#(Thank you so much for being so kind about other Autistic HCs!!!)
koushirouizumi · 1 year
I think I promised to @ you whenever I finally wrote something up about Hikari being autistic. I’m just gonna leave it pinned on my blog for now. It’s a little clumsy and poorly worded in parts, but still, you’re the reason I finally felt motivated to write it up! Thank you for encouraging that headcanon!
@stardustmacaron (YES THANKYOU for pinging + See my tags!!!)
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{^ A BEST GIF I Ever grABBED} (Note to lurkers still please do not re-post without asking Permission first Thankyou!!)
#stardustmacaron#koushirouizumi ask box#koushirouizumi replies#koushirouizumi txt#koushirouizumi aut#autistic hikari#autistic hikari yagami#autistic 02 hikari#autistic tri hikari#(!!!!!)#(I JUST NOTICED THIS AAA)#(OMG THOUGH YES I'm glad if I could help inspire someone!!!)#(Because YES it is So Hard To WordsTM These Things in ways Allistics can begin to GET.....)#(I tried my best back then but I kind of gave up along the way when it became clear people didn't want to offer Autistic fans much)#(Acknowledgement ... in ... general but)#(I'm HOPING thats Changing if ... Slowly... Changing... extremely slowly And *It Shouldnt Be That Slowly After THIS Long* but yES--)#(Yours is so nicely worded I can just use this as a starting point to show people too & I'll see if I can r.b. shortly +with tag Thoughts!!#(Thank you so much for being so kind about other Autistic HCs!!!)#(Because YES when I first watched the Adventure movie especially I was basically *around* Adv!Hikaris age if slightly older & I Was)#(A BIT Non-verbal irl i.e. Strongly if not Still &it continues to surprise me how many pplseem to fail to pick up on Hikaris communication)#(Not just in Adv movie but along the whole series because YES the '''hyper empathy''' Interfering in Hikaris WHOLE storyline)#(**INCLUDING In All of Tri** & I Don't Know How To Point That Out to people either that this has been like CONTINUOUS for *every Hikari*)#(But I personally do still believe it's worth a *try* to try connecting to people with this and providing actual re-sources where possible)#(It's why I kept up Aut!blogging for so LONG because fan bases in general were also SO different when I was growing up about these things)#(Aut!H.C.s were MUCH more accepted back then it rarely became such a *drawn out* 'debate' or 'DiscourseTM' it needs to be that way AGAIN)#(Like I didn't even HAVE to 'debate' this stuff back then I'd basically just gO)#('HEY OMG did you notice Adv 1999!Hikari was *super nonverbal* and basically *communicating using the whistle*' 'OMG YEAH')#('AND she has *huge issues with hyper-empathy* but that doesnt make her *BAD for experincing it* rIGH---' 'YES EXACTLY')#(YES in the end I'm basically just so grateful when others can communicate this TOO & it can actually become a *positive* conversation!!!)#(Again thank you so much for reaching out & pinging about it & YES Im always up for discussing Aut!Hikari I'm just waiting for 02movie too!
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kafus · 2 months
SO... do you headcannon anyone in horizons as autistic?
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so dot is the most obvious choice. there is no universe in which she is not autistic to me. this is one of my strongest dot headcanons actually and one of the main reasons i enjoy her as a character. there are so many reasons for this i could go on endlessly but i'll just list a few big ones here
her extreme passion for her interests at a disregard for almost everything else & her ability to self teach those topics (not to mention her interests have to do with computing)
her difficulties with food overlap a lot with food sensitivities autistic people often have, also her latching onto donuts as a sort of samefood after finally trying them once
the tendency to wear loose, comfortable clothes and more recently she has complained while wearing tighter clothes (the orange academy school uniform) so it's not just that she prefers loose fabric, she also is put off by the alternative. girl your sensory problems
irritable outbursts when struggling to articulate herself/make herself understood
her connection with kanuchan (tinkatink) felt really neurodivergent to me. she wasn't offput by her behavior, even after stealing her prop mic, and was immediately able to understand her when no one else could or was willing to. not sure how to articulate this one right now but i hope you see what i mean
her tendency to sit cross legged and lean over herself reminds me a lot of my personal autistic tendency to need a pressure/weighted feeling while i sit or have body parts touching
social exhaustion, the need to be alone sometimes even when she cares
the list genuinely goes on i have to stop myself LOL
as for other characters,
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so for liko i'm more loose about the headcanon, it's definitely more of me projecting than her being overtly autistic in canon but i still think it lines up if u wanna view her that way. i'm autistic and i personally relate to liko a lot becauseee
she is giving hyperempathy autism to me. the way she is overly empathetic and compassionate to her own detriment and yet still has to have her hand held through articulating & dealing with that or putting the logical parts of empathy together
the way she absolutely fucking Explodes with excitement sometimes
the way in which she relates to cats, and her whole thing about having a hard time getting other people to understand her. these two things go hand in hand
there's something neurodivergent about her trying to connect with sprigatito by studying her and writing notes about her behavior lol
while this is kind of just on the account of her being an anime character and a protagonist at that, liko's facial expressions and body language can be pretty exaggerated sometimes which reminds me of my own body language, i'm cartoonishly animated in real life often LOL
so like basically dot is so obviously autistic to me it's like breathing but for liko it's kind of a hc i apply to her for projection purposes & fun but i think it's reasonable
and lastly so i'm not just talking about solely liko and dot for the millionth time,
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ORIO!! honestly we don't even know that much about orio but the one episode where she was helping pokeball lady i forget the name of fix her machine. the really narrow attention to detail/seeing the smaller parts instead of the bigger picture. also her expertise in engineering contrasted with her struggling with tasks outside of that (like when she was trying to sew holes in the brave asagi and for the life of her could not do it so she called murdock for help lol)
and actually one more - while i don't necessarily headcanon amethio as autistic, i think it's a fun headcanon/au idea to not only give him a redemption arc but an autism unmasking arc at the same time. representation for all my repressed autistics out there. in my mind
thanks for asking i'm so autistic about horizons so of course i headcanon them with autism too JOISJOIFD
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grrrasya · 1 month
My take on Andrew Kreiss
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my take on Andrew!
disclaimer: everything stated here is not canon nor do i claim it to be. it's just my interpretation, so if you hate it or don't agree please just keep scrolling, thanks!
When Andrew arrives to the manor he is in his late 20s, around 28-29. He's also a German (maybe mixed) man.
Timeline: Andrew lost his mother at around 16-17, he survived by doing odd jobs, until he heard about Laz cemetery. There, he became obsessed with the idea of afterlife & heaven. He was ready to sacrifice everything to get there, until he crossed the line and had to leave. He moved to the manor, becoming one of the manor's staff.
Appearance + body: He is around 6'1". He's, obviously, albino. His hair is completely white, his skin is kind of a reddish-pink due to occasional exposure to sun, very rough on his hands, face, neck and other parts of his body that received repeated sunburns. He is covered in scars. He also has stretch marks, because of a sudden and intense grow spurt he went through as a teen, mainly on his back. His nose was hooked naturally, but due to lots of beating he received from being bullied, it's also kind of crooked. He has trouble breathing and usually breathes through mouth. Since he moved to the manor and had access to more food, he doesn't appear skinny, although still slim. He is physically strong due to extreme amounts of labor, but that also messed his health quite a bit. He struggles with neck, shoulder and back pains. He tries to take as little space as possible with his frame, so he hunches a lot. He covers his eye due to hypertrophy. His eyesight is terrible. I also hc him as autistic! Not sure if it is canon, tho.
Although Andrew didn't finish even his basic school education, he is interested in learning and by staying in manor he learns a lot. Baking, gardening, reading and writing properly.
Character: My most controversial take - Andrew is not religious. At least, not in a mainstream way. He has his own distorted view of religion, where he can lie, rob graves and still go to heaven just because he had enough money to have his grave at the right place. All Andrew knows about faith is superstitious. He just wants a nice, normal life, normal conditions, not to survive but to live. That's what is Heaven to him, and that's why he craves it. Not because he is a God-fearing man.
