#lac des castors
if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"Le lac des Castors," La Patrie. July 25, 1943. Cover. ---- Des foules nombreuses se rendent tous les dimanches au lac des Castors, au mont Royal. Ce ac constitue un attrait pour toute la population. Au peint de vue paysagiste, c'est une perle.
Pour fournir l'eau courante au lac des Castors, on a foré un puits artésien. L'eau est amenee au lac par une pompe actionnee par l'electricite. Ici des enfants s'amusent prés de la cascade qui tombe dans le lac.
Les parents, qui vont passer de belles heures au lac des Castors, ne manquent pas d'y amener leurs enfants. Même les plus petits s'y amusent et s’intéressent aux petits voiliers et aux canards blancs.
Photos E. Stucker, la "Patrie"
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goldengenprint · 7 months
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52795 photos
2009. Une semaine à Pau chez Christine.
On passe quelques jours en Aragon.
- les 3 premières : un petit paradis au Rio Gabas, près de Riglos
- le Rio Asabòn : Embalse d'A Peña.
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sophietdbquebec · 1 year
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20 février - Parc du Mont-Tremblant
Nous avons rangé nos affaires après le petit-déjeuner et nous avons pris la route vers le parc national du Mont-Tremblant pour faire une randonnée. Nous avions un doute sur le fait que nous puissions la faire à cause de la tempête de neige sous laquelle nous roulions, même si ça donnait une super ambiance. La chance était de notre côté, le ciel était en train de se dégager quand nous sommes arrivés à notre parking. 
Nous avons emprunté le sentier de la roche, un chemin enneigé en pleine forêt. Nous sommes montés jusqu’à un belvédère avec une belle vue sur la vallée du lac Monroe, où nous avons pris nos sandwichs. Les nuages ont disparu pendant le repas, et nous avons eu un grand soleil pour le reste de l’après-midi. La redescente se faisait par le même chemin, mais ça nous a pris beaucoup moins de temps grâce aux toboggans de neige parsemés sur le chemin, clairement le meilleur moment de la ballade! Arrivés au centre d’accueil, Aymeric nous a quitté pour retourner à Montréal, et comme nous avions du temps, nous avons trainés autour de la cheminée avec un café/chocolat chaud et la vue sur le lac. 
Sur la route du retour, nous nous sommes arrêtés à la station de ski de Mont-Tremblant, l’une des plus grosses de l’est de l’Amérique du Nord. Quelques kilomètres avant d’arriver, il y a déjà des grosses infrastructures hôtelières et touristiques. Nous nous sommes promenés dans le village piétonnier de la station, à la fin de la journée de ski, tout le monde redescendait à sa voiture ou profitait des nombreux magasins du village. Il a été construit spécialement pour la station de ski, donc tout les bâtiments très colorés se ressemblent et l’on se croirait dans le Disneyland de la montagne. Il y a une petite ambiance de station alpine, mais les terrasses ultra-chauffées avec grands écrans nous rappellent que nous sommes bien en Amérique. Pour le goûter, nous avons mangé des queues de castor, une sorte de pâte à gaufres frite sur laquelle on peut napper ce que l'on veut. J'en ai partagé une au sirop d'érable avec Adrien.
Nous sommes rentrés à Montréal en début de soirée, lessivés de notre super week-end coupés du monde.
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anthonygagnon · 2 months
Montréal : Destination idéale pour les amateurs de plein air
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Salut les amis ! S'il y a bien une chose que je peux confirmer en tant que Québécois, c'est que Montréal est une destination incroyable pour tous les connaisseurs d'aventure et de plein air. Aussi animée que vibrante, Montréal a un charme unique qui saura séduire tous les amoureux de la nature et du grand air. Prêts à faire le plein d'air pur ? Allons-y !
Un paysage urbain teinté de verdure
L'une des choses que j’adore particulièrement à Montréal, c'est ce mélange de paysages urbains et naturels. Les magnifiques parcs en sont un parfait exemple. Le Mont-Royal, par exemple, est un espace naturel incroyable en plein cœur de la ville. Avec ses sentiers de randonnée, ses endroits pour pique-niquer et son belvédère offrant une vue panoramique sur la ville, c'est le lieu idéal pour se ressourcer.
