klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Falling For You
Author: @bitbybitwrites
Rating: T
Status: Completed in April 2024
Word Count: 26,089
Summary: For the Klaine Secret Santa 2023 Gift Exchange and was paired up to write something for the lovely and talented @mynonah.
You gave me a fantastic assortment of things to choose for prompts. It was challenging at first to decide which combination of them for your story!
I may have taken some liberties with how the medical profession actually works and how hospitals are run just for this fic. My apologies if some things aren't factually correct.
Tropes/Genre: kid!fic, florist!Kurt, Doctor!Blaine, meet cute, AU, NYC!Klaine
Lynne's review: This story is truly special. I really enjoyed it. Any story with a beautiful scene between Blaine and Burt wins in my book.
Read at: AO3
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jackabelle73 · 9 months
Hello, @rockitmans !!
I am finally revealing myself as your Klaine Secret Santa, and only four days late. I'm so sorry I kept you waiting, but your gift fic is finally here.
When I saw your wish list, I immediately zeroed in on New York City, adult professionals, and Broadway. And I decided that this was a great opportunity to add to my Between the Moon and New York City verse. I finished that fic in 2019, but I had several ideas for what could have happened after the events in that story. I've never written any of those ideas, till now. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to get at least one plot bunny out of my head.
I hope you had a happy holiday season, and wish you the happiest New Year. May 2024 be a better year for all of us.
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veryrandomramblings · 10 months
Check out this cool event Darren Criss on Tue, Dec 05 @8:00 PM! https://www.stubhub.com/darren-criss-new-york-tickets-12-5-2023/event/152289513/?PCID=UserSharingV1EventDetail-108D5763-D67A-4BBA-9B9A-A2A07965B82D&forcedNav=2%2C3&listingId=6757766255&quantity=1&PCID=UserSharingV1EventDetail-108D5763-D67A-4BBA-9B9A-A2A07965B82D
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Bide & Stay
Title: Bide & Stay (2013-14)
Author: lurkdusoleil
Words: 30k (total);  POV: Blaine;  Rating: E
Summary: Kurt and Blaine are souls meant to meet again and again. But sometimes they don’t quite catch each other. (And later, even reunited soulmates have to figure each other out.)
Review: This is not your typical soulmate story but a literal exploration of, “my soul knew something that my mind and body didn’t know yet.” This story manages to nail their dynamic while transposing it across time with all the obstacles and climate changes thrown into the mix (and yet you never really lose the sense of them as individuals, either). It’s got supernatural themes without dipping too far into the paranormal—it really just is them, in every lifetime, and who they might be and how they might cope if, in some of those lifetimes, they missed each other.
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klainepolls · 2 months
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
You may have answered this a hundred times before, if so, point me to your previous answers! How would you have improved Kurt’s story in canon? What are the major things you would have changed, and some of the niggles and minor things that drive you mad?
Hi! You know - I don't mind getting these kinds of questions again. My answers tend to change as the years pass.
I'm not sure if there's anything major I'd change? I don't mind the overall structure of his story (@snarkyhag - omg, I used the word 'structure' for the first time in forever, feels nice, lol.) But Glee has very jaggedy story telling, in that it does highs and lows but doesn't do details or in-betweens very well.
I think his arcs in Season 1 and 2 are pretty well done, and despite me always wanting /more/ - the show was about an ensemble, and he did relatively well. I really have no complaints there.
In Season 3, I would have liked his story to be less attached to Rachel and more on an individual path. Everything that happens in his story line (that isn't related to Blaine) is a consequence or set up of Rachel's story line, and it's maddening. I don't mind that he doesn't get into NYADA -- I wish he would have stayed out, tbh, but the narrative around him getting or not getting in should have been devoid of what Rachel's story needed to be.
I also wish he and Blaine had had more intimate moments -- I don't mean, necessarily, kissing/sex/romance -- but more moments where the two of them are just them together, in a more relaxed way. Hard to do in a school setting, sure, but things like the missing Box Scene from the Christmas episode sprinkled in more often would have been nice.
