#kripalu maharaj news
Shri Maharajji's Critical Philosophy,
The spiritual teachings of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj are His greatest contribution to society. His philosophy concentrates on revealing the path to true happiness as described within our eternal scriptures. To have your typical questions answered, you can download the Sanatan Vedic Dharm APP of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat from iOS store or Android Play store.
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Shri Maharajji's Critical Philosophy
The spiritual teachings of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj are His greatest contribution to society. His philosophy concentrates on revealing the path to true happiness as described within our eternal scriptures. To have your typical questions answered, you can download the Sanatan Vedic Dharm APP of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat from iOS store or Android Play store.
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kripalumaharajbhakti · 8 months
Shri Kripalu Kunj Ashram
We warmly invite you to the website of Braj Banchary Devi Ji (Didi Ji), founder of Shri Kripalu Kunj Ashram. Here you will learn the practical guidelines that lead to a complete development of your spiritual potential.
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kripalujimaharaj · 11 months
Kripalu maharaj fan,
Shri Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj known as (Jagadguru). He was taught the values of humility, faith, and love for all by his father.
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Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya, Kripalu Dham Mangarh, Pratapgarh, UP – A Haven of Healing in Rural Uttar Pradesh
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In the heart of rural Uttar Pradesh, where access to quality healthcare is often a distant dream, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) has taken remarkable steps to transform the lives of the underserved. Through the establishment of three fully charitable hospitals, known as Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Hospitals, JKP has brought hope and healing to communities in need. In this blog post, we will delve into the first hospital, situated in Mangarh village, Pratapgarh.
A Beacon of Compassion:
Since its inauguration on November 5, 2003, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Mangarh has been a beacon of compassion for those seeking medical assistance. This 75-bed hospital serves a vast population within an 80-100 kilometer radius, providing free medical services to approximately 600-700 patients each day. The hospital has become a lifeline for the local community, offering state-of-the-art medical equipment and a diverse range of treatments, including Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, and Accupressure.
Free Comprehensive Care:
At Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Kripalu Dham Mangarh, healthcare is not a privilege but a right. The hospital proudly offers all treatment and medication free of charge. Patients not only receive free consultations but also have access to an array of medical services, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their path to recovery. With a dedicated team of medical professionals who provide their services free of cost, the hospital’s multi-facility approach caters to a wide range of medical needs, emphasizing quality, accessibility, and compassion.
A Vision for Better Eye Health:
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In recognition of the increasing number of patients with vision problems, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Kripalu Dham Mangarh extended its services to include a separate Eye Hospital called Jagadguru Kripalu Netra Chikitsalaya. Inaugurated by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on July 26, 2009, this specialized unit ensures that individuals with eye ailments receive the necessary care. The hospital in Mangarh village offers comprehensive eye treatments and conducts free Eye Camps, where patients suffering from cataracts can undergo life-changing surgeries.
Commitment to Quality and Community:
Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Mangarh upholds stringent quality standards despite the overwhelming demand for its services. With an ever-growing waiting list of approximately 500-600 patients, the hospital faces the challenge of managing the influx of individuals in need. However, the dedication of the medical staff and the financial support provided by JKP enable the hospital to meet these challenges head-on, ensuring that every patient receives the attention and care they deserve.
Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Kripalu Dham Mangarh stands as a testament to the transformative power of compassionate healthcare. By providing free, high-quality medical services to the underserved population in rural Uttar Pradesh, the hospital has become a lifeline for countless individuals and families. Through its unwavering commitment to comprehensive care, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya Kripalu Dham Mangarh continues to make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.
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Understanding Shri Radha’s Relationship with Shri Krishna – Excerpts from Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s Discourse
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj emphasized the selfless devotion of Shri Radha throughout his life, accepting her as the supreme entity. Many people may have a curiosity to understand who Shri Radha is if they want to practice devotion to her. In this blog, we have shared some excerpts from a discourse given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on 4th July 2010, where he explains the relationship between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna.
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Most People ignorantly think that Shri Radha and Shri Krishna must be like Lakshmi and Vishnu or Parvati and Shiva, but it is not so. Lakshmi and Vishnu are eternal consorts, as are Parvati and Shiva. Shri Krishna is the absolute supreme divine power. For example, you have a father. But your original father’s father is the progenitor of the human race, Manu. Manu’s father was Brahma, the creator of our Brahmanda. Brahma’s father was Supreme God, Shri Krishna. There is no father of Shri Krishna; He is the Father of all.
So the one beyond whom there is nothing else is Supreme God Shri Krishna. He governs uncountable Brahmas, uncountable Vishnus, and uncountable Shivas. The Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva that you have heard about belong to one brahmanda, just as in India each state has its own governor or chief minister. The one who governs all the uncountable brahmandas is Shri Krishna, just like all the states of India are governed by the Prime Minister. There is no post or position beyond this.
So there are uncountable brahmandas and each and every brahmanda has one Brahma, one Vishnu and one Shiva.