He is careful around other people, he is a people pleaser for anyone who takes interest in him, although it's enough to say or do 1 wrong thing for Andrew to abandon the relationship completely. He hates when people try to ask something personal, when they try to bond with him in a meaningful way because it feels like a carefully laid trap. The saddest thing is - he is sentimental to his core. He wants to have intimacy with people (I'm not talking about sexual intimacy here), he wants to be close, but he can't. He is very quick to judge other people, and he kinda hates himself for it, because he is constantly judged too. But judging people only by superficial traits helped him survive as an orphaned teen, so he can't just abandon this habit. He is foul-mouthed, he doesn't seem to control it and is deep down embarrassed about the way he talks, when he talks at all. He thinks of science as something dirty, only crazy people participate in, because his only exposure to it was through grave robbery. He is greedy (at least that's what he thinks). When he got to manor, a place of abundance of food, free space (a room of his own!) and comfort, he felt guilty for constantly taking. He takes a lot, he takes too much, he needs to repay everything tenfold to be forgiven, to be permitted to stay a bit longer. He cleans in community rooms like library, he overworks himself, he tries so hard to be useful. He doesn't want to leave manor. Ever.
Some random hcs:
He enjoys literature, although he prefers when someone else reads to him, so he doesn't have to hurt his eyes.
Andrew enjoys being at the garden, and he enjoys spending time with Emma because she never asks him anything personal and always have interesting stories to tell.
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bettathanyou · 6 months
hii i just wanted to say i really appreciate how much love you put into all of your writings, its all so heartwarming and detailed, and you capture cedrics character SO well. you have such an in depth understanding of his personality and its commendable. i really admire your dedication and love for this guy and how willing you are to share it with others :]
but ya i have a request, a headcanon list (or story/anything u wanna do) of Cedrics autistic behavior and maybe how he would act with an autistic partner? the idea of there being this mutual understanding of each others needs is really sweet to me. also i personally hc him with adhd alongside autism so it would be neat if that could get mixed in somehow, too :D no problem if not!
ANON. WTF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY FR?? THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME, THANK YOU. I get so scared of MISCHARACTERIZING Cedric, so to hear that I have an in depth understanding of him from you made my entire day, month, YEAR. I hope this headcanon list is good and up to expectations!!
AuDHD Cedric The Sorcerer Headcanons (With Autistic S/O)
Coming from someone with AuDHD with an autistic best friend, I can't stress how much source material I have to speak about this sifkdiieis
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FIRST THINGS FIRST. SENSORY ISSUES GALOREEEEE. That man will shrivel and die if he were ever in the modern era and came into direct contact with a microfiber towel.
A secret Headcanon I have (outside of the reasons I listed in my first headcanon list about Cedric!) Is he wears gloves BECAUSE Cedric has sensory/texture issues. His potion ingredients seem incredibly bizarre at times, and I'm sure the textures of them just get overwhelming at times. If you're wondering why the fingertips are exposed, he might need the extra grip to handle delicate objects, etc etc.
His robe is basically a weighted blanket, argue with the wall. He needs to be regulated somehow, and he's still a nervous wreck anyways
We know Cedric's speech is affected by his audhd. Dude has pedantic speech, overly emotive or deadpan, his volume control is non-existent when excited.
Expanding on that, his tendency to mix up words for spells seems a little... Neurospicy, on top of the anxiety
Forgets spells constantly. Not actually forget how to do them, just forgetting they exist cuz adhd
Has CHRONICALLY turned his workshop inside out because the thing Cedric was using just disappeared after he set it down!
(it was in his hand the whole time lol)
HC that outside of, yk, lack of personal space because no one knocks except Sofia, Autism rage whenever you're being interrupted from a task, especially something your fixated on, DRIVES HIM SO INSANE
Lack of patience. Just. Irritable, and same
His only friend (before Sofia) was an animal companion. C'mon y'all.
Music is so important to Cedric! It helps him regulate. He sings, he dances, he appreciates the dragon Acapella! Definitely uses music to stim, as well as dancing. He does it way too much. Audhd people usually are very connected to creative outlets such as music
Cedric is so genuinely shocked by kindness from Sofia even though she's consistent with it. That can definitely be trauma, but also feels like a lack of emotional permanence
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria SO BADDDDD Cedric would have a shutdown about it (thanks ADHD)
Prone to more shutdowns than meltdowns. But as we know, shutdowns inevitably lead to meltdowns anyways. I hc that Cedric is definitely seen as "melancholic" because his mood shifts as well as masking (poorly) his mental state after having meltdowns in private
Definitely tugs at his hair, bites himself, hits his head/fists on hard surfaces during meltdowns :((
Cedric's job as royal sorcerer is fun for the knowledge as special interest aspect, but the social parts leaves him in bad burnout, at least before his redemption
Still hates the social aspect of his job though
Potions are his special interest
The amulet of avalor was a hyperfixation, there I said it!
Due to trauma, but also to adhd, I think Cedric has no emotional object permanence. Dude for real acts a little TOO shocked towards Sofias kindness-
There is two types of audhd: sarcasm is the only language they're fluent in, and cannot distinguish sarcasm to save their life. Cedric is the first.
Sofia is the second type LMAO
Where's the same outfit everyday. Like. Cedric would buy the same set of clothes/outfits because too many choices are just overwhelming, and too many textures are Bad
Speaking of textures, again
Picky eater
I've never seen Cedric eat anything except those jellybean looking candies at his parents house
Jellybean/sweets as a safe food
I hc personally that Cedric is familiar with food magic because he conjures his own meals. I can't imagine people would respect his needs/wants enough to be especially accommodating, so he did it himself
Cedric talks to children as equals because of the lack of social hierarchy due to autism
However with the royals his age he is desperately trying to please people for the sake of acceptance (mood)
Rapid fire s/o headcanons!
Y'all either talk for hours, or parallel play without a word
Doing Nothing Together While Vibing Is Essential
Even though y'all understand each other well, sometimes the weird social rules you force yourself to mask with still stick. So sometimes y'all will have to ask "are you mad or are you unmasked rn"
Same thing with sarcasm. Taking jokes too literally so then you gotta ask for clarification. At this point it just adds to the joke xD
Cuddling/hugs is the best because THE DEEP PRESSUREEEEE
But also don't touch me when I need space pls
Infodumping whenever the chances arise
Seeing cedrics eyes sparkle his smile lines crease when talking about something that excited him feels like the warmest ray of sunshine
Cedric will sometimes get distracted by how much he loves you and loves seeimh you being happy while infodumping and will ask you to repeat things while apologizing profusely
Cedric will buy you little comfort objects you like or give you cool things he finds
Sometimes y'all need to sleep alone for the sake of space, but other nights you gotta be in each other's skin
And both are okay!
