#lady bish mid
asrielmerrymoon · 8 days
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Some late story daemos ladies for the girlies.
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Dude somebody reposted my old Lady Bish Fan art on Pinterest and it literally jump scared me and I saw it had comments and I was like "Oh no"
The Top comment was literally
"This image made me realize how much I love big boobs and giant ass"
I've been crying and laughing violently for 15 minutes and I cannot breathe help
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uglykidfromiceage · 2 months
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demons-mind · 2 years
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I mentioned this a long time ago but Rhal is cheating on Lady Bish with one of her servants (Sapphire) and he thought he was being sneaky about it.
However once it got out the he was having an affair, Lady Bish ran straight to Pierce to get the anger, frustration, and sadness out of her system.
She didn't think she would be so upset about finding this out but she did and hates herself for everything that build up to where she is right now. Pierce tries to comfort her the best he could, considering he still sees her as his dearest friend. (By the way, Pierce wanted to end Rhal once he managed to calm Bish down)
Hope you all still like it though! 💚💚💚
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littlewonders7 · 2 months
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Just some lady bish!
The first two are the original color palette and the other two are me guessing or getting something close from it!
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Tempted to write Lady Bish very ‘men writing women’
Just ‘her breasts breasted breastily as she walked breast-first into the breast room’
But only Lady Bish. No one else.
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witchykale · 1 year
September MID headcanons #30
Pretty much the entire royal family has the short genes.
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lucindasthighs · 2 years
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hikaririnku-blog · 5 months
Hikari MID Rambles #1
I've been thinking random thoughts about MID, some additions/reinterpretations that can just be put into one post. This is also gonna help me with a rewrite I'd be planning because I am dedicated asf LMAO. So, feedback and additional thoughts are welcome! Daemos Society: The many times I've rewatched MID and how much we get within the castle is a great start, but other than where the last human soul was held and some smaller flashbacks with Daemos, we don't exactly have much on the outside of the castle. Discussing it with some other friends that have watched it, I thought of an idea that, with how absolutely brutal Daemos can be towards their own kind ⁽*ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ* ᴬˢᶜʰ'ˢ ᴰᵉᵃᵈᵇᵉᵃᵗ ᴰᵃᵈ *ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ*⁾, maybe there were a little more interconnected to keep the most powerful close, and the least powerful contained. Maybe, instead of villages outside of a castle town, the kingdom has sectors for living, some sectors closer to the actual castle where uncommon knowledge is withheld, and even powerful Daemos reside there (basically, their version of "rich" people, since it is implied they do not have currency, at least in an actual money sort of way), hence the rarely spoken "ranking" system they have. The farther away the sectors, the weaker Daemos residents are, and are kept that way through boarder control. Only way to move up in living and in power is through your hard-working efforts. This also may help explain how Bish ended up recognized by and married to Rhal, and how Noi managed to be a knight despite his lowest rank. It doesn't mean they won't be looked down upon as seen by Noi's fellow comrades and Lady Grandma towards Bish, but they still more than likely shown more than enough effort to be where they're at now. With it also being in separate sectors, the current ruler for the sake of instilling fear and sending a message can absolutely ruin, if not fully destroy, a sector, if they so pleased, or help it. Hair: Partly inspired by @load-theloading-artist 's thoughts on hair styles (link to their post here), I do imagine very similarly Daemos have different hairstyles to hide vulnerability and/or show confidence, but also have ideas of some hairstyles that are more combat-ready as well. A lot of those that fight either have shorter hair or have longer hair that is tied back to help them within said combat, and more of your regal, non-fighters will assume some more "fashionable" hair (i.e. braids, buns, half-up, etc.) With that being said, though, it can show status as well, like the ones that are more modest and are your run-of-the-mill civilians may care less for their hair, or if they do, they may get sneered at by (in their own terms) "weaker" Daemos that assume they're trying for nothing, or they'll be like the rest of the more powerful Daemos that just forgets about them or be cruel to them and will avoid them; either way it'll look and feel like an insult. Other teachings: I'd assume there'd be more teachings in Daemos society other than just the combat. Medical fields to help injured soldiers (prioritizing healing magic for those able, and have subcategories of physical treatment, herbal remedies, etc.) would be great within this time of magic crisis, and some lighter teachings for the civilians. With how dystopian the world of the Daemos feels, some history may be hidden, either within the mystical library of the kingdom, or even in forbidden areas (this may be due to Asch's Dad to keep his power longer in my mind's eye, he just seems a kind of monarch that would Do That), and maybe there's even a way to restore magic without human souls. The history teachings would be in rebel groups that are super lowkey and underground. Language teachings, to help read, write, and speak in other languages other than the Daemos's home language (probably is useful for Daemos that only speak a certain language and was once used to communicate with humans a long time ago before they were eradicated for magic usage.) (Continuing in next post!)
