#kya x daughter!reader
melzula · 4 months
Hii :D since requests are open could u do a piece between iroh ii and kya's daughter? But this time maybe ab the first argument they had as husband and wife? Like what would they argue ab and who would apologize first!!
a/n: idk why but i struggled so much with this prompt LOL but i hope you enjoy! this is really the only argument i could see them having
summary: an important day for your marriage turns sour when your husband confuses his days
~ based off these hcs ~
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You check the clock with a sigh for what feels like the hundredth time before rising from your seat and blowing out the candles on the table. The food you’d spent hours meticulously preparing has now grown cold, but you don’t feel much like eating anymore anyway. Your bottom lip trembles but you’re too prideful to allow your tears to fall, so instead you resort to cleaning away the mess before retiring to your bedroom for the night.
It should have been a beautiful evening; you’d planned everything so perfectly so that nothing could go wrong. But you never thought it possible for your own husband to forget his wedding anniversary, and this was a detail you hadn’t accounted for when putting together the romantic dinner.
You knew Iroh was a busy man what with being a General and one of President Raiko’s best men, but you didn’t think he’d find himself to be too busy on a day that was meant to be sacred for you both. A year ago today you’d married the love of your life in the palace gardens in front of your closest family and friends, and a year later you now find yourself alone in your bedroom wiping away the rest of your makeup and removing all of your jewelry.
Your hand stops at your betrothal necklace, and you stare back at your sullen reflection in the vanity mirror as you clutch onto the crescent shaped stone. You haven’t seen or heard from Iroh all day, and your feelings are severely crushed by his abandonment. Were you a fool for thinking your marriage would hold priority over his duties as General?
You’re too engrossed in your sulking to hear his footsteps, and it isn’t until your bedroom door begins to creak open slowly that you’re alerted of his return home. You say nothing to him, acting as if he isn’t even there as you brush out your hair.
“Darling, I wasn’t expecting you to still be awake,” he notes with a fond smile, oblivious to your hurt. “I’m sorry I missed dinner, but I had to stay back and discuss my next assignment with Raiko.”
“Dinner isn’t the only thing you missed,” you mutter coldly much to his surprise. It’s only then that he notices the anger in your features, your furrowed brows and pursed lips and hardened eyes.
“I don’t understand?” Iroh says wearily, taken aback by your demeanor. He’d never seen you behave in such a way and it worried him.
“I don’t expect you to,” you bite back impatiently. “It’s not like we share the same values or put the same amount of importance on things.”
“Whoa, hold on. Why are you speaking this way? What’s upsetting you?” He urges gently, kneeling before you and attempting to hold your hand only for you to pull it away. “Talk to me.”
“How could you miss our anniversary?!” You finally cry out in frustration, startling your poor husband. “Did you not see it to be important enough to take a day off from being the General? Do I not matter to you?”
“Of course you do!” Iroh exclaims, clearly offended at the idea that he could ever see his wife as unimportant. “Y/n, I didn’t forget our anniversary. Our anniversary is tomorrow, and I made sure to clear my schedule so I could spend the entire day with you.”
“Our anniversary was today!”
“My wife, our anniversary is on the 6th. Today is the 5th,” Iroh tries to argue, but this only seems to infuriate you further.
“Iroh, today is the 6th!” You say exasperated. His brows furrow at your words, but after a moment you see his features begin to fall at the realization of his mistake.
“Today is our anniversary,” he murmurs quietly, almost ashamed to voice it out loud. “I completely missed it.”
“You left me alone the entire day. An entire dinner I cooked for us was left to grow cold because you didn’t come home,” you tell him sullenly, a fresh wave of tears beginning to form. “I spent our first wedding anniversary without my husband.”
“My love, I am so sorry and ashamed,” Iroh professes sincerely, and this time when he takes your hands in his own you don’t pull away. His own eyes are glossy with tears and full of regret, and the sight only makes you want to cry more. “You know I’d never forget our anniversary, I couldn’t. Marrying you was the greatest day of my life. I’ve just been so busy that I lost track of the days, and that isn’t fair to you. You deserve my attention and my time more than anyone else does, and I’m sorry to have failed you as your husband.”
“I’m sorry for being so cruel. I was just so worried that our marriage wasn’t important enough to you,” you confess with a sniffle. “I worry that being a husband is not as exciting for you as being a General or a traveler or-“
“Being your husband is the greatest honor I could ever have,” he interrupts you. “I mean this, and I’m going to make it up to you. We’ll leave tomorrow for Ember Island and have a vacation, just the two of us. We’ll have the beach house to ourselves and I’ll spend every minute making sure you feel valued and appreciated. Does that sound okay?”
“It’s perfect,” you nod with a watery smile, melting into his touch when he cups your face in his hands and pulls you in for a tender kiss.
Mistakes were made, but you know Iroh would never hurt you. He worships the ground you walk on. And in the end, he’ll always go out of his way to be the husband you deserve.
Because you are more than he could ever ask for.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 5 months
╰┈➤ i won’t sleep till you’re safe inside.
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Sister!Reader (platonic obviously)
Type: Fanfic - Fluff -> Angst
Word count: 8.5k (🫢🤯)
Warnings: NOT CANON-COMPLIANT! (I’ll make a list of everything that’s probably not canon but is for this fic) colour-coordinated dialogues to make it easier to understand who’s talking, starts out fluffy but evolves into angst, cussing, reader is desi, usage of Hindi (translations given, except for the Sheila Ki Jawani song), hahaha culturedumping & projection go hand in hand 😭
Some Goldenmodel (is that their official ship name??) too! (pls they’re literally so cute 🫠🫠)
A/N: Basically where Pavi loses his sister instead of Gayathri :D
The numbers at the top of every section indicate Pavitr and the reader’s age respectively (reader is older than Pavi) :)
Andddd the Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar hc continues 😁
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Probably (Definitely) Non-Canon List:
-reader’s existence basically since she’s the daughter of Maya Aunty and Uncle Bhim (so she’s not technically his sister she’s his cousin but close enough!)
-I actually have NO idea how Pavi’s parents died or anything abt them so I’m basically making stuff up hehe
-Reader also gets the scholarship to Mumbattan that Pavitr got, but for a different subject
-kinda waffling on Bhim’s death since I’ve never actually read the comic where he died so idk much of anything
-Reader helps Pavi make his webshooters (kinda)
-Pav may be a teensy bit ooc I apologize for that
-there’s probably a lot more but none I can pinpoint specifically right now
(this is the song that Pav sings btw)
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title inspo:
Will you call me to tell me you’re alright?
Cause I worry about you the whole night
Don’t repeat my mistakes
I won’t sleep till you’re safe inside
(Safe Inside, James Arthur)
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——— ———
4 & 6.
You stifled a giggle, peeking out from behind the tree you were hiding behind to see the tiny boy scrambling over rocks and protruding tree roots, his eyes squinted in concentration as he searched for you.
“Come out, come out wherever you- ai!” He cut himself off with a sharp squeal of surprise, stumbling backwards as you leaped out and bared your teeth like the demonic rakshasas that seem to lunge right off the pages of your mother’s - Pavitr’s aunt’s - mythology books.
“Not fair,” Pavitr complained, glaring up at you and crossing his arms. His nose scrunched at the injustice and you laughed, sticking your tongue out at him and ruffling his hair.
“Totally fair.”
“Nahin! Pura cheating! Didi, tum hamesha dhokha deti ho!” (No! Fully cheating! You always cheat!)
“Oy, Pavi, main kaise dhokha de rahi hai? What nonsense you’re talking.” (How am I cheating?)
“I’m telling Maya Aunty that you’re being mean to me.”
“Arrey, both of you stop squabbling and come up here,” Maya Aunty’s voice carried down into the lawn from the veranda as she poked her head out of the kitchen. “I made gajar ka halwa. Come eat before Bhim gets back and finishes everything.”
Pavitr’s eyes lit up at the mention of the carrot dessert, all earlier frustrations forgotten for the moment. “Race you!” He turned and darted across the lawn, his hair bobbing as he kicked up clouds of dirt under his shoes.
“Pavi, how is this fair?!”
——— ———
6 & 8.
“Didi! Checkmate! I win!”
“Ai, Pavi, that’s not… chess doesn’t work like…” He turned to you with big, shining eyes, grinning from ear to ear because he thought he had won. You trailed off with a resigned sigh, not having the heart to tell him that he had just got his own king killed.
“Wow, Pavi, you’re getting so good at this! You’re a natural!” You ruffled his hair affectionately, despite his protests and attempts to fight you off.
“Y/N! Yahaan aao!” (Come here)
You immediately perked up, eyebrows drawing together as you heard your mother’s voice, only… something was off. She sounded like she was holding back tears, the beginnings of a raw sob lingering in her throat.
“Haan, Amma? Kya hua?” (Yes? What happened?) (Amma/Maa just means mother)
She sat hunched next to the balcony, a phone in her slack grip. Your father - Pavitr’s Uncle Bhim - knelt with his back to you, holding her and rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. Tears fell from her eyes and the only sounds that split the air were her jagged heaves between soft sniffles.
“Amma? Papa, what happened to Amma?” Unease twisted in your stomach, knitting your eyebrows closer together as you moved forward and grasped your mother’s hand.
Your father turned to look at you and you inhaled sharply.
That was the first time you had ever seen your father cry.
“Pavitr’s parents were involved in an accident,” He struggled to keep his tone even for you.
“An accident? You mean…”
“Yes, beta. They’re… they’re gone.”
Your breath hitched and you backed away slightly, steadying yourself against the wall behind you.
You didn’t know much about what happened - and it would probably stay like that since you were ‘too young to bother yourself with the worries of the adult world - but you knew one thing for sure.
This is going to break Pavi.
I can’t let that happen.
You heard soft patters of bare feet on the marble floors and looked up just as Pavitr’s dark hair disappeared to the side of the doorframe.
Not trusting yourself to speak without breaking down mid-speech, you got up and left without a word, patting your mother’s hand sympathetically on the way.
You found Pavitr sitting against the tree you used to play hide and seek around. He pulled his knees to his chest, resting his forehead on his kneecaps and raising his head when you approached. “What happened, Didi?”
You grasped at words that would help convey it, but to no avail. How could you tell a 6 year old - one who was essentially a brother to you now - that his parents had died?
You had two ways out.
…I should tell him.
“Pavi… Maya Aunty will explain, but… basically, you’re going to be spending a lot more time with us - with me. How does that sound?”
Pavitr grinned, his eyes shining - and of course he had to look like a trusting puppy. Of course it had to make you feel guilty the moment those words, a romanticized version of the truth, left your lips.
“That sounds awesome,” He said happily, half-turning to wrap his arms snugly around your waist in a hug. “We’ll have so much fun! You can finally teach me how to play kancha and lagori like you’ve been wanting to! Right, Didi?”
“…yeah. You’re right.” You leaned down to kiss the top of his head as he nestled comfortably against your side, the strands of hair tickling your chin as you rested your head on his. You felt tears starting to well up as the depth of the situation hit you at full force.
Kaayar. Coward.
——— ———
9 & 11.
You looked up from your schoolwork as Pavitr burst into your room. “What’s going on?”
“Maya Aunty said there’s some sort of… scholarship? They said we have to go to Mumbattan!” Your eyes shot wide open and you pushed your chair back from your desk to follow him into the kitchen. What scholarship? Mumbattan?
Maya Aunty had told you both that she had submitted samples of your writing and a few of Pavitr’s blueprints for futuristic designs he had come up with for various robotics competitions, but… you never thought the entry would ever amount to anything.
“Amma, Papa, yeh sach hai? Did we get a scholarship to Mumbattan?” (Is this true?)
“Haan, beta.” Your mother looked slightly tired, weary - but ultimately happy. The happiest you had seen her in quite a while. Your father patted your head affectionately, a large smile on his face. “Well done, both of you. Mere champions.” (My champions)
The moment dissipated like it was never there in the first place when Maya Aunty’s eyebrows scrunched together with worry once more as she turned to Uncle Bhim. “Arrey, Bhim. Hum kaise kharch uthayenge? Mumbattan mei, woh kiraaya-” (How will we afford this? The rent in Mumbattan-)
The moment you heard those words, you let out a soft exhale and took Pavitr’s hand, gently tugging on it and leading him away from the ‘adult’ conversation. By now, you were almost conditioned to do your best to avoid conversations that always got your parents stressed out and sometimes led to frustrated breakdowns which simmered into tearful apologies and doubtful plans.
“Let’s go play kancha, Pavi. I’ll even let you start this time.”
You ran out onto the lawn with him, your hand holding onto his smaller one tightly as if you could protect him from all the harm and sadness and worry that the world had to offer.
——— ———
11 & 13.
“Don’t didi me. You agreed to this, remember? You brought this upon yourself,” You said between giggles that got increasingly louder at how ridiculous he looked.
Maya Aunty and Bhim Uncle were both out buying groceries, and Pavitr was so bored that he accepted your challenge to see who could balance more than five stones on their forehead. And if he lost, you would get to do his hair and makeup.
That was why he was currently sitting in front of you, bright pink eyeshadow on both his eyelids and wearing the brightest red lipstick you could find. He winced in pain, loudly protesting every two seconds as you tried to put his wavy hair into a Dutch braid. He had let it grow out over the past few months, and at the rate he was going, if he left it for even a little while more it’d be longer than yours.
“You need a haircut, Pavi. I think you might be getting split ends…” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the expression of pure horror that crossed his face at your words, which quickly turned to annoyance. “Shut up, you’re just saying that because you’re jealous- ow!”
“You did that on purpose.”
“Did not.” You looped a rubber band onto the ends of the braid, finally finishing and tilting your head to critically examine your handiwork. “There, you’re all done.”
Pavitr glanced at his reflection in the compact mirror you offered him. “Wait, I don’t look that bad. I can pull this off pretty well, actually.”
“Sure you can, sweetie. Let’s do your nails now.”
“You’re the absolute worst.”
——— ———
12 & 14.
“Didi! Rise and shine!”
You groaned softly, turning over onto your side. “Get out.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet and definitely not a prime example of you being mean to your younger brother. Seriously though, we have to get going soon for school.” He expertly dodged the spare pillow you threw at him, deciding to kneel by your bedside and stare you in the eyes like some psychotic cat.
“Not everyone’s a morning person, Pavi. Besides, it’s 6 in the damn morning. Come back in another hour.”
Pavitr didn’t respond, just started humming a tune and tapping out a familiar beat on your bedside table, using two pencils from your desk’s mug of stationery as makeshift drumsticks.
“I know you want it but you’re never gonna get it, tere haath kabhi na aani…”
Your eyes shot open as you recognized the song. “No, Pavi, I swear to God-”
“Maane na maane koi duniya yeh saari, mere ishq ki hai deewani…” Stifling laughter, he backed out of range before you could smack some sense into him with another pillow.
“Pavitr! Stop!” You chucked a pillow at him, sitting up and staring at him in utter astonishment at his song choices.
“Kisi aur ki mujhko zaroorat kya, main toh khud se pyaar jataun! What’s my name, what’s my name, what’s my name…?”
“Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar, if you don’t stop singing that song right now-” You lunged forward, trying to grab him and muffle the lyrics of the Bollywood song he was singing - granted, he wasn’t a terrible singer, and in fact he could sing in Hindi quite well, but out of every song he could’ve chosen… this? “By the way, you missed a few lines, but that’s not the point! Stop it!”
“My name is Sheila! Sheila ki jawani! I’m too sexy for you, mei tere hath na aani-”
Chaos ensued in the next few seconds. Pavitr, who had been running around your room doing whatever choreography he could remember from the scene with that particular song in the movie you had both watched, tripped on the fallen pillow and fell flat on his face.
You had been chasing him around and tripped over him, rolling over and landing beside him. Luckily, you managed to break your fall with your palms.
“How’d the ground taste, hmm?” You asked, offering a hand to help him up.
“You’re mean,” Pavitr complained, taking your hand and pulling himself up. You fixed his slightly ruffled hair, a little surprised at how soft it was. Was he already going through the phase of being obsessed with how he looked?
“Yeah, well. You’re in my room at 6 am singing one of the sluttiest Bollywood songs you know, so… you’ll live, buttercup.” You gave his head a rough pat, turning to reluctantly make your bed - might as well, since you were already awake - as he hovered over your shoulder with a grin.
“But hey, it did get you up, didn’t it?”
——— ———
13 & 15.
“Didi! Where are you? I need to tell you something!”
“…I don’t understand. What are you saying?” You felt so paralyzed that you didn’t even register your brother’s voice. Instead you stared at the person you thought was your boyfriend, dangerously quiet. The calm before the storm. He shifted uncomfortably, fiddling with his sleeve and clearing his throat.
“Um, I think we should break up. I’ve kind of been… seeing another girl. Shreya.”
You were careful to keep your expression neutral, crossing your arms to prevent you from worrying at your nails. “For how long?”
“Uh, I-”
“How. Long. It’s a simple question.”
“Five months.”
“Son of a bitch.” You kept your voice low, sweeping a hand towards the door. “The exit’s there. Leave.”
“Listen, I’m really-”
“Get out. I’m serious. Get the fuck out of here before I make you do so.”
He stopped and stared at you for a few seconds, realizing just how angry you were.
“Okay. Well, it was… good seeing you, I guess. I hope you-”
This time you heard Pavitr call you, soft hesitancy in his voice that carried into the room from the other side of the door. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, Pavi, I’m fine. You can come in.” You covered the cracks in the screens of overly pleasant tones that you layered over your voice so as to make sure he didn’t worry.
He quickly entered your room, and from the way he glared daggers at your now-ex-boyfriend you assumed he had heard everything - or at least, a large chunk of the conversation.
“Hey there, buddy.”
He had the nerve to smile and hold his knuckles out for a fist bump. Truth be told, you felt a sort of bitter satisfaction when Pavitr just glared up at him and didn’t bother lifting his hand to return it.
“Fuck off.”
His eyes widened slightly and traveled from the harsh scowl fixed on Pavitr’s face to your dangerously calm demeanour.
“You heard him, didn’t you?”
“I… yeah. I’m going. See you around.”
You followed him with your eyes as he inched toward the door, shutting it behind him.
The moment he left, your unbothered façade cracked and splintered into pieces. You moved yourself to sit on your bed, slipping the covers over your legs. “Thank you,” You murmured to Pavitr, closing your eyes so he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill. He came over to sit beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Mat rouoh didi. Hum ek movie dekhenge?” (Don’t cry didi. Wanna watch a movie?)
“Haan, please. As long as it’s not Tees Maar Khan, I am not watching that again with you. I’ve had enough of that Sheila ki Jawani. Wait, Pavi, you said you wanted to tell me something?”
“…that’s not important right now, don’t worry about it.”
You didn’t notice him anxiously trying to peel off the edge of the blanket that was stubbornly sticking to the pads of fingers.
——— ———
A week later.
It had happened so suddenly. No one seemed to know anything.
Well, except the fact that your father had died somehow.
I know we fought a lot more in… in the end, but I love you. I always have and I always will, Papa. You made me who I am today, you taught me to know my own worth and accept no less. Believe me, I think about it every day. If you were here I’d tell you.
You wished you could say that out loud, to offer everyone present a window into your thoughts to prove you weren’t just an angsty teenager - or a family disappointment, which a few aunties seemed to believe by the way they were whispering and shooting overly sympathetic looks your way which were quickly followed up by hushed giggles.
But instead you kept your head down and used what little energy you could muster to give a nod of acknowledgement every time a distant relative - even ones you hadn’t seen since you were a baby - popped up in your face to console you.
“Where’s Pavitr? Did he come to the antyesti?” You jumped; you hadn’t noticed your mother hovering beside you until she laid a light hand on your shoulder. She seemed to move around like a spectre; dressed completely in a simple white salwaar kameez with a long white shawl wrapped around her in such a way that it obscured both her arms and her hair, along with part of her face.
“No, I don’t think so - at least, I haven’t seen him.” You looked over her shoulder at the priests starting to get everything prepared for the ceremony and searched the crowds of vaguely familiar people.
Where the hell is he?
Getting the priests to agree to Pavitr - who wasn’t exactly Bhim’s son but the closest thing to it - leading the rituals was hard enough. But then again, it wasn’t like they had much of a choice, did they? You couldn’t exactly do it - the rituals of an antyesti were to be performed by the eldest son. Or the priests themselves, if he couldn’t do it for any reason. Never a woman.
You and Maya Aunty weren’t allowed to do anything except watch and pray.
And now if Pavitr didn’t show up in time-
Thwip! Thwip!
You frowned and shook your head slightly, wondering what the source of that noise was. Oh, well, probably just a pesky mosquito buzzing in your ear.
“Didi, Maya Aunty, I am so, so sorry that I’m late. Did they start already?” You jumped again in surprise - what was it with people sneaking up behind you today? You took in Pavitr’s crisp white dhoti and neatly styled hair, and for a second you couldn’t decide whether to hug him or punch him in the face.
“I’ll tell you everything later, didi. Pinky promise,” Pavitr murmured to you, offering his pinky to you. You linked your little finger with his, looking into his eyes as concern bubbled up to mix with the hurricane of emotions already clamouring for attention in your brain.
He had horrible bags under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept properly in a week. And when you gently squeezed his pinky, his breath hitched as if he was in pain and he drew his hand back after a few seconds. You blinked in confusion, getting a brief glimpse of painful-looking faint purple splotches all along his hand and the underside of his arm. They looked like bruises that had been poorly covered up by foundation that was almost three shades too light for his skin, but before you could say anything he turned to make his way through the crowd.
