#krispy creme
s3znl-gr3znl · 7 months
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blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
Oh no, the misery
I just really want a Krispy Kreme
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daily-deliciousness · 2 years
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Chocolate crunch brownies
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Ironically, I need a donut pillow but I have donuts.
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derangedbutfun · 2 months
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So... Ser Krispy and Aemond thought it was a good idea to sacrifice - I don't even know how many of their soldiers in order to take out one enemy dragon? And they think everyone is just gonna be okay with that? No repercussions?
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aimless-aimz · 9 months
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vyragosa · 7 months
area physicist preacher puts the literal emote with the canon couple after i tell him i love him, what could he possibly mean by this.
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
To go get donuts or to not go get donuts.
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doodlboy · 11 months
Hehehe I know it's a bit late, had a busy day, but I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I know we just started talking, but I'd like to get to know you more and hopefully build a great friendship! I think your art is wonderful and I'm excited to see what the future may hold. Cheers to another dance around our loving sun!
I'm glad we got to meet each other & I hope your birthday was just as wonderful ^^ here's a cool donut someone brought in2 work 4 you as a thank you!
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
thinking abt SOFT DRINKS and DESSERTS now
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 18- Clothes On
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I had way too much fun with this. Like. You'll see.
A billion and a half thanks to @starsandskies for her kinktober prompts.
Kinktober Day 18 - Clothes On
The van was rather quiet as you and the crew your friend Rusty put together for this hiest. Everything was planned perfectly. Down to the minute. And thanks to some prep work. All you had to do is get in, crack the safe and quickly unload what was inside and then get the fuck out of there. The team had several contingency plans put in place, just in case any of the dominos failed to fall and hopefully no one would lose a drop of blood or have to shoot a single kill shot to get the obstacles out of the way. No one was supposed to get hurt. That was the biggest part. No one gets hurt, no one notices until all of you are out of Dodge and never there to be suspicious. Your alibis were airtight. All everyone needed to do was their jobs and play their parts. 
All you needed to do was to crack the safe. You had your borescope and two sets of drills depending on if any of them decided to break. And you had practiced going by touch for months. But what made this safe special and the fact that you flew in all the way from India just to be here- was becasue the safe had belonged to a Shah from Rajistan at the turn of the century. The safe alone was worth millions. But the safe itself was also fucking huge and intricate and all the numbers on the dials were in punjabi. Which was your native tongue. And while the safe itself had been confiscated from India during English occupation, it had been bought, sold and traded on the black market ever since.
But for you? To go from humble lock smithing back in your parent's shop. The chance to tackle something larger than most could ever think or fathom. was something you couldn't pass up before your cut was ever mentioned.
“How you feeling, Newbie?” Cable asked as he looked over at you and saw you biting down on your thumb nail. 
“I’m fine.” You insisted as you pulled your hand away from your face to shove your hands into your pockets to keep yourself from showing any other signs of nervousness. 
“Freaked out. Insecure. Neurotic. And Emotional.” Cable reminded you since that was the common definition in this particular group.  
“No. Not freaked out because I’ve done my homework and even if they change safes at the last minute, I’ll be ready to crack anything they have. I’m not insecure, because you can’t find a safe cracker better than me this side of the Ganges. I’m not neurotic, just nervous, which is a natural response considering the stakes. So I’m not emotional, at least not the way you’re implying. I’m determined to remain just as mechanical as my tools.” You defied as you turned your head to give him a meaningful but determined and defiant look from his criticism. 
For this entire job Cable got on every nerve you had. He was the foolhardy schmoozy charmer. The guy with a silver tongue who could talk himself out of anything and everything. The fact that he was conventionally attractive only made him more infuriating to work with, because he knew exactly how good he looked and used that to his advantage. And he seemed he relied solely on his looks and charms to get anything and everything he wanted. 
