#lady kimberly iii
kung-fu-cutbug · 2 years
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you ever just take a randomly-generated Rogue Legacy 2 character and make them into a Guilty Gear OC just because you can
#oops i dropped a pencil ~art~#ocs#lady kimberly iii#rogue legacy#rogue legacy 2#guilty gear#she's not really connected to the greater GG lore because that's a whole can of worms I'm not ready to open#instead she's got a mostly self-contained story about her and someone else's OC#the other guy was a highly skilled assassin trained basically from birth and raised into the ultimate killing machine#Kimberly was one of their earliest victims—number 5 if memory serves—and got completely bodied#that was like during the original crusades it was a longass time ago#anyways cut to present day Kimberly is mysteriously resurrected and decides to chase down her murderer for revenge#and also for clarity because they apologized right before she died and she wants to know what they were apologizing for#gameplay wise she's a zoner who primarily focuses on countering/reflecting her opponents' moves and punishing mishaps#of course she's also got fairly low health that can easily lead to her BEING punished for a mishap. BUT.#she has a signature move where she heals some of her HP at the cost of some tension#it has a bit of a lengthy startup so it's dangerous to just try to do your funny healing move in neutral#it has two versions (10% and 25% HP) and the one that heals more has a lengthier startup and costs more meter#that's basically her gimmick: keeping the opponent away & punishing them for making mistakes while taking any opportunity to keep yourself—#—afloat with your healing soup so you don't GET punished#her instant kill also makes her dubiously a cannibal since she cooks the opponent in her soup until it explodes into a geyser & ejects them#in short I have put way too much thought into this character lmao#I love her. Lady Kimberly III my beloved
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mj-blog-spot · 2 years
Republic v. Obrecido III, G.R. No. 154380, October 5, 2005
FACTS: Cipriano Orbecido III married Lady Myros M. Villanueva at the United Church of Christ in the Philippines in Lam-an, Ozamis City, on May 24, 1981. They were blessed with a with a son and a daughter, Kristoffer Simbortriz V. Orbecido and Lady Kimberly V. Orbecido.
Lady Myros left for the United States bringing along their son Kristoffer in 1986. After few years, Cipriano discovered that his wife had been naturalized as an American citizen. Cipriano learned from his son that his wife had obtained a divorce decree sometime in 2000 and then married a certain Innocent Stanley and lived in California. He then filed with the trial court a petition for authority to remarry invoking Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family Code. No opposition was filed. Finding merit in the petition, the court granted the same. The Republic, herein petitioner, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), sought reconsideration but it was denied. Orbecido filed a petition for review of certiorari on the Decision of the RTC.
ISSUE: Whether or not respondent Orbecido can remarry under Article 26 of the Family Code.
RULLING: No, Orbecido cannot remarry under Article 26 of the Family Code because Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family Code only applies to a valid mixed marriage; that is, a marriage celebrated between a Filipino citizen and an alien and since he failed to prove that his wife was already naturalized as an American citizen and obtained a divorce decree sometime in 2000 therefore he was still barred from remarrying.
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druid-for-hire · 5 years
Reeve Carney as Orpheus; Eva Noblezada as Eurydice; Amber Gray as Persephone; Patrick Page as Hades; André de Shields as Hermes; Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzales-Nacer, Kay Trinidad as the Fates; Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons as Workers Chorus.
Liam Robinson as Conductor/on piano/accordion; Dana Lyn on violin; Marika Hughes on cello; Michael Chorney on guitar; Brian Drye on trombone/glockenspiel; Robinson Morse on double bass; Ben Perowsky on the drums/percussion.
Notes & lyrics:
(Note: these lyrics are directly transcribed out of the audio and i’m going off my memory, so there may be inaccuracies.)
[Hades is sat down on a stool downstage stage left (our right), in that little space outside the turntable but still on the main floor. Orpheus is in the center facing him; two spotlights are on him and Hades. Persephone, Eurydice, and the Workers stand behind him. The workers back off and Persephone moves to upstage center stage; Eurydice holds him close for a moment, a look on her face saying “be careful,” before backing off with the crowd of Workers.
A Fate presents Orpheus with his guitar; he takes it, and she walks away. Hermes comes over and places his mic stand in front of Orpheus, puts his hands together in a motion of almost-prayer, then backs off back to his station.
All eyes are on him. Orpheus twitches under the attention.]
ORPHEUS King of shadows King of shades Hades was king Of the underworld
HADES (spoken) Oh, it’s about me, huh?
[Orpheus pauses, nervous. He looks to Hermes.]
HERMES (spoken) Go on.
[He continues, slowly gathering confidence and an odd serenity.]
ORPHEUS But he fell in love with a beautiful lady Who walked up above In her mother’s green field He fell in love with Persephone Who was gathering flowers in the light of the sun And I know how it was because He was like me A man In love with a woman
… singing la, la la la, la la la… La, la la la, la la, la…
HADES (spoken) Where’d you get that melody…?
[Hades stands up and begins to approach.]
ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la la…
[Persephone moves slightly stage right and holds out her hand in a gesture and stops him.]
PERSEPHONE (spoken) Let him finish, Hades.
ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la… You didn’t know how And you didn’t know why But you knew that you wanted to take her home
[Orpheus turns to face Eurydice, who steps forward. The lights become tinted lavender--the color in between Hadestown’s fiery red and the Top’s cool blue.]
You saw her alone there against the sky It was like she was someone you’d always known It was like you were holding the world when you held her Like yours were the arms that the whole world was in
[The turntable begins to spin, Eurydice and Persephone standing on opposite sides . Eurydice keeps her eyes on Orpheus; Persephone keeps hers on Hades.]
And there were no words for the way that you felt So you opened your mouth And you started to sing…
La, la la la, la la la…
ALL¹ & ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la, la
ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la la
[Hades begins walking around the turntable, agitated, looking at all those who have joined in his melody, almost in a panic. The Workers, Hermes, and the Fates all come down onto the turntable’s outer ring and orbit around Orpheus. Hades is the only one out of sync.]
ALL & ORPHEUS² La, la la la, la la La, la la la, la la la
[He and Hades are together on the center turntable as it rises up and begins to rotate, Orpheus focused and impassioned, Hades staring at him and then gazing around at everyone who has come down to orbit around Orpheus and his melody. Eurydice and Persephone stand, still looking up at the two of them, while the Fates, the Workers, and Hermes are all moving in synchronization around the turntable in broad motions that match the scope of the song.]
La, la la la, la la, la
ORPHEUS La, la, la…
ALL & ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la la La, la la la, la la…
[Orpheus & Chorus continue. The band cuts. Eventually the song settles, the center turntable lowering back down, and the music begins to fade back in with Orpheus on guitar. The Workers and Eurydice clear away to stage left (our right); the Fates find spots upstage center stage; Hermes moves to stage right out of the spotlight; Hades has stepped out downstage stage right on the turntable. He faces away from Orpheus and all the rest of them. Persephone stands across from him, downstage stage left. Everyone has eyes on Hades.]
CHORUS La, la… la, la…
ORPHEUS And what has become of the heart of that man Now that the man is king? What has become of the heart of that man Now that he has everything?
The more he has The more he holds The greater the weight of the world on his shoulders See how he labors beneath that load Afraid to look up And afraid to let go
So he keeps his head low He keeps his back bending He grown so afraid that he’ll lose what he owns But what he doesn’t know is that what he’s defending Is already gone
[Hades turns slowly towards Persephone. Very slowly, they approach each other. The light is tinted lavender.]
Where is the treasure inside of your chest? Where is your pleasure? Where is your youth? Where is the man with his arms outstretched To the woman he loves With nothing to lose
Singing la, la la la, la la la…
[Orpheus stops playing. Hades sings, unimaginably soft.]
HADES … la, la la la, la la la…
[Persephone weeps. She nods.]
ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la la…
[She holds her hands out to him.]
ORPHEUS & HADES & PERSEPHONE La, la la la, la la…
[Hades moves to take them. A flower blooms in his hands. He looks down at it curiously, as though surprised; everyone else seems to be as well.
Persephone nods.
They weep.]
¹ Minus Hades, of course. ² Hard to tell because I was up in the nosebleeds, but I think I caught Reeve getting teary here. ³ I think the workers take off their skullcaps and regain that little bit of individuality with their different hairstyles during this song also, but I’m at a loss as to where. But they step up in pairs and remove them.
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joyfulsongbird · 5 years
flower anon goes to hadestown and has a TIME
so there is no possible way for me to express my feelings and emotionsTM about Hadestown or my weekend in New York in an ask so I am sending them here. Just for context: I saw four shows in two days (my bank account is extremely pissed at me but it was worth it) and they were all special and phenomenal in their own ways. However, we do not have all the time in the world so I am just going to word vomit about Hadestown. 
So it is Sunday morning, I am on 48th and I am seeing The Lightening Thief at 1 but I made brownies for the cast and crew (as well as a separate batch for Eva because last time someone bought treats to the show she didn’t get one) and I was unsure if security would let me into the theatre with the food. So I “stagedoored” Hadestown as the cast and crew were coming in for the morning. I gave the first batch to Kay and she was incredibly sweet and lovely. I explained that the brownies were in fact not full of drugs (I do not have the money for that!!) which she laughed at and then we went on our merry ways. 
