#kyouko x makoto x byakuya
danganronpa-21 · 7 months
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Rating: Mature Audiences
General Warnings: Implied/Referenced Sex
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy
Relationships: Makoto Naegi/Kyoko Kirigiri
Additional Tags: Post-Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc, Embarrassing Moments, Making Out, Teasing & Flirting, Kyoko Kirigiri being a lil sass pot, Just a heads up that this is a little saucier than what I usually write but it’s still pretty tame
Word Count: 4,075 words
Story Summary: Kyoko decides to take advantage of her boyfriend's free time at work. Byakuya, unfortunately, gets caught in the cross fire of this incident.
[Read it on AO3.]
Kyoko has a keen awareness of her boyfriend’s current… free time.
Well, if you asked him, he would tell you that the time wasn’t really all that free. Just because he wasn’t in a meeting or handling student issues didn’t mean that he had all the time in the world. There was still plenty to do as the headmaster of a school like Hope’s Peak, one that had a myriad of talented but trouble-seeking students. Somehow, even with the end of the Tragedy and the abolishment of the Reserve Course/Main Course system, that little thing never seemed to change. She knows Makoto doesn’t mind it. He never would. After all, the kids who attend Hope’s Peak now probably had to grow up much faster than they should have because of what they had seen. The least he could do was let them be creative, wild, and fun – even if that ultimately was more paperwork for him.
Paperwork. That was usually his something, the thing that would make him insist that he had no free time – not even for his beautiful, beloved girlfriend.
It isn’t as if Kyoko is utterly deprived by her boyfriend, nor does she have an appetite for him so insatiable that she just never seems to have had enough of him. No, neither of those things are the problem. It’s just that, for whatever reason, the danger of wanting to be with him here at work is so much more. She likes that even the casual showing of affection between the two of them is forbidden. She’s never been so scandalous as to go past anything but a kiss, but even that, she is not permitted to take. Both she and her boyfriend are responsible for engaging in the utmost professionalism while Hope’s Peak is in their care, and while Kyoko completely understands why, she finds that it doesn’t stop her from this wanting.
The fact that she cannot control the wanting, no matter how hard she may try, is why she is headed to Makoto’s office now.
Improper it may be, but sometimes, a woman just needs to kiss her boyfriend and not care who is watching.
This is the thought she keeps in mind as she struts towards her boyfriend’s office. What can she say? She loves the thrill. Life has become so quaint since they opened Hope’s Peak, and although she won’t take it for granted given everything they’ve been through… She can’t help but want to add a bit of zest to their lives. Nothing that will hurt, but just… something that will make both their hearts beat a little faster. The thought almost makes her giggle like a meek schoolgirl.
The halls of Hope’s Peak are eerily quiet, save for the sound of her high-heeled boots clacking against the tiled floors and the faint voices of teachers instructing their students just beyond the hallway’s walls. The school is not yet populous enough to be filled with a great deal of noise, but there is some, and Kyoko cannot help but enjoy what she can hear as she makes her way down the hall. The students may in theory be keeping her from her boyfriend, but the joy of them having a future is enough to make her forgive them for that. Besides, it’s not like at this point she is open to being deterred from what she wants.
Her walk down the hallway is quick and simple, not interfered with. Perhaps it’s her intimidating gaze or the strength of her gait, but even those who do cross her path don’t seem particularly interested in stopping her for a conversation or even sparing her a glance of acknowledgement. Their heads dip down and they just keep walking, and for a moment, she wonders if they think she must be on her way to scold the headmaster for something. Though he is higher up in the scholastic food chain by a mile, given that she is only part-timing to focus on detective work, the students all seem to get the impression that she completely dominates him. It’s not something she is unused to people assuming, mind you, considering her serious personality and his gentle, cheerful one. Every once in a while, she even hears rumours that it’s truly she who is calling the shots, and Makoto is just the nice man making everything happen.
If only they knew that I call the shots behind closed doors, too, she thinks with a smirk.
She tries not to let her amusement show too greatly as she makes her way down the hall. That would surely ruin her strict, serious image. Besides, to capture Makoto at his best moment, she has to have a particular demeanour about it – anything else would tamper with her plans. She keeps her face straight and her eyes locked forward, marching confidently towards her mission. As she comes upon the doors to the Headmaster’s Office, she finds that she doesn’t even bother knocking before prying them open. As soon as she can see through even the slightest crack, she catches a glimpse of Makoto and notices how he immediately perks up. How cute. His face only seems to light up in further interest when he realizes who it is coming to keep him company. She has to fight not to giggle as she slips into the room with ease, closing the door tightly behind her. Nobody needs to know that she is disturbing the headmaster’s peace. This little moment, it can stay private between the two of them.
“Kyoko?” Makoto says, staring at her from across the way with this innocently curious expression on his face that honestly kind of makes her heart melt. Once upon a time, it would have horrified her to turn into pudding over a man, but now, she’s a little more comfortable embracing her affections. After all, Makoto isn’t just any man. “I’m surprised to see you here. Is everything okay?”
It’s all Kyoko can do to keep a neutral face when she stops dead, staring him right in the eyes. “Take off your clothes.”
Makoto’s flesh turns fifteen different shades of crimson in a matter of four seconds. That has to be some kind of world record, she thinks amusedly to herself.
“W-What?!” He sputters, slack-jawed, unable to believe what his partner has just said to him.
There might have been more, had she the self-control to keep it going, but the sight of his rose-red face is too funny to bear. She can’t help but snicker at the sight, her lips cracking into a warm smile. Makoto is just so much fun to tease – and, thankfully, he’s a good sport about it, too. As soon as he realizes that she’s played a joke on him, he starts laughing along, too. The relief on his face is instant as he wipes his brow with the back of his arm.
“You’re… rotten, Kyoko Kirigiri,” he half-snickers, dropping his pen on the desk, “You really had me there.”
“I’m sorry,” she replies, not sounding nor feeling sorry at all, “I couldn’t help myself. You really are an open book.”
Makoto shrugs, leaning forward on the desk. His face is still pinkish in places, but the embarrassment is fading, and even with that in place, he is still unbearably charming to her. He’s adorable when he’s flustered, but still so sweet on the eyes in his natural state, too. How is she supposed to maintain a professional decorum around this man when he’s just so delightful to be around?
