#kroel region
darksilvania · 2 years
do you have any designs for the Kroelian starters?
Yes I do, I posted them a long algo here but here they are again all together
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darksilvania · 2 years
Can you give some background on thekroel region/ is it just smt that exists in your imagination or are you working into a rom hack/smt else entirely? I love the designs and I'd be so curious to see more
I do plan to eventually make something with it, either a game or at least a comic or stories, but right now I'm just working on the Pokémon. But I do have some basic info
General Kroel information so Far
The Kroel Region is a vast continental mass big enough to hold multiple regions, but there are only two main ones at the time the story unfolds.
Kroel is a very old region, due to long history and size many civilizations and cultures have developed on it, it is known for its many traditions and legends, but in recent years there has been a great economic and technological development just in the heart of the continent, a large group of cities have united into forming a small country of their own, named Neo-Kroel, which aim to steer the old continent into the future.
This is the main reason for your character to come to Neo-Kroel, you are a trainer and you family has just moved in due to you parent having a new job, and you will begin your pokemon journey as well, as soon as you get your starter you are set to beat the eight gym leaders of Neo-Kroel, this eight gyms are relatively new ones, the leaders are young and in some cases not very experienced, your gym battles with them will help you both grow as trainers, of course they will be harder as you go on until you collect the eight badges. In this part of the region you will find the spatial center on Blackfall city, the laboratories where you can revive your fossils as well as lots of labs and malls, it is a very modern region.
When you are done collecting you 8 badges you will be told that now you are ready to face a greater challenge, you are ready to take on Old Country
Old Country is the name given to the rest of the continent, it almost doubles the size of Neo-Kroel, it has many ecosystems and climates and its more traditional, with many cities and gyms reflecting different cultures. The gym leaders on Old Country are older and more experienced than the leaders in Neo-Kroel and are harder to take.
In order to travel from Neo-Kroel to Old Country you must cross a large desert known as the Eternal Sea, a large sea of dunes, you will follow a straight path as you are advised not to wander east or west, as you are not ready to visit either place until you have beaten all the gyms in Old Country. this places are The Garden of Marble to the east, a large valley full of ancient ruins, many full of ancient pokemon, and the Great Necropolis to the west, a Large tower like structure that goes both up above the ground and deep down below, many legendaries rest in this two places and will awaken once you have been able to enter this places.
Once you have beaten the 16 gyms of both Neo-Kroel and Old Country you will be able to face the Elite Four of the region, which are not in the region but in one of many Islands to the east of the Mainland.
This region has its own criminal team as in other regions, Team Phobia (I kept the P) wich wants to rule over Kroel through fear, the team uses scary pokemons and its themed after old movie monsters, its boss is still based on a vampire. You will face them across both regions and will have to thwart their plans twice with two different legendaries.
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darksilvania · 5 months
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PALEOLITO is based on Prehistoric Mosquitos trapped in Amber, just like the ones from Jurassic Park, they are the a Key component in whole new "fossil" mechanic for the Kroel Region
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darksilvania · 11 months
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Kroelian PSYDUCK Psychic The Duck Pokemon Abilities: Cloud Nine/Clarity* - Natural Cure (HA) Dex: "Brought to Kroel by a group of traveling monks, Kroelian PSYDUCK learnt to control its psychic powers through rigorous meditation, becoming able to wield them freely without suffering any headaches. Having made its home around the monasteries high above in the mountains of Kroel, it has gained a thicker white plumage better suited for the cold and windy weather.” Moveset: -Psybeam -Powder Snow -Calm Mind -Roost
DALAYDUCK [Dalai + Duck] Psychic/Ice The Wise Duck Pokemon ->Evolves from Kroelian PSYDUCK at lvl 33 on the snowy mountains<- Abilities: Cloud Nine/Clarity - Natural Cure (HA) Dex: "They travel the icy mountains in small groups, usually forming long single lines while softly chanting in unison, they are known for helping any lost or injured person or pokemon they find in their way. Using its powers they create beads of solid ice that carry around their arms, the older and stronger a DALAYDUCK is the more ice beads it holds.” Moveset: -Mountain Gale -Zen Headbutt -Ice Ball -Meditate
*Pokemon is inmune to confusion or infatuation