After Lightening Thief I had some time to kill before Hadestown so I went to dinner and when I walked back to the Walter Kerr they were stagedooring for the matinee show. I decided to wait and give Eva the batch that I made for her because I literally had nothing else to do. So Eva comes out and I’m at the very end so I am expecting her to come to me last (which is fine, I was going to see her again at the evening stagedoor!) but she STRUTTED down my way and I explained that these were for her and that I hoped she was surviving the two show day. She said that she had to give me a hug and of course I accepted. Then she complimented my top (which was leopard print) and exposed her neck tattoo and was like “they match!!” Eva was so lovely and then I left to let the people stagedooring enjoy their experience. 
Fast forward a little I am sitting in the Walter Kerr and it is starting to come over me that I am actually here and about to see this show. Then the light dims and Andre came out and opened the show. Saying “aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight” back in harmony with the audience was indescribable, just as the actors were centring themselves for the show, I was centring myself for an unforgettable experience. 
Now I am just going to transition into some notes about the show (i would do every song but we would be here a while, so I am just doing what impacted me the most/I recall): 
The first trombone note played and INSTANTLY my eyes were misty oops 
when Hermes is introducing everyone Orpheus was kind of fidgeting/extending his fingers in a very specific way and was a very cute and subtle way of expressing his kind of nervousness/anxiety/ticks whatever you want to refer to it as 
The la la las hit so different live like holy shit the way the sound radiates around the theatre is magical and unlike anything else. 
The first interaction of Orpheus and Eurydice had my heart soft and I was not ready in any shape or form for anything to happen to them other than love and happiness 
At the end of Road to Hell when Hermes sings “we’re going to sing it again” Hermes WENT OFF. The lighting is absolutely gorgeous and the whole cast is like jazz handing at him and he holds it for an ungodly length of time and it was a legendary opening. 
HEARING EVA LIVE WAS EVERYTHING i watched her with wide eyes and so much love in my heart like i didn’t realise how intense the sound would be in a live space. I dont know shit about how sound and mics work but man like it is so different live the whole show I had chills.
Come home with me and wedding song are so fucking tender and horny like god i love this couple so much i had a bad seat for watching Eurydice drop her coat shoulder when she tells orpheus if he wants to take her home he better werk but the teasing tone in her voice was iconic and his little breathy hitch got me like isahdfsdhflhdf
During living it up on top when Eurydice dances with the workers chorus she did the Leg KickTM and I felt blessed 
also during his toast Orpheus’ voice broke when he said “To the Patroness” and it was the cutest thing in the world i love my nervous son 
All I’ve ever known was the first song to make me cry cry, it is just so sweet and such a special depiction of love and really hit home for me. it says a lot about me that the tender and horny song is the one that broke me. When the leg thing happened I was unable to breathe for a moment 
the tender horniess continues during way down, and i specifically watched the kiddos because I love to suffer. They start on a stool and orpheus kisses her neck while she taps the beat of the song on his thigh and theyre just so in love my heart could not take it. They move then to the centre of the stage and spoon and you can see Orpheus’ feet tapping along to the music here too. 
Chant is so fucking sexy there is literally no other way to describe it, everything about the design and the way it is performed is so so so good like h o l y s h i t it is so good. However I hate Hades sunglasses and wish they were different because they just make him look like my racist uncle lol 
Wait for me gave me a panic attack because i was very worried about bby orpheus getting bonked on the head but also THE LIGHTING IS SO SEXY the lighting tony was so well deserved i’m glad the american theatre wing did like at least one (1) thing right. Also i was full on crying at this point. 
Why we build the wall…. powerful shit I watched persephone during this and her facial expressions tell such an intense story of love, hate, desperation, and drunkenness. 
flowers rekt me and left me for dead. it was such an emotional performance and i personally resonate with this song a lot (haha thats trauma baby) AND THEN THE TRANSITION TO TENDER LOVING COME HOME WITH ME stomped on my grave. also orpheus ran right by me and i was like GO GET HER YOU LANKY FUCK 
i usually don’t listen past flowers because self care and I was already an emotional mess so when if its true began i was full on weeping. I felt so bad for the people next to me, you physically see orpheus break down and it shattered me and then rebuild with the support of the worker and the hope become restored (but it isnt strong enough in the end (OUCH)) 
epic iii instrumental with the dance was just so full of young love hades and persephone just beam at eachother in this new wonderful way and once again, i was weeping because orpheus did it he la la laed the world back into tune and it is so tender and so full of love 
EVAS BELT IN WAIT FOR ME REPRISE GOT ME FEELING ALL KINDS OF CRAZY i was leaning so aggressively forward in my seat i want to remember that sound FOREVER 
doubt comes in was a really bad time. obviously i know the story but something about the show makes you hold on to all the hope in the world and I was literally sitting in my seat, my nails digging into the flesh of my palm thinking “cmon orpheus you know who you are you can do this hold on please hold on” AND THEYRE SO SNEAKY WITH THE LIGHTS IT GETS HOPEFUL AND THE SET COMES BACK TOGETHER AND THEN IT HAPPENS AND OH LORD i audibly gasped and the tears were STREAMING down my face and the face of the lady next to me who had no idea of the story rip to her man 
i literally cannot recall any of road to hell reprise visually because my eyes were so messed up with tears but hermes voice was almost like a blanket coming to wrap me up and hold me again after all that hurt and hold on to the hope that it might in fact turn out next time we sing it 
also i made an active choice to not listen to we raise our cups before the show and BOY HOWDY that was a choice because the moment it began the tears came once more and it was magical watching the audience (all standing, get that standing ovation) taking in the last little bit of magic that the show offers you and the feeling of hope and light that seeing a sunflower in all of its beauty brings. 
after the show i stagedoored and was lucky enough to meet and talk with Cherie the SM (she called the show too so I felt rlly lucky) and she wished me good luck in law school then i met John, Timothy, Jewelle, Anthony, Kimberly, and of course Reeve and Eva. I might have cried on the train home and yeah it was just this absolutely incredible and life changing moment, I feel so lucky that I was able to go it was worth it in every sense of the word. Hadestown went above and beyond and I will hold on to the memories forever. 
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current reading list for 2019
crossed = finished bolded = currently reading plain = to read
CURRENTLY READING Erotism: Death and Sensuality by Georges Bataille Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire Violence and the Sacred by René Girard Selected Prose of Heinrich von Kleist
TO READ to resume The Horror Reader edited by Ken Gilder The Collected Works of Clarice Lispector Là-Bas by J.K. Huysman On Touching by Jacques Derrida Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection by Julia Kristeva
novels The Border of Paradise by Esmé Weijun Wang Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (reread) Justine by Lawrence Durrell Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (reread) I’m Starved For You by Margaret Atwood The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood The Name of the Rose (reread) by Umberto Eco The Letters of Mina Harker by Dodie Bellamy Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille Sunshine by Robin McKinley Nightwood by Djuna Barnes Malina by Ingeborg Bachman The Lesser Bohemians by Eimear McBride A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Eimear McBride Enfermario by Gabriela Torres Olivares Monsieur Venus by Rachilde The Marquise de Sade by Rachilde
Hannibal Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris Monsters of our own Making by Marina Warner “Monsters of Perversion: Jeffrey Dahmer and The Silence of the Lambs” by Diana Fuss
short stories The Wilds by Julia Elliot The Dark Dark by Samantha Hunt Severance by Robert Olen Butler
poetry Extracting the Stone of Madness by Alejandra Pizarnik The Complete Poems by William Blake Unholy Sonnets by Mark Jarman collected works of Charles Baudelaire collected works of Arthur Rimbaud
theatre Faust by Goethe The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
nonfiction (history, biography, memoir) Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy / Irvin D. Yalom. Countess Dracula by Tony Thorne The Bloody Countess by Valentine Penrose Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsebet Bathory by Kimberly L. Craft Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History by Bill Schmutt Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middles Ages by Nancy Caciola Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici Blake by Peter Akroyd The Trial of Gilles de Rais by Georges Bataille The Marquis de Sade by Rachilde  Blake by Peter Akroyd Dinner with a Cannibal: The Complete History of Mankind's Oldest Taboo by Carole A. Travis-Henikoff The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan Emily Brontë by Agnes Mary Frances Robinson  Lives of the Necromancers by William Godwin A History of the Heart by Ole M. Høystad In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
essays When the Sick Rule the World by Dodie Bellamy Academonia by Dodie Bellamy The Body of Frankenstein's Monster by Cecil Helman
academia Monsters of Our Own Making by Marina Warner Monster Culture in the 21st Century: A Reader edited by by Marina Levina and Diem My Bui Essays on the Art of Angela Carter: Flesh and the Mirror edited by Lorna Sage The Routledge Companion to Literature and Food edited by Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Donna Lee Brien
the gothic Woman and Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth by Nina Auerbach Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters by J. Halberstam Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic by Eugenia C. Delamotte Art of Darkness: A Poetics of Gothic by Anne Williams Body Gothic: Corporeal Transgression in Contemporary Literature and Horror Film by Xavier Aldana Reyes On the Supernatural in Poetry by Ann Radcliffe The Gothic Flame by Devendra P. Varma Gothic Versus Romantic: A Reevaluation of the Gothic Novel by Robert D. Hume  A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke Over Her Dead Body by Elisabeth Bronfen The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology by Kate Ellis Gothic Documents: A Sourcebook, 1700-1820 by E. Clery Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic edited by Fred Botting  The History of Gothic Fiction by Markman Ellis The Routledge Companion to the Gothic edited by Catherine Spooner and Emma McEvoy  Gothic and Gender edited by Donna Heiland Romanticism and the Gothic Tradition by G.R. Thompson Cryptomimesis : The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing by Jodie Castricano