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jellybellyboo · 3 months
Day 4, Woooo, okie, heres a drawing a did of Lady Bish. She's technically part of the royal family, so i say she counts for this prompt.
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MID week day 4, Prompt: Royalty
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drinkintrashjuice · 22 days
Ep. 5 o0o (MID Rewrite)
This chapter I’m gonna focus a little bit more on Daemos for a bit. Only cus in the next few eps the storyline for what’s going on in Daemos is gonna be a much more smaller element to focus on the relationship between Ava and the Daemons. A few notes before we start the chapter tho, there are a few characters I renamed. Which are Lady Bish and Rhal. I renamed them Lady Ki and Hitoma because with Lady Bish I CAN’T take her seriously especially with what goes on in this chapter. With Rhal though I did it because on KNEW I would mix his and Rhys’s name up lol. ANYWAYS please enjoy!!!!
Episode 5: Death and popcorn
Hitoma’s steps echoed through the castle halls. Yet, these steps were aimless, with only one goal. To find his father.
He’s been wanting to talk to him about his careless mistake of choosing Asch for this “big mission” instead of him. If it was so important, why in the gods’ names would he choose Asch? He thought.
While this may leave a part of his body bruised or broken, he needed to ask his father about his decision.
But for whatever reason, he couldn’t find him anywhere. Not in his throne room, in Lady Ki’s room, the dining room, he was nowhere.
Hitoma started to get irritated. What was all the praise for? What was all his work for? If he was just going to send Asch on a life or death mission and then fuck off?
While in his palace of thoughts, Hitoma accidentally bumped into someone. When he snapped out of his daze, he found an angry looking Lady Ki.
“Lady Ki! My apologies, I did not see you.” Said Hitoma while bowing.
Lady Ki lightened her expression, “Never mind that Hitoma” she grabbed his hand, “I was looking for you anyways. Let’s walk and talk.”
Lady Ki then dragged a confused Hitoma throughout the castle.
“L-Lady Ki! Where are we going!?” Asked Hitoma, while struggling to keep up with Lady Ki’s pace.
“Hitoma…it’s regarding some news you may not like.” Her voice took a more somber tone.
Hitoma’s mind was a storm of questions. Where was Lady Ki taking him? Was the news involving his father? What was with the change of tone?
Right after Hitoma started to get synced up with Lady Ki’s steps, they seemed to be at their destination. The throne room.
Lady Ki slammed the door open, startling most of the knights there. Of course they all immediately saluted right after, and Lady Ki let Hitoma walk in front of her.
Hitoma was lightly confused at this curtesy. He stood in front of the chair he almost always saw his father in. And for the first time. It was cold.
It had lost its status of warmness his father had left it in. The state Hitoma always found it in as a child before he was kicked out by a knight or his mother.
“Lady Ki…what is the meaning of this?” Hitoma turned around to face Lady Ki.
“Hitoma…your father…he sadly has passed during a mission.” Said Lady Ki, her eyes looked glossy.
“You mean…he’s dead?” Said Hitoma, with a mix of emotions he was unsure of.
Lady Ki nodded, “While Asch is your older brother, he’s unavailable. So you will have to fill the spot as King. Which means I am now your advisor.”
Hitoma couldn’t tell how he felt. He was overjoyed that he was finally getting something he felt like he deserved, but if Asch was still here, it would’ve gone to him. The main reason he even tried so hard was to feel worthy. Yet when his father was alive, the only reward he was given was not getting punished as much.
There was a tiny bit of himself that was glad his father was dead. He felt horrible for it, but that tiny piece of himself yelled at him not to be. It told him that his father time and time again made it so he’d have to try extra hard to be better. It told him his father was unfit for a role such as this.
That piece of himself told him that his father, Yakedo, is looking up at him. And that was where he was meant to be. He was meant to be burned at the stake.
This made him prouder to outlive him. To even manage it.
“If this is the role I have to fill then so be it.” He turned back to the throne.
“Ah, yes” she clapped her hands together and the knights around them left the room, “shall we get to my suggestions then?”
Later that night, Lady Grandma walked to the throne room in search of Lady Ki. Lucky for her, she happened to catch her right as she walked out of it.
“Ah, Lady Ki,” she picked up her pace to catch up with her, “there’s something I wanted to ask.
“hm? What is it?” She closed a notebook she was holding and faced Lady Grandma.
“It’s not usually like myself to pry or sneak and anything of the sort…but I happened to walk by the throne room when you…” Lady Grandma started to look increasingly nervous.
“When I what? Spit it out.” Said Lady Ki, hurrying Lady Grandma.
“Lady Ki…Yakedo isn’t dead…you know this” Lady Grandma straightened a bit, “I can’t let you manipulate Hitoma like this…it isn’t right.”
Lady Ki cocked an eyebrow, “and how do you know he isn’t? I can’t go by your word, and we both know Yakedo would never go on some wellness vacation with the enemy.”