Of course - I would have loved so much more in Season 4. More fall out from the Break Up. More of Kurt exploring New York City. It would have been nice to see Adam developed as a real relationship for Kurt. Just seeing more of how he felt, and how he was struggling with moving, and being in a new city, and leaving friends and family, and missing Blaine, etc, etc. There's such a rich story there -- but the show, ultimately, was about a high school glee club, not up and coming college kids, and of course, Kurt's story still ended up tied in to Rachel's. (Of course - on the flip side Season 4 gives us such rich material to fanfic around -- so much good fic arose out of this era.)
Season 5 is hard to articulate - there is such a complex variety of things going on - with Finn's Death, the engagement, and all of Rachel and Santana. I wish Kurt would have more of his own individual story line. I know he got the band and Elliott - but what does he really want to do with his life? Again, I do wish we had Glee - the College Years for the full season.
I love the NYC arc - and the exploration of the Klaine dynamic, but I would have seen more the highs there, too. I realize TV needs conflict, and the writers knew where they were going with the story, but I don't think the June story line necessarily worked now that I'm this far out, and I would have liked to see them more navigate the ins and outs of a relationship.
Season 6 I would change less than you think. My biggest thing is that I'd rewrite the entire Klaine part of the Wedding episode. Kurt needs a catalyst (probably the one thing that still bugs me the most) to run back - the writing is just awkward.
But also - Kurt and Blaine don't get a single, private conversation between getting back together and the locker scene in Dreams Come True. I realize it's more about the show winding down - and that scene is essentially their 'happily ever after' moment, but it would have been nice for the show let Kurt (and Blaine) reflect on marriage and taking that next step. But also, having a conversation about how their lives are moving forward when back in New York.
The epilogue was nice, but I would have moved it farther than five years -- and I'm somewhat indifferent about them having kids, but twenty-six feels young for them being dads.
Idk, those are the major things. There are episode to episode minor-ish things, too, I guess. Like why did Kurt give back the tape in Michael? Why did he have to be a jerk to Quinn in On My Way? Stuff like that where I don't agree on the writers' charactierizations.
Thanks for the question, Nonny! It was nice to get back into writing meta!
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
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It's been FOREVER since I've done one of these - I really am grateful to everyone who's been tagging me, even though I've been letting it slide doing this on time ( which is kind of well, my thing, isn't it 😂)
Its been a while - just time, inspiration and utter exhaustion have gotten in the way from really writing. I was finally able to finish one Klaine fic recently (yay!) - so I'm slowly plugging away at everything else I've got on the back burner.
Under the cut will be bits from If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - my Klaine fic that is approaching a year😳 since I started writing it! (Where the heck did the time go? 25 chapters and 102, 599 words later and I'm still plugging away at it!) Also an excerpt of the next chapter of Puppy Love - my sweet RWRB kid!fic. Can't wait to write more of this adorable story also!
Thanks for being patient with me folks and for reading my stuff and just tagging me in these things . . .💖💖💖
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine fic - Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2023) cc @datshitrandom
Kurt shook his head.  “I know.  You’re right, Maggie."  He took a deep breath.  “I guess I feel like an idiot.  I messed up something great and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.” “Nonsense,” Maggie huffed as she slid the box in her hand into the shopping cart.  “Let me tell you no couple is perfect together all of the time.  It’s hard.  It's hard work to get two people who can be so different to share a life together. And let me tell you Ralph and I were like oil and water on many occasions.” “She’s not wrong, “ Clara confirmed.  “Ma and Pop had some really big blowouts when I was a kid. Remember the cracked bowling ball argument?” Maggie snorted.  “Oh god and one about the fishing weekend he took with your Uncle Al and never thought to let me and your Auntie Anna know. Thought they were dead in a ditch somewhere.” Clara laughed along with her mother.  “And the hat - the one about your new hat that he thought . .” “Looked like a bird had died on my head.” Maggie cackled.  “Oh I was so insulted.  I loved that hat!” Clara wiped away a few tears that had welled up in the corners of her eyes.  “At the time, it seemed like the end of the world. But it wasn't, not really.” “We never stayed mad for long.  And we worked it all out.” Maggie admitted, a wistful look in her eyes as she recalled all those moments. “I don’t know if he wants to talk to me anymore, Maggie.  That’s the problem.  I think I might have missed my chance.” Maggie took Kurt’s hand in hers and squeezed it firmly.  “You’re never going to know if you don’t try, Pillsbury.” “Talk to him, Kurt," Clara added.  “You owe yourself that, don’t you think?  Let him know how you really feel.  Talk about everything that's been bothering you . . and then, see what happens.” “I’m rooting for you, Pillsbury,”  Maggie told him softly.  “I’ve got a good feeling about you and Monty.” “We both do.” Clara chimed in.
Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic - RWRB NYE Gift Exchange 2023) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
Alex mostly operated on a “full-steam-ahead” way of living life.  He jumped off of cliffs - made big decisions and went with them, often with very little mulling over or introspection, basically throwing himself wholeheartedly into life.  Some of his family thought it was too reckless, too thoughtless, too rash. He preferred believing he was going with his gut instincts. Alex did that when decided to drop his law studies and go to vet school.  He did that when moved in with his last partner.  He went with his gut when he decided to adopt Raf,  and also when he made the decision to move to NYC to start a new chapter in his life and to start the animal rescue with June. So far, Alex couldn’t say he was disappointed with any of his impulsive life choices.  Well, he slightly wished that Jessica and him had ended on better terms. But he couldn’t dwell on it. She was the one who didn’t want to be a parent and that was a deal breaker for Alex. He refused to give Raf up and change his mind like she had after the fact. Alex loved his son with all that he had. It was him and Raf together till the end.  Alex was determined to make their new life in New York the best that it could be.  Having June and Nora alongside him for this adventure was comforting, and Alex couldn’t deny that they were keeping him grounded most of the time.  They knew his tendency to hyper focus and prodded him enough to keep him from doing it too much to the detriment of his family time with Raf.  But getting the rescue up off the ground was harder than they had expected. Even now after they had been established for quite some time, there were days whenthe siblings would wonder what they had gotten themselves into. Creating a business from scratch, juggling to manage everything and taking care of the animals as well was overwhelming and chaotic on most days. Spencer and Liam coming aboard last month was not only a pleasant surprise,  but a nice shot of relief for June and Alex. Certainly once the holidays were over it would be even easier. They could start to mange more realistic shifts at the rescue and begin to maintain some sort of normalcy with the extra help. Alex would be the first to admit that whenever prioritizing his life, even with his chaotic schedule, Raf came first, then his work and then . . well his personal needs and wants last.   After he and Jessica had parted, Alex pushed any thoughts of dating - or even random hook ups out of his mind. There really was no time for that.  And in no way was there anyone who even piqued his interest enough for him to come surfacing out of his self-imposed exile from the dating world. Or rather, that was true until an abandoned beagle and the gorgeous man who rescued him waltzed into his life.
OK . . so many thanks to the following lovely folks who have tagged me in the past few weeks for Six Sentence Sunday/ WIP Wednesday :
@porcelainmortal, @wordsofhoneydew, @duchessdepolignaca03, @forabeatofadrum, @littlemisskittentoes,
@agostobuwan, @nocoastposts, @sheepywritesfics @taste-thewaste @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
@iboatedhere, @itsmaybitheway, @onthewaytosomewhere, @myheartalivewrites, @magicandarchery
@fallevs. @daisyishedwig. @welcometololaland and if I forgot anyone, I so apologize! ( I really tried keeping a list every time I missed one!)