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are all subservient to Shri Krishna. They are uncountable. Everything that relates to Shri Krishna is absolutely unlimited. He has uncountable names, uncountable forms, uncountable qualities, uncountable pastimes, uncountable abodes and uncountable souls related to Him -they are all unlimited. His powers are also unlimited.
Gauranga Mahaprabhu has said that out of uncountable divine powers, three are foremost: sat, chit, ananda. A name of God is “sat-chit-ananda”. These are three powers. The relationship they have with each other is that sat is included in chit, and sat and chit are included in ananda. This is why God is referred to as sat-chit-ananda, as chid-ananda (which includes sat), and simply as ananda (which includes sat and chit).
Ananda, the foremost power of these three, also has an essence. This is called the power of hladini. This is the greatest power of God. All of God’s powers are governed by this power. What does this power do?  With this power (hladini) God does whatever He wishes, or He doesn’t act at all or He does the complete opposite of both of these. What does it mean to perform the opposite of both of these? For example, you have eyes. What do they do? They only see. They can’t hear or smell. They perform one kind of action. But God’s eyes can see, smell, taste, touch, think, decide, and be all-knowing. This is the miracle of hladini power. Even with no senses He is all-seeing and hears everything. He knows which soul has called to Him from which brahmanda.
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One aspect of God resides in all the souls and notes all our unfaithful thoughts, yet He remains ever blissful. None of these contrary thoughts affect Him. Just see that in a typical family there are about ten people-a father, mother, wife, husband, and a few children. Just from these associations alone people feel troubled! Someone or the other says something hurtful. All the children have different demands. One person feels so troubled just from ten people and God has so many children they are uncountable! And they are all wayward. They have forgotten Him. They don’t regard Him as their true father God notes all this as He resides in our hearts. Even so, He doesn’t feel troubled by this. He smiles and simply notes our thoughts. This is all possible through God’s hladini power.
Hladini also has an essence. It is called divine love (divya prema). This also has various classes. These are called prema bhakti, sneha bhakti, maan bhakti, pranaya bhakti, rag bhakti, anurag bhakti, bhava bhakti, and mahabhava bhakti, the final class. Mahabhava bhakti also has two classes, rudha-mahabhava and adhirudho mahabhava, which is the highest class. Adhirudha mahabhava also has two classes, madan and modan. This state of madan is reserved for Shri Radha alone. Even Shri Krishna cannot reach there. Only Shri Radha experiences that supreme level of bliss. Therefore, Shri Krishna loves to be in the service of the embodiment of madanakhya- mahabhava, Shri Radha and that is why He lovingly presses Her lotus feet and serves Her.
The Saint Raskhan had a big doubt, “People say that Shri Krishna is a servant of Shri Radha.” He thought, “For Hindus the wife serves the husband, and here the situation is reversed. He is pressing Her lotus feet? No one has ever seen this! Why is it like this with Shri Radha Krishna?” He thought that Shri Radha was merely Shri Krishna’s wife. So when Raskhan became God-realised.
Shri Krishna appeared to Raskhan in this form. He was softly pressing Shri Radha’s lotus feet. Then He bestowed this knowledge on Raskhan and made him understand that He ever remains in the service of Shri Radha, while He Himself is served by Lakshmi, His eternal consort or wife. So Shri Radha is the Soul of Shri Krishna. Just as our body is the servant of our own soul, and our soul is a servant of Shri Krishna, so Shri Krishna is a servant of Shri Radha. She is that great a divine power.
Every pore of Shri Krishna’s divine body resounds with “Radhe Radhe”. Her name is this important. We should understand this when we take Radhe’s name. Imagine you found a ring. Someone asked you, “When did you find that?” “I was just going somewhere and found it on the road. Why?” “That’s worth a million!” “What? I thought it was worth $10 or $201 How much happiness will you feel when you look at the ring and realise it has made you a millionaire? Now you will take great care of it.
In the same way, when we understand the greatness of Shri Radha, and then say or sing Her name, our love for Her will grow. Always keep in mind who Shri Krishna and Shri Radha are, who you are and what is the world. Knowing the philosophy related to all of these is absolutely essential. By knowing these we become detached from the world and attached to God.
From the discourse, we can infer that Shri Krishna is the absolute supreme divine power, governing uncountable Brahmas, Vishnus, and Shivas, while Radha is the embodiment of divine love (divyo prema) and represents the highest level of bliss (madanakhya-mahabhava). Even Shri Krishna cannot reach the supreme level of bliss that Shri Radha experiences. Therefore, understanding the relationship between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna is crucial for those who want to practice devotion to Shri Radha. By devoting ourselves selflessly to Shri Radha, we can ultimately attain the divine love and grace of Shri Krishna.
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tripathi-vlog · 10 years
An Open Letter to Kripalu Maharaj, Leader of Kripalu Maharaj Parishat and Self-Proclaimed Jagadguru of the World
Can You Hear The Sound of Our Voices?