You hated that type of guy. No honor. No ethics, no moral compass. Although the fact that you were working with him to pull off a heist didn't give you much of a moral highground either. But this was a special job that needed a specialist and you were that specialist and Rusty and everyone in Rusty's team except for Cable- felt that you were worth the investment to bring all the way here stateside.
And the fact that you were new to this world of high stakes thieving, practically gave everyone else the permission to just haze you rather relentlessly for being the newbie. But usually after you proved just how good your skills were, that teasing usually stopped from everyone except Cable who seemed to be out to find and then press every button you had until you were ready to clamp him down to a table and saw his tongue off just to get him to shut up. 
But all Cable did was grin that bastardly smug grin back. 
“Well I’ll guess we’ll see at 7:37.” He replied as you rolled your eyes and glared out of the window because the last thing you needed was to get into another argument with him and throw you off by getting you so riled up you couldn’t see or think straight. 
“Ok. We’re here.” Rusty said as he parked the van before Mork got his computers out to catch all the feeds from the cameras and sensors in the building and the surrounding blocks to make sure that not even the van that you were all in showed up on anything. 
“And we’re ghost.” Mork announced. 
“Ok. Let’s go.” Rusty insisted before he got out and handed the keys to Mindy, Mork’s twin who would be their getaway driver before everyone piled out and you heaved your heavy tools that were hidden in your bag and retightened the straps to make sure the pack would not leave your back.  
You all managed to cross the street and then slipped in through the back entrance just as the caterers had pulled away to get the second round of hors devours and other parts to feed the guests for the banquet and you used the break in between other people getting ready for the art showing in the gallery above you as you quickly got to the basement as Cable used his passkeys to get you all through the various layers of security to get you to the basement and even a whole two minutes ahead of schedule. 
But to your horror. There was no safe. The front of it was overlaid with gold. It was the size of a small room. It was literally impossible to miss.
“Shit.” All of you said at the same time when you got to where the safe was supposed to be only to find that it wasn’t there in the first place. 
“Mork, find me where the safe is.” Rusty said into his earpiece to Mork still back in the van. 
“What are you talking about?” Mork asked.
“Do you see what I’m seeing Mork? There’s no fucking safe in here.” Rusty said as he got his phone out to show that the area where the safe was supposed to be sitting should be right there. But it wasn’t. 
“That thing weighs two tons, it’s not like they can just fork lift it out of here.” Cable griped as everyone fanned out to find the safe but it was nowhere to be seen. 
"What if it's part of the display upstairs?" You asked.
"There's only one place they would be able to put it upstairs and it would be incredibly inconveinient." Rusty answered.
“Guys, the safe is in the service elevator, it’s being put into the safe room of the tower.” Mork finally answered as he looked through the cameras in the whole building. 
“Shit.” All of you whispered. Because of all the ways this could go wrong and of all the contingency plans you had in place, this was not one of them. 
“Ok. Is there a second service elevator we can use?” Rusty asked. 
“Yes, but it’s on the opposite end of the building. You’re gonna have to run and book it. I’ll try to make sure you keep sole access of it but there’s two guards trying to get off at the lobby but I’ll override them and get them to the basement, you’re gonna have to dart them..” Mork answered.
All of you ran for the service elevator. Cable put his hands on your shoulders and moved you while Rusty did the same with Madeline to to stand on either side of the elevator while he and Rusty got their dart guns out and pulled masks over their faces and shot the two unsuspecting guards who were inside and pulled their radios off of them before they stripped their clothes off and used the clothes to change into guard uniforms before they stashed their clothes into their bags that had their other changes of clothes just in case they had to walk out of here as guests to the art show. 
“Ok. I’m gonna slow down their elevator that has our payload so that it doesn’t reach the 37th floor before you can get there.” Mork instructed as the group got primed for movement as Mork figured out the logistics on the fly.