So going to open tag anyone who might want to share what they're working on . . but I'll also tag for the hell of it, if they want to jump in:
@kirakiwiwrites, @madas-ahatters-world, @coffeegleek, @gleefulpoppet, @little-escapist
@spaceorphan18 @yadivagirl
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backslashdelta · 29 days
ask game: 1,5,17
Thanks for the ask!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I like to think that I understand the appeal of most ships even if I don't personally ship them. That being said, I might have to go with Faberry like I mentioned in an answer to question 2 here. Like I do get it intellectually, but it just doesn't intrigue me the way it does a lot of people, you know?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
No I actually don't think so! It's warmed me up to some pairings, but I don't think it's ruined anything.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Answered here but I'll answer again as well. Instead of Klaine getting back together and then immediately engaged in season 5, I would have had them take things a lot slower. I would have loved to see them in NYC as just friends for a while and how they would navigate that, rather than jumping into an engagement while they were still long distance.
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flowerfan2 · 2 years
Holiday (Klaine) fics
I wanted to make a post with my holiday fics, and it turns out the ones that are truly winter holiday-focused are all Klaine (likely because that’s when I was doing Advent challenges).  So if you’d like some Klaine to read for a break from family or just for fun, here you go:
Honeymoon Holidays.  27k words.  Kurt and Blaine’s first winter holidays together as a married couple fall so quickly after their wedding that sometimes they almost seem like a continuation of their honeymoon. But not always.
Plan On Me.  2400 words.  A continuous series of 100-word drabbles written for Klaine Advent 2016. Blaine is a doctor, assigned to a war-torn area, wishing he was back at home with Kurt. It's almost the holidays, and he's due to go home soon; it's just not soon enough.
Snow and Mistletoe.  2400 words.  A continuous series of 100-word drabbles written for Klaine Advent 2016. Blaine sees a slender boy caroling with a high school chorus in Lima's shopping center. The boy is holding himself tightly, singing “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” as if he doesn’t expect anyone to be there at all.
A Wonderful Christmastime.  1600 words.  Sometimes being up in the middle of the night together is an act of love. A moment of holiday peace for Kurt and Blaine.
Klaine Advent 2013.  11k. A series of stories that take place the year after Kurt and Blaine move to NYC.
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hkvoyage · 2 years
Klaine fic: Anderson’s Alley and Arcade
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Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2022 Fic: Anderson’s Alley and Arcade
Author: @hkvoyage
Artist: @caramelcoffeeaddict
Prompt Provided by: @caramelcoffeeaddict
Pairing: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 13,223
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Unique Adams, Jeff, Nick, Trent, Jean Baptiste
Summary: When Kurt confessed that he was growing bored with his life in NYC, Burt suggested that he take up bowling. After all, they used to be the Big/Little league champions back in the day. Over Christmas, Burt even found a nearby place for Kurt to bowl. In the new year, Kurt visited the alley and quickly joined its bowling league so he could spend more time with the cute new owner. An alternative meeting featuring bowling alley owner!Blaine and NYADA!Kurt.
Genre/Tropes: Alternative Meeting, Alternative Universe, New York City, Bowling, Fluff, No Angst, Smut, Love at First Sight, Bowling Alley Owner!Blaine, NYADA!Kurt
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes:
Thank you to the moderators for organizing the challenge and helping to keep the fandom alive.
Many thanks to my amazing betas @lilyvandersteen and kellyb321. Your input has been invaluable and has made this story that much better.
For the first time, I'm posting a fic to scarvesandcoffee.net. A new administrator has taken over and made some improvements. If you haven't visited the site before, I urge you to because it has some classic Klaine fics that you can't find anywhere else.
The fic is now completed and available on AO3,  FF.net, and S&C.
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psychoticwillgraham · 6 months
overdue ass info post about me
i’m Will and im 28, and my gender is nothing that is comprehensible to humanity. very androgynous and obnoxious about it, drag king for 7 years now in a ass backwards conservative tourist trap river town in Missouri. my sexuality is. who the fuck knows honestly. super amateur artist and new Warframe enthusiast.
any pronouns EXCEPT for she/her, but I prefer it/its, but if that’s not accessible to u bc of language or w/e, they or he is just fine. aromantic as fuck, and ace, but still have a high ish libido sometimes despite all the damn psych meds im on.
i have an unknown psychotic disorder, but my mental health team just slaps the schizoaffective label on me as well as BPD, autism (not officially dxed on paper, but verbally by both my psych and therapist), PTSD, suspected OCPD, and according to my therapist, a ‘cocktail of features from every personality disorder that makes it impossible to properly diagnose’ me. undiagnosed system too.
standard DNI applies, like no conservatives/right wingers, anything like that.
horny on main and not ashamed of it, constantly posting about how i want to fuck Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham, yknow, my little gay cannibals. proud old man fucker.
