#kyo is an idiot XD
mobolanz · 11 months
Interesting thing!:D both sisters have a favourite so far, but the reasoning is... amusing xD
For the first; it's kyo
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"welll uh... it's kyo actually. That's because he's all 'everyone here is an idiot except for me' and like .... that's true 😕"
Considering Levi is her fav for AOT, I have deciphered a type!:D
For the second: (for now) Shigure xD
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"well yeah, I love him because he's really funny even if it's creepy sometimes. I'm not so sure about it tho because he's being very suspicious at some points. I'll need to wait and see. Didn't remember him being like that in the old one tbh..."
(Ah this flashes me back to her nonceasing questions about where Eren's dad is when starting aot , but... she's in for another surprise xD)
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teresashiho · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Got tagged by @raichana, and I love incorrect quotes, so lets do this!
Rules: Use this link to generate incorrect quotes for your OCs!
Koray: Oh no! I’m doomed! Eliana: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Moriah at their own memorial service. Koray: Exactly! It’s impossible!
Accurate, Koray has nothing but disdain for Moriah XD
Kyo: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life. Aysuna: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Kyo: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Koray: Edible.
Eliana: Guys, they're definitely prepared for us. They even have a training model of our brand new top-secret stealth helicopter. Reuel: No you idiot, that’s ours we crashed! Eliana: Oh yeah. I guess that makes more sense.
Pfffffft, Reuel being the sensible one as always
Kyo: Eliana just said "I have an appetite for destruction" and then they reached down and untied my shoe.
Thats one way to get revenge I guess XD
Reuel: Don't go to the kitchen. Eliana: Why? Reuel: I saw a spider. Eliana: Well, did you kill it? Reuel: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair…
Also accurate XD
Okay, I gotta stop myself before I get lost in it!
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emptysurface · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Shiranui Kyo, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Kisaki Additional Tags: Snippets, Kisaki is Best Dog, Explosions are amazing Summary:
Gift fic for EmptySurface based off of a chapter from her story Between the Silence, which is connected to her fantastic story Hear the Silence and deals with the idea of Shiranui Kyo being assigned a genin team while being basically the same age as her students.
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randoimago · 3 years
Matching Anime couples costumes with the P5 boys? (Bonus if Joker is in a Lelouch costume and reader is C.C)
Matching Anime Costumes
FANDOM: Persona 5
Character(s): Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa
Mentioned Character(s): Light Yagami (death note), L Lawliet (death note), Shinra Kishitani (durarara), Celty Sturluson (durarara), Kyo Sohma (fruits basket), Tohru Honda (fruits basket), Usagi Tsukino (sailor moon), Mamoru Chiba (sailor moon)
Type of Request: Halloween 🎃
Word Count: 446
Note(s): I know nothing about Code Geass except the name Lelouch so I don't think I'll be getting those Bonus points xD
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You came up with the idea of dressing up like anime characters with him. He was intrigued because he likes anime. There’s quite a bit of sitting and planning out who to go as.
Originally wanted to go as L from Death Note but considering you wanted to go in couple costumes, he decided against it. 
I mean, if anyone would dress as Light it’d be Akechi and not you. You can’t help but snicker at the thought.
Ends up going as Shinra from Durarara and you can be his Celty. It seems like a good match to him considering he can be a goofy, lovestruck idiot just like Shinra.
Also, the outfits are fairly simple to get too. So you both don’t have to spend too much money to make/buy them! He thinks it’s a win/win.
You bring up the idea of anime couple costumes and Ryuji doesn’t mind. Probably gets a bit flustered at the idea of going in couple costumes.
He honestly can’t decide on who to go as because he doesn’t want to have an itchy wig or some outfit that’s too expensive since this’ll be the only time he wears it.
Let’s you decide on the couples costumes because it hurts his head too much to try and think of who to go as. There’s too many options and he’s picky.
So you decide to go as Kyo and Tohru from Fruits Basket. Ryuji probably has no idea who that couple is but agrees when you show him a photo of Kyo (leaving out the fact that he’s a hothead like Ryuji).
The costumes are simple enough and Ryuji finds himself enjoying the look. 
Wants to go as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. It’s an old couple that so many love and also the aesthetics that can be brought out in the outfits are up his alley.
Of course the outfits could be a bit much considering the outfits themselves are probably a bit costly and Yusuke doesn’t have money. 
Painting is where Yusuke thrives in the art department, but he will try to hone some sewing skills to see if he can just make designs on the outfits instead.
You do suggest looking into other, less costly outfits but Yusuke declines. He has his heart set on this pairing and so it is going to happen. 
Okay but if the time comes to present each other your costumes and you step out in a wedding dress then Yusuke is going to blush so much but also be so happy. He doesn’t have money for a ring right now, but you can bet he will be saving up.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review ch (90)- First pages ONLY.
I skimmed thro ch-89 to know the context of ch-90. it was Cinderella’s play. In this chapter, Kyo says early on, that time has passed since the play & that they are NOW starting their third year in high school. cool.
This part will ONLY focus on the 1st few pages of ch 90 abt (kyo & tohru) & stop before kyo’s memories starts, because the early pages contain:
Tons of new unexplored analysis of (kyo & tohru) characters that unfortunately was intentionally cut & worse! “changed” in the anime.
No space to add kyoko’s story in this post.
Kyoko’s story is full psychologically & socially.. I need to take a deeeeeeep breath before I unpack it. very deeeeep breath!
-Glimpses of Tohru (the silent grieving girl) Subtle Writing of Grief:
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Right from the beginning, I hate how much insight into tohru’s grief & weakness as a human being is already there in the first few pages of ch-90 than the entire 3 seasons of the anime! From few pages we have:
Tohru’s seemingly delighted watching a video. Subtly, showcasing tohru’s grieve & paving the path for tohru’s trauma exploration later in the story. Grief is not sth you quickly past, that’s the most tragic misunderstanding of grief. Time will pass, so, you’ll be better & healthier. Really?!. Tohru’s inner desire to see her mom alive manifested in her words: “ like a photo comes to life” T_T.
The story/writing/manga is acknowledging tohru’s heartbreaking & NOT cute habit of talking to her mom’s cold dead photo! In the anime, tohru talks to her a lot in se01 & it’s up to you to see as as “ cute” as all the canon characters do or actually feeling it IS wrong. Kyo’s  “ what would she do if there were a video of her mom”! “ drives the point more abt tohru being a sad grieving human~not the “advice-giving, optimistic angel, & rain-stopping sunshine in the anime.
Tohru telling kyo to NOT catch cold connecting it to se01, ep 9 (haru’s ep) when tohru was afraid that yuki might catch cold & kyo noticed that! so now in se03, they’re dropping this plot altogether within the main anime, for what? we dont even know if this part would be included in whatever “ kyoko’s” spinoff content would be. -_-’.
That’s how you write subtle trauma such as (grief) for a main (female) MC. subtlety is the key. Respect the viewers intelligence & do it.
You don’t have to give her the long speeches or the many focused ep that yuki had. he’s the kind who confront himself inwardly constantly.
You don’t have to showcase drama, confrontation & force the emotions out like you did with kyo. he runs from his trauma & punishes himself.