Une multitude d'activités de plein air
Quelle que soit la saison, Montréal regorge de choses à faire en plein air. En été, vous pouvez faire du vélo le long du Canal Lachine ou du kayak sur le Saint-Laurent. L'hiver? Laissez-moi vous parler du bonheur de faire du patin à glace sur le magnifique Lac aux Castors ou encore du frisson de dévaler les pentes en luge sur les collines du Mont-Royal. Evidemment, en grand amateur de hockey que je suis, il me serait impossible de ne pas mentionner les nombreuses patinoires extérieures disponibles pour des matchs improvisés!
Gastronomie et détente en terrasse
Après une journée remplie d'activités, quoi de mieux que de se détendre et de savourer un bon repas sur l'une des nombreuses terrasses que l'on trouve à Montréal? La ville est célèbre pour sa scène gastronomique diversifiée, offrant des mets de tout horizon. Et durant les mois d'été, les rues s'animent et les terrasses fleurissent, offrant une atmosphère décontractée en plein air.
Montréal… un terrain de jeu pour les sportifs
Montréal est aussi une ville de sport. Football, soccer, baseball, ainsi que notre sport national, le hockey, y sont largement pratiqués. Sans oublier les installations de haute qualité pour le patinage, le ski de fond et le snowboard. Le pouvoir de ce mélange d'activités sportives en plein air et d'un environnement urbain stimulant fait de Montréal une destination formidable pour tout amateur de plein air. N'attendez plus et découvrez par vous-même cette ville qui sait si bien se démarquer par sa diversité d'activités de plein air. Montréal vous attend et je suis sûr qu'elle saura vous surprendre!
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lilstjarna · 8 months
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Nice est aujourd'hui la capitale des Alpes-Maritimes sur la Côte d'Azur mais elle fut pendant longtemps une ville italienne. Située au bord de la méditerranée, dans la baie des Anges, elle rend hommage à son passé avec ses façades aux couleurs chaudes.
La cité est bordée par des plages de galets où il fait bon farniente l'été mais propose aussi une importante offre culturelle avec ses nombreux musées ainsi que de jolies promenades verdoyantes, au cœur du centre-ville et dans les collines sauvages environnantes.
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Comment venir ?
Nice se situe :
en avion : 1h de Paris, 1h de Toulouse
en train : 25min de Monaco, 30min d'Antibes, 40min de Cannes, 40min de Menton, 1h10 de Grasse, 1h30 Saint-Raphaël
en voiture : 30min de Monaco, 40min d'Antibes, 40min de Menton, 45min de Grasse, 50min de Cannes, 1h10 Saint-Raphaël, 1h50 de Saint-Tropez
en bus : 20min d'Antibes, 30min de Cannes
Les villes du bord de mer en région PACA étant particulièrement bien desservi par le réseau ferroviaire je vous conseille fortement de profiter d'être à Nice pour visiter d'autres cités balnéaires méditerranéennes.
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Quand et combien de temps ?
Pour un grand week-end de découverte de la ville ou pour une petite semaine de vacances de repos, Nice s'adaptera à vos envies. En été comme en hiver l'ancienne cité italienne et celles à proximité vous offriront du soleil, de jolies couleurs et de quoi vous occuper.
Attention toutefois aux périodes de vacances scolaires, notamment celles d'été, et de jours fériés où la ville risque d'être prise d'assaut par les touristes.
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Quoi voir à Nice ?
Des lieux et bâtiments historiques : Vieux Nice, marché aux fleurs du cours Saleya, Palais de la Préfecture, place Saint-François, place Rossetti, tour Saint-François, place Masséna, quartier Belle Époque, palais Lascaris, place Garibaldi, Villas Castor et Pollux, boulevard Franck Pilatte, tour Saint-François, ruines romaines (les arènes et les thermes), port Lympia
Des promenades et espaces verts : Promenade des Anglais, Promenade du Paillon, Château de Valrose et son parc, Colline de Cimiez, mont Boron et le mont Alban, promenade du phare, sentier littoral, cascade de Gairaut, colline du château de Nice, parc Vigier, jardin Albert Ier, jardin de la villa Masséna, jardin du monastère
Du patrimoine religieux : chapelle de la miséricorde, cathédrale Sainte-Réparate, église Sainte-Jean-d’Arc, cathédrale orthodoxe russe, cimetière du château, église Sainte-Rita, église Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur, cathédrale Sainte-Répérate, église du Gesu, monastère des Franciscains, église Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice
Des musées : musée Chagall, musée d’arts asiatiques, musée masséna, musée Terra Amata, musée de la photographie Charles Nègre, musée des Beaux-Arts Jules Chéret, musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky, (musée des instruments de musique de Nice), musée Matisse, musée archéologique
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Quoi voir dans les environs de Nice ?
