#kuroshitsuji 190
eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
I was originally going to post this alongside the first chapter, but after asking @effrvsnt107 if I should, I decided to post it as a means to “warn” people what they’re getting into (the prelude is accompanied by a disclaimer and some of the underlying themes that will be seen in full as the fic progresses).
So, after a considerably long wait, here is the prelude, the prelude to The Story of Grelle The Reaper:
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bapydemonprincess · 7 months
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/2279033
"My blood was Canopus, the same as Master Cook. Orientals and Occidentals, the color of our eyes, the pots we cook with— Everything about us is different.
Yet our blood is the same.
How curious."
-Lau, Chapter 190 of Kuroshitsuji
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teatitty · 11 months
The kuroshitsuji season 1 anon here! I honestly didn't know and that makes a lot of sense, thanks for explaining <3 maybe I should start reading the Manga
The first couple arcs are a little rough pacing wise but once you hit the Noah's Ark Circus onwards it's stellar work the whole way through and you can find places to read the whole manga fairly easily with simple searches [except mangadex which weirdly only has up to 190???] I don't talk about it often just bc the fandom was so blegh back in the day and I hated being associated with them but with the Weston College arc being animated next year I wanted to refresh my memory on everything ~~~~
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Black Butler: Book Of Vengeance AU
In this alternative universe of the manga/anime Black Butler, Grell Sutcliff mistakes Dagger’s cinematic records as a suicide and reports him to the head shinigami’s. Dagger is brought back to life as a shinigami, he is in grief after he finds out what happened to the other circus members and wants to take revenge on Ciel and Sebastian, the further Dagger dives into despair, the more he finds out the truth about himself, the Phantomhive’s and the Midford’s
Chapter 1
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Things you need to know before reading
-This was written when the newest chapter of Kuroshitsuji was 190, if anything happens in the manga after that chapter which doesn’t make sense in this AU then pretend that didn’t happen while reading
-some characters do get killed off
-none of the characters belong to me (apart from Caroline Smith) they all belong to Yana Toboso
-this fan fic is set in between Book Of Murder and Book Of Atlantic, so Book Of Atlantic did not happen in this AU
Chapter 2: Dagger’s Awakening
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Dagger couldnt see a thing, he thought he was dead, he couldn’t hear or even feel the ground beneath him.
He hoped Beast and the others had somehow escaped Smile’s mad house and had found Joker.
He wondered if this was the feeling of him floating up to heaven, or falling down to hell, which would make more sense for him to be doing as he had made a lot of regrettable decisions during his lifetime.
Thats when he heard a voice.
“Mr Knox, why is the boy being resurrected on the pavement? We have rooms where new comer Shinigami’ are awoke,” The voice was very familiar.
Another voice replied “Sorry boss, I was just worried about the time, since obviously if a new comer isn’t awakened within 6 hours their soul is lost forever,”
Dagger tried to call out for help but he couldn’t for some reason, it was like he didn’t even have a body, just a floating spectre in pitch black.
Thats when he jerked, like one of them weird dreams you have when your falling but then wake up before you hit the ground. He shot up and he could feel his body again, he could feel the hard ground beneath him.
But he still couldnt see, he could only see a few blurred out colours. He spoke “Hello, whats going on?! Is anyone there?! I cant see!”
Thats when he heard “Look sir, he’s been awoken!” “I can see that, Ronald,”
Dagger recognised the other voice, “Suit, is that you?! Oh thank god! Where are the others? And why cant I see?”
“Ronald, please just put his recruit glasses on already he’s gonna have a panic attack,” “Yes sir,”
Thats when Dagger could suddenly see again, a young man who looked a bit like him wearing a black suit and a pair of glasses, was putting another pair of glasses on him.
“There you go, Harvey, you can see now,” the young man said cheerfully. Dagger stood up and asked “Harvey? Why did you call me that?” Ronald looked at Suit confused and said “Does he not know his own name?”
Dagger shook his head “No, everyone calls me Dagger,” Thats when he heard another voice.
“OH WILLIAM IS THAT THE NEW RECRUIT?! HE LOOKS SO HANDSOME!!” Behind suit was a woman running towards the 3, she had long red hair and also wore a suit and glasses.
She jumped up really high aiming towards Suit, trying to give him a hug, but Suit dodged her and moved to the left, making her crash onto the ground face first.
“Grell, why are you here?” He asked, Grell replied “Well, I was the one who reaped his soul, and he did look QUITE handsome in his files, AND HE LOOKS EVEN MORE HANDSOME IN PERSON!”
