snackbox-jakarta · 11 months
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Kue Terlaris Se-Jakarta
WA : 0811-9877-099
Web : kuehany.com
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ship underrated
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gustinblog · 6 years
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Coffee break.. Kue sus isi fla dan martabak mini serta tentu sj teh hangat.. #alhamdulillah #coffeebreak #martabakmini #kuesus #isiperut #kedirilicius #kedirikusukasuka #kedirijajan #marimakan #cemilan #instalicius #instagallery #instafood #instagallery #foodie #foodoftheday #foodphotography #foodlover #foodlicius #foodshare #foodgallery #foodporn #delicious #yummy #nomnom (di MAN 2 Kota Kediri)
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indratibernadetta · 4 years
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handayani · 4 years
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Reposted from @aniktriwina (@get_regrann) - Assalaamualaikum Selamat sore teman" time yg tepat buat tea time ya 😃 ikut meramaikan posbar bersama teman" di @postingbarenganbcp dng hostnya Mbak @regunancha tema kue sus Resep masih sll setia milik Mbak Fitsas krn mudah dan ekonomis 🌹😍. . Choux Pastry Ekonomis @aniktriwina Source @fitrisasmaya Bahan choux: 60 gram margarin 1/4 sdt Garam 120 ml air 75 gram tepung terigu serba guna (segitiga) 2 butir telur (@ 50g ) Cara membuat: Siapkan panci, masukkan air, garam dan MArgarin. Masak sampai mendidih, Matikan api kompor, masukkan tepung terigu, Aduk rata Nyalakan api kompor masak selama 2 atau 3 menit, atau sampai timbul gelembung2 putih di dasar panci. Angkat biarkan di dalam panci, dinginkan masukkan satu buah telur lalu aduk rata dengan spatula kayu. Masukkan telur yang kedua, aduk rata (Aduk sampai adonan tercampur rata dan mengkilap) Masukkan ke dalam piping bag yg telah diberi spuit bintang (saya pakai wilton 1M) Siapkan loyang beri alas kertas baking atau oles saja dengan margarin tipis2, lalu semprot adonan secukupnya saja Panggang dgn suhu 200 selama 20 menit dan 180 selama 10 menit (sebelum adonan masuk, oven dipanaskan dulu ya) Angkat dan dinginkan. Isi dg vla Vla vanila Pink: 35 gr Tepung maizena 1 butir Kuning telur 350 ml susu cair 1 sdt vanilla cair 50 gr gula pasir 1/2 sdm butter 1 tetes pewarna pink Cara ; Campur semua bahan kecuali butter. Masak sampai meletup2.Lalu masukkan butter, aduk sampai butter leleh.Angkat biarkan dingin,siap dibuat isian @postingbarenganbcp #posbarbcp #posbarbcp_kuesus #posbarbcp_291019 #posbarbcp_aniktriwina #bcpteam_endolita_holic #kuesus #aniktriwina_chouxpastry #chouxpastry #choux #vlavanilla #vanillacream #aniktriwina_snackboxIstri Handayani - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B6cNLpEpY2Q/?igshid=8v3lquuwc3to
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bonakitchen · 5 years
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Kue sus vla coklat. #kuesus #chouxpastry #kuesoescoklat #kuesusvlacoklat #homemade #order #jualan #bonaskitchen #baking #kuesoesenak https://www.instagram.com/p/BzaNJZ5B8R7/?igshid=qvh2yw116ur7
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ithisatanytime · 4 years
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medanreview · 7 years
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Review Kue Sus & Bocup @KuiKuiSus Kue sus yang enak itu, kulitnya lembut dan flanya tidak kemanisan, itulah selera mimin untuk sebuah kue sus, dan itu ada di #kuesus nya @KuiKuiSus Selain kue sus, min juga suka dengan bolu cup alias #BoCup nya @KuiKuiSus, alasannya sederhana, tidak terlalu manis, lembut dan bolunya tidak kering Kue sus dan bocupnya @KuiKuiSus ini bentuknya one bite cake, sekali hap, jadi pas banget sebagai teman kopi atau untuk acara ulang tahun Buat sobat medanreview yang ingin tahu informasi harganya atau mau memesan langsung, bisa hubungi : KUI SUS MEDAN @kuikuisus WA 081375559898 / 081361617215 Line @kuisus ————————————————————————— Review ini dapat pula dibaca di website medanreview.com ————————————————————————— #kuisus #kuikuisus #medanreview #kuliner #medan #indonesia #myxlsumatera #jaringanxtra #kuesus #bolucup #bocup #recommended
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wrecking-man · 3 years
Komi-san Can’t Adventure Chapter 4 - Familiar
Click here to read on AO3.