August 10, 2012, Texas USA — Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat is heralding the commencement of a “historic” event this evening, according to the organization. The organization’s leader is giving a lecture from Vrindaban that will be broadcast around India on several television stations. Likely millions will hear him and be impressed. Many of these people will know nothing of the real Kripalu Maharaj, a man who has raped, molested, robbed, and pillaged millions in his 60-year career as a “guru” and self-proclaimed “jagadguru.”
Kripalu Maharaj, whose real name is Ram Tripathi, comes from northeast India near Manghar in U.P. But he found his fortune as a “guru” starting in Vrindaban, when he opened his first ashram. His organization has gone through several name changes, the latest of which is the eponymously named Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP). Now he owns the largest and likely most expensive temple in that holy city, from which he will speak tonight.
For decades, concerned Hindus and Westerners in India and the U.S.A. have made significant efforts to warn people about this man, and his unscrupulous and criminal behavior, which includes his most despicable crimes: raping underage girls. But his immense gang of preachers and ardent (some say brainwashed) devotees work tirelessly to bury the bad news and exalt their leader.
While they have the money to put into massive marketing and image campaigns around the world, the people who have been hurt are left without a voice. This document combines many of the voices of the people who have tried to warn others about Kripalu over the years. Their message is important because it can help people learn the truth and save themselves from the clutches of Kripalu’s dangerous cult. These voices deserve to be heard.
1. On August 31, 1990, someone, who was too fearful of JKP to use his or her real name wrote the following letter to Mr. B.P. Singh, Prime Minister of India in New Delhi.
Dr. Mr. Singh,
I had been thing to write you for a long time but could not do so. Today I have decided to write you with the hope that something will be done to stop the corruption and abuse played by so called Sadhus of India. When you came to power there was and is a hope that corruption will be wiped out.
In U.S.A. there is a lady who calls herself the DiDi Parkari but her real name is KumKum G. Sharma. Her Guru is Kirpalu Maharaj and he has an Ashram in Mangarh near Allahabad up. Kirpalu calls himself a Jagatguru. This DiDi has collected huge sums of money from here and is envolved in Gold smuggling.
We Indians will appreciate it very much if an inquiry is made against this DiDi and Jagat Guru Kirpalu Maharaj. There has been threats on the lives of people by this sect. That is why nobody is coming forward to write directly.
We are enclosing all the documents we have here, and hope something would be done to curb the moves of this sect.
With Regards
Yours sincerely,
Indian People
2. Enclosed in the packet of information sent by the author of this letter were several articles published in India newspapers after Kripalu’s arrest for rape in 1991 with headlines like: “The Hedonistic Sadhu,” “The Cunning Kripalu Maharaj,” and “The Hypocritical Kripalu Maharaj.” The articles have been copied and shared so many times that they are difficult to read. But here are excerpts from one of them published on September 27, 1991, after Kripalu was arrested for raping two underage. He had been running from the law for months when he was finally apprehended by law enforcement.
“It was morning at Nagpur airport. Ten (10) police from Delhi went to the airport at 11:00. Inspector Takhur went to the airport for Tripathi. When the plane landed they were looking for one passenger whose name is Ram Tripathi. The police identified him as soon as he came out from the airport. He was apprehended and taken to the police station. People were saying that he was an ‘all-rounder’ saint, meaning the one who says he ‘knows everything.’ Yet Tripathi (aka, Kripalu) he didn’t know that police were waiting for him.
“After arresting him at the police station, he was taken to the Nagpur court before First Grade Magistrate, Kureshi. They stated his crimes and said they had been looking for him for the past five months. He was being accused of raping and abducting two underage girls named Meera and Hema, and keeping them in his ashram. He is not a saint; he is a shame on humanity. An investigation had found that he was arrogant, fake, and a womanizer. He had touched many ladies and many young girls. Many people in and out of the courthouse were shouting that this Kripalu was fake and arrogant. They said: Give him the death penalty. 
“In his life, he had access to a lot of young devotee ladies. He gained their faith and trust, so they will do anything he asks. So whenever he wanted to indulge in his desire for sex, he found a way. He could get his sexual desire satisfied at any time. An organization gave him the title of jagadguru. One time he gave a lecture sitting on a silver throne. He announced himself that he is the descension of Bhagwan Krishna and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He said: ‘Whoever is present here I am your guru. I am already above everything. You accept guru as a higher position; sometimes more than even God. I am every man’s father and every woman’s husband. Whatever I order, you have to accept. Otherwise it will be meaningless.’ Devotees accepted whatever he said.
“While giving this lecture he saw a beautiful girl in the lecture hall. And told his servant to take that girl to his bedroom. When she was in his room. Kripalu closed the door. He ordered the girl to take off all her clothes. She got scared and asked why. Kripalu said I am giving you prem dhan.’ (This means ‘gift of love,’ and is used here as a euphemism for sex.) All your disease, misery, and pain will be gone. She said: no I will not do that. Kripalu said: If you don’t do it, something bad will happen to you. Think about it. Whatever I’m ordering, you do it. Then she got scared and took off all of her clothes. He raped her. This was in 1970.