Tohru buries her feelings! she’s different from both kyo & yuki. So, with her subtle & symbolic scenes are enough!!!The viewers will catch it if you show it, but ignoring it, cutting it & hoping the viewers will magically predict what you cut, is weird. But the anime isn’t even into us predicting nor subtly showing her cuz this tohru is NOT the tohru we have in the anime. How?
Simply cuz there is no kyo’s inner thoughts abt small things such as tohru’s photo obsession which subtly shows her grief & trauma. If kyo didn’t monologue abt her, tohru does not exist as she’s meant to be. You loose the subtle insights into tohru if you cut kyo’s inner thoughts. Not everything kyo thinks abt in regards to tohru is romance!!! That’s a very narrow & superficial look into the writing of kyo/’tohru dynamics. Flip the pages, hmm..cut this kyoru scene here & there cuz we dont want the anime to be only their love story.. But the story itself IS NOT only their love story at all. These pages/scenes here are abt tohru as a PERSON. Not tohru the lover...
- Writing Clashes between manga & anime: (Kyo’s Conscious Gradual Psychological Exploration vs Shock Value & Drama)
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In ch 90 i really love all the inner self talking that kyo’s doing. It really explains why he ended up rejecting tohru so strongly. Also, going for a trip into kyo’s mind is hella exciting, new, refreshing & full of analysis-worthy exploration! Kyo’s inner psychological argument with himself is a psychologically-informed presentation of a tried guilty mind:
“ Why can’t I stop thinking of (kyoko’s words) lately? Acknowledging that he IS remembering kyoko & never forgot her. This is also supported in the anime itself. When he apologized to a sleeping tohru in se01, ep14 & se02, ep9 , confronting yuki in the stairs & other instances as well. 
“ It’s like a lid been opened & all the memories came pouring”. Acknowledging that kyo DID open his lid since se02, ep9 byt chose to run & not confront it due to his guilt of ruining tohru’s happiness by confessing his connection to her mom. 
“ pretending I didn’t know, pretending I forgot”. Here is a blatant clash in kyo’s writing (1) between the anime & manga (2) between the anime’s episodes themselves!!. In the manga, again kyo chose to ignore & pretended to forget. Death is NOT sth you forgot. Kyo saw kyoko bleeding & dying.  The anime chose to make him totally forget & it could’ve worked if they didn’t included all the canon moments of him actually remembering & pretending to forget. Is that lazy writing? or was the director for se03 different from se 1 &2 &? chose to NOT watch the two previous seasons? Why would you consciously include a contradicting depiction of your character on screen for thousands of confused viewers? Was the scene of kyo’s shocked gave upon seeing kyoko’s photo that artistically appealing that you forgot everything? I really have NO problem of kyo forgetting kyoko if that was written in the anime since se01, but it wasn't. that's why it sucks. 
“Is this payback? maybe I want to blame ME?” augh! i love this line so much! Directly hinting to the viewers that this is kyo’s one-sided guilt before his story with kyoko even started! subtly paving the path for the reason of his rejection of tohru” I dont want forgiveness. I want to blame ME.
-I don’t mind that the anime left kyo’s thoughts of kyoko until the climax in eo8, cuz ep 8 was SO well-done! Se03, ep 8 pacing was very suitable to (1) uncovering dark secrets & death, trauma, & guilt. (2)  for exploring the effects such secrets on kyo’s character, decisions, mentality. Also, the animation of kyo’s face all ep 8 was one of the most expressive facial expressions the anime has ever delivered! The eyebrows, eyes, mouth, tears, body languages, heartache was all 100% perfect. The fact that the following eps didnt have much time to express everything & chapters were cramped is not ep 8′s fault but the decision to have 13 eps. Kyo’s delayed trauma deserved to have its own ep.
-What I DO mind is the added scene of ep 6 where he freaked out upon seeing kyoko’s picture, the concept of shock is perfect & so suitable for an anime but was NEVER properly written into the anime itself from the beginning. On the contrary, the anime itself contradict such usage of such value. Good job ruining an otherwise perfect-depiction of two traumatized characters (kyo & tohru) with ONE scene.. -_-
Side Notes:
I thought tohru is narrating the 1st page in ch-90, turned it out it is kyo!!!! Kyo narrates sth? Kyo monologues? kyo has a POV? Just the setting of kyo doing that feels different! I duno if it cuz when that happens in the anime it’s always clash & drama! lol, or cuz it’s sth original!
Shigure’s “ it’s broadcasted all over the nation” is epic! XD! you know poor stupid kyo would fall for that! XD. kyo, you really are an idiot! XD... man this scene would’ve been epic comedy~ lol.
Tohru not knowing what a “dvd” is is outdated for the anime, but to still keep the sentiment of “her wishing she’d have a video footage of her mom”, they could’ve replaced her words with “ It’d be fun watching this play years from now & remembering all the details”. I know that to some, it feels weird that tohru doesn't have video footage of her mom in this era. but trust me, this is more common than you might think. My late brother, who’s way younger than me, doesn't have much video footage, he always felt awkward & preferred not to be filmed. We got photos for him tho~
Even if you want kyo’s knowledge of kyoko to be in the climax only. You can always include this scene of tohru & kyo in the first pages in the anime somehow. It doesn't even need to be abt the dvd even tho that’s manageable. Cutting this short scene of them talking abt videos, & catching cold is cutting tohru’s trauma from its core. Then, the old grandpa’s narration from se03, ep6 would at least have some backup in the anime’s canon.
Momiji & shigure are perfect as a comedic duo!
I can’t get over tohru’s art~ <3
Pinning kyo at the beginning is epic~ kyo always gets the BEST romantic lines when he talks to himself. “ burning (tohru’s ) memories into my head or forgetting everything”. The torturing fire inside him is only distinguished by loving her but is also ignited by loving her~ what’s the solution~
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whimsiicalmuses · 3 years
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@awesomeuchuu wrote “ eventually, you just get used to it. “ From Kanata to Kyo (the way I'm thinking is that Kanata's just lamenting in a fountain or something and talking to himself so he just blurts this out as Kyo walks past or something like that? Whatever suits you XD)
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Kyo was use to weird people now, but this was the first time he saw someone legit talking to a fountain... Kyo sighed, "why did he have to walk around so many idiots?" he mumbled to himself so the stranger couldn't hear him. Was it normal to talk to fountains? Kyo knew that it wasn't the top thing on his list.
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"Do you always talk to yourself?" He said to the stranger, why was he trying to start a conversation with this person? Did he care? Not really. I guess he was kind of curious on why they were talking to a fountain in the first place.
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eternalpassions · 3 years
Me too, mate. Me too. My bias for Yuki is strong as hell. If Kyo didn't have a satisfying character arc I would've been annoyed with both him and his pairing. But it just so happens he does have a nice arc and thank god for that. Though I can relate with both Yuki and Kyo, I just had a lean towards Yuki. When I first watched it, I took one look at Kyo and went "I hate this dumbass". He doesn't even hit it close to home to me, he hits it directly on home. Overtime I came to appreciate him more. And it's a testament to his character that *overtime* is really in just a few episodes. As for Yuki and Kyo, I was on the edge of my seat trying not to yell at them dumbasses on the New Year Eve episode lest I wake up my mom and get an earful. Like can u two idiots pls just talk to each other?