After watching the Pokemon Concierge trailer I felt the need to update my regional Psyduck line, making a few changes and using the new template, I also added new shiny colors
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darksilvania · 2 years
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ANTINY, ANTAMAND & TITANTEAR (Normal) the Anteater pokemon
They are the "basic rodent" pokemon of the Kroel region although they can be compared more to the SLAKOTH/VIGOROTH/SLAKING line
ANTINY (Anteater/Tiny) is based on the Silky Anteater/Pigmy Anteater, they like to curl into balls and sleep all day, using their long prehensible tails to grab things and push themselves around
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ANTAMAND (Anteater/Tamandua/Mand=Hands) is based on the Tamandua, their forelimbs have grown stronger allowing them to walk and climb faster, they keep their long tail curled on their backs and are able to stretch it out when they need an "extra hand" for both mobility and combat
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TITANTEAR (Titan/Anteater/Tear as in "tearing apart") is based on the Giant Anteater, their heavy bushy tails no longer serve as a 3rd hand but rather as a counterweight, allowing them to stand on their back legs, giving them full use of their powerful arms, their long and sharp claws are used to dig into rock solid anthills and mounds with ease to capture their prey and can be used to cause terrible damage to any predator and foe
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this line is the 3rd version (2nd remake) of my original anteater line I made in 2008, predating HEATMOR by 2 years
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darksilvania · 2 years
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The 5 Lakes of the Underworld fakemons
**Be warned, this is a very long post**
After the main story is finished and you have become the regional Kroel champion you will have access to new missions and sidequests, most coming from Neo-Kroel main research center. One of this special missions requires you to investigate the underground lakes of Kroel, 5 lakes deep under the earth that have conditions were life shouldnt exist, yet each one has a unique species of pokemon living in them.
The 5 lakes are at the bottom level of different caves you would have came across during your travel, but before becoming a champion you should not be able to enter their lowest level. everytime you try going in there a warning saying "its too dangerous to go down" stopping you. Once you accept the mission, the researchers will give you a special suit that allows you to go down, as well as one for your pokemon, similar to the suit your receive in Omega Ruby/Alpha Saphire when fighting the legendaries.
This 5 lakes are based on the 5 lakes of the underworld in greek mythology
The first lake is one where the water has turn to acid, due to a high concentration of iron altering the waters pH, the acid releases toxic fumes that fill up the caves air and some of it has leaked into the floor above. This cave represents the Rive Styx from the greek underworld. The pokemon inhabiting this lake is based on a Hagfish (Myxini glutinosa) and it's a Water/Poison type, its body is covered in a very toxic mucus that protect it from the harmful acid, but can be very harmful for other pokemons.
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The second lake is one where the presence of a very rare form ol fungi has given the water psychotropic properties, the air in this cave alone can cause very strong hallucinations and the water can do sever damage to the brain, causing even memory loss. This lake represents the River Lethe from the greek underworld.  The pokemon inhabitting this lake is based on the Glass Octopus (Vitreledonella richardi) and it's a Water/Psychic type. This pokemon has managed to survive thanks to the large size of its brain, who not only is not damaged by the water but has used it to increase its extrasenssorial abilities.
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The third lake is one where the water has become Anoxic, this means water has lost its oxygen, and fish shouldnt be able to breathe in it. The whole enviroment of the cave has a very thin air, which makes harder to breath even outside water. This lake representes the river Acheron from the Greek underworld. The pokemon inhabiting this lake is based on the Spookfish, also known as long nosed chimera (Rhinochimaera pacifica), and it's Water/Ghost type. This pokemon is actually the ghost of the original pokemon who occupied the lake before the water turned anoxic, unable to adapt quickly enough they all died, and their souls possesed their old skins
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The fouth lake is one where water has become Supercooled, which means it has reached temperatures below the freezing point without actually freezing. The cave in general is too cold, with ice in every surface. This lake represents the river Cocytus from the greek underworld. The pokemon inhabiting this lake is based on the Terrible Claw Lobster (Dinochelus ausubeli), and it's a Water/Ice type. It uses its chainsaw like pincer to cut through the ice, with its body covered in a hard, protective armor. Despite its looks it feeds on a special type of moss that grows beneath the ice.
