#koru lore
demon-of-math · 6 months
Followup to this. :)
Koru hadn't been to a mall in at least a decade. From what he knew of the modern world, they weren't all that popular anymore in most universes. So when Ori insisted they go on an "emergency family mall trip" because Finch had never been to a Build-a-Bear, he was surprised to say the least.
As they walked down the busy aisleways of the megaplex, Koru eyed a store he hadn't set foot in since he stopped wearing eyeshadow. A wave of nostalgia punched him in the chest, and he couldn't help himself.
Once Ori and Finch were out of sight, he turned away from the shoe store he said he would stop at and strolled into the Hot Topic across the way.
The demon smiled and thanked the employee that greeted him as he headed inside. It was small, packed with fandom merch, and proudly displayed rows upon rows of pop culture t-shirts. The inventory had changed a lot; but they looked to still have some good stuff (he had to stifle a laugh when he found a Death Note hoodie his younger self would have loved).
"Scuse me," called an oddly familiar voice behind him. "Do you guys have jewelery or chains on sale?"
Koru turned around to answer. "Oh, sorry, I don't work h-" but he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing who he was speaking to.
She had shimmering violet hair like the feathers of a raven. Her eyes were a bright, almost silvery color. She was tall and lanky and pale, almost like she had one foot in the grave.
But it was her. It had to be.
Eyes wide and voice trembling, the demon spoke. "...Sandy?"
The woman stared at him blanklu for a moment, before suddenly gasping. "Holy shit- Koru-?!"
"S- Sandy! My hells, I thought you were- what are you- I-"
"I can explain," she responded quickly, a nervous smile flashing onto her face. "But first I'm gonna need a hug."
Koru didn't hesitate to pull her into an embrace, fighting back his tears in hoped they wouldn't dirty his glasses. "I never thought I'd see you again."
Sandy took in a shaking breath of her own. "Neither did I. But look at us now." She was the first to pull away from the hug, looking down at him with warmth in her eyes.
As they pulled away, Koru took a second to clear his throat and calm down. "So... what are you doing here? I thought you..." he trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud.
Sandy sighed, straightening out her shirtsleeves. "I did. And I shouldn't have... it was a stupid decision, even if it got me where I am now."
That shook the demon, knowing what he'd last heard of her had been the truth. "And... where exactly is that?"
Her smile brightened again, and from the waist of her belt, she brandished a silver pocketwatch. On its lid was the emblem of a crossed pair of scythes fronted by a skull. "Closer to you now."
Koru's bittersweet joy made way for shock, then realization, then pride and happiness. "You're a reaper?"
Sandy nodded, opening the watch and checking the face. "I'm here on a job, actually. I work for a purgatory and collect souls who passed thebsame way I did," she explained, before adding, "And I've been looking for your hell in the meantime."
That meant a lot to him. To think his first true friend had been looking for him even after her death... it almost justified the tragedy. "Well- hey, my door's always open. My hell is connected to this universe, so... now you know."
She huffed and smiled. "What about you? Did you get summoned with mayonnaise this time?" she joked, causing Koru to laugh as well.
"No, actually, I'm... I'm here with my kids," he replied, feeling a little bashful to admit that.
"Kids?" Her smile turned a little more playful. "You really adopted that angel boy, then?"
Koru's smile fell immediately, a pang of remorse shocking his heart at the memory. "...not him. He's... not around anymore."
Sandy watched his expression, and grimaced as she realized she had touched a sore spot. Rather than asking about it, she redirected the subject to the present. "Well... who's here now? That's what matters most, right?"
Koru met her gaze again, remembering that was something he had said to her all those years ago, and his smile returned to him.
"I'll introduce you."
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v01dbug-s1nr0se · 1 year
Us:Our characters aren't that broken!!
Our characters: [Original and fan made!]
