#kurogane youou
dusty-monkey · 2 years
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bip bip unloading the tsubasa special garbage truck
useless fun fact for the fai and shaolan drawing i used as reference a screenshot from malcolm
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ellayuki · 1 year
we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 14: Meeting Your Other Self
“Oh, yeah, no, this is definitely weird.”
“You’re tellin’ me. I’m startin’ to think I might be going a bit insane here.”
Kurogane blinks, and yes, there’s that headache that was threatening to make his day worse.  
And okay, so maybe he’s being a little bit hypocritical, being so damn startled to see his own face in this new world they’ve landed on, especially since his entire current family has at least one double each that he’s either met or heard about (or started the journey with and lost along the way, but it still hurts to think about, even now). He knows it was bound to happen at some point. It’s just. Yeah, it’s weird.
“Who’s the blond?” the other Kurogane asks, raising a pointed eyebrow in Fai’s direction, eyes sparkling with interest in a way Kurogane hates to think his own have ever done. 
Fai chooses that moment to raise his gaze from where he’s been looking through a collection of crystals (“They’re perfect for casting spells, Kuro-pon, and as protection charms.”) a street vendor’s selling. His eyes widen when he sees Kurogane’s companion. (Fuck. Hell no.) “My husband,” he tells his other self, as pointedly as he can, turning away from Fai to look at the man straight on. “And I ain’t sharing, before you get any ideas.”
Sudden laughter from right next to him startles him. “Oh, that’s good to know,” Fai says (and just when the hell did he get here so fast?), leaning on Kurogane’s good shoulder, amusement clear on his face. “Though I’ll admit it would be interesting.”
The other Kurogane laughs, hard. “Don’t worry, don’t worry. Stop looking like you’re gonna murder me. I have no interest in married men. As pretty as they might be.” 
“Aw,” Fai coos, and Kurogane’s forgotten how condescending he could sound when he wanted to. “Kuro-sama thinks I’m pretty.”
Kurogane rolls his eyes. “Shut the hell up. Did you finish looking at your sparkly rocks?”
Fai nods, and turns his most blinding smile at this world’s Kurogane. “Please excuse my husband, he’s a bit brutish when he feels threatened. (“The hell I am!”) I’m Fai.” He stretches out his hand in a polite introduction.
The other Kurogane raises his eyebrow again, before nodding and shaking Fai’s hand firmly. “Youou.” And ah, doesn’t that feel like a gut punch, hearing his own name so easily spoken out loud. “I’m guessing you guys aren’t from around here.”
Fai sways from side to side, hands clasped behind his back, lashes fluttering just so. The picture of innocence. Kurogane snorts just at the image. “You’re right, we’re not. Would You-chan (“You-chan?? What the fu-”) mind showing us around?”
So yeah, Kurogane’s headache is not going away anytime soon. 
(“Honestly, Kuro-sama, being jealous of your own self, how unbecoming.”
“Shut the hell up. Who’s jealous?”)
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tsubasaclones · 2 years
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I dont think I ever posted this but. This is what happens when you put characters in ur sims game then forget about it
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nsyffx · 6 years
I'm digging through lots of old KuroFai doujinshis but I'm quite sad I can't read this one doujin because it was expired and I can't comment on a 2008's post lol
It's called Rakku Suru, apparently there are 2 parts but only part 1 existed until now. If anyone know or ever managed to read it, can you tell me what happened?
For briefing, part 1 was told when Kurogane, Fai and the rest was in a snowy place and Fai catched cold. Kurogane treats him but he realized that the guy is not Kurogane. The uploader also told there is going to be a rape scene in part 2.
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princesandromeda · 7 years
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to protect what you love - Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE & Saint Seiya Omega
click the pics for lame descriptions
i know i can’t edit pictures for the life in me, but you don’t have to tell me that.
So my brother has been reading Tsubasa since two days ago, and in-between chapters he shows me her favorite moments. On Christmas Eve, he was telling me to read Kurogane’s past because it was awesome and I was like “oh no, this is gonna hurt” and when I read that dialogue I was like “yep, here we go, Omega feels again.” (lately, i’ve had too many of those.) So of course I was gonna make a “photoset” to compare the parallels. I wanted to make a long-ass post about it, but realized those might just end up in my drafts, anyway.