“Ok. I’m stopping your elevator between the 36th and 35th floors. You’re gonna have to drop down and get the job done while in the elevator. Do not kill the guards, get them B151’ed.  Amari, you’re gonna have to work in close quarters and you’ll just have to crack it by touch. Because the guards will still need to deliver the safe to the destination. Once the guards are out though. I’ll move the elevator up to the 37th floor to give you more room to fully open it up to get our stuff out of it and then you’ll have to dart them with 5HE to get them back up again, but you’re gonna have to either walk out the front door with it cause you’ll get caught going out the back. But to the guards, it’ll feel like they just got hammered and passed out and woke up again. But you can not leave anything behind.” Mork suggested as Rusty and Cable got their magazines that had those specialized darts that gave the effect that whoever was shot, was instantly drunk and hammered to the point they would go black out drunk and pass out while getting the other magazines that were filled with 5HE which had the same effect as a Five Hour Energy shot ready as well. 
Once the service elevator raced to the 36th floor you and the others ran as fast as you could to the elevator which was just then coming to a stop and you used your strength to pull open the elevator doors for Rusty and Cable to slide under you and onto the top of the elevator and quickly move the tiles just enough to shoot the darts into the four guards surrounding all four corners of the huge safe that took up most of the room in the elevator. 
“Thanks, you’re a beast Amari.” Rusty praised as he slid under you.
“Yup. Practically She Hulk.” Cable agreed as you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his remark.
“Ok Mork, we’ll slip into the elevator but Amari can’t slip through here. You got to let her in.” Rusty instructed before he and Cable slid into the elevator as you let the doors finally closed as the two men got on top of the safe and then slid down on the sides, using the walls of the elevator to allow them through while Rusty and Cable drenched little bottles of whiskey onto the guards and got some into their mouths so that if they were found, it would appear they were drunk. 
“Jesus this is a tight squeeze.” Cable griped on the other side of the elevator before Mork brought it up to the 36th floor where the doors opened and the two guards stationed at the front practically fell out of it, completely passed out.
You used that time to crack all your knuckles and wrists and neck and put your tools down next to you and got your special pencil you used to find the contact points in the safe and put a specialized stethoscope to the metal to better hear the internal gears as your special pill that you used to help you hyperfocus had already kicked in.
All while Cable and Rusty and the rest of the crew stood protectively around you to keep on the lookout to make sure no one else would come to the scene and discover you as you closed your eyes and slowly turned the dial to feel for any false contact points that were all the rage when this safe was first hand crafted, with what was now considered antique but was for the time, practically the cutting edge of sophistication and technology.
Cable and the others occasionally looked over their shoulders at you to see you standing there, with one hand on the dial, and one hand on the stethoscope with the special pencil in your mouth before you found the first one and opened your eyes to find the number and wrote that down on the safe itself and then began to look for the second one before you blew out another breath when you found that one and then focused on the third all the way to the seventh and when you finally got it, you heard and felt the click. 
You had done it. You had cracked that safe through touch alone and opened the safe- surprisingly, right on time. 
“Way to go Amari.” Everyone quietly cheered as they quickly got their loot bags and filled them with the contents of the safe while you quickly wiped off the residue of the special sewing pencil you used to find the right combination. 
“How do you feel Amari?” Rusty asked as he handed you your bag of the heaviest of the loot which was gold bricks, but because you were the largest but strongest member of the group, you could easily carry them in the backpack over your chest as you strapped it in with the one for your back as well. 
“Fine.” You beamed proudly which got Rusty to laugh and even Cable to snort a laugh too even though he was the one still unloading things on the other side of the vault door. 
“Clear?” You asked as you noticed the time. 
“Almost…oh. Uh, guys?” Cable asked once he found that the safe had false sides and false bottoms but once he pulled on them, it revealed why that safe weighed as much as it did. The sides were not solid steel or iron. The sides were lined with bricks of gold and platinum with rows of jewels loose jewels at the top. 
