#krolia almost doesn't leave it
discordiansamba · 8 months
fun fact! you've heard that silver and Balmeran crystals can burn Keith, but do you know what else can burn him? that's right! Marmoran blades!
Keith has such complex feelings about the knife his mother left for him. It's the only thing he has from her, and he can't touch it without it burning him. It could do worse to his dad, but he still held onto it like a cherished object. He always told him that his mother left it behind to protect them, but how can it do that if it only hurts them both?
(Was his mother an exorcist? It's not like he can ask around.)
And yet he keeps it, even after his father disappears. Sometimes it even does help keep him safe. He keeps its hilt tightly wrapped, both to hide the strange glowing stone, and so that he can safely hold it. It's why he starts wearing gloves. The knife can hurt him, but it's important. He doesn't want to let it go.
(Years later, he'll face down masked aliens wielding identical blades. They burn just as much.)
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justmultifandom · 1 year
Kidge summer event 2023
Day 27: Haircut for hot days
Keith walked into the communal showers sweating all over, his hair soaking wet as he stripped off his shirt and balled it into a bin which would then be taken to the cleaners. As soon as the automatic door opened, he was invaded by an annoying hot vapor that could only worsen his condition. The interior of the room was foggy, the different mirrors foggy and the heat surrounding the atmosphere, yet he could recognize a small figure in a large orange and white bathrobe violently tossing her hair with the oversized hood.
“Hey Pidge”: he greeted him, fanning himself with his hand as he tried to shake off the dampness.
“Hi Keith”: she replied, smiling: “I'll be out right away. The cold water doesn't work, there must be something wrong with the meter, now I wanted to go to my father to report it"
“Great, no cold water”: he grumbled, squeezing his soaking wet hair and trying to wipe the sweat from his neck.
"Yeah, the Garrison is the most important space military center on Earth and the water meter is out of order": she nodded, puffing, and then looked at him with a raised eyebrow: "Have you ever thought about cutting your hair? Maybe they will bother you less when you train”
“I like my hair, but you're right, I should cut it, after three years in space I've forgotten the heat of the desert. I'm not used anymore”: he reflected: “If I cut my hair maybe Lance will stop calling me Mullet…!”
"I can cut your hair, if you want": she offered, gesturing a scissor with her fingers: "You know, I made this beautiful cut by myself"
“With this you will be the last person I ask to cut my hair”: he smiled, taking a cloth.
“Hey! I cut Shiro's hair I remember you!": she insisted, taking some scissors from a piece of furniture and waving them: "Come on, on your knees"
“Shouldn't I sit in a chair?” He raised an eyebrow.
“You are too tall even for a chair”
“Minion Holt”
"Shut up Kogane or I'll leave you the mullet"
"Okay... okay...": he raised his arms to the sky, kneeling in front of her: "But hurry up, I'm hot and sweaty"
"Don't rush the art, Kogane!" Pidge exclaimed, teasing his hair lightly and starting to cut. Keith could see strands of hair falling to the floor and onto his bare chest, occasionally moving from the discomfort of the communal shower floor, and when he did she would tug at his hair to make him stop.
"No! I like my bangs!”: He took her wrist as she had her strands lifted to her forehead.
“Emo boy, if you call this bangs then Kosmo is a chiwawa!”: She exclaimed, freeing herself from her grip and continuing to cut. Keith snorted, but let go. It was only Pidge, after all; if the cut didn't suit him, she would surely have invented a machine to grow hair.
“Finished!”: She cheered, and he let out a sigh of relief when he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. It was a simple enough cut, actually, even though it looked like a slightly longer undercut, but still, her hair didn't reach down to her neck.
"Not bad": He touched his hair, while she acquired a proud look: "Thanks Pidge"
“Anytime, Kogane”: she gave her a thumbs up, finally walking out of the room.
After taking a shower (which was actually hot as she said), he changed into his orange Garrison uniform and walked out into the halls. He was walking quietly when he heard an excited scream.
“Keith!”: Her mother rushed over to him when he crossed an intersection, shaking him and touching his hair with a surprised expression: “What did you do with your hair?!”
"I cut them": he shrugged, slightly embarrassed by Krolia's too loud and sharp tone.
"Really!? Did you do it or did someone else do it?!”: she started asking many questions, almost jumping on the spot.
"Pidge cut them off for me, what's the problem?": he replied, taking a lock of hair: "I like them..."
“Pidge!? The green paladin, right!? Ohhh, I've always known that! Although I never expected it from you so soon…”: Krolia exclaimed, while he looked at her slightly confused.
“Have you always known what? That I'd cut my hair?” Keith raised a slightly confused eyebrow, shaking his head slowly.
“It's not about the haircut, Keith!”: she touched her forehead with her hand: “Wait, don't you know?! Kolivan never told you when you were in Blade?!”
“Said what?”: he shook his head: “Okay, mom, now you're worrying me…”
“For the Galra, cutting one's hair is a symbol of marriage; if it's a person who does it instead of yourself then you are married”: she explained: “Ah! It's great, I'm going to tell Colleen!"