I’ll probably do another two “photosets” with the parallels to X-1999 and A:TLA. because I don’t like how the long-ass posts look like in my drafts and i need to clean the trash by new year.
also, fair warning to @teary-eyed-circle-of-friendship that I would spam them with Sonia-related content.
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hoshinochikara · 2 years
i finally finished tsubasa: reservoir chronicle after 19 years of reading it!! i always had a hard time making it past infinity arc.
i was so attached to c!syaoran and couldn't connect with the real syaoran, no matter how hard i tried. he seemed so one-dimensional by comparison. but when i stumbled upon fanfiction by tonight's the night on ff.net i warmed up to r!syaoran and wanted to give it another shot.
i somewhat understand the convoluted ending now but i'm not satisfied with it. thoughts under the cut.
i wish c!syaoran and c!sakura's storyline ended with implying the would be reincarnated, without clamp showing us how it literally happened.
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i didn't like them joining the final battle either, and having the same magic circle as their ccs counterparts when they have such different histories. not onboard with the fact that r!syaoran is esentially in love with the original of his mum either.
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c!syaoran trusting r!syaoran to kill fei wong reed was stunning. it showed how much agency he had over himself now. i wish clamp had ended it there without drawing out the final battle.
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for all the talk about fei wong reed being a threat to life as we know it, the final battle was mostly the kurogane, fai and syaoran getting some help from everyone else via wishes/ sacrifices. it's just not the same as actually showing up at the final battle.
does this mean i want everyone in the clamp universe to teleport in, like in the avengers: infinity war? probably not, but i wouldn't complain if heavy hitters like seishirou or fuuma joined in for support. pretty sure fei wong reed winning would affect their dimension-travelling day jobs.
i also wanted r!sakura to play a more active role despite tsubasa being syaoran's story. sakura's hope and willpower was the theme of cardcaptor sakura and i would have loved to see it here as well.
i wished watanuki and yuuko had it better. i'd do another read of xxxholic (which i finished a few years back) but the last volumes are to depressing for me to revisit. i want to know more about yuuko's life with clow reed. and watanuki deserved better.
tsubasa being both r!sakura and r!syaoran's name. hmm. sure. it didn't have the same gravity for me as tomoyo saying kurogane's true name (youou) just once. it felt like clamp shoehorned that in last minute just make the title seem clever.
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also! the ending with them going on a trip with just the boys? yes, yes, i know syaoran has to keep travelling. but i don't like separating syaoran from sakura when they only just found each other again. r!syaoran and r!sakura are just not the power couple the way their clones are despite being the originals.
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c!syaoran and c!sakura deserved to be on the final pages. maybe we see counterparts living different lives in hong kong and tokyo way into adulthood. maybe we don't know if they'll meet but we hope they do. after all, syaoran and sakura finding their way back to each other is the heart of their story.
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zelinxia · 3 years
[Fic] Fledgling
Although I am preoccupied with studying...I just had to do something for best boy’s birthday. I’ve been waiting for this forever.
Crossposted on AO3
On the eve of the New Year, the last day of the thirteenth month, and before all of Nihon welcomes the arrival of spring, Lady Suwa goes into labor.
Having a baby hasn’t been easy. She and her husband have tried several times. Perhaps tonight would change. And yet, she breaks into a fever while the manor’s team of midwives assist her with delivery.
With a hoarse throat, she says, “My lord. Where is he?”
“Please, my lady, do not strain yourself anymore.” A nursemaid dabs at her feverish sweat with a wet cloth. “Our lord should be now on his way home.”
Just three days ago, Lord Suwa and his men had to go far out again to defeat monsters. Lady Suwa had remained in the prayer room for hours on end, pouring her spiritual power to Suwa’s guardian dragon. As soon as she felt the borders were no longer in danger, and she let down the barriers, labor pain set in her belly.
More hours pass. Evening breaks in. Lamps are oiled and lit up and most midwives change shifts. Then, finally –
Cries pierce the room.
“My lady! The baby’s here. He is safe.”