Lady Grandma weighed her options. She could stand down and trust Lady Ki with making Hitoma king. Yet there’s something in her gut that’s telling her that something isn’t right.
“Lady Ki…follow me. I want to show you something.” Said Lady Grandma.
The blonde did as she was told, and they made their way to the castle’s library.
Lady Grandma uncovered a door that was hidden behind a multitude of books. Once she opened it, it revealed a box of scrolls. She sifted through it, opening some to kiss her teeth in disappointment and quickly put it back to look more.
After a while, Lady Grandma finally found what she was looking for, and quickly went to Lady Ki to show her.
“This is how I know.” She opened the scroll to show a set of vitals for Yakedo, Hitoma, and Asch.
“Around the time Hitoma was born, Yakedo asked me if I could set something up where I could tell if someone in the royal family has deceased.” She then mumbled a tiny command that Lady Ki couldn’t hear.
The scrolls golden vitals then switched to another set, containing herself, Yakedo’s late wife, and her late husband.
“Lady Ki, you saying that Yakedo’s dead…it’s a flat out lie.” She closed the scroll and looked at Lady Ki, her eyes unwavering.
The look Lady Ki gave her was like that of a predator. Like Lady Grandma had walked right into her trap.
“I knew there was something…you’ve proven to be a stick in my plans.” With the flick of her wrist she formed her weapon, which was a scythe.
She swung at Lady Grandma, but before it could hit her, she formed a shield in front of herself with her magic.
“I thought you took the magic crisis seriously.” Said Lady Ki sarcastically.
“Of course I do, but I see now this is life or death.” She readied herself for another attack from Lady Ki.
“You won’t last long. Much too old to.”
“You’re dealing with someone who’s memorized every spell in the book and more.” She formed her staff, “being a mage may be a dead art, but it certainly isn’t a weak one.”
Lady Ki lunged at Lady Grandma to swing at her again. The blanchette used her staff to open a small portal to the other half of the library that she quickly went through.
She cast another spell with her staff that would alter her vision to see body heat. It was smaller than an x-ray type spell, and took less energy.
Lady Grandma scanned all around the library for any sign of Lady Ki. She could see that what she thinks is the blonde was running all throughout the library to find her.
She ran all across the room avoiding all the paths Lady Ki was going. She was careful not to stomp when running, so the hunting advisor wouldn’t catch wind of her.
The blondes’ movements were quick, easily being able to trip up a median-skilled knight. Yet the ex-queen has seen her fair share of swift knights. After all, Lady Ki was far too predictable to her for the extra pizazz she was putting in her steps.
Suddenly, Lady Ki disappeared from Lady Grandma’s vision. The older woman wildly scanned all around the room to see for any sign of her.
She soon found out with the blunt side of Lady Ki’s scythe hitting her in the back of the head.
The world spun around Lady Grandma and she was completely disoriented. Taking advantage of this, Lady Ki put her scythe right underneath the older woman’s neck.
“I told you. Quite a pathetic fight. You were my teacher for the gods’ sake.” Said Lady Ki putting salt in the wound of Lady Grandma’s loss.
“What..!? How did you-“ Lady Ki brought her scythe closer to Lady Grandma’s neck.
“Simple, I made myself as cold as ice. Of course much less obvious than normal I’m not stupid.” She furrowed her brows, “You didn’t think I was making those movements to find you did you?”
Lady Grandma tried to think of anything else she could’ve possibly have done. She knew Lady Ki couldn’t have memorized a spell as obscure as that. There weren’t many situations you would use it in.
The only thing that Lady Ki was willing to remember was rituals. It’s then that it hit Lady Grandma. That fast pace, the repetitive movements. She was creating a ritual that would remove her body heat.
“Now, I’ve reconsidered a bit, and…well it’d be pretty stupid to kill you off.” Said Lady Ki as she eased the scythe away from Lady Grandma’s neck.
“How about we make a deal?” The blonde stomped her foot on Lady Grandma’s chest to keep her down.
She Raised her scythe and cut her hand deep enough so blood would slightly gush from it.
This was called an “Oath of Blood and Heart”. A sacred ritual that Daemons hold near to their hearts. It’s considered heinous to deny another Daemon this, as the original idea was for it to be used after careful thinking.
Sometimes it’s used for marriages, relationships, important promises, all of the sort. Other times it’s used for blackmail, or other horrid intentions.
This is when a Daemon is hit with the question of whether they deny their culture, or force themselves to abide by the rules set by the ancestors.
Lady Grandma considers Daemon culture important, despite how altered this part of it was the more time went on.
She sighed, “What is it…?” She said weakly
“You say nothing of this to anyone.” She grabbed Lady Grandma’s hand, and cut a wound in it similar to hers.
“And you help me with my…plans” She extended her hand to Lady Grandma. And the older woman reluctantly took it.
