#kyoutani kentarou scenario
strawberrykake · 2 years
bf that says “told ya, I’d win it” while suffocating you with a ginormous stuffed animal as if the other legendary prizes he won at the other booths for you weren’t enough
and would do it again (affectionate)
—BOKUTO, Hinata, ATSUMU, KAGEYAMA, Osamu, OIKAWA, Kyoutani, Aone, Goshiki, Daichi, KUROO, Tsukishima, Hoshiumi
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clairdelunelove · 2 years
Dating Collegekyoutani! Headcanons Pt.I
kyoutani kentarou x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: slightly suggestive?
synopsis: had a couple ideas on what dating collegekyou! would be like! headcanon style!
a.n. another brainrot because I can't get university kyoutani out of my mind! I'll probably add to this as college courses start back up and I gain motivation <3
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dating collegekyoutani! would include lots of early mornings where you’re knocking on his door
he’s still fast asleep, covered in his blankets while nudging a pillow underneath his chin
caught a case of blasting music until 2 in the morning because he wasn’t able to fall asleep
you’ll have to knock a couple times, mostly panicking because he’ll be late to his morning classes if he doesn’t get up right now
not knowing who it is, he’ll grumble out a, “hol’ your shit” while shrugging on an old shirt that’s strewn over the armrest of his chair
he sleeps in dark sweatpants and goes shirtless because it’s more comfortable to him
don't ask why.
he’ll yank the door open, frustration etched onto his face because someone just ruined his restless sleep, but then his eyes widen when it’s you- standing at the entryway of his dorm room and clad in the cutest outfit he’s ever seen
and no, he will never admit that every outfit you wear is disgustingly cute
“time to wake up,” you’d grin at him while he’s short circuiting, “and good morning, kyou.”
first off, it’s way too early for him to even comprehend that you’re literally here at this ungodly hour
second, he can't recall the last time anyone ever wished him a good morning
third, are you touching his hand right now?
sure enough, your fingers softly caress over kyoutani’s knuckles and he freezes at the touch before you’re teasingly scolding him with a, “you’re supposed to say it back, ya know.”
he’s clearing his throat, eyes darting from your fleeting touches on his hand and your bright smile, but manages out a pathetic, “mornin’.”
“good,” you’d hum in contentment before flashing him the watch on your wrist, “you have class in fifteen minutes.”
“and when you’re finished getting ready I’ll give you your good morning kiss,” you shyly mention with the hopes of motivating him to hurry.
it’s almost humiliating how fast kyoutani closes the door (not before telling you to wait for him) and scrambles over to the bathroom to brush his teeth with newfound vigor
dating collegekyoutani! means you never wait on him after class
he’s surprisingly on time to pick you up after each of your classes throughout the week
absolutely can not let you wait on him
makes it his goal to memorize your schedule so he doesn’t have to constantly check his phone about where the buildings are at
would glare (or curse) at anyone that got in his way while he was on his way to pick you up
“watch it,” he’d bark out while narrowly avoiding a duo of students that were aimlessly chatting
throws in a threatening snarl for good measure before he’s darting away because his pretty girl is texting him
^they’d be traumatized by it for the rest of their lives
imagine dark leather-clad kyoutani standing beside the entryway of your classroom while you’re bounding up to him— the definition of excitement as a smile stretches on your lips
he’s murmuring a quick, “how’d your class go,” while he plucks your backpack off of your shoulders and slings it over his own (basically second nature to him)
dating collegekyoutani! includes lots of handholding!
doesn’t matter when or where— this man will always have his hands on you
his love language is definitely physical touch so he craves the feeling of you being close to him
whether he’s snaking his arm around you to tug you closer or running his fingers over your hips, this man is at peace knowing that you’re safe with him
when you’re walking on campus with him he’ll nonchalantly thread his fingers with yours
he’d MELT if you decided to loop your pinky with his— it’s just so cute to him
if you tease him about it then kyoutani would pull his hand away to warn you for picking on him
“what was that, doll?” he’d ask while shoving his hands in his pockets
the corners of his lips would lift into a taunting smirk
loves to hear you whine as your hands desperately claw at his to continue holding hands
it works every time
dating collegekyoutani! causes you to smile whenever he keeps you company 
surprisingly enough, he’s unintentionally hilarious 
if you’re having a bad day or the vibes are just off– he’s uncomfy when you’re not content/happy 
does everything in his power to see you crack a smile 
he’d hesitantly bring up something that happened during his classes or his shift at work 
doesn’t matter what it is (i.e. he’d share whether a student was running late to class and caused a commotion)
attempt to tell you a joke— to which you don’t understand at first— so he’s awkwardly trying to explain it and the way the tips of his ears tinge red is usually enough to elicit an amused grin 
if you’re having a headache during a cold day then he’ll fling his hoodie towards you 
you’d probably resort to sarcasm to cover up the blush on your cheeks, “wow, this’ll definitely help cure my migraine.”
“on second thought,” he’d instantly snap back at you and grab the back of the hoodie he just threw, “gimme that shit back.” 
you’d have to apologize with a, “i’m kidding, kyou!” and tug him down for a kiss before he lets you wriggle away from him 
little do you know, as you’re sticking your arms through the sleeves, that he’s fighting off a satisfied smile 
dating collegekyoutani! is an amazing choice for when you forget to take care of yourself
he knows that you’re extra stressed because it’s finals week
ALWAYS treats you to food so he knows you’re eating
“just pick what you want”
he doesn’t mind what you pick because he’s already got a good amount of funds left in his bank account from his on-campus job
with the way your face dazzles at the sight of colorful desserts, kyoutani isn't really worried about picking up more shifts to earn cash
he’s surprisingly doting too
the type to motion you towards him with a single finger while you’re recalling details about your day
adores listening to your voice and his eyes would absentmindedly drift to your glossy lips
“c’mere,” he’s saying and a pleased hum escapes him when you’re so obedient to his every word
it makes his warm all over
uses his thumb to swipe up the cream at the corner of your lips
he’d lick the cream off of his thumb while holding eye contact with you
offhandedly throws in a “so messy, baby”
100% KNOWS that it drives you crazy so he always does it
lowly chuckles, the sound drives shivers up your spine, as you’re sputtering out the remainder of your story about your day
he’d also bring you coffee or tea (whichever you prefer!) after classes if he knows you need it
doesn’t want to overload you on caffeine but knows the pick-me-up is appreciated!
while you’re sipping away on your cup he’s already crushing an empty can of a monster energy drink
when it’s cold out (aka you have classes during the fall or winter semesters!) and you forget your jacket— don’t fret!
kyoutani will lightly scold you for it, mumbling out, “you knew it’d be cold today,” but still drapes his leather jacket over your shoulders
he knows it’s not ideal to keep you warm but it’ll have to work for now
yes. you are correct if you assumed that kyoutani brings a spare jacket after this instance
you’re instantly worried because he’s only in a t-shirt despite the frigid weather
“but,” you hurriedly attempt to shrug off the jacket, “you’ll be cold, kyou-”
if you even TRY to take it off all he’ll do is raise an inquisitive brow and that’s enough to stop you
when you tug the jacket closer to you, it smells graciously of pinewood mixed with another musky scent
it’s intoxicating enough to make you lightheaded during class as your mind is filled— entirely— of kyoutani
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Hey there author! I was wondering if I can request Haikyuu Guys! I want to see Iwaizumi, Kyoutani, Asahi and Yamaguchi with S/O who can do a kick boxing
Iwaizumi Hajime, Kyōtani Kentarō, Asahi Azumane and Yamaguchi Tadashi with S/O Who Can Do a Kick Boxing
A/N: Hello there anon. I am sorry for the late update. I was really busy with college so I hope you understand why the long update. Also, I hope you like this headcanons.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: Profanities
Iwaizumi Hajime - Aoba Johsai
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I know this man is into someone who is pretty athletic and loves sports and if he knows you can do Kickboxing? THIS MAN IS GOING TO SIMP AT YOU. His reactions definitely went 'AWOOGA!'
He is also felt a little bit relieved if you can do kickboxing because he knows you can defend yourself from any nasty people, especially creeps.
There would be a time Iwaizumi going to join your training together because I believe Iwaizumi despite he was the shortest volleyball player, he's really good at combat.
Sometimes Iwaizumi would spar together with you but since he's more talented in volleyball than in martial arts. He was only focusing on blocking rather than attacking.
Iwaizumi also often watches your training and he would be your biggest cheerleader when you are sparring against someone but also worried if you are going to end up injured.
He would also scold you if you ended up injured and call you reckless. Despite that, he's just scared and worried and he doesn't mind taking care of your bruises and wounds.
Iwaizumi sometimes would be your personal nurse and would watch out every time if you do anything stupid but he does love watching you work out.
Sometimes, his eyes were staring at the ripped muscles on your arms as you were punching the bag but once you caught him staring. He would quickly look away and act as if he had not stared at you a few seconds ago.
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It was one pm in the afternoon and it was really busy inside the gym as many people were training alone or together with their trainer to build their bodies. Including the person with (H/C) hair color and (E/C) eye color which is you, with your boyfriend next to you bringing two gym bags, one for your bag and the other one is his bag.
Placing the bag down on top of the iron benches and pulling out the drink bottles, he heard some men/woman whispering but quite loudly from next to him even though those people tried to be subtle so no one could hear them. 'Who's that hot chick/dude? Wanna talk to them?' The friend of the person said.
'Sure, I have a bet. If I have his/her number you give me ten bucks," the other person smirked.
'Well, If you fail. You will be the one who gives me the then bucks if the girl/boy doesn't want to give you their number," the friend of the creep said.
Iwaizumi's eyes squinted as he sees the two-person people acting like a creep instead of trying to make themselves better whereas the gym supposes to be the place where people are supposed to be working out to make themselves stronger or healthier instead of trying to find girlfriends or boyfriend.
"Oi, Fuck off. Don't hit on my girlfriend/boyfriend," Iwaizumi stood up, crossing both of his arms and looking at them with his death stare. The two creeps flinches but tried to challenge him back "Oh yeah!? You're her/his boyfriend?" The creep stomped his foot on the floor, acting like a kid throwing tantrum.
"Oi, what the hell's going on?" You stepped up as you see Iwaizumi trying to fight two guys who were sitting next to him while putting your hands inside the boxing gloves.
"Oh, so the hotties can do boxing?" the creep with maroon tanktop eyes looked at you up and down.
"And what's it to you," You roll your eyes.
"I bet you're just a beginner. How about you and me sparring and if I win you would give me your number," the creep winks trying to put his arm around your shoulder but you dodged it away.
"First, eww don't touch me you have germs. Second, sure but if you lose from me. Give that ten bucks that you were betting on me earlier to my boyfriend-" the edge of your lips curved but it was gone in a second. Their eyes were widened, surprised to hear that from you as they did not expect you to listen their conversation before the creeps shrugs and goes inside the ring together with you.
And it was this time the creep knew that they are fucked up as you put your jacket away and saw the muscles of your arms but what was worrying that Iwaizumi's grin, it was obvious that Iwaizumi indirectly telling the creep he fucked up for trying to challenge his girlfriend/boyfriend before the alarm turns off and the match started.
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Kyōtani Kentarō - Aoba Johsai
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It is canon that Kyoutani only listens to Iwaizumi and he doesn't listen to others on the volleyball team, even to his captain, and because of that. I believe he would love having S/O who are really good at kickboxing.
He would love it if you challenge him in kickboxing, he would feel excited, especially sparring with his S/O which is you. But he won't get too hard on you since he doesn't want to hurt you.
Sometimes he would listen to his teammates or other people talking about how badass you are and he is super proud of that. Sometimes he would be even mean enough to rub it into their faces.
Often sparring with you and he would be interested, surprisingly he would listen to you as you taught him some basics, tips, or certain movements in kickboxing.
Kyoutani also just like Iwaizumi, he would be your biggest cheerleader as you spar with the other opponents and would scream his lungs out if you were able to win the competition.
Kyoutani would also definitely give you a hard glare and his scolding are much harsher than Iwaizumi's if you ended up injured because of the sparring.
Sometimes he would buy some cold drinks after you were working out or training, spending his money on your drinks while you were sweating after punching the bags.
He won't admit it but he definitely loves it when you spend your time together by sparring with him and training with him. He also loves to watch you beat your rivals down.
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It was two in the afternoon and the street of Miyagi was quite busy with people walking around in the household areas and the nearest town with small shops here and there. Standing in front of the gym door, two persons walk in and look around the new brand gym which has many new equipments for people to workout.
The first person has short-cropped blond hair with two black stripes running across the sides of his head, just above the ears. The man also has honey-brown eyes that are sharp like the eyes of a guard dog eyes which makes him look intimidating unlike the rest of the Aoba Johsai Volleyball players.
The other person has a (H/C) hair color with a certain hair length. They/she/he is also having a peculiar (S/C) skin color that makes them stand out from the rest of the people inside the gym. They/she/he also has a beautiful (E/C) eye color as (Y/N) also wearing an oversized cyan hoodie with a black tanktop underneath it and biker shorts.
"So, why the fuck we're here?" Your boyfriend Kyoutani raises his eyebrows at you.
'Isn't it obvious and didn't your mom tell you?" You roll your eyes, a little bit annoyed that he forgot one of your hobbies.
"....What is it?" He still did not get it.
"It's kickboxing, dumbass. I'm going to train with my mentor and you can do anything in here while waiting for me," You told him before putting the bag on the bench.