“In this way, Kripalu gave prem dhan to many young girls. Educated young girls were also getting caught in the trap to get the prem dhan. There was a line to get the prem dhan. He made Mangarh the main center for prem dhan. At the time of his arrest 84 girls were gathered over there to get the prem dhan. Also, in Vrindavan where he built an ashram, other girls were waiting for his prem dhan. The manager of his Vrindavan ashram was his elder daughter. He was not able to give all the prem dhan to all the women who wanted it. So he got some of the devotees to do some of the prem dhan. He gave them the opportunity to do, such as Priya Sharan.
“In July of 1984, in a small village near Phat Poor, there was a young man name Priya Sharan, who became his devotee. Kripalu selected him to help do the prem dhan, and he did it four years. He then left Kripalu, went to his own village, Sarovari, and opened his own ashram. 
“Kripalu has many devotees in many cities. But very important ones in Bombay included: Jai Shankar Maphur, Kantibai Patel, Bhagwan Shaw, and Videsh Jain. They were in the clothing and diamond businesses. He had devotees who gave lots of money. Some devotees were actresses and politicians. Kripalu’s fame was going to the ditch by February 1991 when he went to Nagpur where one of his devotee’s requested him to give a lecture on 16th February 1991. While giving the lecture, he noticed two very beautiful girls, Meera and Hema. They came with their father to listen to the lecture. Once he saw them, one of his devotees escorted them to his bedroom and Kripalu convinced them both to give him prem dhan. But one devotee created trouble.
“One young man named Niteen Pandey was a trusted devotee servant and very faithful. He thought of Kripalu as God. Kripalu changed his name to Swami Nityanand. One of his duties was talking care of a cooler outside one corner of Kripalu’s bedroom. Nityanand didn’t know about prem dhan. After the two girls had passed many hours alone with Kripalu, Nityanand thought, let me see what this prem dhan is and why it takes so long. He climbed on the cooler and from the window crack he saw things that shocked him. Kripalu and the two girls were all naked. He saw Hema and Kripalu naked on the bed and Meera naked on floor. He ran away from that place. He later found out that Kripalu went to Mangarh and at the same time the two girls disappeared. Then when he found that the girls were in Mangarh with Kripalu. He went and told the father the whole thing. Once he found out exactly what kind of person Kripalu really was, he got very very angry.”
3. One of the articles also speaks to his legal troubles: “With the help of a politician he got out on bond after his arrest for rape.” Presumably, he paid off even more officials, because eventually the case just went away. Here is a description of his rape of these girls, from official documents in India:
On 10th May, 1994, Shri Purushottam Wasudeo Deshpande lodged report with the Police Station, Dhantoli, Nagpur, alleging that his two young daughters, namely Hema and Meera were kidnapped by the applicant No. 1 Priya Sharan Maharaj in connivance with one Sharvaridevi and Suhasini Narkhede. He further stated that his two daughters were attached for the last two years with the movements of Sanatan Dharma Shri Krishna Bhakti, under the auspicious of the applicant No. 1 i.e. Kripaluji Maharaj of Sadhna Bhawan Trust at village Managarh, District Pratapagarh (U.P.). On the basis of the report lodged by Shri Purushottam Deshpande, P.S.O., P.S. Dhantoli, Nagpur, registered an offence on 11-5-1991, punishable under Sections 363 and 366 of the Indian Penal Code, against the applicant No. 1 Shri Priya Sharan Maharaj, vide Crime No. 149/91.
During the investigation, the statements of Hema and Meera came to be recorded. From the statements of these two girls, it is revealed that the applicant No. 2 Kripaluji Maharaj is highly immoral man so also greedy of money. Those who attended the discourses, used to be persuaded and prompted to bring their wives and daughters to attend the discourse of Kripaluji Maharaj. The applicant No. 2 has two female disciples or agents viz. Neelu Chourasia and Sarasvati Yadao, who used to entice the women and girls to attend the discourses as well as pursuing the women and girls to appear in a lonely place before the applicant No. 2. These two agents used to impress on the girls that the Maharaj is the incarnation of God. 
In the lonely place, according to Hema and Meera, Maharaj was most immoral and vulgar person who perforce (by physical coersion) used to commit sexual intercourse with the women and girls. Maharaj committed intercourse with them perforce. It was also impressed on their mind that it is nothing but a ‘Prasad’ of God and they have been blessed accordingly. In spite of this, the girls continued to stay in the vicinity of the Ashram and thereby they had no other go than to succumb to the desire of the applicant No. 2. Therefore, according to these two girls named above, the applicant No. 2 Kripaluji Maharaj exploited the religious sentiments of the innocent girls in the name of God. 
4. Sometime after his arrest, someone sent the following warning notice on a flyer out in India. 
Alert. Alert. Alert. 
