hello-gloomy · 4 months
'What was your nen again?'
Phantom troupe x Gen!reader
Description: The troupe finally had some free time so you decided to meet up with them again, you happen to bring up something none of them mentioned to you which brings up a question.
Warnings: Crack taken seriously. I don't think there's any use of Y/N aside from that pretty tame some of them might be OOC it's my first time writing for so many characters.
A/N: Just something short (Maybe) to tide us all over till the first two polls are done or till I finish my other WIPs. (I should be doing work rn but I'm not.) :^
"You need to work on your sleeping habits."
"You didn't go to sleep till 2 yesterday." Shalnark looked mildly unnerved at your claims, which made you feel slightly bad for the unconscious snooping you do through everyone's memories. But you couldn't help but bring it up, how is he supposed to commit crimes on three hours of sleep all the time. Bound to make mistakes like that.
"I never told you that..." This gains the attention of Pakunoda who happens to be close by she gets up from where she was sitting in the large dining hall you and the group were staying at for their temporary break.
"Told them what?"
"What time he went to sleep." Her brows furrowed for a second while she glanced at a shocked Shalnark.
"Lucky guess?" She pondered out loud, He grimaced at that while you giggled at his facial expression.
"I peeked at his memories."
"Brother eugh." You full-on belly laughed at that attracting some more of the others to get closer.
"What's going on now?"
"Shal didn't go to sleep till two."
"Explains eyebag."
Feitan moved closer to your left side while Shalnark opened up the camera on his phone to look at his eyes to prove his point.
"How see memory?"
"With my Nen." Everyone stopped and looked at you.
"You have Nen?"
"So your Nen is similar to mine then?"
"Kind of, just without the gun. I could project other people's memories too."
"Show Shalnark memory."
"Do not."
With that, you summon your nen and a small eyeglass appears you scope out an open wall and find one large enough by Uvo and Nobunaga. You motion for the others to follow behind you while Shalnark whines for you not to embarrass him. Walking past the other pair they take notice and ask Paku what's happening she gives a brief explanation. You engage Gyo and through your eye, you show the memory of Shalnark on his computer and after a bit of fast forwarding through the memory, you show him passed out at the desk. The projection comes to an end and you turn around to find Machi and Korotopi have joined you as well. Pakunoda turns to Shalnark to scold him first.
"they're right you do need to work on your sleeping habits." She held her hand on the side of her face. Shalnark turned a bit pink at her remark while Uvo and Nobunaga started laughing at him.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I were the two of you considering how reckless you were being last week." They stopped immediately, and Machi's eyes were practically excited, begging you to show their embarrassing moments. You let out a quiet huff and turned around to project another moment. Showing the two men almost getting blown up on the task Chrollo had previously sent them on.
"Nice job."
"Shut up Machi!"
"Why don't you show one of her embarrassing moments!!"
"And get strung up hard pass. I like living unlike you two obviously." That had everyone laughing again. Chrollo had magically materialized and joined the theatrics of the group you had all made now.
"How far back can you go with individual memories?"
"From the instant their brain forms." "But I usually don't snoop back that far without explicit permission."
"If you'd prefer I can show memories from when you were younger?" You hold eye contact with Chrollo while the rest watch on. You get a bit nervous and start to doubt the previous forwardness you had getting ready to retract your question, Chrollo interrupts yours and everyone's thoughts.
"Just don't go back too far."
Carefully you picked a memory that you found lovely, one between The boss and Pakunoda. Everyone hushed when the light from your eye displayed upon the wall, you all heard the tune before you saw anyone, piles upon piles of trash a few giggles in between notes of the crackling song and soon enough two small figures came into view a young Chrollo and Paku holding hands arms enveloped around the waist of the other. They were beaming at one another you let it play a bit longer before it cut out. Turning around everyone was looking between Paku and Dancho. Pakunoda wiped her eyes before she looked over to a smiling Chrollo.
"That was a good choice."
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slimegirl16 · 2 years
Ask Prince Shalnark Submissions (Royal Fantasy HxH AU)
Stuff to know about this AU (I wont be drawing it because I hate to draw but maybe sometimes I’ll draw it-)
Obviously Shalnark is a prince, he and 3 other kingdoms rule over the Continent of Neniara
In this place there are four races. The humans, the vampires, the werewolves, and the warlocks/witches.
Shalnark is the prince of the Humans, Feitan is the king of the Vampires, Uvogin is the prince, soon to be king of Werewolves, and Chrollo is the King of Witches & Warlocks.
