alligaytorswamp · 1 month
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misc oc stuff
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aketan · 2 years
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Kotoya will guide you through the darkness. @hannidrops
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kenobster · 3 months
Chapter 11 of Five Peggats Each
Prior Chapters: [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six] [Seven] [Eight] [Nine] [Ten]
Summary: Months after the Rako Hardeen incident, the Council sends two of their best generals together on a mission meant to repair their damaged friendship. Luckily, Anakin and Obi-Wan will have a lot of time to do just that while imprisoned on a planet in the outer rim with no one but each other for company.
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, original characters for nefarious purposes only For this chapter: The above as well as Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano.
Warnings: Comprehensive list of warnings are listed in the notes at the end of chapter one. For this chapter: Derogatory language, graphic noncon, beating up/fistfight, electrocution. For the below excerpt: None. :)
As Plo Koon strides toward the Council chambers, Ahsoka jumps up from her seat to approach. Her commlink is clasped between her hands, and a fierce determination tightens her brow.  Plo Koon must resist the urge to slow his pace. This is not the first time the young Togruta has ambushed him before a Council meeting, but it is the first time she’s dared to step foot upon the lobby’s larmalstone floor. Her anxiety is escalating—and it seems that his previous indulgences have made things worse. “Master Plo,” she calls, “I really need to talk to you.” Though he opens his stance to her in a fond acknowledgment, Plo Koon continues toward the chamber doors. “We’ve discussed this before, Ahsoka. Master Kenobi and Knight Skywalker were sent on a covert operation. It is not unexpected for them to cease communications.” Ahsoka’s mouth presses into a frustrated line as she hurries to keep up. “But it’s been two weeks!” “That does not change my opinion. Two weeks is not an unusual amount of time.” “But Master Skywalker has never gone without talking to me for that long,” Ahsoka says. “Even in the middle of a campaign, he always makes sure to message me once a day—and Captain Rex, too! But he hasn’t messaged either of us. For two weeks!” Plo Koon stops. The thin, wavering note in Ahsoka’s voice has summoned a curl of anxiety to his chest. But Plo Koon is a practiced enough Jedi to recognize the difference between a worry of his mind and a warning in the Force. This is certainly the former; he has yet to sense evidence of the latter. It may, however, be an opportunity to teach Ahsoka the difference. In his silence, Ahsoka’s lower lip has started wobbling, and tears have sprung to her eyes. “Something’s just not right, Master,” she says. “You have to believe me.”
[Read Chapter on AO3]
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k0uhi · 3 months
in future vbs events i hope:
toya has already switched to calling kohane to "kohane-san" and an 'an-san'
kohane has already switched to calling toya "toya-kun" and akito "akito-kun" (come on they're ruling the world together and neither of them have taken the initiative to say 'oi arent we a team? shouldnt you be calling us something different?' 'is that so, akito?' 'don't start with me. you're no different.' 'he has a point, toya, hehe.' 'i suppose that's true. what so you say, kohane-san? an-san.' 'hehe, alright... toya-kun. akito-kun.' :) 'that feels a little strange, doesn't it?' 'awww, toya, no need to look embarrassed!' 'it's alright.' 'we have time.')
akitoya hanging out 1 on 1 more like anhane—close game repeat begging. and wedding cafe cheesecake.
ena shows up for the sole reason of annoying akito and being super nice to kohane and toya. and talking about the 1-2 disasters with an.
canon leo/need collab (holy shit) ((resonance beats dont count in my head))
more vocaloid im dying idt we got much time with them this time round and i miss my yellow aibou
akian valentines 😭 or xmas yk let my disasters be frantic and panicky about their rich aibou (BRING BACK THE FANBOOK HC WHERE KOTOYA TRY A PART TIME JOB AND AKIAN AGREE IT'S TOO SOON FOR THEM)
or silly vbs cameos in mixed events. or other unit events. the 4 of them hanging out and strengthening their bond as they continue to grow like head in hands vbs' entire thing couldnt be achieved without their strengthened bonds & friendships with each other & the other musicians of vivid street. u cant convince me that theyll go their entire hs yrs without transitioning to first names
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Love Is Blind Ch4 A Hesitant Agreement
(Warnings: Depictions of Kagaya's illness and scars Yn has a small panic attack.
Just for context. For the story at the moment Kagaya is 20 and Y/n is 19 years old.)
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Quietness filled the space with uneasy silence.
The silence was temporary interrupted by a shaky hand gently reaching out to grab a warm cup off the table sat in front of him. The warmth had a sigh escaping his lips before the cup pressed against the smile. Sweet tastes of green tea and honey danced along his taste buds and soothed the dull stinging leftover in his throat from earlier coughing. The relieving feeling was bliss. Despite the fact that he felt at least three pairs of eyes staring at him but he had the before thought of expecting this reaction to first seeing his face.
"As I was saying......even he ....... happily filled life......Wedding!"
