#lance dubois
thetisming · 1 month
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azrantimes · 6 months
Posting this here bc here are more amperstans then on tiktok. I don't like it bc there aren't that many clips available but I did ok with what I had
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fen-the-magnificat · 3 months
& July-et Fest
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Very excited to bring to you today our very first fandom event!! & July-et will span the month of July, split into four weeks, with three prompts per week inspired by the main couples, from which you can create fanworks to your heart's content!.
However, your fanworks do not have to be about the couple the week is dedicated to - feel free to create anything you wish, inspired by the prompts.
There is also no posting schedule/deadlines. The aim is to have fun, and not stress about your creations. Choose as many, or as few, prompts as you want. Mix and match. Fuck around. Find out.
If you have any questions, shoot me a message/ask on this account, or to reggie (@thetisming). Finally, add the tag #andjulyet to any posts so we all can enjoy them!! (Ao3-ers, I will make a collection at the start of the month)
Finally finally, have fun!!
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thesquirrelqueer · 4 months
fun mishap that happened at the & juliet sing-along last night
“we’re not doing accents?” got so much laughter that philippe (francois) had to restart the line after it like twice which then caused even more laughter then he took a pause and just went “and the idea of- I- now I forgot my line” so then after that the scene played out as
oliver (shakespeare), speaking really fast: and FOR our fifth a stranger I will find, a sweet young voice to blend with yours and mine!
philippe (francois): oh this just gets worse!
oliver (shakespeare): come brother! let’s go look at our scripts!
and then they all ran offstage, only for the next line to be
david (lance): this is a very special day!
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montygatorguy · 1 month
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&juliet memes made from random pins i saved
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Sitting in math class wondering if Angelique has gained the irrational fear that Lance's wife will come back from the dead to ruin her and Lance's perfect happy ending in the same way that Romeo came back from the dead and 'ruined' Frankie and Juliet's
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incorrectandjuliet · 4 months
Lance: Angelique and I are no longer dating. Angelique: Lance, that's a terrible way to tell people we're married.
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andjulyet2024 · 3 months
writer friends! feel free to post your work to this collection https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Julyet_2024 so they can stay together
otherwise, we can't wait to see what you create!! tag your work so we can find it and enjoy it!
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friend-myth-kill · 3 months
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Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them
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foundfamilyhq · 6 months
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Lance Dubois from & Juliet!
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Lance Dubois from & Juliet is just a little guy!
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thetisming · 3 months
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i am having a normal time
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azrantimes · 3 months
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fen-the-magnificat · 8 months
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& juliet + text posts
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thesquirrelqueer · 3 months
david!lance with philippe!francois is like a well meaning father not quite understanding his son
andrew!lance with philippe!francois is them being actively hostile towards each other
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montygatorguy · 6 months
so, it takes place in nyc with juliet and romeo as spiderpeople together. they grew up close but their families had an ongoing feud like in the og play. may was one of juliets neighbors in the grade above them who she befriended.
juliet and romeo got bit by the same spider while out on a date towards the beginning of high school. they gain their powers soon after. and romeo, who has a talent for sewing things, makes their suits
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juliets name is spigress (a combination of spider and tigress) and romeos name is the dope spider (which he picked out because it sounded cool)
they fought villains side by side while hiding their identities from almost everyone in their lives (except may, who was chill with keeping their secret)
however, one day in a battle, juliet is injured and passes out. romeo believes that she’s dead, and decides to let the villain kill him because he couldn’t fathom living without her
juliet and may are devastated by romeos death, because juliet lost her bf and crime fighting partner, and may lost their little brother figure.
however, romeo is still trapped in the realm as a ghost. he apologizes to them for what he did and still visits them all the time. he chooses to only show himself to them.
then, francois arrives in the dimension. he is thrown from his own world (where he was paris’ spiderman) into this dimensions nyc and he starts attending may and juliets school.
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he went by L'araignée bleue (which is french for the blue spider) and juliet quickly found out he was also a spiderperson.
(may also still crushes on him and they do end up getting together)
romeo at first actually dislikes frankie because he starts fighting alongside juliet and he feels like he’s being replaced, but frankie clears everything up and they become friends.
as for the older characters:
angelique is a family friend of juliets and also mays mom who finds out she’s spigress when she’s rescued by her and francois on a mission
lance was transported to this new dimension with his son but he still believes everything is completely normal
anne and william are teachers and mentors to juliet and romeo respectively (before romeo died at least)
and yeah that’s it 🤙
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