#ladybone demon
glitchypotato3000 · 1 month
Part 2 of This Concept Art for The Valley of the Kings LMK AU.
The Ladybone Demon facing her judgement.
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Here's the first Art Concept!
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[Prolouge] A Broken World
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legokiwi · 1 year
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Haha shitty red son ladybone demon edit idk man
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theoutcastedartist · 1 year
what did the lady ladybone demon think about the All-Hearing Soothsayer Elk did she do anything about it or was she going to do anything about it like helping macaque get rid of it or something else like making a deal
She didn't really know what it was at first, only knew that whatever force was inhabiting Macaque's body was a powerful one. It's why she wanted Macaque as her "champion" to set her free.
She thought she could impose her own will over it and Macaque... turns out she could only really do so partially, over Macaque's. LBD could not force this entity to bow to her will or grant her the power it was granting (forced upon) Macaque to complete her goal.
Trying to place her will over the All-Hearing Soothsayer Elk almost resulted in herself becoming erased, almost becoming one with the shadows, her own consciousness would have faded into the Elk's stronger (and much older) will for destruction and chaos.
She instead had to opt for the route she went with in cannon (essentially use Macaque as her "errand boy" once she could track him back down) and take hold of the Fire of Samadhi.
Though at this point, while the Elk's will and power of mind was stronger. His hold over Macaque's body/mind was not as strong (just enough to keep LBD from completely possessing SEM's mind like she did to SWK)
Macaque was essentially fighting off TWO powerful demons when he was revived by LBD, and practically almost dying again to LBD in retrieving the rings of Fire of Samadhi for her.
While Macaque is no longer actively haunted by the whispers of LBD, he has yet to shake of the All-Hearing Soothsayer Elk.
There is a way to break the Elk's hold over Macaque, though the price in exchange is quite high.
(LBD would not have been able to meet this price regardless if she wanted to help him or not)
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hi can I request a parents sun Macaque and PIGSY and dbk sandy x adopted Demon daughter reader
Like the reader is a demon like them but even tho they are not by blood but was raised by them as one and during the fight with Lbd they end up possessed and have to fight their father while the LBD taunts them saying looks like you're going to give up on them I guess you never really cared for them so they're not by Blood. And you abound them for the other's
When it in fact not true at all they love there kid blood or not and try to save them and get them from underneath the control of ladybone demon
Ok so I vaguely understand what you're saying, however I need some fluff to cancel out the angst I posted earlier so here's just some hc's about them as dads
SWK, Macaque, Pigsy, Sandy, and DBK x Adopted!Demon!Daughter Reader Headcanons!(fluffy, platonic!)
The other monkeys on FFM probably found you first. And, curious about what you were, they brought you to their king! The rest is history, he probably took you in right away
He’s very chill in terms of keeping you out of trouble. He’s protective, sure, but he encourages you to explore and put yourself out there as long as it’s not super harmful
I think he loves engaging and messing around with you. Helps you hone your powers and what not all while having fun or playing games to make it a positive learning experience
If you’re ever feeling bad about not being related to him by blood, he is very good at comforting you.
He reassures you that no matter where you come from, he’s happy he gets to raise you and watch you grow up, and he is proud to call you his child.
If anyone makes comments about it while you two are in public you might have to hold him back because he WILL fight them
His favorite thing is dad jokes
Was most likely scouting stuff in the city when he found you. He felt terrible that someone would abandon a baby so he took it upon himself to raise you, even if he’s a little underprepared
Super protective. He’s constantly worried something will happen to you but there are rare occasions where he’s calm
Spends a lot of time reaching out to his fellow demons about figuring out how best to take care of you. He knows you’re not a monkey like him so that logic is out the window mostly.
If anything ever happens that may be dangerous, he will stop everything, ask if you’re alright, and then go get rid of the danger. After that it’s time for first aid and a warm meal.
Knows how it feels to be different from your family(he was probably one of the only demon monkeys on FFM) and reassures you very often that he’s your dad and loves you as such.