F/c eyes stared at the blind man in front of you. Kagaya smiled continuing to drink the tea a maid brought him earlier after his grandfather had practically carried his body back into the house. You remained silent however. Your mind blank and numb trying to process the reality that was presented to it. Your mother and father sat next to you equally as bamboozled and shocked at this entire situation constantly exchanging glances and looks at one another as if hoping the other had an answer to this. The only one who really seemed to make an effort to keep talking was Mr. Kotoya who smiled and kept speaking. You couldn't comprehend what he was saying, only small pieces of entire paragraphs the old man continued to ramble on about otherwise all you could comprehend was white noise and a ringing in your ears as your blank mind still stared.
"The garden........I just know-........ excellent cakes in town!.......... precisely!" Mr. Kotoya looked to laugh after finishing whatever he was currently rambling on about your mind didn't hear before reaching out to pat his grandson's back fondly. Kagaya didn't say anything but smiled politely at him. "Did........I............kimono fitting!"
It was only then after minutes of this happening you were snapped out of your long stupor by your mother slapping an arm around your shoulder before scowling at the men in front of her. "There is absolutely no way on earth my daughter is going to be fitted for a wedding dress tomorrow! Are you foolish?!"
You were finally snapped back with a jump as you blinked and all at once you were hit with the ice cold reality of it all. Of the situation. Of Kagaya.
"I'm only suggesting that we make preparations is all."
"Preparations?! I'm not allowing you to just marry my daughter off like a matchmaker!"
"My lady, it's already fated by the gods! Why else would they bring our children together but to be married? And if I say so it's a perfect match!" He gushed clasping his hands together and smiling widely. "An herbalist! That's almost as wonderful as a doctor! Kagaya will be in such good hands with someone who could take care of him!"
Take care of him?
The question echoed in your mind bouncing off the walls of your skull as you just stared at him now freezing up with hard realization brought up by that statement. Take care of him. You were expected to....take care of him? Like a patient?
"Are you sure you're Kagaya Ubuyashiki?" The question escaped your mouth before you could stop yourself.
Kagaya only nodded calmly. "I am."
It was Kagaya Ubuyashiki.....
THIS WAS YOUR SOULMATE?! F/c eyes looked him up and down and up and down. Over and over again. Staring at the white orbs of his eyes. The shaking of his hands. The purpled old scars sat upon the upper part of his face. No...No it just couldn't be! This just HAD to be some kind of mistake! There was absolutely no way that THIS man was your soulmate...
"But....You can't be." Your head shook slowly. Your words had the blind man slightly lowering the cup from his face. "You're not-...." You couldn't find the words to finish your sentence.
He was absolutely nothing like what you've been imagining about and praying for. All that time praying to the gods as hard as you could. All the small offerings you left out, taking painstakingly long hours to pick the freshest fruits and baking the sweetest foods in order to appease the gods. All the time making sure you'd be on your best behavior to not anger them....It was all for nothing?!
The dreams you had of having someone to travel with you. Share sweet memories with. Of a handsome man taking you by the hand as you two walked along a beach-
"*COUGH COUGH!!*" Kagaya carefully but hastily placed the cup back down as another small round of coughing erupted from his body causing him to turn his head.
THIS MAN COULD BARELY STAND ON HIS OWN LET ALONE WALK!! Your whole reality shattered around yourself. The feeling was intense. It was like having a nice house you've worked on decorating for years to hopefully be standing up strong one day only for giant hands to wrap around the walls squeezing it all until it cracked and crumbled into nothing but ashes, and then someone offering up a second rate hutt with a shrug and saying-
"This is the best we could do. It still kinda fits with what your life is. Be grateful you got this."
The coughing continued the more you stared. And an emense overwhelming feeling of disappointment bubbled up from deep in your chest. This is who the gods decided was your perfect match?? This is what they thought would be the ideal life partner was?
"Please excuse me," Kagaya rasped out raising a shaking hand to cover his mouth with a handkerchief in a vain attempt to still be polite. "I-I do not mean to come off as such."
Mr. Kotoya patted his shoulder. "Don't apologize for it. It's not your fault, but things will be better now."
Kagaya did not respond to his grandfather but turned his half covered face in your direction and shakily reached out a hand. "I do deeply apologize to you for not exactly being what you might've expected of a future husband, Y/n. But I do want to be able to have a chance to get to know you better. I've been curious about you ever since I read your name upon my hands." A softer closed eye smile was given to you as he lowered the handkerchief.
You just stared at him. Flashes of hypothetically scenarios flashing in your mind at the speed of lightning after the words 'future husband' left Kagaya. A vision of yourself having to literally carry your husband down the aisle at your own wedding, watching as your guests laughed and danced as you could only sit next to your husband not being able to enjoy any of the activities with him because he was too weak and tired. A vision of you trying to kiss him only for him to go into a coughing fit each and every time. A vision of you struggling to calm down a crying newborn and other children fighting, trying to parent them yourself as their father could only weakly watch from his bed. A vision of you walking him around, having to help him eat, and having to constantly watch over him day after day night after night for the rest of your life staying forever confined to his bedside. His own bedside nurse for everything and anything he needed. Never again being able to have freedom or time to yourself because you'd be tied to him by a commitment through ceremony.