Des villes et villages : St Jean Cap Ferrat, la Corse, Menton, Monaco, Saint Agnès, Eze, Antibes, Grasse, Îles de Lérins, Saint-Tropez, Juan-Les-Pins, Mougins, Saint Paul de Vence, Biot, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Vence, Rimplas, Clans, Utelle, La Tour-sur-Tinée, Ilonse, Marie, Tournefort, Saint-Sauveur-Sur-Tinée et Bairols
Des espaces naturels : bords de la baie des anges, l'Estérel, vallée de la Vésubie, vallée de la Tinée, Camps des Fourches, Col de Pouriac, Auron, Lacs de Vens, Isola, Arboretum de Roure, canyon du Vallon du Moulin , la Colmiane
Des lieux uniques : Villa Rothschild, villa Kérylos
crédits photos @lilstjarna
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munschcanada2022 · 1 year
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Après près de 3 kms de déambulations dans les beaux quartiers nous arrivons enfin au parc Mont Royal.
Nous découvrons le lac aux castors. C'est un joli petit plan d'eau qui ne verra jamais le moindre animal du même nom.
Il fait chaud, plusieurs personnes courent torse nu.
Cédric nous force à faire une pause car une nouvelle fois j'ai oublié de prévoir un déjeuner dans le programme.
Le café des amis n'offre pas beaucoup de choix mais les produits sont bons et nous sommes en terrasse. Qui a dit qu'il faisait froid en novembre...
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wittylittle · 2 years
Préface. Max est venu me rejoindre près de la maison. Longue file devant mon bar préféré. Longue file devant les bars où je vais avec Punk des fois.
Max, venu en Audi, me propose d’aller boire des cidres sur la montagne à la place. Fuck oui.
On est amis avant tout. Il est aussi un amant avec qui je peux parler librement. On se comprend tellement bien dans nos kinks, nos désirs, nos envies pour tout le monde. Et des fois on baise.
On boit, on échange, je lui parle de mon nouveau Prince de Galles, il me parle de sa partenaire voluptueuse gourmande. On se remémore nos meilleures baises et notre amoureuse commune, aka ma meilleure amie, aka sa meilleure maîtresse, aka elle est morte.
J’ouvre mon manteau pour lui prouver que j’ai froid, que mes seins pointent à travers mon cachemire. Il soulève le lainage, embrasse ma poitrine. Je l’agace. On n’a plus le choix. On va devoir baiser. Dehors. Contre un mur du chalet du Lac-aux-Castors. Je ne le laisse pas m’embrasser. Juste qu’il me prenne par derrière, contre le muret où je peux surveiller si des gens peuvent nous voir. Il a été très efficace.
Il est venu en moi. J’ai remonté mon pantalon Adidas. En sachant très bien que j’allais dégouliner jusqu’à la maison. J’aime tellement ça. En me déposant, je lui ai dit à quel point j’aime ces moments si simples et si francs qu’on passe ensemble. J’ai un sourire narquois.
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jimenamuu · 3 years
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Montréal 🍁🍂 ist meine Lieblingsstadt. Montréal ist in Kanada und die Stadt hat  1.942.044 Einwohner (2016). Ich habe in 2017 für 5 Monate gelebt und ich habe in Université de Montréal studieren. In 2019 war ich dort als Touristin. 
Ich liebe Montreal weil ich finde die Stadt sehr schön, multikulturell, sichere und ruhig. 
Montreal hat am besten von einer Stadt und einem Weiler. Sie kombiniert die Nature und die Vortiele von der Stadt. 
Die offizielen Sprachen sind Französisch und Englisch aber vielen menschen sprechen andere Sprachen. In der Straße können wir Spanisch, Arabisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Deutsch, etc. hören.
Meine Sehenswürdigkeiten sind “Lac aux castors”, “Le parc Mont Royal” (sie sind im Berg Mont-Royal) und “Oratoire Saint-Joseph”. 