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And the fifth lake is one where the water has become Superheated, which means water that has reached temperatures above the boiling point without actually boiling. The heat in this cave is extreme, with all surfaces reaching temperatures above 100° C. This lake represents the river Phlegeton from the greek underworld. The pokemon inhabiting this lake is based in the Black Dragonfish (Idiacanthus atlanticus), and it's a Dragon/Fire type, the only one of this pokemon that is not a water type. Its hard scales protect him from the scalding water, and it can create flames that can burn even underwater.
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I still need to think in their abilities and names and all that, but hope this works as an interesting read
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darksilvania · 2 years
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New forms of ROTOM found in the Kroel Region This forms of ROTOM can be found within the abandoned ruins of the first "Neo-Kroel Mega Plaza", a large scale multi level mall that was meant to be one of Neo-Kroel largest shopping centers, but one day its construction simply stopped and the site was abbandoned in a hurry, after a long series of mysterious accidents and disappearences, among many other paranormal events. This ROTOMS have made the ruins their homes and have possesed the powe tools left on site.
Their types are: Hedge Trimmer - Electric/Bug Power Drill - Electric/Steel Roller Compactor - Electric/Ground Jackhammer - Electric/Rock Cement Mixer - Electric/Poison
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After progressing in the history and returning back to the abbandoned plaza, you would gain access to a deeper area of the construction site where larger equipment was stored, if you take the Kroelian ROTOMS to this area and get them close its matching construction vehicle, ROTOM will evolve into ROTOMEISTER
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ROTOMEISTER keeps the same typing as its previous form but will not be able to change forms like ROTOM does, but the signature move they had will be also upgraded into a more powerful move
Trimmer Form - Electric/Bug Drill Form - Electric/Steel Roller Form - Electric/Ground Hammer Form - Electric/Rock   Mixer Form- Electric/Poison
They all have the ability Technician, but can have the Hidden Ability "Heavy Gear", this ability raises the pokemon ATK if its SPD is raised, and raises its DEF if its SPD is lowered
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And after further progress in the story, you should be able to reach the lowest level of the Abandoned site, where an Item can be found, it is called the Supercharger, this item is special battery that can power up several machines at the same time and was still in its testing phase during the original site construction to energize the machinery
If this item is given to ROTOMEISTER and then it is activated close to the other machines, a new form can be achieved: ROTOMEISTER-V
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ROTOMEISTER-V is the combined form of all possible ROTOMEISTER forms, it is an Electric/Fighting type Any signature move it previously had will become a new even more powerfull move called Demolition  Demolition  Fighting Type  PP 5  Power 150  Acc 90%  -A powerful punch using its arm drill charged with all its energy, this move is treated as Electric type as well, user must   recharge the turn after.  It has the ability Heavy Gear by default
This form can be reverted by taking the Supercharger from ROTOMEISTER-V, returning to a normal ROTOMEISTER
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darksilvania · 1 year
Would you post the rotom constructicons or you already did?
They are already here
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darksilvania · 2 years
Just wanted to say I love your art. The fakemon designs you make are so creative and thoughtful on design and inspiration. I love your transformers art too!! The scylla art is awesome. Keep up the good work! And quick question Is Kroel based on Greece?