His eyes widened before he slam his hand on his face, feeling a little bit embarrassed for forgetting that his mom did tell him that his boyfriend/girlfriend does kickboxing. You could not help but chuckle and roll your eyes at him playfully, amused by his reaction before grabbing one of his arms.
"Also, I don't really want you to just stand there and watch me like a lower. So, wanna sparring with me after I change to my training attire? I bet I could beat your ass later when we are sparring," you challenged your boyfriend.
Hearing that, the short-cropped volleyball player could not help but one the edge of his lips tugged upwards and almost reached his eyes with his canines showing off, "Heh, let's see about that loser. I will be the one who will kick your ass later," Kyoutani challenged back before his hands were on the sides of your legs and trapping you into the bench.
As soon as Kyoutani pulls away from trapping you, the old woman comes up with boxing gloves on her hand as she sent a friendly smile to you.
"Here, I got new gloves for you and I already thor your beaten-out gloves away since this one is more comfortable. Anyway, who was that hot guy/ Mind telling me~" the old lady teases you. She was a friendly old lady but with incredible monstrous strength and she was like your best friend.
"Yeah, that guy is my boyfriend, his name is Kyoutani and I will be sparring with him later..."
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Asahi Azumane - Karasuno
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Asahi has two reactions if he had S/O Who can do kickboxing and the first reaction is that he is actually proud of you because he thinks you are badass.
He knows that based on your skill and talent in kickboxing. You are able to defend yourself since he doesn't really like violence (He's just huge and scary looking but soft in real life).
Asahi also wanted to learn kickboxing like you although he stopped on the first trial and not joining the practice anymore because he thinks it's scary and tiring.
Especially when he looks at all of the rivals and the trainer, he legit almost pisses himself out of fear because of their scary looks and build.
Because of that, he would be just the personal nurse and cheerleader when you are sparring with the other player and would loudly cheer you up when you win the match or bandage your wounds when you got punched in the face.
Another Reaction that Asahi will have when reacting to having S/O who can do kick-boxing that he thinks that you are a slightly scary and violent person, not really knowing you wanted Kick Boxing not really because you want to fight but just building your body to be stronger.
He does legit think people who like martial arts are aggressive. He isn't wrong but he is not also entirely right about this unless you told him the truth or explained about some people do kickboxing to build their bodies stronger.
Nevertheless, Asahi is proud of you that you are strong to defend yourself from any bad guys but he is also a bit worried about any injuries you received from kickboxing, thinking you got injured during sparring.
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On the other side of the gym, there is a single room with a large ring in the middle of it as well as benches and lockers surrounding the ring. But that was not it, there were also some punching bags on the side, a mattress, and other equipment that was usually used by other players and trainers to practice or build their bodies.
On the corner left, two figures sitting together as the two of them watching two people against each other the guy flinches every time when the person inside of the ring got painful punches, kicks, or jabs on the side. He has long hair which is usually styled as a bun behind his head and dark brown eyes.
The person who is sitting next to Asahi is someone with (H/C) hair color with a (H/L) hair length. Not only their/her/his hair but the person has sharp (E/C) eyes that observe every detail of their/her/his opponent's every move in a hope that (Y/N) can counter those moves.
Asahi could not help but keep staring at his partner with eyes that clearly shows that he is worried. The rival inside of the ring seems dangerous with their every movement as the person punches and kicks aggressively without any second thoughts.
"(Y/N)-san. Are you sure you want to spar with someone?" Asahi asks.
"Yes, I am sure. Why do you ask?" You take a glance at your boyfriend.
"I-i'm just scared if you ended up injured badly. I don't want to see you in pain," Asahi glances at the ground with sweat going down from his face.
"It's okay, Asahi-san. You don't need to worry. I will be fine," you reassure your giant boyfriend.
"B-but what if your rival going to punch your face and break your nose?" Asahi stuttered, still worried.
"Asahi-san. It's alright, I promise I will be careful and I won't be injured at all," you gently trace your hand on his back.
The sound of a loud alarm blared through the whole room, signaling that the match is over and Asahi's face palled as he sees the one who looses from the match. He could see some bruises and blood trailing down their face. It was no mistake that the opponent was too strong for them and they ended up being brought to the medical bay for treatment.
Even though Asahi was shaking in his seat and feeling his soul flying like a dying whale. You weren't afraid at all, instead, your eyes were burning like fire and sweat are trickling down from your forehead after a short stretching with gloves already wrapped around your hands with your hoodie already placed on top of the iron chair.
"B-BE CAREFUL, (Y/N)-SAN!" he bites his own nails.
"I will!" You shouted back.
Instead of turning around to look Asahi in the eyes. Your eyes already focusing on the tall person inside of the ring as they had only little cuts from the match before the door of the ring is pulled by one of the trainers, letting you go inside the area. Asahi swore it feels like his chest are going to pop out because of the fear-ridden inside of him.
A pair of (E/C) eye colors with the emerald green one meets with each other and the person smiles a little bit before they gave their hands to you "I hope we will have a good match, miss/mister (Y/N) (L/N)." It was not mockery, even though they are strong kickboxers, the person was rather humble and friendly when outside of the match.
"Likewise, (R/N). I hope the two of us have a good game," you shook their hand.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi - Karasuno
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Another precious Karasuno boi who is going to look at you as if you were made out of gold and silver. He thinks you are someone who is very cool.
He knows you can do kickboxing and he is legit thinking you are the strongest person. Yamaguchi also thinks you are stronger than him.
The reason he thinks that is because of that day when Tsukishima stand up for him and defended him from bullies teasing his freckles when they were young.
He also is slightly jealous as he thinks that you are better than him in a term of strength and talent and you had to reassure him that he is also cool for joining the volleyball team.
If you ever lose the match, he would sit next to you with his hand on your back and try to cheer you up but when you win the kickboxing match. You would be surprised because he would be the loudest other than Asahi when seeing you beating up your rival
If anyone going to talk bad about you because of your hobby, he would try his best to defend you from those judgemental assholes although he would regret it when the person march over to start a fight.
Yamaguchi would also sometimes surprisingly join your training routine at training but only the easy ones such as sit-ups, push-ups, squats, planks, and other workouts.
Yamaguchi would also sometimes be kind enough to bring your drinks over or share his drinks if you are thirsty and did not bring your water bottle.
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Standing in the ring with two figures, the person with deep blue eyes stares at a pair of (E/C) eye colors with determination in their eyes but it was not only them because (Y/N) (L/N) also staring at their/her/his opponent with the same amount of determination even though the two of them had cuts and bruises on their faces and their body.
(Y/N) eyes widened before using two of their arms to block the rival's punch to protect themselves/herself/himself from getting hit in the face. The person clicks their tongue in annoyance before backing away from you, scared that you would retaliate quickly by punching them back.
However, the rival was not faster and smarter enough because once (Y/N) put her/his/their arms away. (Y/N) (L/N) uses one of their/her/his legs before swiping the person's feet out of nowhere and making them fall to the soft mattress and making them surprised by the sudden move.
Without thinking twice, (Y/N) tackled the rival with the right arm wrapped around the neck and the arms as the legs also locked the waist of the rival, immobilizing them and choking them as well. Feeling the air sucked out from their lungs, the person quickly taps their hand on the ground, giving up.
Carefully, you pulled yourself away from the person and see the trainer comes up to you and raise your hand, showing that you were the winner of the match. A pair of brown eyes stare at you with admiration, he knew you are strong but NOT THIS STRONG. He could not help but clap as loud as he can, seeing you winning the match.
As you stepped out from the ring and the rival was brought away by their trainer, Yamaguchi slowly strolled up to you with a cute smile on his face before he hands the small towel to wipe your sweat away and gave you a water bottle, "H-hi babe. Here's your drink and let's go to the medic bay. Your bruise on your arms seems painful," Yamaguchi pointed out.
"Thanks, Yamaguchi-san but I think I am fine. We can go home and tend this bruise," you reassure your boyfriend.
"A-are you sure?" Yamaguchi looks at you with worry.
"Yeah, I'm sure. You don't need to worry about me. Let's just get ready and go home, okay? Also, we will stop at the closest Mcdonald's. I'm STARVING after that match!" You pick your bags up and wrap the hoodie around your waist since the bag is quite full.
"Y-yeah!" Yamaguchi quickly takes his bags before he walks to your right side.
You didn't notice that his eyes were staring from the bottom of your shoes to the top of your head as well as the bruises from all of the match, training, and from sparring with the other players. He could not help but smile widened, proud of all of your hard work and training as he was also there watching from the start of your training.
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numberoneushiwakafan · 2 months
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❥ masterlist!!! ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
***(from a-z) !!!!!!!!
this is just a beta, but these are the characters who i’m writing for!
tooru oikawa
(nothing here…yet!)
hajime iwaizumi
(nothing here…yet!)
kentaro kyotani
(nothing here…yet!)
takanobu aone
(nothing here…yet!)
kenji futakuchi
(nothing here…yet!)
kanji koganegawa
(nothing here…yet!)
kotaro bokuto
(nothing here…yet!)
keiji akaashi
(nothing here…yet!)
shinsuke kita
(nothing here…yet!)
atsumu miya
(nothing here…yet!)
osamu miya
osamu with reader who hand hugs him!
rintaro suna
(nothing here…yet!)
kiyoomi sakusa
(nothing here…yet!)
yuji terushima
(nothing here…yet!)
daichi sawamura
(nothing here…yet!)
koshi sugawara
(nothing here…yet!)
asahi azumane
(nothing here…yet!)
yu nishinoya
(nothing here…yet!)
ryunosuke tanaka
(nothing here…yet!)
tobio kageyama
(nothing here…yet!)
shoyo hinata
(nothing here…yet!)
kei tsukishima
tsukki with a goth lolita s/o
tadashi yamaguchi
(nothing here…yet!)
tetsuro kuroo
(nothing here…yet!)
kenma kozume
kenma with a s/o who’s only quirky with him
taketora yamamoto
(nothing here…yet!)
sō inuoka
(nothing here…yet!)
lev haiba
(nothing here…yet!)
wakatoshi ushijima
he helps you at the gym
satori tendo
(nothing here…yet!)
tsutomu goshiki
(nothing here…yet!)
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haikyuu-dream · 2 years
Back Home
Kyoutani comes back home after a long day, and his partner wants nothing more than spoil him like he deserves. Fluff ensured! -Admin Mar
AO3 link !!
A few months ago, he signed up for the try-outs of a volleyball team he loved, the Sendai Frogs, and since then he’d been working and training hard as he could. You knew he really wanted to enter the team, since high school he strived to be a professional player, and with all his efforts you knew he could do it. And it was just like that; a few weeks ago he arrived home with the wonderful notice, and you could remember it as if it was yesterday.
You were cleaning the kitchen when you heard someone open the door and enter.
“Love, is that you?” you said while whipping your hands
You heard fast footsteps approaching the kitchen, and saw your boyfriend appear in the door. He ran to you, and encircled your body in a tight hug, taking your breath away from the surprise.
“L-love I can’t breathe properly” you said, and he immediately loosened up his embrace, never letting you go. After a few moments, he let you go, and shoved a bag in your arms. You looked at it questioningly, and looked inside, and the air left your lungs again, but this time for a different reason.
Inside of the bad, you could see what looked like a jersey with the number four on it, just as he used in middle school. You took it off the bag, and looked at it. “Kyoutani” could be read, above the number four. You looked at your boyfriend, and you felt your heart stop at his smile, it was bright and wide, a smile you loved to see on his face.
“Congratulations!” you shouted, and you couldn’t help but throw yourself into his arms, and started covering his face with little kisses and at the same time you told him all you wanted to say.
“I knew” smooch “you” smooch “could do it” smooch “You’re” smooch “the best”. And you finally gave him a big kiss on the lips.
Since then, he had continued training a lot, and you noticed his tired state after practices, how the tension was slowly building up on him. So today, you would surprise him, making his favorite food, hamima chicken. You weren’t used to prepare it, despite that; you were trying your best, since you wanted to spoil him like he deserved.
Time passed by, and the food was ready. You were pretty content with how it had turned out, it seemed well, and oh god it smelled good. You started preparing the table, when you heard the front door open, and went to welcome your boyfriend.
“Kyoooooooooou!” you said, throwing yourself in his arms, hugging him tightly.
“Hello (Name)” he said, and you couldn’t help but notice how tired he sounded.
You looked at him and said grinning “I made hamima chicken”
“I noticed it smells really good in here” he said, and bent down to capture your lips in a kiss, which you happily returned.
You just stayed like that for a while, embracing each other’s presence, before going to the living room to eat.
As you both sat down on the table, you thanked for the food, and proceed to eat. As you saw the fork with the food you prepared nearing his mouth, you couldn’t help but stare and wait for him to taste it, since you hoped he would like it. He noticed you staring and asked “Why are you staring?” and as you blushed; you told him “I j-just wanted to know if you liked it”
Realization downed on him, and he ate the food. His expression remained neutral, maybe kind of impassive, but as your hopes were going down, he told you “It is fine, maybe next time we could do it a little less spicy”
You sighed, a little more tranquil now, and you proceed to eat too. But as the food touched your tongue, you felt what it seemed like a fire spreading through it. Immediately you started drinking water and started laughing, and you told him “Next time, you’ll definitely help me”.
The rest of the meal passed peacefully, in a comfortable silence. As you were about to clean the table, he stopped you, and started picking up the dishes himself “what a gentleman” you thought. And as he went to the kitchen, you went to the bathroom to prepare a bath for both of you, since you knew he wouldn’t turn it down after his long day.