Ich will in Montreal leben weil sie meine ideal Stadt ist. ♥ 
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dead-molchun · 3 years
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Hurvin Anderson (1965-) Mount Royal (Lac des Castors), 1998 (259 x 193 cm.)
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architectnews · 3 years
NORM House, Baie d’Urfé Montréal
NORM House, Baie d’Urfé, Montréal, Canadian Architecture, QC Modern Building Photos
NORM House in Baie d’Urfé Montréal
30 Jun 2021
Design: Alain Carle Architect
Location: Baie d’Urfé, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
NORM House
Suburban Landscapes
The city of Baie-D’Urfe, situated at the southwestern end of the island of Montreal, Canada, was first founded in the 17th century to protect citizens from invasions coming from the south. Populated largely by farmers located along the shore of the St. Lawrence River, the town gradually expanded inland of the island. It was only after the Second World War that the area began to appear more like a traditional suburb with the propagation of prefabricated houses, established on subdivided lots of agricultural land.
The main street layout is organized according to principal axes following an orthogonal grid while the secondary arteries meanderingly follow the irregular topography of the area. The vegetation is dense and mature, giving a natural atmosphere to the otherwise suburban area.
The winding nature of the street means that multiple facades of the residences are often perceptible from many viewpoints from the road, consequently affecting the privacy of the inhabitants. This unique site characteristic presented an additional challenge as it contrasts the typical North American suburb that adheres to an orthogonal layout with a dominant single façade. In that respect, the basis of this transformation was to re-establish residential architecture – not as a manufactured product bought as a consumer good, but rather, as an architecture derived by qualities specific to a place.
Building a New Horizon NORM is a renovation and extension of an existing single-family residence that breaks the generic notion of the suburban house, typically built without real consideration to its context. Located on a gently sloping south-facing site, the original house left the sunniest part of land to the garage, while the living rooms were oriented to the north. From the outside, the arrangement of volumes revealed one garage door from the street, rendering the pedestrian access almost invisible.
The new configuration of spaces emphasizes a more explicit relationship to the landscape. With the complete reversal of program, the project redefines a unified link between different architectural volumes opening to specific landscape components on the site. The new glazed openings are now oriented to specific trees or other natural areas, to the sky or ground, so as to redirect original views of the manufactured suburban neighbourhood. In this way, the layout of spaces allows for a closer understanding of the landscape at large, giving the house a visual quality of isolation despite the nearby buildings.
The deliberate homogeneity of the interior finishes refers to the abstract and multi-directional characteristic of the architectural volumes perceived from the exterior. This radical approach relativizes the functional program of each room to subordinate it to the construction of a fluid ‘landscaped interior’, which is articulated under the play of light and complex lines of the designed space. This intentional elimination of materiality met the clients’ desires to live in a kind of minimal canvas of life, creating a neutral backdrop for their colourful lives.
The continuation of a uniform materiality between the interior and exterior finishes inherently creates a contemplative living space, dictated by subtle variations of light, nature, and seasons on simplified forms. NORM hopes to reinscribe a critical sense and awareness to the act of inhabiting, reinforcing a richer and more explicit relationship to the environment, all the while diminishing our material conquest that dominates our world of consumption.
NORM House in Baie d’Urfé, Montréal, QC – Building Information
Design: Alain Carle Architect
Project size: 395 m2 Completion date: 2021 Building levels: 3
Photographer: Félix Michaud
NORM House, Baie d’Urfé Montréal images / information received 300621
Location: Baie d’Urfé, Montreal, Québec, Canada
Montreal Architecture
Québec Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:
Montreal Architecture Designs – chronological list
Montreal Architecture Walking Tours
Montreal Architecture News
Montreal Houses
Castor Des Érables Development, Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC Architects: Parkhouse photographer : Parkhouse/Bardagi The Castor Des Érables Development in Montréal
Charlebois Lake House, Ste-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson, north of Montreal, Québec Architects: Paul Bernier Architecte photographer : James Brittain House in Ste-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson
Canadian Architecture
Canadian Architects
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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LYNETTE WILKES (née DELACOUR) is THIRTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and a SOCALITE among WIZARDING HIGH SOCIETY at LONDON. She looks remarkably like SARAH GADON and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently OPEN.
