absolutebl · 1 year
Unintentional Love Story
How to get it? 
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For many of us, even if you HAVE iQIYI it’s not coming up in searches or inside  the app.
Here’s how I’m getting it: 
sign into iQIYI on a laptop or desktop browser 
same browser, Google Search 
Individual Circumstances iQIYI Episode [+ # hunting for] 
click to open it (iQIYI will still say the ep is not available but will start playing it automatically) 
Repeat for the 2nd ep
That said, now that I’ve shared the workaround who knows how long until before they close the loophole. It’s airing on Thursdays, I tend to get it on Fridays. 
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*makes note to gank first 4 eps* 
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kdram-chjh · 6 months
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Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzk-n7lZ7J4
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ramyeonpng · 7 months
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korean food
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besedar · 8 months
beseda dne: žiti, žijem, žil (živeti; starinsko)
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lambotel · 2 years
sora choi.
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yourdailyjoker · 2 years
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De Korenaer Advocaat
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max1461 · 5 months
whne one of my mutuals turns off anon thats basically equivalent to sending me to the north korena prison camp to such kim jongs dick. its basically like discriminating me systemic racism just for the color of my skin... despicable
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Title: Sunday Surprise
Word Count: 364
One fine Sunday, as the sheets pooled near your feet, sunlight warming your back, on the brink of asleep and awake, you curled around your bolster and kept your eyes firmly closed. 
It was Sunday, and one of those rare days when you had no PowerPoints to prepare, or documents to revise, or emails to write; this meant you could sleep in with your girlfriend well into the afternoon. 
Speaking of your girlfriend, she chuckled from beside you. "Feeling lazy, are we?"
You hummed. 
A gentle hand carded through your hair, making you melt into the bed.
This beautiful, romantic moment was broken by your phone ringing. 
You groaned and refused to acknowledge it, making her chuckle. "Come one, you kurer dim, it's your best friend. Pick it up."
Grumbling about the ghorer shotru bibhishon, you accepted the call with bleary eyes.
Screaming met your ears, and you winced. "Keep it down, will you? Robbarer dupure phone korte lojja korena?"
"It's not the time to keep it down! It's time to get it up! So wake up, you sloth and open the goddamn news channel."
"What the hell are you talking about? Shoja shoji bolte parish na? Ghum theke uthiye abol tabol bokchhish?"
"It's legal! Marriage for us is finally legal! Now get your ass down here before I drag you out."
You sat up at record speed, the world spinning for a moment, before settling into a fuzzy, out-of-focus image. You weren't wearing your glasses, you realized belatedly. "Are you serious?! Shotti bolchhish?!"
"Oof tui na- bolchhi to khobor ta khol. Ato gadha kano re?"
For once, you let the insult go, turning to your confused girlfriend and feeling like you might just start crying a river.
"I'll- I'll call you back."
"What happened? Is he okay?"
"The hearing-" Your throat tightened. "Same-sex marriage is legal."
"Oh." She looked like she might cry too. "So that means-"
You hugged her as tight as you could, the ring on your finger feeling warmer than it had ever had.
She returned the embrace with equal enthusiasm, and you knew she was thinking of her own ring even as she buried her head in your shoulder. 
Day 11: One Fine Sunday...
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
The Targaryens practiced incest even in Old Valyria when there were other Dragonlord families around. So it wasn’t to keep their magical blood pure. They are just genuinely attracted to their own brothers and sisters. That’s disgusting and not in any way normal. The Targaryens are groomed from birth by their parents before them to view their own brother or sister as a potential spouse. That’s abuse. GRRM is clearly condemning incest.
It’s alarming how this fandom has become so comfortable with shipping incest and even defends it. The Targaryens may practice incest in Westeros to keep their magical dragon riding ability, but let’s not act like they aren’t actually into it and enjoy it. There’s no excuse for that.
The first and main purpose of marriage in Westeros and everywhere else in this universe (plus much of the real world) is not to bring two people in love together.
It's about/for power, and power is bestowed through lineage, parentage, and ancestry.
First of all, grooming:
Grooming is a method used by offenders that involves building trust with a child and the adults around a child in an effort to gain access to and time alone with her/him. In extreme cases, offenders may use threats and physical force to sexually assault or abuse a child. More common, though, are subtle approaches designed to build relationships with families.  The offender may assume a caring role, befriend the child or even exploit their position of trust and authority to groom the child and/or the child’s family. These individuals intentionally build relationships with the adults around a child or seek out a child who is less supervised by adults in her/his life. This increases the likelihood that the offender’s time with the child is welcomed and encouraged. 
Behaviors of grooming involve:
An adult seems overly interested in a child.