“Pavi-” You started to ask what was going on, what happened, what was wrong, but he just shook his head, angling his chin toward the priests waiting patiently for him.
“Badh mein, didi. Antyesti ke badh.” (Later. After the antyesti)
——— ———
After the ceremony.
“Pavitr Prabhakar, if you don’t tell me what’s going on-” You came face-to-face with one of your more distant aunties, who immediately lit up excitedly in a way that was probably not suited for a cremation ceremony as soon as she recognized you.
“Arrey, beta! You’ve grown so much! How old are you now? You still sing, no? Kya aapne college ke bare socha hain?” (Have you thought/started thinking about college?)
“Haha… hi, aunty… no, aunty… no, I haven’t thought about college yet… have you seen Pavitr anywhere? I need to find him and it’s really urgent but… oh, uh… yes, of course, I would love to catch up over chai sometime. Sure, we should plan that - oh, sorry, bye! Tell my mother that I’ve gone to look for Pavitr, okay? Thank you!”
Seizing the opportunity that presented itself in the form of another aunty who came waddling over to greet the first one, you squeezed through the crowd of people in sarees and dupattas, some milling about and some dispersing, all accompanied by the almost suffocating smell of jasmine. God, did everyone use the same horrible perfume?
Luckily for you, the antyesti was held fairly close to your house - on a large terrace that was only about a 15 minute walk away.
You got to the front door and fumbled with the set of keys in your pocket for a second, your fingers shaking slightly as the shock and grief began to set in. Adrenaline could only take you so far, it seemed.
“Pavi? Pavi, I’m home, where-”
You opened the door to your room and inhaled sharply at the sight that lay before you. Pavitr leaned against your bed, sitting on the floor with his knees hugged close to his chest, chin resting on his kneecaps. His eyes were squeezed shut, eyelashes fluttering as tears slipped out one after another from underneath them.
“Pavi…? Oh, Pavi, mera chhoti bhai, kya hua? Kisi ne… tumhein chot pahunchaee?” (My little brother, what happened? Did… someone hurt you?) You scooted closer to Pavitr, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and drawing him into your side. He buried his face in your shoulder, tears soaking through the thin fabric of the kurta you were wearing.
“Shh. Sab theek ho jayega. Mujhe batao, Pavi. Kya hua?” (Everything’s okay. Tell me, what happened?)
“I’m Spider-Man.”
You blinked in surprise. Out of all the possible explanations he could have offered you, that was certainly not on your list. “Spider-Man? Matlab… the superhero?” (Matlab means meaning)
The hero had emerged only a week ago. Wearing an intricately patterned mask that left his wavy hair loose at the top, a blue-and-red spandex suit and blue dhoti pants on top of them, he was basically impossible to ignore. You had seen some key similarities between Spider-Man and Pav’s hair, but you had always just assumed it was related to how boys cut their hair like their idols sometimes.
“Chacha died because of Spider-Man. Because of me. He got caught in the crossfire and I couldn’t reach him in time and-” Pavitr’s words spilled together in a panicked haze, blurring each syllable and tripping over letters in an attempt to get them out before he could break again. (Chacha is another word for uncle)
You shifted to face him, wrapping him in a tight hug. “Shaant ho jao. Main yahaan hoon. Main kaheen nahin ja raha hoon.” (Calm down. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere)
“I can’t-” His breath quickened as his whole body started to heave with dry sobs. “Please just… just listen to me. This is what I wanted to tell you last week. I’m Spider-Man.”
He mistook your silence as a sign of disbelief and carried on speaking, trying to convince you. “There were these bullies I was running from, and I tripped and fell into a tree hollow and there was this yogi who said he’d give me the powers of a spider to fight the evil in this world, and I didn’t know it would turn out like this so I accepted and-”
“I believe you.”
That caught him off guard. He pulled back to look at you, his eyes wide. “You do?”
“Of course. You think I haven’t noticed you sticking to everything? You almost ripped the couch’s upholstery clean off because you weren’t paying attention.” You gently swiped your thumb near the corner of his eye, wiping away the tear that was at risk of spilling out. “It’s okay, Pavi. Let’s.. talk about something else for the moment.”
As much as you wanted answers - how exactly had your father died? Which sick, twisted, psychotic ‘villain’ killed him? - you knew when to stop pushing Pavitr and now was definitely that time. Tears still shone in the corners of his brown eyes, not quite ready to fall but not small enough to be blinked away.
“You need spiderwebs, naa? So you can swing like a spider instead of leaping around and relying on sticking to whatever surface you can reach. Ooh, it’d be so cool if you could shoot them from your hands and lasso bad guys and when they fight back you go dishoom dishoom.” (dishoom is basically just a sound effect for beating someone up 😭 usually punching someone)
“… you mean webshooters?” Pavitr watched your emphatic display of just what dishoom dishoom meant to you with a mildly concerned look on his face before he took a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and smoothed it out. It was filled with designs for some sort of gadget, the sharp, jagged pencil lines highlighting every feature and listing possible building processes.
“I’ve done some research and I’ve got everything, so I know how to make it. But I need something that can contract if I wrap a web around it… kind of like a yo-yo? But it also has to fit on my wrist so that it’s easy for me to angle where I want the web to go.” He absentmindedly tapped the pencil against the silver bangle you were wearing. The soft clinks gave you an idea and you quickly got up, going to your dresser and rummaging around in the drawers.
“Wait, I think I might have something that’ll work…”
Your fingers closed around what you were looking for and you fished it out. You held two large golden cuffs in your hands, but they weren’t regular heavy cuffs. The top and bottom were actually two separate pieces, joined together in the middle by a stretchy piece of white nylon that went all the way around.
Just looking at it made your heart ache a little as all the memories associated with the simple accessory came flooding back.
Your father had given it to you a few Diwalis ago, when you were throwing a tantrum about having to wear the large bangles to go to with the itchy salwar you had on - against your wishes, of course. But your mother warned you that her mother was a stickler for traditions and insisted on everyone wearing the most colourful ethnic wear you all had, including Pavi.
Your father had slid one of the cuffs onto your right wrist, laughing gently at your surprise look when you discovered how light they were, a stark contrast to the gold bangles that weighed down your other wrist.
“Compromise paaya, hain na?” (We’ve found a compromise, right?)
“Haan, papa.”
Now, more than eight years later, you held one of the last things you had left to keep your father’s memory alive.
And what better way to honour him than to use his kaadas to fight evil and protect the city?
“Use these.”
Pavitr looked up and immediately shook his head, gently pushing away your outstretched hands. “No, didi, I can’t- this is what Uncle gave you-”
“I know. He gave them to me as a gift. And now I’m passing them down to you. Please, Pavi. Take them.” You took his hands, pressing the kaadas into his palms and closing his fingers over them.
Something in your tone made him search your gaze for a few seconds before giving in and bringing the cuffs up to his eyes, testing out the nylon middle. “Wait, this is perfect. If I can just…”
He reached into the depths of one of your drawers and pulled out a small device that looked like it had some sort of fluid sloshing around in its… fuel container, maybe? You furrowed your brow in surprise. “Has that always been there? In my cupboard?”
“Well, yeah. Can’t have Maya Aunty accidentally pulling it out of mine, can we?” He gave you a grin. “Besides, you have so many things stuffed into that one drawer that it’s basically impossible to find.”
He attached the device to the inside of the cuff with a small click and slipped it onto his wrist.
Thwip! Thwip!
With two tiny flicks of his wrist, he had shot two webs to the ceiling and was now hanging upside down, a satisfied grin on his face.
“Well, this is working pretty well-”
“Don’t you dare,” Pavitr warned you as he winced and rubbed the spot where he had fallen on his backside.
“I will not laugh. I will not laugh. I will not-”
You couldn’t help but burst into giggles at his mildly pathetic sad-puppy expression as he sat dejectedly on the floor after falling from the ceiling.
“So, uh… the web strength may need some work.”
“Everybody, this is Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar, Mumbattan’s Spider-Man.” You pretend to speak into an imaginary microphone, gesturing animatedly towards Pav as he lay on the floor.
“Oh, sure, announce it to the whole world, why don’t you,” He grumbled, reluctantly pulling himself to his feet.
You gave him an overly sweet smile, leaning over to mess up his hair. “Never. I’m gonna take this secret with me to my grave.”
——— ———
14 & 16.
6 months really went by quickly.
6 months of monthly poojas to honour your deceased father. 6 months of Pavitr being Spider-Man. And also…
“Didi! Why isn’t my hair staying down?!”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because that bad guy threw you into an electricity tower? Pavi, why are you dressing up all of a sudden anyway?” You sat on the floor of your room as you skeptically watched him brush out his hair. He had insisted that your mirror was big enough and ‘had the best lighting’.
He stayed silent, though you could see him scrunch his nose a little in embarrassment. The realization hit you and you let out a loud - maybe overly dramatic - gasp.
“Oh my god! You have a date!”
“…maybe. So?”
“So that means I get to meet and terrorize them! You know, sibling stuff!”
Pavitr froze for a split second, a small smile starting to form in the corner of his mouth at the last part. Siblings. In all honesty, didn’t that word describe the bond you both shared almost perfectly? Siblings - not by blood, but by something so much bigger than either of you could’ve imagined.
“Absolutely not. Gayatri’s-”
“Gayatri? Is she Punjabi? Ooh, is she pretty? Is she really badass and cool and-”
“She’s a model,” Pavitr interrupted, smoothing down his hair and glaring at you. “And this isn’t my first date with her. Just for the record.”
“Wow, and she’s your age? Damn, Pavi, you managed to pull a model! I’m so proud of you right now.”
“I will strangle you if you don’t stop talking,” Pavitr grumbled, punching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m not saying anything bad!”
“Sure you ar-” Pavitr stopped mid-sentence and stiffened, craning his neck and glancing out the window over his shoulder like a cat that had heard something strange. “Wait, someone’s here. Gotta go!”
He dashed into the bathroom and came out two seconds later, fully decked out in his spider suit and mask.
“Don’t get your ass kicked!” You called out as he nose-dived out the window.
“Ha, ha! Very funny!”
——— ———
10 minutes later.
“Pavitr, what the hell?!” You leaped backwards as a strange sort of alien materialized in your room for a split second before they disappeared into a black hole-like void, followed by a… Spider-Man? Not Pav. This one was taller and his suit was red and black, and oh God, was he bleeding from his armpits?
You were tempted to offer him a few cotton wipes and something to clean the wound but he disappeared in after the weird teleporting alien before you could ask.
Pavitr came crashing in through your window, landing on the floor and glancing around. “What? I thought they came here-”
“Really?! Now you show up? I’ve just had some sort of cow-man and a new Spider-Man teleport into my room through a pit and-” You stopped short as another Spider-Man landed on the floor. Except… Spider-Woman? She wore a suit in the shape of a white-and-black ballet leotard and had a hood with web designs on the inside.
“Pavitr, is… this Gayatri?” You tried to wrap your head around the fact that there were three different types of Spider-People and a cow on the wrong side of evolution who had just phased through your house. “Oh, hi, Gayatri, I’ve heard so much about you. Pavi thinks you’re really classy and cool and you’re the prettiest girl alive and-”
Pavitr webbed a pillow and swung it into your face before you could finish, temporarily shutting you up. “Didi, this… this isn’t Gayatri.” Despite his face being covered by his mask, you could tell from his tone that he was embarrassed out of his wits. “This is, uh… this is Gwen. She’s a Spider-Woman. Look, it’s hard to explain, but they’re all from different universes and I think the New Guy’s in love with Gwen, so we gotta go save their romance before it shatters. Bye!”
He leaped out the window again, followed by Gwen - who was stuttering and tripping over her words trying to form a plausible denial for his last statement.
Never a dull day in Mumbattan, I guess.
——— ———
5 minutes after that ordeal.
“Arrey, your chai is getting cold. Drink fast, no?”
“Haan, Amma. Ek second.” (One second) You moved away from where you were hovering near the window. As much as Pavitr reassured you that he was okay, that being Spider-Man was easy now - you still remembered having to disinfect wounds and ice bruises and watch him hiss and crinkle his face up in pain every time you wiped a tissue soaked in Dettol along his cuts.
Maybe those were only fairly harmless flesh wounds, but what kept you up at night was the worry that one day it might turn into something worse.
“I’m drinking it,” You said defensively and sat down as Maya Aunty lifted an eyebrow at you over her own mug. Just as you sat down the whole ground seemed to shake, a horrible din filling the air, screams and the sound of rubble falling mingling together in the cacophony.
“Oh, someone blew down Alchemax,” said Maya Aunty once the noise died down. With a small shake of her head, she casually returned to her chai as if this sort of thing happened almost every day.
“What an idiot.” You glanced out the window, squinting into the distance and widening your eyes as your eyes snagged on a flash of vibrant fabric flying through the air, just barely visible through the pieces of flying rubble.
Oh, fuck, that’s my idiot.
——— ———
You figured the easiest and fastest way to get near Alchemax was to take the bus. After all, those bus drivers had basically decided long ago that they were above the rules of the traffic. They honestly didn’t give a damn about the speed limits and you respected that.
“Hi, Y/N!” You turned at your name, tilting your head curiously because you didn’t recognise the voice.
You found yourself looking at someone who looked oddly familiar, you just couldn’t place it - until you glanced briefly out the window and saw a Zomato billboard. Of course if had to be her, how else would she know your name?
“Oh, are you Gayatri? Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you from Pavi.”
“Aww, that’s sweet, and likewi-“
The bus swerved sharply and you, Gayatri and more than half of the people who weren’t holding onto the railings were slammed against the back window before the bus started to tilt forward. You blinked away stars for a few seconds as the wind was knocked out of you.
When you regained your vision you let out a yelp of surprise. Someone yelled “Fuck!” right next to you, followed by a string of unrepeatable Marathi cusswords - while also listing out gods and praying to them that they’d make it out alive - and you could understand why.
Some dumbass - or maybe a large piece of rubble - had ripped a hole in the middle of the fucking Mumbattan Bridge. The whole bus was falling right into that hole, and unfortunately the bus driver’s magical ability to fly straight over potholes seemed to have evaded him right now, judging by the fact that he was currently contributing to the chorus of terrified screams.
“Hold on!” Gayatri caught your forearm right as your grip on the flimsy side railing was loosening and pulled you up to latch onto the railing at the back. Good lord, was this girl strong. You decided right then and there that you definitely liked her.
You saw Pavitr stop mid-swing and turn around, his mask’s eyes widening as he saw both of you pounding relentlessly on the back bus window in the hopes that it would break in time.
He shot a web that stuck to the back of the bus, tipping it almost vertically as he held onto one of the bridge supports. His eyes narrowed with effort as he struggled to hold onto the deceptively delicate-looking silky tendrils.
You silently thanked whatever higher power existed for the time when Pavitr fell from the ceiling 6 months ago. If that hadn’t happened, you and the other people on this bus would’ve been flattened on the ground by now. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down.
Pavitr glanced behind him, his shoulders falling slightly in shock. The web holding onto the bus stretched and dipped, threatening to snap any second. He wrapped the silken web around the support, trying to bring it up.
You and Gayatri were just barely hanging on, your entire bodies dangling down with gravity as you held onto the railing for dear life.
Suddenly something changed. Another web attached itself to the bus and pulled you onto the bridge. Another Spider-Man, possibly?
You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding as the bus levelled itself on solid ground again. Gayatri gave you a weak smile, grasping your hand and pulling you straight into the throng of people rushing to exit the bus.
The moment she stepped outside Pavitr wrapped her in a hug, eliciting a surprised squeak from Gayatri.
“Are you okay? I was so worried-” He realized his mistake mid-sentence, drawing back from her and patting her shoulders with both hands, unsure whether to cross his arms or rest them on his hips. “Uh, you seem like a nice young woman who I do not know…”
Gayatri chuckled softly and looked past him. “Papa!”
She ran at him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Seeing their bond warmed your heart but also made it ache slightly with the acceptance that that could never happen to you with your own father.
“Real smooth, Pavi,” You grinned at your brother, who grumbled something under his breath and closed the distance to crush you in a hug.
“Shush, didi. I just saved your ass.”
“Yeah, I suppose you did.” You ruffled his hair affectionately and pulled back, smiling at the growing shouts of ‘dhanyavadh, makhdi-bhaiya!’. (Thank you, Spider-Guy!)
“Amma’s going to kill you, by the way. She thinks you snuck out to go to some p-”
You let out a soft mmph as you collided with possibly the boniest person you had ever had the misfortune of bumping into. You were pretty sure you had just got stabbed in seven different places by various joints.
“Sorry, I didn’t-” You paused as you looked up, taking in spikes, a leather vest, pins, a guitar, and mask eyes which looked like running mascara.
“Holy shit, you’re really cool.”
The Spider-Man variant blinked in surprise and let out a laugh. “Why, thank you, poppet. I try. Pisses the fascists off so much that they call me Spider-Punk.”
You heard the twang of a well-known (almost infamous, at least in Mumbattan) accent and glanced at Pavitr. “He’s British,” He confirmed, giving Hobie a high-five.
“Well, I don’t care. He looks awesome.”
“Oi, Pav, I like this one.” He gave you an appreciative fist-bump, and you lifted your eyebrows at the sheer size difference between both of your hands.
“That’s my sister.”
“Makes sense. But you know I didn’t mean it like that. She seems cool is all.”
“Wait. If you’re British, can you do us a favour and steal back the Kohinoor? Please?”
“I’ll try my best, but I can’t make any promises. Fuckin’ Sweeney*, I doubt they even know where it’s kept.” (*Sweeney/Sweeney Todd - Cockney rhyming slang for Flying Squad [the police])
You nodded along politely with a smile like you actually understood even one word of that sentence. “Well, okay, in that case-”
You turned and almost burst out laughing. Pavitr looked like he was on the losing end of a staring contest, his hand almost engulfed in Inspector Singh’s much bigger one. Gayatri stood behind him, looking between them in awe. “I’ve never seen him so emotional.”
“Excellent job.”
Your bother just gave a nod, but knowing Pavitr he was internally over the moon and would hold that simple statement close to his heart, insisting that his girlfriend’s dad “loved him”.
“Man-like Miles, my guy!” Hobie grabbed the red and black Spider-Man - Miles’ - shoulders and shook him excitedly, punching him lightly as the people of Mumbattan started cheering.
You were about to join in when something happened. Well, not happened, really, but… something felt off somehow. You had read something once that said a person’s hair stands on end as a warning when lightning’s about to strike. You imagined that’d feel like you you were feeling right now. And you could hear whistling… was that sound just your ears being weird?
The cheers died down suddenly and you turned around too late. One of those portal-holes, slicing through the air like a deadly frisbee, slammed into you and knocked you inside in such a way that you got teleported straight off the side of the bridge. You scrabbled for the supports, but to no avail as you sailed right past them.
You heard Pavitr’s panicked yell, the sounds of confused and worried chatter bubbling among the ground, and the air rushing around in your ears as you free-fell.
You can’t save me, you realized as you saw Pavitr dive off the bridge, reaching out his wrist in preparation of shooting a web. You won’t get here in time. You focused on mouthing the next few words that came to your mind, because if you were going to die and leave your brother you would do so by reminding him that he was - and always would be - loved. Pavi, I’m sorry. I love you. I always will.
Your stomach dropped and your head spun - but by some mercy you didn’t feel the final impact.
——— ———
Pavitr’s POV.
“No, no no no- please, please no-”
Pavi, I’m sorry.
I love you.
Six words. Six words which shouldn’t be used in the same sentence. Those two sets separately, sure, but in very different scenarios.
Those would not be the last words you said to him. They couldn’t be.
Time seemed to slow down, making his movements sluggish and hazy. He stretched his wrist out till it ached, silk erupting from his - no, your - kaada. Come on, come on…
The silk shot toward you and for a second he thought it would reach in time.
Then he heard a crash and watched you fall straight through the flimsy tin roof of an abandoned warehouse. “No!”
He landed after you, shooting a web at a street lamp and pulling up to break the built-up momentum at the last second. Kicking down the warehouse door, he rushed over to your limp form, sprawled across a few empty crates in the dimly lit space.
“Nonono you have to stay with me, please don’t go, I can’t-” Pavitr swallowed hard as he picked you up and set you down with your back against the wall, holding up your jaw so your head didn’t fall forward. He snapped his fingers in front of your face two, three times - no response.
He could feel his vision starting to blur, heart practically causing an earthquake as he shakily put his finger to the pulse point on your neck.
“No,” He whispered into the still air, as if that would be able to revive someone who was so much more than just a cousin. You were his sister, his closest and most annoying friend, his anchor. You were supposed to be a constant in his life. If you were gone… what would go next?
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, cradling your lifeless body in his arms. But after a little while Hobie dropped in through the hole in the ceiling, and Miles and Gwen came in through the door. He didn’t understand anything they were saying. Pavitr felt like he was underwater, the cold, murky silence filling his ears and bleeding into his brain.
Someone else, much bigger than him tried to drag him away. Someone wearing a beige police uniform and a turban. He kicked and fought, screaming at them that they didn’t understand, he couldn’t leave you, this wasn’t how it was supposed to end. That you were going to wake up soon. You were only unconscious, after all. You had to wake up sometime.
You had to, right?
Pavitr watched as you were placed on a stretcher, a white cloth laid over your body. He slumped in the hands of whoever was struggling to drag him away as all his hopes of you waking up splintered into a million pieces. Pieces that he would step on and trip over and they would cut his skin a billion times. Little tiny paper cuts. Paper cut after paper cut, till he bled out.
Through whatever shocked haze his brain was forcing itself into, he knew that something inside him had broken. Duct tape could fix it. Duct tape could fix anything. Was this metaphor for something? His brain really needed to slow down, he couldn’t keep up with what was and what wasn’t fixable with a single roll of duct tape.
