#koushirouizumi the beginning
koushirouizumi · 2 months
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Digimon Adventure {Franchise} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning {Movie} ~ 2012!TAICHI YAGAMI & (Ramen chef)!Daisuke Motomiya Serving (as Friendly)! [+bonus Vmon!] {DigiGift! (Official Art) From HERE} {"DigiGift" was a series of official revival artworks originally released one at a time on/around the 1st of every month featuring various characters from various Digimon anime!} April 2024's calender image was the very first featuring Taichi Yagami's full design from "The Beginning" film in near-full outside of being seen in initial previewed clips of the 1st minutes of the film!
Though it's not clear if this kind of scene would take place during or after the film, one can imagine where it might be placed in context with the later story! ("The Beginning" canonically takes place in 2012; Taichi's age should be around 22~ by Kizuna, and, 23-going-on-24 by "The Beginning"'s timeline!) Daisuke, who is always listed canonically as 2~ years younger exactly with no variation, should be around 21-going-on-22!)
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izzyizumi · 9 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 24 (J.P.N Version) ~ TIMELINE Hints & CLUES ~ Digital World LORE ~ Koushiro’s Character Traits ~ IMPORTANT Quotes + Koushiro[u] Izumi & Tentomon + Koushiro’s Communication
gifs by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION} {DO NOT use this post or my gifs for spreading series negativity}
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
Further transcript and my own commentary under the ‘read more’!
(Episode start): {Tentomon}: Koushiro-han! Let’s take a little break! {Koushiro, only briefly pauses, with a notably perturbed look}: I want to meet Gennai-san as soon as possible! {Tentomon, insistent}: But even so, it’s already been two months! {Koushiro, surprisingly direct, and yet still using typical speech*}: (*Koushiro in the J.P.N version commonly uses a more polite J.P.N speech form than characters like Yamato, or even Taichi, which is quite notable with Koushiro.)
“It doesn’t matter HOW LONG it takes!!” {Tentomon, immediately in response}: (*sighing*)/(*sweatdrop*) {Koushiro, matter-of-factly/calmly}: I’m going ahead. {Tentomon, quickly}: A-aa, Koushiro-han, wait for me!...
(They walk together as the calm OST {music} track playing fades.)
My commentary: Episode 24, Koushiro’s focus episode where Koushiro will later obtain the Crest of Knowledge, opens on this scene, and in the original version, right away, you begin to get a feel of the character progress he will eventually have- For a start, Koushiro actually insists a little at Tentomon. The Adventure novel (also penned by a head/“main” director + writer, Hiroyuki Kakudou) indicates in a later Dark Masters “Arc” scene that Koushiro “never” raised Koushiro’s voice towards a “senpai”/“upperclassman” - especially NOT Taichi, as the scene stating that line involved Taichi - and even these lines Koushiro states using overall “polite” form J.P.N speech, but Koushiro DOES insist a little, and it’s very obvious from the look on Koushiro’s face that Koushiro Means Business, OK, Don’t Argue With Me On This! Tentomon responds by immediately sighing, and another common pattern of this episode are the close-ups of Tentomon’s reactions to basically everything Koushiro is saying.
Tentomon clearly notes that it’s been “TWO MONTHS” in the Digital World since Taichi vanished. The novel is a bit more vague there, but it’s also a direct timeline clue - keeping in mind the time difference between the worlds. However, it also hadn’t been longer than two months since Koushiro split from the group of other Chosen, who Koushiro left behind in the search. Koushiro’s plan is apparently to FIND “Gennai” - It seems Koushiro believes Gennai can help with the search.
The novel does go a little more in depth in various places there... Taichi isn’t directly mentioned, {though still goes missing} but Koushiro, DOES feel a “pull” by the Crest of Knowledge - not knowing it’s the Crest. Vademon will then proceed to immediately trick Koushiro & Tentomon by scamming Koushiro out of Koushiro’s often-referred to as “Inquisitive Heart”, convincing Koushiro that what Koushiro “needs” is ““Knowledge””.
But the fake, anti-intellectualist “Knowledge” Vademon talks about is not necessarily the kind of actual “Knowledge” Koushiro NEEDS...
Tentomon clearly recognizes at least a little of this, and with the ‘expressions’ (sudden shocked or panicky movements) Tentomon ‘gives’, often reacts in turn.