"Mom, no wait! I didn't-“: he exclaimed, while Krolia disappeared around the corner running:” -know it…”
Keith stood still in the middle of the corridor, thinking and looking for a way out of the awkward and embarrassing situation he had put himself in, but above all he had to explain everything to Pidge…
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princess-kk9 · 9 months
hey! I’d like to hear some prompts for unhinged keith! no promises I’ll be able to get it done soon but, I wanna try and write something abt him going absolutely feral!
Omg I knew I could trust you vld fandom😭🙏 I do have a couple of ideas yes. These are fics I wish I'd seen and have no talent to write:
Evil Keith 1:
What if the galra never found the blue lion but instead found Krolia wad a traitor and killed both her and Tex. Because kit's are the heart of the species they wouldn't leave Keith. They treated him like other Galra and he climbed pretty quickly. Maybe one of Zarkons most competent or Lotor likes him a lot. He had seen the champion once or twice so that's when he stated questioning where he was from. He then started hanging around red. In every universe I believe Keith and reds souls are intertwined. He was absorbed in her, but since he believed Zarkons lies he never unlocked her. When the paladins came he first noticed the champion, then pidge that looked like the child the champion saved, then Lance. Always Lance. He lost red and got assigned the mission to get the lions.
Keith was lonely without red.
Every time he fought the paladins he spoke more with Lance and grew more curious.
He let them escape once.
Was captured, interrogated and the paladins tried to bring him to the light.
Zarkon sent Lotor and/or Sendak after Keith because he took too long.
Klance moment.
Misunderstanding that made them think they betrayed each other.
Keith almost takes them down.
In the end Keith helps them but they go their separate ways.
Keith believes Shiro died. He goes to the shack but turns to unhealthy coping like smoking and stealing for food. Sees the crash, sees the rookies save shiro and follows them. Watches as they blast off without even looking for him. Keith waits for a month and no return. He gets into shady business and works himself to the bone at the gym an in jobs to survive. Galra attack and Keith gets captured. In order to survive he makes a deal to get the Lions. Becomes a mole at the garrison.
Hates Shiro.
Doesn't succeed and gets sent to rehab/prison.
Thankful to Shiro he isn't dead.
I love the idea of evil Keith sm and idk why no one wants to write about it 😭 if you can do something with this please do 🙏 so grateful
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fureliselost · 3 years
vld rewatch s4e1
- ayyy the bom
- keef is so small compared to the rest of the galra dam
- goo wild boiiii
- kolivan is just grumpy because krolia would prob kill him if keef died
- "the mission is more important than the individual. This isn't voltron!" THERE WE GO the moral conflict Keith goes through. I like that this follows Voltron's journey as a weapon -- in the first and second season, voltron is treated as a weapon and its paladins as soldiers. This is also when Keith uses an overly logical mindset, one that is simplistic and even detached, Keith's a good strategist, but the main flaw in his strategy in the first two seasons and in the beginning of the third is that, in a battle situation, he doesn't think of people as people, but as "subjects". Likewise, after the third season, we (as well as the characters) are forced to break that mindset that voltron is just a weapon as the paladins start to venture into diplomatic territory -- now they aren't just saving and fighting faceless people, they have to gain allies and come face to face with them. In the same note, Keith is forced to stop seeing people as just participants and see them as living beings with flaws -- because, if he fails to consider his team's strengths and weaknesses, he could cause their death. And, after he learns this, he starts to go on missions with the Blades, who do view the mission as more important than the individual -- which is a very nice contrast, especially considering that Keith helps convert the BOM into a humanitarian organization post-canon.
- Kuron needs a little kick in the nuts :)))))))))
- seriously, I actually really appreciate how much they didn't play with Kuron being there to dissintonize (how do i words) voltron because they went hard: first, they focused more on keith, shiro's former right hand man and current leader; after keith left, the focus went to lance, the current right hand man. And they did it in such subtle ways (because it might seem obvious to the viewer, but to someone living the situation, it isn't) that it almost gives me flashback to my own trauma with toxic relationships (ik this sounds like a negative comment, but it's a compliment to how well they did it)
- k+l shots, but at what cost
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lance looks so fucking hurt here omg (and it makes sense, considering they had made so much progress in s3)
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(it's the same scene, but I love how they went the extra length multiple times to show that keith and lance are far from the others and near each other)
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idc that the rest of the team is there, i won't be getting anymore shots for the rest of the season
- Man, i really don't like how everyone is treating lance like an immature child for being focused on the show -- that kind of shit is important in a scenario like theirs where they're in a war and they need allies. Not to mention the fact that this fucking show is always disj
- why are they so incontent with being at parades, do they not know how politics work?