Thanks a lot! Kroel is not based in any region in particular, maybe one day I will explain the whole idea but its a mix of things
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darksilvania · 6 years
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"The arrival of POPPLIO and its evolutionary line can be traced far back into kroels history, as records show their introduction to popular shows held in the great theaters and aquariums of ancient civilizations, used for mere entertaintment rather than battle, countless murals, tile mosaics and frescos found in ancient fountains and public plazas stll show the playful figures of this pokemon dancing and singing for the peoples enjoyment. However, when this pokemon was introduced to the wild as many tried to make its population grow in native waters rather than traveling to far islands to capture them, proved to be not as easily. Kroel tropical oceans, being populated by large predators as GLOTONINA and JORMUGRAND was no place for the merry seal pokemon, who, in order to survive, traveled and made its home in the northern, colder waters of Kroel. In a more harsh enviroment, populated by strong pokemon on its own, the once happy-going species underwant a very extreme change to adapt to such harsh conditions, by growing a thic coat of fur and a more aggressive nature, becoming powerful predators on their own. Kroelian PRIMARINA is a completely different beast from is Alolan counterpart, they are ruthless and cold when it comes to hunting and even when it comes to humans, one must aproach with caution for its sharp fangs an claws can still cause lots of damage. One thing hasnt changed however, PRIMARINA's voice is still one of its most notable qualities, however, what once was a beautiful singing voice, now is a terrible scream that can incapacitate others with its sheer volume, and it is even said its voice can make the air colder. When using the power of a Z crystal, PRIMARINA can use the move "Blood-Curdling Wail", a powerful  cry that can shatter the artic ice into pieces and its said can knock a person to unconciussnes within seconds." ???-POPPLIO -Ice -The Sea Lion pokemon -Ability: Winter Coat* - Chilling Voice**(HA) -->Evolves at lv. 17<-- ???-BRIONNE -Ice/Dark -The Punk Star Pokemon -Ability:  Winter Coat - Chilling Voice(HA) -->Evolves at lv. 34<-- ???-PRIMARINA -Ice/Dark -The Vocalist Pokemon -Ability: Winter Coat - Chilling Voice(HA) -Sig. Move: Scream Queen "The use attacks its opponent with an ear-piercing shriek, any pokemon who is asleep or frozen will suffer double damage and its condition will be cured."    Type: Dark    PP: 10 (max 16)    Power: 90    Accuracy: 100% -->With Kroelprimarium Z<-- Allows Kroelian Primarina to upgrade Scream Queen to the special Z-Move Blood-Curdling Wail *Defense rises during Hail storm ** Sound based moves become Ice-type
Kroelian Popplio is based on the pup of the Pagophilus groenlandicus or Harp Seal Kroelian Brionne and Primarina are based on the Hydrurga leptonyx or Leopard Seal While Primarina draws inpsirarion from Mermaids, Kroelian Primarina is inspired by the Rusalka
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darksilvania · 7 years
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Trainer Witch Chronnellian
A gift for my wife @chronnellian to thank her for her constant help
Here she is portrayed as a pokemon trainer with a team made from her favorite fakemons from my region: JACKALAMP, KATAVER, TWILAPIN, SPECTUNDRA, BELLANOX and MEGA BELZEBURST
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darksilvania · 5 years
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"The arrival of PSYDUCK to Kroel is a very interesting story. It begins when a group of Monk from the region traveled across the sea to share their wisdom and teachings, and as soon as the monks arrived to the New continents they were marveled by the different cultures and pokemon, but one pokemon in specific caught the attention of the monk: PSYDUCK. The monks were worried seeing the poor thing, it seemed to be in constant pain and distress, suffering from headaches and always holding its head, they learned that this particular pokemon pain came from mysterious psychic powers that it could not control and were causing it to suffer the terrible migraines and explosive outburst of uncontrollable power. The monks felt sorry for the poor thing and thought they knew of a way to help it. When the monks