When you couldn’t hear more sounds coming from the kitchen, you guess he had finished cleaning, so you called out for him. “Love, come to the bathroom” and after that, footsteps could be heard approaching.
You were in the bathtub already, making sure the water was warm, and making sure the bubbles didn’t get out of control. He entered, and saw you there “Oh, did you forget the towel?” he said.
“Nope, I was just waiting for you” you said, and when he cocked his head to the side, you asked him “Will you join me, Kentarou?”
He nodded, and started taking off his clothes. You opened your legs, wishing for him to sit in front of you, but he shook his head and positioned himself behind you. When he had sunk on the water, he pulled you close to his chest, his arms holding you in a tight embrace. “You’re spoiling me too much (Name)” he said.
“I’m not” you said, followed by a small laugh “I’m just giving you what you deserve, after all that hard work you’ve been doing” and even you couldn’t see his face, when he said “Thank you” you could visualize the small smile on his face.
You stayed in the water in silence, and after a while you decided to break it. “You know?” he hummed “I’m so proud of you” he tightened his hold on you “I’m happy to see that your efforts are paying off, to see you so happy” you sighed “I love to see you like this, doing the thing you enjoy the most” you were silent for a moment, and continued “I love you Kentarou, I love you so much, and I don’t want to see your happiness end”
You didn’t expect him to say something right now, but he surprised you with his voice “I… I don’t think I would have achieved this as fast as I did if you weren’t by my side (Name)… you’ve been an incredible support to me” you put your hands over his, waiting for him to continue “I love you too, more than I could ever say”.
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toomanygoldfish · 8 months
Dog person? Or Cat person?
welcome to my new game! I will put up a haikyuu character and an option between “cat” or “dog”. You get to pick whether they are a cat or a dog person. Once the vote is over I will write a Drabble about it! Assume I died if I don’t post.
FIRST UP!! !!!Kyoutani!!
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linhthuytran · 1 year
10 Reasons Why I Don't Date: An Essay by Oikawa Tooru
Chap 1
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru, Kyoutani Kentarou x Yahaba Shigeru from Haikyuu
Word Count: 1k8
Genre: Fluff, Romantic, Comedy
Oikawa has been under stress lately due to the fact that his mom keeps pestering him about dating and the upcoming literature essay is impending. He decides to kill two birds with one stone: write an essay explaining why he doesn't date.
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1. Reason 1: Cause I'm pretty
Oikawa Tooru is pretty. It's not an opinion, it's not a statement, it's not a declaration. It's a fact.
Oikawa Tooru knows he is pretty. He doesn't reason it as in researching his peers' beauty and then comparing himself to it. He doesn't recognize it after listening to an array of compliments from both his family members and the teachers. Nor does he realize it as a result from hearing whispers and gossips from both boys and girls in the hallway about his stunning visuals. He does all of those things, anyway, whether he wants or not, on a regular basis. But he already knew he was pretty before all of that. He felt that he was pretty, since he was knee high to a grasshopper. And it didn't take him until he could get love letters and chocolate boxes or bentos to confirm his belief was real. He already knew it.
To the contrary of popular beliefs, having a good-looking appearance does have cons. And the cons are not stupid as in his classmates guesses. It's not the stupid paradox of choice like their insentimental jokes: Finding a girl prettier than him would be impossible, or there are too many smoking hot girls fall for him, how could he make the best choice out of a myriad of options like that? Or in a scenario that he finally decides to be taken, there might be a civil girl war tearing Aoba Johsai into pieces, just like in Mean Girls. Though it does make some sense, Oikawa admits, but it is not the cons he is mentioning, nope, not at all.
It's not like he being a dick or a pick-me boy, pretending himself to be too good that it even turns out to be a problem. Being pretty, too pretty causes a handful of problems. Oikawa enjoys the attention, enjoys all the little precious hand-made gifts that his fans gave him, because he knows they care for him a lot, devoting time to him. His fans love him, that is for sure, but in the meantime he also feels like not him the true Oikawa Tooru is being loved, but more like the persona, handsome, good-at-everything Oikawa Tooru is being loved. None of his fans knows that he only has a soft spot for milk bread, and all of their confectionery gifts dive straight into his sister's stomach. None of his fans knows that he indeed has stage fright, always scared he would mess up on presentations, and that's why he works his ass off to perfect his studies, ultimately, has flying colors. None of his fans really knows him, and he knows that. None of his fans sees him for who he is, and that's fine. But sometimes, he really wishes that they can leave him alone after having an arduous day, so he can be moping by himself and therefore doesn't have to put on an act being blissfully happy. Sometimes, he wishes he had some friends at school to whine about too much homework or being scolded by a biased teacher. But none of those wishes can be true, since all the girls do is following him, begging for his attention and squealing over the smallest things that he achieved. But none of those wishes can be true, since all the boys do is being jealous of him or asking for his advice on how to win a girl's heart. He wishes he can shout at their faces when he needs to be alone or begs them to stop seeing him as if his face is the only thing human-like about him. He is a human, not a face. He has wants and needs, he has feelings and emotions, but none of those people around him gives a shit about that. They only pay attention to his face, and he doesn't even work hard to get it or something, he was born with it. He isn't treated like a normal student or a normal human being, he is treated like an idol or a Greek god, someone who is so perfect and to be worshiped. He wishes he could break all those bubbles, crush all their expectations, but he is so scared of driving them away. After all, they only stay because he is pretty.
Being pretty makes making true friends at school a really challenging task, not mentioning finding a lover. The only acquaintance who is at his age, and doesn't give two shits about his gorgeous face is his cousin, Yahaba Shigeru. This, therefore, makes Yahaba his only friend, and by default, his best friend, who he can whine and complain and talk to once in a while when he visits. That's why in Literature class, when Oikawa stumbles upon a real challenge for the first time in his academic life, his first instinct is to hop on a train to Yahaba's house and hopes for being saved.
But of course, like all his wishes, it is a fantasy. Aizawa sensei, his Literature teacher, continues his endless rant:
"And I know that all of you are not stupid, far from it, but I also know you guys are slackers, not even wants to pay attention or take notes in class. We have just finished learning about 'War and Peace', and I bet more than half of you guys here even bother to learn, not to mention remember the name of its author."
Oikawa tries his best to contain his high-pitched laugh, cause who won't know the author's name of this magnum opus? That is of course Ernest Hemingway, even though he vaguely remembers any fish mentioned in "War and Peace"(1). Even he could tell, who couldn't, right? And Oikawa isn't even close to being adept at social sciences and humanities, for your information.
"That's why for your final assignment, you guys don't have to write about it. You even hardly read the books, why bother sending me essays you copy for the people who really read and write? You can freely handpick the topic of your essay, as long as you guys write it by yourself. You can choose whatever you like or want to write about, and don't try to stuff yours with high-end jargons or exquisite words you steal from the thesaurus into your essay. It doesn't make any sense." Aizawa gives the whole class a clearly unamused, stoic look, and some shivers as they are being mentioned. Including Oikawa.
He especially gives a pale blond guy a piercing stare:
"Also, no curses are allowed in essays."
The blond guy, Bakugou, hisses under his breath:
"I know, damn it."
Aizawa, who seems weirdly pleased with himself, smirks. He wraps the lesson up:
"Well then I guess we can call it a day now. Remember, a helpful essay provides readers something worth-reading, worth finding out. The topic may pose a question, and the whole essay is a journey to figure out the answer. When I finally flip to the last page, reach the conclusion, I hope I can learn something new and worth it. I really look forward to seeing how you guys, nature science geeks, deal with it. Makes the essay journey enjoyable and satisfying, for both the driver and the followers. The deadline is 3 weeks from now."
The class is dismissed, there are people pouring out of their class into the hallway and heading towards the next class. Oikawa sighs, knowing clearly that Aizawa poses a real challenge, and he won't back down from it like the other times, far from it. He spends the rest of his day at school contemplating the palpable options, and comes home judging and weighing all of them. It isn't until when the dinner is finished, his mom receives an unusual call from her sister, Yahaba's mom, probably informing some breaking news. Oikawa is curious, though it does not take him lots of patience until his mom lets the cat out of the bag in an eccentric murmuring voice:
"Shigeru finally has gone out with that Kyotani boy from his volleyball club. And how come you can't even bring me someone home, Tooru, when you have the same breath-taking face just like me??? You better hurry up, cause I run out of things to compete with Shigeru's mom, damn it!!"
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together when all conversations with Yahaba lately always featured this Kyotani "Mad-Dog" guy from the volleyball club. What takes Oikawa by surprise is that Yahaba invariably nags and curses and disses Kyotani like, on a minute basis, and Oikawa really doesn't recognize these behaviors as love language, or even romantic interests. But sensing the tension rising high, a premonition that his mom is about to hit the roof, Oikawa quickly extricates himself, dashing into his own room. He still hears his mom scolding through the door:
"You better bring somebody home, or explain to me by a goddamn Powerpoint Presentation why you don't date, Tooru."
He quietly closes the door, letting out a breath he doesn't realize he has been holding, and he shakes his head. Mom gets so tense and around the edge whenever his aunt and the sisters' competition is entailed. He never could have even a gist of it, since it never occurs between him and his sister. While roaming around his desk, all of a sudden, an ingenious idea pops up in his brain, and he quickly grasps the pen, jotting down in the papers:
"10 Reasons Why I Don't Date: An Essay by Oikawa Tooru"
He kind of considers changing the name of the author to Genius Tooru, since the minimum required page-length is 10, so yeah, 10 reasons. He keeps it as Oikawa Tooru, since sensei is right, you can't spoil the conclusion of the essay in its title.
Reason 1: Cause I'm pretty.
He stays until midnight explaining reason 1 in detail, and when he decides to finally hit the hay, he is so proud of himself. He reaches out his phone to set the alarm, decides not to answer the texts from Yahaba-now-is-dating-and-not-even-bothers-to-tell-him, and closes his eyes. Life is good, and being pretty is not that bad if it can even bring him a once-in-a-lifetime A+ in Literature.
The author of "War and Peace" is Lev Tolstoy, Oikawa gets mixed up with the author of "A Farewell to Arms" and "The Old Man and the Sea", Ernest Hemmingway.
English is not my mother tongue, and this is the first time I have written a fanfiction in English, so I figure there may be mistakes and it won’t come out as I expected. Any comments about my grammar or word choices will be appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
Hey! Can I request the Seijoh teams reactions to finding out that Kyotani has a gf whose the total opposite of him? She's from another school but these hoes manage to spot them getting close behind a corner when she comes to support Kyotani at an official game or sm. Btw, I really enjoy your writing! 💖
A/N: you see,,, I deadass have this complex for delinquent-looking characters who are actually soft. Even though the chances of coming across one of those is rare, THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE ARE MY TYPE. SO THIS REQUEST REALLY WENT AND S P O K E TO ME. THANK YOU ANON FOR QUENCHING MY THIRST
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cingulomania. | kyōtani kentarō
word count: 2057
warnings: some swearing!
(n.) a strong desire to hold a person in your arms
At first, Kyoutani had been your neighbor. True to everyone’s surprise, he was much shyer in person regardless of how much boys and girls in your neighborhood told you that he was a monster. You thought that he was alright.
It was when both of your parents introduced you to each other that you started to slowly build the foundation of your friendship. He’d timidly nag you to help him play volleyball and dirty your clothes when you accompanied him to check on the stray dogs by the river. You’d drag him up to your room to play pretend restaurant and ask him to pick out one of your frilly dresses to wear to a birthday party. Your differences didn’t matter to any of you. You thought that he was kind.
He was ‘Ken-chan’ to you for a rather long while until he’d snap at you to stop calling him by that nickname. You were hurt, of course. As any other 10-year old would. But you had complied to his demands, even with tears and snot streaming down your face. He had never yelled at you, not even once. So he had hugged you that day, engulfing you with his regret and affection. And that was when it started for you. You thought that he was kind of cute.
Your feelings for your childhood friend didn’t remedy as time passed; much to your chagrin, you felt that it simply multiplied. Especially as the both of you matured into your second year of junior high, when Kyoutani decided that he wanted to have his volleyball skills “known and feared throughout the prefecture”. But was there really a need for it though? You thought that he was already amazing.
In your last year of junior high, you felt a rift beginning to form between the two of you. It had become increasingly difficult to even spend time together, especially with your high school entrance exams looming over the corner. The lunch box you usually reserved for him had gone cold from being untouched for months. You had made many friends in hopes to fill the growing hole in your heart while he had made multiple… adversaries. You didn’t like making hunches, but it had seemed like Kyoutani was deliberately avoiding you. He’d run off quickly whenever he saw you and barely replied to your texts anymore. It was like he never wanted you in his life to start with. You had cried in heartbreak from the thought. You thought that he was selfish.
After what seemed like ages without contact, Kyoutani had finally called out to you, saying he wanted to talk. You were angry, seething even; you considered turning him down. This was the same boy who avoided you like a plague for months. But he was the same boy you grew up with and by the graces of your ancestors, fell in love with. You hadn’t even thought of an outcome when you accepted his invitation. It wouldn’t matter to him anyway. You thought that he was spontaneous.
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“Sorry for avoiding you,” he had said, sheepishly scratching the back of his hair. “I guess you felt a bit lonely.”
“Thanks for noticing,” your response had been ice cold that day and your frown didn’t falter.