Laying in bed doing a separate activity until bedtime is a good compromise when one of you doesn't want to spend the night, but still wants time together
Switching hyperfixations
Adopting each other's vocal stims/speech mannerisms
Suddenly you're saying Merlin's mushrooms UNIRONICALLY
When shutdowns happen, y'all have communication cards! Very helpful for both parties :))
You both doodled in the margins of each other's communication cards
Cedric chronically loses his and you now you're just letting him use yours until they manifest again 😭
Meltdowns, Cedric needs to be alone. He just can't handle ANYONE seeing it, even you
You respect that... And take care of him afterwards with whatever he needs
Whatever way you need support during shutdowns/meltdowns, Cedric accommodates without question
So much love and acceptance and CHOOSING to put in the work in your relationship
Anyways, that's all I got! Feel free to add on! TYSM for the ask!! This was so lovely and self indulgent to write lmaooo
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loverboyjamespotter · 7 months
What’re your general prongsfoot head canons
hiii!!! im so sorry for the late reply ive not been online much recently!
and thank you for asking about prongsfoot hcs bc honestly i could talk about them all day lmaooo OKAY SO:
sirius has borderline personality disorder and his favourite person is james
this isnt really prongsfoot this is more james but i firmly believe he has adhd
on a similar note i definitely DEFINITELY think sirius is autistic
i think that no one truly UNDERSTOOD james like sirius. i think one of the most compelling things about prongsfoot is that james is obviously a performer. he enjoys attention and he likes being the centre of attention. however, i think at the end of the day that really is just an Image if you get what i mean? like everyone wants a part of james hes the most popular boy in school hes practically a legend like i really really feel like people underestimate the fucking FORCE OF NATURE that was james potter like he was the gryffindor chaser IN SECOND YEAR!!!!! but i feel like ... hmm this is hard to articulate but i think what i mean is sirius sees Through the facade and loves james for who he is not in spite of who he is. like in SWM when theres people in the crowd who are laughing at james' antics (along the vein of 'oh that james! what a card!') and lily telling james to stop it but i think sirius just sees the worst parts of james and loves them just as much as the good parts. i think he sees through the spoilt naivety, the arrogance, the everything to who james is as a person. and heres the really crazy thing: i really dont even think ... james KNOWS he putting on this performance for the benefit of everyone else because i think he absolutely is the most oblivious person when it comes to his feelings but sirius knows.
this links into my next big hc which is that i think BOTH sirius AND james love each other for who they are in their entirety like i think james saw sirius and adored him for everything he was.
i think theyre simultaneously the same person and polar opposites.
i think sirius because of the the fact he had the upbringing he did is hyperconscious of what hes feeling at any time so he knew he was in love with james like. within first year. but i genuinely think james didnt even realise he was in love with sirius just because he always WAS ... hes just has TERRIBLE reflection skills like that guy is sooo oblivious to his own feelings its hilarious. like hes ALSO been in love with sirius since first year he just didnt realise bc the feelings always been there.
theres this popular thing in fics and it really annoys me its like my pet peeve in fics where its like sirius only was obsessed with james bc james was his first friend or the first person that was kind to him :| i genuinely think thats just terrible analysis. firstly we KNOW andromeda and sirius were always on good terms and alphard cared for sirius too. but even if that wasnt true i genuinely dont think sirius is the kind of person to be obsessed with the first person who's nice to him. i think theres a tendency to remove sirius from his own canonical context like sirius is ... at best indifferent and at worst disinterested in ... pretty much EVERYONE. like he wouldn't just choose some random kid to obsess over. i think sirius consciously and DELIBERATELY chose james to obsess over because it was JAMES not because james HAPPENED to be the first person to be kind to sirius. also this is soo silly because if you re-read their first meeting ... JAMES ISNT EVEN NICE TO HIM LMFAOOOOO???? like hes a little shit he LITERALLY SAYS AND I QUOTE 'blimey and i thought you were alright' LIKE SIRIUS JUST SAID HIS WHOLE FAMILY ARE SLYTHERINS AND JAMES SAID THE EQUIVALENT OF 'lmfaooo your family sux' like????
this is canon but i just want to stress it more but i think the whole entire school knew james and sirius were obsessed with each other like again yes this is canon the fact 'you never saw one without the other' but i genuinely think everyone was absolutely so sick of them.
this is another popular thing in fics where it has jily being together and sirius 'moving on' ... sorry but sirius is not ever dating anyone that isnt james he is never moving on he is never trying to get past james. is that healthy? fuck no. but also prongsfoot as a dynamic is absolutely insane like it really really irritates me when fic has sirius trying to 'move on' sorry that guy is NEVER EVER going to try and get over james. ever.
another thing that is a pet peeve of mine and i realise this is now just becoming a pet peeves list but bare with me is that fic often under-emphasises how the nature of prongsfoots relationship was definitely reciprocal and by that i mean james was EQUALLY as obsessed with sirius like again to point to SWM .... it SAYS. IN THE TEXT. that harry got the feeling that james wouldnt stop being an asshole for anyone other than sirius. HARRY FEELS THAT PALPABLY BY WATCHING THEM FROM A DISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! but my hc is that over the summers before sirius runs away james mopes around the whole house sighing and everything because he misses sirius. like to the point where james' parents are concerned for him bc james is NOT the brooding type yet he spends a full day flat on his back glaring at the ceiling because walburga confiscated sirius' two way mirror and sirius hasnt stolen it back yet.
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ronanceautistic · 4 months
helloo fellow ronancer!! first of all i love your hoh nancy hc's, they're both delightful and heart wrenching :-)
if it's not too much to ask do you have any angsty robin hc's? esp after all the vecna stuff, how do you think she'd cope with it? it's so upsetting to think about how she used to be some rando and then as soon as she steps foot into the upside down she almost died. i need to hear your thoughts pal!!!!
Thank you!
Robin angst! Something I wish I talked about more.
I think Robin sort of takes comfort in like the “shoulder to cry on” role, as it is easier than dealing with her own feelings. Did Nancy have a nightmare? Robin will stay over! Is Steve struggling with his wounds? Robin is here to help! She is very very good at making it look like she has it all together, by spending as much time focusing on other people and in a way processing her trauma through them. But I think when she is alone she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
I think that’s a hard thing for her especially, because I think she is introverted, she needs time to decompress after socialising but at the same time isn’t great at being alone. She needs other people around to take her mind off of stuff in a way.
One of the ways Nancy and Robin completely clash is Nancy is very focused on the task at hand and will do everything to forget her trauma, and fixate on something meaningless (that means everything to her), but Robin wants to talk about what happened but doesn’t know how to ask for herself. If she said to Nancy “hey, I’m really struggling I need to talk about this” Nancy would absolutely listen to her, but she just can’t seem to open up in that way and it comes out as “hey, you’re struggling, can we talk about it?”, and Nancy absolutely pushes back against that.
I also think Robin has had a kind of inferiority complex her entire life and it only worsens hearing all the horror stories of what Nancy, and El, and Will have been through. Robin went through something incredibly traumatic but in her head she can’t help but turn it into to a competition and think “well they have been through worse and they wouldn’t be reacting in this way”. It’s hard for her to admit that people have different reactions, and maybe something that doesn’t bother Nancy is a trigger for herself. I think because of being gay and probably autistic she’s had that sort of “why am I not being normal about this when everyone else is” mentality her entire life.
I think a big moment for her is opening up for the first time (to someone other than Steve) about what happened in the bunker. She spills out every detail to Nancy (who in Robins head has been through so much worse), but Nancys reaction is like “oh my god, that’s horrific, I can’t imagine going through that”, and finally in Robins mind it clicks that yeah, it was horrific. She is absolutely right to not be okay. I think she definitely would break down maybe for the first time since it happened when someone else is giving her the validation her mind wants but can never seem to ask for upfront.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
hey, so I saw you were open for writing about Corey Cunningham, is it okay if I ask for headcannons about him comforting an overstimulated S/O? This is probably really specific but it's fine if you don't, but thanks for reading the ask! Hope you're doing well
Corey Cunningham x male reader
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I’m assuming this means overstimulated in the autistic way, since it’s what I experience, so I’m sorry if I got it wrong. Ill be basing this off my own experience with being overstimulated and burnouts :)
-          Now I personally hc that Corey himself is on the autistic spectrum, he just gives me that vibe. But maybe that’s just me looking at characters and thinking “omg he’s just like me fr”
-          This means that he has some experience with being overstimulated himself, and somewhat knows what to do to help. You two most likely have had a conversation on how to help each other when its needed, since every person is different in how they deal with it.
-          Corey carries stimming toys in his pocket, and even has a chewing necklace for himself, though if you don’t have problems with sharing, he will let you burrow it if you are starting to get fidgety.
 -          He might not notice immediately that you are getting overstimulated, so you would most likely have to give him a sign of some kind that you need a break, or when he notices he immediately gets you two to a much calmer area so he can ask if you are okay and what you need to do to feel better.