Thank the gods. Even though her body strains from all the fatigue, she bursts into heavy tears.
Someone will assist with cleaning the baby. Another will tend to her. With the immense relief that all proceeded well, Lady Suwa closes her eyes and falls into a much needed slumber.
The next day is a joyful one for all in Suwa Province. Along with the usual New Year’s festivities, villagers welcome the news of the birth of their new young lord. 
Three days later, Lord Suwa and his men return to the manor. At all stops they stayed at, locals congratulated them on the baby’s arrival. He was anxious to see his wife and newborn.
She rests in their bed, with the baby swaddled and in her arms. He sleeps peacefully, as his wet nurse had just fed him. Lord Suwa goes to their side and sinks to his knees.
“I apologize for not being there,” he says.
“Do not be harsh on yourself,” she says. “All that matters is our child is alive and healthy.”
He embraces them both. “I will protect my most precious one and our precious son.”
She hums and leans into his arms. He kisses her forehead.
“Does he have a name yet?”
“I do have one in mind. But I wanted to wait for you to hear your thoughts.”
“Do tell. I’m sure it is a worthy one.”
Their child, the provincial heir, born on the cusp of the new year and made out alive and sound in spite of his mother falling briefly ill from the tolls of hard labor. Lady Suwa had mused on all the good omens marking his arrival to the physical world. Here, dragons were their guardians. But hawks portend good luck just as much as strength, cleverness and victory. 
“His name is Youou.”
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yououui · 4 years
Hi. Do you know what are meanings of Kurogane and Fai's original names Youou and Yuui? I tried to find in on the net but did not manage
If by meaning you mean translation, I’m not entirely sure myself. I asked some other kurofai fans and they said that Yuui is written phonetically as a foreign name, so it’s pretty much impossible to pinpoint the meaning/translation. And apparently Youou means “hawk king”
As for meaning in the narrative, Youou is Kurogane’s true name that only his parents and his master (Tomoyo) know, meaning it is something very important and only the closest people in his life will ever know it. Yuui is Fai’s actual name, Fai is his twin’s name that he takes so he can “live” Fai’s life after he dies. I’m assuming you already know all of that but just in case!
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ellayuki · 2 years
08052022 - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
just how far we’d travel (both you and I know)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month - Day 8 - OTP
There’s something so tender about the way Kurogane brushes the hair out of Fai’s face, the way he cups Fai’s cheek like he’s something precious, the way he presses the lightest of kisses to the corner of Fai’s returned eye. 
Once, Fai would have made fun of him for it, would have teased and taunted, and hid behind his masks from the show of complete vulnerability and adoration. 
That version of him is gone, though, for the most part. There’s no part of him that can make light of a moment like this, now. He doesn’t want to. Not anymore. 
“Kuro-sama…” he breathes out, his fingers catching in the light cotton of Kurogane’s shirt. “Kuro-sama, I…” There are words, many of them, fighting their way up his throat, and Fai doesn’t know which of them to say first.
Kurogane hums against his temple. “You’re an idiot if you think I don’t already know.” 
Fai doesn't whine, but it's a close thing. "Doesn't mean I can't say it, Kurorin. Maybe I want to say it."
"I'm not stopping you from saying it, mage," Kurogane huffs, and the fingers on Fai's cheek slide through his hair to the back of his head. Fai wraps his own arms around Kurogane's middle, nuzzles into the skin on the inside of the ninja's forearm. Wishes Kurogane's metal arm wouldn't currently be a useless wreck so that it could wrap tight around him. “But every line on your body tells me you’re struggling to find the right words and I’m telling you, you don’t have to."
From somewhere behind him, out through the open balcony doors of the room the Queen of Clow Kingdom has bestowed upon them, Fai can hear birds chirping merrily. Somehow, it reminds him once again that they're free now, and alive, and that their lives are finally their own to live however they wish. "I love you,” he says at last, pulling back and looking Kurogane in his red, red eyes. “And whenever you wish to return to Nihon, if you'll have me, Kuro-sama, I'd like to go with you." 