returned to Kroel they did so with a whole flock of PSYDUCKs and once they got back to their monastery, on the Cold mountains of Northern Kroel, they began to teach the little ducks the art of meditation. This took some time and patience but it prove to be just what the pokemon needed, following the teachings of the monks, with discipline and perseverance PSYDUCK managed to reach inner peace, becoming able to control its once harmful powers and becoming a whole new pokemon on itself. Adapting to their new homes and after many years PSYDUCK changed both on the inside and the outside, its feather's coat became white as the snow and thicker to keep it warm on the cold mountain, Monks even begin to use their feathers to make pillows and mattresses renown all across Kroel for their warmth and softness. Kroelian PSYDUCKs can always be found with their hands together in a praying position and their eyes closed, softly humming a peaceful tune, this however is not an issue for them to move around the mountains as they use their psychic abilities to feel the world around them with no issue. However the biggest change came later on. At the beginning PSYDUCK was still able to evolve into GOLDUCK but due to their new environment this pokemon could not adapt well into the wild, and many believed the species was doomed to never prosper, how ever the same monks noticed the PSYDUCK were moving higher up the mountains when they felt their time to evolve was near. Once they had reach the peaks of the mountains, where the snow never melt and the winds never stopped, then they began to meditate again, getting used to the cold, to the snow and the wind, and once they find themselves able to endure the cold and control it, something new happened, PSYDUCK evolved, but not into GOLDUCK, rather into something new, something the monks named DALAYDUCK. DALAYDUCK are large and strong pokemon, with long coats of snowy feathers, covered in Icy crystals, they hold a rosary in their hands, made of Ice balls crafted by themselves using their combined psychic powers and ice control. This pokemon are often seen in groups, moving in long lines of several individuals, with their hands in praying positions and quacking with low and monotone voices, similar to chanting. They are said to be incredible wise and kind to others, often helping injured pokemon they find on their way and sharing food or shelter with them, they are even said to do the same with humans who get lost in their mountains" ???-PSYDUCK -Psychic -The Duck pokemon -Ability: Cloud Nine/Clarity* - Natural Cure(HA) -->Evolves at lvl 33 on the Kroel Mountains <-- ???-DALAYDUCK -Psychic/Ice -The Wise Pokemon -Ability: Cloud Nine/Clarity* - Natural Cure(HA) *Pokemon can't be confused or infatuated
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darksilvania · 5 years
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123-ENTOMAN [Entomon-Ultraman] -Bug/Fighting -The Masked pokemon -Ability: Justified/Defiant - Swarm(HA) -Dex: "A fierce protector of the weak and defenseless, this small bug can fight enemies double its size if an innocent pokemon or person is in trouble. Despite its relatively small size, it uses its great speed to overwhelm its adversary with a flurry of punches and kicks mixed with acrobatic movements." -Moveset:    -Acrobatics    -Struggle Bug    -Mach Punch    -Bulk Up {To evolve ENTOMAN into GEZTALORD one must first become regional champion of Kroel, then you must return to Silvercrown city, and visit Dr. Hopper, Gym leader of Silvercrown city at his laboratory, you will need to show him you ENTOMAN and he will tell you that now that you are the regional champion he can trust you with his invention, knowing that you wont use it for evil, he will give you the METAMORPHER, a device of his own creation that can liberate ENTOMAN's full potential, He will download some information required into a Red orb and place it on the METAMORPHER, but before you can use it you will need to find the other orbs with the rest of the information. You will need to find Dr. Hopper's 4 assistants to get the missing info, each one on a secret laboratory scattered across Old County, each one working a different robot drone, once you find each lab, each assistant will download its respective work into a different colored orb (White, Yellow, Blue and Green) and after placing them all into the METAMORPHER you can now use the device to evolve ENTOMAN into GEZTALORD} 212-GEZTALORD [Gestalt-Zord] -Bug/Fighting -The Mega Robot pokemon -Ability: Justified/Defiant - Download(HA) -Dex: "With a technologically enhanced body and its unyielding fighting spirit it has become a true weapon of justice, ready to fight anyone who dares to hurt the innocent. It can use its high-powered tools not only for fighting but also in search-and-rescue missions, making him the ultimate hero pokemon" -Moveset:    -Sig. Move: Ultra Beam "The user fires a powerful laser from its chest plate. If the user HP is below half this move makes 50% more damage "    Type: Bug    PP: 5 (max 8)    Power: 120    Accuracy: 85%    -Hi Jump Kick    -Crabhammer    -Drill Run