You had agreed to talk to him by the river you used to play at. Silence dwindling between the both of you, you had watched his contorted expression reflect off the river’s waters.
“But you had been making so much friends lately, it was kind of hard for me to talk to you.”
Your frown had only deepened into a frustrated pout, “You’re one to talk! You and your volleyball. Volleyball early in the morning, volleyball late into the night. It’s always been volleyball when we were kids too, Kentarou! I didn’t want to stop you from doing what you love, but it doesn’t have to be like this either, you moron…”
Kyoutani’s lips had fallen into a flat line and his eyes wavered from yours. You had brought your knees closer to your chest and spoke again.
“I got into Wakabayashi Girls’ High School.”
“Ah, congratulations… I heard the criterias for Waka-joshi are the toughest—”
“You don’t get it!” There it was. Your string had finally snapped.
“I know we can’t be together forever. I know that! Our paths to different high schools are proof of it. But somehow I want us to,” you had muttered, slowly unlocking every defenseless part of your heart accompanied with the hot, searing tears that nearly swallowed your face whole. “I want us to be together for a really long time, Kentarou. But… but not as… not as…”
“Not as friends.”
When you had looked up to see him, he wasn’t like he was Kentarou anymore. It was like he was Ken-chan all over again. Your Ken-chan. You’d missed him so much it hurt, but you were glad he was here.
“We’re so different. You’re sociable and cute and you cry at the smallest things. And I’m just… the fucking worst.”
You hand had reached out to take his, fingers lacing with each other. “Ken-chan…”
“But I can’t help it. I hated myself for the longest time for it but I wondered if I really did have a chance with you. I wondered if you’d let me ruin this friendship of ours. Or maybe you’d hate me forever for it. But hearing you say that to me now, I don’t give a shit anymore.”
Kneeling in front of you, he had taken both of your hands, eyes fixated on the small rhinestones you had pasted on your nails. Against the rough palms of his beastly hands, yours had seemed so tiny, but he couldn’t help but to notice how well it fit with the contours of hand.
“I like you, Y/N. Please go out with me.”
Just like that, Kyoutani Kentarou had offered you his entire heart. And you took it unconditionally.
Arms thrown around his shoulder, you had sobbed hysterically into his shoulder, splotches of tears staining his shirt. “K-Kentarou!”
“H-Hey, I’ll fall over! Idiot, don’t just do things like this so suddenly!” he had scolded but ultimately rested his arms around your torso as he fell into the calming lullaby of your heart. You had smiled.
You thought that he was rather silly.
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You felt like you were going to lose yourself in the crowd sooner or later.
When Kyoutani told you it was going to be “a little packed” in the Sendai City Gymnasium, you didn’t think you’d be squeezed in like a can of anchovies. You were going have to ask him to be more specific about numbers next time.
“Hey, Y/N-chan, you think Oikawa-kun will make eye contact with me from the stands?” your friend Natsumi murmured, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Nacchan, you’re lacking ambition!” your other friend Yayoi chuckled, affectionately ruffling Natsumi’s well-kept hair. “We’ve got our secret weapon Y/N on our hands. If anything, we’ll ask her boyfriend to introduce us.”
“Yayoicchi, I don’t think Kentarou would want to do something like that,” you finally chirped, having given up on trying to interpret the lousily marked venue map.
“So selfish, Y/N-chan! You guys are so different, I don’t get why you don’t just go for the cute guys,” Natsumi groaned.
“But it’s quite romantic, isn’t it? The tale of Seijoh’s beastly Mad Dog and Waka-joshi’s sparkly princess…” Yayoi swooned, her glasses nearly slipping down her face.
Just as you were about to chastise your friends for being annoying, your cell phone piped up, alerting you of a text from your “beastly” boyfriend.
From: Kyoutani Kentarou
Subject: Where are you?
10:34 AM
I’m waiting by the entrance. Hurry up. I only have a few minutes before the others find out I’m missing.
You replied with a quick “I’ll be right there!! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥” and hurried your way through the bustling crowd.
“Y/N-chaaan! Where are you going?” Natsumi hollered.
“I’ll be back! You two find our seats, okay?”
“Hey, Y/N! Buy us some croquettes while you’re at it!” Yayoi echoed, her voice drifting away with the background.
When the cool breeze of the spring air kissed your face, you felt your shoulders lighten—it was beyond your imagination, but you survived the rampaging influx of people in the gym.
It didn’t take long for you to identify a lanky, scary-looking boy tucked away into a secluded corner of the gym’s field. Approaching him carefully, you felt him flinch violently under your grasp when you wrapped your arms around his torso as a surprise.
“Y/N! Don’t do shit like that!” Kyoutani scolded, turning around in your embrace to pull at your cheeks in annoyance. “I could’ve punched you by accident or something.”
“Kentarou, stop pulling at my cheeks,” you grumbled, hands flying to his wrists to unsuccessfully pry him off your springy face. “If you’re going to punch me, then punch me out of love~”
“No way. You’re weird.”
“Don’t be cruel. I came here to watch you play,” you pouted, crossing your arms in mock frustration. “It was super hard to ask for permission from the teachers and my parents to come here right after school ended, you know!”
Kyoutani nodded solemnly, giving your head a few gentle pats before finding interest in your shoes. “I see. Sorry for all the trouble and thanks for coming, I guess.”
You gave him a pleasant smile, enough to make him hear angels singing in the horizon. “It’s okay, Ken-chan. Do your best today, alright?”
Leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek, you were stopped in motion when a shrill cry broke the atmosphere between the two of you.
“Yoohoo, Mad Dog-chan! We’re done registering, so let’s—Oh?”
Kyoutani tensed up against your skin. Ah, it was him. The elusive captain of the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club. Heartthrob Oikawa Tooru, accompanied by every other senior Kyoutani had been so dead-set on avoiding just for this moment.
“Ain’t that the Wakabayashi Girls’ High uniform?” Matsukawa said, eyeing your uniform intently.
“Ah, that’s right!” you exclaimed. You had completely forgotten to change out of your uniform when you hurriedly chased the bus to the gymnasium.
Placing his hand beneath his chin in a display of wonder, Oikawa flashed you a grin that was sure to make Natsumi and Yayoi green with envy. “So, what’s a pretty Waka-joshi princess like you doing out here with our Mad Dog? Are you his relative? Or maybe his friend? Or perhaps—”
“Don’t.” Kyoutani stressed, teeth bared in defense. “Let’s just go already.”
Sighing in defeat, Oikawa complied, only once turning back around to simply wink at you and say, “I hope you’ll be cheering for me, Himesama-chan~”
You shivered in disgust. Now you were certain why Kyoutani wanted to evade him at all costs.
Once you were sure Kyoutani’s seniors were gone way past the corner, you called out for your boyfriend again.
“One more thing, Kentarou.”
“What is it now?”
Giving him a light peck on his chapped lips, you grinned when he stared at you with eyes as wide as saucers. “Good luck.”
At that exact moment, you thought that he looked a bit like an excited Corgi.
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“She kissed him!”
“Be quiet, Oikawa, he’ll hear us,” Iwaizumi hissed, craning his neck a little further in hopes to get a clearer view of your romantic escapade.
“I’ll bet you this week’s ramen that he scared her into dating him or something,” Hanamaki said, eyebrows furrowing deeply. “There’s no logical way. She’s just so fluffy and cute and he… Nah, man! It just doesn’t add up like that.”
“Lucky, he’s just lucky. Maybe he drew some kind of crazy fortune on New Years’.”
“I want crazy fortune like that too, we’re going to need it to win against Shiratorizawa this year.”
“Makki, you’re asking for too much. Luck comes from hard work too, you know.”
“Hey, if you think about it… We’re third years who spend our days playing and thinking about volleyball; it’s like we’re married to it or something,” Matsukawa pondered aloud. “Even Kyoutani has a cute girlfriend to balance it all out. At some point, aren’t we kind of…”
The third years sighed, shoulders slumping, realization dawning across their features.
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jesswritesthat · 2 years
Kyōtani Kentarō: All Bark No Bite
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~1.4k. fluff
• Mad Dog is known for being scary, but the tables turn when a date gets turned into babysitting.
Warnings: None
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"I can't go out with you."
Kyōtani was going to kill you for this.
Okay, he wasn't. 
If anything, this was hurting him far more considering you'd known how much courage it'd taken for him to establish a friendship with you - let alone anything else.
Oikawa was painfully clear that 'Mad Dog-Chan' was a savage barbed wire wall, and that you shouldn't take any interaction for granted (especially when you received consideration rather than rough barks like Seijoh did). 
So here he was standing outside your door, bomber jacket overlaying a crisp white t-shirt with a flash of disappointment quickly morphing back to his signature scowl.
"Is that your boyfriend?"
The two of you immediately locked surprised gazes, flicking down to the innocent tone of the child peering past your hip.
"Ah, this is Kyōtani, we were supposed to go out tonight Sakura..."
The small brunette hummed in understanding, prior to stepping past you and extending her little digits to pull his own from his pockets.
"I needed a babysitter last minute but I don't want to ruin your date. You should stay too Kyōtani-san!"
Instantly his widened eyes were seeking yours for approval, so you nodded with a smile - somewhat intrigued as to whether he'd agree considering his daunting nature and rebellious attitude. That wouldn't coincide with a delicate child, would it?
"Fine." It was forcibly choked out, Sakura having retrieved his calloused hand, tugged him toward the doorway and past your bewildered form. You thought he'd refuse...
It started with awkward introductions and explanations, Mad Dog sat stiffly, offering short and curt answers to satisfy the innocent curiosity of the 9 year old all whilst dodging any enlightenment regarding your relationship with him. How you knew each other from school and how you were friends with the volleyball club, and thus him included - except, you two were closer than the rest. It seemed informative enough judging by Sakuras' continuation to quiz him on an all manner of things.
Once acquainted you decided to prepare drinks, finding mild entertainment in the pleading look your friend sent you as you disappeared into the kitchen - the returning scene far more entertaining.
"Nice tiara Kentarō."
A darkened gaze settled on your figure, you'd expected embarrassment based on his sharp edge but instead Kyōtani sat up straighter, pink gems fracturing the light of the room, and nodded in proud approval.
Sakura giggled from her spot in front him, allowing him to continue his task with his tongue peeking out from his lips due to concentration whilst you placed the tray on the table.
"What are you doing?" You'd only been gone mere minutes, but it was plenty of time for the enthusiastic child to drag him into whatever world she'd carefully crafted.
"I asked Kyōtani to plait my hair!" With that gleeful statement, you raised your brow at the now flustered Spiker who refused to meet your gaze. Flushing further when you perched next to him to overlook his work as he tied it off.
"It's a perfect french braid."
"Really?! I want to see!" Instantly she'd ran off to the nearest mirror, leaving yourself and Kyōken alone for a while.
"Where'd you learn that?" Your tone was softer, almost admiring of his skill and was one he'd heard whenever you'd ask him about Volleyball. He was inclined to answer then, a brief smirk of remembrance tainting his lips and once removing the tiara, he rested his forearms on his legs and fiddled with the headpiece.
"I tried it on my dog when I was younger, but my mother insisted I learn with her hair instead."
"I bet your dog had fun, and it came in useful since you've made Sakuras' day." There was an amused scoff from him, yourself turning to sarcastically comment but were silenced when you felt a weight atop your head. "What're you doing—"
"You look better with it anyway, you're more like royalty than me."
"Mm, you certainly treat me like it Kentarō. I hope I repay the favour to you too." Your intimate words had left him speechless, flushing so deeply you could see the scarlet tint dusting the tips of his ears.
"I— yeah, you— always."
It was beautifully still, a cartoon softly playing in the background as you stared a second longer at each other with small soft smiles gracing your faces, within the next his gaze flickered to your lips and back up with a soft pink dusting his features now. In honesty, you wanted to kiss him too, hence how you'd tilted your head as a hint, then he'd began to lean in—
"Kyōtani-san! (Y/n)-chan! Shall we play a game?" She'd happily yelled before she'd skipped into the room, yourself immediately falling into Kentarōs chest - more solid than you'd originally thought.
The blonde stifled a laugh, grasping your jaw with his digits to pull you back up to meet his admiring gaze.
Regardless, you’d set up her Nintendo Wii and began a heated marathon of games - yourself and Mad Dog growing competitive, playfully nudging and blocking each other’s view when vying for the victory. Sakura suffered the same from the two of you, infuriated screams and giggles escaping her when you’d covered her eyes. Though you pretended to ignore the instance Kyōtani let her win, feigning disappointment as she’d proclaimed her victory.
Then Sakura rushed off to the toilet, leaving you and the Spiker to play a 1 vs 1, competitiveness getting the best of you when you’d tickled his side - finding yourself now pinned with the catchy defeat tune filling the room.
“That’s cheating, there’s consequences for that y’know.”
“What are you gonna do about it Mad Dog-Chan?”
That elicited a growl from his throat, the delicacy of the thumb ghosting over your lower lip completely contrasting it.
“Ready to lose again?” Sakura burst in, perplexed by the scene before her. “You two take Street Fighter quite literally don’t you? Whatever I still won, how about this game next?”
With a huff he’d sat up, Sakura pushing remotes over to the both of you.
"Thank you for tonight Kentarō, I'm sorry it's not what we expected." You’d gratefully admitted as you walked him out, coming to a standstill in the crisp night air.
"A date involves spending time with someone right? So this... was ideal."
