#kuroo one shots
liillyliilly · 2 months
mentos and coke-a-cola kuroo tetsurou x reader words; 15706 synopsis: as vice captain of a co-ed intramural team, you found yourself increasingly close to the members of your team. including the witty, loving, captain of yours, kuroo tetsurou.
You think to yourself, how many times did you have to tell Kuroo Tetsurou that you were not in fact his personal gym journal? Sitting at the central table of the university library, you had to quickly set your phone down. Then, you opened your laptop to text him, glad that your laptop blurred photos unless you had clicked on them.
This hadn’t been the first time he’d sent you photos of him. Nor had it been the second. By the eighth time it had become routine, he’d send what he considered the ‘best’ photos from the week to you, and expect detailed analysis and thoughts on the way his joggers hung low on his hips with Calvin Klein underwear showing the brand label boldly.
He always posed without his face showing in the photos. Just glimpses of his chin or cheek in the photos. Even though that had always been your only suggestion for him, just a little more of his face and a little less of the v-shaped muscles near his hips.
Kuroo never understood why the most obvious form of flirting never worked on you. Perhaps it had been because of your systematic desensitization to the possibility that he was trying to overtly make you see him as attractive. Perhaps it was all in his mind. The concept that photos could equate to romance. Or how he began deluding himself into finally overcoming the imposed relationship barriers you had begun building once you joined his recreation team for intramural volleyball at The University of Tokyo.
TO TETSUROU: kuroo put the softcore porn thirst traps away 🤢
FROM TETSUROU: i need your opinion
TO TETSUROU: ??? my opinion? i don’t have an opinion on your abdominal muscles or your back or your arms. I need to STUDY the human ego not your body (my philosophy major homework is kicking my butt right now)
You flit from the message tab on your laptop, opening a pdf copy of your textbook to copy notes from. You just needed to finish two more chapters and then you would drop by Kuroo’s place for dinner. He had invited the whole team, but everyone else said that they couldn’t make it. You had tried to deny his offer, but everyone else in the team said that you should just accept the free food.
The part that you hadn’t known at that time was that there were two group chats related to your volleyball team, Consensual Sets. (The team name had all been Ito’s idea, the setter on your team. Kuroo had strongly suggested Setters of Catan, and you had proposed Block Party. In the end, Ito’s pun won the hearts of the rest of your seven member team.) There was one group chat that had everyone, and another that had everyone but you in the messaging history.
Kuroo had dubbed the secondary chat as his collection of wing-people. But mostly they were unhelpful in actually progressing his romance with you. But this time, the dinner he wanted to have was successfully handled by the other five members. It was simple for the rest of the team to just decline the offer due to fake excuses and then to strongly encourage you to go get food with Kuroo at the end of what had been a long week for you academically.
FROM TETSUROU: you drive me crazy 🤕 (just drop out of philosophy and switch your major, all the cool kids do that my dear confucius)
Kuroo was wiping sweat from his forehead using a towel in his bathroom. Instead of doing cardio at the gym, he had decided to just run back to his apartment on the outskirts of the university. That way he could shower before you’d show up to get food. He still didn’t have an idea about where to take you. There was a fine line between a potential date and forcing you to go to a fancy restaurant against your will. He didn’t want just to go to a drive-through, but then he remembered how much you loved the fries at that one burger shop.
He would always try to make you eat a balanced meal, trying to make your diet secretly better. It was all for your good though, because he was aiming to make you live to be 100 through his secret dietary aids he had been slowly integrating. Hell, you couldn’t even eat pizza without also craving a side salad now because of Kuroo’s insistent nature.
TO TETSUROU: i will forcibly remove my number from your phone pls give me peace of mind and stop acting as a shoulder devil for my future career choices
FROM TETSUROU: you love me really
And you did, you loved him like a best friend. Almost like an overbearing, annoying, childish older brother. But also, as a role model to some degree. If you could call being the captain of your co-ed volleyball recreation league team a role model figure in your life.
It was around thirty minutes later when you finally shoved your laptop into your bag and got onto your electric skateboard to get to Kuroo’s apartment.
Knocking a few times, you had shoved your board under your arm and unclasped your helmet.
He swung the door open with a big smile, “I got Thai. From Suguru’s mom’s restaurant, discounts for friends of that brat.”
You rested your board against the door once you had entered his apartment, removing your helmet and trying to pin down the hairs that had been rustled by your head protection.
You set your helmet down on the coffee table near the entrance, setting your board against the wall unobtrusively, “Suguru’s mom is such a sweetheart, remember when she brought food for our team after our big loss last year?”
Daishou’s mother also bought the team amulets, with Nagas (which you had learned were essentially snakes) surrounding a Buddha for good luck and for protection. Yours hung up in your living room, next to your roommates various other key chains. Before you left the house, you always rubbed the charm. If the luck Daishou’s mom seemed to have was due to the amulet, then there wouldn’t be any harm in trying to get some of it to rub off on you as well.
Kuroo pulls out a chair for you and you sit down proceeding to open some chopsticks. One pair for you, and then you open another for Kuroo, resting the wood utensils onto his plate. He opened the fridge and poured some glasses of water from his Brita.
He smiles to himself when he finally sits down, “We really couldn’t stay sad when we had khao soi and pad kra pao, and that mango sticky rice. I dream about that sticky rice literally every night.”
You agree, accepting the styrofoam box from Kuroo to get some rice and egg onto your dish. Kuroo was busy pouring curry onto his plate.
“It was so sad that we lost last year.” You chew your food, waving your chopsticks around a little in the air, “If only we had gotten more team practice time in, I think we almost could’ve been up to your level Tetsurou.”
Kuroo leans back into his chair, sipping his water, “It would take a lot more than just two practices a week to get everyone on our team last year up to my level. But this year, we might actually have a chance, The Consensual Sets have a lot of connecting people.” He sits forward again, getting some food into his mouth.
“Yeah, I still can’t believe Suguru agreed to join full time instead of just being an alternate! With his regular season on top of our intramural team, he’s gonna be so tired out.” You jab the chopsticks in Kuroo’s direction, emphasizing your point.
“At least he brought us a replacement alternate, Mika is gonna be great to have on the team- even with her lack of skills.”
You roll your eyes, “Mika has skills!”
The other members of the team had joined Kuroo’s team for a variety of reasons. Ito Yuuta, the setter, joined because he wanted to beat his twin in intramurals this year- and because his friend from high school, Alba, was also on the team. Ito was also the only first year on your team. Alba, a spiker, joined because she needed something outside of her architecture major to keep her extra busy. She was a second year student like you.
Daishou and Mika, who came as a set due to their dating status, joined because Daishou had been convinced by Kuroo to join for fun. You suspected that Kuroo was still carrying some lingering sadness at Kenma not joining the university team, but Kenma was busy with his multi-pursuit endeavors to join a recreation league. Kenma did come to an occasional game to support his best friend though.
Mingzhe, the libero and defensive specialist, was an international student from China. He had joined the team because he was too busy with his Computer Engineering and Science double major to be apart of the regular team. The University had been devastated that Mingzhe denied their offer for him to join. But it only elevated your own team to have such a good player.
The reason you joined? Because you wanted friends. Kuroo had made a poster advertising his desire for people to join a small co-ed volleyball team. You had taken a photo of the poster, went to the open gym time that he had outlined, and the rest became history relatively quickly.
Kuroo hadn’t been captain last year though, it was a collection of older fourth and third years who made the team. All of whom were in the sports marketing major with Kuroo. But they weren’t really playing the game for the love of the sport, but rather for extra credit from their professors. The old team name had simply been ‘Extra Credit for Prof. Singh’s Sports Marketing 5910 Special Study Course’ but it was always shortened to ‘Special Study Kids’ on the excel spreadsheets that listed out opponents and playing time.
Kuroo had shifted the narrative, he wanted this year’s team to be for fun- genuine fun and love for volleyball. And you had found yourself enjoying playing, even though you were sharing a position with Kuroo who scared you with his ability to read the opponents. But Kuroo always told you that without your support blocks, then his own blocks wouldn’t work most of the time. That had been a major ego-boost.
He knew how to do that for a lot of people, you recall. Kuroo could make people feel special, feel seen, without having to do much except for just show off his sincere love for people. A person like him was rare to find even once in life, so you wanted to stick around him for a long time. (Even if Kuroo got onto your nerves, he balanced out his provocations with kindness.)
“Thanks for the food, I can’t believe everyone else said no to free food at your expense.” You pat your stomach, rolling your shoulders a little to get comfortable in the metal chairs Kuroo had.
“It’s no problem. What do you have planned for the rest of this month?”
Pursing your lips, you try to recall your schedule.
“Besides our two-a-weeks, games, and classes, I don’t have much else going on in September.”
“Do you want to come watch a game then?” Kuroo grabs your plate, starting the sink faucet, you grab a towel to dry off the two plates. He tries to bump you away with his hip, but you resist and narrow your eyes. He yields and hands you a cleaned dish to dry.
“Is it the game you were talking about at practice? The reunion game?” You set the ceramic dish onto the shelf, waiting for Kuroo to hand you the other plate to dry.
“Yeah, it’s a bunch of my buddies from high school, we wanted to play a game before some of our pals leave for other countries to play professionally. Remember Bokuto? I mentioned him a few times.”
“The owl furry guy?”
Kuroo chuckles, turning around and leaning against the sink to watch you put the other plate away onto the cupboard shelf. “Yes, the owl guy. And Kenma will be playing, and Akaashi, and Fukunaga, and Kai, and-”
“I think I get it. A Nekoma versus Fukurodani game?” You suggest.
You had met Fukunaga once before, when Kuroo took the team to a comedy show of his the day before a match some time ago. Fukunaga’s set had been so hilarious that you asked Kuroo to personally introduce you to the comedian. Kuroo had been hesitant, for reasons unknown to you, but ultimately gave in to you and introduced the pair of you.
Fukunaga had taken one look at you and immediately pointed out what he liked about you. Which made you laugh, Kuroo hadn’t been entertained by that joke though. His reaction had been furrowed eyebrows, a huff, and defensively folding his arms- you had pointed out how overly dramatic Kuroo could be sometimes. Fukunaga had just smiled and shook his head.
Kuroo clarifies about the game, “More like a Nekoma versus an agglomeration of other high schools. Hinata, this crazy little dude, and my protege Tsukishima will play with Akaashi and Bokuto.”
“Okay, I’ll bite, I’m in.”
He had texted you the details of where to go, when to be there, and what color to wear to show your support for Kuroo’s team. You had been tempted to wear anything but the red and black combo he asked you to wear, but in the end, you wanted to be a good friend and wore what he asked you to wear.
The game was intense, to say the least. A lot more yelling and commands came from Kuroo than you had seen during your own games. It was nearing the end of September, and instead of studying for an exam, you were here in a gym watching a group of cohorts from the Volleyball World of High Schoolers play to their heart’s contentment.
You screamed when Kuroo got a good block, and you remained quiet when the opposing team scored a point. One of the things you noticed was how much higher they had made the net. In the intramural league, the net was at least a few centimeters shorter than the one they were playing with.
The tall blonde made a face at Kuroo through the net, and you almost found yourself laughing at how Kuroo teased him back. A ginger with the jumping power of a kangaroo kept making the most insane plays you had ever seen, keeping you on the edge of your seat for most of the game.
Ultimately, the Nekoma reunion team takes the win. You could see Kenma’s sour expression from where you had been sitting. Kenma immediately went to sit on the bench to play on his nintendo when the rest of his team was clapping each other on the backs.
Kuroo waved you over, face beaming.
When he pulls you in for a hug, you realize your hands get wet, soaked, not even a little damp but instead dripping wet. But he keeps his arms tightly around your waist. It wasn’t one of the usual hugs you exchanged with him, where your arms crossed around his chest and he did the same. In this hug, he had wrapped both arms around your waist, which made you wrap neatly into his chest.
"Your jersey is soaked, did they pour water over you Tetsurou?" You chuckle a little, talking into his body almost.
"Nope. This is all homemade sweat."
You pull away from the hug, wiping your hands on your thighs. Only to realize that your red shirt is soaked through the front as well, an imprint of his body outline on yours. You grimace, knowing that you now smell heavily of a unique perfume you’d dub ‘Kuroo après le match de volley’.
Kuroo shrugs, then wraps his arms around you again, which earns him a groan from you.
"You love me really."
You don’t say anything in response, letting him have his moment.
The post-game dinner was fun, even if you did have to complain to Kuroo about him buying your food for you. He had been too insistent about paying, even secretly paying for you when you went to the restroom.
“You took the train, yeah?” Kuroo asks once you exit the restaurant.
Nighttime on the bullet train in Tokyo back to the university was always your favorite. Being able to stuff your ears full of music while you watch the passing scenery had such a hold over your emotional well-being. During train rides like that you thought maybe you could study Ralph Waldo Emerson again. But then you push away the thought because you remembered how much of an annoyance you found reading his pieces. You would always prefer Thoreau to Emerson at the end of the day when talking about the Transcendentalist Movement.
Kuroo nods, yelling out, “Kenma, I’m gonna take the train, you’re good to head back to your house! Text you later!” He waves enthusiastically to Kenma, who just throws a thumbs-up in regard to Kuroo’s statement.
The walk is mostly silent, with hands brushing against each other. The train station is vaguely busy. Kuroo had changed into some joggers and a loose t-shirt that had a neckline that was a little too stretched out so you could see his collarbones and the start of his chest. The design of the shirt was a logo for a cologne brand, with cursive writing.
While waiting for the train, you kicked your feet against the pavement a little, listening to Kuroo talk about the game and his favorite moments. His passion for volleyball was clear, but it just wasn’t the only thing Kuroo wanted to do for the rest of his life. His love for teaching other people, and helping others achieve their own passion outweighed his personal feelings. He just had a heart so open and willing to help others, that the blurred lines of what he loved and what others loved had become interwoven.
His belief of lowering the net for others, that helping aspect of his personality shone through with your recreation team. Although it was a casual team, it also meant so much more to everyone because Kuroo’s appreciation and understanding for the volleyball essentials and foundations made everyone want to do better. Made everyone want to play volleyball.
The train roared in, and you lifted your head, going to stand near the yellow painted lines where the door would be near. You turned around, and Kuroo was still standing fairly far away.
“Tetsurou?” You held your hand out for him to take, an effort to urge him to wait nearby with you.
Kuroo freezes. In his mind, his slightly exhausted mind that had lowered inhibitions from physically exerting himself with the game earlier, the two options were to grab your hand or to play around with you. He let his teasing, flirtatious, scheming personality win out over his shyness and earnest kindness.
He bent down, and rested his chin in the palm of your hand, so you had ended up squishing his face slightly. Once you realized that it was his face in your hand, you tried to tug your hand away with a laugh and with your tongue peeking out between your teeth as you bit down on it.
Kuroo didn’t know how to stop when he was ahead. He used his hand to grab a hold of your wrist. Then he gently bit down on the space between your pointer finger and thumb, pressing a kiss to the skin immediately after. And he would’ve continued with the affectionate kisses to your hand, but you swallowed thickly and your fingers began to twitch.
You couldn’t comprehend why you had wanted him to keep going. It was knotting your stomach, and turning the gears in your brain.
He stood up properly, noticing how the train had stopped. He slid a hand into your hand that was still outstretched and stunned from his actions, “The train won’t wait for us, c’mon Confucious.”
That night, you had spent a lot of time looking up onto your ceiling. Tapping your tummy to make little songs as you run through the day you had experienced over and over again.
Your phone dings.
FROM TETSUROU: thanks for coming to the game! hope you had a good time watching. kenma got photos of us celebrating after nekoma grad team won
FROM TETSUROU: im really glad you wore red
Kuroo’s head is resting on his pillow, the light of his phone shining on his face as he lays on his bed in the dark. He can feel his palms sweating, and he keeps shoving his face into the pillow before taking a peek at his phone again. Under the blankets, his feet keep bouncing from the mattress as he fights against what feels like hypertension in his blood. You still hadn’t responded to his messages.
You looked at your phone for a moment, your eyes slightly static and blurry. You read his messages, trying to think of what to say. Your red shirt lays in your dirty clothes basket, and a grin starts to make your face hurt.
FROM TETSUROU: i think i love you
FROM TETSUROU: i love you a lot
FROM TETSUROU: do you think you could love me back?
You look at the notification that tells you Kuroo unsent texts that you hadn’t got the chance to read. You shrug, responding to the messages you did get a chance to read.
TO TETSUROU: the game was so much fun! wearing red for you was also fun, i felt like a cheerleader lowkey- i mean you should’ve seen some of the looks i got from this grandma who clearly just wanted to watch the game lol after the game tho! she said it was nice to see young people cheering so passionately so i guess her dirty looks were all in my mind
FROM TETSUROU: that’s hilarious- whose granny was it tho 💀
TO TETSUROU: no idea but she really liked you 🫣
TO TETSUROU: i’ll see you at practice next saturday! goodnight tetsurou, sleep well
FROM TETSUROU: goodnight ♥️
FROM TETSUROU: goodnight confucius 🙂
The first Saturday of October was a practice for the members of Consensual Sets. You were busy tossing serves over the net for Mingzhe to receive. Alba was jumping on Ito’s shoulders as she asked him repeatedly to let her tape up his fingers this time. Daishou and Mika were tugging on their knee pads, and when Mika started pouting at the way her nails got tugged by the fabric, Daishou knelt in front of her and pulled the pads up where they belonged with a huge smile as he looked up at her.
Daishou and Mingzhe wanted to do some quick laps outside, but you wanted to warm up by doing some flying dives. While the flying dives did hurt your elbows from impact catching your weight, they made for great practice to get you better prepared for your back row position duties. Alba finally got to tape up Ito’s fingers as he looked terrified at giving her the tape he used.
Mika decided to stretch out, only really getting ready to hit some serves for the rest of the team today. Her role as a support, and as an alternate wasn’t needed for most games, but in case of emergency, at least she had created a weapon for herself with that nasty jump float that makes you chew the inside of your mouth.
Fifteen minutes into the practice, when everyone was done warming up and getting water, you looked around the gym. The only other people here were a group of basketball guys playing a game of pick-up on the other end of the courts away from where you’d set up the net. You were the first one to notice a lack of one particular person.
“Does anyone know where Tetsurou is?” You ask, going over the bench were Mingzhe was meditating.
Ito shrugged, “Maybe he couldn’t make it today?”
Alba rests her chin on Ito’s shoulder, commenting, “Perhaps he’s sick? Our fearless leader lost to the measly germs of society. Damn it, I curse the bloodline of those germs.” She dramatically clenches her first and Ito tries to hide an amused smile on his face.
“I’ll text him, I’m sure he’s just running late.” Daishou says, accepting his phone from Mika.
You, as vice captain of the team, decide the best course of action is to start running some drills. 10 spikes, 10 serves, 10 receives, and then 10 blocks. Each person alternated the roles until everyones did their 10x4 drill.
Even after the drill, Kuroo still hadn’t shown up.
“Suguru, any sign of Tetsurou?” You question, getting some water.
Mingzhe, looking nearly sweatless and unaffected by the drills, is still meditating in the center of the court. Alba tried waving her hand in front of his face. But Mingzhe opened one eye right when she started making a face- which caused her to jump back in alarm. Ito audibly laughed at that exchange while adjusting his taped fingers, away from where Alba could see so that he didn’t hurt her feelings.
“He said he can’t make it, something about a presentation for a class of his, apparently it slipped his mind. But he did send me a list of what we should do today. Let’s go for two miles outside!” Daishou shouted out the instruction to the rest of the team, then patted you on the shoulder. “Don’t worry so much, Tetsu would let you know if something happened to him. I think you’d be the first to know if he got hurt or sick or something. Trust him.”
After practice, you make your way to Kuroo’s building, the one where all his classes were held.
You scanned your badge and entered the building, appreciating the cool sports poster that Kuroo’s department had covering the walls. Tall posters of soccer players, basketball players, and even some table tennis players. The coolest one was a blue poster where a soccer player had altered edited eyes to seem like they shined gold, and there was a huge skeleton behind them making the player look imposing and strong. You snuck a photo of the poster, then shoved your phone back into your pocket.
The weight of the spam musubi you got for Kuroo, and the two cold banana drinks made your bag feel heftier than usual. In reality, the actual tangible weight didn’t affect anything. You just felt strange being in a building that wasn’t your own.
And you’d been thinking about Kuroo again. More specifically, the way he’d bitten and then kissed your hand. You felt your throat swallow thickly as your brain flashed images of what it might have been like if he had bitten and kissed elsewhere on your body. Of course, Kuroo had done it as a tease, a little game, you reason.
But why did your heart begin to stutter when you found him sitting in a niche, his hand in his hair as he scrolled through his laptop? He looked exhausted, and slightly upset. He was bouncing his leg, his knee hitting the top of the table occasionally.
You slid into the alcove opposite of Kuroo, pulling out the treats you got for him.
“Tetsurou, take a quick break.” You shoved the musubi and drink in his direction.
Kuroo shut his laptop, then looked from the food to your face then back to the food. He covered his face in his hands as he propped his elbows onto the table. His words were muffled by his hands, “Thank you.”
You reached out and touched his forearm, “It’s no problem, eat up.”
He tried to split the spam musubi but you shook your head, holding your hand up to deny him. He gave a downturned smile as he bit into the sustenance. He let out a hum, “This is really good, this is just what I needed.”
Sipping on the banana drink, you rested your foot overtop of his under the table.
“How did the presentation go?” You purse your lips, trying to give Kuroo your best hopeful look.
Kurooo grimaced a little, “Professor Singh said it needed some more work.”
“What was the grade?” You prepared yourself for the worst. That Kuroo failed and would need to disband the team that you’d grown so attached to. And your next game was in three weeks, at the end of October too.
“Oh he gave me full credit, said it was the best he’s seen this year. But if I want it to be my thesis project for senior year next year, then it would need more tuning. Then he proceeded to give me a list of corrections to make.” He pulled out a sheet of paper that was bulleted, Kuroo gave it to you to read and you started feeling bad for him.
He finished off the musubi, then rubbed his eyes, his reading glasses pushed up onto the top of his head in the process, “This isn’t even half of the things that need to be fixed. Professor Singh said he’d help me though, so it’s not like it’s the end of the world.”
“Still, I’m sorry, that’s rough.” You suck in some air through your teeth, and click your tongue just barely, “I’m sorry.”
Kuroo waves his hand to diffuse the air between you two.
He rolls the sleeves of his white button up down, the arms are wrinkled, and he undoes the top button of his shirt, releasing his throat a little so he can relax into his spot. Kuroo sets his head on the table, his hand on the bottled drink you had gotten him, he rocks the bottle around in circles, the liquid sloshing inside.
You bite the inside of your mouth, racking your brain to look for anything that could possibly ease Kuroo’s contemplations.
“Did you still want to try my electric skateboard out?”
Kuroo jolts up, sitting with his back straight.
“Hell yes. Please teach me.” He holds his hands flat together in front of his face in what you recognized as some kind of prayer posturing.
“Okay, my dorm is just a few miles away, let’s head out.” You pull your backpack over your shoulders as Kuroo tucks his laptop into the shoulder bag he has.
For a moment, you fight against the urge to hold your hand out for him to take.
