#kurt hummel appreciation post
fallevs · 3 months
This sweatshirt is my roman empire
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backslashdelta · 2 months
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they don't know how you've haunted me, so stunningly
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freakshowcowboy · 9 months
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kurt hummel, my bestfriend kurt hummel,
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mynonah · 6 months
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Please click for better quality, and check out the close-ups under the cut to see the details properly!
Art gift for: @toastery
Dear Dylan,
We seem to have very different interests, but I tried not to take the easy way out. :) I went with a somewhat canon based AU with badboy!klaine - but I think they're mostly just taking revenge!
This is not your actual gift, it's the soft version of it. If you're interested, I'll send you the full version in private, which is a little bloody FPS PoV - I tried to bring some video game vibe. (Yes, that's all I know about video games: guns, blood, sometimes FPS. Sorry!!) It just doesn't feel right to shock people before Christmas... :)
I hope you can find something you like about this!
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
There's this one fic that's was based off grease 2 It's old and was probably posted on ff.net I'd really appreciate if u could find it! Thanks!
Could it be this one? ~Lynne
I Want a Cool Rider by mily.alice
The second new student Blaine Anderson lays eyes on Kurt Hummel singing and dancing on a lunch table, he's head over heels. But of course a guy who dates the likes of Noah Puckerman would never be impressed by a nerdy kid with stage fright. Well, Blaine can sure as hell try. (Based a bit off Grease 2, only this is better, I promise.) 
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Hello everyone! I am back with a little gift ,written as I was inspired by the magic of the fanart made by @esilher
Dear, I hope you like this little token of appreciation. I hope you continue finding joy in creating wonderful art to the fandom. I loved writing this. I hope you like my gift too.
Also thank you for betaing @1908jmd
Based on this post
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Art by @esilher (I did get permission from her to use her art. Thank you!)
The Autumn Carnival Memory (read on ao3) by ANNA_TIMBERLAKE
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee,glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel ,Nick the Warbler (Glee),Jeff (Glee)
Kurt and Blaine- Anderson Hummel receives a mysterious package and a letter, containing a blast from the past. Can they be able to contain the joy and memory it brings?
Inspired by a gorgeous fanart from @esilher on tumblr
Oh! Nick and Jeff have sent you a letter
Dear Blaine Anderson-Hummel and Kurt Anderson-Hummel
It's Jeff and Nick writing to you. How are you, guys? We are good here. We are so sorry for this sudden letter. My phone has some technical issues and Nick's phone got mugged. Don't worry about the phones. We'll get them fixed soon.
Also we owe an apology for not attending your Wedding Anniversary celebration cum Halloween party. We appreciate you inviting us and we know you guys are disappointed in us but things got in our ways.
Nick got a last minute order for a wedding capture art and I was running errands.
So a token of apology, we have sent you a gift that we made by ourselves. Well, Nick did the biggest part. Careful, the thing is fragile. And hope we will be meeting you both soon.
Yours lovingly
Nick and Jeff
Hope you guys enjoy reading. Kuddos and Comments are much appreciated ❤️
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
The Winner Takes It All
Summary: Kurt and Blaine are researchers at the theatre department of NYU. After finishing a paper, they need to decide the order of authorship. Since they contributed to the research equally, Blaine suggests a Broadway sing-off contest to determine it with the winner becoming the first author.
Kurt loves Blaine’s idea. But he also has an agenda on his own.
Notes: This is a little, somewhat cracky fic inspired by this post on WTF, Scientific Papers? and I knew I wanted to Klaine-ify it. Thank you Beth @quizasvivamos and Gwen @cerriddwenluna with brainstorming for the title.
AO3 | S&C
Kurt holds up his hand for a high-five. Blaine enthusiastically gives one. After months of hard labour, their academic paper is done and it’s ready to be submitted to a journal for the review process. They’ve spent hours and hours researching queer representation in Broadway by overanalysing Broadway scripts and it has paid off.
Well, it’s almost done. They need to decide the order of the authorship. In academics, the author who has contributes the most gets credited first, but this was a collaborative process. They had a fair share in their work.
But luckily, Blaine had thought ahead.
“When we’re finished, we need to do a Broadway sing-off. Whoever wins is named first.”
