I interpreted it.
-> reminder that these are my choice of words for the messages they gave me through energy reading, all these answers can change at any minute and/or be completely wrong + I am exclusively talking about the year of 2026 in this reading.
-> "do I have the collective agreement to do this reading and post it online?" I got the 6 of pentacles for that question and I asked for each member too.
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-> KQ Ent. (their agency)
they're definitely planning on keeping the contracts, they might reveal many things like the storyline, things like that. no matter if ateez stays or goes, they wanna keep a relationship with those men, be it the people still interacting and keeping their bonds or the company keeping the group somewhat alive even if it ends or reshapes in 2026. it doesn't matter what, they're not gonna keep doing the same things as before, it will be a new beginning, i don't think they're gonna squeeze that group/concept til it's last drop. they might keep like the heart of the group alive, but I got the opposite of peter pan so they're definitely killing the pirate concept no matter what. I think the plan is for KQ to kind of give up creative control in 2026, like ateez has proved themselves, they worked hard for the careers they'll have in that time and it's now time to just let them be, I think the artists themselves would be more involved in the shaping of their own careers and if they wanna continue as a group it would be more about the music they wanna make with the concept they want. it's like they plan on admiring the gems they created >U< yeah I think the plan is to end the storyline in 2025 and then support the members as much as they need and want.
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-> Park Seonghwa
there is again that thing about revealing, he wants to hide nothing, he seems really excited about it. I don't think he wants to stay in KQ after 2025 and it seems that his plans for 2026 is military service, I think he sees it as like vacation or something, but he is NOT into the bald look, he is dreading that part. he thinks that he will be free after ATEEZ expires, because he is no longer the little boy he was when he started this journey, he is a very grown and experienced adult and he really looks forward to having the ability to be independent. he doesn't wanna keep doing the same things he does in the group, he plans on challenging himself and just being himself from that point moving forward. it seems he is afraid of the future because he has never not been dependant of this company and these same people, he is afraid of flying solo but he doesn't wanna stay in KQ, i think he wants to take the time in military service to explore or expand his options and that's why he sees it as vacation, not because he thinks there's nothing to do there, but he thinks it will be a time of refreshment away from fame.
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-> Kim Hongjoong
hongjoong is also very excited about this new journey, he is also excited to be independent, I think he is looking forward to moving out and having his own place to live. his plan is to spend a lot of time with his favorite people, i think he wants to go to his parents' house and spend quality time with family and maybe childhood friends. he doesn't wanna do much, he doesn't wanna be the boss of nobody, he wants nobody to be his boss, he wants to feel on the same level as all people around him. I think he wants to mourn for a while, the end of such important project and people in his life, it's difficult for him to imagine a life without these, but it won't be a dramatic ending for him, he is preparing and he's not gonna let anyone speak for him, he will create his own destiny. hongjoong plans on staying in the company; if the group rebrands, he wants to stay; if the group ends, he wants to stay in the company as a guide, producer and/or solo artist. he is a little unsure about the ATEEZ part because it depends so much on so many other people, not just himself, but he would love to keep these good vibes going.
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-> Jeong Yunho
yunho did not fit well in KQ and doesn't wanna stay any longer than necessary, I see him taking his friends with him for life but leaving the ATEEZ project behind. I can see him going back to another company he trained at when he was a kid, music will definitely continue to have a huge impact on him, I think mostly through dancing tho. he thinks that after ATEEZ ends he will have some type of revenge by being independent from the company, he plans on doing some soul searching traveling, he wants to connect with himself and enjoy the fruits of his labor. there is really a lot about personal power here, he plans on letting nobody tell him what to do, he is the owner of his own life. it seems he wants to enjoy time in nature, he might go away for a bit where there are no cameras, like a countryside or a beach, I think he wants to tan his skin after that, he thinks he will literally come out of the dead after the contract expires which reminds me a lot of tanning too, because his skin is unnaturally pale now, like a ghost.
when you least expect it this man is gonna show up in your dreams
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-> Kang Yeosang
you know what message I got, intuitively? the 2017 movie Get Out but it's Yeosang and xikers (don't take this too seriously, it's an easy anology that my brain made because i fucking love that movie and i am a huge fucking fan of Jordan Peele).