Dagger was extremely confused “Okay, what is going on? And where are the others?”
William sighed and said “Okay I want to get something straight, my name is William T Spears, not Suit, I only joined your little circus because I was on a mission,”
Dagger was quite disappointed hearing these words, the only reason William joined them was because he had to and not because he wanted to, but at least it wasn’t under the same circumstances as Smile and Black.
“Second of all, I will explain whats going on, Harvey, 6 hours ago you were shot 12 times by the Chef of Phantomhive manor, saving that girl’s life, since you basically sacrificed yourself to save her your death was considered a suicide. When a human commits suicide they do not die and go to heaven or hell like other humans do, they become a Shinigami,”
William continued “Shinigami’ collect the souls of humans who die using death scythes as punishment, until they are forgiven and are allowed to enter heaven or hell, Shinigami’ also cannot see without these special glasses, which is why you were basically blind for a few seconds,”
Dagger was shocked, he was now some sort of super natural creature? Were any of his friends like this too? About that, where even were his friends?
“Okay... Where are the others?” He asked, William sighed again “I’m sorry to say this, Harvey, but they’re all dead,”
Dagger trembled as he heard this, his friends were all dead?! Even Beast?! His sacrifice was for nothing!
“No... Even Joker?!“ “All of them, even the one with the freckles,”
Dagger began crying, again. He put his hand over his mouth. Grell and Ronald felt a bit sorry for him.
Dagger couldn’t believe it, why had life been so unfair to him?! Even when he was born he was broken! His only family was dead and now he has to live his life working and watching others die!
It was very painful for Ronald and Grell to watch, “Harvey, we’ll sort out all of that later, now just let me explain how this is going to work,” William said.
“Where we are now is Tamashi Academia, in the reaper realm, where new comer Shinigami study to become real ones, me, Ronald and Grell have already finished out studying, but you have barely began. You will study here for the next 6 months until your final exam comes up, and your results will determine what kind of Shinigami you will be,”
Dagger wiped the tears from his eyes and reluctantly replied “Yes sir,”.
Chapter 3: Phantomhive Frenzy
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It had been 6 months since then and Dagger had worked extremely hard, he was near the top in most of his classes. This was because he knew the faster he got this Shinigami thing over with the faster he’ll be forgiven and be able to reunite with his friends.
In 20 minutes his final exam would begin, him, Ronald, William and Grell sat in the library.
“In 20 minutes, your final exam will begin, Harvey, you will have to locate the human on the to die list, watch them die and collect their soul,”
Dagger nodded “yes sir I know how it works,” William continued “But this time it will be different, we used to have a recruit pair up with another recruit for the final exam, but now we have them pair up with a true Shinigami to show them how its done, you will be paired up with Ronald Knox for your final exam,”
Ronald smiled at Dagger.
“I remember thats how I met William, getting paired up with him when we were recruits, oh goodness was that such a romantic day for the 2 of us, it feels like just yesterday it happened, though it was actually 3 years ago,” Grell says.
William glared at Grell, showing her he knew what he was about to say.
“You were SUPPOSED to be paired up with someone else,” he said “But due to a small incident that happened a bit before you were recruited she is BANNED from pairing up with recruits for their final exam, which was quite disappointing, WASNT IT GRELL?!”
William replied “They werent even on the to die list for another 30-40 years Grell, and you shouldn’t be flirting with recruits anyways because he got distracted and failed the exam,”
Ronald whispered to Dagger “William’s probably just jealous Grell was flirting with another man, there have been rumours that William has been in love with her for the past 2 years but thinks if he tells her people will look down on him,”
“Also, Sutcliff, what are you even doing here?! This conversation is between me, Harvey and Ronald Harvey has his exam in less than 15 minutes and your distracting him! Like you distract every other male Shinigami!” William snarled.
William said sternly “Just GO!” Grell scoffed and left the library. William turned to Dagger and said “I apologise about her, she’s not the best influence when it comes to being a good Shinigami’, she’s been causing trouble since she was a recruit,”
Dagger was trying not to laugh “I know sir, I promise I will not take after her trouble making arse,”
William said “Good. Now, please leave to the human world, good luck,”
About half an hour later, Ronald and Harvey were in the human world.
“Hey Harvey,” Ronald said as the pare walked down the streets of London “I’m Ronald Knox, I believe I was there when you were first recruited but I haven’t really seen you until today have I?”