He pictured his heart, the muscles and blood vessels torn clean through in the centre, forming a hole in the shape of you. Did it stop beating? It felt like it stopped beating. Was there a way to check if he was still alive? He hoped he was. Though there didn’t feel like much reason to be. Not anymore, at least.
Oh. Maya Aunty. Someone would have to tell Maya Aunty. No, he would have to tell Maya Aunty.
Two funerals in the span of 6 months. Two core members of the family gone.
Twin flames burning warm and bright, always lighting up the entire place with their own unique luminosities, until they couldn’t anymore. The wicks were extinguished and the candles melted into stumps before their time.
The Spot knew exactly what he was doing, Pavitr realized. Because he might as well have set fire to his entire home.
——— ———
15 & still 16.
Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar was many things.
He was Mumbattan’s Spider-Man. He was Maya Aunty’s nephew. He was Gayatri’s boyfriend. He honoured his dead parents with his last name. He carried the legacy of his dead uncle with his middle name alone.
Most of all, he carried the memory of his sister in every scar that he got that day.
Suddenly every moment you had spent with him seemed too little. Even just one of your hugs would take away some of the pain.
Keep them in your heart, they’re watching over you. Recall the memories you made with them.
What did that even mean in this case? You had gone too soon. Dead, cremated at 16. You weren’t even an adult. And what hurt the most was that everything - from your room to your belongings - was exactly how you left it.
It had been almost 3 months and he still hadn’t let anyone change anything in your room. The messy duvet could stay messy. And the pillow that was thrown at the foot of the bed had taken up permanent residence there.
The room smelled like vanilla and honeycomb. And it would stay that way for as long as he could help it. If someone rearranged anything, would that part of you disappear from this house? He didn’t want to find out.
Everything that made this room yours would stay there, it had to. The way you meticulously arranged every makeup and hair product by height, colour and serial order on your chest of drawers. The way your cupboards always smelled of cotton candy because of an essence diffuser your friend had given you.
Gayatri, Miles, Gwen and Hobie had all tried their best to help him, and Margo had even dropped in a few times and offered to play video games with him. And admittedly, he was in a much better frame of mind than how he was only a little while ago.
He sat on the floor, hugging his legs loosely to his chest and clutching a mug of chai in one hand. Pavitr couldn’t say anything even if he wanted to; the altogether lack of the owner of this room made the silence even more oppressive and suffocating.
He stretched his legs out slowly, refusing to let his mind wander. Focus on the wallpaper. Focus on the sound of traffic. Focus on the chai. Focus on anything except the posters, the pillows, the way that it felt like time itself was holding its breath inside this room.
Pavitr’s leg brushed something hidden underneath the rug in front of him. Frowning slightly in confusion, he leaned forward to peer underneath the fuzzy square of fabric - finding nothing but a small notebook and a pen.
He pulled it out and, upon recognizing it, drew in a surprised inhale. The leather-bound cover was dusty and worn out. The label that read Bhim Prabhakar in neatly printed handwriting had been scratched out, jagged words cutting across the paper like tiny knife strokes. His heart squeezed when he read the word written in the second handwriting.
Of course he remembered this book, how could he not? On days when you had noticed he felt sad, you tore out two lined pages of paper and made him write down what was bothering him in a letter.
“Here, Pavi. Write it to anyone you want, and fill it out with everything bad that happened today. You don’t have to send it to them, don’t worry. I’ll even do it with you.”
He still remembered the first time he had done that activity with you. You both sat back-to-back, scribbling down all the ‘yucky feelings’, as you had put it once. Pavitr had finished his letter and surprised you by addressing it to you, twisting around to hand you the folded piece of paper.
You hadn’t addressed your letter yet, so you wrote his name on the top in big block letters.
To: Pavitr Prabhakar.
Because it was a very official document, you had explained solemnly.
And when you took a look at how he had mentioned you, you had lunged forward and trapped him in a bone-crushing hug.
To: The Best Didi In The World.
He felt tears well up slightly as he recalled the amount of times he went and wordlessly sat at the edge of your bed, pointing to the leather journal. And you would pull out two pages, hand him a pen, and sit back-to-back on the floor. Every time, without fail.
Pavitr opened the book, running a hand along the pages of handwritten letters that were unevenly glued or stapled in. Some were tearing at the edges, others had chai-stains or ink splotches.
He carefully pulled out a page - only one this time - and picked up a pen from the mug of stationery on your bedside table.
Pausing to think for a second, he tested the pen on the bottom of the page. Then moved the tip to the first line.
Dear Y/N,
Pavitr stopped and narrowed his eyes at that. It felt strange, almost alien for some reason. A foreign word on these pages.
He tapped his pen on the page as he got an idea. He scratched out the two words he had written, addressing it to someone with a different yet more familiar title, at least to him.
To: The Best Didi In The World.
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I know very little about the antyesti process so if anything’s wrong don’t hesitate to correct me! <3
Antyesti - Antyesti literally means "last sacrifice" or "final auspicious ceremony", and refers to the funeral rites for the dead in Hinduism, which usually involves cremation of the body. This rite of passage is the last samskara in a series of traditional life cycle samskaras that start from conception in Hindu tradition.
Saree/Sari - A saree is a garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body, traditionally worn by women from South Asia. It is usually worn with a blouse that exposes part of the midriff, but blouse styles can vary.
Dupatta - A length of material worn arranged in one or two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez or a kurta, worn by women from South Asia. (Srry guys u have to look up those two definitions if ur curious,, it’s better to see how it looks rather than read a description anyway)
Kancha - Kancha is played by using marbles. It is popular in small Indian cities and villages, among small boys only as a gully sport. It is rarely played by girls. The participant has to hit the marble kept in a circle. If he hits the target properly, he wins. The winner gets the kancha (maybe kanche is the plural form? idk) of the other participant boys.
Lagori/Pithoo/Seven Stones - Lagori is a traditional game from the Indian subcontinent. It involves a pile of stones and a ball.
A member of one team (the seekers) throws a ball at a pile of stones to knock them over. The seekers then try to restore the pile of stones while staying safe from the opposing team's (the hitters’) throws. The hitters' objective is to hit the seekers with the ball before they can reconstruct the stone pile. If the ball touches a seeker, that seeker is out and the team which the seeker came from continues, without the seeker. A seeker can always safeguard themselves by touching an opposite team member before the ball hits the seeker.
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@hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099 @vhstown
102 notes · View notes
animestsstuff2 · 2 months
A Dragons beauty
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Barbarian Bakugou x reader
description: King Endeavour Enji Todoroki has recently traded his youngest daughter Kya to end the almost five year war with the Villianous group lead by a man known as shigaraki. It was agreed that Mitsuki, leader of the Dragon-Blood clan and Endeavours children would wed to join their forces to help defeat Shigarakis clan, a long war which neither were winning nor could continue fighting. Kya was Endeavours youngest child and what he believes to be a failure; all his children were healthy and strong, you however were weak when you were born, small and frail and the picture of your mother who died birthing you. it was a miracle you made it but you had been a bother ever since. when the opportunity arose for him to get rid of you he didn't hesitate, you'd hardly survive anyways in the Dragon-blood clan out in the mountains.
Content warning: forced/arranged marriage, war talk, physical+mental abuse, dysfunctional family, slight age gap (p.s. changed the ages of the todoroki siblings to fit in more with the time period)
Part 1
Master list
"Kya, your father has requested your presence in his study" Your maid Hana informed. you got up from were you lay in the grass out in the courtyard. A small leather backed book lay in front of you, banded by twine as you looked up from your sketch. You nodded to your maid and got up, dusting the grass off you and picking your sketch book up.
You wandered through the stone halls humming to yourself. You reached your fathers study, knocking on the large oak doors softly. You could feel your stomach twist with growing nerves, it was never ever good when father called you into his study. His gruff voice beckoned you in and you pushed the for open, struggling slightly. You slipped in moving to stand in front of his desk as you bowed your head and straightened back up to see he hasn't even looked at you, still focused on his papers in front of him.
"You called for me father?" You mumbled softly, rubbing the leather book.
"I did, You are to be wed tomorrow morning to Mitsuki Bakugou son Katsuki so we can join forces and hopefully end the war soon" He didn't even glance at you as he dropped the information. Your heart stopped eyes now wide with shock as you opened your mouth.
"W-what? Father what do you mean" You asked, stepping forward. He finally decided to spare you a glance and only tsked at your distraught face.
"You know I do not like repeating myself Kya. The war needs to end and an agreement was made; you will marry Katsuki Bakugou, heir to the Dragon-blood clan so we can bring peace quicker to our people and so no more of our people will have to die" he explained and your chest tightened, your throat closing over as tears welled in your eyes.
"Kya! Do not start. You have a duty to your people and you will marry him its the least you can do being the embarrassment you are to our family" He snapped, standing up from his desk and slamming his palm onto it. You sniffled and turned around, running out of his study and to your chambers.
You threw yourself on your bed, grabbing your old tattered teddy bear and pulling it into your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks as you sobbed into it. You didn't want to marry some savage and be forced to leave your family, even though your father was horrible to you; your siblings treated you with love. You sniffled, wiping your eyes trying to rid the tears but more kept coming. You got up and went to your door, opening it and stepping out as you sniffled and walked down the hall to Fuyumis room. You knocked softly, still sniffling as more fat tears continued down your cheeks.
Fuyumi opened the door with a smile recognising her sisters knock only to be shocked to see your red blotchy face look up at her with teary eyes. Fuyumi immediately pulled her inside and grabbed her arms around her younger sister.
"Kya! tell me what's wrong?" She whispered as she pulled you over to her bed and sat down pulling you down beside her and wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Fuyumi! F-Father is ma-making me marry B-Bakugou Katsuki!" You cried through hiccups and sniffles. Fuyumi gasped at the news and pulled you closer. She couldn't believe her father.
"Kya, where did you hear this?" Fuyumi asked, grabbing both your shoulders and turning you to her. You sniffled and hiccuped, trying desperately to form a sentence.
"H-He did! he sa-said I'm getting mar-married tomorrow morning" You cried harder, your chest tight as you gasped and grabbed your dress, bunching it up in your fists. Fuyumi was shocked, unable to form any words of comfort. She pulled your into her as you sobbed into her shoulder. Her hands came to rub your back and shush you, whispering it was 'okay, everything was okay'
You eventually passed out from exhaustion. She carefully positioned you to lay on her bed, pulling her quilt over you as you hiccuped in your sleep. Fuyumi got up, leaving her room as she headed down to the outer courtyard to find her brothers and discuss this mess their father had started. She found her brothers there, practicing their swordsmanship.
"Natsu! Shoto! Father is marrying Kya off to the Dragon-Blood clan" She yelled and both brothers froze, swords dropping as they turned to their sister. Natsu eyes were wide but Photos were narrowed and angry.
"what?!" they both snapped simultaneously as they walked up to her.
"Kya just came to me sobbing saying Father is marrying her off to Katsuki Bakugou of the Dragon-Blood clan" she told them. Shotos face just twisted further with anger as Natsu couldn't believe what he was hearing. They all stared at each other briefly before Shoto turned and pushed by Fuyumi, heading to their fathers direction. The other two siblings quickly followed, running down the cobble halls after their brother.
"Your trading Kya?!" Shoto yelled as he found his father speaking with one of his constables. Endeavours head snapped, face already bunched with anger as he glared at his second youngest. He quickly turned back to his constable and excused him.
"Shoto! don't you dare raise your voice to me like that" He snapped, pupils narrowing into slits as he glared at his son who marched towards him.
"Your trading Kya!? to the Dragon-Blood clan! how can you?" Shoto roared, Natsu and Fuyumi finally caught up, standing and watching the two fight with one another.
"Yes I am and its to end this war! to bring your brother Touya home!" Endeavour shouted, face red as Shoto paused hinking of his brother who was at war; the brother he hasn't seen for almost four years.
"so we lose a sibling to gain another?! You're sick, first our mother and now Kya, you can't just get rid of her because she's like mother I won't allow it!" Shoto growled, stepping forward and shoving his father who stepped back slightly from the unexpected force. Endeavour felt anger swell in his chest as he whipped his hand back and slapped his son.
Fuyumi and Natsu rushed forward pulling Shoto back. Natsu stepping between them as Fuyumi held her brothers face. Shoto pushed her away and met his fathers piercing glare.
"Kya will be wed tomorrow and nothing will stop it. You can either attend and see your sister off or I will have all three of you locked up until she's wed and gone" He growled, glancing at his children and scoffed before walking away. Shoto tried to run after him but Natsu and Fuyumi grabbed him holding him back as he felt tears prick his eyes, chest heaving.
"what will we do Natsu?" Fuyumi turned to her other brother, eyes teary too as they realised they really couldnt do anything to save their sister. Natsu sighed, rubbing his eyes as he looked to his sister unsure of how to comfort her.
“Where is kya?” Shoto asked, still staring off in the direction their father left in. Fuyumi told Shoto that Kya was in his bedroom and all three siblings left to see you.
Anyways new Bakugou x Reader fic! i love love love barbarian Mha AU especially katsuki fics. Anyways enjoy <3 sorry I changed the prompt of the story
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Polar Opposites - Reader Information/Background
Name - (Your Name)
Nickname - (Your Nickname)
Age - (You are 16 years old in this story as I originally wrote this story as an Zuko x OC)
Gender - (The reader’s gender in this story is female but if you need/want to read it as a male or gender neutral story!)
Occupation - Taking care of the women and children of the tribe along with helping Katara with chores around the village.
Nationality - Southern Water Tribe
Bender or Non-bender - Waterbender
Appearance - (Hair Length) hair in (specific hair style of your choice), blue eyes (I know, I know, normally people just put (e/c) eyes so that you as the reader can just visualize their own eye color, but as the reader is from the Southern Water Tribe as well as Sokka and Katara’s sister I’ve decided to make reader’s eyes blue), tan skin and (body type and build)
Height and Weight - (Your Weight and Height)
Standard clothing: Water Tribe Outfit Other outfits: Earth Kingdom Disguise, Fire Nation Disguises (1 and 2), Casual Water Tribe and Battle Outfit Personality - Likes - Waterbending, hunting, listening to your Grandmother's stories around the campfire, being with your siblings and friends. Dislikes - People threatening you and/or your friends/family (Zuko, Azula and Zhao), When Sokka is being bossy and telling you that since you’re a girl you can’t be a warrior, Being told not to do what you wants (By Sokka), Talents - Waterbending, Hand-to-hand combat, her flexibility, using a bow and arrow, using a knife Hobbies - Meditating, reading, waterbending, sparring with Sokka and Katara (Mostly Katara since she’s a fellow waterbender), Relationships - Family - Katara (little sister), Sokka (younger twin brother), Chief Hakoda (Father), Kya (Mother - Deceased), Kana aka Gran Gran (Grandmother) Friends - Everyone in the Southern Tribe Romantic Interest/s - None yet... Enemies - Basically everyone from the Fire Nation (For now…) Biography - Early Life - You were born in the Southern Water Tribe and are the oldest child and daughter of Chief Hakoda.
Being the oldest of your siblings mean that you’ve always been very protective of your siblings, but after your mom died and your father went off to fight in the war with the rest of the men of the tribe, you became even more protective of them.
Before your mom died, you and Katara were very close to her and your mother gave you her necklace since you’re the oldest child.
When your mother died though… you realized that Katara was taking your mother’s death harder than you were, so you had decided to give the necklace to Katara.
Growing up - Before your dad left to go fight in the war, you had promised him that you’d keep Sokka, Katara and the rest of the village safe to which he knew that you’d keep your promise and do absolutely everything in your power to do so.
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
queen! Ramonda x king! reader
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“Your Highness-”
“King. Do not be afraid to say it.”
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Warnings: ANGST, explicit language, implied homophobia, mentions of misogyny and sexism, character death, gore, mentions of blood, violence, etc, ends in fluff
Word Count: 8.5k+
@percsanej @k3nn3dyxo @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honeyy @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman11 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thvv @mbakuetshurisprincess @honey-teaaaaaaaaa @pinkcorns @takeyakii @yamsthoughtss @thethickersidee @shurisbathwaterr @shurismainbxtch @justariellovee @blackgirlfariyy @chocoflagcutiii @taiiunknownn @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson  @beautybyfire @pinkwrightt @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rosee @saintwrld @ilikegecos @shurismainbxtch @motheroffae @marsolgy @verachiii @shuriszn @playgurlxoxo @ashleighshaw @te-23 @iminlovewithdomandtish @limbozqueen @letitiamyevangeline @youralphawolf72 @biganimeweeb246 @vampzxi
Requested by: @mysteryofthe90s
A/N: Takes place in an AU where Ramonda marries reader instead of T'Chaka. Reader is of a royal bloodline and Wakanda is far less progressive than we see in our movies.
The request was literally just "reader gets kidnapped and Ramonda goes to any lengths to get her back", but of course I had to take that and run with it, but yall, I'm sooo freaking proud of this one and of the work I've been putting out recently. I hope you guys enjoy!
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No greater love story exists than that of Wakanda’s rulers. 
King and Queen.
Bound together since childhood, she didn’t make a move without your hand intertwined with hers. 
She had a calculating young mind, moving about life like a chess piece in a game she was never to lose. 
Truly, Wakanda had no greater ruler than your queen. All the kingdom’s operations, all its policies were in her hands. Behind the scenes, nothing moved unless she did, not even you.
Her bronze eyes fluttered back and forth with apparent boredom. What others thought was her simply blending into the background, you recognized as profound observation. She stood, soaking in the fast-paced words of the elders far quicker than you could have imagined. 
Game plans came to play right before her with everything they tried to throw at you. 
This meeting was truly pointless, and it only called for you, but today was special, and you weren’t about to leave her out of any of the day’s events.
The elders were strategic. One fuck up on your behalf, that’s all it would take for the unforgiving geriatrics. 
“What do you foresee you are to do if the country is unsatisfied with a female as their sole protector?”
She saw the way your brows furrowed at the question. The corners of your mouth barely moved south, just a millimeter or two. You were growing frustrated with the hypotheticals. They’d been throwing them at you for over an hour now and it was taking the patience of a God to keep you respectful. 
You hadn’t ingested the heart-shaped herb yet, and you were sure telepathy wasn’t a power it would bestow on you, though you would see no use for it. King and Queen have been together so long, you’d become one- mind, soul, and body. 
Your pitch-black irises sparkled with fury, settling on her much softer ones. Her brown beauties extinguished the fire within you, even if only for a moment.
Words didn’t even need to be exchanged. You could hear her voice in your head loud and clear, though her lips remained sealed. “Control.”
Control yourself. Walk with grace. Handle your shit. 
The mantra flowed so smoothly through your mind. It was comical, how tired you’d grown of hearing it. She’d been repeating the same words, over and over and over again since you were adolescents. She found no other way to control your temper than that statement, so simple, yet so effective. 
“I do not believe my father left his throne for his daughter to be disrespected on, hm?”
Your distinguished voice led the elders to drop theirs to a mumble. What should have been complete silence at their King speaking were whispers instead. 
“Should’ve been a son-”
You couldn’t pinpoint who had said it. A disadvantage of not yet having the panther-like hearing. 
“And yet, it wasn’t; perks of being an only child. My father was proud to have a daughter, Elder. He brought me up as an heir, so that I may one day take over the mantle, both as king and as Black Panther, so with all due respect, hold your tongue.”
The smile may not have played across her face, but it danced behind her eyes. Your queen was proud; you so often attempted to ignore her when she vocalized what you did not want to hear, but clearly, you’d been listening. You spoke in such a way, the older aged Wakandans winced as though they’d been burned. 
“Your majesty, tradition states that you were to marry and-”
You did marry. She was right there in the room with you with the title of ‘Queen’ having been bestowed upon her for quite some time now.
“I did marry.”
And that was her cue.
With her head held high, the queen made her way across the board, past the onlooking pawns, through the bishops and rooks, not a knight in sight, straight to her place beside her King. 
What a handsome couple the two of you were. Her white dress contrasted deeply with your dark suit, creating a beautiful eyesore. Night and day, black and white, a menacing pair.
Though her head was absent of its crown, she stood beside you poised perfectly as though a line of string ran from her spine to the ceiling, holding it in the straightest of lines. 
“We mean no disrespect to the queen, however-”
They always mean disrespect, regardless of what they said. 
“Then I suggest you quit talking before I get disrespectful.” These closed-minded seniors could get your blood boiling like no other. Your voice wavered with anger, though your Queen’s steady words rang in your ears. “Control, my King.”
A deep breath was all it took for you to continue. “Our country is far more advanced than the small-minded council that attempts to run it. They reacted with enthusiasm when I took the throne after my father’s passing. They welcomed my Queen with open arms. I do not foresee them having a problem with my taking of the Black Panther mantle, just as my father did before me, and his father before him.”
Her hand rested on your shoulder before you could continue. To outside eyes, it was an empty gesture; to you, a hidden “well done.”
“Your Highness-”
“King. Do not be afraid to say it.”
Their hesitation proved that they were indeed, afraid to say it. The council continued to speak, your title not daring to utter from their lips. 
“What are you to do if they are not as welcoming to a female protector as they were to a woman King?”
All heads swiveled when it was not you to answer, but instead your Queen. “Do you see any reason why they would have a problem with it?”
What a funny sight, the view before you. Five ancient leaders, all mouths gaping like fish out of water. 
“Ramonda, the question was directed to the throne holder-”
Rage fueled you to your feet. “You dare speak her name, yet refuse to utter mine?”