I also got this message:
so far, yeosang has gotten the craziest messages, I think he wants to live the exact opposite of what we see in ATEEZ - he's a pretty uptight, quiet and serious guy in front of cameras. anyone that has seen yeosang's pre debut pictures thinks he is far from being socially conventional tho. and don't forget he's a fucking gemini! I'm swearing a lot more than I usually do in tarot readings and I think that's an important message too. basically, yeosang wants to go absolute batshit crazy, ok? long story short, he does not wanna stay in ATEEZ, he does not wanna stay in KQ, it's like being himself brings him trouble in this environment and he's waiting to not have the legal obligation of depending on people that don't care about him, he's like a teenager waiting to become a legal adult. looks like he wants to party a lot, go to clubs and listen to those human thoughts he doesn't have space to listen right now, like he wants to fucking cuss without having to worry about someone hearing and drink until he can't stand anymore, that's what I'm seeing, he wants to make a big mess, throw everything in the air, he wants to feel like a regular person that can make mistakes and look ugly and not be seen as a role model. he has a special person in mind who has a more female energy (yin/moon), this person looks very fondly at him, like he's a little kid and he feels safe and nurtured with them; he plans on being with them in that year, spending lots of time together, and I think this is talking about his mom, he really misses this person a lot, they are his strength.
just to be clear, I wouldn't say yeosang thinks the members of ateez or the workers of kq hate him, but he think his work and legal obligations to it are oppressive to him. unfortunately, that's the experience of majority of people that work a job.
I also got this song as a message and so many other club songs, I really thinks he wants to party a lot!
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-> Choi San
san almost refused to add anything to the post, he wants to feel respected and in power of his narrative.
I don't think he plans to continue ATEEZ after it's due date, but he would definitely stay in KQ, as long as they work well in collaboration with him, I think he would be a solo artist, there is a lot about someone shining with the help of others in the background; I see him doing more soul or r&b inspired songs. I think he likes the opportunities that the company provides and he thinks they have made him so much stronger than he was when he came in, he is really thankful. his plan is to renew the contract but make it a different journey. I see he doesn't want to start a new project straight away, he wants to take a break, work on his relationships, spend time away with those he holds the closest to his heart, he also might go back to his hometown, like the house his grandparents' used to live, I see a lot of family in here, very clearly: father, mother, sister and san. that's it! he seems really private :)
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-> Song Mingi
mingi looks forward to explore other options, he doesn't wanna keep the contract, but he loves his people so much, he wants to keep the group alive in each other's lives. everyone! staff, members, everyone! they have built this from nothing, so there is a lot of emotional attachments on his side. he doesn't feel empowered in ATEEZ tho, his obligations may keep him from doing many things, so he wants to know what else he can do as a career move and also socially, he wants there to not be hierarchies and competitions between him and his friends. he wants to have full control of himself, his passions, hobbies and his words. I feel like when 2026 hits, mingi will disappear from KQ, like they will never hear from him again. apparently the plan is: spend some time with his family and friends, then go do the military service asap. he doesn't wanna do much, he wants to ground himself, take care of his spirit, nurture himself and his body, maybe sleep a lot, I see him spending a lot of time at home, living his life to his own rules for a while, laying in bed thinking "what to do now?", then going for government service. he plans on spending a lot of time in his head, just daydreaming, imagining all the outcomes, in order to make a good decision; listening to chill music, watching TV, doing his nice little hobbies, letting his hair grow, creating art without any pressure - that's exactly what he plans, letting all the pressure of years go away. he wants to get closer to his faith too (mingi is a Buddhist). I really think mingi wants to get away from the public for a while, there is something about running away from fanatic behaviors, he wants to be out of that environment, he does not wanna be celebrated for superficial things, does not wanna hear screams, it seems he really feels overwhelmed with fame and he can't wait to escape it, he does have a lot of love for his job and his people, but he is living in a way that is unnatural to him because of cameras and demands. he wants to feel real emotions and connections, not being contractually obligated to be fake, but he can't yet (his message, my choice of words). there is also a message of mingi planning on maintaining the door open for a relationship; it doesn't look like he has that special person yet, but he is very hopeful of fated romance, so he tries to plan in a flexible way, he doesn't want to accidentally close himself for important changes in his life. so his plan is literally to just chill alone, but still have a social life (not casual sex, literally a social life), he seems like a very balanced person.