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darksilvania · 6 years
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"Rowlet's presence in the Kroel region is still a mistery, but due to its rooted presence in the mythology and folklore of many Tribes scattered across the Old Country it is beleived it came to the continent even before its first settlers. In contrast with its Alolan cousin, Kroelian Rowlet has adapted to a desertic life, with longer legs to keep its round body off the hot sand and sturdier short wigs used for diggin rahter than flying, this pokemon now spends most of its time underground in large round burrows it digs itelf, Its eyes bigger than the Alolan Variety, used for seeing in the total darkness of its caves. A major divergency from its Grass typed counterpart its the growth of hard crystal quills instead of vegetal ones, this are really hard and incredibly sharp, sometimes even compared with Knives or Daggers that the pokemon uses with, in some cases, deadly force to hunt its prey. This Sharp crystals, made of a material nearly identical to Rough Turquoise, are deeply connected to the traditions of many Native Nations in Old Coutry, they are used to manufacture many things, from common jewelery to ceremonial artifacts, and it is not uncommon to see trainers wearing the discarded quills of its Dartrlx's and Decidueye's crafted as pendants or other kind of ornament. Kroelian Decidueye appears in folktales as bad omen and a bringer of death, many even using it as some sort of boogeyman to scare bad children. When using the power of a Z crystal, Decidueye can use the move "Turquoise Tomahawk", with this move, Decidueye creates a large Axe-like blade from merging all its crystal quills, then it is thrown with a powerful swing and is beleived it can slice a hill in two." ???-ROWLET -Rock/Ground -The Gem Quill pokemon -Ability: Long Reach - Sand Force(HA) -->Evolves at lv. 17<-- ???-DARTRIX -Rock/Ground -The Blade Quill Pokemon -Ability:  Long Reach - Sand Force(HA) -->Evolves at lv. 34<-- ???-DECIDUEYE -Rock/Ghost -The Dagger Quill Pokemon -Ability: Long Reach - Sand Force(HA) -Sig. Move: Crystal Dagger "The user strikes its foe with a Quills made of sharp crystal, the remaining shards that scatter on the ground will damage any oncoming foe"    Type: Rock    PP: 10 (max 16)    Power: 80    Accuracy: 100% -->With Kroeldecidium Z<-- Allows Kroelian Decidueye to upgrade Crystal Dagger to the special Z-Move Turquoise Tomahawk Kroelian Rowlet is based on the Athene cunicularia or Burrowing Owl
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darksilvania · 6 years
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???-JELLARVAE [Jelly-Larvae] -Bug/Fairy -The Gummy pokemon -Ability: Honey Gather/Gooey- Sticky Hold(HA) -Dex: "It's small body is covered by a strong gummy-like substance that protects it from predators, due to it being too gooey to swallow without risk of asphyxiation. To keep its gooey shell, it will constantly eat all kind of fruit and sweet herbs, which give it a very sweet and strong aroma" -Moveset:    -Bug Bite    -Bubble    -Tackle    -Sweet Scent ???-SYRUPUPA [Syrup-Pupa] -Bug/Fairy -The Honeypot Pokemon -Ability: Honey Gather/Gooey - Sticky Hold(HA) -Dex: "The inside of its cocoon is filled with nutritious honey which releases a savory aroma that can be smelled for miles. If it feels threatened, it will spit out some of its honey to paralyze its enemy with its goo, giving it enough time to roll off to a safe place." -Moveset:     -Steamroller     -Bubblebeam     -Struggle Bug     -Sticky Web ???