The four kingdoms were always at war but Shalnark’s parents wanted peace between all four races so they started a peace treaty, and Shalnark is now to get married to Uvogin (I made a sister for Shalnark so she’ll rule over the Humans) in order to keep peace between the humans and werewolves while Feitan and Chrollo are still thinking about it.
And I hope we can develop the story from there with your wonderful questions about the AU
Other characters
Vampires:Machi, Shizuku, Korotopi, Kurapika, Zoldyck Family
Humans:Phinks, Gon, Bonolenov
Werewolves:Nobunaga, Franklin, Leorio
Witches&Warlocks:Pakunoda, Hisoka
Ships that will also be involved:Hisoillu, Killugon, Leopika, Machzuku, Nobupaku, Phinfei, Chrollo x My OC Vera (Who will be a witch in this-)
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oddinary-charmer · 4 years
Phantom Troupe Sneezing Headcannons because why not
Hisoka: very rarely sneezes. When he does, it's like a fox yipping. Depending on the circumstances, really funny or terrifying.
Nobunaga: sneezes like a robot. Saying "bless you" is hard cause you can't tell if it's a sneezes or a cough. The confusion.
Machi: sneezes really loudly, then acts like nothing happened. Will deny that she ever sneezed in the first place.
Phinks: always frustrated because he feels a sneeze, but has NEVER actually sneezed.
Shalnark: angry sneezes. Don't bless him, you'll just make him even madder. Why does he get so upset? No one knows. He sneezes like a normal human being. It just makes him mad.
Korotopi: sneezes like a demon. Really low growl. Thinks it's completely normal. Everyone else tries to tell him otherwise, but he'll never listen. Insists that they all sound like that.
Feitan: has the most adorable sneeze. He's very embarrassed about it. Will avoid sneezing at any cost.
Shizuku: completely normal sneeze except it always sounds like she's saying "Blinky". She always forgets that it happened and says that she never sneezed. The others gave up trying to explain it to her.
Franklin: takes forever to sneeze and uses the forewarning to leave the room. No one knows what he sounds like. It's really quiet but he thinks it's the loudest thing ever.
Kalluto: sneezes like the precious baby he is. Super quiet and gets really shy afterwards.
Illumi: he's never sneezed. Ever. It's terrifying. He claims that he does sneeze, whenever he blinks strangely. No one knows what to believe.
Uvogin: he yell sneezed. Didn't mind it, in fact he liked scaring little kids whenever he sneezed.
Bonolenov: he's never sneezed either. The other members think that it may be because of all the holes in his body. He'll never confirm or deny their suspicions.
Pakunoda: sneezes pretty loudly, but not loud enough to be a distraction to anyone else. Still, she always excuses herself.
Chrollo: rarely sneezes. When he does, he usually expresses no emotion. He asked the other spiders to never bless him because of some angsty nonsense about not being able to be blessed. They still do, with blinks, Morse code, sign language, or anything else. They love their leader.
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zoldyckangel · 6 years
Zombie AU Headcanons For Phantom Troupe + Adult Trio
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Chrollo would be the first to know of the zombies before anybody else, but nobody really knows how he figured out the apocalypse was coming and no one questions it at all. He would already have a safe zone to go to before it started and he would be planning on creating a territory to rule over with the Phantom Troupe.
Once the zombie apocalypse happened Chrollo would begin his plans which he created with the Phantom Troupe, which would be claiming the city as there's. He would become the leader of the territory, but he would be ruthless with any ‘outsiders.’ He would not care if strangers lived or died; he would just care about the overall well being of the Troupe and any people he may know.
Nobunaga loves practicing his swordsman skills out on the zombies. But other than that he despises the zombie apocalypse and says life gets boring with them around.
Uvogin doesn't care and actually finds the apocalypse to be worthwhile since they can do whatever the hell they want with no rules. Usually, he always has a secret stash of booze hidden away somewhere.
Machi is usually kept busy tending to the injured and their wounds; being the best nurse around. She also goes on runs often with a partner from the Phantom Troupe for medical supplies and medications.  
Shizuku always ignores the zombies and in fact forgets they exist, so if one gets to close to her, she would just kill them. They would die by her smacking them over the head with her vacuum cleaner or other nearby objects.  
Pakunoda and Franklin are the best gunmen around. They can shoot a zombie in the head from a mile away.  Franklin prefers machine guns and other big guns while Paku prefers smaller guns like a pistol or handgun.  