A tingly feeling spread throughout both of their bodies, and they could feel each other’s pulses, if only for a few seconds. The feeling was still foreign to Lady Grandma, as she’s only done this two times in her life.
Once with her father when she was declared queen and promised to keep Chikara power in tact, and twice when she married her husband.
Yet this felt different. Almost as if this altered something. Of course the other times it felt similar, but this felt negative.
“I’m glad we could come to an understanding Lady Grandma.” Said Lady Ki as a smile appeared on her face, “Would you like to hear about my plans?”
The new day was weirdly gloomy. The sun was out of course, and crops were thriving, yet there was a great sense of dread in the air.
Today the people of Chikara were expecting an announcement from Yakedo, or someone in the royal family. Announcements like these always came with a caveat though. No matter how good or life changing whatever it was they were doing was, there was always something to drag it down.
The families in Chikara dreaded these days, for fear of their sons and daughters getting recruited. Some even try to keep their children as hidden as they can, as to not have the overwhelming dread of potentially losing their children.
That worked up until Yakedo made it a law for a family to bear at least two children. If these families continued to hide their children, soldiers by the dozen would come and search their home for them, and take them to the gods’ know where.
It was a rough few years for the people of Chikara, but it was more mentally than anything. Physically they were all at their A-game. Everyone while some not wanting to admit, had a need to be on top. To want to be everyone else’s savior. This competitiveness made it so if you weren’t family to these people, you’ll risk being trampled by them.
This is exactly what happened to a few people when they were called to gather around the front of the palace by a gong.
Instead of seeing Yakedo, they saw Hitoma.
“My people, I bring…distressing news.” Started Hitoma. He tried his best to hide his undeniable excitement.
“Before I tell you this though, I tell you the story of a Daemon. A Daemon who fought his way to the top. A Daemon who ruled this place, and kept our status of power until the day he was struck down.” Hitoma made his voice as grim as possible.
“Of course, I’m talking about my dear father Yakedo. Who has sadly passed away during a mission.” A wave of gasps and noises of confusion filled the air. There wasn’t a sign that that had even happened. What mission?
They knew their questions would never be answered. Not in a million years. They knew they had to keep their hope in check. Risking another disappointing set of years.
“My brother, Asch, is on a mission, so he will not be able to take up his spot.” Hitoma tried to make himself look taller, and more proud than he already is.
“That leaves me to fill this beyond important role.” He pumped his voice full of pride and the wind flared his cape, making him look bigger.
Hesitant cheers flared up in the crowd. This sudden change, it barely made any sense. Despite this, a spark of hope rippled through the atmosphere.
The people knew little of the relationship between Yakedo and his sons, but they did know a pattern. For generations, there has been a certain day where the next person in line for the throne changed. It was like day and night, one day the future ruler would have the widest smile on their face. The next they’d be emotionless. Not a thought behind their eyes, other than ruling their kingdom and the thirst for power.
But this felt different. Hitoma was full of energy, and looked excited to fill his father’s shoes. The people of Chikara were praying nothing would ruin this spark of hope.
Yet as all things do in this kingdom, there was caveat. A sign god denied their prayers.
Heels clicked onto the platform, and hands not even dented with the slightest scars pushed Hitoma away. The woman clasped her hands together, silencing all who weren’t paying attention.
A crown rested upon her head, and the figure dawned royal blue robes. The woman absentmindedly singled a servant to hand Hitoma his crown. Hitoma was more than confused.
She looked at the crowd analyzing their faces. Shock, confusion, frustration, all of which she expected.
“I’m sure you’re all confused, yes?” The woman adjusted her crown, “For starters, all of you will call me queen Ki. Get used to it.”
Hitoma started to panic. He didn’t know why at the moment though. He had no idea he was going to marry Lady Ki. Yes they’re the same age, but he didn’t like her like that. Hitoma then started getting frustrated.
Why is Lady Ki making herself queen? There should be a ceremony, he should get to pick who’s queen, today was supposed to be about him.
“I promise you all under Hitoma and I’s ruling, the way we get things done will have us on top.” Lady Ki made her eyes stern, “But to get there, we’ll need sacrifices.”
fear slowly fell into the crowd. This would be like the last king, before Lady Grandma’s ruling.
“We wish you all a good day. We thank you for this honor of ruling this kingdom. Chikara shall rise.”
Chikara shall rise echoed within the crowd, as Lady Ki disappeared into the castle.
Hitoma felt as if he was going to explode. He didn’t know what Lady Ki meant by sacrifices, but he didn’t want to.
He quickly followed Lady Ki into the hallways.
“Lady Ki, what are you doing!? I…you can’t be serious!”
“This is for your own good Hitoma,” she cupped his cheek in her hand, “besides you’ll still have control as you know.”
Hitoma slapped her hand away, and the blonde backed away with slight anger.