There was a snag in their plans. Because of course there was.
“Okay, your registration forms have been signed, approved, and filed,” Ryouko said proudly, “Your adventurer's rings will be finalized within the hour.”
“An hoooooouuuuuuuur?” Najimi complained.
Ryouko let out a brief, awkward laugh.
This guy... Tadano stared in disgust. “Well, we could take this chance to explore the city a bit... And maybe get something to eat.” The food in the mess hall, as I recall, is a bit...
[I agree.] Komi pomphed. She hadn't done any exploring of the city since parting ways with her mother.
“Hm, yeah okay,” Najimi agreed. “So where to first, my dear apostle?”
“Apostle?” Tadano asked. Wait, what?
“Oh, yeah. I forgot we gave you the abridged version,” Najimi said flatly. “Don't mind it.”
“Well I'm gonna mind it now,” Tadano insisted. Just what exactly did I get thrust into?
Komi was shook. She had not yet been informed of Najimi's divinity, but she knew very well what an apostle was. [I feel like I've been left out of the loop.]
Tadano was shocked at his own negligence. He anxiously clapped his hands together as if to beg for forgiveness. “S-sorry. I didn't mean to hide it or anything.”
Komi stared him down. She didn't mean anything by it, but it chilled him down to the bone nonetheless.
Najimi decided it was probably better to just explain it even though it was a ‘pain in the ass’, as the mortals say. “Long story short, I'm a god. He's my apostle, which is basically a fancy title for a personal escort. I'm stuck here for a while until I've traveled the world and decided what kind of god I wanna be. Done.” That constitutes a pain in the ass to Najimi.
Tadano rolled his eyes. That's a pain in the ass?
“Oh, and besides you there are three other apostles, and other 'fledgling gods’, in this city alone,” Najimi added.
“I'm not the only one then,” Tadano said, suddenly feeling less special. I guess that does make sense.
Najimi somehow resisted the urge to say ‘As if!’, although Tadano still felt the jab.
Komi trembled. [I had no idea.]
“...I hope this is not a deal breaker for you,” Tadano said. There would be much sadness.
Komi violently shook her head ‘no’. [I just think it's neat.] She finally had friends. She wasn't about to gatekeep them. If anything, she didn't feel worthy.
“Let's-a go, already,” Najimi insisted. Then gave a thumbs up and wink.
“Yes, yes,” Tadano breathed and waved Najimi away, "Let's-a go."
They began wandering through the Kuesu District, one of the many districts along the outer ring of Itan. The Kuesu District consisted mainly of businesses centered around adventuring. Smiths, apothecaries, inns, emergency services and the like were among this district's specialties, although a large chunk of the district was simply residential.
“Doesn't it seem kind of empty today?” Tadano thought aloud. Where is everyone?
“Huh. That's actually a pretty good question,” Najimi responded and went into thinking mode. “Hmmm.”
‘Actually’ he says. “What's that supposed to mean?”
The two began to bicker amongst themselves—and pull at each others' cheeks—but Komi's attention was focused elsewhere. She noticed a woman frozen in her tracks, halfway down the road. She was just... staring at them.
The woman had medium-length, dark green hair, which was tied up in the back into a short, messy ponytail. She wore large, half-rimmed glasses which were enchanted to stay in place; this was a necessity, as her ears were that of a wolf's and they sat at the top of her head. She was a member of the aptly-named beastfolk race, which had a number of sub-races for various animals like wolves, cats, and bunnies.
Despite also being an adventurer herself, this wolf-woman was in casual clothes; a red skirt and dark blue blouse.
The woman was petrified. That is, until Komi decided she would approach her. As if a switch had been flipped, the woman straightened her back and high-tailed it the other way. Literally.
“Hey, where'd Komi-san go?” Tadano asked as he let go of Najimi's cheeks, allowing them to snap back in place.
“How embarrassing. You scared her off already,” Najimi teased, “Should we split up and search for her?”
“...Fine,” Tadano reluctantly agreed. “You go down Gamer Street, and I'll go down Moonlight Avenue. We'll meet back here in 15 minutes.” Good thing my Divine Perception comes with a clock.
“Roger, Roger.”
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Komi's pursuit was methodical and relentless. With one singular goal in mind, she wound up following the woman down several side streets and back alleys, and even across roof tops... eventually making it all the way back to the Adventurer's Guild.