Their cowardly forms sat silenced. Ramonda stood behind you, unfazed by your outburst, still standing straight and proud. 
“We are through here. Meeting adjourned.”
Hands intertwined as they always were, you and your Queen made for the door. You were through with this damn council, with these damn elders. How your father put up with it for so long, you had no idea. No wonder he’d rather the ancestors than this-
“Your Majesty, uh, King-” The word was spit from their lips like it hurt. “What are you to do if someone were to challenge you for the title?”
Truth be told, this question sounded more like a threat than a hypothetical. Your steps froze in place, your Queen standing just before you. “I shall fight for my title, council.”
They could hear your footsteps retreating from the room with an echo that could surely be heard across the country.
The giggle she let escape as soon as the throne room doors were closed was far too loud. The queen’s lips were pinned to your cheeks, pecking at your nose, your lips, your forehead.
It broke your hardened exterior, planting a too-wide grin across your cheeks. “Did I handle my shit, my love?”
“Yes, ukumkani wam (my King), you handled your shit.”
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The waters rushing your feet were a good distraction from the loud chanting that came from the crowd of onlookers surrounding you. 
She stood at the front of it, baring a corset far too tight and a face of armor, both of which she’d expressed her hatred for. 
“Will this be long, sithandwa sam? This corset is very uncomfortable, and I’d like to get it off-”
“So long as nobody has the sense to challenge me, my love, this won’t be long, no. Then I can peel that corset off of you myself.”
You hadn't needed to see her cheeks redden to know your words caused her to blush. Even now, though she stood quite a bit away, you knew they burned with the wideness of her smile. 
The rocks beneath you were slick and admittedly hard to walk on. You truly prayed that this would be an unnecessary occasion, one that would go by uneventfully. 
The chanting ceases, producing an eerie silence. Zuri’s voice was booming, his royal purple robes being soaked at the hem due to the rushing waters. You stood, tall and ready, spear in one hand, shield in the other, with lightweight clothing adorning your figure. 
“Victory, in ritual combat, comes by yield, or death! If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne.”
“Yuh!” It was loud and resounding, coming from your furthest left. The members of the tribe ingested the call and threw it back into the crowd. “The Merchant Tribe will not challenge today.”
“Haye! The Border Tribe will not challenge today.”
“Ibombe! The River Tribe will not challenge today!”
Three tribes refused to challenge. Perhaps this would be easy after all.
“Aye! The Mining Tribe will not challenge today!”
Four down- one to go. 
“Mayafa!” His tribe doesn’t take the liberty of repeating him as the other tribes did. A silence passes over all Wakandans present. Your Queen is doing what she does best- observing. 
You can feel the uneasiness present in her bones as your eyes never leave the Jabari warrior. 
“Zakar, what are you doing?” Zuri’s usually thunderous voice is brought down to a whisper. He can’t hide the shock that rings in his words. 
“It is Challenge Day; and I, Zakar of the Jabari Tribe, wish to challenge for the throne.”
Gasps and murmurs sprinkle across the crowd. Between your pulled-together brows are anger and surprise as well. Even your calculating Queen seems thrown off. 
Zakar was nothing more than a muscle man with an ape-like brain to match his ape-like proportions. 
If it was a challenge he wanted, a challenge he would get. 
All eyes were on you as you stepped toward the brute. Shoulders squared and chest out, you stood as your father taught you to. “I accept.”
“My King-”
Bast-bless Zuri. His worry for you was not very well hidden beneath his aging features. He’d surely watched your father through his own Challenge Day, standing amongst him as a friend more than a mentor and it would be your will that he stand beside your own son or daughter for theirs as well.
“It is okay, Zuri.” His hands squeezed yours with a passing gesture as you stepped toward your newfound enemy. 
Nose-to-nose and eye-to-eye; Zakar showed no signs of intimidation. His breath was hot, his nostrils flared, and a disgusting grin plastered across his face. “Well, Princess?”
“King,” you corrected. “I am your King. And I accept.”
Ramonda’s breath caught in her throat. 
His facial armor was replaced and a weapon identical to yours was thrown into his hands. 
Your eyes wandered to his primate-like shape. He and you would have surely trained in different weight classes. His reach was much larger than yours and it would take quite a few hits to get him down. You didn’t want to have to impale him to get him to yield. 
You were sure, though, that he would not show you the same mercy. That spear of his weapon would pierce your flesh with no mercy and you’d be damned if you were to die in front of your Queen in such a brutal way. 
Someone grabbed her hand, but she wasn’t sure who. Everything around her went blurry, fading into a mess of colors. Ramonda’s only focus was you. 
How dare you accept such a challenge? The two of you hadn’t spoken of you fighting today and for you to just go and accept it- You were going to die. Zakar wouldn’t hold back; the larger man’s strength was what yours wished to be. He was going to kill you, for sure. 
How dare you take the chance to drop dead in front of your Queen?
The Dora Milaje and Jabari Warriors barely had time to take their stances before the blunt end of Zakar’s spear came swinging toward you. 
The ugliest sound echoed through the waterfall as your shield just barely saved your fate. His quick actions confirmed what you already knew- He would not be playing fair. 
Ramonda could feel every muscle in her body tense. She so badly wanted to jump in, to help you, save you, fight with you. You more often than not trained together; she was just as skilled as you were. 
And had it not been for the strange hand squeezing hers, she probably would have. 
Every swing, every jab, she followed. She waited, breathing ceased, for you to take the upper hand. His spear swung hard to your left, so you dodged right. He came at you with his shield, so you retreated. You couldn’t even pick up your own weapon, too busy escaping his. 
The edge of the waterfall grew closer and closer. The rocks beneath you held no grip and exhaustion filled your lungs. 
Zakar’s patience was dwindling. “Stop running, Princess.” 
Princess. That’s all you would be to them. A princess beneath her father, the true king. A princess who was handed the title and did not earn it. You were still that little girl adorned with bows and lace, and not Wakanda’s king who would bear the crown proudly. 
The elders saw it, Zakar and the Jabari saw it, hell you wondered if your people saw it as well. You didn’t have time to meet your Queen’s gaze, though you could feel it stuck on you. She was watching; she was always watching. 
Ramonda was watching, counting on you, rooting for you. She saw you as Princess and now she sees you as King. 
The flesh on your arm burned as Zakar’s spear sliced it open. The ivory color of your bone peeked through. It was the arm that gripped your weapon and it nearly buckled out of your hand. The breath was knocked straight out of your lungs when he followed up with a fist to your gut. Your scream pierced the air, fueling Ramonda’s body forward as yours fell to its knees. Several hands attached to several invisible bodies held her back, though they could not hold her tongue. “Sithandwa sam! Sithandwa sam-”
“I will give you a moment before I finish you, princess. Address your wife.”
Your eyes fluttered upward, vision blurry and hazed as it rested upon your Queen. “M-Mondie-”
Her loose curls bounced to and fro. No nicknames, no affection. Maybe later, but not now. 
“Zilawule, sithandwa sam!”
Control yourself, my love. 
Your gaze bore into her distressed features. Your lids were heavy and your arm hurt like hell, as did your ribs. 
“Hamba ngobabalo!”
Walk with grace.
Your head fell, eyes filling with tears that fell into the waters beneath you. 
“Ndijonge (Look at me) Y/n!”
“Ndijonge, sithandwa sam,” she begged, much softer. 
Your gaze was drawn away from the rushing waters and back onto your wife. 
“Phatha ikaka yakho.”
Handle your shit.
“I am your Queen, my love! That is an order.”
Every damn thing hurt when your injured arm moved to pierce the rocks under you. Your legs were shaky, barely able to hold your weight.
Zakar’s chuckle was booming. “You attempt to get up, girl? Fine, then. I’ll just knock you right back down.”
“Remind me to have you banished for the way you speak to your King, Zakar.”
“Banishment will not be possible when you are with the ancestors. Just ask your father-” 
Had he said it loud enough for everyone to hear, they’d surely react the same way you had. 
The roar that came from you was ugly, followed by the crumbling sound of Zakar’s mask as your spear came in contact with it. Your backhand swing had been too quick for him to foresee and the clay mask shielding his face broke into many pieces as it fell into the water. 
The headache that would plague him tonight would be one from hell. Your foot came in contact with his chest, barely knocking him back with the first kick, but succeeding on the second one. Thank Bast for the slippery rocks that you stood on; there was no way you’d have been able to get him down otherwise. 
His large body hit the ground hard and you could see the anger flickering behind his eyes. The blunt end of your spear almost broke with the force you used to shove it into his shoulder. You were prepared to pop the bone right out of its joint.
“Yield, Zakar.”
He stayed silent, stare never leaving you. Your weapon dug further into his aching body.
“Yield. I can not let you up unless you do, because I am certain you will not let me live, and if that is the case-”
Your spear flips, drawing the sharp end into his flesh instead. “If that is the case, Zakar, then I can not let you live.”
It feels as though the entire kingdom of Wakanda is holding its breath. Slowly, the sharp weapon sunk further and further, disappearing within his tissue. His face was contorted with pain, teeth-baring a grimace. “Yield, Zakar, before you bleed out!”
His eyes were animalistic, his voice low enough so only you could hear. “Is that not what you want?”
Zakar gave you no chance to answer. “I yield.”
In unison, everyone in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief. You felt a weight lift from your shoulders and nodded a ‘thank you’ to the warrior on the ground. “Take a deep breath.”
He did and in that same breath, remained silent as you pulled the spear from his shoulder. Zuri rushed over as the Jabari tribe picked their leader up from the ground. 
The pendant that your father wore on his challenge day, and his father before him was heavy, adorned with panther teeth as it hung around your neck. Your right hand was lifted into the air, fist up as Zuri’s deep voice declared “Y/N Y/L/N, King of Wakanda, and the Black Panther!”
Louder than any other screams and cheers was Ramonda, leading the chant, fist-pumping into the air. 
The chambers that held the heart-shaped herb were way too hot and way too dark. You wanted nothing more than to be in the presence of your Queen, your Mondie, promising that she’d be awaiting your return from the ancestral planes. 
You couldn’t ignore the impending feeling of doom as you lay down, arms crossed over your chest in a salute. The herbal drink had been prepared and it was your move as to what happened next. Zuri stood above you, placing the bowl to your lips as he spoke. 
“Allow the heart-shaped herb to bestow the powers of The Black Panther and take you to the ancestral plane.” The drink was bitter and burned like liquor as you swallowed. Convulsions wrecked your body as your system digested it.
“Azzuri, we call on you. Come here, to your daughter.”
The sand. That was the part you dreaded the most. It began to cover your body and you inhaled deep, thankful to breathe while you still could. Everything became muffled when the first grains hit your face. 
“Praise the ancestors,” Zuri’s voice was barely above a whisper. 
Everything was dark.
The gasp that came from you was desperate, as though you’d been drowning. Dirt surrounded you, and you willed your eyes to adjust to the low light. 
The garden you sat in was familiar. You hadn’t been in it in quite a while, but you’d never forgotten its layout. You stood, allowing the white garment you were clothed in to flow around you. 
It was instinctual, the way your feet led you to a bench in the far corner, concealed with desert roses and blue lilies. It wasn’t a surprise to see your usual place already occupied.
The gentleman wasn’t as old as he should have been to leave this life. He was dressed in white clothes of his own with a gentle smile greeting you as you approached.
“Baba-” You sat next to him, in disbelief that you could see him again, so alive, though he wasn’t.
“Uyenzile (You did it), intombazana yakho (my daughter).”
Your smile was bright, though your eyes were dull with the tears that threatened to spill. “I did it, Baba.”
“You are King.”
“I am King.” It hurt to get the words out. It was the only time you’d said it and truly fucking meant it. 
His shoulder pushed into yours, joy prevalent in his features. “Who did you have to fight, hmm? Who dared challenge the daughter of Azzuri?”
“Nobody at first. Then the Jabari made their entrance-”
Just as quickly as it came, his smile was gone. “The Jabari? Zakar?”
Your head bobbed. “Zakar.”
“Are you- were you hurt?”
You couldn’t look at him and tell him you’d gotten injured. You attempted to pivot the conversation instead. “I did it, baba.”
He wasn’t swayed. Your father was too smart a man. “Be careful, y/n/n.”
“Be careful? Of what? I won. I am King, I am The Black Panther; he can not challenge me again.”
His head hung, shaking slowly. “Tradition says he can not challenge you again.”
“As it says, then it shall be!”
“Ukususela nini, intomba (Since when, daughter)?”
Your silence failed to satisfy him. 
“Tradition says that when your mother and I had you, we were to conceive again, for a son, an heir.”
You didn’t want to hear him.
“Tradition says that when I died, you were to marry a man, and he was to be king.”
You didn’t want to listen.
“Tradition says that he- your husband- was to be the Black Panther.”
He knelt in front of you, grasping your hands in his own and squeezing tight. His hold on you caught you both off guard; neither of you could have fathomed a second chance at a moment like this. 
“You have broken tradition since you came out of the womb, y/n, my girl. And I am so proud of you for it. Wakanda needed to progress, and you-” His hand released yours, gently holding your cheek instead. “You are exactly what this country needs.”
Tears fall down your cheeks at your father’s hold. You embraced it, knowing that after this, you’d never feel it again. “Am I truly meant to be King, baba?”
“Have I not raised you so?”
Your bottom lip curled back into your mouth and your head nodded ever so slightly. “But heed my warning, my girl. Zakar will not take lightly being bested in front of the country, especially not by a woman. Especially not by my daughter.”
Your brows pulled together into a focused furrow. “I’ll be careful.”
His lips press to your forehead gently. “I know you will do wonderful things. You were born to do wonderful things.”
He stood and began to retreat. You panicked when his hand left yours, not ready to say goodbye again. “W-wait, Baba. Don’t go-”
“Eh? Y/n, what have I taught you?”
“Y-you said you’d never leave me, but-”
“And have I?”
Your hands outstretched to beckon the unfamiliar world around you. “What would you call this, Baba?”
His steps grew closer to you and his fingers lightly pierced your chest. “I have not left you. I am here.” His hands moved to your temple. “And here.” They moved once more to cup your face. “And here. You look just like me, you know.”
“Now go. Rule your kingdom.”
“Baba,” You hated the way your voice sounded, so whiny and helpless. “Ndiyakuthandana (I love you).”
He was fading away fast and you could feel yourself being pulled back to reality. His words were so faint, you thought you’d imagined hearing it. “Ndiyakuthandana, my girl.”
Zuri’s face was filled with worry when you shot up from beneath the sand, gasping in the dusty air that surrounded you. “Are you alright?”
You accepted the hand he was offering you, using it to stand. “Never bury me alive again.”
Night fall crept on the Wakandan horizon and Ramonda’s usually still mind was flooding with unease. The hem of her skirt swept the palace floors as she wandered aimlessly. 
It was such a large space for just the two of you and without you there, it was so quiet. Dora stood at every outbound door and while they shared her polite smiles, they didn’t speak. 
It had been hours since Zuri swept you away for the ancestral planes and while Ramonda was uncertain how long the private ceremony would take, something didn’t feel right about the seven hours you’d been gone. 
She was an hour into her mindless stroll down the same halls of the royal residence before it was abruptly interrupted. 
“My Queen, are you alright?”
Had they not spoken, Ramonda would have run them over. She blinked slowly, taking in the figure before her. She hated to admit she recognized neither the face nor the voice, yet she did recognize the armor; red and gold with beautiful neckplates and shoulder pads to match.
“General- I apologize, I didn’t see you there-” Her words are steady through the nerves that shake her being. 
“It’s alright. Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you alright, your Majesty?”
Hesitation almost silenced the Queen. How would it appear that she be so disheveled and muddled?
But she needed help. There were many royal customs that were foreign to her and she had no way to navigate them. 
“General, has my wife returned from the ancestral planes yet?”
The worry Ramonda tried so hard to shove down resurfaced when the General’s face contorted to a look of confusion. “She left the planes hours ago. She was making her way back toward the palace last I saw of her.”
Ramonda’s legs almost gave out underneath her, but the composure she held was truly that of a Queen. “S-she left-”
“Has she not returned, your Majesty?”
Ramonda’s head just swayed back and forth.
The General was quick to turn on her heel with a brisk walk that the Queen struggled to keep up with.
“Qokelela (Gather)!” 
A sea of red poured into the halls, all heading toward the throne room. Dora Milaje, all with their spears drawn and their steps nimble. They were surprised to see the white crown among the swarm of bobbing bald heads. 
The throne room scarcely seemed large enough for the bodies that rapidly filled it. In the forefront stood the General and their Queen, heads held high through the dread that sank to the pit of their stomachs like cement. 
The Dora General was silent, awaiting Ramond’s orders. All eyes were on her and it was a feeling she was unsure she’d ever get used to. 
A deep breath steadied the rapid drumming of her heartbeat. Control yourself.
“General, around what time did you see my wife returning home?”
“1300 hours, your Majesty.”
“It’s going on 2200 hours now, ladies. I’m hoping this is just an overreaction, but really, I’m not sure. Go to the grounds, the tribes, the herbal garden, search even the castle. Bring my King home, please.” Walk with grace.
With a harsh tap of their spears on the stone floor, the room empties just as quickly as it filled. Only the General and the Queen remain and Ramonda feels the deep breath she was holding finally release. 
“Your Majesty-”
Many coily curls frame the young royal’s face and they bounce when her head shaked to and fro. “I will have to grow used to being called that as well, hm?”
“I believe so.”
“You won’t just call me Ramonda if I asked you to, will you?”
The smile that plays on the General’s face is sympathetic and she can see the idea form in the Queen’s mind before she even says it. 
“General, I am just Ramonda. Call me Ramonda.”
Pearly white teeth shine behind her dark smile. “Queen Ramonda, I am Esi. Call me Esi.”
“Esi, are you the first friend I have made here?”
“If so, then I am honored to be.” With a bow of her head, she begins to walk off, but not before Ramonda calls her back.
“Esi, bring me Zuri, please. And keep me updated. Once I have finished speaking with him, I will be joining you and your army in the search.”
“We’ve got the search covered-”
“I have no doubt that you do. However, I will be joining you regardless. I’m bringing my wife home.”
Zuri hadn’t expected to be awoken in the dead of the night, nor was he expecting the Queen of Wakanda to be awaiting his arrival.
“Your Majesty,” both of her hands fit in his like a glove and his tight squeeze is full of compassion. “What is the matter?”
Ramonda doesn't appear to be a spouse in distress. Every feeling of fear, or doubt or dread was unreadable on her features. “Zuri, my friend. Where is my wife?”
“Y/n? Is she not here?”
“She is not. She never returned from the herbal gardens-”
The older gentleman’s head shakes in disbelief. “She did. She had to have returned; where else could she be?”
“That is what I am trying to find out.”
A beat of silence passes between the two, unspoken thoughts swarming their minds. 
“Zuri-” The Queen hesitates, knowing that what she is about to ask is such a personal question. “Do you know who she saw? When she went to the ancestral planes?”
His nod is slow and sad. He can never hide how much he misses his old friend and Ramonda knows the answer before he even speaks it. “Baba?”
“Azzuri, yes.”
“Was it- Did she say anything about it? Did anything happen that would cause her to run away for any reason?”
“Not that she mentioned. You know how that girl was with her father; I can not foresee it having been a bad encounter.”
Ramonda is silent. It was a stretch that you would have willingly not return to her, but your genius Queen had to dot all her I’s and cross all her T’s.
“She did repeat something he told her-”
Ramonda was all ears, focused in on every word Zuri spoke. “What did she say?”
“He told her to watch her back. That Zakar wouldn’t take too lightly to having been defeated by her.”
An insincere chuckle left Ramonda’s lips. It was an ugly sound as anger flooded her body. The corner of her lips curled into a grisly pucker and Zuri scanned her face, interpreting her reaction.
“You suspected Zakar, didn’t you?”
“I did, however, as Queen, I can not go throwing around false accusations.”
“Is it a false accusation if you know it to be true?”
A sad smile looks so out of place on Ramonda’s mouth. 
“Zuri, you know how this works even better than I. I have no proof to accuse Zakar and I can not start a civil war with the Jabari that she will have to clean up when she returns.”
“If she stays in the hands of Zakar, that when will become an if.”
The cloak covering the Queen’s shoulders floats to the floor with a slight shrug. The crown atop her head is removed and underneath, her bountiful curls are braided tightly against her scalp. She’s stood aside long enough, talked long enough. Thoughts of bringing you home were all that played through her mind and the mountainside home of the Jabari tribe was her destination.
“I will not let that when become an if, old friend.”
Handle your shit.
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She’d never stepped foot in the land of the Jabari before and was illprepared for the snow that coated the ground and the below zero temperatures. She realized it foolish to have come alone, and had she been in her right headspace, she would have realized it sooner. 
Eyes of the Jabari watched her from every direction and the entrance to a cave drew closer and closer. It was guarded well, by bulky men whose faces were concealed by gorilla masks. The opening of the cavern was blocked off as she approached.
“I need to see Zakar.” Though her body shivered from the cold temperatures, her voice remained steady and firm. The men didn’t budge. 
“Zakar is not taking any visitors. He is healing.”
Had smoke been able to come out of her ears in a cartoonish fashion, Ramonda was sure it would have. Her composure did not sway, nor did her expression change. “I need to see Zakar.”
One of the men bent to the Queen’s height, meeting her eye-to-eye. Her knees didn’t buckle and her gaze didn’t dare look away. “What did I just tell you?”
Ramonda’s set to respond, hell, she’s set to exile the whole damn tribe. A faceless voice breaks the tension between the two; the voice she’s there to see. 
“Let her in.”
