#lance x sisters is otp
svalhofn · 1 year
FFXIV Character Tag: Iverr
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B A S I C S :
Full name: Iverr Svalhofn
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him
O T H E R :
Family: Mother passed shortly after he was born. Has his sister, Thov, and his father, Garnir, though he's not on good terms with his father. In Kaiverr lore, he's also married to Kai and has two tapir kids, Beau and Bleu.
Birthplace: Old Sharlayan
Job(s): Azure/Blood Dragoon, Scion, Lance-for-hire
Phobias: Disappointing those who matter to him Idk...nothing I guess
Guilty Pleasures: Sweets
Hobbies: Fishing, athletic training, naps
M O R A L S :
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Kaiverr ♡
Acceptable ships: Kaiverr, Erenville x Iverr, single Iverr
BROTP: Estinien and Iverr
NOTP: Idk man just ask
P I C T U R E S :
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Thank you for tagging me @trueredamancy ♡
I tag @bluebell-kai and @ffxivluca ♡♡
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nonbinarymikaela · 1 year
running super duper late to college but re: the klance thing YES
I was so obsessed with those red blue fuckers it was insane. it was also 2019
i used to read a ton of like omegaverse or soulmate aus cause it just hit so good yk? I loved keith and lance and the crew shenanigans and also ao3 writers were seriously on like smth in that time period cause every single fic was like pulitzer quality ones ykwim???
i wasnt as invested in any other ship except for hunk and his beautiful gf , but i do remember reading one coran x self fic that was my sister was reading and it was..... eye opening to say the least. [i cant find it tho its been lost to the wind..]
will reply to the other things soon love u kisses and HUGS MWAH
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ur dearest, kit
LMAO love how you took the time to reply to the klance part even tho you were running late but I guess that's the klance life, those fuckers consume you
god yeah there were so many good fics, I still pull out some when I'm bored or on a reader's block, one of my favs was this one called musing I think bc Keith was ace in it and I had just figured out that I was ace so it was fantastic for me, others that I still remember are call me, beep me, phantom of the past and shadow of the future, hot singles in your area, there was this one that I don't remember the name of but was accidental baby aquisition, there was another in which Lance was a mermaid and Keith had like wings, I specifically remember that in mermaid culture noses were intimate or something like that, another where Keith and Lance took the same train/bus everyday and Lance left sticky notes on Keith bc he fell asleep and that was how they talked, and those are off the top of my head but anyways sjdjsjsj got a tinsy bit carried away(I legit meant for this to be a short reply so that I wouldn't like give overwhelm you with more to reply to so I apologize sksjsn
soulmates au has always been my bullshit but I can't really recall any fics like that rn maybe bc I read too many
and idk what I said in my ask but I wouldn't say I got invested in the other ships, klance was otp since s2 came out which was when I got to know about the show, and I had hope for klance, I thought there was a real chance for it, the rest were just fun to read about
ANYWAYS have a nice day at uni, take care, lots of love <3
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
For the Fandom ask. Voltron.
Legendary Defender because that's the only incarnation I know
Top 5 episodes:
5. "Space Mall" for shenanigans and slice-of-life-style worldbuilding
4. "The Belly of the Weblum" for making me ship Heith so hard
3. "The Journey" because I'm still so ridiculously attached to Vakala and Remdax and they were like the only side characters who NEVER CAME BACK
2. "The Ark of Taujeer" for Morvok my beloved
1. Everything from "The Last Stand" to "Lion's Pride." Look. That was where the god-awful thing with Shadam happened. But everything else? The most edge-of-my-seat arc they'd ever done. Sendak was a minor fave for a while, and I love that they brought him back for one of the most intense battles. I love the ragtag Earth team that had Lance's sister. I love how much time was invested into bringing down Sendak because his conquest was so THOROUGH. And that final battle? YES.
Favorite character: I'm sad to say it's probably Morvok. I'm not saying the rest of the cast is bad. I love them. I'm saying the one-off villain (or two-off if you count the game show hallucination) who spent his entire stage time being a corny, entitled coward was EXACTLY THE CHARACTER I WANT TO SEE IN EVERYTHING EVER, SO OF COURSE I LOVE HIM
Least favorite character: Lotor. I just feel like I never...understood what he wanted? One minute he's a cold and ruthless man, then he's a freedom fighter, then he's a deceiver, but then that's BECAUSE he's a freedom fighter, and I can't sort between his truth and lies anymore. It almost feels like they were just monitoring fan reactions and sliding him from "badass villain" to "redeemable woobie" as they went along depending on what people wanted. I still don't know how I'm supposed to even feel about him.
OTP: Crossover - Lance x Katara (ATLA). Non-crossover - Heith! (But also Vakadax; I almost wrote a longfic about them)
Favorite non-romantic relationship: Paladin friend squad!
Favorite villain/arc: Sendak's invasion was the best arc (Shadam aside). Sendak was my second favorite villain, so that worked out. Morvok didn't have an arc, and probably couldn't have gotten away with one given his sillier nature, so I'm okay with this.
Least favorite villain/arc: Whatever Lotor was doing in season 6. I hate how the finale, which was a battle for "all realities," showed fewer possible consequences and stakes than Sendak going after a single planet one season later. And also that Haggar managed to do the same plot with actual impact in season 8 while also having an understandable motivation that let her be sinister AND sympathetic!
5 songs I associate with it and why:
1. "My Boyfriend's Back" by Angels because of this one random crackvid I saw back when all we had was S1 and it had the popular ships at the time set to this song whenever someone had to rescue the other half of the ship. (Those were the Shallura days, though. Cringe. I mean, we didn't have his canon sexuality yet, so it was fine for the time, but looking back OOF he needs a hot dude instead)
2. "Treasure" by Bruno Mars because I used to be into Klance and watch a lot of Klance vids and I distinctly remember one being set to that
3. Oh my God, I followed this show for all eight seasons. Why don't I have more songs for it?
5. "King of the Clouds" by Panic! At the Disco is Morvok's theme song as of...right now. Yep. It's him now. Don't question it
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tessasocs · 4 years
Wbw for Donny if you haven't before?
full name: Donovan Robert Smoak-Queen
gender: cis male
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: he/him
family: Oliver Queen (father, deceased), Felicity Smoak (mother), Willa Lance (mother), William Clayton (half-brother), Mia Smoak (twin sister), Talia Queen (half-sister), Quentin Queen (half-brother). Moira Queen (grandmother, deceased), Robert Queen (grandfather, deceased), Donna Smoak (grandmother)
birthplace: A suburb in star city, 2019
job: Vigilante, Co-Owner of Smoak Tech
phobias: drowning, getting shot
guilty pleasures: Abba, Dancing, Rom-Coms with Drew Barrymore
morality alignment?: Neutral Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: Donny x Minnie
ot3: Donny x Minnie x Jon Kent
brotp: Donny x Jon Kent, Donny x Oliver West-Allen, 
notp: Donny x Mia, Donny x Connor
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Mobile Masterlist: M-Z
Hi all, I finally finished my mobile masterlist! Because of how many fics I have, and tumblr’s funny rule about word count per post, I had to split it up into two parts. On this post, you will find all my fics and headcanons for characters whose first name starts with M-Z. The first part of my masterlist can be found here and in my description.
If any of the links are broken or not working, please let me know!!
Last updated: 18 June 2021
The Marauders:
Protective Brothers
Hospital Room
The First Transformation
What Comes Next?