religion The Incorruptible Flesh: Bodily Mutation and Mortification in Religion and Folklore by Piero Camporesi Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages by Nancy Caciola “He Has a God in Him”: Human and Divine in the Modern Perception of Dionysus by Albert Henrichs The Ordinary Business of Occultism by Gauri Viswanathan The Body and Society. Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity by Peter Brown
cannibalism Eat What You Kill: Or, a Strange and Gothic Tale of Cannibalism by Consent Eat What You Kill: Or, a Strange and Gothic Tale of Cannibalism by Consent Charles J. Reid Jr. Consuming Passions: The Uses of Cannibalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Merrall Llewelyn Price Cannibalism in High Medieval English Literature by Heather Blurton Eating Their Words: Cannibalism and the Boundaries of Cultural Identity edited by Kristen Guest
crime Savage Appetites by Rachel Monroe In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
theory/philosophy Life Everlasting: the animal way of death by Bernd Heinrich The Ambivalence of Scarcity and Other Essays by René Girard Interviews with Hélène Cixous Symposium by Plato Phaedra by Plato Becoming-Rhythm: A Rhizomatics of the Girl by Leisha Jones The Abject of Desire: The Aestheticization of the Unaesthetic in Contemporary Literature and Culture edited by Konstanze Kutzbach, Monika Mueller The Severed Head: Capital Visions by Julia Kristeva
perfume & alchemy Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent by Jean-Claude Ellena The Perfume Lover: A Personal Story of Scent by Denyse Beaulieu Past Scents: Historical Perspectives on Smell by Jonathan Reinarz Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent by Mandy Aftel Das Parfum by Patrick Süskind Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture by Catherine Maxwell “The Ugly History of Beautiful Things: Perfume”
medicine Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery by Richard Hollingham Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance by Atul Gawande Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris
articles “The Dread Gorgon” by Caroline Alexander “Ruggiero’s Deceptions, Cherubino’s Distractions” by Mary Reynolds “A Thing of Shreds and Patches” by J’Lyn Chapman “Dissection” by Meehan Crist
unsorted Dwellings of the Philosophers by Fulcanelli Mysteries of the Cathedrals by Fulcanelli Jean Cocteau, from ‘Orphée’ The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio*
FINISHED Red Dragon by Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris Hannibal by Thomas Harris Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi (reread) Things We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enríquez (reread) Painting Their Portraits in Winter: Stories by Myriam Gurba The Sadeian Woman by Angela Carter the collected poems of Emily Brontë Fearful Symmetry by Northrop Frye A Monster’s Notes by Laurie Sheck Cain by José Saramago House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (reread) Such Small Hands by Andres Barba House of Incest by Anaïs Nin Macbeth by William Shakespeare Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy: The Heart of the Matter edited by Joseph Westfall The Body: An Essay by Jenny Boully A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments by Roland Barthes Carmilla by Sheridan le Fanu Cabinet of Curiosities by Guillermo del Toro John Donne’s Holy Sonnets Surfacing by Margaret Atwood Literature and Evil by Georges Bataille Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi Richard III by William Shakespeare The Dead Seagull by George barker Power Politics by Margaret Atwood
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Choices September Creates
Hey! If any of you have requested something or wondering why I haven’t posted any fics lately, I’m here to tell you why! I’ve spent the past 2(ish) weeks preparing for Choices September Creates and I finished my last fic today! So without further ado, I bring you the schedule and ships/fic summaries for the upcoming events! Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of them, the first one Rain comes out September 1st, Apology the 2nd and so forth! (these are all at liberty to change if I see fit, but currently, this is the determined schedule for me.).
l. Rain - Hana x MC
Tonight, Liam will pick Nicole to be his bride, unknowing to him that she and Hana have fallen in love. Despite her attempts to force herself out of her feelings, Hana simply can’t stop herself from falling for Nicole. Finding herself in the pouring rain, Hana has to make her choice and Lady Nicole has to accept it.
II. Apology - Hana x Madeleine (NSFW-ISH)*
Madeleine finds herself having to leave Hana after a night of love, due to her occupation in the palace it’s rather urgent and she finds herself having to leave Hana again. Reflecting on the past Madeleine and Hana talk through her apologizes, leaving Madeleine to wonder what Hana will ever see in her.
III. Dance - Eleanor x MC
When Victor’s birthday rolls around, Hannah invites Eleanor to join her, knowing it would be her first time to a club Hannah wants to make sure Eleanor can handle it. Eleanor, however, is very perplexed by the idea of grown adults in this century enjoying high tea for his birthday late at night.
IV, Magic - Kenna x Annelyse
Annelyse and Kenna journey back to Aurelia after being repaired from Dom’s destruction under Hex’s capture. Kenna finds herself compelled at how well Annelyse’s people have settled back into her home and the respect they all share for one another. Kenna sees it as nothing more than magical.
V. Fight - Drake x Liam (NSFW)
Drake wants Liam, Liam wants Drake, but Liam knows it’s not possible. Yet he always finds himself night after night with Drake beneath him, his heart full of love, desire, and lust. He wants to fight his instincts and be with Madeleine, however, he can’t bring himself to fight the sexual gratification and love he gets from Drake in the dark of the night.
VI. Home - Zekei x M!MC
Zekei and Nova decide to spend the night together, after raiding the kitchen staff for snacks they retreat back into Nova’s room and reminisce about home and their childhood, both opening up more than they ever have before. Nova finds himself straddling his best friend, but what will that mean for them?
VII. Future - Kiara x Penelope
Kiara and Penelope often find themselves questioning the future, what will it mean for them? After yet another rift between the pair, Kiara worries that Penelope is moving on and as much as she tries to not let it bother her, she ultimately fails. Trying on the maid of honor dresses together for Hana and Nicole, Penelope makes an admission Kiara will never forget.
VIII. Cozy Night In - Kate x MC
After being released on bail, Kate and Jesse decide to spend the night together at Kate’s apartment. Jesse organized all kinds of treats to help Kate relax and feel better after finally being able to come home from her time in captivity. But what’s a sleepover without an admission of love?
IX. Vacation - AME Jury House Fic (Comedy)**
The night of the double elimination, Bianca and Jamie wind up in the Jury House with all the previously booted out cast. Together in the living room, Teagan helps set up a movie as everyone argues about Han’s pick mainly Lina. Can they survive the night together or will there be hell to pay?
X. Loss - Damien x M!MC (MCD)***
With the loss of some members of their crew, Damien and Kai must move forward with their remaining crew to save themselves and other from Eros. However, Kai finds himself falling further every day unable to cope with the loss in his chest, his only safety coming from Damien now, but can he pull himself together before it’s too late?
XI. Family - Ivy x MC (SUGGESTIVE)****
Ivy invites Jamie back to her hometown for a family reunion. The pair reminiscing on the past they’ve lived and further to come, and Jamie gets to know Ivy’s mother and her past in pageantry. The night falls and Ivy wants nothing more than a few quiet moments with her lover, but her mom may have other plans for her.
XII. Anniversary - Kenji x M!MC (NSFW)
Celebrating the one year anniversary of Talos and Nightwing coming together, Kenji invites Kyle to his apartment where they share a dance on the deck and a bottle of wine. However, Kenji has more exciting and fun plans for them that night, but will Poppy and Dax interrupt their fun?
XIII. What If - Kate x MC
The night before Kate is due to be wed, she and Jesse relax in his room at the bed and breakfast in Jesse’s room. Drinking liquor they stole from Miss. Harlenay, Jesse and Kate decide to think about how life could have turned out? What their wedding would be like if it happened to them?
XIV. New Beginnings - Bianca x MC
Bianca and Jamie agree to do a swimsuit photoshoot to promote America’s Most Eligible. After the season they’ve had and the feelings they’ve harbored for each other, Piper and Jen both agreed it’d be the best course of action to get them more viewers seeing the love that will bloom on TV. However, Jamie starts to have doubts about doing this photoshoot, luckily for them, Bianca’s there to help.
XV. Smut - Kenna x Val (NSFW)
As a war takes Kenna and her group by surprise, an attack they couldn’t have planned for no matter what Kenna finds herself alone and stranded in the woods searching desperately for Val. After their fallout moments before the bombs went off, Kenna couldn’t forgive herself if Val died thinking Kenna hated her.
XVI. Heartache - Becca x MC
Armed with evidence of an affair between the pair, Becca can’t handle the drama, the deceit, and betrayal she’s felt from Emily and packs her bags. Emily begs her not to leave, confused why someone would say she and Kassidy were sleeping together behind Becca’s back and why Becca would believe her.
XVII. Unexpected - Poppy x MC
Alex sets up another date between Dax and Poppy in hopes of getting them together and leaves them in a bar to talk things through while they help Eva with a secret project. Poppy knows she doesn’t love Dax or even remotely like him, at one point maybe, but not anymore. Before the night ends she and Alex can’t help, but make a half-drunken mess of things.
XVIII. Bad Day - Madison x Becca
After being broken up with, Madison turns to Becca for a day of helping her feel better. However Becca can’t help, but notice how flirty Madison keeps acting around her and she’d be a liar if she said it didn’t scare her and excite her all at the same time. With the recent news of their breakup, how will the day affect Madison and Becca’s relationship?
XIX. Camping - Dan x MC
Dan and Devon decide to go camping in the woods to cope with everything that happened post-Redfield, Dan knew he could use the support and Devon pretending it didn’t bother them as much as they said it didn’t. Devon can’t help but want to set up a memorial for Noah, no matter how much it hurts to be there or how much Noah hurt them. All the while a surprise visitor waits for them.
