#la casa de papel x male reader
bumblesimagines · 23 days
Silene Oliveira/Tokyo
been a long time since i last saw you.
this reminds me of the night we met.
don't flirt with me. 
been a long time since i last saw you.
this reminds me of the night we met.
don't flirt with me. 
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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Toledo was a beautiful city, not that you'd been given much of a chance to get acquainted with it before being hauled up to a large remote house per The Professor's instructions. But the scenery was beautiful, at least. The view atop the hill allowed for the perfect view of the setting sun, made all the better with beer and the distant sound of music playing from the patio. A perfect evening and a perfect view... ruined by a voice that made your heart clench with bitterness. 
"Been a long time since I last saw you." Her light, airy, far too casual voice reached your ears. Your muscles automatically tensed, fingers tightening around your bottle, and the serenity of the view promptly faded. You bit your tongue and raised the bottle to your lips, finishing the contents and hoping the effects would soothe your mind. "(Y/N)- Or, well... It's Athens now, right? I guess I should get used to that name before the heist."
You stared straight forward, unable to bear the thought of looking at her without wanting to walk out of the whole operation. A face you once loved seeing, muddled with her actions and memories you'd rather forget. She was a reminder of the person who'd truly broken your heart and trust: René. The man who picked you up from juvie and promised to never abandon you like your parents had. The man who taught you everything you needed to know about heists, about guns, and thievery. The man you looked up to dearly and spilled everything to. The man who slept with your girlfriend nearly fifteen years ago. The man who'd been gunned down in the street only a couple weeks prior. Your brother, your confidant, your partner in crime, and the most disgusting man you'd ever known. 
You still remembered that morning when you returned from a night out with friends, hungover as hell but alert enough to notice the scattered beer bottles on the table, the lack of chatter in the small rented apartment, and best of all, the sight of seventeen-year-old Silene in the arms of thirty-one-year old René. You would've found the surprise and horrified looks on their faces humorous if it hadn't been for the betrayal you felt. Half of the morning was spent arguing with René while Silene cried uncontrollably until you grabbed a few things and got into your car, speeding off down the street and never seeing either of them ever again. 
You hardly mourned René when you saw his corpse and face on the news the day of his death. To you, he'd been dead since that fateful day. And you would've moved on, would've finally found some real peace at last, if The Professor hadn't sat beside you at the park a few days later while you watched your kid run around with his friends and offered you a job; A heist that'd leave you with more than enough euros to never work or be apart from your son ever again. Enough money to send him off to college, to find a nice place to settle down, and to live out the rest of your years doing whatever you wanted without having to worry about being arrested during 'work'. 
"This reminds me of the night we met." Silene - No, the code names were necessary, she'd been right in that regard - Tokyo said, her finger dragging down your bicep. You rolled your shoulder to shrug her off, huffing out a soft scoff. "You remember that night? They wouldn't let me into the bar 'cause I was a kid but then you and René vouched-"
"We helped you, got you a fake id, let you stay with us when you had an argument with your mom, and the week after you said you loved me, you fucked my brother and now left him for dead. Don't pretend things between us are fine, Tokyo. Don't flirt with me. Don't talk to me like we're old friends. We're strangers. Nothing more, nothing less. If you're that desperate for dick then maybe go hop on Rio or Denver's." You sneered at her, brushing past her with another scoff and making your way back to the party, back to the rest of your colleagues and away from the woman who'd ruined your life.
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader.
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Luke Alvez
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
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Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
Bobby Drake
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Mobius M. Mobius
Matt Murdock
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
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Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
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Neal Caffrey
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Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
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Sirius Black
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Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
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Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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marrziy · 2 months
"Bilionário Ordinário"
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★» Tony Stark x Male Reader
★» SMUT - bottom!reader
★» Sinopse: Tony está com tesão, o pau dele pulsa dentro do terno e ele vai te foder. A porta do escritório está aberta? Alguém pode aparecer e flagrar a cena? A papelada em cima da mesa vai ficar encharcada de porra? Dane-se, o pau dele já entrou.
𝐏alavras: 2.8k
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Ele garantiria a sua graduação em troca de ampla obediência, era o trato. Parecia uma oportunidade sem contras quando expressa por Tony na plenitude de sua lábia astuta. O mais velho calculou as palavras para fisgar você naquele primeiro encontro. O restaurante chique e a boa comida intensificaram o efeito do encanto.
Fora os bilhões, Stark era charmoso além do limite. O seu sim estava garantido, mas antes de ser consolidado, Tony te deu uma prova da dinâmica ao tirar o sapato do pé direito com o auxílio do pé esquerdo e esfregar o membro coberto pela meia na sua virilha. A voz rouca dele, conforme mensionara o sexo incluso nas normas, já havia te excitado, mas você se recusava a crer que havia ficado duro antes do contato.
Tony fez você gozar apenas esfregando o pé no seu pau embaixo da mesa naquele ambiente público. Sua vergonha, por estar com a cueca melada de porra, te impediu de aceitar a proposta verbalmente. Sua resposta foi compactada num singelo balançar de cabeça.
Aquele foi um dos dias mais alucinantes da sua vida, os outros vieram em sequência, um após o outro.
Seu erro foi pensar que aquele homem teria o mínimo de decência para não aloprar naquele tempo em que tinha você na coleira.
Ele te ligou às quatro da madruga, exigindo sua presença. O seu sono, aparentemente, não valia nada para Tony. Felizmente, ele deixou claro que gostava dos teimosos, então você não se conteve e feriu vários direitos humanos naquela ligação, ofendendo Tony de inúmeras formas antes de sair de casa.
