#lady hefin
stellarana · 9 months
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Uhhh, Lady Hefin, I think I'm going to need a hand getting down...
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pizzahatt1 · 5 years
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Some elves + Seren. I drew Merethiel back when we only had concept art to go off of, so she looks a bit different from in-game.
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brassica-prime · 6 years
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Serenity posts are a quick way to find yourself in Death’s office when you’re bad at agility
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zorialdiamond-blog · 8 years
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Despite this being late I hope you enjoy sea-ing this comic! @kiriguy
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snakeymay · 4 years
could i please request a scenario/imagine where askeladd had a daughter but he left her and her mother. Then she grows up and has a family of her own in a village. But then the village gets raided by askeladd's band and he manages to recognise her, however its too late.
I had time to rewrite it several times. I really liked this idea but it was hard. But I love challenges. Enjoy ♥️
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“ So you decide to leave us that cowardly, Askeladd? You are the lord, the noble man after all, but why aren’t you able to farewell with your own daughter?”
The woman sobbed quietly, doing her best to sound calm, but she failed with each word spoken. Young Askeladd glanced at her, nothing trembled in his heart at that moment, when he failed to leave the home noiselessly. He has already her, his wife, he had been planning to leave Wales. The new life of a wealthy, noble man wasn’t his cup of tea. Neither the peaceful life was something the dream of his life.
He looked at his wife again. She was the most beautiful Welsh woman to imagine, but to him, to Askeladd, she was the ice: she would never understand him.
“ I leave the most of our possessions to you and our daughter, see?”
The woman turned red. He is wealthy enough, handsome enough. She put up with his multiple treasons and neglect. But this is the last straw.
“ But you leave us, she wakes up and what should I say to her? She is just 4. What should I do? You took the idea of the new life in your head, but you are thinking of yourself, what about Hefin? Wha-“
He came closely to her and covered her mouth with his hand.
“ Woman, you wake her up. We have been discussing this again and over again for many months. I have warned you, and you still pretend I didnt tell you wh-“
The little girl interrupted the escalated conflict as she showed up from the room she was sleeping in. She looked pretty like her father: lean, with messy wide eyebrows at the ends and with beautiful wheat-like hair. She raised her eyes at him, how drowsy and confused she looked. The heart of the man shrank in seconds when she hugged his leg. Hefin was surely devoted to her father.
“ Dad..? Mommy? What is the noise about?..»
Askeladd squatted to her and looked at her eyes. That’s why he wanted to leave without a notice. He was a cunning man but disarmed in front of those innocent grey eyes.
“ I will have to leave, Hefin. It is really important, do you understand how important it is?”
He poked her little nose and she knitted her brows, but her dissatisfaction changed to a great worrying.
“But when do you come back, Dad? Will you bring me a doll?..”
He laughed, but his voice was crowned with a sad tone.
“ I will have to be out for a while. But I will return and you see me again, Hefin.”
“ Do you promise me?”
“ I do”
He gave a kiss on her forehead, then he stood up, and glanced at his wife. She didn’t want him to substitute his noble, wealthy life for piracy. But the more he stayed here, the more he felt stressed.
“ Woman, take care of her. You have now all I have got.
Askeladd took his goods he had collected in his bag. When he stepped out the house, the little girl sobbed violently, embracing the mother’s legs. She knows her father will never come back. The mother rubbed down her face and hugged the one now she had left with.
” Mom, i wish my father would invite my wedding... This is not fair”
“Fair or not, he did his choice almost 12 years ago and didn’t hesitate when you had woken up. Don’t expect the miracle.”
The woman fixed her daughter’s bridal veil. The woman’s face was painted with new deep wrinkles - she aged rapidly and her beauty faded with time. The girl, who just turned 16, was sparkling from excitement, but the words of her mother sheathed like a dagger inside her heart. After several minutes she will get out of her home, get wedded to the man her mother chose for her, and leave the home.
The time has passed, it seemed like Hefin, the little girl who grew into a nice lady, had forgotten about her scampish father. But she didn’t. She missed him a lot. She didn’t know he had become a pirate, she thought she was just a bad daughter, so he left her and her mother because he was tired of her.
„ Mother, I know he has a new life to live, but I would be glad to see him once“
The woman nodded and kissed the girl‘s forehead. The time has come.
The splitting pain pierced the woman‘s chest as she fainted and fell on the wooden floor. A spear, or a dagger, or a sword has run through her - she didn’t recognize who or what happened as she had heard screams outside her house. She saw nor her husband, neither her little son who went with his father to plow up the soil. She just opened the door and was attacked. She closed her eyes as she heard the footsteps near her. But she heard how some men who were rubbing the house. At least they didn’t notice her breathing, at least she could live for more minutes.