Kurogane looks at him, eyes clear and trusting and full of… yes, full of love, Fai knows now. They’ve always been full of love for him, even when obscured by exasperation, and distrust, and pain. “Youou,” he says, and it makes Fai blink, because- “My real name is Youou, just like yours is Yuui.” 
And Fai’s breath catches in his throat. To hear that name in that voice, said like it’s a blessing and not… He shakes his head, focuses on the other part, the more important one. “Youou,” he tries it out, carefully, reverently. Tears he hadn't been aware of gathering at the corners of his eyes spill down his cheeks. “Mn, it suits you.” He leans his forehead against Kurogane’s collarbone, overwhelmed. “It suits you, but…”
Fingers card through his loose hair. “But?”
Fai laughs, just a few light huffs of air he can’t stop. He looks back up with a smile. “But Kuropon is still Kuropon.”  
And the smile that stretches on Kurogane’s face then is the most beautiful thing Fai has ever seen in his long, long life. 
“I love you, too, you goof,” Kurogane says, before swallowing Fai’s shocked gasp, with the most breathtaking of kisses.
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tsubasaclones · 2 years
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kurofai-olympics · 4 years
cool yourself
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Team Fluff
Title: cool yourself
Author: robinauts
Prompt: Here Be Dragons
Rating: T
Fai, Kurogane, and their fellow party members traverse a fantastical continent following quests given to them by a mysterious witch, keeping secrets and growing closer.
Longtime best friends Yuui and Youou play the TTRPG Here Be Dragons and slowly realize it's finally their time. Youou drives on the freeway. Yuui cooks a lot of dinners for his friends.
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shinnotsuyosa · 4 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
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full name. kurogane (but his real name is youou) nickname. kuro-sama, kurorin, kuro-puu, kurotan, kurowan, daddy, big puppy.. just ask fai for the rest. gender.  male height. 6′4″ age. mid-late twenties (i hc that he’s currently 29) zodiac. taurus spoken languages. japanese
hair color.  black eye color.  red skin tone.  tanned accent.  japanese voice. his tone is pretty low and deep, but it can raise when he’s angry. his regular talking voice is nice to listen to. dominant hand. he’s ambidextrous, but uses his right hand more posture.  it depends on who he’s with. around fai and syaoran, he’s generally pretty relaxed and doesn’t normally sit properly. around strangers and potential enemies, he’s completely alert and keeps his back straight; ready to jump in and fight whenever necessary. scars. he has.. a lot. before cutting off his left arm, there was a scar over the palm and top of his hand from when he first met tomoyo. various scars cover his back from his time in tokyo; left behind from the clone syaoran, after refusing medical treatment so that sakura could use it later. he also has a large scar on his side from when he fought ashura-ou, as well as a few around his left shoulder where he lost his arm. i imagine he probably has a lot of other little ones, considering the amount of time he’s spent as a warrior in his life. tattoos. none birthmarks. none noticeable feature(s).  he’s very, very tall, and has been told that he has a scary face.
place of birth. the province of suwa, in the country of nihon. birth weight. he was a pretty skinny kid, so probably between 5-7lbs? birth height. 50cm-ish. manner of birth. natural birth. first words. probably ‘mama’ or ‘papa’. siblings. none. parents. the lord and lady of suwa. parental involvement. they were a large part of his life up until the day they died. both were incredibly supportive of kurogane, and wanted him to live the best life he possibly could. though they had their own duties to attend to, they always made time for their son. they lived a very happy life together.
ADULT LIFE. occupation. originally, a ninja and personal bodyguard to princess tomoyo. currently however, he’s just a traveller. current residence. he has no fixed residence at the moment, even though nihon will always be his home. the last place he was in before spirale was a world called nirai kanai. close friends. (you mean family right?) syaoran, fai, sakura, and mokona. this includes the clone syaoran and sakura as well. souma and tomoyo are two people he respects incredibly well. relationship status. married w/ two kids-- i mean single financial status. it depends on the world he’s in! if there’s work to do, he can make a good amount of money, and will be happy to do so. driver’s license. cars don’t exist in his world, so he doesn’t have one, but he can adapt pretty well to other world’s technology. criminal record. lengthy... i suppose... he has killed a Lot of people, but they were trying to harm his princess. vices. drinking and swearing.