Shalnark keeps the generator and tech running and loves setting traps around town for zombies to electrocute themselves, and other devices to kill zombies. He also keeps surveillance monitors around town to see if there are any other survivors and if they can rob them for supplies or if they had any other uses for them.
Phinks hates the zombie apocalypse the most, and he often gets the creeps while looking at the ‘brain dead idiots’ as he calls them. He is the type to punch a zombie in the face or use blunt weapons like a pipe or something random like frying pans.
Feitan would be the type to have ‘pet’ zombies chained outside of the base, and wherever they go out, he takes them with him. The zombies either have a muzzle or they are missing the lower part of their jaw depending on if they tried biting him in the past.  Also, he feeds the zombies like people feed animals, and he then laughs at how they fight over the food which is human body parts. Don't ever ask where he obtains such things, its better that way.
Phinks had only one scare, and that's when he got bit by a zombie when he wasn't paying attention but then shortly after found out the zombie was old and had dentures. Later, he would became the laughing stock of the Phantom Troupe. And he would mostly get picked on by Feitan, Nobunaga, and Shalnark. Secretly Shal has a video of the entire thing from one of his hidden cameras.
Uvogin, Phinks, Nobunaga, and Feitan all have a hidden room full of porn magazines and other stashes like candy and other stuff like cigarettes which is now considered a luxury. What they don’t know is, Chrollo has already found it in the past and doesn't think to much of it. Perhaps he even stole from that hidden stash before, and Phinks was the one to get the blame.
Kortopi is usually the only innocent one in the troupe and minds his own business. And he would never ever betray the troupe, going so far as to kill someone if he had too. Which no one suspects a kid to kill someone, so sometimes the Troupe use him as bait for luring in survivors to rob or kill.  
Bono usually gets mistaken for a zombie and often gets shot at which angers him greatly so in return, he normally kills the other person for attempting to kill him.
Feitan usually has his own fun with zombies such as testing weird stuff out on them like new torture techniques, and other things, like what kills them faster and what doesn't.  Sometimes Chrollo checks up on him when he does these things to see if he discovered anything new.
Hisoka hates the zombie apocalypse because the zombies are animistic and are all weak, posing no real threat to him. However, if a bigger and stronger zombie did appear Hisoka would definitely be interested in fighting them. But other than that, he mostly spends his time stalking survivors like Chrollo, Gon, and Illumi to see what they were up to. He often daydreams of what Chrollo would be like as a zombie after he had killed him in battle.
Illumi could care less about the zombie apocalypse and is only interested if Killua was safe when he ran away with Gon to go fight zombies and break into local arcades. Illumi would also use Mike to eat any zombies that came close to the Zoldyck mansion.
Kalluto usually sticks with his brother during the entire time and thinks zombies are disgusting and he would then want to get rid of any zombies around him or in the general area. Secretly he wants to go with Killua and Gon to kill zombies since he thinks it would be fun; however, he always gets left out.
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kittyboba · 4 years
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shalnark: fun fact- blueberries are the only fruit named after a color
phinks: star fruit?
shalnark: so close!! that is a shape 💕
machi: guys… you forgot about blueberries
pakunoda: the comprehension in this group……
franklin: ok they also forgot blackberries
nobunaga: black isn’t a color
uvogin: what about raspberries
korotopi: green bean?
shizuku: lemons! 🤗💖 💓!!  💗💘
kalluto: blue raspberries
bonolenov: that’s not even a real fruit
kalluto: wait aren’t berries not fruit??
chrollo: try again. the color orange is named after the fruit.
feitan: orang
shizuku: grape!!!! “gra” from gray!! 🍇👐😊
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quei · 7 years
HHGIFUF the new hxh chapter....................m
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gay-kurapika · 6 years
That ask but with all of the troupe members, including old and new ones
I’d kiss Matchi and marry Pakunoda bc tiddies Kalluto is a misguided child so I would wrap her in a blanket Idk hisoka counts, since he was faking it? But I’d still set him on fire :)Illumi is getting pushed off a cliff still I don’t hate shalnark or korotopi so I guess I won’t set them on fire but I don’t really want to kiss them either :/. I guess we could be roommates. Everyone else is getting set on fire. Chrollo is getting set on fire AND pushed off a cliff but knowing the bastard he’ll probably still surviveSorry that took so long I’m at work haha
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icharchivist · 7 years
I think the reason that Hisoka killed off Korotopi and Shalnark so quickly was probably because he was pissed as hell that Chrollo "killed" him. He's come close to snapping and killing someone because he gets too excited but in the end of those fights he always wins and he always expects to win so he can cool off a bit. He said himself when we brought himself back to life that he considered everyone in the troupe to be an enemy now. (1/2)
(2/2) once again drawing a parallel between Hisoka and Kurapika who have a very interesting relationship. It’s like friends with benefits but instead of the benefits being like sex or something it’s stuff about fighting the troupe. I’m wondering if they’re gonna team up again in the DC arc but Kurapika’s more focused on the princes at the moment (and he def will continue to be once he finds out about the 4th prince’s collection) so maybe not idk.
