#kushimaru kurirare
misttiddies · 2 years
swordsmen and their stims
(warning that a lot of these are Not healthy and several are unsanitary. im not condoning these as healthy coping mechanisms or anything, i’m simply making headcanons for a largely dead swathe of fictional murderers)
old generation:
zabuza: tears the ends of his bandages and headband, then tugs at the resulting threads. he’s on like headband strap 7 when we see him in land of waves. also in the cowprint outfit he pets the cow skin and runs his thumb under the strap.
haku (not technically a swordsman but shh): fiddles with senbon, rips/crunches herb leaves (but has to moderate this behavior so his fingers don’t smell too strongly.) if there are dry leaves on the ground tho he Must crunch them. he doesn’t like doing this in zabuza’s presence at first because he has to be a weapon!! but zabuza crunches them first to show him it’s ok, at least while they’re just travelling.
ameyuri: bites/chews on things!! will chew her sleeves or arm if there isn’t anything else, but has been known to tear bark off of a stick and chew on that. also repeats phrases, often under her breath and out of context (like yes she talks about stalking her prey when she’s chasing targets but also while she’s walking around the grocery store)
raiga: puts his fingers in and out of his silly gloves. tears anything and everything that he’s not wearing. touches the dull or flat parts of blades, jsut like rubbing his index finger on them. scratches himself, sometimes shocks himself with small amounts of electricity. and then there’s murder and untold destruction
mangetsu: fills up the tub and submerges himself in water. bounces on his toes. kind of inverse flaps? like instead of flapping his hands up by his head he’ll throw them at his sides like he’s dramatically trying to make a point but he’s not he just does that. will swing his arms by his sides too. practicing sword forms All The Time, and when a sword is not available he will make a water clone and have it transform into one. he can’t do this for v long tho bc the balance is never quite right :(
suigetsu: used to bounce too, but loses this post-orochimaru because he just doesn’t have the energy anymore. rocks back and forth when sitting and standing. shapeshifts!! into horrors! like he shapeshifts himself fur or scales when he needs something nice to touch. there’s also swimming but he has a love-hate relationship with that one for obvious reasons
kisame: pets samehada!! maintaining its bandages is a Good activity for him, even if cleaning gore from between its blades is not. grabbing the handle and swinging his elbow while he’s walking. recites shark facts in his head or verbally. 
chojuro: mei helps him get actual toys after the revolution when the economy opens up a little. he has a little silicon thing to chew on! and some worry stones that have strings tied through them that he can tug on, two-in-one type of thing. 
juzo: chews his lips. ties a bandage in a loop and fiddles them between his fingies (he offers this to itachi as well when they’re traveling together.) puts a finger through a kunai and flips it around. while wearing kubikiribocho sometimes he’ll rub the back of his head against the dull end.
kushimaru: picks his skin!! tugs at his neck bandages all the time. needlepoints. breaks thread on his fingers and/or on a blade very slowly so he can see the individual . tells himself jokes in his head and laughs at them
jinpachi: those ball things in his hair? always in his mouth. incidentally chews on his hair. bites his nails. his ultimate stim activity he’s not able to do v often though is starting a wood fire, he’ll stare at it for hours. if wood isn’t available he’ll use something else but it’s not as good :(
jinin: scratches his beard to the point of skin irritation. also picks at split ends and cracks knuckles, but to see him doing any of this is pretty rare.
new generation: 
shizuma: touches people!! esp exposed skin and hair. if he’s by himself he’ll talk to himself or scream, but he doesn’t do a lot of stim activities otherwise.
buntan: she touches grass!! goes out and plays with dirt, feels those natural textures. also has nice candles to smell. there are certain smells, like the same kind of alcohol her mom used to drink, that upset her, so controlling what she’s smelling is important to her. she’ll also lie down on the ground. horizontal time yes yes
hebiichigo: picks/scratches her skin (got that one from stripesquadsideblog) and also drawing on herself. just scribbles. there are seals on the insides of all her clothes sometimes by accident bc she’ll draw them on herself and they’ll rub off.
kyoho: rocks back and forth (this one kind of happens in canon iirc), cracks his knuckles, hums to himself. if he’s invited to he’ll pet people’s hair but he’s not as forward about it as shizuma is. very rarely he’ll put his fingers in his mouth, whether to chew on them or to feel the inside of his cheek.
