#l lawliet hc
aznisure · 2 months
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and the red on my face is matching you
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yandere L that hyperfixates on the MC😍
Plz send me more death note questions~ I also write for no Yandere
Yandere L Lawliet
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L would meet with you during the criminal investigation.
You really get his attention.
The fact that you were suspected of a crime would give him more "opportunities".
Because it's no small crime if he's involved.
Then, however, you have nothing to do with anything.
L would find out very quickly.
But he doesn't drop you off the list of suspects.
Because how else would he find out about you?
Without suspicion people would call it stalking…
But when you are suspected it is called investigation.
And we saw how he did it with Light.
The cameras would be in your room very quickly.
Including recording equipment.
L would often ask you for interrogations.
Because he has "found more evidence".
They are usually found to be wrong right from the start.
L would offer coffee/pastries so that you wouldn't have come for nothing.
And after that you spend time just talking.
This would be a good way to learn more about you.
But everything comes to an end in the end.
Like the investigation.
And L doesn't want to let you go.
So now would be the time for the kidnapping :D
Which would be easy considering how well he would know you.
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btnclmrttn · 1 month
(okay this is gonna be crazy bUT LISTEN HERE. Forbidden relationship/secret marriage head canon for L. That feels like something he would do, mostly for safety. Right? WELL if you're someone he considers a valuable mind to have on a case, and you play some roles he assigns you?)
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(So the prompt: Your "character" and him got into a "fight" as a way to get a suspect to trust you more to get info. All according to plan. Or what it? Post hurt, all comfort)
Only in the late hours of the night is it certain you can have a safe moment with your husband. Him being up while the rest of the world rests is a short but sweet time to recuperate as you two would on a normal day without an investigation.
Already there's a chair beside him when you slip into the space he works in. It's basically your assigned seat, to the right of him. Occasionally for silent emotional support, or moments of rest.
But instead of the typical greeting, you ask him if he's alright instead. Today was a bit different. According to plan you had to get into a heavy disagreement. That didn't stop you from feeling pretty bad about it.
"You never fail to consider my feelings, my love. I appreciate that about you," he says, turning to you. Noticably, his knees are more to his chest. A tiny tell that he's a bit nerved up.
Well of course, but is he alright?
Straight to it, per L. No, he's not doing alright. So you close the distance by coming closer ask what it was. The situation?
"Yes, the situation. Not you necessarily."
That much is probably the obvious answer. You apologize for it, sincerely. You weren't happy about how it ended up.
"I thought you did well. It's what I wanted after all," L mutters, looking to his knees while his feet fidget, "...but I couldn't separate my feelings from the situation fully."
You reassure him as you pull him in for a hug, arms around his shoulders so you don't break his self soothing position, that you didn't mean to hurt his feelings, still apologetic. Up until today, you never yelled at him before.
Fake or not, he can't find it in him to take it well.
L nuzzles his cheek against yours, "I thought it was a brilliant idea when it first came to mind."
He moves his legs away from his chest to make more room to pull you in an embrace. A less awkward one, given the chairs. Chair hugs aren't the most comfortable but you both have made a way around it since his chair is like his little throne he never leaves some days in majority.
"I know you don't mean it. I'm not upset with you."
It's good to hear.
"Tell me you don't mean it."
No, you didn't mean it. Poor L. He's like a boy that was scolded for something he didn't do.
"I plan for this all to be over with soon. I don't want to share your presence anymore," L mumbles into the crook of your neck.
There's not enough apologies you can say to him. Safe to say, your character won't be around much anymore, so he can have you to himself again.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Was thinking about Light Yagami—again, help—and thought "If Light Yagami wants something, then he's going to get it" but then I realized. No. No, that's not right. Because Light is also the type of guy to convince himself that he doesn't want things. So like,,,only in surges of destructive behavior does he insist on getting what he wants.
Someone spills wine on Light's shirt? Laugh it off but start up a thirty-two step plan to ruin their life.
Light wants some ice cream? No he doesn't. What are you talking about? He's never wanted any sort of dessert in his life because that would be childish and also selfish of him.