(first of all nonny I want to thank you for making me laugh about “it’s like friends with benefits but the benefits is fighting the troupe” part, that’s wonderfully worded but da m n)
Also I think it’s completely likely. I just think it’s still very low of his own standarts. Even when he killed some guys in the hunter exam, he was still in a context of giving them a chance (that guy he attacked right after bloodlusting after Leorio and Kurapika) or for bigger selfish reasons (the guy he killed to….. “protect” Gon after Gon stole his tag).  Otherwise, he does try to let people fight, and not fight what he doesn’t want to fight.
And I feel like the death of Shalnark and Korutopi falls on the second part, he killed them for selfish reasons, to go against Chrollo.
I do believe in the theory that says Shal and Korutopi helped Chrollo cheat against Hisoka and that Hisoka would want to kill the rest of the Troupe to get a fair fight, but even regardless of this theory, just talking about what we know without this theory, it does make sense still that he’d go against the spiders.
It’s to understand that Chrollo has this complex view on the Troupe: they are more than family. Most of them grew up in Meteor City and like one would say “Their bonds are thinner than water, and yet thicker than blood”. And Chrollo, especially, refers to the group as The Spider. He’s the head, the others are the legs, but therefore, it’s even more than a family, it’s a part of him. The spider must move on, but it’s still part of him. 
It’s also likely, eventually, that Hisoka is realizing he won’t defeat Chrollo completely unless he destroys the rest of the spiders with it. That instead of going full blown against Chrollo, against the head, he will make sure to destroy every legs, slowly but surely.
It’s the realization Kurapika comes to, too, in the manga. He thought killing the head would stop the legs from moving, but it didn’t, the spider would live on. And that’s where Kurapika made the choice of isolating Chrollo from the Troupe when he backed down from killing him, to take Chrollo’s entiere world and being away from him, the way Chrollo took everything away from him by planning the clan’s massacre.
For Hisoka, there’s a same idea of sending a message to Chrollo about isolating him, of watching everything collapse around him. While I agree on the surface Kurapika’s and Hisoka’s goal is the same (getting rid of the spiders) their motivations and ways to achieve it are so opposite this is, imo, why their collaboration failed in York New. 
They are not on the same page at all. When Kurapika looks for isolating Chrollo, it’s because he has to, but also to show him the pain he endured. Meanwhile, Hisoka does that because only that can get to Chrollo. Because he’s angry against Chrollo.
About Hisoka and Kurapika possibly teaming up, i’m less hopeful than you. Kurapika legit screwed Hisoka over the last time they worked together. Hisoka wanted to use Kurapika as a mean to get to Chrollo, and Kurapika used it against him. Upon learning the Troupe was alive from Hisoka, Kurapika still did everything he could to entrave Chrollo as much as he could. He knew their whole deal  was based on Hisoka wanting Kurapika to distract the spiders enough so he could fight Chrollo, and Hisoka wanted to use Kurapika’s goal, but therefore, participate in Kurapika’s goal, for his own selfish goal. 
However, Kurapika didn’t trust Hisoka, and used him back. And more even, knowing exactly what Hisoka’s goal was, he did screw over Hisoka’s goal knowing he was doing so.
If Hisoka and Kurapika meet again, I don’t think they’ll be on the best terms. When you look at the setting at the end of the York New Arc and how much Hisoka waited for it, it would have been a perfect moment to fight Chrollo without having anyone of the Troupe involved. Because Kurapika delayed all of that, Chrollo could work around other stuff (from taking Shal and Korutopi’s ability to cheating if you go hard enough on the theory) - putting Hisoka even more in a corner than he would have been originally.
Also the thing is that, Kurapika doesn’t enjoy fighting the Troupe and had kept himself away from fighting it since York New. It had been completely destroying him to kill people, and while he still stands by his justice and I believe that if he met up with the troupe again he’ll go after them, he’s not actively seeking to fight them the way he used to do - as for now he’s focusing on the eyes, and indeed focusing on the Succession War and the Fourth Prince.