{I will slowly be dropping more image sets of this episode as time goes on, with further commentary, along with possible comparisons to the novel, so please keep a look-out!}
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(While the images used may not highlight Koushiro’s best moments, This is STILL a Koushiro POSITIVITY Post.)
[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge / read text more clearly!)
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hikari-m · 1 month
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
{Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Works/Editing Under any Circumstances, including for A. I. Usage, without my Permission}
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{Digi-T.C.G.} ~ A R M A G E M O N (+of D i a b l o m o n Line{s})
{from here!}
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{The larger version from the official account!!} (Please visit there to give Likes+Re-Tweets in Support!!)
NOTE: NOT A 'NEW' SERIES ANNOUNCEMENT. (Including for Adventure franchise) As of March 6th~7th 2023, This is artwork for celebrating the 25th anniversary!!
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Digimon Adventure / 02 / tri. / Kizuna / Adventure: [2020] A.M.V {Anime Music Video} (Un-finished PRE-VIEW) ~ O V E R T I M E + Koushiro{u} Izumi & Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / Taishiro{u} (as Semi canon Compliant) {Minimal spoilers for Tri through Kokuhaku, Kizuna up to partway through Final Battle, DigiAdv 2020 36 - Koushiro specific Moments}
Notes: This is what I was working on all up until November! I wanted to finish it in time for a fan event, but, it didn't quite happen in time that way. (Maybe I can finish it later this year?!) For now, please enjoy the preview! I was also working on this together with a mutual - the track choice was mainly their idea, but I was trying to help find scenes that'd fit, and I managed to make quite a few moments work; You'll notice it's slightly different from my usual styles, but I'm also trying to relate specific moments and framing rather clearly here!!
(I'll admit theres a couple lines I thought were harder to work with; I'll figure those out later, but the track was overall fun for them regardless and I really enjoyed trying to make this!!) {As usual, a bit of manipulating scenes does happen, but its not ultra-heavy edits; all of these scenes come direct from canon formats for the most part, with some simple scenic manipulating otherwise!}
Digimon Adventure Franchise (C) Toei Animation Track (C) The Strike THIS IS A FAN MADE WORK; NO $$$ IS BEING MADE OFF THIS WORK.
If the embed doesn't show at any time; Please check back to this post later on, as the site's player has been having issues at times!! (If it continues to not show, please feel free to ping me!)
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koushirouizumi · 14 days
[Index] Koushiro{u} Izumi {DigiAdvs} Scenes (J.P.N Ver.)
{This is still actively being worked on; Please be patient as I continue to add more!!}
Because I got tired of not being able to immediately refer to scenes without having to use piles of caps / etc.
{More to be added shortly!!}
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. I do not make $$$ off my posts. This is being posted for Reference. Please actively support the series via any official means in your location{s} as well!!
Ep02: Koushiro + rapid Maths Calculations {+Moments; with Jou} Ep05: Inside the Battery; Interests + Adoption {+ Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep10: Koushiro Guides Mimi Out The Maze {+Friendly; with Mimi} Ep13: Koushiro stands to signal support for Taichi’s decision {Friendly} Ep18: Koushiro and Yamato discuss their Crests {+Friendly; with Yamato} Ep20; vs. Etemon Arc (Near-End); Koushiro assisting Taichi Ep21: Hosoda!Koushiro; Communicating from Vademon’s Dimension? {+Moments; with Taichi} [+Taichi’s Monologuing that follows in relation] Ep24: Searching for Crest; & Vademon’s Dimension {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro’s laptop + “Cosmic Power”?? activates communication with Taichi Ep24; Koushiro regains Inquisitive Heart + “I Want to Know!” {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro Snaps Awake {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep28 vs Tri. Kyousei: Motimon/Tentomon’s “Bond” {“Kizuna”} with Koushiro Ep28: The Gate sequence {+Friendly, with Taichi} + Part 2 Ep28: Ending moment; Taichi with hand on Koushiro’s shoulder Ep29 x Tri. Soushitsu x 2020 Ep59: Motimon / Tentomon Parallels Ep30: Koushiro {physically} intervening to defend Jou / Pushed from Bridge Ep31: Koushiro’s Polite{ness} +(J.P.N) speech {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Excuses + Adopted!Koushiro Scene {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Bad/bland jokes + Adopted!Koushiro  {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep31: Koushiro’s Guilt + Adopted!Koushiro & Izumi’s concern + Taichi’s worry Ep36: “Just leave your computer behind!” {+Familial; with Izumis} + “Let’s BELIEVE in Koushiro, in our son.” - Mr. Izumi, to Mrs. Izumi [Koushiro sets up Gennai’s “barrier”; Izumis discover Tentomon] Ep36: Koushiro sets off to help the fight; Izumis send him off with love Ep38: the Adoption reveal / “It’s not wrong for you to be obsessed with Computers!” Ep38: Koushiro & Izumis Figure Out the Prophecy {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep39: Koushiro Displaying Compassion for Parents {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep45: Yamato & JouMi Leave the Group {+Moments; with Yamato & Chosen} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc (Start); Koushiro showing concern for Yagamis Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; +Andromon; Fake-Fights {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; Taichi’s Confession {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep50: Koushiro (Totally Not) Showing off Skills {with Adv!Chosen; & Taichi} Eps 52~53: “Why WON’T YOU LET ME FIGHT?!?” {+Interaction, with Taichi} Ep52: vs. Piemon; crying out for Jou + teary-eyed {+Friendly; with Jou} Ep53: (Near End) Koushiro’s realizations {+Friendly; with Tentomon} + Tentomon: “But that’s what I like about you” Ep53: (Near End) Adventure Lore about The Crests
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
奇跡は起きる 信じれば 希望は 消せない 誰が奇跡を やり遂げる あなたが 信じれば 固く心に
祈りさえ 空しく消えて行く 希望も空へ 飛び去ってゆく
誰が奇跡を やり遂げる あなたが 信じれば いつも 固く心に (心に) 固く心に
"Purinsu Obu Ejiputo" (C) D R E A M W O R K S {Clip'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-PRODUCE}
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
A review of 02 drama C.D. by a J.P.N fan: "Take+Hika recognize that /Koushiro does Koushiro's best when asking/ {'about programming'/P.C. related stuff?} and things like that, and--" m E, LYING ON THE FLOOR CRYING AT ONE {1} SINGLE KOUSHIRO MENTION:
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koushirouizumi · 1 month
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{D I G I M O N} ~ {Post}-{Tri: Ketsui} x + T H E . B E G I N N I N G + S T E V E {J e w i s h A m e r i c a n C h o s e n} x K O U S H I R O {KouSteve} / {SteveKou} / {KouSteveKou} & T.x.t P o s t M e m e
Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi
For A u t i s m Aware-ness Month {Apr} {A u t i s t i c!Koushiro H e a d-canon} + J e w i s h A m e r i c a n H e r i t a g e Month {May}
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
Takeru: {Or we could} {borrow money from} {Koushiro}--- M E: You ALL (YES, EVEN/ESPECIALLY YOU, DAISUKE) had BETTER THANK Koushiro for that later
#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi react#koushirouizumi 02#koushirouizumi advs#the beginning drama cds#koushiro and daisuke#koushiro and takeru#koushiro and hikari#(No I havent looked at the rest yet)#(but I was told about this part)#(I'd still really like to actually HEAR the dramas for myself so I can determine what the tones and lines sounded like)#(What it did confirm to me was)#izumi corporation#(is still likely in business)#(Meaning Koushiro hadnt quite given it up even post The Beginning)#(which I recall people also briefly fought about a bit in Places???)#(Anyway)#(It also confirms Koushiro may not quite move to a location like Kyōto yet just to research with Haruhiko and Shuu)#(I also cant see Koushiro willingly keeping Koushiros child far from Izumi family when theyre Koushiros childs GRANDPARENTS)#(Yeah)#(Some people seemed to have those theories back then but I always assumed that was a temporary 'startup' like concept for Koushiro)#(to kickstart own research career and then Koushiro would MAINLY be stationed in Odaiba with the rest actively participating)#(which is ALSO WHAT Kakudou implied in the recent blogposts)#(So You Know)#(I'm just making this so I can archive to main later lmao)#(and basically in my stuff I AM Making Them Thank Koushiro if It Happens {Already HAVE Implied Theyve+Takeru Have Done This})#(because its basically implying Koushiro would make a huge loan to them and theyd be indebted to Koushiro)#(and like? While I dont mind the concept I hope they ACKNOWLEDGE that'd be important to pay Koushiro back???)#(Because Koushiro basically started from *NOTHING* as an ADOPTEE and THEY MAYBE DONT EVEN KNOW THIS!!11!1)#the beginning spoilers
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning {New very first seen "The Beginning' stills were being added to the official DM_Partners account + site!} (Sept. 21 2023, around 6:21 P.M. J.S.T) ~ Daisuke Motomiya
#Digimon Spoilers #Digimon 02: The Beginning Spoilers #Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Spoilers #The Beginning Spoilers #TheBeginningSpoilers
(Mini-analysis under the '
This was the very first time we had seen this particular shot of Daisuke.