Tell Her
Birthday Detention
Summerween Ball
Dancing Queen
Matt Murdock:
Christmas Tree
OTP Parent Meme
Self Defense
Mike Montgomery:
Weights and Lasagna
Montgomery Scott:
Day Off
Napoleon Solo:
The Bodyguard
Natasha Romanoff:
White Wedding
As You Wish
As You Wish, Part Two
As You Wish, Part Three
As You Wish, Part Four
As You Wish, Part Five
As You Wish, Part Six
As You Wish, Part Seven
Pumpkin Spice
Wrapping Paper
I Need You
When You’re Gone
Neville Longbottom:
Seamus’s Sister Has Got it Going On
Hot in Herbology
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
No Bottle Necessary
Nick Amaro:
Holiday Party
Morning After
There for You
Jealousy, Jealousy
Noel Kahn:
Biggest Mistake
Biggest Mistake, Part Two
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Bad Decisions
Oliver Queen:
Join Us (Team Arrow Imagine)
Just Live
Date Night
Oliver Wood:
Olivia Benson:
Best Kept Secret
Padme Amidala:
Who Tells Your Story
Pavel Chekov:
Cozy Night In
Ghost Stories
Strip Poker
Peter Hale:
Peter Pan:
Peter Parker:
First Date
I Love You and I Like You
I Love You and I Like You, Part Two
I Love You and I Like You, Part Three
I Love You and I Like You, Part Four
I Love You and I Like You, Part Five
I Love You and I Like You, Part Six
I Love You and I Like You, Part Seven
I Love You and I Like You, Part Eight
I Love You and I Like You, Part Nine
I Love You and I Like You, Part Ten
I Love You and I Like You, Part Eleven
I Love You and I Like You, Part Twelve
I Love You and I Like You, Part Thirteen
Aftermath (ILYAILY Chpt 14)
Revival (ILYAILY Chpt 15)
Be Alright
Tree Lighting
Mind At Work
Wrong Window
I’m a Homicidal Maniac, We Look Just Like Everyone Else
Snow Day
Save Me a Dance
Jump for Joy
Famous Flame
Comfort Blanket
It’s Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus
Pietro Maximoff:
Tired Yet
Tired Yet, Part Two
Matching Halloween Costumes
Halloween Party
Meeting Your Family
☂ Ship
Tree Decorating
Go To Sleep
Take My Hand
Telling Them
Office Surprise
Bad Idea
Two Parties
Prank Wars
Side to Side
Flannel Shirt
What’d I Miss?
The Couple That Pranks Together
Pretend Boyfriend
Here We Go Again
Lay All Your Love on Me
Love Boat
Poe Dameron:
Jacket, Part Two
☂ Ship
New Years
Return To Me (Old Version, All Chapters)
Return to Me (Rewrite, All Chapters)
OTP Parents Meme
The Right Thing
First Snow
Home for Christmas
Love and War
Dreams Do Come True in Dagobah
Seven Times in the Shower
Quentin Lance:
Snowed In
Rafael Barba:
Just Yours, Chapter One
Just Yours, Chapter Two
Just Yours, Chapter Three
Just Yours, Chapter Four
Just Yours, Chapter Five
Just Yours, Chapter Six
Just Yours, Chapter Seven
Just Yours, Chapter Eight
Just Yours, Chapter Nine
Just Yours, Chapter Ten
Just Yours, Chapter Eleven
Just Yours, Chapter Twelve
Just Yours, Chapter Thirteen
Just Yours, Chapter Fourteen
Just Yours, Chapter Fifteen
Just Yours, Chapter Sixteen
Just Yours, Chapter Seventeen
Just Yours, Chapter Eighteen
Just Yours, Chapter Nineteen
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty-One
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty-Two
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty-Three
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty-Four
Just Yours, Chapter Twenty-Five
Yours, Chapter One
Yours, Chapter Two
Yours, Chapter Three
Yours, Chapter Four
Pumpkin Spice
Haunted House
Floral Shop
The Bar
Enough Time
OTP Parents Meme
Wine Tasting
Skipping Christmas
Chicken Nuggets
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
New Year
Take Your Time
Honey, Honey
Rafael Solano:
Holiday Shopping
Regina Mills:
Not Evil
OTP Parents Meme
Bowling For Votes
Remus Lupin:
Just Friends
Rick Grimes:
Repay You
No One Else
The Locket
Robb Stark:
Help, Part Two
Snowball Fight
The Start
Falling For You
Last Christmas
Once, Twice, More
Robin Hood:
My Lady
My Lady, Part Two
Not Good Enough
Ron Weasley:
Worth It
Ronald Speirs:
Ruby Lucas:
Stuck in Your Head
A Winter’s Ball
Sansa Stark:
Sam Wilson:
Scott Lang:
Scott McCall:
Corn Maze
Cozy Night In
Seamus Finnigan:
Blue Christmas
Shane Walsh:
Anywhere and Everywhere
Sonny Carisi:
Grilled Cheese
Sexy Pants
Spencer Hastings:
Dinner With Your Brother
Star Trek:
Review (Friendship Pairing)
Steve Rogers:
Hydra’s Got Your Girl, Cap
Haunted House
Christmas Present
☂ Ship
Worth the Risk
Baby, Part Two
Baby, Part Three
Apple Pie
OTP Parents Meme
Drive-In Movie
Christmas Candy
Gardens and Flannel Shirt
After Midnight
Suffering Too Terrible to Name
Stiles Stilinski:
Candy Caramel Apples
Scary Movies
Haunted House
Theon Greyjoy:
Special Treatment
Trick or Treating
Hulk Isn’t the Only Green Monster
Thorin Oakenshield:
Romance Novels
Tony Stark:
Flannel Shirt
You Are Pretty Bad Ass
One Time Thing
Leave Me Lonely
The World Turned Upside Down
A Christmas Carol
Mamma Mia!
