#lancer mechs
knackeredforever · 2 months
lancer tortuga coloured
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lothricknightgirl · 1 year
Lancer Mechs in Two Sentences or Less: PT-3: IPS-Northstar
Drake: Turn your TTRPG into a turn based tower defense game! *BRRRRRRTTTT*
Blackbeard: It's my grapple, and I get to choose yer movement! HAVE AT THEE-
Caliban: Every mech is made to kill things. This one though, this one is built to kill things with utmost expediency and efficiency in mind.
Tortuga: The answer to all problems is a shotgun, and if that doesn't work, use more shotgun. In case neither instances of shotgun usages helped the situation (Unlikely) then get the Daisy Cutter breach loading shotgun cannon and perforate all your problems away in a cloud of detritus and shrapnel!
Raleigh: What if you gave a spider a cowboy hat and a revolver for every one of its legs?
Kidd: Give the Lancaster an orbital laser and a crew of robo-pirates who also take summer jobs as dubiously ethical unionized construction workers and you get this thing.
Lancaster: Literally carrying the entire team. Ridiculous +10 repair cap and MULE harness means that you stand the fuck up and salute a Lancaster main whenever they walk by because they're the only reason your ass didn't explode on the spot when a Sherman hit you directly in the face with its Andromeda.
Nelson: The only mech in the game that can ship These Hands (TM) directly across interplanetary lines and directly into your fucking mouth with next second shipping!
Vlad: Imagine a hedgehog with full length infantry lances for quills. Cool, now give it guns and bear traps.
Zheng: Xiong Xiaoli once punched a pirate so hard in the face that even trace elements of their existence were wiped entirely off the map. From that day on, IPS-N strives to recreate this in their Zheng line.
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ross-hollander · 3 months
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porer · 3 months
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keystrokecascade · 1 month
character idea: girl mecha pilot who gets dysphoria from being human and spends as much time neural-linked into the mech as possible because that body feels more like her than the flesh does.
mechs are expensive so maybe the only way she can possibly get regular access to one is to put herself in debt to a mercenary corps, running disposable missions until she can pay her junk-tier mech off.
sleeping in her mech to spend as little time out of it until she starts dreaming of static. wearing long sleeves to try and stop herself from picking at the squishy human flesh on her arms. it doesnt work.
maybe neural-links are dangerous for the feedback they provide to the pilot, with few risking to install them. maybe they dont usually provide sensation, but she disables the safety measures because its the only way she can feel alive.
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throatofdelusion12 · 3 months
Y'know what
I've seen so many of these "if this gets x amount of notes I'll do y thing"
So I'm gonna do that
100 notes: I'll do more with the podcast
300 notes: I'll work on my writing ( and posy it here)
700 notes: I'll make an analogue horror series (cassette tapes) (and post it here)
2000 notes: I'll make a video analogue horror (camcorder)
1000 notes: (dear fucking christ you all) I'll start drawing more (and post it here)
10000 notes: (if this happens I'll start a blood cult in all of your names) I'll start writing a book
Spamming allowed
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tothesolarium · 8 months
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A Beautiful Death - my design of a LICH that appears in the story I’m working on
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gee0man · 12 days
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The Everest isn’t the most specialized chassis, but it’s the backbone of the galaxy. From its shoulders, humanity steps.
Everest – you’ll never forget it.
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heron0000 · 1 month
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a garden of white triumphinator tulips for fun and profit
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himecommunism · 4 months
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lancer pilot commission for a friend
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zhjake · 2 months
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exploring the concept of omninet streaming for the "By Star and Melody" Lancer supplement
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Hornet Mecha
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canonkiller · 6 months
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world's most normal animals
(if you want to use my concepts in your ttrpg campaigns you should 1. ask me 2. update me on events like a little podcast 3. give me money about it. I also take commissions once my queue is cleared!)
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terkmc · 4 months
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"Golden Path"
Giger inspired Pegasus commission
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fropomolo · 27 days
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Lancer comm for commissioner's campaign. They named the frame; Watchertower, and the pilot; Yippark
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corsair-mc-official · 1 month
Not sure where the idea of mech pilots being squishy outside the mech came from. As a handler I think I fear a pilot outside the mech more than one inside. It takes a special kind of crazy to pilot a mech once. It's a complete other kind to pilot it regularly.
Caliaban pilots lose their fear of bigger targets, seen a five foot nothin pilot wrestle one of our biggest meanest enforcers to the ground in less than six seconds. Or a blackbeard pilot who will grapple hold just about anything.
You think a Gorgun pilot is gonna stop being a defensive bastard over whoever they deem as their friends. You think a minotaur pilot is even remotely normal outside?
I'll tell you this. A pilot is dangerous no matter where you put them. I'd just rather they're in the machine they're used to, rather than letting them improvise in a bar fight because some dipshit decided to play grabass with the adrenaline fueled killing machine.
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