-          If you just need some weight or pressure, he will give you his jacket and hug you, he would also pull up the hood on his jacket so you could get some shadows if the lights are overwhelming. He lets you borrow his headphones if you need some noise, or covers your ears with his hands if you need some quiet.
-          He might ask around at work if he can bring home a pair of noise cancelling headphones, if either of you need it.
-          Never feel guilty about asking Corey to step outside or go home early, as he would never hold it against you and he most likely wants to go too, as he doesn’t do public stuff much himself.
 -          If you are alright with touch, he would definitely cuddle when you get home. He would tell you to go change and he would bring weighted blankets and comfort plushies if you have any, to the living room.
-          Prepare for cuddles and comfort movies. He would let you do what you need to feel less stressed and wrung out, be it burying yourself under the blankets completely, or stim and watch something on your phone as the movie goes.
-          When in public he holds your hand and you use the ring on his pinky as a soothing toy, twisting it whilst holding his hand. He would give you kisses on the back of your hand or face if you need to be distracted or focus on something else.
-          You both like to talk about your special interests, and Corey never makes you feel like you are annoying or a burden, as he’s always interested in what you love.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Sorry for sending too many zooble asks I'm a bit too autistic for them
Anyway uhhh. Hcs or thoughts about the way zooble interacts with other cast members or what she thinks of them pls? 👉👈 we saw them interact with jax, pomni and kinger briefly but that wasn't much and I've been thinking about all that tbh
Zooble interactions!
this one may be on the shorter side (and also indulging in one of my zooble ships ueue) since im feeling a little ouuwuwuuuooo wuu right now also dont feel bad for requesting for zooble! i totally get it! obviously this is based around speculation since we only have the pilot and they were absent for most of it so uhuh though i guess that goes with this entire acc as a whole
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Jax- as much as i wanna say they hate each other, the more i think about the more i can see them having a love/hate friendship going on. like they arent buddy buddy, but there probably exists some moments where they can agree on something and perhaps even work together in a decent duo. though it is rare you see them interacting and hanging out one on one
Pomni- weirdly enough i think zooble would be sympathetic to pomni, given her freak out when she first landed in the digital circus and her wanting to escape instantly. do i think zooble was the same when they got stuck? not exactly, but hey that's something else. as for actual interactions, i think if they got to interact more one on one i think the constant anxiousness from pomni would get on their nerves, since they're more of a "this is how things are now and theres nothing that can be done to change our fate, so its better to just accept it" person (at least thats how i read them)
Ragatha- finds ragatha to be one of the most tolerable of the group thanks to ragatha just. being kind to others and understanding. they stay in their own lanes for the most part, but zooble knows if they need something they can go to ragatha for a hand!
Kinger- torn between saying they hold a grudge over the gloink thing or not. i feel like it would be a baby grudge, like they dont think about it every single day and they can still talk to kinger without thinking about it but when they DO remember they get a lil mad. as for actual relationships, they would probably find kinger's antics irritating (namely the screams) so i don't think they would hang out with him much either
Gangle- wife/j no but ive been thinking about gangle x zooble since i was introduced to it because i genuinely do love the idea of them so much i wanna make more ideas for these two. anyways! these two hang out a lot, actually if you're looking for one you should probably try looking for the other since odds are the one you need isn't too far off. as stated in a previous post gangle is the only person allowed in zoobles room. love these two
Caine- neutral, i think, at the end of the day. i mean its not like caine forces them to do things they dont want to do (caine goes out of his way to tell zooble that they dont have to participate in the pilots in house adventure, so caine is more than willing to listen to input from the members i think) (ignoring the fact that zooble got 'napped by the gloinks, but i dont think caine sicked them on zooble)
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relaxxattack · 8 months
hwy so i saw ur poll ab arasol and f they were matesprits or not and ive been into homestuck for about 7 years and its a special interest and im autistic and thwy are my first and tbh only otp anf so if this is ok i wld like to infodump my opinion/hcs ab them bc i just 🥰 i love them sm 🥰 (def not frothing at the mouth at the idea of an audience for my opinions bc everyone irl is sikc of me lmao /lh)
ok so i deffo think they ar e matesprits BUT i think they never liie. clearly confirmwd it while aradia was alive. and once she became ghost aradia i think she got so distant and aloof (i think thats the right word?) about everytuing that it made sollux feel like she disnt love him anymore, and he eventually just had to move on, even thouvh it hurt. and feferi was there, not necessarily as a "rebound" but as a shoulder to cry on. someone for sollux to confide in, and to listen to him because he didnt have anyonw else he felt like woild. and i feel like feferi was def nto him and wanted to be his matesprit but i think sollux wasnt really. and i think they developed a kind of mixed/blurred lines relationship and the whole ghost and aradiabot phases pushed him and aradia furhter apart because aradia was dealinf wth so so much and in turn sollux was dealinf with the loss of his presumed (unofficial, wtv) matesprit, because that wasnt the aradia he knew and had fallen in love with. the ghost thing wasnt a bother - he loved her, not her physical form - it was the personality shift, i think.
and so when she reached god tier and regained her body nd her sense of identity, ithink they started to rekindle what they had nefore, if that makes sense? like aradia was his aradia again, an aradia interested in life and adventuee and archaeology and not this stupid, stupid game and suddenly not everything felt like it was collapsing around him and he felt like things could be okay again. and she helped him and he helped her and together they did make thinfs okay again. with each other.
and i think aradia's living>ghost>aradiabot>godtier timeline is a good allegory for depression and how it can absolutely shatter your sense of self and strip your world of colour and how that can make you push people away and self isolate and whatnot. idk thats just how i see it but :3 yea
i havet checkwd out the epilogues or homestuck^2 btw so this is based solely off of andrew hussie's homestuck bc i love it sososo much anyways yea !!!! tysm if anybody took the time to read this i love u all!! and ty for letting me drop this in ur askbox lolz and yea :3 srry if this isnt v comprehensive i just got off an 8hr closing shift at work lmao <3
this is a REALLY good analysis and i really love it, thank you for sharing! this makes complete sense to me.
aradia's depression being the catalyst for their split is very true! especially since she then sort of broke his trust with the whole sgrub thing-- and before that interacting with her was hard because sollux felt so guilty about what he did to her. it's just sad on all accounts, and i'm glad they both got better
honestly my poll was more to ask the question; "so we all agree that aradia and sollux were matesprits right because they do NOT act like moirails lol but it's funny because if they're matesprits that makes the feferi business weirder", but i don't think it came across in the post correctly, pfft
yes i definitely agree that they were matesprits, and also the idea that feferi was more into sollux than he was her is a really interesting one-- i also wonder if maybe feferi was maybe less into sollux than she thought, herself-- it's possible she threw herself into that relationship because she was just so relieved to be finally cut off from eridan and "allowed" to have relationships like that. but that's just my thought!
at the end of the day they're all just kids trying stuff out and it's kind of adorable and not that serious. i'm an arasoler at heart but there's nothing wrong with solfef either
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bigshot-furbiestm · 5 months
Hi!! What are your personal headcanons about Spamton?
Oh this is an ask, thank you so much i've been dying for this.
*sigh* I'm probably going to get carried away and write like 1000 words, aren't I?