ichirota: not so much outwardly stimming as running countless plans and things through his head at all times. if he’s deep into it he’ll snap at whoever’s interrupting. also cracks his knuckles but he hates it. 
hassaku: chews gum. rubs the underside of his neck. he has a little bit of stubble he likes to touch. sometimes he talks aggressively to himself, and it’s like two coherent words and then nonsense.
kagura: he hums and squeaks! tries to only when he’s alone but u know, things happen. hugs himself, plays w/ a bouncy ball from time to time. hand shaking for immediate maintenance. if he had one of those plastic tangles he would be the happiest boy.
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narutobookshelf · 4 years
The Seven Swordsmen of The Apocalypse Roll Call
(Actually they are the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, but that is what my brain tries to auto-fill every time I think or talk about them.)
Long Story Short, I have yet another AU that started early this month and now I have put a lot of thought into the Seven Swordsmen, and Kiri in general.
This is an AU, and for a couple of things I just threw canon out the window for Varying Reasons. And I got to play with produce names and also aquatic predator aesthetics.
I cannot emphasize how much of an au this is and how many of these are my own headcanons. This is not a guide to canon.
So. At the time of the AU, the Swordsman roster is as follows, in age order.
Budō Jun’ichi, Wielder of Nuibari aka The Sewing Needle- This is one of the OCs that I had to make, because we don’t actually have a full roster for the Swordsmen at any given time in the (messy) timeline. He was the successor to Kurirare Kushimaru. He is very, very big. Almost as tall as Kisame and even broader.
The aquatic predator I chose to align him with is the Sea Lion, and he is exactly as terrifying as that implies. The name Budō is what GoogleTranslate gave me for “grape”.
He is the oldest Swordsman by a year or two, but not the longest-serving.
Ringo Ameyuri, Wielder of Kiba aka Lightning Stabby Dual Weild - We don’t know much about her in canon beyond her proclivity for tying up loose ends and basically being an unstoppable murder-bot who “died young of an incurable disease” (As seems to happen a lot). I opted to use her instead of Raiga for the simple reasons that she is a million times more interesting and I don’t believe in nerfing female characters so that badly animated men can take their places. And she has grown on me like a particularly stubborn fungus since then. Her canonical height is “Frickin’ Tiny” she’s 4′8″ and will absolutely slice out your Achilles and then kick you in the face.
She is the uncontested leader of the Swordsmen, both through seniority (she is one of three who survived their encounter with Might Dai) and also because no one dares challenge her for it. The only one who would stand a chance would be Kisame and he’s too much of a follower to be interested.
The aquatic predator I chose to align her with is the Lion Fish. Small, deadly poisonous, and pretty.
Sudachi Umeko, Wielder of Shibuki aka Aslposions - The second of three OCs to fill in the gaps, she succeeded the successor to Munashi Jinpachi after he blew himself up. She is the same age as Kisame, exactly a month older. They were in the same graduating class and he became a Swordsman exactly a month before she did. They have an ongoing semi-friendly rivalry over who has seniority over who. She is very tall, the third-tallest swordsman, just edging out over Zabuza. She doesn’t really like people unless they can win her over with impressive explosions.
The aquatic predator she is aligned with is the Moray Eel. Which means that yes, she does have a second jaw that can emerge from her throat and bite your face off. Her name comes from a Japanese citrus called Sudachi and also Ume-meaning plum.
Hoshigaki Kisame, Wielder of Sameheda aka Swords Have Feelings Too - I’m going to assume that I don’t have to go too far into detail here.
Big Shark Man. Killed previous wielder of Sameheda because he was selling information on Kiri. Became a Swordsman promptly after. Known as the Tailless Tailed Beast and is very useful for getting things off of top shelves.
He’s one of the primary players in the au, as the original idea was “What if Zabuza wasn’t the first Swordsman to bring home a Smol Child. Kisame has now adopted Iruka.”
He is a shark. Not aligned with, actual shark. (Specifically, Bull Shark)
Hakusai Fukyū, Wielder of Kabutowari aka Not A Sword - The final OC and designated residential asshole. That’s basically his whole character. No one likes him.
He’s aligned with Sea Snakes, because I had to write an essay on them in like, third grade and have hated them ever since. (Which might not be entirely fair of me but I’m only human.)