„ Darn, this English whore has so much silver necklaces. Askeladd will be glad.“
The footsteps and male husky mumbles disappeared. She was alone, on the floor, bleeding, still alive, but on the verge of death. But she had enough power to shed tears from the immense grief. And again, new footsteps coming. She froze in horror, this is the end.
„ Hefin.. is this you?“ the man, whose face was covered with deep wrinkles, came into the house and gazed in shock at his dying daughter. If she stood up and looked at him, she would recognize him. His voice was enough for her.
„ Father? Fa-ther!..“ she puled these words with such pain, if she could at him. The man sat near her, his left hand held a silver necklace. The one he once gifted to her mother, he recognized it.
„ I am sorry, Hefin. I have always been a terrible father and husband“ Askeladd raised her head a little, so she could look at his face. Yes, it was her father. She aged much and looked much like him, as he had been young once. She gave her last effort to smile to him.
„ Father, I am glad to see you again.“
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hochgouez-nerzhus · 5 years
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Awen Stone ( England )
Pierre gravée d'un Triban, symbole des Druides. Le cercle autour semble divisé en dix parties contenant des runes ou glyphes. St Breward Bodmin Cornouailles.
Stone engraved with a Triban, symbol of the Druids. The circle around seems divided into ten parts containing runes or glyphs. St Breward Bodmin Cornwall.
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Druidic Symbol - France
Summary of links
Druidic practices
- Precepts druidic .
- Celtic Wheel of the year .
- Druids and the Manducation .
- Druidic magic incantations .
- Druid trees of power .
- Wisdom for the fire .
- How to prune your herbs .
- Nemeton : N1- N2 - N3 - N4 .
- Sacred Water : W1 - W2 .
Gods and Goddesses Prayers and Hymns
- Danu .
- Morrigana .
- Morrigana (full moon) .
- Brighid .
- Belisama .
- Airmid .
- Rhiannon
- Kernunnos (prayer) .
- Kernunnos Hymn .
- Belenos .
Gods and Goddesses articles
- Danu .
- Brighid .
- Nemetona .
- Ceridwen .
- Rhiannon .
- Elen of the Ways .
- Artio .
- Lugh (français) .
- Sucellos .
- Cernunnos .
- List of celtic God .
- Damona and Acionna .
- Nantosuelta .
Le roi chêne et le roi houx .
- Customs of Imbolc .
- Ambiuolcios .
- Solo ritual - Alban Eilir .
- Satios .
- Lady Eostre .
- Alban Eilir .
- Beltane .
- Sacred trees of Beltaine .
- Bundle for the Beltane fire .
- The myth of the may Day .
- Legends and lore of Beltane .
- Beltane floral customs and ritual .
- Festival - Ceremony of Belotennia .
- Alban Hefin
- Mediosamonios
Magical Places
St Brigid's well Kildare .
Glastonbury Goddess Temple - GT2 .
Glastonbury white temple - WT1 - WT2 -WS .
The Tor - T2 - T3 .
Chalice Well Garden Glastonbury- CW2 - CW3 - CW4 - CW5 - CW6 - CW7- CW8 .
Druid's temple Ilton - D1 - D2 - D3 .
Mollkirsh .
Huelgoat Druids forest Brittany - H2 - H3 - H4
H5 .
Tintagel : T1 - T2 - T3
Alderley Edge Sacred Well- a celtic portal
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witchescompendium · 6 years
Sunday School Week 6 and 7 Sabbats, Esbats and The Wheel of The Year
               WHEEL OF THE YEAR:
The Wheel turns and so do we, changing as the forces of nature change, our powers ebb and flow, wax and wane, we move on a mystic cycle that we seldom realize. But take a moment if you will and look at yourself now, in this season. (As I am writing we are in late Spring) You may feel you are eager to be outside, to work in nature to start new projects or begin a new adventure, its natural in the Spring to feel this way  because nature is waking, it is in full bloom and plants are blooming, wildlife is giving birth and we are finally away from the winters cold dark hold.
As the season change so do we. Our minds, bodies and spirits acclimate to the changes, as the Winter comes we retreat within and often we get down, as we turn to the Spring we become more awake, and shaking off the gathered grime of the past season, and then we move to Summer, where we tend to be more active and free. As the Fall comes on we begin to settle down and start nesting, preparing for winter and repeat.
As the Wheel of the Year turns, it brings about more than the seasons, it brings opportunities, possibilities and magic, all we have to do is to be open to them. We are presented with so many chances and opportunities we just have to be willing to take them and be open to receive them.
