#lélio au
paradoxspaceheater · 2 years
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[Image description: A digital drawing of a young man in a military-esque suit, with one hand outstretched. He is surrounded by red and orange flames in the rough shape of a treble clef, with a smaller blue flame floating near his head. He is wearing a green jacket with golden accessories, gray trousers and boots, and a gray jacket over one shoulder like a cape. A half mask hangs from his leg. He has long black hair in a thick braid and ice blue eyes. To his right is text reading as follows:
Ignis Fatuus
Region: Old Mondstadt
Affiliation: The Fatui
Birthday: October 30
Delusion: Pyro
Constellation: Canticum Irae
Second image: the same drawing as the first, but without the text.
/end id]
The newly named Twelfth of the Fatui Harbingers, a young man with a mysterious past who calls himself Lélio. Four years ago he showed up at the Zapolyarny Palace demanding an audience with the Tsaritsa herself, and for reasons known only to her, he was granted it. He has been with the Fatui ever since and is passionately dedicated to their cause.
*Genshin AU—Resurrected!Fatui Harbinger!Nameless Bard*
Collab with @esmeblaze :D she did the lineart for me 🙏🙏🙏
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sofipitch · 2 years
idk if you read fic for tvc do you have any fic recs ((for someone who's just read the trilogy))???
So I'm assuming you are interesting in loustat fic bc that is what I primarily specialize in, I combed my ao3 bookmarks for basically anything that applied. I lazy about typing out some of the longer titles so if you see a ... it means the title is longer
Creating this list made me realize how much I like one shots, especially when I first come to a fandom I often start with the one shots before commiting to the multi chapter fics 😂
Fics set during IWTV:
Family Portrait c. 1840
Love Bites (and so do I) (I'm fascinated with how well this author captured the style of IWTV's writing, like holy shit?)
A Gift for Claudia
Claudia's Diary September 1846
my prayer has always been love
rose and hawthorn ...
Three Ghosts
Two Part Sarabande
A Study in Miscommunication
The Devil is in the Details
Fics set during TVL/QOTD/post QOTD (but not continuing into TOTBT):
lélio and ophelia
Another story about a phone call...
The Shadows of Paris
never seen the sun shine brighter
there was no sacred place
Begin Again
The Act of Leaving
Homunculus or How To Create a Man (this ine mentions the prince lestat timeline but I believe ch1-3 are Lestat reminiscing on his life during TVL and IWTV so I don't think knowledge of PL is necessary)
AUs where you don't need to know the plot of the books:
A Collected History
Summertime Elegy
If you like any of these fics the smartest way to find more great fic is to go and read everything by the author who made the thing you liked, and then go into their bookmarks. Also be sure to give kudos and comments if you liked any of these fics!
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ffiesinger · 1 year
Premier vol pour Lélio, le dirigeable isérois
See on Scoop.it - made in isere - 7 en 38
Il était prévu qu'il fasse son premier vol ce jeudi 8 juin devant un parterre d'invités. Les conditions météorologiques en ont décidé autrement. C'est 24 heures plus tôt, au lever du soleil que ce dirigeable à propulsion électrique s'est élevé à quelques dizaines de mètres du sol avec ses deux…
Francis Fiesinger Pro's insight:
#mobilite #dirigeable #koesio #innovation #propulsionelectrique #actumontagne
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oopshidaisyy · 4 years
May Fic Recs
your silence, simple, as a ring by arriviste It was an accident. Enjolras certainly put no thought into it; one moment he was standing nose-to-nose with Grantaire, and the next he had his hands on Grantaire's wrists, and their long bones were flexing within the circle of his fingers. Enjolras/Grantaire, 4k, T Note: my favourite fic ever, if that counts for anything
lélio & ophelia by firstaudrina Find me, Lestat is saying in a thousand different ways, find me find me find me. Lestat/Louis, 4k, T
Desert Sand by VillaKulla The origin story of Goodnight Robicheaux and Billy Rocks Billy/Goody, 34k, M
there’s probably a word for it in unmodified sumerian by ghostsoldier It’s weirdly flattering, in a way, that Cecil can wax rhapsodic about his very cells. Carlos can empathize: every single one of his tests has shown that Cecil is just as human as he is, and yet he’s also absolutely not. Carlos knows he’s not, with the sort of bone-deep certainty he usually reserves for universal constants. Cecil’s not human, but he is, and Carlos finds he wants to shout it from the top of the radio tower. How wonderful this makes Cecil. How beautiful. How imperfectly and uniquely perfect. Carlos/Cecil, 1k, T
my whole trajectory’s toward you, and it’s not losing momentum by theappleppielifestyle 14 year old Eddie gets a glimpse into what's coming. Richie/Eddie, 8k, G