Here is information about the human demon — Kaliyug Chaitanya Mahaprabhu — the fake Jagadguru — Kripalu’s deceptive conduct. This notice is for all of the religious person in this area to inform them that a man calling himself a “Jagadguru” is living here and there in these places (Raigurth, Vilaspur, Mugali, Raipur, Rajnundgav, and Bhatchara). This Alert is to inform good people about him. A pundit from Kashi was contacted to confirm this information. 
Kripalu does kirtan and has a little knowledge of Sanskrit. So people go to hear him. It is known that during one kirtan in Kanpur he claimed to make a girl feel like a gopi and himself to feel like Krishna. Then he kissed her and engaged in immoral behavior with her (had sex). When this happened many people got angry. So someone threw acid in his face during a ras leela. The skin around his eyes was damaged, but he got treatment. However, there is still one small spot from the acid below his left eye. That is the mark that identifies him as the one who performed these immoral activities (with underage girls). He tried to pretend that that mark is some disease. 
He has used the title of “Jagadguru,” which he had never received, but with which he’s trying to cheat the people. According to the Kashi Vidwat Parishat (who he claims gave him the title), he was never given the designation of Jagadguru. He made it up. He artificially awarded this upadhi (title) to himself. Related to his man, on the 28th of February, a journal article (page 853) was published to inform the world (about him). The title of the article was: “God Save Us From this Extremely Demonic Mahatma.” A journalist received a letter that was written by one devotee and it’s described here. 
The person who wrote the letter one time saw this mahatma doing kirtan, during which he became unconscious, fell on ground, and had tears coming out of his eyes. So the man became impressed and accepted him as his guru, and he (Kripalu) accepted him as his devotee. But later he saw on he man’s true character and behavior and was shocked. Then he started thinking all kinds of thoughts about him in his mind; then he got scared. He felt that if he told anyone he would be committing “guru aparadh” (a transgression against a guru). 
At that time, Kripalu was staying at many rich people’s homes and giving a lot of eloquent lectures, and he was impressing the people. But he was playing with the people’s emotions and stating that he himself was the avatar of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 
When that devotee (who wrote the letter) was staying with him day and night very close to him, he realized his character and manner of dressing, which was exactly like family man. But his lustful behavior was at a peak level. During the day, he was eating 100 pan with nicotine. And he was raping beautiful pious young girls and taking their virginity. All these things he saw with his own eyes and quit his association and went away from him. 
After three months this devotee wrote the letter. At that time, the guru was staying at a lawyer’s home. The devotee wrote to Kriplau: He stated that his behavior is not that of a real mahaprabhu and he gave the example of a true mahaprabhu from Gosai Chalissa (Ram charan punkaj anurag …). 
Because of his eloquent lectures, people were becoming impressed and inviting him to stay in their homes. But at that time he was taking advantage of the innocent beautiful young girls and destroying their virginity after telling them: “I will destroy your material desire and I will reveal God to you.” Innocent girls did not understand, and under his influence were having sex with him. Wherever he was staying, his sexual behavior with the girls was getting worse and worse. Those innocent people were not recognizing his behavior and were thinking about guru aparadh and so did not expose his behavior.
You can check out this particular article and whatever is described here in the “Kalyan Journal.” It was published in Gita Press. After noticing this article, it was made public. Now we are sharing this information to alert people about this bad demonic person. If you go for kirtan, be aware of the true nature of this “religion.” Do not let your mothers and sisters anywhere near this deceptive person, who has obsessive sexual desires. 
You can identify him by the mark below his left eyes. 
5. Someone posted the following message on a blog about fake gurus following the arrest and conviction of Kripalu’s “foremost devotee,” Prakashanand Saraswati, who fled into Mexico following his conviction for child molestation. It addresses Kripalu’s claim that Kashi Vidwat Parishad gave him the title “jagadguru.” 
It is nothing new to hear sex, rape, harassment and sexual abuse scandals of the so-called “Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj” he is an all-time sex and fraud Guru. I remember reading a leaflet about him released by “Kashi Vidwat Parishad” printed in 1940s, the text was (translated):
“To let everybody in India know that so called “Jagadguru” Kripalu is misusing the title “Jagadguru" pretending that we, the “Kashi Vidwat Parishad” have given it to him. This however is wrong and a lie. We did not give any title to this fraudulent man and he should not be using this title at all on the name of “Kashi Vidwat Parishad” as “Kashi Vidwat Parishad” do not know him and have nothing to do with him. With this misuse of the title and our name he cheats the innocent public of India on the name of “Kashi Vidwat Parishad”.