Aka physically cannot be given an affection nickname without genuinely tearing up because everyone that's ever given him one broke his heart and stamped on his ribs
Cara has ruined their eyesight beyond belief with no hope of ever getting it fixed all because their quirk is a double-edged sword that seems to bury itself in their chest more often than not
Cera never got the honour of meeting his younger sister because of familial expectations and a crippling anxiety that he'll never be good enough and that he's nowhere near as good as his little sister
Seri is terrified of letting people in because he was abandoned by everyone and his kingdom turned on him just because of some poorly worded rumours
Axel doesn't know how to emotionally function without coming off as a complete and utter douche because he's never felt genuine affection growing up and he feels like he never will despite being immortal
Void is split across multiversal creative timelines but in every single one of them they're never alone no matter what they do and they can't even escape it even if they wanted to because they're a lab experiment stuck in a time loop
Cyrm doesn't know what emotions are because she was an experiment in the very hospital she worked at only to get fired over a bold step to save people and she turned to villainy
Friend got obliterated and destroyed because of his name and he was just recently built, just recently created, and was made into a laughing stock by people at his creator's old job sites
Kia can't remember anything about his past and his only friend is a crow and he doesn't even remember the "mostly healed" scar that seems to split his head in half
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feraecor · 1 year
each prince of hell has a species native to their region of hell that they safeguard and take care of.
SATAN- the hellhound is the traditional animal of the devil, carefully bred by satan himself. a royal creature, they have been carefully bred and nurtured to be the absolute best at what they do. these hounds are bred for long distance searching and running, often left in packs of three in independent hunts, intelligent with a fierce spirit. they are a pack animal with a clear respect for leadership and devotion to their leader. they are protective and close ranks accordingly, keen eyes picking out weakness at a moments notice but with the self control to wait for commands. tall at 42-55 inches in height standard, they are a lean but muscled hound with a battle crop or flop ear, up to the third rib should be visible for a working adult age male. tails can be docked or left natural, though no imperfections such as crimps, scars etc should be noticeable if showing. fangs should be avoided as they excrete venom. their bite is far worse than their bark, though the bay of a hellhound can send even the staunchest warrior into cold sweats. the coat coloring ranges from a deep black to a orange brindle stripe. the only noticeable solid colors are black and brown, all other colors have a variation of brindle and flecking. their coat is smooth and short haired with varying degrees of coarseness, though skin and coat should always be shiny, smooth and sleek to denote their health. graying at muzzle can show their age, though somewhat rare if cared for properly. the best are bred out of the royal kennels in the capitol of hell and while Satan has tried to keep them out of bad hands over the years, there is a somewhat large community of backyard breeding that he tries crack down on as much as possible.
MAMMMON- bone horses, also known as (ayka regil in demonic) are a protected species in hell because of their close association with death and the power/magic that can be produced by their bones. their appearance lives up to their name. they are entirely skeletal, no muscle, fat, skin, etc covering their bodies at all. they are held together by the spiritual energy of their soul and the environment around them. they need a protected area to live with plenty of ayka plants, a special variety of dry leaved fern that they eat several times a day. they can ingest other types of foods but glean little nutritional value from them. the energy holding their bones together is usually different shades of blue or purple, depending on their soul and the strength it has. very rarely does a pure white or black show up, though grey is not unheard off. it simply means it is a soul very staunchly placed on either side of good or evil. often times they are put down collectively by the herd if they pose a threat. mamy is very close with the herds and protects them closely because they were the first beings that came across her and protected her until her brother abbadon found her. they also helped her accept her true form and are almost like familiars to that form. they vary in size, the largest on record being 25 hands high, the average being around 18-19 hands tall. the length of their body is around 8 feet with a bone tail, some times stubbed, an extension of the spinal column. they are truly gentle creatures, with a softness about them that attracts many predators (two legged and otherwise). they are herd animals with a need for family and large open spaces.
KORUS- his species are cerberus and orthrus. there is one cerberus that guards the entrances to hell. he was kor’s first companion when he was created and kor promised to always take care of him. cerberus is a three headed demon dog about 30 feet tall and 45-50 feet long. black coarse hair with silver tipped guard hairs along his hackles. he has silver claws with double rows of teeth in each giant maw. the ears on each head are cropped with silver tips and the tail is cropped short to prevent injury to the appendage in cause of a wild hunt. icy blue eyes that turn bloody red when he is about to attack.
orthrus is a two headed dog species closely related to cerberus, but instead of just one, there are several bloodlines that can be traced back to an original breeding group that kor cultivated to help guard hell and keep cerberus company. orthrus can come in any canid coloring combination, the most common being a faun/apricot red or a black and tan point combination. the most rare coloring is a sable or silver point with any coloring. some have been breeding parti into the bloodlines, a mostly white with black, brown or apricot patches and/or flecking seen. they should always have blue or black eyes.