“Oh Holy Fucking Shit.” You all gasped when you saw it before greed got the better of all of you as you were stashing as much as all of you could physically drag out of there before you got it all and put the insides of the safe back together, then reclosed it and pushed the guards back into the elevator before Rusty and Cable re-darted them with 5HE only to quickly go back in and take the darts themselves out of the guard’s skin before the elevator went up a whole floor.
“Shit, how in the ever loving fuck are we going to get all of this out of here?” Madeline asked as she gestured to all the extra bags of gold and platinum bricks. 
“Mail carts!” You blurted out before Mork did a quick search as Madeline and Rusty immediately rushed to the service elevators to bring as many mail carts back to where there was a sea of bags of loot in front of the elevator before you went to the nearest office and took off your bags and came back to pick them up, four at a time, one on each shoulder and one in each hand to bring them into the room. 
“What are you doing?” Cable asked since he volunteered to stay behind with you to guard the loot.  
“Hiding our loot. You’re still dressed as a guard. Go make sure there are other guards at the other elevators to keep the guests down in the lobby. But just in case a nosy guard decides to patrol we’ll look less suspicious with a jet’s worth of luggage just hanging out at our feet.” You answered in a grunt as you managed to haul it all into the office in several trips while Cable immediately started helping you just in the nick of time to shut you into the office while another guard had done just as you predicted. 
“What are you doing here?” Cable was questioned by another armed guard.
“The boss is transporting special cargo in this service elevator. I was put on it to make sure it made it to its destination right above us and that nobody interrupted its ascent.” Cable answered. 
“Then why aren’t you at the next level up then?” The guard asked. 
“Just thought I’d make sure no one made it stop at any floor below it or above it. Apparently it’s worth something to the boss cause it’s going to level 38. And ain’t Level 38 where the boss keeps his special shit?” Cable asked as the other guard narrowed his eyes at Cable.
“Fine, then you and me are gonna take a walk to level 38 and see what’s up.” The first one said as Cable walked confidently with him back to the regular elevators to then back around to the service elevator to see the guys groggily getting up from where they were laying out between the elevator and the floor as the doors were trying to close and then open when they sensed their bodies there.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” The first guard yelled at the other four guards. 
“Shit, you guys smell like a bar, you guys been drinking?” Cable asked them accusingly. 
“Nah, nah, we…we…” The guards tried to deny it and slurred their speech as they tried to get up as the first guard came around and sniffed them and their breath only to find the scent of alcohol on them.
“You stupid, lazy sons of bitches…” The first guard began to chew them out and cuss them out as the barked orders at them to get up and get their shit together and get that safe moved to the saferoom as the guard himself used his handprint to get the vault moved in there. 
“I should get your asses canned for this. This is so fucking unprofessional. Today of all days you guys show up hammered?! When you’re moving the boss’ safe? Do you guys have a death wish?” He continued to reprimand them before they were too drunk to realize that the safe now weighed far less now than it had before they set it in the room and got out of there with their special dollies since the safe had been put down onto a special steel frame so they could manually move it without a crane. 
“Well, it seems you got this under control, I’m gonna go back to my usual post.” Cable excused himself to let the first guard continue to cuss the shit out of those other guards as he quickly ran to the original service elevator only to be met with it being crammed full of mail carts. 
“Everything ok?” Rusty asked anxiously. 
“Yeah, just minor detour, but we’re good, Amari is in an office with the loot, I had to play guard and help the four we darted get the safe moved into the safe room. They’re getting their asses handed to them by their superiors right about now. Which means we gotta hurry.” Cable insisted as he grabbed one cart with one hand and one with the other and led the way back to the office that you and the loot were hiding out in since you had already changed into your- leaving as a guest- outfit. 
“Oh thank the heavens.” You breathed in relief before you helped load up all the loot onto the carts before you raced back to the elevator as Cable and Rusty quickly got undressed from the guard uniform and got the guards redressed. And got off at the floor above the first lobby as they moved the mail carts back to the back service elevator so they could get all of this loaded out of the back just in time for Mindy to pull the van into position. 