In this shot, Daisuke clearly and proudly holds one of the new styled "Digivice"-equipped phones made & produced by Izumi Corporation, the company canonically owned and managed and run by Koushirou Izumi, who acts as President, sometime post 2005 within the Adventures timeline. As of the Kizuna tie-in novels, Koushiro had seemingly "just" gotten the company up and running, and within Kizuna, the Chosen Children group, including Taichi's team and Koushirou's own self, began actively using the phone models. "Digivice" appears to work on these phones, which the Chosen use to open Digital Gates and portals within the Real World, even without the aid of a computer or Koushirou's laptop nearby. (The actual Digivice, meanwhile, seemed unuseable. Taichi hid "Digivice" deep within Taichi's desk drawer, until the plot forced Taichi to acknowledge and pull it out again; Daisuke seemed to do similar with own blue "D3", which can be seen during the opening scenes and later moment.
When the phone device shuts off, "Izumi Corporation"'s logo can be seen in Kizuna on Taichi's phone. Though we do not see it within "The Beginning", it can be assumed Daisuke's phone shuts off in the same style.
At the end of the film, though it is implied "something" is happening to "Digivice" and "D3", the actual phone models they also have now, which were produced by Koushirou, and; which are separate devices, do not appear to change or vanish.
In promotional material released after the film's release, the Chosen still appear to hold the phone models.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
I think I promised to @ you whenever I finally wrote something up about Hikari being autistic. I’m just gonna leave it pinned on my blog for now. It’s a little clumsy and poorly worded in parts, but still, you’re the reason I finally felt motivated to write it up! Thank you for encouraging that headcanon!
@stardustmacaron (YES THANKYOU for pinging + See my tags!!!)
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{^ A BEST GIF I Ever grABBED} (Note to lurkers still please do not re-post without asking Permission first Thankyou!!)
#stardustmacaron#koushirouizumi ask box#koushirouizumi replies#koushirouizumi txt#koushirouizumi aut#autistic hikari#autistic hikari yagami#autistic 02 hikari#autistic tri hikari#(!!!!!)#(I JUST NOTICED THIS AAA)#(OMG THOUGH YES I'm glad if I could help inspire someone!!!)#(Because YES it is So Hard To WordsTM These Things in ways Allistics can begin to GET.....)#(I tried my best back then but I kind of gave up along the way when it became clear people didn't want to offer Autistic fans much)#(Acknowledgement ... in ... general but)#(I'm HOPING thats Changing if ... Slowly... Changing... extremely slowly And *It Shouldnt Be That Slowly After THIS Long* but yES--)#(Yours is so nicely worded I can just use this as a starting point to show people too & I'll see if I can r.b. shortly +with tag Thoughts!!#(Thank you so much for being so kind about other Autistic HCs!!!)#(Because YES when I first watched the Adventure movie especially I was basically *around* Adv!Hikaris age if slightly older & I Was)#(A BIT Non-verbal irl i.e. Strongly if not Still &it continues to surprise me how many pplseem to fail to pick up on Hikaris communication)#(Not just in Adv movie but along the whole series because YES the '''hyper empathy''' Interfering in Hikaris WHOLE storyline)#(**INCLUDING In All of Tri** & I Don't Know How To Point That Out to people either that this has been like CONTINUOUS for *every Hikari*)#(But I personally do still believe it's worth a *try* to try connecting to people with this and providing actual re-sources where possible)#(It's why I kept up Aut!blogging for so LONG because fan bases in general were also SO different when I was growing up about these things)#(Aut!H.C.s were MUCH more accepted back then it rarely became such a *drawn out* 'debate' or 'DiscourseTM' it needs to be that way AGAIN)#(Like I didn't even HAVE to 'debate' this stuff back then I'd basically just gO)#('HEY OMG did you notice Adv 1999!Hikari was *super nonverbal* and basically *communicating using the whistle*' 'OMG YEAH')#('AND she has *huge issues with hyper-empathy* but that doesnt make her *BAD for experincing it* rIGH---' 'YES EXACTLY')#(YES in the end I'm basically just so grateful when others can communicate this TOO & it can actually become a *positive* conversation!!!)#(Again thank you so much for reaching out & pinging about it & YES Im always up for discussing Aut!Hikari I'm just waiting for 02movie too!