Hi anon,
Sorry I took a long time to answer your ask. I’ve just been really tired and I kept forgetting lol
It’s great I found another yuki biased person. Usually I find character types like Kyo annoying. Tsendere, bad boy, self pitying. I think he’s the best written tseundere. Although I still kind of find him annoying (yes even though he had a character arc) I can at least understand where he’s coming from. He has nice moments but then he ruins it by being a dumbass again 😂I like him more when he’s in the pseudo love triangle
I loved the New Years arc. I like how despite their differences they both decided to run to tohru to be there for her. Even shigure makes a snide comment about I wonder where this is headed. I was like aw Tohru’s boyfriends are coming to her. I wonder if the author teased the idea or it’s just me xD I guess it would be too modern even for now haha
But I like to entertain the idea that kyo and yuki would set aside their differences for tohru. Maybe communicate with each other and realize they both wanted to be like each other. Well they did but at the very end lol. Then they would realize they both love tohru and she draws them together. And tohru realizes she doesn’t have to choose one because she loves them both. Then they live together as a happy family in a different relationship. I read a fanfic like this before and I loved the idea.
That’s how it would work out in my AU ;)
Thanks for your question anon. Again I apologize for the long wait
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paper-chain-queen · 5 years
String of Fate 2
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Kyo Sohma X Freader
The part 2 that I don’t think anyone on tumblr wanted XD but here it is
Soulmate Au / Red string that connects you to your soulmate
Words: 3,000+
Rating: Teen, Some swearing
Summary: Kyo thinks the universe is against him and the reader finds herself in a terrible nightmare that she hopes will end soon. And... someone should really just ban me from my keyboard already :p
"NO! Stay the hell away from me!"
You replayed the clip in your mind of the orange-haired boy who was your soul mate had jumped out a second-story window to get away from you. Kyo Sohma had ripped your heart out of your chest and smashed it on the ground. And then stepped on it.
Or at least, that's what it felt like.
"I'm home..." You called out to the house as you slipped off your flats. The house smelled good, like freshly baked goods, and a tangy citrus smell wafted out of the kitchen.
"Welcome home honey, how was your first day of school?" Your grandmother asked as she stepped out of the kitchen and smiled at you, wiping her hands on her apron. Your grandfather and Mother were nowhere to b found.
"It was fine, thank you. Where Jiji and Okaa-San? " you asked as you slipped into the kitchen and peeked into the fridge.
" They had to go to the market."
"I'm going to lay down for a bit." You told her, giving her a small fake smile as you passed.
"Not feeling well?"
Well, I met my soulmate, and he jumped out a window to get away from me, so yeah, 'I'm not feeling well.'
"Just tired, big day and all" It wasn't exactly a lie, more like... withholding details.
"Here, baked fresh. You can even eat it in your room. But don't tell you're Jiji." She handed you a muffin, and it was still warm from the oven, it looked delicious.
I wonder if Kyo liked lemon poppy seed muffins?
You felt your mood worsen as you realized that he would probably smack it out or your hand or something even if you got within speaking distance.
"Thanks, Baba." You took the muffin and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
You escaped into your new room and dropped your bag on your floor and placed the muffin on your desk. You didn't have much of an appetite at the moment.
Letting out a large sigh, you flopped down on the bed, grabbing a fluffy pillow and curling yourself around it. Hoping to find some small sliver of comfort.
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
You lifted your hand and looked at the red string. You had someone finally found him.
Kyo Sohma was your soul mate.
And he had screamed at you to get away before even trying to get to know you. You felt your eyes burn and you clenched them shut and curled your body in tighter as if that could keep you safe.
I'm an idiot... to believe in the soulmate thing...
A true fucking idiot
Your phone vibrated, and you ignored it for a bit.
Til it buzzed again. And again. And again.
Letting out a huff you reached over and grabbed your phone, the screen lit up, and you had 4 messages. All from (BF/N).
-Miss you already!-
-Hope your making friends!-
-Went for ice cream today, wish you were here!-
The fourth message was a selfie of her and her soul mate, Katie. Both had over the top sad faces, and if you were in a better mood, you might have giggled, but all you felt was a slight bitterness. She had found her soulmate. And she's pretty sure Katie didn't scream at her to getaway.
-Katie wants to know how the cafeteria food at your school was like?-
-Also.. are you wearing a school uniform? If yes, we need pictures ;) -
You decided to answer all these questions later, and as for the uniform selfie... maybe never.
Right now, you just wanted to sleep.
Maybe this is all a bad dream
"Is anyone gonna tell me why Kyo came home early today?" Shigure asked the two teens as they sat down for dinner. There was a place made for Kyo, but he had yet to come down from the roof.
Tohru had tried to get him, but he was in a fouler mood than usual, snapping at her and telling her to 'go away.'.
" We had a new student today, and the stupid cat threw a fit and ran away." Yuki scoffed before taking a bite.
"Oh, a new student, that's exciting. What's he do to make Kyo snap?" Shigure enjoyed a bit of gossip.
"SHE didn't do anything. The Idiot just screamed at her and jumped out the window." The student council president had spent a good ten minutes apologizing on Kyo's behalf, but there was something about the crestfallen look on the girl's face that made him want to slap the Cat for being so rude.
" Poor (L/N)-San, she looked completely devasted." Tohru had been at the other end of one of Kyo's angry moments, and it could be disheartening and a little scary. She hoped that the girl wasn't taking it too hard.
"I think anybody would be upset had someone acted that way towards them...I wonder what made our Kyo snap on her? Was she trying to hug him or something" Shigure asked, but the teens shook their heads to say 'no.' Tohru couldn't erase the look on the new student's face and the way she stared sadly down at their hand and to the desk that Kyo had occupied all day.
Tohru had wanted to try to make friends with her during the lunch break, but she had disappeared, and when (y/n) had returned, her eyes were red and slightly swollen.
" You should try to befriend her Tohru-Kun, it must be scary being a new student. It sounds like she could use a friend like you." Shigure put forward, a bright smile on his face. Yuki didn't trust it, but then again, he rarely trusted the Dog.
"Oh! That's a great idea, I'd love to be her friend!" Tohru felt empowered with Shigure's words.
"And maybe invite her over sometime. I'd love to meet a cute foreign highschooler." This earned Shigure to have chopsticks thrown at him by Yuki, who called him deplorable as he did so.
The brunette didn't really notice the two cousins clashing as she thought of how she could introduce herself, maybe make extra food for lunch so she could share it with (y/n).
Tohru was going to make friends with the new student and make her feel welcomed. And also try and tell her that Kyo wasn't all that bad.
She thought of the orange-haired boy on the roof and hoped he would feel better soon and hopefully make things right tomorrow.
It wasn't a dream, you had 'met' your soulmate, and he had no intention of seeing you.
Kyo didn't return..... it had been two days, and he had yet to return to school.
His cousin, the 'prince' of the school, Yuki Sohma had apologized for Kyo's actions. Two people couldn't be any more different in terms of looks and personality.
Well... not like you really knew anything about Kyo's personality other then he might have a temper.
Yuki was another very handsome boy, and you could see why he was so popular, but he just didn't light a fire in your heart the same way Kyo had with one simple glance.