His name comes from “Chinese Cabbage” (Hakusai) and “Decay” (Fukyū) (All phonetic resemblances to obscene insults are completely unintentional and not at all primary motivations).
Momochi Zabuza aka “the new guy”, Wielder of Kubikiribōchō aka Head Choppy - The Newest of the Swordsmen, technically only joins a few years into the AU after the previous wielder of Head Choppy, Jūzō Biwa, was (after years) tracked down by Yagura and killed and the sword retrieved, thus ending the nation-wide embarrassment of there only being six Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Is former ANBU and about to have way more children in his life than he ever wanted. (At least Haku is quiet and polite. Kisame’s brat is hell on wheels.)
Has a Piranha aesthetic. Because TEETH.
Hōzuki Mangetsu, Wielder of Hiramekarei aka Absolute Unit - Is the youngest Swordsman and basically the annoying baby brother who is Good At Everything. (Yes I know he comes after Zabuza in canon but I Do What I Want) Technically holds Hiramekarei but also can fill in for any of the other Swordsmen if they are incapacitated for whatever reason and their sword is needed. Most of them hate this. His sword is bigger than he is most of the time.
Crocodile Aesthetic.
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misttiddies · 1 year
Tell us about Kushimaru :3
hi are u READY
(warning for nsfw stuff at the very end of this)
noodle!! so slurpable. with hay on her head
i use he and she pronouns for kushimaru because of the vibes
the sewing needle is one of those swords that's like how do you passively hold that. kubikiribocho and hirameikari have back straps but nuibari would just slide out. hebiichigo seals it into her sleeve but what does kushimaru do! get blisters
really though i love the way he uses his arm warmers to move the thread and change the needle's direction midair because it implies they're made of something really densely knit, like kevlar, and are armor themselves. not to mention it's just cool as hell
not to even mention the audacity. of Everything about kushimaru. the killing people for fun. killing her sensei for fun?? for what?? and the cackling, and the pedantic jokes, and cutting jinpachi's feet off also probably for fun. if you like fucked up guys kushimaru will bring you so much joy.
side note using wire to tear flesh and viscera is such an underrated weapon, used more in naruto than others but it's good to see kushimaru with it even if that's not the main part of the weapon bc it's just so him. it's so BRUTAL but really cool
ok but headcanons bc we've basically covered everything canon
so, there are two ways to think about "the heartless duo" who murdered their loved ones: they did it for purely their own gain (or because they were assholes) or because Fuguki put them up to it, and instead of it breaking their trust like killing the cypher division did to Kisame, they just let it become part of their lore. they're cool with it, is what i mean. somehow these two are uniquely evil despite zabuza and kisame's crimes and ameyuri's constant talk of hunting people (not counting fuguki here because it's unclear how many crimes he directly committed and how much anyone knew about them)
i do love the kurirares were giants theory, bc i like a kiri in which everyone is a little monstrous and the islands are haunted by spirits and critters. i have a kushimaru grandma design (though she's not literally her grandma, more like a distant ancestor that's still kicking around due to magic reasons). they're not close but she likes to see him once in awhile.
do i think kushimaru and jinpachi were boyfs. yes. for fun. i think all the swordsmen were dating each other to some degree other than the tiny guys ofc
speaking of tiny guys ameyuri is Pissed Off at how tall kushimaru is and has started fights for no other reason but that. kushimaru thinks it's endearing
ameyuri is also kind of their darling. jinpachi n kushimaru can't stay mad at her.
i kind of think about the swordsmen as ingroup/outgroup, in which fuguki, ameyuri, jinpachi, jinin, kushimaru, and mangetsu to a certain extent were the in group (the ones best suited for kiri's brutality/made it work for them rather than trying to change it) which ostracized to some extent the out group, consisting of zabuza, kisame, juzo, and raiga, who Were Not Cool with how kiri was and eventually left to do their own thing. does that mean i think the in group was purely loyal to kiri? no, they were all working more for their own gain than that of kiri (shizuma's a lot like them in that lol) but it's not like they would willingly move anywhere else.
and to the point, the in group was fairly close with the other members (other than probably fuguki.) they were besties, they were worsties. sometimes they kissed.