It sounds silly, she supposes, when you put it like that – but it’s just the truth, as far as she’s concerned. She feels like a smitten schoolgirl somedays. It’s embarrassing and electrifying all at the same time.
Makoto seems to only shake his head at her teasing, heaving a sigh as if to ask what he’s going to do with her. It is not the first time the two of them have gone on like this, not by a long shot, and Kyoko can’t help but love how familiar it all feels. Their relationship is still young, but it makes it feel like they’ve been together for years.
“Is there a reason you want to come see me, Kirigiri-san?”
Kyoko raises her eyebrows in mock-surprise. “Kirigiri-san?” she parrots, folding her arms across her chest. Just a minute ago it was the much more familiar Kyoko, and now…? Oh, he can try and make this business-like all he pleases, but she came here on a much different kind of business. Makoto must notice the hint of coyness in her voice, because his smile begins to melt and turn a bit sheepish.
“W-Well, it’s… this is a school, and nobody really knows about us yet,” he laughs, “If anyone heard us acting too close, they might get the wrong idea.”
She quirks a brow. “And who do you think is eavesdropping on us?” she looks around the room, a small part of her – a more paranoid part – almost wondering if he has a point. Cameras loved them once. Who's to say that they wouldn’t again? “There is no one here but us. The things that go on behind closed doors are our business.”
Feeling her heart skip a beat, she takes this opportunity to move closer to her partner. Her walk is meant to be sultry as she struts to his side, but her lacking experience in the area of seduction just makes her feel a bit stupid. Thankfully, she is Makoto’s only experience with a woman intending to pursue him, so he turns into a bit of a puddle for her anyway. His face warms as she approaches, and when she places a hand on the back of his office chair, leaning over him so her long lavender hair hangs down over top of him, she can actually hear his breath hitch. She loves it. His eyes are clouded with a mixture of excitement and worry, and she knows that he must get butterflies in his stomach when she opens her mouth to speak once more.
“There is no one here but you and I, Makoto. This free time that you have, it’s just for us.”
Makoto actually gulps. She swears she sees his eyes flick to the door briefly, like he’s worried that someone is going to barge in. “F-For us?”
She nods. “You’ve been so busy lately. I feel like I never see you.” she struts herself right in front of him, and for a moment, she contemplates plopping herself right down on his lap… but something about that just feels a bit too scandalous. She opts to hop right up on his desk instead, not really thinking about the fact that that might not be much better. She tilts her head teasingly at him. “Surely you can make some time for your significant other, can’t you?”
The sweat must be beading on Makoto’s skin now. He pushes himself to his feet, although he doesn’t seem exactly sure why he does it. For a moment, just a flicker of a moment, it looks as if he might want to protest – push her away, remind her that she’s supposed to be the more responsible one of the two of them – but it dies. Instead, his eyes can do nothing but fall to her lips, looking dazed and confused.
“I… I thought…?”
“You thought what?”
“You’re not, like, propositioning me right now, right?”
“For what?”
“For…” his face reddens again. “I thought we talked about not being ready for that right now.”
Kyoko scrunches up her nose, almost as if disgusted by the prospect. “I’m not propositioning you for that, no.”
The worry fades just a bit, and she notices him start to nibble on his lip ever so slightly. He doesn’t know what’s going to come out of her mouth next – she can tell. She wonders if he’s enjoying the uncertainty. “B-But for something, yeah?”
She sighs and shakes her head, gesturing him over to her. “Just hold your tongue for a minute and kiss me.”
Makoto’s eyes widen for a second, processing the information. The moment he does, however, he follows her instructions with ease. Rushing over, he is now just about at her level, his hand slipping along the underside of her jaw, tilting her head towards him a bit for better access to her lips. She tips her head up a bit to help, and tries not to smile to herself at how grateful he seems for the assistance. Makoto is a pleasant but inexperienced kisser. He likes to try extra hard to make his kisses good.
When he connects their lips, she’s almost surprised by how warm they are. In the midst of a chilly winter, the presence of his warmth is more than a little welcome. It pairs well with the taste – caramel and espresso, perhaps even a hint of whipped cream, although she recognizes that she could be imagining that part. Makoto is the only man she’s met who is so comfortable with ordering a caramel macchiato, but tasting it here on his lips, she finds she can understand what he’s talking about when he says it truly is the best coffee drink. Sweet, and warm… just like him. Soft, too. Soft like his smile, soft like his heart, are his lips. She used to think boys would have unkempt lips, cracked and unpleasant… but Makoto’s were always soft to the point of being almost silken. At times, kissing him felt so perfect that it was almost like it was unreal. Why else would she put herself at the mercy of being caught if she didn’t love it this much?
Her heart swells with affection as his fingers tangle in her hair, tucking some of the silvery-purple strands behind her ear as he deepens their kiss. She hums appreciatively. He’s taken the tips she’s given him. She can’t help but smile against him. She never used to think she would be able to feel such happiness, yet now, the two of them are infinitely together, infinitely connected… In this context, the two of them kissing would be considered so improper, but if it’s really that big of a deal, why does it feel so right? This is all Kyoko can think about, all she can dream of, as she parts her lips to allow Makoto’s tongue to slip into her mouth. Everything about this moment is too perfect, and she could stay in it forever if fate would allow her to. This is all she wanted today – just a flawless moment with her boyfriend, the one man who had destroyed her preconceptions of love. If fate could allow her that, then that was all she needed.
Unfortunately, however, fate finds a disciple in Byakuya Togami.
The door swings open in the blink of an eye. Neither Makoto nor Kyoko has a chance to react or resist as it does. It swings open large and wide, with no discretion or thought given to it, the perfect embodiment of Byakuya and his callous nature. At any other time, she might leap up to break apart from Makoto, but the realization hits her so slowly she doesn’t have the time. Kyoko would swear on her grandfather’s life that she didn’t hear Byakuya’s footsteps coming down the hall, nor did she know that he would have business with Makoto at this hour. She had no idea about him also sharing the gap in his schedule. Her main focus, and quite frankly her only concern, was that Makoto had this free time.