His favorite thing to do with you is read or tell stories. Often he starts them off by saying “you won’t see this one in the history books!” And it makes you laugh almost every time
Other demons he knows will know about you and so he basically has a backup team in case anything happens to him. Very paranoid about all that
Idk how he would come across you, but I could definitely see him legit adopting a kid. MK is surprised but excited to have a kind of sibling!!
He’s got the dad business down to a science. I think he goes with his gut on almost everything and it works out in the end.
You’re probably brought up the most normally out of the whole lineup of these characters. He gets you in school, you’ve got your own room in his house, and you help out in the shop.
He takes every situation as it comes. A little strict, but overall he just wants you to be happy, healthy, and safe.
He has you taste test new recipes when he cooks and he also loves when you help him cook in general
The one thing he’s not entirely sure of is how to comfort you if you have doubts or bad feelings about not “really” being related to him.
All he can really do is affirm that hey, he raised you and he loves you more than anything—more than noodles!—and that he’s there for you whenever you need him.
Would definitely adopt a kid through the system. But if he found a baby on the street he’d probably go that route too!
He def reads up on parenting books for the basics, and then has to improvise the rest since demon kids are built a little differently from human kids
Gentle parenting at its finest. Has a small set of easy rules and deals with each thing accordingly—no yelling from him at all though!
You’re taught how to be gentle and take care of other living things by growing up around his therapy cats! And they love you anyways because, well, they’re cats
He takes you on a fun adventure or outing whenever he gets the chance. He wants you to see and experience the world, not be cooped up in one place.
Because he’s so good at helping others with their emotions, he walks you through and comforts you when you’re feeling inadequate in terms of blood relations.
Cheers you up, gets you some of your favorite tea, and assures you that he loves you and cares about you.
By far the most knowledgeable about raising demon babies. He himself is hesitant at first but Princess Iron Fan convinces him to take you in.
They’re prepared for all your powers and what not, so honestly it’s smooth sailing for them
DBK is a little harsh sometimes but he is doing his best to be there for you!
He thinks that because you’re part of this family, you deserve to be treated like they are; royalty! You get pretty much anything you ask for :0
I think he would carry Redson and you around a lot. No idea why but maybe it’s a comfort thing. It’s just this towering Bull figure, very menacing, but on his shoulders are his over dramatic son and adoptive daughter
(He goes about his business but the fun part is you and Redson just having conversations over him. And he chimes in too sometimes. I can’t get this pic out of my head it’s so cute and funny)
Anyways he’s better at reassurance through action rather than through words. He can tell when you’re down, whether it’s because you feel different or if you’re just having a bad day. So he brings you your favorite meal and a warm blanket, lets you know he’ll be in the kitchen, and gives you your space.
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shortstackssbbw · 9 months
*It's been months since the bone demon return and Mei watching her.It's been going smoothly so far till now. Being she just ate some food that Minli sent. A slice of some peach cake. Which made the dragon girl very sleepy. Leaving her guard down and vulnerable.*
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The ladybone demon was calculating the risks she was at her weakest form literal shadow of her former self. If she had the strength she would try to possess this girl but the odds of it working right now were slim to none especially with her Dragon heritage. She also considers strangling the dragon in her sleep but that came with the same risk.
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thunder-threnodies · 8 months
🌹 you know the deal
* cracks knuckles* oh boy here we go!
You find Francis exactly where you'd expect to find them: at your usual table at the Singing Mandrake, the same the two of you reserved for the last 30 years. And as they always did in the last 30 years, they're drinking whiskey, from 1860 or something.
They wave lazily as they smile at you and gestures for you to join them. No need for that; you're already making your way to the table without needing to actually look at where you're going: nothing has really changed in the disposition of the tables.
"Hiram, love, I was starting to suspect you'd leave me all alone!" they say with a soft, low voice bearing all the years of zalty air in their lungs and on their breath.
"Of course you wouldn't my dear! But having me long for you at the Feast of the Rose? Tsk tsk tsk..."
The bartender brings you your favourite drink without you needing to make a single move: you're much more than a regular here.
As you chat and have dinner (as usual Morgan is having raw meat and fishes) the surrounding tables get booked and left vacant now and again for quite a while.