It would have been a childish thing had she stuck her tongue out at the bruly warrior as he stepped aside to let her in, so she refrained. Instead, she walked through the wall of broad men, straight to the wide throne that held their awful leader. 
His thick brows were deep set on his eyes, weighing heavy on his face and his left arm and midsection sported a collection of white bandages. 
He didn’t look thrilled to see her and she mirrored the feeling. “My Queen,” 
How disgusting it sounded coming from his mouth. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Your calculating Queen stood silent for a moment, scanning the room around her. It was cold, so fucking cold, with icy stares to match. Every corner held a warrior, equipt with armor and weapons. She couldn’t help but wonder if that was the norm or if it was only due to her company.
“Zakar-” She hated how his name tasted, rolling across her tongue. “I think thanks are in order.”
“For what?”
“For giving us quite the eventful day. My wife couldn’t just take the throne that was rightfully hers and go about her way, hm? You had to step in and give us a challenge.”
“You are thanking me for getting my ass beat in front of the entire kingdom? And by a princess?”
Ramonda’s jaw was hardset and it took every ounce of control within her body to respond respectfully. “King. Your King.”
When Zakar stood, Ramonda couldn’t help the slight intimidation she felt at the way he towered over her. Her body took a step back without her permission and she cursed herself for it. 
“My king would have balls, your majesty-”
“It is common to want in a leader what we cannot have ourselves-”
Zakar laughed at her rebuttal and it angered the Queen. He continued as though she hadn’t even spoken. “You see me as the villain in your little happily ever after, but that is not the case. It is the other way around, honestly. You and your wife come in and shake up tradition, age old tradition. Excuse me for trying to put things back the way they should be.”
“Who is to say that is the right way and my way is wrong?”
Hmm, Zakar’s deep voice rumbles the entire cave. “Why have you come here, your Majesty?”
“I have reason to believe you have something that belongs to me.”
“Are you accusing me of thievery?” At his words, the Jabari soldiers in the room draw their weapons across their chests, armed and ready.
Your wife is quiet, choosing her next words carefully. Before she can get them off her tongue, Zakar speaks once more. “Let’s say I do have something of yours; I suggest you act tactically. You want this thing back in the same condition that I received it, do you not?”
That’s all she needed. That was enough proof, hell, it was a whole fucking confession. 
Ramonda stepped toward the gorilla-like man, not caring of the weapons that were pointed at her. 
“Unlike my wife, Zakar, I will not hesitate to kill you.”
Her words were so low, the brutish man barely even caught them. His eyes were dark and angry when the Queen pulled away and began to retreat further into the snow, toward the cave entrance once more. 
“Leaving so soon, your Majesty?”
Ramonda’s middle finger was pointed to the sky, directed straight to the Jabari leader as her back stayed turned to him.
The sound of her name bouncing off the stone palace walls caught her off guard. She hadn’t heard it be called in such a way since childhood. 
Her entire body swiveled to see Esi running straight toward her, anger dancing across her features.
“You’ve finally referred to me by my name-”
“You went to the Jabari tribe, alone?”
Ramonda winced at the General’s tone of voice. Her scolding was loud enough for outside listeners to pick up. “I did-”
“What were you thinking? They could have killed you-”
“They have her, Esi.”
Esi’s sigh was annoyed, her eye roll expectant. “Yes, your Majesty, we know that.”
The Queen didn’t have time to focus on the formal terms she and the General seemed to be back on. “You know?”
“We know. We have dozens of Dora surrounding their borders as we speak. We’re trying to find an in without jeapordizing her safety. We still do not know where in the land they are keeping her, though we assume its close to Zakar so that he may keep tabs-”
“Let me take lead on this-”
It would not have been possible for Esi to control the surprise that overtook her at the Queen’s declaration. “Let you what? No! Absolutely not-”
“She’s my wife, Esi-”
“And she is our King-”
“She’s my wife! Damned with your king, she is my wife, and I need her home.”
Ramonda was becoming emotional. The day’s events were catching up with her, as was the reality that you were laying cold somewhere in his midst, hurt or worse.
“Ramonda,” Esi’s voice was soft, her gentle hands grazing the Queen’s forearms. “We are trained for this; willing to die for this. We can not let you-”
“Esi, I hope you can still consider us friends after this.”
“After what-?”
“I am stripping you of your title as General. Step down. That is a direct order-”
“I am appointing myself General and-”
Tears swam behind Esi’s lids. “Your Majesty-”
Ramonda grabbed Esi’s hands and held them. She needed a deep breath to continue, fighting back tears of her own. “I will reinstate you, my friend. I am sorry, but I-” Her voice broke, and with the grace of a true Queen, she continued. “I must bring my wife home.”
The Dora Milaje stood in salute, awaiting instructions from their new General. Ramonda stood before them, silent with Esi on her right, face set hard with an emotion impossible to read. 
“The Jabari have Y/n.” This wasn’t new information to anyone in the room; they didn’t stir. Ramonda continued.
“We’re bringing her home, by any means necessary. We have suspicions she is being kept either in or just outside Zakar’s throne room. It is a cave covered in snow and ice and flooded with Jabari warriors who are just as willing to die for this as we are.”
Her eyes searched through the crowd. Staring back at her were various hues of brown, all armed, all ready. 
“We’ve already got the border surrounded; they know we’re coming and what we’re coming for. Get her out, alive.” The stress she put on that last word didn’t do justice for how much she meant it. Alive was the only option.
“Get me as close to Zakar as you can. I do not care if he gets out of this alive or dead; I will distract the ape man while you locate and retrieve the king. Understood?”
“My Queen,” Esi’s voice is quiet and still holds the authority it did before her title was stripped from her. “Aren’t we to get you out alive as well?”
The words were hard to get out, but Ramonda knew she meant them. “Get her out, alive,” she repeated. “If the King has been located and retrieved, then retreat.”
“Your Majesty-”
Ramonda’s clenched teeth were bared, displaying the force it took for her to echo herself. “Retreat.”
Nobody dared question her again and with a quick nod and cross of her arms, the Queen was satisfied. “Masihambe (Let’s go).”
It seemed as though the mountainside had grown colder since Ramonda was last there just hours ago. The Dora Milaje marched in step behind her, Esi at her side. The cave entrance was just before them, and it was blocked off completely. Jabari men and women stood, shutting off the cavern to the outside world and they didn’t budge when Ramonda approached. 
Nobody spoke, not a single word uttered. Their curved staff mirrored that of their leaders and they seemed angsty, ready for a good fight. 
“Shukuma (Move).” Ramonda’s voice was loud and declarative and still, they stayed. 
A voice even louder boomed over the brigade of bodies. “Let the woman through.”
Zakar’s men move at his command, but not before one of them tries to be ballsy. His staff swings for Ramonda’s head, just missing clipping her scalp before his weapon falls to the ground with a clank. The Queen turns just in time to see the spear of a young Dora fly through his thigh.
She can’t hold back her gasp when the large body drops to the ground, crying out in pain. Everyone is frozen, awaiting the move of another. The Jabari warriors let the weight of what just happened sit on their shoulders for a moment before preparing to attack. Another readies his staff to swing, preparing to rip the girl’s head straight off her body, but Zakar’s words keep him in place.
“Yibambe simile (Hold off).”
His men recollect themselves, reestablishing their blockage of entry to the cave. 
“Yiza,” His command is directed at Ramonda now, and she continues her trek to his throne. 
“Your Majesty, I was trying very hard to be nice. But you align your army at my borders, push your way into my home, and injur one of my men.” He rises from the wooden seat, staff ready in his uninjured hand. “I do not take very kindly to that.”
Ramonda doesn’t speak. Her eyes are on his movements, his actions. He’s slower to move on his injured side, which makes sense. It’s the side you impaled and he hadn’t allowed himself enough time to heal before starting shit with your kingdom. 
His right side, however, is much stronger; she has to guess it’s his dominant side. And though he may be damaged on the left, he had a room full of people to make up for his handicap. 
Realistically, it’s too many people. She’s unsure if the large army is due to the impending threat looming over everyone present, but it still wouldn’t make sense. They’re all huddled around his throne, not spread about where they could be more useful.
She takes a closer look at the large seat that Zakar refused to leave unattended. It was wide and tall, which wasn’t unusual, because of his size and stature. But why leave a wooden chair guarded?
Your Queen truly was a genius. It didn’t take her long to figure it out and when she did, it took everything she had to remain expressionless. 
“I do not take very kindly to kidnapping, Zakar.”
“There you go, making empty accusations again-”
The spear in Ramonda’s hand is itching to take out the gorilla man’s other shoulder. “I am not willing to play mind games with you, indoda embi (ugly man). Is this really something you wish to do? Cut the Jabari off from Wakandan resources and protection? Risk the greatest country in the world turning against you?”
“What good is the greatest country in the world if it is run by imbecils whom are incapable of-”
“What makes me incapable? What makes my wife incapable?”
The brute man is silenced.
“You and the elders of this country are so focused on what we have between our legs, more so than the minds we have. We have shown you no reason to doubt us, and yet you do because we are women? I thought we were supposed to be more progressive as a nation than that.”
Zakar is flustered, unable to find the right words and vocalize them.
“Tradition states-”
“To hell with tradition!”
“That is your problem, your Majesty-”
“Thula (Be quiet), Zakar.”
Silence once again. Zakar is frozen in place as Ramonda takes timid steps toward him and his throne. 
“To hell with your misogynistic, sexist, homophobic traditions. This is my kingdom now.”
She gets closer, ignoring the staffs drawn and pointing at her from every direction. 
“This is our kingdom now.”
The sharp end of her spear is pointed to the wooden throne. Ramonda has no doubt that the thick wood will give way with a stab or two of her vibranium weapon, but she’s worried. She doesn’t know how far underneath the piece you are and she doesn’t want to risk stabbing you. 
It’s a chance she’s going to have to take.
“This is our kingdom now!”
The first hit cracks the wood and debris fly back at her. The Jabari warriors surrounding the piece prepare themselves to swing at the Queen, but their hesitation is their downfall. The Dora outnumber them by hundreds and it only takes a second for their staffs to be pressed against their windpipes, holding them in place and out of Ramonda’s way. 
“This is our kingdom now, and we shall make new traditions!”
The second swing of the sharp object shatters the wood and splinters take the air. Zakar wasn’t expecting the throne to breakaway. His thick staff coming in contact with your Queen’s thigh release the gut-wrenching sound of bones crunching. 
Just as quick as he was able to get his hands on her, they hit the flood with a disgusting squelch. The bright crimson of his blood shines on the fresh white snow and his scream causes the entire cave to shake on its foundation. 
Where his hands once were are gorey blood and flesh. Esi’s spear is covered in the same blood that spurts from his body. 
You’re curled up in a hole underneath the space where Zakar’s throne once sat. Ramonda’s heart breaks to see you in the fetal position, unconscious and unresponsive. 
Her breath catches in her chest as she watches, waiting for yours to rise and fall. It does, but it’s so slow, that she worries it won’t continue for long.
It’s an agonizing pain, one that travels through her very being, trying to stand on her now broken leg. Her spear is used more as a crutch as she hobbled over to the giant, brought to his knees. 
“W-What did you do to her?”
He doesn’t respond. 
“Answer me, Zakar!”
Esi’s still-bloody spear digs into the side of his neck, just enough to draw a fresh cut. “Unless you want your head to roll with your hands, I suggest you answer your Queen.”
His voice is strained when it finally speaks. “I did nothi-”
“Lies! She is lying here, unconscious! What did you do?” Esi’s anger mirrors Ramonda’s.
She turns back to your body, lying so still and quiet and the hole full of ice that you lay in. Her calculating mind goes to work once more. “Wait, Esi. Zakar, did she take the heart-shaped herb before you took her?”
“Took sounds so harsh-”
Esi’s spear presses deeper, drawing a steady flow of blood, causing the big man to change his words. “Y-yes, she had already taken it.”
“So she already had the powers of the Black Panther?”
Ramonda nods, a sigh of relief escaping her. “She’s in hibernation.”
“Hibernation? Your Majesty, you’re telling me that if our protector experienced too-cold temperatures, then she’s down for the count?”
“No, Esi, not usually, but she’s been buried in a box full of ice.”
“Is she okay?”
“She will be,” Ramonda’s head points to you, her beloved, still curled into yourself. “Yiza,” she commands. 
While your army come and retrieve you from your frozen slumber, Ramonda hops over to a still-kneeling Zakar. She drops until they’re face-to-face, thankful to relieve some of the pain radiating through her leg. 
“I should have had them kill you.”
“Then why don’t you?”
Ramonda is hushed. Why doesn’t she? He shattered her leg, took you prisoner-
“I don’t know, to be honest.”
Zakar’s eyes are filled with surprise as he drags them upward to gaze at the Queen sitting before him. He’s even more surprised to see hers full of empathy. 
“Come back to the palace with us. We have a lab, filled with doctors who can fix you and your injured men-”
“Why should I accept your help?”
“What other choice do you have?”
The sound of your voice is truly melodious to Ramonda. Her head spins and if her leg weren’t shattered, she would have run right to you. 
Your words were shaky as your body tried to regulate its temperatures. Dora surrounded you, wrapping you in the garments of their winter wear and as you stood on unsteady legs, they moved with you, every step. 
“You ought to be thankful of my wife, for showing you mercy. Had it been the other way around, I would have let Esi behead you.”
Her snicker could be heard from her place behind the Jabari leader. Ramonda’s eyes were on you and they refused to leave, too afraid you’d leave her presence again. 
“If you do not accept her offer to be patched up, you’ll surely bleed out here, will you not?”
He didn’t respond and you bent beside your Queen, lowering yourself to his level.
“Zakar, as beautiful as this red looks, contrasting with the white snow, I believe it best you accept.”
“Well, unlucky for you, to have a stubborn King. Aye,” You called out to your army, awaiting their attention. “Mthathe (Take him), and his injured men too. Esi, notify the lab that we’re on our way.”
Ramonda was all too grateful when you scooped her into your arms, bridal style. Her arms fell into place wrapped around your neck and you held her close, tight, too afraid to let her go. 
“My Queen,” you greeted softly, rubbing the tip of your nose to hers. 
“My love,” the tears she’d been holding back for far too long finally spilled over and her hands moved to cup your face, pulling you close. 
“I see you handled your shit, sithandwa.”
Ramonda’s chuckle was full of relief and my god, it was such a beautiful sound to hear. 
“Yes, my love. I handled my shit.”
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bbkissme99 · 4 months
Iroh II recs
Iroh II x Y/N: A Wholesome Love Story
Oh Baby- General Iroh II x Reader drabble
welcome home. (iroh ii x f!reader)
Imagine having morning tea with General Iroh II
Reader is sue beifongs eldest daughter and iroh has always liked her but y/n being headstrong needs a little nudge from friends and family
general iroh and kya’s daughter wedding piece
melzula’s masterlist pt. 2 ☆
Kinktober HC
shower sex
trick or treat
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crybabylulu · 20 days
Favorite Girl
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: just a normal day for you and Linny
I was bringing Linny her lunch today. As I walked into the building I looked around to see if I could find Mako or Bolin just to say hi but I didn’t see either of them. “Is there something that I can help you with?” Someone asked. “Oh no thank you.” I said. “You sure, you look a little lost sweetheart.” He said. “No, I'm ok.” I said and made my way to Lin’s office. I knocked and waited for her permission to enter. “Come in.” She said and I entered. When I walked in I noticed Korra and Kya. “Hey guys.” I said. “Hey sweetie, how are you?” Kya asked and gave me a hug. “I’m good, how are you?” I asked and hugged her back. “I’m good.” Kya said.
Korra and I hugged. “You brought your girlfriend some lunch?” Kya asked. “Yes I did.” I said. “Ooo what did you make?” Korra asked as she tried to look into the bag I brought. I playfully swatted her hands. “Get out, this isn’t for you.” I said. “Lin can share.” Korra said. “Korra let’s go. We don’t need to ruin these lovebirds lunch time.” Kya said and grabbed Korra. “Bye korra.” I said and waved goodbye as she got dragged out by Kya. “You ready to have lunch?” I asked Lin. Lin nodded and sat on the couch and pulled me into her lap.
“Why were Korra and Kya here?” I asked. “Kya was giving Korra and I an update about some officers that had to go into the hospital this morning.” Lin said. “What happened?” I asked. “Robbery gone wrong.” Lin said. “Are your offices ok?” I asked. “Yes they are, just simple flesh wounds.” Lin said. I nodded. As we started eating I thought about Mako and Bolin. “Are the boys ok?” I asked. “What?” Lin asked. “Your son and Bolin, are they ok? I didn’t see them when I came in.” I said. “They’re fine. They weren’t a part of the group that got hurt, they weren’t even there.” Lin said.
“Oh ok.” I said. “They are just fine. Don’t worry.” Lin said. “Good, I was worried.” I said. Lin nodded. Once we finished lunch we kissed goodbye and I made my way to the front where I saw Mako waiting for me. “Come on let’s get you home.” He told me. “Where were you earlier?” I asked. “Lots and lots of paperwork.” Mako sighed. “You poor thing.” I said as we walked back to the apartment. “Oh I have to show you something! I can’t believe I haven’t shown you this yet.” I said as I dragged Mako back into the apartment and went to go find Tofu. I grabbed the stuffed animal off the bed and showed it to him.
“This is me and your moms daughter. Her name is Detective Tofu Noodle and you are her big brother.” I said and let Mako hold the badger mole. “This is kinda cool but also I’m surprised mom let you do this.” Mako said. “Your mother doesn’t have a choice, she loves me.” I said. “She spoils you.” Mako said. We laughed and then he left. I skimmed the bookshelf and found the book that Lin was reading to me while I was in the bath. I decided to grab it then sit on the couch and read. As I read I could hear every word in Lin’s voice. I should get her to read to me again. I read until it was time for me to cook dinner.
I placed a bookmark in the book then closed it and went off to the kitchen. Before I could start cooking I heard the front door open. “Linny?” I asked. “Yes hon it’s me.” Lin said. “I didn’t expect you to be home so early.” I said. “I wanted to come home and see my favorite girl.” Lin said. Oh there goes my heart. “I’m your favorite girl?” I asked. “Oh no I was talking about Tofu.” Lin said. I know she fucking didn’t just say that. “I’m not cooking anymore.” I said and walked out of the kitchen. “Oh honey come on. I was just joking.” Lin said. “No no you want Tofu right, well here she is,” I picked up Tofu off the couch and gave her to Lin.
“Baby.” Lin said. “No no no this is your baby right here.” I said and pointed at Tofu. “No you’re my baby.” Lin said and pulled me towards her. “No I'm not. I’m not your favorite girl nor your baby.” I said and pulled away. “You are my baby and my favorite girl.” Lin said. I turned to her then stuck out my tongue. “You’re such a brat.” Lin said. “I’m your brat.” I said. “Yes you are my brat.” Lin said then kissed my head. “Will you read to me?” I asked her. “Right now?” Lin asked. “After dinner and our shower.” I said. “Ok.” Lin said. I smiled then went back to the kitchen.
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Hey! I hope you're doing great, i waned to send a request for Bolin, I thought it could be, like, you're Tenzin's older daughter and Bolin is your boyfriend, and you introduce him as your partner but Jinora, Ikki and Meelo act protective or something along those lines, thanks! :)
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Bolin x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n, the oldest of the airbender kids has a boyfriend! But....how is she supposed to introduce Bolin to her crazy family as just that?
Warnings: fluff, crackhead airbender kids
This was kind of rushed and I didn’t go back to check for any errors. Sorry it took me so long and if it sucks lmao 😭
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Y/n giggled sweetly at the sight of her boyfriend pacing back and forth, across the length of the hallway as he has rambled on and on. The airbender admired his form for a little bit, taking note of his strong board shoulders and taunt biceps under his shirt. She pushed herself off the door she was leaning up against, walking up to him.
“Bolin.” She called lightly, standing close to him as he kept pacing. Grazing past her multiple times.
“Bolin!” She called a little louder to get the earthbender’s attention. Even at that, his hands were raked through his hair, his signature curl still showing like always.
What finally caught his attention was the gust of wind she sent his way. Smacking him right in the face, sending his hair into a flowing frenzy.
“Bolin.” She stated firmly, stepping up o him, fixing his hair as she spoke, “You’re going to be fine, ok? They already know you, so it shouldn’t be that bad.” She ran her fingers through his hair, his eyes watching her features as she focused on her hands, watching her lips morph around the words that were falling from her tongue.
“If anything, my father isn’t the one you have to worry about.” She teased, pulling on the curling laying on his forehead, watching it coil back up.
“What?!” Bolin all but screeched. There was someone besides Tenzin to worry about? Was it her mother, Pema? No, she’s probably one of the sweetest women Bolin has ever met before? Was it her uncle Bumi? Or aunt Kya?
His mind ran a thousand miles a second, nearly overriding, a shocked and worried expression etched onto his face as he peered back at Y/n with big eyes.
“Listen, Bolin,” Y/n mused, looking up at his with reassuring eyes, eyes he could get lost in for all of eternity, “No matter what, I love you. And besides, if Jinora can have a boyfriend, I don’t think my dad would be up the wall about me having one either.” The smile she gave him warmed his heart, calming some of the nerves that had been running laps.
Y/n gingerly took his hands into hers, running her thumbs over his rough knuckles. They always had random scratches and bruises, something Y/n had noticed even before they were dating. Bolin relished in the feeling of her hands wrapping around his and feeling her soft skin. Even more of the worry in him washed away when she brought one of his hands up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss where her thumb had been.
“Come on,” She tugged on his hands, coaxing him towards the dining room, “They’re waiting.”