An uncle called him a 'sissy boy' for playing the piano? Uncover the drugs in his car and, if there aren't any, plant some. Make sure they're discovered at the largest family gathering possible in front of plenty of witnesses. He will spend seven years in jail.
Light likes a certain band and wants to listen to their music, go to a concert even? Nope. Never heard of them. Who? He doesn't need CDs and his father just bought him a computer for school so really a music player would be excess. Plus he's not one of those heathens that likes to study to music, obviously.
And thinking about that, I think L breaks him out of that mindset by teasing out Light's pettiness. L turns everything into a challenge, a game to win, so Light's more "foolish" wants are no longer childish—they're a victory. L turns Light's simplest desires into petty revenge, and so he'll chase them.
Light would never ask or even search for an expensive gourmet breakfast food on his own, but handcuff him to L and have him watch his every meal, then Light's damn well going to make sure he enjoys it. Light wants silk pajamas because the sheets are uncomfortable, Ryuzaki, really—it has nothing to do with the fact that you turned the thermostat down when Light said he was cold. Suddenly Light enjoys ice cream again but only when it comes from L's bowl when he's not looking.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
General l lawiet x reader?
𝕀 𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕪 𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕟…
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 @𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕤-𝕟-𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖! 𝔾𝕠 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜!!
𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘!!
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General L Lawliet relationship headcanons
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Ok, first off it will take a very very long time before L even considers acknowledging any feelings he may have for you
I'm talking 3+ years
He is very distrusting of people, and wants to know that you won't put him or Watari in any danger
Once he does finally decide he trusts you enough, that's when his emotions begin to shine through
His biggest thing is staring, he will stare for hours on end, processing your behaviors, learning about you, etc
Something about his gaze is different too
His brows furrow in an almost worried way, as if it scares him that he can't logic his way out of his feelings for you
Confession is blunt with him (I hc him to be autistic, so tone isn't really a thing with him)
You'll notice that he hasn't done any work, which is very worrying considering who he is
So you turn your chair to look at him "Hey, are you ok? You seem kind of out of it"
"Yes, I'm just a bit frustrated is all" He says, staring up at the ceiling with his thumb between his lips
"About what?"
He takes a deep breath "Well, whilst getting to know you, I've come to realize that I have romantic feelings for you. This is troubling for me, as I do not have the time for anything as arbitrary as relationships. However, dwelling on these emotions aren't helping either, as it seems to take over my whole head space, making working almost impossible....The best course of action would be to confess my feelings, but problems will arise no matter what your answer to my confession is"
He finishes his rant and looks over at you blankly "Don't look so shocked. I still haven't decided whether I'm going to ask you or not"
You feel your face heat up and you quickly avert your gaze from his "right.."
A few minutes go by before you hear him speak again "Y/n?"
"Yes, Ryuzaki?"
"Will you be my partner?"
Once you are actually in a relationship with him, it takes him a while to get adjusted
He often forgets that he can be lovey dovey with you, or even that he should be
This being said, you'll have to initiate your first kiss
Communication is key with L, and while he is good at picking up on subtle hints, he prefers you to be direct with him
He's also rather shy when it comes to romantic things, so you being direct helps him feel more comfortable consenting
"May I kiss you?" You ask him one night, sitting comfortably on a hotel bed
He looks up from his laptop, placing his thumb on his lip, thinking long and hard about his decision
"Yes" He finally says, getting up and sitting on the bed, awaiting your kiss
The moment your lips touch his, he freaks out a little
It's all so new and overwhelming, but in a good way
He pulls away very fast, making you worry you did something to upset him
That same lovesick gaze creeps back onto his face, before asking for you to do it again
Once he gets used to it, he finds that he actually really likes kisses!