Ships I’ll write (for the egos I’ll pretty much write everything) for requests
Hannigram (my main one)
Darkstache (Darkiplier/Wilford Warfstache)
Danti (Darkiplier/Antisepticeye)
Klaine (Glee, but I’ll only do horror/scifi/supernatural stuff bc nobody else does and I’m sick of the love dovey boring shit)
John Constantine/Will Graham (the one i invented)
pretty much any combo of markiplier and jacksepticeye egos
specifically Henrik Von Schneeplestein/Chase Brody
Murdock/Bim or any combo of the murderous egos from both of them
Murdock in general
any crackship between any of these characters (like Dark/Hannibal)
and if u send me a request I’ll try to have it done within a day depending on what time u send it and if I’m busy, but I WILL get around to it, I promise!! also will do anything from rated G to Explicit and nearly every kind of kink except for the following: underage (for klaine I’ll only do from the NYC days), zoo, scat, watersports, incest (and this all for the vast majority of normal kinks, might do weird ones if I vibe with them), and whatever else I decide to add to this
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King of My Heart
Author: soprano_squad
Rating: M
Status: Completed in July 2023
Word Count: 60,941
Summary: New York high society– fraught with gossip, lies, and a rigid social hierarchy. A hierarchy that some would do anything to climb the ranks of…
Essentially: Kurt is filthy rich. Blaine is even richer. Blaine is blackmailed into an arranged marriage with Kurt, who doesn’t know the truth behind their engagement. Banter, pining, smut, and spending obscene amounts of money ensues.
Tropes/Genre: wealthy!Blaine, wealthy!Kurt, angst, arranged marriage, NYC!Klaine, future!fic, Burt Hummel, enemies to lovers, dark!Blaine
Lynne's review: Wow! Such a roller coaster of emotions! I haven't read a dark!Blaine fic in a long time. Not sure I can actually picture Burt like this, but well done! I actually stayed up past my bedtime several nights - binge worthy for sure! Really enjoyed it. 
Read at: AO3
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 11 months
✍️ + Nate and Elliot?
Yes yes one of my favourite universes! But shhh, don't tell the others
Also I have many other things in mind but I will go just with big changes/very important plot things! (Other things may change, these are the ones sure)
(Everyone is queer bc almost everyone have hooked up at least once with Elliott lol)
Kurt isn't a biphobic bitch bc his best friend is openly bi
Nate have grown up since then but he was basically born to make Kurt and Blaine communicate sooo... yeah, less dramas for them (but still expect many bc it's Glee lol)
More musicals lol (all @randomestfandoms-ocs fault btw)
Santana doesn't go with Karofsky at the prom (s2)
Burt and Carol still end up together but for different reasons (like, Kurt isn't creepy bc he's way less involved in his crush for Finn)
The last seasons have 3 main locations (Lima, New York and Paris). Bonus for season 4, bc Nate travels a lot. He's mainly in NYC and Lima during big important plots but we also see him in different cities. And Italy ofc!
Absolutely no Klaine engagement plot (technically yes, at first, but there's no actual proposal or anything)
The Break- Up Plot still happens but I'm going to change it very tbd how but... whatever
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The Wandering Poet
Title: The Wandering Poet (2012)
Author: wynniethepooh
Links: AO3 [x] FF.net [x] LJ [x] Klaineficspdf [x]
Words: 27k; POV: Blaine; Rating: T
Summary: Love is not a common factor between the people in Blaine's life.