ASMODEUS- hellcats are large cats of the panthera family. standing about 3 feet high, with a body length at least 5.5 feet, most times 6 ft. they have stocky legs that support a compact, heavily muscled body, making their weight a bit more dense and less spread out than taller species. able to swim and climb sturdy trees, they have a powerful jaw with a poisonous bite, often leading to instant infection and septic shock within minutes of a bite, if it wasn’t immediately deadly. their larger boned head allows for a powerful bite force and a wider range of fang placement with a bite. their claws are retractable and hold a deadly toxin in the tips that can melt skin away from bone in a matter of seconds. their pelt is a covered in soft, water resistant black hairs, which in certain lights reveal rainbow rosettes, a large circling of miniature spots with a few central dots in the middle. these creatures are extremely rare. asmodeus was extremely protective of these cats. they are the only creators that asmodeus truly cares about, though no one is quite certain of the reason.
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tnc-n3cl · 1 month
For the title game: project 47 👀
@zeawesomebirdie come on down! You're the next contestant for the WIP game! [Legally safe knockoff version of music from a certain game show plays]
So I generally have a hard time naming things, so "Project 47" is pretty much a codename for a scif/fantasy hybrid original universe that spun off from a Final Fantasy/LoZ crossover. I say scifi/fantasy hybrid because while it's a near-future setting with an intersystem capable spacecraft, magic exists and in fact the spacecraft (technically an aerospace ship) runs on magitek (pretty much it's a fantasy themed airship, running off fantasy tech, with conventional rockets attached so it can reach orbit.)
I've talked about this project a bit before: here and here. So this time I'm going to ramble some about one of the major characters, Miras. Miras is an Avestren (a bird alien), the name was chosen back with "Project 47" was a FF/LoZ crossover and she was originally a Rito. Now this was back in the Wind Waker days and I had already decided to retcon the Rito as full birbs but kept the arms turning into wings thing. (Fun fact, Teba's appearance is actually pretty close to how I was picturing female Rito: raptor beaks, white feathers, dark wingtips. Cause well, *points at Medli*)
Miras started development as a fresh soldier having just graduated from an elite military academy (at some point I used the recurring "Red Wings" name from the Final Fantasy franchise) on her first assignment. Find the wielder of a legendary magic weapon who would save the world.
Eventually, I purged the LoZ elements from the project so it was purely Final Fantasy. At this point, Miras was no longer a Rito, but an unnamed bird race that fit the typical six limbed (arms, legs, wings) anthro bird mold.
After deciding to cut out the obvious Final Fantasy material (races, lore, etc.) and turning Project 47 into its own thing, Miras changed. She is now a Gunnery Sergeant in the Takara Alliance Defense Forces, Husark Corps, she's in 30-40's, has a mate and several children.
Normally Avestrens are flightless, their wings evolved/devolved back into arms. The fossil record for their people is broken so when and how this happened is unclear, but if you ask the clergy of a religious group known as the Children of Korus they'll say that Korus punished them by taking their wings for some unspecified sin. Miras however is a member of the Husark Corps, and elite military unit whose members have undergone surgery to install cybernetic devices.
These devices are mostly internal, however there are a series of semi-retractable "spikes" on the spine. These "spikes" provide a mind-to-machine interface with a flightpack that contains a fantasy based thrust engine and swarms of nanites. The nanites coalesce and harden to form wings, which are used for gliding and flight control. They can also be used defensively or offensively while on the ground. Basically it's my way of having flying bird people with arms and avoiding the logistical problems of six limbs and wings in the way.
Some basic information first, Miras is 2.05 m tall, weighs 47.6 kg, has light green eyes, and like typical female Avestrens has grey and white plumage (grey on back, white on underside). Avestrens have unique color stripes around their eyes and down the sides of their neck, and hers are dark red. In addition every Avestren has unique banding marks. Miras has a necklace pattern, bare chest, and broken stripes on her belly.