You had asked Yuki if his cousin was okay, but the grey-haired boy simply told you that Kyo was just...like that? And that you shouldn't worry about him. He had said so while smiling, contrasting his harsh words, and you'd be lying if you said that it didn't creep you out a little bit.
They must not get along...
Tohru, a friendly girl with large kind eyes from your class, had been quick to befriend you, offering you a place with her friends during lunch hours. She even tried to defend Kyo's actions, stating that he really was a wonderful person.
Him being a 'wonderful' person somehow made you feel worse. You told Tohru that it was nothing for her to worry about, but she didn't seem convinced.
Her two friends Uotani and Hanajima were... interesting but very lovely people. Your ebony-haired classmate could even sense 'waves' and had outed you to her friends about the red string wrapped around your finger. You wondered what else her mysterious powers were capable of. Tohru was enthusiastic about you having a soul mate. Apparently, her parents had been soul mates and had been absolutely crazy for each other.
Your own enthusiasm was non-existent. Now you were just worried about Hanajima being able to connect the strings through her 'superpowers' when Kyo did return.
If she had been able to sense yours, then it was possible she was able to detect Kyo's and knew what he was to you. Not only were you heartbroken, but you were also now aware that someone else knew about your humiliating rejection.
Things at home were... fine. You didn't tell anyone what had happened and tried to put on a brave face. But your Mother, who was usually aloof to how you were feeling, had noticed that something was wrong. Her idea of a fixer-upper?
A shopping trip. At least your Mother tried.
Plus, your grandmother kept trying to feed you baked goods, but you just weren't hungry. Their hearts were in the right place, and they wanted to make you feel at home.
But how were you supposed to tell them why you were sad?
As you walked through the school hallways, you wondered if Kyo would show up. He was missing so much class.
Even if you were hurt by him, and you should be angry at the boy. You couldn't do it. All you wanted was answers.
Why did he run away? Why was he so mad at you? How was he doing? Was he okay? What were his interests? What kind of food did he like? Was his hair as soft as it looked?
Perfect. I'm thinking about the guy who screamed at me to 'get away'. Maybe I should ask if I can take his homework to him, perhaps we can talk and - Oh?
You slid open the classroom door, and there he was. His beautiful orange-hair seemed to be glowing in the morning light.
Day four and the boy who successfully ripped your heart of your chest had finally returned to school. The boy at the other end of your red string sat in his desk with his arms crossed and staring out the window. You held your hand over your heart to try and calm it down and took a deep breath.
It's now or never...maybe this time... will be better
"Um... hello" You tried to greet him as you approached his desk, hopeful that this time he wouldn't try to leap out the window.
"Don't." He snapped, not even turning to look at you.
" But I-" You tried again, but this time he turned and gave you a hard glare, but you stood your ground, waiting to hear his side. You could hear a few other students in the room whispering as they looked over at the two of you.
"Come with me." He said, and he got up from his desk and left the classroom, you quickly hurried after him, a little spark of hope in you as you fell in step behind him. He would look back at you every so often, and every time you looked into his eyes, you felt your heart jump, a fluttering feeling in your stomach. You even smiled at him when you caught him looking back.
His orange eyes widened at your smile, and he let out a huff and turned around, continuing to lead you up a staircase. You couldn't help but notice that the tip of his ears were slightly red.
Maybe he's had to time to cool off, maybe he was overwhelmed with meeting me, maybe..... just maybe
He opened a door, just leaving it open long enough for you to follow. He had led you to the roof, you felt a small breeze and closed your eyes, the fresh air helping to put you a bit at ease. You were feeling lighter already.
Maybe everything's going to be alright...
You turned to Kyo, waiting for him to say something and you were met with his back. His shoulders were tense, and you could sense his agitation but assumed it was just nervous.
"Here's how this is going to work, You're gonna stay the hell away from me. Don't talk to me, and I'm gonna pretend that you don't exist." He declared, and you felt your blood go cold. The light hope in your heart had grown and been struck down all within a moment. Kyo took a deep breath and then turned to face you, his eyes glaring daggers into you. The fluttering feeling of butterflies had turned to spiders crawling.
Kyo Sohma didn't want to even try or be friends or anything. Was it so easy to squash my feelings as if I were an ant beneath his shoes. Did the universe really think that this was the man I was meant to be with?
" I don't understand.." you whispered... it wasn't even towards him, but he just sneered at your comment. As if you were supposed to be understanding.
" I never wanted this. To me, this soulmate thing is bullshit. It's a curse. I don't want you." He spat, his words felt like sharp knives, and you had no shield to protect you.
" Ya should've stayed wherever the hell you came from but because I have the worst luck in the world... you're here. Do me a favour. Stay. Away. From. Me." He sounded it out, slowly, word by word, as if he was speaking to a child.
Am I truly that disgraceful in his eyes? Does he even see me as a person? Did he ever care about the person at the other end of the string?
You were cursing Tohru in your mind for getting your hopes up because she was wrong. Kyo Sohma was NOT a wonderful person.
The universe was also wrong. Life was too short to be treated this way. Your Mother wasn't going to take any more shit from your father, and you weren't going to take it from Kyo Sohma.
"..fine... asshole." You muttered under your breath as you were about to walk away.
"What did you say?" He grabbed you by the wrist, and you tried to ignore the jolt of electricity that went through you. His touch was warm, and you were able to take in his gorgeous tangerine eyes up close. It was a shame that they were glaring into yours.
Why did he have to be good looking?
"I said, FINE! I won't bother you. I'll leave you the hell alone. Now, do me a favour.... Let. Go." Your words felt bitter coming across your tongue, tears were burning in your eyes, but you stood your ground.
"Tch." He didn't say anything, he released you and stormed off the roof through the door you had come through. Leaving you alone.
You never prepared yourself for this. This pain. It was worse than anything. Worse than the time you tripped down the concrete stairs and broke your arm. Worse than the time you went swimming in the ocean and was stung by a jellyfish. Worse than having to leave your childhood home behind.
"It's a curse."
Those were his words.
You wanted to run away. But there was a proud part of you that felt like if you did that, then Kyo would win whatever battle you two were having.
How did it come to this?
Hot, salty tears flowed from your eyes and down your cheeks, wails left your throat, and you cried like a child. Any hope you had was gone. Kyo Sohma wanted nothing to do with you.
And if that's what he wanted... then fine. You would not speak with him or even look at him. And once high school was over, you would never look back.
You grabbed your handkerchief and tried to calm yourself down, hoping you had enough time to pull your self together before the first bell rang.
Kyo's words just kept ringing in your ears.
" I don't want you "
Kyo marched into the boys' bathroom, narrowly colliding with another student it was coming out. The stranger was about to yell at him to watch where he was going, but after seeing the wild look in the orange-haired boy's eyes decided it was better to stay quiet and pretend it didn't happen.
The frustrated boy went the sink and gripped the edge, trying to breathe and calm himself down. He ran the tap and splashed his face with water, hoping it could help wash away the terrible feeling that was running through his body.
He was sweating, but his body felt cold like he had a fever or something. The boy thought maybe he caught a cold or something by spending the last two nights under the stars, trying to get his head straight and come up with the best way to solve his 'problem.'
Rehearsing, going over his words. He wanted to make (Y/N) want nothing to do with him. Push her away. Make her wish that she had never met him.
