blankrslate07 · 1 year
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Ah, my favourite part of Battle Force 5. Sage's "I Quickly Became Homophobic" Arc/j
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stormshock-factory · 1 year
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Decided to rewrite an old tumblr fanfic request! Much happier with this one, soulmate AUs are always a delight to write ^^
Hope you enjoy reading it!
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highway-35 · 1 year
wait. zug forgets.
he is a robot but he has forgotten the locations of the red sentients (besides kytren). this shouldnt happen, right, that's why sark- all antagonistic robots in fiction, really- are threatening. they don't forget, forgetting is human. and yet.
worse, sark are not human creations but sentient creations, who are in turn karmodial creations. and sentients also forget- sage, most notably. krytus, in turn, has forgotten the faces of the battle force 5 who faced him a million years ago (for the acceleracers fans following me, yes that is literal). with some liberal applications of headcanon, we can state that kytren has also forgotten some basic speech (perhaps from traveling in stormshocks, like sage?).
do karmordials forget? has kromulax forgotten the names of the penta warriors he has captured? (were they all helixion, in the end?) has he forgotten the names of his soldiers? has he forgotten the specific sentients he helped create?
is forgetting what makes sentients, well, sentient? not just sentient but sapient? is it the emotional core what makes a person?
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Mysterious New Member-Chapter 7
Diana held up the rear as they blasted through the sand, Vert in the lead. "So how does this work?" Her hands were gripping the wheel too tightly and she forced herself to relax.
"Simple. We go in, find the Chamber, blow it to kingdom come and then hightail it out of there. Hopefully before the Reds know we're there." He prepared to open the portal.
"And if they do?"
"Then get ready for a fight." He launched the Key from the Saber and they drove in one by one. They exited in a series of caverns, pitch black save for their lights. He frowned at the deja vu.
Spinner groaned. "Man, why can't the Reds ever put their Re-Spawn Chambers someplace nice? Why not a nice, relaxing beach or something?" He wasn't the only one who wasn't thrilled with the location. Dark, confined tunnels surrounded them and the Reds would know the lay of the land far better than they would. They could ambush them at any moment.
"Be on the lookout, guys," Vert advised. "We don't know where Krytus is."
"With any luck they won't know we're here and things'll be easy for a change," Zoom supplied, scanning every tunnel they passed for any sign of the RS5.
Sherman snorted. "Doubt it. They never make things easy. I've got the Chamber on my scanners, Vert." He was surprised at how easily it was picked up. He didn't think his scans would reach that far. It would take them some time to reach the chamber but the signal was good enough that he could trace which tunnels led to it.
"I have the location as well," Tezz chipped in. "It was not very difficult to find." It had lit up his scanners like a beacon.
"That's never a good sign." Vert's frown deepened. The situation felt wrong. "Buster, Splitwire, take the lead but be careful. I don't like this."
They spent several minutes winding through the tunnels, trying to keep North. Nothing had attacked them or even showed up on their screens. The peace was unsettling.
"This is weird. Is it always this calm?" Diana asked. She was eying every tunnel they passed, waiting for something to lunge.
"No, and I don't like it." Vert eased off the gas, the others following suit. "We should've at least seen some Zurk or something. I've got a bad feeling about this." He double checked his scans in case he missed something. The only blips were the others' cars and the rather obvious Re-Spawn Chamber. The rest was barren, though the signal wasn't stretching very far.
"You want me to scout out the area?" Zoom offered. They all rolled to a stop outside of a small cavern that housed the Chamber, the twisted leader symbol of the Reds marked on its front. Tunnels surrounded them from all sides, seemingly empty.
Vert considered his options. "No. If they really don't know we're here we shouldn't alert them. Let's just trash this thing and leave." He gripped the Saber's controls. Something just wasn't right. They should have run into the Reds by now.
"You don't have to tell me twice," said Spin as he loaded an explosive. "One roasted Re-Spawn Chamber comin' right up."