It’s fair to mention Kurapika knows the Nen on Chrollo’s heart had been lifted, so he knows Chrollo is free now. He also knows Pakunoda’s nen was lifted as well which means he knows the Troupe knows stuff about him, even if probably not to that extend since he didn’t know about Paku’s memory bullets. I think Kurapika would have at least mentioned something about it in an inner monologue if it was his focus right now. But in York New, he did say he wanted to focus on the eyes more. All I mean is that, it’s not just that he’s focusing on the Fourth Prince right now, it’s that he’s been driven away from his concern for the Troupe at the moment.
I can’t even imagine what it’d be like for Kurapika now to know that the Troupe is on board, there’s already too much at once happening. But when it comes to a collaboration with Hisoka, that’s where I’m a bit scared because A) I don’t think Hisoka is still taking well how Kurapika broke their deal, B) If they end up working together again, they’ll end up using each other again,. And right now, with what’s happening on the Prince’s level, and how badly Kurapika is handling the DC arc situation in opposition to the YN arc situation, I think that’s the worst thing that could happen.
Also, the worst thing when you think about it, is that Hisoka trusted Kurapika in York New, at least as much as Hisoka could trust someone. Kurapika never trusted Hisoka and expected the worst from him, but Hisoka was as fair play as possible. The only time he messed around was with the fortune to play with Chrollo, but even there he barely actually endangered Kurapika. If they were to collaborate again, Hisoka’s trust toward Kurapika would be completely lost. It could be extremely damaging for their future dynamic.
At least that’s my thoughts about it, but I do get what you mean though. I guess I just spent a lot of time overthinking it all oops ^^’
Take care!!
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leoleoleolalala · 8 years
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Final’s over, I’m back and as inactive as ever 
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oddinary-charmer · 4 years
Chrollo: Machi, it's your turn to take out the trash.
Machi: okay.
Machi: Hisoka, you heard him. Get out.
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zoldyckangel · 7 years
Phantom Troupe Favorite Thanksgiving Dish
Nobunaga: Deep Fried Turkey
Bonolenov: Stuffing
Uvogin: Turducken
Shalnark: Pecan pie
Kortopi: Corn on the cob
Phinks: Lobster He's a weird one
Feitan: Crescent rolls 
Machi: Baked Potatoes  
Pakunoda: Turkey with Gravy.
Franklin: Chicken  
Shizuka: Oyster Stew
Kalluto: Casseroles
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anotherfirename · 8 years
HxH 357 + my thoughts
No one asked for this but here it is. Not really my opinions but my thoughts about what I think happened at the end there.
Korotopi’s Death
Okay let’s start off with Hisoka being able to kill two Spiders just like that. The thing about Korotopi is that we have no idea what their combat skills are like, if they have any at all. Spiders join the Phantom Troupe through one of two ways. Either they kill a person and replace them, or they’re recruited like Kalluto was. So if Korotopi was recruited then it makes sense that they could be weaker at combat. The Phantom Troupe is a group of thieves first and foremost, and while combat skills are important Korotopi’s ability is just way too good to pass up. Adding to my Korotopi-is-not-great-at-direct-combat theory is the fact that they rank the lowest in arm wrestling. So Hisoka could overpower them with brute force in a straight fight without the trickery and ambushing that probably happened.
Shalnark’s Death
Unlike with Korotopi we know that Shalnark is more than capable in a fight. However, when he died he had no access to his abilities. He probably tied his abilities to his phone and antennas, the former of which Chrollo explicitly still has and the latter of which were presumably lost in the explosion. Shalnark would be able to hold his own against the vast majority of people without his abilities, but not against someone like Hisoka. Plus Hisoka had the advantage of surprise since Shalnark and Korotopi thought Hisoka was dead. Interesting to note, Hisoka seems to already be going in for the kill by the time Shalnark realizes what’s happening. Because Hisoka remade parts of his body out of his aura he seems to have a rubber foot now which may have given him the speed needed to get the jump on Shalnark.
I think Machi is alive. There wouldn’t be that whole scene of trapping her and then walking away if Hisoka just decided, “On second thought you know what,” and went back to kill her. Also right when Shalnark sees Hisoka his phone starts ringing. My theory is that it was Machi calling him and trying to warn him about Hisoka.
Ten Spiders Left?