Tormund Giantsbane:
Wild Thing
Wade Wilson:
Wanda Maximoff:
Sweet Seduction
Candy Corn
Zach Mitchell:
I’m Fine
Good Enough
Cozy Night In
Warm Sweaters - A Ronmione Fic
Pie - A Katniss x Peeta Fic
Don’t Listen to Her - Harry Stiles Fic
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summerdutkowsky · 5 years
001 for the subjects of your otp tags ‘gorgeous laurel’ and ‘more time with you’
thank you ca i love you!! my two faves actually
001 | Laurel Lance x Felicity Smoak - otp: gorgeous laurel
when I started shipping it if I did: i shipped it before i started watching the show, it was one of those gifsets that crossed my dash and i was like ‘hmm interesting okay’ and then i watched it and i literally got to the scene that my tag is from and i was like ‘uh oh i ship it harder’ because literally felicity’s first words to laurel are: “you’re laurel, that laurel, gorgeous laurel”
my thoughts: they deserve better than whatever dude they ended up with (especially since their common boyfriend is oliver fucking queen) and i always felt they had way more chemistry and would have been way more interesting together
What makes me happy about them: after felicity got over her ‘all women are my competition’ bullshit the amount of support and belief she had in laurel was amazing. laurel pulled herself out of a very dark place and after her sister died she could have fallen back to substance abuse but instead she channeled that into fighting bad guys but no one believed in her, aside from felicity
What makes me sad about them: they never really got a lot of chances to interact. like the scenes they had were great but a lot of the time it was them talking about oliver or competing over oliver and only towards the end of laurel’s life was when they finally got to talk like friends
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i don’t like when oliver is to present because a lot of times he’s written as a jealous asshole which is accurate for tv and i read fic to change that
things I look for in fanfic: i like supportive protective girlfriends. i also love when fics address felicity’s disability, you know when she was paralyzed for three episodes after being shot in the spine? and then it magically got better? idk i just like fics that don’t make that time disappear and have supportive laurel there helping her girlfriend 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: literally anyone other than oliver motherfucking queen
My happily ever after for them: obviously together, laurel is alive and oliver died on that mountain the day he was supposed to so now laurel and felicity are in charge of team arrow and continue on his legacy of protecting star city. basically what the show was except oliver died in whatever season he faced ras al ghul and laurel took over
who is the big spoon/little spoon: laurel is the big spoon, she’s the black canary, she does the protecting, though on hard days or days laurel gets hurt felicity takes over the big spool role
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: watching nerdy tv shows, you look me in the eye and tell me felicity hasn’t made laurel watch all of her favorite sci fi shows
001 | Thirteenth Doctor x Yasmin Khan - otp: more time with you
when I started shipping it if I did: god almost right from the beginning? i loved their meeting so much ‘i’m going to call you yaz because we’re friends’ but i think the spider episode is what really did it because of the whole scene with yaz’s mom asking if her and the doctor were together and the doctor genuinely not knowing the answer and looking to yaz to answer
my thoughts: i never really shipped the doctor with any companions, idk i just never saw it. martha deserved better, donna was a bff, the ponds had each other, rose was meeh not my fave character, clara was far too good for any of the doctors (but maybe it’s just because i’m gay as hell but i could get behind clara/13) and i don’t like river song period. but the chemistry yaz and the doctor has is amazing and hilarious and works so well because they’re both so curious and fit together so well and always have each other’s backs
What makes me happy about them: they fit so perfectly! they’re always ready to jump into adventure first head on while the boys are kind of tallying what could go wrong. yaz is fucking smart as hell and her and the doctor are equal in a lot of ways intellectually, like if the doctor has an idea yaz is literally saying the same thing not two seconds later. i also love that the doctor hasn’t said no to yaz (or any of the companions) but the number one rule of time travel with the doctor is don’t cross your time line and what did they do when yaz asked? went back in time to meet her nan when she was younger. like the doc throws all the rules out the window with yaz and i love it 
What makes me sad about them: it’s the doctor and a companion. they’re not going to have a happy ending so i’m preparing myself for the sads
things done in fanfic that annoys me: anything that makes the doctor annoyingly childlike because yes she’s young and curious but there’s a difference between childlike awe and fascination and straight up stupidity and ‘i don’t know how to put on socks yaz lol’
things I look for in fanfic: i’m a sucker for protective fics. i love when the doctor can go from ‘wow yaz look at the wild universe’ to ‘you touch one hair on yasmin khan’s head and i will end you’ which is basically what the show is anymore and i love it
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i mean the doctor and river i guess (though really not a fan of river) and yaz with a nice girl that supports her like the doctor does. just not ryan, please, i love ryan so so much but him and yaz are way more sibling like than couple like
My happily ever after for them: it’s dr who there is no happy ending for them. but i would love for them to travel together as long as possible with them admitting their feelings for each other and make the most of it while they can
who is the big spoon/little spoon: no spoons, just a big tangle of limbs. although since the doctor doesn’t sleep the same schedule as yaz they sometimes start off as doc is the big spoon but they always end up in a tangle of limbs
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: traveling space and time of course. also exploring the tardis because i feel like yaz loves the tardis a lot and she still stays at home but she knows the doctor is literally right down the block with that blue box ready to leave whenever yaz is ready
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Do you think Shiro x Romelle is gonna be a thing? How do you see it playing out in VLD?
Honestly I hope it is a thing. I’ll be blunt, I’m a huge fan of that Ship as a whole, but I’m trying to be as open about the idea of Keith and Romelle as implications seem that Keith met her first so…there is that. But if I had to say anything about Shiro x Romelle (Shiromelle? Shirelle? Romehiro?) I would say it would play out in a very interesting way. 
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We know that Shiro is missing his arm and will probably get it back by the end of the season or the middle of the season, as Hunk and Pidge and Matt will probably build one for him with Coran while they are working on the castle. During this time you’re going to see Keith working with Allura and Lance to figure out what to do about the Galra, which means that Shiro is going to be on his own for a while. I’m pretty sure Krolia is going to be with Keith, and since Romelle doesn’t have the skills the others have, probably limited magic as well, she’d find a kindred spirit in Shiro. 
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Knowing Shiro the two would probably talk alot about her family, and he’d want to know about the Alteans and what their lives were like before Lotor’s plans. I can see the two probably bonding over the lions and Shiro talking to her about his fears and worries for the team. Knowing him, while he wouldn’t outright say to the others he feels useless, he’d probably confide in Romelle that he doesn’t think they need him anymore, and she’d sympathize as an older sister, and seeing how Bandor grew up before her own eyes. He’d understand how she felt about losing someone close to her, as he felt that when he thought he’d lost the Professor and Matt. Not to mention that he’d probably be willing to understand her fears about the Galra and Lotor more seeing as what Haggar did to him. 
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Romelle would help Shiro find a part of himself that he hasn’t seen in a while, and mention that she wants to go back and help her people but not being able to fly nor fight, nor maybe understanding Altean tech, would be a problem for her. On the opposite end, Shiro may, given the white hair and all, be gifted with Altean magic, so maybe Romelle could help him get a better grasp on that. She’d have him learn smaller things than Allura would, as Allura would be more focused on the bigger picture, and Coran, bless his heart, probably would confuse Shiro as to what to do. Eventually the two would have a moment where they hug when Shiro manages to do some form of Altean magic and it would be an awkward, cute thing. 
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In the mean time Shiro would be showing Romelle how to fly the ship, using probably some sort of small plane that they have there, or a test simulator. Also how to actually throw a punch or maybe use Allura’s old staff that she had before. As such the two would learn each others weaknesses and talk a lot about what their desires were regarding Romelle’s return. When she finally found a way to fly the plane, Shiro would be thrilled and seeing her look happy and sure of herself he’d become more and more smitten with her. 
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Eventually Shiro would tell Romelle to talk to Allura about going after the Colony and Allura would agree. The team would head out, with a plan, and Shiro and Romelle would take the lead on this as she is the one that knows where they need to go, with Keith. I see Shiro working hard with her to figure out a plan to free the Alteans that were captured in the testing area, and then those on the Colony. While the people are shocked to see Allura and finally believe Romelle, whom Shiro would back about the issues earlier, the two would allow Allura space to meet her people and Shiro would tell her how nice the place was, but also understand why she felt so trapped. 
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Romelle would agree that she wants to see more of space and the two would hold hands at this point causing both to blush and be unsure of themselves. After the Colony is freed, and while they’re dealing with probably Lotor and the other alteans, we may learn more about Romelle’s and Lotor’s connection (because again I have a feeling there’s more there than just Bandor’s death going on with them) and the two, Shiro and Romelle, would have to face the consequences of whatever comes from that situation. I can see at one point, Romelle and Allura switching places to protect Allura and when Shiro finds out he flips, because by this point he’s fallen for her and wants to help and protect her. The group manage, eventually to free her, and probably deal with Lotor in some way (either forcing him and Merla to become allies due to Haggar or defeating them) and now have to face Haggar and whatever monster is coming from the stuff she was studying.
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Before that battle though, Romelle talks with Shiro and he tells her he was worried about her and scared and pretty much blurts out that he loves her, surprising her and even himself. Then he thinks about it for a moment and says that yeah he’s in love with her, and wants to stay with her, wherever she ends up. Weather that’s helping Allura restart Altea (or Pollux) or back on earth, he’ll go with her. Romelle says she loves him too, and tells him when they get out of this she wants to see the galaxy with him. Of course they kiss, and get caught by probably the others, with Hunk and Coran and Pidge teasing the hell out of them for it. While Allura, Keith, Lance and Krolia all congradult them in their own way. I’m pretty sure by the time the epiloge of the series comes we see the two working together on new Altea, or earth, and possibly wedding bands on their fingers signifiying that they’re married at this point. Shiro may or may not have an arm, but he’s helping Romelle look at something, possibly weird food, and trying to figure out with her what it is, only to be suprised to find it being some sort of cute animal and him jumping back and her giggling. That’s at least how I see it playing out. I don’t know if it will happen or not. But I kind of hope it does. Yeah that would be my OTP in this series and I’m a hard core shipper of it. It’s one of the reasons why I have a hard time seeing Shiro with Allura or anyone because these two are so cute when you really think about it. 