Dagger shook his head “No, but you seem like a nice lad,” Ronald smiled at him. Ronald looked at the book of cinematic records “I believe the human who we are to collect the soul of is named Florence Jones, a 28 year old noble woman and the fiancé of Aleistor Chamber, AKA The Viscount Of Druitt. She is due to die in exactly 1 hour due to a stabbing,”
“Wow, lovely,” Dagger replied sarcastically. Ronald thought to himself for a moment and said “We should be able to track her soul using the book, we should also try to keep it down, imagine a human hearing us talking about souls an death in public? That would be bloody stupid of us,”
Dagger giggled to himself a little bit. “Anyways” Ronald whispered “It says here that Florence is over there,” he pointed to 2 women about 10 metres away from them, “Is it the woman wearing the pink dress or the teel dress?” Dagger asked, Ronald replied “The pink dress,”
Florence had long blonde hair tied in a bun, with tanned skin and brown eyes, she wore a straw hat and a long pink dress.
“What now?” Dagger asked, Ronald was silent for a moment and then replied “We should follow her but don’t make it too obvious,”
The 2 began following Florence and her friend, the 2 women stopped in an empty street, the sun began to set, Ronald and Dagger hid in an alleyway near by.
“Wow thats just lovely, so how are you and the Vicscount doing?” Asked Florence’s friend, Florence replied “Honestly I don’t know, dont tell ANYONE I said this but Aleistor is sort of selfish, he doesn’t buy me anything and he’s always leaving at random times. I heard him and another man talking about some organisation known as the “Aurora Society?” I have no idea what thats about but it doesn’t sound good,”
Florence’s friend replied “Oh dear, I hope it gets better between you both, when you marry him I’m sure it won’t be like this,” Florence nodded.
There was a second of silence between the 2 girls until the other girl said “Haven’t you heard? Earl Ciel Phantomhive is throwing a huge ball for his Fiancé’s birthday!” Florence answered “Wait really? Thats amazing! I wish I was invited, Earl Phantomhive is such a kind child considering what happened to his Family, it was sad to hear what happened his Aunt Angelina a few months ago yet he still keeps on pushing on and helping other children,” Her friend nodded.
Dagger heard this whole conversation and he was shocked, had Smile not been arrested for what he did? Or did no one know? Ciel was far from a kind child, he was a spoiled brat who killed Dagger’s family and didn’t even feel bad for it.
Chapter 4: Vengeance
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Florence and her friend chatted for another 15 minutes until her friend left, leaving her all alone.
Ronald whispered to Dagger “This is it, in at least 10-20 she’s going to die, lets follow her on the roof,”
The 2 boys jumped on top of the roof above them and stalked Florence as she walked the empty streets of London. About 5 minutes had passed.
“Hey Ronald, do you think I’ll be able to handle watching her die?” Dagger asked, Ronald replied with sympathy “Of course you will, after a while you tend to get used to all the blood and guts,”
They walked for another 10 minutes until Ronald pointed out a suspicious looking lad following Florence.
“Do you think he’ll be the one responsible for her death?” Dagger asked, Ronald responded with a nod. Since it was dark it was hard to figure out the mans features, but he wore baggy clothing and had long hair.
He was suddenly a lot closer to Florence, until he tapped her on the shoulder.
Ronald and Dagger watched as the man chatted with her for a few minutes, then pulled out a sharp weapon and chased her down the streets.
Ronald watched without emotion, but Dagger felt worried for her, secretly praying that she would escape, but he knew deep down there was no way this would happen.
The man soon caught up to Florence and ended her life. Dagger looked away as her blood spilled all over, and plugged his ears not wanting to hear her desperate cries and screams for help.
The guy sped off a few seconds later, not even bothering to clean up the body, just leaving her in the middle of the street for the other humans to find her the next day.
Ronald and Dagger jumped down from the building and walked over to Florence’s body.
Dagger pulled out his training scythe and was ready to impale the poor woman, until her somehow living body grabbed his ankle.
She said quietly and full of tears “Please... Don’t leave.. If I die I don’t want to die alone...”
Dagger felt the guilt in his stomach, but he knew what had to be done, he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe before plunging the scythe into her torso.
Her cinematic records shot out of her body into the sky, showing her entire life, from birth, to childhood, to adulthood, and to death.
Ronald quickly handed Dagger the book and he opened it up, he watched as the records shot down from the sky and into the pages. Collecting Florence’s soul.
The book suddenly shut closed as all of the records were gone, leaving the woman's souless body behind.
Dagger tried not to look at the blood covered body on the pavement, but at the same time he couldn’t take his eyes off it, it was like he was frozen in place.