“Guys, there’s not enough room for all of this and us in the van.” Mindy realized as she helped you load the loot from the mail carts to the van. 
“Then Rusty and I will enter the party as drunk guests. And Amari, you and Cable will just have to do the same.” Madeline suggested as you wanted to start whining and complaining because you didn’t want to pretend to be with Cable. Anybody but him. But you didn’t have time to argue. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll dart you with 151 so it’ll look like you’re drunk, you won’t have to remember a thing.” Rusty said as he hastily got into a nice suit and tie ensemble and his dart gun as Madeline and Rusty were doing the same. 
“I don’t think so. It would take all three of you to haul me out of here. I’m 275lbs of dead weight remember?” You reminded Cable as Madeline and Rusty were already making their way to the lobby as Madeline didn’t have to get darted to pretend she was already drunk and horny. 
“You won’t feel a thing.” Cable insisted as he pulled his gun but you had had enough of him and his bullshit and way faster than Cable could comprehend you had gotten the gun and pointed it at him. 
“No, you won’t feel a thing.” You insisted before you darted him and he fell to his knees as he tried to pull it out but you slapped his hand away to make sure all of it got into him.
“Fuck, how, how did you…you’re too big to be that fast.” Cable started to slur as you got his arm and pulled him up beside you to carry him to the elevator that had returned for you. 
“I know exactly how big I am. I know exactly how strong I am and I know way more than I let on. How do you think I got the nickname the Punjabi Tsunami huh?” You asked him. 
“The pajama nummy, yummy…” Cable slurred as a wide smile spread on his face. 
“See.. that’s the thing about you, you’re a newbie, but damn you have skills. Like, if you, you’re…you’re just plain amazing and beautiful and strong and tough and I know I’ve given you loads of bullshit for it, because it’s just what we do to newbies. But you give it right back and I love that you don’t take shit from nobody.” Cable praised as he hung on you and before you knew it, he was getting handsy and very touchy feely as you tried to brush his hands off but then the bastard just moved his hands to your face and started making out with you. 
You should not have kissed back, that was your first mistake.
Your second, pinning him to the wall of the elevator. Just to kiss him some more because his kisses were too damn good for even you to resist.
“Fuck me Amari.” Cable begged as you could feel how hard he was even in this drunken state as his touches grew desperate and needy and wanting as he pulled you flush with himself while his own body curved around your own voluptious one. 
“No.” You managed to say but then he had to go planting his face into the crux of your neck and shoulder again before he just planted his face into your cleavage and motorboated your tits which got you to laugh because no man had done that to you before and it was hilarious actually. 
“God you have the best tits in the world. All big and round and soft and squishy and I want them to smother me.” Cable admitted just as the doors opened to reveal a lobby full of people who looked into it and onto you in surprise before you remembered yourself and tried to put him on your side as you walked him through the lobby, around all the art. 
“See? That’s the problem with rich people they spend their money on stupid shit, like this isn’t art! It’s shit! I could make this by just shitting an extra large dump on the sidewalk.” Cable said as he pointed to one of the pieces in question as you flushed crimson and began to apologize for the sake of your “date’s” state of drunkenness to the other guests.
“Sorry, he’s a lightweight. Just two glasses of champagne and he’s wasted.” You tried to excuse to the other guests while pulling Cable’s hands back to keep him from touching any of the art. And you even had to out right slap his hands away like he was a toddler, with a sharp ‘no- no touch’ while you did so too. All while you walked him out of there as you damned this goddamn lobby being the size of the fucking international airport with how big and long it was for you to walk him from the elevators to the door. 