You didn't notice too distracted by the rapid thoughts running through your mind but your body back in the real world started hyperventilating.
Everything that you every worked for-..GONE!! Everything you wanted to do-.. FORGOTTEN!! Anything you had already accomplished-.. WOULD BE ALL FOR NOTHING!! Your entire life would be stripped from you and your desires would be nothing but an afterthought. You'd be nothing but someone's personal assistant for the rest of your life!! It was all over.
"Miss Y)n, please calm yourself." 
A voice called out to the panicked mind.
"Shh. Shh. You must listen." 
You jolted back as something gentle grabbed either of your cheeks and something pressed against your forehead. F/c eyes deeply staring into white orbs. Confusion filled with panic,mouth panting heavily heaving fresh air into  burning lungs.
"Shh. Shh. There you go. You're alright. There, there. I've got you." Something-.. SOMEONE soft and warm and gentle pressed against your forehead continuing to gently speak."Breath in through your nose and out of your mouth slowly. It helps to calm your heart."
You stared at the blind orbs of Kagaya as he calmly smiled at you literally forehead touching to forehead silently......All panic and reason was thrown right out of your brain as a fountain of scalding hot red passed over all through your neck and face making your pale hair look like a cherry was wearing a wig.
"Hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa-!? Off, off, off!!"
You had finally found your voice again squealing the words and harmlessly slapping at his hands holding your face. Kagaya only chuckled and slowly obeyed your wishes removing himself from you and sitting back down. Your flustered face burnt a red. Your mother looked one second away from throwing herself across the small table and strangle Kagaya as she glared deeply at him. Your father seemed to be both surprised and thinking about something. Meanwhile Mr. Kotoya never lost that bright smile of his.
"This meeting has no more need to continue on," Kagaya spoke calmly and exhaled, "It's clear to everyone that she wasn't properly informed of my condition before coming here, and it's more than obvious that the thought of any kind of relationship between us is not something she wants. Ms. Y/n will not be coerced or forced into any kind of lifelong commitment."
Everyone stared in surprise at Kagaya but after a moment you sighed in great relief. Oh thank the gods for this fix up. Kotoya sputtered looking at him in disbelief.
"Kagaya, do you have any idea what you're saying?!"
"Yes. I am highly aware."
"But she's your soulmate. The gods have chosen her!" The old man's hands desperately grabbed onto the blind man's haori coat despite Kagaya not even batting an eye. "The gods have sent her to you to be your wife! It's her duty to be by your side-"
A single, shaking hand was instantly held up silencing the old man instantly as if he feared the invoking the blind man's supposed wrath. "I will not take a marriage that is founded on force and deceit. If Ms. Y/n wishes to not engage in this then that will be my final decision. No one here will make her take my hand."
Your father's brows rose higher. Your mother still frowned but looked surprised. You just felt an emense sense of relief. Oh thank the gods for this. You supposed Kagaya really was an honorable man like Rengoku mentioned.
"Well then...If that's your final answer then we really don't have anything else to discuss here." Your father slowly stood up. "And no more reason to be here." He bowed lightly. "But we thank you all for your hospitality."
Kagaya also smiled and bowed to him. "Thank you for coming to visit me. It was very nice to meet all of you." Kotoya sputtered strange sounds looking between all of you and Kagaya moving his arms until  Kagaya reached a hand out to grab his grandfather's arm. "Be still. I apologize for all the trouble caused by my grandfather. He wants what's best for me but he went about it the wrong way."
Your mother huffed before also standing up and pulling you with her. "Well next time he gets it in his head to harass someone, you better knock some sense into that thick head of his!"
"HONEY!! I apologize for my wife. She can have a temper when she's stressed."
"It's quite alright considering everything that's happened. He should've asked properly." 
You were relieved. You could go home. You could have that life you've always wanted-
"Which is why I ask you, Mr. and Mrs. L/n, for your blessings to court your daughter."
A glass shattering sound went off in your mind. WHAT?!
There was a soft grunt escaping from Kagaya as he reached out to push himself up, struggling to get to his feet but eventually able to slowly stand up on his own carefully. Smiling politely right at you. "Ms. Y/n, I would also like your permission to start courting you."
You blinked. "What?'
"I will not force you or try to change your mind if you still say no, but I meant it when I said I would like to still get to know you better. Perhaps we could find a way to allow us to talk more?"
You stared at him mouth wide in shock. "I-.....I-I don't know."
"Hire her to help you for a year!" You nearly jumped as Mr. Kotoya jumped up with a smile and solution. "She'll be paid, have her own room, and have free reign of the grounds!" Kagaya tilted his head at him. "All she have to do is help you a little bit and make some medicine when you need it! That way you two can really get to know one another and she can decide if she wants to live here permanently! If she's not satisfied by the end of the year then she can do whatever she wants!"
Kagaya hummed in thought. "...That does not seem like a bad idea." He turned back to you. "But again it's entirely up to her."