When you do end up holding your hand out, ready to accept his, Kuroo wipes his hand against his thigh discreetly before he rushes to grab a hold of your hand. His hand is bigger than yours, more rough, but it’s warm and comforting with the way that he intertwines your fingers with his. He swings your connected hands back and forth as he starts talking about the upcoming game, and how he’ll go into the gym with Daishou to join in on Daishou’s regular practices with the university volleyball team tomorrow.
Kuroo was not built for your skateboard, but he had fun trying to balance on it as you tried to support him with hands on his waist.
“I’m ticklish there.” He feels his stomach tighten when you squeeze his sides.
“Blah, I’m trying to prevent you from eating dirt. I can’t hold you by the shoulders since you’re too tall standing on the board.” You explain, keeping one foot on the back of the board to keep it from moving too much as Kuroo wiggles around trying to find a balance.
You probably spent two hours trying to get him to actually start the board up and go further than a few strides away from you. But in the end, he could successfully circle around you without your hands supporting him. Alba and Ito came around to the part of the campus you and Kuroo were occupying.
Alba jumped up and down as Ito covered his ears, awaiting Alba’s yells to call for attention. She was tossing up a Mikasa volleyball, and Ito had a Molten under his arm.
“Let’s play two versus two since Kuroo couldn’t be bothered to come to practice today.” Alba lifted a hand up and spiked the ball in your direction, and you received the ball with ease as you dropped your hips and crouched down. Kuroo caught the ball you had dug out, spinning it in on a fingertip before just palming the ball with one hand.
Ito rolled his eyes and rolled his shoulder, “Not today, it’s almost dark out.”
Alba took her ball from Kuroo, trying to balance it on her head.
“What does our gorgeous vice captain have to say then? Let her decide, my absolute queen.” Alba blows a kiss in your direction, which you fake catch with one hand before pressing your palm to your heart and playfully, although also impishly, sighing deeply.
You glance at Kuroo’s expectant eyes, he adjusted his shoulder bag again. He was still in his dressy presentation clothes.
“Maybe next time, it’s been a long day, my legs are jello and my arms are sore.” You complain lightly, “But Alba, maybe Ito wants to play DIG 2000 on the computer with you?”
Ito smiled, DIG 2000 was a simulation game similar to the FIFA 23 sports video game. Alba nodded, bouncing the volleyball on her head a few times before turning to Ito, “Let’s go back to yours then.”
Ito copied Alba, bouncing the volleyball with his foot instead of head, and nodded, “Sounds good.”
The pair walked off, Alba talking excitedly and Ito listening intently.
Kuroo walked to stand close by you, holding your skateboard in his hand.
“If they don’t start dating, I don’t think I’ll ever believe in love.” He jokes.
You raise an eyebrow, “Really? But you love all people, you got that big heart behind all the muscle. I find it hard to believe that you need proof of romantic love to believe in love at all.” You think about Plato’s symposium which defined love as two people becoming one through a connection and Aristotle's emphasis on philia, the platonic love between friends.
Western love philosophy had always been rooted in two main branches of thought, the classical beliefs of the ancients such as Plato and then the French Skepticism that believed love was a guise for sexual fulfillment.
You noted that you’d have to thank your professor for their in depth analysis about the Love Unit your class had covered earlier in the year. Clearly, more than you realized had stuck into your brain.
Kuroo starts walking back to your dorm, you trailing after him.
“I think that love can be found in all things, but I was more so thinking about Alba and Ito you know? Like, if I see two people like them, who are clearly compatible, then it feels wrong when they don’t become more than just friends. When clearly, like, they’d be brilliant together. The way they bounce off each other for example,” Kuroo focuses his eyes straight ahead, knowing that you’re looking at him with those bright and curious eyes he’d fallen for- knowing that he’d be powerless to look away once he locked eyes with you.
Kuroo continues, “I mean, Ito takes such good care of Alba, and she doesn’t even realize that she reciprocates naturally sometimes. Like all the times she asks to tape his fingers before a game or practice, and he reluctantly lets her? Then he proceeds to fix the tape when he knows she isn’t looking. That’s love.” You can hear the sigh he lets out with his concluding statement.
You take your board back from Kuroo, playing with one of the wheels as you bump your hip into his for a moment, then you give your two cents to the discussion.
“But does that mean they need to be romantically involved? If we’re using our friends as examples, then I’d like to point out Daishou and Mika. Or even Mingzhe as an example. When we see Daishou and Mika, it is very blatant that they’re in love. They equally fawn over each other, they kiss, they feel that physical pull. When we look at Ito and Alba, they never cross that physical boundary. I think that love has a physical element to it as well as emotional. I think they might just love each other as best friends.”
Kuroo swallows, puffing out his cheeks for a second. If you believed that love needed a physical element, then why did you initiate touch with him just as frequently as he did with you? He wasn’t so egotistical to believe that you were hiding feelings from him, but it was a unique argument to think about in his head. He feels the heat in his cheeks and his ears, he’d kissed you before. Albeit, on the hand, but it had been a kiss. You’d let him cross a boundary that he wasn’t sure even existed between you two.
If the kiss had been anywhere else, would you have let him press his lips so tenderly and longingly the way he did? Would you have pushed him away? Would you’ve made a disgusted look? Would you reciprocate, kissing him back?
He’d known you for two years now, and he wasn’t sure about anything besides the fact that he wanted you to stick around him for as long as possible. For eternity if possible. For infinity, if it existed. He wanted that physical element though too, to hold and kiss you. To bite your earlobe, to scratch your back, to hold the back of your knee as he pressed his lips to the inside of your thigh.
He releases a breath, looking at the space between your eyebrows rather than your eyes.
“What about the innocent kind of love? Love shared between kids for example, they don’t necessarily cross that physical boundary you talk about. But you know when two kids love each other. It isn’t just that physical element that adds to the definition of love, it’s simply the feeling shared equally between two people. It isn’t just friendship, but it’s clearly love.”
“I don’t know. That’s a good point though. There’s definitely nuance, and I think I might have philosophized myself into a corner here.” You laugh, smiling at Kuroo.
The layers to this conversation had begun to hurt your head. Philosophy was much easier when it was sitting behind a desk, at your laptop. Philosophy was harder when it seemed like Kuroo was pressing you for answers, for your thoughts rather than a structured argumentative essay with dozens of academic pieces of evidence.
At the end of October was a selection of games to be played all Friday evening. All the intramural recreation teams were at the large gym of the university, and the Consensual Sets put on the team shirts made by Mingzhe. They were a dark grey, with the team name printed on the front, and everyone’s nicknames on the back of the jersey style top.
Kuroo just had Tetsu on the back of his. Mingzhe had put his name in a simple cursive, Alba and Ito swapped names for fun. Daishou had his full first name, and Mika put Mika-Mika as her name. As for you, you put Confucius on the back of your jersey, grateful that Kuroo had given you a nickname that actually suited your personality.
After winning the first two games, you found yourself playing against another team that had been undefeated for the entire intramural season thus far.
It was halfway through the second set, and you were exhausted. But just one more rotation before Kuroo would be back to the front with you and your killer duo block could be utilized for a perfect angle.
When Kuroo would twist his body to the side, and you’d barely skim the ball so that the spiker would be forced to send the ball straight to the libero, Mingzhe. Mingzhe had the freaky ability to reign in the ball and get it to Ito without Ito needing to move too much. Ito would then, of course, set the ball right to Daishou or Alba, depending on who would have a better shot at scoring that moment.
However, in this current rotation, you were on the end of the front row, with Ito in the center of the front. Kuroo was behind you on the back row, Mingzhe on the far back corner. Daishou was on the other side of Ito. Everyone was ready to play. You could hear Alba from the back next to Mingzhe, getting after him for not wiping the sweat off his shoes. Mika was busy refilling bottles, but still ready to swap Alba or Mingzhe if needed.
“Chance ball!” You call out, getting ready to jump up for a block. But at the same moment, Ito shifted his body to try and set the ball that Alba had received. He just happened to get a little too close. So that when he was backing up and jumping to get a touch onto the volleyball, he slammed into you.
Hitting the ground with a thud, you felt the air get knocked out of you. And once you could feel the force your back had slammed into the gym floor, the combination of painful sensations was just too much and you choked out a sound of anguish. Tears were streaming down the side of your face as you were gasping for air, but ultimately just choking on your empty lungs.
“Idiot!” Kuroo shoved Ito, knocking Ito into the net. Ito held his hands up defensively, but understood the reaction Kuroo had had. The referee called an emergency time out, and called over the nurse. Kuroo had picked you up, making you sit up. His hand was rubbing your back, telling you what to do.
Ito tried to go over to you as well, but Alba had grabbed the back of his shirt and gave a look to Ito by directing his eyes to where Kuroo was holding you. She mouthed something that you couldn’t distinguish. But then again, you couldn’t distinguish much due to the panic state you found in perpetual motion within your cells.
“Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.” Kuroo’s jaw was clenched, and his other hand was on your thigh. You kept trying to inhale through your mouth though, your body nervously reacting to the lack of oxygen. “Listen to me, c’mon, please, just relax okay. You’re safe, I got you. Just relax.”
The nurse arrived with a first aid kit, but once she saw how Kuroo was following standard protocol for an injury like this, she left the kit for Kuroo to use. He said a quick thanks, and the nurse went to go check on some other college student who had blood dripping from his mouth. The bloody kid was holding up a tooth and his teammates were clapping him on the back.
Kuroo tilted his head up and called out to where Mika was filling up bottles near the back of the gym, “Mika, can I get a water bottle over here?”
Daishou ran over to Mika, picking one up and running back over to Kuroo and you. He handed the bottle to you and crouched down on the other side of you.
You had taken a sip of the water, and your breathing was normal again, and the only concern was the pain in your mid to low back.
“You took quite a fall there, Confucius.” Kuroo brought his hand up from your back to caress your head, soothing you.
Daishou chuckled, sitting down, and stretching his legs out. But he scrambled to get back up when Mika asked for his help carrying all the other water bottles over to the Consensual Sets break bench.
Ito was busy sulking over on the bench, getting chewed out by Alba and Mingzhe for not listening to your call of ‘chance ball’. In that scenario, Ito was supposed to wait until after the rally went back over to the other team instead of trying to catch the ball to set it.
Ito was just awaiting when the true test of his spirit would be put through the wringer. That of course would be the eventual moment when he was on the receiving end of Kuroo’s fury.
Everyone on the team knew, if you were at the center of an issue, Kuroo would ultimately be there resolving it. Usually you never get too injured, it was just supposed to be a casual intramural team, but the seven members of Consensual Sets had grown into a tightly knit friend group who really wanted to chase down the championship at The University of Tokyo.
That did put some more strain on the level of ability everyone had, and the intensity of which Ito had been aiming to score just another point. But it also reminded everyone, you getting hurt, that this was a casual team. There was nothing to be gained except for a fun time and some good stories to tell.
Kuroo was glad that you hadn’t landed too badly, he’d be much more angry at Ito if you would’ve landed on your head or your bad knee that hadn’t healed up all the way from the sprain you got a few weeks ago. Now, Kuroo tried to focus on keeping his heart rate down so you wouldn’t be able to hear it pounding in his chest.
Completely aware of his own protectiveness for you, Kuroo had been the first one to react to the collision between you and Ito. He’d always been the first one to make sure you were okay. And he wanted to keep it that way.
You decide that you want to get back into the game, leveraging your hand against Kuroo’s shoulder, “We still have to finish the set, we’re ahead by three. Just five more points and we win.” You tried to stand up, only to get dizzy and stumble back. Kuroo caught you again, bringing you back to the ground to sit in between his legs so he could hug you from behind.
“Yeah, no. We’re gonna have to cancel this match for a different day.” He rubs his thumb over your elbow, trying to ease the bruise that was forming there.
You spin your head around to face Kuroo. He can feel the way his Adam’s apple bobs at your face being so close to his.
“Yeah, no, trade Mika in for me. Let’s finish the game.” You pouted a little, and Kuroo could only roll his eyes in response. He never could say no to you indefinitely. He did make you finish the water bottle before he would let the game resume with Mika’s substitution in your place.
And the game does get finished, a sequential five points with Kuroo getting a block kill for the winning point. He had made you sit on the bench, wrapped in his blue Nike windbreaker.
Everyone, except for Daishou and Mika who rode to the gym on her motorcycle, piled into Kuroo’s Toyota Sienna minivan. You sat in the passenger’s seat, as usual, and Ito was relegated to the very back of the car with Alba sprawled out trying to take a nap. Mingzhe enjoys the silence of the middle row all to himself, adjusting the temperature to be freezing. You rest your head on the window, looking outside at the busy streets.
“Who’s getting dropped off first?” Kuroo hands you the collection of semi-final medals, an award for making it to the top four teams. The finals would be in three weeks, and you fully intended to take the championship trophy home.
“I live the furthest away, so you can work your way towards your apartment if you drop me off first.” You say, putting the medals into your duffel bag. You’d pass them out at team practice in a few days.
Alba sits up, and Ito’s relieved to have her legs off of his thighs.
“I have to work early, like super early tomorrow morning. Drop me off first please.” Alba announces, poking her head next to Mingzhe’s seat so that she can have Kuroo hear her better.
You groan, “Alba you live the furthest from me, Tetsurou would have to go back and forth to drop me off second.”
Ito raises his hand, inserting himself into the discussion, “Yeah, but I live closer to Alba, and so does Mingzhe. Kuroo can just go to the East Campus first, and then drop you off last.”
Kuroo grins, “Sounds like we have a winning plan. Alba, Ito, Mingzhe, and then you, Confucius.”
The engine starts, and Kuroo double checks the GPS before merging onto the main street highway.
“I still think it’s illogical to go past your house to drop everyone off, then go past your house again to drop me off.”
“Just stay the night at mine then?” Kuroo says, keeping his eyes on the road fully, not even considering glancing in your direction for worry of getting seen right through by your perceptive instincts.
Alba bites down on her lips, squeezing Ito’s arm in anticipation for what will unfold. Ito tries to push her off, but she just holds on tighter.
Mingzhe is too busy swiping through his Tinder to pay attention, but he’s passively listening in on what you could possibly say in response. Mingzhe needed to find a date for the Chinese cultural exchange event the school would be having, and you had to hear about how all his potential dates were just not up to his par. The exchange event would be a few days before the Intramural Finals.
You think for a moment, it would save Kuroo a fifteen minute drive in the bad traffic. And anything to avoid the traffic of an evening rush would be best, especially since Kuroo was bad at estimating when he’d need to buy gas again. If you stayed at his place, then you would have a ride to your early morning Saturday class without having to ride the bus onto campus. In addition, you’d get free breakfast since you knew Kuroo liked to make big meals in the morning.
“I’ll get a ride into school yeah?”
“Yeah. I have a class at the same time you do tomorrow.” He lied. His earliest class would be two hours after your class.
“Then I guess so. You got an extra toothbrush?”
Kuroo’s apartment smelt like him. But in an unfiltered, undiluted way. You inspected some photos that he had around, but you were more interested in the calendar he had posted on his fridge.
He had everyone’s birthdays written down on a notes section of the entire year overview calendar. Your birthday was circled multiple times, and the entire week before and during your birthday had been highlighted bright yellow. He had already started brainstorming ideas about what to get you, and had a few sticky notes on the fridge listing things.
You noted some books you had mentioned, a website address of what you identified as a custom volleyball brand with a drawing of a volleyball Kuroo had done, a bunch of question marks around his note of matching hoodies, and then a heart around the words ‘ring’ and ‘house key’.
Kuroo saw the way you honed into his fridge and tried to pull you away, “You’re spoiling your surprises.”
You folded your arms, “I don’t like surprises.”
“Fine then, you’re spoiling my surprises. I get you things, and my reward for doing so is seeing your reactions.”
You waved a hand, dismissing him. He had told you that the toothbrushes were under his sink.
While you were in the bathroom, brushing teeth and then taking a shower, Kuroo quickly cleaned areas of his apartment that you might meander into. Once he was satisfied with the cleanliness, he tried to remember how to set up his pullout couch.
Changing into your backup sweatpants and the loaned Nike sweatshirt had given you in tandem with his windbreaker, you hugged yourself to embrace the soft fleece that was coating your skin.
Once you saw the pullout couch, with a pile of folded blankets on top of a grey pillow, you started to make the bed. Unfurling the blankets and slightly fluffing the pillow. Before crawling under the blankets, you decided to scroll on your phone for a minute, setting alarms for the morning and responding to some texts from your friends and teammates about today.
“What are you doing?” Kuroo had changed into shorts and an oversized shirt that he tucked slightly into the waistband of his shorts.
“Texting?” You answer.
“No, what are you doing sitting on the couch?” Kuroo was holding a pillow from his bedroom, the one he used to press against the side of his head. (Also the one that had caused his incessant case of bedhead spiky hair.)
You uncross your legs, dangling them over the edge of the couch, “I’m sleeping on the pullout couch?”
Kuroo tosses his pillow onto the couch, crawling under the blankets you had set up. When he pulled the blankets over his shoulder, you were tugged back a little. In response, you just stood up and went around to kneel in front of Kuroo, attempting to make eye contact.
“Where do I sleep?”
He reaches his arm out and pats the space next to him.
He sighs, rolling onto his back as he brings his hands behind his head. The obvious flex he does in his biceps from the way his shirt sleeve rolls down does not go unnoticed by you.
“Then I guess you’re sleeping in my bed then, first door on the right. Goodnight.” He immediately covered his head with his two pillows.
You tried to pull one of them away from Kuroo, but his grip was stronger than your slight strain to jerk the pillow out of his grasp.
“You win this time. But next time, I will take my rightful spot on the pullout couch.”
Kuroo mimics you, imitating a high tone, his voice is muffled by his pillow barriers around his face. You stick your tongue out at him even though he can’t see it.
At least his bed was comfortable, and cold. Cotton sheets that definitely had to be a higher thread count than your own, and he left you with only one pillow. He had a few plushies from all the times the pair of you went to a big box store to buy groceries, and instead of buying bananas or a fresh watermelon, he’d spend his money on collecting an array of large stuffed animals.
You had asked him once about why he bought them. He just said because they were cool to have around his place. In reality though, you had gone through his phone once, when he was going through yours for fun trying to find dirt or juicy gossip, and you found out the truth about his assortment of plushies. You went to his notes app and only found a list of things he wanted to buy for his future kids, and a list of maybe fifteen stuffed animals was at the top. He’d already crossed off around ten of them, so he needed only five more to complete the collection he wanted to curate.
It was a cute sentiment that he had, thinking about his future children so soon. Which is why for his upcoming birthday, in a few weeks, the same day as the final for the intramural championship, you had three stuffed animals in a bag in your closet to give to him to celebrate the eventual win.
Kuroo looked through his phone, spending some time watching volleyball videos before going to sleep. He was also biding his time, wanting to check in on you before he fully went to sleep. He just wanted to make sure you were sleeping well before he let himself sleep. His phone beeped, once and then twice.
FROM SUGURU: got some good photos of you and our dear vice captain, say thanks to me, mika 💖, and mingzhe for actually CAPTURING the way you are so sickly deadly embarrassingly openly precisely adoringly obsessively entirely fervently passionately feverishly restlessly frantically FREAKING HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE with her
TO SUGURU: she looks good in the photos
FROM SUGURU: i feel ill thinking about what your plan with these photos is now 😟
TO SUGURU: exposing your rough drafts for proposing to mika in the gc RIGHT NOW
TO SUGURU: hand hovering over the collection of mika stalker photos you have that you’ve sent to me
FROM SUGURU: literally this close to posting on my instagram the HUNDREDS of text messages you’ve sent me about her, including the ones from the day Consensual Sets spent at the beach, AND the ones from the week after she broke up with her loser ex, AND the ones from that time you almost kissed her, and then the other time you also almost kissed her like the love sick loser you are
TO SUGURU: i’ll kill you.
FROM SUGURU: i’d kill you first + here’s more photos mika my darling angel, wants me to send to you that i took on my phone. you better be grateful to me for forever you ass. I’m single handedly providing all the pictures for a wedding video slideshow.
FROM SUGURU: date her asap. mika wants double dates and i’m tired of asking mingzhe to find strangers online to satiate mika’s yearning for the double date extravaganzas she wants. Ok goodnight pookie bear tetsu i hate your guts 🔪🫰🤬💯
Kuroo lets his falling phone hit him in the face as he huffs. He didn’t sleep well that night. The same iteration of her getting slammed into and crashing onto the ground keeps replaying over and over again. Kuroo wakes up in a cold sweat two different times that night.
“Thanks for the ride onto campus,” You click your seatbelt into your seat, as Kuroo taps the steering wheel a few times.
“No problem, I have class too, remember.”
“Ahh, yes, you and your fancy finance and sports marketing double major.” You giggle, holding up your pointer finger into the air in an ‘actually…’ pose that you know Kuroo hated.
He puts his hand behind your seat, hand coming near the back of your head behind the head of the chair, to reverse out of the parking lot.
“Don’t forget my minor in chemistry.”
“So weird. You’re going into sports promotion and business, but you have a science minor?” You shake your head in disbelief.
It never shocked you at just how smart Kuroo could be sometimes. When he did or said things that made you wonder if you were actually learning anything at university. Or when he could treat you to an entertaining story about his lab classes, those were the memories you’d take with you into the future. Stories Kuroo shared about his college experience, which often contrasted with your own experiences.
All through the differences though, the pair of you had become so close.
The way your friendship had increasingly deepened, and at such an unprecedented rate for you, had you feeling like he’d been doing much more for you as of late. You hoped you hadn’t been imposing on him since you stayed over at his apartment. Even though he had been the one to suggest it, you felt guilty at accepting the offer. You felt guilt that you’d been possibly taking advantage of him.
He’d been the most caring, and considerate friend you’d ever had. The closeness of you two began to feel like each time he did something, you’d need to supplement it with your own acts of kindness. Drowning in friendship wasn’t an expected result of joining a intramural volleyball team.
Kuroo shrugs a little, speeding up a little more, “I think it makes me stand out. Plus, who doesn’t love chemistry? It’s just like math with better concepts.”
You play with the hoodie strings of a borrowed top from Kuroo.
He notices your silence, but doesn’t comment on it, just continuing the drive to your building. He let you out near the entrance. The tall Humanities building had walls made of glass windows, letting people look in on lectures and socratic seminars. The concrete details blended with the fragile glass details in a dichotomous way that just worked so well.
When you shut the door to the car, Kuroo rolls down the window, calling out to you before you enter the building. Your roommate stood on the steps, holding your backpack that you’d asked her to bring. She lazily scrolled through her phone, waiting for you to talk to her and then you could go to class with her. She’d never been much of a morning person.
You turn around and rest your arms in the empty space left by the window being rolled down. Tilting your head, you waited for Kuroo to say what he wanted to say.
“You know you’re mentos right?”
The confusion is blatant on your face. You clarify, “I’m mentos? I thought I was me?”
Kuroo smirks, “You’re mentos and I’m coke-a-cola.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your roommate called out to you, letting you know that class would start soon and she wanted to get a good spot in the lecture hall. You waved to her, signaling you’d only be a few more seconds.
“You’re my chemical reaction.”
You laugh, “You make no sense sometimes I swear, but okay. I’ll be mentos and you can be coke-a-cola.”