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-> Jung Wooyoung
I got the 8 of swords card and the song message "I always feel like somebody is watching me and I have no privacy" I will not do this reading!
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-> Choi Jongho
he wants to go solo the second ATEEZ expires, he would love to be remembered as Jongho from ATEEZ/from KQ, especially because he already has solo songs released in KQ, but I don't see an emotional attachment to the company, he really wants to continue the friend group of 8, keep the group chat alive forever, but doesnt want to expand his business with KQ any further than they need to.
jongho wants to dance more, continue singing, of course, but he wants to be able to focus more on moving his body than he is able to on ATEEZ; he carries like 50% of the vocals and high notes in ATEEZ so he needs to save his energy and breath, however, he is an outstanding dancer and he enjoys dancing a lot. I'm seeing mostly old school kpop (1st gen) and dance pop from him - Bruno Mars' 24K Magic album, H.O.T.'s Wolf and Sheep album.
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drzephyr · 4 months
I bring I bring all the dram-ma-ma-ma-ma (with my girls in the back girls in the back) (Korean lyrics) dram-ma~~~
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noramoya · 1 year
The comment I’m passing here is from a reader of the fanfic “https://archiveofourown.org/works/20473640
Comment by fanfic3112 : “
“I adored the chapter and they were sooooo perfect! I love the characters who played Wei and Lan Zhan in untamed and now through this story I couldn't help imaging them in perfect detail! Have you seen the harpers bizarre photo shoot they did or tegu figwort shot that Wei dud with his hair wet and tossed in leather and sun glasses? Or the really gritty shoot they dud in Thailand with red land gold lighting and all dark and shadowy and wang yibo (Lan Zhan) looking just hit as fuck. Wang yibo is so much like Lan Zhan in so many what's with the lack of being bake to match his facial gestures to the hot, quirky, grungy, street punk and sometimes even just cute dance moves but in those photo shoots he just came alive in them. He said he really didn't have very look facial muscles especially around his mouth and so really had to work hard to let his emotions well up in his chest send shine through his eyes but to do the subtle facial moves of Lan Zhan he actually used chop stuck to do exercises to develop more facial movement around hugs mouth sync jaw and I was like damn those chop sticks worked not only on his character in the film but in all of those photo shoots. He definitely got that sexy slow bedroom neck role and looking all sexy under his lashes thing going on. Both him and Wei were yummy you could almost lick then off the screens in the photo shoots. When wang yibo dances he is clearly so single minded and focused and likes all eyes on him because he knows he's so good and that when you get to see something in him behind his sometimes shy or quiet or move stoic look...you get to see what you hit across in one live in this story "I hope Wei appreciates that he is the only person I would ever kneel to. Lan Zhan knows he's capable and tough as shit and revered and try's to distance himself from being smug or prideful but you still see it on his face. Even when wang yibo smilies or laughs in videos he still Cary's this certain Lan zhan quality in his eyes (that constipated bitch face look I love!) but he scan defiantly smilie big when he us with Wei and they were goofing off but it's like over the course of filming he brought wang yibos smiles out more and more but even then after each one you usually see himself looking embassies or self conscious cause he's smirking or embarrassed yes smiling. They were so cute in this story and in untamed!