Você repensou suas decisões durante a corrida e, ao sair do táxi, se viu diante de um dos edifícios Stark. Revirou os olhos e cogitou cuspir no chão.
. . . ★ . . .
Gente rica é estranha pra porra.
O pensamento fluía na sua cabeça durante a estada da mão de Tony na sua bunda.
Quando chegou no escritório, você estranhou a cena incomum: Tony analisando pilhas de papel, assinando algumas das folhas, ignorando e descartando várias. Ele normalmente deixava a leitura para alguém de confiança e apenas dava o ok. Não que você reparasse... não, claro que não. Mas entendia o porquê ao vê-lo massagear as têmporas e apertar as pálpebras, como se desejasse que aqueles retângulos brancos voltassem a ser árvores.
O sorriso que Tony abriu, no momento em que te viu na porta, escondia incontáveis intenções, mil milhões delas sendo perversas. Com o dedo em gancho, o bilionário te convidou a se aproximar.
E ali estava você, em pé ao lado do dito-cujo, enquanto ele, ainda sentado na cadeira, prosseguia com uma mão na caneta e com a outra na sua carne coberta. O seu rosto deixou de ficar corado há um tempo, mas você ainda estava desconcertado, sem saber para onde olhar.
Seus mirantes, indecisos, rolavam e captavam tudo, fora de sincronia com a imobilidade do resto do corpo. Você avistou a papelada na mesa, realmente nada interessado, mas logo encontrou o inchaço protuberante na calça social de Tony e sorriu.
Se não fosse o frio da manhã congelando suas bolas, você estaria duro.
A líbido do senhor cavanhaque te intrigava. O seu ainda era um amendoinzinho dentro da calça e o de Tony estava quase pulando para fora do terno.
Uma sibilância soando à esquerda capturou seu foco. O medo instaurou-se sobre sua estrutura quando você notou a porta do escritório entreaberta, o fraco impulso do vento fazendo as dobradiças rangerem. Você não se certificou de fechá-la.
Vários cenários nos quais alguém entrava e via você naquela situação passaram por sua cabeça. Foi impossível não tremer na base.
No entanto, um aperto de respeito na sua região traseira chamou a sua atenção. Retornando para Tony, você detectou os olhos dele namorando o seu corpo.
— Não está sendo divertido, né? – Tony guardou os óculos em uma gaveta na parte inferior do tampo da mesa.
— Não, imagina! Tá sendo super legal ficar parado aqui, em pé, enquanto você faz da minha bunda o seu brinquedinho antiestresse. – sua fala sarcástica veio acompanhada de um sútil sorriso irônico. — Quer arrancar pedaço?
Um risinho fraco escapou dos lábios curvados de Tony — Calma aí, garotinho estressado… – ele deu um tapa na sua bunda antes de subir com a mão pela lombar, te fazendo arrepiar durante a jornada dos dedos. — Deixa comigo, vou fazer ficar divertido.
O mais velho te puxou, pondo você de frente para ele. Sem aviso prévio e com a delicadeza de um acidente de trânsito, Tony enfiou dois dedos na sua boca, forçando a passagem com tanta brusquidão que impulsionou sua cabeça para trás. Instantaneamente, lágrimas se formaram no canto dos olhos. — Que cavalheiro… – você murmurou com a voz embargada, se esforçando para não engasgar.
Vidrado na sua feição contorcida, Tony encontrou-se à mercê dos instintos e levou a mão livre para a própria ereção, apertando o volume dolorido contido no tecido azul escuro. — Controla os dentes, senão vai sobrar pra esse seu rostinho bonito, vadia!
Maldita vontade de contrariar.
Você quase mordeu os dedos de Tony após a fala dele, mas decidiu ser obediente e contribuiu, sugando o indicador e o médio até o mais velho ficar satisfeito e puxá-los para fora.
Tony se levantou da cadeira acolchoada e posicionou-se atrás de você. — Cê não tinha uma roupinha melhor pra vir aqui não? E aquelas que eu comprei pra você? São de grife. – ele sussurrou no seu ouvido, sem esperar uma resposta antes de pressionar você contra a mesa e abaixar a sua calça moletom junto da cueca.
O seu corpo, curvado e nu da cintura para baixo, era refém das mãos ousadas do bilionário.
— Aquelas roupas de puta? – você apoiou a bochecha na superfície fria em um ângulo onde conseguia ver Tony e o volume que fazia a calça dele parecer justa de tão proeminente que era. — Foi mal, Tonyzinho, mas eu prefiro usar algo que cubra mais que cinco por cento do meu corpo.
— Mesmo? Poxa, eu tava te considerando uma putinha esse tempo todo. – Tony mantinha um biquinho nos lábios enquanto afastava as bandas da sua bunda, hipnotizado com a forma que sua entrada pulsava ao redor do nada. — Minha putinha…
— Puta é a mãe! – você respondeu, sentindo os joelhos fraquejarem e seu pau liberto latejar, pingando pré-sêmen no chão. — Eu só não desperdiço oportunidades.
Stark riu soprado. — Uhum. – murmurou e enfiou os dedos encharcados no seu interior com facilidade. — Tá meio relaxadinho… andou brincando sem mim?
O seu silêncio te dedurou.