“Well done Harvey! You just passed your final exam! Now your an official shinigami just like me and Grell!” Ronald said excitedly.
Ronald then noticed how shaken up Dagger was “Oi, are you alright? We all get shaken up a bit after watching our first death, but you’ll get used to it soon, Harvey,”
Thats when Dagger replied and smiled slightly “Don’t call me Harvey, your my friend now so you can call me Dagger,” Ronald smiled at him back and said “Okay, Dagger, want to go get a cuppa to celebrate you passing your exams?”.
Dagger nodded. And off the 2 shinigami’ went, to go and get themselves a victorious cup of tea.
Chapter 5: Round starter
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Ciel, Sebastian and Lizzy, stood in the empty ballroom. Tonight was going to be special.
“Tonight is going to be perfect Ciel! I love it so much!” Said Lizzy, she was extremely excited for her party she was having for that birthday that night, Paula even bought her a pretty yellow dress for the occasion.
Ciel smiled slightly and replied “I’m glad you like it to Lizzy, I cant wait to see you in your new dress,”
Ciel then turned to Sebastian “Sebastian, how is Snake doing? He had quite a fall putting up those decorations this morning,”
Sebastian answers “He’s doing quite alright, he did almost crack his head open but luckily Finny had some wet paper towels,”
Lizzy jumped into the conversation and said “Oh no I hope Snake is okay, he doesn’t talk to me that much but he’s really nice to me,” Sebastian smiled at Lizzy signifying that Snake would be alright.
Ciel then asked “Sebastian, when is the cake going to be ready?” “Bardroy is almost done making it, hopefully he doesn’t burn down the kitchen.... Again.”
“You even got me a cake?! Your so thoughtful Ciel!” Lizzy exclaimed with excitement. Ciel replied “Yes, but your not allowed to see it until the party because its a surprise,”
6 hours later.
“Alright, Harvey,” said William “Today is your first day as a true Shinigami and your first mission,” Dagger didn’t reply he just nodded.
“You will be paired up with Grell for this mission, here is the to die list,” William passed Dagger the list of names that were to die that day, there were about 13 people on there.
“And Grell...” William spoke with an annoyed tone “Don’t force Harvey into doing something stupid like killing a person not on the list, like you ALWAYS DO!”
Grell sighed “William I told you I wouldn’t a billion times!”.
“Good. Now off you’s two go,” William pointed at the exit from his office. Dagger and Grell gladly got up and walked out.
They were now both in the human realm standing outside of abandoned building. “Alright, so our first target is Henry Stephens, a 12 year old homeless boy who dies of starvation in about 10 minutes so we need to find him fast.”
Grell awkwardly looks left and right “Umm... Harvey, can you please do me a teensy weensy favour,” she said. Dagger replied “Okay, what is it?”
“Well, maybe its not THAT small of a favour, but, would it be alright if you did the mission by yourself? There’s somewhere I really need to be right now,” Grell said with a bubbly tone in her voice.
“Umm... Alright.. But where is it you have to be?” Dagger asked. Grell, flustered and blushing, answered “Well, tonight Earl Ciel Phantomhive is throwing a party for his Fiancé. His butler, Sebastian, or as I call him, Bassy, is going to be there. I’m madly in love with him and haven’t seen him in months, I miss him so much, so please let me go!”
Dagger felt anger in his stomach, this poor woman was in love with the manipulative psycho who was a key part in his families death, he was probably just manipulating her and using her for his own needs.
He was debating telling her who Sebastian really is, but then he calmly said “Of course you can Grell, I’ll take care of the mission for you,”
Grell squealed and exclaimed “Yay! Thank you so much Harvey!” Grell jumped in the air and headed towards the Phantomhive manor.
Dagger was so angry that he couldn’t even concentrate on the mission. The anger was so intense it made him feel sick and he just wanted to cry. He had only made it halfway to the first victim and it had only been 4 minutes, but it felt like hours, maybe even days.
Dagger’s mind was racing and his heart was pounding. He looked down at his new and improved death scythe, which had been modified to look like an axe.
Thats when he thought to himself “What if I got revenge for my family, tonight?” He knew it was a crazy idea, how would he sneak into the manor without getting caught? What would Grell think of him if she found out he had killed Sebastian?
But, Ciel had taken away everything from Dagger, as if he had a lot to begin with. Dagger was disabled, poor, orphaned, was pressured by his adoptive father to kidnap innocent children, and then everyone he knew and loved was killed, including himself by Ciel and his servants.