"..... Would you excuse us for a moment?" Your father reached out to pull your surprised mother across the room and turned their backs towards the lot of you. He pulled her close and the two of them began to whisper on about something. You could only watch as they spoke. At one point your father pointed back towards Kagaya. Both briefly looked up at him, spoke a little more, before turning back around as your father cleared his throat. "Well we've talked it over. Our reason for coming here was to stop all the harassment from your grandfather as my daughter deserves to have a life of her own. However Mr. Kagaya Ubuyashiki, your kindness and understanding of the situation has not only moved us but shows how mature about the situation you are. BUT-..." Your father sternly held up a hand pointing at him (despite the fact he was blind). "I meant it when I said my daughter deserves to have her own choices. She's a grown woman now and can make up her own mind. If she chooses to go back then we'll support her and won't force her to be in any marriage soulmate or not." You mother nodded agreeing with everything he said 
You sighed relieved and smiled. You were so lucky to have such wonderful parents like them.
"However like I said she can decide what she wants to do with her life. If she wants to accept your deal, then we'll allow her without fighting to change her mind. You'll have our blessings to court her if and ONLY IF Y/n agrees to it, and only if we're promised she'll be treated fairly."
"You have my word she'll be treated with the upmost respect." Kagaya bowed his head to them. "I thank you both." Before he tilted his head back to you. "But your choice is entirely yours. I will respect any choice you make."
Your choice huh? You froze being put on the spot as four heads turned to you. Staring and waiting for an answer. It was intense, nerve wracking even. Even though you wouldn't be forced at all and freely given the choice. You really didn't want to but for some reason before you even knew what you were doing, a single word escaped from your mouth-
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shameless-fujoshi · 2 years
Hello. At the end of the story when Kakashi says to Sasuke that normally he should be imprisoned how is the Japanese version? Does it imply Sasuke should be imprisoned or was never in prison at all? Thank you!
Hi! Here is the Japanese version:
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Original: ……まっ…ハッキリ言って
Romaji: …… Ma~… hakkiri itte
Official Translation: Well, to be perfectly honest...
My Translation: Well...I'll be frank...
NOTE: "ハッキリ/hakkiri" is used to precede speech that is frank and without frills - it means "clearly/plainly/etc" - you might hear in anime "ハッキリ言えよ!/Hakkiri-ie yo!" which means "Speak clearly/say it frankly"
Original: 本来ならお前は強制的に投獄される身だったから
Romaji: Honrainara omae wa kyōsei-teki ni tōgoku sa reru midattakara
Official Translation: ...someone like you would normally be imprisoned.
My Translation: Naturally (because of what you did), you should have been forcibly imprisoned.
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Original: お前の望みが聞き入れられ今までの行為が免責されたのは
Romaji: Omae no nozomi ga kikiire rare ima made no kōi ga menseki sa reta no wa
Official Translation: That all your past actions were pardoned and your wish granted...
My Translation: Your wishes were granted and your actions up to now were exonerated
Original: 無限月読解術による功績が大きいってことだったけどさ
Romaji: Mugen tsukuyomi-kejutsu ni yoru kōseki ga ōki itte kotodattakedo sa
Official Translation: ...speaks to the enormity of your help in undoing the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
My Translation: It's due to your great contribution with (reversing the) Eternal Tsukuyomi Gejutsu.
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Original: 六代目火影がオレになったことや
Romaji: Roku daime hokage ga ore ni natta kotoya
Official Translation: But also, my becoming the sixth hokage...
My Translation: And my becoming the sixth hokage.
Original: この戦争終結の立て役者になったナルトの嘆願によるところが大きかったこと 忘れないよーに
Romaji: Kono sensō shūketsu no tateyakusha ni natta naruto no tangan ni yoru tokoro ga ōkikatta koto wasurenai you ni
Official Translation: ...and the wishes of Naruto, the key figure in ending the war, helped. Don't forget that.
My Translation: It was largely due to the pleas of Naruto, who became the driving force behind the end of this war. Don't forget that.
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Original: …これからはあまり無茶しないでよ……
Romaji: … Korekara wa amari mucha shinaide yo……
Official Translation: Try not to cause too much trouble from here on out.
My Translation: ...From now on, don't be so reckless......
Original: オレの責任になっちゃうから
Romaji: Ore no sekinin ni natchaukara
Official Translation: It'll fall on my shoulders.
My Translation: I'll be responsible.
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Original: ああ… ��まない
Romaji: Aa... sumanai
Official Translation: Yeah...sorry about that.
My Translation: Yeah...sorry.
NOTE: "すまない/sumanai" is a very informal way of saying "すみません/sumimasen" but Sasuke always speaks to Kakashi very informally, so it fits his character.