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particularfangirl · 6 years
So I finally got my best friend to watch Voltron - Part 1
After about half of S1E1:
Bestie: *sends picture of Lance* "Who dis. he my spirit animal. So far."
(4 min later) "What's the big one called? Honk? Hawk? What."
(Again 4 min later) ""BiG mAn leAn riGhT""
(Her sister comes into the room) "You watching that?"
- "Yeah. Why, do you know it?"
"A lot of people are watching that lately."
- "You wanna watch along?"
Her: "Yes, but I'll watch the rest [of episode 1] tomorrow."
Me (replying to her earlier messages): "That's Lance. I had a feeling you'd like him."
"It's Hunk. I literally thought his name was 'Hulk' at first."
Her: "Still don't know whether I like the story. But the characters are great."
Me: *fangirls*
Her: "Wait what? 7 SEASONS HOLY SHIT."
Me: "How did you like Keith? And Shiro?"
Her: "Is Keith that typical-edgy anime boy? And Shiro that one with the alien stuff? Like, being captured by them for a year or so.
I didn't pay much attention."
Me: "Yeah, you got it. So may I introduce you to my personal Keith x Shiro ship hell aka Sheith."
Her: "When I saw them I was already like 'Is that the OTP?'"
Will update.
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letitia-is-cross · 7 years
Jon is Brandon’s Bastard AU Part 2
Part two in which there is more Ned, some Cat, and a brief glimpse into Jon. 
Jon x Sansa, Ned x Cat, Benjen x adorable confusion, Jon x pining, all my otps.
Sometimes Ned wasn't sure he'd made the right choices. He'd been so close to claiming his nephew; had chosen the words, the phrases, had repeated them over and over in his head. It took one look at his lovely wife, pale and drawn, standing in the courtyard of Winterfell with their son in her arms, and he couldn't say them.
Maybe things would have been better, he knew it had brought Cat pain to think her once betrothed had laid with another soon before they would have been wed. But he knew that it would pain her infinitely more to think it his, and to have to face a husband, wed and vowed, that had done so. And he was selfish. He saw the pain of such a deception stretching on and on into a future where even if they loved each other, there would always be a breach, whose name was Jon.
So Jon became Brandon's son, but he acted like Ned's. He was quiet, calm, and had a tender hand. Ned worried once that the North may have been growing almost suspicious, for Jon was so like him, despite how ridiculous the very idea of honourable Ned Stark having a bastard would be.
Things changed when Jon and Robb started to leave boyhood.
Both were strong fighters, with Robb and his bulky building holding a lance as finely as any jumped up southern knight, and Jon with his broad shoulders and trim waist handling a sword with precision and grace. But Jon showed an edge in the ring that could never have come from Ned. He did not show it against his brother, and he did not use it against any of the younger boys training in the yard. But when Theon crowded Sansa against a wall, or slid a hand a touch too low; when a Karstark teen compared Arya unfavourably to her sister- then there was no trouble believing that Jon Snow could be Brandon Starks son. There was a fury there, and it blew hot, and it blew cold, and it rivalled Brandon at his most incandescent.
Even Benjen, when he came down from the Wall, had remarked on it upon seeing Jon thrashing Theon over a crude comment overheard at the supper table.
"You know, Ned... at one point I worried that perhaps you had not told us truly of Jon's father. I saw so much of you in him, Gods he was more like Lyanna with her stories and her riding than he was the son of Brandon."
Ned glanced sharply over at Benjen where he stood with ale in hand and shoulder leant against the castle wall.
"Benjen...", he started.
"- I'm sorry Ned, I should never have thought such a thing. He is Brandon's for true. Just look at that ferocity. It reminds of how Brandon duelled that idiot man Baelish over Cat. The Greyjoy boy cannot match him, just like the Peter boy had no chance against Brandon. Especially when angered over those he cared for."
Ned nodded slowly, his heart pounding. Benjen had been so close. One mention of their sister and Ned had felt as if his stomach had been run through. But the fire in Jon's eyes had done its job, and he was safe.
 Looking at Jon now, standing just in front of Sansa, half covering her, he wondered if maybe he should have claimed this boy as his bastard. For surely this could not have happened if they were raised as half siblings. But then, if they Gods saw fit, then they would have their way, and Ned, who had Cat and his children through the unexpected changes of fate, understood that better than most.
Ned sighed again. Gods it felt like all he had done for the day was sigh.
"Jon, come talk to me tonight in my solar, after supper. I have need to talk with you. Sansa... back to your lessons, sweetling. I'm sure your septa is looking for you."
"Yes, Father."
"Yes, Uncle Ned."
Jon slipped his hand back towards Sansa and lightly grasped her fingers between his, tugging her forward gently in front of him, and leading her out of the Godswood. He saw Sansa turn back and murmur quietly to the young man, smiling so tenderly he could see Jon's shoulders ease their tension just from basking in such an expression. Their hands intertwined briefly before Jon's moved to her back gently encouraging her pace as they disappeared amongst the trees.
What was he going to do.
 Catelyn had been frosty, at first. Had been worried over her son, had been saddened by the actions of a man she had loved as a girl. But Jon looked like Ned, and by gods he looked like Brandon, and when he screwed his face up, so small, crying out for a mother, he looked just like Robb.  Jon nursed at her breast alongside his cousin, and whilst she would never be his mother, not in name and not in truth, she was Aunt Cat, and she loved her nephew.
When Sansa was born, Catelyn knew she had made the right decision to love her nephew.
The most beautiful babe she had ever seen, with eyes and skin and lips that would be a blessing and a curse as she flowered, Sansa stark was truly a lovely creature from the moment of her birth.
Whilst Robb called her pretty, and new and decided that he would very much enjoy having her to play with when she was a bit bigger and stopped making such silly sounds and rolling around, Jon was different.
Jon was fascinated by Sansa and her bright hair, a full head that grew so rapidly and so thick even Catelyn cursed it at times, her rosy cheeks and her sweetness. For truly Sansa was a sweet babe, never squalling, never screaming and always happiest when there was someone to smile at.
The same was true when Arya was born, though she certainly cried more and smiled less, Jon loved his little cousin and adored doting on the little black-haired girl, who looked so much like him.
By the time Bran and Rickon were born, Jon was a better nursemaid than most of the ones employed by the castle and alongside Sansa, helped Cat whenever possible, never minding any teasing from Robb or Arya, and happily punching Theon if he joined in.
Catelyn couldn't help love her nephew for the love he held for her children and so when she noticed Jon becoming even more protective of Sansa she couldn't bring herself to mind it. They had been close from the moment Jon had looked upon her in the crib and had helped Catelyn wash her downy baby hair.
She saw her nephew bestow a kiss on his cousin's forehead and recalled the many times he had done so before.
She saw him beat Theon Greyjoy into a purpling stumbling mess in the training yard and could not be satisfied after hearing what he had said about her daughters growing 'assets'.
And when she saw Jon Snow cradling her daughter in his arms, his lips resting against her auburn tresses, and such a look of peaceful contentment across his brow, resting against the heart tree, she sighed. Because she saw this coming, but she hadn't wanted to think about it. Because she knew her dear husband would have no idea, would have blocked the possibility from his mind. Because that was a lovers' embrace, or as close to it as one could get fully clothed.