And by the broken look in her eyes and the hollow sound in her voice, he succeeded. (Y/N), his soul mate, was going to hate him and stay away from him.
A wave of nausea flew over through him and leaned over the sink, retching what little was in his stomach, dry heaving.
He couldn't get her face out of his head. Kyo wanted to run his hands through her hair, wondering if it was as soft as it looked. Her small smile that was directed at him when he looked over his shoulder. God, it was beautiful, and it made his heart race and made him feel like he could take on anything.
But then...
The look on her face when he told her to stay away, when he lied. Telling her that he didn't want her. Kyo felt his heart drop to the floor, and his skin felt ice cold. Her large eyes filled with sorrow, a profound sadness that dropped him into this bottomless pit of hopelessness. The string around his pinky no longer felt tight, but there now seemed to be a heaviness to it. Weighing him down.
Everything hurt now
But this was all for the best... right?
It was always hopeless, to begin with, so better to hurt her now rather than give her any sense of hope that they could be together.
Because he was cursed, and she was free to live her life without him.
She was beautiful and glowed like the sunshine. She could have anyone she wanted. Kyo knew it couldn't be him. That it shouldn't be him.
The cursed teenager looked down at the beads encircling his wrist and to the red string wrapped around his pinkie. Taunting him.
      .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. To Be Continued? .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
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fb manga lb - chs 90-95
I’m only going to be reading the manga up until this point for now, assuming that this is where s2 will end. I want to leave the rest of the manga for after the season ends so I still have something to look forward to during the break between seasons 2 and 3. With Covid, I’m assuming it’s going to be quite a while before we get the last season. So I want to enjoy this journey for as long as possible. If they end up going beyond this chapter, I’ll make sure to read further, but for right now I think this is a good stopping point, unless you guys think they’re going to adapt more or leave off somewhere else? O: 
We going into Kyoko’s backstory now apparently!
“I feel like imprinting all of her images into my brain, and forgetting everything else not related to her.” OH MY GOD. MY HEART?? This is peak romance. Kyo only wants to hold onto his memories of Tohru while he’s in confinement. 
Poor Kyo getting messed with lmao leave the boy alone
No, but... imagine how Kyo feels right now in this moment? Tohru has the DVD, the memories of Kyo in the play tangible right in front of her. I’m sure that Kyo is thinking of his future, of the fact that once he’s confined Tohru will never see him again, and having these DVDs will be a comfort to her. He doesn’t know that she’s trying to pursue a way to break the curse. So having this DVD, for Tohru, in Kyo’s eyes, is the best possible way for him to stay with her. I’m reaching, yeah, but that’s just how I’m choosing to view it rofl. 
He’s thinking about Kyoko I’m upset.
Kyo, sweetie... stop punishing yourself, please. You are allowed to be happy, you are allowed to wish to be with Tohru. You are allowed to think of her mother. Fuck what Akito told you. :( 
I can’t wait until Tohru learns that Kyo knew her mom. I don’t think she’d be the type to blame him for what happened to her. As it is, I don’t feel that Kyo had a ‘role’ in her death, anyway. He didn’t outright kill her. Perhaps he saw it, maybe he could’ve stopped it, I don’t know. But I don’t think it was his fault. Kyo has a massive inferiority and guilt complex (which is understandable after all of the abuse he’s suffered) and he’d blame himself no matter what, though.
Young Kyoko is something else rofl. But of course, she had a terrible past too. What awful parents. I think I can count on one hand the number of actual good or decent parents that this series has. 
Oooh is this Katsuya? He definitely looks like an older version of Kyo lmao.
This age gap though is kinda... yikes? I wonder if the anime will try and lessen it a bit. I don’t think they will, though, since it was mentioned that Kyoko never went to high school. 
Kyoko’s parents fucking S U C K.
I meaannn... marriage is so odd for a young girl Kyoko’s age, and it has a big “:/” factor, but...at the same time, if he marries her, she’’s no longer under her parents, and he can provide for her. 
Wow, she’s already pregnant with Tohru! O: 
omg baby Tohru is the CUTEST!
Katsuya was such a good dad though I’m upset.
Tohru was gonna have a sibling sfjsjfsjfjsfj she’d be the best big sister!
Oh this is just depressing. T__T
Poor Kyoko. She’s still so young, and is trying to grieve and raise a daughter.
omg she really was about to kill herself to be with Katsuya. T__T
Tohru is just the purest girl and I love her so much.
I love it so much that Kyoko told Kyo this story. 
Oh, Kyo, honey that isn’t what she was trying to say at all. :(
omg is he remembering?!
Oh, great, now Kyo’s hallucinating and suffering from ptsd. I hate it!
“Tohru, she.... she wouldn’t... to me... like me...” YES SHE DOES YOU ADORABLE IDIOT.
 “After seeing that dream, it means I can’t go near her anymore.” stop. Stop right there, bby. 
This hurts.
omg is Yuki involving himself in them cooking now too? I love it!
YUKI AND MACHIII YESSSS. I’m excited to see where they go!
Poor Machi. </3
Machi sees through Yuki’s walls in the same way that Kyo sees through Tohru’s. <333 And Yuki brings Machi out of her shell. 
omg she’s embarrassed lol 
lmao Kakeru getting protective + supportive at the same time hahahha
Yuki is... going to the main house? I’m shocked tbh and nervous
hahahaha Kyo and Rin were jealous of each other’s relationship with Kazuma. XDDD
Poor Hatori XD
I don’t like that Yuki is visiting Akito. :/ Something bad is gonna happen. 
“I forgive Akito too!” .... uh...??? Yuki, honey, I really respect that. But I’m confused? 
“I definitely will not come back to your side.” Oooh. Was Yuki giving Akito one last indulgence? 
I love Yuki’s growth so much. Maybe it’s because of my own abuse, but while I am proud of Yuki’s capability to forgive, I know I couldn’t - because I still haven’t. And Akito hasn’t done anything to try and deserve that forgiveness yet. Also, Yuki is just shedding off the blame others had and taking it all upon himself which is... wrong. How he was treated by others, as a child, was not his fault. I hate that he feels he has to forgive Akito because he thinks he’s the one at fault. It’s okay to be angry and hateful of your abusers? 
OMG that scene between Hatori and Yuki was cute af though. 
“Kyo, you’re so cute!” IM
“Do you have any wishes for the new year?” I’m sad af.
Tohru’s wish is for them to break the curse!
Awww Rin and Haru are soo cute!