As the Wheel Turns we go through the cycles of life and the seasons, but we also turn with the phases of the moon. This affect us just the same as the changing of the seasons, bring us to different awakenings, and pulls. The Moon affects our spiritual and emotional energies as the season do our physical and mental.
The Wheel of the year is divided into 4 quarters, each of these quarters contains two Sabbats and in a normal year 3 Esbats, per quarter there are 1 major and 1 minor Sabbat. The Wheel turning, as it is known, follows the path of the sun and the Sabbats and Esbats mark times of growth and enlightenment along the way.
The Sabbats fall to the seasons, and a particular time of the year. They originally marked important dates or times in the cycle of life and nature, much of our ancstors survival depended on the timing of these particular festivals to begin planting, and harvesting, breeding live stock and other things. The Sabbats are divided into two groups, major and minor. The minor Sabbats mark the cross quarters, or the the two solstices and two equinoxes, while the Major Sabbats mark the midpoints between them. The Four Major Sabbats are:
Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas.
The Minor Sabbats are:
Ostara, Litha, Mabon and Yule.
The Sabbats are Solar festivals, each one representing a different  aspect or trait, and a cycle of life, depending upon its placement in the wheel. Depending upon the tradition and the practice of a particular wiccan, pagan, witch or coven, can also depend on when the wheel starts over and ends the old year. Some will say Samhain (as is generally a traditional approach) others say Yule, (this too is fitting do to the practice and celebration of the day)
I like to begin with Samhain, 1. Its my favorite sabbat, and 2. Because I practice that the Wheel turns to Samhain and begins again, it’s the witches new year. You can adjust to your own liking and preference as with anything you learn here. This is a bases a guide for you to discover your own path, or build off of this one.
SAMHAIN: Also known as, All Hallow's Eve, All Saints' Day, All Hallows, Day of All the Saints, Feast of All Saints, Solemnity of All Saints, All Souls Day, Ancestors Night, or Feast of the Dead and more commonly HALLOWEEN. One of the Major sabbats. Falls on October 31 or  the first full moon of Scorpio. Samhain is probably one of the most infamous witches holidays and is still seen in bad context among many groups and people. It is also seen as one of the Highest of holidays and most important among the practice. (Beltane being its equal) Samhain is the night of the thing veil, when the departed may cross to the land of the living once more, magic is said to be strongest and highest on this night. Samhain is the time to celebrate the harvest, to plan for the coming year, and to remember the ancestors and be thankful for their journey, that has paved the way for your footing now. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and honor our loved ones no longer with us. It begins the time of rest and the time of darkness upon the year as we begin to transcend into the Dark Half of the year. Samhain is also known as the Witches New Year. We honor the Great God who departs this world on this day and journeys to the afterlife. Many of the traditions of the modern Halloween are part of the customs of old, such as dressing in costumes, carving jack o lanterns and the spirits of our departed, can be reflected in the modern ghost.
YULE: Also known as, Alban Arthuan, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, Mid Winter. Falls on the Winter Soltice, (Between Dec 21-23) The origins of many of the Christmas traditions. One of the Minor Sabbats. Yule is about rebirth, the return of hope and the return of the Sun God who brings the Light. From the Winter Solstice we know the days will get longer and warmer and as the sun is reborn we are offered a fresh start and a new day. Yule is when we celebrate the sun god who departed us at Samhain, returning, reborn to the Great Mother Goddess, now in the aspect of the Crone, and with his return we are reminded that nothing ever goes away forever, we are all reborn and return.
IMBOLC: Also known as, Bride's day, Candlemas, Candlemas Day,Brigantia, Groundhog Day, Festival of Lights. Falls on February 2 or the first Full Moon of Aquarius. This is one of the Major Sabbats, Imbolc is about brushing off the winter and setting ourselves to de-clutter and de-stress from the winter. At Imbolc we light candles and fires, it is a festival of light after all. We light the candles to drive away the shadow and welcome the sun back into the world as the sun slowly gains power and the God grows. We also do this to help light the spark of inspiration and creativity within and to prepare for the seaon of growing that is coming.
OSTARA: Also known as, Alban Eilir, Eostar, Eostre, Lady Day,Vernal Equinox, falls on March 20-23, (The Spring Equinox), one of the minor sabbats. Ever wonder why people dye eggs at Easter? Or how the Bunny fits into the Easter story? Well Ostara is a sabbat about rebirth, and awakening. Growth and renewal are the themes for this day. At Ostara the Day and Night are equal, and the male and female energies balanced. The Rabbit and the eggs are both signs of fertility, as this would be a time when the earth begins to stir and life begins to blossom and awaken all around us. A perfect time to begin to expand on those plans made and begin sewing the seeds for your future.