An adult frequently initiates or creates opportunities to be alone with a child (or multiple children).
An adult becomes fixated on a child.
An adult gives special privileges to a child (e.g., rides to and from practices, etc.).
An adult befriends a family and shows more interest in building a relationship with the child than with the adults
An adult displays favoritism towards one child within a family.
An adult finds opportunities to buy a child gifts. 
An adult caters to the interests of the child, so a child or the parent may initiate contact with the offender.
An adult who displays age and gender preferences.
And to get ultra-specific:
bathing a child
walking in on a child changing.
deliberately walking in on a child toileting.
asking a child to watch the adult toileting.
tickling and “accidentally” touching genitalia.
activities that involve removing clothes (massage, swimming).
wrestling in underwear. 
playing games that include touching genitalia (playing doctor).
telling a child sexually explicit jokes.
teasing a child about breast and genital development.
discussing sexually explicit information under the guise of 
showing the child sexually explicit images.
taking pictures of children in underwear, bathing suits, dance wear, etc.
Tell me how this in any way relates to Targaryens practicing sibling marriage? Or general Westerosi feudal/real ancient and feudal marriage practices?!
Ancient Egyptians also married brother to sister for hundreds of years. Are you really going to sit here and say it was because they were "genuinely attracted" to their own siblings? What about the Inca? Korean kings and their sisters? Hawaiian chiefs and their sisters or brothers?
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This was somehow a collective decision to cast some sort of spell to make their descendants magically only able to fall in love or desire only their siblings?
Were the ancient Korena, Egyptians, and Hawaiians all just "genuinely attracted" to their own siblings, each and every generation? Every single member? And attraction was their only, prime reason to marry and have lineage-claims?
Was there somehow some sort of spell cast to make all these people crave to fuck their siblings? So all these cultures are not cultures at all, anon, but just sex freaks?
The Valyrians, in sibling incest, are analouges of ancient Egyptian/Hawaiian/Inca royalty and their practice of sibling marriages.
The idea behind any close-kin marriage for ancient peoples was that in their blood/spirit/souls rests part of some life-affirming/life-sustaining spirit/society-defining god or spirit who gave them the ability or permission to rule and to preserve that god-given ability/permission to rule they must marry other people with that same blood/spirit and assure the god keeps a close connection to humans, or the society in question. What comes with that is material prosperity...what assures material prosperity? Land, resources, claims, etc. Even if it is violent or has to do with conquest, dragons do not even exist for real humans to marry incestuously and make it a genuine cultural/political practice for royals/those with the most prominent, executive/military, decision-making power.
Sibling marriage-- in many societies, if not the ones that allowed cousin and avunculate marriages without the sibling one--was the closest.
You: "The Targaryens practiced incest even in Old Valyria when there were other Dragonlord families around. So it wasn’t to keep their magical blood pure."
This is what A World of Ice and Fire says about how Valyrians viewed themselves and their dragons:
The tales the Valyrians told of themselves claimed they were descended from dragons and were kin to the ones they now controlled.
And before that:
the Valyrians, who learned to tame dragons and make them the most fearsome weapon of war that the world ever saw.
The tradition amongst the Targaryens had always been to marry kin to kin. Wedding brother to sister was thought to be ideal. Failing that, a girl might wed an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew; a boy, a cousin, aunt, or niece. This practice went back to Old Valyria, where it was common amongst many of the ancient families, particularly those who bred and rode dragons. “The blood of the dragon must remain pure,” the wisdom went.
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Remember what I said about close bonds before? The dragonlords were still surrounded by non-dragonlords who held land, and who were still political leaders. They were thinking of those people, as those to distinguish themselves. Those persons who GRRM states didn't have to be dragonriders themselves (which means some could have been but the families did not have enough riders in one or two generations at a time to constitute a traditional dragonlord clan), but were blood sorcerers.
Here is what GRRM said in this interview:
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Dragons, like gods and prime spirits, are overwhelming supreme entities that enable people who have the closest bonds with them to have and use power. Dragons do not have to be gods or be believed as gods because religion is not what this is about so much as what gives humans the most ability to have as many economic, political, and material benefits? Dragons are power, as gods and spirits can be power. Dragons grant their riders the ability to gain and maintain power. Therefore, the reaction to that, like that of real ancient peoples and some medieval examples, is to marry their cousins, sisters, uncles, etc.
So we have a repeat of what humans have done, not for "genuine attraction", for thousands of years.
And I'm not talking about morality here, I'm talking about facts.
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(Link to AWoIaF wiki page)
First-cousin, avunculate, and step-relation marriage don't count as incest to you, anon?