Kurt immediately was on board. It reminded him of the diva-offs from high school. They both already picked a song and they even found volunteers to judge. Luckily, the people in the NYU theatre department know how to judge a performance.
“So, I guess it is time then?” Blaine says once they’ve calmed down their celebration.
Kurt nods.
“Let’s text the others for a time and date.”
“Bring it on,” Blaine holds out his hand as a sign of sportsmanship and Kurt shakes it. When he touches Blaine, he feels warm in his chest, but he pushes that down. That’s what he’s been doing during the entire process of working together, since he can’t afford to swoon on the job.
But my God, Kurt wants to swoon. How can one not swoon over Blaine Anderson?
Blaine doesn’t make it easy, especially when he gives Kurt a wink. He’s so good-mannered and playful. Blaine came with this whole idea in the first place and it perfectly fits Blaine.
Kurt quickly lets go of Blaine’s hand so that he can text his colleagues.
A few days later, Kurt, Blaine and some colleagues are gathered in the lounge. Kurt has picked a specific song weeks ago, but he’s a bit nervous to perform it. Not because he thinks he’s going to fail. Kurt knows he can sing. He’s confident about his performance. It’s the song he’s nervous about.
He’s making a risky move, he knows it.
“Welcome everyone!” Rachel says into the mic. Of course she volunteered to lead this sing-off the moment Kurt and Blaine told her of their plan.
Kurt is standing on her left on the small make-shift stage. Blaine’s on her right. Artie has dimmed the light and he’s shining a desk lamp in their faces as an impromptu stage light.
“Artie, can you please tone it down!” Rachel says harshly, which is rude, but she isn’t wrong.
“Sorry,” Artie mutters and Kurt blinks. Now he can actually see his small audience. All of the theatre department are gathered in the staff room.
Rachel clears her throat.
“Dear guests, welcome to the sing-off between Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson,” Rachel says and people in the room cheer and applaud. Kurt and Blaine share a smile behind Rachel’s back. Man, their colleagues are great.
“Go Kurt!” Mercedes yells.
“Go Blaine!” Tina yells back.
Rachel shushes the crowd.
“Guys, guys, they haven’t even sung yet. Oh my God. Ahem, as I was saying, welcome. As you all may know, Kurt and Blaine have worked tremendously hard on their latest article, named We are who we are: Queering Broadway and beyond-”
The audience erupts into another round of applause. Rachel has to do more crowd control, but Kurt and Blaine don’t mind. They indeed worked hard, so they appreciate the feedback.
“Anyway, since these lovely gentlemen have contributed an equal amount, they decided to-”
“Can they sing already?” Santana hollers from the back, “We all read the invitation. We want to see the action!”
Rachel turns red, but the audience seems to agree. Kurt has to stifle a laugh. Rachel does love unnecessary dramatics and speeches.
“Ahem,” Rachel says again. She actually says the word ‘ahem’. “Very well. Kurt, Blaine, please step forward.”
They do.
Rachel takes a coin out of her bedazzled purse.
“Head or tails?” she asks.
“Head!” Blaine yells.
“Tails!” Kurt exclaims at the same time.
It’s not a discussion. Kurt and Blaine have worked for long enough to know each other’s preferred coin side.
Rachel flips the coin and shows that head has won. Blaine fist bumps the air and he looks adorable. Normally, Kurt would be enthralled by it, but now his mind is reeling. Blaine is going first. Kurt knew that there was a 50% chance that it would happen, but he still doesn’t know if this benefits him, or if this is detrimental to his plan.
If he were to go first, it would be like ripping off the Band-Aid. No time to overthink it. But now he goes last, which means he has to sit with his decision a bit longer. Fuck, why did he agree to this? They should’ve just done a coin flip, like now.
“Alright, give it up for our very own Blaine Anderson!” Rachel cheers and the audience follows suit. Kurt and Rachel take a seat so that the focus is on Blaine and oh boy, Kurt is focusing. Kurt is focusing hard.
Although he almost loses focus when Blaine walks off stage to grab a guitar. What is he planning?
“Alright everyone,” Blaine says to the crowd as he strums his guitar, “I won’t keep you waiting.”
Then he looks right at Kurt.
“Kurt, this is for you. May the best singer win. Artie?”