BELTANE: Also known as, Beltain, Beltainne, Beltaine, Bealtaine, Beltany, May Eve, Lady Day, May Day, Walpurgis Night (although some people consider Walpurgis Night to be April 29, the night before Beltane)Falls on  May 1st, or The First Full Moon in Taurus. A Major Sabbat. Beltane is the day of the Green Wood Wedding, or The Handfasting of the God and Goddess. By now the God has moved from his youth stage, to his Green man form, and the Goddess from her Maiden aspect to the Mother. In this time their union blesses the earth and makes the grounds fertile and ready for planting. This a joyous time to celebrate and rejoice that Winter is gone and that light and mirth are all around. Beltane is also Sister Sabbat to Samhain. On the wheel they are adjacent from one another. It is said that during Beltane, the strength and power that is felt at Samhain can also be felt. Beltane is another of the most commonly known of the Witches holidays. It’s a time of love and growth.
LITHA: Also known as, Alban Hefin, Gathering Day, Midsummer, Vestalia, Summer Solstice, Falls on The Summer Solstice (June 20-23) A Minor Sabbat. On Litha, the powers of the sun are at their highest and most powerful. Day light hours rule this day and is a pure Solar Sabbat. As the Sun and the God are at their peak, so to is nature at hers. The woods and forests are at their fullness, and life is spilling forth. The light triumphs over the dark and, the crops are busy growing and nature is alive and happy. We know however that from this day forth, the light shall dwindle and grow weaker. That we will have to face the darkness in mere months, but for now, we must embrace life at its fullest, and celebrate the bounty that is all around us. This is supposed to be after all, a joyous time.
LAMMAS: Also known as, Lughnasad, Lughnasadh Lunasa, Falls on August 1 or the first full moon of Leo, a Major Sabbat, Lammas is the first harvest, when the first of the crops are beginning to be cut down and brought in. This was an ancient festival of Hope and Fear. Hope being in that the harvest was coming in and that nature and hard work had provided what was needed for survival, Fear came in the same manner, it was feared that the harvest wouldn’t be enough and the cold of winter would win. At Lammas we are thankful for what we have and also it is a time for facing our fears, and creating protection. Defending ourselves and what we value and care for. If we allow the fear to out weigh our hope, then we will surely loose.
MABON: Also known as, Alban Elfed, Fall Equinox, Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home... A Minor sabbat and falls on the Fall Equinox (September 20-23) once more day and night are equal but ultimately the Night shall win out and the dark of the year will begin as days shorten. Mabon is the second harvest, and is a time for being thankful and grateful, a time to share with others what you have. It is a time to honor and thank the universe and the earth for what it has given you, but also to look back at what others have given you, nd what you have given yourself. Remember you reap what you sew. Mabon is the last sabbat before Samhain and the cycle begins again.
As you can see the turning of the Solar Wheel has effects on our physical as well as our mental and spiritual energies and beings.  This is a brief summary keep in mind, and more can be found online and in books. Regardless of what may be written about the sabbats, remember that as with anything in magic, it’s the feelings you get, and the purpose and message you take away from the ritual that matters.
Now for the moons.
As the Solar festivals (sabbats) deal with a more physical, the Moon Rituals (Esbats) deal with more of an emotional and magical aspect. The Moons have various names and each month contains a full moon. (For more on moons and phases see the lesson on Moon Phases)
Here we will delve into each moon and its meaning and purpose in the cycle of the moon.
Jan: Wolf Moon, also known as Moon of the First Circle, Wolf Moon, Chaste Moon, Ice Moon. During this moon we turn inward looking for inner strength and inner power. This is a time of looking inward to discover who we are, what our purpose may be. It is also a time of beginnings and rebirth, for protection and purification. It can also be a good time to prepare for the changes you wish to achieve in the coming year.                                              
Feb: Storm Moon, also known as Storm Moon, Moon of the Seer, Snow Moon, Quickening Moon. The moon of this month fights through the cold to shine enough light for us to see into our own darkness. The purpose is to see into our inner truths and overcome our inner demons. We all have them and we all have things we choose to leave in the darkness that we rather not deal with, however, burying them in the shadows does no good because eventually we return to the darkness and those demons come back to us. With the Storm Moon we are challenged to overcome and learn from our darkness.                                            
March: Chaste Moon, also known as Moon of the Wind, Quickening Moon, Hare Moon.  As the winds of change blow away the darkness of winter, we are granted the chance now to blow away those things we no longer need in our lives. This is the time of the “spring cleaning”. Strength is another symbol of this moon, discovering and embracing your own strength, as well as the evolving of ones spirit.