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jujyfru1t · 3 years
JujY’s FurubaS2 dub report, eps 10+11+12
Episode 10
oh boy it's That Episode....... i am so ready for quietly bamf Tohru monologue!! side note: i wish i could turn off the band AU with lead singer!Akito that goes through my brain whenever I hear the S2 OP
also glad the Yukyoru crumbs survive in the dub jkjkllj
"maybe I'm strong enough now. maybe I've changed too." BABBBYYYYYY
sfsfdf oh GOD the Akito + Momiji +Tohru sequence was exactly as chilling as I knew it'd be
"I want to protect them no matter what. And... I will." HUAGFGHFGHH *lays head on desk*
and then the firework and Kyo "I will hurt you" hahaaaooOOOO NO LAURA'S MONOLOGUE BYE IMMA CRY NOW
"I'll fight for them." stick a hecking fork in me im so done
Episode 11
i skipped an ep i canrfgfgfhgjjhj howd i miss that Shigure just forgot to lock the door omg XD
ugh Dameon coming for my heart... hearing Kazuma and Tohru's convo in English is everything ;_; "How much do you have to give?" aaaAAAAAAAAA
...definitely didnt replay Eric's "ur an idiot" inhale a few times hghjhgjghjgh
omhghfgh why does baby Kyo remind me of Ash Ketchum
"a blast from the past. you ready for this?" ........this dub line does not sit right with me  XDDD but the rest was quite affecting and i still like '19 Kags WAY better than '01 Kags
Jerry.... *sobs*
"Let that be all mine... at least til morning comes." yep. that still hurts. same with the ED transition
Episode 12
yeeeEEEE Mayutori in english im gonna flip (me being me I still ship Mayukana and kinda the ot3 oops)
also why am I so giddy over 01 series dub actors conversing with the 'new' characters? then: "i couldn't protect him!!" ow ow ow.......
I'm too far away from the sub to obsessively compare it with the dub so these dumb things'll be shorter lol
"never said I had a problem with idiotic women" jfc Shigure
"Shigure was here a minute ago and we started talking about-- stuff" lmao
"perky?" ADGDFGG Kent put the exact right tone on that word, Hatori is never perky
aaannnd murdered by the monologue again "He won't ask for it, but I will!!" ;_;
omg the stuco episode is next i dunno if i'll survive (go Eric go!! I believe in u)
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elviriel · 4 years
Oh, and also Tohru and Kyo, I’ll mix it up with some fruba
Oh! Look at us branching out! 
I LIKE THEM A LOT. Season 2 in particular gave me a lot of feelings. 
I don’t love everything about them (i mean, this is the “brutally honest opinion” ask, so imma say all the things) but i think the things i like less about them can be attributed to the anime format/tropes? Aka, sometimes I get annoyed with Kyo’s angry boi routine (look sometimes he gets shouty and i don’t like anime-shouty, it annoys me xD) and sometimes i side-eyed him when he called Tohru an idiot, but... it’s a good ship and they make me soft and the season 2 content is absolute top tier. The beach episode... the school trip episode..... they’re good they’re v good 
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emptysurface · 5 years
Ohhh so Inoichi stopped being an idiot? XD Or is he just changing his target (to be Kyo).
Tumblr media
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep22
I was pleasantly surprised that this was one of the best balanced eps concerning tohru as of yet!! They touched upon her being mom-figure in the first half but proceeded to humanize her afterward, depicting her as normal girl!, frustrated, vulnerable & somewhat silently struggling. I was right in my prediction that the moment yuki lets go of mom-tohru image, the show will too!! I’m happy!! finally, No more angels in the sky. But only real tohru with flaws, ugliness & humanity.
-Yuki’s acceptance of past feelings & change towards new ones:
The show is aware that they’ve been using the fake love-triangle initially but it actually has an explanation within the story. Yuki is attracted to tohru, so much, but it isn’t romantic at all. his attempts in “correcting” how he perceived her didn’t set right with him & he felt weirded out more! The show brilliantly depicted these “flirty scenes” with a hint of uneasiness. Yuki’s lines/ moves felt cringey & artificial “do you like my act, princess”,”I’ll kidnap you”, being encouraged by Aya to compliment tohru as a boy should. The signs are all there except not in your face, & the writer deserves praise!! Yuki, being perceptive, was able to reach such conclusion, not only by looking into himself, but by also at looking how kyo interacted with her, differently from him. Kyo sees tohru as a woman & is attracted to her romantically & altho kyo’s words & interactions with tohru lacks princely smoothness & have a hint of awkwardness, it was natural, genuine & spontaneous. Kyo didn’t put on an act or forced himself to flirt or deliberately chose words to impress tohru. Yuki was able to notice tohru only looked romantically towards kyo. Yuki used all his observations to reach another conclusion abt himself too!!! What he wants in a relationship is sth similar to kyo/tohru!! Mutual & equal relationship. He won’t be satisfied by one-sidedly giving or taking.
-The Author’s brilliance in writing traumatic-based behavior ( Kyo/yuki’s best interaction!! ) :
-an anon cryptically warned me that I’ll be disappointed in kyo this ep cuz of a certain scene with yuki. After watching it, I can tell you without a doubt I’m not disappointed at all!! Rather I’m beyond satisfied that I’ve decided to trust the author. Ms. Takya is genius in depicting traumatic-based behavior! Any other writer, would write the scene less raw, yuki would still shine defeating his inner demos, but kyo would only grunt, or say sth mild. cuz the writer might fear that it might risk showing kyo as the stupid guy behind in his growth compared to the successful yuki ,or annoy the readers/viewers who are so eager for these boys to reach mutual ground. Only a great writer will be brave enough to write kyo as his trauma/ faulty copying mechanism logically dictates!
-We spent an entire season with yuki, saw him yell at kakeru’s insensitive hurtful remarks, cry knowing he was saved cuz a friend risked freeing him, it took a locked dark room, paint fumes, PTSD, tons of monologues before yuki finally let it all out! & you want such brilliant writer to make kyo turn around & be nice to yuki all of a sudden after episodes of fights & no perspective insight? You bet such amazing writer will give kyo’s perspective its time & his development the logical progress he needs. This writer is all abt logical & realistic progression! whether positive or even negative, the characters will come across human, raw, realistic & real during & after their journey.
- Going through kyo/yuki’s dialogue, it will tell you that furuba is NOT abt friendship saving the day, or abt successful growth. It is abt the journey these traumatized children are undergoing now that they are nearly becoming young adults. Yuki’s journey was amazing not cuz he succeeded (as amazingly as this is) but cuz it made sense from his perspective, was realistic, logical, matched his coping mechanism & character traits & it took the needed time. Now for kyo, all his reactions should match his perspective, & make sense giving his coping mechanism. He wasn’t given time yet. so, he won’t grow much yet. “Making a fool of me?” kyo didn’t see yuki’s perspective abt the hat. he thinks yuki did it on purpose to taunt him.That HE saved tohru while kyo fails as always. “Praised by others, needed by them” Kyo like everybody in school, always thought yuki is a prince, loved, & admired. Kyo is not the audience, he didn’t see yuki’s struggle.”surpass me easily while I struggle” kyo may train for years with tears & blood, but the rat will beat him always cuz he is superiors. “an idiot that never gets anything, wants an idiotic impossible thing” “if only I gave birth to the rat, I’d ve been happier” kyo’s mom wished or the impossible. So did kyo. He wished that he’d prove to her that he can be the rat’s equal. She shouldn't have died becuz of him. An impossible wish.
-I personally think that kyo’s journey will take a different path from yuki’s. Unlike yuki, kyo’s been accused & proved to harm others somehow, intentionally or unintentionally. Some not even in this world anymore. So there are things in kyo’s journey that can’t be fixed. Nothing will bring his mom or kyoko back to life. He can’t apologize to them. There is NO forgiveness here as kyoko said!. Hence, the writer will brilliantly make kyo fall so hard & reach rock bottom so bad before he stands up again!! It matches his personality too!! He’s a person who struggles in expressing himself verbally, gets overwhelmed with emotions, stubborn, hard on himself & fiery in nature. Moreover, due to his trauma, he harbors very low self-esteem & due to his guilt, he is drenched in self-loath.