Kisses are one of the few physical things that he is fine doing whenever, wherever
His favorite spots to be kissed are on his forehead and cheeks, and he likes to kiss you on your nose and hands
Other than that, physical touch isn't much of a thing
If you wanted to cuddle, or if you wanted to hold his hand, he'd be up for it
He just won't seek those things out himself
He prefers small physical gestures, because they're easier and less overwhelming for him
He does things such as tug at the bottom of your shirt if he wants you to pay attention to him, lay on your shoulder, and smelling your clothes
Not in a weird perv way (although he very much is one of those
Jfc someone come get this man
He seldom does anything touchy feely, but good god can this man stare
Stares at your butt as you walk to go get another cup of water, a barely visible grin coming to grace his face
Looking at your chest (doesnt matter if you're amab or afab) if you have a low hanging shirt that day
And when he does get touchy feely, it's in a more studious way if that makes sense
Like rubbing and squeezing your thighs just to see them jiggle, or running his fingers across your skin and smiling when he sees goosebumps show
As mentioned before, he doesn't like cuddling, but he loooves being in your general space
For example, he'll come sit next to you while you work, reading over all of your previously done tasks
Or if you go to brush your teeth, he'll go stand with you and put his face into your neck
When you can't be with him for whatever reason, he isn't above wearing your hoodies
He likes to wear them for the smell for the most part, but he also likes to wrap up in them like a little caterpillar and pretend he's metamorphosizing
His love language vibe is "sleepy"
Do with that what you will
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debaucherri · 12 days
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death-is-my-calling · 3 months
i'm sure many have thought of this before, but wouldn't it make more sense that Light was hiding the fact he was a homosexual instead of resorting to reading women magazines that he wasn't even willing to look at? Listen.. - Being gay in 2003... and ESPECIALLY in Tokyo, Japan. It would make a LOT more sense why he would want to hide that instead of some stupid porn novels :') and the fact that light yagami is infact, a homosexual.
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gh0stbeeee · 1 year
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Office Mean Boys are at it again smh
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
༉‧₊˚🕯️🌿❀༉‧₊˚. here is your long-awaited masterlist- hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone to navigate my account! this took fucking ages because i have nearly 200 posts on here, but i did it for you guys. everyone say thank you cat3ch1sm our lord and savior for the masterlist rn. im listening 🤨 however, this is just part one because im only allowed 100 links per post (which is bullshit bro😒) so be on the lookout for more
to clarify, this is in chronological order- i literally started from the bottom of my account and worked my way up. my wrists hurt like an mf and this isn’t even it bro wtf
i officially have the longest goddamn masterlist on this app bro. what the actual fuck
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`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
light yagami nsfw
light fucks you while ryuzaki watches
angry car sex with light
sex with light at L’s funeral
sex with light at L’s funeral- part 2
light yagami sfw
death note cast kissing you
death note incorrect quotes
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
death note incorrect quotes 2
light stops you from writing your name in the death note
telling him you’re pregnant
ryuzaki sfw
dating the wammy boys
death note cast kissing you
angst- l confesses to you
death note incorrect quotes
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
death note incorrect quotes 2
brother/sister relationship with l
cuddling with l
telling him you’re pregnant
ryuzaki nsfw
wammy boys during sex
l tests “research” on you
l tests “research” on you- part 2
l tests “research” on you- part 3
jealous/possessive L
jealous/possessive L- part 2
misa amane sfw
death note cast kissing you
death note incorrect quotes
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
death note incorrect quotes 2
misa amane nsfw
near sfw
dating the wammy boys
death note incorrect quotes 2
near nsfw
wammy boys during sex
mello sfw
dating the wammy boys
death note cast kissing you
death note incorrect quotes 2
music headcanons- matt+mello
telling him you’re pregnant
mello nsfw
wammy boys during sex
matt sfw
music headcanons- matt+mello
telling him you’re pregnant
matt nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
teru mikami sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
teru mikami nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
miscellaneous task force members
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
light yagami fucks you while l watches
death note incorrect quotes
death note incorrect quotes 2
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˚���· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
gon freecss sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
you pass out during battle- part 2
killua zoldyck sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
you pass out during battle- part 2
kurapika kurta sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
downsides of dating hxh boys- adult trio+Kurapika
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
you pass out during battle- part 2
cuddling with kurapika
kurapika kurta nsfw
aftercare with adult trio+ kurapika
rough sex with kurapika- short
sucking off kurapika while he plays games with his friends
leorio paladiknight sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
Christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
you pass out during battle- part 2
leorio paladiknight nsfw
chrollo lucilfer sfw
what he would do with the death note
downsides of dating hxh boys- adult trio + kurapika
you pass out during battle- adult trio+ feitan