Kuroo watched as you bounded up to your friend, sliding your backpack on. Your roommate asked about the top you were wearing by tugging on the waistband of the deep red hoodie. Kuroo knows he’s being talked about, because you jut a thumb in his direction and your roommate turns around to look at his car and she nods with understanding.
Kuroo doesn’t see your roommate wiggle her eyebrows, or how she makes a kissing face at you teasingly. He’s too busy driving to the library to find a spot to nap while he waits two hours for his own class to start.
The final two games would be critical. On November 17th, that Saturday, the gym for intramural volleyball would declare the winner. Out of 32 teams, and after five months of training, games, and unique coaching opportunities, there could only be one winner. Consensual Sets would go against EZ Pass, and Ice Ice Blockers would oppose Monster Spikes. You had found it funny how the final four all had different volleyball skills as their team name, setting, spiking, passing, and blocking.
But before the Intramural Finals, Mingzhe still needed to attend the Chinese cultural exchange event on Wednesday.
On that Monday, Mingzhe was complaining to you during team practice.
“Listen, I still haven’t found someone to be my plus one.” Mingzhe paced a little in front of you, as you wiped off a volleyball. You wanted the ball to be cleaned properly before the team would start playing with it.
“Just ask Daishou or Ito, it’s your pick. Either way, you’d have a great time.” You pull out your elbow grease to get a particularly nasty scuff out of the ball.
“It needs to be a woman. It’s a date type of event.” Mingzhe suddenly turned on his heel, facing you straight on. You brought your head to the side, eyeing Mingzhe’s rapid shift in mood. “You. You should be my plus one.”
You gape, loosening your hold on the ball that Mingzhe just ends up taking from you.
“It’s perfect! You’re interesting, we have a good friendship, fake dating for this event would be easy-peasy.” Mingzhe smiles, looking entirely too self-satisfied.
“Fake-dating?” Sourly, you try to take the ball away from Mingzhe, who just brings it closer to his chest.
Kuroo comes around to the pair of you, putting a hand on Mingzhe’s shoulder. “What’s happening? We need this ball to do the drills, it should be good by now yeah?”
Mingzhe hands the ball to Kuroo, “I was just finalizing plans for our date on Wednesday.”
Kuroo almost drops the volleyball that was placed into his hands. But he grasps onto it, trying to appear composed and chill. You tug on your knee pads, making sure they’re secure. In doing so, your shorts ride up a little and more of your thigh is exposed. Kuroo again almost drops the ball at how quickly his eyes flit to the exhibited skin of your legs.
“Date?” Kuroo wonders if the word sounds as dumb as he felt saying it.
You raised your shoulders, “Yeah.”
Mingzhe claps his hands, “Our fourth date, remember?”
Mingzhe was already trying to get into the acting persona of a fake relationship and you were not amused, shoving his shoulder roughly as you walked over to Alba. Kuroo had interpreted the shove as playful, as romantic, as being adjacent to love.
Kuroo looked between Mingzhe and you. Then he looked at Daishou desperately asking for help with his glance but Daishou was too busy helping Mika with her knee pads again. Kuroo then went back to looking at the space you had occupied.
His heart lurched, and just like a bad sickness, he couldn’t help but continue his downward spiral.
“When did you guys start dating?” He folds his arms in front of him, shuffling his feet a little.
“A few weeks ago. Just trying it out, you know.” Mingzhe said, “She’ll be going with me to the exchange event, it’ll be fun to see her dress up formally for once.”
Mingzhe, unaware of Kuroo’s radiating tension, goes over to where Ito had called him.
Kuroo, dumbstruck and frustrated, called out a change of plans, “We’re doing a three versus three.”
You stood on the other side of the net, blocking spikes from Daishou. Each time Kuroo served, he went straight for Mingzhe’s throat- putting more force than he typically did. Alba was drenched in sweat by the end of the single match. Ito had his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
“Are we done yet Tetsu?” Ito asked, and Alba made her way under the net, patting Ito on the back.
Mingzhe had fallen to the ground and was laying on his back, sweat dripping from his black hair to the gym floor. You had half a mind to join Mingzhe. But Kuroo still looked fired up.
“Yes, we’re done for today, Ito. Good practice everyone!” You called out, and Mika gladly started packing up the shared bag she had with Daishou. Kuroo looked at you with pursed lips.
Kuroo and you stayed behind to take down the volleyball net, and as he began folding the white ropes, you began to speak, “Our three versus three is supposed to have more balance than that. You weighed the sides wrong. Alba never has to spike that much, she needed to practice her receives today. You just kept serving straight to Mingzhe, not to mention you had Suguru aim solely for Mingzhe too. He’s going to be exhausted tonight.”
“Worried about your boyfriend? He’s supposed to be essentially a professional anyway. Mingzhe is fine.” Kuroo kept folding the net, however, you could see his knuckles were white and each time he folded the stringy-material he left a mark on his hand from the unneeded strain he was putting
“Mingzhe is a friend. We aren’t dating, Testsurou.” You take down the side rods, detaching the sections so you could carry them easier.
“Oh really? Four dates in a row sounds pretty serious.” He gnaws at the words he sends your way. “Wouldn’t be surprised if you two were going to start acting like Suguru and Mika soon.”
You put the rods away, not saying anything to Kuroo’s comment.
He pushes further, “How long have you liked him?”
“It isn’t like that.” You face Kuroo, hands on your hips, “Mingzhe was joking about it being our fourth date. Calm down. I don’t know why you’re so pressed over this.” You say.
“You two don’t go well together.” Kuroo claims, “He’s not right for you. He’s going back home at the end of the year anyway.”
You take the folded net from Kuroo, but he tugs it away from you, pulling you closer to him.
You’re both gripping the net, standing barely a foot apart. Kuroo is looking at you, a twitch in the vein of his neck tells you he’s upset without him having to say anything.
“It’s not even a date, Tetsurou. I’m his plus one. He just needed a girl to go with him.” You explain, trying to get the net away from Kuroo, but his hold is stronger than yours.
“It isn’t a date?”
“Not in my book. It’s not a romantic date. We’re going as friends. Why, just why does it matter so much to you?”
He lets go of the net, and grabs a hold of your arms instead. He opens his mouth a few times, only to close his mouth soon after. Fully taking the net away from you, Kuroo puts it into the storage room.
You sigh with exasperation, going to grab your skateboard.
“Let me drive you, it’s dark out.” Kuroo swings his keys on his pointer finger.
You turn around, tilting your head down slightly to glare at him, “Are you going to throw another fit?”
“Geez, someone’s mad.”
Your jaw drops, then you shake your head with a snicker dying out on your lips.
“You can be so hot and cold sometimes Tetsurou. Did you know that?”
Kuroo holds the gym door open for you to exit. He locks it up once he steps out as well.
“That’s why I’m the coke-a-cola, and you’re the mentos.”
“I really need you to explain your analogy to me.”
The Chinese Cultural Exchange Event at the ballroom of The University of Tokyo really was a stunning celebration. Lanterns were hanging from the second floor open balconies, and the marble pillars were covered in a mixture of bamboo and woven leaves to showcase the Horticulture Department’s skills of arranging foliage. There were tables filled with classic Chinese dishes, along with unique Chinese-Japanese dishes from the diaspora history of China to Japan.
You were surprised to see just how many exchange students the university had from China, it seemed like there had to have been at least a hundred or more Chinese exchange students, including Mingzhe.
Mingzhe has asked that you wear red and black to match with him. You thought it was funny that so many men in your life asked you to wear the red/black combination so frequently. Your dress was formal of course, but you had opted for a loose silky maroon dress that had black lace detailing.
The long sleeves of the dress were a sheer black, so that air could filter to your arms as well. Even though you never opted for a sweetheart neckline most of the time, the lady at the store had said you’d look great with this specific dress. So you had bought it and called it a day.
Mingzhe, as you were coming to realize, must have been rich because there was no way his tailored suit would’ve cost any less than one million yen. Mingzhe clearly had only worn red leather shoes to match slightly with you, because otherwise he was in an all black outfit.
You put on a forceful smile as Mingzhe puts his hand on the small of your back and introduces you in Mandarin to one of his friends. Once the conversation died down, you leaned over to Mingzhe with gritted teeth, “I’m actually going to murder you. You didn’t tell me that the Chinese exchange student association at our school was filled with rich kids.”
An older lady, presumably an exchange coordinator, stops to compliment your dress, in Mandarin. You fumble over the words of thanks that Mingzhe had taught you a few minutes ago. When Mingzhe laughs into his cup of water, you elbow him in the side discreetly.
“Just what are you telling people about me?” You demand. Mingzhe hands you a glass of water from the plate a dressed up server was walking around with.
“Girlfriend, three months.”
Your eyes widen, and Mingzhe chuckles.
“Close friend who I play volleyball with, who graciously accepted my invitation to join me tonight.”
Moving your head up and down appreciatively, you sip on your water, “That’s more like it.”
Scanning around, you tried to see if you knew anyone. Which was a long shot, but-
“Kenma? Is that you?”
The dip dyed blonde makes eye contact with you and raises a hand. Kenma makes his way over to you, eyeing the way Mingzhe had his arm around your waist with suspicion.
“It’s nice to see a familiar face.” Kenma comments, shaking hands with you and Mingzhe.
“What are you doing here?”
Kenma smiles, pointing to an enamel pin on his suit jacket, “Got a sponsorship from a Chinese company. Said Chinese company has a college aged daughter, and thus, here I am as a plus one as a favor to my sponsor.”
You nod, trying to make an estimation for just how much net worth Kenma had. Mingzhe started talking to Kenma about what games he’d seen Kenma play, because apparently Kenma’s streams were popular on a Chinese video server called billibilli. You were glad that your parents limited your screen time as a child, otherwise you’d be just as chaotically involved in the conversation Kenma and Mingzhe were having about a new game that was releasing soon.
The rest of the night was spent listening to more of Mingzhe’s Mandarin speaking skills, as you swished around in your dress waiting for the time to go.
Mingzhe threw back a shot, well, a quick drink from a flask that a student had snuck in, “Let’s dance!”
You tried to pull back, but Mingzhe grabbed you by the hands and pulled you into his chest. A smile that you’d never seen on his face appeared, and instead of harmonious traditional Chinese pop music, someone hijacked the music- rap music you were sure was not school approved started blasting.
The administration looked furious, but Mingzhe just kept giving you that face splitting smile. He mouthed his words again, and the only response you could give was moving his hands from your back to your waist.
The club style dancing eventually devolved into a mosh pit that was quickly disassembled by the administration due to the cutting of music. The students groaned, but the administration said that the event was over and that everyone needed to get back to their housing.
Mingzhe dropped you off at your dorm, running a hand through his sweaty black hair.
“Had fun?” He asked.
“Yes. It was very fun.”
Instead of just waving, Mingzhe opened his arms up, and you gave into the offering of a hug.
His hugs were different from Kuroo’s hugs. For one, Mingzhe was shorter than Kuroo, so you could feel more of his face than just solely his chest or neck. For another, Mingzhe didn’t smell like Kuroo. Mingzhe was mintier, like spearmint and peppermint- it burned your nose a tinge. Mingzhe was also lankier, arms not quite packing as much heft to them like Kuroo’s did.
“Don’t look now, but I think someone is spying on us.” He whispered into your ear, and you grabbed onto his shoulders tighter. The bounce of his body as he laughed shook you, and you slapped his shoulder. “You really shouldn’t trust me when I say things like that.”
“If people knew even a fraction of what I know about you, you’d be immediately canceled.”
“Good thing no one knows me like you.” Mingzhe swiped at your cheek with two knuckles, a gentle caress. “You know I have feelings for you right?”
You nod affirmatively.
“But I’m also guessing, and tell me if I’m wrong, but there’s a different black haired boy on our volleyball team that holds the key to your heart?” Mingzhe murmured. You could practically hear the deep ache in his soul.
You nod again.
“Well, I can’t win them all. Here’s to being good friends.” Mingzhe grabbed your hand and shook it a few times, “When we win on Saturday, make sure to at least give me a little peck on the cheek.” He brazenly states.
“No promises.”
Mingzhe throws his head back, dimples coming out to show off.
“Thanks for a great night Mingzhe, I’ll see you on Saturday.” You pat him on the cheek, separating the pair of you. Your heels were killing you, and all you really wanted to wear was the fleece hoodie Kuroo gave you that you hadn’t returned for weeks now.
He salutes, walking backwards for a moment. Then he calls out with mirth laced into his words, “I always get cock blocked by the middle blockers I swear to the gods.”
And you thought, Mingzhe was absolutely correct.
TO TETSUROU: she seemed to have fun tonight at the little event thing
Kenma had paused his late night stream, sending photos of you and Mingzhe dancing- leaving absolutely no space for Kuroo’s mental sanity. Kenma knew that sending the photos could possibly instigate something that he didn’t want unfolding.
FROM TETSUROU: i don’t care.
TO TETSUROU: hmm yeah sure
FROM TETSUROU: i dont care- i just want her to be happy, genuinely happy. like so happy she literally feels sore in the mouth from smiling so much
TO TETSUROU: there it is
TO TETSUROU: look, here’s the situation. she isn’t into mr. libero chinese model guy- she likes you.
Kenma felt his eye twitch at Kuroo’s message. How long did Kuroo have to keep the back and forth before Kenma just wrote out a confession for his friend and mailed it to you?
TO TETSUROU: she likes you. the only logical conclusion is that you both are giant pussies who are so afraid to break the friendship between yall that you’ll end up missing each other in the process. like those stupid freaking robots on mars, the ones that battery died before they could share data.
TO TETSUROU: regardless, she’s hot, you’re hot, get together and have a bunch of weirdo genius kids or whatever it is you want the point is that you need to say something before its too late
TO TETSUROU: stop ignoring my messages.
TO TETSUROU: tell her on saturday. after you win the finals and get those gaudy trophies- just like pull a tetsurou move and pull her into you and kiss her so good she forgets her name.
FROM TETSUROU: i always knew you were a freak on the down low
TO TETSUROU: i always knew you were a freak out in the open but a sweetheart teddy bear on the down low. we could go for hours, but the main thing here is: tell her, kiss her, live happily ever after
FROM TETSUROU: i feel sick
TO TETSUROU: you care too much. and you know what? SHE LOVES THAT ABOUT YOU- im tired of telling u what to do. Tell her, dont tell her, grow old without ever experiencing the touch of your woman, do what you want. but honestly, if i have to witness one more longing gaze ill vomit so for my sake, your best friend, tell her and be happy.
Kuroo powered off his phone.
Then he immediately turned it back on to look at the photos Kenma had sent him. He kicked off his blankets with his stewing offended reaction to the photos. Plugging his phone in, Kuroo got a glass of water from his kitchen.
The moon wasn’t out, or at least it wasn’t visible. Storm clouds thundered, lighting struck the ground in bolts of blue and grey. At least the weather understood him. He could always trust the universe to send him a message with what the weather was. Sunny days would be happy, rainy days would be brilliant, and stormy nights would reflect the inner turmoil of his spirit.
He scratched an itch right above his knee, leaving white marks from how his nails drug against his skin. The clock told him that it was Thursday at two in the morning. He counted on his fingers. The end of the finals game would be around eight in the evening on Saturday.
He had sixty-six hours to decide if he would give his heart away. Sixty-six hours to conjure up a magic spell to make him anyone besides himself as he uttered the words, “I love you.”
Sixty-four hours goes by much quicker than Kuroo would expect.
“Okay, listen up everyone.” Consensual Sets was huddled up, you were giving your final speech of this year. Your team had won against EZ Pass, and now the final match would be against Monster Spikes.
You were aware of how tired everyone was. In the third set against EZ Pass, Alba twisted her ankle, leaving the team to substitute her out for Mika. Resulting in an extremely close third set, but in the end, you were able to do a block kill and Daishou was able to get a good spike in to secure the win in Consensual Sets favor.
Alba sat on the bench, with a bag of ice on her ankle. Although she’d never say it, she was angry. Her face was entirely blank, devoid of any emotion. No comments or out of the blue thoughts rambled out of her- and you knew that Alba was fermenting in her own self pity.
Ito was sitting next to Alba, as the rest of the team stood around with arms around shoulders. You could feel the sweat from everyone’s bodies in the team circle.
“Monster Spikes as a whole lacks the ability to connect. Their passes are sloppy compared to ours. Ito, your setting skills outweigh that other setter. Kuroo, your blocks are always on point. Alba, Daishou, Mika, you're some of the best spikers I’ve seen. Not to mention Mingzhe being our solid foundation as libero, nothing gets past you.” Your speech wasn’t organized, it wasn’t even meant to be motivational.
But you continued, “These past six months, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. So many team practices, so many late night drives, so many junk food purchases.” You look down to the gym floor, “I was so worried when I started college that I wouldn’t find my people. But look at me now, I have the best friends in the world and we’re playing in a championship. We don’t need to be a school sponsored team, just being on a intramural team is enough to make me glad.”
You don't see the way that Alba wipes at her eyes. You miss the way that Mingzhe and Ito share a big smile at each other. Mika rubs your back, urging you to continue. Daishou and Kuroo kick each other in the shins, an amicable gesture between rivals turned competitive friends.
“So, you know what, let’s go out and win this. Connect every receive, every toss, every spike. We are the blood that flows through, let’s make it easy for each other to show off our skills.” You stick your hand into the center of the team. Everyone stacks their hand on top of yours.
Kuroo had told you that you should be the one to give the final speech, you should be the one to speak before the final game with this team. His selfish desire to hear you tie up the loose ends of a season of volleyball, knowing how he’d fumble the speech due to his inability to accept that this team would never be the same after their last game.
But also, Kuroo knew that just hearing you talk would soothe his nerves before this game. Hearing you express your thoughts and emotions about your team, the team he shared with you, would do wonders for his confidence in the game.
After listening to so many of Kuroo’s pre-game speeches, you had an idea of what would be good to say. In the end though, this speech was uniquely yours. A testament to the power of connection.
Kuroo locks eyes with you. You nudge your head in the direction of everyone’s hands, he shakes his head, mouthing that this call was all yours. You mouth a thank-you to Kuroo.
Looking around at your friends, you give the last cheer of the year, “3, 2, 1, let’s play!”
Kuroo wins the coin toss, and Mika serves first.
She starts with a jump float that undeniably starts the team off on the best footing possible. A service ace right off the bat, and Daishou can’t help but pump his fists and give a yell of excitement. He loved to see his fiancé play a game that had become the center of his universe, more accurately though the center of Daishou’s universe was a mixture of volleyball and Mika.
The game picks up with an indomitable force, the speed and increasing frequency of you having to jump up to block or to give a feint hit is more than you’re used to. Kuroo’s breathing is heavier, and between points scored, he keeps his shoulders low. Ito keeps shaking out his hands, then rolling his dominant shoulder. The only one who still looks moderately normal is Mingzhe, who’s sporting a dimple on only one side of his face.
After set one, Consensual Sets is ahead 1-0.
Four more to go.
Alba is sitting on the edge of the bench, eyebrows furrowed, her hands grip the plastic seat. Each time Daishou spikes, Alba purses her lips.
During a time out, you sit next to Alba.
“Thank you.” It’s a quiet moment shared between you and Alba, everyone else getting some water for a moment. You express your gratitude plainly, because that’s all that's needed to get the sentiment across. You appreciated her, and she knew it too.
Alba’s bottom lip quivers, “I just wanted to play one more game with everyone. With Mingzhe behind me, with Ito sending me those smooth tosses, with you and Kuroo as my wall of defense. With Daishou shouting at me telling me to fix my form. With Mika telling me to ignore Daishou. One more game with everyone.”
You pat her knee.
“Alba, we couldn’t have gotten here without you.” Smiling, you hold her hand, “Remember, this is all for fun. And as long as you’re having fun- then we’re winning. You’re on the court just as much as I’m on the court, even if it might not seem like it.”
She wipes her face with the back of her hand, “You suck- making me cry like this. I'm such a baby, screw you.”
Ito laughs once he hears Alba’s comment, full body laughing. It's a new sound for everyone on the team, to hear the joyous childlike giggles erupting from the most stone-faced member of Consensual Sets. Following suit, everyone else joins in, laughing. Mingzhe even snorts.
The opposing team raises their eyebrows at you all, but in the end, it's just a game of volleyball. It's a game being played by a group of friends who like spending time together. You weren’t sure that friends was the right defining terminology anymore. There had to be a word for what everyone shared, because it was deeper, more meaningful, richer than just being ‘friends’.
Kuroo watches as Alba punches you in the arm, and the grin you give in response stuns him. You stand up from the bench to escape Alba’s gentle wrath. You bump into Kuroo, turning around and giving him that smile that made him feel like himself.
He just can’t help the way he grabs your face and slots his lips to yours.
To his surprise, you wrap a hand around his neck and pull him in closer. He rubs his thumbs on your cheekbones, letting his cold nose bump into yours. You tilt your head so you can breathe through your nose a little better. He moves from your lips to the side of your mouth, rapidly placing gentle pecks there before doing the same all over your face.
Wrinkling your nose, you make a noise of complaint at being gross and sweaty.
When you pull away, Kuroo’s face follows yours, trailing closely. He reminds you of a cat trying to nudge their way under your hand. He connects to your lips again, humming against the plush of your skin. Thinking back to his failed confession at the train station, he nips at your lips before kissing them lightly. It’s hard to kiss when he’s smiling this much.
“As much as I love a free show, we have a game to win.” Mingzhe tugs on the back collar of Kuroo’s shirt, ripping him from you. Kuroo wriggles out of Mingzhe’s hold, trying to attach himself to you again, but gets shaken out of his one track mind, his desire to just keep kissing you, when the referee blows his whistle.
Serve. Receive. Set. Spike. Block.
Block. Receive. Set. Spike.
Receive. Set. Spike.
Block. Spike.
“LET’S GO!” Ito screams, whipping his head around to look at Alba. She waves a little from her spot on the bench. Ito thinks to himself, if Kuroo can confess, then surely he can too.
Although, Ito’s kiss is much less tame than Kuroo’s. Ito’s kneeling on the bench, arms wrapped around Alba’s torso as she’s practically hanging off of the bench, only supported by Ito’s hold.
Mingzhe throws his hands up in the air when Daishou and Mika kiss as well.
“Can nobody just appreciate the win? What's with all the kissing?” Mingzhe speaks into a void, rubbing his forehead with exasperation.
“This is appreciating the win.” Kuroo wraps an arm around your waist, pinching your side. The pinch makes your body move closer into him.
“Oh yeah, suddenly everyone on our team is in love and I’m here, just the best libero in a loveless existence. At least I’ll always have volleyball.” Mingzhe jokingly states, hugging the volleyball to his chest.
Alba holds up a marker, “I can draw a kissable face on the ball if you want Mingzhe?”
Ito laughs loudly again, resting his chin on Alba’s shoulder.
Mika, in her wisdom, tells everyone to line up for a group photo before awards are handed out.
Three sequential clicks of Mika’s phone, and one of your opponents double checked that all the shots they took were good. Handing the phone off, the tall girl who had kindly taken the photos of your team shook your hand.
“You’re one of the best blockers I’ve seen on an intramural team, how’d you get so good?” She asked.
You shrugged, but Kuroo spoke up, “I taught her everything that she knows. But also, my girlfriend is a quick learner too, an easy study if you will.”
The girl nods, bowing curtly before going over to her own team.
