suryamouli-blog1 · 1 year
A few songs in Bengali Films that sets the mood for the viewers to watch it
It is widely opined that Indian cinema is fundamentally deficient without its alluring songs. Therefore, it comes as no astonishment that we have been bestowed with copious instances of melodious tunes that effortlessly captivate the hearts of the audience, serving as the quintessential companion to the presented opus.
In my particular case, I have chanced upon a few invaluable gems that instantly transport me to the realm of the film, summoning the desired sentiments. Permit me to bestow upon you my adulations:
Tabo Charana Nimne (Oh! Behold the beauty below) - First and foremost, we have the 1966 magnum opus "Subhaschandra", skilfully directed by the venerable Piyush Basu. This cinematic marvel delves into the existence of Subhash Chandra Bose, an extraordinary patriot who played a pivotal role in India's National movement. The film exhibits an array of patriotic melodies, deftly composed to resonate with the narrative and ignite the fervor of patriotism within the hearts of the viewers. In my humble opinion, the song that truly encapsulates this sentiment is none other than 'Tabo Charana Nimne', crafted by the illustrious Rajanikanta Sen. Although I certainly appreciate the other musical offerings, this particular melody, when juxtaposed with the film, instils in me an unparalleled sense of patriotism and motivation. The musical genius Aparesh Lahiri, in collaboration with Maestro Manna Dey, ensures that this song is performed with utmost delicacy and finesse.
2. Haridaser Bulbul Bhaja (A roadside snack prepared by Haridas) - Progressing to Tarun Majumder's romantic comedy extravaganza of 1972, 'Sriman Prithviraj'. Allow me to assert that the captivating opening song, 'Haridasher bulbul bhaja-', wonderfully crooned by the talented Tarun Bandyopadhyay and brought to life on screen by the incomparable Rabi Ghosh, effortlessly grasps the attention of the audience. Unbeknownst to them, it ushers a delightful smile onto their countenances, preparing them for the enchantment that lies ahead. Penned down by the beloved lyricist Gauriprasanna Majumder and composed by the legendary Hemanta Mukherjee, this delightful melody, in my view, wholeheartedly caters to the desires of the audience. One might even consider it an 'anthem' for the roadside food vendors in India, who, as a crucial part of the masses, satiate the hunger of weary travellers with their freshly prepared and reasonably priced delectables.
3. Potaldangar amra kojon bikhyato char murtiman (We are the famous four musketeers from Potaldanga) Now, let us venture into the whimsical world of "Tenida", where we are regaled by the exploits of the spirited Tenida and his three precocious juniors, Habul, Pyala, and Kyabla. Unlike typical elder figures in any group, Tenida not only acts as a member of the gang but also manages to reduce the average age of the group! The song 'Potaldangar amra kojon', penned by the esteemed Shibdas Bandyopadhyay, brilliantly captures the thoughts and aspirations of a teenager embarking on a new world. It seamlessly combines the innocence and purity of adolescence, presented in a simplistic manner. Ajoy Das, with his musical prowess, and the enchanting voice of Manna Dey, add that extra touch of magic! While I personally believe that the film may pale in comparison to the novel, this particular song successfully revives the ambiance and endeavors to engulf the individual in a world of cheer and merriment, far removed from the clutches of despondency.
4. Chalo Ekhono Somoy Ache (Let's go for there is still time) - Next, we step into the enchanting realm of Anjan Dutta's 2008 spectacle 'Chalo Let's Go'. This cinematic masterpiece delves into the themes of camaraderie, intricate relationships, and most importantly, travel. The song 'Cholo ekhono somoy ache', performed by the talented quartet comprising Anjan Dutt, Ujjaini Mukherjee, Sreekanta Acharya, and Rupam Islam, under the skilled musical direction of Neel Dutta, splendidly encompasses the essence of bohemianism, offering a nonchalant glimpse into life accompanied by a wave of nostalgia. The line within the song, 'Ei poth jodi na sesh hoy-', is guaranteed to bring a smile to any Bengali's countenance even today! This song ingeniously combines the Bengali yearning for exploration with a hint of nostalgia. Personally, I find it to be a melodious bridge that seamlessly connects the audience to the film's narrative. Thus, I strongly assert that this song possesses an extraordinary connection.