Tony uniu o peitoral às suas costas, distribuindo beijinhos por sua nuca e oscilando entre arranhar a pele cálida com os dentes. — Que cuzinho ganancioso o seu... – ele agilizou a movimentação no seu interior, empurrando os dígitos com força, compondo uma sinfonia molhada enquanto brincava com as várias formas de dedilhar. — Te comer três vezes na semana não tá sendo suficiente? Eu posso aumentar pra cinco... não, sete! Tenho fome de você a semana toda, boneco.
O hálito fresco do Stark chicoteou seu pescoço, e você teve que segurar a vontade de rodear os dedos na própria ereção, ciente de que Tony gostava de ser o único responsável pelo seu clímax.
— E-eu me preparei antes de vir pra cá... Na verdade, quando vi "velho putão" piscando na tela do celular, antes mesmo de a-atender, eu já estava com a mão dentro da calça. – seus gemidos afetaram a fluidez da fala, resultado da velocidade entorpecente da ponta dos dedos de Tony circulando a sua entradinha avermelhada.
Uma risada, não se sabia se de graça ou indignação, fluiu por entre os lábios de Tony. — Esse é a porra do nome do meu contato no seu celular? – ele abandonou o seu interior, virando-o de costas contra a mesa até você estar completamente deitado naquela superfície. — Podia ter me avisado que já se alargou, assim não perderíamos temp... – ele mesmo se interrompeu. — Pera aí...
— Nem começa! – você imediatamente reagiu ao reconhecer o sorriso presunçoso estampado no rosto do Stark.
— Você achou que precisava de mais preparação? – você não viu, mas ouviu o barulho do zíper da calça de Tony sendo aberto. — Acha que não aguenta? – ele provocou.
Ainda com a calça abotoada no corpo, Tony levou a mão para dentro da lã, abaixou a cueca e agarrou o próprio comprimento, libertando-o da box. Ele afastou os dentes do zíper, passando o pau pelo fecho da calça social. A paciência para tirar as roupas não coube naquele momento.
Tony torcia para não dar merda e acabar machucando a pele do saco entre o metal do zíper.
— Que ego desgraçado… – sua voz murchou no ritmo em que seus mirantes retornavam para o detalhe que fazia daquele lugar um ambiente inseguro. — Tony, a porta… vou fechar! – você ergueu o torso, prestes a resolver o problema.
Tony se livrou do blazer com uma mão e, com a outra, empurrou o seu peitoral, te fazendo deitar novamente. — Não. A porta tá longe. – expressou-se direto e decidido, não abrindo brecha para ser contrariado.
Ele impulsionou fracamente o quadril contra as suas coxas, esfregando a excitação latente na sua pele, muito próximo da sua entrada. Você quase jogou tudo para os ares e implorou para ser fodido, quase.
— Fecha a porta, por favor! – você tentou se erguer outra vez, mas falhou. O Stark deitou em cima de você, unindo seus corpos e limitando ainda mais suas chances de esquiva. — Porra, Tony! Eu não tenho muito a perder se alguém aparecer nesse caralho, mas você tem! – sua insistência não valeu de nada quando direcionada a alguém que podia comprar o silêncio de qualquer um. — Sem contar que a mesa tá cheia dessas… dessas suas folhas! Você não ficou todo esse temp…
Tony cobriu a sua boca com a mão. Ele se divertia com sua preocupação. — Shhh… – o olhar cerrado do Stark ardia de luxúria. O biquinho brilhoso dele, tão convidativo, fazia você desejar aqueles lábios te calando, não a palma. — Ninguém vai entrar, então relaxa. Fica quietinho e seja uma boa vadia. – ele levou a mão livre sorrateiramente até a virilha, agarrando a base do membro e alinhando-o em sua entrada. — Meu pau já entrou, gatinho, não tem como voltar atrás agora. Sinto muito.
Ele não sentiu.
Tony não sentiu muito quando meteu até o talo.
Ele entrou em você sem anunciar, não adotou vagareza no movimento, foi brusco e rápido. — Po...rra! – ele arfou, arrepiando da cabeça aos pés quando envolto no calor quente das suas estranhas.
A longa preparação pareceu inútil naquele momento. Dois dedos miseráveis não eram páreos para o pau grosso e venoso de Tony.
Inicialmente, seu corpo foi cordial; suas paredes sugaram o membro invasor para dentro, mas o cacete pulsante do Stark exigia um espaço que o seu interior apertado não tinha para oferecer. Seus músculos contraíram intensamente, tentando expulsar o pau de Tony, que permaneceu fincado dentro de você, latejando forte. — Muito... muito fundo! – você conseguiu dizer, sua voz abafada devido a pressão da mão em seus lábios.
— É demais pra você? Ah, que dó! – ele zombou, ciente do tesão latente contido em seu corpo trêmulo. — Culpa desse seu corpinho minúsculo. Nem dedada resolve. – ele deu um tapa na sua bunda antes de rodear o braço na sua cintura e se impulsionar para frente, te roubando um espasmo. — Apertado pra caralho! Parece a porra de um virgem. – sussurrou na curvatura do seu pescoço, inalando sua colônia diluída no suor.
As suas bordas estavam estouradas, a pele sensível em brasa, avermelhada e esticada ao máximo para adorar o pau de Tony. Pré-sêmen acumulava-se ali, a umidade branca do Stark escorria de dentro para fora, pintando o seu anel rugoso, deixando a sua entrada molhadinha e o seu interior completamente encharcado.
Você sentiu o metal frio do zíper e o tecido da calça social de Tony roçarem em suas coxas conforme ele iniciava movimentos circulares com o quadril. Ele rolava a pélvis, se esfregando em você, amassando as bolas pesadas na sua bunda macia.