"You think so?" The challenge posed in your tone forced him to cover his sentiment with his more aggressive attitude.
"Tch I stayed with you didn't I?"
"Yeah but is that because you liked my company or because you wanted the tiara?"
"Tiara obviously, I look good in it. Just ask Sakura." A nod of acknowledgment was sent to the young girl now joining your side - almost missing the sheepish confession of yours.
"You look good without it too..."
"I— I do?" Shaking himself from his initial flustering, he was quick to shove his hands in his pockets and look away with an irritated expression. "Uh whatever, dumbass."
His characteristic frown remained present as he’d return to look at you, then down to the smiling girl by your side.
Kyōtani breathed a heavy sigh having reconsidered, the blonde briskly clasping your hand to bring your knuckles to his lips. The kiss far more slow and gentle compared to his usual movements.
“Oh hell no. Sakura sorry but—“ Swift as a ninja you’d manoeuvred her inside, door closed before she could even turn around in protest - yourself situated in a position that prevented her from opening it despite the futile attempts.
“The f— mphf~” Kyōtani was curious, but instinctively surrendered when you’d pulled him toward you, palm flat against the wall beside you to steady himself. That’s when you kissed him, properly. Tentatively. As if asking if you had been misreading the signs all night. Judging by the cunning smirk against your skin and his willingness to continue though, you hadn’t.
“You’re not funny! Let me say goodbye to Kyōtani-san!” The incessant knocking behind your body stifled you, pulling away from Kentarō with a breathless laugh.
“Alright alright, I’ve already said mine.”
Releasing your hold on the door, Sakura stumbled out with a frustrated pout, eyeing the suspicious amount of space between the two of you and carried out her intention.
The two of you walking back inside after seeing the Spiker off, Sakura all too glad about goodness knows what.
“So he is your boyfriend.” She paused. “Knew it.”
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clairdelunelove · 2 years
Fallen Pumpkins
kyoutani kentarou x reader, established relationship! 
genre: halloween fluff (pumpkin patch/carving pumpkins one shot!) 
warnings: slight cursing 
a.n. I wrote this one a while ago but never posted :o cheers to the spooky season (I’m working on writing some more to celebrate!) but have some of this grumpy boi in the meantime <3 
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“So many damn pumpkins.” 
Huffing in annoyance, the blonde’s heavy black boots stomp on stray bits of yellowish hay that litter the arid ground. The result is a satisfying crunch that causes him to commit heartier strides. He nudges the orange gourd near his feet and haughtily smirks when it tips over to land sideways. Your hand immediately strikes out to smack the male’s arm, a form of discipline that leaves him alike to a grumbling child. 
“Well of course,” you hum while bending down to reposition the pumpkin that toppled over, “what did you expect from a pumpkin patch?”
Kyoutani shrugs, the dark leather of his jacket tensed with the movement, and proceeds to keep a keen eye on the strangers that waltzed around the two of you. He was rather watchful of lingering eyes that gazed a second too long at your figure. Yet, the blonde would adamantly disagree when most would comment on his overbearing protectiveness. 
“Just never been to one, I guess.”
Your fingers brush off the specked dirt that rests on the pumpkin before clapping your hands on your pants and standing back up to face Kyoutani. A curious glint twinkles in your eyes, settling to pry deeper into the confession of his past that was rarely uttered. Taking a step forward, his eyes instinctively widen at the close proximity and gulps upon inhaling a whiff of your perfume. 
“I’m glad I could be the first to take you to one,” you profess sweetly. 
With the genuine phrase, Kyoutani is certain that he’s gravitating to cloud nine. Even if the two of you had been dating for a year, you always amazed him. He swears that his heart is drumming through his chest, ready to explode in each passing moment of admiring you. Your voice was a melody that he’d never tire from, and your words were the lyrics of his favorite song. 
He’d fallen for you.
Clearing his throat by pounding a fist on his chest, Kyoutani dumbly responds with a hasty, “yeah, me too.” 
Suddenly the world seemed to widen after his response, no longer trapped in his tunnel vision of just marveling at you. Babies were bawling their eyes out, couples were cheekily posing for their latest social media picture, and kids were tumbling down from the bales of hay that were stacked with pumpkins. The dried hay bombarded his mouth whenever he opened his lips to speak and dirt blinded him with every gust of wind. Each area of the small farm is covered with the orange vegetable that he’s grown familiar with throughout the day. 
It was stuffy and obnoxiously loud enough to remind him of his high school days. His former teammates’ boisterous chants that always riled him up. Kyoutani certainly wished to steer clear from this whole social event, a string of curses ready to leave his mouth whenever another aloof kid rushes past you. Yet, a dazzling smile never leaves your face and here he is— tagging behind you like a lost puppy. 
“But this might be the last time I’m goin’,” he snorts as his face tinges red and quickly plasters on an annoyed expression, “since we’re gonna be here forever because of a certain someone.”
Upon realizing that Kyoutani’s honey toned eyes are casted over to you, a dramatic gasp leaves your lips, “am not!” 
“Are too.” 
Twirling another pumpkin around to inspect the bruised side, you puff in exasperation. Your method of carefully scrutinizing each vegetable caused the quick pumpkin patch trip to turn into a four hour adventure. 
“Not my fault that I want mine to be perfect.” 
Your retaliation backfired almost automatically, as he raises a thin eyebrow in your direction since it was obviously your faulted flaw. Waving your hand dismissively, a happy squeal is emitted when you raise a pumpkin towards Kyoutani. Evidently, there were no signs of bruising, discoloration, and it was perfectly round to carve. 
“This is what you want?” He asks dauntingly, knowing that your indecisiveness was infinite.
You pop the last syllable before motioning to haul it over to the payment station but Kyoutani easily plucks it from your hands and carries it under the crook of his arm while slipping your hand into his. The sensation of his cool fingers is relieving and you have no quarrels with the physical affection. However, as the two of you pass by another barrel of pumpkins, you instinctively reach out to touch them but are gently tugged back by the male. 
“‘Said you were happy with this pumpkin.”
“I just wanted to look, Ken-kun.” 
“I’m gonna pay for this one and I’m driving home.”
“Can’t I just take a peek?”
Pleading with your lower lip jutted out, he rolls his lined eyes at your feeble attempt at disputing. You exhaled in defeat, allowing the blond to drag you to line up before the cash register. There were a decent number of people waiting to weigh and pay for their choice of pumpkins but an abrupt thought flooded your mind. 
“You didn’t even pick one yet!” 
Accusingly pointing a finger at Kyoutani, he puts in half the effort of how dramatic you are by huffing. His arm shifts into a more comfortable position, grasping your pumpkin underneath to reach for the closest one that lounges beside him. It’s quite an amazing feat to pull off, you would even offer him an impressed hum if you weren’t disgruntled by his lack of enthusiasm. 
“Yeah, I got one.” He raises it to support his claim and it baffles you that he isn’t attempting mockery.
“You literally just picked that pumpkin up from the ground!” 
“Isn’t that how pumpkins grow?”
“It even has a bruise on the back of it!”
“‘S alright.” 
You attest that the blond has growled approximately seven times in the past five minutes of carving your pumpkin. A multitude of haphazardly cut plastic bags line the tiled flooring of the shared apartment. The covering served as a makeshift shield so the pumpkin seeds and guts wouldn’t create a hassle to clean afterwards. Digging within your pumpkin, you scoop out the remaining bits before settling back to peer at the handy work. Your knees gently knock against Kyoutani’s, as you’re both perched on the floor, but the blonde is engrossed in his own tasks. 
“This is clean enough, right?” 
The question causes him to snap his gaze towards you before trailing to the hollow opening of your pumpkin. A string of orange fibrous strands and a couple seeds are still lodged in the crannies. 
“Maybe a bit more.” 
Aided by Kyoutani’s mellow comment, your lips press into a determined line as your fingers grasp the handle of your scooper. The blonde continues wracking the sharp tool through the pumpkin shell. Tingling in the back of his throat, he pushes down a profanity when the carving tool gives out on him and the inexpensive steel bends in an acute angle. An entertained laugh threatens to leave your tinted lips but you know better than to taunt the defeated. 
“Son of a—“
“Don’t worry! I bought more for this reason,” you reach over to slide another cutting tool towards him, “here, Ken-kun.” 
“Hmph, thanks.” 
The small blade glints when catching the beams of light coming from the living room. There’s a Halloween movie portrayed on the screen, used to provide faint background noise, and the evening saffron hues outside are perfect for setting the scene. If Kyoutani was guessing correctly, the subtle scent of pumpkin spice came from your obsession of online shopping for candles. It’s warm enough inside the apartment to be cozily dressed and to prove his point, golden eyes flit to you.
The sleeves of your shirt– well, his shirt– were folded to your shoulders so you wouldn’t dirty the material when ferociously carving. Ideally, Kyoutani never did mind if his clothes became stained, since a washing machine was invented for a reason, but didn’t argue with your logic. He’d never admit that he preferred when you wore his clothes, especially his shirts. It was one of his older volleyball attires, a white jersey, that still appeared to drown your figure.
He’s falling deeper.
“Finally done,” huffing while you swipe at your forehead, “now you have to carve the face of my pumpkin for me.”
Eagerly, you push your pumpkin over to the blond while innocently beaming at him. His train of thought snaps, blinking wildly at the second pumpkin he’d have to tediously carve and grumbles incoherently. Bumping shoulders, the dark hoodie he wears is enough to cushion the light impact as you edge closer to Kyoutani. 
“I want my pumpkin to have tiny round eyes and a smile,” you mention while leaning your chin on his shoulder, “can you make it blushing too?”
“It’ll look crappy if I do it since it’s my first time.” 
Over the past couple months you’ve taken account of the blonde’s growth in height and the sweatpants he’s clad in isn’t bunching up at the ends. Instead, alike to his unfamiliar stature, new black piercings align the outer edges of his ears. There’s a stark contrast in appearance between the two of you but the attractive male has you reeling every time. 
“I believe in you though.” 
Slipping your hands into the underside of his arm, you gently cling onto him as he huffs in embarrassment. The tips of his ears burn red, fueled by your openly genuine confession, but the carving tool finds purchase in his fingers once again. Kyoutani starts by threading the blade into the center of the pumpkin and etching the flesh away. 
“What do I get outta this?” He questions absentmindedly, focusing on carving a symmetrical circle for the eyes of the jack o’ lantern. 
Pondering with a tilt of your head, you manage to nonchalantly play with the strings on the blonde’s hoodie, “whatever you want.”
“Then c’mere.” 
Before you have the chance to retort, Kyoutani quickly drops the tool in his grasp so he can card his calloused fingers through your hair. A sharp tug has you lurch forward to connect in a toe-curling kiss with the male and the intensity produces stars to erupt within your vision. His lips, contrary to the warmth of the room, are calmingly cold to the touch. It’s bittersweet, much like the short-term euphoria that consuming piles of candy would give a person. Yet, there is a loving hint that laces the kiss as he pulls away with a satisfied lick of his lips. 
“Happy Halloween,” you playfully whisper as the two of you unwillingly refuse to separate. 
Kyoutani’s silent for a moment, inwardly urging himself to get his explosion of emotions under control, and he clicks his tongue at the smile that dances on your lips. Leaning forward once more, he snorts and moves to gently prod your forehead with his. 
“If I got you,” he murmurs as his hand reassuringly wraps around your waist, “it always will be.” 
Fingers trace the stitching of the number 16 on your shirt and his delicate actions cause shivers to flare at each spot he touches. There’s an unsaid approval that settles in his stare, gaze raking across his shirt that clung onto you. But after a couple beats of silence pass, Kyoutani’s face heats up and the blonde hurriedly forces his eyebrows to furrow in discontent as the sweetness of his words finally catches up to him. 
“Today must really be fucking with me if I’m spouting all this sappy shit.” 
Your amused giggle causes your eyes to upturn into crescents as you press a quick kiss on his cheek. The beating in your heart was steady throughout the confession, raging rabidly when your mission of having a successful first Halloween with Kyoutani was possible. 
He’ll keep falling forever for you if you let him.
“I love you, Ken-kun.” 
“Love you too, princess,” he automatically responds in a mutter before growling and desperately prying your hands off of his hoodie, “shit! you still have that pumpkin crap all over your hands!”   
“You still haven’t finished carving my pumpkin!” 
“Not gonna if you keep wipin’ that shit on me!”
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Aoba Johsai Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Oikawa Tooru - Captain
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When Their S/O dresses and acts like their Grandparents😂🍭
When their S/O in their Period (Part one) 🍭🧐
Reuniting with their S/O for a long time🥀🍭
Baking cake together with S/O🧸🍭♥️
Pranking S/O by Forgetting Today is Valentine🥀🍭♥️
S/O Surprising them with Pets🧸❤️🍭
Hanging Out with S/O who is a Karasuno Manager❤️🧐
Iwaizumi Hajime - Vice Captain
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When Their S/O dresses and acts like their Grandparents😂🍭
Reuniting with their S/O for a long time🥀🍭
S/O Surprising them with Pets🧸❤️🍭
Having S/O Who can do a Kick-Boxing🧐❤️🍭
Matsukawa Issei - Middle Blocker
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Hanamaki Takahiro - Wing Spiker
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Kyoutani Kentarou - Wing Spiker
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Having S/O Who can do a Kick-Boxing🧐❤️🍭
Kunimi Akira - Wing Spiker
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Kindaichi Yutarou - Middle Blocker
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Yahaba Shigeru - Pinch Server
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Watari Shinji - Libero
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aiiwa · 3 years
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— bokuto koutarou, iwaizumi hajime, kyoutani kentarou, tsukishima kei x f!reader.