Jon kissed the palm of Sansa's hand, flicking his tongue out so briefly and lightly for a taste of her sweet skin, he was sure she would not feel it. He heard her draw breath at the touch, however, and almost hoped she felt it, and almost hoped she realised how much he ached to taste her every moment and in every way.
He drew back however, running a light hand over the crown of her head drinking her in until he would see her again at supper, inwardly wondering when it got to this point, when he could barely part from her a day without aching once more.
It didn't matter, he would not think on it, he would not worry Sansa by showing his pains outwardly, and everything would be fine. Yes, everything would be fine.
What was he going to do.
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alexisrosemullens · 7 years
Send me a TV show and Ill tell you my
I was asked by @elenajones23. Thanks!
Favorite character: Laurel Lance
Least Favorite character: Felicity Smoak
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Roy x Thea, Laurel x Tommy, John Diggle x Lyla, Oliver x Laurel, Laurel x Thea
Character I find most attractive: Laurel Lance
Character I would marry: Tommy Merlyn 
Character I would be best friends with: Thea Queen
a random thought: I miss Laurel Lance everyday and forever bitter what they did to her
An unpopular opinion: From what I’ve seen of William, I like him. He should be good for Oliver.
my canon OTP: Laurel x Tommy
Non-canon OTP: Oliver x Laurel
most badass character: Laurel and Moira
pairing I am not a fan of: Felicity x Oliver
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Dinah Laurel Lance
favourite friendship: Laurel and Thea
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Quentin Lance so Laurel and Sara can be my sisters
Once Upon a Time (up to season 4)
Favorite character: Neal
Least Favorite character:  Hook
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Emma x Neal, Regina x Robin, Regina x Emma, Snow x Charming
Character I find most attractive: Charming, August, and Neal
Character I would marry: August
Character I would be best friends with: Snow
a random thought: Cora should have lived longer. Her storyline ended too soon
An unpopular opinion: I don’t trust Hook. I don’t think him and Emma are a good fit
my canon OTP: Snow x Charming
Non-canon OTP: Emma x Neal
most badass character: Snow, Regina, and Emma
pairing I am not a fan of: Emma x Hook 
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Neal
favourite friendship: Emma and Regina
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Snow and Charming or Regina
Legends of Tomorrow (I’ve never actually watched this show so I’m doing this based off gifs)
Favorite character: Sara
Least Favorite character: uh, Merlyn
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I have no idea what the ships are in this show
Character I find most attractive: Sara and Ray
Character I would marry: Ray
Character I would be best friends with: Ray
a random thought: The show looks good I just have no idea to watch it
An unpopular opinion: 
my canon OTP: ??
Non-canon OTP: ??
most badass character: Sara
pairing I am not a fan of: ??
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Probably Sara considering they screw up Laurel all the time but I actually have no idea
favourite friendship: Firestorm (I forgot the who is with Stein)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Stein
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kawoshitting · 7 years
Tag Index
A list + explanations of all of my tags, most of which are NGE-related. This is mostly so that I know what my tags are lol. Not all of these have posts associated with them, because part of the function of this index is to keep track of my entire tagging scheme.
Table of Contents:
Other Entities/Objects
Which Evangelion
People/Entities who Worked On/Created Evangelion
Works Created for/Used by Evangelion
NGE-Related Art/Doujin/Knickknacks/Promotional things
Tags so that You can Avoid Content
Types of Content
anything with Karl + Shaun, i.e. NGE Manga!Kawoshin
specifically top!Shinji + bottom!Kaworu or at least more assertive!Shinji
because kawoshin is more widely used, even for fics/other fanworks with top!Shinji, and just sounds better anyway, #shinkawo posts are also tagged with #kawoshin
5-3 (May 3rd) day, probably art + fanfic made for Kawoshin day
3-5 (March 5th) day, also art + fanfic, for Shinkawo day
#asumari / #marisuka
anything involving romance between Asuka and Mari
I don’t have enough feelings on Asuka x Mari to decide which of these tags to use lol, stay tuned...
cute couple-y things because I tag literally everything (all are sfw):
#happy birthday
#sleepover time
#who is this
posts I need to add character tags to/amend character tags
the kids
#ikari shinji
blanket tag for all posts involving Shinji
anything with Manga!Shinji
#rebuild shinji
I considered having a tag for this but it’s kinda hard to tell when it’s rebuild shinji and when it’s anime shinji, so I never got in the habit of separating the two
posts containing at least 2 but more likely all 3 Shinjis
#shinji mug meme
posts involving the Shinji Holding a Mug meme.
#nagisa kaworu
blanket tag for Kaworu
although it’s easier to differentiate the members of the Kawotrio than any members of the Shinjitrio, this one’s only likely to be used with audio from the original NGE anime or animation
posts containing at least 2 but usually all 3 Kaworus
Giant Naked Kaworu, from End of Evangelion
blanket tag for Asuka
#which asuka
posts that I need to sort into either soryu or shikinami asuka langley tags
#soryu asuka langley
either Manga! or Anime!Asuka
#shikinami asuka langley
#ayanami rei
I’ve considered splitting it up into more than just rei in general and GNR, but Rei I and Q!Rei are the only clearly distinguishable Reis
specifically posts with Giant Naked Rei, from End of Evangelion
#quantum rei
#suzuhara toji
#aida kensuke
#hokari hikari
the class rep!!
#makinami mari illustrious
might consider making “mari” a blanket tag for her if I ever come across mangacaps from the one scene where Mari features lol
the adults
#katsuragi misato
#kaji ryoji
all of the characters I do family name then surname, but sometimes with Kaji I forget that Kaji isn’t his first name and then I accidentally do #ryoji kaji instead.
#akagi ritsuko
#ibuki maya
#hyuga makoto
#aoba shigeru
#lorenz keel
#fuyutsuki kozo
#ikari gendo
#rokubunji gendo
currently unused
#evil john lennon
I am not the one who came up with this name, my little sister is. I wish I’d thought of this one though tbh.
Likely to be posts about Gendo being Gendo, i.e. terrible
#ikari yui
again, like with Gendo, anything with Yui will be tagged #ikari yui, probably not #ayanami yui just because she’s never like, “Yeah, my name’s Ayanami Yui!”
#pen pen
#animal ears
cat ears, dog ears, etc. May include tails.
glasses are worn, by characters who usually don’t, i.e. won’t contain either Mari or Gendo
#non canon outfits
characters are depicted wearing clothing never shown in official art or the movies/anime/manga
plugsuits are involved in these posts
#cat hat
asuka’s hat from 3.0
#street clothes
usually the official art where the pilots have been drawn like they’re normal children
may also involve any of the other characters
#suits, #tux
otp??? wearing nice suit(s) or tuX(EDOS)??!?!? *melts into puddle*
*whispers* how about waistcoats?!?!?!?!
probably not canon
#in uniform
military/police/navy-type uniforms because the uniforms
also probably not canon
formal wear in general, could be canon
#school uniforms
not currently in use but may eventually
on that note why is Toji the only one who doesn’t wear the uniform?
한복 (han-bok, literally “korean clothing” in Korean, i.e. Korean traditional clothing) are worn in these posts
(at least some of) the character(s) shown have wings (usually Kaworu lol)
blanket tag for anything with an evangelion in it
#which eva
tag for posts that I need to go back to in order to add the unit number tag
#unit 00
#unit 01
#unit 02
#unit 02 dash
#unit 03
also overlaps with #bardiel
#eva mark.09
#unit 13
Mass Production Evangelion(s)
Things relating to evas:
#entry plugs
Other eva-involved things:
Where each angel falls in the lineup within the three main Eva canons is given by [NGE anime]/[NGE manga]/[Rebuild]
blanket tag for any post with an angel in it
#which angel
tag for posts I need to go back to so I can add the angel’s name as a tag
may occasionally also overlap with nagisa kaworu/qworu
probably the cutest non-humanoid angel tbh
13th/8th/9th angel
see also: #unit 03
14th/9th/10th angel
[hopefully will add more once I learn more of their names...]