Avestren names are complicated, with a very long formal name that combines the individual's first name and family name. Avestrens do not marry in the human sense, so an individual would chose the family name of one of their parents (traditionally chosen along gender lines). Miras is her common name, "Mir" derived from her first name and "as" from her father's family name.
Miras mother is a member of the Children of Korus' clergy, and her father is a sapientologist (what Star Trek would call a xenoanthropologist, in universe an anthropologist would study specifically human cultures). As is tradition with members of the Children of Korus' clergy, Miras was trained to follow in her mother's footsteps. However, when Miras came of age (around 15) and gained her adult plumage a dark secret was revealed. She had a necklace pattern, and her siblings and parents did not. The only way to have that pattern is if one of your parents has it.
Long story short, the tesal (an Avestren word for adult male) Miras thought was her father was in fact not her biological father. This scandal became a crisis of faith for her and she instead decided to follow in the footsteps of tesal who raised her. Thus she chose his family name.
Unfortunately for her, fate had other plans. After the end of her freshman year in college she and her human BFF went to a government building to pick up some passports. (The human BFF was going on a overseas family trip over the break.) While they were exiting the building, a man bumped into Miras and she was about to tell him off. The man looked at her like she was a monster and that threw her off, he half-ass apologized and walked off. Miras and her friend went back to the car and when they got there the friend realized she left her cellphone at the security checkpoint.
As she makes her way back, the building explodes...
The friend dies, the man from before turns out to be a human supremacist and was gunning down survivors of the explosion, Miras is forced to fight and kill him, is wounded in the process and barely survives.
This incident triggers a global war (the human supremacist group had received assistance from another nation), Miras eventually joins the military. (But not before getting together with her mate and having her first brood, for reasons that are similar to Harth's reasoning in @unmaskedcardinal's Rito Chronicles in one scene, maybe in Age of Intolerance?). The war ends rather abruptly when an entire continent on another world freezes over in an instant, and a nation that had remained neutral in the war confronts the opposing airfleets with vastly superior technology and basically demands they stop fighting, while also giving them scientific evidence that the gods are real and are in fact energy beings on another plane of existence, and bring up prophecies of a Second Celestial War.
Miras remains in the military, a cold war starts between the Takara Alliance and its enemies, proxy wars cause no one wants to break the treaty and piss off the Pazran Coalition. She eventfully has a second brood, joins the Husark Corps (her mother didn't like that very much, but they still have a good relationship), and by the time the story proper would have started, she's become a drill instructor and had gone back to school to finish getting a degree in sapientology (a Master's IIRC). It's then that an Admiral from the Takara Alliance Air Defense Force approaches her with an opportunity, put that degree to work on the Korus and join the ground survey team on the world with the frozen continent.
Whew... Okay that's enough for now, though I'll happily ramble more later. *wink*
Thanks for the ask!
WIP game
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nonymous-nb · 4 months
Kuro lore
I can tell you about Koru's character a bit more if you want hehe
{For most parts they're a pretty tired individual, like, Medkit kind of tired. Except they show more emotions than Meddy himself 👍✨}
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finchthefallen · 7 months
”Rejoice!” 🕊️
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🌤️ RP blog for an OC, Finch the Fallen Angel, starters currently friends only, asks always open
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Tag Guide:
༻OOC༺ : enough said
༻Angelic Asks༺ : asks
༻Have You Forgotten?༺ : lore
༻Thread༺ : enough said
Character Tags:
༻Isosceles༺ : posts containing Koru/@/demonofmath
༻Ori༺ : posts containing Ori, the risen demon
༻Angel’s Best Friend༺ : posts containing Finch’s stuffed rabbit
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hoodie-prince-kid · 20 days
the cup is lore relevant that’s why Koru
trust me it’s a lead
Dw i was gonna have him ask abt it anyway i could kinda feel you pointing at it /silly
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seraphimdove · 7 months
This is a big maybe but how would you feel abt lore drop via Koru mall visit POV drabble after the thread? :3c
I would feel
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I want to see his hot topic adventure and reunion
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ask-the-vixuls · 5 years
The SCP Foundation. A momentous effort made by every country across the globe. A secretive organization dedicated to saving the world day after day. A task that has never, and will never be thanked. We eat, drink, and breathe the paranormal; Saving the world from aliens, demons, and things we can't even think about. 
