polizwrites · 2 years
A Secret Garden
It took Bucky longer than it should have to realize what was happening to Tony.  That the floral scent he’d assumed came from his companion’s clothing (or a woman) was in fact coming from very close to Tony’s heart.  
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: General Major Tags:  Canon-adjacent, mutual pining, hanahaki disease, Bucky POV Word Count:  289
It took Bucky longer than it should have to realize what was happening to Tony. At first, he thought the faint floral scent he noticed when standing next to Tony was just a new clothes detergent he was trying out or (as the darker part of his mind suggested) leftover perfume from a one night stand.
But it was stronger the next time he stopped by, and Tony looked a little paler than usual. “You feelin’ okay, champ?” Bucky asked, and Tony flinched, just a little.
“Yeah - just getting run a bit ragged,” Tony replied, a little too casually. “We’ve got a big product launch at the end of the month and I’m having to tie up a lot of loose ends personally.”
“Thought that was Ms. Potts’ job,” Bucky responded, frowning slightly at his companion’s reply. For Tony to admit he was burning his candle at both ends, well that meant he likely wasn’t getting any real rest at all.
“R&D is still my bailiwick, and I know exactly where and how to goose the teams in order to –” Tony interrupted himself with a cough, wet and hacking. He grabbed a shop rag off the nearby bench and held it to his lips for a moment, then stuffed it into a pocket. “Sorry. Just a tickle in my throat. It’s not contagious.”
“I’ll take your word on that.” A burst of scent had accompanied Tony’s cough, and Bucky’s sharp eyes had spotted a tell-tale blood red petal hanging from the edge of the rag. He knew what that meant; or at least what it used to mean. Bucky made a mental note that – once he was alone, that is – to ask JARVIS if hanahaki disease was still something people could suffer from.
This is a fill for today's  @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt [#FFF188 Where Secrets Lie].  I plan on expanding this by the end of the month to fill my Tony Stark Bingo Secret Admirer square, combining a prompt from   @lacrimulafalsa  (see below cut) and ideas from @hddnone‘s excellent (and angsty!) WinterIron hanahaki fic Seeds of Love .
Lacrimula Falsa#1898 prompted in STB Bingo Discord 5/1/22 -
?prompt Tony catches hanahaki disease - but unlike with the classic trope, the disease attacks people who feel unlovable or alone and can be cured by anybody sincerely confessing love or deep affection for the afflicted person. Bucky has had a secret crush on Tony and comes forward - and oh happy day, they get together. What nobody knows is that Steve's been in love with Bucky for a long time. So now he has hanahaki instead. But not wanting to break up two of his best friends, he keeps it a secret... -- Happy Stuckony ending please.
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stonylovessteve · 5 years
Will there be a 2020 round of Stony Loves Steve?
Unless something wild happens, there will very likely be another round.
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sineala · 5 years
Hey hello, let me just randomly pop up in your inbox to say that I would also love to read the "secretly a sub Steve" story. Have a great day.
It is definitely one of the things I am very much looking forward to getting a chance to write after I’m done with these giant WIPs and auction fic. I’m not sure what I’ll end up writing, but it’s definitely on the list!
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musicalluna-draws · 5 years
That art you did of Tony in lingerie for no-gorms' fic? Absolutely excellent and gorgeous. Kudos.
thank you!
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festiveferret · 5 years
I'm still laughing about your Stony fic about the (bean) grinder. XD It's great and hilarious. Kudos.
Thank you so much! It was fun to get a little ficlet out on a whim :D
(It’s here for anyone who missed it ;))
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latelierderiot · 5 years
I'm from Europe and definitely interested in those shiny "Tony Stark has a heart" (and Cap's shield) stickers, but ultimately it would depend on their finaly price, as I can only justify spending so much money on stickers. That aside, they are super gorgeous and I want to give you all the kudos for the design.
Thank you!♥
I still don’t know about prices, I don’t want to make them too expensive but I‘d like to cover the expenses, so I have to think about it.
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tonystarkssnipples · 5 years
Heya. While looking through your blog I noticed that on your /navigation page there's a small hickup where the tag for your fem!Steve verse isn't set up properly. ("tag name" links to it instead) Idk if this matters to you but I thought I'd let you know. Cheers!
Wow, I forgot I even had a navigation page it’s been so long since I used desktop. Especially since I stopped tagging shit.
If you’re looking for my Stephanie au, you can check it out here.