First cousins share at least one grandparent. Why do you think real-life royals/Westerosi royals/nobles are okay with first-cousin incest, or that the Faith allows such a thing and doesn't view it as incest despite first cousins clearly being close family members no matter how you slice it? So again, why allow first cousins and avunculate marriages at all?
It's because they share a grandparent and thus they both share a claim. Just as a dragon rider has the blood to bestow their kids to ride dragons and already share with their brother/sister/cousin/uncle/etc.
The more direct or close or straight-laced the blood, the more claim you have. It's it is the most convenient for ancient/feudal politics, which had grown the concepts of clans (clannism) and "houses" pretty much all over the world, in some form or another. The more you can claim your future kids are directly descended from whatever spirit or god your rule claims legitimacy from, (ancient Egypt, the sun god, for example) the more claim/legitimacy you and your kids will have to rule.
So, why do the nonTarg Westerosi nobles practice first-cousin marriage exist (which is incest), if not because they believed that their cousins and they themselves had god-like blood and lineages (ex.Garth the Gardner) or just because their ancestors were "great" leaders who "passed on" their own abilities? Or really, accrued connections, wealth, longevity THROUGH MARRIAGE, AND KEEPING IT AS CLOSE TO THE FAMILY AS POSSIBLE (one way, but a consistent way, a way they have depended on for thousands of years)?
The foremost point of incestuous marriages in all these societies was to maintain and assure everyone around you that your kids/your claim is "true" and to allocate the available resources (or set of possible ancestral claims) your spouse/you have to who the most to gain from said unions, present or future wise.
Aegon V and Betha Blackwood wanted to arrange their kids' marriages and didn't prioritize love for their kids despite themselves marrying for love.
Aegon V was decidedly against the Targ practice of sibling marriage. Yet their kids Shaera and Jaehaerys II disobeyed them and continued on to marry out of mutual desire. No grooming.
Aegon IV was not in love with his sister Naerys. He hated her and abused her and their brother out of jealousy and fear of his brother's strength, reputation, and public respect. Aegon IV and Naerys, brother, and sister, were arranged by Viserys II.
Aegon had nonTarg/unrelated mistresses and affairs, sometimes simultaneously and a few for years on end: Melissa Blackwood, Barbra Bracken, and Bellegere Otheyrs are just a few. Viserys II--Naerys, Aegon IV, and Aemon the Dragon Knight's father--did not arrange for Aegon IV to have mistresses as well. No grooming.
Daena did not sleep with her cousin the future Aegon IV because she loved him--she did it to combine claims and give her child one, claim back the power that her uncle Viserys II took for Baelor I for herself and the child.
Daeron II married neither for love nor desire to a Martell, nor made his sister Daenerys marry another Martell thinking she loved Maron (when there were already rumors of her loving Daemon Blackfyre, their brother).
Daeron II did not marry a Martell because he loved her, but only to finally bring the Dornish into the Targ/Westerosi realm. And Aegon IV neither his Naerys, (his and Daenerys' parents) arranged either of their matches. No grooming.
Aerys I notably had no kids with his cousin-wife Aelinor Penrose, and it's rumored they never even had sex.
Maekar and his wife Dyanna Dayne were not a love match. Yet they had several kids.
Aerys II and Queen Rhaella were not a love match and though it began amicable if not romantic, it devolved into abuse similar to Aegon IV and Naerys.
Visenya proposed Rhaena marry Maegor, not thinking of love or desire or romance at all.
Aegon, Visenya's brother, was traditionally/customarily obligated to marry her. He was not in love with Visenya, even though he was in love with their other sister Rhaenys (and you can be in love with two people at once, yet GRRM makes it a point to show us he only romantically loved Rhaenys [one sister], and would not take other wives the Westerosi lords offered to him).
Of course, there are going to be love matches/marriages of love and thus exceptions to the "marriage is for politics" phenomenon since life is never as black and white as that, and human emotions are changeable (and GRRM creates a universe that is not black and white regarding human emotions and politics and history, his goal for his world to mimic those aspects of humanity): Aegon V and Betha Blackwood; Duncan Targaryen and Jenny of Oldstones; Samantha Tarly and Lyonel Hightower, and many more.
And there are marriages of politics that grow into genuine love, incest or not.
The paths that society/models of cultural or political identity create for power's sake can and often also open up paths for desire.
Hence this Twitter post by GRRM himself:
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Jaehaerys and Alysanne were not actually the highest standard of a romance anyone should have nor even inside the world of ASoIaF (apart from the Westerosi cultural narrative), since their marriage degraded over the years and they started out not really understanding the other.