“I need a straight answer. I’ll still have control, right?” Hitoma balled his fists.
Lady Ki knew how strong of a fighter Hitoma was. As much as she wanted to try, she’s had enough fights this week.
“Of course Hitoma! I’ll simply be an advisor without you having to choose one!” Said Lady Ki eerily cheerful.
Hitoma sipped the kool-aid taking her words with full seriousness. He unclenched his fists and crossed his arms.
“I…I believe you.” He looked at Lady Ki, with full trust in his eyes.
Hitoma walked past Lady Ki and submerged into the darkness of the castle.
“Of course my king…” she smirked and followed him into the darkness.
Ava was woken up by her alarm, but it seemed it was going on for awhile. It was bright outside so it was at least 10 but her alarm goes of at 6.
She tiredly turned it off and looked at the ceiling. Yesterday had to be the shittiest day she ever had.
She couldn’t tell herself it was her fault, she didn’t want to. In her heart, she thought it was those Daemos guys. She thought Lorelei was overreacting.
She quickly sat up, “Lorelei!”, she picked up her phone and looked at her text.
It read: “Hey Ava! By the way I was looking I’m sure you thought something bad happened but nah! But like this reminded me of something I’ve been wanting to tell you for ages. Can you like TELL ME THINGS!? For this I understand, but there’s things you don’t tell me that I feel are important for me to know. Even with this, you told me nothing about these guys! Unless they’re just good actors and you’re some part of some acting crew this is REAL. And you lied to these guys! Idkkkkk it’s just weird. If you like REALLY need me I’ll be there but me thinks space is the best option. Just for me to think things through”
Ava groaned and laid back down. She thought more about last night, and how she thought about the Daemons at the time.
She didn’t know what she thought of them anymore. The way she thought at the time, it had to be a moment of weakness.
Just then, Ava heard an army of knocks on her bedroom door, snapping her out of her daze.
“I’m coming! Wait a minute!” She yelled and opened the door.
Standing outside the room was Asch, with a peeved expression on his face.
“Princess Ava,” said Asch, not hiding his annoyance, “I remember you saying you were gonna make more of an effort to teach us about this planet yes?”
Ava slowly nodded. She was silently hoping it wasn’t that late.
“Excuse us if we’re wrong but it’s twelve right now…that’s considered late in human time right?”
Ava cursed to herself, she didn’t think it was that late. She didn’t want this prince guy intimidating her again, if she started having nightmares about it, she’d just end it.
“Listen…” said Ava, “I know it’s late but we can learn about…each other!”
Asch cocked his head, but did a satisfied hum. Ava silently congratulated herself for thinking of something on the spot.
Once again she stood in front of the table and clasped her hands together.
“K’! We’re gonna do stuff to get to know each other more!” Ava desperately searched her brain for any ideas.
Lorelei was way better at these things. Actually, she was better at anything that involved socializing.
Ava knew her way around a conversation, but she never felt the need for more than one or two friends. They’ll just eat up into her time, and gone would be the days of sitting and doing nothing but eating ice cream on the couch.
But here she was, standing in front of five guys that were from a whole different planet. If she was too corny, they might just execute her on the spot or something.
“U-Uhm…I’ll ask a question about your world, and you answer. After that you ask me question about earth, and I’ll answer that” said Ava while sweating bullets.
She didn’t want this to seem childish, these guys looked the type to be offended by that sort of stuff.
“Alright, go on.” Said Asch, choosing to sit on the arm of the couch.
Ava had a few questions, but not as much as she thought she would have. Most things she just kinda guessed about. Just by their clothes and the way they talked was a big enough give away of how their world is.
Then, she could feel it. The nerd gears in her brain started to churn. If this was anything she thought it was, they must’ve lived in some fantasy world.
There were so many questions she wanted to ask. If she wasn’t careful, she’d slur her words into a hodgepodge of questions.
“Okay okay! So do you guys have weapons of any kind?” Said Ava with a newfound sense of excitement.
“Oh, yeah” All the Daemon’s formed their weapons as if it came out of their hands.
Ava was surprised but also fascinated. She couldn’t help but geek out about this sorta stuff. She unintentionally ooo-ed and aaa-ed at their weapons and murmuring to herself about them. She didn’t dare touch them though.
Asch’s weapon was a samurai sword with a golden blade and matte black hilt. It looked as if it glowed, and it was the most majestic sword Ava had ever seen.
Leif’s weapons were two daggers with emerald green hilts and silver blades. They looped in a semi-oval way, seemingly for climbing.
Noi’s weapon was a simple bow and arrow. The bow was white with golden markings, and the arrows were white with golden tips.
Pierce’s weapon was a large axe almost as large as his body. The whole thing was a navy blue, but the handle had black bandage-like streaks on it.
Rhys’s weapon was a wooden staff. The actual wood was a dark purple and on top was a blue gemstone.
