xeaxeo · 3 months
after levi stabbed walker with his spikes and walker becomes paralyzed
krestal: so how long does it take to wear off
levi: not sure never stab anyone before
walker: what the what do you mean youve never stabbed anyone before???
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shiteating · 10 months
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thesiegeart · 7 years
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Finished this up on my bud @studio11c I really enjoyed tattooing this piece. Weldon was kind enough to let me bring one of my designs to life. A true stud sitting 8 hours for this on his ribs! Thank you my friend. Sending compassion and love to all. Thanks for looking. #siege #siegeart #revivalartcollective #truetubes #stencilstuff #azartist #digitalart #az #mapleleaves #krestall #raptor #caged #freedom #neotraditional #tattoo #ink #newink #newtattoo #art #instatattoo (at Revival Art Collective)
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irafloresky · 4 years
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«Люди ищут себя в музыке, а я надеюсь окончательно в ней потеряться»
Андрюша PYROKINESIS подаёт свои гениальные идеи настолько ярко и разнопланово, что отсылки к другим музыкантам лишь подчёркивают его уникальность и многогранность. В своих песнях он затрагивает творчество абсолютно полярных личностей: гениальных и посредственных, общепризнанных и безызвестных, классических и модернистских. Через свои произведения он подчёркивает значимость музыкального искусства в мировом масштабе. Он уважает других музыкантов, давайте и Мы уделим минутку их колоссальному труду!
📍Гражданская оборона
* «Но вечно весна в одиночной» - Вечная весна
* «И пой, революция» - Пой, революция
* «Пластмассовый мир, который проиграю в "Дурака", И поставив всё на кон, на карту и на ней меняя города» - Моя оборона
📍ЛСП – Монетка
* «В моем сердце есть дырка, /Но ни одна таблетка никогда не заткнет»
* «Однажды я вдруг захотел поглядеть на луну /И увидел картинку: /Я смотрю в своё сердце, и странное дело - /Там кто-то шевелится в дырке, /Им не нужно таблетки, не нужно колоться, /Они голодны, хотят свежих эмоций»
* «Ведь это моя вечеринка и /Коли там пусто, значит, тут собрались те, кого любил» – Вечеринка
* «И моя свобода любит цепи, цепи на шее и поцелуи» – Цепи
📍Феликс Мендельсо́н
* «Но потом мы хороводом снова спляшем /В унисон под Мендельсона»
📍Евгений Крылатов на стихи поэта Юрия Энтина
* «Прекрасное далёко, не будь ко мне жестоко, /Не будь ко мне жестоко, жестоко не будь, /От чистого истока в прекрасное далёко, /В прекрасное далёко я начинаю путь»
📍STED.D – Rave in grave
* «Значит, встретимся снова увядшей весной»
📍Время и Стекло – Имя 505
* «Имя любимое моё (Ха-ха-ха!)»
📍KRESTALL\Courier – Моё тело
* «Моё тело – это храм»
📍НАЙТИВЫХОД – черное/белое/красное
* «И я ставлю всё на черное, белое, красное»
📍Fleur – Формалин
* «Плавает в формалине, несовершенство линий, /Но совершенство формы, идеи, что поделили»
📍Братья Грим – Ресницы
* «Да, как ни хлопай ресницами, никогда»
📍Stigmata – Сентябрь
* « И будто в первый раз горит сентябрь»
* «И в томном баре одинокий вокалист исполнит Сплин»
* «Молчание — золото, но золото не то, /Я променял его на группу Serebro»
📍Эми Уайнхаус, Курт Кобейн, Джимми Хендрикс, Лана Дель Рей, Оззи Осборн
* «Ты — моя Эми Уайнхаус! Я твой Кобейн!
Я Джимми Хендрикс! Ты, как Лана Дель Рей!
Это наш пламенный рейв! И ты до дна все допей!
Мы тусим пьяные, как Оззи Осборн
И мы опаснее, чем Коза Ностра!» –отсылка к клубу 27(Лана Дел Рей сожалела, что не смогла “вступить в клуб”). 27 Club – объединённое название музыкантов, значительно повлиявших на становление и развитие музыки стилей рок и блюз и умерших в возрасте 27 лет, иногда при странно сложившихся обстоятельствах.
📍Nirvana, PHARAOH, Прыгай киска
* «Дебошир и скандалистка, в её плеере Нирвана, Фараон и прыгай киска»
📍В песнях “Этой музе нужны мученики“ и “Ангелы не летают” PYRO ссылается на свои треки.
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mrsmamarhodey · 5 years
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I aced my test!
Look at you Krestal!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!
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wofshelter · 7 years
I kinda liked Krestal but only after I found out her backstory and I was pretty sad when she was killed. I would have loved to see some bonding between her and Peril, maybe see her soft side
Yeah after I found out she lost one of her kids and had to ditch the other, it hit me hard in the heart. 
Still gives her no excuse for abusing the Dragonets, but man I would hate to lose a child. 