Sophisticated yet deceitful, Lynette Delacour is the tightly wound laces of a corset, the sharp edge of an icicle and a crystal chandelier shining in it’s beauty to mask the lost dancing souls beneath. The eldest daughter born to JULIETTE LA TREMOILLE - a difficult woman who’s vanity and notion of social standing consumed her every thought - and LOUIS DELACOUR; a kind man, who possessed a deep rooted sense of social justice; the pair were an unlikely match. While not a part of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Delacour’s held an elegant beauty that was envied amongst the french aristocracy. While Louis worked within the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France as a Defence Barrister, Juliette was a crowning jewel in french high society. Sadly from an outwardly perspective it was obvious Louis adored his wife more than she did him; loving him merely as much as she was able. With Louis traveling for work, Juliette ran their manor home. Ordering house elves to do her bidding as she thrust her children into the world of balls, banquets and the french wizarding aristocracy. Alongside her brother DOMINQUE - the sole male air -, Lynette was upheld to the highest standards. While her brother was raised to carry on the bloodline, Lynette was thrown into etiquette lessons which she excelled in. Juliette bragging of her daughter’s youth and beauty, was adamant that one day Lynette would easily secure a marriage contract with whomever she desired. Aspiring for her daughter to raise the family higher and marry into The Sacred Twenty-Eight no less.
Depicting power through possession and beauty, her mother found security in possessions. Frugality was unheard of in the Delacour house, with an rooted insistence on sharing the same ideology and grandeur with Lynette. While grasping onto an unrealistic idea of perfectionism, the love their mother possessed was frequently questioned in her quest of vanity; often rising to society’s ideals at the expense of her children’s happiness. Despite how hard they tried to please, their mother was left unsatisfied. With a narcissist as a ‘caregiver’, Lynette was raised in her mother’s image. Taught that perceptions were everything, the mere curl of a hair and the delicate french floral perfume adorning glittering skin could be the breaking factor in a match. As the eldest, Lynette carried the weight of the Delacour name on her shoulders. Eyes following her wherever she went, while at first she basked in the attention, the witch soon grew tired of the performative art of beauty; but knew it was her unfortunate burden to bear. Instead she learned how to turn it to her advantage. Playing the crowd with the gentle art of manipulation, she secured her desires and finery with faked innocence and a gentle toss of her blonde hair. Fated to a faked perfectly picturesque existence, Lynette grew more like her mother daily. Taught to accept nothing but pure perfection from herself, Lynette became her own worst critic. Upholding herself to unrealistic standards, with her mother’s looming disapproval she shamed herself into conformity.
The favourite daughter in her mother’s eye, while it came with her mother’s pernickety attitude and scrutiny, Lynette became her dearest confidant and the keeper of the family’s secrets. Merely twelve, she found her mother having an affair with her long lost lover. In a desperate plea to keep her secret, Juliette begged for Lynette’s discretion, knowing the leaked information would be scandalous and smeer the Delacour name. Reluctantly she accepted, not wanting her efforts to be in vain and to preserve the future fate of her siblings. Sitting complacent in her mother’s love affair, merely nine months later they welcomed AIMEE who unbeknownst to the rest of the family was the result of her mother’s claimed ‘moment of weakness’ and would never be a true Delacour by blood. While Lynette loved her family, the reservation and underlying dred gnawed at her with every glance at Aimee. Beauxbatons came at the perfect time. Fleeing the Delacour manor in a carriage pulled by abraxan winged horses, she found relief in leaving her mother’s secrecy behind and her newborn half sister. Challenging even the beauty of Veela’s, her charm and elegance captured many at the school leaving sorcerers fawning at her feet. Jealous witches deemed her ‘too good to be true’ as she spent her years excelling in her academics and flirting with boys from esteemed families alongside best friend ODETTE BEAUSOLEIL. While potions grew to be her forte, she became known around the school for her intellect as well as her beauty by those who sort to match her effortless grace. 