I have so much fun translating these - you guys should send me more requests :D
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Japanese and Dutch cities, excluding the letter "I"
Aalke Agateren Agawarn Agenda Akago Akahama Akano Akara Akarangū Akatoyaba Akatsu Akawarazu Akazu Akegen Akyoda Alketo Alkma Almono Amaka Amata Amataveen Anaru Apelt Arakamato Arayatoyo Arazu Asakyō Asanagojō Asanyūga Asasu Aselden Asugawa Asusu Asuzeveeden Atane Atonuma Awanosuya Ayaka Ayama...
Betakatsu Betsu Betten Bloteren Buraveer Buraya Bustahama Chonjō Coevoro Culelven Culstbunoma Culste Dakanen Delyst Denboku Doetsu Dogawato Dokaya Doore Dordelft Ebokuchū Ebosen Echara Edamboke Edenda Ederg Enzawa Etsukam Fraba Fucht Fukatsudo Fukega Fukuno Fukusa Funjō Futre Futrente Genbe Gendō Gespelme Geveek Goeda Goeden Goeta Goevolden Gosento Gotomatsu Goucht Goudaara Groosake Grosen Grosu Gucht Gyōtara Gyōtsukan Gyōtsusake Haarayo Habetatomo Hagasu Hagawa Hagawakeda Hagawatsu Hagota Hakanawa Hakataka Hamaakayama Hamaten Harden Harne Hasan Hatsu Hayachū Heerleabe Helft Hembora Hente Hentorg Honmura Hoopenbe Houda Houtsu Hyūbardawa Hōfukel Hōfukura Jōyōda Jōyōdabara Kabato Kagaka Kagasatsuda Kagawa Kahake Kahamoto Kahovenbura Kakusayama Kamanoma Kamarleere Kamatsukert Kanakara Kanjōno Kanoma Kasabu Kasaya Kashū Kasugawa Katagawa Katameganjō Katen Katotsurobō Katsu Katsugawa Katsuyazawa Kawaka Kawara Kawatsu Kawatsuurme Kayamana Kegen Kegene Kehayama Kenan Kerdama Kerkra Kobarda Kodamondho Kogara Kogataku Kogawakuru Kogen Kohem Kojōyō Kokagototo Kokatokada Komonda Konjō Konjōnasu Kostakama Kotoya Kubaraka Kugayamada Kuhabe Kuhovenden Kumae Kumagao Kurakaya Kurosa Kusan Kusasata Kusden Kusuchū Kutan Kuyamote Kyonarazo Kyōda Kōnojō Kōsake Loore Lototo Mabetsu Madamad Madazaara Magawa Makono Mangen Mantato Mataka Matoto Matsuma Matsuzu Mazuta Megaka Meren Mermen Mobarato Monarada Monjō Moorde Moorne Motsusata Motteldo Mottsuya Muranokuru Muruokuma Naaso Nagasaka Nagashū Nagatsuyama Nagaura Nagawa Nagosata Nagouda Nagōtarlem Nahasasappu Nakawa Nakayama Nakottaku Namague Namatsukuma Namer Namoort Namote Nampecht Nanabe Nandanta Narde Nasen Natomatsura Natsu Nazaka Nazawaru Nazukanume Nazura Neuwazu Nohert Nonjōsakasu Numakeste Numanda Nōgahagaure Obaraoma Obere Oboldoga Ogama Okamort Okawa Okomaka Okotamer Okuma Okōnobayam Ollembokoma Omorg Omoro Omoto Onoba Oorden Oosen Oyotsusa Rhonjōsano Ronaara Rosuya Rottsu Ryūgasara Sagawa Sagen Sahayamaal Sakahama Sakamegatsu Sakasagawa Sakatsu Sakatsuen Sakawatsu Sakuchū Sakuda Sakuno Saneeuwa Satsuwst Sayatsuya Sehagasa Setakame Setakesaka Setsu Setsudoen Snerlen Sneuwar Sneya Sonan Sondhooka Sonjuka Sonmusu Sterg Strugawa Sugauruma Sugawa Sugawandt Sukehano Sukesse Sukōno Sunahagaoka Surobaezawa Suyampend Suzen Sōkama Sōmuru Taalmero Tabano Tagantakube Tahoveek Takadama Takama Takan Takazu Taken Takeokate Takomabaya Takuoka Takyō Tamantosen Tamorenlo Tanagama Tandenhover Tanjō Tanta Tatsu Taveer Taven Tavoroe Termottō Tokkō Tokuma Tomatte Tomegureen Tomotsu Tonosen Torkra Tosano Toseha Toshū Tosten Tottsuka Toyonjōnaya Toyono Toyosusdel Toyotobe Toyotsu Tsuba Tsudama Tsudanabe Tsugawa Tsukeno Tsuku Tsukunogan Tsukusara Tsumache Tsuya Tsuzawarden Tōkato Tōnoku Tōonba Ubaragoyo Ubayame Udama Udrengesbu Uedelft Ukawara Ukazu Ukerente Uokama Urabano Urazu Utaken Utotsukōka Utphelo Utsukuma Utsusu Uwsta Uwsten Vereen Weeda Weedert Weerecht Woestaka Wolst Worde Yabara Yabeo Yakaba Yamaara Yamakahara Yamst Yamstagan Yamstrumato Yan'yōta Yaokugoerk Yawara Yazawad Yoakudamae Yoakum Yoakuma Yokabara Yokkuraka Yonaasuwada Yoneen Yoort Yosate Yottsu Yuzaalkest Yuzen Yuzutphem Zakatsuzawa Zenhelo Zenobe Zevolste Zukama Zwoer Ōgatoka Ōgatose Ōgawa Ōkōkamato Ōmageokaba Ōmuse Ōsagendt Ōsaka Ōsōma Ōtakara Ōtan'yō Ōzunamaka Ōzuwakō
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konradnews · 2 years
Every weekend in November, a campervan-based autumn foliage tour event will be held in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. A total of 200 overnight spots will be prepared.