It's what makes it all the more aggravating that Byakuya reacts in loud, disapproving disgust.
Makoto breaks off the kiss the second he hears Byakuya’s voice, his face flushing bright red once more. At this point, she’s wondering if he may end up staying like that permanently. Out of the corner of her eye, Kyoko can see her plum-coloured lipstick smudged on Makoto’s mouth. Were the situation less compromising, she might have laughed, yet with Byakuya’s eyes boring into them…
“Of all the-! What is the matter with you two?!” He stomps his foot on the ground like a child, or an employer infuriated with his insubordinate employees. He probably sees them as the latter, if she had to guess. Still, even with this thought in her head, she notices that he seems unable to hide his own embarrassment. The tips of his ears, much like Makoto’s entire face, are tinged pink, and he seems to be darting his eyes around everywhere but their faces. Much as he might dislike admitting it, they are his friends. Even for him, this must stir some odd feelings. It’s no secret to her that many of their companions don’t think of them as sexual beings. They do like to make jokes about their current absence of a sex life. “This is extremely unprofessional!”
Kyoko’s lips press into a flat line. In the back of her mind, she knows that some part of Byakuya is right. There really is a lot to be said about employees, particularly two educators, who seem utterly incapable of keeping their hands off each other. That being said, he is the one who rudely shoved the door open without so much as a single knock. He just assumed Makoto should have this time available to him because he thought that it was free on his schedule. She contemplates laying into him for that in an effort to save face. Truth be told, she doesn’t care much that they’ve been caught, considering it was only by Byakuya, but she knows it will bother Makoto. That is the only reason she even considers trying to reason with their friend.
“It’s… um…” Makoto stammers, reminding her of an anime character just bulleting with sweat, “Well, I… I can… explain…?”
The nervous chuckle he lets out, combined with the scratching at his cheek, makes Kyoko think that that would be unlikely. He looks like he could sweat right through his suit. She could see him fitting in in a sauna right about now.
“Explain what, exactly?” Byakuya snaps. “There is no good reason for you two to… to… To be so brazenly sucking face in the middle of your work day! Have you no shame?”
“That’s quite enough, Togami-kun,” Kyoko scolds, long before she can actually consider whether or not she wants to let him keep going. Without interrupting, they’ll get by easier, but at the same time, she dislikes the way he’s speaking to them. They most definitely were not kissing hard enough to qualify as “sucking face”. Tongue-kissing? Maybe, but there was no face-eating involved, and she intends to make that very clear to him. “Perhaps you have learned your lesson now about knocking before you go opening doors?”
Byakuya clutches his chest in offence. “Me?! You were the ones who-”
Kyoko folds her arms across her chest, sliding off Makoto’s desk to stand and fully face her accuser. This is not the first time that the two of them have engaged in a battle of wits, nor will it be the last, but she knows that in order to win this one, she must look him straight in the eye. Then, and only then, will he start to falter. It is crucial that she make that signature Kirigiri glare work for her once more.
“Who were having a private moment of passion which you so rudely interrupted by bursting through the door.”
Makoto looks like he wants to speak, to add something of substance to the conversation that they are having, but he seems to know well enough to keep his mouth shut. With his level of humiliation, he is in no condition to help Kyoko against Byakuya, nor cut down what Byakuya is saying about him and Kyoko. He is best to just sit and watch, look and listen. Like a good boy, he understands that.
“Certainly you must understand the importance of privacy, Togami-kun. I don’t imagine Mr. Pennyworth came bursting through your door anytime he pleased. You must extend the same courtesy to Makoto and myself. We certainly wouldn’t go bursting through your door.”
Byakuya grits his teeth. “You’re deflecting, you vile little minx.”
Minx, Kyoko thinks. That is new. He has never called me that before. She is not offended. Byakuya’s insults scarcely mean much of anything. They just fly out of his mouth as easily as air goes in.
“Deflecting from what, exactly? Your lack of manners?” She taps her chin. “I think we should be able to forgive you for your transgression, but I surely think we will struggle more if you refuse to let bygones be bygones.”
Byakuya releases a low growl from somewhere in his throat. It reminds her a bit of an animal, but it is not vicious enough to tell her anything other than he is preparing to back down.
“Come now, Togami-kun. You’re embarrassing Makoto.” She shakes her head. “I just wanted a moment alone with my boyfriend. Are you really going to shame us for that? You must understand how important it is for a couple to be together.”
“You’re ridiculous.” He huffs, folding his own arms across his chest. “Utterly ridiculous. Fix your conduct, next time, instead of trying to use that silver tongue of yours on me.”
Kyoko chuckles softly, brushing some hair out of her face. “But I thought you believed me to be using my silver tongue on Makoto?”
She feels her boyfriend lightly jab her in the ribs for that comment. She doesn’t care. The way Byakuya’s face lights up like a firecracker is too amusing for her to just shove away. The shock of the statement strikes him so badly that he actually has to turn away. Makoto will forgive her for it later.
“Naegi-kun, please inform me when Kirigiri-san departs. I have important matters to discuss with you.” Kyoko wants to laugh at how Byakuya won’t even direct his attention at her anymore. He is too busy looking as red as a tomato, shuffling around the papers he is carrying in her arms. If it were anyone else, Kyoko might have felt a bit sorry about this – but given his conduct as of late, it made for a bit of nice revenge. “Until then, I advise both of you – keep your clothes on.”
It is clear on Makoto’s face that he wants to protest the clothes comment, but Byakuya is spinning on his heel and rushing out the door before they know it. As he leaves, Kyoko contemplates calling after him a reminder to knock on the door next time, but decides against it. She’s probably gotten the poor man enough as it is. Instead, she turns her focus back to Makoto, who looks to be a cross between frustrated and sheepish.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” he mutters, his shoulders slumping, “You shouldn’t have antagonized him like that.”
Kyoko shrugs. “Ideally, I wouldn’t have had to, but you know he’s not above making a scene. You’ve only just become headmaster here… It wouldn’t do for you to be dismissed in your first few months for something that wasn’t your idea.”