Bolin stood behind her, sweating bullets, as she placed her hand on the door, motioning to open it. But not before she placed a quick peck to his lips and whispered that there was noting to worry about.
“Y/n, what took you so long?” Tenzin chastised from his end of the table, Pema swatting his arm from beside him.
Jinora looked up from her spot, annoyed, Ikki and Meelo pausing their bickering to put their attention on you.
“Didn’t you say you were going to be bringing a friend over?” Meelo piped up, jutting his chin out at you, walking up to you to try to peek at who was behind you.
“I thought you said boyfriend earlier?” Ikki interrupted, dashing over to stand in front of Meelo. To which Tenzin yelled out, asking for an explanation, looking ver at his wife and second daughter. The two females shrugged their shoulders, acting at his they had no involvement in the situation.
“Hey! Back up please!” Y/n whined, bending a gust of air to send her brother and sister across the room.
“Y/n...” It was now Pema’s turn to call out the oldest air bender.
“Sorry, mom. No bending at the table.” She dragged on, with a playful eyeroll.
During that whole scene, Bolin had been standing beside her, shielded and hiding behind the wall. Listening to what was happening on the other side. All the while he kept looking at Y/n with frantic eyes.
She peered over at him with a sweet smile, “I want you to meet my boyfriend.” She announced proudly to her family.
She took hold of Bolin’s hand and pulled him into the door way, reavealing him to them. Pema and Ikki swooned at the fact that you and your bestfriend are now dating. Jinora snorted and rolled her eyes jokingly, saying something about doing better. Meelo and Tenzin nearly blowing a fuse.
None the less, Y/n had been able to get everyone to calm down, with the help of Pema of course, and dinner continued on smoothly. Tenzin did admit that he was happy with seeing his daughter happy with Bolin. Something no on was expecting to hear to be honest. But soon the night fell and it was time to send Bolin home.
Now the couple was embraced in ach others arms, standing outside the front door. Y/n had her face tucked into his chest and his was nuzzled between the juncture between her neck and shoulder, both for them relishing in each other’s presence.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Y/n asked, pulling away to look into his bright green eyes that seemed to glow under the moonlight.
His hand came up to cup her cheek sweetly, “Of course. That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be.” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck with a laugh.
Y/n’s giggle rang in his ears, arming his heart, “See? What did I tell you? Now I don’t have to sneak you around the house anymore.” She wiggled her eyebrows. To which he chuckled bashfully with a light blush growing on his cheeks.
“Alright, well, I should get going before Mako goes upset with me for being out so late.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
“I love you.” She sang sweetly, a bubbly smile engulfing her lips, leaning in to close the space between them.
Bolin leaned in too, close enough so their noses were touching, lips grazing each other’s as he replied, “I love you too.”
When the two parted, they embraced again. Savoring the last moment together even though they knew they would be seeing each other tomorrow. When Bolin opened his eyes, he caught sight of Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo standing of in the distance.
Standing solemnly in the background, grav expression dawning on their faces as they all simultaneously swiped their fingers across their necks then pointinf directly at him.
His heart nearly fell into his stomach as he squeaked. Eyes wide and heart racing as he pulled away from Y/n.
“Is everything alright?” She asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Mhm!” He hummed, turning quickly and starting for the sit, “I’m totally fine! not like I’m being secretly threatened by your siblings! I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye!”
Just like that, he was gone in the blink of an eye.
“You guys!” Y/n groaned, turning 180 to face her siblings.
“Just because he was your bestfriend before doesn’t mean he gets special treatment!” Meelo exclaimed, jumping out the out of the bushes. His older sisters nodding in agreement and Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose at the antics.
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tzillas · 3 years
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Beautiful Storm young! Kya x Reader 2
Chapter 2 “Well ever meet again?”
(Previous chapter in profile)
Inspired by this post:
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Warning: young!Kya x reader, vague mentions of blood.
Part 1 , Part 3
Zuko could only let an airy sight past his lips, the air slightly blowing on the pages of the book he was reading. The scarred male teared his sight from the book he was reading to look at what he thought the source of the crash was. He looked at you than sighted once again.
“That’s the 3rd door this week” Zuko welcomed you from your long trip. Not too happily may you add.
You didn’t answer but rather opted to set down the “precious” Katara medicine you were manipulated to get. Along with the extra letter Katara decided to send,successfully making Zuko curious about the new item.
“Whose it from?” He asked as he already presumed it was for him, assuming that if anyone ever sent you a letter you’ve probably take it with you to your grave.
“Katara, apparently it’s a friendly letter, she didn’t specify the occasion.” you said while still sending an icy glare towards your adoptive father.
Zuko sighted one again, not flinching under your murderous gaze. You’ve been unwelcoming of any shown kindness. It shocked Zuko that you complied to pick up his medicine after all of his whining and “manipulation” as you’ve been known to calling it.
“I’m surprised you didn’t throw the medicine in my face “ he said with slight sarcastic amusement in his face.
“Yeah, I’m scared the last drop of my patience might break with it.” You snappily replied without missing a beat, as always. Zuko sighted once again, however before he got to speak you beat him to it.
“Careful with all of the sighting Mr. “Im going to die very soon if I don’t get Katara’s medicine” you might dry you lungs” you added dryly making your poisonous intent clear.
Zuko sighted. Once again. Clearly ignoring your previous statement.
“Great Father and daughter time, I’m glad you care about me.” He added in the same mocking tone.
Both of you knew you absolutely would give your life away for Zuko. He found you when you were 11, starved, dirty, and absolutely traumatized with your mother’s recent passing away at that time. You refused to call him dad. Using your sarcasm and aloof front to give the impression that you never took anything serious. You and Zukos relationship was like a father and daughter. You just asked for his wisdom in a more discrete way, yet Zuko knew he was on the right path when you didn’t slap his hand away the time he congratulated you on your training. It was just you neglecting having something again because you have lost your everything before.
“Yeah, I should’ve just let your lungs get parched” you said as you took a seat on one of his many Royal red velvet seats located in his bedroom. Finally letting a sight of your own. You watched as your father prepared two cups of tea for the both of you. He sat down in-front of you, God did you know how what was coming.
“How’s your aunt Katara?” He asked as he sipped the warm green liquid.
“She’s alright” you answered, your aloof answers not scaring Zuko from the conversation in the slightest.
“Did you see your uncle Aang?” He asked with a little smile on his face. As he remembered Aang hugging the air out of you, a small grumpy child, slapping the back of his bald scalp.
“No, but I’m guessing you knew that, sending me to Ura Ura island” you dryly added sipping some tea of your own.
“I did get the news she was teaching some islanders home medicine, it’d be useless to send you to the North Pole anyways, wouldn’t it?” He rhetorically asked.
“Yeah.” You simply answered as you let your thoughts drift off to the Blue-eyes brown skinned girl you have been trying to avoid asking off. You softly bit your bottom lip. You shook your head harshly and gulped down what was left of your tea (much to Zukos dismay) slammed your cup on the wooden table in-front of you, making Zuko arch an eyebrow.
“I’m going to go work out” you declared as you stood up from where you were sitting. It wasn’t an abnormal thing to find you training all the time.
“You just came back from a trip.” Zuko said, his voice enlaced with genuine worry. You simply waved him off and walked away towards any random forest was now the victim of your wrath.
Leaving Zuko pretty baffled, he knew you like the back of his hand at this point and the fact that you were going to work out all of a sudden means you were stressed. You aren’t his biological daughter but you sure as hell got that from him, he doesn’t know if it just his rub-off or if your just awkward from package, probably both. You used violence and your intelligence as way to throw down all of your emotions, it was bound to kill you one day.
“Kids now days” was all Zuko said glancing at his broken door with a sight.
“What are you reading Kya?” Asked Katara to her only daughter gingerly.
Kya slammed the book closed by pure shock. Katara on the other hand took it as an opportunity to snatch the book from her as Katara read the title her face immediately lit up to grin then to a sly smirk.
“L/N family huh?” Katara asked wiggling her eyebrows.
Kya took the opportunity to grab the book from her with a little whining “mom”. She took a strand of her hair from her side bang and tucked it behind her ear with a pinkish color speeding through her cheeks as she hugged the old book close to her chest.
“It’s for my training” she lied.
You weren’t out of Kya’s head and that sure was a problem to her. But it was because you were annoying, right? Your aloof answers and lack of care would lead anyone to insanity. She wasn’t one of your victims, that however didn’t stop the fact that she was attracted to you like a magnet, she wanted to know everything about you. That annoyed her, however those feelings didn’t stop her from being hunched over a history book of your family. The famous L/N bloodline.
“Right?, I don’t think so?” The water tribe mother pry further.
“Yeah, it is, just because I met a member the other day doesn’t mean I memorized their medical history” she said rolling her eyes at her mothers antics, while storing the book for later.
“You mean Y/n?” Asked Katara to the teen.
God knows she’s been yearning for this moment, it was not long ago she officially told her and Aang of her sexuality and if anything Katara was worried her daughter wasn’t going to find someone good enough for her. However the slight blush when she met you and the sudden internet in the L/N family is giving her a ray of hope of having a new daughter in law.
“Yeah, the annoying h/c girl” she dismissed her mothers comment.
Of course she remembered your name, she also remembers the way your hair frames your face, how your well built body walks how your eye-
𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘵 𝘒𝘺𝘢,𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 She thinks, shaking her head.
Katara giggled like a high schooler.
“Alright we’ll wrap it up lover girl, Lunch is ready, your father is here c’mmon down.” She declared as she stepped out of the library her daughter was reading at.
Kya sighted and shook her head acknowledging the fact that no one has privacy in a family, much less the kids. She begrudgingly walked out of her library into the snowy path of her family’s home.
Blood dripped from your strong knuckles onto the tree you’ve previously punched so hard part of the bark shattered in pieces.
Your chest heaving up and down, sweat rolling down you arms, legs, and furrows eyebrows.
“Are you done?” Asked a calm Izumi.
You lifted one of you’re eyebrows while retracting your arms from their previous not flattering position.
“Wasn’t doing something in the first place.” You nonchalantly replied to your adoptive- niece’s questioning.
Izumi sighted, being more than accustomed to your evasive personality, you had a method of gueting over things, you had problems, you stressed over them, you solved them yourself, and then you ended up regretting your choices. Izumi is no idiot, and is well aware of the fact that you are probably guilty of some crimes, if his grandfather refused to really spill the beans she could atleast make assumptions.
“What’s wrong?” She carefully asked.
“You’ve been training lately?, I didn’t sense you coming.”
You pathetically tried to sway her off topic as you grabbed a white towel, and started drying the workout sweat off of your body.
“Not really, that makes me more worried.”
“You haven’t? Why so?”
“You know why.” She said in an (I’m fead up with your excuse) tone
You sighted however as you were just about too give Izumi another bait towards the convenient waters that were avoiding what your mind has been trying to process for the last week.
“You’ve been more distant than usual since you’re trip to visit master Katara”
Ah, there it goes.
Exactly where you don’t want the conversation to go, A week has exactly passed since you first met Katara’s daughter and that girl was making your head go bunkers.
However before you could answear the Blunt question a familiar aura approach the both of you.
“IZUMI!, Y/N!!”
“Master Aang!”
Authors note: if you want another chapter of this comment your username so I can make a tag list.
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aitarose · 4 years
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PAIRING: Mako x Kya’s Daughter!Reader [fem]
PLOT: Mako’s always had a little crush on Y/N. After all, who wouldn’t? But admitting it to himself? Yeah, no. Just the thought of admitting it to her? Even bigger no. He’d never consider confessing..right? based on these requests by anons
WARNINGS: fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers
A/N: i love mako sm like you guys don’t even know. this man OWNS me fdjafdlsjk. also i got a little carried away with these requests and i took them to the next level so please enjoy :)
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Mako was living his absolute worst nightmare. 
Stuck aboard an airship with his two exes, his brother, his boss, and his boss’ ex with no opening window to jump out of?
The day was definitely not in his favor.
Every hour seemed to be the same.
Radio a call..hear about a new airbender..find the map..use the map..go to the town..get kicked out of the town..return to the beginning.
While Mako did love having a routine—he was bored of this one.
The only thing that made his day even slightly interesting was Y/N.
It wasn’t long ago when he had met the water tribe girl. They’d first spoken during the Glacier Spirits Festival in the Southern Water Tribe.
He had been introduced to her mother, Kya, through Bolin. His younger brother was so starstruck by Avatar Aang’s only daughter, that he couldn’t help but drag along her own daughter with him for the entirety of the festival.
Bolin spent the rest of the night proudly walking alongside the teenage girl, who had to have been at least two to three years older than him.
He went around and showed her off to all of their friends from Republic City, even if they already knew her.
“Don’t make a show of it, but I know the Avatar’s granddaughter. You don’t need to be wowed or anything, it’s no big deal.”
“Bolin, I’m literally her uncle.”
Mako was one of the very last people to meet the infamous Y/N.
It was right after his argument with Korra about the situation between her father and Unalaq. His emotions were all over the place, confusion and annoyance dominated his mood.
But all of his anger dissolved with one look at her smile.
It was at that moment when Mako decided that Y/N had a gift.
She could lift someone’s spirit with a single glance. Her eyes always glowed with positivity and her soul was the purest one he had ever come across.
Y/N could be compared to the rising sun. Just by existing, she radiated more light and goodness than the greatest man on Earth could ever achieve.
It had been a very brief introduction. 
“Mako, my man!” Bolin slapped his palm over the firebender’s shoulder, a cheesy side smile pointed at the teenage girl standing next to him. 
“This is my good friend, Y/N. Y/N meet my big bro!”
Y/N beamed, her teeth sparkling under the moonlight. She held out her hand in a friendly manner and looked straight into Mako’s eyes, unafraid of making eye contact. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mako.” She spoke whilst shaking his hand. “I’ve only known Bolin for an hour and I feel like I already know everything about you.”
Mako groaned in embarrassment. He was always flattered by how much Bolin looked up to him, but sometimes his little brother went a little too far.
“You had an hour? Let me guess..” Mako pointedly looked at Bolin, shaking his head in amusement. “He must’ve told you our entire life story by now.”
When she laughed at his blunt attempt at a joke, Mako’s heart soared right then and there. 
It was like the fire inside of him had been ignited with gasoline. but instead of her water smothering his flames..they made the grow. Made them stronger.
Though Mako hadn’t realized these lurching feelings at the time. He did have a girlfriend after all, and he liked to think he would never intentionally cheat on her.
That didn’t stop him from admiring her from afar.
Platonically of course.
There weren’t many moments after the festival where Mako found himself alone with Y/N. 
He had chosen to follow Korra to open the spirit portals and Y/N went off to tour the air temples with her extended family—and if he was being honest, he hadn’t had much time to think about her between fighting off evil spirits and breaking up with his girlfriend.
It wasn’t until after Team Avatar defeated Unalaq and Vaatu, that Mako’s mind returned to his unresolved and unrealized feelings.
With the spirit portals open, the world was new again.
Thousands of people were traveling, discovering places they never knew existed, and migrating to different nations.
Luckily for Mako, Y/N had been one of those people.
It had taken her about a week to move into her apartment in Republic City.
Her flat was quaint but cosy. It had views overlooking the busy downtown and bustling people, and she had easy access to stores and shops in the neighborhood.
There was nothing wrong with her new home, but it wasn’t like the South. In fact, it was nothing like the South.
Y/N missed her friends and colleagues. She missed the chilly wind that would slice through the air and freeze her cheekbones. She missed the animals and the overall energy that the South had.
But she was open to new beginnings and new friends—and her open mindset was exactly what led her to join her family and Team Avatar on the search for new airbenders.
Which is right where Mako had left off. 
The airship was dreadful, dreary, and just plain boring. 
His main source of entertainment was watching a cloud disappear from his view, and then preceding to find another one for his eyes to chase.
Luckily for him, Y/N was also bored out of her mind. She had no one to talk to on the ship.
Korra? Tempting, but intimidating.
Asami? Sure if Y/N was less hippy and more business mogul.
Bolin? Yeah, she didn’t want to go down that path again. 
Lin? No way.
Her actual family members? Good option—but Tenzin was boring and all Jinora did was read old scrolls.
Y/N was at a loss, and the only person that seemed remotely interesting was the brooding firebender staring out of the window.
When she approached him, Mako was at a loss for words.
He had been thinking about this moment for awhile now, and had a pun filled pick-up line ready to go, but when it came down to crunch time, he stalled. 
“Hey,” Y/N smiled, gesturing to the seat next to Mako on the iron bench. “Mind if I sit?”
Mako’s mouth opened to respond, but no words came out of his mouth. He sat there like a fish out of water, nodding his head silently.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and happily sat next to the nineteen year old. 
With her being so close in proximity, Mako’s brain flashed exe.error messages through his thoughts.
They sat in a comfortable, yet also awkward silence for a long time. 
Every time Mako tried to get a word out, he stumbled. His nerves overcame his speech, preventing him from sounding the least bit cool.
Scratch that. They prevented him from sounding like an actual person and not a toddler that just learned how to speak.
After what felt like generations, Mako was saved by none other than his ex-girlfriends.
“We just landed,” Korra said, waving to the former probender and his companion. A confused look flashed across her face at the sight of them so close yet so uncomfortable.
Asami then poked her head around the corner, coming into view. “Are you guys going to come out or what?”
Y/N was the first to jump up, nodding her head enthusiastically.
She nearly sprinted to the exit—not because she wanted to get away from her encounter with Mako, she was just really excited to meet new people.
Mako heaved a deep sigh when she was completely out the door and out of earshot. It felt like he could finally breathe again without the stress of being in her presence.
“You like her?” Korra crossed her arms over one another, leaning against the wall as Asami stood by her side.
“What?” Mako stuttered, his face flooding with hues of red and pink.
“Why would you say that?”
“No Way!”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!”
Korra and Asami loudly laughed at Mako’s rambling, while they had both been hurt by his actions in the past, they had come to forgive him—and they wanted nothing more than for him to find his special someone.
“Okay, then.” Korra shrugged, pulling Asami out of the room with her, “Whatever you say, Mako.”
Mako dropped his face into his hands, pulling at his hair as he mentally beat himself up.
“But if it matters,” he looked up to see Korra still standing at the door. A genuine smile shown on her face. 
“I think you two would be perfect together.”
As Korra finally left him to himself, Mako couldn’t help but think about how lucky he was to have a friend like her. 
She was everything he didn’t need in a relationship, but everything he could’ve ever wanted in a friendship. 
Eventually, Mako did manage to force himself off of the airship. He helped with the little show the airbenders put on to influence others to join the nomads and even fought a few bad guys while he was at it. 
He was finally having a good day, until the little punk tried to steal his wallet.
“Wait,” he ordered, pulling Kai back by the neck of his shirt. Mako held out his hand expectantly and gave the younger boy a hard look. 
“I think you might have something of mine.”
Kai smiled sheepishly before pulling out the firebender’s stolen goods. 
“It must’ve fallen into my pocket, my bad.”
Mako glared at the new airbender. The stare he was giving Kai was so cold, it could intimidate a pack of polar bear dogs.
“Now listen here,” he bent down to Kai’s level. His tangerine eyes meeting Kai’s green ones. “I know your game. I used to be the master at it, actually—and let me tell you that it gets you absolutely nowhere.”
Mako sighed, he already saw so much of himself in the kid that he didn’t want him to go down the same hard path that he did.
“All I want is the best for you, kid.” He patted Kai on the shoulder before sending him off to join Jinora on the ship. “Don’t mess up this opportunity.”
There were times where Mako enjoyed being the big bad cop or the authoritarian figure, but this was not one of those times. 
He just wanted Kai to have the best life he possibly could.
The life he had always wanted for himself.
Unbeknownst to Mako, his secret crush had witnessed the whole ordeal.
His pure-hearted intentions touched Y/N. Acts of kindness and wellbeing always found their way into her heart, and his act of good caught her attention in a very positive way. 
It caught her attention enough, that she found herself standing right behind him.
“That was really sweet what you said back there.” She told Mako, who jumped in surprise at her soft voice.
“Yeah, I tried. I’ve been where he is before. I know how it ends.”
Mako felt much more comfortable now that Y/N had started the conversation. He wasn’t afraid to give his thoughts knowing that she was the one who wanted to talk to him.
Y/N let out a low breath. Her hair willowed in the breeze, her eyes shining under the sunlight. She looked like a lost spirit.
A beautiful lost spirit, Mako thought. 
“I try, too.” She whispered to him. Mako could barely hear her voice, it was so faint.
“Sometimes being there for everyone else has its downfall.” Y/N’s sparkling eyes turned dim, sadness drowned her usually uplifting features.
“I spend all my energy making sure that everyone I love is happy, but then there’s never anyone looking out for me, you know?”
Mako did know.
He knew exactly how she was feeling. He’d raised Bolin since they were children. 
If anyone knew the pressures of holding onto another person’s burdens, it was Mako.
“I’ve noticed that,” Mako said, stepping closer to the girl. He could see that her eyes were welling with tears, all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and make all the negative energy go away. 
So that’s exactly what he did.
Y/N melted into Mako’s embrace. She felt his body radiate heat, he warmed not only her body, but her heart in an instant.
“I see you, with Tenzin’s kids.” Mako ran his hand down her back, comforting Y/N as best he could. “They look up to you more than they do anyone else. You’re really amazing, Y/N. I’m surprised you don’t hear it more often.”
Right then and there, Y/N realized exactly what she needed in her life—and it was Mako.
If she was being honest with herself, he hadn’t exactly caught her eye before.