You grab the front of Kuroo’s shirt, pulling his face down to yours.
“My boyfriend really is a handful. What should I do about that?”
Kuroo smirks, grabbing a hold of the front of your shirt as well.
“Definitely kiss him. That’s the best solution.” He nods his head.
“One question first,” You comment, smoothing out his shirt where you had twisted the fabric, “Explain the mentos and coke thing.”
Kuroo slips a hand under your shirt, resting on your bare hip, “You put mentos in a bottle of coke then, bam. Explosion. One of the coolest chemical reactions I know of.”
“Wanna try that out?”
“Yes, please.”
TO SUGURU, ITO, MINGZHE, ALBA, MIKA, AND TETSUROU: my epic teammates, my best friends, my family.
FROM SUGURU: i’m going to be sick why are you so sentimental
FROM ITO: alba and i are on our way don't start without us!
FROM MINGZHE: ur lucky i got a flight in time for this
FROM ALBA: i bought you a photobook for all our pictures! and i got tetsu some mentos like he asked
FROM MIKA: sugu and i will be there soon, needed to get gas for my bike
FROM SUGURU: what's the point of having an engagement party if we can't even play volleyball
FROM TETSUROU: suguru i’ll make you chopped liver. i don't know who told you we wouldn't have a volleyball at the party ??
TO SUGURU, ITO, MINGZHE, ALBA, MIKA, AND TETSUROU: make sure to add songs to my playlist for tonight! thanks for getting mentos alba! Make sure to sign your names into the guestbook when you get here
TO SUGURU, ITO, MINGZHE, ALBA, MIKA, AND TETSUROU: tetsurou what am i going to do with you for the rest of our lives 🥲
TO SUGURU, ITO, MINGZHE, ALBA, MIKA, AND TETSUROU: consensual sets reunion + their engaged captain and vice captain (look at how cute my ring is 😭 thank you tetsurou 💖) (also peep the coke and mentos explosion behind us in that last photo!!!!!!)
FROM TETSUROU: wedding in 5 months be back soon everyone! it was nice seeing everyone again. love you all ! 🙏🏐💍
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minarixx · 1 year
𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 ✯ 𝐓.𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨
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"𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙚𝙙. 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙤 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙗 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙢𝙚."
PAIRING. Best Friend'sDad!Kuroo Tetsurou x f!Reader
CONTENT. Sexual Content, Age Gap, Adultery, Degradation, Pet Names, Sub!Reader, Dom!Kuroo, Vaginal Intercourse, Spanking
The hidden struggles and desires lurking behind the façade of Kuroo Tetsurou's seemingly picture-perfect suburban family. An ordinary man who, in the midst of a midlife crisis, becomes infatuated with his daughter's friends, Y/N L/N.
WC. 4.2k
A/N. Proof-read like half and hoped for the best. Ts too long not reading allat
Inspired by American Beauty (1999)
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𝓣he mid-morning sun filtered through the blinds, casting a soft, golden glow on the bedroom walls. Another day in the monotonous cycle of Kuroo’s existence begins. Pulling away from the blissful embrace of sleep, he fumbles to silence the alarm clock, its persistent beeping an unwelcome reminder of the unremarkable hours that lie ahead.
Staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror,he saw a stranger. Deep lines etched themselves deeper into his face, a testament to the weight of a life half-lived.He wondered where the spark of vitality and adventure that once defined him went, as he forced a smile that felt foreign on his weary lips.
Downstairs, the illusion of domestic tranquility is maintained. Akira, his wife, moved through the kitchen with an air of calculated efficiency. Every gesture, every word, a well-rehearsed performance. Beneath her composed facade, was the growing chasm that separated them, a canyon of unspoken grievances and unfulfilled desires.
Nana, his daughter, slouches at the breakfast table, lost in the world behind her headphones. Her sullen gaze hints at the disconnection that has settled between them, a silent reminder of the fragments of intimacy that have slipped away unnoticed. He ached for the days when laughter echoed through these walls, when a genuine connection was forged in the simple moments they shared.
The room was shrouded in an eerie silence as the family sat around the dining table. The clinking of cutlery against plates echoed through the room, accompanied only by the occasional rustle of napkins. Each family member seemed lost in their own thoughts, their faces masked with a disinterested expression.
Nana, a quiet and reserved teenager, took a deep breath and broke the monotony. She glanced at her parents, Kuroo and Akira, who were engrossed in their own world, their eyes fixed on their untouched meals. Her voice barely above a whisper, she quietly shared, "I have a cheer performance tonight."
Akira and Kuroo exchanged a brief, absent-minded glance before shifting their gaze back to their plates. Their lack of response was disheartening but not unexpected.
“We’ll be sure to come dear, what time is it?” Akira replied. “6pm mother.” Nana responded, not looking enthusiastic about it. 
Without uttering another word, they continued their silent meal, the sound of chewing filling the void that enveloped the room.
When 6pm rolled in, Akira and Kuroo drove to their daughters' cheer performance in silence as usual, no music, just the sounds of the bustling streets of Tokyo. 
Tetsurou Kuroo, a man adrift in the desolate sea of middle-aged mediocrity, found himself drawn to the vibrant chaos of his daughter Nana’s high school cheerleading performance. As he sat in the bleachers, surrounded by enthusiastic parents and the deafening cheers of the crowd, a peculiar restlessness stirred within his soul.
His eyes scanned the sea of young faces, each filled with anticipation and hope. And then, like a siren's call, his gaze fell upon you. You, a vision of youthful allure and confidence, stood at the forefront of the cheerleading squad. Your (h/c) hair cascaded over your shoulders, framing a face adorned with delicate features that seemed to radiate an intoxicating beauty. You radiated a youthful energy, an untamed spirit that danced in your eyes. Laughter, like cascading melodies, echoes through the air, and for a fleeting moment, time slows as your gazes meet. 
In that instant, time seemed to slow down, the constraints of his ordinary existence fade away, and the dormant embers of desire ignite within him. The world around Kuroo blurred into the background, as if a spotlight had illuminated you, isolating you from the rest of the universe. Your smile, a seductive curve of lips, pierced through his complacency and ignited a dormant flame within him.
Kuroo's thoughts swirled with a mix of admiration and desire. He couldn't help but be captivated by your aura of self-assuredness, the way you moved with a grace that defied your tender age. You symbolized everything he had lost touch with—youth, vitality, and the intoxicating allure of unbridled passion.
As he watched you perform, Kuroo's mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions. A part of him yearned for the forbidden, to embrace the vibrancy of youth and indulge in the forbidden fruit of desire. Yet another part recoiled in guilt, acutely aware of the consequences and the moral boundaries he risked crossing.
But beneath the surface of his infatuation, a deeper realization began to take hold. He understood that you, with your superficial allure, was merely a vessel for his own misplaced longings. You represented a nostalgia for the freedom and excitement of his own youth, a time when possibilities seemed limitless and life was an open road.
Kuroo's thoughts ventured into the depths of self-reflection. He questioned the choices that had led him to this point—the compromises, the sacrifices, and the loss of his own identity. Your  ethereal beauty became a symbol of the life he had forsaken, a reminder of the person he had once been and longed to reclaim.
But as the cheerleading routine came to an end and you disappeared into the bustling crowd, reality settled in. Kuroo recognized the ephemeral nature of his infatuation. You were but a mirage, a fleeting embodiment of his own disillusionment. The true path to fulfillment in rediscovering the beauty himself.
And so, as the applause faded and the cheerleaders retreated from the spotlight so did Kuroo's fantasy.
Kuroo rose from the bleachers and got ready to congratulate his daughter. As they were in the hallways picking up their daughter, his eyes lit up when he saw you holding bouquet from your parents. Your smile shined brighter than any other. It was like those cartoons of a man smelling food and floating towards it, however to him, it was as if he hadn't ate for years.
Kuroo later found himself standing at the window of his dimly lit study, gazing out at the world beyond. His eyes, once dulled by routine, now seemed alive with a glimmer of hope. A gentle breeze danced through the curtains, rustling the papers on his desk. Lost in his thoughts, Kuroo pondered the emptiness that had consumed his life. The monotony of his job, the strained relationships with his wife and daughter, and the relentless pursuit of societal expectations had left him feeling like a hollow shell. A desperate longing for something more whispered within his soul, a plea for salvation from the mundane.
And then, as if in response to his silent prayer, he saw her. A figure, ethereal and captivating, emerged from the shadows. The evening light caressed your porcelain skin, and your flowing white dress seemed to float around you like a cloud. Your hair, cascading in waves like the milky way, framed a face that radiated a beauty so rare and otherworldly, it took Kuroo's breath away.
At that moment, time stood still. Kuroo’s heart, burdened by years of disillusionment, skipped a beat. It was as if an angel had descended from the heavens, gracing his world with her divine presence. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, as though caught in a mesmerizing spell.
As his gaze locked with yours, Kuroo’s mind was flooded with a torrent of emotions. A sense of longing and desire, but also a profound sense of understanding. In her eyes, he saw a reflection of his own hidden dreams and forgotten aspirations. It was a connection beyond words, a silent conversation that reached deep into his soul.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Kuroo felt truly alive. The weight of societal expectations and the shackles of conformity melted away, replaced by a surge of newfound liberation. In this mystical encounter, he glimpsed the possibility of breaking free from the chains that bound him.
His thoughts swirled in a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. He yearned to abandon the trappings of his past life, to embrace the beauty and wonder that beckoned him. The angel became a symbol of his redemption, a guiding light in the darkness of his existence.
When morning came he was back to his mundane life routine, it was all just a dream. The morning sun painted gentle streaks of golden light across the kitchen as Kuroo sat down at the breakfast table, his mind still grappling with the lingering thoughts from the previous day's encounter at the high school cheerleading performance. He had been captivated by the enigmatic allure of you, yet a part of him recognized the illusory nature of his infatuation.
"I'll be working the night shift today.." Akira spoke, her back turned to Kuroo as she lightly spread avocado on her toast. Kuroo didn't reply.
As he reached for a slice of toast, his daughter Nana entered the room, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and mischief. She took a seat opposite Kuroo, her youthful energy providing a stark contrast to his own disillusionment.
"Dad," Nana began, "My friend Y/N from cheer is coming over."
“Who is Y/N? I mean, I know she's your friend, but what's she like?"
"Oh, Dad, you have no idea. Y/N is the epitome of beauty. She's confident, charismatic, and has this aura that draws people in. She's got this wild, rebellious spirit that's so different from anyone else I know."
Kuroo’s eyebrows furrowed, a mix of intrigue and caution flickering in his eyes. "Sounds like quite a character. But what's her story? I mean, besides being your friend and all."
Nana replied. "Well, she's got this reputation, you know? The boys at school go crazy over her. She's always surrounded by attention, but she's smart too. She knows how to use her charm to get what she wants."
Kuroo’s mind raced, caught between the allure of your magnetic presence and the nagging voice of reason that warned against crossing forbidden boundaries. "Nana, I hope you understand that there's a lot more to a person than just their outward appearance or reputation. It's important to look beyond the surface and value the qualities that truly matter."
Nana nodded, her expression turning thoughtful. "I get it, Dad. But sometimes, you just can't help being drawn to someone, you know? Y/N has this energy, this confidence that's hard to ignore. I guess that's why she has such an effect on people."
Kuroo’s heart skipped a beat, his thoughts immediately transported back to the image of you on the cheerleading squad, your vibrant beauty captivating him like a moth drawn to a flame. He struggled to maintain composure, to hide the flicker of desire that threatened to ignite within him.
"Y/N, huh?" Kuroo replied, feigning casual interest as he tried to quell the rising tide of emotions. "That's nice, Nana. You two have fun."
The afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the windows as you arrived at the Kuroo residence, your presence like a gust of wind that stirred the stagnant air. Kuroo watched from the corner of the room, a mix of curiosity and trepidation coursing through his veins.
You, exuding an air of confidence and allure, walked into the house with a sway in her hips and a smile that could melt hearts. Your eyes locked onto Kuroo, a knowing glimmer dancing within them. The room seemed to come alive, charged with an electrifying energy that crackled between them.
Kuroo’s heart skipped a beat as you approached him, voice dripping with seductive charm. "Hi, Mr. Kuroo. It's so nice to see you again. Nana has told me so much about you."
Kuroo’s pulse quickened, his mind racing to find the right words. "Likewise, Y/N. Nana speaks highly of you. I hope you two have a good time hanging out. She's upstairs showering right now"
You leaned in closer, breath caressing his ear like a whispered temptation. "Oh, we will, Mr. Kuroo. But I have to admit, there's something about you that's caught my attention. You're not like the other dads. You have this air of mystery and allure."
Kuroo’s throat tightened, the weight of desire and responsibility pulling him in opposite directions. He knew he should resist, that giving in to your advances would jeopardize everything he held dear. Yet, the allure of your gaze and the intoxicating chemistry between them threatened to unravel his resolve.
A subtle smile played on your lips as you continued, voice laced with an undercurrent of seduction. "You know, Mr. Kuroo, you have a way of making a girl feel alive. You've got this fire inside you, and I can't help but be drawn to it."
His eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape from the magnetic pull you exerted. His mind churned with conflicting thoughts and emotions, torn between the temptation that stood before him and the consequences he knew would follow.
Summoning his last ounce of willpower, Kuroo straightened his posture and met your gaze with a steely resolve. "Y/N, I appreciate your flattery, but I can't ignore the boundaries that exist. My focus is on being a responsible father and husband."
Your eyes flickered with a mix of disappointment and defiance. You took a step back, your mask of confidence momentarily faltering. "I see. Well, maybe one day you'll realize that life is meant to be lived, to seize the passion and desire that comes our way. Until then, Mr. Kuroo, you'll just have to settle for fantasies."
Kuroo’s heart sank as he watched you retreat to go upstairs, your words echoing in the empty space between them. The temptation had been strong, but he knew deep down that pursuing this forbidden path would only lead to destruction. The dance of desire had been tantalizing, but the cost was too high to bear.
As you left the room, Kuroo was left with a mix of relief and a lingering ache. He had resisted the temptation that had danced before him, choosing instead to honor the commitment he had made to his family. It was a bittersweet victory, a reminder of the fragility of human desires and the strength it took to stay true to oneself.
The night settled over the Kuroo residence like a velvety curtain, casting a hushed stillness upon the house. Kuroo sat alone in his dimly lit study, bathed in the soft glow of his computer screen. The rhythmic tapping of the keyboard filled the room, a solitary symphony in the silent hours.
Lost in his work, Kuroo's mind danced between the lines of code, his thoughts consumed by the demands of his job. It was in this moment of focused concentration that he heard a faint rustle from the staircase, a delicate whisper amidst the silence.
His heart skipped a beat as he looked up, his eyes meeting the form of you descending the stairs. Your presence, like an apparition, sent a shiver down Kuroo's spine. His initial surprise was quickly overshadowed by a rising tide of apprehension. The forbidden allure of the earlier encounter hung heavy in the air.
You approached him with a coy smile, your eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and desire. "Couldn't sleep, Mr. Kuroo?"
Kuroo's voice caught in his throat as he struggled to find words. He glanced at the clock, the late hour a reminder of the boundaries that should have kept them apart. "Y/N, it's late. You should go back upstairs."
Your steps were purposeful and deliberate as she closed the distance between them. Your voice, a gentle melody, enveloped him. "I couldn't resist, Mr. Kuroo. There's something about you, something that draws me in. I feel a connection, an electricity that I can't ignore."
Kuroo's heart raced, his resolve waning in the face of your allure. The lines of his own moral code blurred as he wavered between succumbing to the forbidden desires and upholding the values he held dear.
There was a tiny voice in his head that said he should stop before things get too far to the point where you can't control anything. His desires and impulses finally snapped.
Lingering gazes full of longing, wandering hands that find a home on your body, the voice that gives you jolts in your body. You clench your thighs at his voice and touch. The seductive act was sexy, he has to admit, sometimes the forbidden can be the most tempting. 
“Are you finished tempting your friend’s father? Did you have fun? Or do you still wanna keep going’?” he questions, placing one hand on the countertop and the other on his hip. One half of his shirt bends where he’s got the buttons undone, showcasing his chest 
He wants you to admit how much a desperate girl you are. How much of a needy slut you’re being. 
“I haven’t even got you on my cock yet, and you don’t know a damn thing already. Acting like you weren’t behaving like a whore during the whole time you were in my house.” The older man wasn’t wrong at all. 
“How about we skip to the part where you admit you want a man nearly twice your age to fuck you, baby?” he questions, snapping you out of your thoughts. Any second thoughts you had were ready to die like wilted flowers. “I know that cunt is begging to be filled.”
With his words, your walls clenches. Your panties are drenched and have turned into a darker shade at the crotch.
Kuroo stood behind you, though it takes only a few strides for him to reach you. You crane your neck to look up at him, his tall height causing him to tower over you. “What happened to the girl who was so willing earlier?” He ridicules you.
 “Please..I want this.” you quietly murmur, and you watch as his face hardens.
“Oh, now you wanna be my good girl? You’re lucky it's night, your best friend is sound asleep and my wife is at work, sweetie. I would put you over my knee and spank that cute ass of yours ‘till you’re crying,” Kuroo tells you, and you have a feeling he’ll do exactly that any given moment.
You whimper at the thought. Kuroo’s hands look heavy, veiny yet soothing, and he doesn’t seem like a man who takes misbehaviour lightly.
With the little daring personality you had left, you reached up on your toes and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Though you started it, he quickly took control. Biting, kissing, he makes out with you in an unforgettable way. A way no man has ever. 
He claims your mouth and his hands do the same to your body. They grip your hips and bring you close to him, his hardened cock rubbing against your ass. Now, it feels as though it’s more intimidating than you expected.
But it makes sense, a man of his size must be large all over. He moves into you, grinding against your body for a moment’s relief.
Eventually, you pull away when the ache between your legs turns unbearable. “N-Need your cock, Mr. Kuroo. I need you in me. T-to feel you” you tell him, reaching down to palm it. Kuroo quickly pulls away before he gently moves you.
You’re bent over one of the countertops with the older man’s hands still on your hips. The cold surface is soothing against your hot skin, but it doesn’t quell the throbbing of your cunt. “So slutty… I’ll fuck you like the whore you are. Don’t worry,” he reassures you, flipping up your skirt.
Your nipples make contact with the marble of his work desk as you pull down the top of your dress. Kuroo lands a spank on your ass, making you let out a loud cry. “Shhh… You gotta be quiet, sweetie. We don’t wanna get caught, right?” he quietly tells you, and you nod your head.
He pulls down your panties and admires the glistening of your cunt. “That’s all for me?” Kuroo questions, pocketing the cloth.
Nodding your head, you whimper and clench around nothing. “Mhm, all for you, Kuroo! No one else,” your voice is more pathetic than it usually is. The confident facade was crushed by this man alone. “Good girl. Call me Tetsurou.” The zipper of his jeans is dragged down, the sound ripping through the air and waking up the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Y’know, I could stretch this pretty cunt out so easily. Gonna let me ruin your little fuckhole? How many little boys have already been in this cause it's clearly never been by a real man.” 
Immediately, you agree, in fact you beg for it. “Mhm—please, Tetsurou? I need you to make me take it,” you tell Kuroo. The way his name rolls off your tongue makes him groan. 
You can feel the heavy tip against your opening, collecting your slick, giving you a teasing slap, and letting it catch. “You better take all of this dick, sweetie.”
With that, he pushes in. The stretch is overbearing as Kuroo pushes his entire cock inside of your wet pussy. He grazes your g-spot and fits snug, right up to your cervix. 
Your hand fists together as you adjust to his massive length and the intense pleasure. Although all you could think about was him, his daughter aka your best friend was just upstairs. The sight of her finding out what her father was doing to her best friend felt wrong but made you even more turned on.
Moans leave your mouth continuously as Kuroo begins to thrusts, growing addicted to the way your cunt clenched around him. “Best pussy I’ve ever had... this can't just be a one time thing.” Insteading of replying all you could do was simply whine. 
He begins to fuck you, pushing in and pulling out of your tightness. His cock shines with your arousal and your noises grow louder. “Good girl—such a good girl for me only. You’re takin’ it like a winner, sweetie,” Kuroo coos, but you’re speechless. 
The sensations that send jolts through your body are ones you know you won’t be able to recreate with anyone else. Each thrust leaves you nearly-trembling, his cock brushing against your g-spot as he kisses your cervix. 
Kuroo’s balls slap against your clit and your body jerks forward as he pounds into you relentlessly. “Feelin’ good, baby?” he questions, leaning over you. His chest presses against your back and his mouth is right by your ear. 
As he thrusts into your pussy, he laughs. The chuckle is low and gravelly, one you’ve heard many times. “Already fucked stupid? How cute. It’s okay, baby. It’s your fault for being a slut and tempting a married man.” Kuroo husks, and his words have you suddenly clenching around him.
He curses at your grip, and does so again when you let out a wail of pleasure. 
Immediately, his large hand comes up to your face and clamps over your mouth, muffling your moans, whimpers, and whines. 
“You dont wanna get caught now do you, princess?” he reminds you. 
“Are you gonna come, baby?” Kuroo questions, noting your little reactions. 
Your cunt squeezing his cock, your pornographic sounds, and so much more. “Yeah? Gonna soak my fat cock already? Go ahead, slut,” he smirks, finishing his sentence with a series of dizzying thrusts. 
Your eyes roll back as you suddenly hit your climax, pussy gushing around your friend’s dad, just like you’ve fantasised about. This whole scenario was straight from a porno. “That’s it, good girl Y/N. Make a mess on this dick, baby. I gotcha,” he soothes, fucking you through your orgasm.
After the shocks travelled through your body, your limbs twitch and shake from the intensity. Kuroo’s hand soaks up each of your pornographic moans while he stretches out your drooling fuckhole. The grip of your pussy is as tight as a fist, and Kuroo knows he won’t last as long as he wants to.
It’s not because he finishes quickly—it’s because you feel so damn good, and he can’t risk getting caught any longer.
Eventually, you ride out your release and Kuroo is determined to swiftly bring you to another orgasm. “You fuckin’ love this, don’t you, baby? Gettin’ fucked by a man twice your age and your size.” The mention of the two differences has you wanting to bite your lip, but you can’t. 
Never in your life have you ever been fucked so good. You nod as best as you can and in return, Kuroo laughs of pride. 
“That’s right, sweetie. Bet I already ruined you for other men, hm? This pussy was made for my cock, so you better not touch it without my permission,” he warns, and you nod your head. Kuroo pulls his hand away, the other one petting the back of your head. “Lemme hear it, baby. Tell me you’ll be his good girl from now on.”
“I– I’m your good girl W– Won’t be bad, promise,” you tell him, trying to keep your voice quiet. But it’s hard when his cock is stroking your walls and bringing you to another orgasm so soon. Your folds are sticky with arousal and so is Kuroo’s sack. It slaps against your clit each time he pushes forwards. He groans, “Good girl.”
Warmth fills you up and spills past his thickness, ropes of cum shooting out of the older man’s sensitive tip. A few seconds later, Kuroo’s cock is coated in your release. 
As you both catch your breath, you shamelessly move your hips. Kuroo curses from the feeling, he sets his left hand on your hip, the other one bracing against the edge of the desk. 