Makoto weighs her words in his head, seeming to understand what she is driving at. Still, that sheepish look remains on his face, like he just can’t let everything about it go. “Still… we probably shouldn’t have been making out at work.”
“Not with the door unlocked, anyway.” She finds herself staring back at that door, hand to her chin as she loses herself in thought. “I could have sworn I locked it.”
He shrugs. “Maybe the lock’s broken?”
“Maybe… That won’t do, though.”
“Hm?” Makoto quirks a brow. “Why not?”
“Well…” she turns back to him, draping her arms over his shoulders and leaning in close. She brushes her nose against his, able to feel the heat radiating off him as she places herself in front of him. “I don’t think this will be the end of our little moments of stolen free time.”
Makoto gulps loudly. “B-But we just got caught…”
Kyoko smiles a devilish smile. They are still early on in their relationship, still so early on that they both struggle to think of things in a particular context, but… “Maybe that’s part of the thrill of it.”
She swears those words could have made Makoto faint.
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Account renovations!
1. Username change
Since this is my main I'll post misc stuff here and tag it as #notakincallout hence the username change bc I didn't know you can only interact from your first blog
2.Abt me(CW: LGBT slurs, it/its pronouns)
Name: Anna/Moonlight
Age: 18
Gender: genderfluid, non-binary,
Orientation: sapphic
Pronouns: she/they/xe/ze and rarely he/him
Kintypes: black cat therian, nonhuman vampire, ghostkin
I don't have a set DNI
Other socials are in my linktree
3. My kinlist(CW: danganronpa, fnaf)
Danganronpa: Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, Nagito Komaeda, Mikan Tsumiki, Seiko Kimura, Miu Iruma, Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Tojo, Shuichi Saihara
Death Note: Light Yagami, L, Misa Amane, Teru Mikami, Near
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust, Vaggie, Charlie Morningstar
Steven Universe: Pearl, Steven Universe, Spinel
Total Drama: Gwen
4. Posts I've already done(danganronpa, fnaf)
Danganronpa: Mikan Tsumiki, Kyoko Kirigiri, Alter Ego, Junko Enoshima, Hiroko Hagakure, Aloysius Pennyworth, Hifumi Yamada, Genocide Jack, Aoi Asahina, Kiibo, Kirumi Tojo, Mukuro Ikusaba, Gonta Gokuhara, Monaca Towa, Byakuya Togami, Makoto Naegi, Celestia Ludenberg, Kazuichi Souda, Kotoko Utsugi, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Gundham Tanaka, Shuichi Saihara, Tsumugi Shirogane, Himiko Yumeno, Kokichi Ouma, Miu Iruma, Kaede Akamatsu, Angie Yonaga, Rantaro Amami, Tenko Chabashira
Death Note: Misa Amane, Light Yagami, Kyosuke Higuchi, Teru Mikami, Rem
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor
Chainsaw Man: Power, Makima, Denji
Magica Record: Yachiyo, Iroha Taimaki
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Madoka Kaname, Nagisa Momoe, Mami Tomoe, Kyouko Sakura, Sayaka Miki, Homura Akemi, Kyubey, Junko Kaname, Tatsuya Kaname, Kazuko Satome, Tomohisa Kaname, Momo Sakura, Hitomi Shizuki
Mob Psycho: Tsubomi Takane, Tome Kurata, Reigen Arataka, Katsuya Serizawa, Shigeo Kageyama, Teruki Hanezawa
BNHA: Fuyumi Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Ochacho Uruaka, Eri
FNAF: Mangle, Elizabeth Afton, Charlie Emily, Vanny, Sun/Moon, Glamrock Freddy
Undertale: Chara
Genshin Impact: Childe, Kaeya, Diluc, Venti
5. Request rules
No real people(factkin in the sense of alterhuman identity is valid but this blog is dedicated to those who kin to cope and kin for fun/as a hobby)
No one from Hamilton or similar historical pieces of media that are meant to be close to accurate portrayals of real people
I obviously can't analyze you if I don't know the source your character is from, if I don't, I'll get around to watching/reading/playing it and eventually get to your request!
If I'm incorrect, I'll redo it!
Current CW/TW List
LGBT slurs(including q^eer)
It/its pronouns
Cold weather
April fools day
Blood tests
The ocean
Religious pressure
Family guy
Ultimate Imposter from Danganronpa
Excessive bodily fluids
Bathroom content
Self harm, blades, knives cutting open flesh
Open cuts
Kokichi x Maki
Kokichi x Kaede
Miu x Kokichi
Kokichi x Celeste
Kokichi x Chiaki
Kokichi x Chihiro
Fanon komahina
Bakudeku, Ochacho x Bakugo
Mello x Near
Gamzee Makara
Abusive pregame hcs
Cynco from the flash
Lmk if you need me to tag something else!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
A Gentle Hand- Drabble Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JAhTj03
by ScribbleTeaaa
A collection of (mostly) nsfw Danganronpa drabbles! Featuring:
Naegami (Byakuya x Makoto) (4) Saioma (Shuichi x Kokichi) (4) Tokomaru (Toko x Komaru) (2) Sondham (Sonia x Gundham) (2) Komahina (Hajime x Nagito) (2) Kamukoma (Izuru x Nagito) Tenmiko (Himiko x Tenko) Heir Guitar (Ibuki x Imposter) Celesgiri (Celeste x Kyoko) Ishimondo (Mondo x Taka) Naegamigiri (Kyoko x Makoto x Byakuya) Sakuraoi (Hina x Sakura) Togiri (Byakuya x Kyoko) Fuyupeko (Fuyuhiko x Peko) Soapies (Hiyoko x Mahiru) Kiiruma (K1-B0 x Miu)
Words: 5634, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Togami Byakuya, Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru, Sonia Nevermind, Tanaka Gundham, Chabashira Tenko, Yumeno Himiko, Fukawa Touko, Naegi Komaru, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Mioda Ibuki, Kirigiri Kyouko, Celestia Ludenberg, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Oowada Mondo, Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Pekoyama Peko, Koizumi Mahiru, Saionji Hiyoko, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Sonia Nevermind/Tanaka Gundham, Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Mioda Ibuki, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi/Ogami Sakura, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Iruma Miu/K1-B0, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Kirigiri Kyoko/Togami Byakuya
Additional Tags: Drabble, Drabble Collection, ok I tried really hard to make these drabbles but my head is full of words, they are all very very short, but I don't think any of them are actually under 100 words, Kissing, Gentle Kissing, Smut, Fluff and Smut, not all of them have smut though, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), but also some of them are despair still, Laughter During Sex, Crying During Sex, Trans Male Character, Asexual Character, Nonbinary Character, Trans Saihara Shuichi, He's the only one explicitly mentioned to be trans but like. lots of them could be, Makoto Naegi is trans too it's not mentioned but you can trust me, Asexual K1-B0, Nonbinary Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JAhTj03
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to-nae-giri · 1 year
X-Files bubble bath scene but it's Kyouko, Makoto and Byakuya respectively
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pinlc-arts · 4 months
i consider myself a novice artist but i'll try my best, just here to have fun mostly
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fav ships
touko fukawa x byakuya togami (togafuka) - danganronpa makoto naegi x kyouko kirigiri (naegiri) - danganronpa sakura oogami x aoi asahina (sakuraoi) - danganronpa kiyotaka ishimaru x mondo oowada (ishimondo) - danganronpa fuyuhiko kuzuryuu x peko pekoyama (kuzupeko) - sdr2 sonia nevermind x gundam tanaka (sondam) - sdr2 leonardo x karai (leorai) - tmnt 2012
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bravemccalll · 6 years
you make a fool of death with your beauty .3
chapter three – hope comes bearing gifts
Hajime remembers his parents through rose-tinted glasses. He remembers his mother’s laugh lighter and sweeter, his father’s hair darker and softer. His memories are filled with all the good parts of when they were alive: how his father had held his bike steady when he first got on it, how his mother had cheered when he won first place in the spelling bee when he was eight.