"Are you sure this isn't a trap?" Diana cut in. "I know this is my first day on the job and all, but this seems really bizarre. I've got a hunch this is nothing but a setup." She felt like there were several sets of eyes on her, watching, waiting to pounce. It was a horrid feeling.
"We do not have time for 'hunches.' We should destroy the Chamber before we lose the chance." All this talk of suspicion and feelings was beginning to grate his nerves.
"Diana's right, Tezz, this is all wrong. But there's no turning back now. Spinner."
"On it." He launched the bomb into the cavern but before it could hit its target a Zurk threw itself into the path, taking the shot. Krytus and Kytren then rolled out, followed by Kyrosis and Krylox from the rear tunnels. Red Sark flanked them.
"So, you thought you'd destroy my Re-Spawn Chamber, humans? Get them!" Krytus charged with his Reds and Sark, forcing the team to retreat.
BF5 fought their way through the oncoming Sark and were driving back the way they came when Kyburi dropped from the ceiling and landed on Whiplash.
"So, Battle Force 5 has a new member?" she hissed, preparing to smash a wheel into the engine.
"Yeah. And she doesn't appreciate you wrecking her paint job." Diana's thumb flicked the trigger for her weapons and two guns sprouted from the hood, aiming themselves at the Red. She fired and was gleefully surprised at their power. The blast left the alien tumbling in her rearview. "Awesome," she chuckled. "Energy blasts make enemies go flying. Hey!" She was thrown in her seat when Krylox rammed her and sent her careening into a wall.
"You're not the only one who sends things flying, human."
Up ahead, Vert was going head-to-head with Krytus. Their blades clashed and sparks flew. The Reds must've been cloaking themselves. He grit his teeth, furious he'd fallen for such a thing. He shoved the Saber to the side again and growled when Krytus pulled back and caused him to strike the wall.
The lack of space wasn't working in his favor. The Red moved to his left and a Sark rammed him from behind, making him serve. "BF5! Head back to the Earth portal!"
"Easier said than done, Vert!" Spinner tried to line up a decent shot on some Zurk but a flash of orange caught his attention. "Lookout, bro!"
Sherman yanked the controls and forced the tank left, narrowly dodging Kyrosis' flames. The side of the Buster scraped the wall. "There's too many! We don't have the room to put up a good fight." Most of the tunnels were wide enough for maybe two-and-a-half cars, at best. Some were narrow. There wasn't anywhere near enough room for a power struggle.
He smashed the accelerator and rammed into a few Zurk while Spinner launched a bomb at a group who had tried to surprise them from the side.
Zoom was farther ahead, though still behind the rest of the team, preoccupied with Kytren. The two scouts battled it out, though Kytren tried to use the Sark to his advantage by sending them in from different angles, hoping they'd trip him up.
Zoom got fed up with it and aimed a kick at the Red's face, hitting him by the eye. He yanked the throttle while he was distracted, cut off a wheel from the Zenther in front of them and watched the wreckage lodge itself into Kytren's vehicle.
The Red lost control and was thrown into the air, screaming, before he hit a wall so hard his shell shattered.
"One down, four to go," Zoom said, speeding off.
Tezz's electromagnetism kept the Sark at bay, through it didn't do much against Krylox, who was steadfastly approaching. While the scientist was busy fending off Zenthers the Red made an attempt to ram him.
Diana came up from the side last second and slammed her car into his, sending them both to the left. Krylox's front end hit the wall while Diana stopped short. She eyed the debris that fell from the ceiling and clattered against his tank.
She grinned and activated her turrets, aiming at the stalactites. Whips formed, made out of bright blue energy, and sliced through the formations, sending the stone daggers right through his windshield. There was a flash of light and the massive tank dissipated, leaving a wispy ball of red-orange energy to trail away through the caverns.
"Nice one, Diana," Zoom said as he rocketed by.
She reversed and drove off after him. "Thanks. Oh, and you're welcome by the way," she added as she caught back up with Tezz.
He grunted.
"Vert! How do we get outta here?" As exciting as this all was, she was feeling rather shell-shocked from the ordeal. She just wanted to be back in reality again.