— request by @haikyuu-appreciation-club : i was wondering if i could request for how kyotani, tsukishima, & iwaizumi would react to you drunk calling them from a bar or something & just sputtering nonsense?? this can be platonic or romantic idm.
genre: fluff, crack, chaos.
warnings: cursing, suggestive themes, intoxicated reader, mentions of vomit (please let me know if i missed anything). not proof read sorry hehe.
word count: 3.k.
— a/n: added bokuto just for you hehe, thank you for requesting nene! this was so fun n cute to write.
edit my dumbass forgot to tag n thank my bebes @jeanbeaux n @asahiswrld for beta’ing for me 🥺🥺🥺💖
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freshly showered on the night before his match, a shirtless bokuto spread himself over the silken quilt of his bed for the night. tucking his arms behind his head, flexing his muscles and crossing his right ankle over the left - he lay jittery in the hotel room he was sharing with hinata, waiting excitedly for your call.
tonight was fukurodani academy’s high school reunion, and bokuto was stuck in another city - unable to attend the event with his very own high school sweetheart, or his buddies.
you’d already sent him multiple pictures, as requested by him, of your outfit for the reunion tonight; a pretty dress fitted in all the right places that cinched at your waist and accentuated the delicious curve of your ass. bokuto was even sent a teasing sneak peak of the matching lace garments you had on underneath, and he was absolutely devastated at how he couldn’t even touch you when you looked so damn amazing.
the shrill ringtone of your incoming call pulled bokuto out of his thoughts with an eager yelp, as he smashed his thumb against his phone screen to accept your call.
“hey, baby.”
on the other side of the room, laying on his own bed, is hinata who almost keels over at the seductive lilt bokuto’s suddenly adopted. it’s almost an octave lower and sounds nothing like him.
“huuuulloooo?!” hearing your voice has your boyfriend already swooning, eyes drooping low as a soft smile pulls at his lips. he’s yet to notice the slurring of your speech, courtesy of pregaming a bit too hard with konoha and washio.
“baby, baby, baby!” he cheers. “how’s your night going?”
“hullooo? who is this?”
bokuto giggles, thinking you’re just playing around with him. “me, of course, silly!”
“me? i dunno someone called me.” his smile drops. “‘nd don’t call me baby either, mister!”
“but baby-“
“-‘m not your baby, ‘m kou’s baby...where is he?”
“i am kou!”
“no, ya not! kouuuu! kou, where are you? did me kidnap you?!”
bokuto prepares himself to argue that he is your kou, and that he wasn’t kidnapped at all. but hinata is quick to interject as you still call out for your supposedly missing boyfriend.
“bokuto-san.” the younger male whisper-shouts to his teammate. “i think y/n-san is drunk.”
bokuto’s mouth drops open in surprise, thick eyebrows raised. “really?” he whisper-yells back, looking down at his phone and putting the call on speaker.
the two volleyball players listen as you drunkenly ramble to someone in the background.
“oi, aki! me kidnapped kou!”
they could faintly hear konoha’s reply. “what? y/n, we said to order some food, not call bokuto!”
“but...i miss my kou.”
“and i miss food being in my stomach.” washio grumbled.
“shut up!” a thwack could be heard, the sound of you slapping an arm, followed by washio’s choice of curses. hinata couldn’t help but snort at him calling you a gremlin. “i don’t care, jus’ want my kou.”
bokuto glances at his teammate, the sound of your sniffles bringing tears of adoration to swell in your boyfriends’s golden eyes at the knowledge you think of him even at times like this. you were just the sweetest thing to him, so cute when you were sober but even more precious when you were drunk out of your mind.
“baby.” bokuto coos into the phone, sounding just like his usual self.
“kou!” you exclaim, as if all your worries had disappeared.
“i’m here, baby. you okay?”
“‘m okay now.” you hum in response.
“how much have you had to drink?”
there’s a commotion in the background of the call, the boys calling you over, and the rustling of the phone to your chest as you chase after them.
“uh...not much at all, kou-“ a lie. “hey! wait up for me!”
a furrow creases between his brows. “something wrong, baby? what’s happening?”
you’re out of breath now, huffing and puffing, almost oblivious to the ominous sounds in the background behind you. “ya...jus’ wanted to call ‘nd say i miss you, ‘nd that i...love you.” your giggling is close to lulling bokuto into a loved-up trance, but the heaving sounds almost right next to you are distracting.
“what’s going on, baby? tell me.” bokuto repeats.
“oh no.” the change in your tone had bokuto sitting right up. “‘kaashi threw up on my shoes-”
oh no, indeed. the last thing bokuto heard before the line cuts off, was your wretches as you joined akaashi, notorious for your weak stomach, while washio and konoha were sent into panic. it takes a second for everything to process before bokuto stands up in a haste.
“hinata-“ when he turns to face his teammate. “i have to go to her.”
“we’re ten hours away and not even in the same city as her right now.” hinata tries to reason. “you’d have to catch a flight-
“i know. but i would sprint there for her if i had to, so are you coming or not?”
the tangerine man signed, reaching for his phone. “i’ll uber with you there then.”
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after being together for such a long time, iwa knew exactly what type of drunk you were. and when your best friend’s birthday started rolling around, he was already mentally preparing himself for the long night ahead.
as usual, it was a strictly girls only night out, something he had no opposing opinions about. though he would miss having you snuggling up to him in the evening as you always did, he didn’t mind the idea of having a few hours to himself after a long day at work. so like the amazing fiancé he is, he drops you off to the bar with a sweet kiss and a loving squeeze or few, and promises to pick you up whenever you were ready.
he just didn’t expect to receive the phone call barely two hours into your night.
having just eased himself into the comfort of your shared california king bed; iwa had funnily enough almost thrown the television remote from his hand when his phone’s ringtone blared beside him. as he swiped across the screen to answer your call, he could hear the loud music and lively chattering in the background, before he had even brought the phone to his ear.
“hello?” he answered normally, calling out your name louder when he received no response from you. “y/n? you there?”
“oh!” he heard your sweet laugh, the one saved for your ditzy moments. he had no doubt that you probably forgotten you had dialled his number. “what you doin’?”
“i’m in bed, what are you-“
“-where you at?”
iwa thought nothing of the way you sung your responses to him, continuing to respond to you. “at home?”
“oh, you got plans?”
“y/n, you’re the one with plans-“
“-don’t say that.”
“i’m sipping wine, in a robe.”
he had no doubt about that. in fact, iwa could almost imagine you, sitting with your friends, wine glass in your dainty hand with a sheen of your cherry gloss around the edge. thinking about how giggly you’d be, having fun, made the pang of missing you make itself even more obvious. especially when he started to think about your outfit, how much of your warm, soft skin was exposed in that little robe-
robe? iwa felt his thought process become a series of scribbles; until everything started to piece itself together.
the biggest thing with you when you got drunk, was that you loved to sing. surprisingly holding a tune better than your sober self.
“i look too good, to be alone.”
iwa felt the corners of his mouth tugging upwards, convinced he could almost hear the pout in your seductive tune. what was he ever supposed to do with you?
“i don’t doubt that at all, princess.”
you continued to sing to your heart’s content, while iwa silently dragged himself out of bed, offering you small replies and hums as if you were having a normal conversation. slipping on a shirt and grabbing one of your favourite hoodies of his, he started to make his way out your apartment just as you reached the chorus.
“i’ma leave the door open, i’ma leave the door open!”
cringing slightly at how you practically yelled into your cellphone, having a complete disregard of volume control, iwa made sure to double lock the front door before jogging to his truck.
“that you feel the way i feel, and that you want me like i want you tonight, baby-“ taking a deep breath, you softly sang, “tell me that you’re coming through~”
suddenly it was hot for iwa, feeling his cheeks heat up as a warm, fuzzy feeling settled in his wide chest.
“hajime? babe, are you still there?”
“i am.” he confirmed, running his fingers through his hair before fumbling around with his keys.
“well…are you coming through?”
the attitude shift had your boyfriend rolling his eyes, chuckling lowly. starting his truck with a rumble, he can hear the familiar and troublesome beat of the next song in the background of the call.
“yeah, yeah, i’m coming through to pick you up, brat.”
your giggles are cut short when you suddenly recognise that horse girl’s music playing. iwa could never remember her name right. mandy? melissa? no, no…megan! megan thee stallion.
yeah, iwaizumi was definitely on his way. and funnily enough, he kept you on speaker the whole drive back to you.
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the relationship between you and the infamous kyoutani kentarou was, of course, complicated. in fact, you weren’t even sure if you could call what the two of you shared a relationship.
you were neighbours, yes, friends too. but the past couple of months, the boundary line between friends had lovers had blurred over time and company spent with each other. what started as you offering to fill his stomach with a warm meal each night, led to him filling your own tummy and warming your bed afterwards.
things were good, chill and still very much confusing.
the idea of becoming official had been floating in your mind for a while now. it was hard not to, when you and kyoutani relied on each other.
despite that, it was friday night, the city calling the two of you to separate paths with the promise to return back to each other. while you were off clubbing alongside some study mates, kyoutani had run off to his friend’s apartment, a little get together with his mates.
around two in the morning is when your name flashed across his bright screen. rolling his eyes at the boys’ hoots, he slips outside on to the balcony; answering your call with a smirk and cigarette lit between his lips.
taking a heavy puff, he almost chokes once he hears your sniffles on the other side of the line.
“ken?” you whimper.
there’s only two times you dare to call him ken - the first when you’re writhing underneath him and the second when something goes wrong. so you can’t exactly blame him for the fit of panic that settles in his gut hearing the nickname.
“pretty girl? what’s the matter?”
his simple question had released the beast of your tears, a nonsensical tale sputtered between your sobs, had kyoutani’s slightly intoxicated mind swirling.
“well we got ‘ere ‘nd then- oh m’…but then i wen’ t’dance but i swear i had it wit’ me- no, no maybe it wa’ when-“ you barely took a breath in and he wasn’t understanding a thing you were mumbling.
“but - sniff - i jus’ can’t believe it ken! i jus’ can’t-! ‘nd ev’ryone’s been so useless y’know? even this-“
“y/n!” yelling your name is the only thing that shuts your blabbers, and he feels half-bad listening to your sniffling.
“tell me what’s wrong, so i can fix it, pretty girl.”
you take a deep breath, aiming to stable your speech. “m’ phone, ken…”
“what happened to your phone?”
“i…i…” the absolute distraught in your wobbly voice has him on edge. “i lost it!”
silence. complete and utter silence envelopes the call. kyoutani’s large frame is frozen in disbelief as your words replays in his head over and over again.
“you lost your phone?” he parrots.
“yes!” you cheer, sighing in the relief that someone finally understands you.
“the same phone…that you’re calling me from?”
“uh huh.”
“are you serious?”
“yes! i am! it’s very traumatisin’, ken! i dunno where it is…’nd- ‘nd…”
“pretty girl.” kyoutani groans, putting out his cigarette. “you’re the smartest woman i know, but such a dummy once you start drinking.”
“oh…hehe, thank you, ken.”
he shakes his head. “you still at that same place?”
“i’ll uber to you then, yeah?” at your content hum, kyoutani can’t help but tease you a bit. “fuck, pretty girl, if you wanted me to come fuck your brains out all you had to do was ask, not get wasted.”
“o-oh.” your cute little gasp it was urges him to push himself out the door, tapping away for an uber. but it’s what you say after that really has him in a rush to get to you. “you’ll still help me find my phone, right, ken?”
“just stay on the call with me, dummy.”
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tsukishima had no idea what kind of game you were playing at.
you and him were project partners, freshly friends if you may. spending months together, working on the long-term assignment of your shared college course; had meant the two of you bonding over the long days and even longer nights. even if tsukishima was hesitant, he still begrudgingly admitted to being happy having you as his partner - and friend, of course.
after the project was completed, receiving an excellent grade on you and tsukishima’s hard work had convinced you that there was a need to celebrate.
the tall male had laughed when you invited him to one of those chaotic frat parties, the one being held tonight at this very hour. he had nodded along with a roll of his eyes, thinking you were joking around; his scoff hidden by your excited cheer.
but when the night rolled in and he received a series of texts from you asking where he was, tsukishima started to get antsy. surely you knew he was joking around?
his answer came while he was lazing about, listening to music, when your call interrupted.
“tsukki, you’re late!” you shout before he can answer. the music in the background is louder than his own headphones.
“i’m late?” he replies calmly.
“yeah! remember? i asked if you wanted to come to the party with me?” suddenly you seemed unsure. “i’ve been waiting an hour…so?”
“oh that.” tsukishima hummed. “i thought you were joking.”
“what?! why would i- ah shit.” he could hear you stumbling around, mumbling an apology to someone as the music started to fade away. “but i wanted to see your face tonight.”
“are you drunk?”
tsukishima could only imagine the pout pulling on your pretty mouth. ignoring the slight guilt, he couldn’t help but tease you a bit.
“you wanted to see my face, hm? the y/n i know could never say that to me sober.”
“okay, fine! i drank a bit so what?”
“so what?” he repeated, copying the same tone you used.
“oi, are you mimicking me?!”
“oi, are you mimicking me?”
“stop that, tsukki!”