17th/12th/13th+1st (??? who knows what’s going on there...)
see also: #nagisa kaworu
more likely will contain discussions involving tabris and/or screencaps where Kaworu’s doing angel things, like going to terminal dogma
Other Entities/Objects/Concepts/Events
#lance of longinus
#second impact
#third impact
#human instrumentality
Which Evangelion
#where is this from
tag for any posts that I want to come back to so that I can add the source
#which episode
tag for posts that need to be sorted into one of the episode tags below
#episode 24
#episode 25
#episode 26
#end of eva
from The End of Evangelion movie
#nge manga
canon to the Neon Genesis Evangelion manga
i.e. Karlshaun, any pictures of the manga, etc.
canon to Evangelion 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0
canon to Evangelion 3.0/Evangelion: Q
People/Entities who Created/Worked on Evangelion
#anno hideaki
#sadamoto yoshiyuki
#sagisu shiro
Works Created for/Used by Evangelion
all posts involving audio and anything NGE-related
#nge audio
voice acting recorded specifically for the NGE anime
#kaworu talks
voice acting recorded for Kaworu
#shinji talks
voice acting recorded for Shinji
#original soundtrack
the musical scores of the Evangelion franchise
#nge soundtrack
#end of eva soundtrack
#q soundtrack
soundtrack for Evangelion: Q
all posts involving video and anything NGE-related
#until you come to me
theme for Evangelion: Q/ Eva 3.0
#fly me to the moon
ending for NGE anime
#zankoku na tenshi no teze
opening for NGE anime, Cruel Angel’s Thesis/Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis
stills/gifs/videos of the opening animation
stills/gifs/videos of the ending animation
#eva conspiracies
my NGE meta tag, for my own analyses of Evangelion
#eva analysis
NGE meta tag for other people’s analyses
#time loop theory
#can cannot theory
this theory doesn’t seem to have a name so I just made up one for it; essentially it says that Rebuild centers around Kaworu, and the “(not)” part of the titles represents a splitting in timelines.
NGE-Related Art/Doujin/Knickknacks/Promotional things
fan-made content
screencaps/mangacaps from the anime/manga that have been redrawn by hand
figures that have been repainted by hand
either fanart or official art or screenshots/mangacaps that have been modified
amateur spin-off comics
scans of doujin with translations
posts with a link to download the doujin
posts with a link to read the doujin online
#who made this
tag for any posts with doujin whose artists I haven’t tagged
#what is this called
tag for any posts with doujin whose names haven’t been tagged
#a world with you in it
#no: under
#Q - Hokankeikaku
#shito sama yoidore mode desu
#eva r episode 1
#puchi village
#suzuki 2
#suck on this! (nothing will come out though)
where do doujinshi end and just comics (web comics? fan comics?) begin? (I don’t know)
also includes any art with word bubbles even if it’s basically just one panel
art/edits made by fans to act as the wallpaper for a laptop, smartphone, etc.
fan-produced things like charms, posters, trinkets, etc.
Also includes the mug with Shinji holding a mug on it
#official art
#which art
posts that I need to sort into one of the following tagged categories
#concept art
#character design
#mecha design
#official merch
like the #merch tag, but for things actually probably licensed to be produced, i.e. figures, books about the production process, etc.
posts featuring small usually plastic figurines of entities from NGE
may either be licensed (#official merch) or sold by an independent artist (#merch)
Tags so that You can Avoid Content
(Most of my tags are organizational, but these are mostly for blacklisting.)
pretty much anything remotely suggestive
includes topless dmab bodies
#depression tw
to avoid non-NGE content:
Types of Content
any posts with still images (possibly screenshots) of frames from the NGE anime or Rebuild
posts with still images of the NGE manga
those sweet transparent edits that are really fun (at least to me lol)
#out of context
posts that when taken out of their original context sound like they’re about NGE lol
other types of posts:
tangentially related to NGE:
posts with pictures of cats, will probably also be NGE-related but maybe not
I really like a nice drawing of a plant (very calming, I love succulents) so I think it would be good if I tagged these too
i really like clouds okay
posts -- likely art -- with lots of colors because i’m a sucker for that lol
art references
#color theory ref
posts that I want to reference for color theory/color scheme references/ideas
#clothing ref
art that I want to reference for nice examples of drawing clothes (fabric makes me want to cry lol)
also likely art
also likely art, equally likely to be comics as well
some comics, but more likely some Evangelion shitposts + me reacting to myself in my own tags...sigh...
contains content not directly related to NGE, but the post still involves NGE content
Nothing in this post is related to NGE
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
this entire list actually makes me question the fact that I’m an INTP
#moral alignments
D&D (dungeons and dragons)-type moral alignment-related posts
#audrey thinks too much
original posts where I mostly just ramble lol, they’re probably about Evangelion but they’re less refined than my #eva conspiracies posts
#have i reblogged this before
when I’m not sure if i’ve reblogged something twice lol
#the happiness queue wished for
queue tag
template url
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rinislove-rinislife · 7 years
Tagged again~
Tagged by @wintersoldier-barnes and @borntobexd thank you both! I love this kind of game :D RULES: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some people
I choose:
Psycho Pass
The first character you loved:
Ferid (of course~ ♡ )
Akane Tsunemori (first fem!chara who ever found favor in my sight~)
Lance XD like who wouldn’t really
The character you never expected to love so much:
Yuu-chaaaaaan~ ♡
Masaokaaaaa (mysweetsirwhyiloveyou)
Coran (seriously this guy is my role model)
The character you relate to the most:
very hard to choose... but I’d say Yuu again, for his sense of family and his dork side~
Ginoza, for his inflexibility and prejudices, and then his regrets and sadness
Hunk ♡ because this gentle giant can’t stop thinking about food xD 
The character you´d slap:
Aoi (i love her but you don’t let your smol sister away to serve a any cause)
Mika ‘needs to chill’ Shimotsuki 
No one, like really, not even the side characters (they’re all perfect~)
Three favourtie characters:
Ferid ferid ferid , Crowley and Yuu
Ginoza, Makishima and Akane
I’ll wait to see him officially but LOTOOOOOR Keith, Lance and  all the galra   Coran 
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
N-No one?
Kirito Kamui
Zarkon, for his obsession caused his fall (you fool!) 
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
Kureto, one does not simply resist Lord Eyebrows 
Teppei Sugo (aawww soooon soooo sorry for this)
Allura (my sweet lady im so sorry for this too ilu now)
Ferid’s arm x sword XD nah, YuuNoa yay
Ginoza x depression  sorry not sorry 
tagging: @shira-san-ni @elyon-kurae @valikaan @gabrielilla2000 @queenkazma anyone, feel free to ignore or whatever but this is epic xD
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goldheartofsteel · 7 years
Sara Lance
How I feel about this character - She’s great and has grown on me more over time.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - Sara Lance x Rip Hunter / Sara Lance x Kendra Saunders / Sara Lance x Amaya Jiwe / Sara Lance x Ray Palmer / Most ladies in the DCTV
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Sara Lance & Laurel Lance
My unpopular opinion about this character - I’ve never been a fan of the whole sleeping with the sister’s boyfriend thing. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - Give her time to be herself and heal from everything but if they have to give her a romance, let it be something more than just one kiss/a stable relationship.
send me a character
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ventus-rogue · 7 years
I was tagged by @1nerdygurl​. Thank you so much. ^-^
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
Yu Yu Hakusho, Mass Effect, and Voltron
Bonus (cause why not?): RWBY
The first character you loved:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Urameshi
Mass Effect: Garrus Vakarian
Voltron: Lance
RWBY: Pyrrha Nikos
The character you never expected to love so much:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama
Mass Effect: Mordin Solus, I was not prepared for the scientist salarian
Voltron: Shiro
RWBY: Penny Polendina
The character you relate to most: This one was a real toughie for me (Seriously I agonized over this cause I couldn’t decide)
Yu Yu Hakusho: I’m gonna say Kurama
Mass Effect: Let’s be honest, we all relate to Conrad Verner
Voltron: Hmmmmmmm, Lance
RWBY: I want to say Qrow
The character you’d slap:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei, though I would definitely not live to tell about it, for not telling his sister the truth. I mean, I get his reasons but still
Mass Effect: Jacob Taylor. I thought about the Virmire survivor but the potential dick move he pulls for those poor people who romanced him (though I personally thought he was too boring to romance) puts him over.