XX. Fluff - Crash x Chazz
This one has been deleted. I can’t write anything I don’t like, and as much as I loved the pairing I couldn’t find myself inspired to work with it. Sorry to anyone who was loking forward to it.
XXI. Autumn -
Couldn’t figure out what to do for this day. If you have any ideas hit me up, otherwise this prompt ain’t being done.
XXII. Endings - Kamilah x MC (NSFW)
Kimberly finishes her final day working for RainesCorp as Adrian’s right-hand woman and secures herself a position now as Kamilah’s, with Kamilah’s assistant moving on to a better position within the company. An ending is a new beginning, and Kimberly wants to break in the new job with some fun.
XXIII. Birth - Victoria x MC
Victoria and Normani are having their first child, with all of their friends around Normani delivers her baby with Victoria by her side the entire time. Matt’s petrified because he looked, Seth is making fun of him, and Teja is getting her hand broken by Normani’s grip while trying to keep the boys under control.
XXIV. Animals - Maxwell x MC
Maxwell invites Riley to a private dinner for two during an endangered animal awareness event. Where he plans a special surprise for them, but Riley has other plans for how the night should go on. But the pair may find themselves in deep trouble when they get caught.
XXV. Best Friends - Kaitlyn x MC
Celeste needs help with her fanfiction, Vasquez told her to channel her creative energies further than her internship and she decides fanfiction is her best bet. However, she’s having trouble putting into words how Val and Kenna should confess their love, luckily Kaitlyn is around to help (and tease her).
XXVI. Lies - Alana x MC (SUGGESTIVE)
Nadia and Kai discuss Kai’s relationship with Nadia. Kai worries that Nadia doesn’t care about them, and the fact that she lies so much to them, even over little things that shouldn’t bother Kai as much as it does. Nadia’s advice might not be all that helpful, but at least Kai channeled away some frustration.
XXVII. Sleepover - Naomi x MC
Jesse wants to surprise Naomi at her ranch with a night of fun at home, after finally being able to make their way back to Birtchport for the weekend. They cook her a lovely meal and get news over the phone that will change both of their lives for better or worse. Can they tough it out and make it last?
XXVIII. Moving Day - Han x M!MC (NSFW)
Han and Landon finish moving all of their stuff into their new apartment after spending the entire day moving by themselves, at Han’s suggestion of not needing any help. Landon finds himself surprised they managed to do it all, and sore with his back killing him. Han offers to give him an innocent massaging, but Landon’s expecting a little more from his boyfriend.
XXIX. Clean - Bianca x MC
Lina shows Jamie Bianca’s biggest secret much to Han’s disapproval, a confession that could easily make or break their relationship. Smuggly Lina walks away leaving Bianca and Jamie to sort out the details of what happened and decide what comes next for the pair or if anything at all comes for them next.
XXX. Celebrate - Grace (@zig-a-zow’s mc) x Aiden
When Grace’s birthday rolls around, Aiden decides to plan something special for her and the rest of their friends. Grace admittedly appreciated it, however, he wasn’t sure if she even wanted to celebrate further than just her and Aiden. As the party rages on an item on the menu catches her hand and she’s determined to prove herself to have a good night.
Books with M!MC + F!MC that just say ‘MC’ will have they pronouns, so you an picture it however you want!
* - NSFW-ISH means exactly what it says, it’s not NSFW but it directly references NSFW actions.
** - Comedy means it’s just a funny fic, it’s not anything deep except a joke fic to make you laugh!
*** - MCD is Major Character Death
**** - Suggestive hints to NSFW concepts, but isn’t directly NSFW/NSFW-ish!
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tokupedia · 6 years
Costume Ideas for Halloween 2018: Boom! Studios edition (Power Rangers 25th anniversary)
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It is that time of year again and we are going to start off with Power Rangers since this is their big year. Boom! Studios has blessed fans with a ton of new options for trick or treat this year to dedicated cosplayers, so we are going to start off with a few of them before moving on to the usual fare.
First up, of course, is...
Lord Drakkon (Evolution I, Evolution II and III)
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One of the deadliest threats to the Power Rangers thus far, Drakkon made a lasting impact on the franchise. Having some good looking upgraded forms is definitely going to leave a lasting impression on fans. He starts out as a MMPR-Samurai hybrid, then evolves further with the Red Zeo subcrystal before attaining godhood by becoming one with the Morphin Grid. 
Female fans can do the standard Gokai Change method if they wish by adding a skirt or do an even wilder alternate take where Ranger Slayer Kimberly kills Evil Tommy and takes the powers for herself, adding the Bow of Darkness to the costume. However fans go about it, if done well, you will look like a badass when entering a room or going door to door for those elusive Snickers, M&Ms or other goodies.
“Super Zack” (or a variation) from “Forever Mighty Morphin Black”
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Superheroes are all the rage these days, in movies, tv and in merch. So what if Power Rangers were a more traditional western style superhero team rather than an adaptation of a Japanese superhero show? You get this guy from a short story in one of the MMPR Comic annuals!
This version of Zack can fly like Superman and sports a variation of the classic MMPR Black Ranger suit with a full black cape, Superman-like boots that have a single black diamond with a white outline and elbow length gloves with black lining on the hand and finger parts of it. Or, if you have time, you could design a variant of the other colors. Imagine how cool a White, Pink, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue or even a Zeo version could be!
Zombie ‘69 Rangers
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Let’s face it, these poor guys didn’t get enough “screentime” for our tastes. So, what if there was a “Blackest Night” scenario?  Zombie Power Rangers! Admittedly, a bit too gruesome for the kiddies, but scares are part of what Halloween is for right?
This would be an easy one, just wear tattered 1960s-ish clothes, a little make up and carry a Power Morpher or go crazy and make mangled Power Ranger suits. Daniel’s would have the shattered helmet visor with scary zombie eyes peering out of it, Jaime’s would have bloody entrails sticking out since she was crushed to death and Nikolai’s would be a singed Blue Ranger suit with exposed burns and some skeletal make up. 
Silver Space Ranger Sentry
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A fan favorite among shows in the Power Rangers lore is Power Rangers in Space. So it stands to reason that a representative of what could go wrong if evil got that team’s Ranger powers should be present on this list. 
The Silver Space Sentries are vastly different from their original counterpart, equipped with a combat utility belt with the (Mega)Ranger symbol in the center and a few bulky pouches on each side of the hips, a jetpack with shoulder padding, kneepads and some kind of device on the left shoulder (energy gage?). Some kind of breathing apparatus tube flows into the helmet and they are equipped with twin blasters. 
Honestly, I chose this one out of the recent ones not cosplayed yet because the White Jungle Fury Rhino and Gold Dino Charge are way more complicated to replicate from scratch due to all the armor. But if you can pull those off, I’d love to see you complete the challenge!
And lastly for now, our recent lovely morphin’ lady, since Ranger Slayer is all the rage and cosplayed quite a lot, it helps to go for the less mainstream.
Solar Ranger
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This shy-but-kinda-maybe-evil little sunshine gal is still very new, having not even uttered a word yet in the comics so far. And while her full costume hasn’t been given a lot of time to show off, we can tell that the costume has a purple hoodie with gold lining, bandages on her wrists and boots, some kind of star like pattern, gauntlets or morpher on the gloves and seemingly takes heavy inspiration from Kamen Rider Ghost and Kyuranger with a touch of SPD thrown in. She wields some kind of discus weapon that may or may not be made of purple crystal or just energy.
It is a challenge to translate to real world costume given the cosmic pattern of stars in her suit. But for the helmet, I recommend a purple or violet Maziora or Chromaflair paint and a few custom flakes to bring the “star” effect to life. Just be sure not to hurt yourself when applying and wear a mask when spraying. Since her costume is gender neutral like Trini’s suit, a Rule 63 is pretty simple to pull off, just make it fit your body with no add-ons needed.
And there you have it! 7 costume ideas to kick off the spoopy-spooky season.
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ethicalpraxis · 2 years
Article 23 of the Family Code
It shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the marriage to furnish either of the contracting parties the original of the marriage certificate referred to in Article 6 and to send the
duplicate and triplicate copies of the certificate not later than fifteen days after the marriage, to the local civil registrar of the place where the marriage was solemnized. 
Proper receipts shall be issued by the local civil registrar to the solemnizing officer transmitting copies of the marriage certificate. The solemnizing officer shall
retain in his file the quadruplicate copy of the marriage certificate, the original of the marriage license and, in proper cases, the affidavit of the contracting party regarding the solemnization of the
marriage in a place other than those mentioned in Article 8. (68a)
Case: Republic vs. Orbecido III, October 5, 2005
Facts: On May 24, 1981, Cipriano Orbecido III married Lady Myros M. Villanueva at the United Church of Christ in the Philippines in Lam-an, Ozamis City. Their marriage was blessed with a son and a daughter, Kristoffer Simbortriz V. Orbecido and Lady Kimberly V. Orbecido. 
In 1986, Cipriano’s wife left for the United States bringing along their son Kristoffer. A few years later, Cipriano discovered that his wife had been naturalized as an American citizen.Sometime in 2000, Cipriano learned from his son that his wife had obtained a divorce decree and then married a certain Innocent Stanley. She, Stanley and her child by him currently live at 5566 A. Walnut Grove Avenue, San Gabriel, California.  
Cipriano thereafter filed with the trial court a petition for authority to remarry invoking Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family Code. No opposition was filed. Finding merit in the petition, the court granted the same. The Republic, herein petitioner, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), sought reconsideration but it was denied.