“Still didn’t fuck the brattiness out of you, did I?”
“Nope. But you love it. Don’t you. ?” 
The look on his face and the throbbing of his cock answer for him.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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wttcsms · 11 months
get him back! , tetsurou kuroo ;
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so, in an attempt to get back at your ex - who posted a sex tape of himself cheating on you with your best friend - you decide that you're going to upload your own film, and it's going to be even hotter than theirs. you don't anticipate your class's teaching assistant being your co-star, especially considering that he's the one who took your virginity, and after all was said and done, you ran out on him. but there's no running from him now, especially whenever your tape does better than expected. now, you're one of the hottest up and coming content creators on the platform, and the cash is too good to let this opportunity go to waste. what starts as a petty revenge scheme results in a lucrative business partnership with three simple rules: profits are split 50/50, all videos remain faceless, and this newfound partnership means absolutely nothing. just because you two fuck on a daily basis does not mean you're friends, and you're certainly not lovers. then again, things hardly ever are that simple.
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COMING SOON! pairing tetsurou kuroo x f!reader content contains/will contain college ta!kuroo x student!reader, strangers with a history, one night stand to porn co-stars/business partners to lovers, mutual pining, he falls first AND harder, whipped!kuroo, idiots in love, nsfw word count tbd… (estimated to be ~45k, subject to change)
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⊹ 🎓  ࣪ ˖   PROLOGUE   ​​​​›      FRESHMAN LOSES VIRGINITY IN FRAT HOUSE *REAL AMATEURS* !    ⊹ 🎓  ࣪ ˖   CHAPTER 1   ​​​​›      GETTING BACK AT EX BY FUCKING THE GUY HE HATES (I LET HIM CUM INSIDE) !    ⊹ 🎓  ࣪ ˖   CHAPTER 2   ​​​​›      ...  !   
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› clearly this fic isn't to be taken so seriously considering the chapter titles are meant to mimic/poke fun at porn titles. this is very much a romcom with a lot more sex than usual, and i can't wait for y'all to see what i have planned <3
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kiyoumie · 1 year
featuring: kuroo tetsurou.
note: why is this so specific help (sorry if its bad lmao)
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fiancé!kuroo proposed to you romantically. he opened the red velvetly box while kneeling on the gritty sand with the waves resonates in the background. it was night time as well, he set up some candles to make it romantic. he took you to the beach you both always go to when summer came.
fiancé!kuroo bought a new house for the two of you early. you were baffled when kuroo told you to choose a design for the new house. it was so fast, literally two days after the proposal. you guys discussed how the house will be arranged while giggling about scenarios that would happen to the both of you in the new place. hell, the house was made in less than 6 months
fiancé!kuroo took you to a special date a week after the proposal. he said that the date is to celebrate of you saying "yes" to his proposal. you shook your head at his idea, but accepted anyways. who doesn't want to spend with their love of their life whilst eating free food?
fiancé!kuroo peppered you with kisses as you explained on what you guys should do about the venue. god, he said yes to everything you said. down bad i must say.
fiancé!kuroo is so polite. he went to your parents' house and his voice turned soft. he made dinner with the help of your mom, helping the single details. hell, your parents are swooned by your man.
fiancé!kuroo was nervous when he saw the whole altar being built. he thought whether he'll say the vows correctly, will he stumble? he gulped, but then he took a glance of you, maybe he'll do just fine.
fiancé!kuroo cried in the dressing room just before his wedding. you could see drops of tears on his attire. yaku had to stop him from crying even worse saying that he's making the stylist's life harder. the said woman just chuckled.
fiancé!kuroo almost teared up when he saw you in the long, flowy, white dress. fuck, you were so pretty right there.
fiancé!kuroo is definitely glad that he married you. it's the same for you, you're very thankful that he chose you.
fiancé!kuroo is the happiest. he has a pet cat, live in this big modern house he bought, and what's he's most content about is that he gets to experience his happy ever after with you.
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ennoshitas-princess · 5 months
Winning My Heart
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Kenma Kozume x chubby fem! reader Warnings: fluff, slight bullying (not from Kenma), Kuroo setting the two of you up, slight subducting (comments), swearing Synopsis: you are the younger sister of a professional gamer and he takes you to a convention, even though you wanted to spend your weekend at home Word Count: 772 So, I hope you love this, bc I found the idea super cute.
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Being dragged by your older brother to any place where he had to be was something you were already used to, but never quite enjoyed. In your honest opinion you found video games fine, but never enjoyed playing them. Just the thought of you being here made your anxiety skyrocket to a whole new other level.
“Look, y/n. Your older brother is cool, isn't he?” Your brother bragged about his success, even though he just gained fame because of you.
The real reason why he became famous rather quickly happened one fateful day, the day you decided to enter his room while he streamed himself playing Minecraft. You entered to check up on him, and only in seconds when the comment section of his stream started to go nuts over you.
One comment read: “Damn, I wish I could date her~”
Another read: “Is that your girlfriend??”
Another one: “I bet her pussy tastes so good~”
Just seeing those comments made you ick in disgust. Mainly, these were guys right around your brother's age, about in their twenties. You were just in your second year in high school. Just thinking about them made you want to leave, but you just stood there, rolling your eyes.
He kept on shooting each opponent down, each smearing in red as they fell onto the ground. You stood there with eyes opened up widely, shaking in place, wanting to leave and not see the bloody horror on the screen.
He eventually got shot, but never made it to the top of the rest. The highest score right when your brother died was about twenty thousand points, while he only got to like a thousand or so. You stood there wondering who was the one with all these points?
You walk away from the pouting of your brother, not wanting to deal with the big baby he is. You found yourself venturing off to anywhere to maybe find an exit, but a part of you just wandered around to check the place out.
From pro gamers, to noobs, to the in-betweens, your eyes glimmered under the lights hung right above your head. The time and dedication put into being here made you want to congratulate every single one of them, except your brother.
You eventually see a stand with a faux blond playing Mario Kart, trying to beat a rooster head right beside him.
Fascinated, you stop to check out who is going to win. A group of tall guys stand in front of you, snickering to each other.
“What is a fat ass like you doing here? Only guys are allowed. Not a girl like her.” One of them said.
“Yeah, like what the fuck is wrong with her? She should go to the restaurant right around the corner.” Another snickered.
The faux blond got distracted with the comments and turned around to glare at them.
“What is wrong with you guys?!? Anyone can be here and have fun. You guys are just jealous that she might be better than you.” His golden eyes pierced their souls.
With that, they scurried off to hide.He turned back to his game, only to lose. His eyes popped out with frustration, wanting to kick anything and everything. He lost because of those dumb guys. You weren't a problem, they were.
“Hey, you protected that girl even at the cost of you losing Kenma. Why?” Kuroo teased the guy.
“Because people like them are just dumb and don't deserve to even exist, like they are just wasting our oxygen.” Kenma shrugged it off.
Kuroo being himself, he knew there was something more with him and you.
“Hey, Chibi-chan. Who are you and do you have a boyfriend?” Kuroo called out to you.
Your face scrunched up with a hint of blush. A random hot guy is asking you if you have a boyfriend. How could this be happening?
“Umm… no, I don't.” You glance down to the floor.
“Great! Hey Kenma, why don't you go out with her?” He teased him.
His head turned around to where you stood. His face turned into a tomato seeing your cute chubby cheeks. Your outfit too made you even more adorable.
“What is your name?” The rooster head asked.
“L/n y/n.” You replied to him.
Cute, I guess. The faux blond thought.
He reminds me of my kitten. You thought.
“Do you play video games?” Kenma approached you with a hint of hesitation.
“No, but my brother does.” You point to where your brother sat.
“Oh. I thought we could play together. I could always teach you some time.” He suggested.
“Sure!” You smile happily.
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A/n: hello, the post I promised of Kenma!! I will post the winner of the poll soon!! Hopefully you enjoyed reading this!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
∘•······································•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•·······································•∘
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fandomaya · 1 year
lunch hour moments
Pairing: Tetsurō Kuroo x fem!reader
CW: FLUFF!!! Food as a love language, established relationship, reader has hair long enough to use a scrunchie, reader can cook here, reader wears a dress, Kuroo is a lovable boyfriend (duh!), tad bit suggestive, reader is a university student, NOT PROOFREAD, unreliable writing
WC: 2.5K+ (I don't know how this happened)
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If you had the slightest common sense then you should know that you shouldn’t hold the lunch bag too tightly because on close inspection it does seem your nails are about to break into the skin of your palms. But the remnant anxious thoughts at the back of your head are making you feel otherwise.
This also makes you wish the elevator was a little slow today. It's not because you are going to meet someone whom you don't like. On the contrary, it's someone that you really like. Well, it's actually your boyfriend, Tetsurō Kuroo. Well, recalling the name of your boyfriend always makes you realize the weight of his influence and presence in his workplace. Very few people can channel their passion for something in a stable direction, and well he has had his share of criticisms and obstacles. But he is still climbing the ladders of his professional journey in JVA.
One of the hardest things in the world is to not like Tetsurō, and sometimes you still cannot believe that you are dating a wonderful man like him. It's been less than a year since you have been an official couple, but it feels like a lifetime of knowing each other, given how you two just click like two magnets.
But leaving all that aside, there's a slightly anxious feeling bubbling in your chest because today happens to be the first time you are entering his workplace and also the first time you made a bento for him, and also the first time you are thinking of having lunch with him. A day of many firsts. But it's normal, right? You are the girlfriend you can definitely meet him at his work during lunch and can also make him a nutritious meal after all it's not like you make something inedible. He's still thriving after eating whatever you make.
Okay, maybe you can cook, but the anxious feelings are more so because you are 15 minutes early, and you don't know how you will be received if he knows you came. You try to think positively and at that time the elevator pings to make you aware that you have reached the destination floor. In a second, you focus on your look in the reflective doors, and you hope your floral dress with puffed sleeves, paired with kitten heels, isn’t too unsuitable. Well, you know Tetsurō likes the way you dress up, so that should calm you down a little.
Walking out of the elevator, you walk straight toward the secretary’s desk. Just by her side are the opaque doors that lead to your boyfriend’s workspace. Reaching her desk, she looks up and smiles at you, which you return with relief.
“Hello y/n. It has been so long since we last met in the company dinner. It is nice seeing you here. What’s the special occasion?”
“Um nothing much, I just thought of having lunch with Tetsurō since my classes got cancelled in the last moment so…”
“That’s really wonderful of you y/n. I am sure Mr. Kuroo would appreciate your efforts. But…” She peers into her desktop to check the agenda for today, making your face drop slightly, “... he is in a meeting right now. He will return soon since lunch hour is nearby. So you need to wait a little. You can take a seat at the couch, okay?”
Thanking her, you take a seat on the couch placed opposite her desk. Keeping the lunch bag beside you, you slide down your tote bag and start to distract yourself by scrolling on your phone so that these few minutes do not feel like hours. After some mindless scrolling, you check the time to be 10 minutes past the lunch hour started. Just when you were thinking that Tetsurō must have gone to eat lunch, and maybe it was all futile to come all the way and surprise him, then the elevator opens and Tetsurō walks out of it, carrying a folder with him.
Your eyes meet his, and he is visibly surprised for a fraction of a second that turns into the warmest of smiles, the genuineness of it all that makes you fall in love with him a little more.
“Darling, what are you doing here, and when did you come? Did I keep you waiting for a long time?”
Getting up and smoothening the creases of your dress, getting your tote bag, and picking up the lunch bag you wave it at him slightly, “Just thought of making some lunch and eating with you. Did I bother you much?”, you replied with an innocently teasing voice.
Kuroo simply chuckles and guides you to his work chamber by smoothly placing his hand on your lower back. These little gestures of Kuroo make you feel belonged in Kuroo’s life, and there is something so comforting when he mindlessly rubs little faint circles on your clothed skin with his fingers.
You observe his space is pretty grand and that gives you an idea of how much of a high position Kuroo holds in the JVA. Being the leading executive of the sports promotion division is worth applauding. Your gaze is fixed on the huge windows of this high rise that gives a picturesque view behind your boyfriend’s work throne.
He keeps the folder on the table, takes off his navy blue jacket, and walks across to hang it on the coat hanger. You love to see the way his slate gray shirt fits him so well that the muscles moving underneath the fabric are mesmerizing in their own accord, and his rolling up the sleeves up to his forearms is just a cherry on top. He swiftly moves back to his desk, sits down, and starts clearing the desk as much as he can. Like always, you are in a trance to see such little everyday actions of your boyfriend.
You take a seat across from him, take off your tote bag, and place the packed lunch on the desk. You start unpacking it while Kuroo is watching you now, the way your hands made lunch for him and the same hands are now unpacking it, to share a meal with him. Today definitely has to be one of the best working days in his life.
When you are done, you look at Kuroo leaning on his fist and being so intensely focused on his feline gaze on you that it almost makes you a bit nervous in case you messed up anything.
“Anything wrong Tetsu?”
“No, I was just wondering that you are a little too far away from me”
That made you chuckle because Tetsu did tend to think too seriously about some really casual stuff.
“I am in the same room as you Tetsu, how much closer do you want me?”
“They didn’t call me scheming captain for no reason. How about you come over and sit here?”, he swivels his chair a little and pats his thighs, inviting you on his lap, your personal throne.
“We are in your office! What if someone walks in?” you said with an obvious embarrassment that creeps up your neck. You know how straightforward your boyfriend is at times with the way he shows you love, including the different ways he teases you, which is by the way purely for him to watch your endearing reactions.
“Listen babe, no one will walk in before getting the permission from me, so you don’t worry your little head, alright?”
Begrudgingly, you push your chair backward to get up, shift the open boxes towards his side, then plop on his lap, crossing your arms and not looking at him.
Tetsurō just wraps his arms around your waist, to pull you closer and nuzzle his nose between the juncture of your neck and shoulder. You smell so sweet, so hypnotic, that it melts away all the knots in his overworked nerves.
“Aren’t we going to eat?”, you slightly turn around and tilt your head a bit, and Kuroo swears time stops when he looks into your mesmerizing eyes.
“Why don’t you feed me yourself, y/n ?” he says while perching his head on your shoulders
“What if someone walks in? That will be so embarrassing for you”
“What is embarrassing? My sweet girlfriend feeding me food made by her? Please y/n this is a pleasure, I would rather show off and feed off their awe and jealousy”
“Gosh, you are so evil, Tetsu!”
“Come on! I am just a man with the prettiest girl on my lap. I cannot help myself but feel a little giddy.”
You were just rolling your eyes, given how Kuroo sometimes really tries to flatter you with all the buttering. Separating the set of disposable chopsticks, you start picking up the food and feeding it to the man-child of a boyfriend. He savors the morsels contentedly, thinking of how considerate you are to prepare his favorite fish delicacy for lunch.
In between the bites, both of you take, there is a mundane conversation of how boring his meetings were, how your class got canceled suddenly, how a cute cat was napping on the pavement whose picture you took that brightened up Tetsurō’s mood at a boring meeting with the sponsors and even after the meal was over, you were still sitting on his lap, exchanging simple words with him almost quietly so that only you two can hear them as if such peaceful moments should be only unique between you and your lover.
In a moment of true quietness, you caress his hands, tracing the veins that outline his wrists and forearms. You don’t know what comes over you when you just take off the scrunchie on your hair. Kuroo is ever observant to see your little actions, the way the hair is set free, that frames your soft face, and the strands ever so gently land on the nape of your neck. You take the scrunchie and slide it across his wrist. You love how it looks on him, makes you feel he is yours.
Furthermore, you smile to yourself, while rubbing your fingers over the scrunchie wrapped around his wrist and say, “I have seen some guys wearing the scrunchies of their girlfriends on campus. I thought it was cute, so I thought of trying it on you.” You pick up his hand to gently rub your cheeks on his palm. Kuroo just looks at you fondly at how these little things make you happy and makes him appreciate these little moments too.
Shaking your head and thinking how stupid it all is, you proceed to take off the scrunchie from his wrist. That’s when he retreats his hand, and whispers in your ear, “why are you taking it off? Don’t you like it on me?” Getting all flustered, you just shake your head and quietly mumble, “I loved the way it was on your wrist, but you are in your office, and it doesn’t look professional I guess…”
Kuroo listens to you intently, which makes him rub those same comforting circles on your back, with his other hand, the one that has the scrunchie on, he gently shifts your face towards him, tilts it a bit to make you look at him. He is so gentle with the way he looks at you, the way he caresses you, the way he rubs his knuckles on the apples of your cheek and gives you the reassurance on how you don’t need to think about professional stuff because that’s his job. He also reassures you that being your boyfriend, you have all the right to be openly affectionate in your own ways and not need to overthink so much.
You are not unfamiliar with such reassurances, but sometimes you are intimidated by how powerfully determined Kuroo is in this relationship. You are grateful to have a serious boyfriend who is perfect in ways more than a person could imagine, but it takes time to impression these ideals on yourself. Likewise, you just end up shifting your focus from his caresses to laying your head on his shoulder, while he holds you.
“I think I should leave now…” you say while rubbing mindless patterns on his linen shirt.
“Yeah, I will leave with you as well”
Your head shoots up instantly while grabbing his shoulders, “Wait, really? Don’t you have work to do? Or wait, I think you are thinking of just dropping me to the train station, right? I am so sorry for misunderstanding…”
Kuroo clicks his tongue in faux disappointment, “Kitten, it has been a really hectic week, plus it’s Friday! So I think as the head of my department, I can grant myself an early break this once, don’t you think so?”
“This looks more like abuse of power to me…” you teasingly remarked while raising an eyebrow at him.
“Ah, anyway, I think I can twist a few commands in my favor so that I can spend a relaxing weekend with my girlfriend”
That makes a different kind of warmth bloom in your chest because doing nothing with Kuroo is way better than doing something all alone. Well, the smile that crawls up your face reflects him, and you caress his face for a while, before planting a quick kiss on the corner of his lips.
Hopping off his lap, you start packing up the empty boxes, and wrapping them in the lunch bag, while he gets some documents in his bag and unplugs his phone from the charger on the desk. You fix your hair a bit on the reflective windows, and focussing a bit, you like the light from the afternoon sun, that is soft today just like the moments shared between you and your lover.
The said lover, comes behind you, to wrap his arms around your shoulder, “come on, let’s leave. I bet the view in our bedroom is way better”, he whispered. Lightly slapping his arms, you scoff at his suggestive remarks. He simply smirks and places a kiss on your hairline. Slinging your respective bags on the opposite shoulders, so that you can hold his outstretched hand, the same hand that has your scrunchie on. You love the little gesture of him having his blazer on his arms, that is, he chose not to wear it to flaunt your scrunchie on his wrist.
Tetsurō loves how his hand fits perfectly in your hands. He loves this subtle sense of possession that he is yours, just like you are his. Holding your hands is akin to holding onto everything that keeps him together. Yes, everyone is looking at both of you holding hands and swinging the interlocked fingers slightly as if you two were teenage sweethearts. Well, maybe not teenage, but Tetsurō definitely knows you two are sweethearts for sure. Maybe a little too quick to admit openly, but Tetsurō subconsciously feels you are his soulmate too. Well, he can delve into that later. But right now, his focus is on the connected hands, your scrunchie on his wrist, the way sunlight makes your skin glow and the breeze plays with your hair, and lastly, most importantly, the way your happiness is overflowing, which makes you look at him with those mirroring happy eyes that crinkle at the corners.
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A/N: If you reached this far, then phew, congratulations on managing to read this headache-inducing self-indulgent piece. Kuroo is always my #1, but it is surprising how I never wrote anything for him on this blog. Anyway, thank you for reading! Feedbacks and reblogs are much appreciated :) <3
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
Humiliate Part 2
Requested on my Quotev and Wattpad.
Title: Humiliate (Part 2)
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: The aftermath of your decision is tragic, really.
Part 1: here
make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly:
Kuroo was lucky you lived alone.
It had been 15 days since he had trapped you in your own home. He remembered it like it was yesterday. The moment you’d gotten the door open, he’d shoved you inside and slammed the door behind him.
He wasn’t really thinking straight at the time, too fueled by his own obsession to give you a chance to get away from him. He loved you, he was sure of that, so there was no way he could let go of you. Simple as that.
He had found rope in your shed after knocking you out and he had used that to tie you to a chair. You glared at him from your seat, pure hatred and fear in your eyes. 
He couldn’t bring himself to care. As long as he had you, your feelings didn’t matter.
Kuroo rolled his shoulders, a little sore and very tired from a long volleyball match. It was just a practice game, but tournaments were coming up soon, so he had to play his very best to keep his spot on the starting lineup. 
Whenever he walked into the house, he had this moment of fear. What if you’d escaped while he was gone? But no, you waited for him in the same spot you always did. Realistically, where else would you be?
He carefully untied you and gripped your arm tightly as he led you to the bathroom. He only released you after giving you a little push inside and closing the door behind you. He always gave you about 15 minutes to do your business and stretch your legs before dragging you back to your chair.
You always tried to stay in there longer, making up excuses through the door until he picked the lock and seized you by the arm once more. You’d kick at him and claw at his wrist, but he’d grown immune to your pathetic attempts to fight back.
Once you were safely back in your chair, Kuroo tied you up again. Your puffy, tear-filled eyes glared daggers at him once more, but you were safely in his possession, and that’s all that mattered to him.
Honestly, he found it kind of cute the way you were so helpless but so stubbornly defiant. His heart always seemed to beat a little faster when he looked at you, no matter how you looked back at him.
Kuroo opened up your fridge and surveyed its contents. There wasn’t much inside; he’d have to go grocery shopping for you again. He grabbed the milk and cheese before shutting the drawer and going rooting through the cabinets. He quickly found the macaroni noodles. Perfect.
It took only a short while to make the mac and cheese. He wasn’t particularly good at cooking, but this was a simple enough meal to make for you. He’d been improving his cooking skills ever since he had kidnapped you.
Not that he’d ever use that word. He skirted around “kidnapping”- it sounded too criminal for how he felt. Love just drove him a little farther than other people.
Once he’d finished the mac and cheese, he poured himself and you a bowl. He grabbed a spoon and scooped up a mouthful. He turned to you, pushing the spoon against your lips until you reluctantly opened your mouth and took in the sustenance. 
He wasn’t able to feed you too often with how frequent his practice was, so no doubt you were hungry from skipping lunch. He felt guilty about that, of course, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
Absently, he talked to you while spooning more macaroni into your mouth. “The tournaments are coming up soon,” he said, “If we make it to nationals, I’ll put it on the TV for you to watch. I’m sure you miss watching me play volleyball.”
He paused in feeding you, hoping you’d give him a response. You hadn’t talked to him in days and a part of him still hoped that you had missed him in your volleyball hiatus. 
No response.
He sighed and resumed feeding you. Maybe you were too hungry to talk. There were ways to force you, of course, but you were already too miserable. As much as he didn’t care about your rebellion, a small part of him would rather you be happy than angry and sad. 
Whenever he thought back to the way you smiled at him, excited to be talking to someone you were such a big fan of, his heart ached a little. What he wouldn’t do to have you fawning over him again…
“Speaking of the TV, maybe I could bring your chair in there and turn something on for you, so you won’t be so bored during the day,” Kuroo suggested.
Your eyes lit up at that. A grin spread across his face at the sign of life in your eyes instead of dull hatred. “What channel do you want?”