Every weekend in November, a campervan-based autumn foliage tour event will be held in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. A total of 200 overnight spots will be prepared.
The Mihara City Car Sleepover Project Executive Committee, consisting of Carstay, KOTOYA, and others, will hold the “Autumn AirPortCamp in MIHARA” event every weekend in November, using a campervan as a base for overnight stays in the car to tour the autumn foliage in Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture. Reservations for participation are currently being accepted through a dedicated page on Carstay. The…
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vinzwatts · 7 years
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Back to a classic #illustration for #weeklyartchallenge from #lastweek ... ... #favfood #ramen #spicymiso #らめん #kotoya #artshare #art #wac #softboiledegg #drawing #colordrawing #ink #ipadpro #ipadproart #procreateapp #procreate #sketch #sketchbook (at Kotoya Ramen Santa Monica)
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fireflyfish · 4 years
Previously on Tano and Kenobi...
Shmi and Anakin Skywalker have been welcomed as citizens into the Galactic Republic. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, invites her loyal retainers and Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano and her padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi to a private feast held in honor of the Skywalkers. During the joyous meal, Satine gives her sister, Bo-Katan, permission to begin teaching Shmi and Anakin the ways of the Mandalorian people. Meanwhile Ahsoka and Obi-Wan privately discuss the dangerous future awaiting them all...
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vgperson · 5 years
Vocaloid Highlights: December 2019
RIP to the dinosaurs, but I... *checks notes* have a lot in common with them? Highlights Archive * Injury Market's video contains some gory imagery. ** This song's title is actually completely blank. Don't ask me why NicoNico even allows blank video titles.
========== Stand-Outs ========== Word Word Word Secret Grade-Schooler O↑men↓ Craving-Bathing Prayers Are Empty Hearts Roid and Dina Theory of Negative Evolution Christmas Story Toasty Planet Junky Night Town Orchestra I Wanna Be Hated Passenger Seat Road Movie It's Your Fault For Embarrassing Yourself Feelings Are Out of Stock Underworld-Descent Lamp If This Flame Will Go Out Someday Ivy Ego Dependent
========== Worth Your Time ========== God, My Gender Is Incorrect. On Like This Frost Flower Fleeing Buglogue Ghost City Tokyo Senka (War) Re: al1 (Acoustic ver.) LUN Bitter End ao (blue) Forget Rendezvous Imaginary End Lepton's Garden Long Letter Oh, Whatever. The Sweet Loop Spring Storm cluster I Hate Movies With Sad Endings close your eyes Comet Sense of Happiness Gospel's Name No H Cr-I-S-Tm-As - ☔︎ Rain Dirge ☔︎ - Memento Golden Yellow Night and Pure Heart Decision Cycnus Bassi Kuwabara Kuwabara sleepy night... Antique indicolite prasiolite Adolescence x Electric Guitar Under the Ultramarine, It's Unproven White dolce Ache Go To Big City Injury Market* Agony Moment aminutes On the Full Moon, An Undelivered Confession Riot Girl Your Stage Opposing Mirrors Hiumanoids Hiumanism Focus Lock Spring is a Monster Surely a Sentiment Through Town On Christmas Eve When Night Falls, Kotoya Crescendo Smile My lovely mistakes Gasping Devil doqrinqo (poisonaqqle) World Observer and Akashic Record Mutterings Rolling Growing Mercury Front-Back Branch Road Rental Android Sister Milky Will Dying Bear Fruit? Pioneer LOVING ESCAPE :tada: The Doll Girl's Dream Color Copy ()** Stray Syndrome φNull Darling
===== The Vocaloids Just Te-Te-Te-Ten Years ===== Moonlight Stage, Ten Years Later
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alligaytorswamp · 1 month
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more misc oc things
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Kotoya: Nagisa, the big question is: does he like you? 'Cause if he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point.
Shegetsu: A moo point?
Kotoya: You know, like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo.
Shegetsu: [Turning to Jatako.] Have I been living with him too long, or did that just make sense?
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ramenhaven · 5 years
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Kotoya Ramen str8 fire
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Love Is Blind Ch7 What We Need
(Warnings: Kagaya's scars and illness mentioned. Mentioning of Kagaya's face getting burnt by a firework by Muzan.
This spans over a few months too with a time skip of two years later near the end. Apologies for short chapter.)