April: Seed Moon Also known as, Moon of Waters, See Moon, Grass Moon, Rain Moon. Can you guess what the theme is for the April Full Moon? Water is fundamental for survival. Its celebrating the life force of the universe. It is about continuing the evolution of the spirit, and growing and nurturing your soul. As nature unfolds and life comes into bloom, we open our souls and our minds, that they may grow and bloom, so we may open our minds, bodies and souls to the Gods and Goddesses and Universe that they may help us to continue to grow.                                                  
May: Hare Moon, also known as, Moon of the Faeries, Flower Moon, Milk Moon, and Merry Moon. Open your heart, reach out embrace the power around you but more importantly with in you. Now is the time of intuition and of balance, of healing and hope and pleasure. A time to connect to your spiritual energy, and to listen to that inner voice. It is a time of healing death, when you finaly put those things to rest that have caused you such strife, listening to the good and the bad of that inner voice, and growing from the bad, by turning it into something better. It is also the time of the faeries and is believed that at this time it is easy to feel the realms and the energies and magic of the realms and the faeries.                                
June: Lovers Moon, also known as, Moon of Life, Mead Moon, Dyad Moon, Honey Moon, and Strawberry Moon. A Time to balance your energies, your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional self, it is time to bask in the moonlight and to embrace your true self, to feel fully alive and connected, to the energies around you, but mostly to yourself, take pleasure in what is around you, in the things that have been given to you and gotten you this far. It is a time of hope and pleasure, strength and self.                              
July: Mead Moon, also known as, Moon of Fire, Blessing Moon, Wort Moon, Thunder Moon. Self confidence is a common theme as obviously is fire. The flame is to remind us of the spark within us all, that burns in our souls and spirits, that drives us and guides us. It is to remind us of the powers of fire, and its fundamental purpose, for warmth, to cook, to provide light and gives a since of protective energy and safety.
August: Wyrt Moon also known as, Moon of Delight, Herb Moon, Barley Moon, Corn Moon. Unity and memory are themes here. Remember the past because it has paved the road for your future. Only by seeing where you came from can you appreciate where you are now. Wisdom and preparing for the future, quiet yourself, silence your voice, quiet your mind and listen for the guidance of your guides.
Sept: Harvest Moon also known as Moon of Harvest, Grain Moon, Fruit Moon, Green Corn Moon, Truth, knowledge, and changing of life cycles. This is a time of preparing for the coming darkness, the harvest time, a time to gain the necessary energies to make it through the coming months. Time to realize the truths about ourselves and the coming months, the darkness is inevitable, a time of transformation, as the season begin to change and so do we.
October: Blood Moon also known as Moon Before The Dark, Blood Moon, Hunters Moon, Harvest Moon. We enter into the darkness of ourselves, and embrace the immortality that lies within us all. This is a magical time as October tends to be a magical month anyway, you can incorporate bits of Halloween, (Samhain) into your moon magic, so likewise, the moon reflects the dark mystery of the universe and our self. The life cycles of life death and rebirth.
Nov: Snow Moon also known as the Moon of Decent, Snow Moon, Mourning Moon, Frosty Moon. As we descend within we prepare and rest to regroup and turn our eyes inward. As winter approaches we tend to over indulge and become materialistic, so be warned of this. The moon reminds us once more of the truths and falsehoods we have come to know and wear as masks and shrouds.
Dec: Oak Moon also known as Moon of Completion, Cold Moon, Snow Moon. Take time to notice if you have met the goals for the last year that you set. Have you achieved the things you wished to or started in the direction you planned? This moon also asks you to look beyond  the surface of the situation and realize, things are never as bad as they seem. As the year closes, remember that things that have happened cannot be changed, but learned from and used to help plan your future, and start making new plans or building off the old ones for the new year.
 Much more information can be found in many amazing books, as well as online. Many usually will contain some form of ritual as well as to the celebration of the Sabbats and Esbats. There are of course generic rituals which serve as great outlines for your own writings, should you wish to try your hand at it. I advise looking over other rituals so that you can gain a better understanding of the sabbats, the ritual structure and activities that can take place during these festivals, as well as spells and magic designed to cater specifically to these rites.
You will discover though as you research more that many different views and practices will produce many different rituals and ways of celebrating. Do not think you are limited to just one. That’s the beauty of the craft, you can take from these the parts you like and build your own way, your own celebration. As with our coven, we tend to change up the rituals every time, our June Full moon for this year will be vastly different from the previous years, as will our Samhain rite. However, you may find passages or parts of a ritual which you love so much you want to included them year after year, or you may even be so lucky as to come across or create your own ritual that is so astounding that you need not change a thing. All of these are common.