Yeah seeing untamed added a whole other dimension to the anime, manga, novel translation to me and the characters themselves. Then for the first time I found myself really engrossed in the kazillion bits of social media on them. What interests me so much is how Chinese anime, manga, novels and china itself in terms of history and landscape, Vern the music of Chiba that has that transitional feel used in untamed but also current the music of current bands like the characters who play Wei and Lan Zhan come from (uniq and xnine) but particularly the live wuxian, costume and historical drama. It's so interesting looking at why the whole founder of diabolism package basically opened up china to the world in ways I wonder if even they realize. Up until this last year I had never heard of, nor thought or or gone looking for Chinese anime, live drams, manga or Annie and I've held Annie clubs at middle and high schools abc libraries and taught anime drawing. Korean manga and some anime really only started becoming plentiful over the last two years and it had to do with a change in their laws. The whole china xlposiin of interest and more things showing up and getting dubbed has just blown up. There has to be more still the bottom of it than founder of diabolism had a better marketing plan and used social media better or that it all was just really good BL content although those things are definitely true. I can honestly say there's never been another star ir show from china I could name except the ones now from untamed. And it's not just here in the US, it's in Thailand, Dubai, Japan and multiple countries. It's like china is making itself more known but in a back door soft approach and they chose a BL wuxian drama with some hit young Chinese actors to do it with. Just watching the evolution of the two main characters I have found just as interesting. They have just flooded Twitter Facebook and utube bad from a foreign country that us hard yo get much content out there so it all appears to be licensed and apparently nothing happens in china in terms of film, TV or anime without the government abc the censorship board approving it. I love that untamed actually showed the beautiful scenery and landscape that is reflected in the art work. I always find it interesting how things like this can attract so many people and how the impact can ripple to other areas like tourism dollars, increased fame and money and more opportunities for the actors and writers. I love that but also just find it interesting. On a video Xiao Zhan (Wei) said "it kind of frightens me. I'm trying to stay just me and figure the storm will die down soon but I was really in the past kind of nobody and no one paid much attention to me. Now I've got friends everywhere and they all say they like me but I know that can just disappear anytime so I'm just trying to take the opportunities that come because of the popularity now. I'm prepared to fall back to being nobody again when the tine comes." Which sounded and looked so heartfelt. The interviewer had asked what he thought about all the fans in multiple countries he has now and that was his answer. In the past you just didn't see a zillion twitter comment, Facebook comments and tons if utube vid ribs with interviews and every aspect of their lives shown and tons of cool photo shoots and videos shot all subtitled in multiple languages. In the very recent past there wouldn't be most of that stuff and if you did come across it there wouldn't be subtitles and much of it would be blocked on utube. Of what I did see it just wasn't that good as untamed is. For me it's soldo that they deprecated the characters so well and both seem to be so interesting in their careers compared to America actors and stars. I have a friend that used to like watching the kardashians and I never really got how that was interesting but Xiao Zhan and wang yibo have become my kardashians and now I get why other people found them interesting!”
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outragedtortilla · 10 months
Most of all, I wondered about how eerie it was that the world in Squid Game is pretty similar to ours, save for one key difference. There is a much more obvious black market for organs, and people had been signing away their lives to pay off debt. It really gave me Never Let Me Go vibes.
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witchmd13 · 1 year
no one does pining like korean dram I'm eating my arm
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,7 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: The Sound of Magic
Hangul: 안나라수마나라
Director: Kim Sung-Yoon
Writer: Ha Il-Kwon (webcomic), Kim Min-Jung
Episodes: 6
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Chang-Wook, Choi Sung-Eun, Hwang In-Yeop
   Webtoon uyarlaması bir Kore dizisi The Sound of Magic ile devam ediyoruz. Daha yayınlanacağı açıklanır açıklanmaz çok konuşulmaya başlandı. Annarasumanara ismiyle yayınlanan manhwa, diziden yaklaşık 10 yıl önce çıkmış. Diziyi izlemeden önce bende manhwasını okumayı tercih ettim. Hatta ilk bölümü izledikten sonra okumaya karar verdim.
Kısa bir dizi olduğu için konusuna da kısaca değineyim; eski, kullanılmayan bir lunaparkta yaşayan gizemli sihirbazın, iki lise öğrenci ile karşılaşmasını anlatıyor. Biri Yoon Ah Yi (Choi Sung-Eun), annesi evi terk ettikten sonra babası da borçları yüzünden kaçıp gidiyor. Ah Yi tek başına kardeşine bakmak zorunda kalan fakir bir kız. Okuldan sonra part-time işlerde çalıyor. Bir an önce yetişkin olmak isteyen bu kız sihirbazımız ile tanışınca hayatta yetişkin olmak mı, hayallerini yaşamak mı arasında ikileme düşüyor. Diğer öğrenci ise Na Il-Deung (Hwang In-Yeop), zengin bir aileden gelen hayatı boyunca ders çalışmaya zorlanmış bir çocuk.
Ji Chang wook bu dizideki rolü ile o kadar bütünleşmişti ki, dizinin başarısının tek sebebi olduğunu düşünüyorum. Rolün içine tam oturmuştu. Tavrı, konuşması ve aydınlık gülümsemesi ile bütün o gizemli havayı ekrana yansıtmış, onunla da kalmamış hikaye boyunca rolünü korumuş.