I'm a firm believer of acid theory, I think that yeah, he probably was really glitchy and messed up beforehand but the acid is what shrunk him and really made him all puppety if that makes sense. I also like the idea that addisons have fur, but I think it'd be like polyester fur or be synthetic in some way, so that when it comes into contact with the acid it melts and hardens, making him feel like he's made of plastic. This would also make his limbs have 'visible joints' because of the way it'd harden around them if that makes sense? And like- thinner, more delicate parts of his body (lips, eyes, etc.) would probably get melted off or damaged irreparably. He has TERRIBLE vision, the lenses on his glasses are really thick. I also really like the idea that he has really tiny eyes under there <3
I think that pre-acid Spammy would be a pretty alright guy, probably very unhinged and wacky and self-deprecating but cool. He'd definitely not be as tall as the other addisons because I hc them as nearly 7ft tall (maybe taller idk) and he's like, 5'8 absolute gremlin compared to them but average(ish he's on the short side) for humans. I feel like he's the type of guy who obsessively needs to look perfect in every scenario, like he showers a lot, combs his hair a bunch, checks himself in every mirror he sees, that kind of thing. He also absolutely douses himself in cologne cuz a boy's gotta smell good! plus he's wearing a full suit all day and he has fur, he must be baking in it.
In my eyes, he's at least a little autistic. this might just be me projecting onto him but I can see him masking around people when he gets famous, and after the acid and going crazy and so on, he just forgets how to be himself, the mask becomes a part of him kinda. He becomes a persona that I don't think he ever actually wanted to become.
(this is a common headcanon but I love it dearly) He's very artsy, I can see him wanting to be a painter at some point but then learning how difficult it is to make money like that. Painting is a way he works through his emotions and how he visualizes his struggle with control, I can see sunny landscapes and fluffy clouds kind of embodying that concept of heaven/freedom. Painting gets carried over even after he goes crazy, he hand-painted the back wall of his shop and tries to paint whenever he can (when paints get thrown in da dumpster)
He got famous around 19 since the birthdate I and a lot of people hc for him is May 3, 1978 (this might be cannon idk). This means that he'd be 19 in 1997 and is currently 45. I also think that he'd get famous around new years just because that'd mean that the full year of 1997 would be him being famous, then he flops somewhere around 1998.
The leadup to being evicted would be horrible for him. He can feel himself growing mad and he can hear a weird voice in his head that sounds like the man talking to him over the phone. The phone also controls everything about his work, he has no say in the matter, he just signs the documents. In a way, wishing for freedom stripped him of whatever freedom he already had. Again, he is brutally aware of himself losing his own autonomy. His paintings would probably get very dark and he'd rarely go outside. He'd just stay in his apartment in the mansion and work until his head hits the desk because he's always on the phone. I think that the person over the phone would get progressively meaner and more threatening as time goes on.
Pre bigshot Spamton is a mailman in my eyes. A little guy with a messenger bag who's always kind of nervous and a little sweaty but that's okay because he's a cutie. The other addisons kind of look down on him for being a mailman and even though they do love him like a brother, they don't include him in a lot of things. This makes him resent them quite a bit. (typing this out is making me realise that he's kind of like pink diamond from steven universe in this way?? lol)
Going back to how he's a little nervous, I think he'd only really come into any form of confidence after he makes the deal with (presumably) Gaster and becomes an overnight celebrity. It's the theatre kid buried deep inside of him, the need to act, what is a commercial if not a very persuasive performance?
He also probably dated Jevil during this time, but they both found the dark crystals and went about their own lives. The breakup is MESSY. Spamton feels like he's being held back by this fucking clown who just thinks that everything's a game. While Jevil is content using the crystal to excel at what he was made for, Spamton wants to break out of the status quo. This leads to arguments and them hating each other. :( (don't worry kids, they get back together when they're both like- forty lol)
He dyes his hair black because all of the cool human salesmen have darker hair and he wants to be like them. His hair is naturally white. I think his main goal would be to just fit in with them, and make enough money so that he can be free from his shitty mailboy job and live somewhere nice on his own and have all that sweet, sweet FREEDOM. Unfortunately, this went too far and he ended up being made famous. Task failed successfully I guess.
Spamton could summon his little spam cherubs before the acid and they just copy what he looks like and what he's wearing at the time. I think it'd be cute if he used them to open up filing cabinets and bring out documents and stuff :)) they'd also be good to have in photoshoots I think, just to look cool.
Although I agree with the fur thing, I'm iffy on a tail? idk lol, it just seems like a small step too far imo. I still love people's art and headcanons where he has a tail though, it's very cute. I think that physically, addison anatomy is fairly human except for the nose (obviously) and the fur, which I think would be pretty short on all of them except for possibly the chest and tummy :3 and really short like almost not there on their faces and hands, it's a gradient of furriness if you will. They're also usually brightly colored except for Spammy because the printer ran out of ink or some shit, I think he'd be the youngest of all of them by a couple years. Internal anatomy, oh boy here we go. We see his soul in the game so I think it's a nice idea that it always copies the addison's face and emotions. I also think it'd be funny if addisons could shout or at least speak in a raised voice for hours because they're always trying to sell stuff, they can also talk really really fast, (think the symptoms being read out at the end of a drug commercial).
I might add more to this at some point lol but here you go :D
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Headcannons or a short imagine for Risotto, Giorno, Bruno, and Abbacchio(if that is too many people you can pick two out) with an s/o who has Autism and gets really hyper around people they trust, and just kind of like run around, bounce up and down, and simply laughing at the smallest things. But the truth is they just feel comfortable enough to not mask their energy.
I go through episodes like this with my friends and brother and they judge me or just don't really get it, so it'd be great to see how my comfort characters would handle it! Love ya!
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Warnings : I hc Giorno as autistic in this, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff and comfort!
Word count : 0.9K words
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting! As an autistic person myself, as well as having ADHD, this was extremely self-indulgent for me too 🫣 Masking is so draining, and leaves me feeling upset, so having someone to be yourself around is the most comforting experience ever. Sending love back to you, and I hope you enjoy this!💗💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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Risotto admittedly has a rather low social battery and energy levels normally (outside of missions, that is), so he hasn’t really experienced that feeling himself
However, given the mix of different personalities in La Squadra, he’s learnt how to deal with and interact with each of them accordingly
When it comes to his s/o, he couldn’t really help that small, soft smile that crosses his face without him even noticing it
Some peculiar warmth swells in his chest every time he sees them grinning at him, almost bouncing up and down in their seat with the boundless energy they had
Whenever they chattered on about something that interested them, stars shining in their eyes, or enthusiastically talked about their day, he’d quietly listen attentively, with small interjections here and there to show that he was paying attention
He could swear that his heart swelled to twice its size whenever he heard their laugh, so carefree and delighted in his presence
Risotto wasn’t delusional; he knew that being autistic wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, and that they’d struggled with some things that other neurotypical people found easy
But—at the very least—he was glad to be able to offer his lover some semblance of a safe space where they could unwind and slip off that mask they donned around others
If he should sit there for hours on end, simply staring at them with that fond half-smile on his face as they did their own thing, he would willingly do it in a heartbeat
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Autistic x Autistic /hj
No but seriously, I’m pretty sure Giorno’s on the autistic spectrum and you can’t convince me otherwise
So he knows all too well how it feels to mask and to have swooping energy levels, and to see his darling feel so at home with him that it all comes apart has him doing the exact same thing as well
No masking in this household, no sir!
Their enthusiasm was always infectious to him, their smile always pulling one of his own
Every hyperfixation of theirs that they loved to share with him had him listening with pleasure, bright green eyes focused on them and them alone
This also encouraged him to share his special interests with them, something he’d never bothered to express to anyone else, preferring to keep things to himself
And every time without fail they’d laugh in his presence, he’d find himself itching to pull them close and into his chest, a brand new feeling he couldn’t exactly name
It felt wonderful to have someone on the same wavelength as him; even if their energy levels were vastly different, they understood each other better than anyone else, and that was something unique to their relationship only
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Are you really going to try and convince me that Bucciarati has no experience interacting with neurodivergent people when Narancia is right there? /hj
With the patience of a saint, Bruno is probably the best person to rant to about anything
He’s a brilliant listener and always seems invested in the conversation, no matter how mundane it might seem to outsiders; it was always the biggest delight to him to have them gesticulate as they told him yet another story with shiny eyes
If he was ever on a long mission, or his Capo duties took him away for long periods of time, he loved nothing more than the way they bounded up to him and flung themself into his arms, pure longing and adoration etched onto their expression
And no matter how exhausted he was, hearing their cheerful laugh would erase all tiredness from his face and he would feel rejuvenated
Rest assured that he would definitely take the chance often to tell them how much he appreciates how comfortable they are around him, understanding that it is a great sign of trust for them to not mask when they were with him
He needs to express how honored feels!