“But you’re so mean to me Amari, you just see me as an asshole. I mean, I am, I am an asshole. And you see me, you see the real me. You see through this cool tough guy smooth talker, smooth operator man. And that’s what freaks me out because when you look at me, my pretty, pretty face don’t mean shit because you see who I am underneath it. And I don’t fault you for hating what you’ve found and I’ve tried to get better but you deserve the whole Disney Princess, Prince Charming Babe. But with you, like, you deserve better than even that you know? Like I know your food is too spicy for a white guy like me. Hell, your plain stuff is too spicy for me, like it’s the best food I’ve ever eaten but it burns my tongue off." Cable rambled on.
"And I know your culture is beautiful and rich with tradition and your traditional clothes are so beautiful and I watch all these punjabi bride shorts on YouTube and, all of them are just…so, so beautiful. Just like you Amari. Just like you. But just because you’re not skinny, you get shit on by others and that ain’t right. You are a very big, very strong, very beautiful woman and when I get out of here, I want to take you around the world and fuck you in every hotel room from here to pajama yamma yummy in my tummy.” Cable continued to carry on.
You didn’t know if you should laugh or cry or die of embarrassment or what as you finally was able to get him out of that fucking freakishly huge lobby filled with art.
You got a taxi to take you to a hotel and then a second to take you from the hotel, where Cable thought he was about to get lucky with you and wanted to fuck you right there on the steps before you could even get the chance to get a room. But you were not going to be taking that much advantage of him in that moment. So you got a second taxi to the hide out.
But both rides had the drivers probably seeing way more than they should as you used the “privacy” give into his drunken attempts and kiss him and let him continue to make out with you and grope you and if had not been for being in the back of a taxi and being fully clothed, he would have fucked you into oblivion for the way he was dry humping you while just murmuring ‘pajama jammy yummy in my tummy’ the whole time between kisses and lavishing your neck and exposed chest with kisses and licks and suckles before you finally got there and paid the taxi driver and got him inside the hideout. 
“Someone please dart him with 5HE.” You begged the others who had already come back and were still in the process of dividing the loot that wasn’t promised to the buyer evenly among everyone. 
“Oh, but Cable is so sweet when he’s drunk. It’s the only time he’s honest and bares his soul practically.” Madeline laughed before she got Rusty’s gun and darted Cable after you had dumped him rather unceremoniously onto the couch.
“Yeah, no he gets all touchy feely, kissy too.” You admitted as you could already tell all the hickeys he gave you were already blooming on your skin while you slinked away to get changed again. 
“Really?” Madeline and Mindy asked in astonishment. 
“Yeah, obviously.” You answered as you gestured to your neck and chest as their eyebrows nearly shot up into their hairline. 
“Like, was it at least good?” Mindy asked. 
“He’s drunk off his ass, and sprouting nonsense. But I had to sell the cover we were a couple to get us both out of there.” You tried to excuse before you shut the door to get redressed in something much more modest before you reappeared from the bathroom. 
“So what’s the take?” You asked as you noticed that your bag that was designated for your take and your loot was practically overflowing.
“Well, as long as we can sell the bricks either very slowly or cash them in right now- you’re looking at 87.5 million dollars.” Mork answered. 
“Split six…” You began. 
“No that’s each. 87.5 million each.” Madeline corrected before your own eyes bugged out. 
“Where’s my..where’s my pajama yamma, yummy, yummy in my tummy?” Cable said as he got off the couch and staggered over to you before he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your shoulder before he closed his eyes but smiled happily to be close to you again as you froze and flushed again as he seemed to sway to unheard music like he was dancing with you.
“Wow. He’s…he really does like you. Explains why he’s been so attentive to you.” Mindy grinned rather knowingly at her twin brother who was wearing a similar scheming smile. 
“Nothing happened. He’s drunk. He’ll snap out of it when the last dart wears off and the second kicks in.” You insisted. 
“Yeah, sure.” Everyone else practically giggled and zipped up their stuff and began to pack their stuff up to leave the place that had been the base for the last few months. 
