#kotlc elwin heslege
alaydabug2 · 3 months
If anything ever happens to Elwin I am actually going to throw hands
With who
But hands will be thrown
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daydream-draws · 24 days
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quick Elwin bc I adore him!!!!
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lemontarto · 27 days
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hethen sillies
hc that elwin used to practice his flashing on gethen in their elite levels (medical malpracitce)
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
If Elwin ends up being the father, he’d better tell her without permission from the Black Swan. That is the only way I will accept this.
Elwin just decides that she deserves to know, screw Mr. Forkle, screw the collective, and he hugs her and says he’s sorry without even being prompted and says he’s always loved her but understands if she needs time.
And it feels different than it did with Oralie because Sophie didn’t force the answer out of him, wasn’t met with a lie to her face, and he understood how hard it was. How much it hurt.
And her relationship with him isn’t ruined at all.
And then they yell at Mr. Forkle together as an unstoppable father daughter duo
ONLY way I will accept that reveal
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crumpetsandbiscuits · 2 months
Biana made so much sense in the first book
Let’s say you were Biana in the first book.
Before the events of KOTLC:
Your brother and your dad are always disappearing and leaving you out. You find yourself picking out flaws that your brother never had a problem with. “Am I always going to be the bronze to his gold?” Naturally, you start to turn to your friends for entertainment, including your best friend and your brothers’ cute friend who skipped a grade. You quickly become the most popular girl in school, everybody at your feet. “Do they like you because of you, or your status?” One day, you invite some friends home. They seem really giggly, for whatever reason. The second your brother walks in, they all flock to him. “Did he really make it about him today?” Your mother and your two best friends are the only ones who understand. Your mother tells you to be nice, because he doesn’t have many friends. It’s ok, at least your brother’s back.
When Biana is first introduced:
A dress suddenly disappears in your closet. When you ask your mom what happened, she says they’ve picked up some girl your age. It’s why they were doing all those errands, and they took your dress instead of buying a new one. “Another kid for my parents to love more.” You finally can’t take it, and you and your mom get into an argument. She uses her powers to disappear. “Classic. Always running away from conflict.” You hear your father’s voice. Oh. That girl is here. The epitome of everything your parents love more. Secrets, leaving you out, and your brother. Whatever.
The Elwin scene:
Is the school nurse in your house today? In taking a closer look, he is. You go to investigate when you see a ‘moment’ shared between your brother and that girl. She’s scared of the doctor. Yeah, right. The worst thing in the doctor is the medicine. You have a fun little chat with your brother and then go back to your room. It’s ok. You can always ignore her. It will be hard, but not impossible.
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Do you ever think maybe there are more elven doctors beside Elwin he’s just the only pediatrician.
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kingkrakie · 21 days
Elwin in pajamas eating ice cream out of the tub crying over a romance movie
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average grown man watching a silent voice (me )
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Elwin: All right, Marella, that's it, you're grounded! I found a rap album hiding under your bed and it was the clean version. I didn't raise you to be such a nerd!
Marella: I'm not even your kid-
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book-lover85 · 2 months
Sophie having a million father figures is hilarious to me
Mr. Forkle (he could debatably be more than one person)
William (her human dad)
Debatably Sandor
She's collecting them like Pokemon cards
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one of the only really trusted adults in Fitz's late childhood was Elwin. Even though he rarely came to school, when he did he would often go to the healing center at some point - either from sicknesses or injuries he got from the forbidden cities, or when he was feeling overwhelmed, or just when classes were over, to say hi. After he found Sophie, however, he got a normal school schedule and started actually attending classes.
Alden excused Fitz's absenses and his excuse, whatever it was, was taken seriously, because he's Alden Vacker, surely he has a good reason for everything. Not to mention Alina was running Foxfire.
Fitz grew to really trust Elwin- he was the only person he let himself cry in front of. Even though he couldn't tell Elwin everything, he was always welcome to sit in the healing center if things were too much, too loud. Fitz would tell other people his father is the one he trusted most, if they asked, but what Alden and Fitz had? That's not trust. Alden was so confident in Fitz being able to be okay in the Forbidden Cities that whenever Fitz did get hurt or attacked or lost or anything, he put the blame on himself, because he should have been able to be safe, right? So he never told Alden. He couldn't tell Della. He could have told Alvar, but Alvar was barely home. Elwin knew of a lot of his injuries, but never how he got any of them.