And I cannot stress enough this point, READ, READ, READ. The more you read, the more knowledgeable you will become and the more understanding you will gain. Start a note book to keep notes, or designate a file on your computer where you wish to save things you have found. Just remember to give credit where it is do, don’t try to pass off someone else’s works as your own, not only can it be considered plagiarism, but it’s also rude (see future lesson on Witches Etiquette).
I hope this helps you to understand a bit more about the season, the cycles, the turning of the wheel and the Sabbats and esbats.
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wonderwafles · 7 years
Two Paths We Walk
Small and VERY BELATED birthday fic for @saiansha concerning Lord Amlodd and my messy, ill-formed post-restoration headcanons about him (and the other clan leaders as well).
Happy days-after-your-bday friendo :D (I AM SO SORRY)
It is night in Prifddinas, and you are walking.
The city sleeps. You could be sleeping too, if you wanted to.
Earlier that night there was a feast, a celebration of the touch of autumn coloring the trees. All of the clans of Prifddinas attended, and you had forgotten how much you had missed that.
You stared at your food, some of the finest ever prepared by elves, and couldn’t bring yourself to touch it. You were starving, but the thought of it sliding down your throat and into your stomach felt as alien to you as licking dirt or sniffing snow.
Lady Trahaern laughed when you told her that you didn’t feel real. “Must be nice,” she snorted, her aged body looking crooked, even in the exoskeleton. “Reality is a let-down. Believe me.”
You believe her.
You still wish you could eat.
“Don’t be silly,” Lady Hefin told you. “You’re real. As real as any of us. Which,” she mused, “might not be real at all. How are we to know?”
Lady Hefin could be philosophical at the worst of times.
“It’s not just that,” you said.
She arched an eyebrow.
“I am of course happy to be back in Prifddinas,” you said. “You know that. But-”
The silence stretched on. You can’t find the words. At last, Lady Hefin seems to run out of patience.
“You miss the spirit realm,” Hefin observed.
You’re caught off guard and a bit put out that she finished your dramatic sentence for you. “How did you know?” you asked her.
She smiled at you. “Believe me,” she said. “I know. There are times I miss even my dirty old shack.” She hesitated. “I think… I felt closer to Seren there than I do here, sometimes. There are times even her own city feels like a distraction.”
You waited.
“But,” she said, and finally sat down across from you, pushed a plate of odd-looking food your way. “We all, as living creatures, strain against our own flesh. You just came more close than others to knowing what it’s like to escape. I can imagine that returning to it would be disorientating.” She waved at the food. “Go on, eat.”
“Is it moving?” you asked, squinting at the food. It shuddered.
“I suspect that’s just the effect of hunger-induced delusions.”
“Oh,” you said. “What’s in it?”
“This is a delicate procedure, and I don’t want to jeopardize it by telling you what’s in that meal. Eat.”
You’re skeptical, but the hunger roars in your stomach, and at last you eat.
It was surprisingly good, you thought. The small noises of pain were likely hunger-induced delusions as well.
“Well?” Lady Hefin asked, once you had finished. “Do you feel any better?”
You consider. “I think,” you said, “I feel less hungry.”
“Well,” Lady Hefin said. “Perhaps that’s the most we can hope for, sometimes.”
Lady Ithell is not the same one you remember, but when she looks up at you, and a smile quirks her face, she looks very much like her.
Today, she was leaning over the railing, surveying the western ocean.
“Ah, Lord Amlodd,” she said, almost lazily. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”
“I just ate some food,” you offered, and immediately kick yourself.
“I mean, for the first time,” you corrected.
“Since we came back,” you added.
“I’m sorry,” you finish. “I must confess I don’t know how to act around you yet.”
You feared the look on her face when you finally looked back over, but she is smiling, and for an instant Lady Ithell is smiling at you.
“That’s good,” Kelyn said. “I don’t know how to act around myself yet. Perhaps we can help each other.”
“The city is beautiful,” she said. “I remember it just like this. And I am thrilled to see it now for the first time.”
“Do you miss being Kelyn?” you asked.
“Am I not Kelyn still?” she asked in turn. Then, she sighed. “Well, perhaps not. But I don’t think I’m Lady Ithell, either, except by name.”
“I think I know the feeling,” you said.
Another smile. You are smiling now, too.
“Amlodd,” said Lord Crwys seriously, pinning you with a look like beams of light from the sun. “I’m part tree. Trust me, I know what you’re going through.”