Of course, the dark always manages to worm its way in, despite how tightly you seal the door.
He remembers Kazuichi’s arms as a steel band around his waist when he tried to push his way towards his parents’ bodies. He could see them, they were lying right there, he only had to get closer, just one touch –
Kazuichi had been crying, Hajime remembers the wet patch on the back of his neck, soaking the collar of his shirt. “You can’t!” he’d sobbed and dragged Hajime further and further away. “Then everyone’ll know and what’ll happen to you?”
Hajime hadn’t cared.
They’ve been cremated, his aunt told him during the second week of his stay at her house. Hajime hated it there, simply on the principal that he hated anywhere that his parents weren’t which was everywhere now. We’re going to spread their ashes in the lake that your father used to fish, do you remember it?
Hajime thinks that he has a piece of rope wrapped around his ankle to keep him tethered to the Earth. That day it snapped.
Hajime finds himself talking to Chiaki a lot. She sits on his workbench with her legs swinging as he works and they talk about everything.
He asks her what she does for a living. ("Games designer but they've given me a few months off - without pay, mind you - because of...well, y'know.) She asks him why Kazuichi dyed his hair when they were fifteen. ("I believe he said to me, quote, un-quote, 'Why the fuck not?")
She doesn't say much about Tsumiki. He doesn't say anything about the years after his parents died.
But it's fun.
He can’t remember when they started talking like this, with her roaming his kitchen and him letting her. He finds he doesn’t mind.
A sweetshop has opened up three doors down. Kyouko’s Kandy.
Peko wonders if there is going to be any competition. Kazuichi offers to throw a brick through their front window. Nagito has already roller-skated past them five times, trying to see who owns the place.
Hajime wants a nap.
The owner of Kyouko’s Kandy is not actually a woman named Kyouko but actually a short man with spiked brown hair called Makoto Naegi. He introduces himself with a smile that rivals the sun and gives them a box filled with taffy.
Hajime decides he likes him.
“So, who’s Kyouko?” Kazuichi asks around a mouth stuffed with sweets.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” says Peko from behind the counter. Fuyuhiko snorts from in front of her and she gives him a coy smile. Hajime doesn’t notice.
“Oh, it’s not a problem!” Makoto says, happily. Hajime does notice that there is little that Makoto doesn’t say with a smile. “Kyouko is my wife. She’s the one who inspired me to open up my sweet shop so I named it after her.”
“Aw,” Chiaki sighs from beside Makoto. “That’s so sweet. Get it? Sweet?” She grins at everyone. Hajime groans. Nagito laughs.
“I get that a lot,” Makoto giggles. He giggles. Hajime is convinced that this man is a human part-time, a cherub full-time.. “My husband hates it.”
“Husband?” Fuyuhiko asks.
The smile disappears. “Um, yeah. I have a wife and a husband. Polygamy and all that.” He fiddles with his thumbs.
“Oh, that’s fine!” Chiaki says, patting his arm. He smiles at her. “Not that you need my approval or anything, I’m just trying to say that, y’know, that’s not weird or anything, because it’s not! It’s not weird at all, I’m just trying to say – “
“We’re just trying to say,” Nagito interjects, “That it’s all fine here. You don’t gotta worry or anything.” Chiaki grins at him, red cheeks and all.
Makoto looks like he’s going to explode with happiness. Fuyuhiko locks eyes with Peko and winks. Her lips twitch. Hajime doesn’t notice.
Here’s the thing: Hajime had never thought about polygamy before.
That night when he and Nagito get into bed, he asks Nagito his opinion about it. Nagito thinks it over, his head resting on Hajime’s chest. Hajime runs his hand through Nagito’s hair.
(“It looks like a cloud,” Chiaki had told him earlier, hands braced on his workbench, watching him roll out dough. “Doesn’t it?”
Hajime had snorted before he could stop himself. She’d raised her eyebrow in a silent question. “Well, it’s just – your hair looks like candy floss.”
She’d laughed joyfully and the sound had filled his lungs. “Shut up, pinecone.”)
“I think it’d depend on the person,” Nagito says eventually.
“Me too,” Hajime replies. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Nagito says, his voice a rumble on his collarbone and Hajime wonders if he can see the words branded on his skin.
Fuyuhiko meets Kyouko before the rest of them and marches into The Pie Hole with a scowl.