Held: Yes. The Court’s unanimous decision in holding Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Family Code be interpreted as allowing a Filipino citizen who has been divorced by a spouse who had acquired a citizenship and remarried, also to remarry under Philippine law. 
The article should be interpreted to include cases involving parties who, at the time of the celebration of the marriage were Filipino citizens, but later on,one of them became naturalized as a foreign citizen and obtained a divorce decree. 
The instant case was one where at the time the marriage was solemnized, the parties were two Filipino citizens, but later on, the wife was naturalized as an American citizen and subsequently obtained a divorce granting her capacity to remarry, and indeed, she remarried an American citizen while residing in the US. The Filipino spouse should likewise be allowed to remarry as if the other party were a foreigner at the time of the solemnization of the marriage.
However, since Orbecido was not able to prove as fact his wife’s naturalization, he was still barred from remarrying.
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kung-fu-cutbug · 2 years
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so apparently they made a second Rogue Legacy and the character generation sometimes makes absolute scrunklies
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1079mixfm · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://mix1079.net/garth-brooks-won-entertainer-of-the-year-at-last-nights-cmas-and-carrie-underwood-didnt/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=1079mixfm+on+Tumblr&utm_campaign=SNAP
Garth Brooks Won Entertainer of the Year at Last Night's CMAs . . . and Carrie Underwood Didn't
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We all knew the spotlight would be on the “women of country” at last night’s “53rd Annual CMA Awards”, and it was . . . until the end, when GARTH BROOKS won Entertainer of the Year. 
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That last female to win that award was Taylor Swift in 2011.  The favorite this year seemed to be CARRIE UNDERWOOD.  She launched an all-female tour, worked hard promoting her album, but didn’t win a thing.  She was up for three awards. 
The CMAs did come through with a solid show.  It opened with an all-female medley that started with Carrie and her co-hosts, DOLLY PARTON, and REBA MCENTIRE.
And then came Jennifer Nettles, Kimberly Schlapman, Karen Fairchild, The Highwomen, Tanya Tucker, Gretchen Wilson, Crystal Gayle, Terri Clark, Sara Evans, and Martina McBride . . . who all took turns honoring decades of female country songs.
That could’ve been a tough moment to follow but Carrie, Dolly, and Reba rolled into the monologue without missing a beat.  They didn’t do any long and involved comedy bits, as Carrie did with Brad Paisley, but they didn’t need them.  They’re pros.
As for the performances:  MIRANDA LAMBERT had a spark in her eye while singing “It All Comes Out in the Wash”.  I think marriage agrees with her.  Speaking of that:  How many years before she and Blake Shelton shake hands and make nice?
We were treated to PINK and CHRIS STAPLETON doing “Love Me Anyway”.  It was one of those performances that remind you why awards shows can be so awesome.  It got a standing ovation.
OLD DOMINION performed “One Man Band” and it was subdued but really good.  Even better, later on in the show, they won their second Vocal Group of the Year award.
Hey, LUKE COMBS did a wardrobe change.  He was all dressed up when he accepted Song of the Year for “Beautiful Crazy”, but when he returned later to sing “Beer Never Broke My Heart” he was in short sleeves and a cap.  And then the suit came back when he won Male Vocalist of the Year.  For some reason, I love that.
KELSEA BALLERINI went solo with her guitar while performing “Homecoming Queen?”.  And then she launched into “Girl Crush”, which kicked off another succession of female performers that included Lindsay Ell, Runaway June, Maddie & Tae, Ashley McBryde, Carly Pearce . . . and Little Big Town.
The LADY ANTEBELLUM and HALSEY collaboration featured stripped-down versions of Lady A’s “What If I Never Get Over You”, and Halsey’s “Graveyard”.  They sounded great together.  How about an album?
The guitars came out and the volume turned up when BROTHERS OSBORNE joined BROOKS & DUNN for “Hard Workin’ Man”.
A night dedicated to women in country music seemed right for a pregnant MAREN MORRIS to perform her song “Girl”.  She also won Album of the Year for “Girl”.
Blake Shelton did a nice thing while performing “God’s Country”.  He showcased his fiddle player Jenee Fleenor, which was cool for two reasons.  She won CMA Musician of the Year, and, believe it or not, she was the first woman to ever win that award.
Hands down, the sweetest moment of the night was when KACEY MUSGRAVES and her hero WILLIE NELSON performed “The Muppet Movie” song “Rainbow Connection”.  Unfortunately, Willie’s voice was wavering, but that’s okay.
(There’s a nice selection of red carpet photos at CMAAwards.com.  And you can check out performance clips and photos on the CMA Awards Instagram page.) 
(TasteOfCountry.com did their Best-Dressed list . . . and Worst-Dressed list.)
Here’s your complete list of winners . . .
Entertainer of the Year:  Garth Brooks
Male Vocalist of the Year:  Luke Combs
Female Vocalist of the Year:  Kacey Musgraves
Vocal Duo of the Year:  Dan + Shay
Vocal Group of the Year:  Old Dominion
New Artist of the Year:  Ashley McBryde
Album of the Year:  “Girl”, Maren Morris
Song of the Year:  “Beautiful Crazy”, Luke Combs.  It’s a songwriter’s award so he shares it with Wyatt B. Durrette III, and Robert Williford.
Single of the Year:  “God’s Country”, Blake Shelton
Musical Event of the Year:  “Old Town Road (Remix)”, Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus
Music Video of the Year:  “Rainbow”, Kacey Musgraves
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off-colours · 7 years
BΔSTILLE Song Catalogue
[Last updated: 25/03/17] This is a list of every Bastille song we know about!
If you can't find a copy of anything in the list, feel free to message me and I can probably hook you up. At the bottom of the list I've also included songs by Dan Smith before Bastille formed and songs he created with Ralph PelleyMounter.
If I've missed anything please reply/message me so I can update the list! I'll be updating it periodically anyway with new stuff they release.
[Album] All This Bad Blood:
Pompeii [Y] [S] [i]
Things We Lost in the Fire [Y] [S] [i]
Bad Blood [Y] [S] [i]
Overjoyed [Y] [S] [i]
These Streets [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. II [S] [i]
Icarus [S] [i]
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
Flaws [Y] [S] [i]
Daniel in the Den [S] [i]
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Get Home [Y] [S] [i]
Poet [S] [i]
The Silence [Y] [S] [i]
Haunt (Demo) [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. I [S] [i]
Sleepsong [Y] [S] [i]
Durban Skies [S] [i]
Laughter Lines [S] [i]
Previously on Other People's Heartache... [S] [i]
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
The Draw [Y] [S] [i]
What Would You Do [Y] [S] [i]
Skulls [S] [i]
Tuning Out... [S] [i]
[Album] Wild World (Target exclusive edition):
Good Grief [Y] [S] [i]
The Currents [S] [i]
An Act of Kindness [S] [i]
Warmth [S] [i]
Glory [S] [i]
Power [S] [i]
Two Evils [S] [i]
Send Them Off! [Y] [S] [i]
Lethargy [S] [i]
Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith)[S] [i]
Blame [Y] [S] [i]
Fake It [Y] [S] [i]
Snakes [S] [i]
Winter of Our Youth [S] [i]
Way Beyond [S] [i]
Oil On Water [S] [i]
Campus [S] [i]
Shame [S] [i]
The Anchor [S] [i]
Final Hour
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache:
Adagio for Strings (featuring Maiday)
What Would You Do? [Y] [S] [i]
Requiem for Blue Jeans
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
Titanium (featuring Barnaby Keen Band)
Love Don't Live Here (featuring Rory Andrew, Jonas Jalhay and F.Stokes)
Falling (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2:
Tuning In (featuring HUMS Contemporary Choir)
Killer (featuring F*U*G*Z)
No Angels (featuring Ella Eyre)
Walk to Oblivion (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
Forever Ever (featuring Jay Brown and Kate Tempest)
Dreams (featuring Gabrielle Aplin) [S] [i]
Thinkin' Ahead (featuring O.N.E. and Ric Elsworth)
Free (featuring Ella Eyre and Erika)
Sweet Pompeii
Basement (featuring F*U*G*Z and F.Stokes)
Oh Holy Night
[Mixtape] VS. (Other People's Heartache, Pt. III):
Fall Into Your Arms (featuring The Gemma Sharples Quartet) [S] [i]
Bite Down (featuring HAIM) [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news (featuring MNEK) [S] [i]
The Driver [Y] [S] [i]
Axe to Grind (featuring Tyde and Rationale) [S] [i]
Torn Apart (featuring GRADES) [Y] [S] [i]
Torn Apart, Pt. II (featuring GRADES and Lizzo) [S] [i]
Weapon (featuring Angel Haze, F*U*G*Z and Braque) [Y] [S] [i]
Remains (featuring Rag'n'Bone Man and Skunk Anansie) [S] [i]
[Single] Laura Palmer 7":
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Thinkin Bout You (featuring O.N.E.) [S] [i]
[Single] Oblivion 7":
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news [Y] [S] [i]
[Single] Send Them Off 7":
Send Them Off [Y] [S] [i]
The Descent
[Single] Hangin' 7":
Hangin' [Y]
Overload [i]
[Single] Comfort of Strangers 7":
Comfort of Strangers
Warmth (Live) [S] [i]
Unreleased songs (that we've heard):
All I Want for Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey Cover) [Y]
Christmas Mashup [Y]
Diamonds and Waste (Kate McGill Cover)
(I Just) Died In Your Arms (Cutting Crew Cover) [Y] [S] [i]
Earth Song (Michael Jackson Cover) [Y]
Final Song (MØ Cover) [Y] [i]
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Aerosmith Cover)
Locked Out of Heaven (Bruno Mars Cover) [Y]
Oh Holy Night [Y]
Human (Rag'n'Bone Man Cover)
This Is What You Came For/Bang Bang (Calvin Harris and Cher Cover)
We Can't Stop (Miley Cyrus Cover) [Y] [i]
Band Aid (30) - Do They Know It’s Christmas? (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y] [S] [i]
Craig David - Fill Me In (featuring Bastille)
Pompeii/Waiting All Night (featuring Bastille, Rudimental and Ella Eyre) [i]
To Kill A King - Choices (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y]
Fenech-Soler - Stop & Stare (Bastille Remix)
To Kill a King - Bloody Shirt (Bastille Remix) [Y]
Imagine Dragons - It's Time (Bastille Remix)
Swiss Lips - U Got the Power (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
David Lynch - Are You Sure (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Kimberly Anne - Hard As Hello (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
The Wombats - Greek Tragedy (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
Dan Smith’s vocals:
Foxes - Better Love (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Madeon - La Lune (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Naughty Boy - No One's Here To Sleep (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
To Kill A King -Cannibals With Cutlery (featuring Dan Smith) [Y]
Dan Smith (before Bastille):
Foe (Through the Trees)
Haunt (early version)
Starry Eyed (Ellie Goulding Cover)
The Ride
When All Of Our Friends Are Dead
Words Are Words
Dan Smith and Ralph Pelleymounter:
Colours of Love
Electric Head
Keep talking
New Blue Dress
TelegRalph Road
Annie Oakley Hanging:
13 steps (Chapter 1) (Demo)
Feet don't fail me (Chapter 2) (Demo)
Cut her Down (Chapter 5) (Demo)
Sophi is a Lady... (Chapter 6) (Demo)
296 notes · View notes
vsplusonline · 4 years
Ashwa Bravo wins main event
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ashwa-bravo-wins-main-event/
Ashwa Bravo wins main event
M. Srinivas Reddy’s ward Ashwa Bravo piloted by Suraj Narredu claimed the Alcock Arabian Million, the star attraction of the concluding day’s races here on Monday (Feb. 24). The winner is owned by Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh Chauhan. Trainer Srinivas Reddy saddled two more winners on the day.