- omg regris fucking died jesus
- Man, i really don't like how everyone is treating lance like an immature child for being focused on the show -- that kind of shit is important in a scenario like theirs where they're in a war and they need allies. Not to mention the fact that this fucking show has the characters always dismissing lance's abilities, so is it really wrong to be excited about something he knows he's good at? I mean, again, do they not know how politics works? War isn't just about the actual battles.
- coran should never do improv
- man, why is lance always so behind everyone when they're on the ship? like, literally. The spot he was secluded with keith earlier in the ep? he continues to be there on sepparate occasions -- on his own
- Anddddd this is where shit goes even more downhill -- kuron pilots the black lion
- also, the fact that they made lance be the one who repeatedly asks where keith is
- fuck voltron andkeith leaving :((((
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poor-sickies · 6 years
For whump prompt 115, Keith doesn't usually get bad fevers, not since he was little. So when he gets a really bad fever from some space flu and he's in bed whimpering, half delirious, hair sticking to his face, he calls out for his dad. If he's at the bom base, he technically does have a parental figure there, but he still calls out for his dad and Krolia does her best. If at the castle, Coran would prob be the guy to call him son if he accidentally called him dad while sick.
Aaaaahhh I loved this prompt! It was so good, and especially after this season, I wanted to write it so much! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for the ask!
Krolia had only dealt with this once.
She remembers waking up in the middle of the night to her baby crying, loud and anguished, unlike any other cry she had heard before. When she picks him up from his little bed, she almost flinches at the baby’s temperature.
Her Keith was burning up.
She wakes up her husband, a hand shaking his shoulders, ripping him away from slumber.
“He’s too warm,” her voice wavers, her hands shaking in panic.
Keith’s father gently takes the baby from her arms, cradling him in his, a hand softly stroking Keith’s forehead. “Kid’s got one hell of a fever.” Keith still cries, but it’s quiet, short whimpers.
“What do we do?! Is this normal for humans?”
“He’s sick,” he says, handing Keith back to her, and goes to the bathroom, quickly coming back with a wet rag, “it happens sometimes. He will be okay.”
The fever had broken shortly after sunrise. It didn’t make her any less afraid of fevers.
But now, her Keith was once again burning from the inside, laying on a bed, but in a much different circumstance.
It’s a galra virus, one that she recognizes easily, and apparently, Keith, even with his half human genetic composition, is able to get it. Although with a few changes.
Krolia remembers the shivers, the migraine and the nausea that came with this virus, along with the fever that weighs the bones.
For Keith, somehow, it’s much worse.
Keith radiates heat, in waves, if she’s close enough to him. He lays, curled up in a tiny ball, one hand covering his ear, trying to block the sound, and the other holding his stomach. There’s a wet rag on his forehead, already warm.
The fever got higher too fast. Kolivan calls her to Keith’s quarters, and once seeing the state he was in, comes back with a chair and a blanket. She installs herself in the room, and she’s not leaving.
Keith doesn’t cry like last time. He’s a mostly grown man, almost her size, and merely hides his face with his arms, beneath the blanket. She can hear his labored breathing, through the fever, the migraine, and the terrible stomachache, and every time it gets particularly bad, he squeezes the blankets in his hand, and lets out a muffled whimper.
“It’s okay, Keith,” she strokes his hair back with one hand, while the other rubs Keith’s forearm gently.
Two hours go by, and it doesn’t get much better. Keith slips in and out of consciousness, and fortunately his fever doesn’t get higher. It doesn’t get any lower either.
He sits up slowly, throwing the rag to the floor on a slow and clumsy gesture, and reaches for something on the side of the bed.
“Keith,” Krolia tries to stop him, one hand on his chest to try and make him lay down again, “you need to rest, plea-”
Keith vomits into the bucket. It’s quick and violent, and every grunt makes krolia shiver, as she strokes his back, whispering comforting words.
When he’s done, there are tears streaming down his face, and his mouth twists up in a sob. He lowers himself back to bed, letting krolia wipe his mouth, and a little of his bangs, which had gotten dirty.
The fever is higher now.
“I’ll be right back,” she says, picking up the rag from the floor, it wasn’t even cold anymore.
She comes back from the bathroom after dipping the rag in cold water and wringing it out, and strokes Keith’s hair back with her fingers, gently placing it on his forehead.
Keith whines at the cold sensation, flinching away. He’s not very conscious, but he’s still crying, silently, laying on his side, his arms wrapped around his middle once again as he shivers.
“Oh Keith…”
His hand makes its way out of the blankets, stopping to rest beside his head, half open. Krolia understands.
Her fingers close around his, and he squeezes, hard when the pain gets too much.
“Dad-”, he chokes out, voice shaking and cracking, and he sounds so much younger, “it hurts-”
He squeezes her hand again, and she keeps rubbing his back, desperately wondering if Kolivan would take too long with the medication.
“Dad?” He asks again, his eyes confused, looking around despite the headache. Krolia rubs the inside of his wrist with her thumb.
“I’m here. You will be fine. Just rest.”
“Love you, dad.” He whispers, before rolling closer to her, snuggling up against her arm.
“I love you too Keith.”
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