Artie nods and he hits play on the YouTube video. The mood is instantly killed when they first have to sit through two 30 second long ads, and Sam chastises Artie for not having an AdBlocker installed, but Kurt uses this extra minute to compose himself.
He definitely needs it when the music starts playing and he recognises it. Blaine plays his guitar to go along.
When the earth was still flat And clouds made of fire And mountains stretched up to the sky Sometimes higher
“Holy shit,” Rachel mutters, but Kurt isn’t paying attention on her. His eyes are fixated on Blaine, and Blaine keeps staring back. Kurt sits back in his chair and he feels… well… overwhelmed. Blaine is serenading Kurt.
Or so it seems.
I mean, why else would Blaine sing a song called Origin of Love while looking at Kurt like that? Blaine loses himself in the music and Kurt can feel the emotion. He’s shook to the core. All the love and affection that he’s been bottling up are resurfacing.
When Blaine’s finished and everyone is clapping, Kurt’s in tears.
“Well?” Blaine asks Kurt.
He slings his guitar over his shoulder and he looks so earnest. Kurt stands up to face him and-
“You dickhead!” he yells out. Tears flow down his cheeks and Blaine looks flabbergasted and saddened. The room has gone dead silent and Kurt can feel Rachel’s hand on his arm.
“No, no, no!” Kurt cuts Blaine off, “Damnit, Blaine, you stole my thunder! I had it all planned out and now you come in and do the same fucking thing?”
“What…” Blaine still looks confused, but instead of saddened, he’s hopeful.
“This was going to be my big moment. I’ve spent all week going over this, trying to find the perfect song to serenade you with, and you do this!” Kurt yells through his tears, but then he starts laughing.
“You… were going to serenade me?”
“Yes! I had it all planned out. I was even going to say that my name is Kurt Hummel and that I am auditioning for the role of Blaine’s boyfriend-”
And the next thing Kurt knows, Blaine’s jumped off the stage and he plants a big kiss on Kurt’s lips. Their audience goes wild and Kurt can’t help but feel incredibly happy. They keep kissing until Rachel coughs.
Kurt and Blaine look at their bemused colleagues. No one seems super surprised and Brittany gives Mike a 10 dollar bill.
“Uhm, Kurt, as wonderful as this all is… you still need to perform. This is a competition.”
Kurt feels like he’s already won, but she’s right.
“Good luck,” Blaine says. He gives Kurt another quick kiss, which makes Puck whistle, before setting the guitar aside and sitting next to Rachel. Kurt takes his spot on the stage and he gives a thumb up to Artie.
After another round of annoying YouTube ads, the song that Kurt carefully picked out starts to play.
The moon First time I heard your voice Moonlight burst into the room
Blaine eyes light up when he realises that Kurt is singing No One Else. Kurt thought this was going to be his big confession, but now that the hard part has been done, he can unapologetically make sure that Blaine understands the message.
When Kurt’s finished, he takes a bow and everyone cheers.
Rachel gets up.
“Alright. I will give you all 5 minutes to deliberate on your choice. And Kurt and Blaine can use these 5 minutes to make out some more-”
“Wanky!” Santana hoots.
“-before we come back with the results.”
“What do you mean it’s a tie?” Rachel says when she sees that the same amount of hands are in the air for each candidate.
“Well… they were both outstanding,” Quinn, who has her hand raised in Kurt’s favour, says, “I mean, I am picking Kurt, but honestly, I am not sure about it either. Blaine was so good.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Finn says with a shrug. He voted for Blaine. “Kurt fucking killed it.”
Everyone in the room murmurs their agreement. Rachel looks like she’s going to lose it, so Kurt cuts in before she can say anything else.
“Uh, Rachel, if I may?”
Rachel pouts, but she steps aside.
“Everyone, thank you. And thank you for allowing us to express our feelings towards each other.”
“Yeah,” Blaine says and he takes Kurt’s hand in his, which leads to another round of cheers.
Kurt tries not to blush.
“Anyway, I think this is not going to result in anything, so how about we do it the old fashioned way after all?”
Blaine raises an eyebrow, but he catches on quickly.
“Head!” he yells.
“Tail!” Kurt shouts at the same time.
“Rachel, will you do the honour?”
Rachel beams. Yes, she will. She takes out the coin and flips it.