She thought he was somewhat bland at the Glacier Spirits Festival and the whole double girlfriend situation definitely didn’t spark her interest in the firebender, but now here she was..
Crying in his arms, confessing her insecurities, and feeling heard.
She had never felt heard before.
“I think you’re really amazing.” Mako blurted out. 
He cringed at his confession, hoping that she didn’t take it the wrong way. If there even was a wrong way to take it.
Mako felt Y/N grow still in his arms. His heart pounded in anticipation for what her next words would be.
To his surprise she pulled away..
Before pressing a deep kiss to his lips.
Mako immediately responded. His mouth moved languidly with hers, connecting in the most perfect way, as if they were meant to be.
His entire body nearly combusted. Her bright spirit combining with his fiery one.
Mako felt like sunshine was running through his veins.
She pulled away, giving him one last chaste kiss.
“I think you’re amazing, too.” 
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i love feedback pls give me some
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melzula · 9 months
Hi ! the number one iroh stan has returned :) could i request a continuation to the lash iroh and kya’s daughter piece, but this time their proposal and marriage story ?
a/n: hello anon! apologies for how long it took to get to this request. i focused more on the proposal part for this piece, but if you’d like me to also write about the wedding i’d be happy to do so!
summary: Iroh has an important question to ask Kya and Katara when you return to the south
~based off of these headcanons~
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After spending a wonderful year residing in the Fire Nation with your boyfriend, the feeling of homesickness called you back to the South to visit your mother. Though you enjoyed your time away, you felt you’d been gone long enough. There was so much you had to tell your mother, and you were sure she was dying to hear all about your travels.
The shores of the South approach in the distance, and a shiver of excitement runs down your spine. More shivers follow, and you start to wonder if it’s your nerves or lost tolerance for the cold after spending so much time in the heat that has your body trembling.
A coat is carefully draped over your shoulders, and you smile up at the man who now stands beside you and keeps you close to his side in an attempt to share his warmth with you.
“We’ll be arriving shortly,” Iroh notes with a smile. “I’m sure your family will be happy to see you.”
“Thank you for coming with me,” you reply gratefully, “I hope I’m not pulling you away from anything important, General.”
“Escorting my beloved home is important,” he reiterates earnestly. “Besides, as your suitor it would be rude of me not to greet your family.”
“I know Gran Gran will be thrilled to see you,” you note with a fond smile, “and my mother. She hasn’t seen you since we studied under Zuko together.”
“I look forward to seeing them again,” Iroh says, a glint in his eye you don’t quite catch as you settle your gaze on the approaching Southern Water Tribe. Though you don’t know it yet, Iroh plans to do more than just reconnect with old friends during his time in the South.
And if all goes well, he’ll be able to do what he’s thought about doing since he first kissed you in front of the water fountain in the palace gardens.
The shrieks of laughter outside bring a smile to Kya’s face as she watches you run around with your younger cousins in the snow. Little Meelo sits delightedly upon your shoulders as you dodge snowballs thrown your way by Ikki and Jinora who try their hardest to catch you. Though you’ve always been the oldest, you’ve never once denied their requests to play. It’s endearing to see you so happy, to see how much you love and care for the children.
“I think she’ll make a fine mother one day,” she says offhandedly, her eyes never leaving your smiling face. “Don’t you think, Iroh?”
Though he’s caught off guard by her question, the General is full of sincerity when he replies, “Yes, I believe she will.”
“Are you taking care of my daughter? Is she happy with you?”
“I pride myself on making y/n happy,” he says earnestly. “She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and it’s been an honor courting her.”
Kya hums thoughtfully, a gentle smile on her face as she focuses her attention on you and your little cousins who have just managed to successfully tackle you to the ground. She’s missed having you home, but something tells her you won’t be staying for long.
“Kya,” he says, calling her attention back to the man beside her, “I love your daughter, and I’m certain there’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with. I came on this trip not just to pay a visit to old friends, but to ask you for your approval. I’d like your blessing to marry y/n.”
She’s silent for a moment, brows threaded together thoughtfully, and for a moment Iroh fears he’s overstepped. But a small laugh leaves her then, and when she turns to the General her eyes are glistening with tears.
“From the day she was born it was my job to make sure y/n always felt safe and loved no matter what. I knew that there’d soon be a day where I’d have to share this responsibility with someone else, and I can’t think of anyone more qualified for the job than you. If you can promise me that y/n will continue to feel loved and safe even when I’m gone, then you have my blessing to marry my daughter.”
“I promise I will treasure your daughter for as long as I live,” he professes full-heartedly. “I’m immensely grateful for your blessing.”
“Yes, but I hope you know my blessing isn’t the only one you’ll need to marry y/n,” Kya notes with a playful smile. “You still have to get the seal of approval from her grandmother and uncles.”
“And I plan to.”
“I can’t say how excited I am to see you and my granddaughter together,” Katara says as she lays the carving tools onto the table. “I only wish Aang were here to see it, too
“Thank you for your blessing and agreeing to help me with this,” Iroh replies. “I have to admit I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing, but I want to make sure I honor y/n’s culture when I propose.”
“A betrothal necklace is the perfect way to do so. I’ve provided everything you need, all you have to do is carve the stone.”
“What should I carve?”
“Something meaningful,” she says. “There’s no correct way to make a betrothal necklace, but adding a personal touch will make it more special. Is there a symbol or a memory that perhaps holds importance to you both?”
“We shared our first kiss under the crescent moon,” he murmurs thoughtfully to himself. “The stars were the brightest I’d ever seen them, and the water of the fountain almost seemed to sparkle. I professed my love to her that night, and we’ve been together ever since.”
“It sounds to me like you already know what that memory is,” Katara notes with a gentle smile. “I think a crescent moon would look beautiful on this stone.”
“Some stars on the choker would give it just the right touch,” Kya notes from the doorway, watching as her soon to be son-in-law begins carving into the stone. “But I think y/n will love it no matter what.”
“I just want it to be perfect.”
“It will be,” your mother comforts. “I have faith that everything will be just fine. You two are meant to be.”
“Aunt Kya! Gran Gran!” A voice calls out from the hallway. A breathless Jinora stands in the doorway, collapsing against its frame for support as her tired legs give out fro running for so long. “Y/n’s on her way back from the marketplace with my dad!”
“Try to see if your father can stall her for just a bit longer,” Katara advises. “The necklace isn’t quite finished yet.”
“Yes, Gran Gran,” she quips before rushing back out the door.
“We’ll keep watch for y/n until you’re done,” Kya says. “Good luck.”
The two women leave the room then, allowing Iroh a moment alone to work on the necklace.
He carves the stone into the shape of a crescent moon and places it in the center of the ribbon. Using the leftover pieces, Iroh follows Kya’s advice of crafting smaller diamond shaped stars to line the choker. It’s simple but perfect all at once, and he’s hopeful that you’ll love it all the same.
All that’s left to do now is propose.
“Iroh, it’s the middle of the night, what are we doing out here?” You question with a quiet laugh. It’s below freezing outside and your only source of light comes from the crescent moon above. Everyone in the village has long retired for the night by now, leaving just you and your boyfriend out in the cold.
“I have something I’d like to show you,” he replies with a smile, taking your hand and guiding you through the thick snow towards the water’s edge. The waves are quiet and gentle, sparkling underneath the starlight in a way that takes your breath away.
“It’s beautiful out tonight,” you sigh appreciatively. “I almost forgot how peaceful the ocean can be.”
“My grandfather used to always say that water is the element of change,” Iroh notes thoughtfully, “and the people of the Water Tribe are held together by love and community. It’s what makes you so kind, so strong and passionate. You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met, y/n.”
“My, General, you sure do have a way with words,” you tease despite the butterflies that seem to flitter rapidly in your stomach. Though you’ve been together for a little over a year, he still manages to sweep you off your feet just as he had when you’d first started courting.
“I mean my words,” he says earnestly, gently taking your hands in his own and pulling you closer to his figure. “My time with you has been nothing short of wonderful, and I can no longer picture a life without you by my side. If you’ll have me, I’d like to dedicate the rest of my time on this earth making you happy.”
You’re stunned into silence at his words, stomach twisting in knots with excitement and anticipation. You watch as he carefully reaches into the pocket of his parka and gasp at the sight of the necklace he presents to you. It’s the most beautiful betrothal necklace you’ve ever seen, and tears begin to brim in your eyes as the meaning of this little midnight adventure starts to finally come together for you.
“Y/n, it would be an honor to have you as my wife. Will you allow me the privilege of becoming your husband?”
“Oh, Iroh, yes!” You exclaim delightedly, throwing your arms around the man and gifting him the sweetest kiss that he gladly accepts.
Tears stream down both of your faces as he holds you tightly in his embrace and savors the feeling of you. From the moment he kissed you in front of the fountain of the place gardens he knew in his heart that you were it. Bumi had brought you back to the Fire Nation, but it was fate that allowed you to fall in love with your childhood playmate. He couldn’t think of anything better than that.
“May I?” Iroh asks with a gesture to the necklace, receiving an eager nod from you as you tug down the collar of your dress to allow him to put the choker on. His movements are gentle as he carefully drapes it around your neck and clasps the ends together. It rests beautifully along your neckline and conveys the message that you are now spoken for. You love it, and you love Iroh, and you make sure to tell him so.
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he professes earnestly before once again pulling you close to his frame.
You share another kiss under the crescent moon, and in that moment life is perfect.
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
fire lady
request: Could I maybe request a one shot where reader is Fire Lady🔥 (married to my boy Zuko hehehe) and how all of the gaang’s children love to be around her? Like, she’s their auntie and all that because I refuse to think that the children didn’t grew up seeing each other as family and loving all of their crazy aunts and uncles
pairing: zuko x female!reader 
warnings: none, just some wholesome fluff 
a/n: this is... so long. i have no self control lmao but i hope you like this! i hope it was what you were thinking of when you requested, but if it wasn’t just send in another fire lady reader request bc i would love to continue this! 
 fire lady, prequel  fire lady, part one  fire lady, part two
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“Are you excited to see everyone?” You asked your daughter softly as you brushed her hair. She stood in front of you in the vanity chair, watching you in the mirror. Her grin matched your own, but her eyes were all Zuko. 
“Yes!” Izumi cheered, little arms raising in the air. “When they get here, will you sit by the Turtle Duck pond with us?” She asked sweetly. 
“Of course, my love,” you hummed, hands gathering the top part of her black hair in a topknot. “Should we go ahead and place an order for some fruit tarts? Bumi and Kya go nuts for them every time they’re here,” you chuckled. 
She giggled at that, and hummed to herself as you finished securing the crown in her hair. “Alright, Princess, I think you’re good to go,” you stated, patting her on the bottom once while giving her room to jump down. 
“Woohoo!” She yelled and hit the ground running, out of the room and racing down the corridor. You followed her, much slower, and asked a passing servant to send a large order of the Fire Nation desserts down to the kitchens. You were excited to see your friends, it had been awhile since you’d all found time to see one another, and you especially missed your nieces and nephews. You never knew your heart could be so scattered across a group of children, but here you were. 
Upon entering the courtyard, you were greeted with the sweet sight of your husband reaching up to help little Kya down from Appa’s saddle while your daughter had her arms locked around Bumi in a tight embrace.  
Aang and Katara slid off together and you made your way to them. “Long time, no see,” you greeted, and engulfed Katara in such a way that you’d been told not to do in the past. Your personality clashed with the Royal council, but the people of your nation loved you. 
“Hey, (y/n).” Katara whispered in your ear as she rocked you slightly. 
“Sweetie, let the rest of us see her,” Aang joked lightly, and you backed away only to be pulled into another hug, the airbender wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
“Hey, Aangy, how’ve you been?” 
Bumi laughed from beside you and you when you looked at him he darted towards you. He collided with your midsection, arms wrapping around your waist. “Awe, Bumi, I missed you so much!” You ruffled his already wild hair. 
“Aunt (y/n), can you take us for a ride on Uncle Zuko’s dragon?” He asked, looking up at you with wide eyes, full of adventure. 
“Perhaps another day,” Zuko answered, coming up to join your little group with Izumi in one arm and Kya in the other. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” you whispered to the Water Tribe girl, and she giggled as you placed a kiss on her cheek. 
“(y/n), come meet my kid!” Toph shouted from a few feet away, and your heart skipped a beat. There was a pep in your step as you made your way over to her and Sokka, who held little Tenzin in one arm. And in the earthbenders arms was a little girl with green eyes and dark hair, and your heart was spread a little further. She already had a piece and she hadn’t even acknowledged you yet. 
“Oh my goodness, and who is this?” You asked, reaching forward to wrap your arm around Toph’s shoulder, and she moved her daughter around in order to return the gesture. 
“This is Lin,” you old friend answered and thrust the young girl towards you. Lin’s eyes widened and she stared at you in wonder as she sat in your arms.
“Hello, Lin, my name is (y/n),” you smiled at her and she eventually returned it. You could see Toph written all over this girl, and it warmed your heart tremendously. “Have you ever seen a Turtle Duck?” You asked animatedly, and reached your other arm out to take Tenzin, and make your way towards everyone else. 
“Well, do I have a treat for you,” you continued when Lin didn’t answer. 
“Is it fruit tarts?!” Kya shouted, jumping in place. 
Izumi joined in as she answered with her own shout. “Yes! They’re in the garden waiting for us in the garden!” 
Bumi gasped and looked to his mother and father before returning his gaze to you. “Can we go, Aunt (y/n)? Please?” 
“Yeah, please,” Tenzin echoed sweetly and you rubbed your cheek against the top of his little bald head. 
“You took the plans right out of my head, Bumi! How do you always do that?” You shook your head and didn’t miss the proud look that overcame the young boy’s face. 
“Alright, misfits,” you addressed loudly. “To the gardens, for fruit tarts and Turtle Ducks!” And began your march through the palace, three children trotting behind you, and the semi-domesticated Fire Ferret you insisted on letting wander the palace freely, followed not too far behind.
“What’s that?” Lin spoke for the first time since meeting you, the words jumbling together. You glanced at her, and noticed her pointing over your shoulder. When your eyes landed on the small red animal, you grinned. 
“That’s my friend, he lives here with us; though Izumi and I seem to be the only people who like him.” You chuckled, and continued your trek to the outside gardens, it wasn’t too much farther. 
“Hey! Daddy doesn’t mind him,” Izumi called, pausing to let the Fire Ferret jump onto her shoulders. She’d heard her father repeat those words a hundred times, whenever the creature would find his way inside and he was forced to stop anyone that attempted to shoo him away. 
“That’s right,” you agreed, breaking through the threshold where the corridor opened to the outside, the sound of the fountain filling the space and the smell of flowers floating through the air. Just as you stepped out, a servant was placing multiple trays of fruit tarts on the table that was set up for this specific reason. 
“We made it just in time!” Izumi shouted and grabbed Kya by the wrist and pulled her forward. 
“Thank you,” you bowed your head slightly to the woman who brought you the treats, and she smiled at you. She lowered her body in respect before hastily retreating from the garden, and your heart sunk just a bit at her speedy exit. 
“Why’d that lady leave so fast?” Bumi asked as he reached for a fruit tart.
“A lot of the people who work in the palace are still a little scared that Uncle Zuko and I will be like the Royals before us,” you answered honestly and you sat on the bench, Lin and Tenzin situating themselves on your lap. “But we try to let them know by showing them that those times are over, because why?” 
“Actions speak louder than words!” Your daughter answered with a mouthful, and you chuckled at her. That was a lesson that you worked hard to instill in her. 
“That’s right, Princess,” you nodded as the little monk in your lap handed you one of the desserts. Your heart felt full, sitting in the most magical place you knew of, surrounded by all the children you were so blessed to know and love. You were even more blessed that they loved you; every time ‘Aunt (y/n)’ left one of their mouths it felt like music to your ears. They reminded you so greatly of yourself and the Gaang, and you would do anything for them. 
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smellss · 4 years
after all these years - zuko x reader
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gif credit: @forgotten-or-unknown-truestories​
I love the concept of the gaang interacting with all there children and i haven’t seen to many oneshots about it. I hope you enjoy this one because i think it’s my favourite one yet. keep requesting
- smells x 
the laugh of children could be heard echoing through the hallways of the palace, the patter of feet coming closer and closer to banquet hall were y/n was helping organize decorations for the banquet this evening 
uh oh here we go
“your highness the children are here to speak with you” the guard explained, trying to suppress his grin
“thank you enzo, let them in please” y/n smiled kindly to the guard, knowing what was coming next
the children all came in dressed in there best clothes for the feast they all huddled into a group,all whisper shouting until lin and kya pushed tenzin forward to speak
“um hello auntie y/n, we were wondering if we could ask you something?” little tenzin asked very shyly, looking down towards the ground trying not to make eye contact with y/n
“of course what can i help you all with?” y/n smiled to the children
“well um-m see we where...” tenzin stuttered his face becoming redder by the second, the children beginning to giggle behind him except for lin who scowled at all of them for teasing tenzin 
instead izumi took over instead pushing tenzin back to the group
“well mum, you know how we are all supposed to sleep in our separate rooms after the feast tonight. we were wondering if instead we could bring all our sleeping mats into one room and stay together?” the young girl spoke very quickly to her mother drawing out the last part, looking at y/n with pleading eyes
“like a sleepover” bumi added stepping forward to stand with izumi
“we promise to be extra, extra good aunt y/n don’t we guys?” kya said turning around to the kids, all of them nodding their heads and giving cheesy smiles
spirits how am i supposed to say no
“well if all of your parents say it’s alright, then i don’t see why you can’t” y/n exclaimed making eye contact with each of them giving them a warm smile
a wave of cheers erupted from the group, all of them running to y/n to wrapping there little arms around her legs yelling thank you over and over again
“now all of you run along the feast will start soon” y/n smiled to the children as they ran off happily discussing who was going to sleep next to who
izumi ran back one last time throwing her arms around y/n’s waist and squeezing it tightly
“you’re the coolest mum ever!” izumi exclaimed smiling widely, before running back to her friends
y/n smiled to herself, before walking over to help one of the guards hang up a picture frame
after hours of hanging up artwork, lighting candles and setting the table the feast was ready to begin. the children all sat at there table while all the gaang sat together, the people of the fire nation began to enter as zuko gave the opening speech to allow the feast to commence.
“it is not true” y/n exclaimed crossing her arms and pouting at her friends all teasing her
“love it’s true, they asked you because you can’t say no to them” zuko chuckled amused, placing a arm on his wife’s chair smilingly at his wife 
“no it is not!” y/n exclaimed flabbergasted at her husbands comment, throwing her hands in the air
“sure it isn’t buttercup, i’m sure that if they you asked you something you could say no” toph teased the woman, taking a sip of her drink looking staring at y/n knowing she would crack under her hard stare 
“there just so many of them and they always make tenzin talk for them and he has these little pleading eyes so i can’t say no” y/n rambled out before, snuggling her head into the crook of zuko’s neck out of embarrassment
the group laughed loudly at y/n, katara and aang nodding agreeing with knowing of there son’s bargaining capabilities 
the rest of the feast was a roaring success, everyone leaving with full stomach’s and droopy eye’s. the children all ran to the large room filled with sleeping mats, cushions and blankets the adult’s followed behind laughing at the children’s antics. the children all changed into there sleeping wear and began to settle for bed, y/n volunteered to stay with the children until they fell asleep. 