Tony praticamente ronronou no seu pescoço. — Merda… isso é tão gostoso! – os barulhinhos roucos que ele deixou escapar afetaram diretamente seu pau, que latejou entre seu abdômen e o de Tony, manchando sua camiseta preta e deixando a camisa branca do mais velho transparente.
Ter o pau de Tony reivindicando espaço dentro de você fez da sua preocupação algo divertido. O medo de ser pego tornou o ato emocionante, o frio na barriga te levou a contrair o ventre e, consequentemente, esmagar os centímetros do Stark.
Ele respondeu abocanhando o seu pescoço, gemendo e arfando na sua pele enquanto a chupava.
Você só conseguia choramingar, desesperado para gozar. O membro de Tony parecia duplicar de tamanho quando inserido no seu corredor esponjoso. Seus nervos não lidavam muito com a potência da sensação, fazendo de você uma casca vazia que só voltaria a ter alma após o orgasmo.
Foi repentino o vazio. De repente, você tinha somente a ponta grossa alojada dentro. Você estava prestes a reclamar, mas Tony voltou com tudo após a retirada, chocando os quadris contra a sua bunda, engatando em outra estocada logo em seguida, e depois outra e assim por diante.
Ele aumentou o aperto da mão sobre a sua boca, mas não foi capaz de conter o gemido escandaloso que subiu por sua garganta e reverberou nas paredes do escritório.
Mesmo com os olhos marejados, você vislumbrou a expressão contorcida de prazer do homem entre as suas pernas e quase gozou com a imagem. Você precisava descontar todo aquele estímulo em algo, então levou as mãos para as costas do mais velho, arranhando-o através das roupas.
Tony, com as sobrancelhas franzidas, mordeu o lábio inferior, também admirando sua feição bagunçada. — Putinha chorona! – sussurrou no seu ouvido, intensificando as investidas no seu buraco acostumado.
— Mais de-devagar! Nesse ritmo eu… eu… – você sequer terminou a frase, sabendo que seria ignorado com sucesso. Seus dedos desceram arranhando o dorso de Tony até estarem rodeando a cintura dele. 
As bolas do Stark espancavam a sua bunda, ansiosas para liberar o acúmulo no seu buraco tenso, que por sua vez, estava ansioso para ordenhar cada gota de porra, assim como fazia com o pré-sêmen jorrado da glande inchada.
O choque de peles e o barulho úmido do pau afogado nas suas entranhas eram as músicas favoritas para ambos na cena. 
Tony esmurrou sua próstata, sorrindo maroto quando sentiu você tremer embaixo dele, e quando te ouviu gemer ao ponto de babar na palma que ele usava para abafar seus gemidos desenfreados. — Achei. – cantarolou, enfiando fundo no mesmo ângulo, prolongando seus espasmos. — Goza pra mim, vai!
A mesa rangia, balançando com a força das estocadas brutas do Stark. Ele gemeu manhoso e risonho no instante em que você contraiu os glúteos ao redor dele, estasiado com a sensação e contente por testemunhar você tremendo e choramingando ao se aproximar do clímax.
Você veio antes dele, acariciando o ego do bilionário quando gozou apenas sentindo o pau dele ir e vir dentro de você. Suas costas arquearam, desgrudando da mesa na companhia de algumas folhas coladas no tecido suado da sua camiseta. Todo o seu corpo contraiu conforme a porra vazava do seu pau, sujando suas roupas e triscando no cavanhaque de Tony. 
Você gemeu mudo, fortificando o abraço na cintura do Stark e apertando suas pernas ao redor do quadril dele antes de amolecer e cair exausto na mesa.
Mas Tony continuou metendo, dessa vez, eufórico, com movimentos erráticos e ansiosos, acertando o seu interior gasto com o único objetivo de gozar, de encher você até transbordar.
Você estapeou o peitoral dele, tentando afastá-lo, murmurando súplicas sem lógica, sentindo-se superestimulado demais para lidar.
Tony estava no ponto, você não precisou insistir. As estocadas dele perderam o ritmo a partir da contração das bolas. O mais velho abraçou o seu corpo arrebatado, tremendo sobre você, em profundo êxtase enquanto pressionava os quadris na sua bunda.
O pau dele convulsionou dentro do seu buraquinho relaxado e, assim como você, ele gemeu mudo ao gozar.
Você sentiu cada uma das pulsações que antecederam os jatos de porra. O líquido pegajoso esquentou suas entranhas, pintou o seu interior de branco e, como Tony havia calculado, te preencheu com tanta fartura que vazou, escorrendo para fora do seu buraco conforme o pau do Stark amolecia, dando brecha para o sêmen se acumular na madeira da mesa e arruinar algumas das folhas ali espalhadas.
Caído em cima de você, Tony respirava pesado, vez ou outra contraindo e lhe arrancando uma reclamação, ainda sob efeito do clímax intenso.
— Desgraçado. – você cochichou como se estivesse revelando um segredo, sorrindo fraco para o outro homem.
O bilionário fazia cafuné na sua cabeça com a mão esquerda e fechava o zíper da calça com a direita. — Arrombado. – sussurrou a verdade em sua orelha.
Porque de fato, você foi arrombado.
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Fear part 2-Nairobi x Fem! Reader (La Casa de Papel)
Summary:It's been a year since the last heist now as lovers and being engaged, Reader and Nairobi are ready to enter another one and will make sure to protect each other.