SEX & ROMANCE. sexual orientation. bisexual romantic orientation. biromantic love language. watching the way you talk, the way you look at things; making sure no harm comes to you, even if that means he has to throw himself in the way. insisting that you must live your life how you want to; not allowing you to drown in your sorrows. he’ll reach out to you and hold on tight, or at least rustle your hair around when you look sad. relationship tendencies. i don’t think he’s romantic in the traditional sense, but kurogane will definitely give his all to the person he loves; mostly in the form of words, promises, and actions. you’ll definitely know how much he cares for you, even if he shows it in his own way.
character’s theme song. break the sword of justice! hobbies to pass time. training, world-hopping, eating and drinking. mental illnesses. none that i can pinpoint. though he has his flaws, kurogane is very good at dealing with his problems and most often faces them head on.  fears. not being able to protect the people he cares about. self-confidence level. generally quite high. even if he’s unsure of something, kurogane will still see it through without hesitation. vulnerabilities. his friends.
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kyoko0001 · 5 years
Please feel free to use these!!
10 KuroFai Fanfictions I hope someone writes or I will have to get to them one day 
All of these are for anyone to use and are ideas that have been bouncing around in my head for a while. If you do like one/use one send it to me and I will read, review, and share!!!!! I have pages and pages of these so lemme know if you want more friends! 
1 ~ Fai gets separated from the group and wakes up in a new dimension all alone. He is discovered by a group of warriors. One of those warriors looks suspiciously like Kurogane but Fai can tell instantly it’s not. He of course just so happens to be able to speak the language and surrenders peacefully. He is brought back to there village where he gets to meet the real Kurogane of this world. Youou is only 5 but is obsessed with the blond hair, blue eyes wizard who “is very pretty’ or so he tells his mom and dad. Fai spends a few weeks with the little family and gets dragged around by the overly hyperactive kid we see in the lecourt flashback. I want Youou to give him frogs and bugs cuse ‘arnt they cool!’ and show him all his extra secret hiding spots. I want Youou to get stuck in a tree and Fai to have to save him and he is just so freaking impressed that Fai can use magic to do that. I want him to be glued to Fai and hold his hand and just like climb up Fai’s side like a monkey and hang over his shoulders. I need a cute scene where Fai is telling him bedtime stories that are totally over the top and silly and for Youou to just freaking eat it up. I want him to just be so freaking cute and innocent and adorable that Fai is just swooning in cuteness overload and when Kuro-chan finally finds him Youou bawls his eyes out when they have to go and when they land in the next world Fai is crying too and Kurogane ends up snuggling him and telling him all about what he was like as a kid.
2 ~ This same shit but With Kurogane. He lands in a world separated from the group and is grumbling and stalking around when he runs into two adorable kids who wont speak to him but are constantly whispering in the other twins ears and shooting each other looks. Eventually Fai and Yuui bring Kurogane back to there house where they live with there Aunt Chii. Eventually the twins come out of there shells and they are both just terrors. Fai (the real Fai) is half 50% huge cry baby and 50% If-you-make-Yuui-sad-I-will-cut-you. Yuui(the one who takes his twins name in TRC) is mischievous but appears to be overly innocent and they cause no end of trouble. They are just cuddle bugs and Kurogane will walk into the house to find that they have stolen every blanket in the house and piled them in the living room like a nest/fort and are napping all twisted around each other at odd angles. They will also crawl into his bed in the middle of the night and twist around the same way and it hurts Kurogane’s pride as a ninja that they NEVER wake him. Bonus points if you write them in Ashura-ou’s care because he is the best underappreciated and well meaning father in CLAMP. Extra bonus points if they are little vampires!!!!!! And they get cranky and cry why they are hungry and there little eyes turn gold.