"Just follow the Buster," he ordered over the radio, flinging the Saber into Krytus. The Red pushed him back, trying to force him into the wall.
Sherman wasn't too far behind Vert but couldn't catch up to help due to Kyrosis' meddling. He was firing flames left, right and center, and it was taking all his focus just to avoid them.
Spinner loaded in another bomb and had a clean shot on the Red when Kyburi swerved in front of the Buster from one of the side tunnels.
Sherman slammed the brakes just as he fired, causing the explosive to rocket past Kyrosis and blast a crater right in front of Diana.
"Hey!" she said, throwing the car to the side and feeling the suspension bounce as the right tires ran over the hole. "We're on the same side, remember?"
"Sorry about that." Spinner switched tactics and tried firing maces at the Red, growling when he dodged them.
Tezz zoomed in and launched an EMP at him, sending him flipping into a wall, front end in the dirt.
Spinner was going to thank the scientist when he felt the Buster buckle as Kyburi latched onto it and began siphoning its energy. The vehicle came to a rapid stop.
"You're finished, human." She laughed when their headlights began to flicker.
Diana rolled to a stop. "Tezz, Zoom, how about you guys help Vert? I'll take care of this one."
The scout pulled up alongside her. "You sure? Kyburi's pretty tough."
"I got this." She had a score to settle. She watched Zoom shrug and speed off, Tezz in tow. Her hand gripped the shifter. "Can you guys still lower your ramp?"
"Just barely," Spinner said, hitting the switch.
Diana slammed the gas and sent Whiplash rocketing into Kyburi, gritting her teeth at the impact.
The Red was thrown off of the Buster and landed upside down, wheels askew. She growled in anger and tried to right herself.
"Thanks, Diana," Spinner said, sending a bomb into the wall nearest to Kyburi. Rubble collapsed onto her vehicle and trapped her. "Now, let's get out of here before we get into even more trouble." The Buster would need a good recharge after this, but it was still drive-able.
They drove off, leaving a furious Kyburi in their wake.
Krytus slammed into Vert so hard he lost control and ran into stalagmites, causing his front end to be pushed off the ground. Getting back down would be a cinch if the Red weren't pinning him. He grit his teeth and wrapped his fingers around the hilt of his sword. He wasn't going down that easy.
Krytus stood out of the cockpit and formed his blade, sick glee in his eyes. "This is where you die, human." He got closer and brought his arm back, preparing to stab him through his own windshield.
Vert felt his lips pull into an almost smirk as he got ready to open the glass and take a swing at the Red.
An EMP whizzed past Krytus' face, causing him to lean back and fall into his seat. He snarled as he maneuvered around Zoom, frustrated by the intervention. "This isn't over, human," he said, looking back at Vert. "Next time, you won't be so lucky-Ahhh!"
Before he knew what was happening, Spinner had latched onto him with a mace and spun him around once before letting go, sending him tumbling into the distance.
"Just for good measure," he said as he watched Krytus bounce away. "Can we please go home now?"
"Gladly." Vert reversed out of the rocks and led the way farther down the tunnel, only opening the portal once he felt they were safe. He felt himself relax as he landed back in Handler's Corners. The mission wasn't just a failure, but an absolute mess. He was still disgruntled by the fact he'd fallen for such a stupid trap and had led his team right into danger.
"Well," Diana began, a little breathless, "that was something." She tapped her fingers against the wheel.
"Tell me about it. The next time Sage sends us on mission to take out a Re-Spawn Chamber, it had better be somewhere peaceful." Spinner sagged into his seat, feeling the adrenaline leave his body. "Still, I think we did pretty darn good. Especially you, Diana, takin' down Kyburi like that."
"And Krylox," Zoom added.
"How was it?" Sherman asked, hoping the girl wasn't too spooked. Fighting the Reds head-on for your first mission was a little extreme, but she seemed to hold up just fine.