“stop that, tsukki~” he had to admit, hearing you huff and puff was amusing all on its own. maybe he should have gone to that damn party.
though tsukishima could admit to enjoying your company, he would never admit to the attraction he had for you. it creeped up on him and washed over, dousing him in feelings he never expected. it’s the main reason he took your invite as a joke - took himself as a joke because why would you ever want to be with him at a party.
“it’s not funny anymore…”
“it’s not funny anymore.”
“you know what? fine! we can play this game.” his golden eyes widened at the finality in your voice. “i’m so handsome!” you exclaimed.
“pfft.” he struggled to hold his laugh in.
“what? why aren’t you copying me huh? it’s the troof, you know!”
“the troof?”
“you know what i mean!”
“sorry doll.” tsukishima hummed. “don’t have a clue.”
“well…hic-” suddenly you’d acquired the hiccups. “you’re handsome, and smart - hic - such a fucking smart ass too-“
“-and you’re so funny, you make my tummy jiggle…i mean you make me - hic - giggle! ugh…kei?”
his breath hitched as you called him by his first name, something new. something better than just tsukki.
“y-yeah?” he could punch himself for stuttering like that. except you already beat him to it with your words.
“i like you.” you breathed out, a weight lifting off your shoulders. “kei, i like you so much. do you hear me?”
tsukkshima’s heart felt as though it was begging to beat out of his chest. you had him completely choked up, lost on what to say; but so deep in his feelings. he felt happy, truly and utterly happy. until he remembered you were drunk.
“y/n, you’re drunk.”
“kei - hic - i really like you. i’ll keep saying it until you say it back.”
“-i like you~”
“stop this-“
“i. like. tsukishima. kei.”
“oi! i…”
“i like you too.”
“holy fuck, you do?!”
kei felt his face heat up, and without looking in the mirror he knew he would be sporting a deep blush right now. you were insane, but that’s what he liked about you.
“yeah, i do.” he promised, overcome with the need to see you right now. “hey, tell me where that stupid party is again. i have something i need to ask you face to face.”
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© 2021 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
Making Out (Aoba Johsai Boys)
I swear to god, you thought, stomping around the empty school halls. Oikawa, your shitty boyfriend was late for his volleyball practice, which was rare. But since everyone knew you were dating, the team made you go look for him.
"SHITTYKAWA!" you yelled, frustrated with your pretty-boy boyfriend. Suddenly, a hand reached out of a classroom and grabbed you before pulling you in. You screamed, only for a hand to cover your mouth.
"Hush, Little Cutie, it's not time for you to scream yet," Oikawa's voice chuckled.
"Oikawa!" you exclaimed, pushing him away. "What the hell? You should be at practice!"
"I knew they'd send you after me," Oikawa smirked, picked you up by your thighs. He placed you on one of the empty desks, standing between your legs.
"You suck," you scoffed, leaning back on your palms.
"You're starting to sound like Iwaizumi," Oikawa pouted.
"Maybe I should go get him to kick your ass," you said, ignoring Oikawa's pout as he leaned forward.
"I'd rather you do it," he smirked, making you snort.
"First of all, what ass?" you joked, making Oikawa frown again with a whine. "Second, was that supposed to be kinky?"
"Kinda," he mumbled- his ears flushing pink.
"You suck at this," you giggled but wrapped your arms around the taller boy's neck. "But your cute."
Oikawa smiled slightly at the sweet compliment.
"But you still need to get back to practice," you said.
"In a bit," Oikawa smirked, pulling you close to him by your hips. Before you could answer, he pressed his lips against yours. You rolled your eyes but kissed back. You cupped the sides of his neck. "I love you, cutie," he mumbled, leaning back a bit.
"Shut up and kiss me," you mumbled, pulling him back.
You felt him smirk against your lips, his hands moving around your waist. He licked your bottom lip gently, and you opened your mouth- letting his talented tongue slip through. You let out a breathy sigh and his tongue massaged your own. "Little Cutie," he teased, pulling away and kissing down your jaw.
You laced your fingers through his soft hair as he moved down to your neck, occasionally nipping at the skin. You moaned quietly as he reached your soft spot skillfully. "Oik-"
"I swear to god you two," Iwaizumi sighed from the doorway of the classroom. "You can't keep your hands off each other for ten seconds, can you?"
"You're just jealous you don't have a little lady of your own," Oikawa smirked.
Iwaizumi scowled before stomping towards the two of you, grabbing your boyfriend's collar.
Oikawa yelped as his friend yanked on him, pulling him away. "Bye, Y/N," he said, bowing slightly before smacking Oikawa.
"Y/n!" Oikawa exclaimed, bursting into your room.
"What do you want idiot?" you asked, looking at him.
"Iwa-chan is coming over," Oikawa stated. You smiled brightly at the mention of your boyfriend. "So, stay in here."
"Why?" you frowned. "He's my boyfriend."
"I'm aware," Oikawa frowned. "But he's here to see me, so I don't need you to distract him."
"Your ridiculous," you scoffed.
"Just... stay!" Oikawa stated, pointing at you.
You stuck your tongue out at your older brother. "You can't keep me here forever!" you called as he walked out, closing the door behind him.
"There you are," Iwazumi said, walking into your room with a smile.
"Hajme," you smiled back, jumping out of your bed.
"Where have you been?" he asked as you wrapped your arms around the taller boy's waist. "You've left me with Shittykawa." You tucked your head against Iwaizumi's chest, humming as he hugged you and kissed the top of your head.
"He forebade me from the rest of the house," you said, looking up at Iwaizumi.
"Why?" he asked, his brows furrowing.
"So I wouldn't distract you," you shrugged. "I think my dummy brother is getting jealous of how much time I'm spending with his best friend."
"Well, I wanna spend time with you," Iwaizumi stated.
"Since when have you been all soft?" you teased, making him blush.
"Shut up," he grumbled. "Lazykawa's in the bathroom, so do you wanna do something?" He smirked. "Jump- will ya?" You jumped and Iwaizumi caught your thighs. You wrapped your legs around his waist.
"What are you suggesting, Boss?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"What do you think Babygirl?" he smirked, placing kissing along the side of your neck.
"Do we have time?" you questioned, lacing one hand through Iwaizumi's hair.
"Sure we do," he stated, biting down on the skin between your shoulder and neck.
"Okay," you said, grabbing Iwaizumi's face and smashing his lips against yours.
Iwaizumi gripped your thighs tighter, making you gasp gently. He smiling slightly, slipping his tongue past your lips. You let him take domanice- knowing better then to challenge him.
"Iwa!" Oikawa yelped, making the two of you pull apart. "I knew you'd be here." You let out a tired sigh. "Y/N! I told you to stay away today!" he whined.
"He came in here!" you defended, hopping out of Iwaizumi's grasp. "So yell at him!"
"I-" Oikawa was cut off by Iwaizumi slamming the door in his face. "HEY!" Iwaizumi smirked, locking it.
"Where were we?"
Kyōtani Kentarō:
You looked up from your phone when you heard stomping down your hallway, followed by your bedroom door being slammed open.
He grunted, making you cock an eyebrow.
"You know I can't understand you when you grunt," you stated, looking back at your phone.
"Where the hell where you?" Kyōtani asked, glaring at you from your doorway.
"Um-" you looked around before looking back at him, confused. "Here?"
"We had a game," Kyōtani scowled, walking further into the room, slamming the door behind him.
"Oh," you said, putting down your phone and sitting up. "How was it?"
"We won," he said, but he still held his scowl.
"That's great!" you said, smiling.
"Why the hell weren't you there?" he snapped, standing in front of your bed.
"I figured you didn't want me to distract you," you stated as Kyōtani sat at the end of your bed.
"What made you think that?" he scoffed, grabbing your ankles and pulling you towards him.
"That's why you hate Oikawa's fangirls," you shrugged, letting Kyōtani pull you into his lap. "And you won, so maybe I'm right."
"Shittykawa's fangirls are just screaming about how attractive he is," Kyōtani stated, wrapping his arms around your waist.  "You don't do that."
"So... I'm like your good luck charm?" you smirked.
Kyōtani blushed and let out a gentle grunt. He leaned forward, but you gripped his chin- stopping him.
"You have to say it," you teased.
He growled lowly. "Fine- you're... my good luck charm," he grumbled, pressing his head against your chest.
"Aw," you smiled, running your fingers over his scalp.
"Can I kiss you now?" he grumbled against your chest.
You cupped his face, bringing him to face you. "Go ahead," you smiled.
Kyōtani gave you one of his rare smiles before pressing his lips against yours. You let your eyes flutter closed as your draped your arms over the blondes shoulders.
He pulled you closer by your hips- if possible, his kiss getting rougher. He bit down on your lip- making you gasp gently. He used this opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips.
Your tongues fought for domanice, making Kyōtani let out a low growl before taking over your mouth.
You pulled away, gasping slightly for air.
Kyōtani gripped your chin and tilted your head up. He placed wet kisses down your throat, making you breath shakily.
"Be at our next game," he snarled, biting down just above your collar bone. "Understand?" You moaned softly in response. "Good girl." He continued to place hickies up and down your neck.
"Hey Y/n-" your younger sibling said, walking into your room. They stopped mid-sentence- their eyes going wide at your current position.
"Hey, s/n," you said- your voice quiet with embarrassment. Your sibling smiled. "No, don't-"
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dulcetscen · 2 years
May I please request HCs for Tanaka, Kyoutani, or Aone helping their really short [I’m talkin under 5’3”] & skinny fem!s/o who is insecure bc of being infantilized or not feeling curvy enough to be sexy??🥺🥺
Can be SFW, or NSFW, or both. Any is fine with me, thank you💖
No nsfw, so I hope that’s okay ♡ did a little for each character to hopefully make up for it 🙇🏽‍♀️ (also I love aone so much, just- gentle giants are my soft spot omg)
Tanaka Ryunosuke
- first off, Tanaka worships the ground that you walk on. There isn’t a thing about you that he would ever see as a con, and even the traits/habits that aren’t so good, he’s somehow able to turn into a positive
- So when he first hears you voice your insecurities with how you look, for a moment he’s at a loss for words
“Huh?? [y/n] you’re so perfect, are you kidding me?”
“What do I have to do to prove to you that you’re perfect the way you are?”
- He would then start to blame himself, somehow reasoning that he hasn’t been doing enough to make you feel attractive in your own eyes
- Cue the sudden shower of compliments and extra attention that he begins to pay you
- He’d make it a point that when the two of you are alone, he’d start giving you compliments that he wouldn’t dare say in front of anyone else
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?”
“You’re perfect… everything about you is just perfect.”
- If he ever overhears someone degrading you or mocking you for your size, his self control (the little that he has) is completely thrown out of the window
“You want to say that again? I don’t take too kindly to you even looking at her in that way.”
- Expect a lot of out of the blue reassurance from now on
“You’re perfect, you know that right?”
“The perfect size for me.”
Kyoutani Kentaro
- Kyoutani would at first be just slightly annoyed with you, especially if he begins to hear you bring it up more and more
- He’d shoot you a look, albeit one a little meaner than he was intending, just to get the point across to you that he does not agree with what you think about yourself, and that every part of you seemed to have been made perfectly for him
“Why are you worried about that all of the sudden anyway?”
- When he finds out that someone put the thought in your head that you weren’t womanly enough, you suddenly don’t notice them picking fun at you soon after that. In fact, you didn’t really see them around as much at all but… that’s not really your problem now, is it?
“If anyone says anything like that to you again, let me know. Alright?”
- Kyoutani is always much softer with you when you’re in private, and it’s only then that you realize how much knowing about your insecurities hurts him
“Can’t you tell how much I like your body?” The tips of his ears would flush a deep pink, his hands just a bit clammy as he cupped yours in his. “Isn’t that enough for you, [y/n]?”
“You’re more than enough for me. Remember that.”
Aone Takanobu
- He knows what it’s like to be ridiculed for how you look - more than you know
- He’s silent when you finally open up to him about why you’ve suddenly become shy in his presence, no longer wanting his warm hands to freely roam your body as they used to whenever you were wrapped in his arms
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” His voice is quiet, almost a whisper as he cupped your cheek to lift your face so you’d look at him
“Can I show you how much I love your body?”
- As suggestive as that sounds, Aone somehow made it the sweetest experience you’ve experienced with him yet. His lips pressing soft kisses all along your body, hun whispering a reason why he liked this part and that
“I love this spot because of how soft your skin is here.”
“And here because of how ticklish you are.”
“And here because…”
- He knows that he’s not the best at expressing himself, and you’ve always wanted him to be more open with you, so he vowed that he’d do that as often as you needed him to - forever even, until you no longer worried about what you looked like or how tall you were
“You’re everything that you need to be, and so much more.”
Read a similar request for Iwaizumi here
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sleepy-exe · 2 years
Mechanic AU - 14
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Kyoutani x f!reader
<< Part 13 | Part 15 >>
Summary: Kyoutani comes into the shop and Tanaka has questions.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Warnings/Genre: sfw, mdni, strangers to lovers, slice of life, fluff
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Part 14: Picking Favorites
Kyoutani is in the shop today with his dark green WRX STi to have his tires swapped over to new wheels. It hasn't been all that long since you put new tires on his car, but the faux blond will be replacing the original silver wheels for a set of bronze BBS.
As he pulls the first wheel out of the box and unwraps it, you stare in awe at the shiny new wheel. "Kyou, these are going to look amazing with your wrap!"