Alysanne and Jaehaerys were actually slated to marry outside of the Targ tree. After their elopement to Dragonstone their mother Alyssa Velaryon, and Jaehaerys' Hand, Rogar Baratheon, tried to get them to annul their marriage and break them apart.
Alyssa Velaryon was cousin to her husband (Alysanne and Jaehaerys' father) Aenys I. She was a Velaryon, a non-dragonriding Valyrian-descent house. Her two eldest kids, Rhaena and Aegon, were arranged to marry and married and had kids together. She knew why sibling marriage was the practice for Targs/dragonriders (power/tradition). the reason why she disfavored her kids marrying was not because she thought sibling marriage was wrong but because at the time she felt it was unsafe not just for them but for herself and the dynasty (Faith response after Maegor). She also did not think that love, desire, or attraction (which Alysanne and Jaehaerys had enough to run away and elope) was good enough to have her kids marry in the tradition of their house.
So no to the "The Targaryens are groomed from birth by their parents before them to view their own brother or sister as a potential spouse." Especially the "GRRM is clearly condemning incest."
Really, the love and desire between siblings and non-siblings are not directly caused by grooming, but by personal and political factors, some of which you have to parse out or will never truly identify as some will have to do with the individuals and how they individually perceive things and others.
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beneluxroyalty · 1 year
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23rd June: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary, Queen Máxima visits the heritage park Loosduinen. She visited the Loosduins Museum and windmill 'De Korenaer'.
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victorysp · 1 year
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On the occasion of the 100th anniversary, Queen Máxima visits the heritage park Loosduinen. She visits the Loosduin Museum and windmill 'De Korenaer'. Queen Máxima will also talk to volunteers and residents of the Loosduinen district. June 23, 2023.
📷 Patrick van Katwijk
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absolutebl · 1 year
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For you, because they were an absolute mood
this version of the meme is:
'right in front of my soju?'
- for when anything offensively heterosexual is going on
peace and love and stuff!
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Best moment ever.
gay disgust over PDAing hets =
right in front of my soju?
make it so interweds
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lululazari22 · 5 months
Greek god ocs for twst
Diego is based off of the god of wine, he is a carefree soul who is often drunk. He doesn’t get along with Idia that much however sometimes they bond over some manga that caught Diego’s eye.
Dite is based off the Greek god of love and beauty widely known for her beauty and ability to match make others perfectly. She has two sons who are her pride and joy. She also is a famous model and actor. Most interactions she has with Idia is her saying that he need to find a lover or he will be alone for the rest of his life. She doesn’t care if Idia is with a boy or a girl along as they are in love.
Thena is based off of the Greek god of wisdom, she is quite knowledgeable about wars, history and magic. She is asexual as well as a trans female. She used to have a twin brother however her parents only wanted one child so they terminated him. Her relationship with Idia is quite neutral, they both say hello to each other at family gatherings. They only seem to talk when the family tells them to.
Zack is based off Greek god of thunder. He is a playboy, who toys with women’s hearts. Often cheating on them with other women who they thought they could trust. When he was still studying, he was considered naturally smart about magic and incredibly strong both magically and physically. He doesn’t get along with Idia to put it nicely, actually it is one sided hate. Zack is actually extremely fond of Idia. But idia wants him dead, thinking he is too loud and cheerful and feels kinda bad to Zack’s ex girlfriends and his future girlfriends.
Korena is based off of Persephone, even though not in the family I still wanted to include her. She was arranged to marry Idia when she was born, against her mother’s wishes as her father was supportive of the marriage. She actually is Idia’s favorite person probably. They both get along pretty well. She likes to pick flowers, and she likes to make flowers crowns for her, Ortho, and Idia.
That’s all bye!!
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besedar · 5 days
beseda dne: mavrica
etimologija: verjetno iz Mavra - Mavrka (Mavri kot prebivalci severa Afrike). Če je to res, potem je mavrica: "pisana kot temna koža in barvite obleke Mavrov".
Frazem "pijan kot (božja) mavra" pa iz ljudske predstave, da mavrice pijejo vodo (Snoj za oboje).
Poimenovanje za Mavre iz latinskega Maurus (ugibam, da mogoče prek nemščine ali italijanščine)). V latinščino iz grščine, v grščino pa ... Tem več gledam, tem bolj me zmede. Več informacij spodaj.
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Okej, zdaj smo samo še tisti, ki nas zanima. Finofajn!