Diana let out an awkward chuckle. She still wasn't used to the idea of aliens and the sudden praise made her uncomfortable. She swallowed the tightness in her throat. "Honestly? It wasn't so bad. I think I could use a break though." And several years of time to reassess everything. She eagerly followed the others back to base, her thoughts drowning out their congratulations. She didn't notice Tezz's silence.
Upon their return, Sage drifted over for an update. "Did you destroy the Re-Spawn Chamber?" she asked, hopeful.
"Unfortunately, no," said Zoom as he hopped off his bike. "We got close but it turned out to be a trap. Krytus ambushed us."
"We will just have to be more prepared next time," she said. She frowned at Tezz's scoff.
"Perhaps if we had not wasted so much time hesitating," he said, agitated, "we would have succeeded."
"Hold up, Tezz, it wasn't all for nothing." Vert strode over to Diana. "I'd say she did a pretty awesome job, all things considered. She took out Krylox and did quite the number on Kyburi." He was worried she'd be bad at fighting and make the kinds of mistakes that Stanford used to, but was shocked to see just how capable she was. For a newbie, she was pretty devastating in a battle.
"Yeah. She even saved you," Zoom added, pointing a finger at Tezz.
"I did not require her assistance."
Diana frowned, irritated. "If it weren't for me, you would've needed somebody to haul you out on a stretcher," she countered. She watched him huff. "Alright, fine. Next time I'll leave you to it." She crossed her arms.
The others frowned at Tezz's attitude and Agura stepped in. "Y'know, genius, it wouldn't hurt to say 'thank you' once in a while."
He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Thank you for 'saving me.'" He turned and strode off to his lab.
"Did he make that stick up his ass or did someone put it there?" Diana asked in the silence.
Vert, despite himself, let out a chuckle with the others. "Nah, he's just..."
"...Like that," Vert finished, shooting looks at his team.
"Still, I can't believe you took out Krylox on your first mission," AJ said as he walked over. "That's awesome." He was going to give her a slap on the back before opting for a less painful high five.
Diana blushed at the praise. "It really isn't a big deal." She wasn't accustomed to being in the limelight, least of all by people she hardly knew.
"Not a big deal?" Stanford said, incredulous. "I say we go to Zeke's and celebrate." Everyone agreed.
"Well, I mean... I guess."
"Oh, you'll love it," Spinner said with a grin. "There may not be much to this town but Zeke's makes it so worth it. He's got the best pizza." He was already going back to the Buster.
They all got in their cars and drove to the diner, chattering along the way. Diana found herself falling into the team's rhythm, despite her initial discomfort at being the center of attention. It wasn't so bad, now that she was learning how things worked. Maybe she would be able to open up to them a little more.
Chapter 8: here
Chapter 6: here
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krytus · 3 years
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anyways. like [checks notes] three years ago, apparently, i reconstructed the red sentient symbols from scratch because i have nothing better to do but i realized i never uploaded them on their own...i need someone to appreciate the effort i put in
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🔥Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Krytus: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Kytren: I think you mean cards.
Krytus, forming a knife out of his arm: No, I do not
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kgirl1fromff · 3 years
For the ask game, how about Kyburi?