Donned as the example for her siblings, Lynette was scrutinised for not keeping them in line. Chastised for her younger sibling’s reckless behavior, CLAUDETTE’S disobedience and disdain for life in high society was a continuous strain on Lynette. Covering for Claude countless times, who was too distracted in her active rebellion against her mother’s wishes to fully grasp the consequences of her actions. Plucking leaves from Claude’s hair with displeasure and an often sturn icy exterior, she primmed her siblings to their mother’s liking knowing that if even a single hair was out of place Lynette would face the repercussions. Over time, a strain grew between the sisters. Lynette grew tired of playing fiddle to her mother’s whims, only for her actions to be undermined timelessly by Claudette. Having graduated and made a name for herself within high society, Lynette accompanied her close confidante SELENE SNYDE to an esteemed party unbeknownst of the company she’d soon acquire. One sorcerer that captured her attention was that of CASTOR WILKES; a beauty to behold their dark sensibility felt almost intoxicating to be around. Holding a sense of self entitlement, while she judged them for their candor and brash ways, they seemed elated in finding Lynette’s pressure points. Uttering inappropriate comments into her ear as they danced, they were challenging and pulled at Lynette’s tightly wound strings. A shared pointed look from across the room, they promised that the mere presence of them in her company could guarantee her the match of the decade; to none other than a member of The Sacred Twenty-Eight. 
Words like music to her ears, they forged a false union under the pretense that it would flock more potential marriage contracts to Lynette’s door step. Elated in the attention that she received, Lynette basked in her new found suitors; devouring the words of notable members such as OSIRIS NOTT and ASTRAOTH SNYDE; who bore her flowers and gems in hopes to win her hand. Frustratingly, despite those coming to pay her a kind word, Castor always found their way into her thoughts. Infuriated by Castor’s general lack of interest in unionship, Lynette appeased the interest of Astraoth and quickly became the gossip of Witch Weekly. Despite capturing the attention of a noteworthy member, Lynette’s heart belonged to Castor. Burning with desire for them, the pair played cat and mouse as they toyed with the other’s heart. Though in the end, they both found that despite everything they unaquiffically couldn’t scorn the other from their heart. With everything that came with being an ‘perfect’ pureblood, their love for one another was not one either wanted to sacrifice. Breaking off her relationship with Astraoth, Castor and Lynette were quickly married; unable to bear the thought of being apart a moment longer. Content in her new marriage, Lynette glowed with the knowledge she’d secured a true match. While not Twenty Eight, the name was renowned and well established for her mother to be appeased if not overjoyed for her eldest. Everything was seemingly perfect, until Claude shared the news of her planned elopement with none other than EVANGELINE SELWYN, whom she’d been secretly dating for years. 
Paranoid her sisters actions would once again ruin her pristine image and laced with concern Claude would befall the same fate as their late estranged uncle - who denounced the family name -; Lynette blackmailed MASON TREMBLAY to secure a marriage contract for her sister to ALEXANDER TREMBLAY. Presenting the knowledge and proposal to her mother, Juliette praised Lynette for her loyalty and for saving the Delacour name. Faking the idea as her own, Juliette scolded Claudette and broke apart the two lovers for good. While content in the knowledge she’d protected the Delacour name, Lynette's guilt grows daily as she sees her sister’s unhappiness and lost love; though claims it was for her own good. Residing in the Wilkes manor home in England, Lynette is a gem in London’s high society; though after three years of bliss she fears her marriage sparks are slowly fading. Evident in Castor’s growing jealousy upon seeing EVAN ROSIER’S infatuation with ANTONIN DOLOHOV, Lynette is a forced bystander as her partner slips further from her grasp. Distracting herself from her crumbling marriage and Castor’s loss of affection, Lynette has found comfort in LEONARD DU LAC. While out of character, destructive and questionable, it is the first time Lynette has grasped onto her own fate without the influence of others. Dwelling little on her fated unhappiness with her back pressed against a wall and lips trailing down her neck, it is a charmed distraction. Though with the untimely and sudden death of her father in law, VICTOR WILKES, Castor has become withdrawn and unreachable to her. With scandal gracing the Wilkes name in the form of GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES,  Lynette holds a sour taste for the woman who seemingly brought horror to the family. Comforting PERSEPHONE, Lynette is trying earnestly to gather her new families affairs in order; though fears some bonds may be beyond redemption.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Pansexual
Relationship Status → Married to Castor Wilkes
Previous Education →  Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Family → Juliette Delacour (mother), Louis Delacour (father), Dominique Delacour (brother), Claudette Delacour (sister/adversary) Aimee Delacour (known half-sister), Ophelia Delacour (estranged cousin), Castor Wilkes (partner/potential love interest), Persephone Wilkes (sister in law), Genevieve Avery (step-mother-in-law)
Connections  → Odette Beausoleil (best friend), Ruby Goldstein (close friend), Vincent Luc Millefeuille (close friend), Mason Tremblay (close friend/adversary), Selene Synde (friend), Osiris Nott (friend), Bellatrix Black (friend), Leonard Du Lac (romantic liaison/potential love interest),  Astraoth Snyde (ex-boyfriend), Alexander Tremblay (future brother in law), Eris Muliber (adversary), Evangeline Selwyn (adversary)
Future Information → Aunt of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour  
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kalis-scribbles · 5 years
French Canadian Cooking 101
So I was discussing French-Canadian food and I came up with the idea of making a little guide for Writeblr and @caz-writes. So for anyone writing or roleplaying in Quebec here’s what the locals often eat!