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Now, Abbacchio has had his fair share of interacting with all different sorts of people
Granted, he prefers to keep to himself more often than not, but hanging around with the rest of the gang meant that he never really minded their hyperactivity
When it came to his lover, he found it doubly endearing, in all honesty
Though he did get drained pretty quickly, he didn’t mind one bit the way they’d eagerly seek him out and launch into retelling a fascinating event that had happened
In fact, he was a sucker for the times when they came up to him with glinting eyes and a brilliant grin, beginning an hour-long non-stop rant about their newest hyperfixation (he loved that they had a passion that would drive them so)
Leone might’ve seemed dispassionate to others, but he would do anything to provide the best sources for any special interests they might have
Time to splurge that mafia money /hj
The Italian countryside was the best place to go on dates, with them running around the fields, laughing out loud and jumping into his lap as he sat down on the grass with the most tender smile and lovesick expression on his face
Though he couldn’t picture himself doing any of this, he couldn’t imagine a world without them roping him in
He’d do whatever it takes to ensure that they’d always consider him their home to come back to; the person they can be themself around
Taglist: @mrsgiovanna @blondeboyfriend @boorishbrambling
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url-is-url · 1 year
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At this point this is barely more than a doodle but, alive!Ember headcanons
I hc that she had lots of curly blonde Disney princess hair and big brown eyes and she absolutely hated both of these traits. Her aesthetic would have been somewhere between goth and like, proto-grunge. She's not a fire-themed ghost because she died in a fire, though she did, she's a fire-themed ghost because her other hobby besides music was arson. I imagine her being in high school in the very late 70s to early 80s - she would have died when Jack and Maddie were in undergrad - because that's when Siouxsie and the Banshees were big and her eyeliner is very Siouxsie imo. I also hc that Ann Wilson of Heart was her bi awakening.
My Ember is very, very auDHD. Her special interest is music, but like me she has "hyperfixate on ALL the things!" disease so she's not just into the playing and listening to music, she's also a huge geek about the audio tech side of things, and music history, and she can't be left alone with an instrument or she will try to play it even if she doesn't know how, and she's probably experimented with building her own instruments and recording gear. With her sensory differences, she can hear all sorts of shit that nobody else hears, and depending on the fic I do take this in a supernatural direction; sometimes she hears ghosts and shit even before she becomes a ghost herself.
So we've got a socially awkward child who hears things other kids can't hear and likes to set things on fire because it looks pretty and the crackling sound is a good stim. In the late 70s and early 80s. AKA... right when the Satanic Panic kicks off! I hc that she grew up in one of those judgemental small towns where everybody is all up in everybody's business, and about 60% of the other people in her town were convinced that either A) she was possessed by a demon, B) she straight up was a demon, or C) she was gonna be a serial killer when she grew up.
Enter Ember's biggest defender, her mom, the weirdest church lady. Mama McLain is inspired by two things: my own family history of southern folk magic, and the line in Hadestown that says "you might say [Orpheus] was touched... because he was touched by the gods themselves!". Mama McLain acknowledges that her daughter is a bit touched in the head, but she insists she's touched in the head by God/Jesus/Saint Gabriel, so mind your own biscuits. This is the kind of woman who whips out a dowsing rod when the neighbors need to build a new well, so she never blinked an eye about Ember claiming to be able to hear the trees growing if she held her breath, and if she's still alive she's perfectly aware that Ember is a ghost and keeps in touch with her accordingly. My mental image of Ember's dad is less firm, I imagine he's a long-haul truck driver and also very, very autistic (hence why being alone on the road so much doesn't make him crazy), so he thinks his daughter's eccentricities are Just Fine, Thank You. Father-Daughter Bonding Time consisted of Papa McLain tinkering on his truck while Ember tinkered with her record player and neither of them spoke to each other.
I know that ghost!Ember canonically has green eyes, but for some reason whenever I draw her I want to give her lavender eyes, so I did.
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deztincoric · 4 months
annual austin and ally fearsome four headcanons!!! (finalized now ^_~)
+ kira and carrie bc i love them too
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descriptionz in more detail under the cut \^_^/
-Ally’s design is based very off her style in season one, she will always be soft colors and jean jackets to me ‘u’
- She’s wearing a guitar pick necklace, given to her by Austin :)
- They use they/she pronouns
- She's panromantic and asexual (thanks to that one person in my notes on my first hcs post, you opened my eyes, so so real).
- She was the last of the fearsome four to come out. She comes out publicly before Austin does.
- She’s a demigirl but she’s not super open about it. They won’t deny it or anything but she’s doesn’t talk about it very often.
- Ally is autistic with a special interest in music (obviously). She has misophonia (hc based on that episode where she has to fire Dallas).
- Ally and Kira are dating. Kira fell first and was the first to confess.
- They definitely listen to mostly indie pop music and I refuse to take criticism on that.
- Top Albums/Songs: Stranger in The Alps - Phoebe Bridges, Kissing Lessons - Lucy Dacus, the masquerade - mxmtoon.
- Austin is another one whose design is heavily influenced by his season one style. I don’t know why but Austin is just the color red to me so I don’t think I’ve ever drawn him in a different outfit before. His design is the only consistent one of the four XD
- Also I love making his bleach job way shittier than it is irl because it just fits him.
- His ears are pierced because he thought it would be cool, he and Dez went to Claires for the first set, the other two were done at an actual place. Ally told Austin about how bad piercing his ears at Claire's is after he had already gotten done - so his second and third ear piercings were done at a real piercer.
- He uses he/him pronouns although he doesn’t mind when people use they/them for him.
- He’s bisexual and the third of the fearsome four to come out.
- He and Ally broke up because they both lost feelings and their relationship was originally based on feeling like they had to date because of how closely they were working together (they just both catch feelings easily). It was a consensual decision that they would be better off as friends.
- He and Dez are dating, Dez obviously fell first but Austin confessed first.
- He and Dez always had a “not friends or best friends but a third thing” going on, their friendship was always a bit deeper than just being best friends but they didn’t acknowledge or explore it until after high school.
- They keep their relationship totally private for a while since he thinks neither Trish nor Ally can keep a secret. Austin isn’t public with their relationship for a long while since he didn’t want to come out publicly (as in to like fans).
- Austin has ADHD and he takes meds to help with focusing.
- He’s hyperfixated on the history of pop music, when the show started it was guitar but after making pop for so long it kind of evolved into pop music in general then into the history of pop music.
- He listens to pop and 2010s radio music (as in music that was on the radio a lot so mostly pop but there are some exceptions). And Waterparks, Austin loves Waterparks.
- Top Albums: Double Dare - Waterparks, Fine Line - Harry Styles, Doo-Waps & Hooligans - Bruno Mars.
- Dez will never have a consistent outfit, it is always different but his style doesn’t really change throughout the series so it doesn’t matter too much. Loud colors, absurd patterns, and graphic tees (me fr tbh).
- His ears are pierced, done by Carrie in the cafeteria of their high school. He also has a stick and poke on their ankle done by her although it’s very faded. (From experience they’re rarely done right and will disappear rq).
- Dez uses all pronouns: he, she, they, xe, it, neopronouns - it doesn’t matter. People tend to use he/him for them but honestly, she wants people to mix it up more (projecting a bit XD)
- They’re nonbinary :3
- He’s gay and demirose (demiaroace) (projecting again). It was the first to come out of the fearsome four, coming out as bisexual sometime in middle school. It wasn’t until late high school that Dez realized they were actually gay and then didn’t realize he was demirose until a lot later.