Signed, Kashi Vidwat Parishad
6. Since I launched a Facebook page called The Truth Project for Barsana Dham and JKP, many people have written to me and detailed their abuse by this organization. Further, since the launch of my book, Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus, this year, I have heard from many more. People write to me with shocking and heart-breaking stories of sexual molestation, pressure to give vast sums of money, and the intentional and unrepentant tearing apart of families. Here are a few of their voices:
Dear Karen,
I was a JKP devotee from Turkey since 5 years, never visited Barsana Dham but went to India 3 times. Since my first moment I entered the ashram in Mangarh, I sensed something very wrong, something very contradictory with spirituality was happening there. As the boyfriend of a 10 years devotee, trusting her spiritual senses, I tried hard to understand the spirituality behind what my eyes were seeing. Each time I failed, all I could see there was a crazy effort to make us give whatever we have and the guru's hedonism. I even witnessed kripalu replacing a young girl's hand on his privates during charan seva as they started to allow men to this seva to prove it was OK. One day a didi asked me (we told them that we were married in order to stay in a room together) if my wife would like to make a very special seva with maharajji. I think my look told her the big NO WAY, she told me to ask her and think about it. Now I know what it would be. 
Best Regards, Arman
Hi Karen, 
My wifeis currently involved with Barsana Dham and has been affiliated with them for the past 15 years or so.  The contents of your book resonates with what is going on with her and I really appreciate you writing about your experiences.  Hopefully I can get some insight on how to pull her out of this mess after reading the details of your book.  She currently is in India to attend the ceremonies for the new temple there. She’s been under the influence of these people and they've basically brainwashed her to the point of extorting money which I've been saving for the past 30 years for our retirement.  
Hi Karen,
I read your book & the story is eerily similar to what I have gone through for 17 years of my life. Unfortunately my parents ignored me when I told them about the story when Maharaji was in US in 2005. I was called one morning to go to his room for the “private time” & was molested by him. I also saw many other girls from the Bay area & also girls who were visiting from other parts of the country including Canada go in & come out crying & devastated. This all happened without the knowledge or any parents. I could not believe myself.
Last year my brother took his new wife to see Maharaji for which I had warned him in advance to not let her see him in private. He knows what goes on too because his ex girlfriend actually slept with Maharaji. The devastating part is that he STILL believes in this person & his organization. 
I just hope that I am able to get my family & extended family out of this. It is uphill battle trust me. There is just way too many lives destroyed. There are kids who were involved in this organization with their parents have end up drinking heavily, doing drugs or getting involved in gangs. This HAS to stop. This is a battle for me with my parents & brother mostly because I have gone through this & don’t want to quit.
Thank you for listening. 
Millions of people tonight across India will hear Kripalu’s voice. Can you help them also hear the voices of the people he has abused? 
Thank you from those who have regained their voice and stood up to tell the world the truth about Kripalu Maharaj, and from those who are still too afraid of JKP to speak out.
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 1.14
1236 – King Henry III of England marries Eleanor of Provence. 1301 – Andrew III of Hungary dies, ending the Árpád dynasty in Hungary. 1639 – The "Fundamental Orders", the first written constitution that created a government, is adopted in Connecticut. 1761 – The Third Battle of Panipat is fought in India between the Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas. 1784 – American Revolutionary War: Ratification Day, United States - Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain. 1814 – Treaty of Kiel: Frederick VI of Denmark cedes the Kingdom of Norway to Charles XIII of Sweden in return for Pomerania. 1858 – Napoleon III of France escapes an assassination attempt made by Felice Orsini and his accomplices in Paris. 1899 – RMS Oceanic (1899) is launched. She is the largest ship afloat since Brunel's SS Great Eastern. 1900 – Giacomo Puccini's Tosca opens in Rome. 1907 – An earthquake in Kingston, Jamaica kills more than 1,000 people. 1911 – Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition makes landfall on the eastern edge of the Ross Ice Shelf. 1939 – Norway claims Queen Maud Land in Antarctica. 1943 – World War II: Japan begins Operation Ke, the successful operation to evacuate its forces from Guadalcanal during the Guadalcanal Campaign. 1943 – World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill begin the Casablanca Conference to discuss strategy and study the next phase of the war. 1951 – National Airlines Flight 83 crashes during landing at Philadelphia International Airport, killing seven passengers and crew. 1952 – NBC's long-running morning news program Today debuts, with host Dave Garroway. 1953 – Josip Broz Tito is elected the first President of Yugoslavia. 1954 – The Hudson Motor Car Company merges with Nash-Kelvinator Corporation forming the American Motors Corporation. 1957 – Kripalu Maharaj is named fifth Jagadguru (world teacher) after giving seven days of speeches before 500 Hindu scholars. 1960 – The Reserve Bank of Australia, the country's central bank and banknote issuing authority authorized by the 1959 Reserve Bank Act, is established. 1967 – Counterculture of the 1960s: The Human Be-In takes place in San Francisco, California's Golden Gate Park, launching the Summer of Love. 1969 – USS Enterprise fire: An accidental explosion aboard the USS Enterprise near Hawaii kills 28 people. 1972 – Queen Margrethe II of Denmark ascends the throne, the first Queen of Denmark since 1412 and the first Danish monarch not named Frederik or Christian since 1513. 1973 – Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii is broadcast live via satellite, and sets the record as the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer in television history. 1993 – In Poland's worst peacetime maritime disaster, ferry MS Jan Heweliusz sinks off the coast of Rügen, drowning 55 passengers and crew; nine crew-members are saved. 2004 – The national flag of the Republic of Georgia, the so-called "five cross flag", is restored to official use after a hiatus of some 500 years. 2010 – Yemen declares an open war against the terrorist group al-Qaeda. 2011 – President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia seeks refuge in Saudi Arabia after a series of demonstrations against his regime, considered to be the birth of the Arab Spring. 2019 – A Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crashes at Fath Air Base near Karaj in Alborz Province, Iran, killing 15 people.