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copperbadge · 6 years
Hey Sam. I just learned you were in the Merlin fandom. Is there a specific reason you didn't watch to the end? I would love to hear your opinion on the Dragon, if you're so inclined. Cheers!
Oh, I don’t know, I think I just got weary of it. I was really waiting for the reveal, and it just never came :( So I reached the episode with the baby dragon, and that was where I left it. What a good way to end, with baby dragons!
I would have to rewatch in order to remember everything I thought about the dragon. I know I had a lot of side-eye for Kilgarrah, but also he was, you know, chained up under the castle, and in that situation I’d do what I could to get free too. 
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pillowfort-social · 6 years
A friend of mine bought a few keys just a few minutes ago, not yet having heared about invites being paused. Will she still get her keys?
Yes, all keys bought before noon EST tomorrow will be sent out.
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aurumacadicus · 6 years
What is Featheruary? It sounds exciting.
Featheruary started last year because I’m a slut for wing fic. Basically if you tag me in any art or fic including wings (preferably Marvel but I’ll reblog other fandoms I guess) I will reblog it! And probably work a little bit on my Angel AU or Wolves and Wings AU!
Edit: It was my winged response to MerMay lol
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itsallavengers · 6 years
Take a picture of the David Gandy advert for me? It's for science. (Feel free not to, I'm just curious.)
If I remember I absolutely will. You all deserve to see it. For science
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sineala · 6 years
As a keyboard nerd/enthusiast, may I ask what type of shiny new keyboard you have? ^^
I now have a left-handed Maltron single-handed keyboard!
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(The picture is not exactly the model I have; mine is a little newer and also a US model, so some of the keys are different but the basic shape is the same.)
I have cerebral palsy and have to type everything with my left hand; on a QWERTY keyboard I get about 30 wpm. I hadn’t bothered trying other keyboard layouts before because none of them promised to make me any faster than I already was, and so I didn’t see the point in switching.
But last year there was this post going around Tumblr making fun of these keyboards (”the left side is where I place my typing orb!”) which is how I discovered that they existed and that, furthermore, you can apparently get up to 85 wpm on one of these. And for 85 wpm... oh, yeah, I will definitely switch keyboards. If I get to 85 wpm I will cry tears of joy. (I will probably cry tears of joy at 50 wpm.)
The downside -- other than needing to learn a brand-new layout, obviously -- is that they are also super-expensive. Maltron is a small company that makes ergonomic keyboards and keyboards for people with disabilities, and I guess that’s enough of a niche market that the pricing is like this. On the plus side, they’re very well-made. But, like, this thing actually costs $500 new. So I stalked Ebay for months, and then in December, I finally found somebody with a bunch of these used for a price I was willing to pay. This was my expensive Christmas present to myself. Hooray.
So I have had this thing for about a month and as of today I have completed all the training lessons on the Maltron website to learn the layout. So I know where all the keys are without looking... but my wpm at this point is about 10, because I don’t exactly have the muscle memory yet. I can see how I’m definitely going to be able to be faster than on QWERTY, just because it requires so much less actual hand movement, but I’m not there yet. I guess I just... keep typing.
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lao-pendragon · 6 years
Your art is very beautiful and your comics have great humour in them. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Dawwwwww! Thank you for your messaaaaage
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peachcraftmc-blog · 6 years
I'm very new to the server and I was wondering about those "preservation requests". What are those about if I may ask?
Thanks for asking!
Essentially our server is about to go through a wipe. We’ll be using the same seed, but current money and builds will be gone.
A preservation request is essentially your way of saying “hey! I worked very hard on this build, and I’d like to keep it after the server wipe!”
You give us the coordinates for the building or town you want us to save from the purge and we will keep it nice and safe for you to continue using when we let everyone back in.
More information is available on the discord, along with the form!
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fandomtrumpshate · 6 years
FTH is awesome. I'm happy to see it run again. However it is US-based and -centred. I don't wish to imply that that's a bad thing, but as someone not from the US, I was wondering if you know of similar events that are focused on different countries or international charities? Have you heard of any?
Unfortunately, the last non-US event like this any of us mods can think of was the auction for Haiti after their earthquake, several years ago.
If anyone following us knows of such events, please let us know! We’d be happy to signal boost. And if you or anyone else is interested in running your own auction, we have some documents and advice put together to get you started, just email us at [email protected]!
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festiveferret · 6 years
"Hot Calamari" is my new favourite tentacle porn tag, thank you. XD
We have to get creative in this age of censorship. They can block the dicks, but they can’t stop our hot calamari loving! ( @franzwantscoffee )
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