“W-Wow! Oh my god I’m always wanted to see stuff like this close!” Ava’s eyes squinted, “how comes I’ve never seen them before?”
Rhys raised his hand and pointed at his palm. On it was a dark blue rune with words around it that were definitely not English.
“They come out of our hands. We form them in a sense.” Said Rhys, “Our weapons are apart of us, so there’s no need to worry about magic.”
Ava’s eyes glittered with curiosity. She excitedly grabbed Noi’s and Pierce’s palms to compare the two.
Both men were a bit surprised by the sudden softness in their hands, but with Noi it was more obvious with his face becoming red.
“So they’re in different languages…” She grabbed Leif and Asch’s hands, “But they all have a rune in the middle…”
Leif snatched his hand away from Ava with a annoyed look on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Very interesting, but don’t touch me.” Said Leif
Ava shrugged, “My bad.” She continued marveling at their hands.
“Can we have our question?” Asked Pierce while slightly raising his hand.
“Oh! Yeah! My fault, what do you guys wanna ask?”
A flurry of questions invaded the room. It felt like she was in a kindergarten, especially with how simple the questions were. She tried to pick out a question within the sea of them, but she quickly started to get annoyed.
“Yo!” She yelled, all the Daemons quieted down
“One at a time, K’?”
All five of the men discussed with each other. Ava guessed it was for who had the better question.
Noi later piped up while Asch groaned with annoyance.
“What’s a…Move-ii-e…and could we watch it?”
Ava snorted at the pronunciation, “You mean a movie? Sure I guess, I’ve asked all the questions I wanted to.”
Some of the Daemons protested given they had lots of questions, but Ava shut them down.
“I don’t wanna hear any complaining! We’re gonna watch a movie! I-I’ll just find one…” Said Ava picking up the remote and turning on the T.V.
At the press of a button on the remote, a bass boosted jingle played as green letters spelling “Hulo” appeared.
All of the Daemons were startled by this and readied their weapons.
“Woah! Woah! Hey! That’s just a streaming service! Calm down!” She stood in front of the T.V. to hopefully stop them from attacking it.
“Ugh! Stop saying sh- stuff that you think we’re gonna understand!” Yelled Leif seemingly at his limit.
“O-Okay! Just calm down! I’m gonna put on a movie!” Said Ava turning to browse the service.
While Hulo was the better of the cheaper streaming services, it still was kind of a mixed bag. Its anime section was the best, especially for a mostly American service. But all she felt like was maybe Evangelical, and she didn’t feel like having to explain it.
she then saw a movie she hadn’t seen in a bit, My Neigbor Jotoro
She always thought it did a good job of mixing its action and comfy scenes together, and the Daemon guys might like it since it’s well animated.
“We’re gonna watch this, k’?” All the Daemons nodded and started to study the T.V.
Ava sat in the middle of the couch between them all. The five men stared at her, paying no mind to the movie. Ava started to get slightly annoyed at this. Not because they were staring at her, but because this really was one of her favorite movies, and she wanted to enjoy it in peace.
“Hey! Movie?” Said Ava. The Daemons nervously looked away.
One of the guys seemingly left, but Ava didn’t pay no attention. At this point, she was pretty engrossed in the movie.
It was only a few minutes into the “Move-ee” till Asch noticed that Rhys left the “cow-ch”
He looked around the room in search for him. He saw him standing by the fridge with a content smile on his face.
He seemed to be enjoying whatever they were watching, or enjoyed it enough to not be annoyed by it.
Rhys was always like that. He made sure you knew if something pissed him off, but he described it in fancy words, like cross. Sometimes Asch felt like he needed some type of guide to talk to him.
Asch knew deep in his heart though, as much as it annoyed him, he felt something towards Rhys.
The way he was so passionate about everything he talked about, how his eyes sparkled in the moonlight, how intricate and detailed all his hairstyles were. All of these little things came together to make a tight feeling in his chest.
Even thinking how he would respond to things would make him feel warmer. The fact Rhys knew him so well too. Obviously he’s his advisor so he should, but he knew every little thing.
Sometimes it felt like even if Rhys was Hitoma’s advisor he’d still feel these same feelings.
But Asch couldn’t lie, this feeling pissed him off.
It’s like Rhys invaded his mind sometimes. He’d be doing something completely unrelated to him and think “I wonder what Rhys is doing?” And suddenly thoughts of him clouded his mind.
Or other times Asch would just stare at him with no thoughts at all, or lots of them.
Actually he was doing that right now without noticing.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts and started to blush as he noticed Rhys was staring right at him.
He figured he should follow through with the interaction. Rhys would get annoyed for “wasting his time” as he called it.
He stood up and walked towards Rhys and sat on the counter next to him.
“You don’t have to be here my prince…” whispered Rhys, “Go watch the movie with everyone else. I really don’t mind.”