chrollo lucilfer nsfw
aftercare with adult trio+ kurapika
going undercover with chrollo- part one
hisoka morow sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
downsides of dating hxh boys- adult trio+Kurapika
christmas with hxh and death note- character x character
you pass out during battle- adult trio+ feitan
hisoka morow nsfw
aftercare with adult trio+ kurapika
bondage with hisoka- short
hisoka eats you out
illumi zoldyck sfw
what he would do with the death note
hxh incorrect quotes
hxh incorrect quotes 2
downsides of dating hxh boys- adult trio + kurapika
christmas with hxh and death note - character x character
you pass out during battle- adult trio+ feitan
them with an s/o that is more powerful than them
illumi zoldyck nsfw
aftercare with adult trio+ kurapika
bondage/overstim with illumi
feitan portor sfw
you pass out during battle- adult trio+ feitan
feitan portor nsfw
miscellaneous phantom troupe characters
hxh incorrect quotes
christmas with hxh and death note - character x character
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 𝐬𝐤𝟖 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
reki kyan sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
reki kyan nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
langa hasegawa sfw
langa bf headcanons
langa hasegawa nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
miya chinen sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
cherry blossom sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
cherry blossom nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
joe sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
joe nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
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🌿*♡∞:。.。 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
robin (Dick Grayson), teen titans sfw
them with an s/o stronger than them
zuko, atla sfw
them with an s/o stronger than them
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫
sebastian michaelis sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
sebastian michaelis nsfw
business sex with sebastian
ciel phantomhive sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
elizabeth ethel sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
grell sutcliff sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
the undertaker sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
the undertaker nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
prince soma sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
agni sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
agni nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
claude faustus sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
claude faustus nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
mey-rin sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
bardroy sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
bardroy nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
finnian sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
miscellaneous black butler characters in various works
business sex with sebastian- mey-rin, bardroy, finnian, ciel
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jujutsu kaisen, ohshc, and chainsaw man may be found in other parts of the masterlist:))
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natsuki-bakery · 3 months
⁎˚ ఎ Agere L headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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hai hai. could you perhaps do regressor L Lawliet headcanons, and maybe include some about him having a really hard time taking care of himself?
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•L regresses to cope with the intense stress and pressure of his work. His triggers include overstimulation from complex cases, lack of sleep, and emotional overload
•He has a collection of plush toys and a particular blanket that he holds onto tightly when regressed. His favorite plush is a small panda, which he named Panda-chan
•Even in his regressed state, L's love for sweets persists. He gravitates towards candies, cakes, and fruit-flavored snacks. Watari ensures he has healthier alternatives too, like fruit slices and yogurt, but L always tries to reach for the sweets first
•L struggles with basic self-care both in and out of regression. As a regressor, he often forgets to wash his face, or change his clothes. Watari has to step in to help him with these tasks, gently guiding him through
•When regressed, L prefers wearing oversized, comfortable clothes. He often wears pajamas with cartoon characters or cute animal designs, which make him feel secure and cozy
•L enjoys simple, childlike activities such as coloring, watching cartoons, and building with blocks. These activities help him relax and disconnect from his usual intense analytical thinking
•In his regressed state, L's speech becomes simpler, and he might struggle to articulate complex thoughts. He uses a lot of gestures and expressive facial cues to communicate his needs and feelings
•L finds it incredibly hard to establish a consistent sleep routine, often staying up late even when regressed
•Watari implements a calming bedtime routine involving a warm bath, reading a bedtime story, and playing soft lullabies to help L settle down
•In his regressed state, L becomes much more attached to Watari, seeking his presence and comfort constantly
•He clings to Watari when feeling anxious or scared, needing the reassurance of his caretaker's steady presence
•Transitioning back to his adult mindset can be challenging for L. He sometimes resists leaving his regressed state, as it feels like a protective cocoon from his demanding responsibilities
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DNI: basic criteria, DSMP, vivziepop/h4zbin h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl, nsfw/k!nk, anti-agere, anti Christians blogs
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
My personal headcanon is that “L” is his middle name. Given how the other names are formatted on fan wiki (I don't have htr13 so I am assuming they translated correctly), “Lawliet” is his last name.