"And the black if I get rid of the wrap." He gently sets the wheel on the concrete floor of the garage before moving on to the next box, taking it upon himself to unbox all of them for you.
Operating the lift to raise his car into the air, you begin digging out your tools for the job. "Wait, you're thinking of getting rid of the wrap? It's beautiful!"
"Well, it has rock chips already on the front bumper and it's not going to last forever regardless," he says, balling up all the paper and bubble wrap from the boxes, "but I have no plans to get rid of it anytime soon."
"Well, good. I like it." Impact gun in hand, and the appropriate socket, you kick a stool on tiny wheels his way, "Ya can take a seat if you want."
He stops it with a foot before picking up the boxes he broke down. "Thanks, but I was thinking I'd grab us some drinks since you were complaining so much earlier."
You perk at that. An offer to feed your caffeine addiction might be the quickest way to your heart, if he wasn't already in it anyway.
"I assume you've got somewhere out back I can throw these." You caught his smooth save at catching one of the boxes that began to slip from his hold.
"Mhm, just stop by Kiyoko's desk and she can point you in the right direction." Turning back to his car, you start removing the lug nuts from the first wheel, "See ya soon!"
"I'll just be down the street." With that he heads out the door and you are sitting your impact gun on the ground to pull the wheel off the car to carry over to the tire machine.
Carefully removing the tire from the wheel and even more carefully installing it on a brand new wheel, you move on to the second wheel, taking your time to not scratch either sets you're not sure what he'll be doing with the old set. Saving for a winter setup maybe? Though if he were, wouldn't you be working on that right now instead?
Having made a pile of old wheels and new wheels with tires mounted on them for the driver’s side, you head over to the passenger's side figuring you can just swap all the tires over first before putting any of the wheels back on the car. However, you only get three lug nuts off the first passenger wheel before you run into trouble.
"Oh, I don't like how that feels." You play around with the impact to see if you can get things to move more smoothly, but no, the lug nut spins roughly and at an angle - the thing is cross threaded, no doubt. "Fuck."
Though normally cool and collected in this situation, you find yourself flustered by the problem. You never cross thread anything. Did you get careless last time? Grabbing your phone, you nervously text Kyoutani.
>> To Kyou: “hope you’re not too attached to your lug nuts haha”
>> To Kyou: “one might be fucked”
Biting your lip, you examine the definitely fucked lug nut before going full send on it with the impact until get goes from spinning off rough to coming clean off with an uncomfortable snap.
With closer examination, you find the lug nut indeed took half the stud off with it.
>> From Kyou: “there's new ones in the back”
>> From Kyou: “brb”
Best to move on and come back to that in a moment.
You're not going to have that fixed before Kyoutani gets back either way.
"Whatcha do?" Tanaka pops in close, eyeing the dead stud. "Uh-oh. Why didn't you use heat?"
Good question.
"Jeez, Ryuu, get outta here!"
Looking around with a hand over his brows like a visor, he asks, "Hey, where's the boy toy anyhow?"
"Oh my- Ryuu!" You bat at him and he squeaks. "Shut up!"
"Hey, whatever. As long as it's not the boss man, I could care less."
You sigh, but a quiet laugh still sneaks out. "Oh, yeah? So if it was Noya or Daichi, you wouldn't be bothered?"
You laugh at the disgusted face he gives you in response, freeing up the last lug nut and carrying the wheel to the tire machine.
By the time Kyoutani returns with the goods, you've finished swapping the tire for the last wheel.
“Got it then?” He asks, watching you carry one shiny bronze wheel with one dirty tire on it to the driver’s side of his car.
“Hm? Ah,” you place the new wheel on, hand tightening the new black lugs for the two of you to admire. You continue while pointing over the car, “That one over there - one of the lug nuts was fucked to begin with. Swear I didn’t do that.” You cringe.
“Hmph. Yeah, someone else’s touched it since.”
Jokingly, you throw him an offended look, but it falls quickly with a nervous tone, “But, uhm, I did technically get it.” She walks over, poking around a stud that’s snapped in half, “Well, this is my bad. The studs' aftermarket or nah?“
Nodding again, you walk off, “I probably have a new one. Be right back.”
"Where should I put your drink?"
That stops you in your tracks. Trotting back over to him, you take the offered energy drink and several thank you's spilling from your lips as you run off with your beverage. Kyoutani grins softly at you before checking out his ride.
Returning with a new stud in hand, you spot two more wheels on the car than when you left and Kyoutani moving the last to sit on the ground nearby. "Ah! You don't need to be doing any of it!"
He raises a brow at you. "Okay."
"Anyway. 'Have a stud. I'll swap it out real' quick and get your car done. Hopefully you weren't in a hurry to get out of here." You rub your neck shyly.
"Not with you being here," he says cooly.
What's that supposed to mean??
"Alright then," you say as if you're completely unbothered. "I'll get to it."
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With Kyoutani long gone and your next appointment running late, you take some time to clean the garage. It really is getting to be quite a mess.
Dumping used oil filters in an old oil drum, picking up soiled rags, tossing random garbage littering the ground. Every little thing helps, and things have really piled up with the whole shop being as busy as it has been. No one has been taking the appropriate time to pick up after themselves.
You're sweeping dirt and junk from all over the garage into your temporarily empty bay when Tanaka abandons his work to bother you instead.
Grease stained arms and hands cross over his equally stained chest as he stands over a dirt pile. “Where’d you get all that from?”
You gesture vaguely around you, "Here.”
“Now, you're supposed to just not look at it.”
“Oh, okay." You grin at your friend who's apparently very much tired of working on the same engine harness job he started five hours ago. At least Keishin pays well for that sort of thing; those can really be a headache. "I'll leave it right here then.”
“I'll go make you a dirt sign," he says, but doesn't leave his spot.
“Just put it on top. Cover it up.” Playing along, you stand your broom against the post of a lift.
“Put some caution tape around it.” He motions with his hands as if he were wrapping tape around an object haphazardly.
"What if I just put a caution cone over it?”
He rubs his chin, smearing black across it in the process. “Mhmm, yeah. That’ll work.”
Laughing, you pick up the broom again and a dustpan to sweep up the pile. Your next appointment should be here any moment, so now is a good time to quit cleaning. The garage looks decently better with less tripping hazards.
Before returning to his own work, Tanaka adds, "So. You two a thing yet? Or are ya just bangin'?"
You grumble lowly at the man for his bold choice of words, and at work of all places. You two aren't the only ones here after all, and you're sure Takinoue doesn't want to hear about who you sleep with in your spare time. Not to mention, it could be pretty awkward with Keishin around here somewhere.
"What? I don't even know what to call you guys."
"I don't know. Maybe call us friends?" Busying yourself, you pick up the work order for this car that can't arrive soon enough. A Toyota Corolla coming in for diagnostics and, ah - customer states no crank, no start - sounds like you are waiting on a tow truck then rather than the customer.
"Friends? We are friends. Whatever you two got going on - that's not being friends."
You grin mischievously. "Sure it is. 'You jealous?"
"Hell no," Tanaka exclaims. "He can have your crazy ass."
You laugh knowing he's only joking and truly is happy for you. Tucking the work order under your arm, you step away from the conversation to seek out Kiyoko for a possible update on the delay.
Part 15 >>
Tag list: @cantchoosejust1
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calllamander · 2 years
haikyuu boys and “romance”
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kyoutani was hunched over at the dining table when you came home, in his favourite crewneck that's stretched out and worn so it hangs off his neck. your eyes trace the smooth skin, a little possessive smile on your face when you catch site of the chain, your initial glinting in the lamplight. you slide off your shoes and murmur "i'm home," trying to peer round at what he's doing, pen carefully in hand, moving far faster than it usually does. kentarou and writing are two things that don't usually go well together- his essays are nearly always crumpled, littered with crossing outs and spelling mistakes and his handwriting is honestly the worst you’ve ever seen. he's humming slightly: a song you must have exposure-therapied him into liking.
you come up behind him, chin on his shoulder against his bleached hairline and peer down at the writing on the table, humming as he nuzzles against you, kind of like a dog, pressing his nose into the space where you neck meets your shoulder. you try and read what he’s written until your exhausted brain supplies you with the fact that it’s in another language. it looks like…arabic?
“what’s this?” you tap the page lightly, admiring how soft his hair feels under your nails while he hums and pulls back to follow your eyes. and then his whole posture instantly changes. you can feel him tense up, and see the blush on the tips of his ears. to anyone else he just looks like he always does, but you can read the blush down his neck, the way he blinks rapidly, his averted gaze.
“It’s stupid.”
you wonder if he realises that he tugs the little gold letter round his neck as he speaks, quietly.
“It’s-uh- it’s a poem. a love poem.” he smiles, and god he looks cute and determined and you briefly wonder if it’s possible to fall even harder. “It doesn't...work as well in japanese." he presses a quick kiss to where your head rests on his shoulder. "i'll tell you what it says.” he shifts purposefully, and reads. the undulating syllables are unfamiliar to you, but kyoutani speaks fast and sure, and there is a bigger meaning hidden in the trace of his hand on the paper, the warmth of his frame against yours, something that transcends language.
oikawa smiled as he handed you the last volleyball from the corner of the gym. "all done." he smiled, wide and triumphant and you huff a laugh in spite of yourself. you wheel the bin into the equipment cupboard as he gathered your binders and notes into your bag, the two of you working in tandem: in sync in a way that felt warm and well-worn. sure tooru’s great on the court, when he’s all sharp edges and glinting, hard stares. but you love tooru in the slow dusk, when cicadas are singing in the humid air, and he exists in sweatpants and freshly showered hair that dries all over the place. “hey wait” he calls out as you make to pick up your bag, “give me a second.” his whole face cracks open into a smile, and suddenly he’s sweetly clumsy, sliding in his socks around the gym. he huffs a laugh, “I owe iwa-chan so bad for this.” you catch his hand as he hurries past, “tooru, what’re you doing?” but he brushes you off laughing, asking you to wait. “babe-” you stop. he’s switched off the gym lights, and- “wow.” there are lights woven through the railings above you, glinting so everything is bathed in soft light. and it looks…beautiful. tooru looks beautiful, brown eyes reflecting the lights, looking a little out of it with a slightly doped up smile. he fiddles with something in the corner and the gym is filled, suddenly, with music. “happy anniversary.” you gasp, immediately shifting to worst case scenario, hand coming up to cover your mouth. “oh my god” you breathe, “I’m such a bad girlfriend.”
he rushes over and wraps his long arms around you, concern painting his features. “what? no babe. you’re the best. my best everything. best friend, best girlfriend.” he pulls you closer, and you start to slow dance to the music, swaying gently on the spot as you breathe it all in. the summer night, the way he smells sweet like the shampoo he steals from your bathroom. “you have other girlfriends?” you giggle against his chest and he rolls his eyes, swaying against the music. "i love you" he sighs, smiling as your hand snakes into his hair. "you're so sappy" you smile teasingly, and he does too, because tooru is indulgent like that. "this is me being romantic," he whines softly into your hair. "and this is me being really, really in love with you," you reply, "thank you."
he strokes your hair.
iwaizumi is a very persuasive man when he wants to be. certainly now, as he smirks and unrolls yoga mats over your living room floor (coffee table paused back against the walls) you regret giving in. both to his rare dimples and the workout set he bought you. he knew what he was doing. “please?” it was a few nights ago, and hajime sat happily with you in his lap, cheek just brushing the tanned skin of his collarbone where his sweater hung loose. you smile sweetly. “no.” he puts down his book and squishes your cheeks between his hands as, you can only suppose, a sign of affection. “I need to practice for class!” he continues, and he knows he’s already won and you know you are absolutely weak, but sometimes hajime just gets this look in his eye and he uses his I-am-holding-something-very-precious-right-now voice like he always does when it’s just the two of you and dammit if you aren’t a little bit weak. but if you think about it, neither of you has ever said no to the other. not really. this is how you end up with Hajime smirking inches from your face, double helix in his ear glinting in the candlelight as he pushes your leg to your torso asking you to relax. you are not particularly relaxed. “come on” he coaxes, gently because now he’s using his I’m-looking-after-someone doctor voice and not his normal, slightly sullen, tsundere voice. “breathe into it.” he taps on your hip to distract you and you slowly exhale. you close your eyes, smiling at the feeling of your muscles relaxing, and the steady, careful hand of your lover. the stability that is iwaizumi adri hajime is something that has guided you for as long as you’ve known him.
you notice he’s stilled, and open your eyes to him sat back on his knees, just…looking. “argh!” he pulls you in to press kisses on your hairline in mock anger to avoid the seriousness of his expression. “you’re so pretty.” he does that sometimes: hajime is surprisingly frank and honest with what he thinks. you smile softly as he presses a cheek to your head, humming.
“मैं तुम से प्यार करता हूं, okay?" he whispers, "you understand? i love you. so much”
suna‘s breath fanned out across your face, intense concentration in the crease between his eyebrows, the way his hands held steady. the eyeliner wand stroked lightly against your skin and you fought the urge to blink.
“please don’t poke my eye out,” you say and feel satisfied when he huffs a laugh. “shut up!” he wines, “I’m concentrating.” and he is. it’s adorable how careful he‘s being. suna’s eyes are right in front of yours and you take some time to look at the green in them, and the way black curved the cat like slope of his eyes so he looked older and sharper than he did without it. you looked at his skin, pale and translucent, and the concentrated look on his face as he bit his lip. “there.” he drew back and looked at you intensely, hands tilting your chin to check the symmetry.
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