He only connected the dots when Sophie was found and someone casually mentioned it. Then he wrote a very strongly worded letter to Alden.
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sillyguy-supreme · 2 months
you guys love to conveniently forget what elwin did in amsterdam. like what he did was incredibly fucked up but ig you guys love your dadwin headcanons too much to acknowledge that he’s not a good person actually.
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alaydabug2 · 4 months
I love Elwin so this hurts 😭😭😭
(Elwin's pov)
Sophie walked into the Healing Center. Not that Elwin was surprised.
He snorted. "All right, what's it this time?"
Sophie sat on her cott, her picture hanging above it. "Elementalism gone wrong. Cut my hand on an exploded bottle."
Elwin grabbed a balm and some bandages. "Of course you did."
He spread the balm onto her hand, then wrapped it in a bandage. He noticed her shoulders sagged. So he asked, "What's wrong?"
She sighed. "I was actually distracted during class. That's how this happened." She gestured to her hand. "Forkle is being stubborn again."
Elwin frowned. "Huh. Withholding information?"
"When is he not? I deserve to know who l my biological parents are!"
He froze. Almost under his breath, he whispered, "You do."
Sophie didn't continue the conversation, so they were left in silence. He knew that was the perfect opening for the conversation. But... Mr. Forkle would be so mad at him for it.
But at the same time, Sophie deserved to know who she was related to.
When he unwrapped her bandage, there was still a large gash. She winced.
This was his opportunity.
He reached for a couple more balms. "This is a pretty nasty cut. It'll take a minute. Want to hear a story in the meantime?"
She perked up a bit at that. "Sure."
He chuckled. "Alright. What if I told you this story starts with a man? He was pretty lonely his whole life. His peers made fun of him for being childish when he was younger." Elwin leaned in and fake whispered, "But he really knew they were just jealous of him being so awesome." She giggled as he leaned back. "Well, when he grew up, he wanted to be a part of something. But he had no friends and no wife or children to call his own. He loved his job, but that was it."
He reached for another balm and spread it on her hand. He wrapped it with a cloth to let it sit. He stood and headed for an elixir on the massive wall of medicine as he explained, "So, when, one day, this mysterious group approached him about being a part of something world changing, he was interested."
Sophie tilted her head. He came back with the elixir and handed it to her.
"He was told that they wanted to have him help the world for the greater good. He had seen plenty of injustices over the years that others didn't seem to notice, so... he agreed." Elwin let out a sigh. This next part would make or break everything. "He was requested to volunteer to use his part of DNA and an unknown female to be made into an embryo. A child... he would likely never come to know."
Sophie's eyes widened. She started to open her mouth to say something, but he needed to finish everything before she said anything. He quickly grabbed a bottle of youth, hoping she didn't notice it was just water, and thrusted it her face. It spattered on her, but she drank it. Probably just so she wouldn't choke on it.
He continued as he pulled out another balm, intentionally taking the wrong one to buy him more time for explanation. "He started to second guess himself. He almost backed out. Twice. But... the group managed to convince him, saying that this child would be the one to help our world. They told him this child... would be the one to finally solve the problems the higher-ups couldn't see."
Elwin hung his head. He grabbed another pot of cream. Instead of a poultice, it was just a random lotion. "He hated seeing so many children during his time working at a school to be crushed thanks to things they didn't have control over. Having to break to them after trying so hard during ability sessions and getting injured from pushing to hard, that they may be talentless. After taking care of kids who were beat up because of being kids of a bad match. Or because they were a multiple birth. The pain of watching kids he cared so much about, getting banished."
He got up and looked away, blinking hard. He took the right balm off another shelf. "He wanted things to be fixed so badly. He honestly would've done anything to have them fixed. So, if he could help?"
He wiped off the balm to reveal clean, smooth skin. He picked up Stinky the Stegasourus off his desk, squeezing him tight and sitting down on his rolly stool in front of Sophie's cott. He continued to stare at his feet.
"Years passed. And he waited for the day that he'd start seeing of this child that he'd help create. The last thing he expected was for her to come into the room he was sitting in, absolutely terrified of him."