5. Jekono Bhumikay Somaane Lore Jaai (I fit into any role) - Last but certainly not the least, we have Abhijit Choudhury's 2003 cinematic marvel, "Patalghar". This film bestowed upon us the unforgettable song 'Jekono bhumikay somaane lore jaai-', rendered with great finesse by the talented Kharaj Mukherjee, under the musical supervision of the revered Debojyoti Mishra. This delightful masterpiece isn't merely a song; it encompasses dialogues and harmonious chaos, paying homage to the luminaries of Bengali cinema, such as the legendary Uttam Kumar and Chhabi Biswas.
Allow me to emphasize that what I have just shared is but a minuscule fraction in the vast expanse of mesmerizing songs that adeptly set the ambience and instantaneously connect the audience with the audio-visual experience. And mind you, this is merely within my vernacular! I am acutely aware that there are countless melodies in other languages, awaiting discovery and admiration. Hence, I beseech my cherished readers to share their thoughts and recommendations, as I eagerly yearn to explore even more musical masterpieces within the confines of my own vernacular.
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
I don't know what I'm going to unleash with this question, but I'm asking it anyway — what are your opinions on Charmurti (1978)?
Oh man you unleashed all my petty rage and nitpicking, god bless. Heads up for anyone who likes it, I'm going to BITCH. And disclaimer that I haven't watched the movie in a couple of years and I'm going off memory.
So. To start off I'm super nitpicky about adaptations especially when the source material is something so important to me so I rarely like any adaptations of Tenida. And my criticisms are possibly too harsh. I don't mind changes to minor story details, I really don't. Satyajit Ray's Feluda movies did that. Minor adaptations don't bother me as long as the general essence is faithful and changes are often necessary for book-to-film adaptation. My problem with Charmurti is that Umanath Bhattacharya does not seem to Get the essence of the story and characters.
First of all What was that ending oh my god. I don't remember exactly what happened but there were some dumbass fight sequences which. what was the point? The book had a perfect climax, it was dramatic and funny but not over the top, it was Handed to you on a Platter and you choose to drag it longer for no reason? Eijonyo desher kichhu hoy na. Even more than the disservice to the canon ending, what bothers me about the ending is that. they're not meant to be op. They're literally just kids who want to have a good time. They're not meant to like, fistfight criminals while cops uselessly hang around in the background. I cannot stress this enough, they're average humans. Chaotic and dumbass yes, but they're not Fight Sequence people. Adaptation directors be like "this generally peaceful domestic character can fistfight. As a treat." (Byomkesh Gotro I'm looking at you)
Anyway moving on. Manna Dey's intro song was nice though the other songs were So random. The comedy was. well. I don't exactly remember why I'm not a fan of the comedy but it seems like the sort of easy-flowing humour of the books translated to pointless yelling and slapstick comedy in the movie? I think it ties in with the director not Getting It but I don't remember these things very well so I'll give it the benefit of doubt.
Now my favourite part: the characters. I did not like Chinmoy Roy's casting At All. I don't get why he's so hyped up in that role because it was objectively bad casting? I mean I know why, it's because people interpret Tenida as slapstick comedy with no depth, but I don't understand. He just didn't have that Personality or even look the part tbh. And you know what? Prabhat Mukhopadhyay whom Tenida was based on didn't much like his portrayal either. Validation right there. (I wish I could link the article I read that in but I can't find it rip)
Habul, Pyala and Kyabla were good appearance wise. Vibe wise not so much. Kyabla was. Idk he's so chill in the books, but he was just? yelling all the time in the movie? He honestly felt kind of dull compared to book Kyabla's bright personality. I really wish I could appreciate the part with Kyabla being emo about Habul being kidnapped but I can't, it's just so over the top. Like the movie does show that they care about each other but it's hard to take seriously because everything is so extra, unlike how in the books there are wholesome parts and they seriously Experience Things even though the style is lighthearted.
And speaking of Kyabla, why are the filmmakers so obsessed with his mother and if they are why don't they show her properly? They rushed through the main plot while wasting half the time on her. The 2012 movie did that too, she's there in the movie all the time and serves no purpose except moping around. She's Not Like That. She was super chill in the books (Kyabla came from somewhere right?). She's the only functional character in the series imo but that's just my opinion. I just? If you must drag her into the story for no reason then do it properly jeez.