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nyodrite · 7 years
Various things that various people make me think of and/or Headcanons I’ve developed over time talking to them.
Song: Wanderer’s Lullaby
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Animagus: Common Krestal
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Drink: Homemade Hot Chocolate
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Place: Outdoor café
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Should We Meet: We’d go to an outdoor cafe in winter, bundled up and drinking hot chocolate together.
On a Shirt: “It’s destiny my love, destiny and chicken.”
Pokémon: Spinda, the Spot Panda Pokémon. No two Spinda are said to have identical spot patterns on their hides. This Pokémon moves in a curious manner as if it is stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the opponent to become confused.
Quote: May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
Headcanon: You learnt - or, rather, took lessons - how to play an instrument
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makeup-wonder-woman · 7 years
We Meet Again
Prompt: Can you do a Damian fix because he needs to have a soul mate au because he barely has any soul mate has and your Jason Todd one is awesomely written. Thanks
tags: @3alexandramartinez3
-I think I’m going to use Damian as the tattoo soulmate AU where they get a tattoo that symbolizes your soulmate, which appears when you are sixteen, similar to Jason’s AU, but slightly different. Probably won’t do the next chapter until Jason’s is finished!
Pairing: Older!Damian Wayne X Reader
Word count: 900
You had known your soulmate since birth, not that they were going to be your soulmate of course. Because that wasn’t revealed to oneself usually at sixteen. But you had known them since birth. Growing up in the League of Assassins with the Demon leading you, you were not surprised when Damian Wayne was taken away by his mother to his father after the demon had fallen. Even less so when the League had fallen not long after. It had only been a few months of hiding, but once Talia had asked you to return you did. Up to some monastery, you could not be there for her when she was captured by Deathstroke, nor when she made an attack on Gotham. But you could be there to help her escape from prison, and take her to the next monastery. you had done one or two assassinations while she was away, either per her orders or one of the other heads. You also did a few for cash when she was in prison.
Talia never asked about you tattoo, and for that you were grateful. It might have been because she no longer trusted in soulmates. It was known throughout the league that Talia had cut her soulmate tattoo out when she was sixteen, after her soulmate betrayed her and Ra’s in an attempt to seize power. Her tattoo had been one of his scars, his tattoo had been of a green snake that matched the shade of her eyes. They had felt that connection, had schemed together, but Talia had remained loyal to her father, not her soulmate.
Only Ra’s Al Gual had known your tattoo, because he had injected you with a serum to make it appear for a moment on your tenth birthday. As he does with almost all apprentices and assassins in the League. The moment that you saw it on your shoulder you had killed the handmaiden that had been bathing you and reported it to him. He told you to keep it a secret, and you swore to, even upon death. It had faded the next morning and repaired in the same spot and had the same design on your Sixteenth birthday a few months ago.
You covered it, never letting anyone see, if they did you killed them. However, Talia’s curiosity had gotten the better of her one day,“Y/N” You strode forward and bowed before her after she called. “I will not ask you to disrobe, because my father told me that your soulmate tattoo was in a very interment place. however, will you tell me what it is? Lie and you shall die.”  You had lied to Talia, saying that the tattoo on your shoulder was of a krestal, and she nodded, “Good. Just like my father said. Now that I know you have truly been faithful for all these years, my son has recently turned sixteen and he still defies me and sides with his father. I need you to kill him, and if he has found them, I need you to kill his soulmate. You have till the end of the week.”
You bowed and said quietly, “Yes, my lady. It shall be done.”
You had left for Gotham that night, intent on killing him. Killing your soulmate.
What you were not prepared for, was the Wayne’s defense system and an apparent early warning. The defense system took you longer than you anticipated to get through, however you weren’t too discouraged as you had made it to Gotham in record time. if you finished and left the city tonight you would be back to the League before the end of the deadline. but somehow, they had know that you, Kiran -nicknamed for with your killer spool of titanium( and several other metals) thread- were coming. You had thought you had kept into an empty house and had set up a few traps with your nearly invisible thread, and lay in wait. Only to be knocked off of your perch and into one for your traps- cutting into your jacket. you were on your feet and prepared to stop Robin’s next attack with his katakana with your own knife. You leapt away out of range and ripped you jacket sleeve off of your arm, throwing it to the floor. the lights flickered on and your outs set into a grim line.
Robin took a step back, slightly shocked, “Y/N?”
You took a step back as Batman, Bruce Wyane, Damian’s father appeared from one of the other banisters, “Robin, are you alright?”
“Yes father.” Your soulmate immediately replied, he glanced back over to you, “Did my mother send you?”
You grit your teeth before nodded. Batman stepped in front of his son, “Leave Y/N, Kiran, whatever you awnser to-” You noticed that the other members of the Batfamily- as well as Damian’s pets- appeared and surrounded you. “- you are outmatched.”
You glanced at all of them, before you knelt and set all of your spools of thread in front of them. “I surrender.”