“What do you do to deal with that?” you asked seriously.
Crwys shook his head. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“How do you cope with being part tree?” you ask again.
Crwys laughed, which surprised you. “Cope?” he asked. “Ha! This is the best thing that ever happened to me!”
He laughed for some time more. It wasn’t until you felt the laughter come over you secondhand and joined him that he stopped, leaving your laugh lingering awkwardly.
“Amlodd, old friend,” he said to you. “You mustn’t deny yourself. I myself am not sure what I am anymore. An Elf? A tree? Who knows? Who cares?”
You are silent for a few moments. “Don’t you, you know,” you said, words seeming to fail you, “want to know who and what you are?”
“Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it?” Crwys said. “I do. I’m Lord Piquan Crwys. I like most forms of cheese, I’m afraid of the ocean, and the anatomy of birds disturbs me.”
“They are odd-looking creatures,” you muse.
“What more should I want?” Crwys continued. “You miss the Spirit Realm, yes? That’s alright. You’re allowed to miss it. You’re allowed to like being in Prifddinas. You’re allowed to like both. You are vast. You contain multitudes.”
“I contain what?” you said, slightly frightened now.
“Nevermind. You know what I mean. Now,” he said. “Go on. You’re Lord Amlodd. Go and do what Lord Amlodd does and eventually it’ll feel natural again.”
“Well,” you said. “I feel like gathering raw shards with my mouth right now.”
“Perhaps,” Lord Crwys said, “rethink that one.”
It is night, and you have finished walking.
You are settled now, you think. The stars gleam above you, fixed and eternal, and you are fluid.
You have not wanted to convey summoning shards with your mouth for four hours now.
Life is good.
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stizzy38 · 5 years
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Ladies y'all up or Nah? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · #hefineashell #hefineaftho #instamemes #hefineyall #dankmemes #mlg #hefinehemine #hefinethou #lmao #4chan #anime #hefine #mcm #hefinethough #hefineaswine #wtf #hefinedoe #ayylmao #hefineee #jetfuelcantmeltsteelbeams #lol #immortalmemes #vaporwave #edgy #memes #meme #rihanna #hefineiknow #nicememe #hefineainthe https://www.instagram.com/p/BvrEId5FI21/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fd68avdsra5o
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dewydd · 8 years
ozan/arianwyn/Lady Hefin. it's always the quiet ones.
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Coronavirus quarantine: Welsh holidaymakers try to get home from France
Characterize copyright EPA
Characterize caption Disneyland Paris is one in all Europe’s prime customer attractions
A college employee from Wales says he is “crossing all the pieces” he would possibly per chance well be ready to assemble house from France by Monday so he can return on the critical day of term.
It used to be announced on Thursday that anybody coming into the UK from a selection of areas, including France, from Saturday must quarantine for 14 days.
It is after a upward thrust in coronavirus circumstances there and other international locations.
Hefin Karadog, from Pontypridd, is in Brittany and one in all 160,000 UK nationals in France who are affected.
He’s now attempting to e book a ferry to return house sooner than Monday – which would mean he would be assist in college after they launch on the initiating up of September.
First Minister Mark Drakeford acknowledged “or no longer it is the right enlighten to construct” if those that build no longer assemble house by Monday omit the begin up of the novel term attributable to they’re quarantining.
On Thursday evening, the UK and Welsh governments announced the quarantine rule would be imposed for people arriving from France as smartly as the Netherlands, Monaco, Malta, Turks and Caicos, and Aruba, from 04: 00 BST Saturday.
The resolution used to be taken when the payment of infection within the affected international locations exceeded 20 circumstances per 100,000 people over seven days.
Characterize copyright Brittany Ferries
Characterize caption Hefin Karadog is hoping to e book with Brittany Ferries to waft house on the weekend
Mr Drakeford admitted it would possibly per chance well per chance per chance occupy a large impact on a kind of holidaymakers.
But he added: “We cannot afford to import coronavirus into the UK, when now we occupy all worked so laborious to suppress the stage.”
By attain of younger people returning to college, he acknowledged: “We occupy continuously acknowledged in Wales that we are able to occupy a first couple of weeks in September the put schools will establish into the novel routine of the autumn term within the persevering with coronavirus crisis.
“So I don’t judge that that would possibly per chance materially add to that settling down interval which we deliberate for in spite of all the pieces.”
Mr Karadog acknowledged rather then feeling overly upset when he heard the news Thursday, he understands the seriousness of the scenario and realised he would must utilize Friday making arrangements to assemble house.