I have never seen that Watari gave him a last name and even if it's canon I refuse to accept that — if he's reportedly giving a child a letter for a name, why would he bother with a surname? So, there must be some record of L's parents, or he himself remembers them (I have a whole different set of headcanons for L's parents but whatever. another time).
Given this, there must exist some record of L. It was probably later destroyed, but either there is a record of his first name or he himself remembers it. I don't know, I knew my own name at 5...
So then, when did L become “A nameless orphan”? Of course, when he came to Wammy's. There are so many problems with this institution and one is that it strips its children of an identity. “____ L Lawliet” had to die for “L the detective” to be born. Even not knowing he would be a detective at that point, he had to be some great genius, a saviour, and our saviours are a symbol. They are no longer allowed to be a person.
Would a genius agree to that?
A child would.
The other problem with Wammy's – if you lose your parents, your guiding figures in socialisation and life, at such a young age, then who replaces them? A scientist who sees children as projects? If that's the case, it's unfortunate, but you will still follow them because you've lost your parents and he is here to take you in.
I wonder if L was taught to forget his name.
I wonder if he forgot L was himself, too. Let it become those around him, every genius worthy of the title he thought wasn't his.
I wonder.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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rinneroraito · 7 months
Why didn't Ohba just make L able to shower on his own? And if he wanted to make it quirky, you know, he could have let him shower in his usual crouching position because sometimes I sit like that when I shower, too. He starts the shower standing up, but then defaults back into sitting. Or, better yet, L likes those handheld extendable shower heads better because he can just sit down and have more control over where the water goes while he sits.
This is my canon.
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rawrlight · 8 months
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reggiestein · 8 days
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L x oc...sigh... 🤦 ...💯
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btnclmrttn · 1 month
Hello! I saw your requests were open (Though please don't feel pressured to write anything!) and I wanted to see what your take was on a prompt I got reminded of a while ago—How would L react to finding out that his s/o wrote songs/poetry about him? Stumbling upon their crouched over figure as they're writing away and stuff,,,, them not noticing his presence untill they pause to stretch and their hand just barely brushes against him and getting embarrassed by the possibility L read the lyrics/proses that were written for him. I just think it's cute,lol. Thank you!
[aww anon that is such a cute idea! This is a lovely request, I don't feel pressured. I'm grateful you asked! Hope I do this justice! (Aha get it—yeah I'll show myself out)]
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An artist's concentration is nothing to be reckoned with. To the outside observer, they'll take note of the bubble you've made for yourself that doesn't perform in being perceived.
Subtle expressions in your face, a posture that could give a shrimp a run for its money.
L doesn't have any shame to observe this in full capacity. It's fascinating what the mind needs to settle on in order to execute its full potential of creativity. Seeing it in you reminds him somewhat of him as he would do thinking through investigations.
It's a tell of quality work being made.
Of course, he must know at least an idea of what it is. A quiet man in general, has a talent of walking by without a trace at times. Staying close is another thing. He'll be inevitability spotted. Is it worth the cost of interrupting your flow? Well, he just wants a peak.
So he creeps a bit closer to you, close enough to see the words of what you're writing on. And yet he did not seem to take into calculation he would be spotted because you decided to take a coincidentally timed stretch break. Foiled.
"Hello, ____," he'd say, to at least be somewhat polite.
No surprise you're a bit embarrassed to him. That's awful personal work he was looking over it seems. L can't help it too much though. Curiosity killed the cat, as they'll say.
"Might I ask what you're writing about?"