You stayed silent, stubborn in your refusal to talk to him. He bit his lip, forcing back his anger. You’d just shown so much promise and now, here you were, shutting down again!
“I guess I’ll just turn on the news,” he teased, “You can watch that all day.”
You shyly shook your head. He knew he could try out each channel until you nodded or something, but he wanted to hear your voice.
He’d keep trying to get you to talk to him. 
Even if he did have to force you.
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missuga · 2 years
5:15 a.m.  — Kuroo Tetsurou
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+ dating, living together, unedited :)
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You’d just barely managed to fall asleep again before the sound of the fourth alarm tore through the soft silence of your bedroom. This had been going on for the past hour.
This time, you couldn’t muffle the groan of annoyance at the now nauseating sound of Kuroo’s phone blaring.
“Wake up.”
You shoved your elbow into his shoulder, nudging him enough to where he’d hopefully open his eyes.
“I still have twenty more minutes.” He mumbled and tried to push your arm away.
“Turn your damn alarms off then.”
“I won’t be able to wake up.” Was all he said before you heard his breathing slow once more. You couldn’t understand how he was to be able to fall asleep so quickly.
Sighing you pushed up from the bed to sit on the side for a moment. The time seemed to mock you when you grabbed your phone.
The both of you didn’t even have to be up for your classes for two more hours.
With the new semester starting Kuroo had decided he wanted to wake up at five every morning. When he first shared this with you it sounded like a decent idea, you knew he used to wake up stupidly early before.
What you didn’t know was that it took about thirteen alarms for him to be able to actually get up. This was the first time he’s tried anything like it since he started staying over consistently.
The only upside to his great new schedule was how he stocked up on coffee. You could actually savor it this morning instead of throwing back a cup while getting ready.
It wasn’t even ten minutes since you left your room before another alarm went off.
Rolling your eyes almost dramatically you took a long drink from your cup before you went into the bathroom hoping you wouldn’t be able to hear anymore over the shower.
It was refreshing to start your morning routine without being interrupted further and once you felt the warm stream from the shower as you stepped in it felt like your mood melted away.
That was until you just barely caught the sound of the bathroom door open.
“Are you serious.”
All you were given as an answer was an amused hum. You closed your eyes and tan your hands down your face as you sighed.
Even though the curtain opened up just enough for Kuroo to slip in, you still winced at the cold breaking in.
“What are you doing.” You asked, glaring at him once he met your gaze.
“Taking a shower.” Kuroo mumbled, voice still a bit raspy from sleep.
“No you’re ruining my shower.”
“I would never.” He faked a gasp. “I’m making our shower better. Thanks for warming up the water by the way”
“I really can’t stand you.” You tried you best to still hold the annoyed tone in your voice, but seeing the stupid smile on his face ruined it. Your always break at that. “Roommates aren’t supposed to shower together you know.”
“I am not your roommate.” He responded almost disgusted.
“You’re about to be if you put me through one more morning of your damn alarms.” You laughed when he looked away from you smiling even more now.
“You don’t like my morning routine?”
“Absolutely not!” You shoved his shoulder as emphasis. “How many alarms did you even set?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe like fifteen?” Kuroo shrugged before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
“Stop trying to distract me, it’s not going to work.”
“It might work.”
You rolled your eyes again, giving into his embrace just a bit.
“If you want to wake up early, I will wake you up early. If I hear another one of your alarms I can’t promise I won’t break your phone” You stepped back out of his arms and under the warm water, it was probably time you’d actually started to shower.
“Fine, but only if we shower together.” Kuroo grinned, reaching for you once more. “Save some water.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed and shook your head, of course he’d say something stupid like that. “Can we actually shower now? We’re wasting your precious morning.”
“Hmm fine.” He forced out a sigh pretending to be annoyed. “Oh, by the way I drank the rest of your coffee.”
“Why did I know you were going to do that.” You groaned, regretting now that you didn’t drink it fast. “You’re buying me one on campus.”
“You read my mind, I was going to do that anyways.”
“Sure you were.”
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tetsumie · 2 years
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pairing: kuroo x gen!neutral reader
genre: angst
content: you love kuroo but circumstances make it a hard to love him unconditionally
a/n: slightly self indulgent :( but anyways this is my first fic on this blog and i'm trying to get back into writing again which feels really nice <3 also i miss my boy kuroo :(
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god, how you wish you wouldn't have to do what you're about to do.
sitting on the bench in front of the lake, you fiddle with your fingers waiting for your boyfriend, kuroo, to show.
it wasn't a date or anything and he told you he was coming from a study group with some friends to meet you. the whole thing was an incredibly sporadic meetup.
"y/n!" you hear his voice and you turn your neck to see him slightly jogging towards you with his messy hair.
"hi tetsu," you reply with a small smile on his face.
he slows down his pace as he reaches you and his lips turn upwards into that smirk that you've grown to love in the months of your relationship with him.
his stupid little smirk.
"did i keep you waiting for too long?" he asks you.
you shook your head. "no no no! i was just looking at the lake for a bit and listening to some music. don't worry about it."
"sorry... study group kind of got carried away. organic chem is kicking our asses," he replies with a chuckle and you let out one as well.
"but... i did get you flowers!" he pulls out a bouquet of white carnations and your heart flutters but the feeling is immediately retracted when you remind yourself why you called him over.
"t-tetsu, you really didn't have to," you begin to stammer.
"sure i didn't have to but i wanted to," he kisses your cheek. "anything for my pretty."
he puts the bouquet in your hands and sits with you on the bench, viewing the lake with you. you're unusually quiet and kuroo feels something is off.
as he's about to ask you what's wrong, you intervene with, "tetsu can we walk for a bit?"
"y-yeah sure."
the both of you stand up and begin to walk around the sidewalk surrounding the lake. people of all kinds are here. some are walking their dogs, some with their kids, others out on a jog, some riding their skateboards, and more. even couples just like you and kuroo are present.
you still aren't saying anything and any topic kuroo brings up, you're giving curt responses and it's worrying him. what's going on?
"y/n," kuroo's upbeat voice turns to one with a bit of a more stern tone. "stop."
you stop moving and you turn to meet his honey golden brown eyes.
those honey golden brown eyes filled with love and affection just for you.
looking him in the eye was still intimidating to you even after all this time and you felt the goosebumps form on your arm.
"what's going on?" he tilts his head. "you haven't said much the entire time we've been here."
you break eye contact and you're looking everywhere else on his face other than his eyes now. you know the moment you look into his eyes, he's going to read you like an open book and you're going to burst into tears.
"my mom and dad want us to break up."
the world around kuroo silences. he can't hear the dogs barking anymore or the sound of the skateboard wheels riding along the cement or the laughter from the children walking around with their families. the only thing he can hear are your words.
you can see the heartbreak take over his handsome facial features and you can't help but feel at fault for all of it. it's your fault now that he's upset.
"but why? i didn't do anything! i mean, we haven't formally met, but we've said hello and stuff on call! i don't think i was disrespectful? right, i wasn't disrespectful?" he begins to ramble.
"no, tetsu, you were never disrespectful to them." you reply in a low voice.
"then why do they want us to break up? it doesn't make sense.. we haven't done anything wrong?" he asks.
"they just... they think me in a relationship with you is all too soon. us being in such a committed relationship is too soon."
you bit your lip waiting for his response and his gaze refused to leave your face. "y/n, there must be something more to this. tell me the entirety of their reasoning."
goddammit, he would always be able to read you like an open book.
"they were talking about how... well.. they don't think you're good for me.." you mumble.
he doesn't say anything for a moment and you feel your heart drop. you look at him and now his face is unreadable. you can't seem to figure out what's going through his mind.
"i'll talk to them," determination laced with his voice. "i'll change their mind."
"tetsuro, please..." you grab his wrist and you refuse to look back up at him knowing if you do, the tears will unconventionally fall. "it's not... it's not worth it."
"our relationship is worth it to me!" he says, his voice growing louder. "your parents are trying to pull us apart and you're just letting them! don't you want to try?"
"don't you think i did?!" you reply.
"i told them you're different! i told them how much i love you and how much you care about me and how i'm willing to spend the rest of my life with you if you asked me to! i would do it in a heartbeat! i told them that you, you, are my first love."
he hears the pain in your voice as you begin to tell him.
"kuroo, i never wanted to hurt you but i... i'm in a tough spot where i don't want to hurt my parents but i don't want to hurt you either."
he feels the wet tear droplets on his wrist and he realizes you're crying. and it hits him.
"how long have you been keeping this in?"
"how long, y/n?"
"about a month now..."
you've known for so long and yet you couldn't tell him. were you that horrified to tell him about it? he sighs. he hates the fact that you're crying.
and a part of him feels responsible for your tears.
"so what now?" he asks. "what do you want to do?"
you begin to wipe your tears, still refusing to look him in the face. you can't bare to see the expression on his face after everything that's been said.
"i... i don't know."
silence fills the space between you too and neither one of you know what to say. you refuse to look at him and he won't stop looking at your figure in front of him, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you'll look up at him.
"y/n," he says with a strength that you weren't expecting from him. "look at me... please?"
it comes out as more of a request and you can't not look up at him. your heart breaks even more at the sight. there are tear stains on his face and his eyes are stained light red.
his eyes. his honey golden brown eyes. the ones that would hold a soft gaze reserved just for you have now turned erratic and empty altogether.
he looks so vulnerable right now and you feel that it's your fault that your relationship is crumbling so quickly.
"let's break up kuroo," you tell him before he can say anything to sway your heart and mind. "i've been thinking about this for too long and i need to accept my parents' wishes."
his heart chips even more when you call him by his last name. his body screams to stop you from making this decision. he wants to believe this is all some horrifying prank but with the way your eyes are looking at him, he knows it's not.
"okay," he says.
"okay," you reply back.
he bends down a little and takes your face in his palms and you resist the urge to rub your cheek along his familiar palm like you used to. he rubs his thumb along your cheek and you feel the hot tears forming in your eyes.
right as a tear slip pasts your eye, kuroo's lips meet your cheeks and he begins to kiss away every tear that seems to slip away from your eyes.
you're never going to be able to feel his touch on your face again.
you're never going to feel the warmth of his skin on yours again.
you're never going to be able to feel the way his calloused hand fits into yours.
you're never going to be able to feel him again.
his last kiss ends on your lips and you don't have it in you to kiss him back, scared of making a decision you would regret. as he pulls away from you, you open his palm and place the bouquet of flowers back in his hands.
"don't give this back to me; it's yours," he tells you.
"please take it back... i don't want them."
with much hesitation, he takes back the flowers he picked out for you and his arms drop to his sides.
"i love you, you know that right?" you begin to say. "i love you. so fucking much."
he pulls you in for a hug, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"i love you, always," he speaks it into the air and places a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
"i always will."
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© tetsumie 2023 all rights reserved 
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the-masked-ram · 1 year
Don't Come Morning- Kuroo x Chubby!Fem Reader
This was inspire by the song Stay by Sara Bareilles CW: NSFW, Chubby fem reader, semi public sex, teasing, crying (not sexy), angst, planned break up, happy ending, premature ejaculation (kind of), nickname 'kitten' ----
Your hands hadn’t left each other’s since the night started. Tetsurou’s fingers were woven between yours a little too tightly, gripping harder each time he smiled at someone or laughed. While the party wore on his smile got a little thinner, eyes a little more tired, and laugh a little more out of control. He was forcing himself, trying not to think about the morning, trying to stay in the moment. Once the dawn broke and the light crept across your skin, he would be gone. You’d wake to an empty bed for the first time in three years, and he’d be on a plane half across the world. You would be left with nothing more than the scent of sandalwood and mango on his pillows. A smell that would slowly fade, just like you feared your memories would of him. He avoided looking at you, instead reminding himself of your presence with touches against your voluptuous sides and gentle kisses against your temple. His hand didn’t drop yours, even if that meant dragging you across the room or slowing down his strides. You weren’t sure who was hurting more from this separation, you or him.
It was something the two of you had agreed upon long before getting into this relationship, though. It was already known when he’d asked you out that he’d be leaving for America at the end of his college graduation. He’d been scouted by an amazing company. You couldn’t imagine him turning it down for something as silly as love, someone as miniscule as you. Though you knew it’d hurt in the beginning, you’d liked him at the time, you’d convinced yourself that with the knowledge he would leave in the end, you wouldn’t be able to fall in love with him. Your heart obviously hadn’t gotten the message and now you were hurting so much more than you expected. Your tongue felt so heavy, and your throat was closing up. It was so hard not to pull him away and throw yourself at his feet to convince him to stay. To say over and over why it would be worth his while, what you could do to make him want to remain with you. But that wasn’t fair, that wasn’t what this relationship was. It wasn’t the deal you two had agreed upon, and besides, how could you be better than his dream job? You smiled sardonically at the thought. “Let’s go,” he whispered, breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your ear and lips dragging a slow kiss along your lobe. “We’ve been here long enough. We’ve got better things to do now.” You could tell what he meant as his hands found purchase on the curve of your hips and his voice dropped to an octave that caused shivers to roll down your spine. You nodded, making some sort of sound you hoped was in agreement and not a visceral moan. His breath cracked on a soft growl, something only you would hear, and you felt his fingers dig into the thickness of your flesh.
He dragged you away with those firm hands, smiling more and nodding falsely cheery goodbyes. You could see between the crevices in his hazel eyes, see the storm raging beyond the horizon. He finally broke once the two of you slid into the privacy of the elevator, his hands changing from roaming too greedy. Touches changing from light brushes to aggressive grabbing. His lips crashed against yours, his teeth dug into the plush skin, coaxing you to open your mouth on a gasp. It was needy, hungry, frantic, like he wanted to taste every part of you before he was forced to leave. Like the fact this was your last time together was pushing him to mark things against your skin, words he could never say but at least could show you in teeth imprints and swollen lips. He stole your breath, fed you his, made you completely reliant on him. Tears rolled down your face, hot and acidic, but you swallowed the hiccupping sobs that tried to push their way up. Instead kissing him back just as hard, your hands winding their way into the lapels of his coat and pulling him impossibly closer. You wanted to feel everything, every part of him down to his soul, down to the beat of his heart. You wanted to remember every second, every taste, every sound, and every sight of tonight so you could replay it over and over for years while your heart mended. Perhaps you could learn to live without Kuroo… but the thought of it alone sent more tears to the floor and made the sobs finally break free.
Tetsurou kissed you harder, swallowing your cries of despair, he pulled away to kissed at the saline staining your face. The smile he gifted you with was pained and so broken you swore he was about to shatter any moment. “Tetsu,” you breathed, pulling him back. The kiss turned slower, like he was sipping the taste of you from your lips. Slowly licking back in and across the top of your tongue. Pulling back just enough to shush you quietly when you whined, wrapping your thigh around his leg to grind against his jeans. “We’re about to hit the ground floor, kitten,” he whispered, voice strained. He pulled back from your clinging hands and your needy mouth. His fingers once again found yours, weaving tightly around them to hold you close and bring your hand to his lips so he could press them across the back of your wrist softly. He breathed in the soft scent clinging to your skin and smiled a true smile down at you, something that told nothing of the future and was only about the present. He smiled because all he saw was you and all he cared about was leading you from the elevator into the crisp night air.
You waited in silence on the curb for him to flag down a taxi. Instead of speaking, you soaked yourself in the warmth of his touch, the linger taste of his lips, and the duality of his scent. The raucous noise of too many cars and pedestrians surrounded you. The two of you had walked this neighborhood often, caught up in each other and the coffee in your hands. This place held the invisible imprints of your soles and silent echoes of your voices. You had once been happily blind to this coming future. Willfully ignorant even though you knew what was coming, it had been so easy to ignore it. You basked in the present just as much as you basked in the past. You did anything to avoid thoughts of the future barreling around the corner as the taxi pulled up and Tetsurou opened the door for you. Kuroo was quick to pull you onto his lap as soon as he was in the back. His fingers dragging along the strip of skin exposed by the slit in your dress. Your thigh jumped under his explorative touch, and he chuckled against your shoulder.
He rattled off the address to the taxi driver before turning to you and whispering in your ear, “Keep those full lips closed, kitten. Those sweet moans are only for me to hear. But I can’t wait anymore.” He hissed as you wiggled against him while his fingers dipped under your dress, brushing along the lace of your panties and encouraging your thick thighs to part a little more. His hazel eyes narrowed, a playful glint in them even with the darkened storm clouds waiting at the edges. Neither of you mentioned it, neither of you spoke about the fact he’d be gone, instead his fingers teased more slick from your needy pussy. He traced your puffy lips with lazy touches and smirked wider each time your body jumped to follow his retreating movements.
You muffled a whine by biting into the flesh of your lower lip. His brow pinched and you could practically see his pupils widen in the flashing lights from outside. “What did I tell you about staying quiet?” he teased, pressing bittersweet kisses with just a bit too much teeth, against your cleavage. “C-can’t help it, Tetsu,” you whimpered, hips jerking violently as he finally pressed the pad of his finger against your throbbing clit. He stared at your thoughtfully before his steadying hand left your hip and instead curled around the back of your neck, “Then I’ll help you.”
When his lips met yours, it was electric, your body arcing toward every place where his skin met yours in a hope to make the pressure continue and increase. Tetsurou wasn’t an idiot, he wouldn’t bring you to the edge in the back of a cab, but lord did he love to tease. He had no issue swallowing your moans as he crushed his lips against yours and his fingers worked you slowly back and forth along the line of too much stimulation and not enough. It was hard to breathe, even though you stole as much air from Kuroo as you provided. But your lungs were working overtime and failing you, the air felt sticky, and your arousal coated his pants, your underwear, parts of your dress, his fingers, your thighs, it was just everywhere. It was disgustingly sinful, it made you feel filthy in the best way. You wanted to wallow in the embarrassment flooding through your bones as it twisted your walls tighter. Before the taxi arrived at your stop, his hands had stopped their dance along your folds. You weren’t sure if you even noticed when it happened, but suddenly he was kissing you like he had in the elevator. With tongue and teeth and so much unexpressed emotion tumbling through silent actions. You felt like he was feeding on every sound that he caught from your mouth.
This was what it was like to be kissed by someone you loved, who also loved you back. It just… it was never meant to be this painful. It was never meant to feel like you were having your heart shredded and throat crushed. He was stealing pieces from you in that moment. Pieces you would never get back. Pieces you willingly gave long ago and knew once this happened you would be left with less. You would forever be changed by tomorrow. He drew you back to the present by pulling away from your kiss swollen lips and shushing your whimpers of misery and confusion with fingers sliding between yours again. He gave a wad of cash to the taxi driver and mumbled an apology that the man never acknowledged. Once you were in the cold air again you glanced up at the building that housed your apartment. You realized you would probably have to move from here, since everything would hold too many memories of Kuroo Tetsurou and the perfect love that was never meant to be. Kuroo was too lost to the now and once again brought you back, dragging you behind him with urgent pulls of his hand and a look in his eye that you knew but you had never seen so enflamed. He moved you through the lobby into the elevator, not once slowing, his eagerness and desperation finally bared to the light. You were lucky to be the only ones in the elevator, because you weren’t sure how long you could keep your hands from touching him, or his from touching you. The width of his fingers engulfed your plush sides, roved up to cup the edges of your breasts and thumb along the front teasingly, before he finally settled at the smoothness of your jaw. He tilted your head to meet your sparkling gaze and his mouth found yours again. A careful game of advance and retreat was happening, his tongue licking broad stripes along your palate to tickling lightly back along your teeth. He pulled back, watched the way your pupils gaped for him and how your lips were both a mixture of moist and raw from too much aggression too quickly. One hand trailed to the back of your skull, tracing the hairs at your nape so lightly that it sent tingles racing up your scalp and down your spine. His other fingers came to curl around the fragile skin of your trachea, feeling your pulse flutter excitedly under his touch. He made your heart race like this, he did this. He looked at you and saw love and adoration looking back. For once, in the entire time of this relationship Kuroo truly questioned whether he could give you up. It was so real now. With tomorrow looming over him and even with his frantic need to bury himself in you so he could stay stuck in the present, he knew these last few precious hours was all he had left. And with that unescapable knowledge burning in his blood, he wondered if losing you was worth the opportunities waiting for him in America.
There would always be opportunities but… there was only one you. With that thought zapping him back into motion, he pushed you up against the humming wall of the elevator, his forearm rested by your head as he kept his other hand still delicately perched on your throat. He followed the lure of the vibration your pulse created, kissing the corner of your mouth and across to the edge of your jaw. Brushing his nose and lips languidly along your ear. “God, been waiting for this all night, kitten,” he growled.
You shuddered under his touch, fingers digging deep into the muscles of his bicep, anchoring yourself and hoping that Tetsurou could keep you here with him. You felt like you were floating, too much heat running through your body and head stuffed full of cotton. With a twist you tried to pull away from his seeking lips and teeth. “T’much, Tetsu,” you mumbled, tongue heavy from lust. He chuckled, “Yeah?” But he didn’t let up, his fingers flexing lightly around your neck. You gasped in response, arching eagerly under his commanding grip, and he met your mouth with a blistering heat and the lingering taste of unfiltered sake. Your hands drifted up, sinking into his poorly tamed hair, tugging at it in hopes to pull him deeper, so you could drink from his lips easier.
You were lightheaded, practically drunk from the sweet taste of alcohol and insistent kisses by the time Kuroo broke from you again. The elevator ride had felt like a paradox of seconds and hours. A swirling mass of stolen moments and grabbing hands. He pushed and you pulled your way along the hallway, stumbling and too focused on never letting one another go to look where you were stepping. The two of you were lucky it was so late, no one wandered the corridor to take in your debauched appearances. But to you he never looked more alluring, and to him you never looked more gorgeous. Once the door closed behind you all bets were off, everything sped up and the need increased, the pressure reaching unfathomable heights. Your dress was discarded as his fingers dragged against your soft skin. Pressing at curves he revealed and the rolls he loved so much. He gripped you, bit at your jaw and neck, and he breathed you in until he was high on your scent. Your nails scratched at his hard flesh as you pulled his clothes from his body, and he guided you to the bedroom.
Every time he caught your eyes, the look you were pinned with was nearly enough to steal what little breath you could capture. The way he stared was a dangerous mixture of lust and agony. Flames of deeper emotions desperate to escape and make themselves known, but he kissed your exposed skin instead, letting himself drown in the sin before him. Letting himself ache with the knowledge you would never know how he truly felt. The touch of his skin against yours caused a shudder to wrack your spine, and you squirmed against his seeking hands, a whimper rolling from your throat. “Tetsu, please, please, just…” you weren’t even sure what you were asking for, but when he guided you down onto the cool cotton sheets of the bed, you sighed with relief. “I got you, Kitten,” he hummed, soothingly, his knuckles brushing a line down your plush stomach. “I always got you.”
You let him take control, you let yourself fall slave to the sensations, and forget about any thoughts that had once been plaguing you. Instead, just the temptation of flesh took over your conscious. “Follow my lead,” he murmured against the curve of your breast, nipping sharply at the soft skin underneath. His hands cupped the fat of your thighs, parting them to rest his cock against your still clothed clit. You could feel him twitch with each beat of his heart, and your body responded in kind. Your hips canting upward of their own accord to find friction for you both, causing Kuroo to growl in appreciation as his lips closed around your nipple. Your body arced under him, one set of fingers digging deep into the tight skin of his back and the other twisting in the sheets. His eyes watched every shift of your emotions, every time your throat constricted, and every time your teeth sank into your lower lip. Hazel irises stared at you from underneath the mess he called hair, made even worse by your greedy hands from earlier. Those eyes made you burn alive, your walls clenching around nothing.