An Invitation You Can’t Decline by thehoyden “I have standards,” Aziraphale huffed. “Don’t I know it,” Crowley sighed. And then, like he’d done it a hundred times before, he covered Aziraphale’s hand with his. Aziraphale/Crowley, 1k, E
Love Hath Made Thee a Tame Snake by thehoyden He was the bloody Serpent of Eden, and he wasn’t going to stand for this kind of flagrant trespassing. Aziraphale/Crowley, 3k, E
all of this then back again by firstaudrina Magnus is joking when he says, "You," but Alec says, "Okay." Magnus/Alec, 2k, M
Believe Me if You Can (The House at Pooh Corner) by gyzym  In a world where Arthur is Rabbit, Eames is Tigger, Cobb is Pooh, Yusuf is Eeyore, Ariadne is Piglet and Saito is Owl, nothing makes sense anymore. Arthur/Eames, 11k, T
not so different, you and i by theappleppielifestyle Three years ago, the idea that Tony Stark being one of her best friends would have been something she’d laugh at. Not even laugh- she’d have given whoever suggested it a dry look and changed the subject. Nat & Tony, 15k, G
unintended results by theappleppielifestyle Tony stares at the ceiling, white-knuckling his pockets. I will not get off to Steve jerking it. I will not get off to Steve jerking it. I will not- That thought is put on hold as something starts to buzz, and Tony has to bite down forcefully on his tongue to stop himself from groaning out loud when he realizes what it is. Steve/Tony, 2k, E
Left Side Advantage by susiecarter Post-MoS AU: A year after Black Zero, the Metropolis city government decides to hold a commemorative gala, with Superman as a guest of honor. And after a year of trying to gather intelligence on Superman without all that much success to speak of, Bruce Wayne is definitely going to attend. Except it turns out he may not be the only one with plans for Superman, and there might be a few other pieces of the puzzle that he's been missing. Clark/Bruce, 61k, T
Enemies to Lovers by susiecarter Then: Bruce and Clark argued, fucked, kissed, and didn't talk about any of it until the day they stopped. Now: they're living together in the lake house, trying to figure out how to be around each other day in and day out without stepping on each other's toes or crossing any lines. Which might be easier if Clark weren't pregnant. Or if Bruce weren't being so weird about it. Or if the mother box hadn't rearranged Clark's insides on a whim in the first place— There's a lot that could have made this easier, basically. But then Bruce and Clark always did do things the hard way. Clark/Bruce, 28k, E
dear friend by firstaudrina Jo might have said, “I left something for you in the old mailbox and I think that you should read it.” Jo & Laurie, 1k, G
le coup de foudre by firstaudrina three vignettes about desire. Lestat/Louis, <1k, G
Circuit by thingswithwings Post-movie. Watson finds a reason to go back to the flat on Baker Street. Holmes/Watson, 1k, E
2 become 1, or: these are totally normal roommate shenanigans by dollsome Chloe decides to fake-seduce June in an act of vengeance. Naturally, June strikes back. Chloe/June, 3k, T
un oubli profond by arriviste Three (in)glorious days. Enjolras/Grantaire, 6k, M
How to Tame a God by theorytale Loki is unstable. Tony is a genius. Together, they fight crime still don't like each other very much. There might be some benefit in alternative tactics. Loki & Tony, 5k, T
Ready, Fire, Aim by gyzym There's no "I" in "Avenger." Steve/Tony, 21k, M
it should follow, you know this (like the panels of a comic strip) by gyzym Four, eleven, fifteen, twenty-one, thirty-six, forty, as old as he's always been, too young, and everyone knows Tony Stark. Steve/Tony, 1k, T
music to watch girls to by firstaudrina They're both laughing, helpless and stupid with it. Izzy doesn't remember half as much of this before Clary came here. She remembers smirks and side-eye and the occasional chuckle but never gasping laughing over something that isn't even that funny, when you think about it. Clary/Isabelle, 1k, G
let me lay waste to thee by postcardmystery Ink stained fingers and ale left untouched. The cheapest paper left to rot and cuffs stained with little spots of black. A life shared but never quite lived together. A boy who wanted to be a poet, remembered as a playwright, and a boy who wanted to stage, remembered for his blood on a dagger held by no one. Marlowe/Shakespeare, 4k, M
Crash Landers by gyzym In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.) Derek/Stiles, 31k, T Note: i’ve never watched teen wolf i just think this fic is neat
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amisfmp · 4 years
Hommage au Docteur Julien J. Supplice & Hommage Docteur Yves Lambert à l’hôtel Montana
Hommage au Docteur Julien J. Supplice
Nous étions sincèrement présents, car le Dr. Hary Jeudy prit le soin de nous initier dans la bibliothèque de celui dont nous célébrions la vie. «Il y a dans les carnets et les livres d’un chirurgien des choses que vous n’allez pas trouver sur Google» nous a confié le chef du Service à l’HUEH, en soulignant la dimension du cadeau de la famille Supplice à la FMP .