- Dez and Carrie dated for like two weeks before they realized they weren’t actually into each other romantically, their relationship helped solidify that Dez is gay and Carrie is a lesbian (before either knew they weren’t cis btw, enby ppl are obvi included in both of their identities). They fake-dated through the rest of high school though. It kept Carrie closeted (with the added bonus that guys at her work wouldn’t hit on her as often) and it kept Dez’s thing for Austin under wraps.
- Trish found out that Dez was into Austin relatively early on in their friendship through observation and then interrogating him.
- Dez and Austin are dating, and Dez fell first. He has had a crush on him since like the 5th grade but they didn’t date until after high school.
- He has AuDHD (Autism and ADHD). His special interest is film techniques and they’re hyperfixated on Zaliens. They are a big fan of chewlry, usually wearing a chewlry necklace.
- Dez will listen to anything but his favorites are in the alternative genres.
- Top Albums: Spirit Phone - Lemon Demon, Artists vs Turtles - Epic Rap Battles of History, Hot Freaks - Hot Freaks.
- Dez is an Annoying Orange and Fred enjoyer, it’s the truth (sorry not sorry).
- Trish isn’t fully based on any of her styles but I think it fits her ^o^ I like this one way more than any of the other ones I’ve done.
- She has a nose stud and a septum as well as ear piercings (she’s had her ears pierced since she was a baby). She also has a navel piercing, the stud is a heart. Typically she wears gold hoops with her outfits.
- She uses she/her pronouns.
- She’s a lesbian and was the second of the fearsome four to come out. She came out to Dez before anyone else (they were talking about identity crises, Dez told her about Carrie and she came out to him). She came out to Ally and then Austin shortly after.
- She and Jace stayed friends. They didn’t talk for a little while after they broke up but are on good terms now. They talk pretty frequently now.
- Trish listens to mainly rap, R&B, and pop (also mostly female artists. not on purpose it just sort of happens lol).
- Top Albums: Hot Pink - Doja Cat, Ones - Selena, Somethin’ ‘Bout Kreay - Kreayshawn.
- She’s very invested in celebrity drama and talks about celebrities like she knows them personally. Ex: “Did you hear about what Justin did?” (referring to Justin Bieber).
- Kira’s outfit isn’t my favorite, it’s a little boring I think but she’s very teal and flowy material to me so I incorporated that. I think she’d like lace a lot too (although I didn’t incorporate it into her outfit).
- She wears dangling earrings but rarely hoops.
- She uses she/her pronouns.
- She is bisexual and out publicly.
- Kira and Ally are dating, Kira fell first and confessed first too. Kira started to develop feelings for her near Beach Clubs & BFFs (the KirAlly propaganda episode <333).
- She mainly listens to pop (as is the meta for characters in this show l _ l ).
- Top Albums/Songs: Dancing in the Kitchen - LANY, Ocean Eyes - Owl City, One of the Boys - Katy Perry.
- *Carrie doesn’t have a canon last name (beside Wade during Duets & Destiny 👎). The last name I gave her is just her and Piper’s actresses’ last names hyphenated (Hannah Kat Jones and Hayley Erin).
- She was my favorite to draw, oh my gosh. I fully believe she would be Decora Kei. My first drawing of her I never posted because it wasn’t quite Decora and didn’t look right XD. But I really like this design for Carrie ^u^ Decora is so fun to draw!
- Also Carrie with braces is so real, I’m drawing her with them for forever now.
- Carrie has tons of piercings, a lot of them done by herself. 3 of her ear piercings were done on their own and so was her nose piercing. Xe tried to pierce her belly button but it got really infected and she had to take it out (it left a scar :,>). It wants more face piercings but she won’t do any other face piercings alone since it would be close to her eyes (nose bridge and eyebrow piercing).
- She also has a ton of stick and pokes of varying quality. None of them are particularly big or visible.
- Carrie uses she/it/xe and all neopronouns. She really likes glitch/clown/sparks as noun pronouns though ^3^
- She is girlflux (similar to genderfluid but her gender is never masculine).
- She’s a lesbian and she came out right after breaking up with Dez (the second time).
- There were two breakups between her and Dez. The real one which was the one they had played off as a misunderstanding and the second one was the break-off of the fake relationship.
- She was the one to suggest they keep pretending to date, even after they realized they weren’t into each other.
- Xe has ADHD and is hyperfixated on Japanese street fashions ^_^ (She wants to have her own Decora fashion line one day).
- She listens to mostly dance, J-Pop, and electronic music.
- Top Albums/Songs: Oh Yeah Baby! - Cube Natural, Tilt - Nanoray, Sigma - Reol.
(side note if you like electronic music with a lot going on Cube Natural, Nanoray, Sophiaaaahjkl;8901, and Golden Boy are such good artists you should check them out pls and thanks.)
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sludgewolf · 1 year
👉👈 hey! Feel free to ignore if you arent up for it but do you think you wanna try doing some hcs for Dave strider with an autistic s/o? Especially one who has trouble understanding their own emotions (alexithymia), kinda takes things literally, and has a special interest in bugs (specifically ants and isopods) thank you so much in advance! ♡♡♡
No, I am writting this hc!! Just be aware that I have ADHD not autism, so pls tell me if I got anything wrong or you want smt fixed and I hc Dave being half japanese, Bro raising him with some of the culture as well as the Strider charm (I'm just saying this bc there's a small part that won't make sense without that info)
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Dave x Autistic!Reader
Actually x btw
Dave used to just ignore his emotions so he never ended up learning how to deal or understand them until recently
so he understands you to some degree and helps you whenever you ask him to
and if you think you'd rather talk to someone else he takes you to Rose since she was the one to help him for the most part, the other part was Karkat but his though love approach isn't for everyone
Dave tones down on the sarcasm while talking to you, especially when not joking
Egbert now takes a double dose of the patented Strider Sarcasm™
poor idiot doesn't know what's coming their way
Still there's a learning curve for both of you
Dave doesn't do it on purpose, but sometimes forgets that you take things literally and he runs his mouth
going from tangent to tangent until things don't make sense anymore
at times starting to talk having no idea where he's taking things and discovering it only after he already said it
confusing you both and making you ask him if he's serious
to which he immediately cuts himself off and apologizes as if he just kicked a puppy
sometimes kneeling down to properly apologize is he takes things too far
If you have a collection of insects he is eager to see it
the first time you visited his room he immediately dragged you to his shelf to show you some sick bugs he has on amber or preserved in alcohol
Dave then listens attentively as you tell him about what kind of bug it is and what's their niche in the food chain
once you're done he tells you about how he found it behind the toiled after hearing Bro scream like a baby from getting spooked by it
If you have an ant farm or a bioactive enclosure with roly-polies and springtails Dave will practically beg you to let him feed them
just be careful since he will try to feed them pizza or some old candy he found in his pocket
and instead of water he'll give them apple juice thinking it's way better because he's watering and feeding them at the same time
You have to explain that that's the weirdest and stupidest idea you ever heard, but you sometimes let him put a drop of Aj in a bottle cap as a treat to your bugs
Congrats, you're the new target of his long and winded monologues
but you're more than expected to do it back to him
please tell him about deep sea isopods and the freak sizes they grow into, please tell him about the new hobby you've just started
Just talk to him
he craves your attention and company as much as he craves your touch, shit is unreal
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asterekmess · 10 months
Hi, Tali! If you don't mind answering, what do you think of the Jewish Stilinski / Gajos Family headcanon? What about the headcanon of Stiles with ADHD and autism? Finally, do you have headcanons focused on Teen Wolf werewolf culture? For example, I find it interesting that, based on ravens and their symbiotic relationship with wolves, werewolves think of ravens as good luck charms or even allies. Perhaps, they will call someone particularly close to them who is not supernatural, their raven. I don't know. I find the apparent hatred, or reluctance, that the series portrayed for born werewolves rather sad. Thank you so much.
There's a lot of questions here, so i'll go through them one at a time!