He braced himself against his forearm, raising himself above you as his other palm settled in a firm grip against the thick curve of your hip. He met the roll of your pelvis over and over, the head of his cock catching on your clit, making him pant and you gasp. “So pretty like this,” he sighed even as his head fell back on his shoulders and his thrusts became harder. The way his throat worked over the breaths he took and every time he groaned, made warmth pool lower in your gut and you knew your panties were far from salvageable. The way they slid against you, all slippery and wet with your fluids made you shiver especially when Kuroo’s head rolled to the side, and he looked at you from under those incredibly long lashes.
“Mmm, someone’s enjoying themselves,” he said with a flash of that arrogant captain’s smirk he still carried with him so many years later. “D-don’t point it out,” you whined, wriggling in his grasp. “Why? Did it make you embarrassed?” he said with a pout now puckering his lips even as his smile threatened to crack it again. You felt a heady mixture of shame and arousal flood through you, making you wetter, readier.   “Mhm,” he answered for you while you trembled, reaching closer and closer to your first peak of the night. “Love it when you’re all shy and sloppy for me.” You wanted to snap back and deny every little teasing word that spilled from his sinful lips, but your muscles were tightening painfully, and your lungs were devoid of air. The only sounds you could make were wanton moans that heated the room to an unbearable level. You twisted beneath him violently, body bucking to encourage everything to break inside you. And it finally did, with a such an aggressive snap that your spine curved and froze, your scream broke into a silent rasp, and Kuroo slowed to a gentle rock to help the twitches fade from your muscles.
Everything was too much, body buzzing with too much energy, mind fuzzing with too much serotonin, and cunt throbbing with too much sensation. You wanted it to stop and yet, you hoped it never ended. You prayed that this very night would stretch into eternity, and just as you thought that you felt the graze of Kuroo’s thumb against your cheek and the trail of warm moisture left behind. “Don’t cry,” he murmured, slowing his rocking down until it ended completely. “Not for me, not over this.” Though his words sounded sure, his tone was weak and there was a fragility in his smile when you managed to clear your eyes. You offered him an equally broken grin, something waiting to be cobbled back together by the man above you. Only he could fix this situation. And yet, he had caused it, so there was no hope for your poor shattered heart. Your chest hitched as you swallowed back a sob.
“Just felt really good,” you lied, and he knew it, but he rolled with it because that was easier. “Did it now?” he whispered, kissing the rest of the tears from your face. You left his question unanswered, instead your hand traced down his side, nails skittering teasingly along his skin. Only to end with a gentle grasp around the base of dick. Tetsurou groaned, his body pitching toward you and head falling against the crook of your shoulder as his hips pulled back and pushed forward. The skin along his arms shuddered and goosebumps appeared while his frame spasmed under your hands. He fucked into the delicate grasp of your fingers and whispered words into your skin, so breathy and light beneath his moans that you had no hope to hear them. “Ngh, g’nna- fuck,” his hips rocked faster, and his cock twitched in your hand. “C’mon, do it. You know you want to cum on me,” you breathed with excitement.
That threw him headlong into the orgasm he was trying to edge, with no hope to control it he came with a snarl and sunk his teeth into your soft shoulder. He painted the gentle slope of your stomach white, marking you as his. He couldn’t help but look down and feel a sense of pride mixed with loss as he watched the viscous liquid spread along your flesh. Your hand slipped from him, bringing it to your lips to lick it clean and he watched with his dick trying to twitch valiantly back to life. “Damn, gonna have to keep myself busy,” he murmured to himself, he sent you that familiar smirk as he dropped down to where his cum cooled on your stomach.
He licked across it, nipping at the plush skin, cleaning you and relishing in the taste of himself mixed with the salt of your sweat. He nosed his way further down, trailing kisses along your eagerly twitching hips. His large palm came up to rest against your groin to keep you still as he worked his way around your panties. “Tease,” you huffed, and he met your adoring gaze. “Always,” he responded, and there was something in that word, which whispered eternity, something that reminded you of the intense pain twisting in your gut along with the fluttering warmth, and it made you frown again. Kuroo knew too and he hurried to distract you, hooking his finger in your soaked panties and dragging them down your thick legs. Gracing every few inches of skin he touched with a featherlight kiss until he at last reached your ankles. On the way back up his lips were sloppier, more open, there was more tongue and a flash of teeth here and there for a soft sting. It chased away the doubt for that moment, made you writhe under his hands as he spread your legs and rested between them.
He laved a stripe across the entirety of your pussy, swallowing the fluids waiting for him like it was the best liquor in the world. He settled in, watching you through hooded eyes as his tongue danced across your clit, drawing loose circles and half-assed kanji in the way he knew you liked. You felt your back arching, frantic to get more pressure, get closer, just. Get. More. “Ah, don’t rush, just lay back. I’ll get you there,” his hand pressed harder against your lower abdomen, pushing you back against the bed. Slowly he increased the tension as your moans slipped into babbling and your hands wound tight in his hair. His fingers worked you open right when your words turned into screams, and he curled them expertly to feel the resounding clench of your walls. He knew you so well, he knew every little tell and knew just what you needed when. He never left you wanting, Kuroo made sure of that.
His tongue pressed more insistently, the circles got tighter, he added suction, and his fingers scissored and stroked. He watched as you shook apart under him and fluids poured into his greedy mouth. “G-god fucking damn,” you hissed once you had control over your voice again, though your hips still jerked from the sparks shooting through you. Kuroo pulled off, eying you with that sleepy smoldering stare that made everything inside you open up and beg for more. Rocking back on his heels, he took the hand coated in your slick and spread it along his revived erection, thrusting into the sensation with a huff of impatience while his lids fell shut.
He inhaled sharply, choked up on the base, and muttered, “Shit, slow down.” You weren’t supposed to hear that, but you giggled, and he cracked an eye open to shoot you a grin. “I’m not even gonna apologize if I cum too soon, no one can blame me,” he growled, pressing into you with a sigh. You squealed, immediately clamping down on the intrusion in your excitement and causing Kuroo to swear as he almost pushed forward to fast. “Fuck, it’s almost like you want me to lose control,” he snarled through grit teeth, and you could hear his molars squeak when he lowered himself onto his forearms. “Relax for me, kitten.”
His thumb came down to gently pet your clit and you shuddered, breathing intently through your nose before your walls opened up. “Tha-at’s it, good girl,” he choked out as he sank in. “Always so fucking gorgeous under me.” The pace he set was slow, neither one of you too urgent now to get a taste of each other, and Testurou apparently trying to edge himself. You met his deep languid strokes, and each time he pressed inward he hitched his hips up to stroke along a part of your velvet insides that caused a white-hot flame to lick up your spine.
“God, Tetsu,” you moaned, his hand finding the one knitted in the sheets and weaving tightly between your fingers. His lips found yours, his eyes never leaving your face in the gloom. He kissed you until you couldn’t breathe, until you were sloppy and pliable beneath and begging for faster and harder. He indulged, fucking you until you were screaming and toes curling. “C’mon, I’m not cumming before you,” he panted, grinding his teeth as he hiked your knee over his shoulder and strummed your clit with his unoccupied hand. The other still held yours, squeezing tightly and pressing it high above your head until you felt tight like a bowstring. With the added insistent pressure at your clit, you rasped out a soft cry, your body clamping around him and he jerked forward, careful to steady himself by removing his hand from your cunt to place it on the bed.
He choked out a groan and shuddered as he reached the crest of orgasm and felt himself empty inside you. The room was silent save for the heavy rhythm of your combined panting when he pulled from you. You squeaked because of how swollen and sore you were, and he smiled apologetically. All levity from before, what little there had been, was gone. Now in the silence there was just the morning waiting for you. “Want to take a shower?” he asked slowly, voice soft and hesitant. The atmosphere felt fragile, but you nodded and joined him. The rest of the night was spent getting ready for bed, filled with soft kisses and still resolutely ignoring daybreak. He wrapped you in his arms as he felt your breathing finally even out. “Why didn’t you ask me to stay?” he whispered, and he let the tears come.
---- You woke to heat on your back and sun leaking through the shades. You frowned as you turned and squinted at the offending window that dared wake you. Then your frown deepened as you noticed the place where Kuroo should be sleeping. He wasn’t there…. Then it hit you and the crying started hard, so painfully hard, with shakes, screams, and hiccups. You curled into yourself as you realized he was gone. He had really left. Your hands grabbed at your head and nails sank into your scalp. The world stopped there it seemed, intent to prolong your agony. You had nowhere to be that day, nowhere to go. You could reach out to friends, but did you really want to pretend to be anything close to ok? So instead, you spent the early morning hours wallowing in misery until eventually your bladder pushed you out of bed. When you stepped into the bathroom a post-it waited for you, and you idly read it.
‘Hey Kitten, there’s so much I want to say, but the most important thing is to come down to cat café where our first date was at 10am.’ -Tetsurou You stood still for a moment, your hand shaking as you touched the post it. Why? Why would he want you to go to the café? You were frozen for a few minutes longer until you blinked yourself out of your stupor and ran into the bedroom check the time. “Fuck!” you screamed. The clock read 9:30am. You needed to book it, and not be naked. You quickly pulled on t-shirt and a pair of leggings. You were putting on your shoes by 9:40 and was out the door by 9:45 by the time you made sure you had everything.
You were going to be late. Was this a highly time sensitive thing? What did this mean? What did this fucking mean?! You felt like you were going to pass out as you ran as fast as you could, and you honestly weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t really run much or if it was because you were actively having an anxiety attack while running. Probably the second. That sounded like a bad idea. When you arrived you checked your phone and it was 10:15am and you were shaking, terrified that you were too late for whatever this was. That you’d missed out on whatever the last thing Kuroo had given you. “Kitten,” a voice said behind you.
You knew that voice, God you’d know that voice until you died. You’d dream of that voice. You trembled hand curling tightly around your cellphone. “Please don’t be hallucinating,” you whispered. “Turn around,” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. You turned with tears pricking at your eyes and you asked in a shaky voice, “Kuroo Tetsurou why aren’t you on a plane to America?”
“Because I found something worth staying for,” he responded, that smile wide and practically glowing. “I found you.”
---Taglist @crowned-peony
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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boyfriend kuroo tetsuro headcannons
what's it? fluff allergen warning/s? n/a sugar level? 0.6k regulars? @hanayanetwork​ @tahonet​ @tokyometronetwork​
bon appetit!
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♧ invites his partner to hang out with him and his friends, so long as they weren't going to be out for too long because he wants his partner to like his friends and vice versa. aside from his family, his partner and his friends are some of the most important people to him, so obviously, he wants them all to get along.
♧ teaches his partner volleyball!! he doesn't care if they're good at it or bad at it, if they're athletic or not, he just wants to see the love of his life playing the sport near and dear to his heart.
♧ he's a very dedicated lover. if he doesn't think he'll be able to balance his work life and having a partner, he's not going to do it, so when he does get one, he's very sure of them.
♧ full-on pouts when his partner doesn't use his nickname or a pet name when addressing him. he feels like he's done something to upset them when he has done nothing wrong in reality. he just really hates it. god forbid his partner uses his last name on him, he will be losing his shit.
♧ but if he's in a mood for some teasing and his partner calls him by his first name or his last name, he will ignore them. only cute nicknames in this household.
♧ does couples pranks he found on tiktok so much. he's a little annoying shit, really, but we all already knew that. his favorite are text pranks because his partner doesn't see how hard he's laughing. most of the time, they already know the prank, they just go along with it for their boyfriend's sake.
♧ the boyfriend that gets really giddy when he is referred to as his partner's. instead of saying they're my partner, he'd prefer i'm their boyfriend.
♧ nuzzles his cheek against his partner's or on their chest like he's some kind of cat. if his partner teases him about his resemblance with the aforementioned feline, he'd jokingly meow at them before rolling his eyes.
♧ loudly sings sad harry styles songs into his partner's ear and plops on top of them when he feels like they aren't playing enough attention to him.
♧ does grabby hands all the time, especially if he just came home from a long day of being at work and his partner's busy with some household chores or their own work. it's really adorable and it's usually accompanied by a pout.
♧ has mastered the art of puppy dog eyes and is not afraid to use it on his significant other. and yes, whenever someone asks if he could teach them how to do it, he does refer to puppy dog eyes as an artform.
♧ when he notices his partner studying too hard and getting stressed, he walks over to them, rubs his thumb between their eyebrows where a crease is forming and kisses the spot when he stops.
♧ and related to that, he helps his partner study subjects they're having a hard time with in a variety of ways. sometimes, if they're competitive, they'd have a mini quiz bee of sorts and sometimes, getting a question right rewards them with a kiss to whichever body part they want.
♧ prefers handmade gifts over store-bought ones. he doesn't care if it's a bit imperfect or sloppy, if it's obvious that arts and crafts is not his partner's strong suit. it may be cliche, but to him it rings true it's the thought that counts.
♧ will randomly grab his partner by the waist and give then a loud kiss throughout the day, unless they're uncomfortable with that.
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i get: reblog
you get: a rooster
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minarixx · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 ✯ 𝐓.𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨
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"𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙡𝙮, 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄'𝙢 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙞𝙩. 𝙄'𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣"
PAIRING. Kuroo Tetsurou x f!Reader
CONTENT. Angst, break up
Y/N and Kuroo, who once shared a passionate relationship that ended in heartbreak. After their painful breakup, Y/N carries the memories of their time together, fate orchestrates a meeting where Kuroo is wearing the scarf she had given him. As Y/N watches him from a distance, emotions resurface, evoking a flood of bittersweet memories.
WC. 4.5k
A/N. Idk plot is pretty plain and mid for this one. I just like the the writing in this one
Masterlink - Songs Unwritten
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The soft glow of chandeliers adorned the elegant banquet hall, illuminating the faces of corporate elites and professionals gathered for the Japan Olympic and Professional Volleyball Company's celebration. Among the attendees was Y/N, an ambitious and passionate young woman, who worked diligently on the corporate side of the organization. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she mingled with colleagues and exchanged stories of triumphs and challenges.
Amidst the sea of strangers, her gaze was inexplicably drawn to a tall, dark-haired man, Kuroo, who stood in a conversation with fellow associates. He had an air of confidence and a warm smile that seemed to invite her in. He was a part of the Japan Volleyball Association, specifically within the Sports Promotion division.
The soft hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses filled the air at the corporate banquet. Y/N stood amidst the crowd, her eyes scanning the room for familiar faces. She felt a bit out of place, but she knew the event was essential for networking and building connections in her career.
As she sipped her drink, she noticed a group of people engaged in lively banter across the room. Her eyes were drawn to a tall figure with tousled dark hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. It was Kuroo, and he seemed to be the center of attention.
She reminded herself that networking was her goal, and maybe striking up a conversation with someone as engaging as Kuroo could prove beneficial. Curiosity getting the best of her, Y/N found herself making her way towards him, and as their eyes met, an instant connection sparked between them. Like moths to a flame, they were drawn to each other, their magnetic attraction undeniable. 
Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she approached the group and mustered a smile.
"Hi there, mind if I join in?" Y/N asked, trying her best to appear confident.
Kuroo's eyes flickered with surprise, but he quickly broke into a warm smile. "Not at all! The more, the merrier," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of playfulness.
Introductions were made, and Y/N found herself drawn into the conversation effortlessly. Kuroo had a way of making people feel at ease, and his witty remarks had everyone laughing. As they talked, Y/N discovered that Kuroo shared her passion for volleyball and that they both had worked tirelessly to contribute to the sport they loved.
They exchanged stories of their experiences, the challenges they faced, and the moments of triumph that made it all worthwhile. As they spoke, Y/N realized that beneath Kuroo's charismatic exterior was a genuine love for the sport and a deep dedication to his work.
"I've seen your name in some of the promotional materials for the Japan Volleyball Association," Y/N said, a touch of admiration in her voice. "Your team is doing a fantastic job promoting the sport."
Kuroo's cheeks flushed slightly, and he scratched the back of his head in a bashful manner. "Thanks! It's a team effort, and I'm lucky to work with such passionate people. What about you? I've heard great things about the corporate side of the Olympic and Professional Volleyball Company."
Y/N blushed at the compliment. "I'm just a small part of the team, but I'm proud of the work we do to support the athletes and ensure smooth operations. Volleyball means a lot to me, so being able to contribute in any way feels incredibly rewarding."
Their eyes locked for a moment, and Y/N felt a spark of connection between them. It was as if they understood each other on a deeper level, beyond their shared love for volleyball.
The evening passed in a blur of laughter, shared anecdotes, and the thrill of discovering kindred spirits. As the night wore on, the crowd thinned, and Y/N found herself still engrossed in conversation with Kuroo.
"You know, I was a bit nervous about attending this event tonight," Y/N admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Kuroo chuckled softly. "You? Nervous? I find that hard to believe. You seem like a natural at navigating these social gatherings."
"I guess appearances can be deceiving," Y/N replied with a shy smile. "But I'm glad I came. Meeting you has been a highlight of the night."
Kuroo's eyes softened, and he leaned in a little closer. "The feeling is mutual. There's something about you that's refreshing and genuine. I'm glad you approached."
Kuroo's charisma was undeniable, an enigmatic magnetism that drew people to him like moths to a flame. From the moment he entered a room, he exuded a vibrant energy that seemed to light up the atmosphere around him. His mischievous grin and playful eyes hinted at a personality that was both charming and approachable.
Confidence exuded from every fiber of his being, but it was never overpowering or arrogant. Instead, it was a quiet assurance that made those around him feel at ease. He had a gift for making people feel valued and heard, as if they were the most important person in the world at that very moment.
Kuroo's humor was infectious, and his witty remarks often left people laughing, the sound of their joy filling the air like a delightful melody. He had a knack for finding common ground with almost anyone he met, effortlessly striking up conversations and building connections that felt genuine and authentic.
His passion for volleyball was palpable, and when he spoke about the sport he loved, his eyes lit up with a fervent fire. It was evident that volleyball wasn't just a job for him; it was a part of his soul. He spoke with such enthusiasm and knowledge that even those unfamiliar with the sport couldn't help but be drawn into his world.
But what truly set Kuroo apart was his ability to listen. When someone spoke, he didn't just hear their words; he listened with genuine interest, absorbing every detail and emotion. He had a way of making people feel seen and understood, as if their thoughts and feelings mattered in the grand tapestry of life.
Time seemed to fly by when in his company, and conversations with him were always filled with intellectual stimulation and heartfelt connections. He was a master of the art of conversation, effortlessly navigating various topics and keeping everyone engaged.
Yet, for all his charisma and charm, there was an air of humility about Kuroo. He never boasted about his achievements or sought attention for his accomplishments. Instead, he focused on uplifting others and celebrating their successes, making them feel like stars in their own right.
In a world where genuine connections were often hard to come by, Kuroo stood out like a beacon of warmth and authenticity. People gravitated towards him not just for his charm, but because being around him made them feel better about themselves and the world around them.
His charisma wasn't a mask he put on for show; it was an intrinsic part of who he was - a genuine, kind-hearted, and passionate soul who left a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to cross his path.
As the night drew to a close, Y/N found herself reluctant to part ways. But eventually, they exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch. As Y/N walked away from the banquet, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. The connection she had felt with Kuroo was unlike anything she had experienced before, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead them. Little did she know that their encounter was just the beginning of a passionate and tumultuous journey filled with love and volleyball, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways.
As days turned into weeks, Y/N and Kuroo's relationship blossomed. They shared moments of pure bliss, where time seemed to stand still. Their passion for each other was mirrored in their shared love for the sport of volleyball. They attended games together, cheering on the teams, and reveling in the excitement of every spike and serve.
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as Y/N and Kuroo strolled hand in hand along the bustling streets of Tokyo. Y/N was ecstatic when he finally asked her out.
Kuroo's mischievous grin hadn't left his face since they started their little adventure, and Y/N couldn't help but be infected by his playful energy. He had a way of making even the simplest activities feel like grand adventures.
As they passed a street vendor selling cotton candy, Kuroo's eyes lit up with childlike excitement. "Hey, do you want some cotton candy?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with delight.
Y/N giggled and nodded, the idea of sharing cotton candy with him sounding like the perfect dose of whimsy. They approached the vendor, and Kuroo ordered two fluffy, colorful clouds of sugar.
As they walked along, each holding one end of the cotton candy, they couldn't resist stealing playful bites from each other's treat. The sweet, sugary taste mingled with their laughter, creating a perfect moment of joy and connection.
"Hey, you got some on your nose!" Kuroo teased, pointing to a smudge of pink on Y/N's nose. He leaned in and gently wiped it away with his thumb, making her heart flutter.
"Oh, really?" Y/N replied, trying to keep a straight face before retaliating with her own mischief. She playfully swiped some cotton candy and tried to smush it onto Kuroo's cheek.
He laughed and dodged her attempt, then scooped up a handful of cotton candy, lightly patting it onto her cheek. "Now we're even!" he declared with a grin.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't hide her amusement. Being with Kuroo felt like being carefree, like she could let go of her worries and just enjoy the present moment.
They continued their stroll, their laughter and chatter blending seamlessly with the vibrant city ambiance. Kuroo spotted a street performer juggling colorful balls and decided to join in the fun. He convinced Y/N to stand in as his audience, and he attempted his best imitation of the performer's juggling act, eliciting cheers and applause from his delighted companion.
As the evening wore on, they stumbled upon an arcade filled with flashing lights and enticing games. Kuroo's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he dragged Y/N inside, promising her an unforgettable experience.
They tried their hand at various games, laughing at each other's antics and cheering each other on. Kuroo won Y/N a stuffed animal from one of the claw machines, and she couldn't stop smiling at the thoughtful gesture.
But the highlight of the arcade visit was undoubtedly the dance-off game. Kuroo, who claimed to have some hidden dance moves, stepped up to the challenge. Y/N couldn't stop giggling as she watched him groove to the beat, his exaggerated dance moves earning him a crowd of amused onlookers.
Not one to be left out, Y/N joined him, and they danced together like no one was watching. They spun and twirled, their laughter filling the arcade as they danced to the rhythm of their hearts.
The night had been a whirlwind of laughter, shared adventures, and genuine connection. As Y/N and Kuroo reached the entrance of Y/N's apartment building, they came to a bittersweet realization that their first date was coming to an end.
They stood there for a moment, the city lights casting a warm glow on their faces, neither wanting to say goodbye just yet. Kuroo gently brushed a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear, his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.
"I had an amazing time tonight," Kuroo said softly, his eyes locked on hers. "Thank you for making it so special."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she replied, "I had an amazing time too. You made every moment unforgettable."
There was a brief pause, as if time stood still between them, before Kuroo leaned in slowly. His lips met hers in a tender and hesitant kiss, filled with all the emotions they had shared throughout the night - joy, excitement, and an unspoken promise of something more.
The kiss was soft and sweet, a gentle exploration of each other's feelings. It felt like the perfect culmination of their connection, a moment of vulnerability and trust shared between two souls who had found something extraordinary in each other.