1. ATTRACTRESS PLATE (Div. I), (1,200m), maiden 3-y-o only (Cat. II), (Terms): SOUTHERN PRINCESS (David Egan) 1, Fashion Universe (David Allan) 2, Look Of Love (Ajeeth Kumar) 3 and Amyra (I. Chisty) 4. Nk, nk and 2-3/4. 1m 13.22s. ₹ 6 (w), 5, 7 and 16 (p), SHP: 32, FP: 36, Q: 29, Tla: 257. Favourite: Southern Princess. Owners: M/s. Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt.Ltd.rep. by Mr. Zaveray S. Poonawalla, Mrs. Behroze & Simone Z. Poonawalla & M/s. Vijay Racing & Farms Pvt.Ltd.rep by. M/s. Vijay Kumar Gupta & Susheel Kumar Gupta. Trainer: Laxman Singh.
2. K.R. ARVIND REDDY MEMORIAL CUP (Div. II), (1,100m), 4-y-o & over, rated 20 to 45 (Cat. III): SPICE UP (Nakhat Singh) 1, Buzz Light Year (Md. Ismail) 2, Heaven Can Wait (Afroz Khan) 3 and Tough Lady (Ajeeth Kumar) 4. 2, 1-1/2 and 3/4. 1m 7.06s. Rs. 19 (w), 7, 30 and 18 (p), SHP: 86, FP: 317, Q: 179, Tla: 2,705. Favourite: Kimberly Cruise. Owner: M.A.M. Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Mr. A.C. Muthiah. Trainer: Satheesh.
3. ATTRACTRESS PLATE (Div. II), (1,200m), maiden 3-y-o only (Cat. II), (Terms), ROYAL ROMANCE (Kiran Naidu) 1, Blink Of An Eye (Jitendra Singh) 2, Vijays Simha (Ashhad Asbar) 3 and Beautiful Luv (Ajit Singh) 4. 3-1/4, hd and 3-3/4. 1m 13.49s. ₹ 8 (w), 6, 13 and 8 (p), SHP: 33, FP: 89, Q: 74, Tla: 244. Favourite: Royal Romance. Owner: M/s. Prakash Babu, Rajesh Sanghani, S. Pathy & Donald Anthony Netto. Trainer: D. Netto.
4. NAWAB MIR MUSHTAQ ALI KHAN MEMORIAL CUP (Div. II), (1,600m), 4-y-o & over, rated 40 to 65 (Cat. II): MAHASHAKTI (Ashhad Asbar) 1, Ayur Shakti (Irvan Singh) 2, Lockhart (Ajeeth Kumar) 3 and Tiger Of The Sea (Surya Prakash) 4. 1/2, 3/4 and 3/4. 1m 40.17s. Rs. 8 (w), 9, 11 and 10 (p), SHP: 59, FP: 52, Q: 86, Tla: 951. Favourite: Mahashakti. Owners: M/s. Rakesh R. Jhunjhunwala, Berjis Minoo Desai & Ashok Kumar Gupta. Trainer: M. Srinivas Reddy.
5. MIRZA ZUNNUR AHMED MEMORIAL CUP (1,600m), 4-y-o & over, rated upto 25 (Cat. III): A HUNDRED ECHOES (B.R. Kumar) 1, London Bridge (Ashhad Asbar) 2, Valee Tiger (Md. Ismail) 3 and Golden Faraska (N. Rawal) 4. Not run: Ultimate Risk. 1/2, 2 and nk. 1m 42.87s. Rs. 25 (w), 9, 5 and 10 (p), SHP: 13, FP: 76, Q: 34, Tla: 335. Favourite: London Bridge. Owners: Mr. Subodh Kumar Ananthula & Mr. Sultan Singh. Trainer: Arjun Anne.
6. NAWAB MIR MUSHTAQ ALI KHAN MEMORIAL CUP (Div. I), (1,600m), 4-y-o & over, rated 40 to 65 (Cat. II): RENO STAR (David Allan) 1, Artistryy (Aneel) 2, Miss Marvellous (Jitendra Singh) 3 and Ulysses (Irvan Singh) 4. Not run: Gazebo and Brave Warrior. 2-3/4, 2 and 5-1/2. 1m 38.28s. ₹ 9 (w), 6, 10 and 12 (p), SHP: 24, FP: 31, Q: 30, Tla: 134. Favourite: Reno Star. Owner: Mr. H. Thambuswamy. Trainer: R.H. Sequeira.
7. BEACON PLATE (Div. I), (1,400m), 5-y-o & over, rated 20 to 45 (Cat. III): ASHWA ARJUN (Abhay Singh) 1, Honourable Guest (Koushik) 2, Golden Hope (A.A. Vikrant) 3 and Alta Vita (Kitran Naidu) 4. 3-1/4, nk and 1/2. 1m 27.29s. ₹ 16 (w), 7, 29 and 16 (p), SHP: 79, FP: 312, Q: 312, Tla: 5,393. Favourite: Ashwa Arjun. Owner: Mrs. Anita Chauhan. Trainer: M. Srinivas Reddy.
8. K.R. ARVIND REDDY MEMORIAL CUP (Div. I), (1,100m), 4-y-o & over, rated 20 to 45 (Cat. III): GLADSTONE (Irvan Singh) 1, Top Saga (Md. Ismail) 2, Aibak (Ashhad Asbar) 3 and Human Touch (Nakhat Singh) 4. 3/4, 1/2 and 1. 1m 6.49s. ₹ 20 (w), 8, 12 and 9 (p), SHP: 40, FP: 166, Q: 116, Tla: 678. Favourite: Gladstone. Owner: Mr. N.V. Rohin Kumar. Trainer: S. Sreekant.
9. ALCOCK ARABIAN MILLION (1,400m), 3-y-o only, (Terms): ASHWA BRAVO (Suraj Narredu) 1, Good Connection (David Egan) 2, Bisate (Ashhad Asbar) 3 and Horus (Dashrath Singh) 4. Hd, 4-3/4 and 3/4. 1m 25.32s. ₹ 8 (w), 6, 6 and 8 (p), SHP: 13, FP: 15, Q: 12, Tla: 89. Favourite: Ashwa Bravo. Owner: Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh Chauhan. Trainer: M. Srinivas Reddy.
10. BEACON PLATE (Div, II) (1,400m), 5-y-o & over, rated 20 to 45 (Cat. III): BEST FRIEND (Jitendra Singh) 1, Starboy (Surya Prakash) 2, Curcumin (Koushik) 3 and Wood Bridge (Nakhat Singh) 4. 3/4, nk and 2. 1m 27.93s. ₹ 79 (w), 25, 8 and 12 (p), SHP: 26, FP: 902, Q: 330, Tla: 4,703. Favourite: Wood Bridge. Owner: M.A.M. Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Mr. A.C. Muthiah. Trainer: Satheesh.
Jkt (i): ₹ 1,127 (144 tkts), Runner up: 58 (1,180 tkts), (ii): 10,950 (65 tkts), Runner up: 113 (2,695 tkts), Mini (i): 451 (312 tkts), (ii): 4,708 (11 tkts), Tr (i): 127 (248 tkts), (ii): 127 ( 264 tkts), (iii): 1,159 (63 tkts).
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stylevitae · 4 years
“The Wana Sambo Woman is Strong, Sexy & Exotic. She is you, she is everything you dare to be.”