I don’t have the raws to confirm or deny this as a translation error or typo. Assuming Machi is alive there should be 9 spiders left, not 10. If we’re going with the assumption that the translation is correct then that means there’s a Spider not accounted for. I’ve seen suggestions that Hisoka is counting Pakunoda, but I can’t see him not knowing by now that Paku is dead. Personally I like the theory that another member has been added to replace Paku or Uvogin, and Hisoka knows something we don’t. Besides, I think it’s about time they start filling out the ranks again.
Final Thought
That ship is going to be a real shit show.
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zoldyckangel · 7 years
What the Phantom Troupe do on Halloween!
Nobunaga: He loves partying with Uvogin and going to Halloween parties they discovered over the internet from Shalnark. The parties, of course, must have lots of booze and drugs because one time they crashed a preteen party and found out the punch was alcohol-free. It was then they looked around seeing only little kids and felt incredibly awkward. Overall, Nobu loves getting wasted and throwing stuff out the windows at the parents or adults walking down the streets and giggling about it like a teenage boy.
Bonolenov: He gets confused on Halloween since his tribe never celebrated such occasions plus people tell Bono how great he did on his costume leading for him to tilt his head and say ‘What costume?’
Uvogin: As I said Uvo parties with Nobu until daybreak on Halloween. Uvogin loves going all out, but he won’t do dumb stuff Nobunaga does. He does more risky things like getting into drunken brawls or just simply breaking beer bottles on his head and yelling about it. Let's just say he will have one pounding headache the next morning.
Shalnark: He's the simple one who stays at home watching horror movies on his laptop or tv and giving candy out to children who came to his door to his house. Sometimes but very rare he does go out but only when the group gathers in one place which is once every couple years on Halloween.
Kortopi: He goes along with Feitan and Phinks on Halloween. Why might you ask? Simply because Feitan wants candy and he makes poor Kortopi go up to the doors asking so he can have everything with Phinks. In the end, Kortopi ends up running away with his bag of candy halfway into the night and going over Shalnark's home. Then he calls Feitan and Phinks ‘greedy bastards’ for once and ends up splitting his candy with Shal while watching movies.
Phinks: Feitan always makes Phinks go along with him doing something rotten on Halloween, whether it be causing mayhem or simply scaring the shit out of children trick or treating. Most of the time Phinks just wants to chill and go partying with some of the troupe members. In the end, Feitan talks him into hitting mailboxes and smashing pumpkins with a bat. Really, he ends up enjoying doing stupid things like that, and by the end of the night, he is drunk out of his mind.
Feitan: He loves Halloween and being a major dick on this day. He likes threatening children and snatching their candy bags from them like a big bully. Since he is cheap, he would rather steal from children than buy candy. He won't feel bad either. He primarily targets fat kids and likes picking on them saying he's doing them some good.
Machi: She gathers the girls in the group, and she goes out drinking with them at a bonfire party with them all dressed up nicely in their costumes.  So that means Machi, Paku, and Shizuka are together on Halloween. She would also be the mother of the group of three making sure Paku doesn't drink too much, or Shizuka doesn't get lost at the party.
Pakunoda:  Paku would be with Machi along with Shizuka as I said but she would be the one who can get a bit flirty when she's drunk, so Machi watches her carefully making sure she doesn't get herself into any trouble. She would also search for a dog or cat at the bonfire while drunk asking all the people there if they have one.
Franklin: Franklin always has children following him around on Halloween asking him to take pictures with him since he must be the real Frankenstein in their eyes. The children think he is super cool, but some of the parents don't think so, some get creeped out by him.
Shizuka: When Machi takes Shizuka out to the bonfire she somehow always gets lost in the woods during the Halloween party even with Machi babysitting her. She usually gets targeted by drunk pranksters who try scaring her but then she ends up attacking them with her Vacuum, not understanding it was a prank. The next few days missing posters of the men who attacked her are stapled to telephone poles all over town.
Kalluto: He really wants to go trick or treating on this day and to be an average kid, dressing up and hanging out with other kids but his parents would think it was a childish idea. So he ends up eating a family dinner at the Zoldyck household. The dinner itself would be creepy along with all the other types of disturbing things his family does to be a typical family during the holidays but failing each time. Each food resembles a body part during the dinner in which the servants worked hard on to create as realistic as possible, and they end up making it too realistic. Milluki ends up eating a cake that was designed to look like a brain and Kalluto thinks it’s just plain gross. 
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zoldyckangel · 7 years
Glad you're back! 👽😨🤡 for the trouble trio please?