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192211008 · 10 months
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bignewsupdates · 9 years
Warning — The Three “Didis” of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat are Up to No Good
The Greed of the Three Unmarried Crones Knows No Bounds — Now They are Telling New Lies to Trick New People
My favorite Shakespeare play is “MacBeth.” Maybe it’s because I had a wonderful English teacher in 12th grade who really dug into the various characters and their motivations.
For example, he stamped an impression of the three witches in Macbeth into my mind that I’ve never forgotten. He said they were likely “camp followers.” These were women who followed around armies and provided the men with “services,” including cooking, cleaning, and sex.
If you know the play, you know it’s ultimately about human greed — and the destruction created by unquenchable greed for power, name, and fame. While people are murdered so that Macbeth can rise to power, he and Lady Macbeth slowly go insane because they are so evil.
Today this play reminds me of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat — which has been driven from Day One by the unstoppable greed of Kripalu Maharaj for sex, money, and fame. And now that he’s dead, his daughters have taken over the greed game. Their current ONE BILLION dollars in cash and property isn’t enough for them — as they song goes, they want “More. More. More.”
And how are they continuing the greed game? One way is by telling lie, after lie, after lie.
And this brings me back to the three witches in Macbeth. Like them, the three daughters of Kripalu have been camp followers all of their lives — curiously never married — why? Because no one wanted them? Or because they were already “married” to their dad? Or both? They certainly provided all the right services all of these years. 
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(The photo above is of the head witch of the threesome — called Bharti Didi or Vishaka — in the middle surrounded by two of her many servants. She's receiving a bogus award that JKP paid to receive.)
Now they have been elevated to beyond camp followers to leaders of the pack. And they can only keep the con game running (out of greed) by telling lies.
Again this is reminiscent of the three witches of Macbeth. As you may recall, Macbeth’s downfall begins when he runs into the witches who drop several hints into his mind about his potential to become the King of Scotland. After he shares their pronouncements with Lady Macbeth, the greed begets a series of murders and mental illness.
Here’s what Macbeth says upon first laying eyes on the witches:
What are these,
So wither’d and so wild in their attire,
That look not like th’ inhabitants o’ th’ earth,
And yet are on’t? Live you? or are you aught
That man may question? . . .
By each one her choppy finger laying
Upon her skinny lips. You should be women,
And yet your beards forbid me to interpret
That you are so.
Then they drop a few lies into Macbeth’s ears — which begins his downward spiral toward destruction.
And just like the three hags of Macbeth, the three crones of Kripalu are whispering lies into the ears of their preachers — who are whispering them into the ears of their followers. All for one purpose — to continue to delude people so they can snatch all of their money.
Here are the new lies being propagated by JKP’s three crones and their minions:
Kripaluji had many preachers but he never ever made disciples and he never gave initiation to anyone. After his death, his work is being carried forward by a trust, not an individual
Prakashanand Saraswati is a disciple of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Brahmanand Saraswati (a sanyasi). Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj was a family man and a Vaishnava
Although Prakashanand Saraswati met Kripaluji Maharaj a few times, there was never any formal relationship between them. There were many holy men who came in touch with Kripaluji as they were impressed by his irrefutable devotion towards God
JKP cannot be held responsible if any godman falsely claims that Kripalu Ji is his guru
I can hear them chanting now as they try to dupe more gullible people: 
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble …
Round about the cauldron go; In the poison'd entrails throw.
Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”
Here’s the truth (and I have proof of all of it):
Kripalu created his preachers in his image. He gave them a handwritten instruction book to study and told what to say in speeches (I have copies of many of the preachers’ speeches). Each and every one of JKP’s preachers was created in his image. Period! Since his death, his work is being carried out by each one of these people. 
Prakashanand Saraswati was briefly a disciple of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Brahmanand Saraswati in his 20s. When Guru Dev died, he wandered around. Then found Kripalu, who he latched onto. Kripalu was happy to employ the wanna-be workhorse in his “mission” to “make millions of dollars” together — words Prakashanand wrote to Kripalu in a letter I have (in a safe deposit box). Kripalu was a rapist and conman, who let others raise his kids while he gallivanted around India raping girls and women.
Prakashanand Saraswati and Kripalu were thick as thieves for decades.