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Two months passed. Two awkward tense months after that entire incident with Muzan. After you had been put in the entire spot. And you didn't know what to do.. You didn't know what to do or what to think. Your brain was a mixture of jumbled up dread and blankness and disbelief and shock of what happened mixed in with absolute anger at both Muzan and  Mr. Kotoya for what they both did and what they said to you. But then there was another feeling in there..A gentle feeling. A fluttering feeling. 
Soft hands slowly came down to hold yours, making you jump out of your thoughts and look up. Kagaya smiled at you from his place on the bench. A very comforting and soothing presence that instantly chased off any unwanted dread from your mind. The warm summer breeze washing over the best of you before you smiled back, hand slowly closing back around his, and then you leaned over just enough to place your head affectionately on his shoulder. In response his own head slowly bowed against yours. Silence except the chirping birds and babbling spring in the garden interrupted the blissful peace. It was pure bliss.
"Y/n," a soft voice called out to you. "Are you alright? You have been distant lately, and it seems you have been deeply bothered by something even more than before." You paused.. before frowning despite his hand squeezing a bit firmer. "Please tell me what has been bothering you.It has been weighing on my mind so much."
There was more silence with your silence and the dread coming back to swirl into your stomach until you sighed and gently pulled away from Kagaya. Meeting his worried eyes pleadingly staring at you begging for an answer. Should you tell him? You didn't want to cause him trouble or pain or worry. It seemed like he already had enough to worry on his shoulders as it was. You were just planning on pushing through until the end of the year as per the deal before breaking the news to him but...
"I don't want to worry you with my problems."
"Your problems are mine as I may have caused them. Please don't feel as if you cannot share your burdens with me, Y/n."
You hesitated regarding the blind man in front of you now before sighing and looking away. "...I don't think we should be married or together for that matter."
Again silence once resumed outside the hum of nature. You kept your gaze on the ground at your feet guiltily unable to look him in the eyes despite the fact he probably couldn't tell you weren't looking at him at all.
"I see," he spoke slowly and he didn't sound mad. Instead he tilted his head at you. "Is there any particular reason you think that?"
"A lot of reasons actually." You frowned harder staring at your lap and his hands still holding yours. "But mostly it's how Im being treated. And that's another thing! Everyone keeps saying how kind and caring and helpful I am like I'm some kind of personal assistant. It's nice but I don't want to be complimented like a personal assistant! I want to be complimented as a partner! I want someone to tell me that my eyes are pretty! That I look wonderful! I want to hear someone tell me how beautiful they think my smile is! Or how smart they think I am! I feel like I can't do that with you." For the first time since you started talking, you finally looked at Kagaya who's calm expression did not change. "I want to be able to do things with my husband! I want to go places and see things with him! I want to do things like dance and go on walks together and hold each other! I'm not able to do anything like that with you! I can't even do things by myself anymore!! I can't go anywhere because I have to take care of you! I can't step outside for more than ten minutes without someone asking me where you are or how you're feeling or your grandfather scolding me for not being by your side every waking moment I have! It's like I'm not even my own person anymore! No one outside of you cares to ask how I feel or if I'm ok! Sometimes..." You really deflated on the verge of crying and feeling terrible again. "Sometimes I wonder why the gods gave me your name. Was it just because I'm an herbalist? Is this what I'm supposed to do for the rest of my life? Just...keep quiet about all my unhappiness and grin and bare this fate of becoming a caregiver forever?....This isn't what I wanted"
You were expecting a lot of reactions out of him. Anger. Disappointment. Hurt. Guilt. Maybe hatred towards you. All of which you wouldn't blame him for. But instead there was more silence and to your shock something touched your face. A soft hand cupping your face.
"Y/n, please look at me." You didn't want to. You already felt so bad and guilty for unleashing all your feelings on him. But the insistent hand on your cheek won out and you turned to look at his eyes again. They held nothing but kind and understanding. "Y/n, I am so sorry you have been through all of this and I am sorry if I have caused any of this stress on your life. But.." his thumb gently ran over the underside of your eye and you just now realized that you were lightly crying. "I am so relieved you finally shared this with me. You are not wrong for feeling the way you did and I don't blame you for anything. Thank you for telling me."
You sniffled reaching out to rub your face on your sleeve as two arms gently wrapped around your body and gently pulled your form against his own in a hug. Relief but feeling bad still ran through your body as he hugged you to comfort you.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry."
You shook your head against him. "N-No. Don't apologize. I-It's not your fault." Your eyes stared down at his shirt before you just sighed. "It's just that I don't think I'm ready for this big of a commitment to my life yet."
Kagaya paused, and blinked at something you said. "Yet?"
You nodded leaning into him making him blink surprised. "I do like you. You're the most beautiful man I've ever met...but I'm just not ready for this big of a step in my life yet. There's still things I want to do for myself. So this isn't a no." Arms reached out to hug him back. "It's just a not now."