okay, YES
favorite thing about them Kyburi is full of hate and like, that's her whole character and I love that about her. normally such a one-dimensional character could fall flat or bother me but like, her entire character is that she's Agura's female counterpart and she is full of spite. she cares for nothing and no on except maybe Krytus, send tweet also, goes without saying the the energy-draining claws are pretty cool
least favorite thing about them I guess that her car is pretty much an exact replica of the Tangler? Adding two more wheels does not make it a new car @ screenwriters for BF5. Obviously they have to be counterparts and it makes for some killer fight scenes but I feel like they could have put a little more effort into it. they did a decent job making unique counterpart vehicles for the rest of the RS5 (except maybe Krylox). but to be fair, the fangs and stealth mode are pretty cool, like can we get this for our girl Agura pls and thnx
favorite line she calls Tezz "electric boy" in "Found! and Lost" and that absolutely kills me. also, anytime she calls her teammates fools. this woman has no chill and even less patience and I love her for it
brOTP IMO Kyburi is way too volatile of a person to have a brOTP. You're either someone she would kill for, or you serve a functional purpose in her life and she deems that acceptable but will give zero fucks if you live or die (@ kytren, krylox & kyrosys, sorry boys) Like, there are no brOTPs in Kyburi's life; you're either her ride or die or it's her world and you're just living in it and she'll allow that for now™
OTP Krytus/Kyburi (Krytburi). See the random headcannon section for a whole explainer on this as I wrote an entire fic around how these two get together, but like, Krytus and Kyburi definitely fuck. In Shadow Runners, when he yells at her to "never call me weak again," you know he said that because he meant it but also for the hate sex. literally the Multiverse's hottest and most emotionally volatile couple
nOTP Kyburi/Krylox for no reason other than Krylox is a himbo and Kyburi cannot put up with that energy, like she would drain Krylox in t-minus .5 seconds if they were ever stuck in the same room together (I did not intend this to be a Krylox hate post but whoops it turned into one)
random headcanon bad news for anyone who thought they were getting into a short post because I have a whole fic written around this! It's called Eternity & you can find it here but here are some bullet points from it -Kyburi grew up on the streets of Modulon 5 as an orphan, right as tension between the Reds and Blues was getting to an all-time high -She has a little sister named Kiry who she'd literally do anything to protect but she hates just about everyone else -When their parents died, Sage's parents took in Kyburi's Blue twin. (Kiry's Blue twin didn't survive childbirth, which is also what killed their mother). But they didn't take in Kyburi or Kiry because sentiment against Reds was so bad at the time, so Kyburi was left to fend for herself and her baby sister, which is why she hates Blues so much. she has major trust issues and a LOT of them stem from this incident -Krytus eventually finds her when she's living on the streets of Modulon 5; they fall in love and move to the Red Sentient planet to join the revolution. Krytus essentially saves her and from that moment on it's her and Krytus against the world -Red Sentients still have pretty traditional gender roles, so the men fight in the revolution while she starts working in the hospital and is tasked with healing Kytren, who's addicted to a Red Sentient street drug (hence the fragmented speech). this gives her a soft spot for Kytren but there will always be a part of her that thinks he's weak because they went through similar traumas and she overcame hers while he turned to drugs. she has slightly more patience with him than the rest of her teammates but only a smidge because again, she's Kyburi and she hates, I repeat, everything
unpopular opinion I don't think I have one unless there's someone out there who disagrees with the fact that Kyburi is a certified one-dimensional bad bitch
song i associate with them "Girls in the Hood" by Megan Thee Stallion because it has bad bitch energy. also because she is literally a hot girl. also Experiment on Me by Halsey (from the Birds of Prey soundtrack) because the whole song is just angry screaming and that also matches Kyburi's energy The TL;DR for this entire post is that Kyburi is just one angry lady
favorite picture of them
low-quality but this shot of her in Deep Freeze. a queen & her throne
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lyssitalennon · 6 years
if u don't mind me asking ..... what are all your battle force 5 ships? I'm just curious I like seeing what everyone else likes.
yes I will share /all the ships/Vert/Zoom Stanford/AguraAJ/TezzSherman/Viv (an oc yeet)Spinner/Jax (another oc yeet)Krytus/Kyburi/Kytren (they're poly and i love them)Grace/Sun (more ocs yeet)I have more but it's basically more canon/oc so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but if you wanna know I'll say them!ps. there's also the slightly crack not crack ship or Spinner/Zemerik
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stormshock-factory · 1 year
so whats ur fav dynamic for fuseshipping (bf5/rs5 right?)
Yep! Fuseshipping/Fusionshipping is my preferred general name for BF5/RS5 (Not together, just with their counterparts).
As for my favourite dynamic, so far this has been stuck in my head for sometime:
BF5 (I want to beat them up)
RS5 (I can make them worse 👀)
If you want a song, just listen to "The Red Means I Love You" because that song changed the chemistry of my brain and it's for these guys.