And I for one, am damned tired of it.
I got caught in that containment breach at Site-19, I was one of the few who survived! But I can tell you it was a hell like no other, you can just ask for my psych profile for that. But one of these days something gonna happen that’ll break us. No more Securing, no more Containing, no more Protecting.
I won't stand for that, we’ve worked too hard.
So, this message is set to send to the 05 Council in 48 hours. It’s a measure if I do not survive what happens next.
To my fellow researchers, I hope you can forgive me for my betrayal, and I hope you can continue your work even if the memory of me is wiped. To my friends and family, I’m sorry that I couldn't see you one last time, stay alive for me. And a special message to SCO-191, keep going kid, I know you, and so many others the foundation have found, have to potential to do great things; I believe in you.
And now the message for the 05 Council.
I am about to attempt an experiment that will very likely cause my death. It combines many illegal theories such as The Spiral Gestalt, SCP-963-2, and the research put into MTF Tau-5 and MTF Omega-7, and many other anomalies found throughout the Foundations lifetime. A preposterous experiment that has no right to work, but I have no choice. It’s compilation may result in an object that may save the Foundation from destruction.
Of course, this is not only illegal, but deadly. So my only wish is that in the event of my death do not destroy my research, continue on it. So maybe we can all survive another day.
And now, with my most sincere thanks and apologies. I will now attempt the impossible.
With my most honest thanks,
Senior Researcher, Doctor Korus Feveriana
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Hey, sorry to bother you, but I'm a big fan of the Church of the Second Hytoth, and I want to ask you a question about the six of swords art. It's a cool piece of art, but what's the entity with wings kneeling on the floor? Why are the Koru-Teusa's weapons dripping blood onto it? Is it supposed to be Aiv-zon the devourer or something? Also, I'm assuming Myran-leusan isn't in this art because they got deleted from existence?
Okay so I'm not that deep into Second Hytoth lore but bascially the six of swords are to represent the six that died. It's sort of a loose way to represent their sacrifices. The surviving one is the one kneeling on the floor; yeah I'm aware that none of them are humans it's just supposed to be symbolic.
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demon-of-math · 7 months
which goes with the unicorn notes the werewolf notes the fae notes the nymph notes- RIGHT MORE QUESTIONS
why did you invent math sir?
He shrugs. "To be honest, I just had it as a side project I was running for fun. Then on one of my early visits to earth I just kind of left it out there, but it took centuries for my boss to realize it was causing torment and promote me."
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v01dbug-s1nr0se · 3 years
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We accidentally made them look like a family-
also uh the children are our own ocs for our hazbin hotel "au" - hexian helltel(@lunas-asks-and-reblogs knows what it is-)
Angie(the blue girl next to Alastor) is cis-fem but likes dressing up in suits like her older brother-
and Clair(the dirty-blonde boy next to Charlie) is cis-masc but likes dressing up in dresses(going against "gender standards" like his sister)
:D 📖
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thexuntamed · 5 years
🍁 for the demon princes?
🍁 what inspired you to write/create (specify muse)
Hmmm...well honestly, we had the angels in our original universe and Lucifer was running hell. Having a fallen, much less God’s favorite running the kingdom of the demons was a fun spot of roleplay for us. Until we thought, ‘huh what about the demons? someone ruled them before Lucifer’. 
Our backstory was actually when Lucifer fell, he fought Satan for control of Hell. The only reason the angel was triumphant was because Satan was sick and Lucifer had the upper hand. His heart ended up being eaten by Lucifer and his soul absorbed, giving the angel the mantle of king of Hell. 
When we started to flesh out Satan, we discovered lore about the other demon princes and they all kind of followed in as muses. We decided to add Mammon as their sister initially as someone they would have to protect and feel responsible for. But she turned into a little bad ass very quickly. 
And we all know how I feel about Asmodeus...he’s been a creepy little effer from the start. 