“Anyone ever tell you that you look like an angry puppy when you make that face?” Nagito asks as he rolls to a stop beside Hajime. Fuyuhiko glares at him. Hajime snorts.
“I just met Kyouko,” he growls.
(“Angry puppy,” Nagito murmurs.)
“Oh?” Peko says, looking intrigued. “What was she like?”
“She said that she thinks my intuition must be incredibly good because there’s little to no actual physical evidence to explain how I’ve solved these crimes.” Hajime tries to not look embarrassed. Nagito rolls his eyes at him.
“She into your work?” Peko asks, looking at Fuyuhiko with a raised eyebrow. He looks slightly sheepish under her gaze and Hajime doesn’t understand why.
“She’s a detective as well. She wants to work on Tsumiki’s case with me,” says Fuyuhiko.
Hajime glances at Chiaki who had been sitting quietly ever since Fuyuhiko came in but perked up at the mention of her late best friend. He looks back at Fuyuhiko who is staring at Peko. Peko stares back at him before getting up and heading towards her office, through the kitchen.
“Will you work with her?” Chiaki asks, her voice small. Hajime wants to give her a hug but can only cross his arms tightly across his chest. Nagito reaches a hand out and pats her shoulder.
“I’ll have to think about it,” Fuyuhiko says before disappearing into the back.
“Why’s he leaving that way?” Nagito wonders, scrunching up his nose in confusion.
“No idea,” Hajime replies.
“You’re both so dumb,” Chiaki sighs.
Here’s the thing: Hajime had met Peko at three in the morning in the middle of winter when he was eighteen and drifting through life like his feet weren’t on the ground.
He had been sitting on a curb outside what would soon be The Pie Hole in a woolly jumper with a cooling apple pie cradled in his arms and she had slumped down next to him. “I read this quote once,” she said. He barely looked up, only tilted his head slightly. “It said: ‘What is human existence? It turns out it’s pretty simple: We are dead stars, looking back up at the sky.’”
“Powerful stuff,” Hajime murmured. He had been living with his aunt, miles away, but he had run away, back to the town where his parents had once lived, where Chiaki had died on a street not a few blocks from that corner, where Kazuichi was sleeping in his bed a few streets away. He hadn’t slept in too long, his eyes stung with exhaustion. He remembered breaking into what used to be his house to use the oven to bake his pie. He left quickly, the ghosts that haunted what used to be a home had watched him, their eyes boring into the back of his neck.
“I don’t like it. I’m not a fan of poetry,” she said. “I’m Peko.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said. He hadn’t been able to tell if she was being honest or not; her face was blank and she blinked at him.
“Ditto,” he said, eventually.
“Can I have a slice of your pie?” she asked, head nodding to the pie that he had sat on his lap.
He stared at her, dumbly. “It’s apple.”
“I-I don’t have a fork.” She reached into the pocket of her red parka and pulled out two plastic forks. “…Alright.”
He placed the pie on the ground between them and she handed him a fork and together they ate his pie.
“This is good. You should bake pies for a living,” she told him, face still blank, crimson eyes staring out into the darkness.
“I want to,” he replied. His phone buzzed in his pocket, probably his aunt phoning to figure out where he had run off to again.
“I’d fund it,” Peko hummed. There was a rip on the knee of her jeans. Hajime stared at it.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he’d said and she had smiled at him for the first time.
Later, Hajime would fall asleep in the bare living room of the house he used to share with his parents and he’d think about crimson eyes, a red parka and a hopeful smile.
(Years later, Hajime bought her a mug with stars painted on it. She’d smiled at him like she had then and Hajime had grinned back.)
Hajime had never actually met Gundham’s girlfriend until this moment. He’d seen her from afar, all long blonde hair and white sundresses that flared at the waist.
She’s wearing a sundress right now. It’s snowing outside. Hajime is so tired.
“Well, how Gundham and I met was when I was attempting to summon Abbadon [because blah] but before I could begin the incantation, Gundham ran in and stopped me. He explained later that I could have ended the world if I had gone through with the ritual! I am so sorry for that.”
“We accept your apology,” Nagito says, solemnly. Hajime elbows him in the ribs but she smiles at him.
“Sorry, what’s your name?” Chiaki asks from beside her.
“Oh dear, sorry, I sometimes get so caught up in everything that I forget to introduce myself. My name is Sonia. Sonia Nevermind.” She gives them all a dazzling smile.
Nagito leans over and whispers into Hajime’s ear. “Is this the week of meeting new people or something?” Hajime snorts.
Fuyuhiko enters through the front doors and sits next to Chiaki. She smiles at him and his lips twitch in response. “Fuyuhiko, this is Sonia. Gundham’s girlfriend?”
Fuyuhiko nods at her and she smiles back, brightly. Hajime wonders if everyone he meets now is always going to smile like they have the sun in their mouth.
“I wouldn’t say that Gundham is my boyfriend,” says Sonia.
“Oh?” Nagito asks, leaning over the counter, intrigued by the possible drama. Hajime rolls his eyes.
“Yes. I think life partner would be more appropriate. He protects me from both demons and men who disrespect me,” Sonia replies, looking wistful.
Chiaki hums in thought. “Only one man has ever disrespected me. He’s dead now.”
Fuyuhiko’s head shoots up from where it had been hunched over the menu to stare at Chiaki in shock. “Holy shit, did you kill him?”
“Nah,” Chiaki says. “He died of a heart attack. It was unrelated.”
Fuyuhiko looks like he wants to say something but just turns back to his menu. “You all are so weird,” he mutters.
Here’s the thing: Hajime knows that he isn’t the smartest guy out there. Or the strongest, or the bravest. But he doesn’t really think those things matter in the grand scheme of things. There are things that matter.
Fuyuhiko’s grin. Peko’s coffee stained mugs. Kazuichi’s rough palms. Nagito’s roller-skates. Chiaki’s eyes as she gasped herself to life on that damp concrete.
Some days he wakes up and doesn’t think it’s enough. That these things can’t keep him tethered to the Earth, that he’ll go floating up up up, somewhere no one can ever reach him.
Other days he wakes up and likes to think it is enough.
(He hopes it is.)