Right after the desserts have been eaten, Morgan takes out a small pocket watch and rises an eyebrow, smiling. "Perfectly on time. It shoud begin in a short while. Shall we go?"
They make their way down a very familiar road, one you've walked many, many times: you're headed to Mahogany Hall.
Tonight's play is dedicated to the Feast and you notice someone you know well in the first row: a faint Apocyanic glow and the brass shimmer give way to their identity. It's gonna be heart breaking and you're all in for it.
As the symphonies begin, glasses of blood red wine are distribuited around as a welcome and by the smell of it you can tell it has been heavily aromatised with Honey. The vivid illusions, a masterful incision through Parabola's very fabric, bleeds dreams of the Traviata on the audience. Mirrors cleverly hidden serve as gateway, in and out, so that the Parabolan creatures seem to leap around like an aquatic play.
The show was absolutely amazing and this rendition, supervised by none other than that Giorgione gave it a wonderful twist and you suspect, no you're certainof that, that the Francis had something to do with all those mirrors...
"Amazing, wasn't it?" they smile as you stroll along Ms. Plenty's Carnival, throught the Docks and back to Veilgarden.
There's a hidden Garden in a dark corner of Ladybones Road, where a number of Bohemien, Devils and general bon vivant are slowly waltzing amongst some of the most astounding flowers and plant the Neath has to offer.
Each dancer dons a Rose mask and somehow there aren't two of the same. Morgan is handing you a beautiful and ephimeral mask, a red velvet rose that frames your left eye and intricate spiny stem with plenty of emerald green leaves that runs up to your right eyebrow and comes down the same side cheek in an intricate game of spines and leaves, creating a beautiful contrast with your Violant eyes.
Morgan themselves are wearing a matching one but mirrored, the Peligin heart of their rose givin to the mask a melancholy and, if possible, an even more fragile and temporary appearance.
Honeyed Laudanum and Honey frosted delicacies are served through the night and slowly everyone transforms and transmogrifies into something more, something less, something different.
Devils as endless, golden bee-people dance with all sorts of monsters but amongst the green and gold, the Violant Demon and the Peligin Drownie dance as their lives depend on it, a dangerous and feral merry-go-round framed in living, singing roses.
Laughing, you sit heavily on a chaise lounge as a familiar Deviless approaches: for a fleeting moment, two roses entwined, one with a Violant heart, the other in delicate shades of Peligin, stand in the middle of the bedlam, perfectly framed in green and gold. A single, radiant bee lovingly tending to the exhasusted Demon.
You don't remember when, or how you got back home.
All you know is that in your brest poket there's a Rose, Violant with a Peligin heart, filled with golden pollen, slowly bleeding Red Honey and you know this won't hurt you. This will hurt you.
But it'll hurt so good.
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Having a temporary home Bai he would wander around this quiet town. So much death kept the ladybone demon in a more peaceful state not Awakening as often as she normally would. Little did Bai he no she was going to meet someone new today(anyone besides the dragonborn in the area)
Astrid was in the area picking up some supplies and getting information on a target she'd been sent to assassinate, a snobbish man that was making everyone miserable in the area. As she was standing idly doing a bit of people watching, she saw Bai He and smiled. She reminded her a bit of Babette in a way, most likely in how heavy she was.
"Hello there, little one. Are you alright there?" She waved over to Bai with a warm smile on her face, wanting to make sure the young girl was okay.
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youngbonescomic · 11 months
What are the bone demon powers that each spider demon inherited?
So i highly would first reccomend to venture in reading what i got since im already doing ch4 with pages that have been roughly sketched up to, 50. So I'll give you this much:
Goliath only has that extractor received by LBD, he is free from having any powers inherited and only has Spider Queen henchman status, for reasons to come
Huntsman has inherited a mix of spider web and life webs that can identify a person based on an item that the web touches, along with seeing what kind of chi they have, if alive
Syntax, is a poisonous spider, the only catch is, ladybone demon is feeding off of his mechanical creations just to fuel her own projection of her own visibility. She needs him alive to continue her search for a hostess.