Kagaya's eyes widened to the size of plates in surprise but soon after smiled fondly at him. "I understand completely. You deserve to live your life fully...For that I'll release you from the deal you made."
You shook your head. "N-No. I made a promise to stay until the end of the year, and I want to spend more time with you before I go home and fulfill my wants."
"Are you sure? I will not make you stay if you don't want to. I won't make you feel pressured to stay just because of an agreement I said you didn't have to fulfil anymore."
You nodded smiling. "Yes. I'm sure. I already feel better now that we understand each other better. I only hope Mr. Kotoya won't be angry with me."
"Why would he be angry with you? You've been nothing but kind." You again hesitated. "Please tell me. I do not want anyone to make you feel bad."
"...The day Muzan came to see you." He paused against you. "He told me it was my obligations to marry you and give you children no matter what and to not forget it and that the gods put me here for that reason. I just... Didn't want you to be angry with your grandfather because of me-"
You fell silent as he held up a hand to your face in a sign to stop. "Do not say that again. If I get angry with him then it won't be because of you. It'll be because of the vile way he's treated you. I'm going to be having a VERY serious talk with him and everyone else about their treatment of you. I assure you that this will not be happening again. From anyone especially my own family."
...You leaned back to look at Kagaya. "Why do you hate Muzan so much anyways? He's very rude but it seems like you have a deep hatred for him."
Kagaya fell silent once again before he exhaled through his nose and closed his eyes. "He is the who rendered me blind."
Your mouth fell open in shock. "What? How?"
"When we were younger he had gotten a hold of some fireworks and set them off. One went off in my face burning my eyes."
You looked at him in pity. He was expecting that reaction from you but didn't expect your hands to cup his face. Running gently over the purpled flesh before stopping on his cheeks once more. A smile gracing your face. 
"Well I still think you're beautiful. My opinion will not change."
Kagaya felt his heart skip a beat and his face heat up as he felt her leaning in. 
She thought he was beautiful. It's what no other woman had told him before. Not since his mother before her death. He felt that. He would appreciate that about her as she left that winter to fulfill her own life. And he would always wait for that appreciation that she had to come back with her but for now...
In this moment...
He would savor the feeling of warmth of her.
You were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the sunlight. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, too busy inside mingling, eating the food, and other things. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away.
He held the woman in front of him, this silly silly woman with the beautiful kindness and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. The wind blew some more rustling the flower petals and driving the intoxicating sweet scents from the garden around them more. And blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which she immediately reached to pull away and Kagaya made no move to stop her from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped his cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
The overarching flowers outstretched their petals looming overhead as arms getting ready to embrace the people below in their soft petals falling down from above as shining gifts from the heavenly tops of the trees. 
It was like heaven. Staring up at nothing but beautiful cherry blossoms hanging down from the air as leaves blocked out most of the rest of the light but still patches of that beautiful sun flowed down in small splotches peeling through the trees and their heavenly flowers like shy mice. The aroma of the flowers filling this area right out of a fairytale and the small animals running amongst the flora only added to that heavenly fairytale image. A mother crow and her two young chicks peeped out from a nest overhead signalling the start of another spring. Bringing life and hope after a long hard winter once more. The beautiful mother put attention on her children before looking at the man sat under the tree silently. 
A hand held out.
A moment later the mother left her peeping chicks in favor of temporary sitting herself on soft fingers. Feathers ruffled up and a coo of affectionate leaving her as a gentle hand smoothly ran across her head.
"You've done such a good job tending to your little ones. Now we have two new children to add to our family. The width of my family seems to grow every year around this time."
White pretty orbs crinkled up in a smile as the bird cooed and leaned into his hands but stopped and looked up. As did he. With a slight turn of his head as soft footsteps stepped through the blades of grass before stopping before him. Silence rang one more other than the breeze. It brought the sounds of rustling leaves. The aromas of fragrant flowers and freshly cut grass. The distant smells of wysteria clinging to a girl who made the long journey all the way up the mountain to see him smiling.
"Can you tell me what colors this beautiful creature is?" The hand raised up slowly to not jostle the mother bird resting on his index finger.
"A shining ebony like your hair. No doubt this bird is a crow."
"Very good. They're often mistaken for ravens."
"With your knowledge you can easily tell the difference." The sent of wysteria become stronger and then there was a softness holding his cheek. "But then again you always had a knack for knowing things."
A smile leaned into the hand smiling wider. A few chuckles escaping from his throat. "That's why I knew you would come back to me."
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higap · 3 years
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車の点検に行った帰りに、食べログで気になってたKOTOYA cafeさんに行って来ました お昼時を少し過ぎた時間だったので日替りプレートランチを頂きました ここのお店の売りだけあって野菜が美味しいです、ヤングコーンを剥かずに炙ってあるの初めて食べたけど美味しかったです メインのお肉の味付けも大味にならずいい感じ 八尾方面に出掛けたときは立ち寄りたいお店ですね #kotoyacafe #ことやかふぇ #八尾のカフェ #cafeランチ (Kotoya Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPXYS_XBd33/?utm_medium=tumblr
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