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He a little skeptic on believing ghosts and the paranormal. He needs proof to start believing. If Nobu sees a spirit or any other paranormal creature with his own eyes he would probably rub his eyes that would slowly get as big as saucer plates. He would be blinking like mad while giving his eyes a good eye rub before he be yelling he saw a ghost. He would then tell everyone about his experience and would officially be a believer in the paranormal after that.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: Nobunaga might seem tough but sometimes a simple thing as jumping out at him can scare the living daylights of him, though I recommend if you decide on jumping out on Nobu that he doesn’t have his sword on him. Someone can get hurt if so….
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: He seems to have a great fear of claustrophobia. He doesn’t like staying in small or tight spaces for very long. He hates elevators or closets and never does well in them. He starts to sweat and squirms and as you can see in the manga and anime he hated being stuffed in the middle in the car. The troupe often teases him about it asking if he ever got locked in closets before.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He’s a very much believer in the spirit realm as his tribe 100 percent believed in it. His parents would often tell him stories about the spirit realm and how everyone comes together after death. He still enjoys stories similar to the ones his parents told him always taking his time to sit in and listen to their stories whether it be a village or someone in a bar.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: It takes a lot to scare Bonolenov as he doesn’t spook easily.  So it can’t just be a simple spook he would get scared from but more of a planned out scare prank.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Losing his hearing is Bono’s worst fear. A world without music to him is pretty much a dark and lifeless world and it would affect his nen. The moment Bono was born music was a part of his life and is necessary for him to live just like consuming food and water.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He believes in spirits and likes to believe in werewolves/shapeshifters.  He loves hearing experiences from people in town who said they saw a werewolf themselves. Then he will get into a deep conversation asking questions about it with the person telling the story.  This most likely scenario happens at any bars he visits much to the troupe’s dismay cause he can talk forever when he’s drunk.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: Literally, nothing seems to scare this man. Every time someone tries to spook him he tells them with a straight face ‘try next time’. Though its proven he gets creeped out by cats looking at him for long sessions of time, no one but Paku knows this.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Uvogin has a fear of starving to death from growing up within Meteor City so going without food for more than 24 hours bothers him and he starts to get extremely grouchy/moody since it brings back unhappy memories for him when he went days without food sometimes.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He has a hard time believing in ghosts and he likes laughing at the videos that he assumes are fake that he sees online. He doesn’t believe in any supernatural entities either. Demons, vampires, you name it Shal doesn’t believe in any of that stuff because if it was real it be caught on camera right?
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: He doesn’t like people jumping out and screaming in his face as he always manages to jump on instinct. Normally, he gets spooked more easily from jump scares in movies rather than anything in reality though.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Germs and being dirty is a great fear of his because the thought of being covered in dirt and grim makes him shiver.  He takes two showers a day and washes his hands so much they dry out and start to crack. So for Shal is not just a normal fear of germs but phobia which affects his daily life.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He practically believes in everything. Ghosts or any demons/yokai. If he sees any spirits his eyes just follow it across a room and he stays silent about it. Very much like a cat following visible entities throughout a room with their eyes.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: He doesn’t get scared at all. He just blinks in confusion and asks ‘what are you doing.’ to his group of pranksters. Not even haunted houses or the woods scare him…
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Spiders and bugs. He hates and fears spiders, especially big spiders like tarantulas since they are almost as big as him. He nearly jumps out of his skin if a spider is on him even though he has the tattoo on his body and that’s what the troupe members are called. He just hates spiders in reality.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: Just like Nobu, he acts tough snorting ‘ghosts aren’t real’ when he’s around the troupe but when he’s alone its a completely different story. However, when he is with the troupe and hears a noise he’s the first one to be Braveheart even though he’s sweating bullets but he has to put on a brave front in front of the troupe especially danchou. Even if the troupe isn’t there and there just happens to be another ‘unknown and unexplained’ noise and he’s the one hear it he checks it out. and then if something flies at him he screams like a girl swatting at it.  
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: He gets spooked easily from things he can’t explain such as a door opening by itself. Whenever such things would happen he’s the first one to take off and run. The troupe mostly Shal and Fei prank him all the time and laugh about it sometimes even recording so they can go back and laugh at his reactions later.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Abandonment and being forgotten about is one of Phinks greatest fears. He hates the thought of no one remembering him and abandonment from someone he considers a ‘friend’ or ‘loved one’ makes him always anxious.  