Robin strode forward, grabbing your arm rather roughly, “Why?”
You looked him straight in the eyes, revealing your tattoo, a robin in flight with the shadow of a bat. “Because you are my soulmate Damian Wayne, son of Batman and grandson of the Demon, Ra’s Al Gual, who asked me to be loyal to you, not your mother, the league or even him. And I will not break my oath.”
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pramalore-blog · 4 years
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xeaxeo · 3 years
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art i made over the past year! i don’t think i ever posted these here? and i wanna start posting my art here again. the second row right one i made in csp cuz i thought maybe i will learn csp but it took me so long to get this good in krita (what i made all the other ones with) i think i will stick with krita
the names of the characters are: 1. maxim 2. julienne 3. krestal 4. walker 5. bat orchid. maxim, julienne, and bat orchid are in the same story and krestal and walker are in the same story
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ofgoldwings-blog · 6 years
RULES: don’t reblog, repost. TAGGED BY: @sownflower (thank you!!!!) TAGGING:    whoever hasn’t done it??? i don’t know who hasn’t done it yet! 
► NAME ➭ “ Icarus “
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭   “single.” 
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ “i mean, as happy as i can be. “ ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭    “ there are times that i can get upset.“
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ “ i don’t have parents. cyberlife isn’t very parental.“
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭   “detroit, michigan “ ► HAIR COLOR ➭   “ golden blonde“ ► EYE COLOR ➭  “ once more, golden. “ ► BIRTHDAY ➭   “ i actually don’t remember, after my crash a lot of my memories were lost. “ ► MOOD ➭   “ peaceful.”   ► GENDER ➭  “ non-gender.”  ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭   “ i enjoy autumn. the crispness of the air and the smell that it gives off is enjoyable. “ ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭    “ i think night is the best time.“
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ “i don’t have anyone in my life that would be remotely interested in me right now, and i’m not interested in anyone either. so no.”
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “ it’s a good concept, but i think love is more than just looks. it’s deeper to me, so no. “     ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭   “i was never in one to begin with.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭  “i’m not really that close to anyone to be able to. “ ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “ i’m going to assume these commitments are of--one again--love, and not being in love or anything of the sort i would have to say i’m not sure.” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ “i haven’t, but i’d like to.”     ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ “gavin did give me a flower crown...does that count?”      
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “when i fell from the sky i was disappointed in myself, so i suppose that would count as breaking my heart?”    
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “ Love “     ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ “lemonade.”   ► CATS OR DOGS ➭  “i have a krestal actually. his name is atlas.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ “give me a few good people around me and i will be content.“   ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  “why does it have to be romantic? can’t it just be a night in? or even enjoying the stars with a buddy or something? honestly what’s up with this love stuff?”   ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭ “night. there’s just something about the stars that i love.“  
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ “never snuck out?”   ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭   “i’ve done both.” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭    “more than you could possibly know.” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭  “ i wouldn’t say that. i’ve just wanted to be alone for a few hours or so, but i’ve always wanted to return.”  
► SMILE OR EYES ➭  “ eyes are what attracts me the most on a face. “ ► FAT OR SKINNY ➭    “ who cares? everyone has their personalities. “ ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭  “ once more, it doesn’t matter to me. “   ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭    “ someone who’s smart is always a good thing in my opinion. “ ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭   “ relationship “
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “ i don’t have a family really. jericho is where i would call home though, so i suppose i get along with the other androids. “   ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “ if you’d call what i’ve been through messed up, then yes.”    ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭  “if we’re talking about cyberlife being my first home, then yes.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   “ no.” 
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “um..no?” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭   “ of course, i wouldn’t have a friend who wasn’t a good one.“ ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭  “ i don’t have one just yet.“ ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭   “ nobody.“
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yongeer · 7 years
OBLADAET сделал дело.
KRESTALL / Courier и его недавние композиции в нашей подборке на "NR". #NR Уроженец Екатеринбурга, ныне живущий в Санкт-Петербурге - KRESTALL / Courier на этой неделе выпустил свой новый совместный трек с OBLADAET - "БЛАГО",
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maroshumaro-blog · 8 years
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sportpolls · 5 years
Новый пост опубликован на https://sportpolls.ru/8-tur-arsenal-krestal-2-polnyj-match/
8 ТУР. "АРСЕНАЛ " - "КРЕСТАЛ-2". ПОЛНЫЙ МАТЧ - Обзоры футбольных матчей
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indeinemtraum · 6 years
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taylorstirling · 6 years
Anti-Ligiture Roller Blinds
New Post has been published on http://www.taylorandstirling.com.au/anti-ligiture-roller-blinds/
Anti-Ligiture Roller Blinds
Looking for a roller blind solution for mental health area, we have our anti-ligature roller blinds with zero lift technology. The system is held on by the krestal magnet, either face or recess fit with zero lift technology – which means no chains are required and the blinds stops where the user requires it to stop. Call our office or view the web site www.taylorandstirling.com.au for more details
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