“be good for aunt y/n okay guys” aang said nodding at kya,bumi and tenzin all lying on there sleeping mats 
“we love you” katara whispered placing a kiss on each of there heads before walking out of the door arm wrapped around aang’s waist smiling 
“be good you two, okay?” toph exclaimed to lin and su, the girls smiled giving toph a quick hug before running back to there sleeping mat, sokka also winked at the beifong sisters from the door making both the girls giggle before walking out with toph
“izumi, i’ll see you in the morning okay?” zuko whispered into the girls ear giving her a tickle before walking over to y/n
“i’ll see you later love” zuko exclaimed kissing y/n on the head before walking out waving to all the kids before shutting the door 
the children erupted with loud voices and shuffling of mats now moving them around after there parents had gone lin and tenzin sheepishly moving there mats next to one another, kya and izumi moved so they would be next to su and bumi.
y/n shook her head and smiled at the children, lin and tenzin reminding her of herself and zuko when they were travelling with the rest of the gaang 
“okay, now that you have moved and gotten all of your talking out it’s time for sleep” y/n exclaimed to the children, resulting in a wave of groans and sighs 
“but mum we aren’t tired yet!” izumi whined flopping dramatically back onto her sleeping mat, y/n rolling her eyes at her daughters antics 
she really is so much like zuko  
“could you tell us a story please?” lin asked hesitantly a chorus of yes and pleases following lin’s question
“well i suppose so, what story would you like?” y/n questioned to the children
they all turned to each other and huddled little snippets of conversation could be heard like “no that’s boring” or “weird”, finally su and kya turned around with a squeal
“could you tell us the story of how you and uncle zuko met please?” the girls giggled and the boys groaned
“it’s going to be all gross and romantic” tenzin sighed in annoyance placing his chin in his hand
“what’s wrong with romance tenzin?” lin raised her brow at young air bender with a smirk plastering her face
tenzin let out a muffled nothing blush dusting his cheeks as he looked away from the young beifong girl
“well zuko and i didn’t get a long at first actually, we met at the northern water tribe when we fought against each other.” y/n began to explain to the children
“stop, leave him alone” y/n yelled as she jumped in front of aang and sent water crystals flying at zuko’s head, the fire prince shielding himself with a wall of fire
“i don’t think we have met yet, prince zuko soon to be capture of the avatar” zuko mocked the girl, sending back a ball of fire which y/n gracefully dodged
“i wish i could say it was a pleasure to meet you but it isn’t” y/n yelled sending a wave of water over freezing zuko in a block of ice
“by the way the names y/n” y/n smiled running over to help katara with aang
“woah you trapped dad in ice” izumi gasped looking at her mother with wide eyes
“yes well he was trying to capture aang” y/n explained to her daughter, making the other kids giggled at the thought of the two men trying to capture each other
“i met zuko again when he joined our group at the northern air temple, i didn’t trust him at first i was still convinced he was trying to capture aang. so he tried to convince me that he wasn’t.” y/n smiled at the memory
“spirits y/n what is it going to take to get you to trust me” zuko yelled at the girl throwing his hands in the air out of frustration
“i don’t know zuko, all this time we have been running from you and i’m not sure if i can trust you” y/n yelled back tears beginning to form in her eyes
“please y/n just give me a second chance” zuko pleaded, showing y/n a side of himself that she had never seen before
“okay i will give you a second chance,if you hug me” y/n said smirking at the boy
“what why would you want that” zuko exclaimed stepping away from the girl exasperated at the idea
“come on zuko one hug and i’ll give you a second chance” y/n teased opening her arms and wrapping them around zuko
the fire bender turned a bright shade of red as the girl squeezed him tightly, zuko reluctently wrapped his arms around the girl
y/n smiled contently, quickly placed a kiss on his cheek and skipped away yelling a “thanks zuko” over her shoulder
zuko stood there in shock placing a hand on his cheek were y/n has kissed him
“auntie y/n why did you hug him” kya asked tilting her head
“yes why did you hug me?” zuko questioned leaning against the door smirking at his wife before walking over to her, scary all the kids and y/n
“zuko spirits, how many times have i told you not to sneak up on me” y/n scolded the man whacking him on the chest causing him and the children to chuckle
“sorry love but i wanted to see what was talking you so long but now i want to know why did you hug me” zuko questioned his wife
“well i know how much you hated being hugged or anything involving another person touching you ,it made you feel like you were trusting them which weren’t really open too. so i knew that if you let me hug you and you accepted it that then you truly trusted me and i could trust you.” y/n explained to her husband smiling at him as the kids awed at the couple
“also i had a bit of a crush on you then” y/n laughed before zuko hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear “i love you”
“now i think that is enough stories for tonight so goodnight everyone” y/n exclaimed waving to all the kids blowing out all of the candles, before walking out the door
“thanks for that zuko i don’t think i-mph” y/n was silenced by zuko’s lips pressing against her, still after all these years it sent fire works through her body
“thank you for trusting me love” zuko whispered tucking a stray piece of y/n’s hair behind her ear earning a loving smile from his wife.
“i would do again it a thousand times” y/n gleamed embracing zuko tightly just like she did all those years ago. 
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ravensbug · 3 years
hi so i can came from another tumblr user and i wanted to ask if maybe you could do a lin x pregnant!reader? i completely understand if you’re not comfortable with that, because the other user wasn’t but i just wanted to ask. thank you!
Little One
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Lin Beifong x Pregnant!reader
Request: Yes
Prompt: No
Word Count: 1277
A/N: Ok, first off I am SO SORRY this took so long. This semester has given me an even bigger workload and then more stuff has started happening that’s just stressing me out. Totally am not trying to recall my mother’s stories about how her pregnancies were with my sister and me. I didn’t really know I needed this version of Lin in my life until now. Don’t know if this exactly what you were looking for, but I hope it is.
Summary: You’re in the last week of your pregnancy and you’re due any day now. Lin has been staying home with you for months, not even going to the station at this point. But of course, the one time she does go, you go to the hospital because of the baby. Thankfully everything goes the way it should and Lin arrives right after.
Lin had gotten Kya to come over to the house so you weren’t left alone. You told Lin that you would have been fine by yourself, but you knew having Kya there wasn’t a bad idea. You were due anytime in these next few days and having someone with you in case something happened is smart. Of course, Lin hadn’t left your side for the past 3 months.
You were surprised that Lin Beifong, the woman who was practically married to her job, hadn’t gone into the precinct in 3 months. It was flattering, but you knew the amount of work she would have to deal with when she got back. Even with Saikhan running things in her absence.
Lin hadn’t told you the reason she had to go out today, or how long she would be gone. You assumed it might be some time since she had Kya come over. However, Lin always wanted someone with you at all times. Like she didn’t say it 20 times a day anyways.
“I really shouldn’t worry about why she’s gone out, but I can’t help it.” You walked around and sat down on the couch carefully. You had grabbed a snack, even though Kya had offered to grab it for you.
“It’s reasonable why you worry, but she’s fine. I’m pretty sure she’s more worried about you than herself at this point.” Kya reassured you.
“Kya, like she’s ever worried about herself? That woman literally gave her bending away to protect the last airbenders and didn’t want an ounce of respect from it.”
“Selflessness. The main definition of your wife,” Kya playfully rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. Sometimes I love her for it, sometimes I hate her for it,” you sighed.
“At least you don’t have to add being her healer to all of that. I wouldn’t know how you two would be together if you were.”
“I’m very persuasive, Kya,” you smirked. She laughed in response, but she knew it was true. Lin’s told her a few stories while being healed.
You two continued talking and you snacked while Kya talked. It was nice to talk to someone different although you would never get tired while talking with Lin. You would let her go on endless rants about work or things she liked. She would apologize, but you loved it when she would talk about something so passionately, even if she was upset.
Kya was in the middle of explaining something to you when you felt an awkward sensation. It felt like a pop and you didn’t know why it happened. That was until a few seconds after.
“Kya….” you interrupted her.
Kya didn’t need to say anything when she looked and saw the expression on your face. You both knew your water had just broke.
“Right, ok. Let’s get you to the hospital.”
“What about Lin? She doesn’t even know. What if she gets home and we’re not here?”
“I’ll make sure that someone finds her. Right now I just need you to worry about yourself and the baby. Not so much the baby, that’s more of my job.”
Lin knows you would scold her for going to the station when you were due any day, but she really couldn’t handle not being there anymore. Even if it was just to check in on things. However, checking in on things soon turned into her actually doing some paperwork.
“Chief, you should really be home with your wife. This paperwork can be done by someone else.” Saikhan was standing in front of her desk as she was working on a simple paper.
“Just this last one and I’ll be out of your way Saikhan,” Lin argued.
“Lin, your wife is due any day. Go home.” He waited for Lin to finish writing whatever sentence she was on and took the paper from her.
“Fine. But you better get that done correctly.” She stood up to leave the precinct. As she grabbed her coat one of the officers open the door with a face full of mixed emotions.
“What is it?” Lin and Saikhan responded at the same time.
“Cheif, your wife,” he had to pause to catch his breath. “She’s gone into labor.”
Most of the senior officers hadn’t seen Lin run out of that building so fast since the last time someone had tried to kidnap you. Even then, some thought Lin was moving even faster now.
Lin had promised herself she wouldn’t go speeding to the hospital if this had happened, but she wanted to so badly. She definitely cursed at the spirits for doing this to her because thoughts of things that could go wrong while she wasn’t with you were running rampant in her mind.
It had taken her almost half an hour to get to the hospital. She also cursed at whoever designed the city that way.
Lin practically barged into the main entrance and everyone looked her way. She wasn’t mad, she would never be mad about this happening, but most assumed that she was since they didn’t know her like you did.
She took a deep breath before asking the desk nurse where you were.
“She’s in room 204.” The nurse pointed down the hall. “Oh, Chief Beifong! They’re fine, just go in quietly.” That information was enough for Lin to put it all together and she smiled.
“Thank you.” She turned and started walking towards the room you were in. She had the widest grin on her face and she felt so giddy and excited.
When she turned the corner and got closer to your room she willed herself to calm her nerves. The nurse had said to be quiet when entering and she had a few guesses as to why.
The door to your room was slightly ajar, enough for Lin to see the edge of the bed as well as your feet under the blankets. She quietly knocked on the door before opening it more.
Kya stood up out of the chair she was sitting in at the sound of Lin knocking. You and she looked over at Lin, who had this wide grin on her face.
“Told you someone would tell her. Didn’t take too long for her to get here.” Kya smiled. She made her way out of the room to give you two privacy.
The baby was currently asleep in your arms so you couldn’t really move. You also didn’t want to move because you were still sore.
“You can come over here and look at her y’know,” you smiled.
“Her?” Lin asked but she didn’t need you to elaborate. Both of you didn’t want to know the gender of the baby because it could get out before it was born and then there would be expectations and press everywhere.
Lin walked over and finally got to see the baby’s face. Her daughter’s face. She was so beautiful and innocent. Lin said she hated little children and even babies, but right now there wasn’t a single bit of hatred. How could she hate anything right now?
“Did you decide on a name? I know you were still looking at a few for a girl,” Lin asked.
“Yeah, I did actually. Kya and I talked a little about it. She’s got plenty of experience helping narrow down names.”
“What did she help you pick?” Lin asked.
“I settled on Keena.” Lin smiled at your answer. That was one of the ones she had liked the most, but she chose to leave the naming to you.
“Perfect,” Lin smiled. “I love you both so much.” Lin gave you a kiss and lightly kissed Keena on the forehead.
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musictelevision · 4 years
The Sun and the Moon ☯
     “Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so  much, he died every night to let her breathe.” 
Emotional Tether Folklore: Two people, preferably benders, who are connected through spiritual interference. They are chosen at birth by two specific spirits. Throughout life, they both will experience feelings and visions from each other. This is a rare occurrence, it only happens every 100-200 years. Together, the two are powerful. Apart, imbalance will occur.
Summary: Y/N is the older sister of Sokka and Katara. Once their mother died, she step forward and watched over her siblings, even though she was only just ten. Years later, Y/N is travelling with her siblings, helping the avatar master all four elements. During this adolescence adventure, will she discover mysteries about herself she’d never imagined? All her life she has resented and ran from the Fire Nation. Now, could she possibly connected to the Prince of the Fire Nation himself? 
A/N: I’ve really gotten into ATLA in the past few weeks, so this happened. I really couldn’t just sit back and not write a Zuko fic. This will be multiple chapters, and will have semi-slow updates. A masterlist and helpful links for a smooth reading experience will be added. I am going to try to make it as accurate as possible. I hope everyone does enjoy, feedback is always accepted!
Warnings: violence, fighting, death, sad elements, cussing, blood, gore, adult themes (later on, will be warned on what chapter if it occurs) !!
Themes:  relationship developments, self love+hatred, acceptance, forgiveness, friendships, adventure !!
Soulmate AU?/Slow Burn/Connection (Unspoken)/Zuko x F!reader
Chapter One :  Beginnings  ☯
The Southern Water Tribe Village ☽
“My love, you should go to bed,” Gran-Gran whispered across the room. Sokka and Katara cuddled together in peaceful bliss, she did not want to wake them. Their father had left earlier in the morning, it had been an eventful day to say the least. With her father left, she couldn’t shake the fact that he would never return. In some ways, you could say, they were orphans. It only brought her thoughts to one sole person: Kya. It had been a few months since the deadly attack. She could still picture the beastly man looming over her mother. 
“Where is the water bender!” He forced once more. Y/N hid behind her mother in fear. They had been inside doing chores when the ships reached shore. Y/N shut her eyes pretending she was somewhere else, maybe penguin sledding with Sokka. Anywhere but here. He became more hostile, roughly moving closer towards the two.
“Where is the water bender.” They knew where the bender was, in fact she was in the same room, hiding for dear life behind her mother. The other, hopefully still alive, was outside with her brother. 
Y/N felt paralyzed. The big man pried even more, making some blows at Kya. Y/N could feel herself starting to bubble inside, her emotions were something to be reckoned with. She’d almost destroyed the entire village over a temper tantrum years prior. Though she was much older, her bending was not under control. It grew from emotion. Y/N noticed the ice around her cracking at every blow he made, Kya did too. 
He stood tall once more, shadowing over the two. Y/N thought death would be different, that she would die of old age. She hadn’t even lived to see the northern lights. 
“Mom!” Katara ran through the door only to be taken back by the large man in their home. The fire nation solider turned towards her, fury in his cold ember eyes. He seemed like he was getting impatient.
“Just let them go,” Kya finally said desperately, “and I will give you the information you want.” 
“Mom-” Y/N pleaded. She was in shock, would her mother really turn in her own daughters? Y/N wasn’t ready to go, but if it meant saving the tribe, she’d be willing to do it. 
“You heard your mother, get out of here!” the man hissed. Tearfully she ran over to Katara, holding on to her for dear life. Being her big sister, it was her unspoken responsibility to keep Katara safe. 
“Mom I’m scared,” the younger girl cried. Their mother looked at them, and smiled. 
“Go find your dad sweetie, I’ll handle this.” Kya spoke before facing the man once more. Y/N practically dragged Katara away from their childhood home, running as fast as they could to find their father. 
“DAD,” Y/N screamed. The ice she stood on cracked under her feet, yet she couldn’t care. The imagine of her mother’s fearful look swarmed her mind, it made her feel sick.
“Mom is in trouble there is a man in our house,” Katara shouted. Y/N held her hand tightly, making sure she didn’t loose her grip. They were the last water benders in the tribe. The two were vulnerable and easy targets, but she would never let Katara know that.  
“Kya!” their father cried out as he followed them back to their home. Sokka followed close behind. 
Her mother’s dead body laid on the floor. 
She didn’t want to remember the rest. Her father left to fight for their tribe after the devastating invasion. He seemed more, cold. Y/N couldn’t help but notice just how much Kya’s death changed him. Maybe his coldness was directed towards herself. She couldn’t bring herself to ponder that thought.
“Dad isn’t coming back,” Y/N remarked. Gran-Gran paused, calculating just the right thing to say. Sokka rustled in his sleep slightly, before settling once again. 
“I can’t shake the fact that he’s going to end up just like mom. Besides I am the reason mom is dead. No wonder Dad left, he can’t even look at me.” Gran-Gran shushed Y/N quickly. Sokka and Katara did not know the reason Kya died, and Gran-Gran wanted to keep it that way. It was Hakoda’s wish.
“Come child,” she waved the young water bender out into the crisp midnight air. Y/N followed the elder eagerly. The moon, full and bright, lit the entire village. The stars shined brightly, she thought of her mother. Kya always told her the magic of the night sky, how the moon and stars worked together so gracefully. Gran-Gran stood at the edge of the water, patiently waiting for the young girl to join her side. 
“When you were born, your mother suspected you would be a bender. That was a dangerous thing to be,” she paused with a long sigh. “However, the moon spoke to your mother the night you were born. The moon was the brightest it had ever been that night, the whole village awoke from its light. The moon shinned for you, and Kya knew that.” 
Y/N smiled to herself. She’d never known this much about herself before. It still didn’t make her feel better, why was Gran-Gran telling her this anyway? It didn’t change anything, her mother was still gone and her father still hated her. 
“But,” Gran-Gran continued abruptly. “The sun rose early that morning, bright as ever. It was as if the balance had returned for a day. We thought maybe you were the avatar.” They both sat in silence pondering her last statement.
The avatar? What a joke. Y/N had begun to believe such a thing never even existed in the first place. 
“I’m sorry I’m not,” Y/N muttered keeping her eyes fixated on the moon.
“No child, that is not your destiny. Your mother knew that you would be apart of restoring balance to the world, but just not in the way. The moon spoke to her. The great spirit told her to protect you from all harm.” Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, but she did not dare let them fall. Her mother was protecting her, she knew that the day she met her end. But to protect her over some prophecy a moon spirit said? It made her blood boil. 
“Of course, you won’t be alone in this.” Gran-Gran smiled to herself, leaving Y/N only to formulate more questions.
“Why would the moon find any sort of balance in me? Why would the sun react with the moon? How will I ever find another person to help me? This is so stupid, how do I know If you’re even telling the truth?  Gran-Gran this is ridiculous. No moon spirit cares about me! If they did they wouldn’t let her die or let dad go!” 
The eldest villager didn’t answered. She knew it was impossible to know. It was the truth, but it would take Y/N years to accept that. 
“Do not dwell on the unknown, it will be revealed when the universe allows it. What you do with this information is your choice,” Gran-Gran slowly confirmed before making her way back to her respected residence. 
“Ugh,” Y/N belted. She waved her hand towards the water before her in frustration. The water reacted with her swift movement, sending a wave towards the horizon. The sadness and confusion hit her, almost like a punch to the chest. 
She chose to never speak of the information Kanna gave her. It still plagued her mind every so often, but she ignored every aspect of it. In her eyes, she was a normal southern water tribe citizen.
But in the back of her mind she knew, that was far from true.
That night at the Fire Nation Palace ☽
Ursa had done what she had to. It was for him, her son, Zuko. She had protected him his whole life, just as she was instructed to. The sun spirit made that clear to her on the day of his birth. This incident was no different, just more drastic changes would have to be made.
She quickly made her way through the palace halls, her frail body still humming with adrenaline. Killing the fire lord, what was she thinking? Leaving now would only make it clear just who did it. Was being on the run from the crupt fire nation worth saving Zuko? A million times yes. Stopping to catch her breath, her attention caught by the bright orb in the night sky. It always gave her peace of mind, the moon. 
Azulon had instructed Ozai, her husband, to kill her first born. If only Ozai hadn’t spoken in such a heartless arrogant way, this wouldn’t have happened. To kill his child? It was horrible. He would do it though, if it meant keeping his honor. Ursa questioned why Ozai was so empty and power hungry. It was an answer she’d never know.
Some servants scurried pass her, bowing in the process. Did they know? They would soon, everyone would. She had to make herself scarce before then. The paranoia was sinking in ever so quickly. It was the only way to save herself, leaving. But, Ursa couldn’t help her mind race to Zuko. 
The room he occupied was dark. There the young prince laid sprawled out on the crimson-colored king sized bed. Snoring slightly, he peacefully slept. The moon light coming from the window lit his raven colored hair perfectly. It felt wrong to wake him, he looked so content. But, it had to be done. For all she knew, it could be the last time she would ever lay eyes on her son. It was a little past midnight, in the morning the whole world would know. 
She sat on the corner of the bed next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Zuko had never been a heavy sleeper, especially with Azula as a sister. Her unless torment made him keen and aware of his surroundings, a good habit. 
“Mom,” he muttered groggily. Why was she here? His mind was still fuzzy.
“Zuko,” Ursa urgently spoke. Ursa quickly grabbed him by his sides, lifting her son up to face her. He blinked a few times, trying to focus with his tired eyes. 
“Please, my love, listen to me,” this made him try to focus more. Her voice was hoarse almost like she had been crying.  
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect you,” with this statement she pulled him into a hug. The last hug. She squeezed tighter than normal, he did not question it. 
She finally pulled away after what seemed like minutes. He was such a beautiful boy, how could she leave him? Would he parish without her? Would he be taken advantage of? Only the spirits could know. Footsteps could be heard in the hall outside his chamber. 
“Remember this Zuko,” she started facing him once more. Her voice was more stern this time, like she wanted to send a message. 
“No matter how things seem to change, never forget who you are,” her voice said in a whisper tone. Ursa hoped he’d listen, and take those words to heart. It was all she could do for him. From now on, Zuko would be on his own.
The prince watched her in tired confused as she turned towards the door. He wanted to say something, question why she had come, but he couldn’t. The tiredness was overwhelming, taking over before he could object. She sadly looked back once more, before pulling her cloak over her head. 
Hastily she ventured back trough the halls, leaving swiftly without a trace. By the time the fire nation caught word of their deceased leader, she was long gone. Just a memory. Ursa’s life she once knew was far behind her.
She looked up to the two spirits in the sky. The setting moon and the rising sun. Their harmonious relationship was on display in the sky. How wonderful the colors of the night collided with the morning sun, she thought to herself. 
“Watch after him,” the woman pleaded to the two spirits that occupied the sky.
“He will make you proud.” 
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peoplesgraves · 4 years
Hi! I love your works! Can you do a yandereish Aang x daughter! airbender! reader? Pleaseeee
Problem child
Yandereish father aang x airbender child reader
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Born a middle child like Kya you were destined for a life of being forgotten right from the start. Even more so when both Kya and Tenzin first got their bending. While Bumi fought tooth and nail for his fathers attention you took to the freedom that low expectations gave like a fish to water. You were happy, coming and going as you pleased, not shackled by the obligation both Kya and Tenzin had to regrow their respective nations nor the need for approval that burdened Bumi.
It was only natural that when you did discover you were an airbender you tried to hide it for as long as possible, not wanting to lose the life you’d started to build for yourself. A fools errand seeing as how observant Katara truly was. Your father was nearly hysterical, a confusing mix of joy and disappointment that you hadn’t told him right away. At first he had tried to be a better father but you had grown past the need for his attention or affection. So he instead focused on training you alongside Tenzin, with extra one one training nearly everyday. His rationale was confusing. Some days he’d say that it was because you had so much more potential then your brother and then suddenly it was the opposite. You were starting to think he was purposely keeping you off balance so you’d ignore how restricted you now were and abandon any plans to leave.
You knew you’d never truly be free of him. Even in death the avatar cycle would continue and you were sure he’d find some way to stifle you in his next life, under the thin ruse of ‘fatherly love’. So you readied your sky bison to run away, to try and enjoy some of the outside world before he inevitably caught you. Up until his quiet footsteps drew your attention. You knew that no amount of feigning stupidity would put out the anger he held in his eyes this time. So you readied yourself for a fight you’d never win and came to a silent realization. If you truly couldn’t rid yourself of your father, at the very least you could make him suffer like you’d been.
I have base knowledge of lok so I’m sorry if the characters are too ooc. Hopefully you still like it 💖
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