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My heart began to beat faster than the previous time we did this. I never thought we would make another heist but here we are about to enter el banco de España. I was getting nervous since The Professor said there was a small chance we'd all survive, and my top priority was to keep my wife Nairobi safe.
Right after we stole from the first bank, Nairobi, Helsinki and I left for a long vacation and right after I proposed to her,lucky she said yes and Helsinki insisted we celebrated in drinking a ton that night. I wanted to make her happy like I promised her back then, but without her son it won't be the same.
I strapped in my gun and followed Nairobi, Tokyo and Palermo inside the bank and kept a close eye on our surroundings. I stayed behind with the males and waited for Nairobi to come with the governor. Everything turned upside down when we were all pointing at his bodyguards and they started shooting at us, I punched one of them in the face when they almost shot Nairobi.
"Maldito idiota. You almost shot my wife!" I shouted and was ready to smack him when Nairobi calmed me down when Helsinki came running to help Palermo who has glass in his eyes. We ran down and I began to take care of while glancing back at her,
Thing is while I was trying to work he wouldn't stop cursing at Tokyo and Nairobi, so I pulled my gun out and pressed it to his head. "You better stop insulting them or I will shoot you right now." Palermo stayed silent, so I smirked and handed my gun to my wife while I took the shards of glass out of his eyes, "Damn you're worse than Berlin."
"(Y/N)." Helsinki warned me so I wouldn't get on his bad side.
"There it's all done. You will look at everything blurry though."
"Yeah, no shit?" Palermo sarcastically told me and got up with Helsinki's help. "You didnt get shot did you?" I worriedly ask when I turn to face her. She nodded her head and took my hands in hers, "Luckily I didn't."
"Hey lovebirds! Quit showing you affection, it's making me gag." Nairobi showed Palermo the finger, not that he would be able to see it. We giggle and ran off to meet the team. It had been four days since we entered the bank and was fascinated at seeing all the gold scattered on the underground level.
"This is amazing honey, how did you all build this so quick?" I asked since I hadn't been able to come here earlier. She decided to stay here since my wife and Palermo had a fight and wanted things to calm down for now. Bogota and Nairobi showed me around and I so desperately wanted to jump in that pile of gold.
I was called back upstairs to look after Tokyo who was drunk off her ass and tumbling around. "Seriously, you want me to look after her?" I ask looking at Palermo who amused stared at Tokyo singing and tumbling over.
"I don't have time to babysit. We're all busy here doing out jobs-"
"Exactly what you just said. We're all busy and I can't babysit her, my wife needs me-"
"I'm sure you're wife will do just fine a couple of minutes without you." he roughly patted my shoulder and left me and Tokyo alone. I internally groaned and walked up to her and shoved her to another room while she wouldn't stop giggling.
About an hour later Nairobi went up to talk to Tokyo while I glared daggers at Arthur the asshole who decided it was a good idea to come running in and try to save Monica from this life, Monica wanted nothing to do with him and assured me and Helsinki to take care of him when they finished talking a few hours back. "What the hell is that woman doing?" I heard Palermo say while he stared out the window.
I rushed over to his side and saw Inspectora Sierra walking with a blue teddy bear in hand. The man next to me wouldn't stop chuckling at how ridiculous she looked carrying the bear with her, while I started to wonder why is she doing that? We all got ready to open the doors and retrieve the stuffed animal and scanned it in case it's a bomb.
Nairobi seemed a lot more quieter than usual and I could feel something was wrong. We all stood in a circle looking at the stuffed animal being opened and a phone began to ring, that's when Nairobi jumped in and answered it.
"You fucking bitch." she angrily answered Sierra who began to chuckle and tell her something I couldn't quite understand. She ran with the teddy bear and Palermo tarted shouting at her to come back, so he turned to me and forced me to being her back to him. I just glared at him and ran past him with Monica behind me. When we both entered the room my wife was in, she was holding the stuffed bear tightly t her chest.
That's when Nairobi started telling us about Axel her son, what this teddy bear had to do in all of this and she wouldn't stop apologizing for being a horrible mother and wife for keeping this lie with her for so long yet so short in our marriage.
I crawled over to her and held her tight and felt her rest her head on my shoulder as she cried her heart out. "I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner." I pulled away and looked into her dark brown eyes and smiled warmly.
"I told you to never rush in telling me these things. I just wish we wouldn't have gone through this in this way. Nairobi, I'll always love you no matter what you say about yourself. I swore on my life that I will get Axel back so we can all live together and be happy." Nairobi stared at me and once she was about to reply the phone rang again and she answered it. Slowly she stood up from the floor and walked over the window and I saw her gasp and smile. I rsn to the other side and saw the small boy holding Sierra's hand.
I saw her mutter her son's name and her eyes lit when she saw her boy for the first time in many years. I smiled over to her, seeing her happy filled me with joy but then I realized, there's s reason that woman is doing this. Everything seemed to go in slow motion when Monica and I exchanged looks and shouted at Nairobi to get away from the window. Next thing I hear is s shot being fired and Nairobi falling to the floor.
I stare at the horrifying scene and rushed over to her when she tried sitting up but blood began to pour out of her chest. "No no no no." I continued to mutter and began to cry when I held her down and put pressure on her wound but it wasn't working. Monica was also in shock and my screams must've given it away because everyone came rushing in and stood in place not realizing what was happening and if this was real.
"Nairobi hang in there!" I shouted and my voice began to tremble as I held her in my arms and Bogota and Helsinki began to try and calm us down while Monica placed a cloth on her wound and I couldn't do anything but cry and look away from her struggling to keep herself alive. Palermo, Tokyo and Rio ran off to start off the war.