Review: A lovely little heartache of a character study about Blaine coming of age and doing his best in an unfair situation. It can be a tough read at times, especially given the tenuous nature of his relationship with Cooper (a decidedly more dour version with canonical tensions pulled out and exaggerated), but the pacing and voice helps cast some light on the shadows. Though this is arguably more of a Blaine story than a KurtandBlaine story, there’s still moments of quiet, grounded emotional intimacy as they build their friendship that really cuts to the heart of their connection. This is one of those stories that you can really settle into while it settles itself under your skin; they feel real, Blaine’s hurt and desperation is palpable, and all that’s left to do is hope they find their happy ending (or perhaps their happy beginning).
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klainepolls · 9 months
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spaceorphan18 · 6 months
Hi, how are you? I'm so happy you are still active! It's sort of incredible to me that you still keep a lot of love for these characters and their relationships. Not that they don't deserve that or that they would have gotten less interesting with time, it's just that I tend to jump from interest to interest quickly. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that your metas were and are always so good, and they are 100% responsible for me enjoying Kurt, Blaine and Klaine better! Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of them in the earlier seasons, but after rewatching seasons 4-6 in the pandemic and reading your metas, I was suddenly very invested. I love them now! My favorite arc of them is them both in NYC in season 5. Maybe because they were older and messy in a way that was more relatable to me specifically, and maybe because I really like how they were having problems of a "real adult relationship". You have probably heard it a lot before but thank you so much for all your work and your dedication all these years. Because I have came across your posts after a while, I must admit I am sort of curious about whether there's anything that you have changed your mind about in the last couple of years. Who are the characters/relationship, apart from them and theirs, that you're still interested in, if there's any? Is there anything that you have completely changed your mind about, that you can think of? And what was the last song from Glee that you have listened to?
Hi Nonny!
First of all -- thank you for such a kind note, it made my day to see this in my in box. It's very sweet to know that people do actually enjoy being around here. Because I never know if I've gone into being too annoying or not. (And I'm sure lots of people felt that way a long time ago.)
As for still being around -- well, I have a tendency to collect things as I go. I'm one of those people who never really truly leaves, even if other interests arise. I still very much love The Office, which came before. And still love X-Men even though I was a kid when that obsession started. For better or for worse, I always like what I like.
I'm so glad to hear that I've helped you come around to Klaine! Sometimes positivity can do that! There is so much to pick a part with their relationship -- one of the most enjoyable parts of being in fandom is getting to explore that and pick it a part and examine it!
Have my thoughts on Klaine changed at all in recent years? Not really, no. I mean, compared to at the time, I adore Season 6 a lot, and enjoy Season 4 a lot more. I think I've made my peace with a lot of the bad along with the good of the show. It's almost been ten years since it's not been on the air -- and I can't change anything. So, why be angry about it, you know?
Who are the characters/relationship, apart from them and theirs, that you're still interested in, if there's any? Is there anything that you have completely changed your mind about, that you can think of?
This probably deserves it's own post because I have a lot of feelings for so much more of the show than just Klaine.
I probably like Rachel more than a lot of other people. Really, when she's not given everything (like at the end of season 3) I think she's an interesting character. I love Mercedes and find it tragic that the show never knew what to do with her. I do like Santana -- I'm sorry, Brittana really doesn't do anything for me, but she's a fascinating character to look at.
I do love Sam, and always find him endearing. Jesse St James has completely grown on me over the years.
I also have more of an appreciation for Jane Lynch and Jessilyn Gilsig than I used to.
I'm not sure if there's anything I've completely changed my mind about? I'm way, way, way more tolerant of Karofsky than I used to be -- but I think because I've had a lot a lot a lot of time to mull it all over.
Do you have specific characters or story lines you'd like to hear more about?
And what was the last song from Glee that you have listened to?
Probably Love is a Battlefield - because I wanted to see the choreography in comparison to BICO, lol.
It's been a long, long time since I've watch any of the show -- but also been a while since I've listened to the music, too. I really need to again.
Thank you again for your kind words -- please don't be a stranger!
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