As they pulled away, Y/N's cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and shyness. Kuroo's eyes sparkled with affection, and he cupped her cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing gently against her skin.
"I don't want this night to end," Kuroo confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with happiness. "Me neither," she replied, her fingers intertwining with his. "But I have a feeling that this is just the beginning."
Kuroo grinned, his playful charm returning. "You're right. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."
And with that, they lingered for a few more moments, savoring the magic of their first date and the promise of a love that was yet to fully bloom. As they said their goodbyes, Y/N felt a sense of hope and excitement, knowing that she had found someone who made her heart race and brought joy to every moment they spent together.
As she walked into her apartment, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. The night had been a whirlwind of emotions, and she couldn't wait to see where this newfound connection with Kuroo would lead them. Little did she know that their first kiss was just the beginning of a passionate and transformative journey of love and volleyball, intertwining their lives in ways they could never have imagined.
In the days that followed their first kiss, Y/N and Kuroo found themselves inseparable. Their romance blossomed quickly, fueled by a shared passion for volleyball and an unyielding desire to explore the world together. They embarked on spontaneous adventures, jetting off to different cities to attend volleyball matches and immerse themselves in new cultures.
Every moment they spent together felt like a whirlwind of emotions - laughter, excitement, and an overwhelming sense of connection. They shared tender moments under starlit skies, made beautiful memories as they wandered hand in hand through bustling streets, and dreamt of a future where they could build a life together.
Their love story seemed like a fairytale, with each passing day deepening their affection for one another. Y/N couldn't help but fall more in love with Kuroo's adventurous spirit and the way he made her feel alive. He had a way of sweeping her off her feet, making her forget about the worries of the world as they got lost in each other's company.
But as their relationship progressed, signs of trouble began to emerge. Kuroo's restless nature and frequent travels for work started to strain their connection. Long distances and irregular schedules made it challenging for them to find time for each other. Communication issues crept in, as they struggled to bridge the gap created by the demands of their respective jobs.
Y/N felt a growing sense of insecurity as Kuroo's availability became inconsistent. She cherished the moments they had together, but when he was away, doubts crept into her mind. She longed for more stability and reassurance, unsure if their love alone could sustain the growing distance between them.
However, their demanding careers often kept them apart for extended periods. Kuroo's responsibilities at the Japan Volleyball Association meant frequent travels and late-night meetings, leaving Y/N feeling lonely and uncertain about their future. Insecurities began to creep into their minds, and they found themselves questioning whether their love alone could sustain their relationship.
Misunderstandings surfaced, leading to arguments that left emotional scars. The pressure of their respective careers added weight to their love, and the rollercoaster of emotions threatened to tear them apart. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if their love was strong enough to endure the trials they faced.
Despite her reservations, Y/N clung to the belief that their love was strong enough to conquer any obstacle. She tried to be understanding and patient, hoping that their deep connection would eventually prevail over the challenges they faced.
They had their moments of bliss, but it became increasingly evident that they were both struggling to find a balance between their individual ambitions and their life as a couple. Kuroo's passion and his demanding career pulled him in different directions, and Y/N found herself yearning for a sense of stability that seemed elusive.
One evening, after a particularly difficult conversation filled with misunderstandings and frustration, Kuroo sat Y/N down with a heavy heart. He explained that the long distances and irregular schedules were taking a toll on both of them, and he didn't want their love to suffer as a result.
"It's not that I don't love you," he said, his voice filled with genuine pain. "But I can't ignore the strain this is putting on us. We deserve to be happy, and right now, I don't think we can find that happiness together."
Y/N felt her heart shatter into pieces as she listened to his words. She had hoped against hope that they could work through their challenges, but Kuroo's honesty laid bare the reality of their situation.
The air between them felt heavy with unspoken emotions as they sat facing each other, their hands intertwined one last time.
"I never wanted this to end," Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with raw vulnerability. "I thought we could overcome anything together."
Kuroo looked into her tear-filled eyes, his heart aching at the pain he was causing. "I know, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice laced with regret. "But it's been so hard, and I don't want to keep hurting you or myself."
Tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks as she fought to find the right words. "Can't we at least try to work through this? We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger."
Kuroo's gaze softened, and he gently cupped her face in his hands. "I wish it were that simple," he said, his voice laced with sorrow. "But we both know that the demands of our jobs aren't going to change anytime soon. It's not fair to ask you to wait for me or to put yourself through this uncertainty."
"But I love you," Y/N whispered, her voice breaking. "Isn't that enough to make it work?"
Kuroo's eyes glistened with tears he refused to shed. "Love is a powerful thing, Y/N," he said, his voice tender. "But it's not always enough. We also need stability, trust, and a sense of being there for each other, and right now, I can't give you those things."
Y/N's heart ached at his words, but she knew he was right. Their love was strong, but it couldn't erase the challenges they faced or the doubts that had crept into their minds.
"I don't want to hold you back," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "If this is what you need to find happiness, then I won't stand in your way."
In tears, she nodded, understanding that they were both grappling with the difficult decision that lay ahead. With a heavy heart, they embraced one last time, cherishing the memories they had created together.
And just like that, their whirlwind romance came to an end. Y/N watched Kuroo walk away, knowing that they had shared something beautiful, but that life had chosen a different path for them.
In the following days, Y/N tried to focus on her work, but Kuroo's absence was a constant ache in her heart. She couldn't shake the memories of their time together, and every sight of a volleyball match reminded her of him. The pain was unbearable, and she felt like a mere rough draft in his life. Like an artist scrapping his work, she imagined crumpling herself up and throwing herself away, but she couldn't erase the memories they shared. Every word, every touch, and every smile were etched in her soul.
The aftermath of the break-up was a tumultuous time for Y/N. As days turned into weeks, she found herself trying to navigate the emotional rollercoaster that came with the end of a meaningful relationship. Waves of sadness, anger, and longing crashed over her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and lost.
At first, Y/N tried to distract herself, throwing herself into work and spending time with friends. But no matter how much she tried to keep busy, thoughts of Kuroo and their time together would creep into her mind, pulling at her heartstrings.
The plaid scarf, the one she had left at his house, became a constant reminder of the love they had shared and the pain of their parting. There were moments when she wanted to reach out to him, to hear his voice and find solace in his presence, but she knew that it was not the right path forward.
It had been a year since Y/N and Kuroo had parted ways, and the pain of their breakup had gradually eased, leaving behind a tapestry of cherished memories.
It was a cold winter evening, and Y/N found herself feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of her job and the uncertainties of her personal life. Seeking solace, she decided to clear her mind by attending a volleyball game at a local stadium.
As she settled into her seat, her gaze was momentarily fixated on a guy in the distance. He was wearing a plaid scarf, one that looked oddly familiar. Her heart skipped a beat, and a sense of nostalgia washed over her as memories of the past flooded her mind.
Her friend, noticing her distraction, nudged her with a playful grin. "Hey, where did your mind wander off to?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in their voice.
Y/N shook her head, trying to shake off the sudden surge of emotions. "Oh, it's nothing," she replied with a small smile, not wanting to delve into the memories just yet.
But her friend, being perceptive, raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" he prodded gently. "You seemed lost in thought for a moment there."
Taking a deep breath, Y/N decided to share her feelings. "It's just... that guy over there," she said, nodding toward the guy with the plaid scarf. "He looks like someone I used to know."
Her friend gave her a sympathetic look, understanding the complexity of her emotions. "An old flame?" they asked softly.
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty. "Yeah, he is," she admitted. "We had something special once, but life took us in different directions."
As the volleyball match continued, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at the guy with the plaid scarf. Memories of their time together flashed before her eyes - the laughter, the inside jokes, and the moments of shared happiness.
Her heart fluttered as she recognized Kuroo, standing with his characteristic charisma and magnetic presence. He looked as charming as she remembered, and her mind couldn't help but recall the memories they had once shared.
As Y/N watched Kuroo from a distance, she couldn't help but be captivated by his natural charisma and charm. It was as if he possessed an invisible magnetism that drew people in, effortlessly making them feel at ease in his presence. Even from afar, she could see how he lit up the room with his smile and how people gravitated towards him like moths to a flame.
Y/N remembered how his laughter had once been her favorite sound, a melody that brought comfort and happiness to her heart. It reminded her of the moments they had shared, the jokes they had exchanged, and the memories they had created together.
As he interacted with others, his playful banter and easygoing nature endeared him to everyone around him. He had a way of making people feel special, as if they were the only ones in the room. Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia, remembering how she had once been the recipient of his charming attention.
She watched as he engaged with the team members, offering words of encouragement and support. His passion for volleyball was evident in every gesture, and Y/N couldn't help but admire his dedication and drive. It was one of the things that had initially drawn her to him - his determination and enthusiasm for the sport they both loved.
Seeing him so comfortable and confident in his element made her heart swell with both admiration and a touch of longing. She missed the connection they had shared, the way he had made her feel alive and understood. The memories of their passionate romance flooded back, and for a moment, it was as if time had folded upon itself.
But she knew that the distance between them was not just physical; it was the emotional chasm that had grown between their paths. Y/N had learned to cherish the memories they had shared, but she also knew that sometimes love, no matter how intense, couldn't overcome the challenges they faced.
As she continued to watch Kuroo, she realized that the charisma and charm she had once fallen for were still very much a part of him. 
What she felt could only be described like the last page of a book you were so engrossed in; you turn it, and it's over. Just like that. No grand finale, no dramatic exit, just a silent, haunting conclusion.
And yet, what lingers are the what ifs. Those two simple words hold so much power, so much weight. What if she had said this instead of that? What if she had fought harder? What if she had been more patient, more understanding? What if they had taken a different path, a different direction? What if they had stayed together?
The what ifs seem to taunt her, playing like a broken record in our minds. They're relentless, gnawing at our hearts like a persistent ache. Revisiting the memories, the laughter, the shared dreams, and the promises that were once so tenderly exchanged. And in those moments of reflection, the what ifs become more vivid, more tantalizing, and more painful.
As Y/N turned away, her heart heavy with the weight of memories and unspoken emotions, she couldn't help but whisper to herself, "I remember it all too well." It was a love that had left an indelible mark on her soul, a love that she would always carry with her, despite the pain it had brought. And as she walked away from the sight of Kuroo, she knew that some loves were meant to leave a lasting ache, a bittersweet reminder of what once was, and what could never be again.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 5 months
Haikyuu oneshot/drabble/hc requests open!
feel free to request anything- platonic, romantic, poly, familiar, lgbt+, headcanons, etc. slight angst is okay, but please include tws in your request when necessary!
some things i personally like doing are:
bokuto, kuroo & tsukkishima (platonic or not)
i feel very normal about touch starved kageyama (lie)
tbh anything kageyama centric lmao
hurt/comfort & fluff in general
im pretty open to most ships though? so feel free to request something even if its not on this list
ns/fw is okay!
i'll usually take most requests, but these are a few things i won't do, simply because of personal preference:
historical/royalty au's
romantic ships between oikawa & any of the karazuno boys
angst with a sad ending/major character death/terminal illnesses/reincarnation au's
i also haven't finished watching it yet, so pls try to avoid spoilers in your request, or put a warning lol. if i take a bit to get to your request, it might be bc i haven't gotten to the part where one of the characters you requested is introduced lmao
i think it goes without saying that i will never do any problematic/toxic/p3do ships, so just don't even follow me if ur into that shit.
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ennoshitas-princess · 6 months
Good day! I would like to order a cupcake, a strawberry shortcake with caramel and a juice, please, for Daichi and Kuroo 😊
Handcuffed Heart to the Two
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Coming right up!!
Daichi Sawamura x Tetsuro Kuroo x reader
Love triangle, Valentine's Day, fluff, work au
The job: police officers, you are the only woman working in that department
Synopsis: you, Kuroo, and Sawamura are on break after a long persecution
Word Count: 563
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You sat down on the soft couch in the lounge of the police department, exhausted from the long persecution that happened just some minutes ago, ready to end the day.You only forgot that today had something special lingering in the air.
“Ugh! I can't wait for this shift to be over.” You pouted at them, cheeks puffed out.
Daichi and Kuroo gazed at you in adoration, not able to resist how cute you get when your blood boils. How could they not giggle at your antics?
“Now, now Chibi-chan, we have another ten minutes to work, so you must behave and at least try to survive.”
Kuroo poured himself a cup of coffee, the pink mug warm to the touch.
Your face turned into that mug just by the nickname. Why, oh why did this happen to you?
“L/n-san, Kuroo is right. What about if I massage your back?” Daichi held his arms to his head.
“Meanwhile I pour you a nice cup of joy.”
Kuroo grabbed another mug from the cabinet, this time intentionally grabbing one with a red heart.
You closed your eyes shut for a moment. You thought about how this happened.
You were a police officer. The only female in your station. Every cop in it turned their eyes towards you when you came in the first time. From time to time, you would have love notes on your desk. You didn't like any of them. Well, only two stole that little heart of yours.
“Look, Chibi-chan. I wanted to tell you something for sometime now, and I think I am ready to spill it all out.”
Kuroo walked towards you, holding a soft, brown plush in hand.Your face scrunched up in confusion. What is he doing? A confession?
“No, Kuroo-san. I will say what I have to say first!”
The two stared into each other's eyes playful, earning a small giggle to come out of your lips.
“No, no, no. I will do it. I am in love with both of you.” You tackle them.
“Huh?” Both of them stare like little kids being told how babies are made.Yeah, you said it before they said anything.
“You know what, let's just clock out please.” You beg to them.
You entered your apartment you guys shared since you began working, throwing your shoes off to the side without a care in the world.
“So, Kuroo-san, if you are okay with a relationship with each other, it will be fine with me.” Daichi placed the keys on the dish.
“Yes, I am okay with it, Daichi.”
Kuroo grabbed a pillow, and threw it at your face. You screamed in pure cuteness and giggled.
“Kuroo, no.”
“Come on, Chibi-chan, don't be so stormy.” He smirked.
“How about if I cuddle you?” Daichi came around and sat down to the left of yours.
You snuggle into his chest, smelling the sandalwood cologne that remained on him. You couldn't believe you could have both at the same time. Obviously, you won't put it out in public, but keep it to yourselves.
“Daichi, Tetsuro, do you guys mind making dinner?” You put puppy eyes.
“How about take out?” Kuroo suggested, holding his phone ready.
“Yes!” You wrapped your arms around his muscular waist.
“Happy Valentine's Day, y/n-chan!” Both of them screamed.
No wonder today felt ever so special.
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I am so sorry if this wasn't what you looked for. I am kinda still new to writing and I at least tried 🥺🥺🥺
Hopefully you can forgive that.
Thank you for coming! Have a beautiful day!!
All rights reserved copyright ©
Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
Reblogs are acceptable
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taeyamayang · 2 years
ㅡan otome-style interactive fiction wherein you play as (y/n). the plot and the character (y/n) ends up with are solely dependent on your choices. (taglist open)
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♡ POSSIBLE PAIRINGS: Daichi Sawamura x reader | Miya Atsumu x reader | Kuroo Tetsurou x reader | Tsukishima Kei x reader | ? x reader
♡ SETTING: University
♡ TAGS: tooth-rotting fluff! | otome/reverse harem | romance | interactive fic | cliché tropes/dynamics
↬ after every end of the fic, there will be a poll and readers are encouraged to participate
↬ ofc, majority wins so no hard feelings if your choice doesn't win!
♡ REMINDER: (y/n) uses they/them pronouns and is a fem bodied character. eye color, skin color, hair color, race, etc. are not specified.
♡ VERSION UPDATE every FRIDAY of the week beginning Feb 10, 2023, 12pm EST.
• taglist: @thechaosoflonging @alienvarmint @phoenix666stuff @citrustsuki
a/n: hi, some of my old followers may be familiar with this concept as i have done this before with RUN (unfortunately i wasn't able to finish it on time before christmas sooo continuation this year? *winks*) go check it out if you want a clearer idea of how this fic works. i will update once a week only since the plot will depend on your choices. technically, i'll have to improvise every update. don't be afraid to interact, this is literally an interactive fic lol. anyways, are you interested?
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♡ New Beginnings
♡ Your Place or Mine?
♡ The Labyrinths
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
I really like your writing, I just recently downloaded tumblr since I was looking for more yandere content and you’re one of the first authors I followed.
So for my ask can I get the scenario of the reader being a former fan of the yandere, like reader was borderline obsessed fan girl who always try to help the yandere by making his homework and projects but one day the yandere had enough of reader’s help and humiliated her in front of a crowd and destroyed her hardwork. The reader then moved away due to start anew. Whiel the reader is away the yandere at first was happy but he starts to miss reader more and more to the point that he would go to her old house to apologize and have her be his fan again, but his is shocked to find the reader has moved away. Maybe when yandere is now successful he finds reader again and expecting reader to be inlove with him again flirts with them only to find out that reader attended therapist sessions and is no longer interested in him and is quite embarrassed of their former self. How would the yanderes react to reader no longer being their number one fan?
Thanks for reading my ask, I hope it doesn’t bother you
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I’m going to combine these two requests if that’s okay since they’re similar! I really like this idea, and you should never feel bad about long requests! Thank you also for following me, that means a lot to me! I feel very special to be one of the first!
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Title: Humiliate
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, name calling, death threats (not from Kuroo)
Summary: After an act of cruelty, Kuroo’s number one fan has a change of heart.
Part 2: here
make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly:
It’s not until the team is leaving that you manage to catch up to them, a white box clutched closely to the red number 1 jersey you’re wearing. Your eyes are shining brightly as you gush over the team’s captain.
“Kuroo! You were amazing! That last play was spectacular! I’m so glad you guys won, you deserve it!”
Kuroo’s heard it all a million times, not least of all from you. You managed to show up at every game, every event. He knew you mainly by your face, he’s not sure if he ever got your name. Your excitement and fangirlish behavior always managed to overwhelm him.
“It’s a little late, but…” you thrust the white box forward, into Kuroo’s chest. He fumbles it a little, shocked by the sudden assault. The top of the box is clear, showing a vanilla cake with frosting spelling out “Happy Birthday Kuroo!”
Now that’s just creepy. He’s never had a fan as diehard as you, and it makes him uncomfortable. He’s not even sure what to say.
A crowd has gathered by now, mainly of fans from inside the stadium, and it just serves to put more pressure on him as they whisper things about you and him. “Are they dating?” “Isn’t that weird?” “Isn’t that cute?” “Who does that?”
The other fangirls look on with jealousy and disgust, and he can’t help but feel even more overwhelmed by their presence as well. Everything was coming to a halt.
You remained smiling blissfully, unaware that Kuroo was getting sick of all your attention. You’d been at this for so long that this was the last straw to break the camel’s back.
You’ve always disturbed him with your intensity and obsessive behavior. You were practically everywhere he went and always trying to strike up a conversation, even when he clearly wasn’t interested. You’d tried to apply for the team manager position when it was open and then even the social media manager position. You were always decked out in merch and often seen carrying a Kuroo plush.
Kuroo let the cake fall from his hands. It seemed to move in slow motion until it hit the ground with a satisfying sound, causing a smile to tug at his lips. The crowd was silent, you were finally silent, frozen in shock and horror, trying to convince yourself it had been an accident.
“You’re a freak,” he spits out, “You’re always following us around and stalking us on social media and in person. It’s so creepy, you’re lucky you haven’t been arrested for harassment. Just leave me alone- everyone would be happier if you left and never came back.”
The first tear slipped from your eye and more followed quickly after. He watched as you crumbled into a mess of heartbroken sobs and desperate glances, as though you still thought he might comfort you in this moment of despair.
The group of fangirls began to laugh, their voices high-pitched and cruel. The team and several people in the crowd began to as well, and Kuroo couldn’t help but join him. This just seemed to break you more, as you blankly let a couple of sympathetic people in the crown pull you away.
You don’t stay to hear anything else. In a moment, you’re running away, so fast you’re nearly tripping over your own feet. Fleeing the scene Kuroo had created.
You wiped away more tears as you deactivated your last social media account. It was the best choice, after all those fans had sent you horrible messages and even doxxed you. You could barely stand to think about some of those messages.
“Kill yourself” “How pathetic” “Just die”...
You shuddered and turned off your phone. You’d have to change your number as well. At least no one had showed up at your house. What cowards… of course people were more content to sit behind a screen and say awful things instead of actually showing up in person to do anything.
Shrugging your shoulders a little, you turned back to the TV, where your new favorite show was playing. You had been to a therapist several times since the incident and your mood was improving greatly. She had suggested you put the energy you’d once put in Kuroo and his team into something new, like a hobby or something fictional. 
This show was definitely more interesting to watch than volleyball, if you were being honest. And it felt safer to obsess over book characters than real people. At least they couldn’t hurt you like Kuroo did.
Kuroo, on the other hand, had begun to suffer from your disappearance. You no longer showed up to games, and he assumed you must be watching him from your TV. He couldn’t blame you for not showing up in person, but he swore he could hear your cheering voice missing from the crowd.
It was lonely, to be surrounded by thousands of people, but missing just one voice you wished to hear.
However, he didn’t realize that’s what he was missing until he asked the team what happened to their weekly treats. When one of his teammates said that you had sent them in every week, without fail, he felt like he’d been stabbed right through the heart. You did that for all of them? How didn’t he realize that?
He tried to keep it bottled up, tried not to be bothered by not seeing your face in the crowd anymore. But it was getting to him, even affecting his performance in every game. 
He found himself searching for your social media, so he could apologize and let you know it was safe to come back to his games or whatever it was you needed to hear. He wasn’t sure what your name was, but managed to find a video of what he’d done to you and saw a user tagged in the text above. The name sounded right, so he clicked on it.
Deleted account.
Kuroo’s heart sunk in his chest. Somehow, he knew this was you. Searching your name in other social media apps gave him no results- apparently you’d deleted all of your accounts.
Swallowing back his guilt, he searched for something a little less innocent than your name. It was quick to find once he knew what he was looking for. One of his fans had, after all, doxxed you.
He headed out for your house immediately. He’d just talk to you, clear things up, and everything would be fine!
He pulled into your driveway and his heart leapt in his chest when he saw you bringing mail inside. He practically fell out of his car, calling your name to get you to stop and turn around. 
You did just that, looking at him with an expression like you were seeing a ghost. All the color had drained from your face and your lips parted in fear.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n), I really am. I shouldn’t have said those things.”
Why didn’t you act happy to see him? Shouldn’t you be throwing yourself all over him with relief that he cared?
You had made your way to the door and were starting to fumble with your keys. You’d apparently just gotten home when you stopped to grab your mail. Lucky him.
“Please accept my apology! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please just come back to my games…” Kuroo felt like he was being slowly choked, tears stinging his eyes in desperation. He couldn’t understand why you weren’t acting like yourself.
“I accept your apology.” You responded, but before he could sigh in relief, you continued. “But just because I accept your apology doesn’t mean I’m going back. I’ve grown up, I’m over you and your team and just volleyball in general.”
Kuroo remained frozen in place. You were… over him? How could you change so much so quickly? Had he really hurt you that badly? It had only been a couple of months… how could you leave him? How dare you leave him?
As you went back to fumbling with your keys, Kuroo advanced on you like a lion on its prey. If you weren’t going to obsess over him, fine. Then the roles were switched.
He’d change your mind, no matter what it took.
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