"(Y/N)" Nairobi weakly said my name while blood poured out of her mouth, "When Axel turns 18 make sure to give him my money..and take care of him for me." I could only nod my head and nod down at her.
"I promise..."
Nairobi smiled and held my hand as tight as she could and I started panicking when she closed her eyes and wouldn't react to me calling her real name. "Please open your eyes..don't leave me." I begged and started crying out loud so Helsinki came to my side and held me so I wouldn't look at my wife lifeless body.
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What are we?
Hi guys! This is my first NCIS work! I’ve been thinking about it for a very long time and I thought it was time to write it down. I really hope you’ll enjoy it!! Please, tell me what you think!!
Prompt: your best friend McGee becomes a dad and it makes you think about what you really want
Gibbs x Reader, Pride x Reader
Words: 3,339
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“Y/N?” McGee called you for the third time. You were so focused on the little girl in your arms, you completely avoid everyone around you. You finally heard your name and hummed in answer, without raising your head. You couldn’t stop staring at Morgane and how beautiful she is. “Y/N, I know my daughter is beautiful but can you look at me for a sec?” Tim asked and you finally looked at him. You also saw Delilah on her bed, with John in her arms, smiling at you.
“Is everything okay?” You wondered. “Maybe you want me to leave the four of you alone?” You exclaimed, cause you realized that everyone was gone except you. And you haven’t put Morgane down since you picked her up an hour ago.
“Not yet. But soon,” Delilah joked to reassure you. “Tim and I have something to ask you,” You looked at them, questioned.
“Do you want to be their godmother?” Tim finally asked. You stayed stoned for a few seconds until the information came to your brain. If you weren’t carrying one of the twins, you probably would have jumped in the air, excitingly. But instead, you simply looked down at Morgane again to hide the tears forming in your eyes. “I’d love to you,” you tried to say as casual as possible. But Tim was no fool and he was your best friend for over 10 years now.
“Y/N, are you crying?” Tim asked. You turned around to the window, avoiding the newly parents. “No,” you lied, crying.
That night, you stayed awake for long hours, probably more than usual. Your work at NCIS prevent you from sleeping correctly since you first started, but you were used to it by now. You started as an Agent the same year as Timothy, the two of you were the Probies and probably due to being a woman, Tony gave you less hard times than your coworker. You grew up with Tim, you became adults and good agents together. And now? He is married to a wonderful lady and father of twins. You? You are just in the same place you were ten years ago, single, no kids and in love with your boss. At first, it was just a crush and you thought it would go away, but it never did. It increased. Which explains why you’ve never been able to date a man more than 6 months. It always end with guys breaking up because of your job, how invested you are in it, and two guys found out about you being in love with Gibbs.
Why can you not move on for those feelings? It’s ruining your life. Everything you thought you’d have by the time you’re 35, you don’t. You and Gibbs built a very special relationship through the years. Sometimes, it looks like a romantic relationship, with flirtation and tenderness, but sometimes, it feels like friendship. You figured out everyone knows about your feelings for him and the relationship he doesn’t have with anyone else, but no one dare to say anything about it over than casual jokes, like calling him your ”work husband”. Husband. It sounds so wonderfully when you think about Gibbs. But you’re not a redhead, like his ex wives.
You take your godmother’s role very seriously. You spend as much time as possible with the twins, helping Tim and Delilah every time they need it. Just like tonight, the twins are now five months old and the parents could really used a date night so you offered to babysit. The beginning of the evening went good, you managed to feed John first and then Morgane. Thankfully, Delilah gave them a bath before they left so that was something you didn’t have to do. But putting them into bed was complicated. Neither of them wanted to sleep, and when one cries, the other cries too. Rocking the two at the same time was impossible, they were moving so much while crying, you were scared to let them drop. You considered calling Tim but you didn’t want to ruin their night, so you could the other person that came to your mind. You can never forget how great Gibbs is with kids, no matter how old they are.
By the time your boss showed up at the apartment, you had vomit all over your shirt - thanks to Morgane - and the twins were still crying in their room. Gibbs laughed when he saw your face and followed the sounds. He picked up the baby girl and started to rock her in his arms. ”Take John and follow my lead,” he ordered and you did so.
Rocking John, you couldn’t help but stare at Gibbs with Morgane. He was so kind and soft, he’s meant to be a father. A part of you understand he doesn’t want to have other kids after what happened to Kelly, but your brain just imagined what if those twins were yours and his. What if the two of you were married.
”Uncle Gibbs is here, baby girl,” he whispered to Morgane who was calming down, just like John. ”Did aunt Y/N cook for you? Is that why you’re so mad?” He joked.
”Hey!!” You exclaimed, offended. It’s not a secret how bad of a cooker you are. Or, were. Because of all the teasing through the years, you took cooking class a few months ago. But nobody knows about it. You kept thinking about how great it would be to cook again for Gibbs without setting his kitchen on fire. ”I’m much better than I used to,” you said. ”Right, my loves?” You said to the twins who were falling asleep.
”Is that even possible?”
”Let me show you whenever you’re free,”
”I’m always free. But at your place, I don’t want to rebuild my kitchen again,” he smiled at you, teasingly and you rolled your eyes. ”Let’s try to put them in bed,”
As softly as possible, you and Gibbs put the twins in bed. They seemed to be in deep sleep now, but you know they may wake up in a few hours. You let a small light in their room and went back to the kitchen with Gibbs on your toes. You tried to wipe the vomit stain away from your shirt but it was obviously ruined. Gibbs took the towel from your hands, wet it and replaced what you were doing. The stain is right above your left breast, his body was so close to yours, just like its been so many times. His smell was intoxicating like always.