“Nah, I can watch from here.” Asch thought for a bit, “why would you assume I wouldn’t wanna be here?”
Rhys stayed quiet, which really annoyed Asch. He always kept certain things from him. Stuff that would help him understand him better.
“Can’t you just tell me? It’s not that hard…” Said Asch. Rhys finally looked at him.
“It’s just something that you said is all…it’s a childish reason.” Said Rhys looking back at the T.V.
“Rhys if I say something you didn’t like tell me. You’re usually really good at that.” Asch quietly laughed at himself.
Rhys once again fell quiet, but he reached to grab Asch’s hand. He stopped halfway through, and turned to look at Asch.
“When I was a kid, a lot of times I was called soft for crying about certain things or my head being more sensitive when styling my hair.” Whispered Rhys in a way only Asch could hear. “I didn’t even talk till I was three.”
“I’ve never seen you cry though.”
Asch could feel the air around them becoming awkward. He wanted this conversation to lead to some type of comfort between them. Despite how wimpy that sounded.
“I won’t call you soft anymore. I didn’t know it had that much baggage with it.” Said Asch looking into Rhys’s eyes.
“I know I tell you this a lot but…I like you for you and stuff. You don’t have to repress anything about yourself.” Said Asch. Rhys looked at him surprisingly.
Asch didn’t really know what he did to deserve this type of reaction.
“Ah sorry…I’ve never heard you use that word before.” Said Rhys with genuine respect.
Asch got a bit mad thinking it was something else.
“Also…you look…beautiful in this sunset…that’s what humans call this time of day I think.” Rhys cupped Asch’s face while moving hair out of the way.
Asch immediately turned into bright red. He wasn’t expecting something like this.
Rhys quickly took his hand away with his horns turning a dark purple.
“My apologies my prince…that was unprovoked.” He turned to the T.V. nervously.
“You’re fine Rhys…I’m glad you think I look good.” Said Asch bewildered to how he said that whole sentence without stuttering.
“Y-You wanna go sit with the rest of the group or do you wanna stay here.” Said Asch turning to the T.V.
“No…it’s a bit too crowded for my liking. I like being alone together as well.” Said Rhys not comprehending how that sounded.
“I know we’re not technically alone but in each others vicinity and only that.”
Asch somehow blushed even more. He didn’t even think he could turn so red.
Yet they stayed in the kitchen area watching the movie from afar. It was actually good and they like the action in it. At least Asch did.
They watched a few more movies with nobody on the couch noticing Rhys and Asch weren’t there anymore. Realistically Asch should be mad about that, but he didn’t have anything built up in him to fuel that anger.
It was dark outside by the time they finished the last movie, and Ava had to take a call.
“I actually kinda enjoyed tonight! We can do something else tomorrow.” She sniffed a bit, “eugh, maybe bathe.”
She walked into her room leaving the five men to themselves.
“No way we smell that bad.” Said Leif while sniffing himself.
Pierce joined him in that endeavor, “You smell like ass Leif.”
“Oh fuck you!” Yelled Leif.
“Those move-eez were great but I’m pretty tired…” said Noi while yawning
All the Daemons agreed with him and went to their respective spots.
“Oh…haha! Hey dads!” Said Ava nervously.
“Ava! Pumpkin! Lorelei told us you lost your job! Again! Don’t worry sweet baby! We’ll get you all fixed up!” Rambled her dad, Devon.
“No dad it’s fine! I’m occupied right now and y’know I’ve already have a few jobs in mind.” Said Ava.
“Occupied? Occupied with what?” Said Devon. Ava wanted to kick herself for even saying anything hinting she had anything else going on.
“J-Just..! Uhm…friends..?” Ava could almost hear the skepticism on the other end.
“If you say so honey…” Said Devon, “kisses!”
“Kisses…” said Ava as she hung up the phone.
she laid on her bed while cussing Lorelei out in her head. She didn’t know why she would tell them that, and her dads are crazy. They might come tomorrow or something.
She hid that worry deep into her head in order to rest, and let the sleep consume her.
Hiii!!! I did it! Finally! I’m so glad I finished this i genuinely hope you like it! Being done with this is the best thing to happen this week cus lemme tell you school is already beating me rn. It’s legit only been three weeks and I’ve already had like 10 tests it’s so wild 😭 Like I’ve said before these chapters are going to take way more time than before because of school so I hope you understand!
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
so when are you posting the afterburn wednesday x uvc cairo enemies to lovers fic /j
I laughed for about ten minutes after I read this. It was a guilty laugh.
Don't think I haven't thought about a crossover, however that would be...somethin' else since they're the same fkn character, with few differentiating qualities. UVC Cairo is more talkative and casual, lugubriously loquacious like a typical Southern Gothic writer. AB Wednesday is...well, she's Wednesday. Sharper (in the head and on the edges, obvs), and doesn't tolerate who she perceives as imbeciles. But with UVCC practically being her twin, the competitiveness would be explosive. Wednesday is the better writer, too, and that would piss UVCC off to no end...and amuse Jon in the process.