-The addiction of destructive coping mechanism ( Writing Brilliancy):
Kyo has one of the most destructive coping mechanism in the show. Similarly to what his father did by illogically dumping all the blame of the mom’s suicide on 4 year old child, which resulted in hurting kyo, kyo adopted his dad’s ways & dumped it all on yuki. Illogical. wrong. but it works!! it numbs this tingling sense of guilt, it puts the voice that goes “ you’re unforgivable” temporarily to sleep. All the hate is on someone else. not me. I’m not a monster. does it work all the time? NO. cuz NO drug does! All drugs has this temporary effect, that unless you break away from, will end up destroying you. “don’t you want it that way? you wouldn’t want to have anyone to hate?“  I’m still confused if this is kyoko or his mom. It has kyoko’s hair, the words are very harsh. Kyoko from kyo’s perspective shifts between extremely kind & cruelly harsh! but regardless, the truth has been spoken. Kyo’s eyes are opened. He can’t force blind himself anymore. he does NOT hate yuki. he “ acts like hating yuki is sth you needs to do”, as shigure said! hating yuki is his way to escape from his destructive self-loath. He hasn’t been hating or fighting yuki for a long while, he tries now, one more fight, one more dose of the drug, let the pain go away! Nope. Yuki is not participating, yuki is in the light now. You are drenched in the darkness, as unforgivable as you are. Monster eyes & all. Kyo breaks the window to break away from the memory. from this point on, it escalates to rock bottom as the drug is no longer working & hating himself with no escape is all he’s left with.
-Protecting leading to hurting:
yuki brings kyo attention that while he’s been hard on himself & resisting change, he is hurting tohru. Sth kyo chose confinement in oder to NOT do. Kyo being distant from class activities “life” is his choice. Tohru suffering is a consequence to that choice. Kyo, once again, overwhelmed by tohru’s desire to include him in their activities “ life”. Helplessly & painfully looking at her & acknowledging yuki’s words. Kyo in one of his most vulnerable moments, matched only by true form hug scene, is desperate for a hug. Not only cuz he loves her, but cuz he needs her, cuz he’s so tried of himself, cuz she’s so endearingly stupid waiting for him all by herself when she could’ve easily caught him home!! Ugh! tohru! T_T. Except this time, kyo is aware of his surroundings, it’s school, no place for transformation. As kyo decides to change his position from hug to head rest, he stares so intently in her eyes. Embracing her with his presence. For a moment there I felt weird. Like I was intruding on a personal moment between two ppl. XD. This moment was this excellently weird mix of tenderly romantic, bittersweet cuz they cant be together hug, & sexually tensed! one of the most successful kyoru moment that truly depicted emotions visually without needing much dialogue!
Side Notes:
kyo/yuki interaction was their most honest, filter-free & raw moment! each said what he really felt. yuki’s directly telling kyo to complain to him, which kyo did. yuki urging kyo to see that punishing himself hurts tohru.
I appreciate that Yuki won’t tell tohru now, cuz it will ruin their progress towards a better balanced relationship. Tohru’s lid hasn’t even been touched, so she would be cautious interacting with him. But once she opens her lid, her self-worth increase & her desire to focus on herself more is ignited!, she’ll listen to him without taking his burden as hers. just like kakeru did. Equal friends.
I wanted to talk deeper abt machi & yuki, but didn’t want it to be overshadowed by kyo’s analysis. Next time for sure!
I love how the writer included the most spontaneous flirting moment between kyo & tohru right after yuki explained that he saw her non-romantically. The writer wants the comparison to be clear cutting ties to any love-triangle misunderstanding that might linger from previous scenes. Moreover, it showed yuki fully & genuinely accepting kyoru!!
I’ll never be over tohru acting like normal teenager & chasing kyo, trying to catch the script!!!! These small moments while having not much effect on the grand plot, help depict tohru with her own feisty style of stubbornness beyond the one-sided kind image we always see.
This ep has well-written & visually appealing scenes. Visual imagery were well-implemented in kyo/yuki scene & kyo/tohru last scene.
Thank you anime for drawing tohru older, pretty & more mature in the final scene. She looked like a woman in love & silently in pain. My baby is growing!
Why is kyoko holding the hat in KYO’s flashback!!!! she’s wearing the same white dress from yuki’s memory?? What the heck is the hat’s story?!!!
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep17 (part1)
Part 1 is romance in the air, while part 2 is the sinister foreshadowing!
Romantic Decision & its emotional effects on character’s behavior: Kyo & Arisa mirror each other a lot this ep with one difference but similar outcome.
The difference: Kyo is the one deciding to not confess to tohru & leaving her without telling her abt his love, while Arisa is the one left behind by Kureno & not told whether he loves her or not.
Both Kyo & Arisa realize they’re in love with their significant other & both decided to quit pursuing it. Both are miserable throughout the trip due to their decisions & their helplessness towards their situation.
Both react logically & realistically given the situations they’re in.
Both restless, sad, annoyed, grumpy & furious at themselves for still wanting romance & wishing for more.
Arisa tries to indulge in other ppl’s business, tease & fight to take her mind off kureno while kyo just wants to be left alone & not talked to at all.
The wrong confession & its outcome:
The nameless girl confessed to kyo ignoring the glaring signs of his rejection. The scene was shown in the middle of their talk, kyo states “I told you already /Idon’t love/don’t even know your name” yet, she still persists & grabs his arm demanding forced attention. It backfires horribly & kyo rejects her physically & verbally. Personally I don’t think kyo is wrong with how he handled the girl, I was thinking he could’ve been nicer until she grabbed his hand. Kyo’s “Why the hell are you dreaming of dating someone like me” is him rejecting himself. This line isn’t for the nameless girl. It’s for Tohru. kyo’s a horrible man in his book. While kyo has accepted tohru’s love, he didn’t allow himself to dream that the basis of her love is romantic. She’s a kind person who loves everybody. She just loves him as a friend. nothing more. it can’t be more.
The hidden depths of tohru’s emotions:
Tohru is so sensitive & perceptive of other ppl’s emotions but ignores & denies herself. Plus, she’s never been romantically in love with anyone, it’s always harder to notice one’s self. As the others gossip abt kyo being dragged for confession, tohru wants to follow up but is reluctant. Yuki’s “Don’t worry, he won’t accept” is epic! basically Yuki’s is frankly telling her I know You love him. I can see through you. be assured, he’ll be back to you. Tohru is exposed. Still, she can’t mask her worry. They’re all back & she can tell by everybody’s reaction that the confession didn’t go well. yet, she WANTS to hear it from kyo. She asks him “ what’s the fuss abt in the first place”. Tohru isn’t deaf nor stupid. She saw them running to spy on kyo, Yuki’s frank words & kyo’s annoyed face. Tohru can read the signs! YET, tohru wants KYO to reassure her nothing happened! That he isn’t swayed by other girls! It has to be KYO saying it. There’s this overwhelming hint of worry that she lost him & jealousy that he might’ve accepted another girl’s love. (It has to be HER. selfish love?!!!) Am I getting my wish for tohru?! or am i seeing too much into nothing?!!!!