Characterize copyright Getty Pictures
Characterize caption Eurostar passengers had been arriving at St Pancras spot in London, having overwhelmed the quarantine deadline
“We’re in Brittany attempting to contact Brittany Ferries attributable to we wish to issue a ferry as rapidly as that you would possibly per chance well per chance well imagine. They’re reasonably no longer easy to assemble withhold of for the time being,” he added.
Mr Karadog had on the initiating been attributable to return house a week Tuesday on the side of his lady friend and her two daughters.
He acknowledged: “By attain of labor, I work in a college, so I am crossing all the pieces that I could per chance well be ready to return sooner than Monday.
“This would possibly per chance well allow me so that you can begin up work on the critical day of the college term.”
Characterize copyright Reuters
Characterize caption Tables and deckchairs are space out to admire social distancing on the Trek des Anglais in Good
David and Ruth Thomas had been in France for 12 days with their two younger people when the news broke – and had no longer booked a return house attributable to they thought this kind of resolution would possibly per chance well well be made.
“We had been within the Loire Valley as soon as we heard and managed to assemble a return (ferry) from Dunkirk,” Mr Thomas acknowledged.
“We left at 3am, drove all evening and acquired there ethical in time.”
The family had travelled to France by the Eurotunnel nevertheless described the costs to return by that route as “unbelievable”.
They’re now assist within the UK which attain their younger people, who are 15 and 13, would possibly per chance well be ready to begin up the novel college yr in September.
Carys Coverdale lives finish to Good and had been taking a survey ahead to spending time alongside with her family from Wales over the following couple of weeks.
Her sister and family are visiting till Tuesday and, attributable to her brother-in-regulations works from house, they’ve been ready to “alternate issues around” and quarantine after they attain assist in Wales.
“But my mum cannot seek the suggestion of with subsequent week attributable to there is too considerable going on, which is a disgrace attributable to now we occupy no longer seen her since February,” she added.
“It be no longer unexpected nevertheless peaceable disappointing for all people.”
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3gY5bgf via IFTTT
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zorialdiamond-blog · 8 years
Tag meme
Tagged by:  @kiriguy
RULES: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nicknames: Zori, Ingy, Inga 
Star sign: Leo
Height: About 5′7″
Time right now: 6:14 PM
Last thing googled: chase atms near me
Favorite music artists: Casting Crowns, ZUN, Toby Fox, The Living Tombstone, the Jagex Sound Team but Ian Bond especially :3
Song stuck in your head: “Just Gold” by Mandopony just popped in but honestly the song that’s there changes a lot. XD
Last movie watched: Finding Dory 
Last TV show watched: I don’t remember 
What are you wearing right now: Striped long sleeve shirt and jeans
When did you create your blog: 2012 to follow some MLP:FIM blogs but I didn’t start posting stuff until September of 2016.
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly RS art and fics, reblogs of other people’s those, occasionally some personal and original stuff. Oh, and Greg, of course.
Do you have any other blogs: Yes, but not on Tumblr, I write about life with autism on The Aspie Bird on Wordpress. I don’t update there as often though.
Why did you choose your URL: Zorialdiamond is my online persona, Tumblr added the blog part.
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: I took a test and got Ravenclaw.
Pokemon team: In Go, I choose Instinct because I’m a person who relies a lot on and has quite good intuition. As for a team? I haven’t played a main Pokemon title since Diamond and Pearl but gimme a bird, an electric type, a fire type, something that’s a cat and something else that’s pretty. :3
Moral alignment: I took a test and got Lawful Good, but I was also close to Neutral Good as well.
Favorite color: Cyan/turquoise blue is my favorite.
Average hours of sleep: 6. This is averaging my normal and insomniac nights.
Lucky number: 5 
Favorite character(s): Gregorovic but everyone else in GWD2 as well, Kuradal, Korasi, Sliske, Lady Hefin (I’m sure there’s some I missed, I better stop) (RS), Riku, Xion, and Dilan/Xaldin (KH), Utusho Reuji, Sariel, and Reimu Hakurei (Touhou), Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon), Kirby, Meta Knight and Drawcia (Kirby), Botan and Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho), Twilight Sparkle (MLP:FIM) (I better stop. XD)
How many blankets do you sleep with:  3 in winter, 2 in summer; a sheet, a blanket (not in summer), and a comforter. I grew up in Michigan.
Dream job: I’d love to work at Jagex. Since I graduate this semester I’m gonna try applying for the New Graduate program…fingers crossed! If I became a mod I’d choose the name of Mod Diamond. It’s my character’s last name, Seren’s symbol is a diamond, Greg’s mask has diamonds…Ahem.
Tagging: Eh, whoever wants to.
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tanglepath · 9 years
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