Habul was one of the few redeeming qualities of the movie though. And Santosh Dutta. Shantosh Dutta being in the cast is always a good thing. Jhonturam was great, and as far as I remember I liked Satya Bandopadhyay and Rabi Ghosh. I don't remember anyone else rip. Habul was accurate to the books, they somehow miraculously retained his subtle humour and the actor did a Wonderful job with the whole joking with a straight face thing. Genuinely made me laugh in the same way book Habul does, love him for that.
I saved Pyala for last because ofc I'm most passionate about him. He was SO UNDERPLAYED. He comes across as just super try-hardy and extra™ and all he does is whine and get dunked on all the time? Not that I'm surprised, he's always underplayed everywhere. If I were to voice all my grievances about his misinterpretations we'd be here all day but my biases aside: Pyala is super important in the books right? The plot follows him because he's the narrator obviously and that's enjoyable because the reader has that extra connection with him. He affects the narration so much. Sometimes he has more protagonist energy than Tenida and that's fine, Tenida is not meant to be More Capable than the rest like Feluda is.
This is what adaptations go wrong with. They always hold up Tenida as the MVP and don't bother to establish the relationship between Pyala and the viewer. Yet the plot follows Pyala anyway even though he's not established as that special. Why? Why would anyone care so much about him? Either give him the importance he has in the books or nerf him and change the narration accordingly. This is just lazy.
Adapting books with first person narration to movies without first person narration is hard. Afaik some of the Byomkesh movies keep Ajit the narrator and that works. Feluda movies don't keep Topshe the narrator and that also works because the narration is adapted accordingly. In case of Tenida I honestly feel the best way is to keep the first person narration just because the narration affects the story so much.
Yeah I think that's all I have. All that being said, I don't actively hate it, I'm mostly meh on it (especially after seeing the 2012 movie, the 1978 one seems like heaven by comparison) and I guess I only have so many grievances because I'm extra possessive about the books. I don't think it can be judged separately from the books either because it's Supposed to be a direct adaptation. The plot mostly follows the book (other than that ending) so that's good. Overall I guess it's fun but lacks a lot of nuance of the books. THANK YOU for the ask, it was super fun to let off all this steam.
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Incorrect Tenida
@callonpeevesie​ @jukti-torko-golpo​ sorry for dragging you into my brainrot but ... *dumps these incorrect quotes I found*
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distapata · 3 years
What's the characters' favourite feel good movie to watch?
Gopi !!! Ack, it took me too long to answer this and I am so sorry about that, I just needed some time to think about the answer. I apologise for this mess, like how did I keep you waiting for so long (and then came up with a Bengali movie that has no subtitles) - anyway, I hope you still love me, and if you do, then I really appreciate it ❤️
Decided to do this for Aditya. He is an OC from the Dhrubatara universe, one of Dhruba's secretaries, and one of the prominent side characters in the Dhrubatara AU acrj
Charmurti. Movie adaption of a children's classic, this film is Aditya's comfort film. A movie about four friends, all between sixteen to early twenties (correct me if I am wrong, @arachneofthoughts), flawed in their own way, self-aware, but also, unabashedly living life and taking it one day at a time, like one big adventure, Charmurti is a wonderful movie. And Aditya loves it.
Aditya loves Tenida, Habul, Kyabla and Pyala, he loves how they tease each other, pull each other's leg, but also how they would do everything for each other. Their friendship inspires him, as does the courage they show dealing with everyday life.
He relates to their love of food, going on a short trip with friends and having a gala time. He sees the message of facing one's fears and walks into his Maami's kitchen - full of cockroaches, his number one fear - and he cooks lunch without breaking a sweat, because the film taught him so.
The fun dynamics also remind him of his home, where he used to live with three siblings and five cousins, one big joint family where he didn't even have a bedroom of his own and now he is renting a flat and the emptiness threatens to swallow him whole. He re watches Charmurti quite often, in bits and pieces, because it inspires him and gives him the strength to tackle the future with a smile.