Anderson, B. & Hummel, K. (2023). We are who we are: Queering Broadway and beyond. Journal of theatre studies, 2(4), 206 – 216.
Anderson, B. & Hummel, K. (2024). Who’s afraid of queer Virginia Woolf?: Reparative readings and reinterpretations from a queer perspective. Journal of theatre studies, 6(2), 414 - 421.
Anderson, B. & Hummel, K. (2025). Just be who you wanna be: Coming out narratives in theatre. Journal of theatre studies, 3(2), 51 – 68.
Hummel, K. & Anderson, B. (2026). “I support gay rights, but I also support gay wrongs!”: Reactions towards queer(coded) villains on the stage. Journal of theatre studies, 1(4), 301 – 317.
Hummel, K. & Anderson, B. (2027). Gay or European?: Cultural diversity in queer representation in musicals. Journal of theatre studies, 1(5), 514 - 530.
Hummel-Anderson, K. & Hummel-Anderson, B. (2028). A place where we belong: Happy endings and queer joy on the Great White Way. Journal of theatre studies, 2(4), 12 - 21.
Both authors, as usual, contributed to this paper equally. A Broadway sing-off was used to determine the order of the authors’ names. After a tie, a classic heads or tails was used. This happens every time the authors publish a paper together. They do not mind.
End notes: Fun fact, I did an actual coin flip to decide who would get to be the first author on their paper. Then I switched it up for their later papers only to remember that bibliography is ordered alphabetically so I changed it to Blaine for the first couple of papers. I had a lot of fun coming up with their wacky paper names. There are also some smaller easter eggs in the APA. Hehehehehe.
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Swinging On A Star (Chapter 10/10 - COMPLETE)
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Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel, Kurt's Mom, Mercedes Jones Rating: Teen&Up \ Words: 5,170 (this chapter) / 30,500 (total)
Summary: Loosely based on the 1987 TV series Out Of This World. Kurt is a half-alien raised on Earth as a human by his Earthling father, and on his 17th birthday learns the truth about his mother and himself when he is gifted with the power to freeze time. When he meets the new transfer student, Blaine, he struggles to keep his powers - and his feelings - a secret.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fusion Fic, HighSchool!Klaine, HalfAlien!Kurt, Superpowers, Canon-Typical Bullying & Homophobia
Author's Note: You do not need to be familiar with Out Of This World to follow this story. This story is now complete. Thank you to everyone that has read, liked/kudos, and/or commented on this fic. I appreciate all of you!
Original Post Date: February 2023 - March 2023
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teddyshoney · 2 years
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This story is now complete! All 14 chapters have been written and posted! Thank you to everyone who has been reading! I appreciate all of you! And thank you very much to @klaine-word-scramble for the challenge! It's been fun!
Title: Words Unwritten; Stories Untold Chapter: 14/14 Words: 58,181 Summary: During his first ever author book signing event, self-published poetry author Blaine Anderson meets famous writer Kurt Hummel during a slightly awkward chance encounter. Blaine considers this to be a self-esteem boost and nothing more until an innocent-looking email turns into a whirlwind summer romance that Blaine is certain he'll never forget. To read it from Chapter 12 (the first new chapter), click HERE! To read it from the beginning, click HERE!
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
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I posted 4,727 times in 2022
1,049 posts created (22%)
3,678 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,269 of my posts in 2022
#dc appreciation hour - 148 posts
#mcu - 141 posts
#celebrity kindred spirit - 130 posts
#the great glee rewatch - 72 posts
#spidey - 56 posts
#lotr - 53 posts
#that's how s.o. sees it - 48 posts
#so's musical retrospective - 47 posts
#youtube - 41 posts
#xmen - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#also - i get the feeling some of these kids don't notice the obvious white in my hair and think i'm in my late twenties or something
My Top Posts in 2022:
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111 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
Hi guys - putting this out there -- I kind of want to see how active fandom is these days.
If you guys could reblog this poll to get it out to more people, that'd be great!!
I'll post the results next week!
Thank you! <3
131 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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I could be doing something productive but instead I’m choosing to sit here and contemplate the meaning of my existence instead.
212 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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My cat when I told her I was going to try to make her Tumblr famous.