JKP can and will be held responsible for the damage it has wrought in its 60 years of existence.
Nothing good can come from these three women’s scheming. If I were you — I’d get out while you still have your life and your sanity (oh, and, of course, your life savings).
Here’s a tip to the “didis” — why don’t you just take the billion dollars your dad already stole from people and go away for good? Go live full-time in your big house with the hidden rooms in Mussoorie India — you know the one: where you let Prakashanand Saraswati hide out. The world doesn’t need any more witches like you creating lies, stealing people’s hard-earned money, and just generally creating mayhem wherever you go.
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Get Happiness and Peace
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s historic temple Prem Mandir (Vrindaban, India), which cannot be compared with any other temple, biggest and tallest temple in Vrindavan.
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Get Happiness and Peace,
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s historic temple Prem Mandir (Vrindaban, India), which cannot be compared with any other temple, biggest and tallest temple in Vrindavan.
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kripalumaharajbhakti · 8 months
Kripalu ji on TV,
Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj’s discourses began airing daily on Indian television in 2001 and quickly became the most watched series on the network. Today, four channels in India and two channels in the U.S. air his speeches each day.
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kripalujimaharaj · 11 months
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and His Daughter
At the heart of this spiritual haven stands H.H. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji, affectionately known as Badi Didi, the esteemed President of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP). Born in Leelapur, a small village near Kunda, in 1949, Badi Didi’s life journey has been an embodiment of independence, innocence, and unwavering commitment to selfless service.
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questlation · 2 years
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sends his congratulations to Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat on the auspicious occasion of the 100th Birth Anniversary of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sends his congratulations to Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat on the auspicious occasion of the 100th Birth Anniversary of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
NEW DELHI, Oct. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Tens of thousands attended the 100th Birth Anniversary of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj as celebrations continued until midnight on 9th October 2022.  Bhakti Dham, the birthplace of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was filled with lights and love as devotees performed aarti and abhishek on a grand scale.  During the Grand Aarti, you could see diya…
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Sadhana: The Devotional Practice for Attaining Divine Love
Lovingly meditate upon the beautiful form of Shri Radha Krishna with an ever increasing desire to attain their divine love and have their divine love vision.
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You must lovingly meditate upon the beautiful form of Shri Radha Krishna. With an ever increasing desire to attain Their divine love and have Their divine vision, sing the glories of Their names, qualities, and pastimes, etc
Always keep in your mind that rupadhyana is the most essential part of all devotional processes. Whichever form or image you adore of Shri Radha Krishna that captivates your mind is the best form for you to meditate upon. Even so, you remain completely free to take the help of any other photo or idol of Shri Radha Krishna that you particularly admire. Along with your visualization remember to imbibe feelings of love and divinity, because all Their forms are (chidanandmaya) divine, conscious, and blissful.
You have the freedom to meditate upon any form of your choice, from beautiful newborns up to charming sixteen year-olds in the full bloom of youth. Dress and adorn Them using your mind in ways that appeal to you. You can change Their attire and ornaments as and when you like, embellishing Them in ever new ways that are so alluring for your mind to relish; the choice is all yours.
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Visualize Them performing any one of Their innumerable Pastimes, remembering to incorporate Their unlimited Divine qualities, such as being causelessly merciful, infinity kind, and compassionate, and the protectors of humble fallen souls.
Never forget that Shri Krishna, His names, qualities, pastimes, abodes, and His Saints are all one and the same. In Fact, they are all Shri Krishna Himself.
Totally discard all your material desires for sense Gratification and abandon the desire even for liberation, for your own comfort, and for your own happiness: Always feel the presence of Shri Krishna and your Guru at all times and in all places in the form of your Protectors and witnesses of your every thought and Deed. Never consider yourself to be alone In your spare time, chant the divine name of Radhe Shyam with each and every breath.
Relinquish all bad habits including finding faults in others and criticizing other people, even if he or she should be despised. Renounce all desires to be acknowledged and admired, any feelings of dejection, disheartenment, or lackadaisicalness and abstain from associating with overtly materialistic or worldly people. Failing to do so equates to kusang or wallowing in thoughts and activities that leave a negative or bad Impression on your mind. Keep away from all these sorts of things as much as possible.
Last but by no means the least is to completely avoid committing the unpardonable spiritual offence of namapradha, i.e. harbouring any negative feelings or criticism towards Shri Krishna or His names, forms, qualities, abodes, and Saints. He Is my all-in-all. Develop this feeling to absolute Perfection.
Conclusion: Sadhana is not just a practice but a way of life that requires dedication, sincerity, and discipline. By following the guidance of a Guru and regularly engaging in sadhana, one can gradually purify the mind and heart, develop devotion and love towards the divine, and ultimately attain the ultimate goal of spiritual liberation. As Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj reminds us, the path of sadhana is not easy, but with determination, faith, and surrender to the divine, one can make progress towards the ultimate goal of union with the beloved Lord.
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