He knew that if missing his mission and disappointing William meant avenging his family, then so be it. He just didn’t care anymore, killing Ciel and Sebastian was his only goal now, and he would accomplish it if it was the last thing he would do.
“Ciel! I knew you were making me a cake but I didn’t expect it to be that big and colourful!” Lizzy squealed pointing at the 4 foot tall pink and yellow cake sitting on the table.
Sebastian walked over to the Earl and his Fiancé and said “It seems you’s two are enjoying yourselves?” Lizzy answered “Of course we are! Everyone here is wearing adorable outfits! The decorations are simply gorgeous, and that cake is almost taller than me!”
Thats when a familiar voice was heard by the 3.
“BASSY IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” Exclaimed the red head as she came running into the ballroom in her beautiful red dress.
“Oh no, how did SHE get in here?!” Sebastian said sarcastically, facepalming himself. Grell practically jumped onto Sebastian and hugged him tight. “BASSY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH OH MY GOODNESS YOU’RE SO HANDSOME! I MADE MY OWN DRESS JUST FOR AN OCCASION LIKE THIS!”
Ciel was flabbergasted and in shock. The only sound in the ball was the music playing and the guests chatting. Thats when Lizzy broke the silence between the 4 and asked “Sebastian, who is that? Is she your girlfriend?”
Sebastian and Ciel were surprised and Ciel was about to reassure Lizzy that Grell was definitely NOT Sebastian’s girlfriend until Grell interrupted and yelled “YES I AM HIS GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND!”
Sebastian wanted to die.
“Come on Sebastian! Lets dance!” Grell giggled excitedly, grabbing Sebastian’s hand. Sebastian stopped her though and said “Hold on Grell, I need to talk to you before we dance, but I promise you we will afterwards,”
Grell said excitedly “Okay!” Following him into the empty hallways of the manor.
When the 2 were out of site Sebastian wrapped his arms around Grell’s waist and lifted her up. Grell was a blushing mess and was super flustered.
“OH BASSY I LOVE FEELING YOUR STRONG ARMS AROUND MY BODY! AHHH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” She squealed. Sebastian rolled his eyes and sighed.
He didn’t say a word.
He walked right towards the window and opened it “Hold on, Bassy what are you-“ but before she could finish, Sebastian dropped Grell right out the window.
They were only on the first floor so she didn’t get injured but it still hurt, she looked up at Sebastian from outside and asked “Bassy, why did you do that?”
Sebastian then slammed the window shut.
Grell was in tears, was it true that everyone hated her? And just found her annoying. That would make sense why William would always look down on her, and why all the other Shinigami’ apart from Ronald, Harvey and Othello would whisper about her when she walked by.
Grell hid her face in her hands. She got up and just decided to leave, besides, who even wanted her there in the first place?
When she exited the gates of the manor thats when she bumped into Dagger. “Harvey?! Why are you here?!” She exclaimed, trying to hide her tear stained face.
Dagger replied “I- I was just- Hold on are you crying?!” “No I’m definitely not crying! Not at all why would I be crying!”
Dagger sighed and says “Grell, I can tell your crying, I know its 9 o clock but its still not that dark. Grell then takes a deep breathe and says “Well, at the ball, Bassy threw me out the window and said that him and everyone else hates me and thinks I’m annoying,”
Dagger was shocked, but that shock soon turned into rage.
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YEYA, Cherumie, and Layingwithla
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grelleswife · 2 years
He lived, bitch.
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Tiddies out, a smile on his face, and a sexy crime lord’s blood flowing through his veins…a satisfying finale to Bard’s mini-arc!
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luci-on-the-moon · 2 years
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And his titties look awesome
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levbolton · 2 years
Kuroshitsuji 190 spoilers
Really short chapter again, 10 pages (including the title page, but idk if this is all tho)
Update: chapter is 19 pages, this post does not contain everything
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We get Bard thinking he is in the bread land bcs it’s so fluffy and warm
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But nope
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He wakes up and he’s not dead
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The what Lau first say is « I’m canopus, just like mr chef » or something like that, the other translating program translated it like that. He then continues with « Orientals and westeners, everything from the color of their eye to their food is different, funny how blood is the same, isn’t it? »
What Bard says then « I failed to die again » and his friend i forgot his name says « I told you didn’t I? »
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I don’t fully understand what Lau means about going to Shanghai, it seems like he offers for the veterans to move there and he would assure that they would not beg or live miserably
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And voila the end, apparently this is why Ronald infiltrated the sanatorium, or so it says in the little box
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
Chapter 190
wow I'm back with these things! didn't do them for a bit, and to be honest I thought this chapter break was very long, but that's just because I forgot last month's chapter happened for a moment. weird cause I thought it was sad and funny, but reasonable.