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He doesn’t believe in ghosts or spirits but somewhere deep inside him, he wishes it was true but the thoughts of being with people he once knew are too good to be true to him.  He doesn’t really believe in anything paranormal either though he likes horror stuff revolving around it. Sometimes he has odd thoughts and will say his thoughts out loud like if ghosts were real and there is a female ghost can she get pregnant with a ghost child or have sex. The troupe just stares at him in silence whenever he says such things.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: He’s another one that doesn’t get scared or spooked easily. Instead, he giggles about it pursuing the person trying to scare them saying ‘I will give you something to really be scared about.’ In the end, he ends up scaring them no matter what getting the last laugh. I wouldn’t recommend trying to scare him since he thinks of it as some weird game and no matter what the person besides being scared always ends up hurt too.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Becoming too attached to someone or falling in love is actually one of his biggest fears. He is used to death and violence because that’s all he has ever known in his life so the thought of becoming close to someone is scary to him. So he often distances himself from people if he fears he becoming too close to them.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: She believes in anything Chrollo decides in believing so she believes in ghosts and spirits. She also believes and listens to any Yokai stories or legends as well. She thinks if you believe in anything hard enough the legend comes true.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?:  She gets scared easily and when she is scared she is trembling inside; although, she never shows her fear. The only reaction you will get from her is rage so you better watch out if you try to scare her since you will get punched a few times.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: She surprisingly has a fear of doctors. She likes to operate on herself and she doesn’t like others looking or touching her wounds. She absolutely hates it. Along with that, she gets creeped out by dentists. There is just something about dentists she hates, it might be due to how happy they are which reminds her of Hisoka.  
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: She believes in ghosts and she is super superstitious. She won’t bring an umbrella inside and she carefully handles mirrors believing in bad luck. She often informs the troupe members don’t do that or you will receive bad luck. Feitan never listens to her and slept on a table after getting piss drunk which supposedly gives you bad luck and let’s just say Feitan had a spree of bad luck after. The whole time after the incident he would have bad luck such as tripping over nothing and he just would glare over at Paku each time, internally blaming her and that it was some weird nen ability.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: No nothing. If anything she laughs about getting spooked or smiles and if she catches the person spooking her she pets their head while laughing and muttering ‘cute’ before walking away.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Her biggest fear when she was younger was getting sexually abused or raped. She always used to worry about it while growing up in meteor city. It wasn’t just her who worried about getting sexually abused but the other girls she grew up with as well such as Machi. This past fear stuck to her thus her reason for not liking people touching her unexpectedly though she is okay touching others but that is it.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?:  He definitely believes in ghosts and anything to do with the afterlife. He just doesn’t believe in anything too drastic such as Bigfoot, zombies, or vampires. He likes to believe there is an afterlife where you get to see your loved ones again.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: No, he’s a stone wall. He knows if anything were to truly attack him he could probably take them on.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Mirrors, he absolutely fears and hates them. He gets creeped out by them quite easily and always covers them when seeing one. He hates looking at his reflection because of the scars on his face.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: She says she doesn’t believe in ghosts even though the week before she would be telling a ghost story to the troupe. The only problem is everyone gets angry with her as she never makes up her mind about believing or not.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: No, she doesn’t get scared at all. If anything she’s confused or baffled by it, tilting her head to the right not understanding the prank what’s so ever. She doesn’t understand why everyone screams about jump scares either always making the comment, ‘is that suppose to be scary.’
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Remembering things or having a photographic memory. She likes to forget things for some reason and doesn’t like to remember much besides important details. Only the original members of the troupe know the reason for her selective/bad memory.
👽Do they believe in ghosts or the paranormal?: He believes in them because of the stories his grandfather told. He also believes in certain Japanese yokai or paranormal stuff saying they will haunt you forever to others if you break rules or do things where the ghost latches onto you as seen in the Grudge movies.
😨Do they get scared or spooked easily?: He gets scared easily but he doesn’t scream. He just shivers from head to his toe and stops in his tracks momentarily staring at the thing he got scared from running scenarios through his head how to kill it.
🤡Their Greatest Fear?: Not becoming acknowledged by his family for his strength is his biggest fear but also not finding his brother is another fear of Kalluto’s. 
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zoldyckangel · 7 years
Troupes Favorite Vines Pt 2
Franklin: Real life ghost caught on camera
Feitan: Netflix and kill
Nobunaga: The Great Escape
Bonolenov: When people interrupt your conversation
Korotopi: Sometimes I just don't care (Vine Complication)
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