The woman had holed herself up in the bathroom, laboring under the impression that she was finally safe. She didn't know why the scary demon lady was chasing her. She was just about ready to finish a simple quest she took involving putting up fliers around the city. Something even she, with her extreme social anxiety, could do. How could that have angered anyone? Her stomach began to hurt just thinking about it.
That said, as it so happened, the encounter also awakened another side to the woman. She was... thrilled. Excited even. As scary as she was, the demon chasing her was... beautiful beyond words. Why would she be interested in someone like her? She got flustered just thinking about the possibilities.
Komi's demonic aura spilled into the stall from the other side of the door. She wanted to ask, ‘You suddenly ran, are you okay?’... but couldn't say it.
The woman silently cried and prayed for forgiveness inside the stall. She would do anything as long as she let her live.
Komi, realizing it was rude to stand in front of a bathroom stall, moved away.
Sensing an opportunity, the woman darted out of the bathroom—and right into the clutches of the Guild Master.
“Ah, Agari. Good timing,” the Guild Master said. She was an older woman. Far older than she would ever care to admit. She wore an intimidating pure-white set of robes that went down past her feet and dragged the floor, and had her black hair up in a tight bun.
“Eh... Ah... Eeek. Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-whatisit?” Agari asked nervously, biting her tongue in the process.
The Guild Master pushed up her circle-lensed glasses. “It's about the king's announcement today. I'm in a bit of a rush. Go inform the stragglers, okay?”
“Eh... Bu-bu-bu-but I- I'm too nervous...” Agari pleaded... until she felt Komi's gaze once more. “...Yes, ma'am! Will do!” she blurted out.
“Right, good answer.” She gave her a thumbs up. Taking note of Agari's progress.
Agari just wanted to escape. But it was too late. She already agreed to do as the Guild Master asked.
She made her way to the mess hall and stood just outside, trying to calm her nerves. It was no use. Her stomach was starting to hurt again.
Komi wasn't far behind, but she kept her distance. She too was trying to calm her nerves.
Agari tried telling herself that it would be fine. She practiced the line in her head a dozen times over. It seemed easy enough. She planned on saying it clearly and loudly, so she wouldn't have to repeat herself.
“PAH!” she yelled. Garnering herself several confused looks.
She was mortified. Everyone was looking at her and muttering things to each other. Her life was over. She was certain she would need to move to another kingdom and change her name just to recover. She wanted to just disappear forever.
Meanwhile, Komi finally worked up the nerve to approach her. She can't become Agari's friend without getting closer, after all. Unfortunately for Komi, her demonic aura's intensity was such that it even began to darken the corridor behind her.
Agari looked behind her and screamed, shocking everyone in the mess hall even more.
“We're supposed to go to Town Square and listen to an announcement from the king,” Agari yelled quickly before running away down the corridor in the opposite direction of Komi.
She couldn't believe it. She did it. She said it!
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Moonlight Avenue, a bit earlier.
Tadano was at a loss. There was no sign of Komi anywhere he looked. Looking carefully though, he did find several fliers plastered on the windows of store fronts indicating where everyone went. Maybe that's where she-
“Psst... Over here,” a familiar voice called out from a darkened alley. The figure was wearing a black, hooded cloak and had his face covered.
“Todd-sama?” Tadano asked. What's with the getup?
Todd yanked his hood back. Of course Tadano would know right away who he was. So much for a surprise. “We were short on time earlier, so I had to cut our chat short.”
“Yeah, so I gathered,” Tadano said.
“I put together this guide book for you. Look at it when you have the time,” Todd said as he materialized a book in his hands.
“Oh, thanks,” Tadano said flatly as he looked at the book; ‘Guide to Apostlehood’ was its title.
“You're welcome.” Todd nodded and cleared his throat. “Oh and... The one you're looking for is back at the Adventurer's Guild.”
“Aha! So that was your doing!” Tadano pointed out. He felt smart for figuring it out.
“Of course it was,” Todd couldn't help but crack a smile. “Najimi is too much for one person to handle, I'm afraid. She will round out your party nicely." ...Plus he did owe her parents a huge favor. “Good luck.” He saluted and vanished into thin air.
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The Adventurer's Guild.
“Ah, Komi-san,” Tadano said. Just as Todd-sama said. “D-did something happen?”
[There was a woman down the road, so I wanted to ask her where everyone was.]
[I followed her back here, but she kept running away.]
“I see,” Tadano responded, “And in the end you couldn't ask her.”
Komi was dejected at her failure.