Jewish Stilinski/Gajos Family headcanon: It's not one I personally follow; while i like to try and incorporate a little more polish culture with the Stilinski family, I don't really do religious aspects (and yes i know that you can be culturally jewish without being religiously jewish, but it's also not part of how I view him). But i do love the idea, and of course heavily support others bringing it to life for themselves! Admittedly, if I were to make anyone in tw jewish, I usually see Coach as jewish? I don't even know why? It's just permanently there in my brain. o.O But I think that there's a lot of depth you could go into making Stiles/the Stilinski/the Gajos family jewish, and so much that could be added to his character and his parents that way! ADHD & Autistic Stiles: I'm assuming you're specifically talking about him being ADHD AND Autistic, since the ADHD part is canon. And again, while it's not something I personally see/headcanon, I'm still very supportive of others hc'ing it. Autistic characters are rare, and well-written autistic characters even more so. Rep in general for Autistic people is abysmally hard to find if you're looking for canon rep, so I have no hardships with those who hc they're way into getting some. There's plenty of things/behaviors/ideas about Stiles that would support that hc, and people exploring that is awesome! I mean, honestly there's not really headcanons that I don't support, since they're headcanons and people can think whatever it is they wanna think. XD Whether or not I share those headcanons is a wildly different story. XD
Headcanons focused on TW werewolf culture/customs: I have SO MANY. The problem is that I have so many, and they're such integral parts of how I view things, that it's genuinely hard for me to identify what my hc's are, because they're basically canon to me. There's pack bonds being a real, magical thing with physical effects on wolves (this isn't canon, despite what cora says about losing pack members being like losing limbs, and what they say in s2 about packs with more wolves being literally stronger faster, etc. They never say a pack BOND is a thing). There's the Alpha Imperative to protect and care for the pack like essentially a parent, paralleling real life pack structures. That it's not about being dominant, it's about being a Guardian/Caretaker for the rest of the pack. That there's a reason why someone wouldn't WANT to be an Alpha, that there's some kind of downside to all that power, or at least a responsibility that some wouldn't be willing to deal with. The idea that werewolves can't use magic. that you can either be magic, or have magic, and since werewolves ARE magic, they can't control it, unless it's werewolf specific, like the stuff with their claws, etc. So a werewolf couldn't cast a spell, but a witch could. The idea that having control isn't about Not Shifting, it's about being able to CHOOSE whether you shift or not. A fully shifted werewolf isn't less in control than a non-shifted one. If a non-shifted wolf CAN"T shift? They have no control, just as a wolf who can't HELP shifting has no control. True Control is about being Balanced in your ability to choose which way you sway in the shift. And continuing on from that, there's the idea that Werewolves aren't half wolf, half human. They're ALL werewolf, and there's no inner wolf they're fighting for control with or humanity to cling to. There's just…Them. Bitten wolves have new urges that they might Personify as an inner wolf, but especially bitten wolves DONT have that, because why would they? Heightened senses/alternative forms of communication being a THING for werewolves. They go off scent, sure, but also they speak with Body language and read emotions in your stance. That Derek and the Hales might not actually be so damn succinct and non-communicative as everyone assumes, and maybe they're just speaking a different language? Shifting as a general form of communication and behavior. The same as smiling or glaring, having eye flashes and showing fang being a Part of how they talk. It's not necessarily intimidation tactics, it's just…another form of squinting their eyes or winking or whatever other facial expressions humans use? They just have more options bc they have more facial features to work with. Full moons being a sort of….not holiday, but a Custom to werewolves. It's not just a horrific night of torture and pain. It's a night when wolves feel powerful and full of energy and magic and whether they have full moon runs or bonfire nights or parties, or even just mandatory pack nights, having the full moon mean something other than agony. Having a CONNECTION to the moon! Whether they see it as a deity or in general have a cultural respect for nature as a whole or just Feeling something standing in the moonlight, full moon or not. This thing that's so huge to them, having some other effects/meaning something to them!
There's loads more, but i also like your idea about ravens and connections to wolves! I actually have a wip that talks a lot about that concept ^_^ And you're right, it was really sad and disappointing that a show that was supposed to be about werewolves, treated them like the enemy and every glimpse we got into their culture just revealed more violence and hatred and viciousness and just....2 dimensional animalistic propaganda bullshit. Half the stories we heard about werewolves came from hunters! Also, apologies that this response keeps getting longer, tumblr wasn't letting me fucking post the reply bc i guess it was too long?
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soloorganaas · 1 year
hi there! i just found your blog and i have to say: sirius being bipolar totally makes sense, i'm entirely fascinated by your thoughts and words, needless to say i agree with you and i'll keep reading what you write! by the way, do you have mental illness headcanons for other characters? thank you for reading and have a nice day 💕
thank you so much 😭❤️
and yes I definitely do!
anxiety/depression. he goes through a period of debilitating pain once a month, so he lives knowing it’s always just around the corner and he’s never going to be able to escape it. and then he also has the shame and stigma and very real danger of being a feared minority. growing up and living with that kind of trauma changes your dna and is also why so many people in systemically oppressed groups have chronic mental problems
I also sometimes hc him as autistic. he masks to the extent of creating a whole new persona (think of now dif he is to his students in PoA vs his interactions with sirius esp in OotP). he’s very routine and repetitive (same clothes, carries the same suitcase everywhere, exact same style of lesson each week). his speech swaps between short sometimes random qs/statements to long expositions
ADHD for sure. hyperfixation on only things that interest him to the point of feats of genius eg pranks, the map, becoming an animagus. fidgety and restless (throwing the snitch around, playing with his hair). has absolutely zero restraint - literally jumps up to terrorise snape simply bc he and sirius are bored, cannot stop himself from trying to get lily’s attention even though he’s clearly pissing her off
an autistic queen. intensely hyper-focused on her special interests, to the point of it being a detriment to her own health and relationships. at the same time she will devote herself 100% to helping her friends in a v hyperfocused way (eg helping hagrid with buckbeak’s trial, planning and packing for the horcrux hunt). does not get sarcasm. blunt and doesn’t understand why people get offended (eg telling lavender why trelawney wasn’t correct in predicting her rabbit would die when lavender is literally hysterical with grief). trouble regulating emotions (the amount of times she has a blow up with her friend and storms off, or just randomly snaps at people or has an outburst). very attached to her routines and strict in discipline (colour-coded timetables). also has v varying speech patterns that throw other people off
honestly tbh from her huge ups and downs which always involve some period of intense high and then some dramatic crash you could possibly characterise her as bipolar too. but I gotta think more about that
side note but I think this is why ginny and her become such good friends (and also ginny and luna) - bc ginny is open and accepting enough to not be bothered by how they’re both a bit ‘off’ and socially awkward, and she’s also used to incredibly high-energy family members with intense special interests (literally her entire family except maybe ron and molly). and hermione for her part sees past the mask ginny puts on to deal with her brothers/being in their shadow and allows her to be herself
chronic and compound ptsd 💔 the way he fully thinks he’s going mad in OotP and truly doesn’t trust his own mind, but is also hyper-independent to the point of trying to find horcruxes by himself. extra heartbreaking bc sirius is the only one who ever understands this side of him and can truly do anything about it
literal cripplingly anxiety and I think he’s straight up depressed for most of school. but this is all driven by his family so I like to think after hogwarts he gets to be much more independent from them and have his own happy life and also hopefully go to therapy to talk through some intense mummy issues
some mix of adhd/autism. chronic forgetfulness and clumsiness are core parts of adhd and are made worse by punishment from others (snape, his grandmother). special interest and talent for herbology. he’s often blunt with odd speech patterns and just a bit ‘off’ to other people
also an autistic queen 💖 different speech patterns, doesn’t understand sarcasm or social cues, blunt, intense special interests. and I think she also suffers from depression or ptsd from losing her mum and harry relates to her on a v core level bc of this (they are my otp forever)
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