Korus started out with Sachiel in his orignal arc actually and we stuffed him into the role as Beelzebub, more successfully than I could have dreamed. 
As these little idiots are very multifaceted and deep, we have demonic culture and species all built up behind the lore for them. They all rule a different region of hell, have true forms and lore with those. Hell just very quickly grew into a deep rich realm with a tight knit ruling family. 
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tnc-n3cl · 1 year
C, project 47 👀👀👀👀👀
Thanks for the ask!
"Project 47" is the code name for a sci-fi/fantasy hybrid story derived from really, really, really old Final Fantasy/Legend of Zelda crossover ideas I had. Somewhere along the way, I dropped the Zelda stuff and it was pure FF (though I did salvage some ideas for "LoZ: The Realm Walker") and a few years ago I decided to cut the overt FF references from it and spin it off into an original work. Using Hollywood "High Concept" terminology, it's like The Expanse meets Final Fantasy (tones and vibes and aesthetics wise). The idea runs on tropes such as Anachronism Stew, Schizo Tech, Magic A is Magic A, and Minovsky Physics.
This is going to be long so I'm going to put it under the cut. Also here's a link to my DA gallery for Project 47, which contains not only drawings but lore (some of it is also in my "Scraps" folder cause I was going to go back and edit some of it before the Zelda brainrot took over).
So it's set in a fictional star system called the Kerasik System, namely focusing on the third planet Calisku. Calisku is a gas giant twice the size of Jupiter orbiting Kerasik at what would be exactly in between the mean orbital distances of Earth and Mars in relation to our own solar system, or 192,464,437 km. Around Calisku are five moons, two of which are Earth sized and inhabited.
The outermost moon, Taklara is where most of the main cast would be from, while the third moon from the planet (Serov) is where most of the action takes place. One of the nations on Taklara develops an intersystem space craft, named the Korus after one of the local deities (which is in fact an energy being known as a Scion), and sends it off on an eight year, two part mission. Mission A is a long term survey of Serov (think how in Star Trek they send disguised people to pre-Warp civilizations), while Mission B, is a trip to the edge of the solar system to investigate the wreckage of an aerospace ship (fantasy airship tech that can also go into space, like the Korus) that one of their probes detected. Before the probe detected this BTW, it was a five year mission and the ship would be there to support the ground team on Serov, now they're on their own and the three years was to cover the travel time to the edge of the system and back. Ship crew is going to be running on fumes by the time it's all over.
Taklara as at roughly a modern/near-future level of tech, supported by fantasy physics/magitech. The Korus itself is a joint project between the Takara Alliance Air Defense Force (TAADF or AADF) and the Takara Alliance Space Administration (TASA). So it's like if the USAF and NASA built a spaceship together. So there's a military crew operating the ship more or less, while the civilian researchers are in charge of the overall mission.
Serov is tidally locked with Calisku, so one side always faces the planet. This is the "dark side" and they're at a roughly modern level of tech. They don't use magitech much cause Serov's magnetic field interacts with Calisku's magnetic field to interfere with the fantasy physics that govern magic. (Specifically, there's something called aether which can be manipulated by any living being with sufficient intelligence. Not just humans and other sapients, but animals like dolphins and parrots and ravens and maybe even octopus and the like. The most common form is Geomancy, manipulating the physical realm, so a parrot might alter wind currents behind it to knock an attacking hawk off course for example. Humans and Sapients can do Elemancy, which is more like classical magic but lasts only as long as the caster is focusing on the effect (so I guess it's also kinda like sci-fi mind powers, complete with nosebleeds etc. if you do it to long). There's also Blood Magic, which involved manipulating the body, but that's a lost, forbidden art in the time frame I was working on. Healing magic did branch off from it, but it's so difficult to master that experts are rare and so people rely on conventional medicine.
Non-living things don't really interact with aether except for gravity attracting it, and some types of radiation and electromagnetic fields manipulating it. This is how the magitech works.