Kyo’s “it’s none of your business” is objectively a correct response. He isn’t dating tohru, there’s nothing official love between them. He owes her no explanation as she doesn’t owe him anything.This response in particular hurts tohru cuz it’s true!! it’s not her business & he isn’t hers & that’s why it hurts!!. Just like him wishing her a boyfriend hurts cuz it means it’s not HIM. All these feelings boiling inside tohru faintly surfacing through her mask. Yuki steps in to smack kyo cuz he knows tohru has a right to ask kyo cuz she loves him & he wants kyo to see it. to accept it!
“it’s not the first time someone said this to me,but it made my heart ache” The writer brilliantly tells us that love is illogical. tohru is hurt cuz kyo said the words not cuz the words themselves are hurtful.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #1 (the red leaves)
(a) Kyoru’s scene: This scene screams parallel between tohru & kyo’s emotions, actions & thoughts in this moment & how much there are equal/mutual exchange between them & compares it to previous moment in SE01. Moreover, it showcased tohru’s ability to read the situation. Kyo’s “it came on its own & left on its own” means that he won’t pursue anyone. “ I can’t be nice to everyone” scared her as it mean he can no longer be kind to her. All these are signs of goodbye. “will he let go of me someday in the same way?”  She senses it. She fears she’s like that the nameless girl to him. she’s nobody to him. He’s leaving her. Tohru’s instinct takes hold of her as she grabs him. Kana style. Two fingers faintly touching his sleeve. Two fingers is all she needs. Their leg movement match up as they slow down to stop. She lets go. he’s grabs her now. But kyo isn’t after a sleeve, he takes her hand in his. gently pulling her closer to him with a kind smile (I’m nice to you exclusively) his “hmm” is melting her “what’s wrong?” telling her my attention is for YOU. Kyo is enveloping her in his presence. We live the moment thro tohru’s feelings, music, slow motion, windy hair, blushes, wide eyes & open mouth. tohru is deeply in love. They hold hands longer as they talk. Kyo once again demonstrates how much he’s paying attention to tohru & guesses what souvenir she’ll buy. This reassures tohru that she’s different to him. “he can make me happy or unsettled by a simple remark, kyo’s strange” It’s love, girl!!! You’re in love~ cuz when you’re in love you’re extra sensitive & easily hurt by anything the significant other does/says.
-Kyo asking her to hang out with him alone throughout the afternoon is a callback to Onsen scene in SE01, ep11 where he gifts her his presence despite hating to go with yuki. The writer brilliantly mirrors their reaction but with growth!. Onsen ep, kyo’s so awkward & reluctant while tohru is shocked by his presence, tearful & grateful. She’s the one who first wanted him to go & he agrees later. Now, He’s the one who wants her to be with him & she agrees. while still shy, he said it easily, his body is chill & relaxed, he smiles for her openly while she is pleasantly assured that he wants to be with her, comfortably & happily being together. Moreover, in the Onsen they’re surrounded by others while here their relationship is in an advanced stage & they spend time together as an unofficial couple. The rain of red leaves fly around them symbolizing their mutual love for each other & the equal give & take in their relationship ever since of SE01. He means to her as much as she means to him. 10 out of 10!
(b)the yuki/machi scene: Since they’ll be in stage 1 of their relationship soon, it is represented by ONE red leaf. Yuki is the one giving the leaf to her since he needs to be the one starting the relationship. Yuki craves the ability to give as much as he takes. He lacks such dynamic with tohru as he was dependent on her for so long now. He’s moving away by himself & growing but he’s fervor indebted & can never repay her unconditional kindness.(as one can never repay a mother). So if machi is his romantic interest, he’ll have to give her support & advice just like kyo gives tohru. The support kyo gives tohru is unique to kyo & his ability to see thro her. It can’t be matched by yuki. Thus Yuki must find his own person whom he’ll give unmatched support & advice. We’ve already seen machi destroy the room in her intro ep, which screams trauma & yuki saw it first!  Off course, they both doesn’t know it now. but the writer tells us through symbols. Is this the first time yuki’s story involved Show-not-tell?!! The first time there was No too much inner talk to hijack the scene?!!!!! & explains every single thing abt him to us?! Did I just get my wish for yuki?!! YES!!! See, how powerful & artistic this scene is? That’s the scene/visuals speaking! 10 out 0f 10.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #2 (the Zodiac Cat Comes First)
this scenes is simple in its presentation. tohru bought the zodiac souvenir but the set comes without a cat. (the cat is never part of the zodiac). Tohru MAKES the cat. simple? No. powerful! No one says it in the scene. but tohru crafting the cat carefully by her own hands, so eager to finish it that she doesn’t change her uniform tells us tohru places the cat first. She always does since she’s little. But now, it isn't her baby self feeling sorry for the poor kitty in mommy’s story. She’s a woman working hard & genuinely to express her feelings. screw the folk tales, for me, you are number 1. Kyo sees it. He gets it. She’s shy but wants him to see it. He’s overwhelmed “ idiot” is perfection!! that’s tohru for him, so incredibly precious & endearingly idiot! he’s been saying it in response to her weird remarks or when he’s overwhelmed by her endearing gestures. Kinda like a pre-dating endearing term. XD. so cute & sweet! yuki’s voice-over “ add color & it shines” is perfectly done. One small voice-over line that comes to close the scene, doesn’t say anything you don’t already know but sweetly wraps the scene. Even if it isn’t there, it won’t affect the scene. it’s the cherry on top. 10 out of 10 scene!
Side Notes:
The writer brilliantly used the school trip atmosphere & kyoto’s unique natural settings to ignite & guide the romantic direction of the characters.
Dear Director, how is kyoto crowded if only Class 2D & Kakure & Kimi from class 2A, two shop owners, a cat & 3 or 4 deer exist there? the city looks breathtakingly pretty but weirdly empty...
Arisa sees herself in nameless girl, thus, wanted kyo to treat the girl nicer initially cuz, just like her, Arisa wanted to date a man she doesn’t knows much abt & wants him to accept her. yet she gets furious at herself seeing how unlike her this development is. “I’m never gona be her”.
Yuki, Once again pushes kyo/tohru together after the beach arc. He tries not to step in between them but tries to urges them closer. reassuring tohru & hitting kyo. So like him. XD
Yuki & Kakure’s friendship moves fast & yuki’s showing it, not only to kakure but to tohru’s gang. good for yuki!
I hope kyo’s two dumb friends get their wish & become popular. At least in furuba’s land, XD.
Hana & food is the best OTP.
I kept thinking of the choir’s part of Hercules “i won’t say I’m in love” song in tohru’s scenes. XD Try 2keep it hideen, honey we can see thro ya~U keep on denyin who U R & how U’R feelin, face it like a grownup, When U gona own up that you got bad~
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emptysurface · 6 years
Hi! I really love HtS, every new update makes my day a little brighter.
Tsunade has not, in fact, apologized yet. Partly because all of them are insanely busy, and partly because… you know, she’s a stubborn idiot. XD
It’s also, I must admit, because Tsunade is giving Kyo some space, and then other things got in the way and both of them have other priorities and responsibilities and they don’t exactly hang out. But it’ll come up in the future I’ve already written the scene, omg, I’m looking forward to sharing it
Also, Anon? THANK YOU SO MUCH *clutches at chest*
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