”Thanks for the help,” you whispered.
”What kind of godfather would I be if I didn’t show up?” He said. And your heart skipped a beat. Tim and Delilah has been telling you they haven’t agreed on who to choose as the godfather yet. But obviously they did? Since when?
”You are— I didn’t know you were their godfather,” you confessed.
”They asked me the same day as you but I wasn’t sure I wanted to have this responsibility,” Gibbs said, still wiping your shirt.
He hummed but didn’t say anything. He is not a big talker, everybody knows that but he also knows sometimes he doesn’t have to talk with you. You just understand. You know things. And that’s something Gibbs really loves about you, between many other things. Of course, he loves you. He has for many years now. Which is exactly why he never tried anything. He avoids love since Shannon died. Sometimes, he wished you’d leave NCIS, before realizing he absolutely can’t live without you. Whenever you mentioned a date or a boyfriend, it felt like someone shoot him right in his heart. Selfishly, he is glad you haven’t date anyone in almost two years now. It feels like you’re all his, even if there’s no romantic relationships between you, or at least, not clearly.
”So— we are godparents of the twins,” you smiled.
”That, we are,” he answered, smirking.
”Is that all we are?” You whispered without restraining yourself. In the same second, you wish he didn’t hear it.
”Nothing. Have you eaten?” You asked, taking a few steps away from him.
”Not yet. You?”
”I’ve been babysitting for the last three hours, so no, I didn’t even have time to pee,”
”Very romantic,” he smiled.
”It’s not a date, I don’t have to be romantic. Plus, I’m a total mess right now. But— I’m going to show how my cooking skills improved,” you searched into Tim and Delilah’s kitchen the ingredients you need to make a nice dish.
”You’re never a mess, even full of mud,” he laughed, recalling the memory of you falling into the mud during an investigation years ago.
”Oh my god, don’t remind me that day please.” You started to cut onions. You could feel Gibbs’ gaze on you but you tried to avoid it. He intensely watched you perfectly cutting the onions.
”Y/N?” He asked.
”Did you learn how to cook?” You felt your cheeks turning into shades of pink but you didn’t say anything, just smile.
Gibbs quickly offered his help and you cook together, or at least you gave him orders. Once it was done, you settled on the couch, set the coffee table and used Tim’s Netflix account. Months ago, you spent the night at Gibbs’ and you made him watch La Casa de Papel. Actually he pretended to like it, but what he enjoys is to cuddle with you under blankets and watching you enjoying the show.
That night feels like you and Gibbs are parents who enjoys a peaceful and calm night. After eating what you cooked, you got closer to him, and he put his arm around to let you rest on his chest. This is where you belong. You know it deep inside you. You belong with him. Why can’t he see it?
Around 1am, Tim and Delilah came back home to find you and your boss sleeping on the couch, your head on Gibbs’ chest and his arms holding you close, with Netflix still on. They smile at each other and Delilah went to check on the twins while Tim woke you up. ”What time is it?” You mumbled and when Gibbs spotted his male agent, he immediately sat up.
”1am. Everything went well?”
”Yeah, I save your place,” Your boss said and you hit his arm.
”Now, I have to clean the entire apartment tomorrow,” Tim said. You looked at him, confused. The apartment was not a terrible mess. ”I lost the bet. Delilah was sure you’d call Gibbs for help,” She came back at the same moment.
”Thank you for your trust, Mrs McGee.” You said, falsely offended and she laughed.
”I know what it’s like to take care of two babies, you have no idea how many times I want to call Tim for help,”
”Tim can take some time off, you know,” Gibbs said to Delilah, before turning his attention to you. ”Ride home?”
You nodded, went to kiss the twins and left with Gibbs.
”Do you mind sleeping at my house?” He asked. You live further than him, and you could see on his face he just wants to go back to sleep.
”Fine by me,” you agreed.
His house is practically yours, to be honest. There are some of your clothes somewhere and you just do whatever you want to do, when you want to do it. Which explains why you directly went to his bedroom to grab one of his shirts and you found a legging that belongs to you. Downstairs, Jethro was almost sleeping on his couch, you considered go upstairs to sleep in his bed but his voice stopped you before you left the room.
”Where you going?”
”In your bed— if that’s okay?”
”Come next to me, instead,” he opened his arms.
The small size of the couch forced the two of you to be really close, not that you mind. Apparently, he doesn’t either. He kissed the top of your head, one of his hand was stroking your hair while the other was on your back. Your face was buried in his neck. ”Jethro?” You whispered, and he hummed in answer.
”What are we?”
He took a moment to answer. ”Coworkers? Friends? Best friends?” You could feel tears forming in your eyes and you sat up, turning your back to him.
”Is that it?” You asked with a small voice but he didn’t answer. ”I want more, J. I need more,” you confessed. You don’t really know why it’s coming out right now, tonight but it does and you can’t stop yourself. ”I love you. A lot. And not like a friend— Tonight with the twins, that’s what I want. But with kids of our own. I mean— you’re the only reason I’m still single. Cause no matter who I’m with, you’re all I can think about. You’re the only one I want, Leroy.” Tears were now streaming down your face and you couldn’t turn around to look at him. He hasn’t move. He hasn’t spoke. ”If you don’t feel the same way, that’s totally okay. But you have to tell me. It’s been ten years and I can’t keep going like this. I need something concrete, something real, you know?” Still nothing coming from him. Not a move, not a word. You stayed a moment like this, waiting for him to do something, anything. But he didn’t. So you stood up, take a look at him but he avoided your gaze. You sighed and grabbed your things. You stopped for a moment before leaving, giving him another chance to speak but he stayed silent, so you left.