“Alright, well this should set us all up for a good long while. Everyone, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you. Amari, you were a genius and you got us and all of this out of there safe and sound and cracked that safe with just your magic touch, you’re the best. And who knows how long it will take before anyone finds out that they’re missing anything. Remember, only call in the case of an emergency.” Rusty reminded everyone before he and Madeline got their own sets of loot and the actual bag of goods that was promised to their buyer and put into a car that was waiting for them while Mindy and Mork loaded up the van with their own stuff and drove away leaving just you and Cable alone there before you walked Cable back over the couch. 
“No, don’t leave me, You can’t leave me Yummy.” Cable protested.
“I’m not leaving you. I’m packing your shit into your car and I’m packing my shit in mine and then by the time I’m done, we’re getting the hell out of here.” You reassured him before you couldn’t help yourself before you kissed him sweetly. 
“But quit being an asshole to me.” You added once you pulled away to see the dreamy smile on Cable’s face. 
“No, no more asshole, only yummy in my tummy.” Cable insisted as he rolled and got comfortable which got you to roll your eyes but you couldn't fight the smile that bloomed on your face either.
You got his stuff put into his car and your stuff put into yours before you drove his car to a nearby hotel and got a room for the two of you to share because he was going to probably need to sleep this off.
Then you got an uber back and got him loaded into your car, having to carry him bridal style after you made sure that the space was cleaned and scrubbed down to the point it didn’t look any different than when you found it and that nothing was left behind that could ever leave a trace anyone in the team was ever here before you drove your car back to the hotel and into the room where Cable fell and then stretched out on the bed while you went down and got his overnight bag from his car and your own from yours.
Because what needed to happen was after tonight, you would hopefully never see each other again. You had a flight back to India in the next couple of days that you could not miss. Although how you were going to be getting all of this back home was going to be quite the struggle.
Even though those kisses, even drunken ones were pretty amazing. And if he really did like you as much as his drunken self admitted, maybe you could work that out. But that would have to be something for another time. Because now, you needed to call in dinner and eat and try to get him to eat something and both of you needed to get some sleep. For tomorrow would be a new day. And one filled with all kinds of possibilities.
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tredispade · 1 month
❛ disrespectfully, i decline ❜ cloud to sephiroth lmao
things said meme | @phantasiiae ( cloud )
"Come now, Cloud... must we play this game every time?"
Sephiroth approached Cloud slowly, methodically. Seeming to have appeared right of of the shadows themselves to take solid form before Cloud. He reached a hand out, as he always did. Reaching out towards Cloud.
"You can deny it all you want. But I know what you feel. You want to say yes." He carassed the palm of his hand over Cloud's cheek, down until he could cup the blond's chin in his hand. Almost like a lover's touch. He's also standing so close now. He could feel the warmth that radiated off of Cloud. A warmth that warded away the chill that clung to his own skin.
"To drop everything and come running to my side. Why keep fighting it, Cloud? Why not join me? Be more than what you are?"
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bluepoodle7 · 4 months
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#KrispyKreme #KrispyKremeDollyPartonFilledDoughnutCollection #PeachyKeenCobblerDoughnut #BananaPuddinPie#FilledDoughnut #ToppedDoughnut #DollyDazzlerStrawberryToppedDoughnut #ChocolateCremePieToppedDoughnut#DoughnutReview
This is part 11 of the Krispy Kreme Dolly Parton filled and topped doughnut collection.
These are the rest of images of the doughnuts.
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derangedbutfun · 3 months
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Of course Ser Krispy is serving the queens needs
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watasemasaru · 11 months
devil: man if it weren't for boyd I'd have me piece of ava
dewey: if it weren't for boyd you and me could have a piece of the marshal
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bluepurple · 1 year
At a party with donuts from a police-themed, 100% cop owned place they’re the worst fucking donuts I’ve had in my life
Cops can’t even uphold their own fucking stereotypes jfc
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