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stormshock-factory · 4 years
Sometimes I just really like thinking about how BF5 and RS5 would work together is stuck in some sort of other place with their respective counterparts.
We already got to see how Vert and Krytus were like when they worked together. They worked surprisingly good with each other at first, then what it be like if they had to stay together even longer?
Then there would be Agura and Kyburi, who both are rather hostile to each other, perhaps even more so than Vert and Krytus. I would really love to see how they would be like without having to try and kill each other.
Zoom and Kytren would also be an interesting case, since there would be some trouble in communication as well due to Kytren's broken speech. By which, I'm curious what lead to that.
Next would Sherman, Spinner and Krylox, another curious trio. Since the latter is one of the least explored Red Sentients in the series. This would be a good way to explore these characters even more.
Finally, Stanford and Kyrosys, which is the one I'm most interested at. Since both Characters, in my opinion, weren't expanded upon the most. Especially Kyrosys. I would just love to see how they would interact, considering they're both characters that have rough/bad relationships with their siblings.
Also, I really want to see how the Reds react to BF5 doing Human stuff.
"Human? Are you...Removing your shell?"
"...Yes, yes I am."
"Why are hiding, coward!"
"I'm fucking naked right now!"
"Human! Can you quiet down your sounds pain for one sec!-"
"...What are doing?"
"N-Nothing! Get out!"
"What's that white substance then?"
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blankrslate07 · 4 years
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An attempt to meme (and self-indulgent ships).
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stormshock-factory · 4 years
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RS5 in one sentence
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stormshock-factory · 3 years
If you’re still doing the BF5 soulmate headcanons, could you do one for 6?
Of course I'm still accepting! These are pretty fun to do ^^. Since this one isn't as plotty as the previous ask, I'll actually be doing a drabble instead. Sorry this took so long though!
6. The one where you dream you're seeing whatever your soulmate is currently experiencing.
For as long as Zoom remembers, all he has ever dreamed of clouded panes of glass. That's all, never changing yet he would always hear the distant thuds of machines around him.
He never dreamt like to others of the Order, who either saw the outside world within their dreams or pure darkness. Nothing like what he dreams, so he asks Master Takeyasu about it, thinking that his mentor will surely know what these odd dreams mean. Yet when he had asked, Zoom received an uncharacteristic look of shock from his mentor, before being told that these dreams shouldn't bother him as they mean nothing.
Back then, he listened to his mentor's words and thought nothing of those dreams. Now though, travelling around the world to keep himself distanced from the Order, Zoom now learned what those dreams are truly about.
Their what his soulmate, the person that supposedly his perfect match and partner, is currently experiencing.
All this knowledge does is make him even more confused and even concerned. For those dreams, his soulmate's life, has been the same for everytime that Zoom sleeps.
It doesn't change for a some time.
Until it does, when Zoom goes back to sleep after Krytus and Kytren are defeated.
That those repeating dreams become tainted with red.
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blankrslate07 · 4 years
What Your Favourite BF5 Ship Says About You
Vert/Zoom: You're ideal highschool romance is fluffy pinning.
Agura/Stanford: You're always a slut for bickering married couples.
Tezz/AJ: You're ideal shipping dynamic is that one meme that goes: "Someone will die-" "Of Fun!"
AJ/Vert: You just wanted good things for AJ. And really, who wouldn't?
Sol/Sage: You're always a slut for relationships that are so sad, like if you cry every time.
Vert/Agura: You're either a slut for battle couples, or you want a girlfriend who can kick your ass.
Grace/Any of the BF5 Guys: You are heterosexual.
Agura/Grace: You, hypothetically, want a girlfriend who can kick your ass. But realistically, you just want to be bridal carried.
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krytus · 4 years
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when kytren told me of sol's survival, i suspected he might try this. to destroy his brother and his respawn chamber with his dying energy pulse. such a noble sacrifice. so, we built a false chamber, just for sol. the only thing he will destroy is himself.
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krytus · 4 years
ok i’m going through it but this is also the episode where kytren gets hit in the face with a wheel <3
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