...Damn you, anon. I have too much to write as it is. I mentioned it before, but I have multiple active 'Benson' files (UVC, though one of them isn't UVC universe, it's standalone one-shot "What If?" that centers around their confrontation/when Cairo is emasculating him). Look at this mess
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Damn you, mid mfkr...damn you to Hell. 💀🥲😭🪦🥀
I don't even know how many active AB files I've got going atm.
It is very rare that I go out anywhere, but I needed a walk/break from everything so I took the senior dogs (and the baby dog strapped to my chest) out in their stroller. Been struggling mentally with the non-writing shit that's been happening in my life. Every day I take care of the needy dogs (the seniors are both 17 years old this year...as old as some of the teacher crushers that I see on my fyp 💀 and a year younger than Wednesday). One of them has trouble with his back legs and sometimes energy. Anyone remember that Family Guy cutaway where Peter is holding an elderly Brian who is blind/deaf/senile by his water bowl so he can drink? That's me, except my boy is able to drink on his own. He just needs me to hold him up on his bad days. The other senior I inherited from a nasty (racist) old lady who passed away, but this dog is behaving more and more like her every day (won't let me cut her nails...same as Mommie Dumbest, who lived with a gross, yellowed, grown out pinky nail she wouldn't let anyone cut). And because she's 17, she has CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction, it's doggie dementia) and sometimes gets lost or stares at the wall even though she's blind. Both dogs can still eat/drink, potty in the right place, and still come when called (though they love sleeping 💤 ). My boy is still sharp in the head somehow. I can talk to him and he still understands. I never trained my dogs to 'obey commands', I just treat them like the mental toddlers that they are. They listen to me, though the old girl here has a little trouble orienting herself/figuring out where the sound of my voice is coming from (which is ironic, since for her mother, she was a Hearing Dog). Taking them all out at once is a big feat since I'm also disabled/walk with a cane, but thankfully the stroller worked well for all of us. It was a nice day to walk around the lake.
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Of course I got one fkn ass bish making a comment about how they're dogs and should be walking. Had to tell her that they're both 17 and the bigger one can't walk steadily all the time. And when I did let the little excited girl down to walk shortly after I took this photo, she couldn't get her bearings since she is blind. Yes, she looks like she's excitedly looking at something but she's not...she struggles finding treats I put down in front of her. BTW, the seniors are my babies, but my baby baby is the one everyone is enamored with, since she still looks like a puppy/has a baby face...hmm....
I played the AB soundtrack on the walk and it was a good motivator. I had forgotten what an eclectic collection that is, since I usually play the Gates Mansion Secrets soundtrack while we're out (blasting the Genitorturers while walking by an Easter Sunday church crowd was fun). I really want to get 8 done so I can move on to After the Burn/AtB, but there are small scenes that will be happening between her winter vacation and the start of the spring semester (which was/is January 2023). I'll have to decide whether they're going to be published in between 'the first season and the second season', or whether I'll keep them for flashbacks in AtB.
This is not to mention the other non-fandom stuff I've got in my notes/partially written. I'd love to improve one of my movie scripts, and I have ideas for a couple of others.
Anyway, TLDR; the 💩 that no one cares about: I know you were j/k, but exploring the F/F sexual dynamic beyond the Nighshades in AB isn't something I feel I need to do (...yet). With ABW and UVCC, I feel like it'd be a very slow burn. I can't slow burn anything besides what I have in the pipeline for AB.
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wisesm · 1 year
Naur cuz I refuse to take in any Lady Bish slander. Cuz I will defend her character as about the same length as the bee movie script. She is the best and most cutie patootie character in MID. JUST LOOK AT HER. The only one that is allowed to diss her is lady grandma, bc she’s old and she’s also very cutie patootie.
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demons-mind · 2 years
Pierce x Lady Bish 2B
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Story Time, (Yes I thought of a story for this one):
So after many years after they're home was destroyed and were on their own (Lady Bish had Zex but still) they ended up in the fire kingdom. Pierce training to be a loyal soldier for the army and Bish working her way up to get her sweet revenge.
Walking in the halls they accidentally bump into each other, not realizing who each other was at first, got into a little fight. But once they realized who the other person was they jumped into each other's arms never wanting to let him/her go.
Just being happy knowing they're childhood friend didn't suffer, and is right here with them right now.
End of "story"
It's been quite a while since I posted a Pierce x Lady Bish picture so I figured why not just do 2B of my art challenge of the two. Also yes I'm starting up this challenge again. (because I didn't even get halfway done of finishing it)
Hope you all still like it 💚💚💚
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littlewonders7 · 23 days
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Does anyone else here ship Ava x Lady Bishe from MID
I’ve never considered it before but I will for sure consider it now…
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