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aejosh · 2 years
Some drawing of LadyBone Demon
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Yo mei if you saw a red boy dangling off a cliff and you knew it wouldn't kill him would you still pull him up or would you tap dance on those fingers
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Before the ladybone demon stuff yes just yes. But now pulled him up being he did help me with controlling the samhadi fire.
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glitchypotato3000 · 2 months
I did a warm up. forgot to draw Legos and test subject for today is LBD.
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fattestwriting · 2 years
Bai he what are your thoughts on all the modifications the ladybone demon made to your body . You have a lot more curves in the last time you were in control
"At this point I'm used to it. And the prospect of being so unbelievably huge... I can't say it doesn't feel good."
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shadowpeachceo · 2 years
Here have a 2 pages full of ladybone demon will do a digital version
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lavenderredsonfan · 2 years
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Okay... my drawing?
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shortstackssbbw · 2 years
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Bai he release the massive Belch. Her obese body giggled and wobbled as the gas escaped her body. She is just we gain control of her body after a massive stuffing thanks to the ladybone demon
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beanyboobee · 2 years
I dont know if i posted this before, but here is an old fanfic WIP of mine that i never finished. 
He did what he had to survive, He was not proud of it, hell he was never proud of anything he did so what difference did this make? But this, something about this situation filled him with guilt. If he had a choice, he would of never of been a part of whatever lady bone demon had been planning, but- he did not have a choice... and he did not know how- or even wanted to explain this to the others.  
He was not exempt from the blame despite his reasons, so he knew it would take a while to be forgiven, He was not even accepting any type of trust from these mortals, but he craved it all the same. They seemed so warm, when together, and Macaque felt a burning pit in his stomach whenever he witnessed that warmth, sometimes it almost made him feel sick. A constant reminder of something he never had.  
But that did not matter now, as he stood there, biting his thounge, as the burning gold eyes of Sun Wukong glared back at him, empty of any warmth, and who could blame him, for the danger Macaque put the kid through? But despite this, he could not help but find it a bit irony (and feel perhaps a little bit envious) that the great Wukong, who held no attachments in the world, could stand before him and judge him for his actions, as if the great mage himself did not have a lengthy list of wrong doings he never apologized for. As if he had not done worse to someone, he once claimed was his friend... as if he did not kill Macaque.  
As he had said before, He had a taste of what death was like, and did not like it very much. It was an understatement, meant to sugar coat his true feelings when talking to the kid, because damn it, death was painful, it was cold, and to be killed by someone you once cared about so deeply, it created a hollow feeling in one's chest that never went away. Macaque never asked to be brought back to life, and with Wukong standing in front of him, with such a dark look in his eyes, for a moment Macaque could not help but think that perhaps Wukong wished he stayed dead. But Ladybone demon had other plans, and though Macaque was currently wishing that he stayed dead right about now, he was not going to waste this second chance he had at living, he was no hero. He would not sacrifice his own life for the sake of others, so sue for him looking after his own skin and helping lady bone demon in return for his life. No one needed to know that his decision to help or not was truly life and death, all that they needed to know, is that now that he was free to do as he pleased, he would leave them alone.
At least at had been the plan, if it was not for Mk and his annoyingly bright eyes that pleaded for Macaque to visit every once in a while, and so what if Macaque also felt a strange attachment to that little girl who had previously been possessed by lady bone demon, he had a weak spot for kids all right! Let him be!
No matter how much he tried to scare the girl away, she always stayed, his powers did not frighten her, in fact she seemed excited whenever he did something with his shadows, often asking him to show her more shadow tricks, The dark didn’t make her cry like most kids her ages, she seemed to enjoy it more than the burning lights of day, and … her hands, were warm, whenever she grabbed onto the monkeys hand, and- it had been awhile since...anyone, wanted to be around him, let alone touch him.  
It was-...nice.  
And so, he had been planning to stick around just a little bit longer before he finally left, not that he had announced that yet, which led them to this very predicament, with a very pissed off Sun Wukong standing before him, glaring him down, as he demanded to know, why a terribly upset MK had come to him today saying that Macaque was thinking of leaving. To where? No one knew, but he was leaving apparently.  