En écoutant les propos et témoignages de chaque grand intervenant (Doyen Cadet; le représentant du Recteur Dr. Dorlus, DG MSPP Dr. Adrien;le représentant des Etudiants au Conseil Dr. Dieufort; le Major Delcroix, et notre Daniel Supplice national, celui qui a initié ma génération à l’étude méthodique du parcours des grandes personnalités nationales), je me suis rappellé cette belle maison de la ruelle Duffort, à mon époque scolaire Collège Classique (Lalue en face Duffort)-cela fait longtemps!-. Propriété d’un Supplice, elle fascinait par la vie qui bougeait sous cette gallerie. Dans ce pays d’alors, il y avait toujours de grandes conversations sous les galleries. Celle des Supplice vous invitait à savoir causer.
Je vous en parle aujourd’hui, car nous venons d’apprendre que le jeune Docteur Julien (diplômé le 27 octobre 1953) fut témoin des travaux de ses aînés Dr. Denizé et Dr. Roy, une génération d’haïtiens qui entrevit les possibilités de la transplantation cardiaque humaine, vers la fin des années 50; une décennie avant l’exploit du Dr. Christiaan Barnard, en décembre 1967.
Vous m’excuserez si mon témoignagne a un parfum de spirale et de guérilla. Ma soeur aînée combattante et moi nous venons de traverser la moitié de notre capitale en côtoyant souriant les carcasses fumantes de véhicules incendiés. Ce que Google ne sait pas, après avoir écouté le mémorable parcours du grand cabaretain planétaire, Docteur Julien J. Supplice, nous subissons les secousses conjoncturelles avec un tact de chirurgien aguerri. Notre magistral conférencier Daniel Supplice est aussi Prix Deschamp (1997, «Karioka») !
Merci Cher Doyen et Merci à celles et à ceux qui ont fait de cette célébration un moment exceptionnel.
Gilbert Mervilus, 20 novembre 2020
Hommage Docteur Yves Lambert à l’hôtel Montana
«L’âge est un ouvrage» Dr. Yves Lambert
Nous avions tous l’impression sincère que chaque secteur de la collectivité nationale avait délégué un représentant à cette célébration de la vie de l’échantillon rare de citoyen qu’est notre Dr. Lambert. Lorsque que j’ai salué le Dr. Max Lélio Joseph, je savais qu’à travers la présence de son président la grande famille du Violette Athletic Club centenaire participait à l’hommage.
Il existe une catégorie exceptionnelle d’haïtiens qui appartiennent à toutes les générations et leur nom est constructivement mentionné dans toutes les cours. Leur nom constitue une École majuscule. Comme nous l’a rappelé le Doyen Jean-Claude Cadet, avant même d’arriver à la FMP, le jeune bachelier Lambert affronta remarquablement les examens officiels de fins d’études classiques. Il sortit lauréat du baccalauréat lourd.
L’éminent médecin et professeur à la faculté était aussi un combattant solide, qui affronta-comme le souligna le Dr. Lauré Adrien- des agresseurs armés qui souhaitèrent lui enlever arrogamment sa «vieille BMW».
Nous avons pour mission de savoir prendre soin de l’héritage du Dr. Yves Lambert et protéger le Flambeau.
Gilbert Mervilus,25 septembre 2020
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paradoxspaceheater · 2 years
“major character death” what about minor character resurrection
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