Oh, shit. “It's fine! You'll get another chance!” Tadano insisted.
“Excuse me,” Agari timidly called over from behind them.
Tadano and Komi turned around.
“U-um,” Agari nervously started, “When you were chasing me... it was... r-really scary!”
Komi was shocked. She hadn't even considered how it might look from her perspective.
“But... I don't know why you were chasing me, but... um... Thanks to you... I could change myself a little bit. S-so, um! Um, thank you!”
Tadano smiled and looked over to Komi. Chance. “You two look like you can get along well. Why don't you become her friend?”
“Eh?!” Agari was thoroughly shocked. Someone like her could be her friend? She was sure that it was impossible. From her perspective the difference between them was like Heaven and Taazokaan. "N-no no nononononononono! Impossible!” She quickly realized how rude that sounded. “Er, no! Um, that's not what I mean... For me, being her friend is something too amazing! B-but... If I can be Komi-san's familiar... then I'll do my best!” She laughed to herself. “I hope we can get along!”
Tadano and Komi didn't know how to respond to that in the slightest. But, well... Komi got herself another ‘friend’.
Click here to read on AO3.
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yahyaimansyah · 4 years
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In Frame : - 40 slice Souffle Roll Cake - 40 soes vla vanilla - 40 american risoles #kuesus #americanrisoles #smokedbeef #souffleroll #kuetangerang #jualkuetangerang (di Tangerang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG91iHmF9-s/?igshid=1oan3rg4qrxiz
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nikidakitchen · 6 years
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Spuit alat isi cream atau vla, cokelat, selai atau bahan isi kue yang lain. Memudahkan anda mengisi vla ke dalam kue sus, donat atau roti tanpa merusak bentuk kue. Produk impor bahan stainless steel tanpa sambungan. Panjang spuit 8 cm. Diameter bagian bawah spuit 1.7 cm www.tokopedia.com/nikidakitchen #spuit #spuitpanjang #spuitvla #vla #cokelat #kuesus #kuebolu #isianvla #alatpenghiaskue #indonesia #instapict #instagram #decoratingtools #tokopedia #cupcakes #birthdaycake #bakery #pastry #longspuit #cetakankue https://www.instagram.com/p/BpNzF09AR6k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5zw1b9278q3b
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Quick quick quick. There is still one or two bûche de Noel available... First come first served ... 👏🍾🎉🎅❤️😍🎂 #christmaslog #balipastry #balicake #bali #balifood #balilife #bali2017 #christmas #christmaslog #explorebali #food #foodporn #foodinhands #ilovebali #kuesus #kulinerbali #oleholeh #petitenget #pouledeluxebali #pouledeluxe (à Poule de Luxe)
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wewentweshare · 6 years
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Bali - Châteraisé! From farm to factory, natural and delicious sweets for everyone. With Matcha and double chou cream. Kue sus kekinian @chateraise.id dengan isi krim rasa vanilla, yang ini dengan tambahan matcha didalamnya. Masih banyak varian rasa lainnya, beli beragam lebih menyenangkan. 📷 by @wewentweshare #chateraise #wewentweshare #kuesus #doublechoucream #matcha #greentea #kekinian #instafood #foodphoto #dessert (at Chateraise Senayan City)
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kuesu-air · 6 years
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https://twitter.com/kuesu/status/1035983093180510209 文字入れてTwitterにも載せてます。
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pastryworld · 4 years
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👍 or 👎 ? 👉 Follow @relaxing.diy for daily content 👉 Follow @relaxing.diy for daily content 👉 Follow @relaxing.diy for daily content 💙 LIKE - SHARE - SAVE 💙 . . . . Credits : @eclair_littleartwork . . . #bakery #eclairsurabaya #clair #candy #yum #instagood #foodphotography #foodart #imlek #sweets #ny #cookies #instacake #brownies #pastries #eclaircake #shahalamcake #chocolateeclair #dessertshahalam #shahalambaker #coffee #jualeclairsurabaya #foodstagram #eclairsshahalam #minieclairs #kuesus #catering #confectionery #kuekering #candies (à New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIvdb2ahBoP/?igshid=1w69avh6v18fp
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sangklp · 4 years
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RT @zel_sama: Tengo unas cuantas comisiones pendientes de mucho trabajo. No se si seguiré tomando, ya que no me gusta hacer esperar a la gente cuando las tomo. Aquí una previa de la que trabajo en este momento. Nyaruko: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. Kuesu: Omamori Himari. Origami: Date a live. https://t.co/twUYi7qpc1 https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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