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yana really went hard here and I'm so happy, Ada deserves this panel so much☆☆☆ I'll maybe never see her again and I'll probably forget soon but girl you a keeper.
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I like that we have this little thing here, shows us everyone we know so far, kinda. yana's refusal to draw Polaris's right eye really doesn't do good for me. those other two seem to be people we don't know. I think I still fall on the possibility of him being Joker, which is a common theory. makes sense enough. but I'm not committed.
also, the one on the bottom left looks to be of Asian decent right? the only connection I can think of is to the quin bang, but that's a stretch.
also some of you know lots a flowers and that's very cool! that's a flower back there right? idk. I suck at flowers.
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my first impression when he makes these shocked faces is that he's truly alarmed by the information. however after reading the panel below, it seems like that face is just his "new scheme in the making" face.
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nice to see Lau is the same as ever. I really hope Ada and the rest have some sort of freedom from now on. Lau is sly with his repayment debts anyway. and I sure hope this is some side "i must bring honor to my country" thing and not some more relevant plot twist thing.
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this poor girl I want to give her everything. she was meant to do nothing more in this world. also me too Lau. glad we all agree some information just gets lost over time. how is this man so powerful??
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@grelleswife mentioned that so far all of the servants arcs have ended with a sunset, and thats a cool observation! i like that. gives me hope for the future. ofc yana isn't too predictable, but still. generally this panel is just... mhm. feelings.
that seems like a wrap then, overall super mega happy ending, finally!! it's been so long. I gotta say it doesn't feel as complete as a wrap that we were all expecting, but I think that's the general fault of having too much time to theorize and then totally expecting an explosion and multiple deaths. Ada is taken care of, Bard's alive, no one dies hazah. I think we can safely say that no one will die in these miny arcs until we get to ciel and sebastian unfortunetly.
one more thing though.
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ngl i kinda forgot he was even here for a moment, no shade to Ronald I was excited and expectant but that's just what happens with a poor memory and 9 pages a month.
sorry that I'm just unable to buy the official translations atm so sit through my possibly unofficial confusion for a moment please. so Al is someone who seemingly is an ally of Layla, or so she thought. I have doubts that Ronald is a twist villain, even if it's just hopeful thinking. here though, Ronald's dialogue does in a way make it seem that he was supposed to meet with her, and she was certainly expected an "Al". RonAld is too much of a stretch right? or is that what is meant to be assumed?... what was his doctor allias again anyway, Dr. Knox right? idk sorry I gotta reread this whole arc soon but luckily it won't take long.
I would frankly be mad if Ronald turns out to be a secret baddy because 1) means future conflict with our cast. and grelle :< no they're meant to be best buds. also 2) means we need a whole other chapter to explain this and have them talk. nope, we're gone now sorry.
I doubt he is, I just wonder what type of deal he would have brought up with her.
and yea please discard the child, im very sorry to whatever she was before the fake soul inhabited the body, truly, my heart brakes. now throw it away.
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zypria · 2 years
Never change Lau
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*5 seconds later*
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His brain, I wanna poke it with a stick here and there, how does it work
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pawdragon · 2 years
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So I coloured Baldroy in Breadland because I find this frame absolutely beautiful 😌
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soplichan · 2 years
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royalshinigami · 2 years
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lau looking fine as hell in the new chapter
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thedarkestcrow · 2 years
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Black Butler Chapter 190
Ada demonstrates just why she is known as the miracle healer.
The official English translation for the new chapter will be released on July, 19th.
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Lau* (to Bard): You killed in wars, yet you thought you’d gone to Heaven, how could Occidentals (read: Westerners) be so shameless? Well, hello! Welcome to Hell again!
Chapter 190: The Butler, A brief respite
* Lau, the meme king who keeps on giving!
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grelleswife · 2 years
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Greeting the Kuro fans congregating for the monthly chapter release.
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ace-aro-taku · 2 years
Kuro 190
Good way to close out Baldo & Lau's investigation
I wonder what Knox is gonna do to the Corpse Nurse Girl. Makes me wonder if he's on Undertaker's side?
Finny and Snake's investigation will probably be next where Snake could find out Sebastian and Ciel killed his 'family'.
Possible more Finny backstory and the experiments he had to endure but we know the start of it at least
Only 10 more months until the 200th chapter
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