-MELLIFÉE [Melliferous-Fée] -Bug/Fairy -The Honeypot Pokemon -Ability: Honey Gather/Gooey - Sticky Hold(HA) -Dex: "The Honey stored inside its abdomen possesses amazing healing properties due to a very strict diet of herbs, flowers and roots, it is highly sought by breeders and candy makers alike. To handle its honey without altering its flavor or properties, MELLIFÉE carves a dipper and a lid from selected wood that it gives form with its bites." -Moveset: -Sig. Move: Honey Drop "The user shoots a glob of honey to its opponent that may reduce their speed. If used on an ally, it will restore its HP a little"    Type: Fairy    PP: 15 (max 24)    Power: 90    Accuracy: 100%     -Wood Hammer     -Dazzling Gleam     -Quiver Dance "MELLIFÉE keeping is one of Kroel's longest traditions, due to the great value placed on the pokemon's honey for not only its great taste but also its healing and nutrional properties. Keepers in Kroel take great pride on their MELLIFÉEs to such degree it is common for them to "dress" them with customized dippers and lids, replacing the ones the pokemon has made; many stores across the region specialize in selling dippers and lids, all of them made from natural fibers and hand-picked wood, for it is known the pokemon wont use a lid or dipper if it is not organic, as any other material could alter the honey's taste and properties. Keeping a MELLIFÉE happy is very important for keepers and breeders, for it is known its emotional state can alter the honey´s flavor, many business specialize in taking care of them while, at the same time, collecting and processing the pokemons honey, with which they elaborate one of Kroel’s most famous candies, the Honey Drop, named after the pokemon's signature move. This piece of candy can be used to threat common colds and body pain, it can even cure status conditions on pokemons when they are burnt or paralyzed, but it must be prepared with caution and always keeping MELLIFÉE content, or the candy could come out wrong.” JELLARVAE is based on the caterpillar of the Cup Moth or Slug Moth  SYRUPUPA is based on the cocoon of the Cup Moth or Slug Moth MELLIFÉE is based on the Honeypot Ant
This pokemon lids and dippers can be customize as you do with FURFROU’s hairstyle, there are stores in Kroel were you can purchase different kinds of lids and dippers of different styles and colors to match your own style, as well as a variety of candy stores/spa, where you can leave you MELLIFÉE much like you would do in the pokemon day-care, but instead of giving you an egg they will give you candy, you will be able to drop other pokemons and get different candies from them, like the HECARAMELT line which will give you Toffee Apple bites or GALACTTLE which will give you Lunar Cheesecake
Special thanks to my wife @chronnellian for the overall inspiration on this pokemon
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darksilvania · 7 years
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351-GALACTTLE [Galactic-Cattle] -Rock/Fairy (Full Moon) -Rock/Psychic (Waxing Moon) -Rock/Ghost (Waning Moon) -Rock/Dark (New Moon) -The Lunar Cow Pokemon -Ability: Adaptability - Mold Breaker(HA) -Dex: "This pokemon posses its own gravitational force, this allows it to jump great distances with ease, just like a man jumping on the moon. This pokemon can produce milk, though it is two sweet to drink straight, so this milk is used by local cooks to make one of kroel's most famous desserts: Lunar Cheesecake" (Full Moon) -Moveset:     -Moonblast     -Heal Pulse     -Heal Bell     -Moonlight (Waxing Moon) -Moveset:     -Psychic     -Power Gem     -Dazzling Gleam     -Calm Mind (Waning Moon) -Moveset:     -Rock Tomb     -Curse     -Stealth Rock     -Spikes (New Moon) -Moveset:     -Head Smash     -Brutal Swing     -Body Slam     -Milk Drink GALACTTLE is a very rare pokemon  that can be found only on a particular set of islands northwest of the kroel region, this islands are called the "Moonlight Isles" and are said to appear and disappear with the phases of the moon. With each phase lasting a weak, this islands change its location and general terrain, with a different type of GALACTTLE roaming on each one. This pokemon are said to be made from pieaces of the moon itself and cant change its type even if the moon changes its phase. No one know with certainty what happens to the rest of the island when the moon changes, and no one has dared to remain on the island to find out. This Isles are home also to another wonderful pokemon, one even rarer than GALLACTLE but that is a mistery for another moonless night
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