Kyouko walks into The Pie Hole with her back straight and her eyes flashing. Hajime fears for his life for a moment before he remembers that he works with Peko every day and he saw her fiddling with a sharp knife again when he was cleaning up the other night. Hajime knows that it’s Kyouko because he saw her coming out of the candy shop with one hand holding Makoto’s and the other in the clasp of some blonde man who looked like he sneered for a living. Sneering must pay a lot, Hajime is 90% that he had ten Rolexes on his wrist.
She makes a bee line for Fuyuhiko who is mid-conversation with Kazuichi about the morals involved in honey making. Hajime abandons his pie display to pretend to clean the counter so he can listen in.
“We should work together,” Kyouko says instead of hello or how are you like everyone else does.
Fuyuhiko twists on his stool and gives her a blank look. “…Anyway,” he says, turning back to Kazuichi who is grinning at Kyouko as though he’d never seen a woman before. “Bees don’t use the honey, so as long as they’re treated well –“
“This is ridiculous,” Kyouko interjects. “I’m a good detective and you seem to be as well, so what’s the harm with working together?”
“I work alone,” Fuyuhiko snaps.
Kyouko points a gloved finger at Hajime who jumps. “I thought he was your partner.”
Hajime watches Fuyuhiko’s face turn red with increasing wonder. “It's not like that! He-he has a boyfriend,” he splutters.
Hajime snorts. Kyouko rolls her eyes. “I meant a professional partner.” She looks like she is regretting offering to work with him.
Fuyuhiko squints at her and seems adamant about ignoring the flush across his cheeks. “How’d you know we work together, anyway?”
“I went to go and see Mikan’s body and the man at the desk said that another man was with you. I guessed. And I was correct.” She sits on the stool next to Fuyuhiko and picks up a menu.
“I could’ve been the partner!” Kazuichi exclaims.
“No,” Kyouko replies without looking up. “Could I have a slice of pumpkin pie, please?”
“Sure,” Hajime says.
“Thank you.” She turns to Fuyuhiko once more. “We should work together. What leads have you got so far?” Fuyuhiko doesn’t reply and glares at his cup of coffee. “I’m only going to keep pestering you until you cooperate,” she points out.
“Why do you want to work with him so bad?” Hajime asks as he sets her plate in front of her.
“Thank you. My husband – Makoto, I believe you’ve met him? – wants me to make friends. So – “ she spreads her hands out in front of her, “- here I am.”
“You’re doing a terrible job,” Kazuichi grumbles, poking at his strawberry pie with his fork, evidently still upset about Kyouko’s dismissal.
“I thought so,” she sighs. “I just thought that a good mystery would help me make friends.” She frowns at her pie as though it held all the secrets to good quality social interactions.
Fuyuhiko watches her for a moment before huffing a breath. “My only lead is Tsumiki’s girlfriend, Junko Enoshima. But she won’t let me in to talk to her. Something about ‘emotional trauma’.” He scoffs and takes a drink from his coffee cup.
He doesn’t look at Kyouko so he doesn’t see her smiling at him but Hajime does. She turns back to her pie and he passes her a cup of tea. “On the house,” he tells her and receives another smile before he disappears into the kitchen.
Things are going quite well. That’s why he knows they’re about to go bad.
His suspicions are confirmed when he steps towards his ovens to check on his pies and as he turns around he sees Chiaki, standing by the back entrance to the building.
“I have something to tell you,” she says, her voice steady and her eyes focused on the raspberries he left in a bowl on his workbench. "I got hit by a car when I was sixteen and I think I died but I don't know how I came back but what I have to say is - the person driving the car was Tsumiki."
Hajime feels his tether to Earth snap and he drifts away.
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begone-despair · 4 years
Junko: “Every girl wants to date a prince/princess.”
Celeste: “Why should I want a princess when I have a queen that treats me like the queen I am?”
Kyoko: *high-fives Celeste*
Makoto: “Why aren’t we like that?”
Byakuya: “Because you’re a peasant.”
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oikawasass · 4 years
⠀ 𓆉。˚ ✧
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☁︎·̩͙ h.c -> headcanons.
☁︎·̩͙ o.s -> oneshot.
☁︎·̩͙ a. -> angst.
☁︎·̩͙ f. -> fluff.
☁︎·̩͙ m.c -> multi chapter.
☁︎·̩͙ t.w -> trigger warning.
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19 notes · View notes
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Dangan Ronpa Ensemble/Reader, Reader/Everyone Characters: Reader, Original Female Character(s), Naegi Makoto, Maizono Sayaka, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Enoshima Junko, Fujisaki Chihiro, Ogami Sakura, Oowada Mondo, Asahina Aoi, Fukawa Touko, Celestia Ludenberg, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Kuwata Leon, Yamada Hifumi, Kirigiri Kyouko, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa) Additional Tags: Spoilers, Female Reader, Angst, reader's a bit of a thirsty gal Summary:
She was so used to creation that destruction rendered her helpless. Kingdoms have been fortified around her for years, but what will she do when her empire is b u r n e d down to her feet?
(Female Reader x DR Trigger Happy Havoc)
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opalianubis · 5 years
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he has two of them !!
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fandomlgbtqia · 5 years
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Here is your Asexual Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri x Byakuya Togami (this probably wasnt the original order you sent the ship name in I am fORGETFUL and on Mobile, rip) moodboard you requested! There's no actual pride flag or anything ace pride related bc I couldn't find anything that fit so I tried to color code it slightly so the pride colors were Involved. I'm sorry if it doesn't look that great aha.
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otaku-republic · 5 years
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【Coupling Column】Vol.18 Danganronpa Part1!! https://otakurepublic.com/blog/entry_588.html
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thenahoi · 7 years
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if a body swap were to happen...