Dizinin renk paletini, konusu ile karşılaştırınca fazla abartılı buldum ama abartı olmasına rağmen beğendim. Diğer yandan dizinin biraz daha masalsı bir havada geçmesini bekliyordum.  Sürekli gerçeklik ve hayal dünyasının çatışma halinde olması rahatsız ediciydi. Fikir olarak her ne kadar kulağa güzel gelse de işlenme şekli beni rahatsız etti.  Dizi bana sadece Ji Chang Wook'u sevdirdi.
6 bölümlük bir dizi için çok fazla durağanlaşan anlatım tarzı vardı. O kadar yavaş yavaş azıcık bir şey anlatıldı ki, sanki film yapsaydınız daha güzel olmaz mıydı dedirtti. Türü dram, fantezi ve müzikal olarak geçse de bence dram ve gizem yazılmalıydı. Çok büyülü bir dünyaymış gibi gözümüze soksalar da sürekli gerçeklere kafa atan tarafı vardı.
Bu dizide de birçok alt metin yerleştirmişlerdi. İzleyiciye anlatmak istediği bir derdi vardı. İnsanların hayallerinin peşinden koşması gerektiğini 6 bölüm boyunca vurguladılar. Ayrıca ailelerin beklentileri bol bol gözümüze sokuldu. Lise döneminde yaşanılan gelecek korkusu, seçimler, sınav stresi, toplumsal beklentiler, gençler arasındaki kıyaslama ve aile baskısı oldukça bunalım bir şekilde işleniyor. Bu sıkıntılar Kore’de yaşanılan kaygılar gibi görülse de ülkemiz içinde benzer durumlar olduğunu görebiliyoruz.
Özetlersem, dizi beni çok etkilemedi. Daha önce de dediğim gibi bana kattığı tek şey oyuncu olarak Ji Chang Wook oldu. Hiç bahsetmedim ama başroldeki bayan oyuncuyu asla sevemedim. Irkçılık gibi olacak belki ama Koreli oyunculara bile benzemiyordu.  İkinci erkek oyuncu içinde bir şey söylemem gerekirse, kendisine çok nötrüm. Onunla ilgili dizide tek sevdiğim şey bütün saydığım kaygıları yansıtmak için “A curse of asphalt” şarkısının çekim sahneleriydi. Gerçekten inanılmaz başarılı bölümdü. Şarkıyı Ji Chang wook seslendirmesinin yanı sıra çekimler, anlatılan hikaye, renkler, açılar, kurgu inanılmazdı. En beğendiğim bölüm bu olabilir.
Diziyi önerir miyim? Evet, 6 bölüm olduğu için, anlatılmak istenen endişeleri görmek için, müzikleri dinlemek için izlenebilir.
Ji Chang Wook - A curse of asphalt
Raven Melus
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mandajiu · 2 years
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Nothing to see except my favorite actor and actress in my favorite color sweater in almost the exact same shade with white tops. The same level of casual.
My new years wish: Let's see them in the same frame again. 30 illuded to a "camp" but I think that's the boys variety show. We will see! At least a variety show, but add a dram collaboration and that would be amazing! The world needs to see what good friends you are behind the scenes again.
And I don't know if there is any significance here to the color scheme? I hear in China red and blue have similar meaning to us in the west. Who knows?
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My favorite actors: The one and only Blue Enchantress and the blue boys in Asian dramas. I do love blue. This year I have learned to despise my mom's favorite color purple.
Cha Eun Woo broke my heart this year in his variety show breaking down and crying over wanting to be in a relationship. It's too heavy a burden for these kiddos to not let them out to play. He is with Dior still I hope and rumor is 88 will go to Dior as East-Pacific Region rep, so i would love to see these two natural beauties in the same frame: a feast for the senses. He is the one Korean actor besides EHS that I think has the biggest potential of the young idols.
Mark Prin (Thai actor), although this was the year of Mario and Urassaya, I just love you. You turn the worst tropes into gold. I wouldn't mind seeing you with my blue enchantress if the rules ever change. All these men would be great with 88.
My wish for idols in 2023. I know they have an easy life overall, but the mental burden is there. Please netizens them live their life openly. It's getting a bit better in South Korea, but I do think it is more acceptable to date in your late 20's or past 30 like IU and that guy I can never remember his name, but love his lips.
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