277 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Please reblog if you still enjoy Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. I would like to know how many people still enjoy them as much as I do. 😊
516 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fallevs · 2 months
In the midst of rose's turn and not the boy next door divide I'm proud to be an as if we never said goodbye defender
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kirakiwiwrites · 2 years
Here's your weekly sneak peek! 👀 We are loving the outright refusal to acknowledge Adam btw 😂 Everyone's reviews have been great! See you all Wednesday! 😘
PS we have heard FF.net might shut down, but we do also post everything to A03 under the same name, so if it goes we are still there. Until the ship goes down, we will keep posting for everyone who uses that site!
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“You’re brave coming back here after those guys gave you shit.” He took a sip to try a calm his heart rate back down.
Kurt opened his jacket pocket, displaying a taser inside. “I’m prepared. And I’m not drinking this time.” He glanced around cautiously nonetheless.
Blaine snorted into his glass. “Such a badass.” He had to look away because he was at risk of drowning in Kurt’s eyes.
Kurt lifted his chin and closed his jacket. “No one pushes the Hummel’s around. Unless we are drunk and have to be saved by tattooed bikers with a conscience.
“Call me Jiminy Cricket,” Blaine quipped and tossed the rest back.
Kurt grinned and indicated the binder. “Are these the photos?”
Blaine nodded. “Go ahead.” Kurt cracked open the book and turned page after page. He watched the man’s face with a little smile of his on. He didn’t bother looking at the pictures; he had seen them. Instead he soaked up every little gasp of wonder and appreciative raise of his eyebrows. Kurt glanced up at him, then looked back down before doing a double take.
“Appreciating the art.” He nodded to the book. “What do you think? Am I ready to take Vogue by storm?”
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 1 year
You Make Me Feel Loved
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48199642
by twinkle23
QUINN FABRAY has it all - or so they think. They see her as Head Cheerio, Queen Bee Quinn Fabray, the one who's dating popular football player Noah Puckerman. But what they don't see is the daily abuse Quinn suffers at the hands of Puck, and the pain and fear she can't tell anyone about.
MERCEDES JONES is lonely. Her only friend has such severe mental health issues as a result of intense bullying that he barely shows up to school. She's definitely not considered popular either. And, worst of all, she's stuck in a glee club where no-one appreciates her talent, and instead absolutely worships resident diva bitch Rachel Berry. ------------- Quinn and Mercedes could not be more opposite, but a chance encounter leads the two to develop a close bond...
Words: 1000, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Quinn Fabray, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez
Relationships: Quinn Fabray/Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray & Kurt Hummel & Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel & Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray/Noah Puckerman
Additional Tags: fluff & angst (and maybe implied smut??), noah puckerman sucks, don't ship him with quinn guys, I might include Blam/Brittana but I'm not sure yet, Retcons Ahoy, this is gonna be complicated guys, Trigger Warning: Angst, Trigger Warning: Abusive Relationship, Alternate Universe (I think), Quinncedes, trigger warnings will be included at beginning of chapters :)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ojyKFB This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@rainbowmuses​ said : salsa (magnus bane, eddie kaspbrak, connor walsh, rhaegar targaryen, remus lupin, obi wan kenobi, jaina solo, ororo munroe, laurie strode, cornelia hale, michael corleone, olenna tyrell, alastor moody, kurt hummel, tyrell wellick, marina mckinnon, thor odinson, thorin oakenshield, spike, john watson, j.t yorke, kendall roy, dominique weasley, peeta mellark, laura palmer, tyrion lannister, carmilla karnstein & will byers) is requesting a semi from november 14th - november 28th. I am quite bust at the moment so replies have kinda slipped my mind. A semi will be appreciated as I try to navigate my busy schedule!
granted! we look forward to seeing you back fully on the 28th! please remember we do still require you to post on all characters, every nine days! 
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Hi! @forabeatofadrum just posted the first chapter of 'aap noot mies' (on ao3, s&c and tumblr) and it is awesome! Everybody should go check it out 😁♥️
We always appreciate new stories in fandom! Thanks for sharing. ~Lynne
aap noot mies by @forabeatofadrum
Blaine Anderson is just your average New Yorker. One day, he spots an ad by Kurt Hummel, seeking a Dutch language tutor and he decides to go for it. After all, being an actual alien that knows every single language in the universe has to be good for something, right?
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rocketkit · 2 years
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old klaine piece from around december (:
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