and having said that, let's talk about kushimaru's mask and how having a visible scar seems to not be something they do in kiri, they cover that shit up, making me think that a) kushimaru has scars on her face and b) it's a huge deal when he decides to show people. not much kissing done by this one
eating around other people too was a Thing. not that much of a thing, because people acknowledge that you gotta eat even if you're showing your scars, but she just lifted the mask over his lips and that left him completely blind which wasn't all that fun
also i have a crack headcanon that she can only see out of one eye, just because i wanted her to mirror jinpachi
how did he get these scars? getting kidnapped and uh. t&i'd during the hunter nin years. if there was any part of her that was loyal to kiri over herself that died after that event, especially because it trapped him permanently behind a mask in social settings. in protest of this, she shows as much skin as possible, which isn't all that much because kiri is Fucking Cold but still more than 95% of non-hozuki kiri denizens
i don't know what her childhood was like im going to be honest, it could have been any number of things but that's not my area of headcanons
a little bit about kushimaru in my various aus:
in fashion au he's the co-owner of the pirate lolita fashion brand Deeps and wears ouji.
in furry au she's a hybrid of a manta ray and a barn owl (the former because of the vibes, the latter because of the mask-like shape of the face and the overall creepy look this creature pair would produce.) he works at a nightclub with the rest of the swordsmen, the only other one that has a species is jinpachi who's a wobbegong
i want to talk about skater au but that one is so just. brainrot based exclusively that i don't know if i can articulate what's going on there
what else is there...
nsfw headcanons?? mentions of various pain kinks ahead
uhh i think his dick is big, like stupid big. though she has many pain kinks, "fitting it in" isn't really one of them
needles are though. she loves doing needle displays. licking blood is a turn on too, but she's particular about hygiene when dealing w/ injuries so tries not to lick the wound its self...that much...
way more into inflicting pain than receiving it, but doesn't mind that either. jinpachi and kushimaru take turns indulging each others' sadism but kushimaru complains less about it
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misttiddies · 2 years
kushimaru popping her hips callout post
in the anime
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the game
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the trading cards!!
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she wants you to see her hips!!!
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misttiddies · 2 years
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daily dose of sword
drawing 1 is a very simplified digital line drawing of ameyuri from naruto, posed with her legs apart and elbows at right angles mimicking her legs
drawing 2 is a simplified digital drawing of kushimaru with the eyes of his mask slanting from in to out rather than out to in, giving him a tired look. he holds a tomato-shaped pincushion and has a thought bubble saying ‘weapon? food?’
end id
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misttiddies · 2 years
May I know more about 1 and 2 👀
naughty boy >:) unless u meant art pieces 1 and 2 but i figure u don't hjfknkjfgh
the first one is just an orgy. just porn for the sake of porn -w-
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the second one is a little more complex, jinpachi and kushimaru are in a serious relationship and ameyuri proposes a threesome, and kushimaru is down for it but jinpachi is like Not prepared for the idea of nonmonogamy so they have to talk about it. and then they bone because of course
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jinpachi: "she's so young how tf does she know about all this >:|"
jinpachi: is two years older than her
i haven't actually got to the sexy bits in this story ripp. the important thing is that they love each other very much!!
thank u for asking >:)
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kushimarutentacles · 2 years
kushimaru x jinpachi 
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kushimarutentacles · 2 years
the desire to make this blog’s url real and draw octopus or perhaps eldritch being kushimaru x human jinpachi is strong however im going thru an art slump rn and also idk how that kind of situation would work...visually... if anyone has an idea they think they can communicate to me please let me know! i’ll get on it whenever i can draw for more than ten minutes at the time 
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misttiddies · 2 years
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kushimaru grandmother
she lives in the mountains and sometimes gives soup to travelers :)
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misttiddies · 2 years
Top 5 swords(wo)men ? Top 5 headcanon about Kisame ?