Side note on other cuisines: Quebec is a very diverse province and Quebecers eat a variety of dishes of foreign origin. Couscous is always popular, so is spaghetti, Chinese-Canadian cuisine resembles American-Chinese food a lot, with a big emphasis on starch. 
I’ll put the rest under a cut because this will probably a long-ass post. 
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Everyone knows this one, the queen of fast food. (Poutine is feminine in french) at its base, poutine is fries (preferably “brown and greasy” rather than light and crispy) with gravy and cheese curds. 
However, poutine doesn’t stop there, any poutine restaurant worth its salt will offer dozens of topping options. such as various meats, sauces (including spaghetti sauce) The Diallo restaurant chain for a time advertised hundreds of possible combinations. 
Paté Chinois
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Despite the name, it’s not a paté in the traditional sense. Also, despite its name translates to ‘Chinese paté’ is has nothing to do with Chinese cuisine. What it is, is a layer of mashed potatoes over a layer of creamed corn itself over ground meat, typically with onions. 
It’s a simple hearty dish that’s often eaten with plenty of ketchup and I spent most of my life despising. (My mother’s was inedible...)
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Probably the simplest and laziest dish on the list, Hachis is chopped potatoes and ground beef cooked together, typically with onions and Worchester sauce as seasoning and sometimes with whatever vegetable you have laying around as leftover. Some liquid is generally desirable. 
Ragout de pattes et boulette (Leg and meatball stew)
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This simple stew is a mix of pork hocks and meatballs along with potatoes, cinnamon and cloves are often used as a seasoning. The base typically includes finely chopped onions and garlic.
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Depending on where you are, tourtière can have very different meanings. In Montreal, it’s typically a simple ground-meat pie, but in some region like my mother’s native Lac-St-Jean, it means cubes of meat with potatoes. Cinnamon, Clove, and nutmeg are often the spice of choice to give a kick to this dish. 
Either way, this is the iconic Christmas dish in Quebec. 
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Cretons is a simple paté of finely ground pork, fat, onions, and spices. It’s typically served on toast, often with mustard. It’s a breakfast item and many restaurants will include it as an option with full breakfasts or on its own with toast. 
Soupe aux Pois
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This very hearty wintery soup is made of split yellow pea and salt pork, along with carrot, onions, and celery. For those who can’t be bothered to make it, it’s easy to find in large cans. 
Montreal-Style Smoked Meat
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This dish was created by the Jewish population of Montreal and is a Deli favorite (with Schwartz as the uncontested king of smoked meat.) Smoked-meat consist of slow-smoked marinated beef brisket. It’s served with mustard on rye bread. 
It’s not really something people make at home, although pre-prepared packages of smoked meat are easy to come by in grocery stores. Typically served with pickles and marinated peppers. 
Montreal-style bagel
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Montreal-style bagels are thinner, denser, and sweeter than their New York counterpart and are always cooked in wood-fired ovens. The two predominant varieties are poppy seed and white sesame seed. 
Orielle de Crisse (Pork Rinds)
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A traditional food, pork rinds are known as Orielle de Crisse (Lard ears). Not much else to say there.
Full Breakfast
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 Many restaurants in Quebec serves full breakfast, which here typically means; your choice of two eggs, toast, baked beans, sausage, ham, bacon, fried potatoes, baked beans, and fresh fruits. This also typically come with a choice of jam, peanut butter or cretons for the toast. 