This caused Macaque to internally cursed, realizing he should not have slipped up and told the kid about his plans so soon, he should have just left it till last minute, or better yet! Not of said anything at all! And just disappeared! At least that would have saved him from seeing the kid's crestfallen expression.  
But that did not change the fact that Wukong was standing before him now, and so- Macaque wanted to get this conversation over and done with as soon as possible, he chewed his bottom lip for a moment, before letting out a dragging sigh, lifting a jug from the table, he summoned two cups,  
“Drink?” he asked, gesturing for Wukong to sit at the other side of the small, square table.  
The monkey king, dropped himself down harshly to the ground, clearly still not in a good mood, before he grabbed one of the bottles on the table and took a swing out of it. 
“The kid said you were leaving.”
“oh he did?”
“dont play dumb with me Macaque, what are you up to? what sort of scheme do you have planned that you need to leave town for it”
----unfinished part, flash towards later in the same fic----
Macaque walked along the wall, balanced carefully as he strollled just as easily as one would on solid ground, The Monkey king having to look up as they talked, he waited for Macaque to continue, the other almost blending into the night sky if it wasnt for the street lamps. 
“You chose them. Choose him. Over me and that is fine. I have accepted it”
He should have been happy to hear that, Wukong knew he should be happy that Macaque had finally realized that, but why- why did it hurt so much to hear him admit that so casually, standing before him, having already died, blinded in one eye, but admitting that like he was simply speaking about the weather.  
Those eyes glancing towards him with total detachment hurt, from the way he swayed in the wind, as though they were merely acquaintances.
“i didn’t at first you know” he hummed, looking up towards the night sky, “at first, it ached. It was the worst pain I had ever felt, I mean” and then he started to laugh, “you were the only person in my life I considered a friend, the only person who-. Wanted me. So of course, it hurt to lose that. And when I found out it wasn’t because you were still trapped. When I found out you CHOSE to leave me. I acted out. But meeting MK. That kid- he convinced me to give people another try. So that is where I'm going, to try and find, MY people.” he mused jumping up and landing on the ledge of the wall gently, and continuing to walk along it, with a gentle and warm smile, a smile  wukong had not seen in decades and a smile- Wukong selfishly wanted to keep to himself for a little while longer.  
“People who- won't leave me”
Ok that stung.  
“So-” Wukongs throat felt dry as he spoke, “that is why you are leaving?”
Macaque gave a nod.  
“That’s why I'm leaving”
A silence fell between them, Macaque having said all that he wanted to say, and Wukong who did not know what to say. He could not ask Macaque to stay, he made it clear from the monkey's arrival that he wanted him gone, and even though that was not the case now, He had no reason to keep Macaque here, Wukong had always been a selfish creature, so telling Macaque to stay just because he wanted him too, because he did not want Macaque to leave, would just be another selfish thing he would be pushing onto the other, so he stayed quiet.  
He moved himself to stare ahead instead of towards the other, which seemed to be the wrong move as Macaque let out a loud sigh, the black furred monkey looking towards the monkey king with tired intrigue.  
“What is it, Peaches?”
“What’s what?” he grumbled.  
“Do not play dumb with me Wukong, you want to say something, what is it?”
“I don’t!”
“You do. I know your habits better than my own, now tell me, your thoughts are so loud it is making my ears bleed” he complained in a playful manner.  
It was just a passing comment, a comment that was not supposed to mean anything, but it made the monkey king pause, as a small smile played on his lips, it seemed not even after a few hundred years Macaque still could read him better than anyone And knowing Macaque he would not give up till he had gotten the true answer. So, with a sigh of his own, Wukong kicked a rock, much like a sulking child
“I- don’t want you to go..” he mumbled, not worried about not being heard. He would blame the drink for his honesty later, “but- I know you need to do this, its just- “ it was a selfish request, Wukong knew did, but as his eyes scrunched up in frustration he could not help but admit, “I hoped the kid being here would be enough for you stay close”
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