Voltron: Shiro. YOU ARE HEAD OF VOLTRON! No disappearing a putting Keith in charge.
RWBY: Jacques Schnee, but I would first like to substitute my arm for a mechanical one like Yang or Ironwood’s.
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Jin, at one point he was my fav, and while I still think he’s cool he is lower on the totem pole now.
Mass Effect: Kaiden Alenko
Voltron: Keith, mainly due to fandom. I still like him, but not nearly as much
RWBY: Cinder, after killing off my favorite character and losing her momentum in v4 (understandably so) kinda lost some of my love for her
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you (by a lot):
Yu Yu Hakusho: Botan, was pretty indifferent at first, but I’ve grown to like her
Mass Effect: James Vega, not gonna lie. I did not like him at all, but he has really grown on me over time.
Voltron: Allura, she was kinda mean at first, plus the whole Keith bit temporarily flared up some negative feelings towards her. But I’ve really grown to love her, and if anyone should replace Shiro I think it should be her, just sayin.
RWBY: James Ironwood
3 OTPs:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara x Yukina, Kurama x Botan, and Yusuke x Kuwabara/Keiko (I couldn’t decide on one)
Mass Effect: Shiara, Shakarian, Shali (romance) and Tali x Garrus, Joker x EDI, Mordin x Seashells (non-romance)
Voltron: Shallura is pretty much my only ship at this point
RWBY: Arkos, Bumblebee, and Renora
I’ll tell who I tag, who I really, really tag: @strawberrysweetlove35​, @sullivantwissarcana​, @jerzafangirl​, @miss-zei​, @sith---queen​, @artsyrosie​, @broseidon​, @ltfoxgirl​, @inconsistent-igloo​, @gurrenprime​, @requip-mage​, @unashamed-shipper​
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ryki · 7 years
Anime North 2017 Report
My first Anime North and my third convention overall! This convention was a HUGE boost to my ego, let me tell you!
Friday I was Lance. Saturday I was Toboe! Sunday I was Lance with a ‘just’ sign on my back to match my husband’s ‘married’ sign.
Here’s some other photos we took:
Kiba and Toboe
Allura and Keith
Keith and Lance
‘Married Just’ Signs
Kiba, Toboe and Lance
Allura, Keith and Lance with Haggar, another Keith and two Pidge
Allura and Lance
Lance appreciating Keith’s ass
I’d show the photos my sister took but her Twitter account is locked!
Going into Anime North, we had a lot of doubts because we heard the horror stories of how it was treating the Artist Alley? So many new rules and regulations and making it difficult for artists to really showcase their works. So we were very “/:” about it. But honestly, despite being one of our less busy conventions to go to, it wasn’t that bad!
@ahniely​ and I got stopped so many times as Keith and Lance that it really boosted my ego. Even before we got there, someone asked for photos! (They were really cute Sailor Scouts and I’m sad I was too excited for AN to get their photos too. ;;) 
We got there before the registration opened and lined up but we probably got stopped a few times before we were even in the line by VLD fan. It was really flattering and really boosted my ego! I still feel a little insecure as Lance because I don’t have his shoes done and his jacket still needs to be finished but that didn’t stop fans’ enthusiasm for pictures!
Friday was a bit of a bad day, weather wise. It was cloudy and even started sprinkling/raining while we were in line. The line management was so fucking stupid, too. After the registration line tappered out, there was another LONG ass line that started up but no one knew what it was for. Honestly, I think a lot of people assumed it was to get into the actual convention but no. It was literally just for entrance into the dealer’s room. But we had to literally go out of our way to ask a staff member what the line was for in order to know that it was for the DR. (Eye roll.) And this was when it started to rain!
I used my jacket to cover my husband and sister from the rain but after checking with staff about the enterance into the Artist Alley, we managed to get out of the rain and got to look around. It was a bit of a bad day because we were excited and I tend to wonder off. So we were a bit terse with each other but we sorted it out! 
We also got a lot of pictures taken of us inside the artist alley because people love Klance, haha. So again, it was a huge boost of my ego. We got to meet a lot of cool cats there, too! Kat even got to meet some of his artist friends like Mao! We didn’t really buy anything on Friday that wasn’t available to be paid by a card since we... really didn’t plan to have cash on us? The other two conventions we’ve been to mostly had the option to pay by cash or card but this convention didn’t have many people with Square readers. So we put off buying stuff until Saturday.
Kalyn had a fun time meeting Shilin in person and getting her autograph and her art books. It was so nice seeing my sister get so excited about that and how happy she was after she got the art books. (She got the comics on Saturday and Shilin signed those, too, without my sister even asking! My sister looked so happy to have been remembered, even if it was a day difference.)
Saturday wasn’t as busy as Friday, which was great because it gave us a chance to look around without stopping for photos from time to time, LOL. (Though I do admit, it was kind of sad not to get someone to recognize nor want photos of our Wolfs Rain cosplay, but given how old it is I can’t really say I blame them for not knowing. Not everyone it as obsessed with WR as I still am.)
We got to pick up a lot of prints and stuff we wanted to buy, which was great! 
We didn’t stay too long at the convention because we got there at three and left around six. We got there late because we had our wedding ceremony at two and the family wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate around 6-7 so we ended up just staying there long enough to pick up the stuff we wanted to buy and be done with it. We kind of had to rush around because Kalyn wanted to check everything first and we didn’t get to all the places on Friday before going home.
So not much really happened on Saturday since we had other arrangements. But we did manage to pick up everything.
Oh! And Kat commissioned @potatcake​ for a Killua sketch and honestly? They did so well with the sketch, Kat couldn’t stop smiling after he picked it up! (They weren’t at the table when we picked it up though but Kat is so incredibly thankful for such a beautiful commission!) They have such a pretty style, y’all should really go check them out!
Sunday came and went and it was mostly a day where we just walked around, looking for cosplays and people. We got stopped a lot on this day, too, because we were back in Keith and Lance! 
We had ‘Married Just’ signs on our back -- yes, Married Just and not Just Married, c’m’on, folks, you know Keith and Lance would totally fuck up their signs! -- and a lot of people stopped us for pictures of our signs (or pictures of us!) because they thought it was cute.
Some even said it was to ‘show Klance was canon’ and to ‘show (their) friends who ship Klance’ which was cute. We totally support your ships, y’all, keep sending the love!
There were even a couple of friends who asked us if it was just for cosplay or if we actually got married and we told them, gleefully, that we actually got married and they said, ‘That is the CUTEST thing ever!’ Thank you. :’^) We strive to be that couple who does OTPs while being an OTP. 
My highlight for Sunday is @ahniely letting me get a x-x faced squid from tenta.co! <:’^) I love it so much.