3 ~ A well written KuroFai A/B/O Fic. (I know I know shoot me) because I haven't read a single one in this fandom that didnt get abandoned after a few chapters or were terribly written. (all KuroFai is Good KuroFai but I want really good Kurofai) specifically I want I Dont-need-no-man omega Fai and a potty mouth Kuro-alpha who just doesn't know what to do with him. All the angst. Just modern day au a/b/o and I’ll probs be happy tbh. I have one in the works but I feel like I would get judged for posting it? I wanted something where Fai and Kurogane are both princes in neighboring lands. Fai is a first prince and Kurogane is like way down there on the succession so when they have an arranged marriage Kuro-chan gets shipped to Fai’s country even though he is the alpha. Fai is meh about the whole thing but ends up loving that Kurogane’s alpha pride is hurt because he was shipped off ‘like a blushing bride’ to his husbands home and teases him over it. I want Fai to have to teach Kurogane alllll about his new home that is culturally very different from each other in regards to gender rolls. (Kurogane’s comes from a patriarchal society and Fai comes from a matriarchal society.) So he totally freaks out that his delicate omega is a war mage who leads armies and fights alpha’s face to face. Of course I want them to grow a mutual respect for each others strengths and fall in love love and live happily every after. 
4 ~ I want a fanfiction where something happens in a battle and Fai ends up saving Kurogane’s ass by stepping in and just using magic to absolutely obliterate the threat and we get to actually see him do more then just act as back up. Kurogane is totally turned on when Fai is a bad ass in a fight and even though he is injured he just really wants to take his mage home and erm... show his affection? Hehe. 
5 ~ One time I wrote a fic where Fai and Kurogane went back to Celese when Ashura woke up and there were still people there. I was told of course by the readers that there were no more living people in Celese because Ashura had killed them or Fai had taken them all to another dimension? I never read that in the manga... (I knew there were no living people in Celese I though Ashura-ou had killed them not that Fai had rescued them) I dont think at least? But that would be a Fai thing to do. I want a fic where the gang lands in the world that Fai took all the people fleeing ‘The beast’ to and since they are all strong magic users they sense his presence right away and the court mages just swarm them. Of course everyone but Fai is super confused. I like to think that Ashura-ou didnt have have his actual son So Fai is the crowned prince aka king now that Ashura-ou is dead so they dont want him to go. It could go a few ways from here. 
Fai was married for political reasons but he and his wife had been childhood friends and she is just so delighted that Fai and Kurogane fell in love and she is just all up in there business about how it happened. Kurogane of course is like what-the-hell-do-you-mean-you-are-married!? and Fai has to explain the situation and apologize for not being honest. 
(sorry I ship TaiAsh-ou and it sneaks into everything I do) Taishakuten from RG Veda was super close to Ashura-ou and so also watched Fai grow up and was so freaking worried about him going back to Celese all alone. He has been in charge while Fai was gone and of course demands Fai stay so becomes there villain with good intentions if you catch my drift? Just like in RG Veda he promised Ashura-ou but this time it was to look out for Fai and keep him safe. So we get to hear all sorts of things about Fai that are never revealed int he Manga and Kurogane gets all twisted out of joint that Fai might actually stay when really Fai cant wait to go because while he loves him home the reminders of Celese brake his heart. Of corse Kurogane doesnt get why Fai would want to abandon his people so they have to have a talk and Kuro offers for Fai to live in Nihon when this is over. 
6 ~ I really really reaaaaaaaaaaaally want a fic where Ashura-ou never rescued Fai so he kinda just hung out in Valerie in that timeless prison where he cant use magic. FWR still threw his brother out of the tower and he promised to bring him back if Fai kills the people who will one day. (just swap there names so Fai is Fai and the real Fai is now Yuui for this explanation) So Fai never grows older because timeless prison, never learns how to smile or joke or be a normal human because  no Ashura-ou so he is just this tiny little starving frost bitten gremlin sitting in the snow holding his twin and waiting with the feather FWR gave him. So when the gang show up there like... WTFFFFFF. Kurogane brakes the timeless prison with an attack from his sword and Fai is just looking up at them terrified. he doesnt speak or move just looks up at them terrified. They take Fai and Yuui because Fai wont let go and find shelter for the night. Fai of course cant bring  himself to kill the only people that have ever showed him kindness so he is beating himself up for not being able to do it to save Yuui. I love KuroFai but I also think that people can have close non romantic relationships as well so I would love to see Kurogane Fall in love with Fai and care for him in a parental way? No creepiness just Kurogane seeing a kid that needs him and showing him how to be a kid and live his life. I think this would be so cool if someone has the time to actually write out the healing from a traumatized 5-7 year old into a quirky teen. lord knows when and If I get to this one (I’ve had this idea for 7 years) its gonna be 500k + words. 