Anywho, the "day side" of Serov is at a more or less iron age of tech, but one country in particular is advancing shockingly fast. Which is obviously a major plot point. The Serov survey team bumps into one of the locals and is force to reveal their identity because of discoveries leading to an unexpected link between the peoples of Taklara and Serov and artifacts dating back to The Celestial War. The Celestial War being a mytho-historical event in which the Scions fought with another group of energy beings called Gureri, while mortals were stuck in the middle and picked sides fighting for their "gods." Legends say that whole worlds burned, etc. etc. It ended with an armistace between the Scions and Gureri and the mortals were taken from their dead and dying worlds and settled in the Kerasik System (Kerasik translating into "The Light of Hope")
I do have some teasers I was going to post on DA, one of which I took down cause it wasn't what I wanted it to be and the other I just never finished. I'm going to post what little of that bit I wrote, "The Opportunity of a Lifetime."
A Human woman with light skin and black hair wearing a black business suit sits in the back of a car, reading something on a tablet with an open briefcase on the seat next to her.  She has a name tag and picture ID on her suit that reads “Dr. Jiwoo Byon, Takara Alliance Space Administration, Project Lead”.  An inhuman voice, like a parrot mimicking Human speech, breaks her concentration, “We’re almost there.”  She looks up at the source of the voice, the car’s driver, a humanoid bird glancing back at her, an Avestren.  The Avestren has a yellow, eagle-like beak and head, gray feathers on the top of its head and white feathers on its throat.  The gray feathers are a clear sign it is female.  She has green eyes and a stripe of dark blue feathers around the eyes and extending back and running down the sides of her neck, the skin around the eyes are the same color as the stripes.  The Avestren turns her focus back to the road, the steering wheel looking much the same as a regular car, but with acceleration and breaking controls on it.  This is because Avestrens do not sit as Humans do, the chair is but bar on the floor for her to perch on with a backrest and head rest attached.
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blairwolfwerewolf · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 Witches of Interest
Day 2
Raiona St. Houel
Familiar- (Lioness) Koru
Occupation- Naval Officer and Ambassador
Aptitude for Elemental Focus(Air and Water)
When negotiating a cease fire on Blinking March occupied island nation of Falas Shtrat, St. Houel was sent to mediate between local officials and the stationed Guard. When militant BM forces rode out in ships to attack the officials’ escort ship St. Houel stilled the waters around the enemy ships, keeping them locked in place, making time for the Guard to arrive and apprehend them. 
These Witches of Interest are meant to part of the Spellbound universe. A bit of lore and world building. Not necessarily anything that will show up in story.
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dunmeriis · 7 years
On Korus: An OOC Infodump
If you’ve been following me for long you’ve probably heard mention of a place called Korus, or the Korus Bay. You’ve probably also heard me casually drop the fact that a few of my characters have bounced on over to Akavir just fine. 
This is probably very confusing.
When I reference Korus, I’m most often talking about actual RP events that happened on an Elder Scrolls-themed RP server on Minecraft, called Elder Akavir. It is set in the non-canon, but canon-fitting region of Korus Bay, which is an island chain off the coast of Mainland Akavir. (Yes! This is where Drelayn lost his arm, where Feth literally died and was yanked back because a daedric prince wasn’t done with him yet, and where both of them live by 4E 207.)
Around Korus, there is a strange magical barrier that permeates the air- Something about this barrier repulses the native civilizations like the Ka-Po-Tun, Kamal and Tsaesci, meaning that the Nords that first discovered it decided “Sure. Challenge accepted. The Tsaesci are pansy milk-drinkers, anyways, we’ll beat up anything that tries to fuck with us.”
And amazingly, it worked. As of 4E 207, the Korus Bay is a thriving but dangerous frontier that’s home to many, who came here for reasons as varied as its inhabitants. Some are shamed Redguard nobility looking to prove their worth and honor and start fresh. Some are intrepid explorers and adventurers hoping for glory and wealth. Various figures come fleeing authority forces like the Empire or the Thalmor, and some yet flee the An-Xileel of Black Marsh.
But they all consider Akavir home. 
If this seems interesting to you, then you’re actually in luck- The server’s still open, and always looking for new players. I’ll drop a shameless plug for their site right here. If you have any questions about it, I’d love to receive them! ( Disclaimer: As of September 2nd 2017, aka the original posting date, I am not official staff- Just a member of the lore team -but I’m still more than happy to help out new members and maybe pull in some interested folks. )
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