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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Digi-Advs 02: “The Beginning” ~ Daisuke Motomiya + Hikari Yagami {I made an Edit-slash-Meme using the new “The Beginning” movie arts!}
(Arts from the new movie’s official site!) [Note: The arts are separated officially, I just edited them together.]
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post}
{Please ASK to Use} {DO NOT rb if you cannot be respectful}
[rbng/Tagging politely/respectfully is ok!]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{MOVIE} DigiAdvs 02: The Beginning ~ Izumi Koushiro[u](?!) (Second from Bottom right) + the Laptop(?)!
{Some of the few/only caps I managed to grab from DigiFes 2022 Stream.} [That actually look nice enough in motion]
caps by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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{DO NOT Use my commentary posts for Discourse/”Salt”, thank you!!}
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(Note: replying/tagging Positively/respectfully is ok!!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 days
{M.A.N.K.I.N} ~ Y O H & (A c e-spec!) M A N T A + "At the B e g i n n i n g" {+{Minimal} A n n a as Support) (near End)}
By Me {DO NOT RE-PRODUCE OR RE-UPLOAD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION} M U S I C (C) D o n n a L e w i s & R i c h a r d M a r x A N A S T A S I A (C) F O X/D O N B L U T H
#koushirouizumi mankin#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#koushirouizumi yoh#koushirouizumi posts#yohta#yohta friendship#q.p.r yohta#aut!manta#aut!yoh#(T e s t to see if this one d i s p LAYS OK here)#(Not Sure BC I Havent T e s t'd S o n g Yet)#({OK ANYWAY} HI I N E E D PPL TO B E G I N UNDERSTANDING)#(THIS IS THE ONLY KIND OF Q U A L I T Y FOOTAGE I HAD ON HAND BEFORE THE ' ONE WEEK ' A.M.V IN MOST OF MY F A N D O M S)#(This was also my very LAST Man-kin one before most of my later S o n i c X ones {oK BUT I STILL KINDA LOVE IT N E G L})#(Its ***OVER 10+ YRS OLD*** O K)#(I LITERALLY outlined these in my head while IN *S C H O O L* STILL)#(For a long while I was frustrated over how badly the quality got with the transition to H.D. bc it had displayed MUCH BETTER in the Past)#(Its still 'watchable' but m A N I NEED To Remake My Mankin Ones {you can even see the lines at bottom indicating OLD D.V.D footage})#({I also still need to 'finish' watching R e b o o t &also F l o w e r s..... but im eternally fed up Manta ISNT INCLUDED THERE})#({except ONE V. GOOD BUT Still SUPPORTING SCENE where YOH WASNT T H E R E and I dont think it even got into a nIME})#({Once I finish watching all that} {though Ive LONG since finished entire original m a n g a} {I Might Fix These Up Too})#({I also for LONG time decided not to reuse the outlining for KouxTai but also because I didnt have Clear image of direction Id go in With}#({NOW T H O} I Think I MIGHT FINALLY be able to try a KouxTai version down the R o a d {MAYBE FOR TAIKOUVEMBER....})#(Dont @ Me F L O W E R S HAS LONG BEEN O U T NOW OK THANK)#({A.K.A. I Finally Have Tai+Koushiros 0.0005 The Beginning screen times I CAN USE IT IN THINGS N O W..... SOMEWHERE.....})#(Idek but m A N When You Are In Completely Different H e a d S p a c e now than you were 10+ yrs ago makin this in s CHOOL)#({I STILL V. MUCH STAND BY THE T H E M E S & F R A M I N G THO})#(Gd though yEA I NEED to finish re sharing my handful of older Man-kin A.M.V.s and the last few D.N. @ngel + S o n i c X ones)#(If these embed{s} can work Ill see if I can share the others tho theres a few more w s o n g s that might not work lmaooo)
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