1.) Wikipedija trdi, da je Strabon rekel, da so Mavri tako imenovali sami sebe. Ko gledam vir, ki ga citira Wikipedija, sicer tega ne najdem, se pa resda prav nič ne znajdem na Perseusovi strani, nikoli se nisem in se nikoli ne bom. (Wikipedija, Perseus) Slab vir, boste rekli - se strinjam! Ampak ga nekoliko podpre nadaljnje raziskovanje, zato ga sploh navajam ...
2.) Enciklopedija Novega sveta pravi, da beseda pride iz grškega poimenovanja za črno oz. temno barvo. Oni to besedo navajajo kot, citiram, "mauros". Zakaj jo tako citiram? No, ker niso vključili naglasa, jasno! Se pa bojim, da zna biti kar pomemben. Do te enciklopedije gojim globoko skepso, ker prvič slišim zanjo in ker sama o sebi pravi, da je osnovana na Wikipediji, samo da z "bolje recenziranimi članki". Ja, okej, ja, kdo jih pa recenzira, če smem vprašati? Kakšno ime in naziv bi prišel prav ...
3.) Grška beseda, za katero se moram zanašati na Wiktionary! Moji viri so brez graje! Torej: začnimo z novogrškim μαύρος (črn, temačen ...). Naglas na prvem zlogu - akut, ampak to je tako ali tako pričakovati, ker je le nova grščina in so naglasna znamenja poenostavljali, če se ne motim. Ne spoznam se, ampak mislim, da imajo samo še akute? Ne vem!
Kakorkoli že, nadaljujmo! Μαύρος naj bi prišel iz μαῦρος (koiné, torej, kaj, čas Aleksandra Velikega?) in ἀμαυρός (stara grščina). Ne pomaga, da je sploh stara grščina razdrobljena na milijardo dialektov!
Za ἀμαυρός (temen, slep, šibek ...) etimologija Wiktionaryju ni znana. Mogoče iz protoindoevropejskega *h₂mr̥-wós, lahko pa bi bil povezan z besedo μαυρός.
In kako je s slednjo? Tudi ta ima kup pomenov (temen, slep, šibek, negotov, neznan, nerazumljiv), ker grščina ne bi bila grščina brez pol strani definicij za vsako besedo. Etimologija je pa še vedno neznana! In, še huje, ena od možnih etimologij je kar (*globok vzdih*) - iz poimenovanja za Mavre. Da so oni sami sebe imenovali Mavri in so Grki besedo potem prevzeli ter ji nekako pridali milijardo pomenov.
Lahko bi bila pa iz protoindoveropejskega korena *mergʷ- in nekako sorodna npr. angleški besedi murky.
Mogoče bo več uspelo ugotoviti vam!
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
DS9 4x02 The Visitor thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
Ohhh I thought this was the Jake-gets-psychically-nommed-on-by -an-alien-one. Alright, let's get buckled in for dead fathers and time-travel shenanigans! 😅
It's very weird to turn up to an old man's house and demand they tell you their life story, simply because you admire their writing??
Sisko is the best dad. "Now, what do you say you come up to the bridge with me and we'll watch the wormhole do its thing, and then I'll read what you've got and we'll talk about it. Deal?"
Quark being too kind, that's when you know it's bad - "You know, Nog, things seem to be slowing down a bit. I'll get someone else to bring up those kegs." Careful, Quark, you're showing that well-hidden generosity!
"Please don't make me leave." Oh. Jake.
"Jake, they'll have me fixed up in no time. How are you doing?" The way Jake just crumbles when his dad asks him that. Oh, my heart! 💔💔
"I'm here now. That's what matters." *fades away* your timing is really not great there, Sisko...
Julian's face of regret as he pushes Jake away
This alternate timeline of what happens if Sisko died is so strange!
I love future Nog and future Jake and his wife. This is such a cute little scene!
The Dominion never invaded? Why? How? Is the Klingon DS9 too strong for them?
Sisko's "Do I have any grandchildren?". I love the guy, but he's so old-fashioned sometimes
This scene, Sisko catching up on his son's life, is making me tear up more than anything...
Korena is the best. "You might wanna see these."
"I'm sorry for giving up." JAKE
An old Jadzia? My heart??? That doesn't happen in the actual timeline
Also I love the new uniforms. Well, I don't really like them tbh but I like the attention to detail in how they've changed
I love how fondly Sisko still looks at Jake, even when he's an old man
The fact Sisko is the one left with fragmented memories of another universe is so messed up and is very weird to think of
Amazing how that story has literally no effect on anything, was a complete au - but it's still so good
I guess something we can take from it is that Jake will take some time, but he will actually find an way to move on after Sisko's disappearance in the finale. And I like that such a sad episode can give us that hope.
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jelenajt · 8 months
Izrasteš u dobrog ne čupajući druge iz korena.
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