Fêves au Lard (Baked Beans)
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Baked beans are a traditional breakfast item and come in several varieties; old fashioned, in tomato sauce, with maple, or molasses. Most people buy theirs out of a can, ready to eat.
Cabane a Sucre (Sugar Shack)
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Okay, so it’s not a dish, but an important and (admittedly odd) element of Quebec food culture. La Cabane a Sucre is a restaurant located among maple forests where people come to get maple candies and eat. 
Cabane a sucre typically have a flat price for all you can eat breakfast items such as egg, pancakes, hash browns, toasts and etc. Obviously maple syrup is plentiful.
It’s common for schools and community centers to organize trips there. Because they are remote they tend to have other attractions to keep quests such as discotheques, winter games, sketch artists and the like. 
This is also where you can get the following treat;
Tire a la Neige (Maple Taffy)
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Okay, so this is probably the most aggressively Canadian thing ever. Maple taffy is made by taking hot maple syrup and pouting it in thin strips on clean snow and letting it crystalize. That’s it!
Pet de Soeur (Nun’s fart...)
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Okay, so ignoring the bizarre name, Pet de Soeur or politely known in English as nun's pastries are rolls of pastry dough with cinnamon or molasses in between the various layers, which is sliced into disks and then baked.
Queue de Castor (Beavertails)
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No this has nothing to do with actual beavertails, no rodents were harmed in the making of this iconic carnival dish. Beavertails are at their core a sweet fried dough. 
Where they shine is the many, many different toppings you can add to them; from spreads, spices, fresh fruits, it’s hard not to find one that’ll do you good.
Bûche de Noël
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This cake is a staple at Christmas celebration and is easily bought in stores around that time of the year.
Tarte au Sucre
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This traditional Quebec pie is about the simplest you can get; a firm mixture of flour, butter, salt, vanilla, cream, and brown sugar or maple syrup. 
Sucre a la Crème
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Can’t be bothered to make a pie? You can basically make this little confectionary. It’s sugar, cream, maple syrup, and vanilla mixture that’s boiled and then set to cool in square molds.
Pouding Chômeur (Poor Man’s Pudding)
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Not the custardy type pudding, is a little airy sweet bread typically served covered in caramel sauce. 
Ketchup Chip
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It’s a stereotype at this point that Canadians love ketchup and... we put them on chips so we can’t exactly argue against it... This one is a bit more Canadian than Quebecer but still very popular alongside the ‘normal’ flavors. 
Another popular unusual flavor is dill pickle chips, generally Lay’s. 
Clamato and Ceasar
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I don’t think anyone but Canadians would think to mix spices, clam juice and tomato juice, bottle it and sell it, but here we are. Clamato is a local drink and quite iconic.
the Ceasar is a cocktail of clamato and vodka, typically with a rind of celery salt, a few dashes of Worcester sauce, tabasco and garnished with a celery stalk and lemon wedge. 
That’s about it, folks! I’ve probably left a few things out and might make some latter addendum but for now this is my little 101 into French-Canadian food.
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peacefulactivist · 4 years
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Hier, j’ai couru 12 KM pour KM FOR À CAUSE, une levée de fond pour le Foyer de femmes autochtones de Montréal. En ce temps de crise, n’oubliez pas que les plus vulnérables souffrent souvent davantage. Le Foyer est une ressource vitale pour plusieurs femmes à l’immunité compromise. Pour en apprendre plus sur la cause, veuillez visiter le lien suivant: gf.me/u/xn63bu, et soyez prudents! (à Lac aux Castors) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zqgWlDP_vMau6B5pq8zz_sf4ltlOgtOEr1Xo0/?igshid=mndalvyrj3he
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larucheanimation · 4 years
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August 11, 2019
We were enjoying a fun boat ride on the beaver lake. I just loved the little house they built for the duck on the lake. Thank you my love for roaring the whole ride.
11 Août 2019
Nous profitions d’une belle balade en bateau sur le lac des castors. J’adorais la petite maison qu’ils avaient construite pour les canards. Merci mon amour pour avoir pagayé tout le long de la promenade.
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lemondeabicyclette · 4 years
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Jours de dé-déconfinement dans le 514 rues Laurier, square Saint-Louis, boulevard Saint-Laurent, parc de Verdun, Lac des Castors et Rachel.
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