No, he hardly took enough in to understand what it was about, is what he'd reassure. It was honest. He didn't have too much time but for the mind to catch the filler words and a few others, but not enough to make a full understanding.
Being confessed to that it was about him, is something else he failed to calculate. Why, he's thoroughly surprised. To have a muse found in him? One of the highest honors of knowing an artist?
"____, I'm very flattered. I didn't know you...saw me in an artisic light..."
The words being an entire understatement. Art stands the testaments of time throughout the world. Being the subject of it leaves him short of words. And you're embarrassed? No, you shouldn't be, what are you embarrassed about?
It's endearing to him.
He's more than eager to ask if he can read what you have. What could the eyes of a poet see in him he might have missed?
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
I saw you hc L as autistic so maybe him with an autistic reader who's not the quiet type? (flappy hands, vocal stims, loud music instead of noise cancelling headphones; idk how to explain it)
Summary: Headcanons for L Lawliet x reader. Both are autistic, but polar opposites in how they do things/handle their autism.
Credits: L Lawliet- Death Note, Divider- Benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
A/n: Grrr I love getting to write for L! He's such a goober and I love getting to elaborate on my general headcanons for characters <3 ALSO 🦇 anon left a little bit ago, but I am still fulfilling this request they left for me so if you want the anon name, feel free to take it
Thank you so much for requesting!
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Autistic!L Lawliet x Autistic!Reader who are polar opposites
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L has always been rather quiet, even as a child
He didn't start talking until about 6, and even then he only began talking because it communicated his needs more efficiently
He prefers quiet spaces and being alone, because it allows him to focus more
He also hates chaos or unplanned things. If he has time to plan something out to a T, he can make sure nothing will go wrong, therefore insuring the safety of everyone
This being said, he never thought you were someone he'd remotely like being around, let alone dating you
No offense, but you are literally everything he hates
And when he comes into contacts with the things that make him uncomfortable (such as chaos, loudness, etc) he can get panicky
He will quickly become overwhelmed and irritable, meaning the littlest things can make him snap
If he can't focus how can he save the world? If the world isn't saved by him than who will do it? Panicking isn't helping though, it's making things worse. Oh god, he can't stop! He can't think straight long enough to calm down!
And then kaboom, he basically just shuts down
The second he met you he was on his guard, knowing this likely wouldn't end well
He prefers to not work with people, but he can handle them as long as they're quiet
This is entirely out of the question
As you can guess, your first meeting is almost a disaster
Well, everyone else didn't know it was a disaster of course. They actually thought it went pretty well!
But in actuality, L was completely overwhelmed by you
Not even you actually, just the idea that you might overwhelm him
TLDR: He became overwhelmed thinking about how overwhelmed you might make him, so you essentially did nothing wrong lol
After this, he keeps his distance
Of course though, this makes for a bad work environment
So he nervously invites you into his hotel room and explains things to you
How he feels around you, explaining his autism (which he refuses to do under normal circumstances), and asking you to explain yours as well so he can formulate an arrangement for you to be around each other without causing him to panic
After this communication is had, working together is a lot smoother
He considers you a better acquaintance than the rest of his employees
Meaning he feels closer to you
However, when you begin dating your differences are just another quirk to him that he finds endearing
He loves to see you get excited and flap your hands, he loves to see you dance to your loud music, he loves all of it
If he isn't in the headspace for loudness though, he will of course inform you before going off to be alone
If you want to try to accommodate his preferences into your behaviors is up to you, but he is perfectly happy either way
He finds himself feeling safe around you because of your loudness
Like, you are a German Shepard and he is a hurt bird
He'll hide behind you with his big ol' eyes staring at his surroundings while you fight off anyone that might be too much for him
And being exposed to you all the time helps him expose himself little by little to things that would previously make him very uncomfortable
For example, he can now go out in public without panicking over how many people there are and how many things could go wrong for short bursts of time
And he is now fine with soft music playing in the background while he works rather than just total silence the entire time
He also likes that having you around means you can do the talking for both of you and he doesn't have to actually break his focus for anything
the goobies <33
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