The next week seemed to be too long and awkward. You and Gibbs barely talked, a part of what needed to be say to do the work. A few people asked you what was going on but you just raised your shoulders and stayed silent. Nobody needed to know what a ridiculous declaration you gave to Jethro. It could be like nothing happened, like you haven’t say anything, but he changed. He’s avoiding you. No smile, no looks, no time alone. Nothing. And everyday you feel worst than the day before.
A new case came in and you had to work with the New Orleans team. Thanks god, you thought. It will change the mood from the past few days and you could used the distraction from Dwayne and Tammy. You already met them, you even spent around two weeks in there town. They are completely different from your squad. Work hard and having a lot of fun. One night there, you got drunk at Dwayne’s bar and almost hook up with him if he hadn’t stop you.
“You’re drunk, I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and regret this,” he told you back then. The next morning, you regretted to have ridiculously kissed him. But a part of you regretted not to have sex with him too.
“Hello my darlin’” Dwayne greeted you. You literally jumped from your desk to hug him, he kissed your cheek and you did the same. You hugged Tammy too while Dwayne said hello to the rest of the team. Him and Gibbs are old friends, they started together in NCIS.
“What’s happening to the Marine haircut?” Dwayne joked. Gibbs hasn’t been to the hairdresser lately, and you found him even more attractive like this. But you can’t tell him, of course.
You all quickly had a brief update on the case, but it was getting late already so Gibbs called it off for the night. ”I guess you’re sleeping on my couch?” Your boss said to Dwayne. ”Gregorio, you staying at Y/N’s,” Tammy looked at you to be sure it was okay. Of course it is, but the fact that Gibbs didn’t ask bothered you.
”Boss, what if I’m not alone tonight?!” You lied. You secretly hoped it would make him jealous but nothing appeared on his face, he stayed neutral just like he always does.
”Aren’t you?” He simply answered.
”I guess now I’m not, for sure,”
Gibbs started to walk to the elevator, but Dwayne didn’t follow yet. ”I thought we could have dinner all together?” The New Orleans boss said. Gibbs turned around, apparently not interested in that offer.
”I’d love to,” you smiled to Dwayne. ”Tammy?”
”I’m in!” She answered.
Tim declined the invitation, Delilah and the twins were waiting for him. Ellie joined in, as well as Nick, Reeves and Abby. Usually, the squad never met to have dinner or just a drink like this. Gibbs reluctantly accepted after Dwayne made him to.
Gibbs kept ignoring you, so you started to drink. A lot. You hoped it would make you stop looking at him, searching for anything on his face, in his moves. Eventually, it made you flirty with Dwayne just like you were in New Orleans. There were laughs, looks and small gestures. You quickly were on your fourth mojito, you felt dizzy but at least, you didn’t care about Gibbs sitting right in front of you. All your attention was on Dwayne and all of his was on you. ”Wanna dance?” D whispered in your ear. You smiled, grabbed his hand and walked to the dancefloor. It was a sexy dance, Dwayne’s body was against yours, his hands traveled your back and waist, while yours touched his torso and neck. One moment, one of his hand was almost on your butt, but he stopped himself before going further. You laughed, ”I don’t mind you touching my ass. I can’t remember the last time someone did it,”
”I’d love to, especially without the fabric between our skins— but I can feel a lot of eyes on us,” he said in your ear.
”How about you stay at my place tonight and Tammy goes at Gibbs’” you offered, flirtatious.
”Hmm— I’m not sure Gregorio would like that,”
”Then, you two at my place, but we’ll have to be quiet,” you smirked, your mouth was almost touching his.
”Y/N, you’re drunk,” he said. ”Would you still want to have sex with me without any alcohol?”
”I could prove it to you, tomorrow morning,”
Dwayne snorted, still swaying with you but the music was now a slow dancing. You stayed in his arms for a moment before he took a step away, ”Wait, my driver’s taking off,”
You turned around to see Gibbs leaving the bar. Dwayne chased him and you don’t know why but you followed them. They were already talking when you reached for them, you were standing behind Gibbs who hasn’t seen you unlike Dwayne.
“She’ll drive you,” you heard Gibbs say, bitterly.
“Is there a problem, Jethro? Don’t like what you saw?”
“What? You almost fucking her on the dance floor? I loved it,” he answered sarcastically.
“It’s my fault you don’t have the guts to tell her how you feel? She’s so into you. Why do you think she drunk that much and flirt with me? Because you’re a stupid stubborn pain in the ass,” Gibbs stayed silent. “Fight your fears or let her go,”
By the time they ended their little fight, you were ugly crying behind Gibbs. You’re pretty sure he knew you were there from the beginning. Maybe he used Dwayne so you could hear some explanations? Of course he is afraid. He was so in love once and she got killed, with their little girl. He can’t take that risk again. He is too afraid.
“He’s right, J.” You spoke up. “If you don’t want to be with me, let me go. And I mean— fire me.” He turned around to face you. You were about to take back what you just said but you didn’t. It may be now or never.
“Fine,” he breathed out. “Clear your desk first thing in the morning,” he said before leaving you — and Dwayne — on the sidewalk.
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