Charmurti is not his feel good movie.
It is his best friend, philosopher, and guide.
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vish1994-blog · 3 years
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If "Being Kyabla" was an Olympic sport.....🤣🤣🤣 (at Dankuni Housing Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPYzFavG3hmvxM9a6-AN0EzSF2--I7_yhV5HQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
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I drew Kyabla because I'm in a Mood,,, and I have many opinions that I'm too lazy to write out, but I just think he's neat. It was super cool to eight year old me that he's good at studies but not a stereotypical nerd without a social life or whatever. He's good because he likes learning and this is the hill I'll die on. And I feel the need to say that I admire his common sense. Society needs to appreciate more that he gets shit done with common sense. Anyway. I love him because he may be intelligent but he's still complete chaos. A disaster with braincells is still a disaster 😌
(Also I just had a weird thought that he'd be god tier at making memes if he was gen z. I felt that was needed to know.)
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
Childhood headcanon for Kyabla.
And if you feel up to this...happy headcanon for Coco, please.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Why this is right up my alley, I have many Thoughts sjhkgk
So my absolute favourite headcanon on Kyabla is that his parents are super cool and he was close to them, especially his mother. He doesn't have a lot of siblings, either because his parents were, well, ahead of their time or because they used to get transferred a lot. Family was always super important to him, and as a kid it was the only fun thing he knew because he didn't have friends as such. His parents gave him the right amount of independence, prioritised having fun and traveled a lot and stuff. Also they were conscious about teaching their children Bengali when they were staying outside and Kyabla was equally fluent in both Hindi and Bengali growing up. Basically his childhood was pretty chill mostly because he had good parents and a good relationship with them. Sorry if this ended up being more family headcanon than childhood, oops
☆ - happy headcanon
I always feel up to Coco of course
Coco has a habit of always hyping up her loved ones because she likes to see others happy. Julio used to be shy about dancing with her in the beginning, but she always complimented his dancing. It comes naturally to her. She was more excited than anyone else when Elena and Victoria made their first shoes. She makes it a point to compliment Rosita's cooking regularly. If you feel bad about yourself you go to Coco and she'll find something to hype you up about and cheer you up in no time.
Headcanon meme
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callonpeevesie · 4 years
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Fantober Day 17: Haunted
It's from Charmurti. I'm having a blast drawing the boys!
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
I Do Not Like when adaptations modernize 20th century bengali stories because those stories are tied to the time they're set in and don't make sense in modern settings and because they're rarely adapted well. BUT (and read that "but" in Pepa's voice) I am a very strong believer of "fandoms should have more freedom than adaptations because adaptations have a legitimacy that fandom is not bound to".
Is gen z tenida legit enough to actually Be in an adaptation? No. Is it a very funny concept regardless? You bet
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@callonpeevesie​ you gave a tenida brainrot and now i can’t stop thinking about them ToT  ๑>ᴗ<๑ So here’s a few quick sketches >//<
(all the character design is based on the movie Charmurti)
I always thought Habul and Kyabla are more like bestfriends/duo just like Pyala and Tenida were one. And since they two were my favourites in the movie sooo...  i don’t make sense i know   ๑>ᴗ<๑
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So I really like this idea that Kyabla used to pride on the fact that he is taller than Habul but when they grew up, Habul grew larger
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Headcannon: Habul likes to tease Kyabla for his glasses  ๑>ᴗ<๑
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So since we all could not get enough of the movie Habul @callonpeevesie​​ @jukti-torko-golpo​ have a little false behind-the-scene  ₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎
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Based on this scene
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
Aami forever Kyabla r fan. Aapni?
Pyala :] apni bolte hobe na 😭
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my head atm
Jet again
why isn’t there more fanfics sir?
why isn’t that fantastic dj translated ToT
someone please complete my story for me i want to read more of that pair
Nobita x Dekisugi
why is zuko like me so much
like we even share the same mbti
speaking of mbti nobita and zuko share mbti too
but like E S T P s 
and like I S T J s
i love them
Lucian and Max just date already
Jet just say your love is stronger than your hatred
Zuko go kiss
isn’t there more fanaarttt? 
and the movie Habul 
and the movie Kyabla
not the book ones
okay but im a mess
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