top 5 swordsmen
Zabuza and kisame, get to share a spot because they are the most plot-shaking characters and i am deeply emotionally attached to both of them. zabuza is the original kiri dad and had the best arc in this whole series and also TWO of the best moments from any non-protagonist (running through the missing nin to cut off gato’s head WITH HIS TEETH and “i wish i could go to where you have gone”). and kisame who is so disillusioned with his homeland, who is loyal til the end who hates the way he looks and the things he’s done but cares for the people around him, he is enormous and full of love and watching him fight and even just interact with people is such a treat
idk if we’re counting boruto characters but Buntan Kurosuki, arguably the only one of those kids who has any right to wield those swords and I’m not talking about birthright i am talking about skill. she fucks shit up!! and god does she have so much going on; she’s a filler character but she feels like a fully realized person with layers to her. she’s my daughter and i love her and i hope this arc ends well for her ;w;
raiga. i want to hit him with a truck, i want to do questionably ethical experiments on him, i want to give him a hug
ameyuri >W< more evidence that short people are more unhinged because they’re closer to hell. i have a screenshot of her saved on my desktop just so i can look at her every once in awhile. four feet ten inches of rage and lightning 
I’m going to put jinpachi and kushimaru together because fuck it. they’re so chaotic and i like that they either were constantly sewing/blowing each other up in life or when they became undead they immediately incorporated their regeneration into their strategy, that’s cool as fuck. they have really neat powers and they’re bloodthirsty and look awesome :)
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kisame headcanons (i don’t even have that many my dude I’m going 2 be honest but here we go)
he won best tits in the akatsuki the second year he joined and then every year since
he thinks he’s so unattractive but 90% of the people he’s ever worked with have a little crush on him, reasons range from he’s so nice and polite to it’s incredibly sexy to watch him fight to they’re a monsterfucker. the uh. the other 10% were victims of his bluntness or possibly his sword
he tells itachi dad jokes. he has at least one joke book. the “mighty stupid looking guy” line was but a small sample the audience got. this started after he left the mist because like so many others he went looking for a coping mechanism and found laughter :) much healthier than some other people i could mention.
he’ll go to nail salons when he can. likes to be pampered a little bit -w- maybe it’s itachi rubbing off on him, bc he likes em too.
the ocean is his happy place. he’s spent days on end down there, it can make him sick bc even tho he can breathe underwater (a bonus headcanon??) he’s still warm blooded and still susceptible to motion sickness. but he loves being down there because things make sense. creatures are born, and if they reach maturity they mate and then they die. no one’s waging war on anyone else. his taxonomic recognition is unmatched too, he knows exactly what all the fish around kiri are and whether they’re a danger to your health.
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kushimarutentacles · 2 years
now that i have a blog where im posting nakey stuff i can unleash my seven swordsmen trans/body headcanons upon the world
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i only made this awhile ago and i already have things i would change but im lazy today fhgnhkk
here are the notes from when i posted these on discord:
ameyuri's says hrt, mangetsu shapeshifting (he only shapeshifts his chest because he doesn't like feel like getting used to having a dick all the time and his dysphoria is not intense enough that not having a dick is an issue for him)
 jinpachi is on hrt and it's going wonderfully for him, he's not planning to get any surgery cause this is fine. zabuza's says hrt and top surgery after he left the village (i don't quite know what the situation with gender confirming surgery is in kiri--in this universe gengetsu abolished the gender binary during his mizukage-hood and probably encouraged med nin to learn trans surgeries but then there was a bunch of war and state-mandated child killing and i think the medics nowadays don't know as much of that stuff as they once did. it's better in general to get it other places.)
juzo's says nothing, jinin has had top surgery and bottom surgery like Somewhere before he died. maybe he's old enough to have had it done during gengetsu's era i have no idea. kisame has hrt, top surgery upon joining the akatsuki and bottom surgery in my post-canon verse where he survives, raiga kushimaru and that other guy say nothing
for some reason i wrote nothing when i meant like, no gender affirming hormone treatment or surgery.
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misttiddies · 2 years
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hey this is my drawing 2 final project! it’s a fashion magazine a la papillon but with naruto characters in various styles. please don’t read any of the words on these fhnkdjgkn
i don’t know what else to say. the bitch can color! the bitch also forgot to finish sai’s fishnets but too late now lol
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misttiddies · 2 years
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swordsman cuddle pile
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two pictures of three obscure characters from naruto spooning. in the first one kushimaru spoons jinpachi who spoons ameyuri, the first two are sleeping peacefully but ameyuri is cartoonishly angry. in the second ameyuri spoons jinpachi who spoons kushimaru. ameyuri is happy, jinpachi is sleeping, and kushimaru is grumpy about being spooned by shorter people.
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