7 ~ I want an epic AU where Fai and Kurogane live in different countries. I want it to be a tradition in Nihon that when boys turn 16 they spend some time training alone away from there families and its no different for Kurogane. I want his dad lord suwa to have gone to Celese when he had been Kuro’s age and become best buds with Ashura-ou. like war buddies. So when he ships Kurogane off for training he is trusting his old friend Ashura-ou(king of Celes) to look after him. (Ashura would be more like from RG-Veda and a master swords men if that makes sense) Kurogane is excited as hell to go and when he gets there he meets Ashura’s son Fai/Yuui. I want fun teasing between them, epic adventures, Fai taking Kuro-chans innocence!!! and tons of steamy love. I have so many diff Ideas for how this could go but I would love one where Kurogane helps Fai deal with Ashura going crazy like he does in Tsuba. Bonus points for awesome world building. 
8 ~ I want an AU where Fai travels to Kurogane’s world when he is learning the spell to travel between dimensions and just sorta thunks down in the middle of his village and hurts himself on the landing. I want Kuro’s mama to patch Fai up and for Fai and Kurogane to become quick friends before Fai’s Dad showes up to bring him home. I want Fai to visit every few Years and for them to fall in love love!!! Bonus points if Fai has to sneak off to visit Kurogane and Ashura has to keep coming to get him and drag his ass home. 
9 ~ I want and AU where Kurogane’s parents go on vacation without him so he is spending the summer with his cousins (Syaoran and his dad) and gets dragged with them while they explore historical sights throughout eastern Europe. they end up in this totally dilapidated castle that was abandoned years ago and is supposedly haunted. Kurogane doesn't believe in ghosts so when he hears a banging sound from the catacombs below his room he goes to investigate. He finds the source of the banging and it appears to be coming from a bricked up passage way. Kuro starts to get totally freaked out because he swears he can here crying and someone asking for help on the other side so he locates some tools and tries to get though the wall. while he is working the banging and the crying stop and when he pulls the first brick free he uses his phone to flash some light inside of the room and almost has a heart attack when a single gold eye stares back at him. after the first brick the rest of the wall comes down easy and Kurogane Finds Fai just standing there staring at him. Fai is a vampire that the villagers had entombed 500 years ago and as soon as Kurogane gets close enough to him--Fai bites him. Can you blame him though he is starving to death? the whole immortal thing is not as cool as it sounds when your’re bricked up in a dungeon. Luckily his stomach cant hold much and Fai apoligizes while he waits for Kurogane to come to his senses. Like the rest of these they fall in love love and Kurogane gets to teach Fai all about the convinces of modern day life. 
10 ~ I want a fic where Fai gets sick for the first time in a long time. Usually his magic keeps him healthy so when he gets sick he gets siiiiick. Of course he hates asking for help so que  Kurogane taking care of him. 
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plounce · 7 years
hey do you think that kurogane ever calls fai 'yuui' and do you think fai ever calls him 'youou'?
hmm… so to start off my answer on this, i’ll have to quote a post i made last year about how the two of them avoid calling each other by any name:
from the start of the journey and to present canon, fai and kurogane both avoid calling each other by their names - although neither are using their real name, at least not since their Backstory Trauma Incident. youou took up the “kurogane” use name when he entered tomoyo’s guard after the sacking of suwa and set his focus to becoming physically strong; yuui took up fai’s name after setting into his quest to resurrect fai.
by not calling each other by these false names that represent their messed up pasts, kurogane and fai are shown to be the best at understanding each other as well as being key to overcoming their individual traumas and completing their character arcs. so that’s interesting and i’m in hell
so basically, throughout all of canon, kurogane calls fai wizard/mage/etc. in turn fai calls kurogane kuro-tan/kuro-sama/etc, except when they’re emotionally distant during infinity. that significance of using kurogane’s “proper” name (his assumed name, we eventually learn) is meant to drive a wedge in the emotional closeness between them. it adds another layer of distance.