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Shot Through The Heart (Kyoko Kirigiri X Male Reader)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jk2DH7
by Hypernova_7
A quiet, stoic girl and a quiet, shy boy meet, what will happen? --------------------------------------- (Y/N) (L/N) was never really that popular in school, not really having that much friends, dealing with bullies sometimes and keeping away from the crowds a lot, but one thing he enjoyed that everyone knew about? Archery, honestly he never really cared about popularity or anything despite all the awards he's won from it for competitions and stuff, he just did it because he had fun doing it. But one day though he got an invitation to join that one prestigious school everyone constantly talks about, that's right, Hope's Peak Academy, he was honestly a little hesitant at first to accept the invite, but once realizing this might actually change his life for the better, he accepted. Watch him as he tries to adapt to his new daily school life as he meets a bunch of interesting people that he could actually call friends... And finds a girlfriend? --------------------------------------- Start Date: 12/25/2021 End Date: 06/20/2022 --------------------------------------- As you can see, this story was written a year ago, this was taken from my Wattpad page (My user is the same) and put onto here.
Words: 22328, Chapters: 14/30, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Asahina Aoi, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Fukawa Touko, Celestia Ludenberg, Fujisaki Chihiro, Yamada Hifumi, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Kuwata Leon, Oowada Mondo, Ogami Sakura, Maizono Sayaka, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Owari Akane, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Tanaka Gundham, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Soda Kazuichi, Koizumi Mahiru, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Pekoyama Peko, Mitarai Ryota, Sonia Nevermind, Hanamura Teruteru, Kirigiri Jin, Yukizome Chisa
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Reader
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), POV Male Character, Slice of Life, Platonic Relationships, Two people with zero social skills get together, Trauma, Child Neglect, Past Child Abuse, Persona 3 References, How Do I Tag
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0jk2DH7
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to-nae-giri · 1 year
people who like makoto x byakuya but hate on kyouko are clowns
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luxexhomines · 3 years
Master list of Works
Danganronpa Imagines:
Danganronpa 1
Penchant - Celestia Ludenberg
Super Danganronpa 2
Nagito Komaeda
11. i need you
3. [i] trusted [you]
Hajime Hinata
28. something about [them]
Kazuichi Souda
Typical Kazuichi
Multiple Characters
How lucky I am to have you - SDR2 Guys
Sorry for apologizing! - SDR2 Guys
Poly! Relationship w/ Kiyotaka & Mondo
S/O Serenades - Ibuki, Sayaka, Kaede
Always - Hajime, Makoto, Shuichi (x Body Insecure! Reader)
First Date Headcanons - Mondo, Kiyotaka, Gundham, Fuyuhiko
New Danganronpa V3
Kokichi Ouma
“You’re so persistent” - Ultimate Celebrity! Reader
christmas shopping
42. savior 
“You’re just too good to be true; I can’t take my eyes off you”
15. trembling hands
40. pet 
Hanahaki Disease! S/O 
Colorful Encounter (1/?)
Childhood Friend! Ouma
a purple carbonated drink
Yakuza! S/O 
Protective! S/O (chapter 3 spoilers)
S/O who sees through lies (chapter 4 spoilers)
Confessing is Hard
Reunion (chapter 5 trial spoilers)
A Love that Killed (reader is killed)
Sweet (angst, implied death, cringey because this was my first imagine)
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi Comforts Reader (angst, chapter 5 spoilers)
Spring Will Come For You (unexpressed/unrequited love)
Maki Harukawa
Why can I no longer continue to stay at your side? (Maki past spoilers)
Rantaro Amami
24. tender - Rantaro
Multiple Characters/Other
you’ve never even ever cared about me - Kaito, Rantaro, Shuichi
Crush! S/O Painting Kokichi & Shuichi’s Nails 
Blackened! S/O - Byakuya, Teruteru, Korekiyo
happy birthday - Kiibo
S/O who gets catcalled - Tenko, Kiibo, Ouma, Kaede
NDRV3 Girls x S/O who takes the fall for their kill - Kaede, Maki 
NDRV3 Guys x Lust Disease S/O
I’m okay - NDRV3 Characters (worrying about Reader)
Here for You -  Hajime, Nagito, Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, Ryoma, Rantaro (x Self-harming Reader)
His voice was simply intoxicating. - Any DR chara w/ he/him pronouns
Danganronpa Character/Ship Ficlets:
Danganronpa 1
An Explosive Concoction of Hope and Despair (v.3) - Naegi, Junko, Kyouko
DR1 Cast After Killing Game - Touko, Kyouko, Kiyotaka, Byakuya, Celeste, Sakura, Aoi, Yasuhiro
Super Danganronpa 2
“Write a horror story where the protagonist just doesn’t give a fuck.” - Hajime
I had hoped to give you the world. - Hajme (light Komahina hint)
In the midst of despair, does light still come forth? - Nagito (light Komahina hint)
Danganronpa V3
let’s pretend we’re - Kaito, Kokichi (unfinished start of slow burn)
Sick Day - Kaito x Kokichi
21. collapse - Kaito x Kokichi (chapter 5 spoilers, angst)
Stars - Kaito x Kokichi (angst, vague)
Dualities - Kaito x Kokichi (unfinished start of pre-game slow burn)
playing this game - Kokichi, Miu (non-romantic, angst, chapter 4 spoilers)
a coward. - Kokichi
Sharing a Room with Ouma - Kokichi, Shuichi
sunbathing - Kokichi x Shuichi
Free Time - Kokichi x Shuichi
Boredom - Kokichi x Shuichi
1. don’t leave me - Kokichi x Shuichi (angst)
“But the truth is, I want to say out loud, ‘Don’t go.’” - Shuichi (chapter 1 spoilers, angst)
A world without you is unbelievably dull. - Shuichi (angst)
Mute! Kaede - Shuichi x Kaede (angst, H/C)
amamatsu - Kaede x Rantaro
A fantastical yet lonely sight - Rantaro (inspired by qosic’s art!)
SHSL! Student Council President - Maki Harukawa
If the NDRV3 Characters each played an instrument
Other Fandoms:
Love Live! School Idol Festival 
“What do you think?” - Honoka x Fem! Reader (platonic)
to be lost  - Yuu & Ayumu (non-romantic, episode 11 continuation)
I’ll Be Home for Christmas - Rin x Hanayo
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
why did you have to betray him? - Leviathan x MC/Reader
married as - Leviathan x MC/Reader
Genshin Impact
An Unlikely Fascination - Albedo x Aether
My Love for You
for you whom morning never came (tw: death mention, loss)
we are alone (tw: death mention, loss)
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