Overall we didn’t really do much this convention since we didn’t go to any events or hang out with friends, just walked around and bought stuff. And we didn’t even spend that much since Anime North’s new bs which is ‘Artist Alley people can ONLY have paper stuff; charms and other merch are ONLY for Crafts Corner!!!” (Eye roll.) But I guess it helped us save since paper charms are cheaper than acrylic charms. (And we need the money for YetiCon’s merch, LOL.)
But yeah, this convention was really lowkey for us but we enjoyed it so much! It was really great and I’m glad we went and that we could meet everyone.
Thanks to everyone who took pictures of us! I tried finding them on tumblr, twitter and instagram but I don’t think anyone’s posted anything of us, LOL. You guys really are the highlight of this convention and reminded me why cosplay can be so fun and energizing. Thank you!
Anime North Haul + My adorable x-x Squid
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maple-rose · 8 years
Scarlet x Ryoma Headcanons
Scarlet x Ryoma headcanons, because they’re my Fates OTP and I’m forever salty they can't support by default =(
Long post is long, so I’ll put it under a cut.
When Ryoma first contacted the rebels and asked to join, Scarlet asked for a duel to prove his capabilities as a fighter. Ryoma was in disguise, so he couldn't use the Raiijnto, but he managed to prove his strength nevertheless. Scarlet was impressed and asked "Where did you learn to fight like that?" he just smiled and said he was a mercenary.
Scarlet had her suspicions about Ryoma's identity; she thought Ryoma looked familiar. But it wasn't something she could confront him about. She tried to ask him but he just dodged the questions.
Scarlet gave Ryoma a ride on her wyvern once. She liked to go fast and do loops. Ryoma was terrified, but he would never show it. Instead his face was blank as he clutched to Scarlet tightly for dear life. Scarlet noticed this, but didn't say anything, instead she just smirked to herself and filed the incident under "possible blackmail material"
Scarlet would often race Hinoka, wyvern vs pegasus. They have a sort of rivalry going on that extend to their mounts being rivals too.
Scarlet would decorate sweets with Sakura. Then they would eat them together.
Takumi was wary of Scarlet at first, because she was Nohrian, and of how Ryoma trusted her so much. Takumi would secretly spy on them (with help with Oboro, who was also wary of Scarlet). But over time, he saw she meant no harm, and in fact, she also hated Nohrians (the government at least). Takumi started seeing her as an older sister, and would defend her against anyone who suspected her because she was Nohrian.
Scarlet is a pretty good singer, she has a somewhat deep and soothing voice. She taught Azura some traditional and folk Nohrian songs, and they would sing together.
Scarlet likes to play with Azura's hair, braiding decorations into it. She said she always wanted to have long hair, but it would get tangled and in the way of her wyvern riding. She also really likes Ryoma's long hair (and admires him for somehow keeping it out of the way as he fights) and likes to bury her face in it. She tried to put decorations in his hair once, but the room grew all lightning-y and she never tried again.
Scarlet loves Ryoma's armor. They would often polish their armor together. Scarlet wanted to decorate his armor but Ryoma told her how his armor was sacred and please don't touch it. Scarlet sighed and said fine, but secretly she still wanted to sneak into his tent one day and make his armor all sparkly (she is a rebel after all).
Scarlet also loves the Raijinto, and wants to decorate it. Ryoma just gave her an "are you crazy" look and told her the story of how the Raijinto is a family heirloom and the only memento of his father. Scarlet looked really dejected, so the next day, Ryoma gave her a normal sword for her to decorate. She was overjoyed and put all her effort into decorating it and gave it back to him as a present. He keeps it with him always.
Ryoma tried teaching Scarlet how to meditate once. But she gets distracted really easily and would never sit still. But Ryoma is really bad at giving up, so he would try many times. Scarlet felt bad and pretended to meditate to get him off her case.
Scarlet's wyvern respects Ryoma after he rescued it from a group of archers, recognizing him as the alpha male.
Scarlet developed a crush on Ryoma first. She admires his fighting abilities and leadership skills and the general charisma he has. She also really loves the straight-forward and honest look in his eyes.
Scarlet was the only person (aside from his siblings) who treats Ryoma normally, either because she didn't know he was royalty (Birthright) or because she didn't care (Revelation), and Ryoma finds her really easy to talk to because of this. He find it liberating to not have to act like the First Prince in front of her. As a result though, she has some good dirt on him.
Being the romantic blockhead he is, Ryoma didn't even realize he was in love with Scarlet until his siblings pointed out how he wasn't his usual calm self around her.
When Ryoma confessed, a bit awkwardly, Scarlet replied by smiling, then kissing him on the lips, making him even more flustered.
Scarlet told Ryoma once that she wants to "decorate him with her love". His face went as red as his armor, and she chuckled at how cute he looked.
They're not a couple that show affection openly in public, at least, Ryoma doesn't. They'll maybe hold hands, but Ryoma will look embarrassed if Scarlet suddenly kisses him or something. But Ryoma will write embarrassingly passionate and romantic letters to her that makes her the colour of her name (he just doesn't like to say them out loud).
Ryoma told Scarlet stories about Corrin enough times that she memorized them. But she didn't mind, she liked hearing about Ryoma's childhood. In return, she told him stories about her grandfather and how cool he was, and how he inspired her to become a knight and take action.
When Ryoma proposed to Scarlet, she was unsure she would be a good queen. Ryoma assured her that she'll make a great queen because she is charismatic and can inspire people to follow her.
Scarlet has some family in Hoshido, since her grandfather served the Hoshidan king (presumably Sumeragi) at one point (she said this at the start of Birthright 14). They came to the wedding and were overjoyed.
Scarlet and Hinoka would share embarrassing stories about Ryoma. He doesn't know they do this of course. If he did, he wouldn't be able to look at either of them in the eye for a few days.
Scarlet!Shiro HCs:
Shiro got his wild side from his mother.
Shiro inherited Scarlet's freckles and her sunny smile.
Scarlet wanted to teach Shiro how to use axes (her primary weapon), but Shiro said "then I'd be weak to Dad" and insisted on learning the lance (Scarlet's secondary weapon) instead. Scarlet laughed but ended up teaching him the lance anyway.
Shiro loves riding Scarlet's wyvern, often tiring out the poor thing and get lectured by Scarlet.
Revelation specific ones: (contains spoilers up to chapter 23)
Even though Ryoma joined the rebels in disguise, later he confided in Scarlet about his real identity. At first she didn't believe him, so he showed her the Raiijnto. Things were a bit awkward for a few days as she tried to act formal around him, until he confronted her and told her to not treat him any differently. She let out a sigh of relief and a laugh and smacked him on the back and they went back to normal.
Between Revelations chapter 13 and 16, Ryoma and Scarlet went back to Castle Shirosagi together, they rode on her wyvern (this time Scarlet flew steady and at a good pace) and they eloped and they camped along the way. Over campfire Ryoma told her about being jealous of Corrin's leadership skills and how he wasn't able to help prevent Corrin's kidnapping (basically everything Ryoma told Yukimura at the beginning of chapter 16 as his reason to go meet Corrin), and Scarlet encouraged him to trust Corrin and make up with them.
After the events of chapter 18, Ryoma wouldn't show any emotion in front of the rest of the army. But that night, in his tent, he cried. Saizo and Kagero saw from the shadows. Kagero moved to go comfort him, but Saizo stopped her, gesturing it's best to leave him alone since he probably doesn't want anyone to see.
Ryoma kept Scarlet's ribbon as a memento (he has a habit of doing that; in Shiro's support with Ophelia, Ryoma gave Shiro one of Sumeragi's buttons he kept)
After everything was over, Ryoma gave Scarlet a proper grave. He would visit her often.
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