All around the globe, women are fiercely taking charge and shattering boundaries in politics, sports, tech, media, finance, etc. The Wana Sambo brand has decided to celebrate these women by naming each garment after one woman every season, all year round to celebrate her achievement(s).
“The Woman Who Conquers” (Part 1) is an ode to women who do not conform to ideals that put limitations on women in the society. These women have defied the odds while daring to be more.
All garments in this collection are specially curated and named after these women who are resilient, daring and constantly re-defining the status-quo.
As every collection is released and a Wana Sambo Woman puts on any garment(s) from these collections, she will be reminded of and will join us in celebrating some of the amazing we know as we keep on conquering the world.
  LOOK 1: The Dr Ola Pair: This pair is inspired by and named after Nigerian Dr Ola Orekunnri. Dr Ola is a medical doctor, helicopter pilot, health care entrepreneur and the managing director of West Africa’s first air ambulance “The Flying Doctors Nigeria”.
Dr Ola is a member of the American Academy Aesthetic Medicine, she is dedicated to bringing trauma care to the most remote parts of Western Africa, she is a national expert of disaster medicine and pre-hospital care, Dr Ola is the youngest person to receive the Silverbird Group “Outstanding Female CEO” award, under the age of 30.
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The Dr Ola Pair
LOOK 2: The Chimamanda Dress: This dress is inspired and named after Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a feminist, novelist and campaigner for equal rights and women empowerment.
Chimamanda’s works have been translated to over thirty languages and appeared in various publications, she has given numerous TED talks round the globe, her provoking conversations have tackled traditional norms and stance, her book “We Should All be Feminist” caught attention of Dior and was curated in a collection. Chimamanda was recently named Vanguard’s “Woman of the Decade” and has multiple awards and honorary degrees to her name.
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LOOK 3: The Mosunmola Dress:  This dress is inspired by and named after the multi-award-winning media mogul, Mosunmola Abudu (Mo Abudu).
Mo Abudu is the first woman to own a pan-African TV channel in Africa; she is a media personality, philanthropist and former human resources management consultant. Mosunmola Abudu has been described by Forbes as “Africa’s most successful woman’’.
She was awarded the MIPTV’s 2019 Medailles d’Honneur, in Cannes, France, making her the first African to be a recipient of the reputable award.
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The Mosunmola Dress
LOOK 4: The Michelle Pair: This pair is inspired by and named after former First Lady of America, Michelle Obama. She is the first African-American First Lady of the United States of America, A lawyer and a writer who has launched numerous campaigns to tackle America food and health sector, support American veterans and empower American youths, she received the Grammy Award for best spoken word in 2019 for her book “Becoming”.
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The Michelle Pair (Jacket and Trousers)
LOOK 5: The Fade Pair: This pair is inspired by and named after Fade Ogunro, an international speaker, CEO/ Founder of BookingsAfrica.com, which is the largest online freelance marketplace to book creatives in the entertainment and media industry in Africa.
Fade Ogunro is the co-founder of Film Factory Productions and has produced several TV commercials and music videos. Her clients include Lancome, First Bank, Unilever, Coca-Cola etc.
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The Fade Set (Jacket and Trouser)
LOOK 6: The Kimberly Pair:  This pair is inspired by and named after Kimberly Anyadike; the youngest African-American pilot to fly solo at the age of 15. She is the youngest African American woman to complete a transcontinental flight across the United States, and has completed the round-trip journey in a single-engine in 13 days.
Kimberly Anyadike received the first “Young Aviator’s award” from the Tuskegee Airmen in 2016.
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The Kimberly Pair
LOOK 7: The Ilhan Pair: This pair is inspired by and named after Ilhan Omar who is the first naturalized African and Somali-American elected to the United States Congress. Before her political position, she has been a fierce campaigner for affordable housing, healthcare, and a living wage. In 2017, she was one of the 46 women to feature in Time magazine’s report, “Firsts: Women who are changing the world.” Prior to all these, she was a Somalian who lived at a refugee camp in Kenya for around 4 years.
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The Ilhan Pair (Jacket and Skirt)
LOOK 8: The Lilian Ajayi-Ore Dress: This dress was named after Lilian Ajayi-Ore, the Founder and CEO of Global Connections for Women foundation (GC4W) which was established to support women and youth in underserved communities across the globe. Lilian sits on the board of Harvard Crimson Impact, NAEEP Ltd, Madison Square Boys and Girls Club, the HOPE Program and International Women in Business (IWIIB). Lilian is an Ambassador of Goodwill and Honorary of the state of Arkansas. She was awarded with the Special U.S. Congressional Award for Outstanding Community Service from Congresswoman Barbara Lee and recognized by Applause Africa Magazine as “Top 40 and under 40” Most Inspiring African in Diaspora. Lilian was recently selected as Black Enterprise Magazine “Power Women of the Diaspora”.
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The Lilian Ajayi-Ore Dress
LOOK 9: The Nozlie Dress: This dress is inspired by and named after Nozipho Sibanda. Nozipho is the Chief Finance Officer for Rack Centre Limited, Nigeria’s premier Tier III data centre. She was featured in the Data Economy ‘’FINVEST50’’ Global Leaders in Data Centre Finance. Prior to joining Rack Centre, she was the Finance Director West Africa for Dimension Data, a multinational providing ICT solutions and services. She has worked with PWC in Nigeria and South Africa. Nozipho is the current Chairperson of the ICT Group, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry and she is a Chartered Account with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.
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The Nozlie Dress
Look 10: The Condolezza Pair: This pair is inspired by and named after Condolezza Rice, the first black woman to serve as the United States security adviser as well as the first black woman to serve as the US Secretary of State.
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The Condolezza Pair
Look 11: The Tiwa Pair: Inspired by and Named after Tiwa Savage, a multi award-winning artist, songwriter and producer. Tiwa is the first woman to win “Best African Act” at the MTV Europe Music Awards and the first Nigerian woman to sign a record deal with Universal Music Group. Tiwa has been involved in youth empowerment and breast cancer screening projects and has raised funds to build schools in Nigeria.
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The Tiwa Pair
Team Credit:  Art Direction & Styling; @wanasamboceo  Photography: @yusufshotme  Hair: @hairsentiments by @kaylahoniwo  Makeup: @preshyglam  Model: @enaesigie 
All garments are AVAILABLE TO SHOP on www.wanasambo.com Contact: +234 815 3131 533 Email: [email protected]
Wana Sambo’s New Collection is an Ode to Every Woman who Conquers “The Wana Sambo Woman is Strong, Sexy & Exotic. She is you, she is everything you dare to be.”
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miss-ladyy-blog · 6 years
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Annette “Lady” Margaret Grant -- Character Sheet
saturday night she's rockin' out by the bonfire / foot hangin' from that tail gate and crankin' up the dial / come sunday mornin' she'll be singing with the choir / drivin' me crazy with that kiss me smile
there's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes / she's a little bit of heaven with a wild side / got a rebel heart a country mile wide
Archetype — The Innocent Birthday — September 5, 1995 Zodiac Sign — Virgo MBTI — INFJ Enneagram — 3; the Achiever Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Slythpuff Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Gluttony Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Air
Mother — Kathleen “Katie Erin” (nee Miller) (48) (FC: Valerie Bertinelli) Father — James Clancey Grant the III (50) (FC: Hugh Grant) Mother’s Occupation — homemaker Father’s Occupation — judge, holds seat on city council Family Finances — well off, not super rich but definitely comfortable Birth Order — eldest Brothers —  James Clancey Grant the IV (2, birthday: September 10, 2015) Sisters — none Other Close Family — Aunt Sarah (Jim’s sister) (47) (FC: Mädchen Amick); Grandma (Margaret Grant) (paternal grandmother); Grandpa (James Clancey Grant the II) (paternal grandfather); Grammy (Annette Miller) (maternal grandmother); Grampy (Robert Miller) (maternal grandfather); Uncle Robert Miller the II, Aunt Rose Miller, cousins: Robert the III (28) (wife: Allison, kids: Ronald (5), Nicholas (2)), Zachariah (24) (wife: Betsy, kids: Mary (1)), Jessica (20), Margaret (16); Uncle Nate Miller, Aunt Rachel Miller, cousins: Sarah Beth (25) (husband: Kevin Lund, kids: Matthew (1)), Andrew (24), Marisol (23); Uncle Josh Miller, Aunt Tina Miller, cousins: George (21), Martin (18) Best Friend — Constance Gutting (Kelly Marie Tran) (lowkey ex-girlfriend), Elizabeth Haynes, Nancy Boyd (sorority sisters); Jenny North and Kimberly O’Neill (best childhood friends) Other Friends — Aleatra (sorority chapter president), Adele, Margaret, Angela, Michelle, Debra (other sorority sisters) Enemies — rival sororities, Don Barker (ex who leaked nudes) Pets — none at the present time :( had a cocker spaniel back home named Precious and a chestnut quarter horse named King. Home Life During Childhood — it was good, her parents have a bit of a strained relationship, but overall kept up appearances around Lady, and she was definitely spoiled. When she turned 16, they told her the truth about being adopted, but Lady just kind of--elected to ignore it, at least on the surface. What did it matter? Her parents still loved her and everything. Things only got tense when her mom got pregnant. Her father is warm, but he’s also very serious and gone a lot, works long hours. Especially when she was a kid because he was a lawyer--he only recently graduated to judge. Her mom and her were really close until she got pregnant. Town or City Name(s) — Born in: Rincón, Puerto Rico; grew up in Atlanta, Georgia; specifically Ansley Park. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — She’s had the same bedroom her whole life and has changed many times. But, it was always pretty organized. Soft pastel colors. It has a mural on one wall of rolling hills and a sunrise, that her mother painted when they were working on the adoption papers. The room is decorated to match those colors--pinks and yellows and reds. Any Sports or Clubs — She did softball in middle school, rode horses basically her whole life. Was on the newspaper for her high school. Was her class’ treasurer. Did a lot of charity work. Favorite Toy or Game — Is excellent at lots of board games--Clue and Monopoly are the ones she absolutely crushes at. Schooling — Private Catholic school for basically her entire life until college. Did well. Hardworker. Her grades slipped a little after she found out she was adopted, but she brought them up again quickly. Favorite Subject — English. Popular or Loner — Popular, but softspoken. A follower, not a leader. Important Experiences or Events — Finding out she was adopted. Her first boyfriend (when she was sixteen, his name was Patrick Banks, they broke up pretty amicably.) Her first girlfriend (Constance, was her sorority sister. They kept their relationship a secret. Broke up because Constance wanted to go #public.) Her nudes getting leaked. (By her boyfriend, who she broke up with after he showed up at the sorority house drunk one time, Don Barker. They sued him. (Part of her still loves him, because what they had was ~real.)) Nationality — American. She was just born in Rincón, Puerto Rico, but adopted within a year, and she doesn’t consider herself Puerto Ricanf. Culture — Southern American Religion and beliefs — Republican. Catholic.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim — Denise Bidot Complexion — Dark, olive-y toned skin. Hair Colour — Dark, dark brown, but she’s dyed it before. Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’11 Build — Curvy Tattoos — None Piercings — Ears Common Hairstyle — Long and wavy Clothing Style — Keeps up with the modern trends but errs on the conservative side of things Mannerisms — Talks with her hands. Nods a lot. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Pretty hardy, only gets colds and such. Physical Ailments — None Neurological Conditions — None Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Very good. Uses face masks/hair masks. All good high-brow products for her makeup and lotion and stuff like that. Sleeping Habits — Sleeps pretty well. Can’t sleep in. Gets up at 8 almost every morning. Eating Habits — Eats pretty healthily, she’s pretty aware of her weight and doesn’t really like to eat around others except for small things. Which always made her family get-togethers hard. But, she definitely loves her Southern food. Exercise Habits — Does yoga. Goes for walks every morning. Is pretty in-shape. I give her a 6/10. Emotional Stability — Pretty good. She does the whole conceal, don’t feel thing. But she also tries to just push through things. Body Temperature — Runs a little hot. Sociability — She’s kind of nervous and quiet for the most part, a follower, not a leader. But, if she gets the hint of something she’s curious about she doesn’t let it go. Addictions — Sweet tea? Drug Use — None, usually. Has smoked pot before. Has done Molly. Alcohol Use — Binge drinks, but not often.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — doesn’t speak up for herself, timid, follower, too curious Good Habits — very courteous, also curious, kind, warm Best Characteristic — her curiosity Worst Characteristic — letting herself get pushed around Worst Memory — her break up with her girlfriend, Constance, and her boyfriend, Don--her photos getting leaked. Best Memory — getting inducted into Phi Mu Proud of — her status in Phi Mu Embarrassed by — her leaked nudes, her weight, the fact that she’s adopted. Driving Style — excellent driver, usually the DD for her friends, has a clean record. Strong Points — loyal, kind Temperament — mild, so mild, the most mild, even if she gets bothered, it is hard to annoy her. Attitude — very southern and charming, of course. Weakness — doing whatever people say Fears — that people won’t like her for who she is Phobias — doesn’t like the dark, or snakes, or spiders Secrets — she’s adopted, she is still in love with Don, she actually doesn’t want to be such a Good Girl, is resentful of her brother Regrets — breaking up with Constance/Don, Feels Vulnerable When — people talk about her weight or appearance or what she’s eating, etc, etc Pet Peeves — people who are rude Conflicts — wanting to break out and be rebellious v being afraid Motivation — to prove herself Short Term Goals and Hopes — explore Swynlake and all it has to offer Long Term Goals and Hopes — get married, settle down, start a life Sexuality — bisexual (closeted) Day or Night Person — day person, definitely Introvert or Extrovert — introverted, for sure Optimist or Pessimist — a little bit of both? I’d say more of an optimist for others, pessimist for herself
Likes and Styles:
Music — Country, of course! Loves Dixie Chicks, Lady Antebellum, Garth Brooks, Dierks Bentley. Both the more recent stuff and oldies. Though, she also loves some good pop music and more folky stuff too. She finds rap to be offensive and too “urban” and can’t understand why anyone would listen to something like that. Same with heavier stuff like rock’n’roll or screamo, etc, etc. Anything that shocks or offends is definitely not Lady’s cup of tea. She will go out of the way to listen to the clean versions of songs and I think that says a lot about her. Books — Gone with the Wind is her favorite. Her favourite book as a child was “Because of Winn-Dixie”; A Streetcar Named Desire, loves Pat Conroy and Nicholas Sparks. Also enjoys some Flannery O’Connor. Also enjoys In Cold Blood. Magazines — Oprah’s Magazine, The New Yorker, InStyle, Vogue, Country Living, Vanity Fair, The Weekly Standard, The American Conservative--she has a bit of a magazine addiction. Foods — Lady is very conscious about what she puts in her body. She’s certainly not vegetarian or a health nut, but she tries to balance herself. Though, that is hard to do with all the delicious Southern food. She loves ribs and barbecue and coleslaw and baked beans. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Chicken wings. And she absolutely adores sweets! She loves lemon drops and keeps boxes on her pretty much all the time. Drinks — Sweet tea, of course! Lady’s blood, she’s pretty sure, is sweet tea at this point. Chick-fil-a is the second best sweet tea to the one she makes at home and she used to go and get one almost every day. She was addicted. She’s gonna hate not having Chick-fil-a in Swynlake, or England really at all. Animals — Lady isn’t too much a fan of animals. She likes cute ones--dogs and cats and horses, but hates animals like rats/mice or possums. She believes they’re vermin that should be killed and dealt with. Hates snakes. Hates raccoons. Really she dislikes more animals than she likes probably. Sports — road horses, did softball when younger. Social Issues — right-leaning, is pro-life, things the gays shouldn’t get married (at least, outwardly, she’s still accepting that part of herself), is kind of afraid of people who seem “middle eastern” or uh like y’know just kind of in general American racist. You know. (Which is ironic bc she’s Mexican/Kuwaiti.) Favorite Saying — “After all, tomorrow is another day.” -- Scarlett O’Hara Color — Bright colors! Pinks and blues and reds and yellows--as long as it is bright! She also loves pastels, they are classic when it comes to fashion. Baby blues and powder pinks. She wears a lot of more neutral clothing too, but it is bright colors that make her the happiest and she will almost never be caught in something like black! Clothing — Her favorite stuff is her white dress for most Phi Mu events. Also loves her straw hats. Definitely a fan of her cowboy boots. She tends to dress modern/Southern. Owns way too much Lilly Pulitzer, probably. Jewelry — Her necklace of pearls is her favorite and she wears them to all special occasions. She wears jewelry to accessorize otherwise, but it’s usually costume jewelry. Websites — tumblr, instagram are her big ones TV Shows — Heartland, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, Golden Girls, Gossip Girl (do you see the pattern here?) Movies — Gone with the Wind, of course, is a Southern classic. She also loves Under the Tuscan Sun. All Nicholas Sparks movies. Secret Life of Bees. Forrest Gump. Also loves musicals--loved La La Land when it came out and loves Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, etc. Not too sure about Hamilton. Some of the songs are good, but she doesn’t understand the hype. Greatest Want — to fit in somewhere Greatest Need — to accept herself
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — She lives with her Aunt Sarah. She hates it. Household furnishings — Pretty modern. Nothing special. Favorite Possession — Her journals. Most Cherished Possession — Her pearls, they were her great grandmother’s. (Her older cousin Sarah Beth was pissed that Lady got them and she didn’t.) Neighborhood — Tortuga Place. Town or City Name — Swynlake Married Before — No. Significant Other Before — Patrick Banks, Constance Gutting, Don Barker Children — None Relationship with Family — A little strained, atm, but overall pretty good. Car — She had a black Chevy Sonic (2015) but not anymore. Career — Journalist for the Swynlake Squire. Dream Career — Journalist for Vogue or InStyle Dream Life — Married, writing a fashion blog, two kids, a dog. Love Life — Pretty nonexistent. Talents or Skills — Excellent writer, very organized, very good at taking care of people. Intelligence Level — Quite smart, rather intelligent.   Finances — Cut off, currently. Makes a meager wage at the Squire.
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ilovetheater-nl · 6 years
Ladies of Soul verrassen TVOH-kandidaat Kimberly Maasdamme met deelname Ziggo Dome shows als special guest
Ladies of Soul verrassen TVOH-kandidaat Kimberly Maasdamme met deelname Ziggo Dome shows als special guest
Tijdens de halve finale van The voice of Holland verrasten Edsilia Rombley, Glennis Grace, Berget Lewis en Candy Dulfer kandidaat Kimberly Maasdamme met een persoonlijke videoboodschap. In deze boodschap vroegen de Ladies of Soul of Kimberly 23 en 24 maart samen met hen in de Ziggo Dome wil staan als special guest tijdens de vijfjarige jubileumconcerten. Glennis Grace: “Net als voorgaande jaren…
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