Sophie squirmed around. She looked ready to bolt. Or cry. And Elwin wouldn't blame her.
He placed a hand on her knee. "What if I told you he wanted to explain everything to her from the second they met? What if told you he's always loved her? What if I told you that I've almost told you on several occasions, but Mr. Forkle warned me I'd get I trouble if I did? If I've felt so guilty every single day that you didn't have information, you have the right to know? That I've felt at fault for all the awful things you've gone through? Things you never asked for."
Sophie gripped the sides of the cott. She definitely caught his switch in words. He finally looked up, looking into her eyes. Whoever her mother is, she definitely got the majority of her looks from her. But he could still see a few similarities in their appearances. She had Elwin's cheekbones and ears. The way her brows scrunched together when she was frustrated was uncannily his. She probably never noticed. But he noticed.
His heart had swelled when he realized she slept with the stuffed animal that used to be in his collection. The only update he'd ever gotten from Mr. Forkle about his child was when he was told she had an accident and was in the hospital. Even if he wasn't able to help her in any way, he wanted to do something.
He begged Forkle to take the blue, Hawaiian shirt wearing elephant. Told him to give it to her when she was better. He eventually agreed.
But seeing her with the stuffed animal broke it all the same.
"I'm so sorry, Sophie," he murmured. "I am so, so, so sorry. I wish I'd said something sooner. You've deserved that much. I understand if you hate me, you have the right to. If you want Livy to start taking care of you instead, I can call her up later today. I've always cared about you, though. When I thought you had died, I kept blaming myself. I thought it was all my fault."
Elwin tilted his head back. Tears fell down his cheeks when he blinked.
"You can do whatever you want with this information. I don't care what Forkle says anymore. You've should've known this a long time ago."
Sophie looked into his tear filled eyes. She scooted further on the cott.
Away from him.
Elwin's heart splintered.
"I... don't know what to do with this information," she whispered. "Not how I thought this day would go." She curled up into a Sophie ball and tugged at her lashes. "I need time to think about this."
He nodded.
"I think... I want to try and make it work," she eventually murmured. "You actually told me. I... didn't have to figure it out the hard way. Like some people." She muttered the last bit under her breath. It made him wonder if she knew something about her mother that he didn't, but now was not the time to ask. "That... can be a point to work off of."
"I want to be in your life, Sophie." He sat down next to her on the cott. "I used to wonder constantly if I had made the wrong decision. But after I met you, I knew I made the right choice. I'll never regret my decision, even if you hate me. I'd do it all over again. You've grown up to be such an amazing young woman. I just wish I could've seen you grow up. And in a way, I have, but..." he sighed. "You know what I mean."
The best possible thing  she could've done happened, she hugged him. Elwin closed his eyes and held her tight, trying to make up for all the trouble he caused her. "I... can work with this," she murmured. "I appreciate your honesty. Thank you." She pulled away. She was shaking. She sighed. "But I need to he honest too." Sophie wrapped her arms around herself. "I need time."
Elwin nodded. "That's ok. Take as long as you need. I'll be right here next week when you hurt yourself again," he teased.
Her lips twitched up a smidge. "Ok, see you then." It faded.
She took a breath and left the Healing Center without another word. Elwin sat down on the ground by the door. He buried his fave between his knees and ran his hands through his hair.
He was glad to finally get it off his chest. He felt a million pounds lighter. It went a lot better than he was expecting.
She was hurt, of course. But that smile that she had before she left, the one that looked exactly like his, gave him hope.
Maybe he could salvaged this and make it work.
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nowjumpinthewater · 3 months
Kotlc characters as my phone autocorrects them
Fitz- Fits
Dex- See
Keefe- Keefe
Biana- Bana
Marella- Marcella
Tam- Ram
Linh- Long
Wylie- While
Stina- Sting
Elwin- Spain
Cassius- Chassis
Mr. Forkle- Mr. Forums
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lemontarto · 1 month
One of the kotlc characters in a crochet cardigan
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soo sorry if this is not what u had in mind. its funny to me though
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i like 2 call them he(a)then [elwin (he)slege + ge(then)]
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winwin17 · 5 months
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Sophie: And I completed the mission unscathed.
Elwin: You’re bleeding in so many places.
Sophie: I’m a bit scathed.
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