so in keeping with this theme, in post-canon… nah! i don’t really think that they do. for starters, and to be a bit nitpicky, kurogane’s “true” name is very tied in his lord/vassal relationship with tomoyo (and also stuff about returning to his childhood/hereditary ideals etc). i don’t think he’d ever really see a reason to tell fai, especially because he enjoys the pet names so much (you know he does - also because it’s a very everyday reminder of their bond).
i think when they get married in nihon (or renew their vows) (or have a “proper ceremony, especially as you’re getting married to a foreign prince!” as tomoyo commands, mostly because she wants to be in charge of it all; fai is delighted and swept along, kurogane grumbles and grouses and follows, of course) tomoyo uses “youou” when she’s presiding, and since mokona is there fai knows it isn’t some nihongo word he’s unfamiliar with and he’s like……………. WHAT? 
of course tomoyo sees fai’s brow furrow that tiny bit when she says youou, and after the ceremony she is both lightly scolding kurogane for not telling his LIFE PARTNER his actual name, but also OH how DRAMATIC! kurogane’s barking back IT’S THE LORD/VASSAL RELATIONSHIP and fai’s laughing along because he gets it now, and it’s actually very funny and he LOVES having tomoyo around to pick on kurogane with.
he brings it up later - kurogane’s learned to be conscious and careful of fai’s feelings in the years they’ve spent together, knows that there’s some times he should make an effort to be delicate - and explains it as fai gives him his full attention (he’s still eager to learn about his new home, and all that time with syaoran has rubbed off on him). and then fai thanks him for trusting him with that piece of him and that he’ll keep it safe, “but you’re still my cute widdle kuro-tan!!” and kurogane swats at him, and fai laughs and laughs.
as for yuui… hm. i feel like fai’s self-identity is so muddled now after years of “being fai” that he… kind of is? in his own, new way. he’s doing his best to own his identity, to be free for the first time in his life. and everyone still calls him fai for convenience’s sake. except, of course, for kurogane, who calls him wizard/mage/etc. i think fai would probably re-tell kurogane his birth name - huddled in the quiet, intimate dark - because, well, “you don’t need to use it if you don’t want to - but i thought it’d be good to tell you under different circumstances than when you first learned it. of my own free will.”
kurogane considers this, considers fai’s steady, calm gaze. not the forced placidity of before: this is trust. this is good. there’s fear still haunting fai’s head, beaten into the grooves after years of mistreatment, and that’ll probably never go away. he gets how fai doing things entirely of his own will is new and important to him, and kurogane very much approves of fai learning what autonomy and agency feel like.
kurogane says it once - tests it, sees how it feels in his mouth as he looks at his partner. on fai’s part, he hasn’t been called “yuui” very much at all; it’s weird to hear it spoken aloud and directed at him. it’s almost foreign. it sort of permanently is, now that valeria and celes and ashura and his brother are gone, dead and forgotten by all but a handful of people.
kurogane says it bluntly: “do you want to be called yuui?”
he thinks for a long moment. “i’m not sure. i’m fai to all of you, which means a lot. but… i feel like i need to be my own person.”
kurogane scoffs. “you are your own person. always have been. you don’t have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. and anyway, you’re the wizard no matter what, so it doesn’t really matter to me either way.”
“oh? just ‘the wizard’? how boorish! i’m married to you, and you think of me as ‘the wizard’!”
“stop that.”
“my heart is rent in twain! oh, kuro-brute, your dispassion wounds me!”
“i’ll show you wounding.”
“oh, kuro-sama, i wouldn’t - mm - exactly call this wounding, really very much - the opposite - no don’t tickle me -!!”
(side headcanon: fai is very ticklish. kurogane isn’t. it’s the only effective recourse kurogane often has against fai’s teasing, with the added benefit of touching each other, and making fai laugh. you really have to press kurogane to get him to admit it, but his dignity can be worth seeing fai laugh and smile. the wizard deserves to. except if the avenue is kurogane’s hair being lime green. that one wasn’t worth the cackling. that one was worth the couch fai got exiled to.)
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